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Encyclopedia of Islam 

Copyright © 2009 by Juan E. Campo 

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 

Campo, Juan Eduardo, 1950- 
Encyclopedia of Islam / Juan E. Campo. 

p. cm. — (Encyclopedia of world religions) 

Includes bibliographical references and index. 

ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-5454-1 
ISBN-10: 0-8160-5454-1 

1. Islamic countries — Encyclopedias — Juvenile literature. 2. Islam — Encyclope- 
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About the Editors and Contributors 


List of Illustrations and Maps 

















Series Editor 

J. Gordon Melton is the director of the Institute for 
the Study of American Religion in Santa Bar- 
bara, California. He holds an M.Div. from the 
Garrett Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from 
Northwestern University. Melton is the author 
of American Religions: An Illustrated History , The 
Encyclopedia oj American Religions , Religious 
Leaders of America , and several comprehensive 
works on Islamic culture, African-American 
religion, cults, and alternative religions. He has 
written or edited more than three dozen books 
and anthologies as well as numerous papers and 
articles for scholarly journals. He is the series 
editor for Religious Information Systems, which 
supplies data and information in religious stud- 
ies and related fields. Melton is a member of the 
American Academy of Religion, the Society for 
the Scientific Study of Religion, the American 
Society of Church History, the Communal Stud- 
ies Association, and the Society for the Study of 
Metaphysical Religion. 

Volume Editor 

Juan E. Campo, associate professor of religious 
studies at the University of California, Santa 
Barbara, holds an M.A. and Ph.D. from the 
University of Chicago's History of Religions 

program. He specializes in the comparative 
study of the cultural formations of Islam in the 
Middle East and South Asia, sacred space and 
pilgrimage, and political Islam in the contexts 
of modernity. His research has taken him to 
Egypt, where he has lived, studied, or taught 
for nearly six years, as well as India, Saudi 
Arabia, Bahrain, Turkey, Malaysia, Singapore, 
Thailand, and Israel. Professor Campos first 
book. The Other Sides of Paradise: Explorations 
in the Religious Meanings of Domestic Space in 
Islam , won the American Academy of Religions 
award for excellence, in 1991. He has edited 
or contributed articles to a number of leading 
reference works, including Mcrriam-Wcbster's 
Encyclopedia of World Religions , Encyclopedia of 
the Qur’an, and the Macmillan Encyclopedia of 
Islam and the Muslim World. His current projects 
include a comparative study of modern Muslim, 
Hindu, and Christian pilgrimage. 


Fahad A. Alhomoudi holds a Ph.D. from McGill 
University. He is the vice dean of academic 
research at al-Imam Muhammad bin Saud 
Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He 
specializes in Islamic thought and Islamic law, 
with a focus on its origins. He is the author of 


x Encyclopedia of Islam 

Protecting the Environment and Natural Resource 
in Islamic Law (published in Arabic, 2004). He 
has presented numerous scholarly papers on 
topics such as Islamic law and the modern state: 
conflict or coexistence? and a critical study of 
the translations of Hadith terminology. 

Jessica Andruss earned an M.A. in religious stud- 
ies at the University of California, Santa Bar- 
bara, and is now a Ph.D. candidate at the 
University of Chicago's Divinity School. Her 
area of specialization is in medieval Jewish and 
Muslim scriptural exegesis. 

Jon Armajani earned a Ph.D. in religious studies 
with a focus in Islamic studies and Near East- 
ern studies from the University of California, 
Santa Barbara. His areas of expertise include 
modern Islam and Muslim-Christian relations. 
He is the author of Dynamic Islam: Liberal 
Muslim Perspectives in a Transnational Age and 
assistant professor in the Department of The- 
ology at the College of St. Bcncdict/St. Johns 
University in Minnesota. 

Rcza Aslan is assistant professor at the University 
of California, Riverside and author of No god , 
but God: The Origins , Evolution , and Future of 
Islam. He is also a research associate at the 
University of Southern California's Center on 
Public Diplomacy. His commentaries on Islam 
and the Middle East have appeared in the Los 
Angeles Times , the New York Times , the Wash- 
ington Post , and the Boston Globe. He has also 
appeared on a number of major network and 
cable news programs. 

A. Nazir Atassi is assistant professor of history 
at Louisiana Tech University. He received a 
Ph.D. from the University of California, Santa 
Barbara. He specializes in Islamic and Middle 
Eastern history, with a focus on early Islamic 

Anna Bigelow is assistant professor of religious 
studies at North Carolina State University. She 
received a Ph.D. from the University of Califor- 
nia, Santa Barbara, in 2004. Her research focuses 
on South Asian Islam, especially interreligious 

relations and shared religious spaces. Her cur- 
rent book project is called Sharing the Sacred: 
Devotion and Pluralism in Muslim North India. 

Vincent F. Biondo III is assistant professor of reli- 
gious studies at California State University in 
Fresno. He received a Ph.D. from the University 
of California, Santa Barbara. His specialization 
is the religious traditions of the West, with a 
focus on Islam in America and Great Britain. He 
is author of several articles and coeditor of Reli- 
gion in the Practice of Daily Life (forthcoming). 

Stephen Cory received a Ph.D. in Islamic history 
from the University of California, Santa Bar- 
bara. His specialty is the history of North Africa 
and Islamic Spain during the late medieval and 
early modern periods. He is currently an assis- 
tant professor in history and religious studies 
at Cleveland State University. 

David L. Crawford is assistant professor of sociol- 
ogy and anthropology at Fairfield University. He 
received a Ph.D. from the University of Califor- 
nia, Santa Barbara. He specializes in the study of 
the societies of North Africa with a focus on the 
Amazigh people of Morocco. He is the author 
of Amazigh Households in the World Economy: 
Labor and Inequality in a Moroccan Village and a 
number of articles and chapters on contempo- 
rary Moroccan society and politics. 

Maria del Mar Logrono-Narbona received a Ph.D. 
in history, with a focus on modern Middle 
Eastern history, from the University of Cali- 
fornia, Santa Barbara. She specializes in the 
transnational connections between Syrian and 
Lebanese diasporas in Latin America during 
the first half of the 20th century. She is cur- 
rently visiting professor at Appalachian State 
University, North Carolina. 

Caleb Elfenbein is a Ph.D. candidate in religious 
studies at the University of California, Santa 
Barbara. He specializes in Islamic studies, with 
a focus on Islam in colonial and postcolonial 

Kenneth S. Habib is an assistant professor in the 
music department of the California Polytechnic 

About the Editors and Contributors xi 

State University, San Luis Obispo. His Ph.D. in 
ethnomusicology is from the University of Cal- 
ifornia, Santa Barbara, with specializations in 
Middle Eastern and American popular music. 
He also has taught music at Pomona College 
and the University of California, Santa Barbara, 
taught Arabic at Santa Barbara City College, 
and served as assistant to the director of the 
Middlebury College Arabic School. 

Aysha A. Hidayatullah is a Ph.D. candidate in 
religious studies at the University of Califor- 
nia, Santa Barbara. Her dissertation research 
examines newly emerging forms of feminist 
theology in Islam. She has written on a number 
of topics concerning gender and sexuality in 
Islam, including the life of Mary the Copt, the 
prophet Muhammad's Egyptian consort. 

Josh Hoffman is a Ph.D. student at the Univer- 
sity of California, Santa Barbara, where he 
specializes in modern Middle Eastern history. 
His fields of expertise also include premodern 
Middle Eastern history, global/world history, 
nationalism, political Islam, international 
law, and human rights. 

Shauna Huffaker is on the history faculty at the 
University of Windsor, Canada. She holds an 
M.A. from the School of Oriental and African 
Studies in London and a Ph.D. from the Uni- 
versity of California, Santa Barbara. Her spe- 
cialization is in Islamic history, with a focus on 
social history during the Middle Ages. 

Amir Hussain holds a Ph.D. from the University 
of Toronto. He is associate professor in the 
Department of Theological Studies at Loyola 
Marymount University. He specializes in the 
study of Islam, with a focus on contemporary 
Muslim societies. He is the author of Oil and 
Water: Two Faiths , One God. His commentaries 
and interviews on contemporary Islam have 
appeared in the Los Angeles Times , the New 
York Times , the Washington Post , and the Chris- 
tian Science Monitor. 

John Iskander is director of the Near East/North 
Africa Division of Area Studies at the Foreign 

Service Institute of the U.S. Department of State 
in Washington, D.C. He holds a Ph.D. in Islamic 
studies from the University of California, Santa 
Barbara. His research interests include medi- 
eval Islamic history, Muslim-Christian rela- 
tions, and modern Egyptian saints. 

Linda G. Jones received a Ph.D. in the history 
of religions from the University of California, 
Santa Barbara, with a focus on medieval Islam 
and Christianity in Spain and North Africa. She 
has edited and coauthored (with Madeleine 
Pelner Cosman) the Handbook to Life in the 
Middle Ages. She is currently Juan de la Cicrva 
Researcher at the Spanish National Research 
Council (Department of Medieval Studies) in 
Barcelona, Spain. 

Heather N. Keancy is an assistant professor 
of history at American University in Cairo. 
She received a Ph.D. from the University of 
California, Santa Barbara. She specializes in 
debates on religiopolitical legitimacy in Islamic 
history and historiography. She has published 
“The First Islamic Revolt in Mamluk Collec- 
tive Memory: Ibn Bakrs (d. 1340) Portrayal 
of the Third Caliph Uthman" in Ideas, Images, 
and Methods of Portrayal: Insights into Classical 
Arabic Literature and Islam, edited by Sebastian 

Jeffrey Kenney received a Ph.D. in religious stud- 
ies from the University of California, Santa Bar- 
bara. He is a specialist in Islam and the author 
of Muslim Rebels: Kharijites and the Politics of 
Extremism in Egypt. He is currently a professor 
at DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana. 

Ruqayya Vasmine Khan received a Ph.D. from the 
University of Pennsylvania. She is a specialist 
in Islamic studies. Her book Self and Secrecy 
in Early Islam is forthcoming from the Univer- 
sity of South Carolina Press (Studies in Com- 
parative Religion). She is currently an associate 
professor at Trinity University in San Antonio, 

Nuha N. N. Khoury is associate professor of the 
history of art and architecture at the University 

xii Encyclopedia of Islam 

of California, Santa Barbara. She specializes in 
the history of Islamic architecture and urban- 
ism, medieval Islamic iconography, and modern 
Arab art. Her research has appeared in Muqar- 
nas: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture , 
the International Journal of Middle East Studies, 
and the Journal of Near Eastern Studies. She also 
contributed to Autobiography in Medieval Arabic 
Tradition , edited by Dwight Reynolds. 

Max Leeming is on the religion faculty of Vassar 
College, where she teaches Islamic studies and 
the history of religions, with a focus on sacred 
space in the Islamic Middle East. 

Laura Lohman received a Ph.D. from the Uni- 
versity of Pennsylvania and specializes in the 
music of the Middle East. Her research on 
Egyptian singer Umm Kulthum appears in 
Music and the Play of Power in the Middle East, 
North AJrica and Central Asia (Ashgate). She 
is an assistant professor of music at California 
State University, Fullerton, where she is com- 
pleting a study of the singers late career and 
reception history (Wesleyan University Press). 

Gregory Mack is a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute 
of Islamic Studies at McGill University. He 
holds an M.A. from the University of Toronto. 
His specialization is Islamic law; his research 
presently focuses on legal reforms in the Mid- 
dle East. 

Garay Mcnicucci is the associate director of the 
Office of International Students and Scholars 
at the University of California, Santa Barbara. 
He has a Ph.D. in Middle East history from 
Georgetown University. He is a past editorial 
committee member and author for the Middle 
East Report and teaches an introduction to Mid- 
dle East studies and Arab cinema at the Univer- 
sity of California, Santa Barbara. He has also 
organized and led several summer seminars in 
Egypt and Jordan for California K-12 teachers 
and administrators, funded by Fulbright-Hays 
Group Projects grants. 

Tara Munson is a Ph.D. student in religious stud- 
ies at the University of California, Santa Bar- 

bara. She specializes in the study of Pacific Rim 
religions, with a focus on the Philippines. 

Kathleen M. O'Connor is assistant professor of 
religious studies at the University of South 
Florida. She specializes in Islamic studies, with 
focuses on Islam in the African American com- 
munity, Islamic medicine, and folk religion. She 
has published articles and chapters on Islamic 
healing systems and African American Islam, 
and contributed to the Encyclopedia oj the 
Quran. Her current book project is The Worlds 
of Interpretation of African American Muslims. 

Patrick S. O'Donnell holds an M.A. in religious 
studies from the University of California, Santa 
Barbara, and is an adjunct instructor in the 
Department of Philosophy at Santa Barbara City 
College. He has published articles, reviews, and 
bibliographies in the following journals: The 
Good Society, Globalization, Radical Pedagogy , 
Theory and Science, and Philosophy East & West. 
Among the encyclopedias he has contributed 
to are the Biographical Encyclopedia of Islamic 
Philosophers and the Encyclopedia of Love in 
World Religions. 

Kate O'Halloran is a writer and editor specializing 
in world history. She holds an M.A. in modern 
literature and languages (French and German) 
from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland and has 
published several books for students. 

Sophia Pandya is an assistant professor of reli- 
gious studies at California State University, 
Long Beach. She received a Ph.D. from the 
University of California, Santa Barbara. Her 
specialization is in the area of women, religion, 
and the developing world, with an emphasis on 
women and Islam. She has authored an article 
on women and religious education in Bahrain. 

Firoozeh Papan-Matin is the director of Persian 
and Iranian studies at the University of Wash- 
ington, Seattle. She has a master's in English 
literature and a second master's and a doctor- 
ate in Iranian studies from University of Cali- 
fornia, Santa Barbara. Her dissertation research 
is on 12th-century Islamic mysticism in Iran. 

She has published articles on classical and 
modern Persian literature. She is the author of 
The Love Poems of Shamlu and The Unveiling of 
Secrets Kash) al-Asrar: The Visionary Autobiog- 
raphy of Ruzbihan Baqli. 

David Reeves is a Ph.D. candidate in history at 
the University of California, Santa Barbara. He 
specializes in the history of Islam in the Soviet 
Union, with a focus on Azerbaijan during the 
Stalin era. He has been awarded a Fulbright- 
Hayes Fellowship, a University of California, 
Santa Barbara, Department of History Regents 
Dissertation Fellowship, and a Social Science 
Research Council Pre-Dissertation Fellowship, 
among others, to conduct his research. 

Mehnaz Sahibzada earned an M.A. in religious 
studies from the University of California, 
Santa Barbara, and an M.A. in Middle Eastern 
studies from the University of Texas at Austin. 
Her areas of interest include Islam in America 
and Asian American literature. She teaches 
English at Moorpark High School in Southern 

Judy Saltzman is emeritus professor of religious 
studies at California Polytechnic University 
in San Luis Obispo. Her Ph.D. is from the 
University of California, Santa Barbara. She 
specializes in the history of Asian religions, 
Indian philosophy, Vedanta, and modern Ger- 
man philosophy. 

Kerry San Chirico is a doctoral candidate in the 
Department of Religious Studies at the Univer- 
sity of California, Santa Barbara. He specializes 
in the religions of South Asia, with a focus on 
Hindu-Christian relations. 

Leslie Sargent is a Ph.D. candidate in history at 
the University of California, Santa Barbara. She 
specializes in the history of the Russian Empire 
and the Caucasus in the late 19th and early 
20th centuries. 

Bhaskar Sarkar is associate professor of film and 
media studies at the University of California, 
Santa Barbara. His Ph.D. is from the Univer- 
sity of California, Los Angeles. He specializes 

About the Editors and Contributors xiii 

in postcolonial media theory, Asian cinemas, 
and Marxist cultural theory. He is the author 
of Mourning in the Nation: Indian Cinema in the 
Wake oj Partition (forthcoming, 2008) and has 
published essays on philosophies of visuality 
and Indian and Chinese popular cinemas in 
anthologies and journals such as Quarterly 
Review of Film and Video , Rethinking History: 
Theory and Practice , and New Review of Film 
and Television Studies. 

Megan Adamson Sijapati is assistant professor of 
religion at Gettysburg College. She received her 
Ph.D. in religious studies from the University 
of California, Santa Barbara. Her specialization 
is in the religions of South Asia, with a focus on 
contemporary Islam. 

Mark Soileau received a Ph.D. in religious stud- 
ies, with a focus on Islam, from the University 
of California, Santa Barbara. He is currently 
an assistant professor of religious studies at 
Albion College in Michigan. 

Varun Soni is currently a doctoral candidate in the 
Department of Religious Studies at the Univer- 
sity of Cape Town, South Africa. He received 
a J.D. from the University of California, Santa 
Barbara, School of Law, an M.T.S. from Har- 
vard Divinity School, and an M.A. from the 
University of California, Santa Barbara. 

Eric Staples received a Ph.D. in history from the 
University of California, Santa Barbara. He spe- 
cializes in medieval and early modern Middle 
Eastern history, and focuses on the social history 
of early modern Morocco, the maritime history 
of the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean regions, 
and underwater archaeology. He is currently 
involved in a project to build a replica of a medi- 
eval Indian Ocean vessel under the auspices of 
the governments of Oman and Singapore. 

Nancy L. Stockdale is assistant professor of his- 
tory at the University of Northern Texas. 
She received her Ph.D. from the University 
of California, Santa Barbara. Her specializa- 
tion is modern Middle Eastern history, with a 
focus on the history of Palestine, imperialism, 


xiv Encyclopedia of Islam 

and gender studies. She is the author of Colo- 
nial Encounters among English and Palestinian 
Women , 1800-1948. 

Jamel Velji is a Ph.D. student in religious studies 
at the University of California, Santa Barbara. 
He specializes in Islamic studies, with a focus 
on Ismaili Shiism and the comparative study of 
apocalyptic movements. 

Michelle Zimney is a doctoral candidate in the 
Department of Religious Studies at the Univer- 
sity of California, Santa Barbara. Her research 

focuses on the interaction of religion and poli- 
tics in the Middle Eastern context, including 
Algeria's civil conflict in the 1990s. Her most 
recent research is on the Sayyida Zaynab shrine 
in Damascus. 

Z. David Zuwiyya is associate professor of Spanish 
at Auburn University in Alabama. He received 
a Ph.D. in Spanish medieval literature from the 
University of California, Santa Barbara. He is 
the author of Islamic Legends concerning Alex- 
ander the Great. 




Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud with 
President Franklin D. 
Roosevelt 3 

Women selling produce in the 
market 21 

A tower in the city of Seville, 
Andalusia 41 

Photograph of an arabesque in 
architecture 50 
The Arabic alphabet 54 
The Ibn Tulun Mosque, 

Cairo 60 

The Court of the Lions, 
Granada 61 
A man painting a ceramic 
plate 64 

A statue of Ataturk 69 
Genealogy of Muhammad, the 
caliphs and Shii imams 72 
A mural showing Quran 
verses 77 

The al-Azhar Mosque 80 
Bazaar in Morocco 97 
A Muslim wedding 
ceremony 104 

Boats on the Nile River at 
Aswan 110 

Bookbinder in Cairo 1 12 
Painting of a depiction of Al- 
Buraq 118 
Drawing of medieval 
Cairo 122 

Aerial view of Cairo's City of 
the Dead 132 
Muslim family 136 
Shrine of the Chishti Sufi 
Order, India 140 
St. Catherine's Monastery and 
mosque at Sinai 143 
Movie billboards in Cairo, 
Egypt 145 
Coffeehouse in Cairo, 

Egypt 155 

Coptic Church, Cairo 167 
Umayyad Mosque, 

Damascus 180 
Water containers on a street in 
Cairo 194 
Turkish meal 198 
Female students at Hijaza 
School, Upper Egypt 210 
Modern Cairo 211 

European Muslim community 
Center 218 

Poster of the evil eye 220 
Mosque of al-Hakim of the 
Fatimid dynasty 232 
Aerial view of Fez 237 
Friday prayer service 243 
Flags of Afghanistan, Iran, 

Iraq, and Saui Arabia 244 
Men baking bread 247 
Kasbah Garden, Chcfchaoucn, 
Morocco 256 

Tomb of Chishti saint in Delhi, 
India 301 

Marketplace commerce 302 
Excerpt from the Quran, 
written in Arabic and 
Hindi 307 
Murals on the side of a 
residential house 311 
City of Husayniyya 318 
Statue of Ibn Rushd, 

Cordoba 337 
Visitors at a Muslim shrine, 
India 349 

Man reading in his sitting 
room, Iran 363 


xvi Encyclopedia of Islam 

Suleymaniye Mosque in 
Istanbul 384 

Aerial view of Jerusalem 391 
Muhammad Alijinnah posing 
with his sister 400 
The Treasury, in Petra, 

Jordan 403 

Three men at Husayn Mosque, 
Karbala 423 
Ayatollah Ruhollah 
Khomeini 434 
Tomb of Mahdi, Sudan 448 
Mosque of Sultan Salahuddin 
Abdul Aziz Shah, 

Malaysia 451 
Malcolm X 453 
Tiles depicting Mecca 466 
Poster portraying the city of 
Medina 469 

Schoolboys wearing clothing 
of the Mevlevi Sufi 
Order 472 

Praying in a mihrab 473 
Image of minarets, Cairo 474 

Chefchaouen minaret, 

Morocco 480 
Mount Sinai 482 
Traditional mosques, Cairo 485 
Taj Mahal 489 
Hilya poster 491 
Mosque of Muhammad Ali, 
Cairo 496 
Men seated in a music 
shop 505 
College women from 
the Muslim Students 
Association 510 
List of the 99 names of God, in 
Arabic and English 516 
Traditional decorations for 
Navruz 525 
Mosque of Sultan Ahmed, 
Istanbul 539 
Traditional prayer 557 
Image of the Tree of 
Prophets 560 
Photograph of a Quran 

manuscript page, 1 3th— 1 4th 
century 570 

Inside RumPs tomb 593 
Poster of Chishti saints 599 
Islamic centers in U.S. 

cities 692, 693, 694, 695 
Usama bin Ladin 697 
Image of Wahhabi 
horsemen 705 
Turkish and American women 
at a picnic 711 
Visitors to shrine of a Chishti 
saint, Delhi, India 723 


Global Distribution of the 
Muslim Population xxviii 
Early Expansion of Islam, 622- 
750 xxx 

Historic Cairo 121 
Historic Delhi 187 
Stations of the Hajj 282 
Historic Jerusalem 392 
Shii Populations 625 


The Encyclopedia of World Religions series has 
been designed to provide comprehensive coverage 
of six major global religious traditions — Buddhism, 
Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Roman Catholicism, 
and Protestant Christianity. The volumes have 
been constructed in an A-to-Z format to provide a 
handy guide to the major terms, concepts, people, 
events, and organizations that have, in each case, 
transformed the religion from its usually modest 
beginnings to the global force that it has become. 

Each of these religions began as the faith of 
a relatively small group of closely related eth- 
nic peoples. Each has, in the modern world, 
become a global community, and, with one nota- 
ble exception, each has transcended its beginning 
to become an international multiethnic com- 
munity. Judaism, of course, largely defines itself 
by its common heritage and ancestry and has an 
alternative but equally fascinating story. Surviving 
long after most similar cultures from the ancient 
past have turned to dust, Judaism has, within the 
last century, regathered its scattered people into a 
homeland while simultaneously watching a new 
diaspora carry Jews into most of the contempo- 
rary worlds countries. 

Each of the major traditions has also, in the 
modern world, become amazingly diverse. Bud- 
dhism, for example, spread from its original home 

in India across southern Asia and then through 
Tibet and China to Korea and Japan. Each time 
it crossed a language barrier, something was lost, 
but something seemed equally to be gained, and 
an array of forms of Buddhism emerged. In Japan 
alone. Buddhism exists in hundreds of different 
sect groupings. Protestantism, the newest of the 
six traditions, began with at least four different and 
competing forms of the religious life and has since 
splintered into thousands of denominations. 

At the beginning of the 19th century, the six 
religious traditions selected for coverage in this 
series were largely confined to a relatively small 
part of the world. Since that time, the world has 
changed dramatically, with each of the traditions 
moving from its geographical center to become a 
global tradition. While the traditional religions of 
many countries retain the allegiance of a majority 
of the population, they do so in the presence of the 
other traditions as growing minorities. Other coun- 
tries — China being a prominent example — have no 
religious majority, only a number ol minorities that 
must periodically interface with one another. 

The religiously pluralistic world created by 
the global diffusion of the worlds religions has 
made knowledge of religions, especially religions 
practiced by one's neighbors, a vital resource in the 
continuing task of building a good society, a world 



xviii Encyclopedia of Islam 

in which all may live freely and pursue visions of 
the highest values the cosmos provides. 

In creating these encyclopedias, the attempt 
has been made to be comprehensive if not exhaus- 
tive. As space allows, in approximately 800 entries, 
each author has attempted to define and explain 
the basic terms used in talking about the religion, 
make note of definitive events, introduce the 
most prominent figures, and highlight the major 
organizations. The coverage is designed to result 
in both a handy reference tool for the religious 
scholar/specialist and an understandable work 
that can be used fruitfully by anyone — a student, 
an informed lay person, or a reader simply want- 
ing to look up a particular person or idea. 

Each volume includes several features. They 
begin with an essay that introduces the particular 
tradition and provides a quick overview of its his- 
torical development, the major events and trends 
that have pushed it toward its present state, and 
the mega-problems that have shaped it in the con- 
temporary world. 

A chronology lists the major events that have 
punctuated the religions history from its origin to 
the present. The chronologies differ somewhat in 
emphasis, given that they treat two very ancient 
faiths that both originated in prehistoric time, sev- 
eral more recent faiths that emerged during the last 
few millennia, and the most recent, Protestantism, 
that has yet to celebrate its 500-year anniversary. 

The main body of each encyclopedia is consti- 
tuted of the approximately 800 entries, arranged 
alphabetically. These entries include some 200 
biographical entries covering religious figures of 
note in the tradition, with a distinct bias to the 
19th and 20th centuries and some emphasis on 
leaders from different parts of the world. Special 
attention has been given to highlighting female 
contributions to the tradition, a factor often 
overlooked, as religion in all traditions has until 
recently been largely a male-dominated affair. 

Geographical entries cover the development 
of the movement in those countries and parts 
of the world where the tradition has come to 

dominate or form an important minority voice, 
where it has developed a particularly distinct 
style (often signaled by doctrinal differences), or 
where it has a unique cultural or social presence. 
While religious statistics are amazingly difficult 
to assemble and evaluate, some attempt has been 
made to estimate the effect of the tradition on the 
selected countries. 

In some cases, particular events have had a 
determining effect on the development of the 
different religious traditions. Entries on events 
such as the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre (for 
Protestantism) or the conversion of King Asoka 
(for Buddhism) place the spotlight on the fac- 
tors precipitating the event and the consequences 
flowing from it. 

The various traditions have taken form as 
communities of believers have organized struc- 
tures to promote their particular way of belief and 
practice within the tradition. Each tradition has a 
different way of organizing and recognizing the 
distinct groups within it. Buddhism, for example, 
has organized around national subtraditions. The 
encyclopedias give coverage to the major group- 
ings within each tradition. 

Each tradition has developed a way of encoun- 
tering and introducing individuals to spiritual 
reality as well as a vocabulary for it. It has also 
developed a set of concepts and a language to 
discuss the spiritual world and humanity's place 
within it. In each volume, the largest number 
of entries explore the concepts, the beliefs that 
flow from them, and the practices that they 
have engendered. The authors have attempted to 
explain these key religious concepts in a nontech- 
nical language and to communicate their meaning 
and logic to a person otherwise unfamiliar with 
the religion as a whole. 

Finally, each volume is thoroughly cross- 
indexed using small caps to guide the reader to 
related entries. A bibliography and comprehen- 
sive index round out each volume. 

— J. Gordon Melton 


In publishing the Encyclopedia of Islam l am 
indebted to a great many people. Creating an 
encyclopedia on any topic is necessarily a group 
project, requiring the shared knowledge, insights, 
perspectives, skills, and experiences of many. 
The task is made even more challenging when it 
involves religion, which encompasses so many dif- 
ferent subjects — ranging from the historical, social, 
political, and cultural to the spiritual, philosophi- 
cal, and doctrinal. Moreover, the global nature of 
Islam and the sometimes intense differences that 
have arisen among Muslims and between Muslims 
and non-Muslims during the nearly 1400 years of 
its history pose additional challenges when seek- 
ing to realize the ideals of comprehensiveness, 
factual accuracy, and fairness. 

In order to meet the challenges facing this 
undertaking, I have made a particular effort to 
draw upon the wide-ranging and deep scholarly 
talents of the faculty, postgraduate, and graduate 
students of the University of California, Santa 
Barbara, especially those specializing in Islamic 
and Middle East studies. My editorial assistants, 
John Iskander (now at the U.S. Department of 
State) and Michelle Zimney, helped me launch 
the project and assisted with editing early drafts 
of many of the contributed articles. Among the 
more than 40 contributors, I am especially grate- 

ful to Garay Menicucci (University of California, 
Santa Barbara), Nuha N. N. Khoury (University of 
California, Santa Barbara), Kathleen M. O'Connor 
(University of South Florida), Amir Hussain 
(Loyola-Marymount University in Los Angeles), 
Jon Armajani (College of St. Benedict/St. John’s 
University in Minnesota), Firoozeh Papan-Matin 
(University of Washington), Mark Soileau (Albion 
College), Anna Bigelow (North Carolina State 
University, Megan Adamson Sijapati (Gettysburg 
College), Aysha Hidayatullah (Emory Univer- 
sity), Caleb Elfcnbcin (University of California, 
Santa Barbara), Linda G. Jones (Spanish National 
Research Council in Barcelona), Patrick O'Donnell 
(Santa Barbara City College), Nancy L. Stockdale 
(University of North Texas), Stephen Cory (Cleve- 
land State University), Shauna Huffaker (Univer- 
sity of Windsor), Heather N. Keaney (American 
University in Cairo), and Reza Aslan (University 
of California, Riverside). These individuals wrote 
a number of articles for the volume, offering fresh 
perspectives obtained from their recent research 
in their respective fields of expertise. 

Among other colleagues at the University of 
California, Santa Barbara, who have provided sup- 
port and inspiration are R. Stephen Humphreys, 
the holder of the King Abd Al-Aziz ibn Saud Chair 
of Islamic Studies; Mark Juergensmeyer, director 



xx Encyclopedia of Islam 

of the Orfalea Center for Global and International 
Studies; Scott Marcus, associate professor of eth- 
nomusicology; Kathleen Moore, associate profes- 
sor of law and society; Nancy Gallagher, professor 
of history; and Professors Dwight Reynolds, W. 
Clark Roof, Catherine Albanese, and Richard 
Hecht in religious studies. My approach to this 
project was also guided by the humanism and 
spirit of public service exemplified by our late 
colleague Walter Capps and his wife, Lois. Over 
the years, Richard C. Martin, Fredrick M. Denny, 
Richard Eaton, Azim Nanji, Barbara Metcalf, Wil- 
liam Shepherd, Steve Wasscrstrom, Bruce B. Law- 
rence, Gordon Newby, Jane D. McAuliffe, Zayn 
Kassam, Tazim Kassam, and scholars and teachers 
at other colleges and universities, too many to 
mention by name, have also provided invaluable 
inspiration, directly or indirectly. 

My deep gratitude also goes to Kendall Busse, 
Ph.D. student in religious studies, who provided 
skilled editorial support and helpful feedback 
along the way, and to several undergraduate 
research assistants: Maria Reifel Saltzberg, Has- 
san R. Elhaj, and Hassan Naveed. Their work was 
funded by the Freshman Seminar Program at the 
University of California, Santa Barbara. Through 
the years, my undergraduate students have con- 
sistently affirmed my belief that education is an 
ongoing process with mutual benefits that extend 
well beyond the classroom. 

Funding provided by Fulbright-Hayes Group 
Projects grants presented me with opportuni- 
ties to accompany two groups of California K-12 
teachers and administrators to Egypt in 2003 and 
2004. 1 benefited greatly from our workshop ses- 

sions, travel experiences, and the conversations we 
shared in Egypt, which enriched my understand- 
ing of the K-12 curriculum and the challenges our 
teachers face in instructing young people about 
unfamiliar religions, civilizations, and languages. I 
am especially obliged to Karen Arter, Frank Stew- 
art, and Paul and Ruth Ficken for their encourage- 
ment and interest in this publication. 

1 am also grateful for the hospitality and 
warmth extended to me by several cultural, inter- 
faith, and religious organizations, including the 
Turkish-American Pacifica Institute of Los Ange- 
les and Orange Counties, the Interfaith Initiative 
of Santa Barbara County, the University Religious 
Center in Isla Vista, and the community of St. 
Mark’s Parish Catholic Church in Isla Vista. 

At Facts On File, I owe a great debt to Claudia 
Schaab and J. Gordon Melton for valuable advice 
and infinite patience in bringing the publication 
to completion. Gordon graciously shared pho- 
tographs of mosques taken during his travels 
around the world. 

Publishing this book would not have been 
possible without the support of a wide circle of 
family and friends extending from the United 
States to Colombia (the land of my birth), Egypt, 
and India. These include Shafik and Gilane, Galal 
and Negwa, Amr and Janet, Mahmoud and Suhair, 
Said and Soraya, Mehran and Nahid, Zavecni, 
and Viji and Sujata. Above all, I am indebted to 
my wife, Magda, to whom this book is dedicated, 
for her unwavering love and encouragement in 
good times and bad, and to our sons Andres and 
Federico as they begin to follow their own paths 
in the world. 


Among the worlds religions, few have attained the 
historical, cultural, and civilizational stature and 
diversity that Islam has. Since the seventh cen- 
tury, when it first emerged in the western region 
of the Arabian Peninsula known as the Hijaz, it 
has been continuously adapted and carried forth 
by its adherents, who call themselves Muslims, to 
new lands and peoples in the wider Middle East, 
Africa, Asia, Europe, and, more recently, to the 
Americas, Australia, and New Zealand. Indeed, 
the new religio-historical syntheses brought about 
by the back-and-forth interactions of Muslims and 
non-Muslims, and of the many different cultures 
to which they belong, have had significant influ- 
ence for centuries, not only upon the religious 
experience of a large part of humankind, but also 
upon the development of philosophy, the arts and 
sciences, and even the very languages we speak 
and the foods we eat. European scholars eagerly 
sought to acquire the wisdom achieved by Mus- 
lims in the fields of philosophy, mathematics, 
astronomy, and medicine during the Middle Ages. 
The different Islamicate architectural styles devel- 
oped in a wide variety of locales, ranging from 
Spain to sub-Saharan Africa, India, Central Asia, 
and Southeast Asia, were adapted by non-Muslims 
in many parts of the world. Spanish settlers and 
immigrants brought "Moorish ' (Spanish-Islamic) 

architectural styles to the New World, beginning 
in the 16th century, which would later be adapted 
by European and American architects for our 
modern homes, hotels, cinemas, concert halls, 
shopping centers, and amusement parks. Many of 
our homes arc now decorated with beautiful rugs 
and carpets that bear intricate arabesque designs 
from Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, or Kashmir. Coffee 
and sugar, the favored beverages of many Ameri- 
cans and Europeans, arc both Arabic in origin and 
were cultivated and enjoyed in Muslim lands well 
before they reached the West. 

Despite the record of some 14 centuries of 
such achievements, knowledge about Islam and 
Muslims has been very limited, especially in the 
Americas. The modern study of Islam was mostly 
relegated to a few elite universities until the 
1980s, and it was hardly mentioned in social stud- 
ies textbooks used by secondary school students 
and teachers. What Americans knew of Muslims 
was largely confined to those who had lived or 
traveled in Muslim countries, met Muslim immi- 
grants, or heard about famous African-American 
Muslims like Malcolm X, the boxer Muhammad 
Ali, or Karim Abdul Jabbar. What the average 
person thought or imagined about the Near or 
Middle East was based on the Arabian Nights 
stories and motion picture images. The situation 


xxii Encyclopedia of Islam 

began to change in the 1980s as a result of the 
Islamic revolution in Iran of 1978-79, the Leba- 
nese civil war and the 1983 bombing of the United 
States Marine barracks in Beirut, and the assas- 
sination of Egyptian president Anwar al-Sadat, an 
American ally, by a radical jihadist group in 1981. 
Even these developments, which were widely 
reported in the news media, did not have a long- 
term impact on public awareness or knowledge 
about Islam and Muslims, although they inspired 
a number of Hollywood movies based on stereo- 
types. One important exception, however, was the 
inclusion of lessons about Islam and the Middle 
East in secondary school curricula that involved 
consultations with experts and representatives of 
local Muslim organizations. 

This situation changed dramatically as a result 
of the terrorist attacks conducted by al-Qaida 
against the New York World Trade Center and 
the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., on Septem- 
ber 11, 2001. Islam, especially Islamic terrorism, 
permeated the media — most notably the 24-hour 
cable news channels and talk radio. Politicians, 
scholars, policy experts, and religious leaders gave 
many interviews and talks about Islam, the Mid- 
dle East, and religious violence. American colleges 
and universities hired dozens of new lecturers and 
professors specializing in Islamic studies and the 
languages and histories of the Middle East. The 
number of Middle East National Resource Centers 
based at leading American research universities 
was increased with the help of additional funding 
by the U.S. Department of Education, which was 
committed to enhancing public understanding 
about the contemporary Middle East and other 
regions where large Muslim populations live. 
Increased resources were also provided for teach- 
ing Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu, Pashto, and 
other critical languages. 

Today there still exists, despite these significant 
steps forward, a widespread hunger in the United 
States and many other countries for even the most 
basic knowledge about Muslims — their religion, 
histories, cultures, and politics. One unfortunate 

consequence of the persistence of this knowledge 
“gap" is that some have exploited it to spread inac- 
curate, prejudiced views about Islam and Muslims 
by citing anecdotal evidence or weaving together 
scattered bits of factual information, heresay, and 
even falsehoods. At times this is done to serve 
some greater ideological objective, but at great 
cost to the public’s ability to make wise judgments 
of their own, based on accurate information and 
scholarly expertise. The Encyclopedia of Islam is 
part of a much wider effort undertaken by many 
scholars and area studies experts to meet the 
demand for accurate information about Islam, par- 
ticularly with regard to its place in the contempo- 
rary world. This undertaking is based on a growing 
body of research involving the contributions ol 
people who not only have knowledge and fluency 
in the relevant languages but have spent extended 
periods of time in the Middle East and other parts 
of the world where Muslims live, work, and strive 
to achieve what we might call “the good life.” The 
reader is encouraged to explore the variety of top- 
ics covered by this reference work and follow up 
with more specialized readings listed at the end 
of each entry and in the bibliography provided in 
the back of the book. Before proceeding, however, 
it will be worthwhile to consider some questions 
anyone interested in exploring the subject of Islam 
ought to be asking. 

What Is Islam? 

This is a question that Muslims have been 
answering for centuries when it is raised in 
their homes, schools, and in the circles of gifted 
scholars, powerful rulers, and wealthy merchants 
and businessmen. It is also a question posed by 
many non-Muslims — never more than now, in 
the first decade of the 21st century. The answers 
given by Muslims, like those proposed by non- 
Muslims, have varied greatly, depending on their 
education, social status, background, and the 
wider historical and cultural contexts in which 
they live. 

Rather than beginning with a single, defini- 
tive response as to what Islam is, a more fruitful 
approach is to begin with the proposition that 
Islam is to a large extent what Muslims have made 
of it based on their different religious sensibilities, 
cultural identities, social statuses, and historical 
circumstances. Many of the faithful start with 
the Quran, the Islamic holy book, which they 
believe to be a collection of revelations from God 
(called Allah in Arabic) as delivered in the Arabic 
language via the angel Gabriel to Muhammad 
(ca. 570-632) over a 23-year period while he was 
living in the western Arabian towns of Mecca 
and Medina (formerly known as Yathrib). It is 
about the length of the Christian New Testament, 
consisting of 114 chapters and more than 6,200 
verses. About Islam, the Quran itself declares, 

Upholding equity, God, his angels and those 
with knowledge have witnessed that there is 
no god but he, the mighty and wise. Indeed, 
religion [din] in God's eyes is Islam [ literally 
“submission" | . Those who received the book 
disagreed among themselves out of jealousy 
only after knowledge had come to them. 
Whoever disbelieves in Gods sacred verses, 

(let him know that) God is swift in reckon- 
ing. (Q 3:18-19). 

This passage links Islam, the religion, to 
belief in one God, in opposition to disbelief 
(hi tfr), which will incur God's anger. It also states 
that the revelation of God's book brings with it 
both knowledge and disagreement among human 
beings. The Muslims, therefore, in contrast to 
disbelievers, are those who believe in Gods revela- 
tions (the sacred verses) and submit to God's will. 
The Arabic word muslim literally means "one who 
submits.” The Quran promises Muslims rewards 
both in this world and in the hereafter for their 
belief and good deeds. 

In addition to the Quran, Muslims also look 
to the hadith — sacred narratives, usually short in 
length, that contain accounts about what Muham- 

Introduction xxiii 

mad and his followers, known as his Companions, 
said and did. The hadith, which number in the 
tens of thousands, were systematically collected 
by Muslims during the early centuries of Islam. 
One of them, known as the Hadith of Gabriel, 
provides another, more complex understanding of 
Islam. According to this story, the angel Gabriel, 
appearing as a man dressed in a pure white gown, 
approached Muhammad while he was among his 
friends and interrogated him about his religion. 
When Gabriel asked Muhammad about Islam, he 
replied, "Islam is that you witness that there is no 
god but God and that Muhammad is God's mes- 
senger; that you perform prayer; give alms; fast 
(the month of] Ramadan; and perform the hajj 
to the house [of God in Mecca] if you are able to 
do so.” 

In this statement, Islam is defined in terms of 
its Five Pillars, thus underscoring the importance 
of performing sacred actions, or worship, in this 
religion. Even the first pillar, known as the sha- 
hacJa (witnessing) is regarded as a sacred action, 
because it involves pronouncing the two founda- 
tional tenets of Islam: belief both in one god and 
in Muhammad as a prophet of God. Recitation 
of the shahada in Arabic occurs throughout a 
Muslims lifetime. Muslims repeat it during their 
five daily prayers, and even at the moment of 
death, when it should be the last words spoken 
by a dying person, or spoken by someone else 
on his or her behalf. Islamic tradition regards the 
other four of Islam's pillars — prayer, almsgiving, 
fasting, and hajj — as forms of worship required of 
all Muslims in order to attain salvation. The fine 
points of Muslim worship were elaborated as part 
of the Muslim legal tradition, known as sharia, 
by qualified religious authorities known as the 
ulama (sing, alim , “one who has knowledge"). 

The Hadith of Gabriel next takes up the 
subject of belief, as Gabriel, acknowledging that 
Muhammad has correctly defined Islam, contin- 
ues his questioning by asking Muhammad about 
iman (faith, believing). According to the story, 
Muhammad replies that iman involves belief in 

xxiv Encyclopedia of Islam 

one God, his angels, his books, his messengers, 
and the Last Day (Judgment Day), as well as pre- 
determination. Again, Gabriel affirms the correct- 
ness of the reply. The Quran mentions iman much 
more than Islam, and even though the two words 
differ slightly in their root meanings (security 
for the first, safety for the second), many Mus- 
lim commentators have regarded them as being 
nearly synonymous. It likewise uses a related 
term, nuimin, more that it uses the word muslim. 
The aspects of faith Muhammad mentions in his 
reply to Gabriel were subsequently elaborated 
and debated for centuries by Muslim theologians, 
known as the mutakallim s, or those who practice 
kalam (literally “speech," but more precisely 
translated as “dialectical theology"). 

By addressing both Islam and iman , the Hadith 
of Gabriel teaches that religious practice and 
belief arc interrelated aspects of Islamic religion — 
one cannot be accomplished without the other. 
But the Hadith of Gabriel is not content with only 
mentioning these aspects of religion. It introduces 
a third — ihsan. When asked about what this is, 
Muhammad declares that it calls upon the faith- 
ful to be mindful of Gods watchfulness and do 
what is good and beautiful (hasan). Ihsan adds a 
spiritual or aesthetic aspect to religion, one that is 
implicitly connected with its other aspects — prac- 
tice and believing. 

During the Middle Ages, Christian church 
leaders viewed Islam for the most part as idolatry, 
or a false religion inspired by Satan. Such preju- 
diced views can still be encountered in Christian 
circles, unfortunately, although most Christian 
leaders today are more likely to want to improve 
relations with Muslims through inter-religious 
dialogue and cooperation. Modern scholars spe- 
cializing in the history and comparison of reli- 
gions have thought about Islam from a different 
set of perspectives. In Europe, in the 18th and 
19th centuries, when religion began to be studied 
in terms of the humanities and social sciences 
rather than theology, some scholars sought to 
exoticize it as an Eastern religion that stood apart 

from the West and the religions of Judaism and 
Christianity. They thought of it as a religion that 
had been tainted by political despotism and irra- 
tionality. Others classed it racially, as a “Semitic" 
religion, in contrast to the religions of the Indo- 
Europeans, which included Christianity. Rather 
than calling it Islam, a term used by Muslims 
themselves, many scholars in the 19th and 20th 
centuries decided to call it Mohammedanism, 
incorrectly assuming that Muhammad's status in 
Islam was analogous to that of Jesus Christ in 
Christianity or the Buddha in Buddhism. Despite 
these missteps, and others, some religious studies 
scholars concluded that it was more accurate to 
classify Islam together with Judaism and Chris- 
tianity as a Western religion, or as monotheistic 
one, which recognizes a key belief in Islam (belief 
in one God), as well as its historical relationship 
with the other two religions. Scholars have even 
grouped it with Christianity and Buddhism as a 
“world" religion that has extended its reach glob- 
ally through missionary work and conversion. 

Today many scholars are studying Islam as an 
Abrahamic religion, in relationship with Judaism 
and Christianity. This designation is based on the 
figure of Abraham (Ibrahim), about whom many 
stories are told in the Bibles book of Genesis and 
in the Quran. These sacred stories, or myths, 
as they are called in religious studies scholar- 
ship, also talk about Abrahams descendants, 
whom Jews, Christians, and Muslims regard as 
the spiritual ancestors of their communities. 
While Muslims link their religion to Ishmael 
(Ismail), Abraham's oldest son through Hagar 
(from Egypt), Jews and Christians relate their 
religion to Isaac (Ishaq), Abraham's son through 
Sarah. In addition to sharing a sacred genealogy 
that connects all three religions with Abraham, 
there are other important “family resemblances" 
that they share. These include 1) monotheistic 
beliefs; 2) beliefs in prophets and supramundane 
beings such as angels and saints; 3) possession 
of holy books, revealed through prophets, that 
serve as the basis for doctrine, worship, ethics, 

Introduction xxv 

and community identity; 4) a linear view of his- 
tory from creation to Judgment Day, overlapped 
by cyclical celebrations of weekly and seasonal 
holy days; 4) claims to possession of a holy land 
connected with stories about the origins of each 
of the religions and the performance of pilgrim- 
ages (religious journeys); and 5) belief in human 
mortality, followed by resurrection, judgment, and 
reward or punishment in the afterlife. 

Identifying the family resemblances shared by 
the three Abrahamic religions does not mean that 
they are therefore identical, nor that they have 
remained unchanged in history. Rather, it draws 
our attention to their relative degrees of similarity 
and difference and begs further inquiry concern- 
ing how to account for resemblances and degrees 
of difference, as well as the changes these religions 
have undergone through time as a result of the 
mutual interactions. Seen in this light, Islam can 
be understood relationally, rather than isolated 
from other religious traditions and communi- 
ties. Muslims themselves understand their reli- 
gion relationally, although in many respects their 
understandings differ from those of non-Muslim 
students of religion, as defined within modern 
humanities and social science frameworks. 

Who Are the Muslims? 

Discussing what Islam is entails additional discus- 
sion about who the Muslims are. As is the case with 
Islam, there are different ways in which this ques- 
tion can be answered too. One way to answer this 
question is to note that from a basic Islamic point of 
view, a Muslim is a person who submits to a single, 
almighty, and merciful God, as delineated in the 
Quran and sunna (precedent based on the hadith). 
Collectively, Muslims understand themselves ide- 
ally to be members of a single community of believ- 
ers, known as the umma. The original basis for the 
universal Muslim community was the community 
founded by Muhammad in Medina after his emigra- 
tion, or Hijra, from Mecca (about 260 miles south 
of Medina) with a small group of mostly Arab fol- 

lowers in 622. Muslims have come to see this event 
as being so momentous that they use it to mark the 
year one on their lunar calendar. The community in 
Medina became exemplar) 7 for succeeding genera- 
tions of Muslims, especially with regard to matters 
of piety, worship, and law. The embodiment of the 
umma as a territorial entity ruled by Muslims and 
following the sharia, or sacred law, was expressed by 
the concept of the dar al-Islam , or “house of Islam.” 
This territorial understanding was superseded by 
modern nation-states created in Muslim lands dur- 
ing the 19th and 20th centuries. 

In addition to viewing themselves as a commu- 
nity united in their belief in God and his prophet, 
Muslims also identify themselves with different 
strands of Islamic tradition. The main ones are 
Sunnism, Shiism, and Sufism. Sunni Muslims arc 
the majority and today make up about 85 percent 
of the total Muslim population (estimated to be 
1.4 million in mid-2007, according to the Ency- 
clopaedia Britannica). Their name comes from an 
Arabic phrase meaning “the people of the sunna 
and the community of believers" ( ahl al-sunna 
wa’l-jamaa). Their Quran commentaries, hadith 
collections, legal schools (the llanafi, Maliki, 
Shafii, and Hanbali schools), and theological tra- 
ditions are the ones most widely circulated and 
respected. It is from their ranks that most Muslim 
rulers and dynasties have arisen. Leading coun- 
tries with Sunni majorities include Indonesia, 
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, 
and Nigeria. 

The most prominent alternative, or sectarian, 
form of Islam is that of the Shia, who today con- 
stitute up to 15 percent of all Muslims, between 
156 and 195 million. Known as the faction of Ali 
( shiat Ali), Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law 
(d. 661), they are found in many parts of the 
world, but they constitute majorities in the mod- 
ern countries of Iran (89 percent of its popula- 
tion), Iraq (60 percent), Bahrain (70 percent), and 
Azerbaijan (85 percent). Shii Muslims maintain 
that the most legitimate authorities in all matters 
are the Imams — select members of Muhammad's 

xxvi Encyclopedia of Islam 

family, beginning with Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 661). 
Since the seventh century the Shia have vied with 
the Sunnis about who is best suited to govern 
the community. In opposition to the Shia, Sunnis 
favored the caliphs — leaders chosen initially by 
consensus of community leaders on the basis of 
their experience and public reputation. In general 
the Shia believe that 1) their Imams have been 
divinely appointed and inspired; 2) they are free 
from sin and error; and 3) they are uniquely quali- 
fied to provide religious guidance and insight. 
According to the Shia, the world itself could not 
exist without an Imam also being present in it. 
The largest branch of the Shia, known as the 
Twelve-Imam Shia, or Imamis, believe that all 
but one of their 12 Imams suffered martyrdom 
in defense of their faith and that the 12th will 
return after a period of concealment ( ghayba ) that 
began in 872 as a messiah (savior) to inaugurate 
a reign of universal justice prior to Judgment Day. 
The teachings of the Imams constitute the core of 
Shii hadith, and their tombs in Iraq and Iran have 
become sacred centers where pilgrims assemble to 
obtain their blessings and intercession. 

The Ismailis constitute another division of the 
Shia, differing from the Twelvers with regard to 
whom they count among their Imams (beginning 
with their namesake Ismail, the elder son of Jaafar 
al-Sadiq |d. 763 1), and the deference they give to 
the authority of the living Imam, rather than to 
those of the past. Even though they are only about 
10 percent of the estimated Shii population over- 
all, they have played a significant role in shaping 
the course of Islamic history and intellectual life. 

Sufism ( tasawwuf ) is a general designation 
used for the mystical expressions of Islam, wherein 
experiential knowledge of God and attainment of 
unity in or with him are primary goals. The term 
is based on the Arabic word suf ‘ or wool, which 
was worn by Christian and Muslim ascetics in 
the Middle East. Sufis also explain it in relation 
to the Arabic word safa, which denotes the idea 
of purity. Although the historical roots of Sufism 
go back to individual ascetics who lived during 

the first centuries of Islamic history, most Sufis 
became organized into groups or orders known as 
•‘paths" (sing, tariqa ) after the 11th century. Each 
tariqa consists of spiritual masters (known as 
shaykhs and pirs) who attract disciples and initi- 
ate them into the mystical teachings and rituals of 
the group. Sufis turn to the Quran and sunna for 
inspiration and guidance, and trace the lineages of 
their doctrines and practices to Muhammad and 
the first generation of his followers. Most Sufis 
regard the sharia as a foundational aspect of their 
spiritual outlook, and their ranks are filled with 
followers from across the spectrum of the Muslim 
community — including Sunnis and Shiis, rulers, 
merchants, scholars, peasants, and ordinary labor- 
ers as well. There arc many different Sufi orders 
with branches around the world, although there 
are no precise statistics for them. They are often 
credited with having contributed to the spread of 
Islam, especially through the shrines containing 
the remains and relics of Sufi saints. These holy 
places have become the focal points for many 
forms of popular devotionalism and pilgrimage. 
Sufism has also produced a rich body of Islamic 
literature, including mystical poetry, hagiography, 
and devotional manuals. 

In more recent times, other self-identified 
groupings of Muslims have appeared, sometimes 
labeled as radical Islamist and jihadist move- 
ments. Also known as Islamic fundamentalists, 
a designation that is declining in use because of 
its imprecision, these groups are small in terms 
of actual numbers with respect to the total Mus- 
lim population. They have surpassed, however, 
other Muslim groups in terms of the amount of 
attention given to them by governments, inter- 
national organizations, and the global media. 
This is because of their involvement in activities 
aimed at fighting perceived enemies of Islam at 
home and abroad, which can take a heavy toll in 
terms of civilian casualties and economic damage. 
The central goal of many of jihadist groups is to 
establish governments that will enforce Islamic 
law, uphold public morality, and free Muslims 

from the control of non-Muslim governments 
and influence. In justifying their violent actions, 
they often make use of the traditional Islamic 
concept of jihad, which is based on an Arabic 
word meaning ‘*to struggle or make an effort" 
on behalf of ones religion and community. Many 
Muslims criticize the way they interpret this con- 
cept, which was elaborated in the Islamic legal 
tradition before the modern era. Some jihadist 
organizations, despite their violent tactics, win 
popular support by providing needed social ser- 
vices that legitimate governmental agencies fail 
to provide. This is the case, for example, with the 
Palestinian Hamas organization and Hizbullah 
in Lebanon. Most of these groups act indepen- 
dently, with logistical and economic assistance 
from foreign sources. Al-Qaida, the organiza- 
tion founded by Usama bin Ladin (b. 1957) and 
Ayman al-Zawahiri (b. 1951), began in 1984 as a 
service office for Arabs fighting against the Soviet 
army in Afghanistan. After the Soviet withdrawal 
in 1989 and the fall of the Communist-led gov- 
ernment, al-Qaida turned its attention to fight- 
ing the United States and its allies, especially 
Israel. To accomplish its objectives, it created a 
loosely organized global network of cells, which 
were involved in planning and executing attacks 
against U.S. embassies in Africa, the USS Cole , 
and the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. mainland. Years 
later, however, al-Qaida has still not been able 
to win widespread support among Muslims, and 
it remains at odds with other Islamist groups in 
terms of both ideology and tactics. 

The estimated number of Muslims in the 
world today is second only to the number of 
Christians (about 2.2 million) and larger than 
other religiously defined communities, including 
Hindus and Buddhists. Muslims represent more 
than 20 percent of the worlds population (one 
out of every five people on Earth). Like members 
of these other religious communities, they also 
think of themselves in terms of ethnicity and 
nationality. Indeed, many may put their ethnic 
and national identity ahead of their religious one. 

Introduction xxvii 

especially those who are more secular in outlook. 
Muslims belong to more than 60 different ethnic- 
groups consisting of a million or more members. 
In addition, there are also 55 nation-states that 
have Muslim-majority populations. As minorities 
in countries like the United States, Britain, India, 
and Australia, many think of themselves in terms 
of the nationality of the country in which they 
hold citizenship, or the one from which they have 

The first generations of Muslims were pre- 
dominantly Arab, and today Arabs still constitute 
the single largest Muslim ethnic group. (It should 
be noted, however, that not all Arabs are Muslims. 
There are also Arab Christians and Jews.) By the 
1 1th century, large numbers of Berbers, Persians, 
and Turks had converted to Islam; together with 
Arabs, they composed much of classical Islamic 
civilization in the Middle East and North Africa. 
Today only about one in four Muslims is an Arab, 
and when all the Middle Eastern ethnic groups to 
which Muslims belong are added, they amount to 
less than half of the total of the world's Muslims. 
Other major ethnic groups include the Javanese of 
Indonesia, the Bengalis of India and Bangladesh, 
and the Punjabis of Pakistan and India. More- 
over, the nation-states with the largest Muslim 
populations are located cast of the Middle East, in 
Indonesia (207 million), Pakistan (160 million), 
India (between 138 million and 160 million), 
and Bangladesh (132.5 million). 1 Large Muslim 
populations also live in the countries of sub-Saha- 
ran Africa (Nigeria, for example has about 67.5 
million Muslims) and Central Asia (Afghanistan 
has about 31.5 million Muslims; Uzbekistan 24.5 

Muslims can therefore present themselves as 
members of a united community of the faithful, 
as members of particular Islamic subgroups (Sun- 
nis, Shiis, Sufis, etc.), or as members of different 

1 These figures arc based on 2007-08 estimates in the CIA 
World Fact Book. 

Global Distribution of the Muslim Population 

Infobase Publishing 

Introduction xxix 

ethnic and national bodies. They may even take 
pride in tracing their origins to particular regions 
(like the Hijaz in Arabia), cities and towns, and 
families and tribes. Education, profession, gender, 
and social status also contribute to the formation 
of Muslim identity. The form of Islam by which 
Muslims live and in which they believe, therefore, 
is something that is shaped by any combination 
ol these factors. Muslim understandings of them- 
selves and their religion have also been shaped 
by their ongoing encounters with non-Muslims, 
peaceful and otherwise, through the centuries. 

The Expansion of Islam 

Islam has long been a global religion, but this 
was not the way it began. It first appeared dur- 
ing the seventh century in the Hijaz, a remote 
mountainous area along the western edge of the 
Arabian Peninsula, far from the centers of urban 
civilization. The dominant powers in the Middle 
Eastern and eastern Mediterranean regions at the 
time were the Byzantines, heirs to the Roman 
Empire, and the Persians. These two empires 
had been fighting continually with each other for 
control of trade routes, land, and people. Within 
less than 100 years after Islam's appearance, Arab 
Muslim warriors had swept out of Arabia into the 
Middle East and North Africa, bringing about the 
downfall of Byzantium and Persia and inaugurat- 
ing a succession of Islamic states that would rule 
a large part of the known world until the collapse 
of the Ottoman dynasty after World War I. At its 
height in the 10th century, Muslim rule extended 
eastward from Spain (known as Andalusia) and 
Morocco to the eastern frontiers of Persia and 
Afghanistan. On the basis of the success of the 
Muslim conquests, it has become a commonplace 
to assert that Islam is a violent religion that was 
spread by the sword. Like all stereotypes, it is 
based on some truth, mixed with distortion and 
erroneous conclusions drawn from incomplete 
evidence. Scholars specializing in the early his- 
tory of Islam and its transregional expansion have 

found that the historical factors involved were 
much more varied and complex than the “con- 
quest by the sword'' thesis would suggest. 

Early Islamic historical sources and evidence 
drawn from the Quran and the hadith indicate that 
several different religious currents existed in Ara- 
bia in the seventh century. These included native 
Arabian religions, different Jewish and Christian 
doctrines, and Zoroastrianism — the dualistic reli- 
gion of ancient Persia. Muhammad ibn Abd Allah 
(ca. 570-632), the historical founder of Islam, 
was born in Mecca, a regional shrine town in the 
Hijaz. After receiving what Muslim sources report 
were his first revelations at the age of 40 while on 
Mount Hira outside of Mecca, he drew from these 
religious currents and launched a religious move- 
ment that called for Meccans to worship one God 
instead of many, perform acts of charity for the 
weak and the poor, and believe that there would 
be a final judgment when God would resurrect the 
dead and hold each person accountable for his or 
her righteous and wrongful acts. The blessed were 
promised a place in paradise, the heavenly garden, 
and the damned would suffer the tortures of hell, 
the realm of fire. Muhammad attracted a small 
following of converts from among his relatives, 
friends, former slaves, and even some non-Arabs. 
Other Meccans, particularly influential members 
of the Quraysh clan, became hostile toward him. 
This opposition resulted in the Hijra (emigra- 
tion) of Muhammad and his followers to Medina 
in 622. The community soon grew larger, thanks 
to the conversion of Mcdinan clans to Islam. 
They are remembered as the Ansar (helpers). 
The earliest expansion of the Muslim community, 
therefore, occurred peacefully and involved the 
emigration of the first Muslims Irom their old 
home to new ones. Emigration and resettlement 
subsequently became important factors in the 
spread of Islam. During this time, the commu- 
nity also had to defend itself from attacks by the 
Quraysh. After engaging in a successful series of 
campaigns against his opponents, Muhammad 
finally achieved the peaceful surrender of Mecca 

© Infobase Publishing 

Introduction xxxi 

in 630. By the time of his death in 632, many of 
the Arabian tribes had established alliances with 
him and converted to Islam, setting the stage of 
the subsequent conquest of Syria, Iran, Egypt, and 
North Africa. 

The rapid defeat of Byzantine and Persian 
armies, weakened by years of internal dissension 
and warfare, brought the Arab armies unimagined 
new wealth and power. Led by the caliphs, suc- 
cessors to the prophet Muhammad, the fledgling 
Islamic state at first kept its capital in Medina, 
but it later shifted northward to Damascus, Syria, 
which remained the seat of the Umayyad Caliph- 
ate from 661 to 750. Conquest of territories 
beyond the Arabian Peninsula did not immedi- 
ately result in mass conversions to Islam, how- 
ever. Rather, the evidence indicates that Islam 
remained a minority religion in these regions for 
several centuries after the initial waves of con- 
quest. Local populations who accepted Muslim 
rule were given the choice of cither converting 
or paying special taxes in exchange for accepting 
the status of “protected” non-Muslim subjects 
known as ahl al-dhimma, or simply dhimmis. The 
Arab Muslim minority formed an aristocracy that 
lived in its own cantonments near the communal 
mosque and the ruler's palace. The offspring of 
Arab Muslim fathers and non-Arab, non-Mus- 
lim mothers were raised as Muslims but held a 
second-class status among their coreligionists. 
There were also non-Arab converts called the 
mawali (clients), many of whom had been cap- 
tured as prisoners of war during the conquests, 
then granted their freedom upon conversion. The 
majority of Muslim subjects, however, remained 
Christians, Jews, and Zororastrians. As dhimmis, 
they were secure in their property, communal life, 
and worship as long as they paid taxes, remained 
loyal to Muslim authorities, and did not either 
try to proselytize to the Muslims or attack their 

Weakened by dynastic conflicts, tribal rival- 
ries, and local uprisings, the Umayyad Caliph- 
ate was exterminated in 750 by a coalition of 

forces, including Shiis and the mawali , from 
Iraq and eastern Iran. A surviving member of 
the Umayyads was able to escape to Spain, how- 
ever, where he established the western branch 
of the Umayyads in Cordoba, inaugurating an 
era of extraordinary cultural florescence that 
was due in large part to the fruitful interactions 
of Muslims, Jews, and Christians. The defeat 
of the Umayyads in Syria brought the Abbasids 
to power. They were a party claiming descent 
from al-Abbas, Muhammad's paternal uncle. 
The Abbasid Caliphate, which lasted until it was 
brought down by the Mongol invasion in the 
13th century, moved the capital from Damascus 
to Baghdad, a new garrison city that they had 
founded on the banks of the Tigris River. It soon 
became the leading center of commerce, the arts, 
and Islamic learning of its time. The Arab rul- 
ing elite realized that they had to share power 
with Muslims who came from non-Arab origins, 
as more of their subjects converted to Islam, 
intermarried with them, obtained positions in 
government, and became masters of the Arabic 
language — the lingua franca of the empire — and 
Islamic learning. It was during the Abbasid era 
that Sunni and Shii doctrines and institutions 
were systematized, Greek and Persian texts were 
translated and discussed, and sciences such as 
astronomy, geography mathematics, optics, and 
medicine flourished. 

Each of these developments contributed to 
the spread of Islam beyond the Middle East to 
Africa, the Indian Ocean basin. Central Asia, 
and Southeast Asia during the ensuing seven or 
eight centuries. Transregional trade south of the 
Sahara, along the Silk Roads to Asia, and across 
the Indian Ocean as far as Java resulted in the 
establishment of Muslim trading communities 
linked to local cultures through intermarriage as 
well as commerce. 

India is an excellent example of the differ- 
ent ways by which Islam became established in 
a new land. Peaceful Muslim trading colonies 
linked to Arabia and Iraq developed along the 

xxxii Encyclopedia of Islam 

southern coast around the eighth and ninth 
centuries. Ismailis from Persia introduced Islam 
into northern India around the 10th and 11th 
centuries by winning Hindu converts through 
their missionary activities. They were followed 
by Turkish and Afghan warriors who invaded to 
pillage and conquer but ended up establishing 
the Delhi Sultanate, which ruled much of the 
north and the Deccan Plateau between the 13th 
and 16th centuries. Contrary to the “conquest 
by the sword" thesis, large numbers of Hin- 
dus did not convert to Islam. Rather, scholarly 
research indicates that there was an inverse rela- 
tionship between where the centers of Muslim 
political power were and where the most con- 
versions occurred, which was on the political 
periphery. The indigenous peoples of Bengal in 
the northeast, for example, did not convert until 
the 16th century, when rulers of the Mughal 
dynasty encouraged the introduction of wet rice 
agriculture in new land made available when 
the Ganges River shifted its course eastward. 
The agents of this development were Sufis and 
Muslim scholars, who built mosques and shrines 
that became magnets for the native people, and 
educational centers for the dissemination of 
Islamic knowledge and lore. As the historian 
Richard Eaton has observed, rather than conver- 
sion by the sword, Bengalis were converted by 
the plow. 2 

In summary, conquest was but one among 
many factors that contributed to the expansion of 
Islam. Emigration, trade, intermarriage, political 
patronage, the systematization of Islamic tradi- 
tion, urbanism, and the quest for knowledge must 
also be recognized. Sufis, too, played a role in 

2 Richard Eaton, “Approaches to the Study of Conversion to 
Islam in India." In Approaches to Islam in Religious Studies , 
edited by Richard C. Martin, 108-123 (New York: One World 
Press, 1987); , “Who Are the Bengal Muslims? Conver- 

sion and Islamization in Bengal." In Understanding the Bengal 
Muslims: Interpretative Essays, edited by Rafiuddin Ahmed. 
25-31 (Oxford and Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2001). 

the spread of Islam along trade routes and even 
to the remotest areas. Pilgrimage should also be 
recognized as a factor, especially the annual hajj 
to Mecca, which gathered scholars, mystics, mer- 
chants, and ordinary believers from many coun- 
tries together in one place. After performing the 
required hajj rituals, pilgrims often took up resi- 
dence in Mecca to study and meet with scholars 
and mystics, but eventually they returned home 
with stories about the Islamic holy land and new 
insights about Islam to convey to their families 
and neighbors. 

These factors continue to be in effect today, 
although in modern forms. They have been 
involved in Islam’s spread into western Europe, 
the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand. Many 
mosques and Islamic centers have opened in 
these countries since the 1960s, and the Muslim 
presence is being increasingly felt in schools, 
the workplace, and the public sphere. Likewise, 
global forces arc changing the ways Muslims 
think about themselves and their religion — for 
better or worse. This includes the colonization of 
many Muslim lands by European powers during 
the 19th and 20th centuries. The rapid pace with 
which such changes have occurred, compared 
with earlier times, has been assisted significantly 
by the widespread availability of motorized trans- 
portation and the emergence of the new print and 
electronic media, which have closed the distances 
that once posed limitations on the movement of 
people, commercial goods, and, above all, ideas 
and religious beliefs. 

Scope of this Encyclopedia 

The purpose of any encyclopedia is to be compre- 
hensive, balanced, and up-to-date. It should also 
provide readers with new information, familiarize 
them with foreign concepts and terms, and direct 
them to additional publications on the subjects 
presented in it. It is a challenge to meet all of these 
objectives in any single undertaking, particularly 
one such as this, which is limited to one volume 

Introduction xxxiii 

about Islam, one of the worlds most important 
religions. To meet this challenge, the Encyclopedia 
of Islam emphasizes the following subject areas in 
the entries it contains: 

1. Islam as the religion of Muslims. This 
includes entries on aspects of Islamic his- 
tory, practice, belief, and learning, as well 
as the major traditions — Sunnism, Shiism, 
and Sufism. Topics concerning local Islamic 
religious practices, in addition to expres- 
sions of sacred space and time, are also 

2. Islam as an Abrahamic religion. This area 
includes entries that take up the interrela- 
tionships and intersections that Islam has 
had with Judaism and Christianity. Entries 
also deal with Islam's encounters with non- 
Abrahamic religions, particularly Hinduism 
and Buddhism. 

3. Islamicate civilizations and cultures , includ- 
ing articles pertaining to urban life, lan- 
guages, social and economic life, and the 
arts and sciences. 

4. Islam in the contemporary world. This 
includes entries on most countries with 
Muslim-majority populations, reform and 
revival moments, Islamism, regional con- 
flicts (especially the Arab-Israeli conflicts 
and the Gulf wars), and issues pertaining 
to civil society (for example, secularism, 
human rights, democracy, and constitu- 
tionalism). Attention has also been given 
to Muslim minority communities and 
organizations in the Americas, Europe, 
Australia, New Zealand, and, to a lesser 
extent, Asia. 

In order to enhance the encyclopedias appeal 
for use by students and teachers in secondary 
schools, a number of entries dealing with edu- 
cational subjects have been included, as well 
as articles on animals (camel, cat, dog, horse), 
children, comic strips and comic books, and the 


Articles are listed alphabetically. Cross-references 
have been provided within and at the end of 
each entry in small capitals to assist the reader to 
explore the variety of relationships the entry has 
with others. It is also intended to help the reader 
become more familiar with the many foreign terms 
encountered in the study of Islam. In some cases 
an entry and related cross-references are based 
on native terms (for example, Allah, Jicjh, and 
sharia); in other cases they are given in English 
(for example, abortion, dietary laws, and women). 
In the entry for Allah, for example, the reader is 
invited to consult articles such as those on the 
Quran, shahada , prayer, theology, and Muham- 
mad. The entry for abortion refers the reader to 
articles on topics such as death, afterlife, different 
schools of Islamic law, children, and birth control 
and family planning. 

Each entry is also accompanied by a bibliogra- 
phy for readers wishing to pursue a topic in more 
depth. Publications listed in the bibliography are 
exclusively in English, owing to the intended read- 
ership of the encyclopedia, but readers arc advised 
that a significant amount of excellent scholarship 
is available in other languages, especially French, 
German, Russian, and, to a lesser extent, Spanish 
and Italian. These and more specialized publica- 
tions can be found in the books and articles men- 
tioned in the individual entry bibliographies and in 
the references listed in the bibliography provided 
at the back of the book. Works in the primary 
languages of Islam, such as Arabic, Persian, and 
Turkish, can also be found in these publications, 
but Islamic texts in translation have been included 
in entry bibliographies, where appropriate. The 
reader is also encouraged to consult the publica- 
tions listed under the heading “General References 
and Atlases" in the back of the book. Some entry 
bibliographies include articles published in Saudi 
Aramco World , a magazine available on the Inter- 
net and in print that covers cultural and historical 
topics relating to the Middle East and Islam. Its 

xxxiv Encyclopedia of Islam 

format is similar to that of National Geographic , 
and it is especially well-suited for students and the 
general public. It also provides updated listings for 
museum exhibits and new publications. 

A Note on Terminology, 
Transliteration, and Translation 

Because this Encyclopedia of Islam has been written 
with secondary school students and the general 
public in mind, I have gone to some lengths to min- 
imize reliance upon academic technical vocabulary 
and words from foreign languages. When techni- 
cal terms have been used, it has been to enhance 
clarity and understanding. An important exception 
has been my adoption of two terms now widely 
used by scholars in the fields of Islamic studies 
and Middle East studies first proposed by Marshall 
G. S. Hodgson in his monumental three-volume 
work, The Venture of Islam. These are Islamicate 
and Islamdom. Occasionally the words Islam and 
Islamic are misleadingly or incorrectly applied to 
phenomena that fall outside the boundaries of the 
religion itself, resulting in the confusion of social 
and cultural phenomena with religious ones. While 
we know that the real-life boundaries between the 
religious and the nonreligious are always shifting 
and being negotiated, it is still helpful to recognize 
that these boundaries nevertheless exist. Using 
Islam and Islamic too loosely, moreover, obscures 
the interrelationships that have developed histori- 
cally between Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, 
and others in contexts where Islam was the domi- 
nant religion but not the only one. 

Therefore, I have adopted Hodgson's term 
Islamicate in order to describe those aspects of 
“Islamic” society, history, and culture that cannot 
be attributed exclusively to the religion Islam. For 
example, Islamic literature refers to writing tradi- 
tions that involve the various religious beliefs, 
doctrines, practices, laws, and traditions of Islam. 
Islamicate literature , on the other hand, encom- 
passes the variety of writing traditions, Islamic 

and non-Islamic, that have flourished in contexts 
where Muslims have held political power or con- 
stituted a majority of the population, especially 
prior to the 19th century. This kind of literature 
can include secular poetry, philosophy, and scien- 
tific writings, as well as the writings of Jews, Chris- 
tians, and others in Arabic, Persian, and other 
languages. Likewise, Islamic architecture refers to 
those parts of the built environment connected 
with Islamic religious practices, such as mosques 
and madrasas (religious schools), whereas Islami- 
cate architecture includes palaces, fortifications, 
caravanserais, bazaars, dwelling places, and baths. 
Less frequently, I use Islamdom instead of phrases 
such as the Islamic world to refer to social domains 
where Muslims prevail collectively, especially 
prior to the 19th century. It is analogous to the 
term Christiandom, which denotes social domains 
where Christianity prevails. 

Following modern standard Arabic pronun- 
ciation, which is increasingly being accepted 
for English transliterations of Arabic words, I 
use Quran instead of Koran , Muslim instead of 
Moslem , madrasa instead of madrassa , and Hijra 
instead of Hegira. I have extended this principle 
to Arabic names: for example, Muhammad instead 
of Mohammed , Hasan instead of Hassan , Husayn 
instead of Hossein or Hussein, Umar instead of 
Omar, Usama instead of Osama. Conventional 
English spellings for Mecca and Medina have 
been retained for this publication. Instead of Shi- 
ite, 1 use Shii (pronounced Shi-i), parallel to the 
conventional use of Sunni (instead of Sunnite). 
Shii is used as an adjective (for example, Shii 
Islam, Shii law) and as a noun for an individual 
member of the minority Shii branch of Islam (for 
example, "He is a Shii"). The plural in this regard 
is Shiis (pronounced Shi-is). 1 use the term Shia 
(pronounced Shi-a), which is based on the Arabic 
word for “party" or “faction,’' to refer to Shii Mus- 
lims as a group or collectivity — the Shia. Shiism 
is used to refer to the body of beliefs, rituals, doc- 
trines, and traditions that define the Shii branch 
of Islam (see the entry for this term). 

Introduction xxxv 

In order to make the Encyclopedia of Islam 
more accessible to the nonspecialist, no diacriti- 
cal markings have been used for foreign words. 
Transliterations for ayn (') and hamza (') have also 
been omitted, as has the terminal h, sometimes 
used for the ta marbuta. Thus, shari ah is rendered 
as sharia , sunnah is rendered as sunna, and ummah 
as unmia. In cases where an ayn occurs in the 
middle or end of a word, preceded or followed by 
the vowel a, 1 have transliterated the word with a 
double aa\ thus, Kaba is rendered as Kaaba, da w a 
as daawa , and bid' a as bidaa. 

Dates and Statistical Data 

All dates given arc according to the Western cal- 
endar. Where clarity is required, the abbreviation 
B.c.E. is used for dates before the common era and 

C.E. is used for common era dates. These temporal 
demarcations are considered more suitable than 
the older ones used for dates in the Western cal- 
endar: B.c. (Before Christ) and a.d. (anno domini; 
the year of Our Lord). 

Statistical data given in entries for individual 
countries (for example, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi 
Arabia) are based on the latest 2007-2008 esti- 
mates provided by the Central Intelligence Agency 
of the United States in its World Fact Book (www. 
Other statistics have been obtained from a variety 
of other sources. Although every effort has been 
made to provide the most current and accurate 
statistical information, the reader should be aware 
that often statistical data is cither dated or affected 
by political, social, or religious biases and circum- 
stances. Care should be taken before making hard 
comparisons based on statistical data. 


fourth-sixth century 

Arabia involved in conflicts between Rome/ 
Byzantium and Persia. 

sixth-seventh century 

Quraysh tribe rises to prominence in Mecca. 

570 ? 

Birth of Muhammad ibn Abd Allah in Mecca. 


Muhammad receives first revelation at Mt. Hira, 
near Mecca, and begins career as a prophet. 


The year of the Hijra: Muhammad and the Mus- 
lims migrate from Mecca to Medina. 


Muhammad wins control of Mecca. 


Death of Muhammad; death of Fatima, his 
daughter; election of Abu Bakr as first caliph. 


Death of Abu Bakr. 


Conquest of Damascus. 


Battle of Qadisiyya: Arab army decisively defeats 
Persian army in Iraq 


Conquest of Syria and the fall of Jerusalem. 


Conquest of Persia. 


Conquest of Egypt; foundation of Fustal (later 
part of Cairo). 


Death of Umar ibn al-Khattab, second caliph. 


xxxviii Encyclopedia of Islam 


Caliph Uthman authorizes collection and offi- 
cial establishment of the text of the Quran. 


Assassination of Uthman, the third caliph. 


Muawiya, chief of the Umayyads, conquers 


Damascus becomes new capital of Umayyad 
dynasty under Muawiya. 

New wave of conquest begins. 


Death of Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth caliph and 
first Shii imam. 

Muawiya becomes caliph and founder of 
Umayyad dynasty. 


Revolt of the Khawarij. 


Death of Muawiya. Martyrdom of Husayn, third 
Shii imam, at Karbala, Iraq. 


Building of the Mosque of Umar (Dome of the 
Rock) in Jerusalem. 


Arabic becomes official language of government 
in the Islamic Empire. 


Conquest and conversion of Berber tribes in 
North Africa. 


Tariq ibn Ziyad leads conquest of Andalusia 
(southern Spain). 

Muhammad ibn Qasim initiates Arab conquest 
of Sind (India). 


Muslim armies in Persia begin conquest of 
Bakhara and Samarqand in Central Asia. 


Cordoba becomes administrative capital of 


Death of Hasan al-Basri, Muslim ascetic and 


Battle of Tours, France. 


Beginning of Abbasid Caliphate. 


Abbasids capture Damascus, ending Umayyad 
rule in Syria; Abu al-Abbas al-Saffah founds 
Abbasid Caliphate. 


Death of al-Saffah; Abujaafar al-Mansur becomes 
second Abbasid caliph. 


Establishment of Umayyad rule in Spain. 


Baghdad founded by Caliph al-Mansur as the 
capital of the Abbasid Empire. 

Chronology xxxix 


Death of Jaafar al-Sadiq, sixth Shii imam. 


Death of Abu Hanifa, Iraqi jurist and eponym of 
the Hanafi Legal School. 


The building of the Great Mosque at Cordoba. 


Death of Malik ibn Anas, jurist of Medina and 
eponym of the Maliki Legal School. 


Death of Abu Yusuf, co-founder of Hanafi Legal 


Death of female mystic Rabia al-Adawiyya. 


Death of Shaybani, Kufan jurist and cofounder 
of Hanafi Legal School. 


Foundation of Fez in the Maghrib. 


Death of Ali al-Rida, the eighth Shii imam. 


Death of al-Shafii, founder of the Shafii Legal 


Abbasid caliph al-Mamun launches inquisition 
to impose the Mutazili doctrines as the state 
religious ideology. 


Muslims capture Sicily and southern Italy. 


Death of Ahmad ibn Hanbal, hadith scholar and 
eponym of the Hanbali Legal School. 


Death of al-Kindi, early Arab philosopher. 


Death of al-Bukhari, author of the most respected 
Sunni canonical collection of hadith. 


Period of Lesser Occultation of Muhammad al- 
Mahdi, the twelfth Shii imam. 


Foundation of Fatimid Ismaili Shii dynasty in 
North Africa. 


Death of the Sufi teacher al-Junayd. 


Golden age of Umayyad rule in Andalusia. 


Crucifixion of the Sufi al-Hallaj in Baghdad. 


Death of the Quran commentator and historian 
al-Tabari in Iraq. 


Qarmati Shiis attack Mecca and remove the 
Black Stone from the Kaaba. 

xl Encyclopedia of Islam 


Death of al-Ashari, Sunni theologian, in Bagh- 


Twelfth Imam enters Greater Occultation accord- 
ing to Twelve-Imam Shii doctrine. 


Death of al-Maturidi, Sunni theologian, in 


Death of the philosopher al-Farabi. 


Qarmati Shiis return the Black Stone to the 


Beginning of Fatimid Ismaili Caliphate in Egypt; 
Cairo founded. 


Fatimids found Al-Azhar mosque-university in 


Reign of Mahmud of Ghazna, who raids north- 
west India (Punjab, 1001-21) and puts the con- 
quered territories under Islamic authority in the 
name of the Abbasid caliph. 


The Fatimid caliph al-Hakim disappears/dies; 
Druze religion begins. 


Death of Ibn Sina (Avicenna), philosopher and 


Almoravids conquer Morocco. 


Death of Ibn Hazm, Andalusian jurist and 


Nizam al-Mulk founds the Nizamiyya, a Shafii 
college, in Baghdad. 


Battle of Manzikert, a decisive defeat of Byzan- 
tine armies by Seljuq Turks. 


Almoravids conquer Andalusia. 


Normans recapture Sicily and end Muslim rule 


Pope Urban 11 launches the First Crusade to 
conquer Jerusalem. 


Crusaders capture Jerusalem, ending the First 


Death of Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, philosopher 
and theologian. 


Almohad dynasty establishes foothold in Anda- 

Pope launches Second Crusade. 

Chronology xli 


Death of Sufi master Abd al-Qadir al-J ilani in 


End of the Fatimid dynasty; Salah al-Din founds 
the Ayyubid dynasty in Egypt. 


Saladin retakes Jerusalem from crusaders. 


Muhammad of Ghur leads Muslim conquest of 
northern and eastern India. 


Death of Salah ad-Din, Ayyubid sultan. 


Death of Ibn Rushd (Averrocs), Andalusian phi- 
losopher and jurist. 


Conquest of northern India and Bengal by 


Founding of Mongol Empire by Genghis Khan. 


Ghurids establish the Delhi Sultanate in India. 


Death of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, theologian. 


Mongol invasion of the Middle East begins. 


Death of Muin al-Din Chishti, leading Suli saint 
in India. 


Death of Abu Hafs Umar al-Suhrawardi, Sufi 
teacher and founder of the Suhrawardi Sufi 


Death of Ibn al-Arabi, Sufi philosopher, in 


Mamluk dynasties rule Egypt and Syria. 


The Mongols sack Baghdad, ending Abbasid 


Mongols arc defeated by the Mamluks of Egypt 
at Ayn Jalut in Syria. 


Death of Jalal al-Din Rumi, Sufi poet and 
teacher, in Konya. 

1320 ? 

Death of Yunus Emre, Turkish mystic and 


Death of Nizam al-Din Awliya of Delhi, Sufi 
saint of the Chishti order. 


Death of Ibn Taymiyya, Hanbali jurist. 


xlii Encyclopedia of Islam 


Death of Hajji Bektash, Sufi saint. 


Death of Ibn Battuta, famed traveler and Maliki 


Timur (Tamerlane) establishes Timurid Empire 
in Central Asia, the Middle East, and South 


Ottoman Empire rules much of the Middle East 
and eastern Europe. 


Death of the historian Ibn Khaldun. 


Constantinople (Istanbul) falls to Ottomans and 
becomes the new Ottoman capital; Byzantine 
Empire ends. 


Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabelle of Castile con- 
quer Granada, ending Muslim rule in Andalusia. 


Ismail I establishes the Safavid dynasty in Persia. 
Twelve-Imam Shiism becomes the state religion 
of Iran. 


The Saadi Sharifs establish Alid power in 


Ottomans conquer Egypt. 


Reign of the Ottoman sultan Sulayman the 


Mughal dynasty rules India. 


Ottomans lift first siege of Vienna and retreat. 


Islam spreads to Sumatra, Java, the Moluccas, 
and Borneo. 


Reign of Akbar, Mughal emperor. 


Christian fleet defeats Ottoman navy at Lcp- 
anto, marking the end of Ottoman dominance 
in the Mediterranean region. 


Shah Abbas makes Isfahan the capital of the 
Safavid Empire. 


Mughal emperor Jahangir begins rule in India. 


Death of Akbar. 


Expulsion of the Muslims from Spain. 


Death of Ahmad Sirhindi, Indian mystic and 

Chronology xliii 


Mughal emperor Shah Jahan begins reign. 


Death of Mulla Sadra, Persian mystic and phi- 


Shah Jahan completes construction of Taj 


Aurangzcb deposes his father, Shah Jahan, and 
begins reign as Mughal ruler. 


Ottomans lift the second siege of Vienna and 


Death of Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi, leading 
Shii scholar. 


Death of Aurangzcb, inaugurating era of rapid 
Mughal decline. 


Safavid rule in Iran effectively ended by Afghan 


Wahhabi movement, led by Muhammad Abd 
al-Wahhab, arises in Arabia. 


English East India Company wins control of 
Bengal, India. 


Death of Shah Wali Allah. 


French expedition under Napoleon Bonaparte 
to Egypt. 


Death of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, founder of the 
Wahhabi movement. 


Wahhabi raiders attack and plunder Karbala in 


Usman dan Fodio establishes Islamic state of 
Sokoto in central Sudan. 

Wahhabi forces capture Medina. 


Muhammad Ali appointed viceroy of Egypt by 


Wahhabi forces occupy Mecca. 


Egyptian troops conduct successful campaign to 
end Wahhabi control of Arabia. 


British withdraw from Indonesia, restoring it to 
Dutch rule. 


Death of Usman dan Fodio, African religious 
and political leader. 


xliv Encyclopedia of Islam 


British rule extends throughout India. 


Ottomans liquidate the Janissaries and abolish 
the Bektashi Sufi order. 


French forces occupy Algeria, ending 313 years 
of Ottoman rule. 


Abd al-Qadir, Algerian religious scholar, leads 
unsuccessful war against French colonial forces. 


Execution of Sayyid Ali Muhammad Shirazi, 
founder of Babi movement in Iran. 


Sepoy Rebellion against English East India 
Company rule sweeps northern India. 


British forces suppress Sepoy Rebellion and end 
Mughal dynasty; British Crown rule replaces 
English East India Company rule. 


Bahaullah appears in Iraq claiming to be the 
manifestation of Gods will, founding the reli- 
gious community of the Bahais. 


Suez Canal opened. 


Muhammad Ahmad ibn Abd Allah appears as 
the Sudanese Mahdi. 


Britain purchases shares of the Suez Canal and 
becomes involved in Egyptian affairs. 


Muhammad Ahmad declares himself Mahdi in 
northern Sudan. 

Death of the first Aga Khan, Ismaili leader in 


British forces occupy Egypt. 


Death of the Sudanese Mahdi. 


Tobacco revolts against British business interests 
in Iran. 


Death of Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, Muslim 
reformer and activist. 


Death of Sayyid Ahmad Khan, Muslim modern- 
ist reformer. 

Death of Ghulam Ahmad, founder of the 
Ahmadiyya movement. 


Fall of Mahdist state in the Sudan and its occu- 
pation by Anglo-Egyptian troops. 


Construction of the Hijaz railway to Mecca as a 
pan-Islamic project. 


Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud captures Riyadh. 

Chronology xlv 


French forces occupy Morocco. 


Death of Muhammad Abduh, Egyptian religious 
scholar and reformer. 

Massacre of Armenians in eastern Turkey. 


Constitutional revolution in Iran. 


All-India Muslim League founded in India. 


Establishment of the Anglo-Persian Oil Com- 


The beginning of the Muhammadiyya reform 
movement in Indonesia. 


Sykes-Picot agreement signed, defining British 
and French spheres of influence in the post— 
World War 1 Middle East. 


Sharif Husayn of Mecca leads Arab Revolt 
against the Ottoman Empire. 


Syria and Lebanon become French mandate 


Faysal ibn Husayn is made king of Iraq. 

Abd Allah ibn Husayn becomes king of Trans- 


Mustafa Kemal Ataturk abolishes the Ottoman 
Turkish sultanate. 


Conquest of Libya by Italy. 


The Turkish caliphate is abolished. 

Abd al-Aziz and his Wahhabi army conquer 
Mecca and Medina. 


End of the Qajar dynasty in Persia; Rcza Khan 
seizes power in Persia and establishes the 
Pahlavi dynasty. 


Turkey is declared a secular state and adopts 
Latin alphabet. 

Hasan al-Banna founds the Muslim Brother- 


Iraq granted independence by League of 

Creation of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 


Iran becomes the official name of Persia. 

Death of Rashid Rida, Syrian religious 


Death of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of 
modern Turkey. 

Standard Oil of California discovers oil in Saudi 

xlvi Encyclopedia of Islam 


Death of Muhammad Iqbal, Indian intellectual 
and poet. 


Iran invaded by British and Russian forces, and 
Reza Khan is forced to abdicate in favor of his 
son Muhammad Reza Shah in Iran. 

Jamaat-i Islami founded in India by Abu al-Ala 


Japanese occupy Indonesian territories and 
Malay Peninsula. 


Lebanon becomes independent from France. 


End of World War II. Foundation of the Arab 


Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria obtain indepen- 
dence from Britain and France. 


Partition of India results in creation of Paki- 


Establishment of the Jewish state of Israel; Arab- 
Israeli war. 

Death of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, first leader of 


Assassination of Hasan al-Banna, leader of the 
Muslim Brotherhood. 

Indonesia becomes independent. 


Emirate of Jordan officially renamed the 
Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan. 


Libya becomes independent. 


Egyptian Free Officers depose monarchy and 
establish a republic. 

Mossadeq government in Iran overthrown in 
coup sponsored by the United States and Brit- 


Beginning of Algerian war of liberation against 

Jamal Abd al-Nasir becomes president of 


Morocco and Tunisia become independent of 

Britain, France, and Israel precipitate Suez Cri- 
sis by attacking Egypt to control the canal. 


Daawa Party of Iraq founded. Malay Federation 
wins independence from British rule. 


Revolution in Iraq under Abd al-Karim Qasim 
overthrows Hashemite monarchy and estab- 
lishes the Republic of Iraq. 


Algeria becomes independent from France. 
Muslim World League founded. 

Chronology xlvii 


Islamic Society of North America founded in 
Plainfield, Indiana. 


Malcolm X, leader of the Nation of Islam, assas- 


Death of Sayyid Qutb, radical Islamic ideo- 


Israel defeats Egypt, Syria, and Jordan in the 
Six-Day War. 


Colonel Muammar Qadhdhafi overthrows King 
Idris of Libya and establishes Libyan Arab 

Organization of the Islamic Conference 


Egyptian President Jamal Abd al-Nasir dies and 
is succeeded by Anwar al-Sadat. 


Bangladesh (former East Pakistan) becomes 
independent from Pakistan. 


October War (Yom Kippur War) between Israel 
and a coalition of Arab states, led by Egypt and 


Death of Amin al-Husayni, grand mufti of Jeru- 
salem and Palestinian nationalist. 


Lebanese Civil War. 


Death of Elijah Muhammad, leader of Nation ol 
Islam among African Americans; Warith Deen 
Mohammad takes charge of the movement and 
renames it World Community of Islam in the 
West (changed to American Muslim Mission in 
1978 ). 


Death of Ali Shariati, Shii religious thinker. 


Anwar al-Sadat, Egypt's president, shares Nobel 
Peace Prize with Manachem Begin, Israel's prime 


Iranian monarchy replaced by a revolutionary 
Islamic republic with Ayatollah Ruhallah Kho- 
meini as its supreme leader. 

Death of Abu al-Ala Mawdudi, founder of the 
Jamaat-i Islami of India and Pakistan. 

Sacred Mosque in Mecca seized by Sunni reviv- 
alists proclaiming arrival of the Mahdi. 

Soviet Union invades Afghanistan. 


Iran-Iraq War. 


Execution of Ayatollah Muhammad Baqir al- 
Sadr, leading Shii authority in Iraq. 


Assassination of Egyptian president Anwar al- 
Sadat by radical Islamists. 

xlviii Encyclopedia of Islam 


Israeli invasion of Lebanon; Hizbullah founded 
in Lebanon. 

Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq 
founded with Iranian support. 


First Palestinian intifada against Israeli occu- 


Hamas founded in Gaza. 


Naguib Mahfouz, Egyptian author, wins the 
Nobel Prize for literature. 

Salman Rushdie publishes The Satanic Verses, 
sparking Muslim protests around the world. 
Al-Qaida founded in Afghanistan. 


Death of Ayatollah Khomeini, Shii religious 
scholar and revolutionary leader; Ayatollah Ali 
Khamenei becomes supreme leader of Iran. 
Death of Fazlur Rahman, leading Islamic scholar 
in the United States. 

Soviets withdraw from Afghanistan. 


Iraqi forces at the command of President Sad- 
dam Husayn invade and annex Kuwait, causing 
Gulf War 1. 


United States leads international coalition forces 
in a successful campaign to expel Iraqi forces 
from Kuwait. 


Yasir Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Lib- 
eration Organization, shares Nobel Peace Prize 
with Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. 


Taliban, a guerrilla force of Islamist Afghan stu- 
dents, seizes Kabul. 

2000 - 

Second Palestinian intifada (known as "al-Aqsa 
Intifada *) against Israeli occupation (ongoing). 


Religious militants connected with al-Qaida fly 
hijacked airliners into the New York World Trade 
Center and Pentagon; U.S. and coalition forces 
invade Afghanistan and depose the Taliban. 


U.S. and coalition forces launch Gulf War II by 
invading Iraq and deposing Saddam Husayn and 
the Baath Party. 

Shirin Ebadi, Iranian human rights advocate, 
wins Nobel Peace Prize. 


Iraqi national elections bring Shii political coali- 
tion (United Iraqi Alliance) to power. 
Muhammad al-Baradci, director of the Interna- 
tional Atomic Energy Agency, wins Nobel Peace 


Orhan Pamuk, Turkish author, wins Nobel Prize 
in literature. 

Muhammad Yunus, Bangladeshi banker and 
economist, wins Nobel Peace Prize. 

Saddam Husayn executed. 


Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in 
Iraq changes name to Supreme Iraqi Islamic 

Benazir Ali Bhutto, Pakistan political leader, 


Abbasid Caliphate ( 750 - 1258 ) 

The Abbasid Caliphate was a long-lived Sunni 
dynasty that ruled the Islamicate empire for five 
centuries and set the standard for Muslim rulers 
who came later. It took power in a tremendous 
revolution in 750 that ended the Umayyad Caliph- 
ate in Damascus. It was during the Abbasid era, 
particularly until the 10th century, that the for- 
mative elements of Islamicate civilization were 
put into place. Among the achievements of this 
era were a massive project of translation, thanks 
to which Greek philosophy was made available 
to the Arabs (and later to Latin Europe), the 
flowering of Arabic prose and poetry, the forma- 
tion of the major schools of Islamic law, and the 
consolidation of Shii and Sunni communities with 
distinctive traditions. 

The Abbasids came to power on the back of 
a masterful propaganda campaign that targeted 
those elements in the Islamicate empire whom 
the Umayyads had alienated, especially those who 
harbored various degrees of loyalty to the family 
of Ali: the nascent Shia. They put forward the 
claim, later largely accepted, that a caliph must 
come from the clan of Hashim, which included 
Muhammad and Ali, but also Abbas, Muhammad's 
paternal uncle and the ancestor of the Abbasids. 

Only after they had attained power did they make 
it clear that the revolution they had led was for 
their own family, not that of Ali, crushing the 
messianic expectations of those who had awaited 
a descendant of Ali to come to the throne. The 
messianic expectations generated by the struggle 
between the Abbasids and Umayyads, as reflected 
in hadiths that can be dated to this period, remain 
even now an important part of Islamic apocalyptic 
beliefs regarding portents of the Last Hour and 
Judgment Day. 

During the heyday of the Abbasid Caliph- 
ate, the Islamicate Empire stretched from India 
and the Central Asian steppes in the east to the 
western coast of northern Africa. But the heart of 
the empire was always Iraq, where they had their 
capital, Baghdad, and what is now Iran. Iraq, in 
particular, was extensively irrigated and therefore 
was a rich source of agricultural produce and the 
resulting tax revenue. By the ninth century, major 
parts of the empire were functionally indepen- 
dent, and this gradual breakdown of central rule 
only increased as time went on. Nonetheless, the 
provincial rulers, ever anxious to legitimize their 
rules through official recognition from the caliph, 
largely maintained their symbolic allegiance to 
him. Even when these rulers were, in fact, much 


2 Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud 

stronger than the caliph, few considered declar- 
ing themselves independent outright, in order to 
maintain an aura of legitimacy as supporters of 
the traditional caliphate. The clear exceptions to 
this were the Fatimid dynasty (909-1171) and the 
Umayyads in Andalusia. 

The Abbasids thus had little more than sym- 
bolic power by the middle of the 10th century, 
except for a limited revival of their political for- 
tunes in the 12th and 13th centuries. They were 
finally crushed by the invading Mongols, who 
took Baghdad in 1258, wiping out most mem- 
bers of the Abbasid family and destroying their 
legendary capital, Baghdad. While a few of the 
Abbasids escaped to Egypt, where a figurehead 
caliphate survived under the tutelage of the Mam- 
LUK DYNASTY, they no longer held even the moral 
AUTHORITY that they had had when in Baghdad. 
Today, the Abbasids remain important as a symbol 
of the former greatness of the Islamicate civiliza- 
tion, and as a model for what a united Muslim 
community might again attain. 

See also adab ; Arabic language and litera- 
ture; Mahdi; Shiism. 

John Iskander 

Further reading: Paul M. Cobb, White Banners: Conten- 
tion in Abbasid Syria, 750-880 (Albany: State University 
of New York Press, 2001); Taycb El-Hibri. Reinterpreting 
Islamic Historiography: Harun al-Rashid and the Narra- 
tive of the Abbasid Caliphate (Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press. 1999); Hugh Kennedy. The Prophet 
and the Age of the Caliphates (Harlow: Longman, 2003); 
J. J. Saunders, A History of Medieval Islam (New York: 
Barnes & Noble, 1965). 

Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud (Ibn Saud) (1880-1953) 

charismatic founder of the modern Kingdom of Saudi 
Arabia and political patron of the conservative Wahhabi 
sect of Islam 

Abd al-Aziz was the descendant of the A1 Saud clan 
of central Arabia that had formed a strategic alli- 
ance with the revivalist leader Muhammad ibn Abd 

al-Wahhab (1703-92) and established a tribal state 
that ruled much of the Arabian Peninsula during 
the 18th and 19th centuries. In a period of political 
fragmentation, he revived Saudi control of the pen- 
insula after conducting a raid from neighboring 
Kuwait in 1902 that resulted in the capture of the 
town of Riyadh, the future capital of Saudi Arabia. 
He then conquered other regions of the peninsula 
with the assistance of the Ikhwan (Brotherhood), 
a Wahhabi fighting force recruited from among 
Arab tribes. In 1926, after the fall of Mecca and 
Medina, religious authorities recognized Abd al- 
Aziz as king of the Hijaz and sultan of Najd, the 
western and central regions of Arabia, respectively. 
With the support of tribal allies, ulama, and the 
British, he defeated a rebellion among the Ikhwan 
in 1927-30, and in 1932, he renamed his realm the 
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

Abd al-Aziz was a skillful statesman and leader 
in times of peace, in addition to being a man of war. 
He consolidated his power through consultations 
with close advisers and merchants, intermarriage 
with influential tribes and clans, and generous 
disbursements of state revenues. Although he had 
ruthlessly suppressed the Ikhwan, he maintained 
solid ties with Wahhabi ulama and gave them 
control of the country's religious and educational 
affairs. They were not capable of seriously oppos- 
ing him as he moved to modernize the kingdom, 
however. He granted Standard Oil of California 
oil exploration rights in 1933, and he persuaded 
the ulama to allow for the introduction of radio 
transmissions and the telephone. Oil was first dis- 
covered in 1938, and Abd al-Aziz quickly moved 
to use the new revenues to build family properties 
and palaces. It was not until after World War II, 
however, that the Saudi kingdom and the royal 
family began to fully enjoy the profits of the oil 
industry. This was when Saudi Arabia became 
the first Arab country to form close ties with the 
United States, as signaled by Abd al-Azizs meet- 
ing with President Franklin Roosevelt in 1945 on 
the deck of the USS Quincy. The newly formed 
Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) then 

Abd al-Qadir al-Jazairi 3 

King Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud meets with President Roos- 
evelt aboard the USS Quincy in the Suez Canal Zone, 
February 1 4, 1 945. (Courtesy of Dr Michael Crocker/King 
Abdul Aziz Foundation) 

took charge, with Saudi participation, of build- 
ing much of the country's infrastructure: roads, 
airports, communications, electrical power, and 
water system. When Abd al-Aziz died, he left a 
country that was about to embark on a rapid and 
far-reaching modernization program. Since that 
time, Saudi Arabia has been ruled by his sons, in 
alliance with the Wahhabi ulama. He is still held 
in high esteem by his country. 

See also authority; Wahhabism. 

Further reading: Leslie J. McLoughlin, Ibn Saud: 
Founder of a Kingdom (New York: St. Martin's Press, 
1993); Medawi Rashid, A History of Saudi Arabia (Cam- 
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002) 

Abd al-Nasir, Jamal See Nasir Jamal Abd al-. 

Abd al-Qadir al-Jazairi (1808-1883) Sufi 
shaykh, leader of Algerian resistance to French 
colonization, and hero of Algerian independence 
Abd al-Qadir, the son of a Sufi shaykh of the QADINI 
Sufi Order, was chosen by his father Muhyi al-Din 
to lead the resistance to France’s slow-molion 
colonization of Algeria, which had begun in 1830. 

From his base in the region of Oran, in the north- 
west of Algeria, Abd al-Qadir led a fierce and pro- 
tracted resistance. For about a decade, until 1842, 
he controlled much of the Algerian hinterland and 
had de facto recognition as ruler from both the 
Algerian populace and the French army, which 
negotiated with him. He implemented a number 
of reforms during this time, inspired in part by 
his admiration of Muhammad Ali (r. 1803-48), 
the founder of modern Egypt, whose reforms he 
had witnessed at first hand during a visit to that 
country. But French determination to conquer 
the Algerian hinterland led to a brutal policy of 
depopulation, in which the native Algerians were 
forced off their land and into camps, with massive 
destruction of their crops, livestock, and villages. 
Eventually, in 1847, Abd al-Qadir surrendered to 
the French in order to stop the catastrophic war. 
After being exiled to France, he migrated to Istan- 
bul and then to Damascus, where he would spend 
the rest of his life. In Damascus, he became a large 
landholder and influential personage, dispensing 
patronage but also teaching Quran and SUNNA at 
the main Umayyad mosque. 

Abd al-Qadir wrote works in which he pro- 
moted rationalist explanations of the Quran and 
Islam, and in this he was in the forefront of Arab 
and Muslim reformers who sought to understand 
their religion in light of the changed situation 
imposed on them by modernity and the supremacy 
of “science." Toward the end of his life, he began 
to propound a literalist reading of the scriptures, 
which, while not contradicting his earlier empha- 
sis on reason, marked a new direction for him. As 
one of his biographers points out, however, this 
combination of “rational and “literal" approaches 
to Islam and the Quran is typical of Salafi, or neo- 
traditionalist, Islam. Abd al-Qadir is remembered 
now, and was honored by Europeans during his 
life, for his part in stopping a massacre (based on 
local grievances) of Christians in Damascus in 
1860, protecting many himself. 

He is remembered by Algerians as the first 
to mount organized resistance to the colonial 

4 Abd al-Qadir al-J ilani 

French, who would stay in that country until 
they were forced out by a widespread revolution 
in 1962. His position as patriot and early nation- 
alist, but also as an Islamic leader, make him a 
hero around whom most Algerians can safely 
unite, and it is largely in Algeria that his memory 
remains important today. 

See also Christianity and Islam; colonialism; 
Ottoman dynasty; Salafism. 

John Iskander 

Further reading: David Commins, Islamic Reform: Poli- 
tics and Social Change in Late Ottoman Syria (New York: 
Oxford University Press, 1990); Raphael Danziger, Abd 
al-Qadir and the Algerians: Resistance to the French and 
Internal Consolidation (New York: Homes & Meier, 

Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (1077-1166) Sufi 
saint and founder of the Qadiri Sufi Order 
Abd al-Qadir was from the Caspian region of Per- 
sia and went as a teenager to Baghdad to study 
Hanbali law and THEOLOGY; he was also attracted 
to the teachings of Sufi masters there. After 
retreating to the Iraqi desert for several years 
as an ascetic, he returned to Baghdad, where he 
became a scholar and a popular preacher who 
attracted a wide circle of followers, including 
Jews and Christians whom he had converted to 
Islam. The center of his activities was a madrasa, 
where he taught religious studies and was con- 
sulted as a mufti. In his sermons, he admonished 
his listeners to care for the poor and needy, and 
he sought to harmonize Islam's legal require- 
ments with its spiritual message. When he died 
in 1166, he was buried in his Baghdad madrasa, 
which became a popular mosque-shrine that 
drew pilgrims from the Middle East and India. 
His followers circulated many stories about his 
miraculous powers so that within a century after 
his death he was regarded as one of the leading 
Sufi saints in the Muslim world. He is considered 
to be the founder of the Qadiri Sufi Order, which 

now has branches in the Middle East, Africa, 
South Asia, and Indonesia. 

See also Hanbali Legal School. 

Further reading: Khaliq Ahmad Nizami, "The Qadiri- 
yyah Order." In Islamic Spirituality ; 2 vols., edited by 
Seyyed Hosscin Nasr, 2: 6-25 (New York: Crossroad, 
1991); J. Spencer Trimingham, The Sufi Orders of Islam 
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1998). 

Abd al-Rahman, Umar (1938- ) a blind 
radical Islamic leader who was implicated in the 
assassination of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat 
(d. 1981) and the 1993 New York World Trade 
Center bombing 

Umar Abd al-Rahman was born in al-Gamalaya, 
Egypt, in 1938, and lost his sight very early in life. 
After learning Braille as a young child, he excelled 
at his studies. By age 11, Abd al-Rahman had 
memorized the Quran. Having been trained in a 
scries of traditional Islamic learning academies, 
including al-AzHAR University, he received his 
doctorate in 1972. He is best known for his work 
as a preacher and as an Islamist organizer and 
activist. In this capacity, throughout the 1970s 
and 1980s, Abd al-Rahman ran afoul of Egyptian 
authorities, most notoriously for allegedly issuing 
the fatwa (religious edict) leading to Egyptian 
president Anwar Sadat's assassination in 1981. 

Abd al-Rahman has been linked to two Egyp- 
tian Islamist organizations, jihad and the Jamaa 
Islamiyya. As a result of his involvement with 
these organizations and his criticism of the Egyp- 
tian state, Abd al-Rahman was imprisoned a num- 
ber of times, including after Jamal Abd al-Nasir's 
death in 1970 and after Sadat's assassination. 
Through his involvement with Islamist networks, 
he became active in anti-Soviet resistance in 
Afghanistan in the early 1980s, raising money 
and recruiting through his preaching and organi- 
zational activities. Abd al-Rahman is said to have 
established links with the Central Intelligence 
Agency (CIA), who offered funding and military 

Abduh, Muhammad 5 

and logistical support to those fighting the Soviets 
in Afghanistan. 

Making his way to the United States after the 
Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1988, Abd 
al-Rahman continued preaching jihad against 
non-Muslim powers. Following the Gulf War of 
1991, he, like some other veterans of anti-Soviet 
resistance in Afghanistan, turned his attention to 
the United States. In 1996, he was found guilty of 
orchestrating the 1993 attacks on the World Trade 
Center from his mosque in New Jersey. He is serv- 
ing life in prison for this crime. 

See also jihad movements. 

Caleb Elfenbein 

Further reading: Gillcs Kepel, Jihad: The Trail of Politi- 
cal Islam (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 
2002); Omar Abd al-Rahman, “Umar Abdul Rahman: 
A Self-Portrait.” Afkar Inquiry (3 November 1986): 

Abd al-Raziq, Ali (1888-1966) liberal 
Egyptian jurist and political reformer 
A reform-minded judge in Egypt's sharia courts, 
Ali Abd al-Raziq was the author of a controversial 
book that advocated the separation of Islam from 
politics. He came from a prominent landholding 
family in the district of Minya in Upper Egypt that 
favored the creation of a constitutional monarchy 
and other liberal secular reforms. After studying 
at al-AzHAR and Oxford University, he began his 
career as a judge in the Egyptian court system. In 
his book Islam and the Principles of Government , 
published in 1925, he argued that Muhammad's 
mission was a moral and spiritual one only, and 
that neither the Quran nor the hadith had ever 
authorized the establishment of a caliphate, or 
Islamic state. Abd al-Raziq developed his thesis 
after the new republican government in Turkey 
had formally abolished the caliphate in 1924, a 
time when there were strong secular and national- 
ist currents in the Middle East. Nevertheless, his 
book outraged religious authorities and tradition- 

ally minded Muslims who wanted to hold on to 
the ideal of united Muslim polity, even though 
the caliphate had long before ceased to be an 
effective political institution in Muslim coun- 
tries. They were even more offended that he was 
contesting the role of religious law in public life 
and traditional doctrines about Muhammad's role 
as a prophet-ruler. They accused Abd al-Raziq 
of undermining Islam with European ideas, for 
which he paid a high price: A council of al-Azhar 
religious scholars condemned his book, stripped 
him of his degree, and dismissed him from judi- 
cial office. He continued to write but stayed out ol 
public affairs for the rest of his life. 

See also Abduh, Muhammad; government, 
Islamic; secularism. 

Further reading: Hamid Enayat, Modern Islamic Politi- 
cal Thought (Auslin: University of Texas Press, 1982); 
Albert Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age , 
1798-1939 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 

Abd al-Wahhab, Muhammad ibn See 

Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Muhammad. 

Abduh, Muhammad (1849-1905) modern 
Islamic modernist thinker 

Muhammad Abduh was an Egyptian religious 
scholar, jurist, and leader of a major social reform 
movement in the Muslim world who advocated 
a modernist reinterpretation of Islam. Known as 
the “father of Islamic modernism,'' he was born in 
1849 to a modest family in the Egyptian delta. His 
early education involved traditional Quran mem- 
orization, although Abduh's natural inclinations 
tended toward Sufism. In 1877, he concluded 
his studies in religion, logic, and philosophy at 
al-Azhar University and began teaching there as 
a religious scholar. Simultaneously, he became 
interested in politics, publishing articles on politi- 
cal and social reform and joining the Egyptian 

6 ablution 

nationalist movement against British occupation 
of the country. This culminated in Abduhs partici- 
pation in the unsuccessful 1882 Urabi Revolt and 
his exile by the Egyptian khedive (ruler). 

A major influence in Abduhs life was Jamal 
al-Din al-Afghani, who had come to Cairo in 
1871. They worked closely together there and 
later in Paris, where in 1884 they organized a 
secret society and published al-Urwa al-Wuthqa 
(the strongest link), a newspaper promoting resis- 
tance to European expansionism through Mus- 
lims’ solidarity with one another and through 
the revival and reform of Islam. Both Abduh and 
al-Afghani saw stagnation and weakness in Islami- 
cate societies as rooted in the imitation ( taqlid ) 
of old traditions and called for the use of rational 
interpretation (ijtihad) to incorporate modern 
ideas into Islam. Abduh in particular saw many 
parallels between concepts in Islam and ideas 
associated with the European Enlightenment and 
drew on these for inspiration. He rejected, how- 
ever, a wholesale appropriation of western secular 
values, choosing instead the middle path of an 
enlightened Islam that valued the human intellect 
and modern sciences but revered the divine as the 
source of human morality. He presented his ideas 
on theology in a series of lectures given in Beirut 
that were later published as Risalcit al-tawhid (The 
Theology of Unity , 1942-1943). 

In 1888, Abduh returned to Cairo, focus- 
ing his energies on educational and institutional 
reform. After becoming the head (mufti) of the 
nation's sharia court system in 1899, he worked 
to liberalize interpretations of religious law. In this 
field, he was especially concerned with the status 
of women and advocated changes in family law 
and equal opportunities in education, but he was 
often countered by strong conservative forces. 

Muhammad Abduhs ideas were carried on 
by his associates long after his death. Muhammad 
Rashid Rida, a Syrian, published the reformist 
journal Al-Manar (the beacon), which they had 
started together, until his death in 1933. Qasim 
Amin (d. 1908) developed further the arguments 

for womens emancipation as integral to national 
development and a healthy Muslim society, and he 
became an inspiration to feminists in the region. 
Hasan al-Banna (d. 1949) would take the spirit of 
Abduhs activist Islamic ideology and apply it in 
the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood. Abduh 
died in 1905 near Alexandria, Egypt. 

See also education; Egypt; renewal and reform 
movements; Salafism; secularism. 

Michelle Zimney 

Further reading: Hamid Enayat, Modern Islamic Politi- 
cal Thought (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1982); 
Albert Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age t 
1798-1939 (London: Oxford University Press, 1970); 
Malcolm H. Kerr, Islamic Reform: The Political and Legal 
Theories of Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida (Berke- 
ley: University of California Press, 1966). 


Ablution involves the ritual cleansing of the 
body with pure water in preparation for perfor- 
mance of other acts of worship. Although there 
are minor differences of opinion among Islamic 
legal schools, Islamic law generally stipulates two 
kinds of ablution. One, called ghusl, requires an 
expression of intention, followed by a cleansing 
of the entire body. It must be performed after 
sexual activity, menstruation, and childbirth; it 
is also performed on the body of a dead person 
to prepare it for funerary prayer and burial. The 
second kind of ablution, wudu, involves a partial 
cleansing starting with an expression of intention, 
followed by washing of the face, hands up to the 
elbows, head, and feet. It may also involve wash- 
ing the ears and nostrils and rinsing the mouth. 
This method is believed to purify the body after 
urination and defecation, touching the genitals, 
sleep, and other activities. Ablution may be per- 
formed at home or at the MOSQUE, which has 
special facilities for this purpose. The numerous 
communal bathhouses that characterized medi- 

abortion 7 

eval Islamicate cities also helped to meet this 
need. In the absence of water, Islamic law allows 
for the performance of ‘’dry ablution" with sand 
or a similar substance. Only the hands and face 
are cleansed if this is the case. Failure to perform 
the proper ablution prohibits a person from per- 
forming prayer, entering a mosque, touching the 
Quran, or visiting the Kaaba in Mecca. 

See also funerary rituals. 

Further reading: Laleh Bakhtiyar, Encyclopedia of 
Islamic Law: A Compendium of the Major Schools (Chi- 
cago: ABC International Group, 1996), 20-61; Marion 
Holmes Katz, Body oj Text: The Emergence oj the Sunni 
Law of Ritual Purity (Albany: State University of New 
York Press, 2002); Arthur Jeffrey, Reader on Islam (The 
Hague: Mouton & Company, 1962), 464-470. 


Abortion is a human intervention to end a preg- 
nancy prior to birth. Although people living 
in many different societies throughout history 
have practiced it, abortion has caused consider- 
able reflection and debate about its ethical, legal, 
religious, social, economic, as well as medical 
implications. Decisions about abortion involve 
interrelationships between the woman and her 
fetus, the woman and her mate or husband, and 
the wider society — including religious, legal, and 
medical authorities. At the center of the debate 
are life and DEATH questions that no individual or 
society takes lightly. 

Muslim religious and legal experts have been 
involved in discussions about abortion since the 
11th century, and they have expressed different 
points of view on the subject. They often turn 
to teachings found in the Quran and hadith that 
emphasize the sacrcdness of human life, such as 
those that deal with mans creation with a soul 
( ruh ) from God (Q 15:29, 32:9), the development 
of the fetus (Q 23:12-14), and condemnations of 
murder and the killing of ones own offspring (Q 
17:33, 6:151, 81:8-9). Most schools of Islamic law 

make a distinction between the first 120 days, 
when abortion is allowed for a valid reason (for 
example, to save the life of the mother or a nurs- 
ing child), and the remainder of the pregnancy, 
when it is believed that the fetus has received 
its soul and gains legal status as a person. Abor- 
tion thereafter is generally prohibited, unless the 
mothers health is threatened, since her welfare 
has precedence over that of the fetus. This is espe- 
cially true for those who follow the recommenda- 
tions of the Hanafi Legal School. On the other 
hand, most jurists of the Maliki Legal School 
believe that ensoulment occurs at the moment of 
conception, and they tend to forbid abortion at 
any point, which puts this school's position closer 
to that of the Roman Catholic Church. The other 
schools hold intermediate positions. The penalty 
prescribed for an illegal abortion varies according 
to the particular circumstances involved. Accord- 
ing to the SHARIA, it should be limited to a fine 
that is paid to the father or heirs of the fetus. 
According to Islamic theology, there may also be 
punishment in the afterlife. 

There are no accurate statistics concerning 
actual abortion rates among Muslims. Most Mus- 
lim countries, which often have high birth rates, 
fall among the group of developing nations, where 
an estimated 78 percent of the world's abortions 
arc performed. The Muslim countries with the 
most liberal abortion laws for women are Iran, 
Tunisia, and Turkey. In accordance with the sharia, 
it is allowed in special circumstances in most other 
Muslim countries, especially when the health of 
the mother or a nursing child is involved. 

See also Adam and Eve; birth control and 
family planning; children; soul and spirit. 

Further reading: Jonathan E. Brockopp, ed., Islamic 
Ethics of Life: Abortion , War, ; and Euthanasia (Columbia: 
University of South Carolina Press, 2003); especially 
the chapters by Marion Holmes Katz, Donna Lee 
Bowen, and Vardit Rispler-Chaim; Basim F. Musallam, 
Sex and Society in Islam (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni- 
versity Press. 1983). 

' Css ^ 8 Abou El Fadl, Khaled 

Abou El Fadl, Khaled (1963- ) leading 
scholar of Islamic law, religious reformer, and human 
rights advocate living in the United States 
Khaled Abou El Fadl was born in Kuwait in 1963 
and was raised in both Kuwait and Egypt. In his 
youth, he was attracted to the strict, literalist ten- 
dency in contemporary Islam, but as he matured 
he came to understand his religion in a less literal 
way. He credits his parents for helping him to do 
this. He went to the United States to attend college 
in 1982 and obtained a bachelors degree at Vale 
University in 1986, then a law degree from the 
University of Pennsylvania (1989), and a doctor- 
ate in Islamic studies from Princeton University 
(1999). He has taught on the faculty of law at the 
University of California, Los Angeles, since 1998 
and lectures frequently to audiences in the United 
States and abroad. 

Abou El Fadl is an outspoken critic of terror- 
ism and the puritanical Wahhabi understanding 
of Islam that is promoted by an influential party 
of Muslim religious authorities in Saudi Arabia 
and other countries, including the United States 
and Europe. His views became known to a wider 
public in the United States after the September 
1 1 , 2001 , attacks on the World Trade Center and 
the Pentagon through newspaper editorials, pub- 
lications, and speeches. He condemns religious 
fanaticism and supports religious and cultural 
pluralism, democratic values, and womens rights. 
His Muslim opponents accuse him of being a 
tool of the West, serving the interests of Islam's 
enemies. What makes Abou El Fadls ideas so 
powerful, however, is that he supports many of 
his opinions with an encyclopedic knowledge of 
the Quran and the sharia, enhanced further by his 
training in the secular Western legal tradition. His 
California home contains thousands of volumes 
and manuscripts, including many classics on 
Islamic subjects, which inspired the essays in his 
Conference of the Books: The Search for Beauty in 
Islam. For him, the search for the truth, or God's 
law, is an ongoing endeavor, one that involves rea- 
soned argument, the weighing of different points 

of view, and placement of quranic command- 
ments in their appropriate historical context. 
Abou El Fadl boldly maintains that this method 
has been a norm in classical Islamic thought but 
has been violated by religious fanatics, who base 
their views on blind imitation and superficial, 
erroneous interpretations of God's will. In doing 
this, Abou El Fadl is claiming a place for himself 
squarely within the reformist tradition in modern 
Islam. “A careful and reflective synthesis," he 
writes, “must be worked out between modernity 
and tradition " (And God Knows the Soldiers , p. 
1 15). Through his writings and his public service 
on behalf of human rights, he is impacting both 
American civil society and Muslim immigrant 
communities. What remains to be seen is whether 
he and other progressively minded Muslims will 
be able to have a profound affect abroad in Mus- 
lim-majority countries. 

See also renewal and reform movements; 
Salafism; secularism; United States; Wahhabism. 

Further reading: Khaled M. Abou El Fadl, And God 
Knows the Soldiers: The Authoritative and Authoritarian 
in Islamic Discourses (Lanham, Md.: University Press of 
America, 2001); Khaled M. Abou El Fadl, Conference 
of the Books: The Search for Beauty in Islam (Lanham, 
Md.: University Press of America, 2001); Omid Safi, ed., 
Progressive Muslims: On Justice, Gender, and Pluralism 
(Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 2003). 

Abraham (Arabic: Ibrahim) one of the leading 
Muslim prophets, believed to be the ancestral founder 
of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam 
One of the most important figures in Islamic 
sacred history is Abraham, who is considered a 
patriarchal figure, a close “friend ' of God, and, 
above all, a prophet and founder of the Kaaba in 
Mecca. Western scholars disagree about when 
the historic Abraham may have lived — some 
say as early as 2000 b.c.e., others say up to a 
thousand years later (ca. 1000 b.c.e.). Muslim 
understandings of Abraham drew significantly 

Abu Bakr 9 

from stories found in the book of Genesis in the 
Bible and related accounts that were circulating 
among Jews and Christians in the Middle East 
during the seventh century c.E. These accounts 
were then adapted to the Arab Muslim environ- 
ment, as first shown in the Quran. The fact that 
Muslims as well as Jews and Christians look to 
Abraham as an ancestral figure for their respec- 
tive religions has led some people to call all three 
religions Abrahamic and their followers “children 
of Abraham.” 

Abraham is mentioned in the Quran more 
than any other prophet except for Moses. As in the 
Bible, he is portrayed as an opponent of idolatry 
(Q 6:74-84), a person who converses with God 
and the angels (Q 11:69-76), the father of Ish- 
mael (Arabic: Ismail, Q 2:133) and Isaac (Arabic: 
Ishaq, Q 37:112), a founder of sacred places (Q 
2:125-127), and a pious man who was prepared 
to sacrifice his son at Gods command (Q 37:99- 
111). Islamic traditions emphasize his role as the 
builder of the ancient Kaaba and his connection 
with many of the hajj rituals. His wife, Hagar, and 
their son Ishmacl are associated with the well of 
Zamzam in the Sacred Mosque and the ritual “run- 
ning" between the hills of Safa and Marwa. One 
of the most important memorials in the Sacred 
Mosque's courtyard is the Station of Abraham, 
where it is believed he stood while building the 
Kaaba. Muslims commemorate the attempted sac- 
rifice of his son every year during the Id al-Adha 
(F east of the Sacrifice), which closes the hajj sea- 
son. The Quran docs not say which of Abrahams 
two sons he intended to sacrifice, but the consen- 
sus reached among Muslims is that it was lshmael. 
In Judaism, it is believed to have been his other 
son, Isaac. Abraham is thought to have been bur- 
ied in the West Bank town of Hebron, which is 
called al-Khalil in Arabic in memory of Abraham’s 
reputation as “the friend" of God (sec Q 4:125). 
His tomb there is a place of worship for both Jews 
and Muslims, but it has become a flashpoint for 
confrontations between members of these com- 
munities in modern times. 

See also Judaism and Islam; prophets and 

Further reading: Reuven Firestone, Journeys in Holy 
Lands: The Evolution of the Abrahatn-Ishtnael Legends 
(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990); 
Gordon Darnell Newby, The Making of the Last Prophet: 
A Reconstruction of the Earliest Biography of Muhammad 
(Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1989). 

Abu Bakr (573-634) first of four Sunni “rightly 
guided” caliphs to rule the early Muslim community 
after Muhammad's death in 632 
Abu Bakr, the close companion and father-in-law 
of Muhammad, was elected the first caliph of the 
Muslim community when Muhammad died in 
632. Sunni Muslims regard him as one of the 
four “rightly guided" caliphs, along with Umar 
ibn al-Khattab (r. 634-644), Uthman ibn Affan 
(r. 644-655), and Ali ibn Abi Talib (r. 656-661). 
A native of Mecca, Abu Bakr was a member of 
a branch of the Quraysh tribe and made a living 
as a merchant. He is remembered as the first of 
Muhammad's associates (excluding family mem- 
bers) to convert to Islam, and he helped protect 
Muhammad when he departed on the Hijra to 
Medina in 622. His nickname was al-Siddiq (the 
truthful) because he was the first to confirm 
the reality of Muhammad's Night Journey and 
Ascent. Abu Bakr was Muhammad's main adviser, 
and he joined him in all his subsequent battles. 
His daughter Aisha married Muhammad and 
became his most important wife. When Muham- 
mad died, Abu Bakr was the candidate favored by 
the powerful Quraysh and other Emigrants from 
Mecca to become the Prophet's successor (caliph), 
against Ali, who was favored by the Ansar of 
Medina. Ali and his supporters, however, pledged 
allegiance to Abu Bakr without conflict. In what 
were called the “wars of apostasy," Abu Bakr was 
soon forced to suppress rebellions by tribes in 
outlying regions of the Arabian Peninsula that had 
refused to pay alms ( zakat ), or had turned away 

^ 10 Abu Hanifa 

from Islam to follow rival prophets. After success- 
fully prosecuting these wars, he authorized the 
sending of Muslim and Arab tribal armies into 
Syria and Iraq, thus inaugurating the first Muslim 
conquests outside the Arabian Peninsula. The first 
collection of the Quran in written form was also 
initiated at his order. 

See also authority; caliphate; fitna. 

Further reading: Hugh Kennedy, The Prophet and the 
Age oj the Caliphates (London: Longman, 1985); Wil- 
ferd Madelung, The Succession to Muhammad: A Study of 
the Early Caliphate (Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press, 1997). 

Abu Hanifa See Hanafi Legal School. 

Abu Zayd, Nasr Hamid (1943- ) 

influential Egyptian intellectual who was forced 
to leave his native Egypt because of his secularist 
approach to interpreting the Quran and other 
Islamic texts 

Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd was born in a small village 
near Tanta, a city in Egypt's Nile Delta. His father 
was a grocer, and his mother was the daughter of 
a professional Quran reciter. He graduated from 
technical school in I960 and worked as an electri- 
cian in a government ministry. In 1968, he moved 
to Cairo and enrolled at Cairo University, where 
he obtained a B.A. degree in Arabic language and 
literature four years later. He earned a masters 
degree and a doctorate (1980) in Islamic studies 
from the same institution. Abu Zayd's master's 
thesis was on the Mutazili interpretation of the 
Quran, and his doctoral dissertation was about the 
famous Sufi Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-Arabi (d. 1240) 
and his mystical interpretations of the Quran. His 
first academic appointment was to the Depart- 
ment of Arabic Studies at Cairo University. His 
published works deal with the modern interpreta- 
tions of the Quran, Islamic law, Ibn al-Arabi, and 
womens rights. He has studied and taught in the 

United States, Japan, and the Netherlands, where 
he has been a professor of Arabic and Islamic 
studies at Leiden University since 1995. 

The main reason Abu Zayd left Egypt in 1995 
was that his secular theories about how to inter- 
pret sacred Islamic texts upset influential Muslim 
conservatives who then caused such a public 
uproar in the media that he felt his life was in dan- 
ger. His fears were justified, because Farag Foda, a 
leading critic of political Islam in Egypt, had been 
assassinated in 1992 because of his views, and 
Egyptian Nobel Prize laureate Naguib Mahfouz 
had barely escaped a fatal stabbing in 1994. Abu 
Zayd's trouble began in 1992, when he submitted 
his publications to a tenure review committee at 
Cairo University. Despite very positive evalua- 
tions, the committee recommended that he not be 
granted tenure, which sparked a national debate 
over academic freedom and defending Islam and 
Egypt from the threat of secular values. An influ- 
ential member of the tenure committee, who also 
preached at a major mosque in Old Cairo, accused 
Abu Zayd of “intellectual terrorism” and said that 
his works were a “Marxist-secularist attempt to 
destroy Egypt's society" (Najjar, 179). Aside from 
minor technical flaws, what really upset Abu 
Zayd's critics was his liberal secularist approach 
to reading Islamic literature. He argued that in the 
modern period Muslim extremists and authoritar- 
ians promoted misguided understandings about 
Islam as eternal truths that cannot be disputed. He 
concluded that such notions were self-serving and 
did not stand up to the light of rational analysis. 
A small group of closed-minded zealots, therefore, 
were preventing foundational Islamic texts such 
as the Quran and hadith from being debated and 
understood in terms of context, historical change, 
and universal values. In an unprecedented action, 
Abu Zayd's opponents took his case to court and 
were able to convince the Cairo Appeals Court, 
backed by the Egyptian Supreme Court, to rule 
that he was an apostate (a Muslim who had aban- 
doned his religion), and because of this he could 
no longer remain married to his wife, Ibtihal. 


Faced with death threats, forced separation from 
his wife, and the lack of support from Egyptian 
civil authorities, he and his wife left the country 
to live in exile. 

See also Mutazili School; secularism. 

Further reading: Fauzi M. Najjar. "Islamic Fundamen- 
talism and the Intellectuals: The Case of Nasr Hamid 
Ahu Zayd.” British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 27 
(2000): 177-200; Nasr Abu Zaid and Esther R. Nelson, 
Voice of an Exile: Reflections on Islam (Westport, Conn.: 
Pracger, 2004). 


Adah is an Arabic word for refined behavior and 
good manners that are to be practiced daily. It is 
also used for areas of knowledge that are today 
called the humanities, especially literature written 
in eloquent prose. Both as a code of moral instruc- 
tions and as a body of knowledge expressed 
through literature, adab has been significantly 
shaped by the Quran and the sunna of Muham- 
mad, but it has also absorbed local codes of behav- 
ior and non-lslamic traditions of learning based in 
urban social settings. The traditional masters of 
adab were Muslim religious scholars, mystics, and 
educated elites who served the rulers of Islamicate 
lands from Spain and North Africa to Southeast 
Asia, especially between the eighth century and 

the 20th. 

Although mastery of the skills necessary for 
understanding and producing eloquently written 
literature was available only to a select minority, 
training in manners and morals was a life-long 
process that all members of society were expected 
to engage in, beginning with childhood education 
and continuing with individual self-discipline 
in adulthood. In premodern Islamicate societ- 
ies, there were written codes of adab for specific 
groups, such as the ULAMA, rulers, nobles, bureau- 
crats and secretaries, judges, Sufis, tradesmen and 
artisans, and even musicians. From the general 
religious perspective of Islam, there are also rules 

of good conduct that are applicable to all believ- 
ers. The Quran and the sunna of Muhammad con- 
tain these rules, which involve ordinary activities 
such as eating, dress, grooming, speaking, visita- 
tion, and hospitality. Muslim theologians and phi- 
losophers saw adab as an etiquette or discipline 
that could help purify the individual's God-given, 
rational soul by strengthening inner virtues and 
controlling or even eliminating wrongful behav- 
ior such as lying and cheating. Moreover, they 
thought adab could curb worldly passions, for 
example, sexual desire, greed, anger, jealousy, 
gluttony, and stinginess. One of the leading medi- 
eval theologians, al-Ghazali (d. 1111), linked adab 
to the Five Pillars of Islam (which involve an 
etiquette for human behavior toward God), Sufi 
practices, and the attainment of eternal bliss in 

Adab is also used as a name for a large and 
diverse body of literary works that both conveys 
information and demonstrates the creative elo- 
quence of the written word in order to transmit 
cultural values and entertain readers. It includes 
books of history, geography, travel, BIOGRAPHY, 
poetry, and interesting information about people 
and natural phenomena. In the early centuries of 
Islam, much of this literature was written in Ara- 
bic and drew upon the styles of expression found 
in the Quran and hadith. But ancient Greek and 
Persian learning also inspired and was at home 
wherever Islamicate civilization flourished. One 
of the most important contributors to this body of 
writings was al-Jahiz (d. 869), who may have com- 
posed as many as 200 books and essays on a wide 
range of topics, including animal lore, singing 
girls, misers, politics, philosophy, and religion. 

See also Arabic language and literature; 
education; Ghazali, Abu Hamid al-; morality and 
ethics; Sufism. 

Further reading: Roger Allen. The Arabic Literary Heri- 
tage: The Development of Its Genres and Criticism (Cam- 
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998); Barbara 
Daily Metcalf, ed.. Moral Conduct and Authority: The 

' Css ^ 1 2 Adam and Eve 

Place oj Adab in South Asian Islam (Berkeley: University 
of California Press, 1984). 

Adam and Eve ancestral parents of all human 
beings according to Islamic belief 
Muslim understandings of Adam and Eve, the 
first human beings, are based on the Quran, the 
HADITH, and other religious texts. Muslims also 
regard Adam as the first of a series of prophets 
that ends with Muhammad. Biblical and later Jew- 
ish and Christian stories about Adam and Eve 
were already familiar to Arab peoples at the time 
Islam began in the seventh century, and these 
stories continued to develop in their new Arabic- 
Islamic setting thereafter. 

According to the Quran, God created Adam 
from clay (Q 7:12) and gave him life by filling 
him with his spirit (ruh t Q 15:29). God appointed 
him to be his deputy (caliph) on Earth, to which 
the angels objected because of their fear that he 
would cause trouble and bloodshed (Q 2:30). God 
had Adam prove his superiority to them by teach- 
ing him the names of everything (Q 2:30-32). 
The angels finally bowed down to Adam, except 
Satan, whom God expelled from heaven for his 
disobedience (Q 2:34, 7:11-18). The Quran docs 
not mention Eve (Hawwa) by name, but it docs 
talk about Adams ‘’wife" (Q 20:117). She was 
created from Adam (Muslim commentators say 
from his rib), and they lived blissfully together in 
PARADISE, where they were allowed to eat whatever 
they wished except from the tree of immortality 
(Q 7:189, 2:35, 20:120). Muslim commentators 
speculate that this may have been a fig tree, a grape 
vine, or even wheat. Both Adam and Eve violated 
God's taboo after being misled by Satan (not a ser- 
pent), thus committing the first sin. For punish- 
ment, they were expelled from paradise and sent 
down to Earth, where they and their descendants 
were to live, die, and be resurrected (Q 7:20-25, 
20:121-123, 2:36). Despite this punishment, Mus- 
lims do not hold to a doctrine of original sin, 
which many Christian denominations in the West 

believe humans have inherited from Adam and 
Eve. Rather, Islamic tradition holds that God for- 
gave Adam, allowing him to repent and providing 
him guidance toward salvation (Q 2:37-38). 

After the Fall, according to Islamic tradition, 
Adam landed on Mount Nawdh in India (or Sri 
Lanka), where he initiated the first crafts; Eve 
landed in Jidda, Arabia. Some say that the city of 
Jidda, which means “grandmother,” was actually 
named in memory of Eve. Adam and his wife were 
reunited when the angel Gabriel brought Adam to 
Mecca for the first time to perform the hajj. As in 
the Bible, Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel, and Cain 
later murdered his brother out of jealousy because 
God accepted Abels sacrifice and not his own 
(Q 5:27-32). Legendary accounts say that Adam 
and Eve gave birth to 20 sets of girl-boy twins, 
from which all the worlds peoples are descended. 
According to Shii tradition, Adam and Eve were 
given a premonition of the martyrdom of their 
descendant HUSAYN IBN Au (d. 680), the prophet 
Muhammad's grandson, and they were the first to 
express grief on his behalf. Sufis and others, on the 
other hand, have looked to when, prior to their 
existence, the children of Adam were brought forth 
from his loins to testify to God as their lord (sec Q 
7:171). This was intended to show that worship of 
one true God was inherent in human nature. 

See also Allah; angel; prophets and prophesy; 


Further reading: M. J. Kister, “Adam: A Study of Some 
Legends in Tafsir and Hadith Literature. " Israel Oriental 
Studies (1993): 113-174; Gordon Darnell Newby, The 
Making of the Last Prophet: A Reconstruction of the Earli- 
est Biography of Muhammad (Columbia: University of 
South Carolina Press, 1989). 


adhati (Arabic; also azew) 

Adhan, the Islamic call to prayer, is recited in 
Arabic before each of the five daily prayers from 

adultery 13 

a MOSQUE. According to traditional accounts, it 
was first performed by Bilal, one of Muhammad's 
companions, after the Hijra to Medina in 622 c.E. 
The man who performs the call to prayer is called 
a muadhdhin (muezzin), and he should stand fac- 
ing the qibla (toward Mecca) when he does so. 
Muslims are expected to perform their prayers 
when they hear the adhan. Although the call to 
prayer may sound melodic, many Muslims object 
to it being called musical because of its religious 

For Sunni Muslims, the following phrases are 
chanted (with minor variations in the number of 

1. Allahu akbar (repeated four times) “God 
is great”; 

2. Ashhadu an la ilaha ilia Allah (repeated 
twice) “1 witness that there is no god but 

3. Ashhadu anna Muhammadan rasul Allah 
(repeated twice) “1 witness that Muham- 
mad is the prophet of God"; 

4. Hayya ala s-salah (repeated twice) “Come 
to prayer”; 

3. Hayya ala l-falah (repeated twice) “Come 
to safety and prosperity"; 

6. Allahu akbar (repeated twice) “God is 

7. La ilaha ilia Allah “There is no god but 

The adhan for the morning prayer adds the follow- 
ing after part 5: as-salatu khayrun min an-nawm 
(repeated twice) “Prayer is better than sleep." 

For Twelve-Imam Shiism, the call to prayer can 
differ slightly with the addition of ashhadu anna 
Aliyan vvaliyu Allah (“I witness that Ali is the 
friend of God") after part 3, and hayya ala khayr 
al-amal (“Come to the best of actions," repeated 
twice) after part 5. 

Traditionally, the muezzin chanted the adhan 
from the mosque minaret, but today he can do 
it from the mosque floor using loudspeakers. It 
is not unusual in Muslim cities to hear the adhan 

coming noisily from several mosques in the same 
neighborhood, each chanted in a different style. In 
cities where Muslims are a minority, it may have 
to be performed quietly or inside the mosque. The 
call to prayer is also performed on radio and tele- 
vision in Muslim countries, and it can sometimes 
be heard on radio stations in the United States. 
The adhan may also be chanted softly into the ear 
of a newborn child, welcoming her or him into 
the wider Muslim community. 

See also music; shahada; Sunnism. 

Further reading: Hammudah Abd al-Ati, Islam in Focus 
(Beltsville, Md.: Amana Publications, 1998); Scott L. 
Marcus, Music in Egypt: Experiencing Music , Express- 
ing Culture (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007); 
Likayat A. Takim, “From Bicla to Sunna: The Wilaya of 
Ali in the Shii Adhan." Journal of the American Oriental 
Society 120 (2000): 166-177. 


Sexual intercourse with someone other than one's 
marriage partner is called zinc* (adultery) in 
Arabic. In the sharia zina encompasses not only 
adultery but any sexual act among two people 
who arc not married to each other. Pre-lslamic 
Arabian society may have considered zina as one 
of several acceptable forms of marriage, but Islam 
brought an end to these multiple forms. For men, 
the only exception to zina concerns sexual inter- 
course with the female slaves under their owner- 
ship, which is allowable (although not common 
practice today). 

Adultery is a grave offense in Islam, as it 
undermines the basic foundation of Muslim soci- 
etal organization — the legal contract of marriage 
by which two partners are bound to each other 
exclusively by clearly delimited rights and obliga- 
tions. Among these rights and duties is exclusive 
sexual access to ones spouse, so as to prevent pro- 
miscuity and social disorder. The Quran includes 
numerous references on the subject, most notably 
Q 24:2, which pronounces the fixed hadd punish- 

14 Afghani, Jamal al-Din al- 

ment of 100 lashes for adulterers. Some HADITH 
accounts go on to specify that this punishment is 
reserved for unmarried adulterers, while married 
adulterers are to be stoned to death. The Quran 
(Q 4:15) insists that four eye witnesses must 
confirm the act of adultery in order to execute 
punishment, since unsubstantiated accusations 
of adultery are an almost equally grave matter. 
The Quran (Q 24:4) states that anyone who insti- 
gates a charge of adultery without the required 
evidence of four witnesses is punishable by 80 
lashes. Because of these stringent requirements of 
proof, punishment for adultery is rarely executed, 
although Muslim authorities have tried to enforce 
it in some modern Muslim countries. 

See also crime and punishment; divorce; slav- 
ery; WOMEN. 

Aysha A. Hidayatullah 

Further reading: Leila Ahmed, Women and Gender in 
Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate (New Haven, 
Conn.: Yale University Press, 1992); Abdelwahab Bouh- 
diba, Sexuality in Islam. Translated by Alan Sheridan 
(London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985); Noel J. 
Couslon, “Regulation of Sexual Behavior under Tradi- 
tional Islamic Law.” In Society and the Sexes in Medieval 
Islam, edited by Afaf Lufti al-Sayyid-Marsot (Malibu, 
Calif.: Undena, 1979). 

Afghani, Jamal al-Din al- (1838-1897) 
leading advocate for Islamic revivalism and Muslim 
solidarity against European imperialism in the 
1 9th century 

Some uncertainty surrounds the origins of Muslim 
writer, philosopher, and political activist Jamal 
al-Din al-Afghani, whose name indicates he was 
from Afghanistan but whose real homeland most 
scholars identify as Persia, or modern-day Iran. 
Born into a Shii family of sayyids (descendants of 
Muhammad), al-Afghani spent his life traveling and 
teaching in India, the Middle East, and Europe. 
His main objective was to inspire and organize 

a pan-Islamic movement to strengthen Muslims' 
resistance to the expansion of European, specifi- 
cally British, power around the world. Among his 
many prominent disciples were Muhammad Abduh 
( d. 1905), with whom he published a newspaper 
( al-Urwa al-Wuthqa, strongest link) in 1884, and 
Saad Zaghloul (d. 1927), who later led Egypt's 
independence movement. His major work was a 
treatise on the role of reason in understanding 
divine revelation titled al-Radd ala al-Dahiriyyin 
(Reply to the materialists). Many consider him the 
father of Muslim nationalism. 

Al-Afghani's early education in Iran was in 
THEOLOGY and Islamic philosophy, particularly that 
of Abu Ali al-Hussein Ibn Sina (Latin: Avicenna, d. 
1037)). As a youth, he studied modern sciences 
and MATHEMATICS in India, where he witnessed 
firsthand the detrimental political and social 
effects of British imperialism. This contributed to 
his view that Muslims needed to band together 
to defend themselves. Muslim solidarity and a 
revitalized Islam, one that integrated the best of 
technology and science with traditional Islamic 
values, were essential if Muslims were to regain 
control of their lands. He enthusiastically pro- 
moted a role for rational interpretation (ijtihad) in 
understanding Islam, a position he debated with 
European intellectuals, such as Ernest Renan (d. 
1892), and Muslim clerics alike. 

Al-Afghani's career took him to many coun- 
tries and into the service of many Muslim gov- 
ernments, including the Ottoman sultan Abd 
al-Hamid (r. 1806-1909) and Persia's Shah Nasir 
al-Din (r. 1848-96). However, this did not keep 
him from directing his criticisms at his patrons, 
whom he saw as extensions or at least facilita- 
tors of European influence in the Middle East. 
He advocated constitutionalism as a way to check 
autocratic power, criticized the Tanzimat reforms 
in Turkey, and initiated the popular agitation that 
led to the Tobacco Protests of 1891-92 against 
British concessions in Persia. In 1896, Nasir 
al-Din was assassinated by one of al-Afghani's 
followers, leaving the latter to live out his days 

Afghanistan 1 5 

in Istanbul under the distrustful surveillance of 
the sultan. Al-Afghanis influence was seminal 
to the development of Muslim nationalism and 
Islamic modernism and to the lives of men such as 
Muhammad Abduh, Muhammad Rashid Rida (d. 
1935), Muhammad Iqbal (d. 1938), and Muham- 
mad Ali Jinnah (d. 1948), who would carry the 
Islamic reform movement forward in the 20th 

See also Constitutional Revolution; pan- 
Islamism; renewal and reform movements; 

Michelle Zimney 

Further reading: Albert Hourani, Arabic Thought in the 
Liberal Age , 1798-1939 (London: Oxford University 
Press, 1970); Nikki R Kcddie, An Islamic Response to 
Imperialism: Political and Religious Writings of Sayyid 
Jamal al-Din “al- Afghani" (Berkeley: University of Cali- 
fornia Press, 1983). 


Afghanistan is a mountainous landlocked coun- 
try with an area of 647,500 sq. km. (comparable 
in size to the state of Texas) and an estimated 
population of 32.7 million in 2008. It is situated 
on the frontier between the Middle East, Central 
Asia, and South Asia, with Iran on its western 
border and Pakistan on its eastern and southern 
borders. A large majority of its people are Sunni 
Muslim (80 percent), but there are also Shii Mus- 
lims (19 percent) and followers of other religions 
(1 percent). Religious life consists of a mixture of 
folk religion, Sufism, and formal Islamic doctrine 
and practice. Ethnic and tribal loyalties are often 
stronger than religious and national ones. The 
major ethnic groups are Pashtun (42 percent, also 
called Afghans), Tajik (27 percent), Hazara (9 
percent), and Uzbek (9 percent). Pushtu and Dari 
(the Afghani Persian dialect) are Afghanistan's 
official languages, but there are more than 30 lan- 
guages and dialects spoken there, most of which 

belong to the Indo-European and Turkic language 
families. Its major cities are Kabul (the capital), 
Qandahar, and Herat, but most of the population 
still lives in the countryside. 

Because of its location, the Afghanistan region 
has been a crossroads for peoples, merchandise, 
and empires for centuries. The Arab Muslim 
armies that arrived in the seventh century were 
following the routes used previously by Persian 
and Greek invaders, but none of these empires, 
or the nearly 20 empires and dynasties that came 
later, found Afghanistan easy to conquer and 
control. The Afghan peoples, though internally 
divided, tend to unite in fierce opposition to out- 
siders. Islamic rule was not secure there until the 
late 10th century, when it became the seat of the 
Ghaznavid dynasty (977-1163), which also gov- 
erned eastern Iran and launched a series of raids 
into northern India. Afghanistan then succumbed 
to invasions by Turks and Mongols during the 
13th and 14th centuries. The country's strategic 
location continued to make it a focal point of 
conflict between Muslim rulers in Iran and India 
from the 15th to 18th centuries and a target for 
the imperial ambitions of Russia and Great Brit- 
ain in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Despite 
its turbulent history, medieval Afghanistan saw 
moments of significant religious and cultural 
achievement, reflected in its role in the exten- 
sion of Islamicate architectural forms to India 
and sponsorship of Firdowsis Persian epic, the 
Shahnama (ca. 980), and the scientific writings 
of Abu Rayhan al-Biruni (973-1048). In addition 
to being the base from which Muslims invaded 
northern India, Afghanistan was the birthplace 
of several important Sufi masters, including Ibra- 
him ibn Adham (d. 778) and Jalal al-Din Rumi 
( 1207-73), and it witnessed the emergence of two 
of the most important Sufi orders: the Chishti Sufi 
Order and the Naqshbandi Sufi Order. 

Afghanistan became a modern independent 
country in 1919 and evolved into a constitu- 
tional monarchy under the influence of the Soviet 
Union. After fighting off an armed Soviet invasion 


1 6 Afghan mujahidin 

in 1979-89, the country was torn by a lengthy 
civil war. Both of these conflicts contributed to 
the growth of heavily armed guerrilla militias and 
forced 6 million Afghans to become refugees in 
neighboring countries. The civil war ended with 
the establishment of the extremist Islamic govern- 
ment of the Taliban in 1996. That government 
was infamous for its brutal treatment of women, 
persecution of religious minorities, and destruc- 
tion of the famed colossal images of the Buddha 
in Bamian (2001). The Taliban were removed by 
force in late 2001, when the United States led 
an international invasion and occupation of the 
country as a consequence of the war on terror it 
launched in the aftermath of the September 11, 
2001 attacks by the al-Qaida organization, which 
was headquartered in Afghanistan. A constitution- 
ally based transitional government with its capital 
in Kabul has since been created, but the new 
regime, known as the Transitional Islamic State 
of Afghanistan (TISA), faces enormous challenges 
to its legitimacy from powerful regional warlords, 
opium drug traffickers, and Muslim guerrilla 

See also Afghan mujahidin; constitutionalism; 
Persian language and literature. 

Further reading: Larry P. Goodson, Afghanistan's End- 
less War: State Failure , Regional Politics , and the Rise oj 
the Taliban (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 
2001); Ahmed Rasheed, Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil, and 
Fundamentalism in Central Asia (New Haven, Conn.: 
Yale University Press, 2001). 

Afghan mujahidin 

The Afghan mujahidin (warriors) are bands of 
Muslim guerrillas who fought against the Soviet 
occupation of Afghanistan in 1979-89 and then 
turned against each other in a bloody civil war 
that resulted in the creation of the Taliban regime 
in 1996. Informal Islamist parties began appearing 
in Afghanistan in the mid-1960s, at a time when 
the radical ideologies of Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966) 

and Abu al-Ala Mawdudi (d. 1979) were becom- 
ing a strong presence in neighboring Pakistan. 
Afghan Islamist parties at the time began adopting 
the call for JIHAD, which was central to Qutbs and 
Maududi's programs. It was only with the Soviet 
invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, however, that 
these calls were seriously heeded. 

Afghan resistance to the Soviet occupation com- 
prised many different elements, including national- 
ist parties, pro-China communists, and Islamists. It 
was the latter group, however, that dominated the 
fight to expel the Soviets. Based in Afghan refugee 
camps in Peshcwar, Pakistan, Islamist resistance 
groups, called the mujahidin, quickly began receiv- 
ing money and arms from Saudi Arabia and the 
United States. The dominant force among the 
Afghan resistance was the Hezb-e-Islami (Islamic 
Party), led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar (b. 1947?), 
one of the earliest and most conservative Afghani 
Islamist activists. Early disunity among as many as 
seven different Afghan mujahidin groups slowed 
the progress of the fight against the Soviets, but 
with foreign assistance, they were able to operate 
effectively on the battlefield. During this time, the 
Afghan mujahidin were treated favorably in the 
Western media as “freedom fighters.” 

The Afghan guerrillas were not alone in their 
fight against the Soviet occupation. Islamists from 
the entire Muslim world traveled to Afghanistan 
under the banner of Islam and jihad. Among these 
Islamists were Usama bin Ladin (Saudi Arabia), 
Ayman Zawahiri (Egypt), Umar Abd al-Rahman 
(Egypt), Abdullah Azzam (Palestine), and legions 
of young men from countries around the Mus- 
lim world. The resulting hybrid, transnational 
network of Islamists advocated an active jihad 
against foreign powers and a reconstruction of 
Afghanistan according to an extremely conserva- 
tive interpretation of Islam. Together, the Afghan 
and Arab mujahidin forced the Soviet withdrawal 
in 1989. Hekmatiyar's Hezb-e-lslami and Burhan- 
uddin Rabbanis Jamiat-i-lslami (Islamic Soci- 
ety, based in northern Afghanistan) emerged as 
the strongest mujahidin groups after the Soviet 

African Americans, Islam among 1 7 

defeat, but they ended up fighting against each 
other as well as other groups for control of the 
country. From bases in Pakistan and central and 
southern Afghanistan, the Taliban took advantage 
of this chaotic situation to make their own play 
for power in 1994-96. Mujahidin continues to be 
a term used by various armed factions that are 
contending for power and influence in the coun- 
try since the United States overthrew the Taliban 
regime in December 2001. 

See also jihad movements; mujahid ; Qaida, al-. 

Caleb Elfenbein 

Further reading: M. Hassan Kakar, Afghanistan: The 
Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response , 1979-1982 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995); Gillcs 
Kcpel, Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam (Cambridge, 
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2002); Ahmed Rashid, 
Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia (New 
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2002). 

Africa See Algeria; East Africa; Egypt; Libya; 
Morocco; Sudan; Tunisia; West Africa. 

African Americans, Islam among 

The first African American Muslims were slaves 
captured in West Africa in the 1700s and brought 
to the American colonies. The few accounts of 
them from the early decades of the United States 
indicate that the Muslims formed somewhat of 
an elite in the slave community, that many 
were literate, and that they became known for 
their resistance to the conditions in which they 
found themselves. They also resisted attempts by 
Christians to convert. There remains, however, 
little evidence to connect Islam within the slave 
community with a new Islamic movement that 
developed among African Americans in the urban 
north in the 20th century. 

A new phase for Islam among American blacks 
began in 1913, when Timothy Drew (1886-1929) 

assumed the name Noble Drew Ali and founded 
the Moorish Science Temple of America. This 
organization can best be seen as an attempt to 
adapt Muslim themes to the struggle of African 
Americans for a place of dignity and equality in 
American life. From his personal research, he 
concluded that American blacks were descendants 
of the Moors and that their true homeland was 
Morocco. He suggested that in the founding of 
the United States, the nationality, freedom, and 
religion of African Americans had been taken from 
them. Not having access to an English translation 
of the Quran, he adapted a Spiritualist text, the 
Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ, by Levi Dowling, 
and issued it as the movement's Quran. 

The Moorish Science Temple spread among 
African Americans through the 1930s but declined 
in the decades after World War II. The thrust it 
began, however, was picked up by a second orga- 
nization, the Nation of Islam, dated to 1930, and 
the activity of a mysterious man known as Wallace 
Fard Muhammad. He continued Noble Drew Ali s 
emphasis on African Americans having an African 
origin and developed an elaborate myth of the 
primal origin of black people. Leadership of the 
movement was soon assumed by Elijah Muham- 
mad (1897-1975), who steered it through some 
controversial years to great success in the 1960s, 
coinciding with the heyday of the Civil Rights 

As the Moorish Science Temple and the Nation 
of Islam were spreading, the Ahmadiyya movement 
in Islam sent representatives from India to begin 
proselytizing. Their greatest success proved to be 
among black Americans, who for a generation 
formed the largest community of African-Ameri- 
can Muslims. Also competing for the attention of 
blacks attracted to Islam was a movement formed 
by Shaykh Daoud, who came from Bermuda in 
the 1920s. 

The shape of the African-American Muslim 
community began a dramatic transformation in 
the 1970s. Following the change in U.S. immi- 
gration regulations in 1965, a number of Indo- 

1 8 African languages and literature 

Pakistani Muslims moved to the United States, 
many members of the Ahmadiyya movement, who 
served to reassert its identity as an international 
Muslim fellowship (while at the same time deal- 
ing with its rejection by other Pakistani Muslims 
as a heretical movement). 

The death of Elijah Muhammad led to fights 
over succession. While his son assumed leader- 
ship over the largest segment of the membership, 
a variety of smaller schismatic groups appeared. 
Their claim to being the true successor to Elijah 
Muhammad was strengthened when Warith Deen 
Muhammad (b. 1933) began to move the Nation 
of Islam toward Sunni Islam. That move had 
begun with one of the nations most prominent 
leaders, Malcolm X (1925-65), who had gone on 
the HAJJ and discovered how different the nations 
doctrines were. His advocacy of a move to ortho- 
doxy was among several factors that led to his 
assassination. In leading the Nation of Islam to 
orthodoxy, W. D. Muhammad changed the name 
of the nation several times and in the process lost 
his most capable lieutenant, Louis Farrakhan (b. 
1933), who moved to reconstitute the Nation of 
Islam as it was in the early 1970s. The movement 
led by W. D. Muhammad eventually disbanded 
as it completely aligned with the larger orthodox 

By the end of the 20th century, approximately 
30 percent of all the mosques in the United States 
were serving a predominantly African-American 
constituency. The number of mosques indicated 
the inroads made into the black community, long 
dominated by Baptist, Methodist, and Pente- 
costal Christian churches. It has gained an even 
greater level of acceptance from the conversion 
of some outstanding American athletes, such as 
Muhammad Ali (b. 1942) and Karem Abdul-Jab- 
bar (b. 1947), who adopted Muslim names as 
their careers soared. There are an estimated 4 to 
6 million African-American Muslims in America. 
Most attend mainstream Islamic mosques, though 
a significant minority adheres to the Ahmadiyya 
movement, the several schisms from the Nation 

of Islam (the largest led by Farrakhan), and other 
smaller sectarian groups. 

See also slavery; Sunnism. 

J. Gordon Melton 

Further reading: Steven Barboza, American Jihad: Islam 
after Malcolm X (New York: Image/Doubleday, 1994); 
Martha F. Lee, The Nation of Islam, an American Mil- 
lenarian Movement. Studies in Religion and Society 
(Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 1988); Richard 
Brent Turner, Islam in the African-American Experience 
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997). 

African languages and literature 

The variety of Islamic experiences in Africa can 
be seen in the diversity of languages and literature 
through which Islam has expressed itself. The 
most influential literary language has been Arabic. 
Culturally dominant in North Africa, Arabic has 
often been the language of religious instruction, 
devotional practices, and pious writings in sub- 
Saharan Africa as well. Arab geographers such as 
al-Bakri (d. 1094) and explorers such as ibn Bat- 
tuta (d. 1368) wrote the oldest existing descrip- 
tions of sub-Saharan Africa in Arabic. A couple of 
centuries after lbn Battuta's travels in West Africa, 
the earliest sub-Saharan chronicles were written 
in Arabic. During the 15th and 16th centuries, the 
ulama of Timbuktu produced original scholarly 
works in Arabic and copied great Islamic texts 
from North Africa and the Fertile Crescent in the 
same language. Religious scholars would continue 
to use Arabic as the language of instruction into 
the 19th century. 

In the realm of oral tradition, Muslims were 
more prone to compose and transmit works in the 
indigenous languages. Storytellers passed down 
epic tales in the vernacular for hundreds of years. 
The best known of these is the West African epic, 
Sundiata , which dates from the 13th century. In 
East Africa, the tradition of Swahili-language 
poetry developed in both oral and written forms. 

afterlife 1 9 

A tradition of oral poetry also arose in Somalia, 
through which poets discussed themes ranging 
from moral lessons to failed romance. The Somali 
“praise-singing" tradition provided an avenue 
through which women could participate, singing 
songs of praise dedicated to female saints. Other 
praise songs venerated holy men in languages 
such as Oromo and Amharic. Epic stories, praise 
songs, and poetry all combine Islamic and Afri- 
can cultural themes and contain examples of the 
different elements that create a uniquely African 
Islamic style. 

A larger number of works have been composed 
in the indigenous languages of African Islam dur- 
ing the modern era. Many languages were first 
written down during the 19th century, often in 
the Arabic script. The 19th-century JIHAD slates 
of West Africa produced a considerable amount 
of literature, much of it in the Fulfide and Hausa 
tongues, and 19th-century poetry frequently 
combined religious imagery with anticolonialist 
themes, as seen in the writings of the great Somali 
poet Mahammad Abdullah Hasan (d. 1921). Some 
oral works took longer to find written expression. 
For instance, Somali epic poems were first written 
down only in the 1970s. 

During the 20th century, African literature 
expanded in variety and scope, as the short 
story and the novel gained in popularity. Some 
of this literature was written in the languages 
of the colonizers (English and French) but nev- 
ertheless expressed anticolonial messages. One 
popular theme highlighted the tensions in Afri- 
can societies between SECULARISM, mysticism, and 
scripturalism. Allegorical tales contrasted expres- 
sions of pure Islam (often as practiced by simple 
characters) with the hypocrisy of stern religious 
figures. Other literature expressed mystical, secu- 
larist, socialist, and a variety of other perspectives 
within the African Muslim community. 

See also alphabet; Arabic language and lit- 
erature; East Africa; West Africa. 

Stephen Cory 

Further reading: Albert Gerard, African Language Lit- 
eratures (Washington. D.C.: Three Continents, 1981); 
Kenneth W. Harrow, ‘‘Islamic Literature in Africa." 
In The History of Islam in Africa, edited by Nehemia 
Levtzion and Randall L. Pouwels (Athens: Ohio Uni- 
versity Press, 2000); Kenneth W. Harrow, ed., Faces of 
Islam in African Literature (Portsmouth, N.H.: Heine- 
mann, 1991); John William Johnson, Thomas A. Hale, 
and Stephen Belcher, Oral Epics from Africa (Blooming- 
ton: Indiana University Press, 1997). 

afterlife (Arabic: al-akhira) 

Afterlife beliefs are concerned with the question 
of what happens to a person after physical death. 
This is one of the enduring subjects of Islamic 
belief and religious thought, which first devel- 
oped in the seventh century under the influence 
of native Arabian religion, Judaism, Christianity, 
and other Middle Eastern religions. On the basis 
of the Quran, hadith, and the teachings of reli- 
gious scholars, most Muslims believe that God 
determines when each person will be born and 
die and that on Judgment Day he will resurrect 
everyone in the body and judge each according to 
that persons beliefs and actions. He will reward 
good people with eternal life in PARADISE, where 
they will enjoy heavenly comforts and happiness. 
Evil people will be sent to the Fire, where they 
will endure horrible tortures and punishments. 
Eventually, many of the people of the Fire will be 
allowed to join the blessed in paradise. 

During the later Middle Ages, people specu- 
lated more about what happens in the time 
between death and resurrection. Popular beliefs 
about spirits of the dead combined with Muslim 
theological ideas, which resulted in the develop- 
ment of doctrines about an intermediate stage 
in the afterlife known as the barzakh, where the 
dead experience a preliminary judgment at the 
hands of the angels Munkar and Nakir and a 
preview of their rewards and punishments. The 
souls of martyrs who died in battle were believed 
to go directly to paradise during this time. Many 


20 Aga Khan 

Muslims also believed that the dead remained 
conscious in the tomb and that their spirits could 
move about in the world. This was especially 
true for the saints — holy men and women who 
could help people who sought their assistance. 
People claimed to communicate with them in 
their dreams, and many traveled to their tombs 
as pilgrims to win their blessings. Such beliefs 
are still widely held by Muslims today, although 
proponents of conservative and reformist under- 
standings of Islam argue that they have no basis in 
the Quran and the teachings of Muhammad. 

Sec also cemetery; funerary rites; interces- 
sion; martyrdom; saint; soul and spirit. 

Further reading: Juan Eduardo Campo, “Between the 
Prescribed and the Performed: Muslim Ways of Death." 
In Death and Religion in Contemporary Societies , edited 
by Kathleen Garces-Foley (Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 
2004); Jane 1. Smith and Yvonne Haddad, The Islamic 
Understanding of Death and Resurrection (Albany: State 
University of New York Press, 1981). 

Aga Khan (Agha Khan, Aqa Khan) 

Since the early 19th century, Aga Khan has been 
the honorific title used by the official leader (imam) 
of the Nizari Ismaili branch of Shii Islam. The 
title, which means “lord and master," is hereditary, 
and its holders claim to be direct descendants of 
the prophet Muhammad's family through Ali IBN 
Abi Talib (d. 661) and Fatima (d. 633) and their 
son Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 680). The liv- 
ing Aga Khan is considered by his followers to be 
pure and sinless, and he is their supreme religious 
authority. There can be only one Aga Khan at a 
time; the present one is Prince Karim al-Husayni, 
Aga Khan IV (b. 1936). His predecessors were 
Hasan Ali Shah (d. 1881), Ali Shah (d. 1885), and 
Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah (d. 1957). 

In 1846, Hasan Ali Shah broke with tradition 
and transferred his residence from Iran to Bombay, 
India. Here he received the recognition of British 
authorities as the legal head of the Ismaili com- 

munity in 1866, at a time when India was a British 
colony. However, it was Muhammad Shah, Aga 
Khan III, who really brought the Ismaili commu- 
nity into the modern era during his 72-year reign. 
Starting in the early 1900s, he reorganized Ismaili 
communities in South Asia, the Middle East, and 
East Africa. He encouraged them to publicly dis- 
tinguish themselves from other Muslims in terms 
of their beliefs and practices, instead of trying to 
conceal them, which had been their custom in 
order to avoid persecution. Using income from 
donations given by his followers and from world- 
wide business enterprises, he promoted religious 
tolerance and funded public health and social wel- 
fare projects for non-Muslims as well as Muslims, 
including education for women. Aga Khan III also 
supported the Indian independence movement 
and promoted the cause of world peace, serving as 
the president of the League of Nations in 1937. He 
spent his last years in Geneva, Switzerland, and 
was buried in Aswan, Egypt. 

Prince Karim al-Husayni, Aga Khan IV, has 
continued his grandfathers legacy of progressive 
reform and philanthropy. Unlike his predecessors, 
he received a Western education and obtained a 
degree from Harvard University in Islamic history 
in 1959. Since becoming the Aga Khan at the age 
of 20 in 1957, he has directed a vast economic 
network that, together with the Aga Khan Foun- 
dation (1967), has financed health, education, 
and rural development projects in South Asia, 
Central Asia, and East Africa, as well as the found- 
ing of the Institute for Ismaili Studies in London 
(1977) and Aga Khan University in Karachi, Paki- 
stan (1985). The Aga Khan Program for Islamic 
Architecture (based at Harvard University and the 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and the 
Aga Khan Award for Architecture have contrib- 
uted significantly to the study and preservation 
of the Islamicate architectural heritage around the 
world as well to the development of new design 
concepts based on Islamicate patterns. 

See also architecture; ahl al-bayt; East Africa; 
Ismaili Shiism; Zaydi Shiism. 

agriculture 21 

Further reading: Farhad Daftary, A Short History of the 
Ismailis (Princeton, N.J.: Marcus Wiener Publishers, 
1998); Willi Frischauer, The Aga Khans (London: The 
Bodlcy Head, 1970); Renata Holod and Dari Rastorfer. 
eds., Architecture and Community: Building in the Islamic 
World Today (New York: 1983). 


Agriculture is farming — cultivating the land to 
produce crops and raising and caring for livestock. 
Archaeologists have found the earliest known evi- 
dence for the domestication of plants and animals, 
which occurred before 8000 b.c.e., in mountainous 
areas of Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Palestine. Farm- 
ing, assisted by irrigation technology, contributed 
to the rise of the first cities in the river valleys of 

ancient Mesopotamia (Iraq) and Egypt by 3100 
B.C.E., and it shaped significantly the pre-lslamic 
religious beliefs and practices of these civilizations. 
Contrary to the stereotype of nomads traveling 
across vast deserts, during the era of medieval 
Islamicate civilization (seventh century to 17th 
century C.E.), settled agriculture was the real basis 
of the economy and remains so to this day in 
many countries where Muslims are a majority of 
the population. Moreover, cotton and many foods 
consumed today, such as rice, citrus fruits, sugar, 
and COFFEE, were introduced to Europe and the 
Americas via Islamicate lands in the Middle East, 
where they had been transplanted from Asia and 
Africa during the Middle Ages. 

The importance of agriculture in Islamicate 
societies is reflected in Islamic religion and reli- 

Vegetable market, Marrakesh, Morocco (Federico R. Campo) 


22 agriculture 

gious law. The Quran mentions that God is the 
source of water for plants that yield foods such as 
dates, grapes, olives, and pomegranates (Q 6:99), 
and that he has provided humans with animals 
whose fur supplies material for making houses 
and furnishings (Q 16:80-83). Also, according to 
the Quran, the paradise that awaits believers in the 
AFTERLIFE is described as a meadow or lush garden 
with fruit-laden trees and rivers flowing with 
water, milk, honey, and wine (Q 47:13). Of all the 
plants mentioned in the Quran, the date palm, 
which is emblematic of settled life, is the one that 
receives the most attention. It is considered a sign 
of God's generosity toward humans and is said to 
have provided Mary with shelter and nourishment 
while she was giving birth to Jesus (Q 19:23-25). 
In the decoration of mosques, illuminated book 
manuscripts, and Oriental carpets, Muslims have 
often used botanic and floral themes inspired 
not by wild plants and flowers but by cultivated 
ones. The animals Muslims sacrifice on religious 
holidays and other ritual occasions arc invariably 
domesticated livestock: sheep, goats, cattle, and 
camels. Until recently, the amount of income a per- 
son was required to pay in fulfillment of the zakat 
(almsgiving) duty in Islam was usually assessed 
in terms of the size of the harvest and number of 
heads of livestock owned. Also, according to the 
sharia, non-Muslim subjects were obliged to pay 
a special tax on their agricultural lands and crops, 
a requirement that later was extended to Muslim 
subjects, too. This was an important source of 
wealth for Islamic empires. 

By about 1 200, Arab farmers had accomplished 
what scholars have called a medieval agricultural 
revolution that changed the food cultures of the 
Middle East and later of Europe and the Americas. 
By introducing Eastern irrigation technologies, 
they enhanced the productivity of the land and 
brought new areas under cultivation in Iraq, Syria, 
Egypt, North Africa, Spain, and Sicily. At the same 
time, they brought new crops from Asia, such 
as citrus fruits, sugarcane, watermelon, bananas, 
rice, spinach, eggplants, and perhaps the hard 

wheat used in the making of semolina and pasta. 
Botanical gardens where plants could be studied 
probably assisted the introduction of these crops 
from Asia into new climates in the Mediterranean 
region. A significant body of medieval Arabic lit- 
erature on agricultural science was created in con- 
nection with these developments. The increased 
productivity of the land helped sustain population 
growth, which contributed to the rise of large 
medieval cities in the Middle East and Spain, such 
as Baghdad, Cairo, and Cordoba. 

Today, as a result of European colonization in 
the 19th and 20th centuries and the introduction 
of modern technologies, agriculture in Muslim 
lands has undergone a second revolution. New 
crops (for example, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, and 
tobacco) and hybrids are being grown, large dams 
and irrigation systems are being built, and farming 
is becoming more mechanized, although much 
human labor is still involved. The traditional agri- 
cultural economy has become very commercial- 
ized and is affected by global markets more than 
in the past. It is estimated that agriculture consti- 
tutes a significant part of the economy in about 34 
Muslim countries and that just under 50 percent 
of the world's Muslim population is involved in 
agricultural production, although the trend has 
been for people to migrate from rural areas to the 
cities. Asa reflection of how important agriculture 
is, many Muslim countries now have agricultural 
colleges and government ministries that oversee 
agriculture and irrigation. Agriculture in many 
of these countries is nevertheless facing many 
challenges. Although the Green Revolution in 
the 1960s helped prevent widespread famine as 
a result of rapid population growth, a number 
of countries in the Middle East and Africa have 
found that urbanization, pollution, soil saliniza- 
tion, government inefficiency and corruption, 
regional conflicts, and the forces of nature have 
made it difficult to be agriculturally self-sufficient, 
making them dependent on imports and aid from 
international agencies and foreign governments. 

See also arabesque; art; food and drink. 

Ahmadiyya 23 

Further reading: Richard C. Foltz, Frederick M. Denny, 
and Azizan Baharudding, eds., Islam and Ecology (Cam- 
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2003); Andrew 
Watson, Agricultural Innovation in the Early Islamic 
World (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983); 
World Resources Institute, World Resources (Oxford. 
U.K.: Elsevier Science, 2000-01). 

ahl al-bayt (Arabic: people of the house) 

The ahl al-bayt in Islam is a holy family consisting 
primarily of five members: the prophet Muhammad 
( d. 632), Ali ibn Abi Talib (Muhammad's cousin 
and son-in-law, d. 661), Fatima (Muhammad's 
daughter, d. 633), and the two sons of Ali and 
Fatima, Hasan (d. 669) and Husayn (d. 680). It 
can also include all descendants of Muhammad's 
clan, the Banu Hashim, and even all Muslims. 

Muhammad’s family is highly respected by 
all Muslims, but it is the Shia, followers of the 
minority branch of Islam, who hold them in high- 
est esteem. They regard the family of Muhammad 
as pure, sinless, and divinely inspired exem- 
plars of the best worldly and spiritual qualities. 
Miraculous powers are assigned to members of 
this family, and it is believed that they will help 
their devotees enter PARADISE on JUDGEMENT Day. 
The Shia also believe that Muhammad's family 
produces, with God's guidance, the most quali- 
fied leaders of the Muslim community, called 
imams. Twelve-Imam Shiism venerates 12 such 
leaders, all but one of whom suffered martyrdom 
at the hands of wayward members of the Mus- 
lim community. Like Christians who believe in 
Jesus as a redeemer, they believe that the suffer- 
ing and death of these heroic figures, especially 
of Husayn, the third imam, redeem the sins of 
the faithful and that the 12th imam, known as 
Muhammad al-Mahdi, will arise in the future to 
combat the forces of evil and inaugurate a golden 
age at the end of time. 

The tombs of ahl al-bayt are popular Muslim 
pilgrimage sites, including those of Ali (Najaf, 
Iraq), Husayn (Karbala, Iraq, and Cairo, Egypt), 

Ali al-Rida (the eighth imam; Mashhad, Iran), 
and of women saints such as Zaynab bint Ali 
(Damascus, Syria, and Cairo, Egypt). Sufi tarjqas 
include members of the holy family, especially 
Ali, in their lists of spiritual teachers. Rulers of a 
number of Muslim empires and states have also 
claimed descent from ahl al-bayt , including the 
Fatmid dynasty in Egypt (909-1171), the Alawid 
dynasty of Morocco ( 1 63 1 -present), the Hash- 
emite dynasty of Iraq (1921-1958) and of Jordan 
(1923-present), and many of the clerics holding 
power in Iran since the revolution of 1978-79. 

See also Aga Khan; Alawi; imam; Shiism; ziyara. 

Further reading: Mahmoud Ayoub. Redemptive Suffer- 
ing in Islam: A Study of the Devotional Aspects of Ashura 
in Twelver Shiism (The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 
1978); Valerie Hoffman-Ladd, “Devotion to the Prophet 
and His Family in Egyptian Sufism." International Jour- 
nal of Middle East Studies 24 (1992): 615-637. 

ahl al-kitab Sec People of the Book. 


The Ahmadiyya is a controversial Islamic mis- 
sionary revival movement founded by Mirza 
Ghulam Ahmad (ca. 1835-1908) in British India 
during the 19th century. This movement began 
in the town of Qadian in northern India in 
1889, and it has spread to other parts of the 
world, including Africa, Southeast Asia, Great 
Britain, and North America, through the mis- 
sionary activities of its adherents. Its members, 
who tend to be economically prosperous, were 
divided into two separate groups in 1914: the 
Qadianis (also called the Ahmadiyya Muslim 
Community) and the Lahoris (also called the 
Ahmadiyya Association for the Propagation of 
Islam). Both groups recruit new members by 
conducting organized missionary programs and 
active publication activities. The total size of the 
Ahmadiyya community in 2001 was estimated to 

24 Ahmad Khan, (Sir) Sayyid 

be more than 10 million members worldwide, but 
this figure is disputed. Followers claim that their 
numbers are growing. 

Ahmadiyya members believe that Ghulam 
Ahmad was a religious renewer sent by God 
because the religion of Islam was thought to have 
gone into decline during the 19th century. Like 
other Muslims, they consider the Quran to be 
their holy book and have promoted its translation 
into many languages. They also practice the Five 
Pillars of Islam. However, what has made the 
movement especially controversial are assertions 
made by Ghulam Ahamad and his followers that 
other Muslims are unbelievers ( kafirs ) and that 
Ghulam Ahmad is a prophet, a promised redeemer 
(mahdi), a Christlike messiah, and an incarnation 
of the Hindu god Krishna. Some Christians and 
Hindus, along with many Muslims, have objected 
to these beliefs, and the movement was attacked 
and persecuted by other Islamic groups and con- 
servative religious authorities in India and later 
in Pakistan. As a consequence, the Ahmadiyya 
experienced internal division into the Qadiani and 
Lahori branches in 1914. 

The larger Qadiani branch of the Ahmadiyya 
believes that it represents the only true Islam. It 
emphasizes belief in the prophethood of Ghulam 
Ahmad and the authority of his successors, who 
carry the title of caliph. After the 1947 partition 
and independence of India and Pakistan, it moved 
its headquarters to Rabwa, Pakistan. The fourth 
caliph, Mirza Tahir Ahmad (d. 2003), moved the 
Ahmadiyya headquarters to London in the 1980s 
because of heightened opposition faced in Paki- 
stan. The present caliph is his son Mirza Masroor 
Ahmad (b. 1950), the great grandson of Ghulam 
Ahmad. The Lahori branch is more moderate in 
its outlook, affirming Ghulam Ahmad's role as a 
renewer, but it no longer regards him as a prophet. 
It also identifies with the wider Muslim commu- 
nity more readily than does the Qadiani branch. 
Public riots and opposition by Sunni Muslim 
groups led to an amendment to the Pakistani 
constitution that declared Ahmadiyya members to 

be non-Muslims in 1974, followed by an official 
government ban on group activities in 1984. The 
name Ahmadiyya has also been used by several 
Sufi groups, especially that of the Egyptian saint 
Ahmad al-Badawi (ca. 1200-76). 

See also Christianity and Islam; Hinduism 
and Islam; prophets and prophecy; renewal and 


Further reading: Yohanan Friedmann, Prophecy Con- 
tinuous: Aspects of Ahmadi Religious Thought and Its 
Medieval Background (Berkeley: University of California 
Press, 1989); Muhammad Zafruilah Khan. Ahmadiyyat: 
The Renaissance of Islam (London: Tabshir Publications, 

Ahmad Khan, (Sir) Sayyid (1817-1898) 
Indian Muslim religious reformer, political figure, and 

Sayyid Ahmad Khan was among the first to call 
for the reform of Islam in order to make it more 
compatible with modern Western thinking, the 
results of which gave Muslims more of a voice 
in public life under British rule. When the Brit- 
ish put down the Muslim-Hindu uprising against 
them in 1857 and abolished the Mughal dynasty, 
Ahmad Khan felt that the only way for Muslims to 
recover their influential role in India was to mod- 
ernize their religion and cooperate with British 
authorities. While many credit him with inspiring 
the Muslim nationalist movement that led to the 
creation of Pakistan in 1947, others see him more 
as a modernizer and educator who valued the idea 
of Hindu and Muslim cooperation with the British 
in governing India. 

Ahmad Khan was born to a family claiming 
to be descendants of Muhammad, but of Persian 
heritage, in Delhi, India. He received a limited 
formal education in Urdu and Persian in prepara- 
tion for government service as other members of 
his family had done for generations. After holding 
a string of appointments as a minor judge in a 
number of north Indian towns during his 20s, he 

Aisha bint Abi Bakr ibn Abi Quhafa 25 

began to publish books on Delhi and Mughal his- 
tory, revealing that despite his inadequate school- 
ing, he had a gift for self-guided learning that 
allowed him to see things in new ways. When the 
1857 uprising occurred, Ahmad Khan remained 
true to British authorities and subsequently took 
some pains to demonstrate to them that most 
Muslims had not supported the rebellion. As part 
of this effort, he even published a commentary on 
the Bible in 1862 to promote better understanding 
between Muslims and Christians. Nonetheless, 
he also felt that Indians should "honestly, openly 
and respectfully speak out their grievances" to the 
British (Gandhi 26). 

The real turning point in his career came in 
1869, when he journeyed with his two sons to 
England, where one of them was to be enrolled at 
Cambridge University with a government scholar- 
ship. Ahmad Khan stayed in England for about a 
year, became familiar with its system of higher 
education, and wrote a number of essays on the 
life of Muhammad. When he returned to India, 
he began to publish his ideas for reforming Islam 
in a new journal, Tahdhib-i akhlaq (Refinement 
of morals). There he criticized areas of FIQH (tra- 
ditional religious law) that dealt with polygamy, 
interest, dress, and dietary rules, arguing that 
many of the traditional rules conflicted with the 
eternal message of the Quran, which was in com- 
plete conformity with reason, or natural law. He 
also called for more use of independent judgment 
( ijiihad ), especially in relation to modern life. Fur- 
thermore, Ahmad Khan implemented what he had 
learned about British education with the founding 
in 1875 of the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental Col- 
lege in the town of Aligarh, where Muslims and 
Hindus were to gain a modern education in the 
arts, science, and law. He also remained involved 
in Indian politics, opposing the creation of the 
Indian National Congress in 1885 because he 
thought that Indians had not yet reached the point 
at which they could really govern themselves. 
He believed a status quo arrangement between 
Indian elites and the British was more realistic. 

and he won support for his views from other lead- 
ing Muslims and Hindus. In appreciation for his 
efforts, the British awarded him a knighthood in 
1888. The Indian nationalist currents prevailed, 
however, despite Ahmad Khans dream of coop- 
erative governance of India by British and Indian 
elites. The last years of his life were spent in 
Aligarh, continuing his efforts at reform and writ- 
ing a modernist commentary on the Quran. 

Sec also All-India Muslim League; Hinduism 
and Islam; renewal and reform movements. 

Further reading: Rajmohan Gandhi, Eight Lives: A 
Study of the Hindu-Muslim Encounter (Albany: Slate 
University of New York Press, 1986); Hafeez Malik, Sir 
Sayyid Ahmad Khan and Muslim Modernization in India 
and Pakistan (New York: Columbia University Press, 

Aisha bint Abi Bakr ibn Abi Quhafa (ca. 

614-ca. 678) one of Muhammad's favorite wives 
and a leading member of the early Muslim community 

Aisha (Aysha) was born in Mecca to Abu Bakr 
(d. 634), the close friend of Muhammad and first 
CALIPH of Islam. Aisha was betrothed to Muham- 
mad in the year 623 in Medina, when she was 
nine years old. Aisha was the only virgin whom 
Muhammad married, and she never bore any chil- 
dren. She is often remembered as Muhammad's 
closest and most beloved wife, as the person 
having the most intimate understanding of the 
Prophets practices. As a result, Aisha is credited 
by Sunnis as the transmitter of more than 2,000 
hadith accounts. After Muhammad's death, she 
was consulted as an authority on his habits and 

In 627, Aisha was accused by some Medinan 
Muslims of committing adultery. During a jour- 
ney with Muhammad and his caravan, she had 
become separated from the group while searching 
for a lost necklace. A young man found her and 
accompanied her back to Medina safely. Rumors 
began to circulate, accusing her of engaging in 

26 Ajmer 

illicit relations with the man. In response to this 
slander, the Quran defends Aishas innocence in 
Q 24:11-20. 

Muhammad died when Aisha was 18 years 
old; he is reported to have died in her arms in 
her chambers. After the death of the third caliph, 
UTHMAN ibn Affan in 655, she opposed Ali ibn Abi 
Talib’s succession to the CALIPHATE, fighting against 
him in the Battle of the Camel, Islam's first civil 
war, in 656. For this challenge to Ali, she is often 
regarded by Shii Muslims with disdain. Although 
Ali was victorious, Aishas efforts reflect her deliant 
and outspoken character as well as the active role 
she played in political matters. After her military 
defeat, Aisha returned to Medina, spending the 
remainder of her life transmitting her accounts 
about the Prophet. She died there in 678 at age 66 
and was buried in the al-Baqi CEMETERY. 

Sec also Sunnism; Women. 

Aysha A. Hidayatullah 

Further reading: Leila Ahmed, Women and Gender in 
Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate (New Haven, 
Conn.: Yale University Press. 1992); Denise A. Spell- 
berg, Politics, Gender, and the Islamic Past: The Legacy 
of Aisha bint Abi Bakr (New York: Columbia University 
Press, 1994). 


Ajmer is a major Muslim pilgrimage center located 
in central Rajasthan in the northwest of India. It 
has been an urban settlement since at least the 
11th century and is located in a region of con- 
siderable religious significance to Hindus, Jains, 
and Muslims. After Muslim armies of the Ghurid 
dynasty (1 149-1206) conquered the Hindu Chau- 
han dynasty in 1193, Ajmer alternated between 
Muslim and Hindu rulers until British annexation 
in 1818. 

Ajmer is most famous for being home to the 
shrine ( dargah ) of Khawaja Muin al-Din (or Mui- 
nuddin) Chishti (1135-1229), often called the 

Prophet of India (nabi ul-Hind). Muin al-Din, also 
known as Gharib Nawaz (the helper of the poor), 
is undoubtedly the most important and popular of 
India's many Sufi saints. The Sufi order deriving 
from him is known as the Chishtiyya, the largest 
in South Asia, with branches in Southeast Asia, 
Africa, Europe, and the Americas. The Chishtiyya 
are known for their advocacy of poverty, avoid- 
ance of political power, and meditative practices 
involving the audition of music ( samaa ) and 
devotional songs known as qawwali. Pilgrimage to 
Ajmer is claimed by some to be a substitute for the 
HAJJ if one is unable to afford the expense of travel 
to Mecca. All of the Mughal emperors supported 
the tomb, sponsoring buildings and two giant 
vessels for the preparation of charitable food offer- 
ings to the saint. The tomb of Muin al-Din Chishti 
remains one of the most important pilgrimage 
sites in India, drawing Sikhs, Christians, and Hin- 
dus as well as Muslims from all over the region, 
the country, and the world. Since 1955, the shrine 
has had the distinction of being the only major 
religious site in India with its own act of parlia- 
ment specifying its management system. The 
Dargah Khwaja Saheb Act stipulates an adminis- 
trator (nicam) along with an 1 1-mcmber oversight 
board. These officials work with varying degrees 
of amity with the traditional managers ( khudam ), 
descendants of the Khwaja's close followers who 
perform the ritual care of the tomb itself and the 
council that oversees the qawwali. Ajmer is also 
home to a famous mosque said to have been built 
by Shams al-Din lltutmish (r. 1211-36) from the 
ruins of a temple known as the Two and a Hall 
Day Mosque, or Dhai Din ki Masjid. There are 
several forts in the area, one predating the Muslim 
conquest and several built afterward. Among the 
later mosques is one built by the Mughal emperor 
Akbar (r. 1556-1605), who is said to have twice 
performed the pilgrimage to Ajmer on foot from 
his capital at Fatehpur Sikri near Agra. 

See also Delhi Sultanate; Chishti Sufi Order; 
Mughal dynasty; Sufism; ziyara. 

Anna Bigelow 

Akhbari School 27 

Furlher reading: P. M. Currie, The Shrine and Cult of 
M uin Al-Din Chishti of Ajmer (Delhi: Oxford University 
Press, 1989); Carl W. Ernst and Bruce B. Lawrence, 
Sufi Martyrs of Love (New York: Palgravc Macmillan, 
2002 ). 

Akbar (1542-1605) the most famous emperor 
of India's Mughal dynasty, known for liberal religious 

Abu al-Fath Jalal al-Din Muhammad Akbar was 
the third and most famous ruler of the Mughal 
dynasty in India. The son of Humayun (d. 1556) 
and his Persian wife Hamida Banu, Akbar was 
born at Umarkot in Sind, northwest India (now 
part of Pakistan), lie came to power as a teen- 
ager in 1556 and ruled as emperor ( padshah ) 
until his death in 1605. During his reign, Akbar 
guided the expansion of the Mughal Empire from 
its bases in Delhi and Lahore to Rajasthan and 
Afghanistan in the west, the Himalaya Mountains 
in the north, Orissa and Bengal in the east, and 
the northern Deccan Plateau in the south. Akbars 
empire dominated India’s Indus and Ganges plain. 
Its centralized government grew wealthy from 
plunder, tribute, and new tax revenues from agri- 
cultural expansion, as well as a significant influx 
of silver from the New World as a result of trade 
with European countries. 

A flexible attitude toward religion became an 
important part of Akbars strategy of governance 
as he sought to both consolidate his power among 
fellow Muslims plus win the support of his Hindu 
subjects. He sponsored the hajj to Mecca and 
patronized Sunni and Shii ULAMA. He included 
members of the Hindu aristocracy in his govern- 
ment, cancelled taxes imposed on Hindu pilgrims 
and landholders, and observed Hindu festivals. 
His HAREM included Christian and Hindu as well 
as Muslim wives. Akbar performed pilgrimages 
on foot to the shrine of Muin al-Din Chishti (d. 
1236) in Ajmer and built a white marble tomb for 
another Sufi saint, Salim al-Chishti, in Fatehpur 
Sikri, the new capital he constructed near Agra in 

1571. Although Akbar himself was illiterate and 
possibly dyslexic, he funded the translation of 
Hindu religious texts and held dialogues between 
representatives of different religions in the House 
of Worship, a special pavilion in the Fatehpur 
Sikri palace. Portrayed by his supporters as a sun 
king and perfect man whose divine light brought 
peace to the universe, Akbar even attempted to 
found a new religion for his court known as the 
Religion of God (Din-i Ilahi). Conservative Sunni 
ulama opposed Akbars pluralistic views and inno- 
vations, but their reaction did not gain a foothold 
in the palace until after his death. He was buried 
in a magnificent tomb near Agra in 1605. 

See also Chishti Sufi Order; Hinduism and 
Islam; Sirhindi, Ahmad. 

Further reading: K. A. Nizami, Akbar and Religion 
(New Delhi: Idarah-i-Adabiyat-i-Delli, 1989); John F 
Richards, The Mughal Empire (Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press, 1993). 

Akhbari School 

The Akhbari School was an influential branch of 
Shii jurisprudence (fiqh) from the 17th century to 
the 19th century in Iran, Iraq, parts of the Ara- 
bian Peninsula, and India. Its name comes from 
the Arabic word akhbar, which means “reports" or 
“traditions," especially traditions about the say- 
ings and actions of any of the 1 2 Shii Imams (holy 
men descended from the house of the prophet 
Muhammad). The Akhbaris, under the leader- 
ship of Mulla Muhammad Amin al-Astarabadi (d. 
1623), advocated that the sharia must be based on 
the authentic traditions of these infallible Imams 
and the Quran. The traditions are found in four 
books, which were assembled in the 10th and 
11th centuries. If there is no reliable or explicit 
tradition from the imams on a legal matter, then 
a ruling about that matter is not valid. The Akh- 
baris rejected the Usuli School of jurists, who 
placed emphasis on independent legal reasoning 
(ijtihad); they did not require explicit reports from 

^ 28 Alawi 

the Imams to make a ruling. The Akhbaris were 
therefore legal literalists who feared ijtihad would 
corrupt the authentic Islamic tradition. Although 
the Usulis triumphed over them in the 19th cen- 
tury, they still have a respected place in the wider 
Shii community of scholars. 

See also ahl al-bayt; imam; Shiism; Twelve Imam 

Further reading: Robert Gleave, Inevitable Doubt: Two 
Theories of Shii Jurisprudence (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2000); 
Mojan Momen, An Introduction to Shii Islam (New 
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1985). 


Technically meaning “pertaining to Ali" in Arabic, 
Alawi is a name for individuals or groups with a 
special attachment to Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 662). 
The importance of Ali, the cousin and son-in-law 
of the prophet Muhammad, in Islamic history has 
led to use of this term for a variety of organiza- 
tions and groups of people, which are known col- 
lectively as Alawiyya. Descendants of Ali through 
either of his sons Hasan (d. 669) and Husayn (d. 
680) — and thus descendants of Muhammad (d. 
632) through his daughter Fatima (d. 633) — are 
often called Alawi , in addition to being known as 
sharifs or sayyids. Supporters of Ali in the political 
struggle over the caliphate in early Islamic history 
are sometimes also referred to as Alawi, though 
they are more commonly called Shii. Also, claim- 
ing descent from Ali and Fatima has been used to 
legitimate a form of local ruling dynasties, some 
of which have carried the name Alawi, the prime 
example being the Alawid dynasty, which has 
ruled Morocco since the 17th century. 

Because Ali is considered by most Sufis to 
represent the esoteric interpretation of the Quran, 
many Sufi orders trace their spiritual lineages 
back to him and are known as Alawi orders, as 
opposed to Bakri orders such as the Naqshbandi- 
yya Sufi Order, which trace their lineages to Abu 
Bakr (d. 634), the first caliph. Other orders were 

named Alawi because of their leaders' presumed 
blood descent from Ali, such as the Alawiyya 
order of Hadramawt (in the southern region of the 
Arabian Peninsula) and the Alawiyya branch of 
the Darqawi order in Algeria, which was formed 
by Ahmad al-Alawi (d. 1934) in the early 20th 

The two largest religious groups carrying the 
name Alawi are hereditary groups whose devotion 
to Ali is so intense that their belief systems are 
considered heretical by orthodox Sunnis, and they 
have both been persecuted by them. The Arab 
Alawis (historically known as Nusayris) of Syria, 
Lebanon, and southern Turkey and the Turkish 
and Kurdish Alevis (Turkish rendering of Alawi; 
historically known as Kizilbash) of Turkey have 
each preserved esoteric beliefs and secret practices 
for centuries by living secluded in remote areas in 
their respective countries. Both see Ali as divine; 
rather than regarding him as a historical figure, 
they believe in a cosmic Ali who embodies a mani- 
festation of God. 

Alevis in Turkey conduct ceremonies in which 
mystical songs arc sung and a spiritual dance is 
performed. Numbering several million, they have 
in recent years become more open about their 
beliefs and practices and arc presently attempt- 
ing to negotiate a distinctive identity vis-a-vis the 
nationalist state and Sunni majority. The Arab 
Alawis limit transmission of their secret beliefs to 
those who have been formally initiated into their 
community. Though they constitute a minority 
in Syria, certain members of the sect have estab- 
lished themselves in important military positions 
there and have even managed to assume political 
control over the country through the Syrian Baath 

See also ahl al-bayt ; ghulat; Husayn ibn Ali; 
sharif; Shiism; Sufism; tafsir; tariqa. 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: Krisztina Kehl-Bodrogi, Barbara Kell- 
ner-Hcinkcle, and Anke Otter-Beaujean, eds., Syncretis- 
tic Religious Communities in the Near East (New York: 

alchemy 29 

E.J. Brill, 1997); Matti Moosa, Extremist Shiites: The 
Ghulat Sects (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 
1988); Tord Olsson, Elisabeth Ozdalga, and Catharina 
Raudvere, Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious and Social 
Perspectives (Istanbul: Swedish Research Institute in 
Istanbul, 1998); J. Spencer Trimingham, The Sufi Orders 
in Islam (Oxford, U.K.: Clarendon Press, 1971). 

Alawid dynasty (1668-present) 

The current ruling dynasty of Morocco, the 
Alawis are one of the few precolonial monarchies 
to successfully transition into the era of inde- 
pendent nation-states. The dynasty first arose in 
southeastern Morocco and established its author- 
ity throughout the country during the 1660s, 
under the leadership of Mulay Rashid (d. 1672). 
Throughout the next 240 years, Alawid sultans 
ruling from Fez or Meknes were usually able to 
control the main urban centers and allied tribes 
(bilad al-makhzen ), but they did not receive more 
than cursory allegiance from the rural hinterlands 
(bilad al-siba). 

The situation changed with the establish- 
ment of the French protectorate over Morocco in 
1912. The French pursued a policy of divide and 
rule while trying to maintain the illusion of local 
governance through a compliant Alawid SULTAN 
(now called “king"). However, King Muhammad 
V used this approach against them when he rallied 
nationalist support around his passive resistance 
to French authority. In 1956, the French adminis- 
tration recognized Moroccan independence under 
the leadership of its traditional monarchy. 

In many ways, the centralizing influence of 
the French allowed the Alawis to consolidate their 
control to a degree that was not possible prior to 
the protectorate. Although the new nation estab- 
lished institutions for participatory government, 
such as elections and a national assembly, author- 
ity remained firmly in the hands of the monarchy. 
Alawid kings (such as Hasan II, r. 1961-99) used 
their status as sharifs (descendants of the prophet 
Muhammad) to highlight their religiopolitical 

authority as “Commander of the Faithful.” This 
undercut the rise of radical Islamic challenges to 
their leadership. The current king, Muhammad VI, 
seeks to bring much-needed reforms to Moroccan 
society while retaining ultimate political power. 
Having ruled Morocco for some 335 years, the 
Alawid dynasty shows no signs of relinquishing 
power any time soon. 


Stephen Cory 

Further reading: John R Halstead, Rebirth of a Nation: 
The Origins and Rise of Moroccan Nationalism (Cam- 
bridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1967); Abdallah 
Laroui, The History of the Maghrib: An Interpretive Essay 
(Princeton. N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1977). 

alchemy (Arabic: al-kimiya) 

Alchemy is a combination of chemistry and magi- 
cal knowledge that originated with the Greeks, 
developed in Islamicate lands, and was transmit- 
ted from there to medieval Europe. The outward 
purpose of alchemy was to transform base metals 
such as lead into precious ones such as silver and 
gold. Alchemists engaged in a range of related 
efforts, such as trying to create life and search- 
ing for a medicine to prolong it — an elixir of 
immortality. Their ideas recognized the ancient 
Greek division of the natural world into four ele- 
ments (earth, fire, water, and air) plus four quali- 
ties (hot, cold, moist, and dry). They believed 
in astrology, too, which meant that alchemists 
thought there was a correspondence between the 
heavenly world and the earthly world. All mat- 
ter and spirit, though outwardly different, were 
really one in essence. Alchemy seeks to play upon 
this supposed inner unity to change or transform 
an imperfect or lesser phenomenon into a more 
perfect, purified one. Not only might lead be 
transformed into gold, but the human soul itself 
could be purified of worldly stain. In attempting 
this, alchemy merges with metaphysics. Muslim 

30 alcohol 

alchemists accepted that God was the first creator 
of the cosmos, but they believed humans could 
also become creators if they could only unlock 
the secrets of the universe's elements and qualities 
and learn how to transform them through their 
laboratory experimentation. 

Although there is a substantial body of medi- 
eval Arabic texts on alchemy, the subject is in 
need of more study before a definitive history 
can be written. It appears to have become an 
important topic in Islamicate lands during the 
ninth and 10th centuries, but some Muslim reli- 
gious authorities refuted its doctrines because 
they deviated from what they believed to be true 
Islam. Early Arabic alchemical literature consisted 
of translations of Greek texts, especially those 
associated with Hermes Trismegistos, a mystical 
figure who was identified with the ancient Egyp- 
tian god of writing and wisdom, Thoth. Indeed, 
Egypt was thought to be the ancient homeland 
of the alchemical tradition. To give it a more 
Islamic stamp, authors constructed a genealogy of 
sources that included a curious variety of figures 
such as Al.l IBN Abi Talib (Muhammad’s cousin, d. 
661), Maria the Copt (one of Muhammad's con- 
cubines), Khalid ibn Yazid (an Umayyad prince, 
d. 683), Jaafar al-Sadiq (the sixth Shii imam, d. 
765), and a number of Sufis. The grand master 
of the Islamic alchemical tradition wasjabir ibn 
Hayyan (d. 815), a shadowy historical figure 
with Sufi and Shii affinities who was said to have 
been a friend and disciple of Jaafar al-Sadiq in 
Baghdad. He was credited with authoring a huge 
body of alchemical literature, some of which 
was translated into Latin and transmitted from 
Andalusia to Europe, where it helped inspire the 
Renaissance tradition of alchemy. Indeed, modern 
scholars have concluded that Arab alchemy, with 
its experimental undertakings and theoretical 
outlook, played a key role in the development of 
modern chemistry. 

Further reading: S. Nomanul Haq. Names , Natures , and 
Things: The Alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan and His Kitab al- 

ahjar (Booh of Stones) (Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer 
Academic. 1994); Donald R. Hill, “The Literature of 
Arabic Alchemy." In Religion, Learning and Science in the 
Abbasid Period, edited by M. J. L. Young, J. D. Latham, 
and R. B. Sergeant, 328-341 (Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press, 1990). 

alcohol See dietary laws; food and drink. 

Alevi See Alawi. 

Alexander the Great (356-323 b.c.e.) 

youthful conqueror of the ancient world and heroic 
figure in Islamic tradition 

Alexander (Arabic: Iskandar), the youthful king of 
Macedonia, is considered the greatest conqueror 
of classical Greek and Roman times (fourth cen- 
tury b.c.e. to fourth century C.E.). He is the heroic 
subject of the Alexander Romance, a cycle of sto- 
ries that contributed to the high esteem in which 
he is held in Islamic tradition. 

One should distinguish the legendary content 
of the Alexander Romance from the historical 
figure Alexander the Great. The fabulous deeds 
of the renowned world conqueror are celebrated 
in medieval literature of the East and the West. 
There exist romances on Alexander in medieval 
English, Spanish, French, and German as well 
as in Ethiopic, Syriac, Armenian, Persian, and 
Arabic. The first known reference to Alexander 
in Arabic literature is in the Quran (Q 18:83-98), 
where he is called Dhu al-Qarnayn, the “Two- 
Horned One." The presence of this brief allusion 
in the sacred book of Islam transforms the Greek 
pagan Alexander into a Muslim holy man, and 
Muslim commentators debated over whether he 
was a prophet. As the Islamic empire spread out 
from Mecca and Medina into the ancient lands 
of Mesopotamia (Iraq) and westward to Spain, 
quranic exegetes and storytellers of the eighth 
through 10th centuries from Baghdad to North 

Algeria 31 

Africa sought to elucidate the identity of the 
Two-Horned One by collecting tales from diverse 
sources, including Arabic geographical compendi- 
ums, local oral literature, the Bible, and the Torah 
and attributing them to Dhu al-Qarnayn. 

By the turn of the first millennium C.E., the 
romance of Alexander in Arabic had a core cen- 
tered on the Greek legendary material from a 
work of the second or third century C.E. known 
as the Pseudo-Callisthenes , wherein the young 
king and student of Aristotle defeats the Persian 
army and goes on to take India, China, and lands 
in between, including the land of the Amazon 
women, before dying at the age of 32 without 
making it back home. This material is usually 
placed in the mouth of the prophet Muham- 
mad, who characterized Dhu al-Qarnayn as one 
of the faithful whom the Lord had entrusted 
with the mission of delivering Gods message to 
the remote corners of the earth in preparation 
for the coming of Islam. Interwoven later into 
this narrative in the Talcs of the Prophets litera- 
ture were episodes of an apparent Arab-lslamic 
elaboration: the construction of a great barrier 
to keep the barbarian tribes of Gog and Magog 
from harassing the people of the civilized world 
until Judgement Day, the voyage to the end of the 
Earth to witness the sun set in a pool of boiling 
mud, and Dhu al-Qarnayns expedition into the 
Land of Darkness in search of the Fountain of 
Life accompanied by his companion Khadir (the 
Green-One). God veils from Dhu al-Qarnayn 
the spring of rejuvenating waters because he 
has become too ambitious in seeking to reveal 
the secrets of Gods creation. For example, he 
enters forbidden lands inhabited by angels and 
knocks on the doors of paradise itself. The theme 
of the hero's arrogance is delicately balanced 
with his piety as seen in his frequent prayer for 
the strength to complete his mission to call the 
people of the earth to humble themselves before 
their creator. Relating numerous encounters 
with sea serpents, beasts, angels, and enchanted 
castles, the medieval Islamic versions of the 

Alexander legend were a favorite among Muslim 
peoples for many centuries. 

See also Arabic language and literature; 


Z. David Zuwiyya 

Further reading: Wheeler M. Thackston, trans., Tales of 
the Prophets (Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1978); Albert 
Mugrdich Wolohojian, trans.. The Romance of Alexander 
the Great by Pseudo-Callisthenes (New York: Columbia 
University Press, 1969); Z. David Zuwiyya, Islamic Leg- 
ends of Alexander the Great (Binghamton, N.Y.: Global 
Publications, 2001). 

Algeria (Official name: People’s 
Democratic Republic of Algeria) 

One of the largest countries in Africa and the Arab 
world, Algeria (Arabic: al-Jazair) is located on the 
Mediterranean coast bordered by Tunisia and Libya 
to the east, by Morocco to the west, and to the 
south across the Sahara desert by Western Sahara, 
Mali, Mauritania, and Niger. It is approximately 
2.4 million square kilometers, or the equivalent 
of the continental United States west of the Rocky 
Mountains. Its population of approximately 33 
million (2008) is of mixed Berber and Arab eth- 
nicity (except a 1 percent European minority) 
and largely Sunni Muslim. Religious minorities 
include Christians and Jews (1 percent). Although 
the official language of Algeria is Arabic, French 
and various Berber (Amazigh) languages arc also 
widely spoken. Asserting a distinct Berber lan- 
guage and ethnicity is an important issue for 
many communities centered in the Kabyle region. 
Geographically, while the northern regions are 
mountainous and provide fertile agricultural land, 
more than 80 percent of the country lies in the 
Sahara, where rich hydrocarbon and mineral 
resources are found. The major cities are the capi- 
tal, Algiers, Constantine, Tlemcen, and Oran. 

As early as the fifth century b.c.e., Algeria's 
indigenous people, Berbers, had established com- 

- 4 = 5 ^ 

32 Aligarh 

plex economies and within two centuries formed 
two major kingdoms. The region was then ruled 
by Romans, Vandals, Byzantines, and ultimately 
Arabs, who in the seventh century c.E. invaded 
from the east, initiating a long slow process of 
Arabization and Islamization of the native popula- 
tion. Political rule of the area for Arabs remained 
elusive, however, alternating between Berber king- 
doms and Arab dynasties until the 16th century, 
when Ottomans extended their power south from 
Istanbul and took control of Algeria. Throughout 
this period. North Africa provided a vital corridor 
for economic and cultural exchanges between the 
Middle East, Islamicate Spain, and sub-Saharan 
Africa. Also notable in this period was the devel- 
opment of prominent Sufi ( marabout ) brother- 
hoods (including the Qadiriyya, Tijaniyya, and 
Rahmaniyya) that were organized around char- 
ismatic spiritual leaders and were renowned for 
fostering spiritual and political communities that 
transcended powerful tribal affiliations. 

From 1830 to 1962, France occupied and 
administered Algeria as a colony. Early resistance 
was led by Abd al-Qadir, a young man educated 
in the Qadiri Sufi Order, but ended in his defeat 
in 1847 and exile to Damascus in 1855. Algerians 
ultimately gained independence from France on 
July 5, 1962, after a protracted and bloody war 
lasting eight years. They established a secular 
socialist state led by the revolutionary FLN (Front 
de Liberation National) party, which has governed 
uninterrupted until the present day. During the 
cold war, Algeria became prominent in the non- 
aligned movement, a bloc of countries committed 
to creating a third world force through a policy of 
nonalignment to the United States and the Soviet 
Union. Beginning in the 1980s, the state faced an 
increasingly powerful Islamic opposition move- 
ment that resulted in major electoral victories 
for the FIS (Front Islamic du Salut) in 1990 and 
1991. The military responded by nullifying the 
election results, which touched off years of vio- 
lence between militant Islamist groups and the 
Algerian military in which up to 100,000 civil- 

ians are believed to have been killed. By 2005, 
the major violence had subsided, and moderate 
Islamist groups were brought into the govern- 
ment. Many core issues such as the role of religion 
in Algerian society, government corruption, and 
the desire of Kabylie Berbers for more autonomy 
remain unresolved. 

See also Almohad dynasty; Ottoman dynasty; 
politics and Islam; Sufism. 

Michelle Zimney 

Further reading: Robert Mai ley, The Call from Alge- 
ria: Third Worldism , Revolution, and the Turn to Islam 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996); Hugh 
Roberts, The Battlefield: Algeria 1988-2002 , Studies in 
a Broken Polity (New York: Verso, 2003); John Rucdy, 
Modern Algeria: The Origins and Development of a Nation 
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992). 


A city in Uttar Pradesh (a state in northern India), 
Aligarh first came under Muslim influence at the 
end of the 12th century during the rule of Qutb 
al-Din Aybak (r. 1206-11), the sultan at Delhi. 
Ibn Battuta (d. 1369), the great Muslim traveler, 
visited Aligarh during his journeys in India. The 
region remained under Muslim rule through the 
Mughal period until 1785, when it was conquered 
by the Hindu Marathas and eventually annexed by 
the British in 1803. 

The town is most famous for an educational 
institute founded by Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan (d. 
1898) in 1871. Beginning as a boys’ school in 
1878, the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental (MAO) 
College was incorporated there. The curriculum 
incorporated Islamic sciences with instruction 
in Arabic and modern education modeled on 
the British system with instruction in English. 
Although the colleges mission has always been 
focused on uplifting the Muslim population of 
India, the enrollment has also been open to non- 
Muslims. The goal of the institution was to ere- 

AM ibn Abi Talib 33 

ate an educational center that could produce a 
progressively educated Muslim population who 
could excel under the British regime as the Hin- 
dus had. Ahmad Khan himself advocated a critical 
revaluation of Islamic law in which the Quran 
and the hadith (to a limited extent) would be 
considered. He believed true Islam was a wholly 
rational faith and entirely compatible with mod- 
ern science. Nonetheless, the Islamic studies 
curriculum was not confined to Ahmad Khans 
idiosyncratic approach. Several faculty members 
at the college, including an Arabic instructor, have 
been Europeans. MAO College became Aligarh 
University in 1920, and in 1925, the women's 
MADRASA that had been affiliated with it became 
the Aligarh Womens College. The university now 
has four areas of study: arts, science, engineering, 
and THEOLOGY. It became a center for nationalist 
politics during India's struggle for independence, 
with some of its students and faculty promoting a 
united India, while others actively supported the 
creation of Pakistan as a separate Muslim state. 
Many faculty departed with the partition in 1947, 
but Aligarh continues to be a top university to the 
present day. 

See also All-India Muslim League; Hindu- 
ism and Islam; renewal and reform movements; 

Anna Bigelow 

Further reading: David Lelyveld, Aligarh's First Gen- 
eration: Muslim Solidarity in British India (Princeton, 
N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1977); K. A. Nizami, 
History of the Aligarh Muslim University (Delhi: Idarah-i 
Adabiyat-i Delli, 1995). 

Ali ibn Abi Talib (ca. 597-661 ) cousin and 
son-in-law of Muhammad, the fourth caliph of the 
Sunni Muslim community, and first imam of the Shia 

A native of Mecca, he was one of the first persons 
to accept Islam after Muhammad's wife Khadija 
(d. 619). He grew up in Muhammad's household 

and married his daughter Fatima. Ali's courage in 
battle at Badr (624) and elsewhere converted him 
into a chivalric hero and warrior saint of Muslim 

Ali is the focus of controversy in the succes- 
sion to leadership of the Muslim community after 
Muhammad's death in 632. This resulted in the 
sectarian division between Sunni and Shii Islam. 
The partisans (shia) of Ali believed that Muham- 
mad appointed him his successor following the 
Farewell Pilgrimage to Mecca a few months 
before Muhammad's death. Many Shia have con- 
sidered this a divinely inspired designation that 
included the descendants of Muhammad's house- 
hold through Ali. 

Following Muhammad's death, Abu BAKR (d. 
634) was elected as the first CALIPH. In order to 
avoid a division in the early Muslim community, 
Ali recognized Abu Bakr's right to rule and that of 
the next two caliphs, Umar ibn al-Khattab (d. 644) 
and Uthman ibn Affan (d. 656). Ali was elected the 
fourth caliph under controversial circumstances 
following the murder of Uthman. Accused of 
complicity in the assassination, Ali's period of rule 
was mired in civil war with his rival, Muawiya ibn 
Abi Sufyan, leader of the powerful Umayya clan 
of Mecca. His support dwindled when a faction, 
the Khawarij (secccssionists), rebelled against him 
during the Battle of Siffin (657) because he had 
submitted the conflict with Muawiya to arbitra- 
tion. Ali's forces succeeded in defeating these reb- 
els at Nahrawan in 658, but one of the Khawarij 
assassinated him in Kufa, Iraq, in 661. Muawayya 
(r. 660-80) became the next caliph and founded 
the Umayyad Caliphate in Syria. 

While some “extremist" Shiis virtually deify 
Ali, most consider belief in Muhammad's des- 
ignation of Ali as his successor a religious duty 
alongside belief in the oneness of God and the 
prophethood of Muhammad. The martyrdom 
of Ali, and especially the massacre of his son 
al-Husayn and his companions at the Battle of 
Karbala (680), made the paradigm of redemptive 
suffering a characteristic of Shii salvation history. 

34 Allah 

Shiis and many Sufis regard him as a saint for his 
renowned ASCETICISM. Indeed, many Sufi orders 
trace the genealogy of their spiritual descent ( sil - 
sila ) directly back to Ali. Ali is remembered as a 
model of socio-political and religious righteous- 
ness that defied worldly corruption and social 
injustice. His shrine in Najaf, Iraq, is a major pil- 
grimage site, and the feast of Ghadir Khumm (18 
Dhu al-Hijjah, the twelfth month on the Muslim 
calendar), which commemorates Muhammad's 
appointment of Ali as his successor, is an impor- 
tant holiday for Shii Muslims. 

Sec also ahl al-bayt; fitna. Shiism. 

Linda G. Jones 

Further reading: S. H. M. Jafri, The Origins and Early 
Development of Shia Islam (London and New York: 
Longman, 1979); Wilfcrd Madclung. The Succession to 
Muhammad: A Study of the Early Caliphate (Cambridge: 
Cambridge University Press, 1977); Abu Jafar Muham- 
mad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, The History of al-Tabari. Trans- 
lated by C. E. Bosworth ct al. (Albany: State University 
of New York Press, 1985-). 


The Arabic term Allah is the main one used for the 
unique deity worshipped in the Islamic religion. 
It is a contraction that literally means “the God" 
(Arabic: al-ilah ), and it occurs about 2,700 times 
in the Quran alone. Belief in only one god who is 
all-powerful and merciful and who has no partners 
or equals is the most important Islamic doctrine, 
and Muslims constantly express it in their wor- 
ship, religious music, and visual arts. For example, 
the shahada, the first pillar of Islam, requires 
that Muslims testify “There is no god but God 
(Allah)." This phrase is repeated in daily prayers 
and is written on mosques, banners, and post- 
ers in all Muslim communities. Among the most 
important statements about God in the Quran are 
those found in the chapter entitled “Sincerity” (Q 
112) and in the “Throne Verse" (Q 2:255), which 

states, “Allah! There is no god but he, the living, 
the everlasting. He neither rests nor sleeps.” The 
monotheistic ideal also dominates Islamic theol- 
ogy, philosophy, law, and even its historical vision. 
On the basis of the Quran, hadith, and religious 
doctrine, Muslims believe that Allah is the same 
god worshipped by Jews and Christians. It should 
also be noted that Arabic-speaking followers of 
Judaism and Christianity in the Middle East use 
the word Allah for God, although their theologies 
differ from those of Muslims. 

Historical evidence indicates that Allah was 
the name of an ancient Arabian high god in a 
pantheon of other gods and goddesses like those 
found in other ancient Middle Eastern cultures. 
Worshipping him as the only real god may have 
started before the seventh century in Arabia, but 
it was in the Quranic revelations delivered by 
Muhammad as the prophet of Islam between 610 
and 632 that the monotheistic ideal received its 
first clear expression among Arab peoples. In the 
Quran, Allah is portrayed as the creator of the 
universe who brings life and death, never sleeps, 
and knows, sees, and hears everything. He is both 
eternal and infinite, and unlike the ancient gods, 
he does not have parents or children. This belief 
also rejects Christian notions of God as a father 
and Jesus as his son. In the Quran, God com- 
mands human beings to remember him and to 
submit to him, but he also shows them his kind- 
ness and compassion. He sends prophets such as 
Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad to guide 
people to salvation. He can reward them for their 
faith and good deeds and punish them for their 
infidelity and sins. As master of Judgment Day, 
he will resurrect the dead at the end of time and 
hold them accountable for what they did in their 
lives, which means that he can either let them 
enter the gardens of paradise or send them to the 
fire of hell. 

According to the prevailing opinion in Islam, 
God cannot be completely known or perceived by 
the human mind or the senses; rather than being 
close by, he stands at great distance from his ere- 

All-India Muslim League 35 

ation. He also cannot be represented in a picture 
or statue, which is considered to be IDOLATRY. 
However, he can be partially known through the 
Quran, which is his speech, and the “signs" he 
provides in nature and the course of history. He 
can also be known through his qualities, many 
of which are described in the 99 names of God. 
Muslims through the centuries have nonetheless 
sought to bridge the gap between God and cre- 
ation with intermediary figures such as ANGELS, 
prophets, and saints. Among the Shia, imams 
(revered descendants of Muhammad's family) 
play this role. An important part of the Islamic 
mystical tradition understood the universe to be 
the result of emanations of light from God, which 
were embodied most fully by the PERFECT Man. 
Some mystics believed this to be the idealized 
Adam or Muhammad and that those with true 
spiritual insight might therefore come to know 
God through this reality. Others anticipated a 
mystical vision of God in the course of a spiritual 
ascent or in the afterlife. 

See also anthropomorphism; aya ; Five Pillars; 
monotheism; prophets and prophecy. 

Further reading: Sachiko Murata and William C. 
Chittick, The Vision of Islam (New York: Paragon 
House, 1994); Fazlur Rahman, Major Themes in the 
Quran (Minneapolis and Chicago: Bilbliotheca Islamica, 
1980); W. Montgomery Watt, Islamic Philosophy and 
Theology: An Extended Survey 2d cd. (Edinburgh: Edin- 
burgh University Press, 1985). 

All-India Muslim League (also known as 
the Muslim League) 

Incorporated in December 1906 in Dacca (in mod- 
ern Bangladesh), the All-India Muslim League 
(AIML) played a leading role in the Indian inde- 
pendence movement and the creation of Pakistan. 
It grew out of the Aligarh movement that had 
aimed to give Muslims more of a voice in British 
India. It supported British rule until 1912, when, 
under the leadership of the journalist and reformer 

Muhammad Ali (d. 1931), a resolution was passed 
calling for self-government. During World War 
1, however, the AIML again supported the Brit- 
ish, as did the Indian National Congress (INC), 
the main Indian nationalist organization. During 
this period, the INC and AIML worked together, 
and both organizations passed the Lucknow Pact 
in 1916 calling for a wider franchise for Indians, 
larger representations for Indians on councils and 
in regional governments, and separate electorates 
for Muslims. During these proceedings, Muham- 
mad Ali Jinnah (d. 1948) emerged as one of the 
chief figures in the AIML. 

Jinnah, a lawyer, had joined the INC in 1896 
and the AIML in 1913. In 1920, Jinnah quit the 
INC in opposition to the management of INC 
leader Mohandas K. Gandhi's (d. 1948) first anti- 
British action that ended in some chaos. The break 
between the INC and the AIML and other Muslim 
organizations continued to widen as the indepen- 
dence struggle developed. By the 1930s, Muslim 
demands for protections were increasingly ignored 
as the INC emerged as the chief Indian negotiator 
with the colonial government. Up to this point, 
the AIMLs efforts to position itself as the sole 
voice for India's Muslim population had not been 
very successful, and a large number of seats in 
local legislative councils were lost in the 1935 
elections. The AIML was widely seen as an urban, 
elite. Westernized organization out of touch with 
both the largely rural population and the Muslim 
religious establishment. After the 1935 electoral 
losses, Jinnah led the campaign to consolidate 
the Muslim vote, eventually establishing himself 
and the AIML as the “sole spokesman" for Indian 
Muslim interests. In 1940, Jinnah and the AIML 
met at Lucknow and called for a separate state for 
India's Muslims. At first, this initiative got a luke- 
warm reception, especially in Punjab and Bengal, 
the regions with the largest Muslim populations, 
where local coalition parties of landlords based in 
the countryside were more successful. However, 
due to the INC's apparent Hindu bias, their oppo- 
sition to significant concessions to Muslims, and 

36 Almohad dynasty 

the activism of Jinnah and other AIML leaders, the 
tide was turned. The AIML emerged victorious in 
the 1945 elections, winning 460 of 533 Muslim 
legislative seats. 

After World War II, the final status nego- 
tiations with the British (who were rapidly los- 
ing interest in either retaining their authority or 
seeing through the negotiations to maintain a 
unified India) led to the 1947 partition of India. 
Jinnah called the new Muslim majority nation of 
Pakistan “moth-eaten,” as the eastern and west- 
ern halves of the country were hundreds of miles 
apart, separated by Hindu majority India. As the 
governor-general of Pakistan, Jinnah attempted 
to establish a secular constitution for the new 
nation-state. However, following his death in 
1948, a resolution was passed in 1950 affirming 
the Islamic identity of the state in which no law 
would be passed in violation of the sharia. During 
the era of political turmoil that followed partition 
and independence, the All-India Muslim League 
disbanded, reforming as the Muslim League (ML) 
in the newly independent nations. In Pakistan, 
the ML failed to establish itself as an effective 
political party. The lack of infrastructure, financial 
crises, and the MLs secular stance contributed to 
its eventual marginalization in Pakistani politics. 
In Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) the ML 
has not been a major factor in politics because it 
is viewed as the chief architect of a Pakistan in 
which the western part of the country dominated 
the eastern part in terms of language, resources, 
and authority. In India, the Muslim League no 
longer has a significant political voice, and only 
one member of parliament has represented the ML 
from the state of Kerala in 1999 and 2004. 

Sec also Awami League; Hinduism and Islam; 


Anna Bigelow 

Further reading: Ayesha Jalal, The Sole Spokesman: Jin- 
nah, the Muslim League , and the Demand for Pakistan 
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985); Ian 

Talbot, Provincial Politics and the Pakistan Movement: 
The Growth of the Muslim League in Northwest and 
Northeast India 1937-47 (Karachi: Oxford University 
Press, 1988). 

Almohad dynasty (1123-1269) 

A movement founded in southern Morocco by 
religious reformer and self-proclaimed mahdi 
( messianic figure) Muhammad Ibn Tumart (1078?- 
1130), the Almohads managed to unite North 
Africa and Islamicate Spain under their authority 
during the late 12th and early 13th centuries. 
Their name derives from the Arabic al-muwahh- 
idun, “those who proclaim the Gods oneness." 

Upon returning to his native Morocco in 
1121 after an extended trip in the Islamicate cast, 
Ibn Tumart recruited followers from among the 
Masmuda Berbers of the Anti-Atlas Mountains 
in the region near Marrakesh. Teaching a rigor- 
ous doctrine centered on the concept of God's 
oneness ( tawhid ), Ibn Tumart and his disciple 
Abd al-Mumin (d. 1163) organized the Berbers 
into an effective fighting force. Abd al-Mumin 
succeeded Ibn Tumart as caliph upon the latter's 
death in 1130 and led an extended conquest of 
North Africa and Islamicate Spain, taking Mar- 
rakesh (1147), Seville (1147), Tunisia (1160), 
and Tripolitania (1160). Upon securing Almohad 
power in North Africa, Abd al-Mumin established 
his family members as heads of state, bequeathing 
the caliphate to his sons and grandsons. 

Under the first four caliphs, the Almohad 
empire reached the height of its military, politi- 
cal, and cultural influence. Although they initially 
experienced success in turning back the Christian 
reconquest (Spanish: Reconquista) in Andalusia, 
the Almohad army later suffered a disastrous defeat 
at Las Navas de Tolosa (1212) that left southern 
Spain open for further Christian advances. The 
Almohad political-religious system, administered 
by a Berber elite, was initially quite cohesive, but 
the Almohads failed to establish Ibn Tumart s doc- 
trine as a replacement for Maliki Islam, and they 

Almoravid dynasty 37 

't?=a i D 

began to lose control of the remote regions of their 
empire by the early 13th century. Later Almohad 
caliphs would publicly disown the religious doc- 
trines of Ibn Tumart. 

Almohad cultural influences included an aus- 
tere architectural style, of which numerous exam- 
ples remain in Morocco and Spain. Despite earning 
a reputation for intolerance toward Christian and 
Jewish minorities, Almohad openness to philo- 
sophical ideas allowed philosophers such as Ibn 
Tufayl (d. 1 185) and Ibn Rushd (Averroes, d. 1198) 
to expound their teachings. However, Ibn Rushd's 
works were later banned and burned by the caliph 
Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur (r. 1 184-99). The Sufi 
movement also expanded under the Almohads, 
epitomized by the influential mystic Ibn al-Arabi 
( d. 1240). Nevertheless, the Almohad inability to 
maintain their vast holdings, win the support of 
the Maliki ulama, defeat Christian opponents in 
Spain, or subdue competing Berber tribes in North 
Africa led to their ultimate downfall. In 1269, the 
only dynasty to successfully unite North Africa 
perished, as Marrakesh fell before the rising tide of 
their rivals, the Mcrinid Berbers. 

See also Almoravid dynasty; Maliki Legal 

Stephen Cory 

Further reading: Richard Fletcher. Moorish Spain 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992); Abd 
al-Wahid al-Marrakushi, History of the Almohacles, ed. 
R. Dozy (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1881); Roger Le Tourncau. 
The Almohad Movement in North Africa in the Twelfth and 
Thirteenth Century (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univer- 
sity Press, 1969). 

Almoravid dynasty ( 1042 - 1147 ) 

A Berber dynasty that arose from the deserts of 
southern Mauritania, the Almoravids conquered 
Morocco and Islamicatc Spain during the sec- 
ond half of the 11th century. The founder of the 
Almoravid movement, a teacher of Maliki law 

named Abd Allah ibn Yasin (d. 1058), was origi- 
nally brought to the desert by a Berber chief, who 
was eager for his people to receive proper Islamic 
instruction. Imposing harsh religious discipline 
upon the tribesmen, Ibn Yasin developed a core 
group of followers, whom he later sent to conquer 
the surrounding lands and enforce his rigorous 
interpretation of Islam. Although Ibn Yasin was 
killed in battle in 1058, his successors, Abu Bakr 
ibn Umar (d. 1087) and Yusuf ibn Tashfin (d. 1106) 
extended Almoravid rule southward into Ghana 
and northward throughout Morocco and into Isl- 
amicate Spain. After establishing their new capitol 
of Marrakesh in southern Morocco, Almoravid 
armies first crossed the Strait of Gibraltar in 1086 
to support Muslim princes under siege from the 
Christian reconqucst (Spanish: Rcconquista). By 
the death of Ibn Tashfin in 1106, the Almoravids 
were supreme rulers over Islam i cate Spain. 

Ironically, historians since Ibn Khaldun (d. 
1406) have speculated that the conquest of Spain 
was actually the first step in the Almoravid 
downfall. They argue that when the Almoravids 
encountered the cultured lifestyle of Andalusia, 
they eventually abandoned the disciplined ways 
that had led to their success. Regardless, the 
Almoravid military bogged down in Spain, and 
their administrators encountered resistance from 
the population, who resented domination by what 
they thought were uncouth desert tribesmen. By 
the 1140s, much of Andalusia was in open revolt, 
while the Almohad movement was waging a suc- 
cessful war against the Almoravids in Morocco. 
The Almohad victory was complete upon the 
death of the last Almoravid sultan in 1147, and 
the Almoravid dynasty came to an end as sud- 
denly as it had burst upon the political scene less 
than 100 years earlier. However, the lasting influ- 
ence of the Almoravids is seen in the continued 
dominance of the Maliki Legal School, which 
they helped to establish in North Africa. 

See also Almohad dynasty; West Africa. 

Stephen Cory 

' e ^ 38 almsgiving 

Further reading: Richard Fletcher, Moorish Spain 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992); Hugh 
Kennedy Muslim Spain: A Political History of al-Andalus 
(London: Longman, 1996); H. T. Norris, “New Evi- 
dence on the Life of Abdullah b. Yasin and the Origins 
of the Almoravid Movement.'' Journal of African History 
12 (1971): 255-268. 


Almsgiving is a form of charity. It represents an 
ethical principle, embraced by most societies and 
religions, that people who enjoy wealth and pros- 
perity have a moral obligation to assist those who 
are less fortunate and to financially support insti- 
tutions that serve the needs of individuals and the 
public. In Islam this obligation is understood to 
be both a service to God and a service to people. 
Those who perform this service arc promised 
rewards in this life and in the afterlife. There arc 
two basic forms of almsgiving in Islam: zahat, one 
of the Five Pillars of worship, and saclac/a, a vol- 
untary form of giving. Both arc authorized in the 
Quran and hadith, and both are governed by the 
SHARIA. Other kinds of charitable giving in Islam 
are perpetual endowments (known as waqfs) 
and a special tithe ( khunis ) the Shia give to their 
religious leaders. Some hadith declare that almost 
any act of kindness toward another is almsgiving. 
The linkage of zahat with belief and worship is 
expressed in the Quran: 

Goodness is not that you turn your face to 
the east or west. Rather goodness is that 
a person believe in God, the last day, the 
angels, the book, and the prophets; that he 
gives wealth out of love to relatives, orphans, 
the needy, travelers, slaves; that he performs 
prayer, and that he gives zcihat. (Q 2:177) 

Zahat is based on the Arabic word meaning “to be 
pure" (zaha). Purity is a key concept in Islamic 
religious thought and practice. It governs the 
performance of the other religious duties — prayer. 

fasting, and the hajj, as well as the dietary laws. In 
regard to the act of giving zcihat , the underlying 
principle is that such an act, done in kindness for 
the betterment of the needy or the community, 
purifies the giver and the givers property. Further- 
more, the Quran promises that believers who pay 
zahat will sec an increase in their own prosperity 
(Q 30:39). 

According to the sharia, payment of zcihat is 
required of adult Muslims each year at the end of 
Ramadan, the month of fasting. It is calculated on 
the basis of ones net income from lawful ( halal ) 
sources after expenses for food, clothing, and 
shelter for oneself and dependents have been paid. 
Traditionally, the tax has been assessed on agri- 
cultural yields, livestock production, possession 
of lawful merchandise, gold, silver, and cash. The 
general tax rate is 2.5 percent, but there are higher 
rates for minerals extracted from the ground, 
war booty, buried property belonging to people 
who have perished, and property salvaged from 
the sea. Based on the Quran and hadith, Muslim 
jurists have also identified those who qualify to 
receive alms: the hungry and the homeless, the ill, 
students, recent converts, slaves so that they can 
be freed, those who struggle “in the way of God," 
travelers, and those needing assistance in repaying 
their debts. 

Almsgiving became a religious duty after 
Muhammad established the first Muslim com- 
munity in Medina in 622. It was one of the first 
obligations to be met by converts. The first serious 
conflict over apostasy occurred when converted 
Arab tribes refused to pay zcihat after Muhammad 
died in 632. As the Muslim empire grew, rulers and 
religious scholars systematized the rules govern- 
ing almsgiving, because this was the main form of 
taxation levied against Muslims for the well-being 
of the community. Details on how rigorously zcihat 
laws were followed are lacking for much of Islam's 
history. In modern times, Muslims often give alms 
privately without intervention of the state, and in 
many communities assistance with payment and 
calculating the amount due is available to them 

alphabet 39 

from zcikat committees. There are even zcikat calcu- 
lators available on the Internet. People may donate 
to needy individuals or to mosques, charitable 
organizations, and educational institutions. Only a 
few modern nations, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, 
Libya, Pakistan, and Sudan, have attempted to 
administer almsgiving through government agen- 
cies. In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, 
attacks on the United States, a number of Islamic 
charitable organizations connected with zcikat have 
been investigated or closed down in the United 
States and abroad because of suspected links with 
with radical groups engaging in terrorist activities. 
Muslims living in the United States and Europe 
have had to look for other ways to fulfill their alms- 
giving obligations because of this. 

Further reading: Lalch Bakhtiyar, Encyclopaedia of 
Islamic Law: A Compendium of the Major Schools (Chi- 
cago: ABC International Group. 1996); Azim Nanji, 
“Ethics and Taxation: The Perspective of Islamic Tradi- 
tion.” Journal of Religious Ethics 13 (1983): 161-178. 


Since Islam is a religion found in many differ- 
ent cultures, its followers speak many different 
languages, which are written in several alphabets. 
The most important of these is the Arabic alpha- 
bet, consisting of 28 letters written as a script 
from right to left. This means that there is no 
separate printed form for individual Arabic let- 
ters, as there is in English; it also means that the 
shape of the letter can be affected by its position 
at the beginning, middle, or end of the word. All 
the letters arc consonants, but three of them can 
also represent long vowels: a, i, and u. There are 
no letters for the short vowels (a, i, and u); they 
are either not written, or they are represented by 
optional markings called diacritics written above 
and below the consonants. Historically, the Arabic 
alphabet evolved from ancient Semitic scripts that 
were used by people living in northern Arabia 
and Syria. It gained widespread use only after the 

appearance of Islam in the seventh century, how- 
ever. Nearly all of the most authoritative Islamic 
religious texts, including the Quran, were origi- 
nally written in the Arabic cursive script. 

Through the centuries, as Islamic religion and 
civilization spread to new lands, native peoples 
began to adopt the Arabic language and use its 
alphabet to write their own languages. Not all of 
these people were Muslims; Middle Eastern Jews 
and Christians adopted both the Arabic language 
and alphabet. By the 1.0th century, Arabic letters 
were adapted to write the Persian language and 
then related dialects such as Kurdish and Pashto, 
as well as the Turkic languages. To do this, addi- 
tional consonants were required to represent 
sounds occurring in those languages but that do 
not occur in Arabic (for example, p as in pony, 
ch as in chair, and g as in game). Urdu, which is 
today the official language of Pakistan, is based on 
a Persianized form of the Arabic alphabet. Arabic 
letters have also been used to write languages spo- 
ken in medieval Spain, Africa, and Southeast Asia. 
Alongside the Roman alphabet, which is used to 
write English and other Western languages, the 
Arabic alphabet is one of the most widely used 
in the world today. Turkey, one of the largest 
Muslim countries in the Middle East, switched 
from the Arabic alphabet to the Roman in 1928, 
when its government was being reconstituted 
along strongly secular lines. However, the Arabic 
alphabet is still widely used in Arab countries, and 
(in its Persianized form) in Iran, Afghanistan, 
and Pakistan. Moreover, it has been successfully 
adapted for print media (newspapers, magazines, 
books, etc.) and the internet, so it continues to 
play an important role in the communication of 
religious and secular information, knowledge, and 
opinions in the modern world. 

The Arabic alphabet is especially important in 
Islam because it was used for writing the words 
Muslims believe God revealed to Muhammad in 
the seventh century. Most Muslims attempt to 
learn the Arabic letters so that they can read the 
Quran. Some 29 suras in the Quran begin with 

' 4s5?D 40 amulets and talismans 

letters written separately, and some suras even 
take their names from these letters, like suras 
Ta Ha (Q 20) and Ya Sin (Q 36). There has been 
much disagreement about what the letters mean, 
but some Muslims explain that their meaning is a 
mystery known only to God. Muslims also have 
assigned numerical value to individual letters. For 
example, many Muslims living in Asia have signs 
in their businesses and vehicles bearing the num- 
ber 786, which is the numerical sum of the letters 
in the phrase bismillah al-rahman al-rahim (In the 
name of God, the most compassionate and most 
merciful), known as the BASMALA. It is believed to 
bring good fortune and divert the evil eye. Shii 
and Sufi Muslims have a long tradition of inter- 
preting the secret meanings of Arabic letters. This 
can be seen in the interpretation of the the three 
letters alif-lam-mim that begin the second chapter 
of the Quran. Sufis believed the alif represented 
Allah, that the mini represented Muhammad, and 
that the 1 am represented Gabriel, the angel who 
acted as the emissary between God and Muham- 
mad in delivering the Quran. In some contexts, 
the calculation of the numerical values of letters 
has been used in numerology to foretell the future 
and write magic spells. This was known as jafr. 

Sec also Arabic language and literature; cal- 
ligraphy; Persian language and literature; Turk- 

Further reading: Kristin Brustad, Mahmoud al-Batal, 
and Abbas Tonsi, Alif Baa: Introduction to Arabic Letters 
and Sounds (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University 
Press, 2001); Peter Daniels and W. Bright, cds., The 
Worlds Writing Systems (New York: Oxford University 
Press, 1996); Gerhard Endress. An Introduction to Islam 
(New York: Columbia University Press. 1988); Annema- 
rie Schimmel, Mystical Dimensions of Islam (Chapel 
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1975). 

amulets and talismans 

An amulet is a material object believed to pro- 
tect a person or possession against evil forces. 

A talisman is an object believed to provide good 
fortune or have some benefit for a person or 
possession, though it can also have a protective 
function as well. The two terms are often used 
interchangeably. Amulets and talismans are often 
small enough to be worn on the body, but they can 
also be placed in a persons home, workplace, or 
vehicle. Their use is attested in the religions of the 
ancient world, in tribal societies, and among the 
followers of the major religious traditions, includ- 
ing the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, 
and Islam. In the comparative study of religions, 
scholars have classified the use of amulets and 
talismans as a form of magic — a way of looking 
at the world based on a belief that a person can 
manipulate natural and supernatural forces for 
good or bad purposes. 

Though some Muslim scholars and reformers 
have criticized the use of amulets and talismans, 
making and wearing them is a widespread prac- 
tice in traditional and modern Islamicate societ- 
ies. They arc known by various Arabic terms, the 
most common being hijab, hirz, tawiz , tamima , 
and tilsam. They can be simple objects, such as 
a bead, stone, piece of jewelry, relic from a holy 
place, or a drawing of an unusual animal or 
supernatural being. They often consist of pieces 
of paper with the names of God, angels, saints, 
and JINNIS written on them, or select passages 
from the Quran, such as the last two chapters (Q 
113 and 114), which arc called the “protection- 
seeking ones,” and the Throne Verse (Q 2:256). 
More elaborate amulets and talismans combine 
these elements with drawings of squares contain- 
ing magic numbers, astrological symbols, and 
letters. Such magical objects arc placed in a cloth 
bag, leather pouch, or case made of gold or silver 
and worn on the body. Small copies of the entire 
Quran are also commonly used as amulets and 

People believe that amulets and talismans can 
help channel the power of blessing ( BARAKA ) to 
protect a child or valuable possessions, obtain a 
cure from a physical or mental illness, spark a 

Andalusia 41 

love affair, facilitate conception and childbirth, 
induce trees to bear fruit, combat the evil EYE, 
cast out evil spirits, or bring harm to an opponent. 
There are even amulets that are believed to offer 
protection from bullets and troublesome govern- 
ment officials. Amulets and talismans are usually 
obtained from a shaykh or some other person 
claiming specialized knowledge for making ones 
that are effective, and they are used by Muslims 
and non-Muslims. 

Sec also children; women. 

Further reading: Eleanor Abdclla Doumalo, Gelling 
God's Ear: Women , Islam , and Healing in Saudi Arabia and 
the Gulf (New York: Columbia University Press, 2000); 
Joyce B. Flucckiger, “‘The Vision Was of Written Words: 
Negotiating Authority as a Female Muslim Healer 
in South India. " In Syllables of Sky: Studies of South 
Indian Civilization, edited by David Shulman, 240-282 
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995); Edward W. 
Lane, An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Mod- 
ern Egyptians (New York: Dover Publications, 1973). 


Andalusia ( al-Andalus ) is the name given to 
regions of Spain and Portugal under Muslim rule 
between 711 and 1492. It also evokes romantic 
memories of a “golden age" in that land when 
culture, learning, and the arts flourished and 
Muslim, Christian, and Jew lived together in har- 
mony. The word Andalusia is thought to originally 
come from the name of a Germanic tribe, the 
Vandals, who had occupied the Iberian Peninsula 
and North Africa in the fifth and sixth centuries, 
before the Muslim conquests. At its greatest 
extent, Andalusia reached from the Mediterra- 
nean shores of southern Spain northward almost 
to the Pyrenees Mountains. Its northern borders, 
however, were never secure, as European Chris- 
tian armies drove southward in what is called the 
Reconquista, or the “reconquest," of Spain. This 
started in the 11th century and ended with the 
fall of Granada, the last Muslim stronghold, to 

La Giralda, the minaret for the 12th-century Almohad 
mosque of Seville, converted into a bell tower for the 
city’s cathedral in the 16th century (Federico R. Campo) 

the armies of Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492, the 
same year Columbus landed in the New World. 

Muslim armies first crossed from North Africa 
into Andalusia by way of the Strait of Gibraltar 
in 711. They soon established themselves in the 
peninsulas major cities: Malaga, Cordoba, Toledo, 
Barcelona, and Zaragosa. The new postconquest 
society that subsequently arose was dominated 
by an Arab Muslim elite and Berber allies from 
North Africa who had only recently converted 
to Islam. The Muslims of Andalusia came to 
be called the Moors by Europeans, but that is 
not what they called themselves. Most remained 
loyal to their tribal, family, and regional identi- 
ties, which contributed to the factionalism that 
characterized much of the political history of 

42 angel 

Andalusia. The indigenous subject populations 
consisted of Christians (mostly Roman Catho- 
lic) and Jews known as the Sephardim (Spanish 
Jewry). Non-Muslims were treated as dhimmis 
(protected subjects) under the sharia, despite 
sporadic persecution at the hands of some zeal- 
ous Muslim rulers. The interrelationship between 
Muslim and non-Muslim in Andalusia produced a 
unique mix of cultural identities: Arab and Berber 
immigrants, local converts to Islam ( muwallads ), 
Christian admirers of Arab culture (Mozarabs), 
Arabized Jews, Mudejars (Muslims living under 
Christian rule), Conversos (J cws forcibly bap- 
tized as Christians during the Reconquista), and 
Moriscos (Muslims forcibly baptized as Chris- 
tians after 1492). These groups spoke a mixture 
of languages — Arabic, Berber, and Latin-based 
Romance dialects. 

Historians have called the golden age of har- 
monious coexistence shared by Andalusian Mus- 
lims and non-Muslims the convivencia. It began 
with the Umayyad Caliphate, which was trans- 
planted from Damascus to Cordova in 756. The 
Umayyads ruled Andalusia until 1009, when their 
caliphate disintegrated and subsequent Muslim 
leaders turned against each other, while simulta- 
neously they tried to hold off invading Christian 
armies from the north. The ideal of the convivencia 
nevertheless persisted, as exemplified in Anda- 
lusian (Moorish) architecture, poetry, music, 
and philosophy. Among the stellar individuals 
contributing to this unique mix of cultures were 
religious thinkers and philosophers such as Ibn 
Hazm (d. 1064), Ibn Rushd (d. 1198), and Moses 
Maimonides (d. 1204, Jewish author of Guide for 
the Perplexed ); poets such as Ibn Zaydun (d. 1070) 
and Judah Halevi (d. 1174, Jewish philosopher- 
poet); and mystics such as Ibn Arabi (d. 1240) 
and Moses de Leon (d. 1305), author of the Zohar, 
a Jewish mystical text. Some of the great philo- 
sophical and literary works of these men eventu- 
ally were translated into European languages and 
helped enhance intellectual life in the high Middle 
Ages and Renaissance. The cultural heritage of 

the golden age is also reflected in cuisine, as new 
foods and flavors introduced by the Arabs from 
the east changed the eating habits of Andalusian 
peoples. Rice dishes, citrus fruits, and aromatic 
spices found their way into Andalusian palaces 
and homes and later enriched the eating traditions 
of Europe, just as Andalusian learning and the arts 
enriched the cultural life of Islamicate lands and 
the west. 

See also agriculture; Almohad dynasty; 
Almorvid dynasty; Berber; Christianity and Islam; 
Europe; Judaism and Islam; Sephardic Jews. 

Further reading: Salma Khadra Jayyusi. cd., The Legacy 
of Muslim Spain. 2 vols. (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994); Maria 
Rosa Mcnocal. The Ornament of the World: How Mus- 
lims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance 
in Medieval Spain (Boston: Little Brown & Co., 2002); 
W. Montgomery Watt and Pierre Cachia, A History of 
Muslim Spain (Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh 
Press, 1965). 


An angel (from the Greek word for "messenger') 
is a supernatural being that participates in the 
relations between God and human beings. Belief 
in angels usually occurs in monotheistic religions 
such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, where 
there is a belief in only one god and there exists a 
clear separation between this god and the created 
world. Islamic belief in angels first appears early in 
the seventh century in the Quran, and it is based 
on related beliefs held previously by Zoroastrians, 
Jews, and Christians in the Middle East. Indeed, 
according to the Quran and early Muslim theolo- 
gians, belief in angels is one of the requirements of 
FAITH. Islamic understandings about angels have 
developed through the centuries and continue to 
be part of the spiritual outlook of many Muslims 
today, although skeptics deny their existence. 

According Islamic tradition, angels submit 
to God's commands and serve as his messengers 
and helpers. In heaven, they sing his praise, 

animals 43 

guard his throne, and visit the celestial Kaaba, as 
Muslims visit the earthly one during the pilgrim- 
age to Mecca. They will also greet people when 
they enter paradise. According to the Quran, 
angels witnessed the creation of Adam, the first 
human. All but Iblis (Satan) bowed down to 
Adam in respect; God punished Iblis by cursing 
and expelling him from heaven. Sometimes, Iblis 
is regarded as one of the JINN, a separate class of 
supernatural beings, but he is also seen as a fallen 
angel whose role is to test peoples faithfulness to 
God’s commands. Some angels have special func- 
tions. For example, Gabriel is widely regarded as 
the angel of revelation, Izrail is the angel of death, 
Malik is the guardian of hell, and Israfil is the 
one who will blow the trumpet on JUDGMENT Day. 
Other angels are responsible for recording peoples 
good and bad deeds, while the angels Mlunkar 
and Nakir arc assigned to conduct interrogations 
of the dead in their tombs, thus preparing them 
for their future rewards or punishments in heaven 
or hell. 

Angels arc said to be awesome beings made of 
dazzling light and to have wings, unlike humans, 
who are made of clay, and the jinn, who are made 
of fire. But according to some accounts, angels 
may also appear in human form, as beautiful men 
and women. Islamic tradition holds that Muham- 
mad encountered Gabriel many times in his adult 
life: Gabriel transmitted the Quran to him, and 
he served as his escort through the heavens dur- 
ing the Night Journey and Ascent. According to 
some versions of this story, Muhammad also led 
the angels in prayer at the Aqsa Mosque in Jeru- 
salem. Shia Muslims share many of these beliefs 
with the Sunnis, but they also claim that their 
Imams have special knowledge that angels have 
given to them and no one else and that the angels 
protect them from harm. In Sufism and Islamic 
philosophy, angels were associated with the stars 
and planets and ranked according to their place in 
the seven spheres of heaven. Some mystics even 
thought that humans could perfect their souls 
enough to become angels themselves. 

Further reading: Fazlur Rahman, Major Themes in the 
Quran (Minneapolis and Chicago: Bibliotheca lslamica, 
1980); Jane Smith and Yvonne Haddad. The Islamic 
Understanding of Death and Resurrection (Albany: State 
University of New York Press, 1981); Alford T. Welch, 
"Allah and Other Supernatural Beings: The Emergence 
of the Quranic Doctrine of Tawhid." Journal of the Amer- 
ican Academy of Religion 47 (1979): 733-758. 


Animals hold a significant place in the religious 
beliefs, rituals, arts, and folklore of Muslims. 
They are discussed in the Quran and hadith, 
mentioned in Islamic legal texts, and depicted in 
illustrated manuscripts and decorative arts, and 
stories of them are popular in Islamic religious 
literature and folklore. Islamic tradition gives 
humans dominion over animals — people obtain 
benefits from them such as food and transpor- 
tation, but people arc also responsible for their 
well-being. In the Quran, where six chapters are 
named after animals, the most frequently men- 
tioned species arc domesticated ones that live 
in herds, such as sheep, goats, camels, HORSES, 
and cattle. Wild animals, such as birds, snakes, 
fish, and insects, are also mentioned, but not in 
great detail. All creatures are believed to have 
been created by God for the benefit of humans, 
and they serve as signs of Gods power. The most 
famous stories in the Quran that involve animals 
include the raven that showed Cain how to bury 
his murdered brother (Q 5:31), Noah's ark (Q 
23:27), the hoopoe bird that served as a mes- 
senger between King Solomon and the queen 
of Sheba (Q 27:20-28); the staff of Moses that 
turned into a serpent (Q 7:107; 26:32), the fish 
or whale that swallowed Jonah (Q 37:139-145), 
the birds JESUS created from clay (Q 3:49), the 
Dog that guarded the seven sleepers in the 
cave (Q 18:18, 22), and the flock of birds sent 
by God to destroy “those of the elephant" who 
were about to attack Mecca (Q 105). The Quran 
also contains stories about people whom God 

44 animals 

transformed into pigs and apes because of their 
wrongful deeds (Q 2:65; 5:60). Quran com- 
mentaries and literature about the lives of the 
prophets added more detail to these stories and 
also included more animal tales, such as one 
about the peacock and the serpent who helped 
Satan enter the Garden of Eden to seduce Adam 
and Eve. Specific commands in the Quran and 
hadith concerning food and sacrifice provided 
the basis for the system of rules about what kinds 
of animals should be eaten and how they should 
be slaughtered (see dietary laws). Thus, when an 
animal is to be sacrificed or slaughtered for food, 
the act must be done in accordance with detailed 
rules to make sure that it is permissible to eat the 
animal and to minimize its pain and suffering. In 
general, Islamic law does not condone cruelty to 
animals or blood sports such as cockfighting and 
bullfighting. Such rules and prohibitions furnish 
the basis for modern discussions of animal rights 
in Islam, even though acts of cruelty toward ani- 
mals do indeed occur in Muslim societies. There 
is also a belief based on the sayings of Muham- 
mad that people will be held accountable in the 
AFTERLIFE for the way they treated animals during 
their worldly existence. 

Animals arc popular subjects in the literary 
traditions and folklore of Muslim peoples. Prc- 
Islamic Arabic poetry is especially rich in refer- 
ences to camels, horses, ostriches, and lions, all 
animals connected to life in the Arabian Desert. 
One of the enduring classics of medieval lit- 
erature is Kalita wa Dinina, a collection of fables 
that was brought to Persia from India and was 
translated into Arabic by Ibn Muqaffa in the 
eighth century. This book drew upon animal lore 
to provide moral lessons and practical advice to 
rulers. Arabic stories such as the Brethren of 
Purity's “Dispute between Animals and Man" 
(10th century) and lbn Tufayls Hayy ibn Yaqzan 
(12th century) underscore the special responsi- 
bility humans have in caring for animals. Indeed, 
according to tales about Muslim saints, showing 
kindness toward animals was characteristic of 

saintly virtue. One of the masterpieces of medi- 
eval Persian mystical literature is Farid al-Din 
Attars Conference of the Birds (Mantiq al-tayr, 12th 
century), an allegorical poem about a flock of dif- 
ferent kinds of birds who set out to find their true 
king, only to discover that their journey is really 
one of self-discovery. The birds in this poem 
represent Sufi disciples in quest of God. Middle 
Eastern lore also has stories about mythological 
animals, such as the BURAQ (Muhammad's winged 
riding animal), the Simurgh (the phoenix), and 
the Rukhkh (a giant bird mentioned in the legend 
of Sinbad). 

Although conservative ulama prohibited the 
portrayal of humans and animals, both were 
depicted in illustrated book manuscripts and 
the decorative arts. Among the most popular 
books containing illustrations of both domestic 
and wild animals in the Middle Ages were al- 
Hariri's Maqamat , Ibn Muqaffa’s Kalila wci Dinina , 
and the Shahnama (the Persian epic of kings). 
Manuscripts commissioned by the rulers of the 
Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires (ca. 16th 
century to 19th century) often contained illustra- 
tions that showed animal and human subjects in 
exquisite detail. Animals were also portrayed in 
ceramics, metalwork, carpets, and woodwork. 
They never appeared, however, in Quran manu- 
scripts and mosque decorations because of the 
fear that this would violate the Islamic ban on 

See also Arabian Nights; cat. 

Further reading: Esin Atil, Kalila wa Dinina: Fables from 
a Fourteenth-Century Arabic Manuscript (Washington, 
D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1981); Farid ud- 
Din Altar, The Conference of the Birds, trans. Afkham 
Darbandi and Dick Davis (New York: Penguin, 1984); 
Jonathan Bloom and Sheila Blair, Islamic Arts (London: 
Phaidon Press, 1997); Denys Johnson-Davis, trans., The 
Island of the Animals (Austin: University of Texas Press, 
1994); Annemarie Schimmel, Deciphering the Signs of 
God: A Phenomenological Approach to Islam (Albany: 
State University of New York Press, 1994); Al-Hafiz B. 

anthropomorphism 45 

A. Masri, Islamic Concern for Animals (Petersfield. U.K.: 
Athene Trust, 1987). 

Ansar (Arabic: helpers) 

The Ansar were early converts to Islam from Medina 
who joined in an alliance with Muhammad and the 
Emigrants from Mecca in 622. They were members 
of the Arab Khazraj and Aws tribes, the two domi- 
nant tribes in Medina at that time, and they served 
as hosts for the Emigrants. The Ansar participated 
in the battles against Muhammad’s enemies and in 
the early wars of conquest after his death in 632. 
Together with other groups that participated in the 
conquest, they settled in the new garrison towns of 
Kufa in Iraq and Fustat (Cairo) in Egypt. They also 
ranked highly on the registries for receiving income 
from newly conquered territories in the Middle 
East. As rivals to the Quraysh tribe of Mecca, they 
supported the candidacy of Ali Ibn abi Talib (d. 
661) for the caliphate, and in the eighth century, 
they allied with the Abbasids in their revolt against 
the Umayyad Caliphate. As a tribe, they eventu- 
ally blended in with other members of the Muslim 
community, but the name continues to be used for 
mosques and contemporary Muslim organizations. 

In Sudan, the Ansar is a significant Islamic 
movement named after the helpers of the Suda- 
nese MAHDI, Muhammad Ahmad ibn Abd Allah 
(d. 1883), who ruled the country for a short time 
in the 1880s. The Mahdis heirs reorganized the 
group into a puritanical religious movement in 
the early 20th century, and it has played a major 
role in modern Sudanese politics to the present 
day. The Ansar name was also used independently 
by radical Islamist guerrilla organizations in Iraq, 
Pakistan, and Lebanon in the 1990s and 2000s. 

See also UMMA. 

Further reading: Hugh Kennedy, The Prophet and the 
Age oj the Caliphates: The Islamic Near East from the 
Sixth to the Eleventh Century (London: Longman, 1986); 
W. Montgomery Watt, Muhammad at Medina (Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 1956). 


Anthropomorphism is a topic in classical Islamic 
theology. It is concerned with the question as to 
whether God resembles human beings in his fea- 
tures (attributes), actions, and emotions. Is God 
completely unlike his creation and distant from 
it, or not? The issue was raised in debates about 
statements in the Quran and hadith as well as in 
efforts made by early Muslims to distinguish their 
religious beliefs from non-Islamic ones, especially 
those of the ancient Near Eastern cultures and the 
Greeks, who commonly portrayed their gods and 
goddesses in human form, and Christians, who 
held that Jesus was God in the flesh. Political con- 
flicts within the Muslim community in the eighth 
century may also have intensified the debate. 

Muslims who were called anthropomor- 
phists (people who believed that God resembled 
humans) looked to passages in the Quran that say, 
for example, "Grace is in God's hand" (Q 3:73) 
and “His throne encompasses the heavens and 
earth" (Q 2:255). They argued that God therefore 
must have a real hand and that he had a body that 
could be seated on a throne. The hadith contain 
even stronger anthropomorphisms, such as the 
one based on the Bible, which says that God cre- 
ated Adam “in his image." Their opponents, how- 
ever, argued that such statements could not be 
taken literally, but that they were figures of speech 
intended to help ordinary humans grasp abstract 
theological concepts. To support their views, 
the opponents of anthropomorphism quoted the 
Quran verse that says of God “nothing is like him” 
(Q 42:11), implying that God lacks resemblance 
to his creation, including humans. 

Anthropomorphic understandings of God 
were based partly on popular religious piety in 
the eighth and ninth centuries, and they were 
articulated by Sunni scholars who held to the lit- 
eral reading of the Quran and hadith, as well as by 
followers of extremist Shii doctrines. The extreme 
rationalist view of God that denied any real 
resemblance between God and his creation was 
articulated by the Mutazili School and supported 

46 Antichrist 

by the Abbasid caliphs. The middle position in 
this debate was defined by al-Ashari (873-935) 
and his followers, who argued that the anthropo- 
morphic descriptions of God based on the Quran 
and hadith must be accepted as real, but that 
God remains uniquely different from his creation 
"without lour) knowing how." This is the doc- 
trine that has prevailed in the Sunni community 
until the present day. Nevertheless, anthropomor- 
phic understandings of God continue to surface 
in popular Muslim beliefs and certain strands of 
Sufism and speculative thought. 

Sec also Abbasid Caliphate; Allah; Ashari 
School; ghulat; Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad; Perfect 

Further reading: Binyamin Abrahamov, Anthropomor- 
phism and the Interpretation of the Quran in the Theol- 
ogy of al-Qasim ibn Ibrahim (Leiden: E.J. Brill. 1996); 
W. Montgomery Watt, The Formative Period of Islamic 
Thought (Oxford: One World Press, 1998). 

Antichrist (Arabic: al-dajjal, or al-masih 

The Antichrist is a well-known figure who Mus- 
lims expect to arrive at the End of Times. Ideas 
about the dajjal, which means "deceiver," do not 
come directly from the Quran, although other 
apocalyptic elements, such as Judgment Day, Gog 
and Magog (armies lead by the Antichrist), and the 
trials and tribulations of the End Times are pres- 
ent. Rather, the term dajjal — the Islamic equiva- 
lent of the Christian Antichrist — occurs in the 
hadith, the second major source of authoritative 
knowledge in Islam. In many hadith collections, 
including the authoritative Sunni collections by 
al-Bukhari and Muslim, the dajjal is variously 
described as being red-complexioned, one-eyed 
(or blind in one eye), and short (or sometimes 
enormously large), with bowed legs and curly 
hair. The name Unbeliever will be written on his 
forehead. It is said that he will perform miracles, 
attracting many whose faith is weak. However, 

true, believing Muslims will not succumb. He will 
reign for 40 years (or 40 days) before he succeeds 
in destroying Muslims. Ultimately, the Antichrist 
will be slain by Jesus, who also plays an important 
role in Islamic eschatology. The Shia, it should be 
noted, believe that Jesus and the Mahdi together 
will slay him, after which the End Times and 
Judgment Day will come. 

The different and sometimes contradictory 
ways in which the Antichrist is described in 
Islamic eschatology is a result of early inter- 
actions among Muslims and Christians in the 
Middle East. Muslim scholars are divided on the 
authenticity of these traditions, which appear to 
go against the Quranic teaching that Judgment 
Day will arrive suddenly. Nonetheless, belief in 
the emergence of the Antichrist is a central aspect 
of belief for Muslims. There is an active apocalyp- 
tic tradition today in which various “Antichrists” 
are described; some commentators even see the 
Antichrist embodied in the modern temptations 
and foreign domination to which Muslims have 
been subjected. 

See also Christianity and Islam; death; Shiism. 

John Iskander 

Further reading: Bernard McGinn, Anti-Christ: Two 
Thousand Years of the Human Fascination with Evil 
(New York: Columbia University Press, 2000); Zcki 
Saritoprak, "The Legend of al-Dajjal (Antichrist): The 
Personification of Evil in the Islamic Tradition." Muslim 
World 93 (2003): 291-308. 


A term coined in the 19th century, anti-Semitism 
is used to describe hateful attitudes and hostile 
actions directed at Jews. It is not to be confused 
with the persecution of Jews by Christians and 
others prior to that time, which is better under- 
stood as anti-Judaism — the persecution of Jews 
because of their religious beliefs and practices. The 
term Semite originated in modern history as part 

anti-Semitism 47 

of a European scholarly effort to rationally catego- 
rize the languages and races of the world. It was 
derived from the name of Shem, a son of Noah, 
considered to be one of the ancient ancestors of 
the Hebrews in the Bible. It acquired negative 
meaning when white European racists, especially 
in Germany, asserted that their Indo-European, or 
Aryan, cultural and biological heritage was supe- 
rior to that of other races, including that of the 
“Semites.” Both Jews and Arabs were classified as 
Semitic peoples, but during the late 19th century 
and early 20th century the term Semite came to 
be used in a deliberate propaganda campaign to 
dehumanize the Jews of Europe. This campaign 
culminated in the Holocaust of 1933-45, which 
involved the mass extermination of millions of 
Jews and members of other minority groups in 
concentration camps built by Nazi Germany and 
its allies in Europe. 

Anti-Semitism was imported to Muslim lands 
from Europe in the 20th century. Prior to that 
time, Jews in these lands held DHlMMt status, a 
kind of second-class citizenship, and, except for 
sporadic outbreaks of violence, they were bet- 
ter integrated into Islamicate societies than into 
Christian European ones. Indigenous elites in 
Muslim countries became influenced by Euro- 
pean intellectual trends and political ideologies 
of all kinds — including ant-Semitism — during 
the decades they were under direct or indirect 
colonial rule. With the breakup of the colonial 
empires after World War II, the emergence of new 
Arab nation-states, and the creation of Israel, 
anti-Semitic rhetoric found widespread use in the 
speeches of Arab leaders and the Middle Eastern 
media. There were also violent attacks on eastern 
Jews living in Iraq, Libya, Morocco, and Aden 
(Yemen). These attacks, and growing Arab nation- 
alist rhetoric, together with the desire of Jews to 
live in their own homeland, caused Jews in many 
Arab lands to immigrate to Israel. 

At first, anti-Semitic hostility in the Middle 
East was expressed mainly by secular states and 
political parties. After the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. 

however, it was also promoted by radical Islamic 
movements, beginning with the Muslim Brother- 
hood in Egypt and other Arab countries. Publica- 
tions of this organization repeated dehumanizing 
caricatures and stereotypes of Jews that had origi- 
nated in Europe. The demonization of Jews and 
of Israel intensified in the wake of the Iranian 
Revolution of 1978-1979, the Israeli invasion 
of Lebanon (1982), escalation of hostilities in the 
Arab-Israeli conflicts during the late 1980s and 
1990s, and the U.S. and British invasion of Iraq 
in 2003. Arabic and Persian translations of The 
Protocols of the Elders of Zion , a fraudulent Russian 
document alleging a Jewish plot to dominate the 
world, circulated widely in the Middle East, and it 
continues to be cited in anti-Israeli speeches and 
even television dramas. Saudi schoolbooks refer to 
it as if its slanderous allegations were true. Other 
examples of anti-Semitic ideology in the rcligiopo- 
litical rhetoric of the Middle East include iterations 
of a medieval Christian libel against the Jews and 
denial of the Holocaust. Louis Farrakhan, the 
African-American leader of the Nation of Islam, 
has also been condemned for making anti-Semitic 
remarks. In some Jewish circles, anyone who 
criticizes the policies and actions of the Israeli 
government, especially with regard to the question 
of Palestine, is labeled an anti-Semite. Extremist 
rhetoric appears to be increasing in the first decade 
of the 21st century among different factions and 
movements, a development that inhibits the peace- 
ful resolution of political conflicts in the Middle 
East. It also undermines efforts to achieve better 
interfaith understanding. 

See also colonialism; Judaism and Islam. 

Further reading: Jane S. Gerber, “Anti-Semitism and the 
Muslim World." In History and Hate: The Dimensions of 
Anti-Semitism, edited by David Berger, 73—94 (Philadel- 
phia: Jewish Publication Society, 1986); Bernard Lewis, 
The Jews of Islam (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University, 
1984); Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clare, eds., 
The Politics of Anti-Semitism (Oakland, Calif.: AK Press, 

48 apostasy 

Apostasy, which comes from the Greek word for 
"defection" or "revolt,” is the partial or complete 
abandonment or rejection of the beliefs and prac- 
tices of a religion by a person who is a follower 
of that religion. The charge of apostasy is often 
used by religious authorities to condemn and 
punish skeptics, dissidents, and minorities in 
their communities. This is especially so in reli- 
gions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, 
where membership in the religious community 
involves publicly making or consenting to formal 
statements of belief. Failure to do so may provide 
grounds for accusations of apostasy and result in 
severe penalties. 

In Islam, apostasy is thought of in two ways: 
abandoning Islam ( irtidad ) and deviation in reli- 
gious belief (ilhad). In either case, apostasy is 
regarded as a kind of disbelief, together with HER- 
ESY and blasphemy (verbally insulting a religion). 
The Quran declares that apostasy will result in 
punishment in the afterlife but takes a relatively 
lenient view toward apostasy in this life (Q 9:74; 
2:109). This picture changed significantly during 
the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates (seventh 
century to ninth century), when Muslim jurists 
invoked HADITH that supported the imposition 
of the death penalty for apostasy, except in cases 
of coercion. These hadith may well have been 
a product of the so-called wars of apostasy (the 
Ridda Wars) that shook the early Muslim commu- 
nity after the death of Muhammad in 632. Accord- 
ing to the sharia, apostasy is identified with a long 
list of actions such as conversion to another reli- 
gion, denying the existence of God, rejecting the 
prophets, mocking God or the prophets, idol wor- 
ship, rejecting the sharia, or permitting behavior 
that is forbidden by the sharia, such as adultery. 
Muslims disagree over when such actions should 
be punished, but in the history of Islam, a variety 
of individuals and groups have been accused of 
apostasy — atheists, materialists, Sufis, and mem- 
bers of Shii sects. The Sufi mystics Mansur al- 
Hallaj (d. 922) and Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawardi 

(d. 1191) were among those in the Middle Ages 
accused of apostasy and executed, as well many 
followers of Ismaili Shiism. In addition to death, 
adult male apostates may also be punished by 
forced separation from their spouses and denial 
of property and inheritance rights, depending on 
the legal school. Punishment of female apostates 
involves not death, but confinement. Punishments 
may be cancelled if the accused person repents his 
or her apostasy in public. 

In the modern period, conservative Muslim 
authorities and religious radicals have accused 
Muslim modernists, intellectuals, and writers 
of this "crime.” Among the most famous to be 
charged with apostasy or the related crime of 
blasphemy are the Anglo-Indian writer Salman 
Rushdie (b. 1947), the Egyptian intellectual Nasr 
Hamid Abu Zayd (b. 1943), and the Bangladeshi 
writer and human rights advocate Taslima Nasrin 
(b. 1962). In some Muslim countries, apostasy 
charges have also been leveled against non-Mus- 
lims, for example the Bahais in Iran and Chris- 
tians in Pakistan. International human RIGHTS 
advocates, Muslims and non-Muslims, have con- 
demned Islamic apostasy laws in the name of 
justice and "freedom of thought, conscience, and 
religion” (Article 18, Universal Declaration of 
Human Rights). 

See also Bahai Faith; Christianity and Islam; 
Judaism and Islam; heresy; kafir. 

Further reading: Burhan al-Din AI-Marghinani, The 
Hedaya: Commentary on the Islamic Laws. Translated 
by Charles Hamilton (New Delhi: Kilab Bhavan, 1994; 
Rudolph Peters and Gert J. J. Dc Vries, “Apostasy in 
Islam. Die Welt des I slams 17 (1976-77): 1-25; Abdullah 
Saecd and Hassan Saecd, Freedom of Religion , Apostasy 
and Islam (Burlington. Vt.: Ashgate Publishing, 2004). 

Aqsa Mosque (Arabic: al-Masjid al-acjsa) 

Regarded by most Muslims as the third most 
sacred mosque after those of Mecca and Medina, 
the Aqsa Mosque is situated on the eastern edge of 

Arab 49 

the Old City in Jerusalem. It is part of a complex 
of buildings and monuments known as the Noble 
Sanctuary, which stands atop the remains of the 
Second Temple of Israel, which was destroyed 
by the Roman army in 70 c.E. Jews and Chris- 
tians therefore commonly know this area as the 
Temple Mount. The name of the mosque itself 
was obtained from a passage in the Quran that 
says, “Glory be to him who transported his ser- 
vant by night from the sacred mosque [in Mecca) 
to the most distant (aqsa) mosque, the precincts 
of which we have blessed" (Q 17:1). Though 
there was some dispute over where the mosque 
mentioned in the Quran was actually located, the 
verse was eventually linked by Islamic tradition 
to the Night Journey and Ascent of Muhammad, 
when he was believed to have been miraculously 
transported one night from Mecca to Jerusalem, 
up to heaven, then back down to Mecca. The Aqsa 
Mosque, therefore, was said to be where Muham- 
mad led the angels and former prophets in prayer 
before his heavenly ascent to meet with God. 

Despite this legendary account, the mosque 
was first constructed after Muhammad’s death by 
the Umayyad caliphs Abd al-Malik (r. 685-705) 
and his son, al-Walid (r. 705-715). It was designed 
as a rectangular congregational mosque for Friday 
prayers, with a dome and a long north-south axis 
that was aligned with the Dome of the Rock, a 
separate memorial structure to the north. Mosa- 
ics, marble, and carved wood decorated its walls. 
It had to be reconstructed and expanded several 
times over the centuries because of earthquakes, 
and it now can hold up to 400,000 worshippers. 
When the crusaders seized Jerusalem in 1096, 
the Aqsa Mosque was converted into a royal pal- 
ace and later a barracks for the Knights Templar. 
Muslims believed that these Christians had defiled 
the mosque; when Saladin (d. 1193) recaptured 
the city in 1187, he purified the building so it 
could once again be used as a place for congrega- 
tional prayer. After Israel captured east Jerusalem 
in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, administration of 
the mosque remained in the hands of Muslim 

authorities, and Palestinian Muslims were allowed 
to continue using it for Friday prayers. Together 
with the Dome of the Rock, the Aqsa Mosque 
has since become a symbol for the Palestinian 
nationalist movement and liberation from Israeli 
occupation. Indeed, Palestinians call the second 
intifada (uprising) in the West Bank and Gaza that 
started in 2000 the al-Aqsa Intifada. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; architecture; 
Christianity and Islam; Palestine. 

Further reading: Oleg Grabar, The Shape oj the Holy: 
Early Islamic Jerusalem (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Uni- 
versity Press, 1996); Robert W. Hamilton, The Structural 
History of the Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem: Oxford Univer- 
sity Press, 1949). 


Originally an ethnic designation for the people 
of Arabia, Arab is now commonly used to refer 
to people who speak Arabic, claim ancestry in 
North Africa or the Middle East, or consider 
themselves nationals in one of the recently created 
Arab nation-states. In its original meaning, Arab 
applied to several Arabic speaking tribes from the 
Arabian Peninsula (the area including contem- 
porary Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab 
Emirates, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Kuwait, 
Jordan, and parts of Syria and Iraq). Classically 
imagined as CAMEL-breeding nomads, many Arabs 
have always lived in cities and have been noted 
for their loyalty to family and hospitality and to a 
rich poetic tradition. Because Muhammad (d. 632) 
was a member of the Arab tribe called Quraysh 
and he delivered the Quran in Arabic, the Arabic 
language became very important to the practice 
and understanding of Islam. Arabs played a cru- 
cial role in helping expand the boundaries of 
Islam beyond the Arabian Peninsula, and today 
they remain guardians of the most holy Muslim 
city of Mecca. This has led to some confusion 
between the terms Arab and Muslim: Arab is an 
ethnic category, while Muslim refers to religion. 


50 arabesque 

Arabs are not necessarily Muslim, and indeed 
there are many Christian Arabs. Moreover, the 
majority of Muslims (about 80 percent) do not 
consider themselves to be Arab, and some people 
who do consider themselves to be Arab — espe- 
cially the children of migrants — do not neces- 
sarily speak Arabic. Like all ethnic categories, 
the definition of Arab is somewhat flexible and 
depends on context. 

Sec also Arabic language and literature; Arab 

David Crawford 

Further reading: Albert Hourani, A History of the Arab 
Peoples (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 
1991); Maxime Rodinson, The Arabs (Chicago: Univer- 
sity of Chicago Press, 1981). 


Arabesque is a term meaning a Yarabe , or in the 
Arab mode, a European designation for ornamen- 
tal passages in MUSIC, dance, poetry, and visual 
art. First used by 17th-century European travel- 
ers as an adjective, it began to function as a noun 
by the later 19th century, when it entered debates 

Carved stucco arabesque designs decorate arches in the Court of the Lions in the Alhambra, Granada, Spain 
( 1 3th/ 1 4th century). (Federico R. Campo) 

Arabian Nights 51 

on the nature of ornament. The arabesque was 
understood to represent a paradigmatic way 
of life — simple and instinctual, close to nature 
yet profoundly spiritual, unchanging, and stoic. 
These characteristics were visually apparent in 
applied decoration of floral scrolls, interlaced 
and/or overlapping geometric motifs, or styl- 
ized writing, sometimes in combination. To 
European eyes, the two-dimensionality, abstrac- 
tion, and nonfigural nature of these decorative 
designs made them perfect expressions of Arab- 
Semitic abhorrence of representations of living 
beings (even though some of them included 
such representations). Their being categorized as 
ornament underscored their additive and unnec- 
essary nature and their lack of meaning, while 
their infinite repetition with minute variations 
expressed a horror of emptiness. By 1900, when 
the first handbooks on Islamic art were written, 
the arabesque was cited as the major character- 
istic of an art whose goal was to express infinite 
(ethnic or created) variety within unity (of Islam 
and God). Some Muslim scholars now uphold 
this concept as an expression of tawhid (unity) 
partly as a way of affirming Islamic cultural and 
political identity. 

Recent research demonstrates that the ara- 
besque has complex histories and meanings. On a 
theoretical level, floral, geometric, or calligraphic 
arabesques may have acted as carriers of pleasure, 
mediators between (human) nature and culture. 
Historically, they first appeared in late 10th-cen- 
tury Baghdad, when they were also introduced 
into the three-dimensional muqarnas decoration 
used for the portals and domes of shrines. The 
Persian term girih (knot) expresses their math- 
ematical and geometrical complexity, and their 
specific context indicates that they belonged 
to inter-Islamic philosophical, theological, and 
political discourses on the nature of God and 
the universe. The visual appeal of the girih mode 
eventually led to its adoption in a variety of later 
contexts, even when its original purpose was no 
longer operative. 

See also architecture; calligraphy; Ibn al-Baw- 
wab, Abu al-Hasan ali; mathematics; theology. 

Nuha N. N. Khoury 

Further reading: Terry Allen. Five Essays on Islamic 
Art (Sebastopol. Calif.: Solipsist Press. 1988); Oleg 
Grabar. The Mediation of Ornament (Princeton, N.J.: 
Princeton University Press. 1992); Ernst Kuhnel, Die 
Arabesque (Wiesbaden. 1949); Richard Ettinghausen, 
The Arabesque: Meaning and Transformation of an Orna- 
ment (Graz, Austria: Verlag fur Sammler, 1976); Giilru 
Necipoglu, The Topkapi Scroll — Geometry and Ornament 
in Islamic Architecture (Santa Monica, Calif.: The Getty 
Center, 1995); Yasser Tabbaa, The Transformation of 
Islamic Art during the Sunni Revival (Seattle: University 
of Washington Press, 2001). 

Arabian Nights 

The Arabian Nights is one of the most famous 
works of Arabic literature. It consists of several 
hundred adventure stories, fairy talcs, love stories, 
and animal fables that storytellers recounted for 
centuries to audiences living in the Middle East 
and Asia. Between the 14th and 18th centuries, 
these stories were written down in Arabic and 
collected in the book Thousand and One Nights 
(or AIJ layla wa-layla). It first became known 
to English readers as Arabian Nights in the 18th 
century. The tales are nested within the overall 
frame of a story about the fictional king Shahrayar 
of India who murdered his first wife because she 
betrayed him and then, continuing his revenge, 
had each new virgin bride he took thereafter 
killed. To end the king's killing spree, Shahrazad, 
the well-educated daughter of the king's minister, 
offered to marry him, and she was then able to 
save her own life and bring his killing spree to 
a halt by entertaining him with a different tale 
night after night, year after year. With its fanciful 
and often risque stories, the Arabian Nights is not 
an example of Islamic religious literature, but it 
does contain elements — such as references to the 

52 Arabian religions, pre-lslamic 

Quran, the sharia, and Sufi dervishes — that draw 
upon Islamic tradition. 

The stories are anonymous, and modern 
scholars agree that they come from different 
sources, not all of which are “Arabian." Though 
the stories are written in Arabic and a number 
of them refer to Baghdad and Cairo, many of 
them show strong Indian and Persian influences. 
Scholars also agree that the Arabian Nights cir- 
culated in several versions of different lengths 
during much of its history. The version that first 
captured the attention of Western readers was 
based on Arabic manuscripts from Syria trans- 
lated by a French traveler-scholar, Antoine Gal- 
land (1646-1715), in collaboration with an Arab 
Christian named Hanna Diab. Indeed, some of 
the most beloved stories we now associate with 
the Arabian Nights, such as those about Sinbad, 
Aladdin, and Ali Baba, circulated as separate sto- 
ries and were not part of the original 14th-cen- 
tury collection. They were added to the Arabian 
Nights only as a result of Galland and Hanna's 
collaboration early in the 18th century. Printed 
translations and adaptations of the Arabian 
Nights quickly became best sellers in Europe 
and continue to fascinate readers young and 
old around the world today. Moreover, Arabian 
Nights has inspired modern composers, poets, 
playwrights, and filmmakers both in the West 
and the Middle East. However, it has also con- 
tributed to the formation of exotic stereotypes 
about Arabs and Muslims that inhibit cross- 
cultural communication and understanding, as 
exemplified in the controversy surrounding the 
animated Disney feature Aladdin (1992). 

See also Arabic language and literature; 
folklore; Orientalism. 

Further reading: Richard F. Burton, trans.. The Ara- 
bian Nights . Edited by Jack Zipes (New York: Penguin 
Books, 2001; Husain Haddawy. trans., The Arabian 
Nights (New York: W.W. Norton. 1990); Robert Irwin, 
The Arabian Nights: A Companion (London: Penguin 
Books, 1995). 

Arabian religions, pre-lslamic 

Before the historical appearance of Islam in the 
seventh century, there were a variety of religions 
practiced by the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula 
and its borderlands in southern Syria and southern 
Iraq. Though the evidence is meager, it appears 
that in addition to ancient native Arabian religions, 
there were also three religious traditions that had 
come into the region from neighboring territories: 
Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism. By the 
middle of the eighth century, Islam had become 
the dominant religion, and the institutions, prac- 
tices, and beliefs of the former religions had either 
been displaced or absorbed by Islamic ones. 

Native Arabian religions focused partly on 
temple cults located in cities and towns, includ- 
ing Mecca, the site of the Kaaba, where as many 
as 360 gods and goddesses may have been wor- 
shipped. The temples were ceremonial centers 
that housed sacred images, which were cared for 
by ritual experts who conducted animal sacrifices 
and transmitted other offerings on behalf of the 
lay people. Some of these temples attracted pil- 
grims who came from surrounding regions and 
had to follow special ritual rules, not unlike those 
observed during the annual HAJJ. Several of the 
Arabian deities worshipped were associated with 
the Sun, MOON, planets, and stars. The main dei- 
ties in Mecca at the time of Islam's appearance 
were Hubal (a god of divination), Allah and al- 
Lat (a high god and his wife), al-Uzza (a powerful 
goddess, perhaps Venus), and Manat (a goddess of 
destiny and another form of Venus). Certain rocks, 
trees, and springs of water were also believed to be 
inhabited by spiritual beings, known as JINN. With 
the exception of Allah only, the Quran attacked 
worship of such deities and spirits, and such prac- 
tices were later formally banned by Islamic law as 
unbelief ( kufr ) and idolatry (shirk) 

The Quran contains evidence of the presence 
of Jewish, Christian, and Zoroastrian religions in 
the Arabian Peninsula during Muhammad's lifetime 
(5707-632). Judaism came into Arabia before the 
first century C.E. but became especially evident 

Arabic language and literature 53 

after the destruction of the Second Temple in 
Jerusalem by the Romans (70 c.E.), which caused 
a flow of refugees southward. Islamic sources 
indicate that there was a Jewish community led 
by rabbis in Yathrib (Medina), which existed 
alongside the settled Arab tribes there in the sixth 
to seventh centuries. Dhu Nuwas, a Jewish king, 
ruled southern Arabia for a short time in the sixth 
century with the support of the Persians. Christi- 
anity was familiar to the Arabs in several forms. 
The Banu Ghassan tribes of Syria were allies of the 
Byzantine Empire, and were members of the Syr- 
ian Church. The Arab Lakhmid rulers of southern 
Iraq generally held to the Nestorian sect of Chris- 
tianity. There was also a strong Christian presence 
in southern Arabia, centered on the city of Najran, 
which was known for its monasteries, churches, 
and shrines dedicated to Arab Christian martyrs. 
Its leaders were allied to the rulers of Byzantium 
and Ethiopia. Followers of the Zoroastrian reli- 
gion, the official religion of the Sasanian Persian 
Empire (224-651), could be found in southern 
Iraq, along the Arabian coast of the Persian Gulf, 
and in Yemen. Most of these Zoroastrians were 
probably Persians, but there is evidence that some 
may also have been Arabs. According to early 
Muslim accounts, one of the first of Muhammad's 
followers was Salman al-Farisi, a Persian from Iraq 
who had converted from Zoroastrianism. 

See also Christianity and Islam; idolatry; 
jahiliyya; Judaism and Islam. 

Further reading: Hisham ibn Kalbi, The Booh of Idols, 
trans. N. A. Faris (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University 
Press, 1952); Gordon D. Newby, A History of the Jews of 
Arabia: From Ancient Times to Their Eclipse under Islam 
(Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1988); 
F. E. Peters, The Arabs and Arabia on the Eve of Islam 
(Aldershot, U.K. and Brookfield. Vt.: Ashgate, 1999). 

Arabic language and literature 

Arabic is the fifth or sixth most widely spoken 
language in the world today, after Mandarin 

Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi, and possibly 
Bengali. It is the official language of 21 modern 
countries; nearly 160 million Arabic speakers in 
the Middle East and abroad use it as their mother 
tongue. More than 1 billion Muslims around the 
world regard it as their sacred language because 
it is the language of the Quran, the Islamic holy 
book. Many Jews and Christians living in the 
Middle East also speak it. Arabic has been used 
continuously as a living, written, and spoken 
language for nearly 1,400 years and has served 
as the medium for the creation and transmission 
of a great number of works on religion, history, 
philosophy, science, and mathematics. 

Classified by linguists as a member of the 
Semitic family of the Afro-Asiatic languages, 
Arabic is related to Hebrew, Aramaic, and the 
Akkadian language of ancient Mesopotamia. It 
originated in the Arabian Peninsula, where it 
was a poetic language used by the Bedouin and 
townspeople prior to the appearance of Islam in 
the seventh century. The main reason for its rise 
as a world language is because it is the language 
of the Quran, which declares itself to be a direct 
“revelation ' from God “in plain Arabic speech” 
(Q 26:192-196). In addition to being a sacred 
language, the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik b. 
Marwan (r. 685-705) made Arabic the administra- 
tive language of the early Arab empire, leading to 
its codification as a literary language with its own 
formal grammar by the end of the eighth century. 
Thus, as lands and peoples from Spain and North 
Africa to the banks of the Indus River fell under 
the control of Arab Muslim governments, Arabic 
became the language of their subjects, Muslims 
and non-Muslims alike. The languages formerly 
spoken by the native peoples in these regions 
became isolated, minority languages, such as Cop- 
tic in Egypt and Aramaic in Mesopotamia (Iraq), 
or they were noticeably changed by the introduc- 
tion of Arabic vocabulary, such as the Persian 
language. Turkish, Hindi, and Urdu also have an 
extraordinary number of Arabic loanwords as a 
result of the spread of Islamic religion and civili- 

54 Arabic language and literature 

Arabic Alphabet 

Name Independent Beginning Medial Final 

alif (aa) 

Name Independent Beginning Medial Final 

dad (d) 



dha (dh) 



ghayn (gh) 





qaf (q) J 

kaf (k) 

lam (I) 

mim (m) 

nun (n) 

-- t 


ha (h) 

d J 

r - 

0 J> 
-2 JS> 



') -i. o- 

waw (ww) 




Arabic language and literature 55 

zation. Arabic even found its way into European 
languages, especially Spanish, which has as many 
as 4,000 words of Arabic origin (for example, 
algodon , arroz, azul, azucar, alcalde , fulano, etc.). 
A number of Arabic nouns have also entered Eng- 
lish, such as the words cotton , rice, sugar ; admiral , 
magazine, sherbet, and even coffee. 

There are two basic types of Arabic: formal lit- 
erary Arabic and everyday spoken (or colloquial) 
Arabic. The first is subdivided into Classical (or 
Medieval) and Modern Standard Arabic. It can 
be comprehended by anyone who has learned 
to read and write it, no matter what his or her 
spoken Arabic dialect is, and it is used in books, 
newspapers and magazines, government docu- 
ments, SERMONS, and official speeches. Colloquial 
Arabic is subdivided into a number of regional 
dialects that can differ significantly from each 
other. For example, people who speak Egyptian or 
Iraqi Arabic can understand each other, but they 
cannot understand the Moroccan Arabic of North 
Africa. Egyptian colloquial, furthermore, is widely 
understood throughout the Arab world because of 
the leading role Egypt plays in the production of 
movies and the broadcast programming for radio 
and television. Through the centuries, literary and 
colloquial Arabic have mutually influenced each 
other, which is one reason for the language's on- 
going vitality. 

Arabic literature encompasses a vast range of 
prose and poetry that deals with both religious 
and worldly subjects. The body of religious lit- 
erature in Arabic is massive; beginning with 
the Quran itself, it includes Quran commentar- 
ies, HADITH collections, religious biographies and 
prophets' tales, texts on religious law, theological 
treatises, Sufi writings, and religious poetry. Many 
such works were composed in the Middle Ages, 
but they have had a lasting impact on Arabic 
writing, and they are widely available today in 
print, on compact disks (CDs), and even on the 
internet. Secular poetry is another major branch 
of the Arabic literary tradition, especially a type 
of poem called the qasida (a multi-themed ode). 

considered to be the most ancient and prestigious 
form of poetic expression. Classical Arabic poetry 
addressed themes of love, praise, ridicule, death, 
and remembrance. It also celebrated wine, hunt- 
ing, nature, and famous places. Many nonreligious 
prose works were composed during the Middle 
Ages as well. They dealt with a variety of top- 
ics that were of special interest to rulers and the 
educated elite: history, geography, government, 
philosophy, the sciences, differences between vari- 
ous kinds of people, etiquette, proverbs, interest- 
ing trivia, and entertaining stories and anecdotes. 
The most famous works of prose literature are the 
Arabian Nights and the animal fables of Kalila wa 
Dimna , both of which contain stories that have 
been transmitted from other cultures. There were 
also popular oral epics about noble Arab warriors 
such as Antar and Abu Zayd al-Hilali. 

The Arabic literary heritage was selectively 
translated into Hebrew and Latin and transmit- 
ted to Europe during the Middle Ages, which 
enriched intellectual and cultural life there. In 
modern times. Western learning and literature 
have influenced Arab writers, creating a fusion 
of the old with the new. During the 20th century, 
new generations of Arab authors rose to national 
and international fame, none moreso than the 
Egyptian novelist Naguib Mahfouz (b. 1911), 
who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1988. In 
recent decades, an increasing number of women 
have also made contributions to the Arab literary 
renaissance, including Nawal al-Sadawi (b. 1930) 
and Hanan al-Shaykh (b. 1945). 

See also adab ; alphabet; animals; autobiogra- 
phy; biography; calligraphy; fiqh; Persian Lan- 
guage and Literature; Turkish Language and 

Further reading: Roger Allen, An Introduction to Arabic 
Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 
2000); Salm K. Jayyusi, Modern Arabic Poetry: An 
Anthology (New York: Columbia University Press, 
1987); Kees Verstecgh, The Arabic Language, 2d ed. 
(Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2001). 

56 Arab-lsraeli conflicts 

Arab-lsraeli conflicts 

Among the most intractable conflicts to emerge 
in the 20th century are those that developed 
with the expansion of Zionism (a modern Jewish 
movement and political ideology) and the estab- 
lishment of the nation-state of Israel. Israels Arab 
neighbors took offense at the displacement from 
Palestine of more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs 
during fighting between Zionist settlers and Arabs 
in 1947-49 and came to view Israel as a menac- 
ing tool of Western expansion in their region. 
Israelis, meanwhile, viewed their new nation as 
a necessary haven for world Jewry threatened by 
anti-Semitism and saw their new Arab neighbors 
as unreasonably hostile enemies continuously 
plotting their destruction. The term Arab-lsraeli 
conflict thus does not distinguish between the 
specific problem of Palestinian displacement and 
all of its consequences for the Palestinians them- 
selves on the one hand, and the wars and conflicts 
between Israel and its many Arab neighbors on 
the other. 

Tensions have rarely abated, and formal con- 
flict has broken out between Israel and neighbor- 
ing Arab states several times. In 1948-49, Egypt, 
Transjordan (now Jordan), Lebanon, Syria, and 
Iraq invaded the newly declared Israel, hoping 
to eliminate the new state, but they were repelled 
by the vastly better equipped and trained Israeli 
military. In 1956, Israel joined Britain and France 
in an invasion of Egypt after that nation national- 
ized the Suez Canal. However, the Soviet Union 
and the United States forced the alliance to retreat 
from its invasion, humiliating Israel and bolster- 
ing Egypt. 

Furthermore, in 1967, after receiving faulty 
intelligence reports of an imminent Israeli inva- 
sion, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria allied in a mutual 
defense pact, preparing for any potential invasion 
by Israel with an Egyptian-led blockade of Israeli 
shipping at the Strait of Tiran. Israel responded by 
invading the countries, beginning on June 5 and 
ending on June 11, 1967. The result was a deci- 
sive defeat of the Arab armies, the occupation by 

Israel of the West Bank, the Sinai, the Gaza Strip, 
and the Golan Heights, and the displacement of at 
least 300,000 more Palestinians and 80,000 Syrian 
residents of the Golan. 

Israel's occupation of such large areas of Arab 
territory provoked Egypt and Syria to invade in 
1 973, and the resulting October War, the cease-fire 
of which was sponsored by the United States and 
the Soviet Union, demonstrated the tremendous 
involvement of the cold war superpowers in the 
Arab-lsraeli conflict. Although peace was eventu- 
ally brokered between Israel and Egypt in 1977, 
resulting in a return of the Sinai, tensions did not 
abate. Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon and its 
continued occupation of Palestinian land guar- 
anteed further hostilities. From 1987 until 1993, 
the first Palestinian intifada, or uprising, erupted, 
escalating the tensions between Israel and the mil- 
lions of Arabs living under its rule as well as those 
living in neighboring nations. Although an Ameri- 
can-sponsored peace plan gained some ground in 
the mid-1990s, the year 2000 prompted a new 
intifada from a frustrated, oppressed Palestinian 
population. Over the years, the conflicts have 
also fanned the flames of Islamic radicalism in the 
Middle East, as seen first with the rise of the Mus- 
lim Brotherhood (1940s), then the Lebanese Shii 
militia Hizbullah (1980s), the Palestinian militant 
organizations Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad 
(1980s), and in the 1990s al-Qaida. At the dawn 
of the new century, Arab-lsraeli conflicts appear 
far from over. Indeed, the American-sponsored 
“war on terror " that began in 2001 has further 
pushed Arab-lsraeli conflicts to the forefront of 
world attention. 

See also Arafat, Yasir; jihad movements; Juda- 
ism and Islam; Palestine Liberation Organization; 

Nancy Stockdale 

Further reading: Walter Laqueur and Barry Rubin, cds., 
The Israel- Arab Reader (New York: Penguin, 2001); Avi 
Shlaim, The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World (New 
York: Norton, 2001); Charles D. Smith. Palestine and the 

Arafat 57 

Arab-Israeli Conflict (New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 

Arab League (official name: League of 
Arab States) 

The Arab League was founded in 1945 to serve 
the collective interests of Arab countries that had 
achieved their independence from European colo- 
nial rule. The founding members were Egypt, Iraq, 
Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. 
An additional 15 nations have become members 
since 1945: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros Islands, 
Djibouti, Kuwait, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, 
Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Somalia, Sudan, Tuni- 
sia, and United Arab Emirates. The Arab League, 
which has its permanent headquarters in Cairo, 
Egypt, is a secular organization that is guided 
by the ideal of Arab unity and cooperation. It 
is a forum where Arab states address common 
issues relating to politics, law, security, transpor- 
tation, communication, economic development, 
and social and cultural affairs. The league's char- 
ter requires a secretary general as its chief officer, 
but the supreme authority for the organization 
is held by its council, which is composed of rep- 
resentatives from the member states. The league 
convenes summit meetings at least twice a year, 
which are often attended by heads of state. 

Despite the ideal of unity, there are serious 
divisions within the organization that have been 
caused by economic inequality, differences in 
political organization and philosophy, personality 
clashes among leaders, and various historical and 
cultural factors. For example, Egypt's domination 
of the league under the leadership of President 
Jamal Abd al-Nasir (1918-70), a strong secularist, 
caused Saudi Arabia to create the Muslim World 
League in 1962. Later, Egypt was expelled from 
the league for signing a peace treaty with Israel 
in 1979, but it was reinstated in 1987. In another 
example of disunity, members were unable to 
peacefully resolve the crisis caused when Iraq 
invaded Kuwait in 1990. They have also been 

unable to form a common front for ending the 
Arab-Israeli conflicts, although they did pass a 
unanimous resolution in March 2002 that called 
for recognition of Israel in exchange for Israeli 
withdrawal from occupied territories in the West 
Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights. Divisions con- 
tinue to afflict the organization in the aftermath of 
the invasion of Iraq by the United States and its 
allies in March 2003 and the Lebanese-Israeli war 
that erupted in July 2006. 

Further reading: Tawfiq Y. Hasou, The Struggle for the 
Arab World: Egypt’s Nasser and the Arab League (London 
and Boston: KPI, 1985). 

Arafat (also Arafa) 

Arafat is a plain located 12 miles from downtown 
Mecca where pilgrims come to stand and listen to 
SERMONS during the HAJJ, the annual Muslim pil- 
grimage. This gathering, which occurs at midday 
on the ninth day of the 12th month of the Muslim 
year (Dhu al-Hijja), is one of the essential require- 
ments of the hajj. If a pilgrim fails to be there on 
time, her hajj performance is considered to be 
invalid, and she must perform it again another 
year in order to satisfy the Islamic pilgrimage 
requirement. The Quran mentions Arafat once: 
“When you pour forth from Arafat, remember 
God at the sacred monument, and remember how 
he guided you when previously you had gone 
astray" (Q 2:198). According to Islamic tradition, 
Arafat is where Adam and Eve were reunited after 
their expulsion from paradise and where Gabriel 
taught Abraham the hajj rites. 

Among the distinguishing features of the plain 
are Mount Mercy, also called Arafat, a hill where 
Muhammad gave a farewell sermon during the 
hajj he performed just before his death in 632. 
There is a large mosque nearby called the Namira 
Mosque, where hajj sermons are delivered today 
and broadcast throughout the world. There is 
another mosque at Muzdalifa, the “sacred monu- 
ment" mentioned in the Quran, where pilgrims 

58 Arafat, Yasir 

camp for the night after standing at Arafat and 
where they gather the pebbles that they will throw 
at three pillars in Mina on the way back to Mecca 
to conclude the hajj rituals. The plain of Arafat is 
today criss-crossed by paved roads and modern 
facilities to meet the needs of the more than 2 mil- 
lion pilgrims who gather there each year. 

Further reading: Laleh Bakhtiar, Encyclopedia of Islamic 
Law: A Compendium of the Major Schools (Chicago: ABC 
International Group, 1996); F. E. Peters, The Hajj: The 
Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca and the Holy Places (Prince- 
ton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994). 

Arafat, Yasir (1929-2004) controversial leader 
of the Palestinian nationalist movement from the 
1960s and the first president and prime minister of 
the Palestinian National Authority 
Yasir Arafat was the foremost political leader 
of the Palestinian people, an Arab population 
that identifies its homeland with Palestine (the 
West Bank, Gaza, and Israel). Educated as a civil 
engineer, he was a cofounder of the Fatah orga- 
nization in 1959 (the core unit of the Palestine 
Liberation Organization I PLOD and served as 
chairman of the PLO from 1969 until his death. 
In 1994, he became president and prime minister 
of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), an 
interim government created in anticipation of the 
establishment of a legitimate Palestinian nation- 
state in the West Bank and Gaza. Though many 
Israelis regarded Arafat as a terrorist because of 
his involvement in the Palestinian armed struggle 
for national self-determination, he was also rec- 
ognized internationally as the legitimate leader 
of the Palestinian people. He shared the 1994 
Nobel Peace Prize with then Israeli prime min- 
ister Yitzhak Rabin (1922-95) and Israeli foreign 
minister Shimon Peres (b. 1923) for his role in 
negotiating the 1993 Palestinian-lsracli interim 
peace agreement in Oslo, Norway. He was a con- 
troversial figure throughout his career, considered 
a hero and freedom fighter by some (especially 

Palestinians), a corrupt dictator by others (includ- 
ing some Palestinians), and a terrorist (especially 
by Israelis and many supporters of Israel in the 
United States). 

Arafat was one of the most prominent fig- 
ures on the Middle Eastern political scene for 
nearly 40 years. A certain amount of mystery and 
paradox has surrounded his private and pub- 
lic life, due partly to the mythology that Arafat 
himself advanced. Although he claimed to have 
been born in Jerusalem, he was actually born to 
Palestinian parents in Cairo, Egypt, where he 
spent much of his early life. His given name was 
Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Rauf Arafat 
al-Qudwa al-Husayni, but he chose the aliases 
Yasir (also written as Yasser) and Abu Ammar 
in honor of Yasir Abu Ammar, one of the heroic 
companions of Muhammad, the Islamic prophet. 
A Sunni Muslim, Arafat often quoted the Quran 
in his speeches, abstained from pork and alcohol, 
and followed an ascetic lifestyle. Although he was 
affiliated with the radical Muslim Brotherhood 
in the 1940s and 1950s, the PLO he headed is a 
nonreligious entity that favors the creation of a 
secular state where Muslims, Jews, and Christians 
alike will have citizenship. The successes that he 
achieved in his life were matched by serious rever- 
sals and failures that have led to the loss of life 
of many Palestinians and Israelis. After the sign- 
ing the Oslo Accords, winning the Nobel Peace 
Prize, and returning to Gaza in triumph in 1994, 
Arafat's fortunes declined significantly in the face 
of an internal struggle against the militant Islamic 
organization Hamas and the hard-line tactics of 
an Israeli government headed by his long-time 
enemy, Ariel Sharon. The United States also chal- 
lenged Arafat's leadership of the PNA, especially 
after it launched its global war on terrorism in the 
aftermath of the September 11th attacks on the 
World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001, 
with which neither Arafat nor the PLO had any 
connection whatsoever. In his last years, Arafat's 
movements were restricted by Israeli armed forces 
to his compound in Ramallah on the West Bank. 

archaeology 59 

Just before his death from unknown causes, Israeli 
authorities allowed him to be flown to France for 
medical care, where he died on November 11, 
2004. His remains were flown to Cairo, Egypt, for 
a state funeral and then to Ramallah for burial. 

See also Arab-Israeli Conflicts; Judaism and 

Further reading: Said K. Aburish, Arafat: From Defender 
to Dictator (New York: Bloomsbury, 1998); Barr) 7 Rubin 
and Judith Colp Rubin, Yasir Arafat: A Political Biogra- 
phy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003). 


Archaeology is the modern study of material 
remains from the past in order to understand and 
explain history, culture, and social life. It involves 
scientific excavation, field surveys, careful record- 
ing of data, and critical thinking about what the 
data mean. Countries in the Middle East and Asia 
have been centers of archaeological inquiry since 
the late 18th century, but most of the excavat- 
ing has been done on the sites of ancient, pre- 
Islamic, civilizations. Archaeological research in 
locations associated with Islamicatc civilizations 
has increased in recent years, however. Muslim 
cities, towns, fortifications, way stations, and 
cemeteries from Spain and Africa to Central Asia 
and Indonesia provide significant amounts of 
material evidence about the past, encompassing 
a time span of nearly 1,400 years. This evidence 
includes the remains of mosques, palaces, shrines, 
houses, hostels, burials, ceramics, inscriptions, 
and coinage. 

Even though pre-lslamic history is dismissed 
by some pious Muslims as a time of pagan igno- 
rance (the Jahildta ), Muslim historical writing 
from the Middle Ages demonstrates an early inter- 
est in gathering and preserving information about 
antiquities, or the material remains of bygone 
times. These accounts mixed together histori- 
cal fact, legends from the Quran, and folklore 
about ancient peoples and sites in Arabia, Egypt, 

Iraq, and Iran. Nevertheless, when it came to Isl- 
amicate cities and buildings, medieval authors did 
provide richly detailed information about their 
foundation, design, inhabitants, renovation, and 
destruction. Much of what we know today about 
medieval cities such as Mecca, Medina, Baghdad, 
Cairo, Damascus, and Cordoba comes from the 
work of these scholars. 

Archaeology in the modern study of the Mid- 
dle East and Asia began with Napoleon Bonapar- 
te's invasion of Egypt in 1798 and continued to 
develop as European powers competed for colo- 
nial dominance in those regions during the 19th 
and early 20th centuries. Although Europeans 
engaged in outright plundering of the antiqui- 
ties of Egypt, Palestine (now Israel, Gaza, and 
the West Bank), and Iraq, they also established 
research centers and museums that promoted 
serious archaeological research and the study of 
ancient and “Oriental" languages. These scholars 
were mainly interested in uncovering the roots of 
Western civilization and verifying the historical 
authenticity of the Bible, so they often ignored 
archaeological evidence pertaining to Islamic his- 
tory and society. Toward the end of the 19th 
century, when Europeans became interested in 
Islamic art and religion, they began to excavate 
sites that dated to the Islamic periods of history 
(seventh century to 19th century). Among the 
first places to be excavated were Samarqand in 
Turkestan (by Russians, 1885), the Qala of Bani 
Hammad in Algeria (by French, 1898-1908), and 
Samarra in Ottoman Iraq (by Germans, 191 1-20). 
The French conducted the first excavations in Iran 
from the 1880s to 1931 and in Syria after World 
War I. Meanwhile, the British included Islamic as 
well as Hindu and Buddhist sites in their Archaeo- 
logical Survey of India and conducted excavations 
at Islamic sites in Palestine, Transjordan (now 
Jordan), and Iraq. Americans became involved in 
Middle Eastern archaeology in the 1920s, concen- 
trating their efforts in Palestine and Iran. Since 
World War II, they have focused attention on 
Islamic sites in Egypt, Jordan, and Yemen. While 

60 architecture 

Western archaeologists have explored sites in the 
Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf since the 
late 1800s, excavations in Mecca and Medina are 
forbidden because these are holy cities. 

Muslims were involved with European and 
American archaeological activities from the begin- 
ning — as authorities who negotiated with them 
over excavation and ownership rights and as 
laborers. Moreover, Muslims began to acquire the 
necessary education and training to participate in 
joint excavations with Westerners and to conduct 
their own projects, starting in Egypt, Turkey, 
and Iraq. Muslim archaeologists also participated 
in the founding and administration of national 
archaeological societies and museums that now 
exist in nearly all Muslim countries. In coop- 
eration with international organizations, these 
institutions provide new knowledge about the 
past, help protect valued monuments and artifacts 
from destruction as their respective countries 
undergo rapid modernization, and often encour- 
age tourism to locations of historical importance. 
In addition, governments in recently independent 
countries benefit from such institutions in their 
efforts to forge national identities that link them 
to their ancient and Islamic heritages. 

See also architecture; Orientalism. 

Further reading: Timothy Insoll, The Archaeology of 
Islam (Oxford. U.K.: Blackwell Publishers, 1999); Don- 
ald Malcolm Reid, Whose Pharaohs ? Archaeology, Muse- 
ums, and Egyptian National Identity from Napoleon to 
World War I (Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 
2002); Stephen Vernoit, “The Rise of Islamic Archaeol- 
ogy." Muqamas 14 (1997): 1-10. 


Architecture is an area of human activity that 
involves the design, creation, modification, and 
use of the built environment. The study of Islamic 
architecture follows the historical development of 
the study of Islamic art and is generally included 
with it by scholars. 

As is the case with art, the history of the field 
gave rise to notions that made use of religious and 
racial characteristics to capture architectural ten- 
dencies. Among these is the idea of the cultivated 
garden as the paradise of former desert nomads 
and the image of the reward of every good Muslim 
or of the courtyard house as the type best suited 
to lslamicate societies intent on secluding their 
women. These notions often closed the door on 
further questioning and investigation and allowed 
earlier scholars to concentrate on classifying and 
describing buildings and other structures. In con- 
trast, the courtyard house is currently understood 
as a shared Mediterranean type that responded to 
environmental factors ranging from climatic con- 
ditions to societal mores. And scholars are begin- 
ning to explore the agricultural and economic 
functions of gardens as well as their organization, 
cultivation, and imagery. These specialized studies 
go along with new research in the areas of urban- 
ism, the rise of markets and settlements, and the 
patterns that are currently creating lslamicate 
architecture in areas that were not historically 
populated by Muslims, such as is found in Europe 
and North America. 

As is the case with Islamic art, some histori- 
ans of Islamic architecture question the linkages 


Ibn Tulun Mosque (ninth century) in Cairo, Egypt (Juan 
E. Campo) 

Arkoun, Muhammad 61 

The Court of the Lions in the Alhambra, Granada, 
Spain ( 1 3th/ 1 4th century) (Federico R. Campo) 

between a house, a citadel, or a school and the 
label Islamic , and admit as Islamic only those 
buildings created to house religious activities. The 
mosque, shrine, tomb, madrasa, and Sufi enclave 
are usually included in this category. They arc 
united by their uses, by a general (though not 
exclusive) avoidance of representations of liv- 
ing beings, and usually by a liberal application 
of historical and religious inscriptions. Yet even 
here contradictions arise; the tomb and shrine, for 
example, may well be deemed un-Islamic within 
certain Islamic legal and theological positions. 
These contradictions, which extend to all catego- 
ries of religious Islamic architecture, arise from 
the conflation of use and function. 

It is the distinction between use and function 
that moves Islamic architecture (and art) out of the 
supposed natural systems in which scholars have 
situated them and places them instead within cul- 
tural systems that are capable of producing a mul- 
tiplicity of arts and architectures under the rubric 
of Islam. Use refers to the actual situations in 
which specific buildings or objects are employed, 
while function is attached to the reasons the 
building is built and the purposes it serves. Both 
provoke questions of how, where, when, who, and 
why, but (unction focuses mostly on the question 

of why. While mosques are built for PRAYER (their 
use), they may also be intended to commemorate 
the generosity or enhance the prestige of the per- 
son who funded them or to signal the presence 
of a Muslim community in a new setting (their 
function). In this sense, Islamic architecture is no 
different from other architectures. It operates as 
shelter and as sign, and it is created within rela- 
tionships that bind clients, designers, architects, 
builders, suppliers, and users. 

See also bazaar; cities; houses; mihrab; mina- 
ret; Orientalism; purdah. 

Nuha N. N. Khoury 

Further reading: Oleg Grabar, The Formation of Islamic 
Art (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1973); 
Robert Hillcnbrand. Islamic Architecture: Form , Func- 
tion, and Meaning (Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh 
Press, 1997); Renata Holod and Hasan-Uddin Khan, 
The Mosque and the Modern World: Architects , Patrons, 
and Designs since the 1950s (London: Thames &r Hud- 
son, 1997); George Michell, ed., Architecture of the 
Islamic World: Its History and Social Meaning (London: 
Thames & Hudson, 1978). 

Arkoun, Muhammad (1928- ) noted 
modern Muslim philosopher and intellectual 
Muhammad Arkoun is one of the most prolific 
and academically influential liberal Muslim intel- 
lectuals of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. 
He is among the first generation of Muslim intel- 
lectuals who have intentionally directed their 
works towards Western audiences and people 
living in the majority Muslim world. Most of his 
works have appeared originally in French and 
later have been translated into Arabic and other 

Arkoun was born on January 2, 1928, in the 
Berber village of Taourirt-Mimoun in Algeria. 
He has written more than 100 books and articles 
and has lectured throughout the world. He is a 
senior research fellow and member of the board 

' c ^ 62 Armenians 

of governors of the Institute of Ismaili Studies 
in London, professor emeritus of the history of 
Islamic thought at the Sorbonne University in 
Paris, former director of the Institute of Arab and 
Islamic Studies there, and editor in chief of the 
French scholarly journal Arabica. He has taught 
as a visiting professor at several universities in 
North America and Europe and has earned some 
of the most prestigious awards in the humanities 
and Islamic studies. 

Arkoun is skeptical about the traditional for- 
mulations of Islamic institutions, doctrine, and 
practice throughout history. He believes that 
Islamic authorities' fear of societal chaos and their 
desire for order and obedience helped determine 
the establishment of Islamic law, thought, and 
THEOLOGY. According to him, Muslims must free 
themselves from the oppressive constraints of 
“orthodox” Islam and work in partnership with 
members of other religions in creating a world 
that is rooted in peace, equality, mutual under- 
standing, and intellectual vigor. In such a world, 
there would be no borders and no core, no side- 
lined groups and no superior ones. A transformed 
and open-ended Islam would become the basis for 
societies where people would seek to understand 
one another without permitting dogma, ethnic, 
linguistic, or other differences to block their con- 
tinued cooperation. 

For Arkoun, one way that the powerful sway 
of Muslim orthodoxy or orthodoxies can be less- 
ened is by means of the creation of a new academic 
discipline that he calls “applied Islamology." This 
discipline would be devoted to analyzing and 
criticizing the ideas and institutions within Islam 
that have perpetuated discrimination, oppression, 
and marginalization. 

Arkouns novel and dynamic approach to 
Islam is also evident in his methodology with 
respect to the Quran. The supreme and perfect 
message of the Quran as a revealed sacred text is a 
central tenet of Islamic doctrine, and this is one of 
the ideas that Arkoun criticizes. He believes that 
the question of whether the Quran was revealed 

should be suspended pending further academic 
inquiry, while he contends there is a vigorous 
Quranic intention. For him, this sacred text does 
not impose definitive solutions to the practical 
problems of human existence. It has the capacity 
to generate within humans a regard for themselves, 
the world, and the symbols that could potentially 
provide them with a sense of meaning. 

While Arkouns ideas are thought provoking, 
their full impact outside scholarly circles remains 
to be seen. One of the main questions that liberal 
Muslims such as Arkoun face is the extent to 
which their ideas may become institutionalized and 
accepted by the Muslim masses who arc not neces- 
sarily influenced by intellectual trends in Western 
colleges and universities. Nevertheless, Arkouns 
life and work will continue to be a tremendous 
force within Islamic studies for many more years. 

See also education. 

Jon Armajani 

Further reading: Mohammed Arkoun, Rethinking Islam: 
Common Questions, Uncommon Answers , trans. and ed. 
Robert D. Lee (Boulder, Colo.: Wcstview Press, 1989); 
Mohammed Arkoun, The Unthought in Contemporary 
Islamic Thought (London: Saqi Books, 2002); Robert D. 
Lee, Overcoming Tradition and Modernity : The Search for 
Islamic Authenticity (Boulder, Colo.: Wcstview Press, 


Armenians are an ethnic-religious group of people 
whose origins date back at least to the middle 
of the second millennium B.c.E. Some scholars 
believe that Armenians, whose language is Indo- 
European, are descendants of populations that 
migrated from southeastern Europe to eastern 
Anatolia, or the Armenian plateau, as it is some- 
times called. This region, located between the 
Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian Seas, was a 
battleground in which powerful ancient empires, 
including Medes, Assyria, Persia, Hellenistic 
Greece, Parthia, and Rome fought to expand their 

art 63 

territories. An inscription on a rock attributed 
to Persia’s King Darius refers to Armina, show- 
ing that Armenia was known to its neighbors as 
early as the sixth century b.c.e. Native dynasties 
ruled Armenia for five centuries until the area was 
conquered by the Romans. In the fourth century 
c.E. , Christianity, to which many Armenians had 
already voluntarily converted, became the state 
religion of the Roman Empire and as such was 
imposed on all Armenians. 

From the seventh to the 11th centuries, Arab, 
Mongol, and Turkic peoples conquered the ter- 
ritories inhabited by Armenians, a transformation 
that made many Armenians the subjects of Mus- 
lim rulers. However, Christianity, together with 
the unique Armenian language, helped Armenians 
resist assimilating to the cultures of those who 
ruled them over them. With the fall of Constan- 
tinople to the Ottomans in the 13th century, all 
Armenians in western Asia (the Middle East) 
became subjects of Muslim rulers, cither Ottoman 
or Persian. In the early 19th century, Russia suc- 
cessfully conquered much of the South Caucasus, 
including Georgia, eastern Armenia, and northern 
Azerbaijan. Many Armenians left Iran and Ana- 
tolia and moved to Russian controlled territories, 
believing that their status and living conditions 
would improve in the Orthodox Christian Russian 
Empire. Some Armenians living in the Ottoman 
Empire during the Tanzimat reforms also hoped 
that their status would improve. 

However, many Armenian intellcetualsbelicved 
that Armenians* security and status would improve 
only with autonomy and that they would have to 
fight to obtain it. The revolutions that occurred 
in the early 20th century in Russia, Persia, and 
the Ottoman Empire inspired many Armenians 
to join in armed struggle against their imperial 
leaders. Armenian solidarity strengthened after 
the Young Turks orchestrated the extermination of 
the Armenian population in 1913. Their system- 
atic campaign to expel Armenians through forced 
migration caused the deaths of an estimated 1 
million to 1.5 million Armenians. Many survivors 

emigrated, increasing the numbers of Armenians 
living in the diaspora. A number of countries they 
migrated to are in the Arab Middle East: Syria, 
Lebanon, Palestine, and Egypt. In the chaotic 
conditions created by World War 1 and the Bolshe- 
vik revolution in Russia, Armenians established 
an independent republic in eastern Armenia, one 
that survived only briefly until the Bolsheviks 
extended their control in the South Caucasus. For 
70 years, Armenia was a socialist republic within 
the framework of the Soviet Union under the lead- 
ership of the Communist Party in the Kremlin. 

In the late 1980s, Gorbachevs glasnost inspired 
many Armenians to push for change, and Armenia 
declared independence from the Soviet Union in 
1990. In 1991, a political dispute between Arme- 
nia and Azerbaijan over the region of Nagorno- 
Karabagh escalated into a military conflict. This 
war lasted until 1994, when a cease-fire was in 
place, leaving Armenians in control of Karabagh. 
Armenians have successfully established the inde- 
pendent Republic of Armenia. However, like other 
republics of the former Soviet Union, Armenia 
suffers from economic stagnation, corruption, and 
inadequate development of democratic institu- 

See also Christianity and Islam; Ottoman 

Leslie Sargent 

Further reading: George A. Bournoutian, A History of 
the Armenian People (Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda Pub- 
lishers. 1994); Richard G. Hovannisian, cd. The Arme- 
nian People from Ancient to Modern Times (New York: 
St. Martin's Press, 1997); Ronald Grigor Suny, Looking 
toward Ararat: Armenia in Modem History (Bloomington 
and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1993). 


Pop artist Andy Warhol (1928-87) defined art 
as whatever the artist deemed it to be by affix- 
ing his signature to it. Swiss painter Paul Klee 
(1879-1940) likened the artist to a tree trunk that 

64 art 

absorbs nutrients from the roots to produce a dif- 
ferent image in the branches and leaves, making 
the artist the intermediary between nature and 
culture. During the 19th and early 20th centuries 
some art historians still championed Academic 
painting, which codified styles and stipulated that 
they had to coincide with content, resulting in art 
that was edifying as well as aesthetically pleasing. 
These Euro-American views tell us that art is a 
changeable concept; its definitions differ accord- 
ing to time, place, and school of thought. Whether 
we consider medieval Europe or modern China, 
we should expect art to reflect the perceptions of 
its creators, consumers, and scholars. 

From the 19th century on, the lslamicate 
world produced art that is part of the general 
history of modern art. Historically, however, the 
definition and material of what we know as 
Islamic art are different. Indeed, only in moments 
of tension is there a sense of an art that is consid- 
ered primarily Islamic in its content and inten- 
tions (as, for example, in the case of calligraphy 
in 10th-century Iraq), and in those cases it is 
because the visual formulas followed rules that 
were viewed as more “orthodox" than others. As 
elsewhere in the world before the dissemination 
of the idea of the artist as creative genius, art itself 
was not understood in the same ways in the past 
as it is today. Rather, artistic value was seen in the 
expenditure of surplus — whether surplus skills 
and talent or money and material — to produce 
objects that performed beyond their immediate 
uses (for instance, ceramic plates) by eliciting 
pleasure from the viewer or user. As such, a vari- 
ety of richly decorated objects in different media 
(as opposed to canvas painting and three dimen- 
sional sculpture), wall paintings (properly also 
part of architecture), and illustrated books form 
the bulk of historical Islamic art. 

Islamic art is first of all a subdiscipline of art 
history concerned with the study of a variety of 
visual cultures collected under the rubric Islam. 
The designation of the field was in place by 
1900 when the first publications titled Islamic 

Ceramic artist, Turkey (Juan E. Campo) 

Art replaced ones dedicated to the ethno-racial/ 
regional categories Arab, Persian, Turkish, Mor- 
esque, and Indian art. The earlier trend followed 
the model of the Napoleonic invasion and explo- 
ration of Egypt in 1798, with its agenda of know- 
ing, ordering, controlling, and colonizing. Recent 
scholarship has made great strides in overcoming 
this legacy and its Orientalizing offshoots, but its 
effects continue to dominate views of the field and 
its contents. 

Despite excellent work by archaeologists, pale- 
ographers, epigraphers, and historians, Islamic art 
was understood up to the mid-20th century as 
the material reflection of unchangeable religious 
essences and racial characteristics. Among its ste- 
reotyped features was the supposed Semitic-Arab 
abhorrence of the representation of living beings, 
which coincided with Islamic injunctions against 

asceticism 65 

the making of images. The infinite arabesque, 
with its floral, geometric, and calligraphic variet- 
ies, compensated for this lack while repeating the 
formula of the essential oneness of God. The orna- 
mented objects, and especially the rugs and carpets 
that were much in demand by collectors and muse- 
ums, reflected the Arab Muslim's nomadic desert 
heritage, which did not encourage great works of 
painting or sculpture, the types of work that popu- 
lated European art. An updated version of such 
Orientalist views surfaced in Londons World of 
Islam Festival in 1976. The films, exhibitions, and 
publications that accompanied the festival ensured 
the wide dissemination of its views, and some of 
these were adopted by some young Arab states in 
constructing their national identities. 

Islamic art is now conventionally defined as 
art made for Muslims by Muslims in primarily 
Islamic contexts. The new definition allows for 
possibilities of differentiation in place and time 
and facilitates the organization of the material into 
the chapters of survey books. Nonetheless, it is not 
without problems. It locates Islamic art outside 
the processes of art production and consumption 
studied by art historians. And it endorses chrono- 
logical and regional divisions at the expense of 
intellectual, philosophical, economic and other 
(including religious) developments. Some of these 
problems arise from the huge amount of material 
in different media studied in the field and from 
its temporal and geographic scope: India to Spain 
from 650 to 1800 (which still leaves out large 
areas with an Islamic presence and interrupts the 
temporal range at the point when the field came 
into being). 

These problems may begin to dissipate once 
we realize that Islamic art is a modern Euro-Amer- 
ican construct based on otherness and difference. 
Once that happens, the material will be opened up 
to new theoretical and critical considerations that 
will place it more properly within the processes 
and histories of human creativity. 

See also Orientalism. 

Nuha N. N. Khoury 

Further reading: Sheila S. Blair and Jonathan M. Bloom, 
“Art and Architecture: Themes and Variations." In The 
Oxford Histoty of Islam, edited by John L. Esposito, 
215-267 (Oxford: Oxford University Press; Robert 
Hillenbrand, Islamic Art and Architecture (New York: 
Thames & Hudson, 1999); Donald Malcolm Reid, 
Whose Pharaohs? Archaeology', Museums, and Egyptian 
National Identity from Napoleon to World War I (Cairo: 
The American University Press, 2002); Stephen Vernoit, 
ed.. Discovering Islamic Art: Scholars, Collectors and Col- 
lections (New York: I.B. Tauris, 2000). 


Asceticism involves a variety of religious practices 
that seek to control or manipulate the body and 
bodily desires in order to perfect one's mental or 
spiritual condition. The word comes from Greek 
askesis , which means “training" or “exercise.” 
Although it has often been used in connection 
with the monastic practices of medieval Chris- 
tianity (abstinence, fasting, poverty, vigils, and 
retreats), historians of religion now use the term 
to study asceticism comparatively in a variety 
of religions and cultures. It is a defining charac- 
teristic of Hinduism, Buddhism, and, to a lesser 
extent, Islam. 

Extreme asceticism and celibacy are officially 
refuted in Islam, because the ULAMA emphasized 
moderation in religious practice. Nevertheless, 
a number of practices Muslims engage in have 
ascetic features, such as the duties of fasting 
during Ramadan and doing the HAJJ to Mecca. In 
fasting, Muslims are required to completely avoid 
food, drink, and sexual activity during the day- 
time for 30 consecutive days every year. Many also 
accompany these practices with prayer and late- 
night vigils. Participants in the hajj are required 
to maintain ritual purity, wear simple garments, 
abstain from sex, avoid harming animal life, and 
avoid incurring violence. Shaving, haircuts, nail 
clipping, and wearing perfume or make-up arc 
also banned during the hajj, which lasts about 
six days annually. Even almsgiving (zakat) has an 

66 Ashari School 

ascetic quality, because it obliges Muslims to ren- 
der some of their wealth (but not all of it) for the 
welfare of the community. A concept of purifica- 
tion is associated with this activity, as reflected in 
the word zcihat itself, which is based on an Arabic 
word for "pure" or "sinless" (zaki). 

The virtuosos of asceticism in Islam, however, 
are Sufis, those who follow its mystical path. 
Indeed, the name sufi is thought to be a reference 
to the frock of wool (suf) worn by early ascetics. 
Sufis claimed to have been inspired by the example 
of Muhammad and early members of the Muslim 
community, although historically their techniques 
and beliefs seem to have been influenced by pre- 
Islamic ascetic traditions found in the religions 
of the Middle East and Asia. Muhammad was 
remembered for his simple lifestyle, frequent vig- 
ils, spiritual retreats, and extra fasting. Later, in 
the aftermath of the early Arab Muslim conquests 
(seventh and eighth centuries), ascetics such as 
Hasan al-Basri (d. 728) were repulsed by the 
wealth and luxurious lifestyle enjoyed by Muslim 
rulers. They felt that this worldliness distracted 
people from keeping their focus on God, obey- 
ing his laws, and reaching paradise. Other early 
ascetics were Ibrahim ibin Adham (d. ca. 778) and 
Rabia al-Adawiyya (d. 801). With the appearance 
of organized Sufism after the 10th century, a mem- 
ber of a brotherhood ( tariqa ) of Sufis was called 
a faqir, “poor man," or its Persian equivalent, der- 
vish, because of his adherence to a spiritual life of 
poverty. Sufis used ascetic practices to control the 
impulses and passions of the lower soul ( nafs ), 
and they identified them with stations on the path 
to spiritual perfection: poverty, repentance, seclu- 
sion, withdrawal, abstinence, renunciation, and 
hunger. Special fasting practices, prayer postures, 
nighttime vigils, self-mortification, and extended 
periods of seclusion were developed by many of 
the Sufi brotherhoods, which provided manuals 
to their members to guide them in their practices. 
Some groups in India, such as the Shattariyya, 
adopted yogic forms of asceticism, but this was 
not widespread. Others, such as the Qalandars, 

engaged in what some call deviant ascetic prac- 
tices, such as taking hallucinogenic drugs, walk- 
ing about nearly naked, and practicing forms of 

See also ablution; baqa and fana; Sufism. 

Further reading: Carl W. Ernst, Teachings of Sufism 
(Boston: Shambala, 1999); Ahmet T. Karamustafa, 
Gods Unruly Friends: Dervish Groups in the Islamic Later 
Middle Period , 1200-1550 (Salt Lake City: University of 
Utah Press, 1994). 

Ashari School 

The Ashari School is the foremost school of the- 
ology in Sunni Islam. It is named after Abu al- 
Hasan al-Ashari (873-935), who sought to define 
and defend core doctrines about God, the Quran, 
and free will in terms of rational philosophy. 
Although we lack details about his life, we know 
he was from the southern Iraqi town of Basra and 
that he was a member of a respected family that 
claimed descent from one of Muhammad's earliest 
followers. He was first an enthusiastic supporter 
of the Mutazili School, which, armed with Greek 
rationalism, refuted traditional religious beliefs 
and argued instead that 1) the attributes assigned 
to God in the Quran (such as hearing and seeing 
or having face and hands) were not part of his 
essential being; 2) the Quran was created; and 3) 
humans could exercise free will independent from 
that of God. However, by the time he was 40 years 
old, al-Ashari had become convinced that these 
positions and related ones were wrong. Switch- 
ing course, he used the Mutazili tools of rational 
disputation against them to argue instead that 1) 
God's attributes were real, even if we do not know 
how they are so; 2) the Quran was God's speech 
and therefore eternal and uncreated as he is; and 
3) human free will is impossible because God 
creates everything, including individual human 

The Ashari School grew in Basra and Baghdad, 
drawing its inspiration from al-Ashari's theology 

Ashura 67 

and method of rational argumentation. By the late 
12th century, it had become the dominant Sunni 
theological tradition and was officially taught as 
a subject in Sunni centers of learning. Among 
the most prominent members of this school were 
al-Baqillani (d. 1013), al-Baghdadi (d. 1037), 
al-Ghazali (d. 1111), and al-Razi (d. 1209). For 
centuries, the Ashari School gave a rational basis 
to Sunni faith and provided an intellectual defense 
against speculative philosophy and Shii doctrines. 
During the 19th and 20th centuries, it gave way 
to currents of Islamic modernism and secularism 
that swept the Muslim world as a result of Euro- 
pean colonial expansion and the influx of new 
ideas from the West. Many Ashari tenets, however, 
continue to hold an important place in contempo- 
rary Muslim religious thought. 

See also Allah; anthropomorphism; madrasa; 

Further reading: Richard M. Frank. Al-Ghazali and the 
Asharite School (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 
1994); W. Montgomery Watt, The Formative Period of 
Islamic Thought (Oxford: One World Press. 1998). 


Ashura is the 10th day of the first Islamic month, 
Muharram, and the most important holiday of the 
year for the Shia. It had been a day of fasting for 
pre-islamic Arabs and for Jews (identified with 
Yom Kippur) and was recognized by Muhammad 
(d. 632) as an Islamic day of fasting, though when 
the month of Ramadan was made the holy month 
of fasting for Muslims, the fast of Ashura became 
voluntary rather than mandatory. Islamic tradition 
has associated this important day with biblical 
events recognized by Jews and Christians: It has 
been considered to be the day when Noahs ark 
landed after the Flood and when Jonah was freed 
from the fish that had swallowed him. 

A more documented event occurred on this 
day in the year 680, one that was to have serious 
implications for Islamic history. Husayn IBN Ali, 

the grandson of the Prophet, was killed in the 
desert of Karbala in Iraq by the Umayyad caliph 
Yazids (r. 680-683) forces. This event has come 
to symbolize in sacred history and ritual the rift 
between Shiis and Sunnis and led to the develop- 
ment of martyrdom as a definitive value of Shiism. 
So, for the Shia the first 10 days of the month 
of Muharram, leading up to the day of Ashura, 
are a time of mourning for the death of Husayn. 
In Iran and other Shii-dominated areas (for 
example, Lebanon, Bahrayn, and Shii communi- 
ties in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, 
as well as immigrant communities in Europe and 
North America), mourners express their sorrow 
in a complex of public and private ceremonial 
gatherings, street processions, and morality plays. 
Public lamentations sometimes reach a frenzy in 
which men beat their breasts or slash their heads 
to draw blood in commemoration of the spilling 
of Husayns BLOOD at Karbala. Theatrical perfor- 
mances reenact the events of the Karbala tragedy. 
Another rite performed during Ashura in Iran 
and areas influenced by Pcrsianatc culture is the 
roxvzeh hhani (also known as a efiraya, “reading,” 
in Arabic-speaking Iraq), which consists of lam- 
entations, moving sermons, and improvised read- 
ings about events that transpired at Karbala. The 
name roxvzeh is derived from a book of Karbala 
narratives. The Garden of the Martyrs (Raxvdat al- 
shuhada ), written by Husayn Waiz Kashifi around 
1503, in connection with the establishment of the 
Shii Safavid dynasty in Iran. People of all classes 
participate in these gatherings, including Sunnis, 
and, in India, Hindus and Buddhists. Women 
often organize Ashura gatherings in their homes. 

See also calendar; holidays; Husayniyya; 
Twelve-Imam Shiism; Umayyad Caliphate. 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: Kamran Scot Aghaie, cd., The Women 
of Karbala: Ritual Performance and Symbolic Discourses 
in Modern Shii Islam (Austin: University of Texas Press, 
2005); Peter Chelkowski, ed., Taziyeh: Ritual and 
Drama in Iran (New York: New York University Press, 

68 Assassins 

1979); Elizabeth Warnock Fernea, Guests of the Sheik 
(New York: Anchor Books, 1995); David Pinault, The 
Shiites: Ritual and Popular Piety in a Muslim Community 
(New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1992). 


In the 12th century, Europeans gave the name 
Assassins to a group of ruthless killers they had 
heard about during their CRUSADES and travels in 
the Middle East. One of the most famous accounts 
about them is found in the writings of world trav- 
eler Marco Polo (1254-1324). He described the 
Assassins as agents recruited by a leader called 
Old Man of the Mountain, who kept them drugged 
and entertained in hidden gardens patterned after 
those of the Islamic paradise as described in the 
Quran. When the leader wanted them to do his 
bidding, which included the assassination of rul- 
ers and officials, he would send them out with the 
promise that when they accomplished their tasks 
ANGELS would carry them back to paradise as a 
reward. By the 14th century, Europeans were using 
the term assassin more generally for anyone who 
murdered a ruler or high-ranking official, which is 
the meaning it still has today. The name is origi- 
nally from the Arabic hashishi, someone addicted 
to hashish (a narcotic made from Indian hemp). 

The actual Assassins, as distinguished from the 
ones imaginatively described by Europeans, were 
Nizari Isamaili Shia — devoted followers of Hasan-i 
Sabbah (d. 1124), a charismatic Shii leader who 
announced the coming of a new religious era and 
led an upraising against Sunni Muslim rulers in the 
Middle East. His trained fighters, who were willing 
to sacrifice their lives for him, operated out of for- 
tresses in the remote mountains of Syria and Persia 
(Iran), the most famous of which was Alamut, 
located in the Elburz Mountains near the Caspian 
Sea. These fighters would infiltrate towns and pal- 
aces to carry out their assignments, which included 
political assassinations as w^ell as other disruptive 
actions. They inspired fear and hatred in the hearts 
of Sunni authorities, who were also contending 

with European crusader armies in Syria and Pales- 
tine at that time. Sunnis usually called the Nizaris 
“apostates," but they also tried to insult them by 
calling them hashishis. Legends about the Assas- 
sins began to circulate among European crusaders 
and travelers in the Middle East at this time. The 
Mongols from the steppes of Central Asia finally 
put an end to Nizari rule in Persia in 1256, and the 
Mamluk rulers of Egypt did the same in Syria by 
1273. The violent activities of the Assassins ceased, 
and the history of the Nizari branch of Islam took a 
different turn as its members retreated from politics 
and killing to live more peacefully in widely scat- 
tered communities where some followed the path 
of Sufism and engaged in new missionary activities, 
especially in Persia and India. 

See also Aga Khan; apostasy; Fatimid dynasty; 
fidai; Ismaili Shiism. 

Further reading: Farhad Daftary, The Ismailis: Their 
History and Doctrines (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni- 
versity Press, 1990); Bernard Lewis, The Assassins: A 
Radical Sect in Islam (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 

Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal (1881-1938) 
founder and first president of the modern 
Republic of Turkey 

Mustafa Kemal was born in Salonica, then part 
of the Ottoman Empire. He attended military 
schools in the Balkans, where Greek and Slavic 
nationalist movements were active, and went 
on to graduate from the military academy in 
Istanbul, the Ottoman capital. During his early 
military appointments, he worked to organize 
opposition to the despotism ol the Ottoman 
sultan Abdulhamid, though he was not directly 
involved in the Young Turk revolution of 1908. 
He gained military fame as commander of the 
Turkish troops that repelled the invasion of Allied 
forces at Gallipoli in 1915. 

Dissatisfied with the Ottoman regimes compli- 
ance with the British, who occupied Istanbul after 

Aurangzeb 69 

World War I, Mustafa Kemal left Istanbul in 1919 
to gather support for a resistance movement in 
Anatolia, eventually settling in Ankara, where the 
Grand National Assembly was opened in 1920. 
When Turkish troops under Mustafa Retrial's com- 
mand defeated the Greek troops that had invaded 
western Anatolia in 1921, the nationalist forces 
earned enough bargaining power to reject the 
terms of the Sevres treaty (the World War 1 peace 
agreement that would have divided the country) 
and to abolish the Ottoman sultanate, which had 
reigned for 600 years. In 1923, a new treaty ensur- 
ing Turkey’s borders was agreed to at Lausanne 
(in Switzerland), and the republic was proclaimed 
with Mustafa Kemal as its president. 

Mustafa Kemals regime was autocratic, which 
allowed him to push through a series of reforms 
designed to rebuild Turkey as a modern. Western, 

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (Juan E. Campo) 

secular nation. In 1924, he abolished the CALIPH- 
ATE, which Ottoman sultans had assumed since 
the 16th century, and closed religious schools. 
He closed the dervish lodges, which were seen 
as threatening to the secular regime, and banned 
the wearing of religious dress outside of places of 
worship. He had a new civil code adopted, bring- 
ing equal rights to WOMEN. He had the Arabic 
ALPHABET replaced with a modified Latin alphabet 
and encouraged the replacement of Arabic and 
Persian words in the language with “pure" Turkish 
words, even if they had to be invented. 

In 1934, a law was passed requiring all citizens 
to adopt a surname, and Mustafa Kemal chose 
for himself that of Ataturk, meaning “Father of 
the Turks.” Ataturk died in 1938 in Istanbul after 
having served four terms as president, but his 
legacy has continued until today. His mausoleum 
in Ankara continues to be visited regularly; his 
image appears on every banknote and in every 
public building, and his statues stand prominently 
in every city and town. Boulevards, universities, 
towns, and Istanbul's international airport are 
named after him. The ideas he brought to frui- 
tion — constituting an ideology known as Rental- 
ism — also continue to make up the dominant 
ideology of the Turkish state. 


Mark Soileau 

Further reading: Lord Kinross, Ataturk: The Rebirth 
of a Nation (London: Weidcnfeld & Nicolson. 1964); 
Andrew Mango. Ataturk: The Biography oj the Founder of 
Modern Turkey (New York: Overlook Press, 1999). 

Aurangzeb (1618-1707) Indian Muslim 
ruler who led the Mughal Empire when it controlled 
the greatest amount of territory on the Indian 

The great grandson of Akbar (r. 1356-1605) and 
son of Shah Jahan (r. 1628-58), Aurangzeb came 
to power during a bloody civil war for succession 
in 1657. After killing all of his brothers, his rivals 

70 Australia 

for power, and imprisoning his father, he secured 
control in northern India and engaged in a scries 
of ongoing military campaigns to conquer inde- 
pendent kingdoms in the south. When he died in 
1701, his empire stretched from the Himalayas in 
the north to the southern edge of the Deccan Pla- 
teau and from Bengal in the cast to Afghanistan in 
the west. His successors were unable to maintain 
control over such a vast territory, so the Mughal 
Empire began to break up into smaller states again 
after his death, setting the stage for the onset of 
British colonial influence in the mid-1700s. 

Aurangzcb is remembered for his religious 
conservativism and his intolerant attitude toward 
his non-Muslim subjects, in contrast to Akbar and 
other Mughal rulers. He promoted strict adher- 
ence to the SHARIA, enhanced the influence of the 
Sunni ULAMA in the court, and actively encouraged 
conversion to Islam. One of his most important 
contributions to the Muslim community was his 
sponsorship of the Fatawa-i Alamgiri (completed in 
1675), a comprehensive compilation of Sunni legal 
rulings. His religious conservativism had serious 
drawbacks, however. Imperial patronage of MUSIC, 
ART, and architecture decreased, and even though 
Hindus continued to serve as officials and allies 
of the Mughal government, their status declined. 
Active opposition to Aurangzeb, which included 
Muslims, grew as a result of his destruction of 
Hindu temples, the imposition of special taxes and 
restrictions, and his persecution of the growing 
Sikh community in northern India, which resulted 
in the martyrdom of one of their leaders, Guru 
Tegh Bahadur (d. 1675). The legacy of Aurangzcbs 
policies has continued to fuel Hindu-Muslim ten- 
sions in South Asia since independence and parti- 
tion in 1947. 

See also Dara Shikoh; Hinduism and Islam; 
Mughal dynasty. 

Further reading: Gordon Johnson, Cultural Atlas of 
India (New York: Facts On File, 1996); John F. Richards, 
The Mughal Empire (Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press, 1993). 


The continent of Australia joins neighboring 
islands of Indonesia and New Zealand in demar- 
cating the southwestern extent of the Pacific 
Ocean and the eastern extent of the Indian Ocean. 
Australia is separated from Indonesia by the Ara- 
tura Sea and from New Zealand by the Tasmania 
Sea. Also part of the country of Australia is the 
large island of Tasmania, off the continents south- 
east coast. The country has a total land area ol 
some 2,967,100 square miles. 

The Aboriginal peoples, Australia's original 
inhabitants, settled the land as early as 40,000 
years ago. They created a diversity of cultures 
across the continent. They seem to have migrated 
from Southeast Asia. Europeans made note of 
Australia's existence in the 17th century, but 
only in 1770 did Captain James Cook (1728-79) 
claim it for Great Britain. British settlement began 
less than two decades later, the first settlement 
being the infamous penal colony at Botany Bay. 
Over the next two centuries, the descendants 
of British settlers became the dominant force in 
Australia, making up two-thirds of its 19 million 
inhabitants. The remaining third constitutes an 
extremely diverse ethnic spectrum that includes 
many people from former British colonies from 
India and Southeast Asia. 

The original Muslims in Australia were from 
Afghanistan, men employed as camel drivers. 
Many settled in central Australia, and the con- 
temporary town of Alice Springs was at one time 
referred to by local residents as Mecca. That 
original Afghan community did not perpetuate 
itself and eventually died out. (Some Muslims 
point to evidence of even earlier Muslims coming 
to Australia from Malaysia and Indonesia to settle 
in fishing villages along the northern coast.) Over 
the next decades, the number of Muslims grew 
slowly and fluctuated widely. From a low point in 
the early 1930s (around 2,000), the community 
reached more than 10,000 by 1970. Since that 
time, it has grown at a much more rapid rate. It 
was approaching 150,000 by the time of the 1991 

authority 71 

national census and today includes some esti- 
mated 315,000 residents. It constitutes about 1.5 
percent of Australia's 21 million citizens. 

The Muslim community has an extremely 
diverse ethnic makeup, its members deriving from 
more than 50 countries, including those in west- 
ern Africa, the Middle East, and southern Asia. 
The largest group of Australian Muslims comes 
from Lebanon and Turkey. Its members have 
concentrated in the major urban centers in the 
southeastern part of the continent. Through the 
last decades of the 20th century, regional councils 
of Muslims were formed, leading to the creation 
of the Australian Federation of Muslim Councils, 
the primary national Islamic organization. The 
growth of the community has allowed a variety of 
regional and national organizations, such as the 
United Muslim Women Association, to emerge. 

The Australian Federation appoints a titular 
spiritual head of the Islamic community who 
bears the title mufti of Australia and New Zea- 
land. The current mufti, Egyptian-born Taj Al- 
Din Hamid Abd Allah Al-Hilali (b. 1941), has 
become well known for his outspokenness, espe- 
cially in his defense of the Muslim community 
in the wake of recent bombings in the United 
States, Bali, and London, the commitment of 
Australian troops to Afghanistan and Iraq, and 
government efforts to suppress possible terrorist 
acts in Australia. 

Nationally, Muslims have concentrated on the 
education of the next generation and where pos- 
sible have opened Islamic schools for youths at 
the primary and secondary levels. Leaders have 
expressed concern about the secular atmosphere 
in the country and laws promoting the liberation 
of youths in their mid-teens. 

Today there are more than 100 mosques and 
prayer halls in Australia. Most are Sunni in 
orientation, with no one legal school or ethnic 
membership dominating. The largest number of 
mosques and Islamic schools are found in the Syd- 
ney and Melbourne urban areas. A1 Zahra College, 

the first Islamic institution of higher learning, is 
located in Sydney. 

Sec also Europe; United States; West Africa. 

J. Gordon Melton 

Further reading: A. H. Johns and A. Saced, “Muslims 
in Australia: The Building of a Community" In Muslim 
Minorities in the West, Visible and Invisible, edited by 
Yvonne Haddad and Jane I. Smith, 192-216 (Walnut 
Creek. Calif.: Altamira Press, 2002); Abdullah Saeed. 
Australian Muslims: Their Beliefs, Practices and Institu- 
tions (Melbourne: Department of Immigration and 
Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs, Australian Mul- 
ticultural Foundation, University of Melbourne, 2004). 
Available online. URL: 
CulturalDiversily/Rcsource_Manual.pdf. Accessed on 
December 27. 2005; Wafia Omcr and Kirsty Allen, “The 
Muslims in Australia." In A Yearbook of Australian Reli- 
gious Organizations, edited by Peter Bentley and Philip 
J. Hughes, 114-115 (Kew, Victoria: Christian Research 
Association, 1997). 


Authority is the basis by which power is legiti- 
mately used to bring about compliance and obedi- 
ence. In secular terms, it is often connected with 
how leaders and governments justify their right 
not only to exist, but also to rule others with their 
consent. In a hereditary monarchy, for example, 
authority is vested in the person of the king and 
his dynasty. In a liberal democracy, authority 
is vested in the people, who then consent to be 
legally subject to those they elect to governmen- 
tal office. In either case, the exercise of authority 
displaces the need to rely upon only brute force to 
obtain compliance. Max Weber (d. 1920), one of 
the founders of modern sociology, identified three 
basic types of authority that are generally accepted 
by modern scholars: 1) traditional authority based 
on the sanctity of the past, 2) charismatic author- 
ity involving the sanctity of individuals, and 3) 
rational-legal authority involving bureaucratic 
organizations. These three ideal types of authority 

Genealogy of Muhammad, the Caliphs, and the Shii Imams 




Abd al-Uzza Abd al-Manaf 

Abd al-Dar 

Abd Qusayy 

Abu Bakr 


Abd al-Muttalib 
(d. ca. 578) 

Abd Shams 



Abdullah Abu Talib 
(d. ca. 579) (d. ca. 619) 

(ca. 570-632) 





= Ali 
1st Imam 

Abu Lahab Hamza al-Abbas 
(d. ca. 624) (d. ca. 625) (d. ca. 653) 






Marwan I 



3rd caliph 

r. 684-685) (r. 644-656) 



Umayyad caliphs 


Abu Sufyan 
(d. ca. 653) 

Muawiya I 
(r. 661-680) 

early Umayyad caliphs 

Hasan Husayn 

2nd Imam 3rd Imam 
(624-669) (626-680) 


Ali, Zaynul-Abidin 

4th Imam 

Muhammad al-Baqir 
5th Imam 
(676-ca. 743) 


Jafar as-Sadiq 
6th Imam 


(ca. 694-740) 

Musa al-Kazim 


7th Imam 

(ca. 721-755) 



Ali ar-Rida 
8th Imam 


Muhammad at-Taqi 

9th Imam 



Ali al-Hadi 


Ismaili Fatimid 

10th Imam Caliphate in Egypt 

(ca. 827-868) 


Hasaan al-Askari 

11th Imam 



Imam Mahdi 

12th Imam 





© Infobase Publishing 

authority 73 

apply both to secular and religious social institu- 
tions, and they help us to understand the complex 
networks of authority that have formed in the 
history of Islam and that are evident in Islamicate 
societies today. 

Sacred authority in Islam begins with God, 
the Quran (Gods word), and Muhammad (the 
conveyer of Gods word). The Quran declares 
that God is lord of all CREATION (Q 1:2) and that 
he holds sovereignty over the heavens and the 
earth (Q 5:40). Humans, therefore, are destined 
to be his “servants'’ or “worshippers.” Indeed, 
the human acknowledgment of God’s authority 
is expressed in Islam’s Five Pillars, which arc 
collectively called ibadat, “duties of worship/ser- 
vitude.'’ The Quran alludes to its own authority as 
a sacred scripture when it states “That is the book 
in which there is no doubt, a guidance for the 
God-fearing” (Q 2:2). As the “command” (anir) 
revealed by the “lord of the worlds” (Q 56:80), the 
Quran is connected with the qualities of divine 
sovereignty, such as nobility (Q 56:77), glory (Q 
50:1), might (Q 15:87), and wisdom (Q 36:2). In 
THEOLOGY, the Quran is regarded as God's speech 
and is one of his eternal attributes. Muslims turn 
to it for guidance with respect to matters of belief 
and religious practice, and it is the first of the 
four roots of religious law (fiqh). Among humans, 
God’s authority (sultan) is entrusted above all 
to his prophets and messengers, the recipients 
and transmitters of God's word (Q 11:96) whom 
people must obey (Q 4:64). It is Muhammad in 
particular who is to be followed, for the Quran 
declares, “Whoever obeys the messenger obeys 
God” (Q 4:80). His authority is based on his per- 
sonal charisma, but it also involves the authority 
of a sacred tradition of prophets that reaches back 
to Adam, the first human being, and the creation. 
Aside from the Quran itself, Muhammad's author- 
ity in the early Muslim community is reflected in 
a separate document known as the Constitution 
of Medina, which stipulates that if the early com- 
munity is ever in disagreement, it should refer the 
matter to God and to Muhammad. The long-term 

importance of Muhammad as an authority for the 
Muslim community was assured with the collec- 
tion of hadiths about his sayings and actions and 
the establishment of Muhammad’s sunna (rules 
for belief, worship, and moral conduct) as a 
basis for law in the ninth century. Inheritance of 
Muhammad's personal charisma was to become 
an important aspect of Muslim rulers' author- 
ity, as it was for the Abbasids, the Fatimids, and 
the contemporary monarchies of Morocco and 
Jordan. Among the various divisions of the Shia, 
descent from Muhammad through Ali and Fatima 
is a necessary qualification of the divinely guided 
Imams, people the Shia have regarded as the ideal 
rulers and religious figures for Muslims. 

With the passage of time and the rise of Islamic 
empires, the networks of authority became more 
complex. The Quran acknowledges this complex- 
ity when it states, “obey God, the messenger, and 
those in authority ( amr ) among you” (Q 4:59). 
Though Muhammad's successors, the caliphs, 
first saw themselves mainly as tribal chieftains, 
after the rise of the Islamic empire they claimed 
primary authority in both spiritual and worldly 
affairs. This can be seen in the formal titles they 
took: “God’s deputy” ( khalifat Allah), rather than 
“deputy/succcssor of God's messenger” ( khalifat 
rasul Allah), or even “commander (amir) of the 
faithful” and “God's authority (sultan) on earth.” 
Several of the early Abbasid caliphs (eighth to 
ninth centuries) attempted to claim the exclusive 
right to decide matters of religious doctrine. By 
the 10th century, in the face of growing challenges 
to their authority in religious matters, rulers had 
negotiated a division of legitimate power with the 
ULAMA, the experts in Islamic law and tradition. 
Caliphs, sultans, and kings exercised authority in 
worldly affairs, while the ulama claimed mastery 
in the realm of religion. The actual division of 
labor between the rulers and ulama was rarely 
so clear, however, for the rulers were expected to 
uphold and enforce sharia as well as patronize the 
ulama. On the other hand, the ulama, in addition 
to interpreting the sharia, could exercise moral 

74 authority 

authority over rulers by either upholding or con- 
testing their legitimacy. Only in the 20th century 
did the ulama ever act to overthrow a ruler and 
replace him with one of their own — the establish- 
ment of the Islamic Republic of Iran under Ayatol- 
lah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979 was the exception 
rather than the rule. 

Select women also held positions of author- 
ity among both rulers and religious scholars. 
Women in the ruling elites were occasionally 
involved in making decisions of state and influ- 
encing the selection of rulers, and they would 
also make donations to fund mosques and reli- 
gious schools. Women from scholarly families 
even became famous as teachers, particularly in 
the science of hadith during the Middle Ages. 
Muhammad's wife AlSHA (d. ca. 678) is an exem- 
plary figure, because she is remembered for her 
leading role in the political and religious affairs 
of her time. 

In addition to the rulers and the ulama, Sufi 
brotherhoods also developed their own concepts 
of authority. The Sufis consider themselves to be 
disciples of a master Sufi, known as a SHAYKH or 
pir. This Sufi master is to be obeyed absolutely 
because of the power of his personal charisma, 
or holiness, but his authority is also recognized 
because of his inclusion within a spiritual lin- 
eage of saints that links him to Ali ibn Abi Talib 
(d. 661) or Abu Bakr (d. 634) and ultimately to 
Muhammad. Recognition of the masters status is 
expressed in Sufi rituals and prayers. Sainthood 
is a related type of charismatic authority recog- 
nized in Sufism, where even though the saint 
was thought to be completely obedient to God, 
he or she was also Gods intimate friend (vval/) 
and an embodiment of Gods wisdom and bless- 
ing power in the world. There are many women 
counted among the saints, but as Sufi masters, 
they are a minority. In any case, the Sufis had 
to negotiate their own spheres of authority with 
those of the rulers and the ulama; they were 
often tied to both by bonds of kinship, loyalty, 
and patronage. 

Since the mid- 18th century, the networks of 
authority that formed during the Middle Ages 
have been fragmented by a variety of histori- 
cal forces. Two of the decisive forces for change 
were the breakdown of the Ottoman, Safavid, 
and Mughal Empires that once ruled millions 
of people between the Mediterranean and the 
Bay of Bengal, and the invasion of Muslim lands 
by European colonial empires. The major shifts 
in political power caused by these changes led 
in turn to profound changes in the traditional 
military, political, legal, educational, and eco- 
nomic institutions. The authority of the ulama 
became increasingly circumscribed as Western- 
style institutions and values were adopted by 
reform-minded Muslims and colonial administra- 
tors. Moreover, the introduction of the printing 
press to Muslim lands during the 19th century 
not only made it possible for the transmission of 
new ideas and visions to more people, but it also 
enabled more Muslims to become literate and 
consult their own sacred scriptures, commentar- 
ies, histories, literature, and books of religious 
law than ever before. The ulama had to contend 
with emerging national aspirations among Mus- 
lims and imported Western secularist ideals, 
while at the same time debating with ordinary 
Muslims who wanted to consult and interpret 
their religious heritage on their own. Later, the 
introduction of broadcast media and the internet 
accelerated these processes. The overall result is 
that multiple and frequently contending notions 
of authority are at play in Muslim communities, 
not always with the best results. In some cases, 
sacred authority has been mobilized to counteract 
and resist Western involvement in Muslim coun- 
tries; in other cases, it has been manipulated by 
tyrants and Muslim radical groups to consolidate 
power and suppress pluralistic and democratic 
forces. The result is the creation of authoritarian 
regimes that hold a number of Muslim countries 
in their grip today, often with the approval and 
support of Western powers, especially in coun- 
tries where OIL is a major resource. 

autobiography 75 

See also Abbasid Caliphate; ahl al-bayt ; Allah; 
caliph; imam; Shiism. 

Further reading: Arthur F. Buehler. Sufi Heirs of the 
Prophet: The Indian Naqshbandiyya and the Rise of the 
Mediating Sufi Shaykh (Columbia: University of South 
Carolina Press, 1998); Patricia Crone and Martin Hinds, 
Gods Caliph: Religious Authority in the First Centuries of 
Islam (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986); 
Dale F. Eickelman and James Piscatori, Muslim Politics 
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1996); 
Carl W. Ernst, The Shambhala Guide to Sufism (Boston: 
Shambhala, 1997); Ann K. S. Lambton, State and Gov- 
ernment in Medieval Islam: An Introduction to the Study 
of Islamic Political Theory: The Jurists (Oxford: Oxford 
University Press. 1981); Max Weber, The Theory of 
Social and Economic Organization (New York: Macmil- 
lan Company, 1964). 


Autobiography is a kind of literature in which 
authors write primarily about their own lives and 
about the people, places, ideas, and events that 
affected them. It is sometimes also called self- 
narrative. In the 20th century, most European 
and American scholars held that autobiography 
was a product of individual self-consciousness 
that originated uniquely in “Western civilization" 
inspired by a Christian outlook and that it rarely 
occurred anywhere else in the world or in other 
religious communities before the modern period. 
This view has been seriously questioned in recent 
years as the literature of other civilizations has 
been further studied and translated. Scholars are 
now finding significant evidence for traditions of 
premodern autobiographical writing in non-West- 
ern cultures, especially in Islamicate ones. 

Islamic autobiographical literature before 
the 20th century was written mainly in Arabic, 
Persian, and Turkish, the three leading literary 
languages of Muslims during the Middle Ages. 
The first Muslim autobiographies that we know 
anything about were written by ninth-century his- 

torians, mystics, and officials. In later centuries, 
this list grew to include religious scholars, jurists, 
philosophers, poets, physicians, scientists, rulers, 
politicians, soldiers, and converts. Pre-Islamic 
autobiographies that had been translated from 
Persian and Greek may have influenced some of 
these authors, but many were more inspired by 
the biographies of Muhammad (d. 632) and the 
first Muslims, who were regarded as ideal role 
models. Later writers, in their turn, wanted to set 
examples of themselves for their readers. Oth- 
ers wanted to use their life stories to show how 
God had blessed them. In Sufi literature, auto- 
biographical narratives recounted the spiritual 
journeys of the authors, including their dreams 
and visions. Among the most famous Sufi auto- 
biographical writings are those of Abu Hamid 
al-Ghazali (d. 1111), Ruzbihan Baqli (d. 1209), 
Ibn al-Arabi (d. 1240), and Shah Wali Allah (d. 
1762). Other prominent Muslims who have left 
autobiographies arc the physician and philoso- 
pher Ibn Sina (d. 1036), the Syrian warrior-poet 
Usama ibn Munqidh (d. 1188), the historian Ibn 
Khaldun (d. 1406), and Babur (d. 1530), the 
founder of the Mughal dynasty in India. Much 
later, several West Africans brought to the United 
States as slaves in the 19th century wrote short 
autobiographies in Arabic, much to the surprise 
of the American public. 

When authors in Islamicate lands fell under 
the influence of European literary traditions dur- 
ing the 19th and 20th centuries, indigenous 
autobiographical traditions underwent significant 
changes. The number of autobiographies pub- 
lished in Muslim countries increased with the 
introduction of the printing press, they were writ- 
ten in many different modern languages (includ- 
ing English), and they included new secular 
and national perspectives, as well as more tradi- 
tional ones. Egyptian author and educator Taha 
Husayns (d. 1973) autobiography, which recalls 
his village childhood and his student days at al- 
Azhar University in Cairo, embodies the fusion 
of the traditional with the modern, and it is still 

7 6 Averroes 

regarded as a landmark in the history of modern 
Arabic literature. Another impact of modernity 
has been the publication of womens autobi- 
ographies, including those of feminists such 
as Huda al-Shaarawi (1879-1947) and Fatima 
Mernissi (b. 1940) as well as Islamic activists 
such as Zaynab al-Ghazali (d. 2005). For many, 
the Autobiography of Malcolm X (first published 
in 1964), which recounts the author’s journey 
from a life of street crime to leadership in the 
African-American Muslim community, is the 
most important work of its kind to come from 
the North American context. 

Sec also Arabic language and literature; 
biography; Malcolm X; Persian language and 
literature; Turkish language and literature. 

Further reading: Taha Husayn, An Egyptian Childhood, 
trans. E. H. Paxton (London: Heineman, 1981); Fatima 
Mernissi, Dreams of Trespass: Tales of Harem Girlhood 
(Reading. Mass.: Addison Wesley, 1994); Dwight F. 
Reynolds, cd., Interpreting the Self: Autobiography in the 
Arabic Literary Tradition (Berkeley: University of Cali- 
fornia Press, 2001). 

Averroes See Ibn Rushd, Abu Walid Muhammad 
ibn Ahmad. 

Avicenna See Ibn Sina, Abu Ali al-Husayn. 

Awami League 

The Awami (People's) League is one of the two 
most powerful political parties in Bangladesh, 
together with its rival, the Bangladesh National 
Party (BNP). It is an important example of the 
secular currents in modern Muslim politics. The 
league was founded in 1949 by Husayn Shaheed 
Suhrawardy (1892-1963) and other members 
of the Bengali branch of the All-India Muslim 
League in what was then called East Bengal (after 
1955 it was called East Pakistan), a province of 

Pakistan created as a result of the partition of 
India in 1947. Earlier, Suhrawardy and his col- 
leagues had been active in the Indian nationalist 
movement against British colonial rule. Created 
after partition, the East Pakistan Awami Mus- 
lim League (later renamed the Awami League) 
gave voice to Bengali Muslims opposed to West 
Pakistan's domination of the new country. Bengali 
nationalists wanted greater self-rule in a loosely 
knit federation, inclusion of Hindus and Sikhs 
in the national polity, and recognition of Bangla, 
their national language, as an official state lan- 
guage. The West Pakistani leadership, however, 
wanted to preserve its privileged position, retain 
Pakistan's distinct Muslim identity, and keep Urdu 
as its only official language. 

Suhrawardy was eclipsed in the 1960s by the 
charismatic Sheikh Mujibur (Mujib) Rahman 
(1920-75), who expanded the Awami League's 
appeal to the Bengali masses with his “Six Point 
Program'' for more equality in Pakistani affairs. 
Advocating a secular parliamentary democracy, 
the Awami League won a landslide victory in the 
1970 national elections. Its triumph was short- 
lived, however, because the Pakistani military 
intervened in 1971 to declare martial law, and it 
imprisoned Mujib for treason, which precipitated 
a war for independence from Pakistan. With the 
assistance of Indian troops, East Pakistan thus 
became Bangladesh in 1971, and Mujib, released 
from prison, became its first prime minister. 
The new government's constitution was based 
on “four pillars" advocated by Mujib and the 
Awami League: democracy, socialism, secular- 
ism, and nationalism. The league's popularity 
soon declined, however, in the face of a famine 
in 1974 and political and economic failures that 
resulted in a series of coups after Mujib's death 
in 1975. It regained its parliamentary majority in 
the 1996 elections, and Mujib's daughter, Shaikh 
Hasina Wajid, became Bangladesh's prime min- 
ister (1996-2001). The league remains strongly 
secular in outlook. As one observer has noted, 
the Awami League upholds the idea that “Bangla- 

aya 77 

deshis are Bengalis who happen to be Muslims,” 
while its rival, the BNP (created in 1978), consid- 
ers “Bangladeshis to be Muslims who happen to 
be Bengalis” (Baxter, p. xiii). 

See also democracy; Jinnah, Muhammad Ali; 
Hinduism and Islam; secularism. 

Further reading: Craig Baxter, Bangladesh: From a 
Nation to a State (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 
1997); Charles P. O'Donnell, Bangladesh: Biography of a 
Muslim Nation (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1984). 


Aya is the Arabic word for a verse in the Quran 
or more generally a “sign” or “wonder.” In both 
senses, Muslims believe that an aya contains a 
message from God for human beings to heed. 
The verses, or phrases and sentences of different 
lengths and styles, arc grouped into chapters in 
the Quran, called suras. Of the more than 6,000 
verses in the Quran, the shorter ones tend to 
be poetic and occur in chapters in the second 
half of the book, most of which are associated 
with Muhammad's years as a prophet in Mecca 
(610-622). Verses in the first half, which date to 
the years Muhammad lived in Medina (622-632), 
tend to be longer and lack both rhyme and rhythm. 
In handwritten copies of the Quran, a floret or 
some other decorative marking is often inserted 
at the end of each verse to facilitate reading, since 
punctuation such as periods and question marks 
is not used in old Arabic script. In modern printed 
copies, the decorative inserts usually contain the 
verse number, thus reflecting the influence of 
printed Bibles in the West. Muslim commentators 
distinguish between two kinds of verses: those 
that are clear and unambiguous ( muhkamat ) and 
those that are obscure or mysterious (mutashabi- 
h at). The former are generally those to which the 
ulama turn when making religious law (f/qh), 
while the latter, including the mysterious letters 
that begin a number of chapters, have attracted 
the attention of speculative thinkers and mystics. 

Pilgrimage mural showing Quran verses and other reli- 
gious sayings, Qurna, Egypt (Juan E. Campo) 

In addition to denoting verses of scripture, 
the Quran uses the word aya to denote “signs” 
and “wonders" revealed by God in nature and in 
narratives of sacred history associated with the 
lives of prophets who lived before Muhammad's 
time. The signs in nature include the creation 
of heaven and Earth, the alternation of day and 
night, rainfall, sea wind, the beginning and end- 
ing of life, the growth of plants, and the benefits 
animals provide to humans (for examples, see Q 
36:33-45; 41:37-39; 42:29, 33). In sacred history, 
the destruction of unbelievers and the rescue of 
believers from peril are included among God's 
signs, as exemplified by the story of Noah's ark (Q 
54:9-15). Other prophets who performed signs 
and wonders according to the Quran arc Moses 
(Q 20:17-24) and Jesus (Q 3:49). Muhammad's 
opponents in Mecca challenged him to produce 
similar signs (Q 6:37), for which his response was 
the recitation of Quranic verse (Q 31:7; 45:6), 
which brings the two meanings of aya together, 
both as a verse and a miraculous sign. 

See also Allah; basmala; tafsir. 

Further reading: Farid Esack. Quran: A Short Introduc- 
tion (Oxford. U.K.: Oneworld. 2001); W. Montgomery 
Watt and Richard Bell. Introduction to the Quran (Edin- 
burgh: Edinburgh University Press. 1970). 


78 ayatollah 

ayatollah (Arabic: sign of God) 

Ayatollah is a title bestowed on the most highly 
esteemed religious scholars in Twelve-Imam Shi- 
ism since the 19th century It is held by experts 
of Islamic law, especially members of the Usuli 
School based in Iran and Iraq. Religious educa- 
tion in the Shii madrasa system and expertise in 
the practice of legal reasoning (ijtihad) are mini- 
mum qualifications for becoming an ayatollah, 
but there are no other formal requirements. The 
madrasas of Qum (Iran), Mashhad (Iran), and 
Najaf (Iraq) are where ayatollahs have received 
their training and where many of them have 
taught. Ayatollahs gain their status by popular 
acclamation, which is demonstrated by their abil- 
ity to collect religious taxes. They claim that they 
are representatives of the Hidden Imam, and the 
highest ranking among them are called “sources 
of emulation,” meaning that other Shia should fol- 
low their rulings. These supreme leaders can also 
be called a “grand ayatollahs.” Ayatollahs have 
become especially powerful since the Iranian 
Revolution of 1978-79. 

See also authority; Khomeini, Ruhollah; muj- 
tahid; ulama. 

Further reading: Moojan Momen, An Introduction to 
Shii Islam (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 
1985); Michael M. J. Fischer, Iran, from Religious Dis- 
pute to Revolution (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univer- 
sity Press, 1980). 


A Hindu pilgrimage center in Uttar Pradesh, north 
India on the river Sarayu, Ayodhya is now most 
famous as the home of a site contested by Hindus 
and Muslims as the birthplace of the Hindu god 
Rama or the location of an early 16th-century 
mosque known as the Babri Masjid. Modern day 
Ayodhya is closely linked with the mythical city 
of the epic Ramayana, the capital of the god-king 
Rama, an incarnation of Vishnu from an earlier 
epoch of Hindu history. Historical and archaeo- 

logical evidence indicates that the two cities are 
not the same, but a vast number of the more than 
800 million Hindus in India do not make this 
distinction. It is clear that Ayodhya has been an 
important pilgrimage city for centuries, noted in 
particular as a base for several orders of Hindu 
ascetic sadhus (holy men) and for its exception- 
ally powerful llanuman temple. The popularity of 
Ayodhya as a pilgrimage destination grew under 
Mughal patronage in the 16th and 17th centuries, 
and until the 19th century the religious conflict 
in the town was limited to struggles between rival 
orders of Hindus. The Babri Masjid was inau- 
gurated in 1528 under the sponsorship of Mir 
Baqi, a general in the service of the first Mughal 
emperor, Babur (r. 1526-30). In 1859, the British 
government erected a fence following several inci- 
dents, and it was determined that Hindus would 
no longer be allowed to freely enter the mosque 
as had been the custom. Then in 1949, idols of 
Rama appeared in the mosque, and it was claimed 
that a security guard had had a vision of Rama 
himself. From that time until 1992, the shrine was 
closed for all worship except for an annual Hindu 
ceremony to maintain the idols that had been 
installed. Dereliction in the courts and on the part 
of the government allowed the situation to fester 
until in the 1980s the issue was raised by several 
Hindu nationalist organizations, in particular the 
World Hindu Council (VHP) and the political 
party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). On December 
6, 1992, this movement was successful in draw- 
ing an enormous crowd of activists who destroyed 
the mosque, triggering Hindu-Muslim riots across 
India in which more than 3,000 were killed. After 
1992, there was little change in the situation as the 
courts failed to rule decisively, and the BJP, which 
came to power in 1998, allowed the instigators of 
the violence to take up cabinet-level positions in 
the government. The question of the temple has 
continued to be a triggering issue for Hindu-Mus- 
lim violence, most recently setting off a series of 
riots in the western state of Gujarat in spring 2002 
resulting in more than 2,000 deaths and more than 

al-Azhar 79 

100,000 people displaced from their homes. In 
both 1992 and 2002, the victims were overwhelm- 
ingly Muslim, making the identity of the site one 
of the most critical, yet intransigent, challenges to 
India's multireligious polity. In 2003, the Indian 
Supreme Court ordered the Archaeological Survey 
of India (ASI) to conduct excavations of the site, 
but the results have proved too indefinite to bring 
about any resolution. 

See also Hinduism and Islam; Mughal dynasty. 

Anna Bigelow 

Further reading: Sarvepalli Gopal, ed.. Anatomy of a 
Confrontation: The Rise of Communal Politics in India 
(London: Zed Books, 1993); Sushil, Srivastava, The Dis- 
puted Mosque: A Historical Inquiry (New Delhi: Vislaar 
Publications, 1991); Peter Van dcr Veer, Gods on Earth: 
Religious Experience and Identity in Ayodhya (Delhi: 
Oxford University Press, 1997). 

Azad, Abu al-Kalam (1888-1958) Indian 
Muslim intellectual and nationalist leader 
Abu al-Kalam Azad was a leader in India's struggle 
to gain independence from Britain in the early 
20th century, and he served as the country's first 
minister of education from 1947 until his death 
in 1938. His most important religious work was 
Tarjuman al-Quran (1931), a two-volume Urdu 
language translation and commentary on the 
Quran, which he wrote while in prison. 

Azad was born in Mecca to an Indian father 
and Arab mother and moved with his parents to 
Calcutta, India, when he was around 10 years old. 
His father, Khairuddin Dihlawi (1831-1908), was 
a religious man who chose to give his son a tra- 
ditional Islamic education at home. Azad proved 
to be a gifted student who was attracted to the 
modern ideas of Sayyid Ahmad Khan (1817-98), 
which conflicted with the traditional Sufi outlook 
of his father. His thinking was further affected by 
his travels in the Middle East in 1908-09, when 
he met with nationalists and religious reformers in 
Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Egypt. After returning to 

India, he established a weekly Urdu journal in 1912 
called Al-Hilal (crescent moon), in which he called 
upon India's Muslims to unite and join with other 
Indians in a nonviolent campaign for independence 
from Britain. After the British imprisoned Azad 
for three and a half years, he joined with the great 
Indian nationalist leader Mohandas K. Gandhi 
(1869-1948) in the Khilafat Movement in 1920 
and then continued as a leader in the Congress 
Party, where he worked to bring Muslims and Hin- 
dus together in the independence movement. He 
used his knowledge of the Quran and Islamic his- 
tory to win support for this effort, as can be seen in 
his Tarjuman al-Quran, but many Indian Muslims 
felt that they had to work separately from Hindus 
to create their own state. The British imprisoned 
him several more times in the 1930s and 1940s, 
but from 1940 to 1946 he served as president of 
the All-India National Congress, after which he 
became India's first minister of education. Azad was 
completely against the division of India into two 
states and was deeply disappointed when Pakistan 
and India were partitioned in 1947. 

See also All-India Muslim League; Hinduism 
and Islam; Jinnah, Muhammad All 

Further reading: lan Henderson Douglas, Abul Kalam 
Azad: An Intellectual and Religious Biography, eds. Gail 
Minault and Christian W. Troll (New Delhi: Oxford Uni- 
versity Press, 1988); Sycda Saiyidain Hameed, Islamic 
Seal on India's Independence: Abul Kalam Azad, A Fresh 
Look (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1998). 

al-Azhar (Arabic: the brilliant one) 

Al-Azhar is now the most important center of 
Islamic learning in and the institution most sym- 
bolic of the world of Sunni Islam. It was built by 
the Fatimid rulers of Egypt (r. 969-1171) as the 
primary mosque and center of missionary out- 
reach in their new capital of Cairo. With the rise 
to power of the Ayyubid dynasty under Saladin 
in 1171, al-Azhar lost much of its prestige, par- 
ticularly to other madrasas that arose at this time. 

80 al-Azhar 

Scholars at al-Azhar taught the Islamic precepts of 
Quran, hadith, and law (fiqh) but also such fields 
as philosophy and science. In the 13th century, 
under the Mamluks, al-Azhar slowly regained 
its prominence and was rebuilt and refurbished. 
But it was under the Ottoman dynasty, which 
conquered Egypt in 1517, that al-Azhar became 
again the dominant religious institution in Egypt, 
especially in the 18th century. 

The graduates of al-Azhar were the most highly 
educated in Egypt as that country began to con- 
front the challenges of modernity in the 19th 
century. Napoleon Bonaparte, during his brief con- 
quest of Egypt (1798-1801), looked to the scholars 
of al-Azhar as potential leaders in the Egypt he 
intended to create, but the university was also the 
site of much resistance to the French presence. As 
Egypt was brought under the firm rule of Muham- 
mad Ali (d. 1848), like Napoleon, it was to the 
graduates of al-Azhar that he turned to find men 
who would lead the country in its modernization. 
Among those he sent to Europe in the 19th century 
to acquire modern scientific learning, many were 
Azharites. In fact, until the founding of the modern 
University of Cairo in 1908, al-Azhar was the only 
institution of higher learning in the country. 

Because al-Azhar combined a great deal of 
religious prestige with a formidable, if traditional, 
academic program, successive governments have 
striven to reduce its power or to turn its power to 
their own ends. The religious endowments that 
had made al-Azhar financially independent have 
been under governmental control since 1812. The 
state also controls the appointment of the rector 
of the university, a powerful and influential posi- 
tion in Egypt. In the 1960s, the Egyptian national 
government under President Jamal Abd al-Nasir 
(r. 1954-70) reformed and modernized the edu- 
cational program, expanding its teaching to such 
lields as engineering and medicine. While this 
broadened and expanded the university, it also had 
the effect of weakening its religious character. 

Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo, Egypt (Juan E. Campo) 

Nonetheless, al-Azhar, which is not a strictly 
hierarchical institution, retains a certain tradition 
of independence from the government and can 
influence government decisions in some areas. 
The government of Egypt has, thus, recently 
granted al-Azhar an expanded role in the censor- 
ship of films and books. More problematic for the 
government, however, arc the independent schol- 
ars within the institution who condemn specific 
government policies, such as Egypt's peace with 
Israel or the United States. On the whole, how- 
ever, the government-appointed rector and his 
associates tend to have national and international 
prestige, and when they speak for al-Azhar, they 
often claim to be speaking for the Muslim com- 
munity as a whole. 

See also education; Sunnism. 

John Iskander 

Further reading: Chris Eccel, Egypt, Islam, and Social 
Change: Al-Azhar in Conflict and Accommodation (Ber- 
lin: K. Schwarz, 1984); Tamir Moustafa, “Conflict and 
Cooperation between the State and Religious Institu- 
tions in Contemporary Egypt." International Journal of 
Middle East Studies 32 (2000): 3-22. 

Baath Party 

The Baath Party has been the ruling political 
party in Syria since 1963, and it was the party 
that governed Iraq briefly in 1963 and then again 
from 1968 until its removal by U.S. and coalition 
forces in spring 2003. Two Syrian schoolteachers 
who had studied at the Sorbonne in Paris during 
the 1920s founded it in the 1940s: Michel Aflaq 
(1910-89), a Greek Orthodox Christian, and 
Salah al-Din al-Bitar (1912-80), a Sunni Muslim. 
These men envisioned the Baath Party as a mod- 
ern revolutionary movement that would unite 
Arabs and liberate their lands from British and 
French colonial control, which had become more 
entrenched in the region as a result of the creation 
of their mandate territories in Syria, Transjordan, 
and Iraq after World War 1. The Baath message of 
pan-Arab unity held great appeal to the peoples 
living in these territories in the 1940s, and by the 
1960s, the party had become the major player in 
Syrian and Iraqi politics. 

The name of the Baath Party, officially known 
as the Arab Socialist Baath Party, is based on the 
Arabic word for resurrection or renewal. The 
name refers to the rebirth of the glories of Arab 
self-rule that the party has sought to bring about 
after centuries of being governed by foreigners, 
especially Turks and Europeans. The party rec- 

ognizes Islam as the authentic spiritual force that 
can make this happen but not as the source for 
specific institutions, laws, and policies. Muham- 
mad is looked to as an exemplary Arab leader, not 
as an object of religious devotion. In other words, 
Baathists conceive of religion in secular terms, not 
as a system of eternal truths to be used in actu- 
ally running a government or drafting legislation. 
In fact, however, party ideology has drawn more 
upon elements of European fascism and commu- 
nism than upon Islamic ideals and values. This 
SECULARISM is reflected in the party's official motto: 
“Unity, Freedom, and Arab Socialism." 

In the party's early years, it sought to create a 
base of support among the Arab masses. Failing in 
this, the party allied itself with the military in the 
1960s and built hierarchical networks of politi- 
cal and security units that infiltrated all levels 
of society down to the neighborhood and tribal 
levels in the 1970s. In Iraq, the size of the army 
was increased until it became one of the largest in 
the region. In 1966, the Syrian and Iraqi branches 
of the party divorced, and control of both fell 
into the hands of local ethnoreligious minori- 
ties — Alawi Shia in Syria, led by Hafiz al-Asad 
(1930-2000), and Arab Sunnis from Tikrit in 
Iraq, led by Saddam Husayn (1937-2006). These 
two authoritarian rulers used their large security 


82 Babism 

forces to coerce and brutalize their real or imag- 
ined opponents and to monopolize power in their 
respective countries. This led to the massacre of 
thousands of members of the Muslim Brother- 
hood in Syria during the 1980s. In Iraq, tens of 
thousands of communists, Kurds, Shiis, and oth- 
ers considered disloyal by the Baathists fell victim 
to the state terror apparatus during Husayns long 
rule. At the same time, the party leadership pro- 
moted the modernization of schools, agriculture, 
industries, health care, and the national infra- 
structure through investment of public funds and 
limited privatization. Syria's involvement in the 
Arab-Israeli conflicts and Iraq's involvement in 
wars with Iran, Kuwait, and Western powers in 
the 1980s and 1990s had disastrous consequences 
for both countries, especially Iraq. Although the 
Iraqi branch of the party was officially disbanded 
after the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, it is thought 
that many former Baath members, together with 
former Iraqi soldiers, have played a leading role in 
the Iraqi insurgency against American forces and 
any Iraqis who cooperate with them. They have 
formed a loose alliance with Muslim guerrilla 
forces in this context. 

Further reading: Eberhard Kienle, Baath v. Baath: The 
Conflict between Syria and Iraq, 1 968-1 989 (London: I.B. 
Tauris & Co., 1990); Kanan Makiya (Samir al-Khalil), 
Republic of Fear: The Inside Story of Saddam's Iraq (New 
York: Pantheon Books, 1990); Marion Farouq-Sluglett 
and Peter Sluglett, Iraq since 1958: From Revolution to 
Dictatorship (London: LB. Tauris & Co., 2001). 


Babism was a 19th-century Shii messianic move- 
ment based in Iraq and Iran that announced the 
immanent return of the Hidden Imam, a redeemer 
sent by God, and thereby challenged the legitimacy 
of powerful religious and political authorities at the 
time. As a result, it was violently suppressed, but 
it gave birth to a new movement, which became 
the Bahai Faith. The name Babism (Babiyya) was 

based on the Arabic word bab, ‘'gate*' or “door,” 
indicating a living man inspired by God who pro- 
vides access to the Hidden Imam. 

Ali Muhammad (1819-50), a young mer- 
chant from Shiraz, Iran, launched the movement. 
As a student pilgrim at the Shii holy cities of 
Karbala and Najaf in Iraq, he was attracted to 
the Shaykhis, a Shii sect that had arisen earlier in 
the century. After returning to Shiraz, he gained a 
following of disciples, and in 1844, he proclaimed 
that he was the bab, offering as proof an inspired 
interpretation of a chapter in the Quran (Q 12). 
He sent his followers throughout Iran and Iraq 
to win converts, one of whom was Mirza Husayn 
Ali Nuri (1817-92), who would later be known 
as Baha Ullah, the founder of the Bahai Faith. Ali 
Muhammad's growing popularity and criticism of 
the AUTHORITY of the traditional Shii ULAMA soon 
caused them to look at him with disfavor, and 
he was imprisoned in a remote mountain fortress 
in Azerbaijan in 1847. He wrote many religious 
tracts in his prison cell, the most famous of which 
was the Bayan (exposition), which claimed to be a 
holy book with a new universal law that replaced 
other religious laws, including the sharia. Some 
followers regarded him as a new prophet, and at 
the end of his life, before being executed for apos- 
tasy in 1850, he proclaimed that he was the Qaim 
(one who will arise) — the Hidden Imam himself. 

Babi leaders, including an influential woman 
named Qurrat al-Ayn (d. 1852), decided to break 
the movement's ties with the Islamic religion and 
lead a revolt against authorities in northern Iran. 
Thousands of Babis were reported to have died at 
the hands of government troops, especially after a 
failed assassination attempt against Nasir al-Din 
Shah (d. 1896), the ruler of Iran, in 1852. Most 
of the movement's survivors turned to the religion 
of Baha Ullah (the Bahai Faith) in 1863, but oth- 
ers stayed loyal to Ali Muhammad's designated 
heir, Mirza Yahya (or Subh-i Azal, d. 1912), and 
this group of Babis became known as Azalis. Azali 
Babism survived a period of exile in Iraq and Tur- 
key, and its adherents participated in the Iranian 

Baghdad 83 

Constitutional Revolution of 1906. A very small 
number of Babis survive today in the Central Asian 
republic of Uzbekistan. 

See also imam; Mahdi; Shiism. 

Further reading: Abbas A manat, Resurrection and 
Renewal: The Making of the Babi Movement in Iran 
(Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1989); Denis 
MacEoin, Rituals in Babism and Bahaism (London: Brit- 
ish Academic Press, 1994). 

al-Badawi, Ahmad (ca. 1200-1276) one of 
the most popular Sufi saints in Egypt; honored every 
year by two commemorative festivals 
According to reverential accounts of his life, 
Ahmad al-Badawi (the Bedouin) was born to a 
family in Fez, Morocco, that traced its ancestry 
back to the ahl al-bayt, Muhammad's family. This 
is why many Egyptians call him al-SAYYlD (master), 
which implies descent from the Prophet. Legends 
portray him in two different ways in his youth: as 
a saintly child who memorized the entire Quran 
and studied Islamic law and as a noble Bedouin 
horseman. Together with his parents, he traveled 
on pilgrimage from Morocco to Mecca. After 
being instructed by a mysterious voice, he went 
to Iraq with his brother to visit the tombs of two 
leading Sufi saints, Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (d. 
1166) and Ahmad al-Rifai (d. 1182). On his way 
back to Mecca, according to legend, he defeated 
a beautiful genie and her demon army and con- 
verted her into a pious devotee, thus demonstrat- 
ing his superior saintly power. While he was in 
Mecca in 1238, a voice once again spoke to him 
while praying in a cave as Muhammad used to 
do. This time the voice told him to go to the delta 
town of Tanta, Egypt, where he resided for the 
rest of his life, claiming to receive guidance from 
Muhammad himself. In Tanta, Ahmad al-Badawi 
surpassed all other rivals in his acts of asceticism 
and demonstrations of his BARAKA (saintly power). 
Egypt's rulers honored him, and it is even said that 
he battled Christian crusaders. After his death in 

1276, his followers organized themselves into a 
Sufi brotherhood known as the Ahmadiyya, one 
of the largest in Egypt today, and they converted 
his tomb into a shrine. He is considered to be one 
of the four primary holy men (cjutb s) of Egypt, 
and he has been the subject of Egyptian folktales, 
novels, and television dramas. 

Every year millions flock to his shrine to par- 
ticipate in his mulids (commemorative festivals). 
Prior to the modern period, the main festival 
was in August, at the height of the Nile flood 
season. Now that dams and levees have ended 
the annual inundation, it is in October, at the 
end of the harvest season. The second festival is 
held in the spring. Sufi brotherhoods gather in 
Tanta to perform their dhihrs (religious chants) 
and other rituals, while ordinary pilgrims come 
to seek his blessing to cure an illness, become 
successful in school or business, gain debt relief, 
or satisfy some other personal need. Many have 
their sons circumcised in booths near the Ahmadi 
Mosque hoping to alleviate the danger of infec- 
tion. Visitors return home with mementos of their 
pilgrimage, such as trinkets, sweets flavored with 
rosewater, and chickpeas. These arc distributed to 
friends and relatives in the belief that they contain 
some of Sayyid Ahmad's baraka. The Egyptian 
government closely regulates the shrine and its 
festivals, and despite the saints widespread popu- 
larity, reform-minded and conservative Muslims 
condemn the mulids and the practices associated 
with them because they think it is BIDAA, a corrup- 
tion of what they believe is the true Islam. 

See also circumcision; crusades. 

Further reading: Edward B. Reeves, The Hidden Govern- 
ment: Ritual, Clientelism, and Legitimation in Northern 
Egypt (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1990). 

Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, is situated on the 
Tigris River near the Euphrates River in the center 
of a region that used to be known as Mesopotamia, 

84 Baghdad 

the site of Babylon and other ancient cities. It has 
a population of approximately 5 million people 
in a country composed of 28 million. Most of the 
city's residents are Arab Muslims, but it is also 
home to small numbers of other Iraqi ethnic and 
religious groups: Kurdish Muslims, Turkomans, 
Arab Christians (including Assyrians and Chal- 
deans), Mandeans, and Jews. There are at least 2 
million Shii Muslims living there, many in Sadr 
City, a low-income neighborhood on Baghdad's 
northeastern perimeter. 

According to early Muslim histories, in 762 
Abu Jafar al-Mansur, the second caliph of the 
Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258), traced the founda- 
tions of the city of Baghdad with flaming cotton 
seeds and eventually built, through the labor of 
100,000 builders, architects and engineers from 
around the empire, a perfectly round city, a form 
unprecedented in Islamicatc architecture. This 
new capital, called the Madinat al-Salam (City of 
Peace), housed within its three concentric circles 
of baked brick walls the caliph, his court, soldiers, 
citizens and markets. Within a decade, the grow- 
ing population and its palaces and markets had 
spilled outside the original walls, and the legend- 
ary city of gardens, canals, and floating pontoon 
bridges rapidly became the cultural and religious 
center of Islamdom. The medieval city boasted 
a host of famous personages in Islamic history. 
Harun al-Rashid (r. 786-809), a figure made 
famous by the Arabian Nights , and his son Abu al- 
Abbas Abd Allah al-Mamun (r. 813-833), helped 
build a thriving intellectual center where scholars 
gathered from around the world in a library called 
the House of Wisdom. There, in addition to the 
development of the sciences such as engineer- 
ing, mathematics, and astronomy, foreign works 
of philosophy and literature were translated into 
Arabic. The Nizamiyya madrasa at its height had 
a population of 10,000 to 20,000 students seeking 
higher education from noted scholars, jurists, and 
philosophers, including Abu Hamid al-Ghazali 
(d. 1111), who, before retiring into a mystical life 
and writing his famous The Revival oj the Religious 

Sciences , was the principal of that school. The old- 
est, most liberal, and currently largest of the four 
Islamic law schools, the Hanafi Legal School, 
was founded in Baghdad by Abu Hanifa (d. 767). 

Beginning as early as the ninth century, a scries 
of citywide upheavals, political and religious 
power struggles, floods, and plagues left the city 
vulnerable to the Mongol attack of 1258, which 
decimated much of the population and urban 
infrastructure. The 14th through the early 20th 
centuries were punctuated by foreign occupations 
and leadership changes, most notably by the Safa- 
vids (1507 and 1623), the Ottomans (1534 and 
1638), and finally the British in 1917. 

In 1932, Iraq gained its independence, and 
the University of Baghdad, one of three modern 
universities in Baghdad, opened in 1957. During 
the 1970s and 1980s, oil revenues were allocated 
to a building campaign of new city monuments, 
palaces, and ceremonial avenues. Three of the 
most noted monuments are the Hands of Victory 
arch, the Monument of the Unknown Soldier, 
and the Martyrs Monument, with its split tur- 
quoise dome 190 meters in diameter that recalls 
the famous green dome that once towered over 
al-Mansur's original city. All three were designed 
to commemorate the country's war against Iran 
(1980-88) and the Iraqi soldiers who died in 
it. For more than three decades, Baghdad also 
served as the headquarters for the Arab Baath 
Socialist Party, which governed the country until 
it was overthrown when the United States and its 
coalition forces invaded Iraq in March 2003. The 
Republican Palace of the deposed Iraqi leader, 
Saddam Husayn (r. 1978-2003), which stands on 
the west bank of the Tigris not far from where 
Mansur's round city once stood, now serves as the 
headquarters of the American occupation. 

See also Baath Party. 

Margaret A. Leeming 

Further reading: Jacob Lassner. The Shaping of Abba- 
sid Rule (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 

Bahai Faith 85 

1980); Kanan Makiya [Samir al-Khalil], The Monument: 
Art, Vulgarity and Responsibility in Iraq (Berkeley: Uni- 
versity of California Press, 1991); Paul Wheatley, The 
Places Where Men Pray Together: Cities in Islamic Lands, 
Seventh through the Tenth Centuries (Chicago: University 
of Chicago Press, 2001). 

Bahai Faith 

The Bahai Faith is a new religion that grew out 
of the Shii environment in Iran in the mid- 19th 
century. It presents itself as a new universal FAITH 
that believes in world peace, religious tolerance, 
and unity and equality among all people. It has its 
own scriptures in Persian and Arabic, but it also 
recognizes the fundamental truths expressed in 
the sacred writings of other religions. There arc 
currently about 6.8 million Bahais, or followers 
of this religion, of whom about 300,000 still live 
in Iran. In that country, they have been treated 
as apostates and subjected to persecution, espe- 
cially since the creation of the Islamic Republic 
in 1979. 

The founder and prophet of the Bahai Faith 
was Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri (1817-93), who took 
the surname Baha Allah, “splendor of God," from 
which the religion gets its name. Baha Allah (or 
Baha Ullah) was born to an influential family in 
Tehran, the capital of Iran, and joined the Babi 
movement with his half-brother Mirza Yahya in 
the 1840s. Babism was a radical Shii sect that chal- 
lenged religious and political authorities in Iran 
and Iraq and preached the coming of the Hidden 
Imam, who would initiate a golden age with a new 
universal religious law that was to surpass the 
SHARIA. The Babis were violently suppressed as 
heretical by the Iranian government with the back- 
ing of the Shii ulama, and Baha Allah and other 
surviving Babis were forced into exile in Baghdad, 
Iraq, in 1853. In 1863, he announced to associates 
that he, Baha Allah, was the awaited imam of the 
Babis. The majority of Babis who followed him 
became the Bahais; those who did not but con- 
tinued to follow his brother Mirza Yahya (known 

as Subh-i Azal) became the Azalis. In 1867, after 
being forced to move to Ottoman Turkey, Baha 
Allah publicly proclaimed his divine mission by 
sending letters to many of the worlds leaders, 
thus formally renouncing Islam and launching 
the Bahai Faith. Ottoman authorities, concerned 
by the trouble he might cause with such claims, 
imprisoned him near Akka, Palestine (now in 
Israel), where he died in 1892. He was succeeded 
by his son Abd al-Baha (d. 1921), a gifted leader 
who helped both organize and internationalize the 
religion after Baha Allas death. He won new con- 
verts from Christianity in Europe and America, 
where the Bahai Faith soon established branches. 
The Bahais now have nearly 20,000 local spiritual 
assemblies in some 233 countries. 

Baha Allah's writings are the most important 
sacred scriptures for the religion. They arc believed 
to be divine revelations, replacing the Quran and 
Islamic law. The most important of his books 
are The Book of Certainty ( Kitab-i iqan ) and The 
Most Holy Book ( al-Kitab al-aqdas). Both uphold 
the idea of God's oneness as well as the values of 
equality, social justice, learning, and the unity of 
all people. Like Islam, there is no clergy in the 
Bahai Faith, and all adherents arc expected to per- 
form specific ritual obligations, which include an 
annual fast, abstention from alcohol and nonmed- 
icinal drugs, and daily prayers. Women hold equal 
status with men, and, unlike Islam, marriage is 
monogamous. Not unexpectedly, the Bahai Faith 
has flourished in modern secular societies. On the 
other hand, the persecution and discrimination 
Bahais arc experiencing in Iran and other Muslim 
countries is due partly to the fact that their reli- 
gion is seen as apostasy by Muslim authorities and 
also because it is thought to be too much under 
the influence of Western countries and Israel, 
where its main religious center is now located. 

See also Shiism. 

Further reading: Mojan Momen, The Bahai Faith: A 
Short Introduction (Oxford. U.K.: Oneworld Publica- 
tions, 1999); Peter Smith. The Babi and Bahai Religions: 

86 Bahrain 

From Messianic Shiism to a World Religion (Cambridge: 
Cambridge University Press, 1987). 

Bahrain See Gulf states. 

Bamba, Ahmadu (Ahmad Bamba) (1850- 
1 927) Senegalese mystic and founder of the 
Muridiyya Sufi order 

Ahmadu Bamba (also known as Ahmad Bamba) 
was born to a family of scholars in Kayor, Sen- 
egal, in West Africa. He became a devotee of 
the Qadiri Sufi Order, which he taught among 
his native Wolof people. French colonial officials 
grew alarmed over increasing support for Bamba’s 
teaching and sent him into exile in Gabon in 1895. 
Although they allowed him to return to Senegal in 
1902, Bamba was exiled again later that year, this 
time to Mauritania. French authorities hoped that 
removing Bamba would limit his popularity, which 
they perceived as a threat to their colonial interests 
despite the nonpolitical nature of his teaching. 
Instead, Bamba’s support only continued to grow, 
and he was able to establish his own distinctive 
PRAYER ritual (wire!) and Sufi order while in Mauri- 
tania. Upon returning to Senegal in 1912, Bamba 
made his home in Diourbel. During World War 1, 
he reluctantly supported the French with troops 
and money. However, after his death in 1927, his 
tomb was moved to Touba, a city he founded in 
1887 and that remains the main pilgrimage site 
and hub of the Muridiyya Sufi Order. 

Bamba established the Muridiyya as an eco- 
nomic and religious community during the 1880s, 
developed a new Islamic pedagogy that empha- 
sized action, work, and loyalty, and attracted 
followers from many different backgrounds. The 
Muridiyya work ethic has made the order an 
important contributor to the Senegalese economy 
during the past century. 

See also colonialism. 

Stephen Cory 

Further reading: Lucy C. Creevey, “Ahmad Bamba 
1850-1927." In Studies in West African Islamic History. 
Vol. 1, The Cultivators of Islam , edited by John Ralph 
Willis (London: Frank Cass, 1979); Donald B. Cruise 
O'Brien, The M ourides of Senegal: The Political and Eco- 
nomic Organization of an Islamic Brotherhood (Oxford, 
U.K.: Clarendon Press, 1971). 

Bangladesh (Official name: People’s 
Republic of Bangladesh) 

Bangladesh (Hindi: land of the Bengalis) is a 
country in South Asia bordered by India on all 
sides but the extreme southeast, where it shares 
a border with Myanmar (Burma). Situated at the 
northern end of the Bay of Bengal, it straddles the 
delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna 
Rivers, which leaves much of the country subject 
to destructive annual floods. The population is 
estimated to be 154 million, of whom about 83 
percent arc Muslim and 16 percent are Hindu. 
This makes it the fourth largest Muslim country 
in the world, after Indonesia, Pakistan, and India. 
Even though Bangladesh's official state religion is 
Islam, it is also the Muslim country with the largest 
Hindu minority population. Most of the Muslims 
are Sunnis who follow the Hanafi Legal School. 
Two major Muslim social classes can be differ- 
entiated: the nobles (ashraf) who migrated from 
northern India (especially from nearby Bihar) and 
use the Urdu language to set themselves apart, 
and the commoners ( ajlaf) who belong to the 
indigenous Bengali population. Most of the Hin- 
dus arc affiliated with the Scheduled Castes, for- 
merly called Untouchables or Harijans (children 
of God). Many Bengali Hindus, especially those 
belonging to the upper castes, migrated to India 
after the 1947 partition, and they now reside in 
the Indian state of West Bengal. 

Bangladesh is part of what had formerly been 
the northeast Indian province of Bengal. For 
much of its history, this had been a densely for- 
ested frontier region that fell beyond the reach 
of direct Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim rule. In 

Bangladesh 87 

eastern Bengal, people lived mostly in small hunt- 
ing and gathering communities and adhered to 
local tribal religions. In the western region, small 
states rose and fell, the most important being the 
Pala dynasty (ca. 750-1159), which subscribed to 
Buddhism, and the Sena dynasty (ca. 1095-1223), 
which followed Brahmanic Hinduism. The first 
Muslims in Bengal were Afghanis, Persians, and 
Turks who came into the area as conquerors dur- 
ing the reign of the Delhi Sultanate (1206-87). 
Local Muslim states arose subsequently in the 
western part of Bengal, but full-fledged Islamiza- 
tion did not begin until the Mughal dynasty won 
control of the region during the reign of Akbar (r. 

Conversion of the Bengali populations to Islam 
did not occur by the sword, as has been alleged. 
Historian Richard Eaton argues that Mughal elites 
in Bengal (the ashraf) did not promote Islam as a 
state religion; they maintained a social and cultural 
distance from the native population. Widespread 
conversion in Bengal began only in the 17th cen- 
tury as a result of several factors: 1) the gradual 
eastward shift of the Ganges River, which opened 
up forest lands to the outside world and to intense 
agricultural development, 2) the influx of pioneer 
holy men who built mosques and shrines that 
formed the nuclei of hundreds of new agricultural 
communities and spread Islamic influence to the 
indigenous peoples, and 3) economic prosperity 
under Muslim rule brought about by the region's 
integration into the world economy through 
the export of textiles. These socioeconomic and 
cultural factors not only resulted in religious 
conversion in a region where the Hindu religion 
had also only recently been introduced, but they 
also gave Bengali Islam a distinctive stamp. Hindu 
gods and scriptures were not rejected but adapted 
to Islamic understandings of God, the prophets, 
and their holy books. At the same time, Islamic 
doctrines and practices were recast into Hindu 
forms. The divine name Allah, for example, was 
used interchangeably in Bengali Islamic literature 
with the Sanskrit terms for Hindu gods, such as 

Great Person (Pradhanpurusha), the One With- 
out Color (Niranjan), and God (Ishvar). The 
prophets, particularly Muhammad, were called 
avatars , a Sanskrit designation for the Hindu god 
Vishnu's different manifestations. Bengal Muslims 
were also familiar with the popular Hindu epics 
the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. Amalgama- 
tions of Islamic with Hindu beliefs and practices 
cut across communal boundaries and produced a 
distinctive Bengali religious literature as well as 
devotional movements such as that of Satya Pir, 
who was venerated as a Sufi saint by Muslims and 
as a god by Hindus. Sufi orders and the venera- 
tion of Muslim saints at their shrines continue to 
play an important role in the popular religion of 
Bengal today. 

While Mughal officials struggled to solidify 
their control of Bengal by forming an Urdu-speak- 
ing elite oriented westward to the imperial courts 
in Delhi, Agra, and Lahore, and as more and more 
Bengalis became Muslims, Europeans appeared 
on the scene to compete for access to the regions 
economic wealth. The Portuguese appeared first 
in 1517, followed by the Dutch in 1602, the Brit- 
ish in 1650, the French in 1690, and the Danes in 
1755. It was the British, however, who prevailed, 
ruling Bengal first through the agency of the 
English East India Company (1757-1857) then 
directly through the British Crown in the era of 
the Raj (1857-1947). 

Foreign colonial presence gave rise to two 
important kinds of movements in Bengal: reli- 
gious revival movements among both Hindus and 
Muslims and anticolonial nationalist movements. 
The two major religious revival movements among 
Muslims were the Faraizi movement, which advo- 
cated strict adherence to the Five Pillars ol Islam, 
and the Tariqa-i Muhammadiyya (Muhammadan 
Movement) inspired by Sayyid Ahmad Barelwi (d. 
1831), which sought to establish a community 
governed by the sharia. Both of these 19th cen- 
tury movements were reacting to the decline of 
Muslim influence, which they hoped to reverse 
by purifying Islam of what they perceived to be 

88 Banna, Hassan al- 

wrongful practices and Hindu influences. They 
also were opposed to British rule. Even though 
they were short-lived, in the long run these move- 
ments helped set the foundations for the Muslim 
nationalist movement of the 20th century, which 
had broad appeal across all strata of Bengali soci- 
ety. Bengalis were active in the All-India Muslim 
League, a political party formed to give Indian 
Muslims a greater voice in their own affairs. Its 
first meeting was convened in 1906 in Dhaka, the 
capital of Bengal. However, Urdu speakers from 
northern India and the Punjab dominated the 
Muslim League, thus marginalizing the Bengalis. 

After India was partitioned in 1947, Bengal 
was reconstituted as the East Bengal Province of 
Pakistan, under the governance of West Pakistan, 
which was located more than 1,000 miles away, 
across northern India. The secularist Awami League 
political party was created to give voice to East Ben- 
gal’s grievances against West Pakistan. In the fol- 
lowing years, the league gained widespread support 
among Bengali Hindus as well as Muslims, advo- 
cating a more democratic government and more 
power at the local level. After the league scored an 
overwhelming victory in the 1970 national elec- 
tions, East Pakistan (the official name of East Ben- 
gal since 1955) declared independence from West 
Pakistan, which caused the central government 
to invade the country' to end the Bengali revolt. 
Hundreds of thousands were killed as a result, but 
Indian troops joined with the Bengalis to defeat the 
Pakistani forces. East Pakistan was then renamed 
Bangladesh, and the Awami League led the country 
with its socialist development policies until it was 
removed by a military coup in 1975. Since 1978, 
the country's political life has been dominated by 
the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), founded 
by General Ziaur Rahman, who served as president 
from 1976 to 1981. Today the Awami League is the 
main opposition party in the country. Despite the 
growing influence of the Islamist party, the Jamaat-i 
Islami, Bangladesh still considers itself to be a mod- 
erate, democratic country. One reflection of this is 
in roles women have played in public life there. 

including Khaleda Zia (Ziaur Rahmans widow), 
Bangladesh's prime minister from 1991 to 1996; 
and Sheikh Hasina (Mujibur Rahman's daughter), 
head of the Awami League and prime minister from 
1996 to 2001, and from 2009 to the present. 

See also colonialism; Hinduism and Islam. 

Further reading: Craig Baxter, Bangladesh: From a 
Nation to a State (Boulder, Colo.: Westvicw Press, 
1997); Richard M. Eaton, “Who Are the Bengal Mus- 
lims? Conversion and Islamization in Bengal." In 
Understanding the Bengal Muslims: Interpretative Essays , 
edited by Rafiuddin Ahmed, 25-51 (Oxford and Delhi: 
Oxford University Press, 2001); Asim Roy, The Islamic 
Syncretistic Tradition in Bengal (Princeton, N.J.: Prince- 
ton University Press, 1983); Tony K. Stewart, “Satya Pir: 
Muslim Holy Man and Hindu God." In Religions of India 
in Practice , edited by Donald S. Lopez, Jr., 578-597 
(Princeton. N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1995). 

Banna, Hassan al- (1906-1949) Egyptian 
founder and intellectual leader of the Society of 
Muslim Brothers 

Born in Mahmudiyya, Egypt, al-Banna was greatly 
influenced by his father, an al-Azhar graduate who 
served as the village imam and religious instructor. 
Al-Banna exhibited a propensity toward religious 
activism at an early age, joining several organiza- 
tions that fought against British colonial influ- 
ence and “un-Islamic" trends in Egypt. Following 
primary school, he completed teacher training at 
Damanhur and then Dar al-Ulum in Cairo, after 
which (in 1927) he accepted a teaching position 
in Ismailiyya, a city in the Suez Canal Zone with a 
heavy British presence. His passionate interest in 
religious and social affairs quickly drew the atten- 
tion of a group of disaffected locals who appealed 
to him to become their leader, and the result, in 
1928, was the founding of the Society of Muslim 
Brothers, also known as the Muslim Brotherhood. 
In 1932, al-Banna transferred to Cairo, where he 
established a branch of the society and began to 
expand its purpose and structure, positioning it to 

baqa and fana 89 

become ihe premier Islamist organization in the 
Muslim world. 

From the outset, al-Banna viewed the society 
as a broad-based movement, encompassing intel- 
lectual, moral, and practical goals. Unlike earlier 
reformers, such as Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (d. 
1897) and Muhammad Abduh (d. 1905), who had 
provided the intellectual Islamic legitimacy for 
accommodating the changes brought about by 
contacts with the West, al-Banna wanted to create 
an Islamic order ( nizam islami) that encouraged 
modern Muslims to live according to what he 
deemed to be their tradition. And, for al-Banna, 
there was a desperate need for such an order 
because Egyptians, along with other Muslim peo- 
ples, had adopted the secular ways of their colonial 
occupiers and subsequently lost their identity. The 
society, under al-Banna’s direction, operated on a 
grassroots level — through the founding of schools, 
clinics, factories, and publishing houses — to dem- 
onstrate the strength of the Islamic alternative to 
a people who had become enamored with Western 
nationalist ideologies, such as communism, capi- 
talism, and liberal democracy 

Political conflict, and occasionally political 
violence, was the order of the day in Egypt 
throughout the 1930s and 1940s, as nationalist 
movements fought for independence from the 
British and vied for power among themselves. The 
society played an important role in the proinde- 
pendence fight, and al-Banna participated in the 
political process, even running for election once. 
In the end, however, the society's Islamic agenda 
put the organization on a collision course with 
Egypt's more secular establishment, including 
government authorities. Implicated in the murder 
of several government officials, the society was 
dissolved in late 1948, and, in what most observ- 
ers regard as an act of government retribution, 
al-Banna himself was assassinated in February 

Al-Bannas legacy within the Islamist move- 
ment in Egypt and the Muslim world is that of 
father of the movement and martyr to the cause. 

His life story exemplifies the Islamist struggle to 
establish an authentic Muslim society, ruled by 
and for Islam, a struggle that continues to this 

See also Islamism; politics and Islam; renewal 

Jeffrey T. Kenney 

Further reading: Richard P. Mitchell, The Society 
of the Muslim Brothers (London: Oxford University 
Press, 1969); M. N. Shaikh, trans., Memoirs of Hasan 
Al Banna Shaheed (Karachi: International Islamic Pub- 
lishers, 1981); Charles Wendell, trans., Five Tracts of 
Hasan al-Banna' (Berkeley: University of California 
Press, 1978). 

baqa and fana (Arabic: abiding and 

Baqa and fana are key concepts in Sufism. They 
arc employed by Sufis in their discussions about 
mystical experience and union with God. At issue 
is whether any aspect of a mystics individual- 
ity (or selfhood) really remains or abides (haqa) 
when mystical union or annihilation (fana) is 
experienced, and whether true self-annihilation 
can really be attained. A common teaching story 
used in connection with this subject is that of the 
moth that is drawn to the light of a candle only 
to perish in the flame: Does the moth completely 
perish, or does something of the moth continue to 
exist in a transformed state after it is consumed by 
the flame? The roots of such discussions are based 
partly in human speculation about life (existence) 
and death (the end of existence; nonexistence). 
When people are born into the world, are they 
born into true life? When they die, does life truly 
come to an end? Pre-Islamic Neoplatonic think- 
ers in the Middle East, among whom were many 
Christian mystics, identified the living God with 
true existence and viewed worldly existence as a 
kind of nonexistence. Therefore, for a Sufi influ- 
enced by Neoplatonism, to be truly alive meant 

90 baqa and fana 

finding a way out of this corrupt world, which 
he considered to be a kind of death or prison, 
and returning to a mystical union with God, the 
source of life. Sufis heeded a saying of Muhammad, 
which stated “Die before you die." For them, this 
meant not that they should physically die, but that 
they should strive to purify themselves of worldly 
existence so that all that remains is God. Some 
Sufis maintained that the attributes of the indi- 
vidual are thereby replaced by those of God. Such 
discussions about baqa and fana also addressed 
questions concerning the relation between body 
and soul and whether the soul was divine and 

Formal Islamic doctrine has tended to affirm 
life in this world as a gift from God and to 
anticipate an AFTERLIFE of immortal existence in 
paradise or hell, based on a final judgment of ones 
beliefs and actions. However, Neoplatonic ideas 
surfaced early in the history of the Muslim com- 
munity. The Quran itself emphasizes the distinc- 
tion between the transitory nature of life in this 
world ( al-dunya ) and eternal life in the hereafter 
( al-akhira ), which is qualitatively better. More- 
over, an oft-quoted passage in the Quran states, 
“Everything on [the Earth) is transitory; all that 
subsists is the face of your lord (God), the one of 
majesty and generosity" (Q 55:26-27). This state- 
ment implies that life is fleeting and that only God 
subsists permanently. 

In the ninth century, as Neoplatonism became 
more influential among Muslim intellectuals, Sufis 
promoted the idea of the relationship between 
baqa and fana as states of mind or consciousness 
that were not limited to physical life and death. 
The first Sufi to be credited with developing such 
a doctrine was Abu Said al-Kharraz of Baghdad 
(d. 899). He taught that baqa meant abiding in 
the contemplation of Gods divinity, thus stressing 
the difference between the mystic and God, while 
fana meant the annihilation of ones awareness 
of being an imperfect human. Al-Hujwiri (d. ca. 
1077), a Persian mystic, went further to say that 
annihilation comes by way of a vision of Gods 

majesty, which so overwhelms the visionary that 
he becomes "dead to reason and passion alike, 
dead even to annihilation itself" (al-Hujwiri, 246). 
This line of thought characterizes the attitude of 
al-Junayt) (d. 910) of Baghdad and other "sober” 
Sufis toward mystical experience. They believed 
that the mystic continued to experience a perfected 
awareness of the self after annihilation in God. 

Others, known as the “intoxicated" Sufis, 
took a different tack. They maintained that the 
mystic could completely shed his or her human 
attributes by following the mystical path and 
ultimately achieve ecstatic union with God. Abu 
Yazid al-Bistami (d. ca. 875) and Mansur al-Hal- 
laj (d. 922) were important Sufi visionaries who 
were included in this group. Al-Hallaj was also 
credited with introducing the idea that the mysti- 
cal quest was comparable to that of the lover seek- 
ing union with his or her Beloved (God), a theme 
that lies at the heart of the rich poetic traditions 
associated with Sufism. 

One of the most beautiful expressions of a 
sober Sufi understanding of the relation between 
baqa and fana occurs in Farid al-Din Attar's Con- 
ference of the Birds (composed ca. 1177). This 
Persian poem tells the story of a flock of birds 
who gave up their worldly attachments in order 
to find Simurgh, their king. After traversing 
seven valleys, each valley representing a different 
spiritual station, they are finally admitted to the 
inner chamber of Simurgh, where they discover 
that they are identical to their king and surrender 
themselves to annihilation, only to abide once 
again in their individual selfhoods at the end 
of their quest. In later Sufi thought, the way to 
union with God required prior annihilation in the 
Sufi master and Muhammad, both of whom were 
believed to be reflections of Gods light. 

See also Allah; hal; maqam; Persian language 
and literature; tariqa; soul and spirit. 

Further reading: Farid Ud-Din Attar, The Conference 
of the Birds , trans. Afkham Darbandi and Dick Davis 
(New York: Penguin Books. 1984); Ali bin Uthman al- 

bar aka 9 1 

Hujwiri, The Kashf al-Mahjub: The Oldest Persian Trea- 
tise on Sufism. Translated by R. A. Nicholson (Delhi: Taj 
Company, 1997); R. A. Nicholson. The Mystics of Islam 
(New York: Schocken, 1975); Anncmarie Schimmel, 
Mystical Dimensions of Islam (Chapel Hill: University of 
North Carolina Press, 1975). 

Baqli, Ruzbihan (1128-1209) leading mystic 
of 1 2th-century Iran, famed for his accounts of his 
visionary experience and controversial ecstatic sayings 
Ruzbihan Abu Muhammad ibn Abi Nasr al-Baqli 
al-Fasawi was born in Fasaa, a province in the 
south of Iran. When older, he moved to the 
nearby city Shiraz, where he delivered sermons 
at the town's famous old MOSQUE and enjoyed a 
large following among the townfolk, as well as 
some of the local rulers. In his autobiography, 
Ruzbihan explains that his spirituality is unrelated 
to his upbringing because he was born and raised 
in a family that was ignorant about God and was 
unable to understand him. He defines his call 
to mysticism in terms of his special relationship 
with God. Ruzbihan had spiritual experiences as 
early as age three. At age 15, he was addressed by 
voices from the unseen world ( ghayb ) calling him 
a PROPHET. One day around this lime, as he was 
leaving his shop for afternoon prayers, he heard 
an extraordinary voice and followed it to a nearby 
hill. There he saw a handsome shaykh telling him 
about Gods oneness ( tawhid ). Ruzbihan describes 
this event as a turning point in his spiritual awak- 
ening. For the rest of his life, he experienced mys- 
tical states, and secrets were disclosed to him. 

Ruzbihan's writings are in Persian and in Ara- 
bic. They describe the visionary events that consti- 
tuted the life of the author and the knowledge that 
he acquired by these events. Best known today 
as the author of Abhar al-ashiqin (The jasmine of 
lovers), Kashf al-asrar (The unveiling of secrets), 
and Sharh-i shathiyat (An exegesis of ecstatic say- 
ings), Ruzbihan also wrote on a range of subjects 
including tafsir (interpretation), hadith, and fiqh 
(Islamic jurisprudence). 

Sharh-i shathiyat is a classical reference on 
Islamic mysticism. It is a compilation of sayings 
by entranced mystics as they were experiencing 
spiritual states. Abhar al-ashiqin is a masterpiece 
in Persian belles lettres. It provides a geography 
of love whence God's attributes of “might" ( fatal ) 
and “beauty" ( jamal ) come into view. Ruzbihan's 
autobiography, Kashf al-asrar ; which he began 
writing at age 55, is a unique document in the 
genre of Muslim autobiography. While similar to 
many Muslim biographies and autobiographies, 
Kashf al-asrar concerns the inner spiritual life of 
the author/protagonist, but unlike most of them, 
its plot is not centered on the external events that 
advance the story of his life. In this respect, Kashf 
al-asrar differs from the works that constitute the 
canon in the medieval Islamic biographical and 
autobiographical literature. 

Today, Ruzbihan's shrine is a pilgrimage site in 
his hometown, Shiraz. 

See also Sufism. 

Firoozeh Papan-Matin 

Further reading: Ruzbihan Baqli, Abhar al-ashiqin, cds. 
Henry Corbin and Muhammad Muin (Tehran: Ket- 
abkhane-yc Manuchehri, 1987); Carl Ernst, Ruzbihan 
Baqli: Mysticism and the Rhetoric of Sainthood in Persian 
Sufism (Richmond. Va.: Curzon Press, 1996). 


Baraka is an Arabic term for blessing used by 
peoples of the Middle East and followers of 
Islam. It has been understood both as a specific 
force that emanates from God and as a more 
impersonal power that brings about prosperity 
or good luck at the same time that it counteracts 
evil forces. According to the Quran, baraka is a 
power that God can both bestow and withhold, a 
notion similar to that of berakhah in Judaism. If 
people are mindful of God and do good things, 
they qualify to receive divine blessing and pros- 
perity; if not, they will not receive it. Prophets, 

92 Barelwi, Sayyid Ahmad 

as God's agents, can also bestow blessings, as 
Abraham and Moses do in the Quran. Like a kind 
of electricity, it was thought to emanate primarily 
from God to his creation through the Quran and 
intermediary prophets and saints. Once Islam 
became a fully institutionalized religion in the 
ninth century with hierarchies of political and 
religious power and AUTHORITY that involved rul- 
ers, soldiers, ULAMA, administrators, commoners, 
and slaves, then baraka itself was also thought of 
as a sacred power that flowed from God through 
a hierarchy of supermundane beings. Today the 
ordinary person still has simply to hear or see 
the Quran to benefit from its baraka. It can also 
be obtained by touching a saint, a saint's relic, 
or even a person who has visited the Kaaba, a 
shrine, or similar holy place. Indeed, obtaining 
baraka is one of the main reasons people perform 

As an impersonal force, baraka is supposed 
to be present in certain stones, trees, natural 
springs, or manufactured objects — especially in 
pre-Islamic cultures, among the Bedouin, and in 
rural populations. Egyptian peasants still believe 
that the antiquities of the ancient Egyptians have 
this power, and they take scrapings from the 
pyramids and temples to place in amulets or to 
mix into a potion with other substances to cure 
a disease. The idea of blessing also has become 
diffused in the everyday speech of Muslims and 
non-Muslims in the Middle East, who use words 
derived from the Arabic word baraka to wish 
each other a happy holiday and to congratulate 
someone upon marriage or some other success 
in life. 

See also Egypt; miracle; wali; ziyara. 

Further reading: Michael Gilscnan. Recognizing Islam: 
Religion and Society in the Modern Arab World (New 
York: Random House. 1982); Edward Reeves. The Hid- 
den Government: Ritual, Clientelism, and Legitimation 
in Northern Egypt (Salt Lake City: University of Utah 
Press, 1990); Edward Westermarck, Ritual and Belief in 
Morocco. 2 vols. (New York: University Books, 1968). 

Barelwi, Sayyid Ahmad (Bareilly, 

Brelwi) (1 786-1 831 ) militant religious revivalist 
leader in North India 

Sayyid Ahmad Barelwi was born to a prominent 
family of sayy/ds (descendants of Muhammad) in 
Awadh province in northern India. After moving 
to Delhi, where he studied with the son of the 
Muslim reformer Shah Wali Allah (d. 1762), he 
served in the cavalry of a Muslim ruler in central 
India for seven years (1811-18). In 1822, Sayyid 
Ahmad went on the hajj to Mecca. When he 
returned to India, he combined reformist Islamic 
ideas with his military experience to launch a 
movement that quickly migrated from Delhi to 
Bengal and ultimately to Afghanistan, Kashmir, 
and the Punjab in northwest India. 

At a time when the Mughal Empire was in 
its death throes, Sayyid Ahmad and his disciples 
sought to bring Muslims back to what he thought 
was the true Islam and lead them to greatness 
by way of a jihad against the British, who were 
becoming more and more powerful at this time. In 
his teachings, he called upon Muslims to give up 
un-Islamic idolatrous practices and return to the 
simple monotheism of the Quran and Muham- 
mad. He condemned Muslim participation in 
Hindu social and religious practices, worship at 
saint shrines, and Shii veneration of the imams. 
He and his followers thought of themselves as 
following the path of the first Muslims under 
Muhammad's leadership, and many believed that 
Sayyid Ahmad was the “renewer" ( mujaddid ) 
of the age. Some even considered him to be the 
awaited Mahdi (Muslim messiah). Sayyid Ahmad's 
opponents labeled him a “Wahhabi," a follower of 
the puritanical Saudi form of Islam, but he did not 
consider himself as such. He was more a follower 
of the teachings of Shah Wali Allah of Delhi than 
Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (d. 1792), the 
founder of the so-called Wahhabi movement in 
Arabia during the 18th century. 

Sayyid Ahmad decided to mount his jihad 
against the British from a base in northwest India. 
In 1826, after gathering recruits from the region 

Basmachi 93 

of what is now Afghanistan and Baluchistan, he 
set out for the Punjab, where the population was 
a mixture of Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs. There 
he attempted to displace the local Sikh governor, 
Sher Singh (d. 1843), and after several battles and 
skirmishes he was killed at Balakot (near Kash- 
mir) in 1831. His movement was put into disarray, 
but it reorganized itself and became a nonjihadist 
reform movement known as the Path of Muham- 
mad, based in Patna. Sayyid Ahmad is still remem- 
bered by many Pakistani and Indian Muslims as a 
martyr (shahid), and his shrine still stands in the 
town of Balakot, Pakistan, along with memorials 
to those who died in battle with him. 

The movement launched by Sayyid Ahmad 
in the early 19th century is distinct from a 
movement the emerged later in the 1880s called 
the Barelwi Movement, under the leadership of 
Ahmad Riza Khan (1856-1921) of Barelwi, a 
scholar of the sharia. Members of this movement 
strongly believed that they were the Indian heirs 
of Muhammad and his companions in Medina, 
and they opposed the reformist ideas of SAYYID 
Ahmad Khan (d. 1898) and Abu al-Kalam Azad 
(d. 1958). Instead they espoused a combination of 
Sufi devotionalism and pilgrimage to saint shrines 
with a reformist attitude toward the sharia. Their 
understanding of Islam was also at odds with that 
of Sayyid Ahmads “Wahhabi** movement and the 
conservative school based in Deoband. Although 
the Barelwi Movement began in rural areas, it has 
since gained a strong following among educated 
Muslims in urban areas of India and Pakistan. 

See also Hinduism and Islam; Mughal dynasty; 


Further reading: Mohiuddin Ahmad. Saiyid Ahmad Sha- 
hid: His Life and Mission (Lucknow: Academy of Islamic 
Research and Publications, 1975); Ghulam Mohammad 
Jaffar, "Teachings of Shah Wali Allah and the Movement 
of Sayyid Ahmad Shahid of Bareilly." Hamdard I si amicus 
16, no. 4 (1993): 69-80; Barbara D. Metcalf. Islamic 
Revival in British India: Deoband, 1860-1900 (Princeton. 
N.J.: Princeton University Press. 1982). 


Basmachi, a Turkic word translated as “bandit,” 
was a derogatory term used by Bolshevik and 
Soviet authorities to refer to almost all forms 
of violent indigenous Central Asia resistance to 
Russian power following the Russian Revolu- 
tions of 1917. This resistance grew in response 
to the economic and social dislocation resulting 
from Russian campaigns of land confiscation 
and looting. The largest movement labeled Bas- 
machi was led by Enver Pasha (d. 1 922), one of a 
number of former Turkish military officers who 
fought in the region under the banner of pan- 
Turkism (a nationalist movement among Turkic 
peoples). Although he commanded 15,000 to 
20,000 troops by spring 1922, he and the other 
Turkish officers were seen as outsiders, and they 
failed to gain a real following among the popu- 
lation. The Soviets made effective use of their 
greater military force, and in 1923, the govern- 
ment offered amnesty to those rebels who would 
give up the fight and surrender their weapons. 
Revolts continued, however, with one large 
Basmachi group holding out for seven months 
in 1924. 

Numerous so-called Basmachi revolts con- 
tinued into the 1930s with varying intensity in 
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. These 
revolts were different from those of the 1920s, 
as they were unorganized, peasant-based move- 
ments with less of a coherent ideology. Soviet 
collectivization of agriculture, their campaign 
to root out “class enemies*' in the countryside, as 
well as an escalated struggle against Islam caused 
the number of these uprisings to increase. Most 
of the fighting men came from the peasantry, and 
their leaders were village elders, tribal heads, and 
Sufi shaykhs. Basmachi revolts were firmly rooted 
in local communities, so that organizationally and 
objectively they could never coalesce into a mass 
uprising large enough to dislodge the Soviets. The 
revolts also remained immune to calls to join the 
larger national or pan-Turkic struggle. By the late 
1930s, through military force and political and 

94 basmala 

economic concessions, Basmachi-style revolts had 
been quashed. 

See also Bukhara; Turkey. 

David Reeves 

Further reading: Edward Allworth, The Modem Uzbeks 
from the Fourteenth Century to the Present (Stanford, 
Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1990); Shoshana Keller, 
To Moscow, Not Mecca: The Soviet Campaign against 
Islam in Central Asia, 1917-1941 (Westport, Conn.: 
Praeger, 2001). 


The basmala, also known as the tasmiya , is an 
Arabic word for the phrase bi-smillah ir-rahman 
ir-rahim, “In the name of God most compassion- 
ate, most merciful.” This is the first verse of the 
Quran; it begins all of its chapters but one (Q 
9), and it is recited before reading any part of the 
Quran. According to religious authorities, people 
should pronounce it before any worthwhile activ- 
ity, such as a formal speech, a meal, taking medi- 
cine, using the toilet, slaughtering an animal for 
food, sexual intercourse with one's spouse, and 
traveling. Many recite it when they awake each 
day and before going to sleep. It is believed that 
whoever repeats the basmala will be granted his 
or her wishes, and it is also supposed to keep 
Satan away. Important documents and religious 
books begin with the basmala , and Muslim stu- 
dents write it at the beginning of their homework 
and exams. Also, Quran inscriptions on the walls 
of mosques and other buildings begin with this 
ph rase. Indeed, it is perhaps the most frequently 
used verse in Arabic calligraphy, where it is writ- 
ten in many styles and forms. According to the 
hadith, “Whoever writes the basmala beautifully 
will obtain many blessings" or “enter paradise.” 
Because its words are believed to be so powerful 
and beneficial, it is frequently used in amulets 
to help people obtain a blessing or protect them 
from harm. Car bumper stickers and decals often 

feature it or its numerical equivalent, 786, which 
is popular in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. 

The basmala has been accorded special status 
in Islamic stories and commentaries, too. For 
example, it is said that Gabriel once told Adam, 
the first human being, that the basmala was “the 
word whereby the heavens and the earth came 
to be, by which the water was set in motion, by 
which the mountains were established steadfast 
and the earth made firm, and whereby the hearts 
of all creatures were strengthened” (Jeffrey, 556). 
Sunni Quran commentaries mention that the 
basmala contains all of the sharia in it, because 
in it God gives both his essence and attributes. 
The Shia respect a hadith which says that all of 
the Quran is contained in the basmala and that 
Ali represents the dot under the Arabic letter b in 
that word, meaning that Ali, the first Shii Imam, 
embodies not only the basmala, but the entire 

Sec also Allah; baraka; names of God; Sunn- 
ism; travel. 

Further reading: Arthur Jeffrey, A Reader on Islam (The 
Hague: Mouton & Co., 1962); Moshc Piamcnta, Islam 
in Everyday Arabic Speech (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1979). 

batin (Arabic: inward, hidden) 

The idea of an inner or secret truth is one that 
has intrigued religious thinkers and mystics in 
many different religious traditions. In Islam, this 
idea is captured by the term al-batin. It is particu- 
larly important in relation to the interpretation 
of scripture. Sunnis arc known for being in favor 
of interpreting the Quran to bring forth its con- 
ventional, outward (zahir) meanings, a procedure 
called tafsir. Many Shii scholars, on the other 
hand, have contended that although the Quran 
has outward meanings that change with the pas- 
sage of time, it also has inward (batin), esoteric 
ones that contain eternal truths. Indeed, they have 
supported key doctrines in their understanding 
of Islam by a process of scriptural interpretation 

Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship 95 

they call tawil, which allows them to extract the 
Quran's inward, symbolic meanings. 

In their debates over the Quran's outward and 
inward meanings, Muslims have invoked the fol- 
lowing verse: 

(God) sent down upon you this book in 
which are some clear verses — they are the 
mother of the book — and others that are 
ambiguous. Those whose hearts are devious 
follow what is ambiguous in it to cause dis- 
cord when they interpret it. Only God knows 
how to interpret it and those who are firm 
in knowledge, they say: “We believe in it; all 
comes from our lord." (Q 3:7) 

Sunnis say that only God and Sunni religious 
scholars are qualified to interpret the Quran, 
especially the clear verses, while other interpreta- 
tions are troublesome. The Shia maintain that, 
to the contrary, God endowed the infallible Shii 
Imams with the gift of interpreting both the clear 
and ambiguous verses to extract their inward 
meaning. They teach that verses referring to the 
“straight path" (Q 1:6), the “light of God" (Q 
64:8), and the “truthful ones" (Q 9:1 19) arc secret 
references to their Imams. Even the Sun and the 
moon, mentioned in Q 91:1-4, are interpreted to 
represent Muhammad and Ali, while “day" stands 
for the imams and “night" for the enemies of the 
imams. Moreover, the Shia see the story of Abra- 
ham's sacrifice (Q 37: 100-1 10) as a secret prefigu- 
ration of Husayns martyrdom at Karbala in 680. 
Most Sunnis would reject such interpretations. 

The Ismailis, or Seven-Imam Shia, were the 
first major Shii sect to propagate the idea of 
inward meanings of the Quran, starting in the 
eighth century. They maintained that Muham- 
mad, as the prophet of Islam, was sent to transmit 
the outward meanings of the Quran, and that the 
Imams were charged with transmitting its inward 
meanings. Most branches of the Ismailis accepted 
the coexistence of the two kinds of interpretation, 
as did the Twelve-Imam Shia. They also required 

that members become knowledgeable about the 
Quran's outward meanings before delving into 
its hidden ones. Ismailis maintained that there 
were ascending levels of inward meanings that 
students had to comprehend in order to arrive at 
the supreme truth. Sufis also have sought to elicit 
the inward meanings of the Quran, but they do 
so with the guidance provided by divine inspira- 
tion or a Sufi master (shaykh or pir), rather than 
an Imam. 

Sec also haqiqa ; Ismaili Shiism; Twelve-Imam 

Further reading: Moojan Momen, An Introduction to 
Shii Islam (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 
1985); David Pinault, The Shiites: Ritual and Popular 
Piety in a Muslim Community (New York: St. Martin's 
Press, 1992). 

Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship 

The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship was founded 
by the American followers of Sri Lankan Sufi 
mystic Muhammad Rahecm Bawa Muhaiyaddeen. 
Little is known of the early life, not even the birth 
date, of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen. He emerged from 
obscurity in the 1930s when he began to teach in 
Colombo, where the Scrcndih Study Group was 
formed. Here he was discovered by an American 
spiritual seeker, and in 1971, he accepted an 
invitation to move to the United States. Once in 
Philadelphia, a group of disciples formed around 
him, the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship was 
organized, and he decided to stay in the West, 
though he periodically returned to Sri Lanka to 

Through the 1970s and until his death in 
1986, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen was credited with a 
number of books, many developed from his talks, 
as he could not read or write, and the fellow- 
ship grew slowly but steadily. Additional centers 
were opened across the United States and one in 
England before his death. Subsequently, the fel- 
lowship has expanded to Australia. 

^ 96 bazaar 

While a Muslim, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen tried 
to emphasize the universal quality of his message 
that transcended religious labels. He centered his 
message on the unity of God and human unity in 
God and tried to so communicate the experience 
of God as to speak to people of all religious back- 
grounds. He understood a Sufi to be one who had 
lost the self in the solitary oneness that is God. The 
individual's soul is the point of contact, where the 
realization of God is possible. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, 
who died in 1986, recommended that his disciples 
constantly affirm that nothing but God exists, try 
to eliminate all evil from their lives, inculcate the 
Godlike qualities of patience, tolerance, peaceful- 
ness and compassion, and try to treat all lives as 
ones own life. These actions should lead naturally 
to the practice of remembering God, the DHIKR. 

The fellowship makes numerous books, audio- 
tapes, and videotapes of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen s 
presentations available to seekers through Fel- 
lowship Press. Its headquarters complex in Phila- 
delphia includes a building for public meetings, a 
MOSQUE, and a press. Bawa Muhaiyaddcen's tomb, 
located outside of Philadelphia, was dedicated in 
1987. An estimated 5,000 adherents attend meet- 
ings across the United States and in Canada, the 
United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, and 
Colombo, Sri Lanka. The Fellowship's internet 
site is found at 

See also Sufism. 

J. Gordon Melton 

Further reading: M. R. Guru Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, God, 
His Prophets and His Children (Philadelphia: Fellowship 
Press, 1978); M. R. Guru Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, Truth 
and Light (Philadelphia: Fellowship Press, 1974); M. R. 
Guru Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, The Truth and the Unity of 
Man (Philadelphia: Fellowship Press, 1980). 

bazaar (Persian: marketplace) 

One of the most important public spaces in Islami- 
cate lands is the urban district known as the bazaar 
or marketplace (called a suq in Arabic-speaking 

lands), the center of business and commerce. Found 
in cities from North Africa to India and Central 
Asia, it consists of small shops, warehouses, handi- 
craft centers, banks, public bathhouses, bakeries, 
cafes, street vendors, and inns. People from all walks 
of life cross paths there — the wealthy and beggars, 
men and women, seniors and children, farmers 
and soldiers, natives and foreigners, nomads and 
sailors, the literate and the illiterate, the skilled and 
the unskilled, men of religion and the laity, Muslims 
and non-Muslims. The bazaar can be open air, but 
Islamicate cities are also famous for their covered 
marketplaces, with massive gateways that can be 
closed at night for security. The bazaar is typically 
subdivided into zones defined by craft or trade. 
Thus, all of the spice shops are close together, as arc 
those of the goldsmiths and silversmiths, copper- 
smiths, sword makers, carpenters, cloth merchants, 
booksellers, tent makers, and so on. Businesses that 
do not make large profits tend to be located in sec- 
ondary bazaars and peripheral areas, as arc the ones 
that pollute, such as tanneries, slaughterhouses, and 
pottery workshops. 

Among the distinct buildings of the bazaar in 
premodern cities is the caravanserai (also known 
as the khan, /undue], or wihcila), a large rectangular 
structure with an open courtyard, storerooms, 
and stables on the ground level and lodgings for 
traveling merchants above. It is estimated that in 
the 17th century Cairo had as many as 20,000 
shops and 360 caravanserais in its marketplace, 
but most premodern cities had smaller commer- 
cial zones. In rural areas, bazaars have not usually 
been permanent parts of the landscape. Rather, 
they have operated on a periodic basis according 
to the days of the week, the most popular market 
days being Thursdays and Fridays. 

Islamic religious institutions have evolved 
in close relationship to the marketplace. Grand 
mosques for communal prayer are typically located 
where the main business districts are. The income 
from commercial properties in bazaars can be set 
aside by the owners as charitable bequests (waqf) 
to provide charity in perpetuity to the poor and 

bazaar 97 

Public market in Marrakesh, Morocco (Federico R. Campo) 

to pay for the building, maintenance, and staff- 
ing of mosques, MADRASAS, Quran schools, Sufi 
hospices, hospitals, and public fountains. These 
revenues have also been used to maintain holy 
sites in Mecca and Medina and to care for the 
needs of Muslims performing the HAJJ. A substan- 
tial part of Islamic jurisprudence (f/qh) is con- 
cerned with regulating commercial transactions, 
and the ULAMA considered the bazaar an important 
arena for enforcing public morality. Abu Hamid 
al-Ghazali (d. 1111), for example, drew attention 
to market practices that were violations of the 
Islamic moral code, such as usury, price gouging, 
selling defective merchandise, cheating with the 
scales, and trading in forbidden goods (e.g., wine, 
musical instruments, and silk clothing for men). 
Following a fundamental ethical principle, when 

they encounter such wrongdoing, good Muslims 
are obliged to command what is right and forbid 
what is wrong. Indeed, the medieval office of 
the market inspector ( muhtasib ) was specifically 
charged with regulating conduct in the market- 
place, commercial and otherwise. 

Religious authorities have been linked to 
the bazaar in other ways, too. Many have come 
from the merchant class, and even if they have 
not, a considerable amount of their income has. 
They have customarily managed funds from the 
charitable bequests. Studies of the ulama in Iran 
and Iraq reveal that they have been supported by 
donations received from lay members of the com- 
munity, especially the bazaaris, or merchants. The 
economic relations between these two groups are 
further cemented by their intermarriage. 

98 Bedouin 

In the modern period, the traditional bazaars 
have adapted to the new global consumer econ- 
omy. Many have become centers of tourism, such 
as the old marketplaces of Fez, Cairo, Jerusalem, 
Damascus, Aleppo, Istanbul, Jeddah, Delhi, and 
Hyderabad (in southern India). But even in these 
changed circumstances, the heritage of the tra- 
ditional bazaar can still be felt when one walks 
down their streets. Also, as it has in the past, the 
contemporary marketplace can become a flash- 
point for political protest, as happened in Iran, 
where bazaaris joined with the Shii ulama to 
spearhead the revolution that brought about the 
downfall of the monarchy in 1978-79. 

See also hisba. 

Further reading: Michael Cook. Forbidding Wrong in 
Islam: An Introduction (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni- 
versity Press, 2003); Yitzhak Nakash. The Shiis of Iraq 
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994); 
Andre Raymond. The Great Arab Cities in the 16th-l8th 
Centuries: An Introduction (New York: New York Uni- 
versity Press, 1984); Lewis Werner, “Suq — 4,000 Years 
Behind the Counter in Aleppo.” Saudi Aratnco World 55 
(March/April 2004): 24-35; Paul Wheatley, The Places 
Where Men Pray Together: Cities in Islamic Lands, 7th 
through the 10th Centuries (Chicago: University of Chi- 
cago Press, 2001). 


The Bedouin are Arab dwellers of the desert who 
traditionally follow a nomadic lifestyle. Their 
name is based on an Arabic word meaning to be 
plain, to be open ( baclaa ), from which the word 
desert ( badiya ) is formed, which suggests that 
deserts are thought of as wide-open lands or 
plains. The meaning of the word Bedouin stands 
in contrast to the Arabic word for civilized town 
dwellers ( hadar ). Bedouin is often, but not always, 
used as a synonym for Arab. Bedouin peoples 
have historically lived in the desert regions of 
the Arabian Peninsula, Syria, Jordan, Israel and 
Palestine, Iraq, Egypt, North Africa, and outly- 

ing areas of Africa and Central Asia. People liv- 
ing in Cities and towns stereotype the Bedouin 
as an uncultured lot, yet the Bedouin are also 
recognized for their strong sense of tribal honor, 
egalitarianism, generosity, courage, and poetic 
eloquence. Medieval Muslim scholars thought the 
“pure” Arabic of the Quran was closely related to 
the Bedouin dialect of the Quraysh tribe, but most 
modern scholars believe it was a common poetic- 
language used throughout western Arabia. Several 
have noted that values of Bedouin culture are 
embedded in the religious language of the Quran. 
Bedouin traditionally make their living by herding 
pastoral animals (sheep, goats, camels, horses, 
and cattle), which they lead to different grazing 
areas and water sources within their tribal territo- 
ries on a seasonal basis. Because of their seasonal 
migrations and lifestyle, they dwell in tents that 
can be easily transported from place to place. 

Historical and ethnographic studies reveal 
that pastoral peoples such as the Bedouin live in 
a symbiotic relationship with town dwellers. For 
example, they trade animal products for agricul- 
tural products and goods produced by settled 
populations. In times of drought, Bedouin take up 
residence in urban lands until conditions improve. 
On the other hand, town dwellers have relied on 
Bedouin warriors for their defense and to guide 
caravans to their destinations. Bedouin warriors 
were also known for their raids on other nomadic 
tribes, caravans, and settlements. Today the Bed- 
ouin, like other nomadic peoples in the Middle 
East and elsewhere, arc being forced to become 
more sedentary by extensive conversion of lands 
to agricultural development and government set- 
tlement policies. In the kingdoms of Saudi Arabia 
and Jordan, however, the Bedouin have been 
recruited to form elite corps in their royal armed 
forces. Bedouin ideals still color the cultural life of 
peoples living in the Arabian Peninsula, as can be 
seen in styles of dress, social customs, and fond- 
ness for camping in the desert. 

The religious outlook of the Bedouin is rec- 
ognized for its simplicity. In pre-Islamic Arabia, 

Bektashi Sufi Order 99 

the features of the landscape (rocks, trees, and 
springs) and religious shrines were the focal 
points of their religious activity, which included 
pilgrimage and animal sacrifice. In addition, four 
specific months of the year were held to be sacred 
times when warfare was prohibited for Arabs liv- 
ing in the vicinity of Mecca. The early Muslim 
community in Medina built alliances with Bed- 
ouin tribes and won their conversion to Islam, 
which was expressed by performance of Islamic 
PRAYER and ALMGSGIVING. However, Bedouin also 
allied with Muhammad's opponents, and when he 
died in 632, many tribes that had converted to 
Islam when he was alive attempted to abandon 
it. This led to the Wars of Apostasy, in which the 
Muslim forces under the leadership of the caliph 
Abu Bakr (r. 632-634) proved victorious. The 
rebellious tribes were reincorporated into the 
Muslim community, and they played an important 
role in the early Arab Muslim conquest of the 
Middle East, North Africa, and Spain. Indeed, the 
conquest was really conducted as an extension of 
Bedouin-style warfare involving small-scale raids 
rather than massive troop movements. 

The Arab historian Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406) 
developed a theory of the rise and fall of civiliza- 
tions based on his knowledge of the involvement 
of Bedouin Arabs in the early conquests and the 
subsequent emergence of lslamicate civilization 
in the Middle East and North Africa. This theory 
rested on the thesis that civilizations originate 
with tribal solidarity (asabiyya) and the ability 
of one tribe to dominate others. Eventually, this 
dominance leads to the accumulation of wealth 
and power and the birth of urban institutions. 
Religion reinforces the moral basis of urban civi- 
lization and tempers the destructiveness of social 
forces, but eventually civilization succumbs to the 
onslaught of new, more vigorous tribal groups. 
A recent example of this pattern can be seen in 
the rise of Saudi Arabia, which began in the 18th 
century when the Saudi clan formed a multitribal 
fighting force motivated by the religious ideology 
of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (d. 1792). 

See also agriculture; food and drink; honor 


Further reading: Leila Abu Lughod, Veiled Sentiments: 
Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society (Berkeley: Univer- 
sity of California Press, 2000); Donald P. Cole, Nomads 
of the Nomads: The Al Murrah Bedouin of the Empty 
Quarter (Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 1975); 
Dale F. Eickelman, The Middle East and Central Asia: An 
Anthropological Approach. 4th ed. (Englewood Cliffs, 
N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2001); Jibrail Jabbur, The Bedouins 
and the Desert: Aspects of Nomadic Life in the Arab East 
(New York: State University of New York Press, 1995). 

Bektashi Sufi Order 

The Bektashi Order, which is based in Turkey, was 
formed by disciples of the 13th-century saint Haji 
Bektash Vcli (walj), who is said to have migrated 
to Anatolia from Khorasan. He settled in a village 
in central Anatolia and exerted a strong influence 
over the Turkish peasants and wandering der- 
vishes living in the region. After his death, the site 
of his tomb attracted followers, who eventually 
formed a coherent order, which was firmly insti- 
tutionalized by Balim Sultan in the early 16th cen- 
tury. The order spread through lands occupied by 
the Ottomans, especially in the Balkans. Bektashis 
were affiliated with the Janissary corps of the Sul- 
tan's army, for whom they served as chaplains. It 
was this relationship that led to their suppression 
when Sultan Mahmud 11 abolished the Janissaries 
in 1826. Bektashis later reappeared but were again 
officially closed down along with all other dervish 
orders in Turkey in 1925. Nevertheless, Bektashis 
have continued to exist in Turkey, and there arc 
also communities in Bulgaria, Bosnia, Macedonia, 
and Albania. 

Like the Shia, Bektashis revere Ali and the 
Twelve Imams but also Haji Bektash and other 
saints. They seek spiritual perfection through cor- 
rect behavior and disguise their beliefs through 
a complex symbolism that pervades all Bektashi 
ritual, clothing, art, and poetry. Disciples are 

^ 100 Berber 

initiated in an elaborate ceremony by a spiritual 
guide called a baba (father), who continues to 
direct their spiritual progress by instructing them 
in Bektashi beliefs through the use of poetry, 
stories, and even jokes. Bektashis meet in a cer- 
emony (closed to outsiders) known as meydan , 
which is followed by a ritual meal in which food 
is shared, poetry is sung to the accompaniment 
of MUSIC, and disciples are instructed by the baba. 
The feast also includes the consumption of alco- 
hol, which has symbolic significance. Because of 
their use of alcohol and their lack of compliance 
with Islamic practices such as prayer in mosques 
and fasting during Ramadan, Bektashis have 
often been condemned by orthodox authorities, 
yet they are also known for their wisdom, humor 
and tolerance. 

See also Ali ibn Abi Talib; imam; Shiism; Sufism. 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: John Kingsley Birgc, The Behtashi 
Order of Dervishes (London: Luzac & Co., 1937); F. 
W. Hasluck, Christianity and Islam under the Sultans 
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1929); Frances Trix, 
Spiritual Discourse: Learning with an Islamic Master 
(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1993). 


Berber is a term for the most ancient known 
culture, people, and language in North Africa. 
Berbers, or Imazighcn, once lived from south of 
the Sahara all the way from the Mediterranean and 
from Egypt in the cast to the Canary Islands in the 
tar west. During their long history, Berber-speak- 
ing peoples have been influenced by a number of 
religious traditions, including paganism, Christi- 
anity, and Judaism, but the most profound debt is 
to Islam. Today Berbers are overwhelmingly Sunni 

Berbers were introduced to Islam in the eighth 
century when some joined Arab Muslims in 
conquering Spain (Andalusia), but the conver- 

sion of more remote Berbers took hundreds of 
years. Relations between Arabs and Berbers were 
not always harmonious, particularly when Arabs 
treated Berber speakers as inferiors. In the 12th 
century, Berber groups formed the core of the 
Almoravid and then the Almohad dynasty that 
ruled much of Spain and North Africa, and Ber- 
bers were central to the Marinid (1196-1464) and 
Fatimid dynasties (909-1171) also. Today Berbers 
continue to inhabit small communities in Egypt, 
Libya, and Tunisia, but most live in Algeria, Mau- 
ritania, Niger, and especially Morocco, where 
they arc thought to constitute 40 percent of the 
population. There are also large communities of 
migrant Berbers in Europe, especially in Belgium, 
the Netherlands, and France. 

The term Berber relates to the Greek and 
Roman word for barbarian , and thus many con- 
temporary scholars and activists prefer the terms 
Amazigh (singular) or Imazighen (plural) to 
describe what most English speakers know as Ber- 
bers. One thing that makes Imazighcn distinctive 
is their language, which seems to be remarkably 
similar over a vast territory and has persisted for 
a very long time despite the political dominance 
of written languages such as Latin, French, and 
Arabic. Today Berber usually refers to someone 
who speaks some variety of Berber (Tamazight) 
as their first or only language, though there are 
Imazighcn who do not speak the language but 
remain passionately attached to Amazigh culture 
and identity. 

See also Almoravid dynasty; Fatimid dynasty. 

David Crawford 

Further reading: Michael Brett and Elizabeth Fentress, 
The Berbers (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1996); 
Ernest Gellncr and Charles Micaud, Arabs and Berbers: 
From Tribe to Nation in North Africa (Lexington, Mass.: 
Heath, 1972). 

Bible See holy books. 

Bilal 101 

bidaa (Arabic: innovation) 

Bidaa is a term used by Muslim jurists and the 
legally minded to classify beliefs, activities, and 
institutions accepted by Muslims that are not 
mentioned by cither the Quran or the sunna. The 
most litcralist jurists, following Ibn Taymiyya (d. 
1328), such as members of the Hanbali Legal 
School and the Wahhabi movement in Saudi 
Arabia and elsewhere overtly reject anything they 
determine to be such an innovation. Most jurists 
and many Muslims, however, follow the views of 
AL-SHAFII (d. 820), one of the founding figures of 
the Islamic legal tradition, who drew a distinc- 
tion between innovations that are good (hasan) 
and those that are bad ( sayya ) or blameworthy 
( madhmuma ). Permissible innovations include 
study of Arabic grammar, building schools, wear- 
ing nice clothing, and serving good food to guests. 
Widespread practices such as using arabesque to 
beautify mosques and Quran manuscripts have 
been classed as “disapproved" (makrul 0 innova- 
tions but have not been subject to any penalty 
or prohibition. Innovations that would lead to 
idolatry and heresy arc classed as disbelief (kafir 
[or Ku/r]), and may incur penalties. Sunni jurists 
have included in this last class of innovations 
popular religious practices associated with saint 
shrines, Shii doctrines about the Imams, and the 
sectarian beliefs of the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam. 

In the modern period, the idea of bidaa has 
become more a part of Muslim religious discourse 
and argumentation than ever before. Literalists use 
it to condemn not only popular religious practices 
but also secular customs in pluralistic societies, 
such as celebrating birthdays, keeping pets, lis- 
tening to popular MUSIC, and saluting a country's 
flag. Paradoxically, they also have embraced the 
use of modern technology never mentioned in the 
Quran and sunna in their daily lives, to run their 
institutions, and to disseminate their Islamic mes- 
sage. Progressive Muslims for their part promote 
the idea of the good innovation in their efforts 
to reconcile medieval Islamic tradition with the 
vicissitudes and ambiguities of a rapidly changing 

world. Many are in agreement with thinkers such 
as Khalid Abou El Fadl (b. 1963), who maintains 
that whatever is based on moral insight cannot 
be condemned or dismissed as a blameworthy or 
corrupt innovation. 

See also f/qh; Shafii Legal School; Shiism; 

Further reading: Muhammad Umar Memon, Ibn Taymi- 
yya's Struggle against Popular Religion (The Hague: 
Mouton, 1976); Yusuf al-Qaradawi, The Lawful and 
the Prohibited in Islam (A1 Halal Wal Haram Fil Islam), 
trans. Kamal El-Helbawy ct al. (Indianapolis: American 
Trust Publications. |1980|); Vardit Rispler, “Toward a 
New Understanding of the Term bidaa." Der Islam 68 
(1991): 320-328. 

Bilal (d. ca. 641 ) African slave and early convert 
to Islam who was freed and chosen to be the first 
person to call people to prayer 

Bilal ibn Rabah was a man of Ethiopian ancestry 
born in Mecca as a slave to one of the powerful 
branches of the Quraysh tribe, the Banu Jahm. 
According to Muslim sources, he was one of the 
early converts to Islam, but his owner would tor- 
ture him to try to force him to give up his new 
religion and return to the worship of Mecca's old 
GODDESSes, Al-Lat and Uzza. He refused and would 
utter the words, “One, one!" in reference to the 
one God, Allah, while under torture. Abu Bakr, 
Muhammad's close associate, was moved by Bilal's 
steadfast courage and purchased his freedom by 
exchanging one of his own slaves for him. Bilal 
later joined other Mecca Muslims in the hojri to 
Medina in 622. Muhammad appointed him to 
be the community's first muezzin, the man who 
makes the call to prayer, because of his melodious 
and powerful voice. He also served as Muham- 
mad's personal attendant. In his last years, Bilal 
participated in the conquest of Syria, where he 
spent the rest of his life. 

Today there is a shrine for Bilal in the cemetery 
of Damascus, and his memory is kept alive for 


1 02 biography 

Muslims around the world in oral traditions and 
in children's literature about Muhammad's com- 
panions. He is especially honored among African- 
American Muslims, who consider him an ancestral 
figure. Warith Din Muhammad (b. 1933), leader 
of the American Muslim Mission, called his fol- 
lowers “Bilalians," and he changed the name of 
the Nation of Islam's newspaper to Bilcilian News. 
Several mosques in African-American communi- 
ties are named after him, too. 

Sec also African Americans, Islam among; 
Nation of Islam. 

Further reading: Muhammad Abdul-Rauf, Balal ibn 
Rabah: A Leading Companion of the Prophet Muham- 
mad (Indianapolis, Ind.: American Trust Publications, 
1977); Martin Lings, Muhammad: His Life Based on the 
Earliest Sources (New York: Inner Traditions Interna- 
tional, 1983). 


A biography is a written account about someone's 
life story. The author has to make a choice about 
what to include and exclude, how to organize the 
narrative, and exactly how to represent the per- 
son to the reader. Some biographies can be very 
detailed; others may provide only a brief sketch 
of a person's life. In the vast field of Islamic lit- 
erature, biography is one of the most enduring 
genres, encompassing a cumulative body of texts 
that span nearly 1,400 years in Arabic, Persian, 
Turkish, and other languages. It was used to 
commemorate important people and to highlight 
their praiseworthy qualities for the instruction of 
others. A special kind of Islamic biography, called 
hagiography in English, was composed to empha- 
size the holiness of saints, recount their blessings 
and miracles, and portray their superiority over 
their enemies and rivals. 

The most important biographies of Muslim 
religious figures are those written about Islam's 
foremost prophet, Muhammad. The prototype 
for this group of biographies is The Way of Gods 

Messenger ( Sirat rasul Allah), written by Muham- 
mad Ibn Ishaq (d. 767) and later edited by Ibn 
Hisham (d. 833). The purpose of this work was 
to authenticate Muhammad's status as a true 
prophet. It contains details about his ancestry and 
family life, where he lived, relations with com- 
panions and opponents, how he received revela- 
tions of the Quran, his alliances and battles, and 
miraculous events in his life, especially his Night 
Journey and Ascent. This book has been the main 
source to which Muslims (and non-Muslims) 
have turned through the centuries for knowledge 
about Muhammad, although many other Muslims 
have written biographies about him, too. His per- 
sonal traits and accounts about specific events in 
his life have been celebrated in poetry, song, and 
folklore in all Muslim societies. One of the most 
widely known modern biographies of Muhammad 
by a Muslim is The Life of Muhammad by the Egyp- 
tian writer Muhammad Husayn Haykal (d. 1956). 
There have also been film and cartoon versions of 
his life, although he cannot be shown because of 
the formal Islamic prohibition against portraying 
the Prophet in figural form. Since the 19th cen- 
tury, many secular scholars in Western countries 
have written biographies about Muhammad, such 
as W. Montgomery Watt, Frants Buhl, Maxime 
Rodinson, and F. E. Peters. Most of the Western 
studies have sought to explain the historical ori- 
gins of Islam and critically assess Muhammad's 
role as a leader, rather than portray him as an 
exemplary prophet or holy man. 

Muslim scholars have also excelled in produc- 
ing biographical dictionaries, one of the most 
characteristic kinds of Islamic literature. The stan- 
dard for such dictionaries was set by Ibn Saad's 
Book of the Classes ( Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir ), 
which was written in Iraq during the early ninth 
century to help establish the authenticity of the 
hadith. It contains 4,250 biographies about the 
men and women of the early Muslim community, 
including Muhammad, his family, and the first 
caliphs. Later dictionaries told about the lives and 
accomplishments of hadith specialists, Quran 

biography 1 03 

reciters, jurists, judges, poets, rulers, bureaucrats, 
and physicians. In the 13th century, Ibn Khallikan 
(d. 1282) compiled the first comprehensive dic- 
tionary of prominent people from all walks of life 
who lived after the first generations of Muslims. 
Its 800 articles were organized alphabetically. 
Some dictionaries were organized according to 
tribe; others limited themselves to telling about 
the famous men of a single city or region, such as 
Nishapur (in Iran), Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, 
Yemen, or Andalusia (Islamic Spain). Dictionary- 
like biographical entries were also embedded in 
historical chronicles and literary works. An entry 
could range in length from a few lines to many 
pages. One of average length typically provided 
information about the subjects family lineage, 
names and titles, EDUCATION, places lived in and 
visited, writings, areas of expertise, employment 
history, birth, and death. Because these books 
were compiled by educated elites for their peers, 
they neglected to include information about 
the common people. Biographies about famous 
women were also included in these dictionar- 
ies — lbn Saads dictionary has entries for 600 
women — but seldom if ever were a famous man's 
female relatives mentioned, unless they were also 

Muslim hagiographies focused on praisewor- 
thy characteristics ( manaqib ), miracles, and teach- 
ings of Sufi saints — the “friends ( awliya ) of God.” 
These accounts were first compiled in Arabic dic- 
tionaries at the end of the 10th century, just as the 
Sufi brotherhoods were beginning to play a more 
visible role in Islamic society. The first Sufi bio- 
graphical dictionary was that of the al-Sulami of 
Nishapur (d. 1021). It originally contained 1,000 
biographies, but only 105 of these accounts sur- 
vive in a very abbreviated version called Classes of 
the Sufis (Tabaqat al-sufiyya ). The largest surviv- 
ing collection of Sufi biographies is the Adornment 
of the Saints (Hilyat al-awliya) by Abu Nuaym 
al-Isfahani (d. 1038), which has 649 entries. 
Beginning in 13th century, Sufi biographical dic- 
tionaries were also written in Persian, as exempli- 

fied by Farid al-Din Attars (d. 1220) entertaining 
Memorial of the Saints (Tadhkirat al-awliya) and, 
later, in India, Dara Shikohs (d. 1659) Ship of 
the Saints (Safinat al-awliya). Similar works were 
compiled in Turkish after the 16th century. 

The introduction of mechanized print tech- 
nology in the 19th century and computers in the 
20th century has given new life to the Islamic bio- 
graphical tradition. Printed editions of medieval 
biographical dictionaries are widely available, as 
are biographies of Muhammad, the first caliphs, 
and other revered Muslims of the past. Some of 
these have been translated from their original Ara- 
bic or Persian language into modern Urdu, Indo- 
nesian, English, and other languages. Moreover, 
new biographies that reflect modern points of 
view arc being produced in great numbers. These 
works often show the influence of western styles 
of writing, but their purpose is to reinterpret the 
accomplishments of prominent Muslims in light 
of contemporary interests and concerns in the 
wider Muslim community: the search for authen- 
ticity, refutation of Western Orientalism, religion 
and nationalism, religious and political reform, 
and the status of women. Ali Shariati (d. 1977), 
for example, wrote about the lives of early Shii 
holy figures to inspire Iranians in the decade prior 
to the Iranian Revolution of 1978-79. Several 
books have been written about important women 
in Islamic history in order to counter Western 
and traditional Muslim stereotypes of women as 
historically inconsequential and lacking social 
or cultural agency. Among the leading Muslim 
women biographical writers arc the Egyptian 
Aysha Abd al-Rahman (also known as Bint al- 
Shati, d. 1998) and the Moroccan Fatima Mernissi 
(b. 1940). Another important recent development 
is the publication of biographies in newspapers 
and magazines and, most recently, the placement 
of them on compact disks and the internet for 
even wider circulation. 

See also Arabic language and literature; 
autobiography; Dara Shikoh; Persian language 
and literature; Sufism; ulama; Wall 

1 04 birth control and family planning 

Further reading: Carl Ernst, “Lives of Sufi Saints." In 
Religions of India in Practice , edited by Donald S. Lopez. 
Jr., 495-512 (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University 
Press, 1995); R. Stephen Humphreys, Islamic History: 
A Framework for Inquiry (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton 
University Press, 1991), 187-208; F. E. Peters, Muham- 
mad and the Origins of Islam (Albany: Slate University 
of New York Press, 1994); Widad al-Qadi, “Biographi- 
cal Dictionaries: Inner Structure and Cultural Sig- 
nificance." In The Book in the Islamic World: The Written 
Word and Communication in the Middle East , edited by 
George N. Atiyeh, 93-122 (Washington, D.C.: Library 
of Congress, 1995). 

birth control and family planning 

Birth control and family planning are significant 
issues in many Muslim countries today. Statisti- 
cal surveys indicate that Muslim countries have 
among the highest population growth rates in 
the world. While the rate in Western countries 
such as Great Britain is .2 percent, .39 percent in 
France, and .89 percent in the United States, in 
Muslim countries it can reach nearly 3.5 percent. 
For example, it is 1.49 percent in Indonesia, 1.98 
percent in Pakistan, 2.08 percent in Bangladesh, 
2.44 percent in Saudi Arabia, and 3.44 percent in 
Yemen. The governments of most of these coun- 
tries as well as regional and international organi- 
zations realize that such growth rates pose serious 
challenges to social and economic development 
programs. Many governments do not have the 
resources to meet the needs of their own people, 
and even those that have ample resources — partic- 
ularly oil-producing countries such as Saudi Ara- 
bia — have difficulty dealing with the challenges of 
population growth due to inefficient or unequal 
distribution of the wealth, corruption of officials, 
or political instability. With growing populations 
and inadequate resources, people are not able 
to obtain adequate schooling, health care, and 
employment. Even though governments realize 
that family planning and birth control programs 
can help alleviate these problems, other factors. 

including religion, affect the extent to which they 
are willing and able to implement them. 

Muslims have looked to the Quran and hadith 
for guidance on birth control and family plan- 
ning, as they do for other issues of importance 
in their lives. It is important to realize, however, 
that their sacred scriptures are ambiguous on the 
subject, therefore leaving room for different inter- 
pretations. Two verses in the Quran forbid slay- 
ing children because of inability to provide for 
them (Q 17:31; 6:151). The Quran also implicitly 
condemns the killing of female infants (Q 60:12; 
81:8-9), a practice observed by some Arab tribes 
in western Arabia at the time of Islam's appear- 
ance. Such verses are used to promote a “right-to- 
life" approach to birth control. Opponents of birth 
control also quote verses that refer to children 
as being a divine gift (Q 16:72; 18:46; 25:74). 
They find additional support in the Quran and 
hadith for the view that contraception is wrong 
because only God has the power to determine 
life and sustain it (Q 67:1-2; 56:57-74; 11:6). 
Humans, therefore, should not act against his 
will. On the other hand, advocates of birth con- 

Egyptian newlyweds with family members Quart E. 

birth rites 105 

trol quote hadiths that they believe support the 
opposite position. One of these hadiths states that 
Muhammad did not object to the practice of coitus 
interruptus (Arabic: azl), a form of contraception 
involving withdrawal of the penis from the vagina 
before ejaculation. Many Muslim jurists argue that 
this provides a precedent that allows for modern 
forms of birth control. Another hadith states that a 
man should not practice azl unless he has permis- 
sion from his wife, which is interpreted as permis- 
sion for women to have a say in their reproductive 
rights. Abortion is also allowed by most jurists, 
but only under specific conditions. 

Even though birth control and family plan- 
ning programs have been inaugurated by many 
governments and nongovernmental organiza- 
tions, their success has been hampered because 
economic resources are lacking and because most 
Muslim countries still have large proportions of 
their populations making their livings by agricul- 
ture, a way of life in which having large families 
is traditionally an advantage. Furthermore, deeply 
embedded traditions in male-dominant societies, 
reinforced by conservative ULAMA, have encour- 
aged parents to have many children. There arc 
also political factors that have affected family 
planning efforts. Some Muslim nationalist leaders 
and religious authorities have urged families to 
have many children as a way to resist domination 
by non-Muslim governments. In this light, birth 
control and family planning are portrayed as part 
of a Western conspiracy to limit the size of the 
Muslim population. This was the case with the 
growth of the Palestinian population in the West 
Bank and Gaza and in Iran, where the population 
exploded from 34 million to 50 million between 
1979 and 1986. 

Ironically, the Islamic Republic of Iran has one 
of the most successful family planning programs 
in the world today. After a long, costly war with 
Iraq (1980-88), the Iranian ulama realized that 
they needed to curb Iran's population growth rate. 
As a result, new family planning programs were 
launched, and birth control devices were made 

widely available. Now, when an Iranian couple 
wants to get married, they are required to attend 
a course on family planning that includes instruc- 
tion in the use of intrauterine devices (lUDs), 
birth control pills, and condoms. Birth control 
devices are often distributed for free by govern- 
ment health centers. For couples with children 
who want to make sure they have no additional 
pregnancies, voluntary vasectomies and female 
sterilizations are allowed. In general, the govern- 
ment now encourages people to have small fami- 
lies rather than large ones. 

Further reading: Basim Musallam, Sex and Society in 
Islam (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983); 
Abdel Rahim Omran, Family Planning in the Legacy of 
Islam (London: Routledge, 1992); Robin Wright, The 
Ixist Great Revolution: Turmoil and Transformation in Iran 
(New York: Random House, 2000): 160-187. 

birth rites 

Birth rites are observed in most religions and 
cultures. They celebrate the addition of a new 
member to the family and the community, express 
feelings of gratitude toward the gods (or God), 
and also involve practices intended to protect the 
infant and mother from the harm of supernatural 
forces. In Islam, there are no formally required 
birth rites or sacraments, but Muslims everywhere 
may engage in one or more traditional ritual prac- 
tices when a child is born. 

Most of the ulama concur that several ritual 
practices related to childbirth are permitted. The 
foremost of these is the aqiqa rite, which involves 
animal sacrifice, shaving the infants head, and 
performing acts of charity. Usually one sheep, 
goat, or ram is sacrificed in thanksgiving for a girl 
(two for a boy) on the seventh day after birth. The 
act is believed to commemorate the near-sacrifice 
of Ishmael (Ismail) by his father, Abraham (Ibra- 
him). This is also when a child receives his or 
her given name, a festive event that may include 
Quran recitation and readings of the birth story 

1 06 Biruni, Abu Rayhan, al- 

of Muhammad. In early Islam, the naming cer- 
emony was connected with a ritual called tahnik, 
which involved rubbing the infant’s palate with a 
date. This practice was based on the example of 
Muhammad, who gave the first child born to the 
Muslim community a date that he had chewed and 
mixed with his saliva. Another practice is whisper- 
ing the call to prayer (adhan) into the newborns 
right ear and the second call to prayer, (iqama, or 
the shahada) in its left ear. Islamic law exempts the 
mother of the newborn from fulfilling daily prayers 
and fasting while nursing and experiencing post- 
partum bleeding, but before she can resume her 
daily acts of worship, she is required to perform a 
complete bodily ablution to purify herself. 

Muslim authorities also approve of the prac- 
tice of male circumcision, considered to be a 
rite of purification and a symbol of membership 
in the Muslim community. It does not have the 
theological significance it is given in Judaism, in 
which it symbolizes the covenant between God 
and the people of Israel. In Islam, circumcision 
was a greatly celebrated rite of passage that usu- 
ally occurred when a boy was seven, 1 0, or 1 3. For 
most Muslim boys today, however, it is done at 
birth in a clinic or hospital. Female circumcision 
(excision of the clitoris) is a controversial practice 
that does not receive the endorsement of all reli- 
gious authorities and is not widely performed. 

There are many ritual practices related to 
childbirth that are not endorsed by the SHARIA and 
that ulama regard as harmful innovations (b/daa). 
In many cultures, the mother observes taboos, or 
ritual avoidances, for 40 days after birth, while 
the midwife and the mothers female relatives and 
iriends assist her in performing rites to appease 
or repel evil spirits and to ensure the mothers 
continued fertility. In Upper Egypt and Nubia, the 
placenta, or afterbirth, may be taken to the Nile as 
an offering to the river spirits. In Palestine, it was 
customarily buried to keep domestic animals from 
eating it and to ensure the well-being of the infant. 
In many Muslim cultures, the umbilical cord may 
be placed in a cloth bag to be worn around the 

neck of the child as a kind of amulet, or it may 
be buried in the house. Of course, many such 
practices have been forgotten with modernization 
and the impact of Islamic reform movements. 
Nonetheless, some traditional practices prevail. 
Today many parents still decorate the infant's body 
or clothing with colorful beads or small pieces of 
jewelry to deflect the Evil Eye. 

Lastly, mention should be made of birthday 
celebrations. Until recently, they were held only 
for prophets and saints. However, a holy person’s 
birthday (mawlid) is usually interpreted to be 
the anniversary of his or her death, when they 
go to the invisible world, rather than birth in 
the material world. Ordinary Muslims living in 
modernized societies now emulate Europeans and 
Americans by celebrating birthday anniversaries 
with cards, gifts, and sweets. 

See also children. 

Further reading: Winifred S. Blackman, The Fellahin of 
Upper Egypt (1927. Reprint, Cairo: American University 
in Cairo Press. 2000), 64-89; Jonah Blank, Mullahs on the 
Mainframe: Islam and Modernity among the Daudi Bohras 
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001): 54-60; 
Avner Giladi. “On Tahnik — An Early Islamic Childhood 
Rite,'' Children of Islam: Concepts of Childhood in Medi- 
eval Muslim Society (New York: St. Marlin’s Press, 1992): 
35-41; Hilma Granqvist, Birth and Childhood among 
the Arabs (Helsingfors: Soderstrom, 1947); Jafar Sharif, 
Islam in India, or the Qanun-i Islam: The Customs of the 
Musalmans of India, trans. G. A. Herklots (1921. Reprint, 
Delhi: Low Price Publications, 1997): 21-40. 

Biruni, Abu Rayhan, al- (ca. 973- 
1051) Persian scholar famous for his books on 
Indian religion and civilization, history, mathematics, 
astronomy, pharmacology, and medicine 
Al-Biruni was born near the city of Khwarazm 
(modern Khiva in Uzbekistan) and gained his 
early education from scholars in this region of 
Central Asia. When the Turkish ruler Mahmoud 
of Ghazna (r. 998-1030) conquered Khwarazm 

Bistami, Abu Yazid al- 1 07 

in 1017, he drafted al-Biruni into service as his 
court astronomer and astrologer in Afghanistan. 
Between 1022 and 1030, al-Biruni accompanied 
Sultan Mahmoud in a series of attacks he launched 
into northern India, which provided the scholar 
with an opportunity to study Hindu religion and 
philosophy for a period of about 10 years. He 
met with Brahmins and even studied Sanskrit, 
the sacred language of Hindus. The result of 
these studies was his unprecedented book, the 
India Book ( Kitab al-Hind), which he finished 
writing in 1031 after he returned to Ghazna. The 
book described in detail Hindu religious beliefs, 
ritual practices, philosophy, the caste system and 
marriage, as well as India's accomplishments in 
MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE. He wrote it from a 
comparative perspective that privileged his own 
Islamic religion and culture but acknowledged the 
accomplishments of the Hindus at the same time. 
Al-Biruni also translated Sanskrit texts on Hindu 
cosmology and philosophy into Arabic. Scholars 
estimate that he wrote nearly 180 books on differ- 
ent subjects in his lifetime, mostly in Arabic, but 
many of these have been lost. 

See also Hinduism and Islam. 

Further reading: Al-Biruni, Alberuni’s India: An Account 
of the Religion , Philosophy , Literature, Geography, Chro- 
nology, Astronomy , Customs, Laws and Astrology of India 
about A.D. 1030, cd. and trans. Edward C. Sachau (Delhi: 
Low Price Publications, 1989); Seyyid Hossein Nasr. An 
Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines (Boulder. 
Colo.: Shambhala, 1964): 107-174; George Saliba, “Al- 
Biruni and the Sciences of His Time." In Religion, Learn- 
ing and Science in the Abbasid Period, edited by M. J. L. 
Young, J. D. Latham, and R. B Serjeant, 403-423 (Cam- 
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990). 

Bistami, Abu Yazid al- (Bayazid) (d. ca. 

875) early Persian Sufi known for his ecstatic sayings 
and mystical experiences 

Little is known about Abu Yazid al-Bistamis life 
except for the statements attributed to him by Sufi 

tradition that reflect his intense religious experi- 
ences of passing away (Jana) in God and mystical 
flight. He is thought to have come from a Zoroas- 
trian family living in the El Burz mountain area 
south of the Caspian Sea in Persia (today's Iran). 
He led an ascetic lifestyle, seeking detachment 
from the world. Later, when he had ecstatic expe- 
riences of union with God, he would make state- 
ments such as “Glory be to me," as if God were 
speaking through him. This, of course, roused 
the anger of conservative religious authorities, 
who considered such statements to be blasphemy. 
However, Sufi scholars defended Abu Yazid by 
attesting to his good standing as an observant 
Muslim and by explaining that statements made 
while in a mystical state differ from those made 
while engaged in ordinary conversation, arguing 
that he may simply have been quoting God rather 
than speaking as God. Abu Yazid also spoke of 
becoming a bird and flying through the realms of 
the universe to the divine throne, like the Night 
Journey and Ascent that Muhammad was reported 
to have made. According to one account, when he 
reached God, he heard his voice and melted like 
lead, sensing that he was so close to him that he 
“was nearer to him than the spirit is to the body" 
(Sells, 244). Because of such utterances, he was 
classed as one of the first “intoxicated" Sufis, in 
contrast to “sober" ones whose experiences were 
more attuned to maintaining a distance between 
the self and God. Reports of Abu Yazid's sayings 
spread through Persia to Iraq, Central Asia, and 
Turkey. They were recorded in writing by the 
10th century, when he had become so venerated 
as a saint that learned scholars visited his tomb 
to gain his blessing ( BARAKA ). The Mongol ruler of 
Persia further embellished his shrine in the early 
14th century. Abu Yazid was also memorialized by 
having been included in the teaching lineages of 
prominent Sufi brotherhoods. 

See also asceticism; baqa and fana ; Tariqa. 

Further reading: Carl W. Ernst, Words of Ecstasy in 
Sufism (Albany: State University of New York Press, 

108 Black Muslims 

1985): 212-250; Michael Sells, Islamic Mysticism: Sufi , 
Quran, Mi raj, Poetic and Theological Writings (New 
York: Paulist Press, 1996). 

Black Muslims See African Americans, Islam 
among; Nation of Islam. 

Black Stone 

The Black Stone is a sacred rock encased with 
silver that has been placed in the southeastern 
corner of the Kaaba in Mecca. Though it is not 
mentioned in the Quran, it is discussed in the 
hadith, commentaries, and historical literature. 
Its exact origins are uncertain, though it was 
probably one of the sacred objects worshipped 
in Mecca in pre-lslamic times. Western scholars 
assert that it may have originally been a meteorite. 
Early Muslim accounts say that it was originally 
a radiant white sapphire brought by Gabriel to 
Adam after his expulsion from paradise. It turned 
to black as a result of being touched by idolaters 
who were ritually impure. Another early story says 
that Gabriel brought it to Ismail from a nearby 
mountain when he and his father, Abraham, were 
constructing the Kaaba and that they were the 
ones who inserted the stone into the buildings 
southeastern corner. When the Quraysh tribe was 
rebuilding the Kaaba early in the seventh century, 
Muhammad is reported to have been entrusted to 
put the Black Stone back in its place when tribal 
factions could not agree which one among them- 
selves should do so. Some traditions state that the 
Black Stone will develop the ability to speak on 
Judgment Day in order to testify on behalf of those 
who have kissed or touched it in good faith. 

Despite the uncertainty of its origins, it is 
indeed a focus of ritual activity on the part of 
pilgrims who go to Mecca for the HAJJ and UMRA. 
The pilgrims' seven circumambulations of the 
Kaaba should begin and end at the corner where 
the Black Stone is, and each time they pass it they 
are supposed to kiss, touch, or salute it with their 

right hands. This practice is controversial because 
to an outsider it appears to be a form of IDOLATRY. 
Muslims deny this and refer to a hadith wherein 
the caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab (d. 644) says, “By 
God, l am kissing you knowing that you are a 
stone and that you can neither do any harm nor 
good. If 1 had not seen Gods Prophet [Muham- 
mad) kissing you, 1 would not have kissed you.” 
Thus, Muslims understand that they arc respect- 
fully imitating the actions of their PROPHET rather 
than worshipping the stone itself. 

See also Adam and Eve. 

Further reading: Arthur Jeffrey, A Reader on Islam (The 
Hague: Mouton & Company, 1962); Muslim, Sahih 
Muslim. Translated by Abdul Hamid Siddiqi. 4 vols. 
(Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 1972), 1:641-643; 
Francis E. Peters, The Hajj: The Muslim Pilgrimage to 
Mecca and the Holy Places (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton 
University Press, 1994), 14-15. 


Blasphemy is from a Greek word that means 
speaking evil. In the history of religions, it refers 
to disrespectful or irreverent statements about 
cherished or officially approved religious beliefs, 
doctrines, institutions, and practices. It is usu- 
ally considered to be a product of biblical tradi- 
tion and the history of organized Judaism and 
Christianity, in which speaking against God has 
been severely condemned and occasionally pun- 
ished. Blasphemy laws still exist in many West- 
ern countries, though they are gradually being 
repealed. Concern with blasphemy also occurs in 
Islamic societies, where it is closely linked with 
such serious transgressions as apostasy ( irtidad ), 
disbelief (kafir), and idolatry. Muslim jurists 
have used statements in the Quran that condemn 
Muhammad's opponents for their outright denial 
(takdhib) of the truth of his religious message 
(e.g., Q 54, 5:10) or their fabrication (iftira) of 
false beliefs (Q 11:18; Q 39:32) to justify impos- 
ing harsh penalties against anyone they thought 

blood 109 

had verbally insulted sacred Islamic beliefs or val- 
ues. Insulting Muhammad or asserting that there 
will be no physical resurrection are but two of 
the many verbal actions considered blasphemous. 
Muslims and non-Muslims alike could be held 
liable on blasphemy charges, which, if proven and 
not retracted, could result in punishments ranging 
from public censure, to disinheritance, to manda- 
tory divorce, to death. 

Muslim jurists have enforced blasphemy laws 
only occasionally in the past. There were sev- 
eral significant instances during the Middle Ages 
involving Muslim philosophers and Sufis. The 
most famous of these involved the mystic Mansur 
al-Hallaj (d. 922), who was accused of saying, *T 
am the truth,” (i.e. , God). In more recent times, 
blasphemy charges have been made against follow- 
ers of the Bahai Faith and of the Ahmadiyya branch 
of Islam in Pakistan. There was also the famous 
case of Salman Rushdie (b. 1937), who was con- 
demned by Muslims around the world in 1988-89 
for his imaginative novel Satanic Verses. Rushdies 
opponents, led by the ayatollah Ruhollah Kho- 
meini in Iran, said it slandered Muhammad and his 
wives, and Khomeini issued a fatwa (an advisory 
ruling based on the sharia) calling for his death. 
Today, as governments in recently independent 
Muslim nation-states increasingly try to centralize 
their power and as Islamic activism escalates, some 
states and radical Islamic groups are using the 
charge of blasphemy to gain legitimacy and popu- 
lar support at the expense of intellectuals, Muslim 
liberals, and non-Muslim minorities. This has 
given new life to the idea of blasphemy in Islam, 
while at the same time more and more Muslims are 
embracing the ideals of liberalism, pluralism, and 
individual freedom of belief and expression. 

See also Abu Zayd, Nasr Hamid; crime and 


Further reading: Carl W. Ernest. Words of Ecstasy in 
Sufism (Albany: State University of New York Press, 
1985); Rudolph Peters and GerlJ.J. DeVries. “Apostasy 
in Islam.” Die Welt des /slums 17 (1976-1977): 1-25; 

Abdullah Saeed and Hassan Saeed, Freedom of Religion , 
Apostasy and Islam (Burlington. Vt.: Ashgate Publish- 
ing, 2004). 

blood (Arabic: dam) 

The vital bodily fluid of blood has special sig- 
nilicance in the Quran, and in Islamic practice it 
is the subject of ritual laws that are discussed at 
length in the SHARIA. 

The Quran regards blood as vital for human 
life, as reflected in its condemnation of killing as 
the shedding of blood (Q 2:30, 84). The Quran 
also gives special importance to the blood clot 
(alac }), which is considered the substance out of 
which God created humans. The chapter titled 
“Clots of Blood” (Q 96 al-Alaq ) begins: “Recite 
in the name of your Lord who created — created 
man from clots of blood,” thus stressing the power 
of God in creating humans from such a humble 
substance. In other verses, the alaq is a particular 
stage in the development of the human (Q 22:5; 
Q 23:12-14). Some modern interpreters have 
compared these Quranic revelations to current 
medical understandings of the development of 
the human embryo and point to the similarities as 
proof that the Quran contains biological knowl- 
edge unknown to humans until recent scientific 

Another indication of the importance of blood 
in the Quran is the prohibition against ingest- 
ing it, which is mentioned four times, along 
with carrion, pork, and meat not consecrated in 
the name of God (Q 2:173; Q 5:3; Q 6:145; Q 
16:115). Because of this prohibition, all animals 
to be consumed must be slaughtered by slitting 
their throats and draining the blood completely. 
This procedure must likewise be followed when 
animals are sacrificed, as in the annual Feast of 
Sacrifice, in which Muslims commemorate Abra- 
ham's willingness to sacrifice his son upon God's 
command. Though the Islamic version of the 
story of Abraham is similar to that in the Old Tes- 
tament, Muslim scholars agree that the purpose 

^ 110 boat 

of sacrifice in Islam is noi the atonement of sins, 
as in the Old Testament; rather, what is important 
is Abraham's submission to God's will. The Quran 
states that with animal sacrifices, “It is not their 
meat nor their blood that reaches Allah; it is your 
piety that reaches him " (Q 22:37). 

Lastly, in the sharia menstrual blood is consid- 
ered to be a source of major impurity, and WOMEN 
are exempted from PRAYER and FASTING as long as 
their monthly period lasts, as are women expe- 
riencing postpartum bleeding. When a woman’s 
period ends, she must perform a complete ablu- 
tion before engaging in an act of worship or enter- 
ing a sacred place, such as a mosque. Rules about 
menstruation and ritual purity are a major topic in 
the hadith and FIQH literature. 

See also dietary laws; Id al-Adha. 

Further reading: Laleh Bakhtiar, Encyclopedia of Islamic 
Law: A Compendium of the Major Schools (Chicago: 
ABC International Group, 1996); Somaiyah Bcrrigan, 
ed., An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the 
Holy Quran. 2 vols. (Isfahan: Amir-al-Momineen Ali 
Library 1994), 2:121-128; Maurice Bucaillc, The Bible, 
the Quran and Science: The Holy Scriptures in the Light 
of Modern Knowledge. Translated by Alastair D. Pannell 
and Maurice Bucaillc (Indianapolis: American Trust 
Publications, 1979), 198-210. 


Boats have been a primary means of transpor- 
tation on the waters in Islamicate lands. The 
Quran mentions Noahs ark, a boat made of 
planks and nails (Q 54:13), and to this day the 
benediction God gave to Noah when he launched 
it — “Embark! In the name of God be its course 
and mooring'' (Q 11:41) — is written on boats and 
ships owned or used by Muslims. The Quran also 
mentions ships boarded by Jonah (Q 37:140) and 
Moses (Q 18:71). Muslims have used boats and 
ships since the inception of Islam as vehicles of 
commerce, travel, and military conflict. Seafaring 
Muslim merchants have been a vital part of both 

Egyptian feluccas docked in Aswan (Juan E. Campo) 

the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean maritime 
trading networks and were responsible for the 
initial spread of Islam along the coasts of South 
and Southeast Asia. Muslim navies controlled 
much of the Mediterranean for centuries and took 
part in such famous naval battles as the Battle of 
the Masts, when a newly formed Islamic fleet first 
defeated its Byzantine counterpart in 655. 

There were a wide variety of types of boats 
in medieval Islamdom, but there were two basic 
methods of construction: the Mediterranean 
method and the West Indian Ocean method. In 
the Mediterranean, boats were built frame first, 
constructing a wood skeleton and then attaching 
the planking over it with metal nails. In the Indian 
Ocean, boats were built shell-first, from the out- 
side in, and sewn together completely with palm 
fiber cord without the use of nails. After the intru- 
sion of the European navies in the 16th century, 
the Indian Ocean tradition gradually faded as boat 
builders adopted European methods, which were 
better suited to modern weaponry such as can- 
non. Today a rich tapestry ol traditional boats still 
exists in Muslim lands, from the fishing felucca of 
the Nile to the merchant dhow of the Gulf, plying 
the waters side by side with their more modern 
fiberglass and metal counterparts. 

Eric Staples 

books and bookmaking 111 

Further reading: George F Hourani. Arab Seafaring in 
the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times 
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1995); 
Dionisius A. Agius, In the Wake of the Dhow (London: 
Ithaca Press, 2002). 


Bohras, whose name comes from the Gujurati 
verb "to trade," are members of an Ismaili Shia 
community founded in Gujurat, India, in the late 
11th century. The seat of the Fatimid dynasty, 
then in Cairo, dispatched the daw at , or religious 
mission, to western India to increase membership 
in this tradition of Islam. Early in the process, a 
disagreement concerning the identity of the 19th 
Imam divided Ismailism; the Bohras believe that 
Mustali billah (d. 1101) was designated as the 
19th Imam, while the Nizari Ismailis believe that 
this authority was invested in Nizar (d. 1095). In 
1132, the 21st Imam from the line of Mustali bil- 
lah, al-Tayyibi, became hidden from public. This 
line of Imams continues in secret to this day. Since 
al-Tayyibis concealment ( GHAYBA ), the community 
has been led by a series of chief dais (religious 
propagandists, missionaries); these leaders pos- 
sess the title of dai al-mutlaq (cleric of absolute 
authority). The dai al-mutlaq is the chief religious 
figure of the Bohra community. He guides his fol- 
lowers in both spiritual and worldly matters and is 
thought to be in contact with the Hidden Imam. 

The largest community of Bohras is the Daudi 
Bohras, named after their 27th dai , Daud ibn 
Qutb Shah (d. 1612). They number about 1 mil- 
lion, live throughout South Asia, East Africa, the 
Middle East, and the west, and are led by the 52nd 
al-dai al-mutlaq, Muhammad Burhan al-Din (b. 
1915), whose headquarters are in Bombay. Since 
succeeding his father to the office of dai in 1965, 
Burhan al-Din has initiated a number of changes 
in the religious and administrative aspects of the 
faith, emphasizing the congruence between Islam 
and modernity He has built an extensive network 
of Bohra schools whose curricula include the 

combination of Islamic and non-Islamic subjects, 
he has mandated a distinctive dress code for the 
community, and he has helped to restore Fatimid 
relics and architectural sites in Egypt. 

The Daudi Bohras retain a religious hierarchy 
similar to that of their Fatimid ancestors. The dai 
al-mutlaq, who is appointed by his predecessor, 
is responsible for filling positions in the dawat. 
Local religious functions are performed by am its 
(deputies/priests), community representatives of 
the dawat. The Daudi Bohas also follow seven 
(rather than five) pillars of Islam, as articulated 
by Fatimid jurists. These arc: WALAYA (love and 
allegiance) to God, the Prophets, the dais, and 
the Imams; tahara (ritual purity); salah (prayer); 
zakat (almsgiving); sawm (fasting); hajj (pilgrim- 
age to Mecca); and JIHAD (struggle). 

Other Bohra communities retain doctrinal 
beliefs similar to those of the Daudi Bohras. 
The Sulaymani Bohras, who have approximately 
74,000 adherents, mostly in India and Yemen, 
follow a different line of dais and are named after 
their 27th dai, Suleyman ibn Hasan (d. 1597). The 
Aliya Bohras are named after Ali ibn Ibrahim (d. 
1637) and have approximately 5,000 adherents. 

See also daawa ; Ismaili Shiism. 

Jamel Vclji 

Further reading: Jonah Blank, Mullahs on the Main- 
frame: Islam and Modernity among the Daudi Bohras 
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001); Farhad 
Daftary A Short History of the Ismailis: Traditions of a 
Muslim Community (Princeton, N.J.: Markus Wiener 
Publishers, 1998). 

books and bookmaking 

The 10th-century royal of Cordoba (one of more 
than 70 in the Umayyad capital of Spain) had a 
catalog of 44 volumes listing more than 400,000 
titles. The catalog volumes alone outnumbered 
the total number of books in medieval France, 
despite such important universities as those of 

112 books and bookmaking 

Paris and Chartres. Adelard, a 12th-century Eng- 
lishman from Bath who traveled through Syria, 
Palestine, Sicily, and Toledo (where many of the 
Cordoban books and scholars resided after the city 
fell to the northern kings during the Reconquista) 
brought back two treasures: an Arabic translation 
and commentary on Euclid's Geometry and ratio- 
nalism. “The further south you go," he said, “the 
more they know. They know how to think. From 
the Arabs 1 have learned one thing: if you are led 
by authority, that means you are led by a halter." 
The lesson took root slowly, but a few hundred 
years later Europe entered its Age of Reason and 
the Enlightenment. 

The wealth of knowledge and habits of rea- 
soning encountered by Adelard and numerous 
European travelers resulted from practical and 
intellectual undertakings that were supported 
by, and in turn enabled, a number of activities 
and industries, from bookmaking to administra- 
tion and international trade. The major medium 
involved was paper, whose technology was avail- 
able in the eastern parts of Islamdom (Samarqand 
in Central Asia) and that was quickly adopted 
by the Abbasids in the eighth century. Paper was 
invaluable for official documents and bank drafts 
because it was difficult to change once the ink was 

Cairo bookbinder Hisham proudly exhibits his crafts- 
manship (Juan E. Campo) 

absorbed (unlike vellum, which could be scraped 
clean). Paper was also relatively cheap to make, 
as it was manufactured from rags produced from 
flax. This made it part of the agricultural and 
textile industries, as well as recycling and garbage 
collecting activities. The flax grown in Egypt was 
used in making linen, which could be reused in 
making paper (a by-product was cheap flaxseed 
lamp oil). A single excavation campaign at Fustat 
(Cairo's medieval industrial and commercial hub) 
produced hundreds of thousands of rags that were 
earmarked for recycling into paper, a process that 
required the water of the nearby Nile for pulping 
and milling. (Today in Cairo the old community 
of garbage collectors is once again recycling scrap 
rag into paper products that are sold to tourists.) 
Paper was also part of the informal economy of 
Egypt; graverobbers sold linen shrouds to manu- 
facturers who then recycled them into paper. 
In 10th-century Egypt, as elsewhere, paper and 
books depended on cities whose schools pro- 
duced the literate consuming public and whose 
shops, banks, and take-out restaurants required 
paper as a primary or packaging material. 

Collecting raw materials was only the first step 
in paper- and bookmaking. Sheets of paper were 
made in molds, then sized (scaled) and polished to 
produce an adequate writing surface. Sheets were 
either stacked or folded four times to produce 
quartos that were then sewn together. Inks, pens, 
and bindings of different materials (not to men- 
tion metal inkwells, wood bookstands, and other 
paraphernalia) were part of the writing craft, and 
professional scribes usually made their own inks 
and pens. Luxury editions (often commissioned 
or produced in royal workshops) demanded 
another crew of specialists that included paint- 
ers (for illustrations), illuminators (for marginal 
decoration), and gilders, as well as overseers who 
coordinated the work. The finished pages were 
polished again with a smooth stone (preferably an 
agate) before they were bound in tooled leather or 
papier mache covers. Sometimes the bound book 
was slipped into a case with folding flaps to pro- 

books and bookmaking 113 

tect the edges. Books were then stacked on top of 
each other on library shelves (which saved them 
from bending and warping). 

Paper was sold at specialty shops or by book- 
sellers whose shops were usually close to mosques 
and madrasas, since the scholars who studied and 
taught there were major consumers. Booksellers 
acted as publishers and distributors of books and 
conducted searches for rare works on demand. 
They were one link in the chain of knowledge 
dissemination that began with authors. An author 
published his work either by writing the first 
copy himself or dictating it to scribes or stu- 
dents. Scribes compared copies to ensure accu- 
racy before selling them. A student had to read 
the book back to the teacher-author (sometimes 
in the presence of witnesses) before obtaining an 
ijaza (permission; certificate) to teach and publish 
the work himself. The ijaza and its circumstances 
were always noted on the manuscript copy, so that 
copyright and accuracy were maintained through 
combined oral-written means. In teaching and 
dictating the book to his own students, the origi- 
nal student became part of the chain of authorized 
transmitters of the authors work. 

Scholars sometimes traveled to find an author- 
itative transmitter of a specific work. Alterna- 
tively, visiting scholars dictated or authorized 
readings of their own works during their travels. 
In these ways, knowledge was exchanged, shared, 
and passed down for generations, often with com- 
mentaries that were either published separately 
or added to a book as marginalia (notes written 
in the margins of the book). Commentaries were 
often as important as the original works. They 
corrected scribal errors, provided cross-references, 
or glossed terms, names, and concepts that were 
no longer familiar (and so aid us in understand- 
ing the originals today). They also sometimes 
questioned the content, thereby providing written 
records of the processes of reasoning and disputa- 
tion among scholars. Reasoning and questioning 
(which required additional proof) were applied in 
all areas, from mathematics to religious law (f/qh). 

thereby always advancing the state of knowledge 
in any field by eschewing blind dogma — the "hal- 
ter" mentioned by Adelard of Bath. 

The first great boom in paper and book pro- 
duction in Islamdom occurred in ninth- and 10th- 
century Iraq, when the Abbasids realized paper’s 
potential in administering their vast empire, col- 
lecting past knowledge, and disseminating their 
own laws and histories. This boom revolved around 
Baghdad, the capital and cultural center. It resulted 
in changes that ranged from the format of books, to 
scripts, to the conduct of everyday life. These pro- 
cesses continued to develop over centuries before 
the wide adoption of print. Despite great losses 
due to time, fire, or recycling of paper and books 
into new works, thousands of written works have 
survived. Aside from many Quran manuscripts 
and books on Islamic religion and history, they also 
include translations and commentaries on Greek 
works in philosophy, medicine, and geography 
that would not have survived or reached Europe 
(or reached it in understandable form) otherwise. 
Nor would we have the glimpses of daily life that 
we have from the thousands of scraps of paper 
that were discovered in an old synagogue in Cairo 
(the Geniza). From the paper and book industries, 
we know the bases of the maps that aided Euro- 
pean voyages in the 15th century, as well as how 
a brother and sister consoled each other in letters 
that traveled across great distances in the 10th. 

See also calligraphy; education; literacy; 

Nuha N. N. Khoury 

Bibliography: Jonathan M. Bloom, Paper before Print: 
The History and Impact of Paper in the Islamic World 
(New Haven. Conn.: Yale University Press, 2001); 
James Burke, The Day the Universe Changed. Rev. cd. 
(Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1995); Brinkley 
Messick, The Calligraphic State: Textual Domination 
and History in a Muslim Society (Berkeley: University of 
California Press, 1993); Johannes Pederson, The Arabic 
Book. Translated by Geoffrey French (Princeton, N.J.: 
Princeton University Press, 1984). 

114 Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a predominantly Mus- 
lim country in the southern Balkan mountains. 
With an area of nearly 20,000 square miles (the 
size of New Hampshire and Vermont combined), 
it is bordered on the north and west by Croatia (a 
predominantly Catholic country), on the east by 
Serbia (a predominantly Eastern Orthodox Chris- 
tian country), and on the south by Montenegro 
(also a predominantly Orthodox land). It has a 
small outlet to the Adriatic Sea providing it with 
less than 15 miles of coastline. 

Ethnically, Bosnia and Herzegovina is home to 
three main groups: Bosniaks (a modern designa- 
tion for South Slovaks who are mostly Muslim, 48 
percent), Serbians (14.3 percent), and Croatians 
(14.3 percent). In addition to Islam (40 percent), 
the chief religions arc Eastern Orthodoxy (31 
percent) and Roman Catholicism (15 percent). 
The Bosnians and Herzegovinans do not form 
separate groups ethnically so much as religiously, 
being defined by their religious affiliation since 
the 15th century. There is no separate language for 
the country; its 4.6 million residents speak either 
Serbian or Croatian. 

At the end of the 12th century, Bosnia gained 
its independence from its neighbors, the Hungar- 
ians (including the Croatians) to the north and 
the Serbians to the east. The Kingdom of Bosnia 
was a religiously divided land. Its people were 
partly Catholic and partly Orthodox, but many 
were adherents of an independent third religion, 
the Bosnian Church, which held to an esoteric 
religion called Bogomilism, with roots in Mani- 
cheanism. Originating in Macedonia, Bogomilism 
had appeared in the 10th century and spread 
across the southern Balkans. In Bosnia, where its 
had its greatest support, it became identified with 
the Bosnian national spirit and came to define the 
people in contrast to the Eastern Orthodox faith 
radiating from Constantinople and the Catholic 
faith of the Hungarian. 

Then at the end of the 15th century, Turkish 
forces swept over the southern Balkans, and Islam 

was introduced into Bosnia and Herzegovina. 
Because of the use of the Inquisition by the 
Catholic Church against the Bogomils, it appears 
that given the choice, the Bogomils supported 
the Turks over their former Catholic rulers and 
assisted their conquest. Many Bogomils saw them- 
selves as closer to Islam in belief than Christianity 
and rather quickly converted to Islam, while the 
remainder made the conversion through the next 
decades. As Bosnian elites affirmed their Islamic 
beliefs, many of their number rose to positions of 
prominence in the empire, several serving as the 
grand vizer in the sultans court in Constantinople 
(Istanbul) in the late 16th century. Under Turk- 
ish rule, a governor (pasha) was appointed who 
made his headquarters in Sarajevo. The land was 
divided into eight districts (sanjak s). Islam in the 
land adhered to the Hanafi Legal School, the 
school favored by Ottoman rulers. 

In the 19th century, the Bosnians became 
critical of what they saw as corruption coming to 
dominate the Ottoman Empire, and a new spirit 
of independence swept the land. A half century of 
conflict resulted in the Austro-Hungarian Empire 
pushing the Ottomans out of the area. Rather 
than achieving independence, however, Bosnia 
and Herzegovina came under Habsburg rule. At 
the end of the 19th century, Bosnian Muslims 
made a new effort to mobilize in the cause of 
national independence with a focus for a time 
in the Muslim National Organization. In 1909, 
the Austrian authorities created a new office of 
Reis-ul-ilema, the supreme leader of the Muslim 
community. Austria continued to exercise its 
hegemony throughout World War 1, after which 
Serbia came to control Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Through the 20th century, Muslims existed as 
the largest group in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but 
the land was successively incorporated into larger 
political structures — Serbian, Nazi, and Yugo- 
slavian Communist — that repeatedly forced the 
Muslims into a minority status. Successive govern- 
ments also continued policies that set different eth- 
nic and religious communities against each other. 

Brethren of Purity 115 

an expedient means of keeping control of the often 
restless population. During World War II, Serbians 
and Croats massacred Muslims, and the latter 
retaliated in kind. Muslims suffered additionally 
under the antireligious policies adopted by the 
Marxist Yugoslavian regime of Marshall Tito (J os >P 
Broz, 1892-1980). For a period, mosques were 
closed, children were denied religious instruction, 
and no teachers of Islam could be trained. In reac- 
tion, a Muslim revival was noticeable in the 1960s 
identified with nationalistic aspirations as much as 
religious sentiments. 

The Yugoslavian Federation fell apart in 1991. 
Bosnia and Herzegovina declared its indepen- 
dence. However, the effort to build a Bosnian state 
was opposed by Serbians residing in the north 
and eastern parts of the country. In attempting to 
avoid the dissolution of the country, the Bosnian 
president Alija Izctbcgovic (1925-2003) promised 
that the new country would not evolve into an 
Islamic state (in contradiction to a position he had 
earlier advocated) and assured the rights of the 
Christian minorities. The guarantees, however, 
did not stop Serbians allied with troops of the 
former Yugoslav Federation from starting a civil 
war. The Bosnian war became one of the bloodi- 
est experiences of the region. Serbian forces, with 
the support of the government in Belgrade, which 
had publicly disavowed its involvement, carried 
out a number of massacres in pursuit of a policy 
of “ethnic cleansing." The worst of the massacres 
occurred in 1995 in Srebrenica, where thousands 
of Muslims were slaughtered. Such actions led to 
the postwar arrest of many of the Serbian leaders 
as war criminals. 

The war ended in December 1995 with the 
signing of the Dayton Agreement, which included 
a new constitution for the country recognizing 
the three distinct groups within its borders and 
assigning to each a set of specific rights and repre- 
sentations in the new government. 

See also Christianity and Islam; Europe; Otto- 

J. Gordon Melton 

Further reading: Norman Cigar, Genocide in Bosnia: 
The Policy of ‘Ethnic Cleansing ’ (College Station: Texas 
A&M University Press, 1995); Robert Donia and John 
Fine, Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Tradition Betrayed (New 
York: Columbia University Press, 1994); John Fine, The 
Bosnian Church: A New Interpretation (Boulder, Colo.: 
East European Quarterly, 1975); H. T. Norris. Islam in 
the Balkans: Religion and Society between Europe and the 
Arab World (Columbia: University of South Carolina 
Press. 1993); Mark Pinson, ed., The Muslims of Bosnia- 
Herzegovina: Their Historic Development from the Middle 
Ages to the Dissolution of Yugoslavia (Cambridge, Mass.: 
Harvard University Press, 1993). 

Brethren of Purity 

The Brethren of Purity (Ikhwan al-safa), or True 
Friends, were a group of 10th-century Muslim 
intellectuals who compiled a remarkable philo- 
sophical and scientific encyclopedia in Arabic 
known as Essays of the Brethren of Purity (Rasail 
iklnvan al-safa). According to some accounts, the 
original author was supposed to be a venerated 
figure such as Au ibn Abi Talib (d. 661) or Jaafar 
al-Sadiq (d. 765), but scholars arc skeptical about 
this. Rather, there is general agreement among 
scholars that the encyclopedia was the product 
of a philosophical movement in Basra, Iraq, that 
was influenced by Ismaili (Seven-Imam) Shiism 
and Sufism. The members of this movement were 
from the elite learned class in Abbasid society. 
What is most notable about the encyclopedia is 
that it contains a synthesis of major traditions of 
learning that flourished in the Middle East at the 
time when the culture of the Abbasid Caliphate 
(750-1258) was at its height. It combined Islamic 
thought with other traditions of knowledge that 
had originated in the cultures of the ancient Medi- 
terranean region and in ancient India and Persia 
and that were later inherited by Muslims. Thus, 
the work recognized the previous intellectual and 
ethical achievements of Greek, Jewish, Christian, 
Hindu, and Buddhist cultures. Because of its 
cosmopolitan outlook, conservative Sunni ulama 
condemned it. 

' Css ^ 116 Buddhism and Islam 

The encyclopedia is divided into four parts: 1) 
MATHEMATICS, which includes essays on astronomy, 
geography, and Aristotle's logic; 2) natural SCIENCE, 
including theories of matter, botany, biology, body 
and soul, death and resurrection; 3) psychological 
and rational sciences; and 4) religious sciences. 
The Neoplatonic theory of creation by emanation 
from a single creator, together with the notion that 
all creation was organized according to a hierar- 
chical pattern (an idea that had circulated widely 
in the pre-lslamic Middle East), was a dominant 
theme in the encyclopedia. Indeed, the ency- 
clopedias avowed purpose was to teach people 
how to purify their souls of bodily and worldly 
attachments and ascend back to the divine source 
from which they had come. The most famous 
section of the encyclopedia is the lengthy debate 
between animals and humans, which questioned 
the moral right humans had to exploit animals as 
slaves. The debate ended by affirming that animals 
indeed were inferior to humans, but they had their 
own intrinsic worth as Gods creatures, requiring 
humans to treat them humanely. 

See also adab ; Arabic language and litera- 
ture; Ismaili Shiism. 

Further reading: Lcnn Evan Goodman, trans.. The Case 
of the Animals versus Man before the King of the Jinn: 
A Tenth-Century Ecological Fable of the Pure Brethren 
of Basra (Boston: Twaync Publishers, 1978); Sayycd 
Hossein Nasr, Islamic Cosmological Doctrines (Boulder, 
Colo.: Shambhala, 1978), 25-104; lan Netton, Muslim 
Neoplatonists: An Introduction to the Thought of the Breth- 
ren of Purity (London: George Allen & Unwin. 1982). 

Buddhism and Islam 

Buddhism and Islam are two of the worlds major 
religious traditions, and they have influenced each 
other at points throughout history. Both religions 
came into being in part through the isolated 
meditations and subsequent spiritual insights of 
the respective movements' founders, Siddhartha 
Gautama (known later as the Buddha) in the sixth 

century B.C.E. on the southern border of Nepal, 
and Muhammad in seventh-century C.E. Arabia. 
After the seventh century, significant interactions 
between Buddhists and Muslims took place along 
trade routes through Central Asia known as the 
Silk Road. Through these routes, Islam made sig- 
nificant inroads into Central Asia and China begin- 
ning in the seventh century. Though Buddhism in 
Central Asia started to decline with the political 
expansion of Islam at this time, the region retained 
Buddhist influences, and the Mongol invasions of 
the 13th century helped to further bring Buddhist 
influences from the east into this largely Muslim 
region. Accompanying Muslim political expansion 
eastward, Islam spread from Iran and Afghanistan 
into South Asia, where its eventual political ascen- 
dancy coincided with the 12th-century disappear- 
ance of Buddhism in the regions of Afghanistan and 
Pakistan, where it had existed in its “Scrindian" 
form, and in India, its birthplace. 

Over the centuries, Buddhists and Muslims 
have influenced each other in the fields of medi- 
cine, art, architecture, and literature, evidenced, 
for example, in the blend of Muslim and Buddhist 
ideas in the Tibetan Muslim literary classic The 
Autobiography of Kha che Pha lu. Another example 
of such mutual influence is the life story of the 
great Sufi Ibrahim ibn Adham (d. 778), whose 
hagiography bears striking thematic resemblance 
to that of the Buddha, for he renounced his life 
as the prince of Balkh — a region of present day 
Afghanistan, where Buddhism flourished in the 
early centuries C.E. prior to the arrival of Islam 
in the eighth century — for a pious, ascetic life. 
Significant cultural contact between Muslims and 
Buddhists is also evidenced in the 13th-century 
world history called Jami al-tawarikh , written by 
a Persian official named Rashid al-Din (d. 1318), 
which includes a biography of the Buddha in its 
chapter on India, discusses Buddhist concepts 
in Islamic terms, and documents the presence 
of 11 Buddhist texts circulating in Persia in Ara- 
bic translation. The destruction in 2001 of the 
Bamiyan Buddha statues in Afghanistan by the 

Bumiputra 117 

Taliban, who viewed the statues as idols, brought 
international attention to the shared geographic 
and cultural history of these two religious tradi- 
tions. Today there are Muslim communities in 
regions with significant Buddhist populations, 
such as China, Tibet, Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri 
Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Also, Malaysia is 
a Muslim country that has a significant Buddhist 
population (20 percent), mostly ethnic Chinese. 

Sec also Hinduism and Islam. 

Megan Adamson Sijapati 

Further reading: Ainslee T. Embree, Sources oj Indian 
Tradition , Volume One: From the Beginning to 1800 (New 
York: Columbia University Press. 1988); Gray Henry, 
cd., Islam in Tibet, Tibetan Caravans (Louisville, Ky.: 
Fons Vitae, 1997). 


Bukhara is a city dating to the fifth to fourth 
century B.c.E. and is now located in the Repub- 
lic of Uzbekistan. The principal city in a desert 
oasis, Bukhara came under the rule of the Arab 
Umayyad Caliphate in 709. Over the next 700 
years, Bukhara switched hands between Arabs, 
Persians, Turks, and Mongols and came under the 
control of Tamerlane in the 14th century. Bukhara 
became a famous center of Islamic learning, with 
the Naqshbandi Sufi Order taking its name from 
Baha al-Din Naqshband, who lived in Bukhara 
in the 14th century. Bukhara became a principal 
stop on the great Silk Road caravan routes. The 
Timurid dynasties ruled from Samarqand until the 
invasion of Uzbek tribes early in the 16th century. 
In 1557, Abd Allah ibn Iskander Khan (d. 1598) 
made Bukhara his capital, from which his state 
took its name. During the period of the Bukhara 
Khanate, the city reached its historical zenith and 
featured some of the most magnificent examples 
of Islamicate architecture of the time. However, 
internal feuding eventually weakened the khan- 
ate, and in 1740, Bukhara fell to the Persians, only 

to regain its independence in 1753, though greatly 
reduced in size and power. 

Bukhara was conquered by the Russians in 
1868 and made a protectorate, allowing the rul- 
ing dynasty to continue in power. With the turn 
of the century, there arose a Muslim intellectual 
reform movement, and these "Young Bukharans” 
struggled against the conservative ULAMA for influ- 
ence, only to be rebuffed by the ruling emir. With 
the Russian Revolution of 1917, Russian control 
disappeared, only to reappear in 1920, when, with 
the help of many of the Young Bukharans, Soviet 
forces gained control, and the last emir fled into 
exile. The Bukhara Peoples Soviet Republic was 
established and lasted until 1924, when it was dis- 
membered and divided between the Uzbek, Tajik, 
and Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republics. Over the 
years of Soviet rule, Bukhara lost its political and 
economic importance, though it continues to be a 
regional seat of Islamic learning. 

See also Central Asia and the Caucasus. 

David Reeves 

Further reading: Audrey Burton, The Bukharans: A 
Dynastic, Diplomatic and Commercial History 1550-1 702 
(New York: St. Martins Press. 1997); Adccb Khalid, The 
Politics of Muslim Cultural Reform (Berkeley: Univer- 
sity of California Press, 1998); Altilio Pctrocciolli, cd., 
Bukhara: The Myth and the Architecture (Cambridge, 
Mass.: The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, 

Bukhari, Muhammad ibn Ismail Sec iiaditii. 

Bumiputra is an official designation for the native, 
majority population of Malaysia (about 58 per- 
cent). A Sanskrit-Malay word meaning son of the 
Earth, it is applied to ethnic Malays, although 
there is some dispute as to exactly which of 
Malaysia's different indigenous groups are actu- 

118 Buraq, al- 

ally included under it. The use of the designation 
Bumiputra was part of an effort to form a new 
national Malaysian identity in the wake of inde- 
pendence from British colonial rule in 1957. Also, 
this usage seems to have been influenced by the 
Islamic resurgence in the country. For a Malay to 
convert from Islam to another religion not only 
entails being accused of APOSTASY, it also means 
giving up one’s national identity. According to the 
1957 Malaysian Federal Constitution, a Malay 
(Bumiputra) is defined as a follower of Islam who 
“habitually speaks the Malay language” and “con- 
forms to Malay custom.” Malay Muslims, there- 
fore, not only stand apart from the Hindu and 
Chinese Buddhist immigrant communities, they 
are also distinct from immigrant Muslims. 

In the 1970s, laws were passed to give Malay 
Bumiputras special advantages. The king of the 
country, for example, was charged with safeguard- 
ing their privileges with regard to education and 
employment. The result has been discriminatory 
(some say racist) government policies that give 
Malays more access to subsidized housing, state 
universities, and government-contracted projects. 
In a practice known as Ali Baba, a non-Bumipu- 
tra company (Baba) must join in a partnership 
with one owned by a Bumiputra (Ali) in order to 
receive government business. Since 2000, under 
pressure from non-Bumiputra groups, the govern- 
ment has taken steps to allow for a more egalitar- 
ian treatment of members of these groups. 


Further reading: Janet A. Nagata, The Reflowering of 
Asicm Islam: Modern Religious Radicals and Their Roots 
(Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 
1984); William Roff. The Origins of Malay Nationalism 
(New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1967). 

Buraq, al- 

Al-Buraq (an Arabic name possibly meaning "light- 
ning”) is the fabled animal ridden by the prophets 
that is most famous for having carried Muhammad 

Al-Buraq, the legendary mount of the prophets (printed 

from Mecca to Jerusalem and then up through 
the seven heavens during his Night Journey and 
Ascent. According to Islamic tradition, it was 
brought to him by Gabriel already saddled and 
bridled. In appearance, it was a winged white steed, 
smaller than a mule, with long cars. It reportedly 
flew through the air like the wind. Starting in the 
14th century, al-Buraq was depicted in manuscript 
illustrations with a womans head and a crown. This 
is the way it continues to be depicted, sometimes 
even with the tail ol a peacock, in Egyptian pilgrim- 
age murals, Islamic religious posters, and colorful 
painted trucks that ply the roads of Afghanistan, 
Pakistan, and India. Al-Buraq is also the popular 
name Palestinians have given the Western Wall in 
Jerusalem, where it is believed Muhammad tethered 
the animal when he prayed at the Aqsa Mosque. 
There is even said to have been a small mosque 
dedicated to al-Buraq in that spot. More recently, the 
name has been adopted by modern cargo airlines 
and internet companies because of the animal's 
association with speedy movement through the air. 

See also animals; folklore; horse. 

Further reading: Juan Eduardo Campo, The Other Sides 
of Paradise: Explorations into the Religious Meanings of 
Domestic Space in Islam (Columbia: University of South 
Carolina Press, 1991); Arthur Jeffery, Reader on Islam 
(The Hague: Mouton & Company, 1962). 

burqa 119 

burial See cemetery; funerary rituals. 

burqa (also burka) 

From the Arabic term burqu, a burqa is a type of 
partial or complete face covering worn by some 
women in various Muslim cultures, at least since 
the Abbasid period (c. ninth to 10th century) and 
varying by locale and time period. It is most often 
a "cloth covering the entire face below the eyes" 
(Stillman, 147), but because the term burqu is 
often used interchangeably with niqab and other 
local terms for face coverings, it may also involve 
different regional variations, such as a mesh cloth 
over the whole face or an opaque cloth with holes 
for the eyes. 

No explicit religious injunction for the burqa 
is found in the Quran or hadith, and the ulama 
generally agree that it is not required dress 
for women. In contemporary contexts, Muslim 
women wearing modest dress most often choose 
to cover the entire body except the face and 
hands. Therefore, it may be said that forms of face 
covering such as the burqa arc less commonly 
worn by Muslim women than other types of mod- 
est garments. 

Reasons for wearing the burqa must be under- 
stood within social contexts. Contrary to ste- 
reotypical depictions, there exists no singular 
meaning to explain why women may wear the 
burqa. Rather, the burqa in its many forms may 

be worn for a multitude of reasons, varying from 
one context to another. Among countless other 
meanings, it might make specific statements 
about a woman's piety, her values regarding sexual 
modesty, her resistance to Western notions of sex- 
uality, her desire for privacy or mobility in male- 
dominated environments, or her membership in a 
political or national movement. 

Conservative and radical Islamist movements 
such as the Taliban in Afghanistan have recently 
contributed to an increase in the numbers of 
women donning the burqa. In this regard, the 
Western mass media have helped make the term 
familiar throughout the world, and for many, it 
has come to symbolize the controversial Taliban 
regime's abuse of Afghan women. 

See also hijab; veil. 

Aysha A. Hidayatullah 

Further reading: Leila Ahmed, Women and Gender in 
Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate (New Haven, 
Conn.: Yale University Press, 1992); Dawn Chatty, “The 
Burqa Face Cover: An Aspect of Dress in Southeast- 
ern Arabia." In Languages of Dress in the Middle East, 
edited by Nancy Lindisfarne-Tapper and Bruce Ingham, 
127-148 (London: Curzon and the Centre of Near and 
Middle Eastern Studies. School of Oriental and African 
Studies, 1997); Fadwa El Guindi, Veil: Modesty, Privacy 
and Resistance (Oxford: Berg, 1999); Ycdida K. Stillman, 
Arab Dress: From the Dawn of Islam to Modern Times, cd. 
Norman A. Stillman (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2000). 

Cairo (Arabic: al-Qahira; Misr al-Qahira; 
or Misr) 

The capital of Egypt, Cairo is a global metropolis 
of about 16.8 million residents (cst. 2008), the 
largest Muslim city in the world. It straddles the 
Nile River near the ancient pyramids of Giza and 
occupies an area of 82.6 square miles (214 square 
kilometers) at the southern tip of the Nile Della in 
northern Egypt. Most Cairenes (Cairo residents) 
are Sunni Muslims who follow the Shafii Legal 
School, but it is also home to a sizeable Coptic 
Orthodox Christian population of several million 
as well as immigrant communities from the wider 
region of the Mediterranean basin, Africa, and the 
Middle East. It hosts international businessmen, 
diplomats, refugees, scholars, and technical per- 
sonnel working for foreign companies. Al-Azhar, 
the foremost Sunni university, is located there, as 
are dozens of remarkable mosques, churches, and 
other monuments that date back to as early as the 
seventh century. It is also the seat of the patriarch- 
ate of the Coptic Orthodox Church and has cathe- 
drals belonging to several other Eastern Orthodox 
churches. A thrivingjewish community once lived 
there, but most Egyptian Jews emigrated to ISRAEL 
after its creation in 1948. Cairo has played such an 
important role in the cultural, social, economic. 

and political life of the country and the region 
that the nation itself is officially known as Misr, 
one of the Arabic names for Cairo. In colloquial 
Arabic, Egyptians like to boast, *’Masr (colloquial 
for Misr) is the mother of the world" — the center 
of civilized life. Despite its prestige and the influ- 
ence it holds in Arab and Muslim countries, Cairo 
is beset by the same problems faced by many other 
large, crowded modern cities — urban crowding, 
housing shortages, pollution, unemployment and 
underemployment, and a stressed infrastructure. 

The history of Cairo begins with a garrison 
town named Fustat that was built on the east 
bank of the Nile by the Muslim army of about 
10,000 soldiers that invaded Egypt in 641. Fus- 
tat was situated next to an old Roman fortress 
known as Babylon. At the towns center was the 
governors residence and a small congregational 
MOSQUE, called the Mosque of Amr after the Mus- 
lim commander Amr ibn al-As (d. ca. 663). This 
mosque-government complex was surrounded by 
markets and residential quarters for the different 
Arab tribal groups that had formed the core of the 
invading Muslim army. Fustat served as the first 
capital of Egypt during the Umayyad Caliphate 
(661-730), based in Damascus, and the Abbasid 
Caliphate (730-1258), based in Baghdad. By 


Cairo 121 

^ 122 Cairo 

ihe 10th century, it had developed into a thriv- 
ing commercial center linking the Mediterranean 
region and sub-Saharan Africa with the Red Sea 
and Indian Ocean trade networks. It took several 
centuries for Fustat to reach its peak as an urban 
center, but once it did, visitors compared it to 
legendary Baghdad because of its large markets, 
parks, and beautiful gardens. Al-Muqaddasi, a 
10th-century geographer, called Fustat “the glory 
of Islam and the commercial center of the uni- 
verse" (Raymond, 30). Among the products it 
was known for were textiles, refined sugar, paper, 
glass, and ceramics. Its population, estimated to 
be 175,000, was large for cities of that time. The 
rich tended to live alongside the poor, and some of 
the people were housed in large multistory apart- 
ment buildings that could hold 350 residents. 
In addition to a growing population of Muslims, 
Fustat also had Christian and Jewish inhabitants. 
An area now known as Old Cairo had several 
antique churches, one of which was believed to 
stand on the spot where the infant Jesus and his 
family had stayed when they fled Palestine during 
the reign of Herod the Great (r. 37-34 B.C.E.). The 
Ben Ezra synagogue was one place of worship for 
Jews in Fustat, and it became famous late in the 
19th century because of the large cache of papers, 
known as the Geniza documents, that were dis- 
covered there. These documents shed light on the 
social and economic life of the medieval city and 
on relations between Jews, Christians, and Mus- 
lims. Fustats CEMETERY was situated to the east 
of the city, and it later became the site of many 
of Cairo's major funerary monuments, as well as 
an important center of social life, as families went 
there to remember the dead, worship at the tombs 
of saints, and give charity to the poor. 

The story of Cairo, however, is really a tale of 
two cities — one for the common people and one 
for the rulers. As Fustat grew, officials moved the 
center of government outside the populated quar- 
ters to vacant hills just beyond the northeast edge 
of the city. The first of these governmental cities 
was call al-Askar (“cantonment"), built in 751, 

Medieval Cairo (Source: unknown) 

which was replaced by another called al-Qatai 
(“wards") in 869. In 969, a Shii dynasty known 
as the Fatimids (r. 909-1171) arrived from North 
Africa and founded a new governmental city 
that replaced al-Qatai. They named it al-Qahira 
(“conqueror"), from which comes the English 
name Cairo , and they wanted it to serve as the 
new capital for their caliphate, which rivaled that 
of the Abbasids in Baghdad. The original Cairo 
was built about three miles northeast of Fustat; 
it was rectangular in shape, enclosed by a strong 
defensive wall, and oriented toward Mecca. Inside 
lived the Fatimid caliph, his household, officials, 
and the army. The most prominent architectural 
features were al-Azhar (the rulers' congregational 

Cairo 1 23 

mosque), a large palace complex, and a street that 
bisected the city lengthwise from the southwest 
to the northeast. The city soon developed its 
own commercial district to serve the needs of its 
residents, and increased prosperity caused it to 
grow beyond the limits of the original walled city. 
Additional mosques and public areas were built, 
and special attention was given to establishing 
shrines for AHL AL-BAYT, descendants of Muham- 
mad. The most famous of these shrines are those 
of Husayn ibn Ali (located within Cairo's walls), 
and the tombs of the women saints Ruqayya and 
Nafisa (located in the open area south of Cairo 
and cast of Fustat). The two cities, Fustat and 
Cairo, thus became symbiotically connected, but 
distinct urban centers. 

During the 11th century, famines and fires 
contributed to a decline in Fustats population, 
while Cairo grew and became more prosperous. 
Common people were allowed to live there start- 
ing in 1073, and its population began to occupy 
new residential areas just outside the city gates. 
Under the Kurdish Ayyubid dynasty (r. 1173- 
1230), it entered a new phase in its history. In 
terms of religion, the Ayyubid conqueror SALADIN 
(r. 1174-1193) and his heirs put an end to the 
Fatimid Shii missionary activities that had not 
been very successful in Egypt, and they promoted 
Sunni Islam instead. They sponsored a building 
program that involved erecting 25 madrasas to 
propagate Sunni religious learning, especially 
jurisprudence (FfQH), in addition to a number of 
congregational mosques and Sufi hospices. They 
also built a mausoleum for Imam al-SHAFU (d. 
820), the founder of one of the four Sunni legal 
schools, and an adjacent madrasa. To enhance 
Cairo's defenses and to reinforce their control of 
the city, the Ayyubids built a massive citadel on a 
rocky spur overlooking Cairo and Fustat on the 
east side, and they built a single defensive wall 
that enclosed both cities and the citadel. During 
the Mamluk era (1250-1517), this large urban 
conglomeration grew in size, with more markets 
and residential areas, palaces, mosques, hospices. 

and hospitals. This was also when Cairo became 
the most important center for Islamic learning in 
the world, especially after the Mongol invasions 
destroyed many of the cities of Persia and Iraq 
in the 13th century. The city played host to many 
scholars and mystics from the East as well as from 
North Africa and Andalusia, despite the political 
turmoil it endured at the hands of the Mamluk 
rulers at this time. 

After the Ottoman Empire conquered Egypt 
in the early 16th century, Cairo functioned as its 
administrative capital for the region, and it con- 
tinued to be a major intellectual and commercial 
center. Its population actually grew from less than 
200,000 to about 263,000 during this time. As 
they had done in previous eras, the ULAMA served 
as intermediaries between commoners and the 
ruling elites, who were foreigners. Al-Azhar domi- 
nated religious life as the main congregational 
mosque and madrasa in Egypt, and it even rivaled 
the religious institutions of Istanbul, the Ottoman 

Cairo was briefly occupied by Napoleon's 
French expeditionary force from 1798 to 1801. 
The French scholars who accompanied the army 
produced a detailed account of Egypt at the time, 
the massive 23-volume Description de VEgyptc , 
which included important information about 
Cairo and its institutions. The construction of 
modern Cairo, however, did not begin until later 
in the 19th century, when Egypt was ruled by 
the Turko-Albanian dynasty of Muhammad Ali 
(1805-1952). Bolstered by increased revenues 
from the Suez Canal and cotton exports, Khe- 
dive Ismail (r. 1863-1879) laid the foundations 
for a new planned city on vacant land between 
the old caliphal city of Cairo and the east bank 
of the Nile River. He had been inspired by the 
geometric pattern of streets and boulevards he 
discovered during his travels in Europe, especially 
by those conceived by the French planner Baron 
Haussmann (d. 1891). This newly developed area 
soon became the political, economic, and cultural 
heart of the city, graced by parks and European- 

^ 124 calendar 

style buildings, including the first opera house 
built in the Middle East. Today it is where many 
of the embassies, international hotels, banks, 
department stores, and cinemas are located. Thus, 
visitors to Cairo will find a modern city and 
its suburbs coexisting with what remains of its 
medieval architectural core. Fustat has virtually 
disappeared except for an archaeological park and 
a district called Old Cairo, where the Mosque of 
Amr, several churches and monasteries, and the 
Ben Ezra Synagogue still stand. 

See also Christianity and Islam; dhimmi ; 
Fatimid dynasty; Judaism and Islam; mamluk; 
Ottoman dynasty. 

Further reading: S. D. Goitein, A Mediterranean Society: 
An Abridgement in One Volume. Edited by Jacob Lass- 
ner (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999); 
Andre Raymond, Cairo. Translated by Willard Wood 
(Harvard, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2000); Max 
Rodenbeck, Cairo: The City Victorious (London: Pica- 
dor, 1998); Caroline Williams, Islamic Monuments in 
Cairo: The Practical Guide (Cairo: American University 
in Cairo Press, 2002). 


The Islamic calendar is comprised of 12 lunar 
months, based on the cycles of the moon rather 
than upon those of the Sun, which forms the basis 
of the Western Gregorian calendar. Each month in 
the Islamic calendar lasts from one first sighting of 
the crescent moon to the next. The 12 months of 
the Islamic calendar in order arc Muharram, Safar, 
Rabi al-Awwal, Rabi al-Thani, Jumada al-Ula, 
Jumada al-Thaniyya, Rajab, Shaban, Ramadan, 
Shawwal, Dhu al-Qada, and Dhu al-Hijja. 

The Islamic calendar, comprised of 354 days, 
shifts with respect to the solar calendar, with 
each month in the former beginning 10 or 11 
days earlier every year. Since the sighting of the 
moon sometimes varies with respect to longitude 
and latitude, the Islamic calendar may vary from 
one part of the world to another. Because the 

Islamic calendar shifts, solar calendars are often 
used in addition to Islamic calendars. In Iran, for 
instance, three calendars are in common use: the 
Persian solar, the Islamic, and the Gregorian. 

Muslims mark the first year of their calendar 
(sometimes called the Hijra calendar) with the 
establishment of the first Islamic community and 
governmental structure in the city of Medina (in 
modern-day Saudi Arabia), following Muhammad's 
and the early Muslims' emigration from Mecca 
in 622 C.E. Muslims designate this year as 1 A.H. 
(i.e., anno Hegirae, or “hijra year")- Two of Islam's 
most significant months are Ramadan and Dhu 
al-Hijja. During Ramadan, Muslims abstain from 
food, drink, and sexual relations from sunup to 
sundown. They mark the end of this month by 
Id al-Fitr, which celebrates the final breaking of 
this fast. Dhu al-Hijjah is the month of the hajj, 
or pilgrimage to Mecca, and at the end of the hajj, 
Muslims commemorate Id al-Adha, which cel- 
ebrates Abraham s readiness to offer his son Ismail 
as a sacrifice. 

While the above rituals are celebrated by 
Sunnis and Twelve-Imam Shiis, there arc oth- 
ers that are celebrated exclusively by the Shia, 
or that they emphasize more than the Sunnis. 
These holidays include the birth and death anni- 
versaries of Muhammad, his daughter Fatima, 
and the Twelve Imams (or sacred leaders) of 
Shiism. The Shia also celebrate other significant 
occurrences, such as Muhammad's public decla- 
ration of Ali as successor at Ghadir Khumm near 
Mecca during the Prophets final pilgrimage; the 
meeting between Muhammad, his family, and 
the Christians from Najaran at Mubahila; and 
most significant for Shia, Ashura, or the 10th of 
Muharram, which is the day Husayn, one of the 
Prophet's grandsons, was martyred at Karbala 
in modern-day Iraq. The annual rituals in which 
Shia engage on this day and their related mean- 
ings form a cornerstone of their collective iden- 
tity and worldview. 

The Islamic calendar is also punctuated by the 
weekly Friday congregational prayers that involve 

caliph 1 25 

Muslims going in large numbers for noon PRAYER 
at a MOSQUE. This prayer service is typically longer 
than others during the week because it includes a 
sermon based on the Quran. Finally, astronomy 
and the Muslim calendar are significant for Mus- 
lims because they help them calculate precisely 
when during each day they must perform the five 
obligatory prayers. 

See also Five Pillars; holidays; Sunnism. 

Jon Armajani 

Further reading: Ahmad Birashk. A Comparative Calen- 
dar of the Iranian, Muslim Lunar, and Christian Eras for 
Three Thousand Years: 1260 BH-2000 AH; 639 BC-2621 
C.E. (Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda Publishers, 1993); 
David A. King, Astronomy in the Service of Islam (Aider- 
shot, U.K. and Brookfield, Vt.: Variorum. 1993); Ahmad 
Hussein Sakr, Feast, Festivities and Holidays (Lombard, 
111.: Foundation for Islamic Knowledge, 1999). 

caliph (Arabic: khalifa , deputy, vicegerent) 

Caliph is the title of the ruler of the Islamic com- 
munity after the death of Muhammad in 632 and 
was claimed by many pretenders to that leader- 
ship. Another title given the caliph was “com- 
mander of the faithful'' (amir al-muminin). 

As a prophet, Muhammad had been a unique 
leader exercising absolute religious and political 
authority. The caliphs were not prophets and 
therefore could not exercise this dual authority 
in the same way, and yet the community was 
accustomed to leadership that was both political 
and religious. The first four caliphs, known as 
the Rashidun, or rightly guided, exercised some 
religious authority as Companions of the Prophet, 
but over time, the position came increasingly to 
be a political one. 

The majority Sunni view among Muslims is 
that Muhammad did not appoint a successor, 
and so his companions and leaders within the 
community agreed upon Abu Bakr (r. 632-634). 
There was no consensus, however, on whether 

a caliph should be appointed or elected and by 
whom, on what basis the selection should be 
made, nor on the precise duties and responsi- 
bilities of the caliph. These questions would con- 
tinue to plague Islamic government throughout 
the period of the caliphate. Abu Bakr appointed 
Umar ibn al-Khattab (r. 634 — 644) as his succes- 
sor, and it was during his caliphate that many of 
the early Arab Muslim conquests took place. Due 
in part to the legacy of the conquests, but even 
more to Umar's ability to combine egalitarian 
leadership and religious piety, he came to symbol- 
ize the ideal caliph. His status was heightened by 
the fact that the reigns of Uthman ibn al-Affan 
(r. 644-656) and Ali ibn Abi Talib (r. 656-661) 
that followed him were marked by internal strife 
and civil war. These events led to ihe permanent 
division of the Muslim community into Shii and 
Sunni Islam and brought about the end of the 
Rashidun caliphate. Subsequently, few caliphs 
could be held up as ideal Islamic rulers. Rather, 
they inherited and exercised their power in a 
way similar to that of the kings and emperors in 
neighboring non-lslamic lands. 

After the 10th century, the caliph's power 
was overshadowed in the political realm by the 
sultans, and in the area of religion by the ulama. 
The caliphs strength and significance was based 
primarily on his role as the symbolic head of the 
Islamic community. It was for this reason that the 
Ottoman sultan Selim (r. 1512-1520), upon con- 
quering the Islamic heartlands in the early 16th 
century, adopted the title of caliph in order to 
strengthen his religious legitimacy and authority. 

As Ottoman power waned in relation to that 
of European rulers from the 18th century onward, 
Ottoman sultans sought to retain some authority 
by claiming to be the spiritual leaders of the Mus- 
lims and defenders of Islam. The Ottoman defeat 
in World War 1, which led to the rise of the new 
Turkish Republic, meant the end of the caliphate. 
The founder of the new secular state of Turkey, 
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, formally abolished it in 


1 26 caliphate 

See also Fatimid dynasty; imam; government, 
Islamic; Ottoman dynasty; Sunnism; Umayyad 

Heather N. Keaney 

Further reading: Patricia Crone and Martin Hinds, 
God's Caliph (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 
1986); Hugh Kennedy, The Prophet and the Age of the 
Caliphates: The Islamic Near East from the Sixth to the 
Eleventh Century (London: Longman Press, 1986); 
Wilfred Madelung, The Succession to Muhammad (Cam- 
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997). 


The caliphate is the office of religious and political 
ruler in Islamdom. It went through several stages 
of historical development. The first four caliphs 
make up what is regarded by Muslims as the 
Rashidun, or the caliphate of the rightly guided 
(r. 632-661). These caliphs were all early converts 
to Islam and close Companions of the Prophet 
Muhammad. For the most part, they continued to 
model the ideals of Islamic government: uphold- 
ing proper religious practice and social justice. It 
was during this period that Islam experienced its 
most rapid expansion into Syria, Iraq, Persia, and 
North Africa 

The period of the rightly guided caliphate 
ended in civil war, and the capital of the Islamic 
empire and the caliphate moved from Medina 
to Damascus. There the Umayyad Caliphate (r. 
661-750) became increasingly secular, exercis- 
ing authority based on the power of the military 
rather than moral or religious authority. The 
tension between religious legitimacy and secular 
authority eventually led to the overthrow of the 
Umayyads in the eighth century by the Abbasids, 
who moved the capital to Baghdad, Iraq. The 
early Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258) is regarded as 
the golden age of Islamicate civilization. 

In addition to its wealth and power, the 
caliphate symbolized the united Muslim com- 

munity (umma), living proof that despite blood- 
shed and civil war, God had not abandoned his 
community. When the caliphates political power 
began to decline, the Muslim community held 
even more lightly to the symbolic significance 
of the caliphate. Starting in the 10th century, 
a series of military commanders seized control 
of the military and political workings of the 
empire. Eventually, authority was divided up 
among these commanders, who were known 
as amirs or SULTANS. Due to the symbolic and 
religious significance of the caliphate, however, 
sultans claimed to rule on its behalf. Throughout 
the medieval period, the caliphate and sultan- 
ate complemented each other, with the former 
lending religious legitimacy to the latter, while 
the sultanate provided the political and military 
power to defend Islamdom. 

The sultans proved incapable, however, of 
defending Islam and the caliphate from the Mon- 
gols, who destroyed Baghdad and the Abbasid 
Caliphate in 1258. Even though the Mamluk 
sultans of Egypt attempted to continue the caliph- 
ate in Cairo through an Abbasid survivor, the 
caliphate no longer carried the same religious 
significance. When the Ottoman Turks defeated 
the Mamluks in 1517, they absorbed the caliphate 
into their sultanate. 

When the Turkish nationalist Mustafa Kemal 
Ataturk (d. 1938) dismantled the Ottoman Empire 
and established Turkey as a modern, secular 
nation-state, he formally abolished the caliphate 
in 1924. This marked the symbolic end of an era 
and made official what had in many ways been a 
longstanding reality. Today there are still reform- 
ers who call for a restoration of the caliphate, 
believing that it is necessary for enforcing sharia 
and establishing Gods government on Earth. 

Sec also imam; Fatimid dynasty; Khilafat Move- 
ment; Ottoman dynasty. 

Heather N. Keaney 

Further reading: Halil Inalcik, The Ottoman Empire: 
The Classical Age 1300-1600 (London: Phoenix Press, 

call to prayer 127 

2000); Hugh Kennedy, The Armies of the Caliphs: Mili- 
tary Society in the Early Islamic State (New York: Rout- 
ledge, 2001); Donald Quataert, The Ottoman Empire, 
1700-1922 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 
2000); David Wasserstein, The Caliphate in the West: 
An Islamic Institution in the Iberian Peninsula (Oxford: 
Clarendon Press, 1993). 


The term calligraphy comes from Greek kalli- 
graphia , meaning beautiful writing, or the visual 
elaboration of written scripts known in Arabic as 
khatt (line). 

Within the field of Islamic art, calligraphy 
refers to stylized scripts in languages that use (or 
used) the Arabic alphabet, among them Arabic, 
Persian, Urdu, and Ottoman Turkish. The word 
that designates the practice and the forms of styl- 
ized writing is khatt, whose basic meaning as line 
associates it with both architectural planning and 
geometry. As calligraphy, khatt means penman- 
ship or an individual hand, and khattat applies to 
a master practitioner of khatt as a visual art form 
(but also to sign painters). 

The status of Arabic as the shared language 
of Islamic scriptures led Orientalist historians to 
associate stylized scripts exclusively with reli- 
gious values and, at the same time, to consider 
this writing a subset of (meaningless) arabesque 
ornamentation. The practice of stylized writing, 
in fact, has a number of internal histories that 
governed forms, aesthetic criteria, and contextual 
meanings. These histories show that changes in 
the forms of letters indicate historical disruptions 
rather than continuities; the adoption or rejection 
of particular scripts was a conscious means of 
expressing desired meanings through form. 

The rationalization of scripts in 10th- and 
11th-century Iraq produced a new canon of 
writing in which clarity, legibility, and harmony 
defined aesthetic quality in khatt. But this writ- 
ing reform also allowed its Abbasid sponsors to 
order and control the output of scribes and to 

create a visual system that immediately expressed 
loyalty to them as opposed to rivals such as the 
Fatimids, who continued the use of angular 
forms. This example demonstrates that the much 
romanticized art of Islamic calligraphy neither 
follows an evolutionary line in which angular 
letters naturally mutated into rounded ones, nor 
reflects identical and unchanging Islamic ideals, 
but rather highlights distinctions among them. 
Qazi Ahmad's 17th-century Persian treatise on 
calligraphy similarly illustrates views governed 
by a different time, place, and group ideology 
and ascribes the invention of beautiful writing to 
Imam Ali (d. 661), patron saint of Iranian callig- 
raphers of the time. 

Finally, the United States postal stamp 
designed by khattat Muhammad Zakariya (whose 
training comprises a spiritual content) illustrates 
the use of calligraphy to symbolize the presence 
of Muslims in the country. In this instance, an 
official document again embraces khatt as a sign 
of a particular community but deploys it as an 
item of identity politics in a new cultural and 
historical setting that reinterprets it to fit this 

See also Arabic language and literature; 
Fatimid dynasty; Ibn al-Bawwab, Abu al-Hasan 
Ali ibn Hilal; Ibn Muqla, Abu Ali Muhammad. 

Nuha N. N. Khoury 

Further reading: Oleg Grabar, The Mediation of Orna- 
ment (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1992); 
Qazi Ahmad bin Mir Munshi al-Husayni, Gulistan-i 
Hunar, trans. V. Minorsky, Calligraphers and Painters: 
A Treatise by Qadi Ahmad, Son of Mir Munshi (circa 
A.H. 101 5/A. D. 1606) (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian 
Institution, 1959); Yasin Safadi, Islamic Calligraphy 
(Boulder, Colo.: Shambhala Publications, 1978); Yasser 
Tabbaa, The Transformation of Islamic Art During The 
Sunni Revival (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 

call to prayer See adhan. 

1 28 camel 


The camel is a large humpbacked mammal with 
a long neck that has become the symbol of the 
Arab Bedouin way of life. There are two kinds: the 
dromedary, or one-humped, camel of Arab lands. 
North Africa, Iran and India; and the Bactrian, 
or two-humped, camel of Central Asia and parts 
of Iran and Afghanistan. The dromedary was 
originally from Arabia and was domesticated by 
2500 B.c.E. It was essential for the subsistence of 
Arab nomadic tribes, who used it for transport, 
clothing, and food. Because of its strength and 
ability to traverse great distances, the Arabs have 
called it “the ship of the desert." It is mentioned 
in the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and 
the Quran. Historical evidence indicates that the 
camel gradually replaced preexisting wheeled 
forms of transport in the Middle East after the first 
century C.E. as a result of the growing influence 
of camel-herding Arab traders on the economy 
of the cities and the animals efficiency in desert 
transportation and warfare. These developments 
may actually have caused changes in the layouts 
of Middle Eastern cities, where the straight streets 
of the ancient Roman era gave way to narrow and 
winding ones during the Middle Ages. 

Camels were a favorite subject for the pre- 
Islamic Arab poets, but among the most legend- 
ary ones were the she-camels of Salih, an early 
Arabian prophet, and Muhammad. Salihs camel 
was miraculously brought forth from a rock to 
prove to the people of Thamud (in northwest- 
ern Arabia) that Salih was a prophet. The camel 
provided abundant milk for the people, some of 
whom became Muslims, but others who refused 
to believe slaughtered the camel and threatened to 
kill Salih. According to early Islamic stories, God 
destroyed them for their disbelief as a consequence. 
The Quran also tells a short version of this story 
(Q 7:72-79, 11:61-68). Muhammad's she-camel, 
according to early biographical accounts, was 
allowed to wander in Medina until it stopped and 
rested, thus determining the site where Muham- 
mad would build his home and mosque. Another 

famous dromedary carried Aisha, Muhammad's 
widow, during the Battle of the Camel, when she 
and other leading Companions of the Prophet led 
an unsuccessful rebellion against the caliph Ali 
ibn Abi Talib in 656. 

Because the camel chews its cud but does not 
have cloven hoofs, its meat is forbidden by Jew- 
ish dietary law. This is not the case in Islamic law. 
However, camel meat is not eaten as often as mut- 
ton because the animal is more valuable as a beast 
of burden and as a source of milk. In some areas, 
such as the Nile Valley, it is used for plowing fields 
and other agricultural tasks. Camels also serve as 
sacrificial animals for Islamic holidays and saint 
festivals. Muslim rulers from the 13th century 
until the 20th century would send a camel-borne 
palanquin to Mecca as a symbol of their author- 
ity during the annual HAJJ. The camel is still a 
popular theme in Egyptian pilgrimage murals and 
folk art. 

See also dietary laws; horse. 

Further reading: Richard W. Bullict, The Camel and the 
Wheel (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 
1975); Gordon Darnel Newby, The Making of the Last 
Prophet (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 

Camp David accords 

The Camp David accords were signed by Egyptian 
president Anwar al-Sadat, Israeli prime minis- 
ter Menachem Begin, and U.S. president Jimmy 
Carter on September 17, 1978, and created a 
general framework for Israeli withdrawal from 
the Sinai Peninsula, taken by Israel in 1967, in 
exchange for a formal peace treaty between the 
two countries. The 13 days of negotiations medi- 
ated by the U.S. president were notoriously acri- 
monious, and the two negotiating teams were held 
virtual prisoners at the U.S. presidential retreat at 
Camp David, Maryland, until they reached agree- 
ment. Even in the hours leading up to the official 
televised signing ceremony, Begin balked at put- 

Canada 1 29 

ting his name to a document that also included 
provisions that would have led, if implemented, 
to an eventual end to the Israeli occupation of 
Palestinian land in the West Bank and Gaza based 
on UN Security Council Resolution 242. An Egyp- 
tian-Israeli peace treaty was signed by Begin and 
Sadat in Washington on March 26, 1979. Subse- 
quently, Begin and Sadat received the Nobel Peace 
Prize for their agreement, but the Middle East was 
left in turmoil. 

The Camp David accords were the result of 
a lengthy political opening to Israel initiated by 
Anwar Sadat. After Sadat's surprise attack on 
Israeli forces in the Sinai in October 1973 and 
the resulting military stalemate, Sadat indicated 
through secret diplomatic channels that he was 
willing to negotiate a comprehensive peace agree- 
ment with the Israeli government. For the next 
four years, Sadat’s overtures to Israel fell on deaf 
cars until November 20, 1977, when he made an 
astounding visit to Jerusalem and addressed the 
Israeli Knesset. Despite Sadat's bold initiative, 
the Israeli government conducted substantive 
negotiations only under pressure from the Carter 

Significantly, the Camp David accords placed 
the Palestinian question at the heart of the Middle 
East conflict. Egypt, Israel, and Jordan were sum- 
moned to negotiate an agreement to establish a 
“self-governing authority" to represent the Pal- 
estinian population in the occupied West Bank 
and Gaza. When the Palestinian authority was 
established, a transitional five-year period would 
commence, the end of which would bring an 
Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories, 
Palestinian elections, and Palestinian “autonomy." 
The Palestinian section of the accords was never 
addressed and never implemented. 

The Camp David accords resulted in a peace 
treaty between Egypt and Israel as well as the final 
withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Sinai Penin- 
sula in the spring of 1982. However, the imperfec- 
tions in this separate peace agreement led not only 
to a rather "cold peace" between Egypt and Israel 

but also to a profound crisis in the Middle East 
region. Even before the final Israeli withdrawal 
from Sinai, Sadat was gunned down by Islamist 
opponents of the treaty on October 6, 1981. 
Arab governments initiated a diplomatic boycott 
of Egypt. The Begin government embarked on a 
full-scale invasion of Lebanon in June 1982, just 
weeks after the Sinai withdrawal. Israeli public 
outrage at the massacre of Palestinian civilians in 
Beirut in September 1982 and the rising Israeli 
military casualties resulting from its occupation 
of Lebanon led to Begins resignation in 1983 
and his self-imposed withdrawal from public life 
until his death in 1992. The Camp David accords, 
while successful in achieving a negotiated peace 
between Egypt and Israel, set an unfortunate prec- 
edent of unfulfilled transitional phases and left the 
question of Palestinian sovereignty unresolved. 
These problems have since plagued every other 
attempt to reach a truly comprehensive settlement 
of the Arab-Israeli conflict. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; Palestine. 

Garay Mcnicucci 

Further reading: Irene Beeson and David Hirst, Sadat 
(London: Faber and Faber, 1981); William L. Cleve- 
land, A History of the Modern Middle East (Boulder, 
Colo.: Westview Press, 2004); William Quandt, Camp 
David: Peacemaking and Politics (Washington. D.C.: 
Brookings Institution, 1986). 


There has been a Muslim presence in Canada 
since very early times, with the first national 
census for 1871 showing 13 Muslims. It was not 
until the 20th century that Islamic institutions 
became established in North America. The first 
mosque in Canada was the al-Rashid Mosque in 
Edmonton, Alberta, built in 1938. June 28, 1952, 
saw the first national Muslim conference in Cedar 
Rapids, Iowa, with 400 Muslims from Canada and 
the United Stales in attendance. In July, 1954, 

' 45 =^ 5 130 Canada 

the Federation of Islamic Associations of the 
United States and Canada (FIA) was formed. The 
first conference of the FIA was held in London, 
Ontario, in 1955. 

With the growth of the Muslim community 
in North America and the migration of Muslim 
students from other countries (particularly the 
Arab world, but also Iran, India, Pakistan, and 
Turkey) to study in North America, the Muslim 
Students Association (MSA) was formed in 1963. 
Today there are active chapters of the MSA in most 
major colleges and universities in North America. 
In 1981, the Islamic Society of North America 
(1SNA) was created. It is the largest Islamic orga- 
nization in North America, with its Canadian 
headquarters in the Toronto suburb of Missis- 
saugua, Ontario. There arc, of course, many other 
Muslim communities in North America, repre- 
senting such groups as the Shia (both Twelve- 
Imam and Ismaili) and Sufi societies, the Nation 
of Islam (and all of its splinter groups such as the 
Nation of Five Percenters), the Dar ul-Islam, and 

There is no accurate count of the Muslim 
population in Canada or the United States. The 
Canadian census does ask the question of reli- 
gious affiliation. The 1981 Census of Canada was 
the first to recognize Islam as a separate, distinct 
religious category. According to the 1981 cen- 
sus, there were 98,165 Muslims in Canada. The 
overwhelming majority (77 percent) of Canadian 
Muslims were foreign-born, with only 23 percent 
being born in Canada. In 1981, more than half 
(53.1 percent) of Canadian Muslims lived in 
Ontario. The figures from the 1991 census show 
253,260 Muslims in Canada, an increase of more 
than 2.5 times the number from 1981. 

The figures from the 2001 census list 579,600 
Muslims in Canada, an increase of almost 2.3 
times the number from the 1991 census. The esti- 
mate of 579,600, however, may be low. The main 
reason is that most Muslims are recent immigrants 
who are reticent to self-identify as members of a 
minority religious group for reasons ranging from 

personal privacy, to a perception of discrimina- 
tion, to a desire to fit in. This is particularly true 
with the recent immigration of refugees into 
Canada from countries such as Somalia, Bosnia, 
and Albania. On the other hand, estimates of 
population numbers are often linked with self- 
worth, that is, minorities often tend to prefer 
higher estimates for their own group and lower 
estimates for others. 

The ways in which Islam is lived and prac- 
tised in Canada can best be seen in the Toronto 
area, which has the largest population of Canada’s 
Muslims. Three umbrella organizations represent 
various communities there: the Islamic Society of 
North America (ISNA), the Canadian Council of 
Muslim Women (CCMW), and the Council of the 
Muslim Community of Canada (CMCC). There 
is a strong Shii presence in Toronto, both in its 
Twelve-Imam and Ismaili forms. Sufis, including 
members of the Chishti, Alawi, Qadiri, Jcrrahi, 
Rifai, Naqshbandi, and Nimatullahi orders arc 
quite active in Toronto. The Ahmadis are actively 
involved in proselytizing and have built the larg- 
est mosque in the Toronto area. This mosque, 
named the Bait-ul-Islam (House of Islam), is 
actually the largest mosque in all of Canada. It 
was designed in 1987 by Gulzar Haider, a pro- 
fessor of architecture at Carleton University in 
Ottawa, Ontario, and the same architect who in 
1979 was asked to design the mosque for the 
headquarters of the Islamic Society of North 
America in Plainfield, Indiana. 

While Islam is a minority tradition in Canada, 
Sunni Muslims constitute the majority of Toronto's 
Muslims. However, there arc substantial minority 
communities who practice their own forms oi 
Islam. Shi i traditions are quite well represented 
in Toronto. One estimate is that Shiis make up at 
least 30 percent of the total Muslim population of 
North America, about twice that found generally 
among Muslims, and attributable to immigration 
patterns. The Shii community in Canada increased 
dramatically after the expulsion of South Asians 
from Uganda in 1972 and the subsequent arrival 

cat 131 

of Muslims from other East African countries such 
as Kenya or Tanzania. Seven years later came the 
revolution in Iran, resulting in another wave of 
Iranian Shii immigration into North America. 
There is also a substantial Ismaili community 
in Canada (predominantly of South Asian and 
East African origin), self-estimated to consist 
of some 30,000 members in the Greater Toronto 
Area alone. Another minority is the Ahmadi com- 
munity in Toronto, which has experienced major 
difficulties from other Muslims. 

Amir Hussain 

Further reading: Sheila McDonough, “Muslims of 
Canada." In South Asian Religious Diaspora in Brit- 
ain, Canada, and the United States, edited by Harold 
Coward, John R. Hinncls, and Raymond Brady Wil- 
liams, 173-189 (Albany: State University of New York 
Press, 2000); Rheem A. Meshal, “Banners of Faith and 
Identities in Construct: The Hijab in Canada." In The 
Muslim Veil in North America: Issues and Debates , edited 
by Sajida Sultana Alvi, Hooma Hoodfar, and Sheila 
McDonough. 72-104 (Toronto: Women's Press, 2003); 
Regula Qurcshi, “Transcending Space: Recitation and 
Community among South Asian Muslims in Canada." 
In Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe, 
edited by Barbara Metcalf, 46-64 (Berkeley: University 
of California Press, 1996); A[smal Rashid. 1981 Census 
of Canada: The Muslim Canadians, A Profile (Ottawa: 
Statistics Canada. 1992). 


During his travels in Syria, the American Roman- 
tic poet and journalist Bayard Taylor (1825-78) 
encountered an unprecedented sight: a hospital 
where cats roamed freely and were sheltered, 
cared for, and fed. This institution was funded 
by a private endowment (waqf) that supplied 
veterinary care, food, and caretakers' wages. The 
British Orientalist and sometime denizen of Cairo 
Edward W. Lane (1801-76) described a cat garden 
that was originally endowed by the 13th-century 

ruler al-Zahir Baybars (r. 1260-77). At a time 
when European town dwellers ate cats or killed 
them by papal decree (which led to rising rat 
populations that may have hastened the spread of 
plagues), cats enjoyed life in Arab cities in ways 
that signal their special relationship with Arabs 
generally and Muslims in particular. 

The cat is the quintessential pet in Islam. 
According to a HAD1TH, “Love of cats is an aspect 
of faith." Other hadiths prohibit the persecution 
and killing of cats. But it is because the cat is 
considered pure that it is welcomed in homes; a 
Muslim may eat food that cats have sampled or 
perform ablutions with water from which they 
have drunk. Such rulings arc often accompa- 
nied by biographical snippets that demonstrate 
Muhammad's fondness for cats. He took care of 
the kittens that a cat was allowed to have on his 
cloak, and he cut off his sleeve rather than disturb 
a sleeping cat when he had to rise for prayers. His 
own cat was purportedly named Muizza, and he 
invented the nickname of the famous companion 
and hadith transmitter Abu Hurayra (Father of 
the Kitten) because the latter was always accom- 
panied by his cat. According to legend, it was this 
cat that saved Muhammad from a snake. Until 
recently, Arab farmers also told of cats that warned 
or protected them against snakes. 

Cats were guardians of food stores and gra- 
naries and, consequently, important members of 
the environmental network that sustained cities. 
In the text- and paper-based cultures of Arab-Isl- 
amicate cities, they protected books against mice 
and became friends to bibliophiles and scholars 
with whom they sometimes appear in paintings. 
The cats symbiotic relationship with people and 
(crowded) cities is reflected in the account ol the 
cat's creation in al-Damiri's (ca. 1341-1405) Book 
of Animals: when the animals on Noah's Ark com- 
plained of mice, God caused the lion to sneeze 
and so created the first cat. Cats continue to play 
this role in modern cities, where they prowl the 
streets in pest patrols and keep impurities outside 
the home. The cat's enemy is the lofty skyscraper, 

132 cemetery 

which is transforming the street hunters into 
indoor pets. 

Sec also folklore. 

Nuha N. N. Khoury 

Further reading: Cats of Cairo, Photographs by Lor- 
raine Chittock, Introduction by Annemarie Schimmel 
(New York: Abbeville Press, 2001); Bayard Taylor. Lands 
of the Saracen (New York: Putnam, 1855). 


A cemetery is a plot of land dedicated to the 
burial of the dead. It is usually set apart from 
residential and commercial areas and contains 
distinctive monuments, religious buildings, and 

gravestones that memorialize those who are bur- 
ied in it. Beyond serving the practical end of 
providing a place for the disposal of the bodies 
of the deceased, cemeteries often are regarded as 
sacred ground in connection with the afterlife 
beliefs of a community. This is especially evident 
for the Abrahamic religions, which believe in the 
resurrection of the body for a final judgment. 
For followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, 
therefore, cemeteries arc regarded as places of rest 
for the dead until that time. 

Cemeteries form part of the communal land- 
scape wherever Muslims reside. In rural areas, 
they are located in fields or elevated areas adjacent 
to villages. Urban cemeteries are usually placed 
outside the city limits. Cemeteries in medieval 

Cairo’s City of the Dead (al-Qarafa) (Juan E. Campo) 

cemetery 133 

Islamicate cities were usually located outside the 
city gates, where they could be easily reached 
by funeral processions and people who wanted 
to visit the gravesites of family, friends, or holy 
people. Some urban historians have noted that 
cemeteries may have actually inhibited the expan- 
sion of some cities, but many cemeteries have also 
been engulfed by urban growth or simply aban- 
doned or forgotten with the passage of time. Jews 
and Christians living in Muslim countries bury 
their dead in their own cemeteries. 

Visiting the dead and pilgrimages to the tombs 
of Muslim saints are important aspects of life 
for many Muslims to this day, even though such 
practices arc condemned by followers of the most 
conservative schools of Islamic law, such as the 
Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia. During Ramadan, on 
major feast days, and during the mourning period 
after someone dies, families visit the cemetery 
together, and women prepare food to distribute to 
the needy on behalf of the dead. In Cairo’s larg- 
est cemetery, the City of the Dead (also known 
as al-Qarafa), there are family mausoleums that 
look like houses where people pass the holiday 
near their deceased relatives. Cemeteries may 
have trees and gardens, which make them popular 
places for strolling, picnicking, and other forms 
of socialization. They were also known as places 
where people could meet secretly to conduct illicit 
activities, so secular and religious authorities have 
periodically sought to control or ban people from 
using cemeteries for anything other than their 
intended purposes. In the popular imagination, 
they arc believed to be places where the jinni and 
demons may lurk. 

Among the most famous cemeteries in Islamic 
lands are the medieval ones found in Medina, 
Damascus, Cairo, and Baghdad, where the Com- 
panions of the Prophet, his relatives and descen- 
dants, and other important figures from early 
Islamic history are buried. Najaf, Iraq, where the 
Shii shrines of Muhammad's cousin Ali ibn Abi 
Talib (d. 661) is buried, has the Valley of Peace, 
a vast cemetery where many of the Shia lay their 

dead to rest. The nearby shrine city of Karbala, 
where Ali’s son Husayn (d. 680) is buried, has 
another important Shii cemetery, known as the 
Valley of Faith. In Iran, the shrine of the eighth 
Shii Imam Ali al-Rida (d. 818) at Mashhad is 
surrounded by cemeteries that began to develop 
when Twelve-Imam Shiism became the religion 
of the Safavid state in the 16th century. Tehran's 
Behesht-i Zahra cemetery has recently become 
famous as the burial place of Ayatollah RUHOL- 
lah Khomeini (d. 1989) and Iranian martyrs of 
the 1978-79 revolution and the eight-year war 
with Iraq (1980-88). Also, powerful Muslim rul- 
ers have left spectacular funerary complexes that 
they built for themselves from Morocco to Cairo, 
Tabriz (Iran), Bukhara (Uzbekistan), Delhi, Agra, 
and Hyderabad (India). These constructions con- 
tain some of the best surviving examples of medi- 
eval Islamicate architecture in the world. 

Small cemeteries can be found on the grounds 
of mosques and madrasas located within city pre- 
cincts, such as the Mamluk madrasas of Cairo, 
Ottoman mosques in Turkey, and the Mecca 
Mosque in Hyderabad. Sufi hospices may also 
have burial grounds on the premises for a Sufi 
saint, SHAYKHS, dervishes, family members, and 
important patrons. For example, the shrine of 
Nizam al-Din Awliyya (d. 1325) contains, in addi- 
tion to the graves of his family and disciples, those 
of Amir Khusraw (d. 1325), a leading Persian 
poet and friend of Nizam al-Din, and Jahanara (d. 
1681), an influential Mughal princess and patron 
of the Chishti Sufi Order. 

Since the 1970s, Muslim immigrants to Europe 
and the United States have purchased lots within 
existing non-Muslim cemeteries for the burial of 
their dead. Some prefer, however, to transport the 
bodies of their deceased back to their homelands 
for burial. 

See also death; funerary rituals; jinni; Sufism. 

Further reading: Raymond Lifchez, ed., The Dervish 
Lodge: Architecture , Art, and Sufism in Ottoman Turkey 
(Berkeley: University of California. 1992); Muhammad 

' 4s:5 ^ 1 34 Central Asia and the Caucasus 

Umar Memon, Ibn Taymiyyas Struggle against Popular 
Religion (The Hague: Mouton, 1976); Christopher 
C. Taylor, In the Vicinity of the Righteous: Ziyara and 
the Veneration of Muslim Saints in Late Medieval Egypt 
(Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1999). 

Central Asia and the Caucasus 

The former Soviet republics of Central Asia are 
overwhelmingly Muslim (the exception being 
Kazakhstan, which continues to have a large non- 
Kazakh population), while of the new republics of 
the South Caucasus, only Azerbaijan has a Muslim 
majority. However, there is a large Muslim popu- 
lation in the North Caucasus that is still within 
the Russian Federation. Present-day Kazakhstan, 
Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajiki- 
stan as well as the North Caucasus are predomi- 
nantly Sunni, while Azerbaijan is in the main Shii. 

Islam came to Central Asia and the Caucasus 
in the middle of the seventh century along with 
Arab conquest (ca. 639-643). Throughout the 
Middle Ages, Central Asia grew wealthy from the 
Silk Road, which made its cities major centers 
for the propagation of Islamic learning and cul- 
ture, even during the era of the Mongol Empire 
(13th century to 15th century), which provided a 
degree of political unity. Sufism also played a very 
important role in the development of Islam in 
the region, both in the Middle Ages and modern 
times. Sufis such as Ahmad al-Yasavi (d. 1166) 
were particularly instrumental in Islamizing Turk- 
men and Kazakh nomads. Sufism was also of the 
utmost importance in establishing Islam in the 
North Caucasus. Unlike Central Asia and the 
North Caucasus, Azerbaijan was ruled by various 
Persian states, and its people became Shia with the 
emergence of the Safavid dynasty at the beginning 
of the 16th century. 

The Russian conquest of Central Asia and 
the Caucasus over the course of the 19th century 
took many forms and engendered many different 
responses. In the North Caucasus in particular, 
Sufi-led Islamic movements were able to fend off 

Russian advances for nearly 30 years. The official 
Russian policy, however, was to keep their hands 
off the religious affairs of the two regions. Nev- 
ertheless, under the increased influence of both 
European ideas and wider Islamic intellectual 
trends, there developed in the cities of Central 
Asia and Azerbaijan the Jadid movement, a group 
of young local intellectuals who sought to “mod- 
ernize" Islam. They came into conflict with tradi- 
tional religious authorities, and after the Russian 
Revolution, they allied with the Bolsheviks. Many 
became part of the Soviet administration. This 
alliance did not last long, however — the last of 
the former Jadids perished in Joseph Stalins Great 
Terror of 1936-38. 

The fragile Bolshevik hold on the two regions 
in the early to mid- 1920s necessitated a cautious 
approach to Islam, though party ideology called 
for the abolition of all religion. In 1927, with the 
rise of Stalin, this changed, and there commenced 
a full assault on Islam both as a religion and as 
a way of life. Women were forcibly unveiled, 
polygamy was attacked, and bride price was 
outlawed. Islamic social institutions were closed, 
religious leaders arrested, and mosques destroyed. 
This fight against perceived “backwardness’* did 
not run smoothly, as large-scale revolts appeared 
throughout both regions. By the early 1930s, 
only through the mass use of force was resistance 

With the coming of World War II, the Soviet 
fight against religion lessened, and the overt 
repression of religious leaders and places of wor- 
ship declined. An officially sanctioned Islam 
was promoted, with clergy and mosques under 
the direct control of Soviet administrators. This 
forced nonofficial Islam to push practices further 
underground. The Soviet Union was never able to 
destroy Islam, and with its collapse in 1991, Islam 
regained its importance in local societies. 

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Islam 
has become politicized throughout the two 
regions, though the extent of this varies. The 
continuity of leaders in the new republics has led 

Chechnya 135 

to a continuation of certain Soviet policies toward 
Islam. In Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, state- 
sanctioned Islam is all that is allowed. Especially 
in Uzbekistan, authorities have used the fight 
against “fundamentalism*' and “terrorism” to 
crush any political opposition. Immediately fol- 
lowing the collapse in Tajikistan, a civil war broke 
out between central secular authorities and self- 
proclaimed Islamists. This war lasted until 1997, 
with some Islamists brought into government and 
a moderate Islamist party allowed. A politicized 
Islam has also been prominent in the North Cau- 
casus, particularly in Chechnya. 

See also Basmachi; Bukhara; communism; 
Islamism; Karimov, Islam; Naqshbandi Sufi Order; 

David Reeves 

Further reading: Devin DcWcese, Islamization and 
Native Religion in the Golden Horde (University Park: 
Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994); Ahmed 
Rashid, Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia 
(New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. 2002); Anna 
Zelkina, In Quest for God and Freedom: The Sufi Response 
to the Russian Advance in the North Caucasus (New York: 
New York University Press. 2000). 

chador See burqa; hijab; purdah; veil. 

charity See almsgiving. 


Chechnya is located on the northeastern slopes 
of the Caucasus Mountains, within the interna- 
tionally recognized borders of the Russian Fed- 
eration. The most recent Russian census placed 
Chechnya's population at nearly 1.1 million, but 
many estimates place the actual number between 
600,000 and 780,000 people. 

In the late 18th century, the Russian Empire 
started serious military incursions into the North 

Caucasus, and from the beginning, the fiercest 
resistance came from the people of Chechnya and 
neighboring Dagestan. The first major leader of 
this resistance was Shaykh Mansour, who com- 
bined Islamic preaching with military struggle. 
The most successful uprising against the Russians, 
however, took place from the 1830s to 1859 and 
was led by Imam Shamil (1796-1871). A Naqsha- 
bandi Sufi leader, Shamil for a period was able to 
create an Islamic proto-state in most of present- 
day Chechnya and Dagestan. With Shamil’s defeat, 
the region passed into Russian control and relative 
stability, though outbreaks of violence did occur. 
With the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the 
demise of central control, the Chechens declared 
their independence and were briefly a part of a 
federation of North Caucasian peoples called the 
Mountain Republic. The Bolsheviks were able to 
reestablish some control only after much costly 
fighting in the early 1920s, though sporadic resis- 
tance continued. The Chechens were deported 
to Central Asia in 1944 for alleged collaboration 
with the Nazis, and as a consequence a quarter 
to a half of the population died. They were not 
allowed to return home until the 1950s. 

With the demise of the Soviet Union, tension 
returned to the region. In 1991, the President of 
Chechnya, Jokhar Dudayev (1944-96) declared 
Chechnya independent and, though not recog- 
nized by any foreign government or Russia, was 
de-facto independent until the Russians launched 
full military operations on New Year's Eve 1994. 
An extremely bloody war ensued, with Russia ini- 
tially making significant gains, but the Chechens 
launched a major counteroffensive in 1995. By 
1996 the Russians were defeated and agreed to 
a cease-fire. Altogether, there were an estimated 
70,000 casualties. The end of the war, however, 
did not bring political or economic stability to 
Chechnya. In 1999, following unexplained ter- 
rorist bombings in Russia, which were blamed 
on Chechens, and a Chechen military incur- 
sion into Dagestan, Russia invaded Chechnya 
again, sending almost 100,000 troops and creating 

'tss S*3 136 children 

approximately 250,000 REFUGEES. Though Russia 
has claimed victory and has set up a pro-Russia 
political administration, they do not control all of 
Chechnya, and a war of attrition has continued to 
the present. 

See also communism; Central Asia and the 
Caucasus; Naqshabandi Sufi Order. 

David Reeves 

Further reading: Thomas de Waal and Carlota Gall, 
Chechnya: Calamity in the Caucasus (New York: New 
York University Press, 1998); Sebastian Smith, Allah's 
Mountains: The Battle for Chechnya (New York: l.B. 
Taurus, 2001). 


Children are a vital part of society. They embody a 
people’s heritage and its future, and although chil- 
dren are often expected to contribute to house- 
hold tasks and work to support their parents, 
families and societies usually invest significant 
resources and care in their upbringing, education, 
and marriage. 

Islamic views of children and childhood are 
expressed in religious literature and the sharia, 
and they are formed in the lived culture of the 
Muslim family and the local community. In gen- 
eral, Islamic perspectives on childhood reflect 
norms commonly found in patrilineal societies, in 
which sons are often favored over daughters. The 
Quran teaches that sons and material wealth are 
evidence of the favor God has shown to humans, 
but it also teaches that such worldly blessings can 
divert people from seeking God and the rewards 
of the hereafter (Q 17:6; 8:28). On the other hand, 
the Quran also teaches that believers be kind to 
their parents, speak to them with respect, and 
call upon God to bless them for taking care of 
them during childhood (Q 17:23-24). The sharia 
addresses legal issues concerning children that 
are inspired by the ethical message of the Quran. 
These include an explicit ban on killing infants, 
including girls, and rules concerning adoption 

and foster parentage. Muhammad (d. 632) was 
orphaned at an early age (Q 93:6), and this very 
likely helped make care for orphans and respect 
for their rights to property foundational Islamic 
values. The Quran instructs believers to do good 
to orphans as well as parents and others in need 
(Q 4:36), and it promises that those who do not 
treat orphans well will be punished in the after- 
life (Q 4:10). Another facet of the sharia protects 
the rights of breastfeeding infants and their moth- 
ers in event of divorce (Q 2233; 65:6), and it per- 
mits resort to the services of wet nurses, following 
the example set by Muhammad, who was nursed 
by a Bedouin woman in his infancy. 

Biographies of famous men and women have 
little to say about their childhood years, but 
substantial evidence for medieval Muslim under- 
standings of children and childhood can be found 
in legal, medical, and ethical literature. These 
sources indicate that childhood was recognized as 
a distinct stage in the formation of the individual 
and that children were fully incorporated into 
the moral, legal, intellectual, and emotional life 
of medieval Islamicate societies. They recognized 
that children had their own distinct personalities 
and abilities, which form in the period between 
birth and puberty. How a child has been cared 

Three generations of an American Muslim family (Juan 
E. Campo) 

children 137 

for, raised, and educated was thought to have a 
direct bearing on his or her physical, mental, and 
spiritual growth. Parents were instructed to teach 
their children to do all things in moderation, 
including good eating habits, since excess was 
a source of bodily, psychological, and social ills. 
They were also charged with encouraging moral 
qualities such as honesty, generosity, and control 
of the passions. 

Medieval Muslim authors urged parents to 
be gentle and compassionate with their children 
and to exercise restraint in punishing them for 
misbehavior. Of course, parents were expected 
to inculcate their children with knowledge about 
Islam and the performance of its religious duties, 
particularly after the age of seven. A widely held 
view was that children were by nature born to be 
Muslims but that they learned their religion by 
imitating their fathers and teachers. In regard to 
their emotional development, children were to be 
protected from traumatic experiences, and parents 
were advised to comfort them immediately after 
any painful or frightening event. 

The DEATH of a child, particularly during the 
first two years of life, was a reality that many fami- 
lies had to face. Common causes of death were 
gastrointestinal diseases, malnutrition, famine, 
and plagues. Except for extraordinary situations, 
Muslim jurists ruled that children were to be 
accorded all the formalities of a proper Muslim 
burial. Theological texts dealt with the fate of 
children in the afterlife, and the deep emotions 
caused by the loss of a child inspired authors 
to write books and poems in order to comfort 
bereaved parents. 

Modernization projects launched during the 
last 150 years by Western colonial governments 
and reform-minded rulers of Muslim lands have 
contributed significantly to improving the quality 
of life for children in many of those countries. Pri- 
mary and secondary schools were opened in cities 
and towns, allowing more girls and working-class 
children to gain knowledge and skills necessary 
to improve their social and economic status. Even 

children living in rural areas have gained access to 
education, and many have migrated to cities when 
schools were lacking in the countryside. Such 
changes have enabled many to loosen the bonds of 
dependence that linked them to their natal fami- 
lies. Better health and nutrition have helped lower 
infant mortality rates. Muslim majority countries 
in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa consequently 
experienced significant population growth in the 
latter half of the 20th century. For example, as 
infant mortality rates in countries such as Egypt, 
Iran, and Bangladesh declined from around 200 
per 1,000 in 1955 to around 35 per 1,000 in 2005, 
their populations increased dramatically. Egypt's 
population during this period jumped from 23 
million to 77.5 million, Iran's from 19 million to 
68 million, and Bangladesh's from 45.8 million 
to 144.4 million. At the same time, the popula- 
tions of Muslim-majority countries have grown 
increasingly younger, unlike those of Europe and 
North America. In Egypt and Bangladesh, 33 per- 
cent are under the age of 14, while this number 
in Iran is 27 percent (compared to 20 percent in 
the United States and 18.4 percent in France). 
According to World Bank estimates, 36 percent of 
the population in the Middle Eastern and North 
African region as a whole is under the age of 15, 
compared to 16 percent among the countries of 
the European Union. 

Although children have often benefited 
greatly from the changes modernization has 
brought to Muslim-majority countries, they have 
also suffered from them. They have become the 
innocent victims of the national, regional, and 
global conflicts that have shaken countries such 
as Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, and Afghanistan. It 
is estimated that 500,000 Iraqi children died as a 
result of the economic sanctions leveled against 
Saddam Husayn’s government in the 1990s by 
the United Nations. On the other hand, radical 
Islamic organizations have recruited children 
and unemployed youths to serve as fighters or 
suicide bombers in some countries. Moreover, 
population growth, limited economic resources, 

^ 138 China 

and government inefficiency and corruption 
have also had detrimental effects on children 
in Muslim countries. International agencies 
and relief organizations, including a number of 
Islamic ones, have sometimes intervened to help 
children faced with the harmful effects of such 
developments, but the resources of these organi- 
zations are limited. 

Sec also abortion; biography; birth rites; cir- 

Further reading: 1 iamid Ammar, Growing Up in an Egyp- 
tian Village: Silwa, Province of Aswan (1954. Reprint, 
London: Routledge & Kcgan Paul, 1966); Elizabeth 
Warnock Fernca, ed., Children in the Muslim Middle East 
(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995); Avner Giladi, 
Children of Islam: Concepts of Childhood in Medieval 
Muslim Society (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992). 


The People's Republic of China includes within 
its borders a substantial Muslim population. 
According to the 1990 census, there were 
17,587,370 Muslims in China. Chinese-speaking 
Muslims, or Hui, numbered 8,602,978 and arc 
the largest percentage of the Muslim population. 
The Hui can be found throughout China — there 
are large communities on the southern Chi- 
nese coast, in Guangdong and Fujian provinces, 
which had very early contact with Muslim sea 
traders. In Yunan province in southeast China, 
there is also a sizeable Muslim population. There 
are some quite different variations of belief 
and practice between these and the other Hui 
communities that live in close proximity with 
Han Chinese society and the Hui of Gansu and 
Ningxia provinces in the north. In these two 
provinces, Muslims constitute the majority of 
the population, and therefore Islamic social and 
cultural characteristics are stronger and more 
visible. Xinjiang, in Chinese Central Asia, is also 
a majority Muslim province. However, the Hui 
constitute a minority there, while mostly Turkic- 

speaking peoples dominate. In this last group, 
the majority are the Uyghurs, who numbered 
about 7,214,431 in 1990. There are also a large 
number of Kazakh, Kirghiz, Uzbek, and other 
Muslim ethnic groups in Xinjiang. 

The influence of Islam spread in China fol- 
lowing the conversion of the Mongol rulers of the 
13th century. With the rise of the Qing dynasty in 
the 18th and 19th centuries, discrimination and 
persecution increased along with greater outside 
political, economic, and social control. During 
this period, there were prominent Muslim rebel- 
lions and attempts to create an Islamic state in 
Yunan as well as Xinjiang and Gansu. Sufi broth- 
erhoods, in particular the Naqshabandis, played 
a large role in the rebellions. With the end of any 
central state control following the Nationalist 
Revolution in 1911, there were once again large- 
scale uprisings in Xinjiang, Gansu, and Ningxia, 
often pitting one Muslim ethnic group against 
another, with the Hui allying more often with the 
Han than with other Muslims. These uprisings 
ended as the Chinese Communist Party consoli- 
dated control over the region in the late 1940s and 
1950s. The Communist state has recognized 10 
separate Muslim nationalities that enjoy a greater 
degree of autonomy in areas where they are a 
minority. However, in Xinjiang, Han immigration 
has increased significantly, which has hindered 
the economic development of the indigenous 
population. This has brought some unrest to the 
region, leading to increased repression by the Chi- 
nese Communist authorities in their “war against 

See also Central Asia and the Caucasus; com- 
munism; Naqshabandi Sufi Order. 

David Reeves 

Further reading: Linda Benson. The Ili Rebellion: The 
Moslem Challenge to Chinese Authority in Xinjiang 
J 944-1 949 (Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1990); Dru C. 
Gladney, Ethnic Identity in China: The Making of a Mus- 
lim Minority Nationality (Fort Worth, Tex.: Harcourt 
Brace College Publishers, 1998). 

Chishti Sufi Order 139 

Chiragh All* (1844-1895) 19th-century Indian 
religious reformer and secularist thinker 
Chiragh Ali was a Kashmiri Muslim who served in 
the British government of north India in his early 
career. In 1877, he was appointed to the court of 
the nizam (ruler) of Hyderabad, where he served as 
the revenue and political secretary. He was a close 
ally of Sayyid Ahmad Khan (d. 1898), the leading 
advocate for modern Islamic reform in India after 
the 1857 uprising against British rule that resulted 
in the end of the Mughal dynasty and marked 
the demise of Muslim rule in that land. Ali is best 
known for books and essays that articulated the 
Aligarh program for Islamic modernization in the 
late 19th and early 20th centuries. He maintained 
that the Quran was authoritative in matters of 
worship and morality but denied that it provided 
an infallible blueprint for government or legisla- 
tion. He objected to British Orientalists, Chris- 
tian missionaries, and Muslim traditionalists who 
claimed that Islam endorsed theocratic govern- 
ment (the combination of religion and the state) 
and that Islamic law was unchangeable. Instead, 
he insisted that Islamic government and the 
SHARIA were largely human creations that adapted 
to changing historical circumstances in different 
localities. His interpretation of jihad was that it 
was a defensive strategy used by Muhammad and 
the first Muslims when threatened with attack; 
it was never intended to legitimate aggression in 
the name of religion. He was critical of British 
colonial rule in India, for he charged them with 
having turned the country into a great prison — a 
situation that would only bring about the “decay" 
of the people. He called for political liberty and 
thought it could best be achieved under the sov- 
ereignty of the Ottoman SULTAN, who at that time 
was trying to resuscitate the Ottoman Empire in 
order to hold off the European powers. This does 
not mean that he wanted a return to the old ways 
of Muslim rule in India, however. He charged that 
traditional Islamic legal rulings concerning gov- 
ernment, slavery, concubinage, marriage, divorce, 
and the status of non-Muslims were not suited to 

the needs of modern Muslims, and he called for 
their revision or elimination. Ali recognized that 
his views were controversial but believed they 
provided a basis upon which Muslims could erect 
a platform for progressive change and freethink- 
ing in the modern era. His life's work, therefore, 
contributed significantly to the formation of the 
modern Islamic liberal tradition in South Asia. 

See also Orientalism; Ottoman dynasty; 

Further reading: Aziz Ahmad. Islamic Modernism in 
India and Pakistan, 1857-1864 (London: Oxford Uni- 
versity Press, 1967); Chiragh Ali, “The Proposed Politi- 
cal, Legal, and Social Reforms." In Modernist Islam, 
1840-1940: A Source-Book, edited by Charles Kurzman, 
277-290 (New York: Oxford University Press, Septem- 
ber 2002). 

Chishti Sufi Order 

The Chishtis are one of the largest Sufi brother- 
hoods in South Asia (India, Pakistan, and Ban- 
gladesh) and help give Islam in this region its 
distinctive identity. They take their name from 
a remote village called Chisht, which had been 
a Sufi center as early as the 10th century. It 
was Muin al-Din Chishti (d. 1236), a man from 
Chisht, who established the brotherhood in India. 
In genealogies of their Sufi masters, however, they 
trace their ancestry all the way back to Muhammad 
(d. 632), Ali (d. 661 ), and the 1 1 other Shii imams 
and include such famous non-Indian Sufis as Ibn 
al-Arabi (d. 1240), Ruzbihan Baqli (d. 1209), and 
Jalal al-Din Rumi (d. 1273). After Muin al-Din 
and his contemporary, Bakhtiyar Kaaki (d. 1235), 
the Chishti spiritual lineages consist predomi- 
nantly of Sufi masters born in India, which makes 
this order distinct from most other Sufi groups in 
the region. 

The foremost Chishti ritual practice is the dhikr 
(zikr in local dialects), as it is in other Sufi orders. 
The Chishti dhikr combines repeated pronounce- 
ments of the names of God (especially Allah, 

^ 140 Chishti Sufi Order 

Tomb ofShaykh Salim Chishti, Fatehpur Sikri, India (16th century) (Juan E. Campo) 

samii “hearer,” basir “seer," and alim “knower") 
with yogic forms of breath control, meditation, 
and other ascetic practices. The Chishtis included 
Hindi, Punjabi, and Persian formulas in their 
clhikrs, unlike other Sufi orders, particularly the 
Naqshbandis, who stress Arabic recitations. The 
most public forms of Chishti worship are musi- 
cal audition (scuvaa) and pilgrimage to shrines of 
Chishti SAINTS. Unlike other Sufis who were suspi- 
cious of music’s legality and influence on the soul, 
Chishtis embraced listening to music as a core 
practice for the attainment of spiritual ecstasy, if 
not a state of enduring ecstasy itself. Some have 
combined audition with bodily movement and 
dance. As a result of Chishti acceptance of musical 
audition as a legitimate spiritual practice, other 
Sufi brotherhoods in South Asia have also allowed 

it. During the Middle Ages, these auditions were 
meant only for initiated Sufis, but in modern 
times both Sufis and non-Sufis attend them. 
They arc called qawwali performances, and they 
are regularly held at the tombs of Chishti saints. 
These shrines arc the focal points of pilgrimage, 
attracting pious visitors, men and women, Mus- 
lims and non-Muslims, from throughout India. 
The most celebrated shrine is that of Muin al-Din 
in Ajmer, considered by many to be the Mecca 
of Indian Islam. Other major Chishti shrines are 
those of Farid al-Din Ganj-i Shakar (d. 1265) in 
Pakpattan, Pakistan, and Nizam al-Din Awliya (d. 
1325) in Delhi. 

Since its foundation in 13th century India, the 
Chishti order has intentionally distanced itself 
from political authorities and dependence upon 

Christianity and Islam 141 

state patronage. Despite close ties to members of 
the Mughal dynasty, the ideal of separation from 
the state has prevailed, contributing to the orders 
ability to flourish in modern, secular India and to 
establish new roots in South Africa, Europe, and 
America. Today people around the world enjoy the 
musical heritage of the Chishtis through record- 
ings of qawwali performances by artists such as 
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and the Sabri Brothers. 

See also Khan, Inayat; Naqshbandi Sufi Order; 
Sufism; tariqa; ziyara. 

Further reading: P. M. Currie, The Shrine and Cult of 
Miiin al-Din Chishti of Ajmer (Delhi: Oxford University 
Press, 1989); Carl W. Ernst and Bruce B. Lawrence, Sufi 
Martyrs of Love: The Chishti Order in South Asia and 
Beyond (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002). 

Christianity and Islam 

Islam was born into a world in which Christianity 
was quite dominant, although the Hejaz, where 
Mecca and Medina lie and where Muhammad lived 
his life (ca. 570-632), apparently had more Jews 
than Christians. Polytheism, of course, was the 
most common religious characteristic of all in that 
specific environment, and it was primarily against 
that polytheism and idol worship that the Quran, 
the message given to Muhammad, preached. Jesus, 
called “Isa" or al-Masih (the messiah), and the 
Christians are both mentioned repeatedly in the 
Quran. Jesus is affirmed as a divinely appointed 
messenger ( rasul ) who was given a message like 
that of the Quran. In the Quran, Christians are 
spoken of favorably in some contexts, as in Q 2:62, 
which says, “Those who believe, and those who 
follow Judaism, and the Christians (al-Nasara, the 
Nazarenes) and the Sabians, any who believe in 
God and the Last Day, and work righteousness, 
shall have their reward with their Lord; on them 
shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." 

But other verses suggest a polemical relation- 
ship, although that is much more in evidence with 
regard to the Jews, a situation made sensible by 

the significant Jewish population of Medina at the 
time that Muhammad and the early Muslims went 
to that town, and the fact that most of these Jews 
appear not to have been convinced of Muham- 
mad's prophetic mission. Thus, in Q 2:120, we 
find the verse, “And the Jews will not be pleased 
with you, nor the Christians until you follow their 
religion. Say: Surely God's guidance is the [true] 
guidance. And if you follow their desires after the 
knowledge that has come to you, you shall have 
no guardian from God, nor any helper." 

The Quran claims a direct link between Islam 
and Abraham, thus bypassing Jewish and Chris- 
tian claims to be linked to that great forebear 
of the monotheistic religions. For example, the 
Quran challenges Jews and Christians, saying, 
“You people of the Book, why are you so argu- 
mentative about Abraham, seeing that the Torah 
and the Gospel were only revealed after his time? 
Abraham was not a Jew, nor was he a Christian. 
He was a man of pure worship and a Muslim 
[or a submitter]" (Q 3:65, 67). More assertively, 
other verses state that the cultic worship around 
the Kaaba in Mecca was founded by Abraham (Q 

The strongest Quranic polemic against Chris- 
tian dogma concentrates on the Christian belief 
in the Trinity and the death and resurrection of 
Jesus. The Quran considers the Trinity to be an 
expression of polytheism and utterly rejects any 
ascription of divinity to Jesus. Christian belief in 
Christ's divinity is understood in the Quran to be 
in direct contradiction to the message preached by 
Jesus. Equally important, the Quran denies Jesus' 
death, saying, “They did not kill him, nor did they 
crucify him, but it was made to appear to them as 
such" (Q 4:157). Because these objections to the 
doctrines held by most Christians in the seventh 
century were so familiar from the previous centu- 
ries of Christological controversy, it appeared to 
John of Damascus (d. ca.749), one of the fathers 
of the Greek church, that Islam was essentially a 
Christian “heresy," and he placed Islam at the end 
of the section on heresies in his great work, De 


142 Christianity and Islam 

Fide Orlhodoxa. The Quran also rejects monasti- 
cism, which had become a major expression of 
Christian piety and asceticism in the Middle East 
by that time. 

Other than the adherents of Arabian polythe- 
ism, who were fought until they converted to 
Islam, non-Muslims within lands controlled by 
Muslim governments have historically been dealt 
with as dhimmi s, protected by the government and 
allowed freedom of religion so long as they paid a 
poll tax (jizya ) and did not publicly offend Muslim 
sensibilities. Where Christianity had been deeply 
rooted before the coming of Islam, it generally 
has retained a presence. Thus, in the countries of 
the Fertile Crescent, such as Iraq, Syria (includ- 
ing Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon), but also in 
Egypt, there are strong Christian communities 
with historical ties to the Christian churches and 
communities that were present in the Middle East 
before the rise of Islam. This is also true of India, 
which has a Christian community tracing itself 
back to the first century and which has had an 
uninterrupted presence there. North Africa west 
of Egypt, on the other hand, witnessed a relatively 
quick, complete conversion to Islam within a 
few centuries of its appearance, although Jewish 
communities continued to thrive there until the 
mid-20th century. In Andalusia (Spain), Chris- 
tians continued to thrive and partake of public 
life during the period of Muslim rule (711 to the 
final conquest of Granada in 1492). The Christian 
Arabs of Andalusia as well as Jews provided an 
important conduit for transferring the scientific 
and philosophical knowledge of Islamdom — far 
more sophisticated than that of Europe at the 
time — to the north. 

In most Muslim-majority countries today, 
there are numerous Catholic, Orthodox, and 
Protestant churches. Even leaving aside the Prot- 
estant churches, there are as many as 20 Apostolic 
churches, depending on how they are counted. 
This is largely because, as a result of missionary 
efforts and splits along the way, a single, formerly 
"national" church may split numerous times. 

Thus, for instance, the Assyrian Church of the 
East (found mainly in northern Iraq, southern 
Turkey, Syria, Iran, southwest India, and now the 
United States), which has its own rite and inde- 
pendent hierarchy, has a Catholic counterpart, 
named the Chaldean Catholic Church. The Coptic 
Orthodox church of Egypt similarly has several 
counterparts, including the Mclkites (in union 
with Constantinople), Coptic Catholics (Rome) 
and Protestant Coptic (Presbyterian). When, as in 
the last example, Protestant churches are included, 
the number of churches becomes extraordinarily 
difficult to count. In general, however, one can say 
that the churches divide as follows: 1) those that 
come out of the Assyrian Church of the East; 2) 
those that can be called the Orthodox churches of 
the East, who recognize the patriarch of Constan- 
tinople as primus inter pares (first among equals); 
3) the Oriental Orthodox churches, such as the 
Coptic and Armenian, which share theological 
orientation and mutual recognition; 4) the vari- 
ous Catholic churches and Catholic counterparts 
of other churches (mainly quite recent in origin); 
and 3) Protestants of various denominations. 
Depending on how one defines the “Islamic 
world,'* there arc as many as 47 million Christians 
today living in lands that are Muslim majority 
or have been historically vital centers of Islamic 
government and civilization, including India. The 
largest populations are in Indonesia (19 million), 
followed by Sudan (9.3 million) and Egypt (at 
least 4.5 million). 

Thus, Christians have survived and sometimes 
thrived under Muslim rule, and in many cases, 
Christians were able to attain positions of great 
power and wealth in Muslim-majority lands. Two 
periods since the rise of Islam have seen Chris- 
tians conquer Muslims within their heartlands. 
The first period is that of the Crusades and Recon- 
quista. The Crusades were a series of expeditions 
(1095-1291) by European Christians to retake 
Jerusalem for Christianity and to fight Muslims 
in the Holy Land as part of a holy war blessed by 
the Catholic pope. The Crusades met with limited 

Christianity and Islam 143 

success and eventually led to the mobilization of 
a Muslim jihad to expel the "Franks/* With their 
foreign ways and crudities so acutely observed 
by Muslim scholar-warriors such as Usama ibn 
Munqidh (d. 1188), the crusaders were always 
unlikely to survive, as indeed they did not. The 
Reconquista, on the other hand, succeeded in 
defeating the Arabo-lslamic statelets that took 
root in Andalusia and expelling Muslims and Jews 
for whom Andalusia was home. Those who stayed 
behind were forced to convert to Christianity. 

In the modern period, beginning in the 18th 
century, Europeans, mainly Christians, came to 
rule over vast territories in which Muslims lived 
and that had formerly been ruled by Muslims. 
These included much of the Middle East, all of 
North Africa west of Egypt, the Indian subcon- 
tinent, and almost the entire continent of Africa, 
the eastern, western, and northern parts of which 
had large Muslim populations. For nearly 200 
years, Muslims thus lived either in lands directly 
controlled by European countries or in ostensibly 
independent nations whose freedom was often 
held in check by European power (the Ottoman 
Empire, for example, or Iran). In every case, these 
colonial empires were undone by the end of World 
War II, but their impact remains profoundly felt in 
such things as their legal and political institu- 
tions, economic orientations, as well as the radical 
Islamist ideologies that have developed in part 
as a response to the European imperial project. 
While the Europeans did not always encourage 
missionary efforts, they also did not stop such 
activities, and thus one of the main encounters 
between Christianity and Islam in the modern 
period has been largely destructive. For one thing, 
this resulted in mutual animosities and divisions 
that have, ironically, made it more difficult (but 
not impossible) for Muslims to engage in the kind 
of critical examination of religious authority and 
knowledge that has had such radical effects on 
the relations between religion, society, and the 
state in the West. The Europeans often justified 
their rule on the basis of their superior scientific 

Sc. Catherine’s Monastery at Mount Sinai, Egypt. A 
mosque minaret stands behind the bell tower. (Juan E. 

knowledge. The implicit or explicit blaming of 
Islam for the "backwardness" of Muslims has both 
led to increased Islamic radicalism and to fruitless 
apologetics. But this Christian missionary effort 
from the West has also made the situation of the 
native Christian communities of Muslim-majority 
countries more tenuous than it previously was. 

Part of the modern condition is the rootless- 
ness and change brought about by emigration, 
both voluntary and forced. A great many African 
Muslims were brought to the New World as 
slaves, and the wounds of this (at least partially) 
Muslim-Christian encounter have not properly 
healed. Voluntary emigration for the sake of eco- 
nomic opportunity and religious freedom has also 
been a part of the encounter, however, and this 

1 44 cinema 

has been much more positive. Large communities 
in the Americas and even more significant ones 
in Europe are having the effect of changing the 
way Muslims experience and understand their 
religion as well as creating greater opportunity 
for interreligious communication and dialogue 
(or conflict in some cases). New to interpreting 
approaches Islam and interpretations that take 
these new experiences into account are enrich- 
ing the Muslim intellectual repertoire in ways 
that will almost certainly have great impact in 
the years to come. In light of this ongoing and 
increasing mingling of peoples and religions, a 
“clash of civilizations" between Islam and the 
West is actually very unlikely, although conflicts 
based on specific grievances in Muslim-majority 
countries are likely to continue to have an impact 
on interreligious relations. 

See also colonialism; dhimmi; Europe; Judaism 
and Islam; United States; Latin America. 

John Iskander 

Further reading: Talal Asad. Formations of the Secular: 
Christianity , Islam, Modernity (Stanford. Calif.: Stanford 
University Press, 2003); Richard W. Bullict, The Case 
for Islamo-Christian Civilization (New York: Columbia 
University Press, 2006); Norman Daniel, Islam and 
the West: The Making of an Image (Oxford: Oncworld. 
1993); Hugh Goddard. A History of Christian-Muslim 
Relations (Chicago: New Amsterdam Books. 2000); 
Tarif Khalidi, The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and Stories in 
Islamic Literature (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univer- 
sity Press, 2001). 


Although motion picture technology first devel- 
oped in Europe and the United States during the 
late 19th and early 20th centuries, film produc- 
tion rapidly became a global phenomenon. It was 
first introduced into Muslim lands by Western- 
ers, but by the 1930s and 1940s, native entrepre- 
neurs had developed their own film industries, 
which really began to flourish after World War 

II with the rise of newly independent nation- 
states. Except for Saudi Arabia, where movie 
theaters are banned because of the puritanical 
outlook of the Wahhabi Islam practiced there, 
the cinema became a popular pastime in many 
countries, especially among city dwellers. Egypt, 
Iran, and Turkey have become major centers of 
film production in the Middle East. Lebanon, 
Algeria, Tunisia, Indonesia, and Malaysia have 
also developed their own film industries. India, 
where secular-minded Muslims are active in the 
cinema, produces more films than any country 
in the world. The following article discusses the 
Arab, Iranian, and Indian cinemas as well as rep- 
resentations of Arabs and Muslims in American 
and British films. 


Cairo is the Hollywood of the Arab world. Nearly 
3,000 films have been produced in Egypt. No other 
Arab country comes close to this number. The first 
screenings of the French Lumierc brothers’ films 
took place in Alexandria in 1896. Egypt began 
producing its own films as early as 1909, but film 
production during the colonial period was domi- 
nated by European capital and often by European 
directors as well. Egypt was the only Arab country 
to establish a national film industry prior to its 
formal independence in 1952. Most other Arab 
countries did not develop a national cinema until 
the period of decolonization after World War II. 

Arab cinema has been greatly influenced by 
Hollywood. American-made movies early on cap- 
tured local markets in many Arab countries, 
Egypt included — as much as 80 percent of the 
screen time is monopolized by American film 
exports. However, Arab cinema also developed 
its own cinematic idioms and cultural nuances 
even as it adapted Hollywood plots and churned 
out low-budget comedies, musicals, and romantic 
dramas. The great Arab comic film actors such as 
Egyptians Ismail Yasin and Adel Imam and Syrian 
Durayd Laham were masters at slapstick humor, 
but they all employed their comic talents in films 

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Movie billboards in Cairo, Egypt. The billboard on the far left is for At- Mansi (The forgotten one), featuring Adil Imam 
and Yusra. (Juan E. Campo) 

that had a nationalist edge and socially critical 
content, which directly appealed to Arab popular 
audiences that had living memories of colonialism 
and foreign domination. 

Arab cinema also developed a star system. 
Popular singers such as Umm Kulthum, Shadya, 
and Abd al-Halim Hafiz promoted their musi- 
cal artistry through cinema from the late 1930s 
through the 1960s and broadened their appeal 
throughout the Arab World. Egypt had its equiva- 
lent of Marilyn Monroe in Samya Gamal (1960s) 
and even its equal to actor-political activist Susan 
Sarandon in Yusra, who has fought censorship and 
championed Arab causes such as opposing foreign 
aggression against Iraq in the 1990s and support- 
ing Palestinian rights. 

The Arab world has produced an impressive 
array of directors who have mastered film lan- 
guage in a way that has created a body of serious 
artistic production that is of world-class quality. 
Perhaps the most renowned of these artist-direc- 
tors is Egyptian Youssef Chahine (d. 2008), a 
Christian by heritage, whose work in the early 
1930s launched the career of Omar Sharif and 
who continues to be prolific to this day (Alexan- 
dria. . . . New York, 2004). Since the 1980s in the 
era of globalization, European financing (espe- 
cially French) has lent new life to an ailing Arab 
film industry and cultivated talented new direc- 
tors such as Yousri Nasrallah (Gate of the Sun, 
2004, Egypt), Nouri Bouzid (Man of Ashes, 1986, 
Tunisia), Moufida Tlatli (Silence of the Palaces, 



1994, Tunisia), and Palestinian Elia Suleiman, 
whose film Divine Intervention won the Grand 
Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival in 2002. 

Although Arab cinema, as elsewhere, is pre- 
dominantly secular in outlook, Islamic subjects 
and themes often do occur in dramas and films 
on historical topics. Dramatic films usually affirm 
social virtues such as marital fidelity, respect for 
the family, charity, making an honest living, and 
defending the weak, while they also condemn 
immorality and criminal behavior. They include 
scenes of people at prayer, reciting the Quran, 
visiting mosques or shrines, and celebrating reli- 
gious holidays. Moreover, a number of films 
have addressed hot-button socioreligious issues 
such as polygamy and divorce, criticizing aspects 
of Islamic family law as practiced in countries 
such as Egypt. Since the 1990s, Islamic radical- 
ism has been critically examined in films such as 
Nader Galal’s The Terrorist (Egypt, 1994) and Atef 
Hetata's Closed Doors (Egypt, 1999). Historical 
films have dealt with topics such as the Crusades 
(Yousscf Chahincs Al-Nasir Salah al-Din, 1963) 
and the lives of famous Muslims, such as Rabia al- 
Adawiyya (Egypt, 1935) and Ibn Rushd (Youssef 
Chahine’s Destiny , Egypt, 1997). 


The advent of cinema in Iran can be traced to the 
beginning of the 20th century with the inaugura- 
tion of the first movie house in 1907. It was in 
the 1930s that cinema became a more serious 
enterprise with the establishment of the first 
film studio and the release of movies such as The 
Brother's Revenge, Abi and Rabi, and the Lor Girl. 
During this time, cinema aimed at entertaining 
city dwellers and concerned itself with topics 
such as the migration of villagers into the city and 
the transformation of traditional ethics into bour- 
geois values. For instance. Rapacious, released in 
1934, was about a peasant who left his wife for 
a city woman. This decade witnessed the first 
Persian-language sound newsreel with Prime Min- 
ister Muhammad Ali Furughi (1887-1942) and 

Mustafa Kamal Ataturk (1881-1938). Another 
significant production in the 1930s was an adapta- 
tion from Ferdawsis national epic the Shahnamah, 
“The Book of the Kings," which has traditionally 
fostered national pride among Iranians. It is safe 
to say that the birth of Iranian cinema is insepara- 
ble from the advent of modernity and its cultural 
manifestations in Iranian society. 

In the next decades, Iranian cinema devel- 
oped into a primarily commercial industry with 
a limited “art film" cinema that operated in its 
shadows. A favorite theme for this commercial 
cinema was Iranian patriarchal attitudes toward 
life, tradition, and gender. This was expressed in 
the genre /i/m jaheli, a genre that was initiated by 
Ismail Kushan. In these films, the character of the 
working class or petit bourgeoisie was explored 
and celebrated. The male protagonist provided a 
caricature of the medieval practice of chivalry, in 
which honor was based on the chastity of a man's 
female relatives (sister, daughter, female cousins, 
etc). This theme dominated Iranian cinema of the 
1960s. Another important theme at this time was 
the relationship between Iranians and Westerners. 
Ibram in Paris (1964) highlighted the difference 
between Iranians and Europeans. 

The intellectual response to this commercial 
cinema is not limited to the production of art films. 
In 1971, Masoud Kimiai (b. 1941) undertook the 
production of Dash Akul , based on a modern clas- 
sic short story with the same title by the acclaimed 
Iranian prose writer Sadiq Hidayat. The story is a 
psychological evaluation of the themes of chivalry, 
which arc also expressed in the film’s more commer- 
cial counterparts. In the 1960s, other art filmmakers 
such as Furugh Farrukhzad (1935-67) and Dary- 
ush Mehrjui (b. 1937), inspired by international 
cinema, made great contributions in their docu- 
mentaries and surrealistic films. These filmmakers, 
along with others, developed the New Iranian Cin- 
ema as an alternative to commercial cinema. 

With the establishment of the Islamic Republic 
of Iran in 1979 and its puritanical attitudes toward 
the arts, the prospects for Iranian cinema seemed 

cinema 1 47 

murky and pessimistic. More than half the country's 
nearly 500 movie theaters were confiscated or 
closed down. Contrary to expectations, however, 
Iranian cinema in the past two and a half decades 
has developed into an international cinema with 
claims on artistic novelty. Today, filmmakers such 
as Abbas Kiarostami (b. 1945), Muhsin Makhmal- 
baf (b. 1957), and his young daughter Samira are 
familiar names to Iranian film viewers across the 
globe. Perhaps the religious revolution, followed 
by unforeseen conditions of strict censorship and 
oppression, actually inspired and compelled the 
creative work of these filmmakers and many oth- 
ers. The topics explored by the filmmakers of the 
post-1979 revolution era tackle the subtleties in the 
controversies that define the sociocultural life of 
Iranians today, such as war, the relations between 
the sexes, and the status of women. Furthermore, 
the vital and dynamic relationship between this cin- 
ema and its audience abroad has produced a range 
of new possibilities for artistic expression that was 
not evident in the decades before the revolution. 


The place Muslims occupy in Indian cinema is 
something of a conundrum, reflecting their vexed 
affiliations within South Asian modernity. If one 
focuses on the supposedly Hindi-language cinema 
based in Bombay, it is necessary to underscore the 
extensive influence of Urdu literature on both film 
dialogue and song lyrics. Before the partition of the 
country at the point of its independence from Brit- 
ish rule in 1947, Lahore was also an important cen- 
ter for the production of Hindi-Urdu films. Already 
in the 1940s, Muslim producer-directors such as 
A. R. Kardar and Mehboob Khan had come into 
prominence in these two centers. As Bombay cin- 
ema was securing its genres and audiences and con- 
solidating a national cinematic idiom, composers 
Ghulam Haider and Naushad were instrumental in 
laying down the conventions of a musical style that 
became the most identifiable trait of the industry. 

The 1940s were also marked by a steady 
mounting of communal tensions and brutal riots. 

eventually leading to the creation of Pakistan. 
In the course of the mayhem, millions of people 
became homeless refugees; the early skirmishes 
over Kashmir in the late 1940s compounded the 
atmosphere of hatred and suspicion. Some Mus- 
lim actors took on Hindu names to ensure their 
acceptability. Thus, Mumtaz Jchan came to be 
known as Madhubala, while Yusuf Khan became 
famous as Dilip Kumar. Nargis, on the other hand, 
did not suffer any loss of popularity due to her 
openly Islamic identity, went on to play the title 
role in the landmark film Mother India (1957), 
and became a member of parliament in the 
1970s. Other luminaries of the Bombay industry, 
including Ghulam Haider and singer Nurjehan, 
chose to move to Pakistan. Contemporary popular 
discourse, for instance in the anglophone maga- 
zine Filmindia , reflected the deep anxieties and 
ambivalences of a wounded social matrix, mourn- 
ing the loss of creative agents and simultaneously 
denouncing them for their “betrayal. ” 

Muslims who stayed on in India as part of a 
minority community faced prejudice and wari- 
ness. Even someone as respected as Dilip Kumar 
had to contend with aspersions and periodic 
witch hunts. The plight of the Muslim citizenry 
is thoughtfully documented in M. S. Sathyus 
film Garam Haw/a (1973), which, after initial 
difficulties with the censors, went on to win the 
highest national awards. At the end of this film, 
the young protagonist, Salim, chooses to stay 
on in India and finds his community in a leftist 
group. The narrative resolution clearly upholds 
a secular, class-based political agenda over com- 
munal politics founded on religious affiliations. 
The author of the original story, Ismat Chugtai, 
and the scriptwriter, Kaifi Azmi, were both asso- 
ciated with the Progressive Writers' Association 
and were stalwarts of modern Urdu literature. 
Azmi was also responsible for many superb song 
lyrics; his daughter, Shabana Azmi, became an 
important face of the so-called Indian New Wave 
of the 1970s (and is currently the most revered 
actress of the Indian screen and a social activist of 

1 48 cinema 

international repute). Thus, Muslims maintained 
a strong creative presence in postpartition Indian 
cinema. The late Shahir Ludhianvi continues to be 
the most influential lyricist, and the late Moham- 
med Rafi remains, arguably, the most beloved 
male "playback singer.” 

Two major genres have focused primarily on 
Muslim life and culture: the Muslim "socials," 
which range from the reformist E laan (1947) 
to the swooningly romantic Chaudvin ka Chand 
(1960); and spectacular historical, which look 
back nostalgically to a glorious Islamic past (the 
caliphate, as in Judgment oj Allah 11935); the 
Delhi Sultanate, as in Razia Sultan [19831; and 
the Mughal Empire, as in Mughal c Azam [ I960]). 
In general, though, Muslim characters occupy 
peripheral roles in mainstream Bombay films: 
as sidekicks, smugglers, pimps, courtesans, and 
frequently blind fakirs, or minstrels. Of course, 
one can locate a few significant exceptions to this 
cinematic marginalization, such as Coolie (1983), 
starring the great Amitabh Bachchan. 

In the late 1980s, as a resurgent right-wing 
nationalism centered on hindutva, or an essential 
Hinduncss, gathered force, it became impera- 
tive for a relatively new group of filmmakers 
to explore the place of the mussalman within 
Indian society and polity. Saeed Mirza and Khalcd 
Mohammed, for instance, addressed the perplex- 
ing question of Muslim-Indian identity in the 
aftermath of the destruction of the Babri mosque 
in December 1992 by the votaries of hindutva and 
the subsequent riots in Bombay in lyrical yet inci- 
sive films such as Naseem (1995) and Fiza (2000). 
Meanwhile, the community continues to be an 
indispensable and enigmatic presence in Bombay 
cinema. The three most popular actors of the past 
decade — Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Amir 
Khan — happen to be Muslims. 


Arabs and Muslims have been represented in 
American and British films since the days of the 

silent movies. Although they have been stereo- 
typed as villains, they have also been depicted 
as romantic leads (The Sheik 1 1921 1), Arabian 
Nights heroes (The Thief of Baghdad [1924 and 
19401, The Seventh Voyage of Sinhad [19581, and 
Aladdin 1 19921 ), victims of prejudice or senseless 
warfare (A Passage to India 1 1 984 1 , Three Kings 
1 1999)), and harem princesses and bellydanc- 
ers (Lost in a Harem , 1944). They have appeared 
as important secondary characters in adventure 
films such as The Crusades (1935), Lawrence of 
Arabia (1961), and Robin Hood: Prince oj Thieves 
(1991). The depictions of Arabs and Muslims in 
these films often conform to romantic Western 
stereotypes about peoples of the Orient that 
began in the 19th century. In the late 1970s and 
1980s, as the Middle East became a major focal 
point of American interests and suffered several 
intense regional wars, Arabs and Muslims began 
to be increasingly dehumanized and portrayed 
as terrorists, kidnappers, and greedy and cor- 
rupt OIL shaykhs. This is evident in such films as 
Protocol (1984), Delta Force (1986), Not without 
My Daughter (1990), Navy SEALs (1990), and 
True Lies (1994). However, there have also been 
a few English-language international films that 
present more favorable views of Arabs and Mus- 
lims, such as The Message (1976), an account 
of the life of Muhammad, and Lion of the Desert 
(1981), about the Libyan resistance to Italian 
occupation during the 1930s. These were both 
produced by Moustapha Akkad (d. 2005), a Syr- 
ian filmmaker. 

See also Hinduism and Islam; Orientalism. 

Juan E. Campo, Firoozeh Papan-Matin (Iranian 
cinema), Garay Menicucci (Arab cinema), 
Bhaskar Sarkar (Indian cinema) 

Further reading: General : Roy Amies, Third World Film 
Making and the West (Berkeley: University of California 
Press. 1987); John C. Eisele, “The Wild East: Decon- 
structing the Language of Genre in the Hollywood 
Eastern.’* Cinema Journal 41, 4 (2002): 68-94; Jack 
G. Shaheen, Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a 

circumcision 1 49 

People (New York: Olive Branch Press, 2001); Arab Cin- 
ema : Walter Armbrust, Mass Culture and Modernism in 
Egypt, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996); 
Ibrahim Fawal, Youssef Chahine (London: BF1 Publica- 
tions, 2001); Viola Shafik, Arab Cinema: History and 
Cultural Identity (Cairo: American University in Cairo 
Press, 1998); Iranian Cinema : Hamid Dabashi. Close 
Up: Iranian Cinema, Past, Present, and Future (New York: 
Verso, 2001); Richard Tapper, ed.. The New Iranian 
Cinema: Politics, Representation and Identity (London: 
I.B. Tauris Publishers, 2002); Indian Cinema : Akbar 
S. Ahmed, "Bombay Films: The Cinema for Indian 
Society and Politics.” Modern Asian Studies 26 (1992): 
289-320; Tejaswini Ganti, Bollywood: A Guidebook to 
Popular Hindi Cinema (New York: Routledge, 2004); 
Ashish Rajadhyaksha and Paul Willcmen, Encyclopedia 
of Indian Cinema, 2d cd. (New Delhi: Oxford University 
Press, 1999). 

circumcision (Arabic: khitan for males; 
khafd for females; tahara for both males 
and females) 

Male circumcision is a surgical procedure that 
involves removing the foreskin of the penis. It 
has been widely practiced among indigenous 
tribal peoples of Africa and Australia and among 
members of specific religious communities, espe- 
cially Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Today many 
people think it is done for purposes of hygiene, 
but this explanation is disputed, and it does not 
withstand empirical scrutiny in most instances. 
Ethnographic evidence suggests that, in fact, it 
is performed for various reasons, depending on 
context. In many tribal societies, it is done at 
puberty as a male rite of passage into adulthood. 
In biblical tradition, circumcision is the sign of 
a covenant (contract) between God, Abraham, 
and his descendants, the Hebrews. In Islam, male 
circumcision is almost universally practiced as a 
form of bodily purification. Only in some Mus- 
lim cultures is it a rite of passage to adulthood. 
Also, in contrast to the Judaic form, it is never 
mentioned in the Muslim holy book, the Quran, 

nor is it considered to be the sign of a covcnantal 
relationship between God and Muslims. 

Scholars have found evidence that Arabs prac- 
ticed circumcision before Islam's appearance and 
think that it later continued as an accepted practice 
in the early Muslim community. This explanation 
by itself does not account for the persistence of the 
custom nor its acceptance by non-Arab Muslims, 
who now constitute perhaps 80 percent of the 
worlds Muslim population. Although circumcision 
is not mentioned in the Quran, it is mentioned in 
the hadith, oral reports about what Muhammad and 
his companions said and did that were transmitted, 
collected, and studied by pious Muslims in order 
help regulate Muslim affairs in the newly emerg- 
ing Islamic empire. What the hadith do is establish 
male circumcision as an acceptable Muslim prac- 
tice. According to one hadith, circumcision is one 
of five acts (along with trimming the mustache, 
shaving pubic hair, plucking hair from the arm 
pits, and clipping fingernails) for which humans 
have a natural predisposition ( fitra ). Other hadiths 
report that Abraham, the sacred ancestor of Jews, 
Christians, and Muslims, had circumcised him- 
self. In the context of the sharia, Muslim jurists 
have ruled that it is either a required (w ajib) or a 
recommended practice (sunna). In legal manuals, 
it is treated as a form of ritual purification, called 
tahara, that puts the body of the individual into the 
proper condition for worship. 

Circumcision is performed by doctors at birth 
in hospitals and clinics today, but in many Mus- 
lim cultures a barber traditionally performs it at 
some time between the seventh day after birth and 
puberty, depending on local practice. In Turkey, 
there are clinics where circumcisers are trained 
in the appropriate surgical techniques, and boys 
are circumcised at the age of six or seven. Large 
family celebrations with feasting, music, Quran 
recitation, and visits to nearby saint shrines often 
accompany the event. In cases in which the family 
has a limited income, the circumcision celebration 
may be combined with a marriage ceremony so 
as to minimize expenses. The circumcision may 

'CsS=5 1 50 cities 

even he called a “wedding" or be understood as a 
milestone on the road to marriage. Uncircumcised 
converts to Islam may be required to be circum- 
cised, but there are different opinions about this. 

Female circumcision, or clitoridectomy, is 
called “female genital mutilation" (FGM) by 
human rights advocates because of the physical 
and emotional damage it can do to the patient. 
It is not as widely practiced among Muslims as is 
male circumcision, but it appears to be an ancient 
custom that is especially prevalent in sub-Saharan 
and northeast Africa. Christians and followers of 
other religions in that region as well as Muslims 
practice it. The minimal form of female circum- 
cision, which is ruled to be obligatory by some 
Muslim jurists, involves removal of the tip of the 
clitoris. There are more extreme forms, however, 
that involve the entire female genital area. These 
procedures are not endorsed by most jurists 
and appear to be governed by local customs. 
Midwives, barbers, and female healers usually 
perform female circumcision with the approval of 
female relatives of the patient. Infection rates are 
high, and there can be serious complications. Like 
male circumcision, the procedure is considered 
by its practitioners to be a kind of purification 
that helps prepare girls for their eventual mar- 
riage. Unlike male circumcision, however, it is not 
accompanied by large family celebrations. 

See also birth rites; women. 

Further reading: Abu Bakr Abd al-Razzaq, Circumci- 
sion in Islam. Translated by Aisha Bewley (London: 
Dar al-Taqwa, 1998); John G. Kennedy, “Circumcision 
and Excision Ceremonies." In Nubian Ceremonial Life, 
edited by John G. Kennedy, 151-170 (Cairo: American 
University in Cairo Press, 1978); Nahid Touba, Female 
Genital Mutilation: A Call for Global Action (New York: 
Women, Inc., 1993). 


The history of Islam as a religion and a civilization 
is one that is centered on urban life and institu- 

tions, contrary to stereotypes that exaggerate the 
importance of deserts and nomadic pastoralism. 
Muslims based their first empires in the same 
lands where the ancient Mesopotamians and 
Egyptians built the first cities in history and where 
Hellenistic cities flourished after the conquests of 
Alexander the Great in the fourth century b.c.e. 
The lives of Muhammad and the first Muslims 
were lived primarily in the towns of Mecca and 
Medina, located in the Hijaz region of the arid 
Arabian Peninsula. The impact of these two cities 
on Islam is reflected in the Quran itself, which 
distinguishes between Meccan and Medinan chap- 
ters. Mecca's importance is also underscored in the 
Five Pillars of Islam, which require that Muslims 
face toward that city's Sacred Mosque when they 
do their daily prayers and that they must perform 
the hajj there at least once in their lifetimes if they 
are able. 

During their early conquests, Arab Muslim 
armies occupied ancient cities and towns of the 
Middle East, such as Jerusalem, Damascus, and 
Aleppo in Syria, Alexandria in Egypt, Nishapur 
and Balkh in Iran, and Samarqand in Central 
Asia. They did the same when they penetrated the 
Iberian Peninsula, where they settled in the old 
Roman cities of Cordoba, Seville, and Granada. 
In many regions of the empire, they built new 
garrison towns, some of which grew into major 
urban centers such as Fustat in Egypt, Tunis and 
Fez in North Africa, Basra and Kufa in Iraq, and 
Shiraz in Iran. They built the legendary city of 
Baghdad in Iraq in the eighth century, and later, 
when Muslim armies invaded northern India in 
the 12th century, they founded the fortress city 
of Delhi. All of these cities served as important 
political, cultural, religious, and economic cen- 
ters. People of different ethnicities, religions, and 
social classes interacted in them on a daily basis. 

In an important 10th-century topographic 
encyclopedia, al-Muqaddasi (also known as al- 
Maqdisi, d. ca. 990) described hundreds of cities 
and towns in Muslim lands from Andalusia to 
Central Asia. These urban systems were con- 

cities 1 51 

nected by trade routes that spanned mountains, 
deserts, river lands, and sometimes seas, forming 
complex spatial hierarchies, organized vertically 
from the local fortress or commercial center to 
the district capital, the provincial capital, and 
transrcgional metropolis. Some of these cities 
had specialized functions, such as the holy cities 
of Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, and Karbala; the 
commercial centers of Aleppo (in Syria) and Fus- 
tat; and the palace cities of Baghdad, Samarra (in 
Iraq), Cairo, and Madinat al-Zahra (next to Cor- 
doba). A number of cities became famous as cen- 
ters of learning and scholarship, such as Baghdad, 
Nishapur, Cairo, and Cordoba. Najaf in Iraq and 
Qumm in Iran became major centers of learning 
for the Shia. All cities were dependent on nearby 
agricultural lands and water systems, and they 
benefited from symbiotic relations with Bedouin 
and other nomadic peoples who provided pasto- 
ral animal products, caravan transport, and often 
warriors for the army. Urban populations varied 
in size from a few thousand for the smaller settle- 
ments to nearly a million in medieval Baghdad, 
Cairo, and Cordoba at their height, far exceeding 
the populations of European cities at the time. 
Famines, plagues, droughts, wars, and invasions 
severely affected city life, causing population 
levels to fluctuate; smaller towns and cities were 
often abandoned in such situations. Ibn Khaldun 
(d. 1406), the famous medieval philosopher of 
history, pointed out that city dwellers became 
unhealthy because of their luxurious diets and 
lack of exercise compared to nomadic peoples, 
who were more abstemious and physically fit. 

Typical features in the medieval Islamicate 
urban landscape were the Friday mosque, per- 
manent marketplace, palace complex or fortress, 
public bath, and residential quarters. Other impor- 
tant architectural features were shrines containing 
relics of holy men and women, public fountains, 
caravanserais, religious colleges, and Sufi hos- 
pices. Most cities also had non-Muslim religious 
structures such as churches and synagogues. 
Streets were typically narrow and winding. Cem- 

eteries were usually located on the outer edges 
of the inhabited areas. Unlike the Greco-Roman 
Hellenistic cities that preceded them, Islamicate 
cities did not have theaters, coliseums, or gridlike 
street patterns. 

Cities in Muslim lands have undergone major 
transformations in the modern era. Colonization 
resulted in the creation of European-stylc quarters 
and suburbs that contrasted greatly with the old 
medieval cities. New street patterns, architectural 
styles, and building materials were introduced by 
colonial architects and native ones who emulated 
the West. Electric lighting, motorized transport, 
and modern communications enhanced the qual- 
ity of life for many urban dwellers during the 
20th century. Several of these cities, such as Cairo, 
Istanbul, and New Delhi have become cosmo- 
politan centers of global reach and importance, 
where modern skyscrapers stand next to medieval 
heritage sites and buildings displaying modern 
revivals of traditional architectural styles. On the 
other hand, new educational and employment 
opportunities, improved health services, land 
reform, and mechanization have resulted in major 
population shifts from the countryside to the city. 
As a consequence, urban populations increased 
dramatically during the latter part of the 20th cen- 
tury, placing great strains on the urban infrastruc- 
ture and city services. Millions of people living in 
densely populated urban shanty towns attached to 
the older quarters or juxtaposed to upper-income 
and business districts find themselves faced with 
low incomes or no jobs, substandard housing and 
infrastructure, and poor schooling and health 
care. These slums can be found in such major 
cities as Rabat (Morocco), Cairo, Beirut, Baghdad, 
Tehran, Karachi, and Dhaka and contribute to 
the population of disaffected youths who become 
recruits for Islamic organizations and extremist 

The metropolitan areas with the largest popu- 
lations in Muslim countries today are greater 
Cairo (est. 16.8 million, 2008), Jakarta (Indone- 
sia) (13.1 million, 2005), Dhaka (Bangladesh) 

<c ^ 1 52 citizenship 

(12.5 million, 2005), Karachi (Pakistan) (11.8 
million, 2005), Istanbul (Turkey) (9.8 million, 
2005), and Tehran (Iran) (8.6 million, 2005). 

See also architecture; bazaar; camel; cem- 
etery; colonialism; houses; madrasa. 

Further reading: Albert Hourani, A History of the Arab 
Peoples (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 
1991), 109-146; F E. Peters, Jerusalem and Mecca: The 
Typology of the Holy City in the East (New York: New York 
University Press, 1986); Shams al-Din al-Muqaddasi (al- 
Maqdisi), The Best Divisions for Knowledge of the Regions, 
trans. Basil A. Collins (Reading, U.K.: Garnet, 2001); 
Paul Wheatley, The Places Where Men Pray Together: Cit- 
ies in Islamic Lands, Seventh through the Tenth Centuries 
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001) 


The idea that identity is inextricably linked with a 
given territory or land develops with the appear- 
ance of the modern nation-state of 17th-century 
Europe. Being French or Spanish, for example, 
began to reflect not only a certain lineage or a 
set of cultural habits, but most importantly the 
simple fact of having been born in a given geo- 
graphic space. As the model of the modern state 
spread to other parts of the world through Euro- 
pean colonization of parts of Africa, Asia, and the 
entire Western hemisphere, traditional identities 
and affiliations began to change. This is especially 
true in lands where the majority of inhabitants 
were Muslim. In fact, the effects of changing 
identities and affiliations in the Muslim lands 
brought by colonialism are still felt today, as seen 
in the transnational composition of many Islamist 
movements. Central to these changes is the idea of 
citizenship, or the bestowal of an official national 
identity on an individual by a government. 

Prior to the postcolonial states found in many 
parts of the Muslim world, identity hinged on 
kinship relations and the idea of the umma, or the 
community of Muslims. For the majority Sunni 
Muslims, after Muhammad's death in 632 a caliph 

led the community, at least symbolically, until the 
office's abolition in 1924. Regardless of where an 
individual is born or what language they speak, 
as long as they are born as a Muslim or convert 
to Islam they are part of the umma. Historically, 
in most cases only members of the umma were 
subject to Islamic law, even if non-Muslims — or 
dhimmis — lived in areas ruled by Muslim lead- 
ers. Otherwise, non-Muslims, and particularly 
Jews, Christians, and in some cases Hindus, lived 
according to their own legal traditions. Although 
a territorial element can be found in the Islamic 
legal designations dar al-Islam (abode of Islam) 
and dar al-harb (abode of war), these came into 
effect only when Muslims came into contact with 
large non-Muslim populations, such as occurred 
through conquest or trade. Individual identity, 
however, depended on one's religious affiliation. 
As bounded political territories, modern states 
of the Muslim world in general and, more par- 
ticularly, the idea of citizenship, changed not only 
local political organization but also grounds for 
legal AUTHORITY and for individual identity. 

See also dar al-Islam and dar al-harb; law, 


Caleb Elfcnbein 

Further reading: Benedict Anderson, Imagined Commu- 
nities (New York: Verso, 1991); John L. Esposito, Islam: 
The Straight Path (New York: Oxford University Press, 
1998); Albert Hourani, A History of the Arab Peoples 
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991). 

civil society 

Civil society is located between the intimate-pri- 
vate spheres of familial life and the various organs 
of the state: administrative, legislative, judicial, 
and economic. In large measure, it is beholden 
to those selfsame institutions, for the state serves 
to “frame" or structure social relations outside 
its immediate purview (for example, through the 
legal system). The nature, complexity, and differ- 
entiation of power relations, nodes, and networks 

civil society 1 53 

account for the ongoing interdependence between 
the state and civil society. The institutions, associ- 
ations, organizations, gathering places, and social 
movements on the terrain of civil society act as a 
kind of schoolhouse for democracy or as a dress 
rehearsal for more traditional forms of politi- 
cal participation. While authoritarian regimes 
routinely attempt to “depoliticize" or “privatize’' 
relations within society, the modern state finds 
it difficult to implement this divide-to-conquer 
strategy. It does not have the capacity to become 
truly totalitarian, to manipulate and control the 
entire spectrum of activities and dialogue consti- 
tutive of the various “publics" in civil society. 

The moral, political, and cultural capacities of 
actors in civil society are based on norms of trust, 
reciprocity, friendship, commitment, and the like 
that are metaphorically termed “social capital.” 
The strength and circulation of this social capital 
signals both the desire and potential for democra- 
tization and may be the very locus of “democracy" 
in societies with governments that suffer from 
democracy deficits. 

In the Middle East, civil society consists of 
“a melange of associations, clubs, guilds, syn- 
dicates, federations, unions, parties and groups 
[that) come together to provide a buffer between 
state and citizen.” (Norton, 1:7). Professional 
associations of doctors, lawyers, engineers, and 
teachers are particularly strong in Egypt, Tunisia, 
Morocco, Sudan, and among the Palestinians. 
These syndicates are often the leading edge of 
civil society owing to the high level of education, 
political awareness, and financial resources of 
their members. In Egypt, members of the Muslim 
Brotherhood are elected majorities on the boards 
of most ol these associations. 

Among the Arab Gulf States, Kuwait's civil 
society deserves mention, with its fairly free 
press, professional associations, and cultural 
clubs. In particular, the reception areas ( diwani - 
yyah ) in peoples' homes function as gathering 
places where men socialize and discuss a variety 
of topics, political and otherwise. Kuwaiti women 

have started their own diwaniyyahs, and it was 
the diwaniyyah that gave birth to the country's 
prodemocracy movement in the 1990s. While 
Kuwait's constitution provides the framework for 
its civil society, the state has never recognized 
independent voluntary organizations. Turkey, 
with its secular state, has a yet more energetic 
civil society, much of it Islamic. Still, its Islamist 
members possess “contradictory motivations and 
goals and sometimes radically differing interpre- 
tations of fundamental religious principles and 
political platforms" (White, 6). When the Turk- 
ish military regime crushed the left in the early 
1980s, Muslim activists filled the void; they con- 
ducted charitable, humanitarian, and educational 
projects while agitating for economic and social 
justice. The electoral success of the Islamic Jus- 
tice and Development Party provides evidence of 
the ability of Muslims to effectively organize and 
mobilize others in civil society. 

Finally, note should be made o( the attraction 
of militant Islamist groups such as Hizbullah and 
Hamas. These groups draw young recruits and 
galvanize popular support for several reasons, not 
the least of which is their “provision of substan- 
tial social services and charitable activities, from 
education to housing and financial support of the 
members of families killed, wounded, or detained 
by authorities." (Esposito and Burgat, 76) 

See also authority; constitution. 

Patrick O'Donnell 

Further reading: John L. Esposito and Francois Burgat, 
cds.. Modernizing Islam: Religion in the Public Sphere 
in Europe and the Middle East (New Brunswick, N.J.: 
Rutgers University Press, 2003); John Keane, Civil Soci- 
ety: Old Images , Nov Visions (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford 
University Press, 1998); Augustus Richard Norton, ed., 
Civil Society in the Middle East. 2 vols. (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 
1995-1996); Jenny B. White, Islamist Mobilization in 
Turkey: A Study in Vernacular Politics (Seattle: University 
of Washington Press, 2002); Carrie Rosefsky Wickham, 
Mobilizing Islam: Religious Activism and Political Change 
in Egypt (New York: Columbia University Press, 2002). 


1 54 clitoridectomy 

clitoridectomy See circumcision. 


Coffee is one of the most widely consumed 
brewed beverages in the world today, especially by 
adults. It is a stimulating drink made from husks 
and kernels obtained from berries of the coffee 
tree that are dried, roasted, ground, mixed with 
water, and then lightly boiled. Its story is inter- 
woven with the history of Islamic religion, the 
cultures of the Middle East and Africa, and their 
early encounters with modern Europe. The story 
is partly reflected in the English word coffee itself, 
which came into the language in the 17th century 
from Arabic qahwa by way of Turkish kahveh (the 
Arabic letter w is pronounced as a v in Turkish). 
The word cafe came into English via Arabic, Turk- 
ish, and then French. Even the scientific name 
for the tree that produces the most commonly 
used coffee berry, Coffea Arabica , suggests the 
beverages historical connection to the Arabian 
Middle East. The tree was originally native to 
Ethiopia in Northeast Africa, but it began to be 
cultivated in Arabia during the 14th or 15th cen- 
tury. In order to better understand the history of 
coffee, one must trace how a berry native to Africa 
came to be cultivated and used by Arabs to make 
a tasty beverage called qahwa, which then became 
a favorite drink in Ottoman Turkey and Europe, 
and then a global commodity grown in tropical 
regions of Southeast Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, 
and especially in Latin America (the center of cof- 
fee production today). 

There are several imaginative accounts about 
the discovery of coffee. The most familiar tale 
among Europeans and Americans is that of the 
Ethiopian goatherd who one day observed his 
goats dancing about after eating coffee berries. He 
tried the beans himself, found them to be invigo- 
rating, and shared his discovery with a “monk," 
who then roasted them and concocted a brew that 
allowed him and other monks to stay awake for 
their nightly prayers. A more historically valid 

account is provided by Abd al-Qadir al-Jaziri, a 
16th-century Muslim jurist, in a book he wrote 
about coffee drinking. He mentioned reports about 
a 15th-century Sufi shaykh known as al-Dhabhani 
from Yemen who observed people using qahwa 
for medicinal purposes during a visit to Ethio- 
pia. Upon returning to Yemen, he also benefited 
from using it, and he recommended it as a bever- 
age to his Sufi brothers. They found that it gave 
them more vigor and helped them stay awake on 
nights when they had long prayer vigils and dhikr 
rituals. There are yet more accounts about coffee's 
origins, but they generally agree that cultivating 
and drinking it began with the Sufis of Yemen. 
By 1511, it had reached the holy cities of Mecca 
and Medina, and then Yemeni Sufis introduced it 
to students and scholars at al-Azhar in Cairo. In 
the mid- 1500s, coffee became a popular beverage 
in the cities of Syria and Turkey, especially in the 
Ottoman capital, Istanbul. It later reached Iraq, 
Iran, and India with the help of pilgrims returning 
home from the hajj to Mecca. 

The coffee prepared in most of the Middle East 
is served very black with the grounds still in it; 
they are allowed to settle to the bottom of the cup 
before drinking. The first places to serve it to pay- 
ing customers appear to have been taverns where 
wine was also available. In the 16th and 17th 
centuries, it began to be served at coffeehouses 
and streetsidc stalls in many Middle Eastern cit- 
ies, where European travelers first began to notice 
it. According to an 18th-century French travel 
account, “All sorts of people come to these places, 
without distinction of religion or social position; 
there is not the slightest bit of shame in entering 
such a place, and many go there simply to chat 
with one another" (Mattox, 94). Storytellers and 
poets entertained coffeehouse customers with folk 
tales and epics about famous Muslim warriors 
or, in the case of Iran, Persian kings and princes. 
Today Middle Eastern men still frequent neighbor- 
hood coffeehouses to do business; join friends to 
play cards, backgammon, and chess; listen to the 
radio; and watch soccer matches on television. At 

colonialism 1 55 

home, Middle Eastern women prepare and serve 
coffee to guests and friends. Also, in almost any 
gathering of women, there are several who offer 
to tell friends' fortunes by reading the patterns of 
the fine black coffee sediment created when the 
empty cups are turned upside down, then right 
side up again. 

Some Muslim religious and political authori- 
ties attempted to either outlaw coffee drinking or 
close coffeehouses as they became more and more 
popular in the 16th century. There were suspi- 
cions that coffee was an intoxicating beverage and 
that it should therefore be banned like alcoholic 
drinks, which are forbidden according to Islamic 
dietary laws. Religious conservatives also wanted 
it banned because they believed it was a harmful 
innovation (b/daa), not explicitly permitted by 
the Quran and hadith. Coffeehouses were suspect 
because immoral activities reportedly occurred 
there. Also, some government officials became 
concerned because of the seditious talk and plots 
that might be hatched when men gathered to drink 
coffee. None of these efforts to prohibit coffee suc- 
ceeded, however, as any visitor to the Middle East 
today can see with his or her own eyes. 

The coffee trade was originally in the hands 
of Muslim merchants working out of the port of 
Mocha (al-Mukha) in Yemen, from which the best 
coffees originally came. Some types of coffee still 
carry the name mocha. Before the end of the 18th 
century, two things happened to end the Muslim 
monopoly on coffee cultivation and trade. First, 
the Europeans had not only acquired a taste for 
coffee themselves, but they had successfully intro- 
duced coffee cultivation to their colonies in the 
New World and tropical Asia. Muslim merchants 
lost access to the European market, and they had 
to compete against the lower prices offered by 
European merchants. Second, more and more of 
the worlds maritime commercial traffic fell into 
the hands of Europeans; even the port of Mocha 
was opened to Dutch, French, and British sail- 
ing vessels. Although coffee is still produced in 
Yemen, most of the coffee consumed in the Middle 

Umm Kulthoum Cafe, Cairo, Egypt (Juan E. Campo) 

East and other parts of the world comes from 
Latin America (especially Brazil). Coffee drink- 
ing in the United States began in the days of the 
British colonies, but it did not become a popular 
beverage until after the Boston Tea Party of 1773, 
when Americans boycotted British tea and drank 
coffee instead. 


Further reading: Eric Hansen. “Yemen’s Well-Traveled 
Bean." Saudi Aramco World 48, no. 5 (September/Octo- 
ber 1997): 2-9; Ralph S. Hatlox, Coffee and Coffeehouses: 
The Origin of a Social Beverage in the Medieval Near East 
(Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1985); Ben- 
nett Alan Weinberg and Bonnie K. Bealer. The World 
of Caffeine: The Science and Culture of the Worlds Most 
Popular Drug (New York: Routledge, 2001). 


Colonialism is a historical process whereby one 
state subdues another state or territory for politi- 
cal and economic advantage. In addition to the 
use of armed force, colonialism usually involves 
the establishment of a colonial government and 
migration to the new territories by settlers who 
occupy the most productive land and control 
important sectors of the region’s society and 

1 56 colonialism 

economy. Ancient empires such as those of Greece 
and Rome engaged in colonial practices, and 
so did medieval ones, including the Islamicate 
empires. But historians more often associate colo- 
nialism with the establishment of modern Euro- 
pean empires around the world between the 16th 
and 20th centuries. Colonial acts of conquest and 
exploitation of foreign lands and peoples have 
been justified by colonizers in terms of higher 
principles or values, such as a “civilizing mis- 
sion” or a “white mans burden" to improve life 
for colonized people, reason (over tradition and 
superstition), and liberty from despotism. As a 
consequence, colonized peoples may find them- 
selves driven out of their homelands, absorbed 
into the new colonial order, or compelled to adopt 
anticolonial and revolutionary strategics of resis- 
tance. In colonial contexts, religion has proven to 
be a tool for both the colonizing powers, who use 
it to convert and control their colonial subjects, 
and their indigenous supporters and opponents, 
who find it a source of strength and inspiration in 
defense of their values and ways of life. 

In Muslim lands, colonization occurred when 
successive waves of European explorers, sol- 
diers, merchants, administrators, and missionar- 
ies arrived between the 16th and 20th centuries. 
Superior weapons technology helped facilitate 
their colonial undertakings. By the mid-20th cen- 
tury, some 90 percent of the Muslim world had 
fallen under direct colonial control. People living 
in other regions, such as the Hijaz in western Ara- 
bia, Turkey, Persia, and Afghanistan, witnessed 
indirect forms of European colonial involvement. 
Aside from the conquest of Andalusia in the 15th 
century, one of the earliest instances of coloniza- 
tion occurred when the army of the Russian czar 
overran the Tatar khanate (principality) of Kazan 
on the Volga River in 1552. Tatar Muslims were 
uprooted from their homes, fertile lands were 
transferred to Russian settlers, and the region was 
opened to evangelization by Orthodox Christian 
missionaries. The conquest of other Muslim ter- 
ritories in Astrakhan and western Siberia soon fol- 

lowed. By the end of the 19th century, the Russian 
empire had extended its control to the Caucasus 
and Central Asia. 

Many European powers competed with each 
other to establish colonies in Muslim lands. 
After Napoleon tried and failed to establish a 
French presence in Egypt in 1798, the French 
turned to North Africa, where Algeria, Tunisia, 
and Morocco became French colonial territories 
between 1830 and 1900. By 1914, France had won 
footholds in western and equatorial Africa. The 
English East India Company, a merchant venture, 
was the instrument by which Great Britain was 
able to gain nearly total hegemony in South Asia 
(greater India and Sri Lanka) and the Persian Gulf 
by the end of the 19th century. The British Crown 
established direct rule in India after smashing 
the uprising of 1857, and it created protectorates 
with all the major Gulf States (excluding Iran) by 
1900. Britain occupied Egypt in 1882 to guarantee 
access to the newly constructed Suez Canal, its 
lifeline to India. In 1914, Nigeria became a British 
colony and protectorate, as did part of the Horn 
of Africa. At the end of World War 1, France and 
Britain took control of former Ottoman territories 
in Syria and Iraq, including what is now Lebanon, 
Israel, Palestine, and Jordan. Not to be outdone, 
Italy attempted to establish colonial footholds in 
Libya and the Horn of Africa in the 1930s, but 
these efforts were cut short by World War II. 

Desire to control the spice trade drew both 
Britain and the Netherlands to Southeast Asia 
in the 17th century. After first obtaining trading 
privileges from local Muslim rulers, they com- 
peted with each other to monopolize the region's 
economic and political affairs. The Dutch com- 
pleted their hegemony over what is now Indo- 
nesia during the 18th century, while the British 
colonized the Malay Peninsula in the 19th cen- 
tury. The Spanish, following upon the success of 
their New World conquests, began colonizing the 
Philippines in the late 16th century. They halted 
the lslamization this island region was undergo- 
ing at that time and retained the Philippines as a 

colonialism 1 57 

Crown colony until it became a possession of the 
United States in 1898. 

It is difficult to overestimate how deeply Euro- 
pean colonialism changed life wherever it reached 
in the world. Native and traditional forms of gov- 
ernment, subsistence, commerce, and education 
were replaced and transformed. Social institutions 
and cultural practices were reshaped and often 
redefined in new frameworks of thought and action 
acquired from the West. Western powers such as 
the French attempted to rule their colonies with 
their own administrators, as the Spanish and British 
had done in the New World. Greatly outnumbered 
by the African and Asian populations, however, 
Europeans realized that they would have to shift to 
a policy of ruling in cooperation with native lead- 
ers. This is the way the British governed India and 
Egypt. Native elites served as bridgeheads for intro- 
ducing Western reforms into their countries and 
for transferring natural resources and wealth away 
from them. They were educated in local schools 
featuring new Western curricula, and they studied 
abroad in European schools and academies. Such 
changes caused deep cleavages in colonial societies, 
which were once defined by close ties of language, 
kinship, reciprocity, and patronage. Colonial cities 
such as Cairo, Fez, and New Delhi reflected these 
new divisions in their layouts. Traditional residen- 
tial and commercial quarters were separated from 
and surpassed by new urban districts with their 
European-style buildings and broad boulevards. 
Indigenous peoples nevertheless benefited from 
colonization as health and housing conditions 
improved, new employment opportunities arose, 
and literacy spread from the select few to the 
populace at large. Such developments helped pave 
the way for participation of more people in public 
life and self-governance. 

Colonialism also had a marked impact on 
Islam. Muslim religious leaders led anticolonial 
resistance movements in French Algeria, the Rus- 
sian Empire's Caucasus region, Dutch Indonesia, 
the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, British Somalia, and 
Italian Libya. These movements failed in the short 

run, but they were incorporated into the histories 
of the nation-states that emerged in the formerly 
colonized territories during the 20th century. 
Pan-Islamism, an attempt to reunite Muslims 
under a revived Ottoman caliphate in the late 
19th century, was another way in which Muslims 
attempted to oppose colonial incursions into their 
territories. This movement died when the caliph- 
ate was officially abolished by the secular govern- 
ment of the new Republic of Turkey in 1924. One 
of the most famous modern Islamic movements 
was the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt. It began 
as a social and religious revitalization movement 
in 1928, but it became a militant opponent of 
the British and Zionist Jews who created Israel in 
1948. The brotherhood joined with secular Arab 
nationalists to overthrow the British-backed mon- 
archy in 1953, which resulted in the creation of 
the Egyptian Republic. 

The success of European colonization — 
together with the decline of the Ottoman, Persian, 
and Mughal Empires — created a sense of crisis in 
Muslim societies. The age-old privileges of their 
religious authorities, the ulama, were undermined 
by the creation of secular schools, the spread of 
literacy and European languages, and the introduc- 
tion of Western law codes bypassing the SHARIA. In 
response, religious revival and reform movements, 
supported and led by the ulama, swept through 
much of the Muslim world. Revivalists sought to 
uphold and defend essential Islamic teachings, 
emphasizing literalistic interpretations of the Quran 
and hadith, together with adherence to the Five 
Pillars, family law, and other prescribed religious 
practices. Meanwhile, reform-minded modernists, 
often with the approval of colonial authorities, 
sought to demonstrate that Islam conformed to the 
principles of Western reason and science. Revival- 
ists and reformers alike declared war on religious 
beliefs and practices they considered to be corrupt 
innovations (bjdaa) and superstitions. For many of 
them, this meant turning against popular Sufism 
and the worship of saints. It also meant questioning 
the validity of traditional fiqh (jurisprudence), and 

1 58 comic strips and comic books 

turning to ijtihad (individual legal reasoning) for 
the interpretation of Islam's legal requirements and 
prohibitions. Such developments not only helped 
Muslims adapt to the rapid changes their societies 
were undergoing, but they also helped defend them 
from Christian missionaries and foreign governors 
who wanted to convert and rule them. 

None of these developments escaped notice of 
the Europeans. A new branch of knowledge about 
Middle Eastern and Islamicate societies called Ori- 
entalism was born in the colonial era. It involved 
the study of the languages, institutions, history, and 
religions of colonized subjects in order to under- 
stand them and govern them more effectively. In 
India, the British studied Muslim and Hindu laws 
in order to codify them and use them to help 
administer the country. The French collected 
extensive information about Sufi brotherhoods in 
North Africa in order to identify resistance lead- 
ers and enlist cooperation of religious authorities. 
Likewise, the Dutch monitored the flow of Indo- 
nesian pilgrims to and from Mecca, suspecting 
they were involved in anticolonial movements. 
The scientific study of the Middle East and Islam, 
however, was not only for the pragmatic purpose 
of colonial governance. It also was driven by a 
curiosity about the origins of Western civilization. 
Gaining knowledge about the Orient was a way for 
Europeans to create knowledge about themselves 
and, aided by theories of race and civilizational 
progress, to represent themselves as better and as 
more advanced than non-Europeans. 

The golden age of European colonialism was 
brought to an end in 1945 by World War II, 
which had devastated the populations of Europe 
and loosened the hold of the colonial powers over 
African, Asian, and Middle Eastern peoples. Nev- 
ertheless, colonialism has left a profound imprint 
on the world and on Muslims, one that is still very 
much in evidence in the early 21st century. Many 
Muslims today consider themselves to be citizens 
of nation-states that were created in the 20th 
century, and the boundary lines that define these 
countries were drawn by the colonial powers or 

by native elites to whom they delivered the reigns 
of government. Moreover, many of the major 
conflicts that have shaken the world since 1945 
have roots in the colonial era: the Arab-Israeli 
conflicts, wars between India and Pakistan, and 
the Gulf wars involving Iraq and Iran. It is also 
widely recognized that the currents of religious 
radicalism, reform, and revival present in Muslim 
societies today were born during that era. Today 
the economic life and security of many of the 
former colonized regions remain dependent upon 
Europe and the United States as well as multina- 
tional corporations. Some historians and political 
scientists have therefore coined the term neocolo- 
nialism to describe the new system of global and 
international relations that emerged during the 
cold war (post-1945). The invasion of Iraq by 
the United States and Britain in 2003 is but one 
example of this new form of international power 
relations, and it has already demonstrated an 
impact on political Islam and the ways Muslims 
understand and practice their religion. 

See also Afghani, Jamal al-Din al-; Ahmad 
Khan, Sayyid; Christianity and Islam; civil soci- 
ety; Deoband; education; Islamism; politics and 
Islam; renewal and reform movements; Wah- 

Further reading: Albert Hourani, A History of the Arab 
Peoples (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 
1991); Rashid Khalidi, Resurrecting Empire: Western 
Footprints and Americas Perilous Path in the Middle East 
(Boston: Beacon Press. 2004); Charles Kurzman, ct al., 
eds. Modernist Islam, circa 1840-1940: A Sourcebook 
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2002); Thomas 
Metcalf. Ideologies of the Raj (Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press, 1998); Michael Rywkin, ed., Russian 
Colonial Expansion to 1 91 7 (London: Mansell Publish- 
ing, 1988). 

comic strips and comic books 

Comic strips are a popular art form consisting of a 
sequence of framed cartoons that tell a story, usu- 

comic strips and comic books 1 59 

ally accompanied by speech bubbles and narrative 
text boxes. Comic books are expanded versions 
of comic strips published as a magazine or book. 
The publication of comic strips began in Germany 
and the United States in the latter part of the 19th 
century. Mass-market production of comic strips 
and comic books first began to prosper in the 
United States during the 1930s. Many countries 
around the world also developed this form of 
popular literature during the last century, includ- 
ing Britain, France, Italy, and Japan. It has spread 
widely because of the growth of print culture, 
increased literacy rates, demand for popular forms 
of entertainment, and development of a global 
consumer economy. From the beginning, comics 
have been created for both CHILDREN and adults, 
but the popularity of adult comics increased dur- 
ing the closing decades of the 20th century. 

Comics are popular in the Middle East and 
elsewhere where there arc large Muslim popula- 
tions. Illustrated book manuscripts were produced 
in Islamicate societies during the Middle Ages that 
contained pictures of animals, heroic warriors, 
holy figures, mythological creatures, ANGELS, and 
other extraordinary beings. These books were 
created by professional calligraphers and paint- 
ers who worked for a few powerful and wealthy 
patrons and did not enjoy widespread circulation. 
The introduction of comics in the modern sense 
did not occur until the 20th century as a result 
of European influence in Muslim lands. In the 
Middle East, most early comics were in English 
and French, but by the mid-1960s they began to 
be rendered in local languages, such as Arabic. 
Disney cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse 
and Donald Duck became popular in the Arab 
world with the publication of the weekly Egyptian 
comic magazine M iki. It was not long before these 
characters were adapted to native cultures and 
shown wearing galabias (Egyptian-style robes), 
carrying prayer beads, and celebrating Ramadan. 
Likewise, Supermans alter ego, Clark Kent, was 
changed to Nabil Fawzi, while Batman and Robin 
became Subhi and Zakkour. 

Aside from the conversion of imported comic- 
book characters into local ones, rising national- 
ist politics in newly independent countries led 
to the search for culturally authentic subjects 
and characters. Some comics featured folklorie 
figures such as the wise Egyptian fool Juha, 
known in other parts of the Middle East as Nasr 
al-Din Khoja or Mullah Nasr al-Din, while others 
retold Arab/an Nights stories, such as “Sinbad 
the Sailor.” Historic subjects portrayed in Arab 
comics include the medieval traveler Ibn Battuta, 
Salah al-Din (Saladin), and the crusaders and 
guerrillas who fought against the French and the 
Israelis. Even women, such as the Syrian queen 
Zenobia of Palmyra (third century C.E.), have 
found a place in the comics. Comics in Turkey 
have recounted the story of that nation's found- 
ing father, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (d. 1938). In 
Iraq, comics were used to lionize Saddam Husayn, 
the country's former president, and promote the 
ideology of the Baath Party. Egypt's charismatic 
president, Jamal Abd al-Nasir (d. 1971), and 
Hafiz al-Asad (d. 2000) of Syria have also been 
comic book subjects. In India, which has one 
of the largest Muslim populations in the world 
(although they represent only about 12 percent of 
the country's population), the Mughal emperors 
Akbar (d. 1605) and Jahangir (d. 1627) have been 
subjects of Amar Chitra Katha comics, a very 
popular line of comic books celebrating favorite 
topics in Indian history, religion, literature, and 
folklore since 1967. Although this series often 
favors Hindu subjects at the expense of Muslim 
ones, it did publish an issue on Nur Jahan, the 
gifted and influential wife of Jahangir and mother 
of Shah Jahan (d. 1666), the builder of the Taj 

There are also comics with mainly Islamic 
religious content. This would seem to contradict 
the Islamic prohibition against the portrayal of 
human beings, especially of holy people. It should 
be remembered, however, that this ruling has not 
prevented the creation and reproduction of figural 
images in premodern manuscript illuminations, 

1 60 communism 

traditional folk art, modern print publications, 
and commercial art. Islamic comics have several 
different kinds of themes. Some involve holy fig- 
ures mentioned in the Quran or famous people 
in early Islamic history. Muslim prophets such 
as Abraham and Muhammad are never portrayed 
in human form in these publications. Rather, 
such comics depict a landscape or a burst bubble 
accompanied by a speech bubble or narration 
box containing the prophet's words, while the 
prophet himself remains invisible. Other people 
arc shown in human form, however. Another kind 
of Islamic comic seeks to teach the importance of 
performing ones ritual obligations, living a pious 
life, or adhering to the ethical values of Islam. 
Muslim periodicals published in Europe and 
North America contain comics for children that 
address similar issues. These are also intended 
to help youth learn about their religious heritage 
in secular societies where they are in the minor- 
ity. On the other hand, anti-Islamic comics have 
been published in the United States and Europe 
by individuals and groups seeking to convert 
Muslims or criticize or insult their beliefs and 
practices. Such activity, while it is allowed in the 
name of freedom of the press, has provoked angry 
responses, as witnessed in Europe in 2006 when 
the publication of unsympathetic cartoon images 
of Muhammad in Denmark and other countries 
sparked demonstrations by immigrant Muslims 
in Europe and outraged Muslims in other parts of 
the world. 

See also books and bookmaking; calligraphy; 
Europe; folklore. 

Further reading: Allen Douglas and Fedwa Malti-Doug- 
las, Arab Comic Strips: Politics of an Emerging Mass Cul- 
ture (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994); “It's 
a Bird! Its a Plane! It's . . . Nabil FawziF* Saudi Aramco 
21 (March/April 1970): 18-25; Frances Prichett, “The 
World of Amar Chitra Katha." In Media and the Trans- 
formation of Religion in South Asia, edited by Lawrence 
A. Babb and Susan S. Wadley, 76-106 (Philadelphia: 
University of Pennsylvania Press. 1995). 


One of the most important expressions of political 
ideology, social organization, revolutionary action, 
and economic development to appear in the 19th 
and 20th centuries was communism. Its founding 
figure was Karl Marx (d. 1883), a German intel- 
lectual and journalist, who argued that history 
was an ongoing struggle between the haves and 
the have-nots (the rich and the poor) over control 
of wealth. Fie believed that history would end with 
the triumph of the working class over the exploit- 
ative holders of capital, bringing about a peaceful, 
classless society in which wealth was shared com- 
munally. Communism, also known as Marxism, 
inspired social and revolutionary movements in 
Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Several of 
these movements were able to establish central- 
ized dictatorial regimes run by communist parties 
in Russia (known as the Soviet Union from 1917 
to 1991), Yugoslavia, China, North Korea, Viet- 
nam, and most of the countries in Eastern Europe. 
These governments were strongly opposed to 
organized religion, because they believed that reli- 
gion represented the established interests of the 
old order and that it perpetuated false ideas about 
human nature, economy, and society. By the end 
of the 20th century, the majority of governments 
under communist control had fallen except those 
of China, Vietnam, North Korea, and Cuba. The 
decline of communism at the end of the century 
coincided with the resurgence of political Islam, 
and some scholars have seen a causal relationship 
between the two phenomena. 

During the 20th century, Islam encountered 
communism in three ways: 1) intermittent sub- 
jugation of Muslim populations by communist 
governments in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, 
China, Yemen, and Afghanistan; 2) overt opposi- 
tion by conservative Islamic states such as Saudi 
Arabia to communist governments and parties; 
and 3) competition among rival Islamic and com- 
munist party organizations in their opposition to 
undemocratic and authoritarian right-wing gov- 
ernments and occupying powers. Many Muslims 

community 1 61 

see communism as being incompatible with their 
core Islamic values and teachings, such as their 
belief in God, performance of obligatory acts of 
worship, and acquisition of religious instruction 
as a part of ones moral development. Muslims in 
the Middle East in particular have also rejected 
communism because of the Soviet Unions quick 
recognition of Israel in 1948 and the support 
French Marxists showed for their government in 
its bloody war against the Algerian independence 
movement in 1954-62. 

The governments of the Soviet Union and 
other communist nations pursued policies to orga- 
nize subject Muslim populations in Central Asia 
into discreet nationalities based on ethnicity (for 
example, Uzbek, Tajik, and Kirghiz) and cut them 
off from their ties to Muslims and Islamic centers 
in the Middle East. Mosques and Islamic schools 
were closed or converted into cultural sites, while 
the overt practice of Islam was largely forced to go 
underground. The dissolution of the Soviet Union 
in 1991, however, spurred the revival of Islam, 
including militant lslamism, in the former Cen- 
tral Asian republics. In China, Muslims enjoyed 
religious freedom after World War 11 because they 
sided with the Communists in their campaign 
against the Nationalists for control of the country. 
This relationship disintegrated during the Chinese 
Cultural Revolution (1966-76), when Islam was 
outlawed. Since that time, however, Muslim com- 
munities have been allowed to rebuild their insti- 
tutions, and their situation has improved. 

The Islamic governments of Saudi Arabia and 
the Iranian republic both took clear stands against 
the spread of communist influence. During 1960s 
and 1970s, Saudi king Faysal ibn Abd al-Aziz (r. 
1964-75) urged Muslims to oppose the spread 
of atheism in their lands, by which he meant 
not only communism but also Zionism and Arab 
socialism. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan helped the 
United States provide covert support in the 1980s 
to the Afghan Mujahidin in their guerrilla war 
against the Peoples Democratic Party of Afghani- 
stan, a communist party that had seized power in 

1979 with the backing of the Soviet army. Indeed, 
the United States regarded both Saudi Arabia and 
Pakistan as staunch allies during the cold war 
(1945-91). Meanwhile, after the Islamic revolu- 
tion in Iran (1978-79), the new Khomeini regime 
violently eliminated the Marxist Tudeh (commu- 
nist) Party, the Fedaiyan-i Khalq, and other leftist 
groups that had formed earlier in opposition to 
the Iranian monarchy. 

Elsewhere, Islamic opposition movements 
competed with small groups of communists and 
leftists attempting to gain political power in coun- 
tries ruled by conservative or secular authoritar- 
ian governments. This was the case in Iran, Egypt, 
and Iraq. The Palestinian nationalist movement 
against Israeli occupation also reflects this fac- 
tional rivalry. Several leading 20th-century reviv- 
alists and reformers who were overtly opposed 
to communism nonetheless seized upon Marxist 
rhetoric concerning social justice, class struggle, 
revolution, and liberation and reshaped it in an 
Islamic mold. Abu Ala al-Mawdudi (d. 1979), 
Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966), and Ali Shariati (d. 1977) 
were in the forefront of this group. The Islamic 
movement that has most fully embodied the 
combination of Marxism with revivalist Islamic 
ideology is the Mujahidin-i Khalq, which opposed 
Iran's monarchy and was violently suppressed after 
the creation of the Islamic Republic in 1979. 

See also Central Asia and the Caucasus; fidai ; 
Muslim Brotherhood; politics and Islam. 

Further reading: Alexandre Bcnnigsten and Chan- 
tal Lemcrcier-Quclqucjay, Islam in the Soviet Union 
(London: Pracgcr. 1967); Ernest Gcllner, “Islam and 
Marxism: Some Comparisons." International Affairs 67 
(1991): 1-6; Dru C. Gladney, Muslim Chinese: Ethnic 
Nationalism in the People's Republic (Cambridge, Mass.: 
Harvard University Press, 1991); Ali A. Mazrui, “The 
Resurgence of Islam and the Decline of Communism." 
Futures 23 (1991): 273-289. 

community See vmma. 

162 Companions of the Prophet 

Companions of the Prophet (Arabic: 

dl-sahdba; ashab al-nabi) 

The Companions of the Prophet are the Muslims 
who joined with Muhammad (d. 632) in Medina 
during the seventh century to form the first 
Islamic community. They are highly esteemed by 
Sunni Muslims not only because of the roles they 
played in early Islamic history but also because of 
their involvement in the preservation and trans- 
mission of the Quran after Muhammad's death 
and in the definition and consolidation of the 
sunna itself. In fact, the hadith upon which the 
sunna is based include lists of transmitters that 
invariably give the names of companions who had 
witnessed what Muhammad said or did or who 
are themselves considered to have been virtuous 
exemplars of authentic Islamic practice. 

Sunni tradition recognizes several groups among 
the companions, with some overlap among them. 
They are the first four “rightly guided caliphs” 
(Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali); the Emigrants 
( muhajirun ) from Mecca; the Helpers (Ansar) 
from Medina, veterans of Badr, Uhud, and other 
early battles against Muhammad's enemies; and the 
People of the Bench. The last-named was a group of 
poor and pious Muslims who gathered at a bench 
(sujfa) in Muhammad's mosque in Medina. They 
are highly respected in Sufi tradition. The compan- 
ions also included women, especially the “Moth- 
ers of the Believers,'' among whom Muhammad's 
wife, Aisha, was foremost. On the other hand, the 
companions whom Sunnis revere (except Ali) are 
reviled by many Shii Muslims. The Shia contend 
that individuals such as Abu Bakr, Umar, and Aisha 
actually corrupted the pristine Islamic community 
by preventing Ali, the first Shii Imam, from becom- 
ing Muhammad's successor after his death in 632. 

See also sharia; umma. 

Further reading: Fuad Jabali, The Companions of the 
Prophet: A Study of Geographical Distribution and Politi- 
cal Alignments (Leiden: E.J. Brill. 2003); Muslim ibn 
al-Hajjaj, Sahih Muslim , trans. Abdul Hamid Siddiqi, 4 
vols. (Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 1975). 

consensus See ijmaa. 

Constantinople Sec Istanbul. 

Minimally, constitutionalism means government 
can and should be legally limited in its powers 
and that authority is derived from and depends 
upon those limitations. Such constitutionalism, 
in principle, even if not in practice, has become 
part and parcel of Islamic history. Indeed, the 
Charter (or Constitution) of Medina, Muhammad's 
compact with the Muslim and Jewish community 
(umma) that constituted the first Islamic polity 
after the Hijra in 622, has been regarded as an 
early foundation for constitutionalism in modern 
Muslim-majority countries. 

Sociologically speaking, a constitution is a 
“coordinating convention" that establishes “self- 
regulating" institutions that both “enable" and 
“constrain" democratic behavior. Social contract 
theories are misleading inasmuch as “agreement" 
or “tacit consent" is not a condition for accept- 
ing the constitutional order; mere acquiescence 
suffices. This renders the Western conception of 
“popular sovereignty" a rhetorical contrivance or 
metaphor, which, in turn, has important conse- 
quences for Islamic political theory. One oft-cited 
reason for Muslim hostility to liberal constitution- 
alism is the notion of popular sovereignty, which 
is seen as infringing upon or contradicting the 
sovereignty that properly belongs to God. Never- 
theless, the idea of sovereignty may have still have 
a role to play in constitutionalism if God's confer- 
ral of “vice-regency" (or deputation of author- 
ity) to humans implies some sort of individual 
sovereignty. Here, sovereignty (in a distributive 
or shared sense) entails according human beings 
theological and metaphysical freedom, which is 
logically prior to any notion of rights and liber- 
ties found in a constitution. The citizen-sovereign 
would thus make the laws, be bound by those 

constitutionalism 1 63 

laws, and yet somehow remain ‘'above" the law in 
acts of civil disobedience, amending or reforming 
the constitution, or in a constitutional revolution. 
Conceding this conception, the literal meaning of 
popular sovereignty in a collective sense commits 
the informal logical fallacy of composition. 

Among the criteria for a liberal constitution arc 
limits on majority decision making; recognition of 
human and civil (and increasingly, social and eco- 
nomic) rights and liberties; an independent and 
impartial judiciary to guarantee and protect these 
rights (including judicial review); and separa- 
tion of executive, legislative, and judicial powers. 
Among the concepts within the Islamic tradition 
suggestive of or compatible with constitutional- 
ism are shura (consultation), ijmaa (consensus), 
IJTIHAD (as independent legal reasoning), maslaha 
(public welfare), majlis (tribal council; public 
audience granted the caliph), bayaa (an unwrit- 
ten contract or pact involving the recognition of, 
and allegiance to, political authority), and wilaya 
(custodianship, guardianship, trusteeship). 

In the 19th century Ottoman Empire, Egypt, 
and Tunisia, constitutions were honored in the 
breach. Autocracy, patrimonialism, tribalism, and 
colonialism have left their indelible marks on 
efforts at liberal reform and the democratic aspira- 
tions of Muslims. In the second half of the 20th 
century, socialist and nationalist ideologies were 
added to the mix. That said, and keeping the Mus- 
lim Middle East and North Africa in mind, one can 
endorse Noah Feldmans remark "that the world is 
littered with beautifully drafted constitutions that 
have been ineffective or ignored in practice" (Feld- 
man, 186). The Iranian Constitutional Revolu- 
tion (1905-11) prefigured much of the potential 
and some of the problems that were to attend later 
democratic experiments, most conspicuously the 
Iranian Revolution of 1978-79. The constitution 
of the Islamic Republic of Iran contains ostensibly 
democratic features — in Malise Ruthvcn's words, 
it is a "hybrid of Islamic and western liberal con- 
cepts" (Ruthvin, 372). But Ayatollah Khomeinis 
conception of the "guardianship of the jurist" 

(wilayat-i faqih), expressed in the constitution in 
terms of the “chief juriconsult" and the 12-mem- 
ber Council of Guardians, has blocked democratic 
methods and processes, enshrining an insidious 
form of religious authoritarianism. Feldman con- 
tends the constitutional monarchies of Jordan 
and Morocco "represent the best hope for the 
development of Islamic democracy in the Arab 
world" (Feldman, 50) The machinations of the 
military in Pakistan, Algeria, and — less frequently 
and less confidently — Turkey, make mincemeat of 
constitutional law. Nonetheless, Turkey is rightly 
described as an "emerging democracy.” The 
constitutional monarchy of Malaysia is betwixt 
and between authoritarianism and democracy, 
while Indonesia's democratic evolution has relied 
on well-crafted and well-timed constitutional 

Constitution making is today in process in 
Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Palestinian occupied 
territories, with the assistance or support of the 
U.S. government or local political organizations, 
such as the Palestinian National Authority. After 
enacting the proto-constitutional and provisional 
Basic Law, a constitutional committee has com- 
pleted its third draft of the constitution for an 
independent and sovereign Palestinian state (sub- 
ject to further amendments). Islam is declared 
the official religion of the future Palestinian 
state, while the constitution guarantees "equal- 
ity in rights and duties to all citizens irrespec- 
tive of their religious beliefs." The “principles” 
of “Islamic sharia" are termed “a major source 
of legislation," not unlike the way in which the 
principle(s) of natural law have functioned in a 
number of Western constitutions. 

See also civil society; democracy; Palestine. 

Patrick S. O'Donnell 

Further reading: Hamid Enayat, Modern Islamic Politi- 
cal Thought (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1982); 
John L. Esposito and John O. Voll, Islam and Democ- 
racy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996); Noah 
Feldman, After Jihad: America and the Struggle for 

1 64 Constitutional Revolution 

Islamic Democracy (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 
2003); Russell Hardin, Liberalism, Constitutionalism and 
Democracy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999); 
Malise Ruthven, Islam in the World, 2d ed. (Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 2000). 

Constitutional Revolution 

The Iranian Constitutional Revolution of 1903-11 
"represents the first direct encounter in modern 
Iran between traditional Islamic culture and the 
West” (Enayat, 166). It had a lasting effect on Ira- 
nian politics and helped to form Ayatollah Ruhul- 
lah Khomeinis formulation of Islamic governance, 
crystallized in his conception of the "guardianship 
of the jurist" ( wilayat-i faqih ), which was to have a 
decisive impact on the religious, democratic, and 
constitutional character of the 1979 revolutionary 

Western powers had been meddling in Iran 
since the Napoleonic wars in the 19th century. 
Britain and Russia, in particular, had geopolitical 
designs and economic interests that left Iran only 
partly independent. The Qajar dynasty's survival, 
in fact, depended on these two European powers. 
Treaties, terms of trade, and foreign concessions 
fundamentally restructured the Iranian economy, 
decimating craft production, while the importa- 
tion of cheap consumer goods “did not necessarily 
bring a better life to most Iranians. More sugar, 
tea, tobacco and especially opium were consumed 
. . . while prices of basic foodstuffs rose" (Keddie 
1981: 57). At the same time, Western philosophi- 
cal and political ideas such as liberalism, rep- 
resentative government, and CONSTITUTIONALISM 
began to circulate among workers, merchants, 
and elites alike. The Tobacco Protest of 1891-92 
was a prelude to the Constitutional Revolution, as 
the Muslim modernist and pan-Islamist Jamal al- 
Din al-Afghani persuaded key ulama to mobilize 
merchants of the bazaar alongside their fellow 
Iranians to boycott tobacco products. 

Periodic protests over customs (tax) reforms, 
a series of strikes, and the operation of secret 

societies signaled widespread dissatisfaction with 
the regimes capitulation to foreign powers. Japan’s 
victory in the 1904-05 Russo-Japanese War and 
the Russian Revolution of 1905 further embold- 
ened the protesters. The actual catalyst for the 
Constitutional Revolution was the caning (of 
the feet) of two sugar merchants for raising their 
prices. Mullahs, merchants, and protesters took 
sanctuary (bast) outside Tehran and called for, 
among other things, a “house of justice.” The 
ruler, Muzaffar al-Din Shah (r. 1896-1907), issued 
a decree consenting to the request but failed to 
act on it. A growing coalition of forces shared a 
nationalist identity: leftist social democrats, secu- 
lar and religious reformers, orthodox ulama, Free- 
masons, merchants, shopkeepers, students, and 
guild members. Nationalist slogans and calls for 
a constitutional monarchy rallied the opposition 
taking bast in Qom and at the British legation's 
compound in Tehran. 

In August 1906, the shah's royal proclama- 
tion permitted the formation of a majlis (national 
assembly or parliament) and the drafting of a 
constitution. The first majlis convened in October 
1906, and a new constitution, modeled in part 
on the Belgian constitution of 1831, was ratified 
on December 30, 1906, just prior to the death of 
Muzaffar al-Din. Supplementary constitutional 
laws were signed the following year by the new 
shah, Muhammad Ali (r. 1907-09). With minor 
amendments, this constitution remained legally in 
effect until the 1978-79 revolution. 

Prominent Shii mullahs were proponents of 
a constitution recognizing Twelve-Imam Shiism 
as the official religion of the country, including 
Sayyid Muhammad Tabatabai, Sayyid Abdullah 
Bihbihani, Mulla Muhammad Kazim Khurasani, 
and Muhammad Husayn Naini. An early sup- 
porter of the revolution, Shaykh Fadlullah Nuri, 
turned against the constitution and the majlis 
when he realized the ulama were not to be 
accorded the final say as to whether legislation 
was in keeping with Islamic tenets, particularly 
the sharia. Nuri led the anticonstitutionalist cler- 

conversion 1 65 

ics at the same time the Anglo-Russian Conven- 
tion of 1907 was dividing Iran into respective 
spheres of British and Russian influence. Not 
long after an unsuccessful coup attempt by the 
anticonstitutionalists, reflecting deep divisions 
among the elites and in the larger society as well, 
the Cossack Brigade helped shut down the majlis 
in June 1908. Constitutionalists, nationalists, 
and revolutionary Social Democrats regained 
control in July 1909 and deposed the shah. 
Dissatisfaction on many fronts descended into 
rounds of assassination and terrorism, while 
public discontent with an increasingly conserva- 
tive constitutional government grew from 1910 
to 1911. 

With the consent of the British, the Russians 
offered an ultimatum to the government when the 
American financial adviser Morgan Shuster was 
brought in to help the country out of its financial 
morass. Fortified by antiimperialist demonstra- 
tions, the majlis rejected the ultimatum. By the 
end of 1911, the Russians were bombing Tabriz 
and Gilan, massacring revolutionaries in Azerbai- 
jan, and executing and deporting constitutional- 
ists. A coup led by Nasir al-Mulk and the cabinet 
ended the second majlis and the revolution that 
brought it to power. However, future revolution- 
ary forces would look back to Iran's first Consti- 
tutional Revolution to learn from its lessons and 
inspire their own efforts to oppose tyrannical 

See also colonialism; democracy; politics and 

Patrick S. O'Donnell 

Further reading: Janet Afary. The Iranian Constitutional 
Revolution , 1906-1911 (New York: Columbia University 
Press, 1996); Mangol Bayat, Iran's First Revolution: Shi- 
ism and the Constitutional Revolution of 1 905-1 909 (New 
York: Oxford University Press, 1991); Hamid Enayat, 
Modern Islamic Political Thought (Austin: University of 
Texas Press, 1982); Nikki R. Keddie, Modern Iran: Roots 
and Results of Revolution (New Haven. Conn.: Yale Uni- 
versity Press, 1981); Nikki R. Keddie, ed., Religion and 

Politics in Iran: Shiism from Quietism to Revolution (New 
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1983). 


Conversion to Islam is a remarkably simple pro- 
cess, normally entailing no more than saying, with 
the proper intent, the shahada: I declare that there 
is no god but God, and that Muhammad is the 
messenger of God. The Quran explicitly rejects 
imposition of religious belief, and Islam has his- 
torically allowed other religions great freedom. 

Islam has always been a proselytizing religion; 
Muhammad converted his earliest followers in the 
seventh century from the pagan ways of Mecca to 
the worship of a single God, Allah. After suffering 
Meccan persecution, the small community moved 
to Medina, where the small band of Muslims grew 
to form the nucleus of the Islamic community, or 
UMMA. After the death of the Prophet in 632, the 
Arab Muslim armies burst out of the Arabian Pen- 
insula, conquering enormous swathes of territory 
of the Byzantine Empire and utterly destroying 
the Persian empire of the Sassanians. In the resul- 
tant Islamicate empire, Islam was the religion of 
the state, but members of other religious groups 
were allowed freedom of worship as DH/MM/s, or 
“protected subjects/' As a result of the military 
expansion of the Islamicate empire, the errone- 
ous notion of “conversion by the sword" has his- 
torically taken root among non-Muslims. In fact, 
there was little attempt to convert non-Muslims 
during the early conquests. In some cases, conver- 
sion was actively discouraged, for it deprived the 
state of a source of revenue, as clhimmis were taxed 
differently from Muslims. The empire itself, how- 
ever, clearly emerged through the use of military 
power, and the dominance of Muslims within that 
empire should be considered a major, if partial, 
motivation for later conversion. Nonetheless, it 
is important to note that non-Muslims living in 
Islamicate polities generally had freedoms and 
rights that non-Christians could only dream of in 
medieval Europe. 


1 66 Copts and the Coptic Church 

Among scholars, debate has centered on the 
question of when conversion to Islam primarily 
took place, especially in the Islamicate heartlands 
of the Middle East. The consensus, that the major- 
ity of such conversions took place during the ninth 
century, is probably more correct for some areas, 
such as Iran, than for others, such as Egypt, where 
evidence points to a considerably later turning 
point. A more interesting question, however, is 
why and how conversion occurred; this question 
has yet to be taken up in a serious manner. 

In the outlying areas of Islamdom, particularly 
in Southeast Asia and Central Asia, but also in 
South India and Bengal, conversion to Islam came 
about as a result of different factors, largely the 
role of traders and Sufis, who were able to offer 
a different and convincing system of belief and 
worship that attracted followers. Conversion to 
Islam continues to contribute significantly to the 
growth of the community, with major, organized 
efforts now underway in Africa, where Muslim 
and Christian missionaries arc in direct competi- 
tion, but also in Europe and North America. 

See also apostasy; Christianity and Islam; 
Copts and the Coptic Church; Judaism and Islam; 
Latin America. 

John Iskander 

Further reading: Richard Bulliet, Conversion and the 
Poll Tax in Early Islam (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard 
University Press, 1979); Daniel Dennett. Conversion and 
the Poll Tax in Early Islam (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard 
University Press, 1950); Richard Eaton, The Rise of 
Islam and the Bengal Frontier, 1204-1 760 (Berkeley: Uni- 
versity of California Press. 1993); Michael Gcrvcrs and 
Ramzi Bikhazi, cds., Conversion and Continuity: Indig- 
enous Christian Communities in Islamic Lands, Eighth 
to Eighteenth Centuries (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of 
Medieval Studies, 1990). 

Copts and the Coptic Church 

The Copts are members of the native Christian 
church of Egypt. The name Copt , like the name 

Egypt , comes from the Greek word Aegyptos. 
Thus, Coptic was used to mean Egyptian. When 
the Arab Muslims conquered Egypt in 641-42, 
they continued to use the word Copt to refer to 
the indigenous Christian population, the descen- 
dants of the ancient Egyptians. Today Egypt is 
85 percent to 90 percent Muslim, and all its resi- 
dents consider themselves Egyptians, while the 
term Copt refers specifically to a member of the 
country’s native Christian population. 

The Christian community in Egypt traces 
its origins to the Apostle Mark (first century). 
Although the Egyptian church suffered many 
persecutions under the Roman emperors, when 
Christianity became the dominant religion of the 
Roman Empire in the early fourth century, the 
church flourished and Alexandria was the center 
both of religious and intellectual life. Egypt was 
also the birthplace of monasticism. 

Despite the contributions of the Coptic Church, 
by the fifth century, theological differences and 
political tensions were straining the relationship 
between the Copts and the other Christians of 
what was then the Byzantine Empire. In the sev- 
enth century, Islam arose in Arabia, and a Muslim 
army invaded Egypt under the leadership of Amr 
ibn al-As (d. ca. 663), one of the Companions of 
the Prophet. 

Relations between the Christian Coptic popu- 
lation and the Arab Muslim rulers ranged from 
antagonism to cooperation depending on social, 
economic, and regional factors. The Copts were 
granted DHIMMI status as a protected community 
under Islam but were also expected to pay an 
additional tax. Muslim rulers relied on the Copts 
to continue the administration of the country, and 
Copts held important positions in government 
throughout the medieval era. Although Cop- 
tic remained the language of administration for 
about a century after the arrival of Islam, Arabic 
language and Islamicate culture gradually came to 
dominate in Egypt, and Copts began to convert to 
Islam in increasing numbers. This was especially 
true during a time of persecution in the 14th 

Cordoba 1 67 

The Virgin Mary Coptic Church in Zamalek, Cairo, also 
called the Maraashly Church (Juan E. Campo) 

century, such that by the 1 5th century the Coptic 
language had all but disappeared except for litur- 
gical purposes. 

In the medieval period, despite the Copts' pro- 
tected status and service in the government, they 
suffered from periodic popular discrimination 
and waves of persecution during times of famine 
or hardship. This continued into the modern era. 
Egypt now has a constitution promising equal 
rights to all citizens regardless of their religion, 
but many Copts feel they are victims of discrimi- 
nation as a religious minority in a predominantly 
Muslim country. 

The last hundred years have witnessed a 
revival among the Copts. This is most clearly evi- 
denced by the greater focus on “Sunday school" 
instruction and renewed interest in the monastic 
way of life. At the same time, however, the num- 
ber of Copts within Egypt continues to dwindle, 
primarily as a result of emigration to the West. 

Sec also Christianity and Islam. 

Heather N. Keaney 

Further reading: Barbara L. Carter, The Copts in Egyp- 
tian Politics (London: Croom Helm. 1986); Jill Kamil. 
Coptic Egypt: History and Guide (Cairo: American Uni- 

versity in Cairo Press, 1987); Otto F. A. Mcinardus, Two 
Thousand Years of Coptic Christianity (Cairo: American 
University in Cairo Press, 1999); John Watson. Among 
the Copts (Brighton, U.K.: Sussex Academic Press, 


Cordoba (Cordoba, Cordova) 

Cordoba is a large city that was once the leading 
center of Muslim political power and culture in 
Andalusia in medieval Spain. It is located on the 
banks of the Guadalquivir River, which Rows 
between the Sierra Morcna range to the north 
and the Sierra Nevada range to the south before 
it enters the Atlantic Ocean. Its location has made 
it an important center of commerce since ancient 
times. The Romans seized and colonized it in 
the second century B.c.E. and ruled it until they 
were replaced by Germanic invaders from central 
Europe, who controlled it for most of the time 
between the fifth and eighth centuries c.E. It sur- 
rendered to Muslim armies from North Africa in 
71 1 and achieved the height of its greatness dur- 
ing the reign of the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Rah- 
man 111 (r. 912-961). It is estimated to have had 
about 300,000 inhabitants at that time, making it 
the largest city in medieval Europe. Medieval Arab 
historians remembered Cordoba as “the bride of 
al-Andalus," and even Hroswilha (d. ca. 1002), a 
Christian nun in Germany, called it “the ornament 
of the world." After the 10th century, its fortunes 
declined because of political strife, and it finally 
fell to the armies of the Christian Reconquista in 
1236. Today its population still stands at about 
300,000, and it serves as the capital of the Spanish 
province of the same name. 

lslamicate Cordobas most famous architec- 
tural landmarks were its grand mosque and pal- 
ace cities. The mosque is thought to have been 
founded on the site of an ancient church by prince 
Abd al-Rahman 1 (r. 756-788), the last surviving 
member of the Umayyad dynasty of Syria that had 
been massacred by the Abbasids in 750. By the 
10th century, it had become the largest mosque 

' Css5D 1 68 cosmology 

of its kind in any of the Muslim lands, and it 
was renowned for its great beauty. The mosques 
design recalled that of Umayyad mosques in Syria 
to the extent that even its prayer niche ( mihrab ) 
faced south rather than southwest, the actual 
direction of Mecca. When it was later captured by 
the Christians, they built a Gothic cathedral and 
several chapels within its walls, thus symbolizing 
the religious and political displacement of Islam 
by Christianity. 

Cordoba's first Muslim rulers built the Alcazar, 
the main government palace, next to the grand 
mosque, following the urban palace-mosque pat- 
tern used in cities of the Islamicate Middle East. 
When Christian forces captured Cordoba in 1236, 
they occupied the Alcazar and later built a royal 
palace and church on its grounds. This was where 
Christopher Columbus came to get permission 
to sail to the Indies in 1492. Muslim rulers 
also erected luxurious palaces and palace cities 
on the city's outskirts. The most legendary of 
these was Abd al-Rahman Ill's Madinat al-Zahra, 
which boasted exquisite arabesque ornamentation 
and paradisiacal gardens. Unfortunately, it was 
destroyed by rebellious Berber troops in 1013. 

As a center of learning, Cordoba had dozens 
of Muslim and Christian schools. It also had as 
many as 70 libraries, including the famous Alca- 
zar library of the caliphs, which housed 400,000 
books — substantially more than any other library 
in Europe in the 11th century. Among Cordoba's 
great creative artists and thinkers were poets such 
as Ibn Abd Rabbihi (d. 940) and Ibn Zaydun (d. 
1071), jurist and religious scholar Ibn Hazm (d. 
1064), and Ibn Rushd (also known by his Latin 
name Averroes, d. 1198), the famed Muslim 
author of books on philosophy, theology, law, 
and medicine. Cordoba was also the birthplace of 
Maimonides (also known as Moshe ben Maimun, 
d. 1204), who became the most important Jewish 
philosopher and religious scholar of the Middle 

See also Christianity and Islam; cities; Umayyad 

Further reading: Robert Hillcnbrand, “’Ornament of 
the World : Medieval Cordoba as a Cultural Centre,” 
in The Legacy of Muslim Spain, ed. Salma Khadra 
Jayyusi. 2 vols. (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994), 1:112-135; 
Maria Rosa Menocal, The Ornament of the World: How 
Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of 
Tolerance in Medieval Spain (New York: Little, Brown, 
2002 ). 

cosmology Sec CREATION. 

Council on American-lslamic 
Relations (Acronym: CAIR) 

CAIR is the largest Islamic civil liberties group in 
the United States. It is headquartered in Wash- 
ington, D.C., and has 28 regional offices in the 
United States and Canada. It was founded in June 
1994 by Omar Ahmad, a computer engineer from 
the San Francisco Bay area. He is currently the 
chairman of its board of directors, which has six 
other members to promote a positive image of 
Islam and Muslims in America. CAIR publishes 
reports for the media, government, and local law 
enforcement, including an annual civil rights 
report documenting cases of discrimination. 
Handbooks for local Muslim leaders demonstrate 
how to safely participate in the public sphere 
by holding mosque open houses and developing 
interfaith relationships. In addition to monitoring 
anti-Muslim hate crimes, CAIR publishes action 
alerts on its Web site and by e-mail to promote 
local activism. 

On the national level, CAIR has sponsored 
public relations campaigns showing Muslims as 
fully American as well as organizing a voter reg- 
istration drive. To help educate Americans about 
Islam, CAIR has also assembled a package of 
books and other resource materials that can be 
purchased and donated to public libraries. It also 
publishes a handbook that explains Islam to law 
enforcement officials, a “community safety kit” 
to help Muslims deal with religious and ethnic 

Council on Islamic Education 1 69 

profiling and hate crimes, a survey of mosques in 
the United States, and annual reports on the status 
of Muslim civil rights. CA1R swiftly issued a con- 
demnation of the attacks of September 11, 2001 
and has organized interfaith memorial services on 
subsequent anniversaries. 

CAIR has also emerged as the leading Islamic 
community service organization on the local 
level. Local CAIR chapters spend the majority 
of their time dealing with individual cases of 
discrimination by advocating workplace, hos- 
pital, and school accommodation of religious 
practices. Since September 11, 2001, CAIR has 
become increasingly involved in hosting confer- 
ences, seminars, and town hall meetings to bring 
together American Muslims, non-Muslims, and 
government officials. 

In addition to its primary goals of promoting 
a positive image of Muslims in America, reduc- 
ing ignorance about Muslims, and protecting 
Muslim citizens from discrimination and criminal 
violence, CAIR works with related organiza- 
tions such as the Muslim Public Affairs Coun- 
cil (MPAC) and the American Muslim Council 
(AMC) to lobby Congress on domestic issues and 
in doing so attempts to promote Muslim unity on 
a local and national level. 

See also civil society; democracy; dialogue. 

Vincent F. Biondo 111 

Further reading: Organization Web site: Available 
online. URL: Council on Amer- 
ican-lslamic Relations, A Rush to Judgment: A Special 
Report on Anti-Muslim Stereotyping , Harassment and 
Hate Crimes Following the Bombing of Oklahoma City's 
Murrah Federal Building, April 19, 1995 (Washington, 
D.C.: Council on American-lslamic Relations. 1995); 
Yvonne Yazbck Haddad, cd., Muslims in the West: From 
Sojourners to Citizens (New York: Oxford University 
Press, 2002); Mohamed Nimer, The North American 
Muslim Resource Guide, (New York: Routledge, 2002); 
Jane I. Smith, Islam in America (New York: Columbia 
University Press, 1999). 

Council on Islamic Education 

(acronym: CIE) 

The Council on Islamic Education is a nonprofit 
American Muslim organization founded in 1990 
to provide curricular advice and to assess instruc- 
tional materials used in K-12 public schools in the 
United States. It is based in Fountain Valley, Cali- 
fornia, and its founding director is Shabbir Man- 
suri, who first came to the United States in 1969 
to study chemical engineering. A group of highly 
qualified Muslim scholars, most of whom hold 
tenured appointments at leading American uni- 
versities, provides CIE with the expertise needed 
to undertake its mission. Although it understands 
itself to be an organization that provides advice 
for curricular planning and textbook development 
in a variety of K-12 subject areas, it is primarily 
concerned with ensuring that Muslims and Islam 
are represented in a fair and balanced manner in 
textbooks and other instructional material used 
in world history and religion classes. Seeking to 
operate in conformity with the decision of the 
U.S. Supreme Court in the First Amendment case 
of Abington Township v. Schempp (1963), the CIE 
favors teaching about religion in public schools 
as an aspect of human history and culture and 
not teaching religion for devotional purposes, 
which is not allowed in public schools by the 
First Amendment. In addition to consulting with 
textbook publishers, the CIE conducts pedagogi- 
cal workshops and participates in regional and 
national social studies and educational confer- 
ences. Together with the First Amendment Cen- 
ter, which has offices at Vanderbilt University in 
Tennessee and in Arlington, Virginia, it published 
a study in 2000 entitled “Teaching about Religion 
in National and State Social Studies Standards.” 
Among its other publications are teachers guides 
on Muslim holidays, Muslim women, Islamic lit- 
erature, the Crusades, and Islam's contributions 
to the formation of Western civilization. The CIE 
has rejected charges made by critics who say that 
the organization promotes a negative view of the 
United States and Western civilization as well as 

170 covenant 

an overly favorable view of Islam, its peoples, and 
its history. 

See also education; student. 

Further reading: Elizabeth Barrow, ed.. Evaluation of 
Secondary-Level Textbooks for Coverage of the Middle 
East and North Africa. 3d ed. (Ann Arbor, Mich.: 
Middle East Studies Association and the Middle East 
Outreach Council, June 1994); Charles Haynes, A 
Teacher's Guide to Study about Religion in Public Schools 
(Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1991); Charles C. Haynes, 
Sam Chaltain, et al., The First Amendment in Schools: A 
Guide from the First Amendment Center (Alexandria, Va.: 
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Develop- 
ment, 2000). 


A covenant is a contractual agreement or com- 
mitment that states the mutual duties and obliga- 
tions of the parties involved. In the Abrahamic 
religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, it 
has considerable theological significance because 
it expresses the relation between God and humans 
at specific moments in sacred history. Sometimes 
it is understood as a bilateral agreement involving 
mutual concord between God and his people, and 
in other cases, it is given by God alone. Accord- 
ing to the doctrines of these religions, God will 
reward humans for heeding his commands and 
punish them for forgetting or disobeying them. 
The Torah of Judaism expresses the covenants 
between God, humankind, and the people of 
Israel that occurred in the times of Noah, Abra- 
ham, Isaac, Jacob, and David. The most impor- 
tant such agreement in Judaism is the covenant 
established at Sinai, which Moses conveyed to the 
Israelites from God. Christians have regarded this 
as the old covenant, or “testament," which has 
been succeeded by a new one given by Jesus in 
the Gospels. 

In Islam, as in Judaism and Christianity, God 
is believed to have established covenants with 
both humankind and with sacred individuals (the 

prophets) and their followers. The covenant men- 
tioned most often in the Quran is the one between 
God and the people of Israel, which they are 
blamed for breaking (for example, Q 2:83). The 
key division expressed in the quranic agreements 
is between those who honor Gods commands as 
believers and those who do not — the forgetful and 
the disbelievers. The most universal covenant is 
the primordial one God established on the Day of 
Alastu , when he brought forth all of Adam’s future 
progeny and they acknowledged his oneness and 
sovereignty (Q 7:172). Muslims are told that if 
they remember to keep Gods covenant and fulfil 1 
other conditions, they can return in the AFTER- 
LIFE to the PARADISE from which Adam had been 
expelled for violating his agreement with God 
(Q 2:35-36, 13:20-23). Those who do not will 
face God's curse and the fires of hell (Q 13:25). 
Aside from Adam, other prophets who were party 
to covenants with God were Abraham, Moses, 
Jesus, and Muhammad. In regard to Muhammad, 
the Quran stales that the prophets have all agreed 
with God to believe in and help his future mes- 
senger, the prophet of Islam (Q 3:81). In Shiism, 
the idea of covenant has been shaped to promote 
belief in its doctrines concerning Muhammad's 
holy family (the AHL al-bayt ) and the imams. 

See also Adam and Eve; Christianity and 
Islam; holy books; Judaism and Islam; sharia. 

Further reading: John Wansbrough, Quranic Studies: 
Sources and Methods of Scriptural Interpretation (Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 1977), 8-12; Bernard Weiss, 
“Covenant and Law in Islam.” In Religion and Law: 
Biblical , Judaic, and Islamic Perspectives, edited by E. 
B. Firmage, B. Weiss and J. W. Welch, 49-83 (Winona 
Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1990). 


Historians of religion have noted that most reli- 
gions and traditional societies have creation 
myths — stories about the origins of the world, 
plants and ANIMALS, human beings, and important 

creation 171 

aspects of social life. The events these nonsci- 
entific accounts describe purportedly took place 
during the primordium, at the beginning time of 
the world and human history. People hold them 
to be true in literal and symbolic ways, and the 
stories contain reflections about human mortality, 
good and evil, and even the end of the world. Cre- 
ation accounts are usually recited, remembered, 
or performed in rituals on important HOLIDAYS, 
usually linked to the seasons. 

Islamic stories and beliefs about creation are 
to be found in the Quran and a wide array of 
writings in Arabic, Persian, and other languages 
in the Muslim world. These writings include the 
hadith, histories, philosophical essays, mystical 
texts, and poetry. Creation myths have also been 
incorporated into the oral traditions of Muslim 
peoples from Africa to Southeast Asia. They con- 
tain themes and beliefs that were once part of the 
indigenous religious and cultural life even before 
Islam arrived on the scene. With Islamization, 
the native themes were reshaped to uphold the 
Quran's chief teaching that everything in exis- 
tence was created by one sovereign God (Allah) 
and that he had no partners in this. As a conse- 
quence, all creation, especially human beings, was 
obliged to submit to him and serve him. 

The Quran's creation accounts drew from 
those that originated in the ancient civilizations 
of the Middle East, especially those found in the 
book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible, which date 
to at least the seventh century B.c.E. However, 
because it was organized according to different 
rules than those used for the Hebrew Bible, the 
Quran's creation passages were not presented as a 
continuous story. It has verses that discuss God's 
creation of the universe (the cosmogony ), the cre- 
ation of Adam and his wife (the anthropogony ), 
and the story of their fall from grace and expul- 
sion from Paradise, but they are dispersed and 
repeated in different chapters, starting with the 
second chapter, "Al-Baqara" (The cow). Indeed, 
details from the biblical accounts were omitted, 
suggesting that either they were not familiar to 

Muhammad and his audience or they were not 
deemed to be relevant to the message Muhammad 
wished to convey. One consequence of this is that 
the quranic creation stories were not celebrated 
in rituals or on particular holidays, in contrast to 
creation stories in other religions and cultures. 
By the eighth century C.E., Muslim scholars were 
reassembling the quranic creation passages and 
combining them with biblical material and Jewish 
rabbinic lore to write continuous narratives about 
God's creative activities. These creation myths 
were included in books about the prophets who 
preceded Muhammad, such as those written by Ibn 
Ishaq (d. 767), al-Thaalabi (d. 1036), and al-Kisai 
(ca. 13th century). They were also included in al- 
Azraqis (d. 837) history of Mecca and the famous 
world history written by Abbasid historian and 
Quran commentator al-Tabari (d. 923). 

In the Quran, as in the Bible, God creates by 
two methods: through craftsmanship and through 
speech. The doctrine of creation from nothing 
(Latin, creation ex nihilo) as a way of proving God's 
absolute transcendence and power is not clearly 
stated in the Quran, but it was taken up by Jew- 
ish, Christian, and Muslim theologians later in the 
Middle Ages. Most of the Arabic words used in the 
Quran to describe God's creative actions suggest 
they resembled human activities such as leather 
working, making pottery, building, and growing, 
which implies that formless matter already existed. 
The most common word for creation is based on 
the root consonants kh-l-q, which the Quran uses 
more than 200 times in relation to God. Indeed, 
one of his 99 names is al-Khaliq (the creator), as 
stated in this verse: “He is God the Creator, the 
Maker, the Shaper of Forms. He has the most beau- 
tiful names. All that are in heaven and earth glorify 
him. He is the Almighty, the Wise" (Q 39:24). 

In refutation of polytheistic beliefs, the Quran 
proclaims that it was God alone who raised the 
heavens and spread out the earth below them, 
making it stable and placing rivers on it (Q 
13:2-3). Pagan gods, angels, and other beings 
had no inherent powers in creation. God created 

172 creation 

day and night, the Sun, the MOON, and the signs 
of the zodiac (Q 21:33; 25:61-62). The Quran 
also states in several places that God created the 
heavens and Earth in six days and then estab- 
lished his throne (Q 7:54; 10:3, 11:7). Unlike the 
Genesis account, however, the Quran refutes the 
idea that God ever took the seventh day as a day 
of rest (Q 2:255), which Jews and Christians have 
celebrated as the holy Sabbath day. God is also 
praised for creating gardens with different kinds 
of fruits and vegetables for people to eat, and he 
is the source of the water that nourishes them (Q 
6:141; 21:19). Moreover, he is even remembered 
for having provided people with houses and cloth- 
ing (Q 16:80-81). The absolute creative power 
attributed to God in the Quran later became the 
basis for the theological claim that God did not 
just create the world "in the beginning,” but that 
he is active as a creator at each moment in time 
as long as the world exists. It also was invoked in 
support of the prohibition against making statues 
and paintings of living beings, for in doing so the 
artist was thought to be attempting to assume 
God's creative power. 

In addition to craftsmanship, God was also 
believed to be able to create through speech. Once 
he decides to create something, according to the 
Quran, all he has to do is say, “Be!" and it is so 
(kun fa yakun ) (Q 2:117). This kind of creation 
is not as common as the craftsman type, but it is 
said to have been involved with the creation of the 
heavens and Earth, Adam, and Jesus (Q 3:59). 

The Quran describes the creation of human 
beings in two ways. One concerns the origin of 
the first human being, Adam. He was fashioned by 
God from dust or wet clay (Q 30:20; 6:2; 7:12); 
the commentaries likened the process to making 
a hollow clay pot. Some early writings said God 
used different colors of dust from different places 
on Earth, thus explaining the variety of skin col- 
ors and personalities that distinguish people from 
one another. Alternately, they mentioned that the 
dust was taken from the Kaaba, Jerusalem, Yemen, 
the Hejaz, Egypt, the east, and the west. As in the 

biblical account, God then breathed his spirit (ruh) 
into Adam, thus giving him life (Q 15:29). Also, 
as indicated above, the Quran says that Adam was 
created when God conceived a design and spoke to 
the dust, saying, "Be!“ (Q 3:59). It does not detail 
the creation of Eve other than in very general 
terms (Q 4:1). Nonetheless, the commentaries, 
drawing upon biblical lore, reported that she was 
created from one of Adam's ribs while he slept. 

The second way in which the Quran describes 
God's involvement in creating humans is in terms 
of human reproduction. God created humans from 
sperm (Q 16:4; 36:77) in the wombs of mothers 
(Q 3:6; 39:6). The very first verses many Muslims 
believe were revealed to Muhammad were those at 
the beginning of Sura 96, which declare, "Recite 
in the name of your lord who created, created the 
human being from clotted blood” (vv. 1-2). This 
passage links God’s creative power to the forma- 
tion of the embryo. 

The idea that Gods creation is designed for the 
material and spiritual benefit of human beings is 
central to the Quran. Indeed, God created them to 
be his deputies ( khalifa ) on Earth (Q 2:30). Materi- 
ally, the Earth provides people with what they need 
to live and enjoy their appointed time on Earth. 
Spiritually, everything in creation is intended to 
be a reminder that God was the source of all and 
that people should worship him. To be ungrateful 
and forgetful of God were equivalent to disbelief 
and infidelity (feu/r). This idea is connected to the 
quranic concept of signs ( ayat ), which are mani- 
fest both in the created world and in the sacred 
book, for ayat also means verses of scripture. The 
interwoven signs of the world and the holy book, 
if they are recognized and heeded, lead to God and 
salvation. If they are rejected and ignored, they 
lead to suffering and damnation (Q 2:164-165; 
50:6-8). Although the world of everyday existence 
is essentially true and good, the Quran emphasizes 
that humans must be more attentive to the affairs 
of the next world in anticipation of Judgment 
Day. Recognizing that human beings are mortal 
and that the world will end one day, the Quran 

creation 173 

attributes to God the power not only to create, but 
also to create again. The resurrection of the dead is 
portrayed as a new creation (Q 17:49-51). 

The concept of creation by emanation was an 
alternative belief expressed in later Islamic writ- 
ings, but not in the Quran. It first developed in 
pre-Islamic times among mystics known as Gnos- 
tics and Neoplatonist philosophers. Both groups 
exercised a profound impact on the religions of 
the Middle East, especially among Christians 
after the third century, and later among Muslims. 
According to this belief, the manifest universe is 
the product of a series of emanations issuing like 
waves of light from a single absolute source or 
godhead. In Islam, this belief was embraced by 
illuminationist philosophers inspired by Ibn Sina 
(d. 1037), mystics who followed the ideas of Ibn 
al-Arabi (d. 1 240), and certain schools of Shii eso- 
teric thought, especially Iranian ones. Many who 
supported this belief quoted a famous holy hadith 
(hadith qudsi ), in which God declares, “1 was a 
hidden treasure that desired to be known, then 
I created the world so that I would be known.” 
The infinite, eternal, unmanifest God desired to 
become self-aware, so he created a cosmos that 
reflected to a greater or lesser degree his attri- 
butes. In other words, the universe was created as 
Gods mirror. The human being was the highest 
being in God's creation because he, like God, was 
capable of self-awareness and most fully reflected 
his attributes, especially in the inner heart. With 
knowledge of this hidden reality, Sufis believed 
they could free themselves from the prison of the 
created world, overcome the veils that separated 
them from God, and return to the condition of 
primal unity with him. They embellished this con- 
cept with a doctrine of mystical love, saying that 
God created the universe out of love, that human 
existence was a painful separation from him, 
and that Sufism provided the key for attaining a 
reunion of the lover with the divine beloved. Also, 
many followers of this school of mysticism con- 
ceived of Muhammad as the most perfect human 
being, created by God's light at the beginning of 

time, and through him the rest of creation became 
possible. According to a 16th-century Hindavi 
mystical poem written in northern India, “This 
lamp of creation was named Muhammad! For him 
the Deity fashioned the universe. . . . His name 
is Muhammad, king of the three worlds. He was 
the inspiration for creation" (Manjhan 5). More- 
over, in India, the Islamic emanationist theory of 
creation assimilated aspects of Hindu cosmology, 
so that God was spoken of as a Hindu god: the 
unmanifest Brahma, Vishnu the preserver of the 
universe, and Shiva the destroyer of the universe. 
His ability to create by speech was identified with 
the sacred Hindu mantra of creation, Om. 

Today Muslims hold to quranic and emana- 
tionist beliefs about creation as matters of faith. 
But many are also familiar with scientific theories 
of cosmogony and the origin of humans. While 
there are those who reject modern scientific theo- 
ries, many have accepted them without feeling 
that they undermine quranic truths. Indeed, Mus- 
lim modernist thinkers in the tradition of SAYYID 
Ahmad Khan (d. 1898), Jamal al-Din al-Afghani 
( d. 1897), and Muhammad Abduh (d. 1905) have 
sought to demonstrate not only that Islamic 
beliefs are compatible with Western science, but 
that medieval Muslim scholars actually contrib- 
uted to the formation of modern science. Associa- 
tions and institutes of Islamic science have arisen 
that seek to demonstrate how Quranic cosmology 
is compatible with modern scientific theories 
about creation and other scientific topics. 

See also aya; idolatry; names of God; Perfect 
Man; soul and spirit. 

Further reading: Maurice Bucaille, The Bible , the Quran 
and Science: The Holy Scriptures Examined in the Light 
oj Modern Knowledge. Translated by Alastair D. Panned 
and Maurice Bucaille (Indianapolis: American Trust 
Publications, 1979); Jan Knappert, Islamic Legends: His- 
tories of the Heroes , Saints and Prophet of Islam. 2 vols. 
(Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1985), 1:23-41; Manjhan, M adhum- 
alati: An Indian Sufi Romance (Oxford: Oxford University 
Press, 2000); Thomas J. O'Shaughnessy, Creation and 

174 crescent 

the Teaching of the Quran (Rome: Biblical Institute Press, 
1985); Anncmaric Schimmcl, “Creation and Judgment in 
the Koran and in Mystico-Poetic Interpretation.” In We 
Believe in One God , edited by Annemarie Schimmcl and 
Abdoljavad Falaturi, 149-177 (New York: Seabury Press, 
1979); Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Thalabi, Arm's al-maja- 
lis Jl qisas al-anbiya, or “ Lives of the Prophets .” Translated 
by William M. Brinner (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2002). 

crescent See moon. 
crime and punishment 

A criminal act is one that involves a serious 
violation of social or moral laws and requires 
the state or some other official authority to hold 
legal proceedings and punish the guilty person or 
persons. The laws may be based on social norms 
and customs, legislation by political authorities, 
or interpretations of commandments attributed 
to a supramundanc power or deity. A crime can 
therefore be defined as a threat to the social and 
political order or even as an offense against God. 

In Islamic jurisprudence ( fiqh ) — based on 
Quranic revelation, the sunna (custom) of Muham- 
mad and the first Muslims, the consensus of reli- 
gious jurists, and legal reasoning — there are only 
six crimes that warrant punishment as offenses 
against God: 1) adultery, 2) false accusation of 
adultery, 3) drinking wine, 4) theft, 5) highway 
robbery, and 6) APOSTASY (opinion is not unani- 
mous on this crime, however). The punishments 
for anyone found guilty of these crimes by a quali- 
fied Muslim judge are severe; they are not left for 
God to decide, as is the case for lesser sins and 
transgressions, nor can they be reduced. Adultery 
is to be punished by flogging or death by stoning, 
false accusation of adultery and drinking wine by 
flogging, and theft by amputation of a hand or 
foot. According to most legal schools, apostasy 
and highway robbery involving homicide require 
the death penalty, but highway robbery without 
homicide is punished as a theft would be. 

Such corporal punishments were called “God’s 
boundaries" (huclud Allah), a term borrowed from 
the Quran, where it was used in reference to mar- 
riage and family laws that should not be trans- 
gressed (Q 2:187). In Islamic jurisprudence, the 
meaning expanded to include these corporal pun- 
ishments, indicating that such punishments had 
the force of divine will behind them, not society's. 
But classifying them as **boundaries” suggests that 
jurists had a sense that huchtcl cases had to meet 
stringent standards of justice before a judgment of 
guilt could be pronounced. Thus, in cases of adul- 
tery, four male witnesses were stipulated, which 
made proving that such an offence had occurred 
difficult. Also, the penalty of flogging for bearing 
false witness in adultery cases legally protected 
the accused. In cases of theft, the punishment 
of amputation was not to be enforced when the 
perpetrator stoic to stay alive or when the stolen 
property was of little value or illegal. 

Homicide was condemned in the strongest 
terms in both the Quran and hadith, but it has 
not been classed as a crime that was subject to the 
huducl penalties. Premeditated murder was classed 
as a major sin forbidden by God that would be 
punished on Judgment Day (Q 4:93; 17:33; 25:68- 
69). In addition, relatives of the victim were given 
the right of retaliation on the basis of the principle 
of “a life for a life," and they were given the right 
to grant clemency, which could not be done when 
the crime was subject to the hudud penalties. In 
cases of manslaughter or unintentional homicide, 
the guilty party was required to compensate the 
family of the deceased for their loss by freeing 
a slave and paying a fine, or “blood money" (Q 
4:92). For other offenses, judges were allowed to 
impose punishments at their discretion, but in 
theory, punishment should not exceed the least of 
the hudud penalties in severity. 

Most nations with Muslim-majority popula- 
tions today have adopted criminal codes and penal 
systems that are based on Western models. A few 
selectively apply the prescribed Islamic punish- 
ments, usually in conjunction with government 

Crusades 175 

Islamization policies. These countries include 
Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, and Sudan. Islamist 
groups and movements usually place the enforce- 
ment of Islamic laws and punishments at the top 
of their agendas for radical political and social 
change. At the same time, attempts at enforcing 
Islamic penalties have provoked protests from 
both Muslims and non-Muslims because they are 
seen as being either unjustly applied or in viola- 
tion of international HUMAN RIGHTS principles. 

See also customary law; Islamism; Palestine; 


Further reading: Muhammad Abdel Halcem, Adel 
Omar Sherif, and Kate Daniels, eds., Criminal Justice in 
Islam: Judicial Procedure in the Sharia (London: I.B. Tau- 
rus, 2003); Rudolph Peters, “The Islamization of Crimi- 
nal Law: A Comparative Analysis. Die Welt des Islams 
34 (1904): 246-253; Joseph Schacht, An Introduction to 
Islamic Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1964). 

Crusades (1095-1291) 

The Crusades were a series of military campaigns 
conducted by European Christians in the lands 
of Asia Minor (Byzantium), Syria, Palestine, and 
Egypt. They were more a product of events in 
Europe than of those in the Middle East. The 
Catholic Church was undergoing a period of 
reform in the 11th century and wanted to exert 
more authority over secular government. The 
church also wanted to limit the amount of fighting 
within Europe. Thus, in 1095, when Pope Urban II 
(r. 1088-99) called for what would be the first of 
many crusades, he described the crusade as a pil- 
grimage (for which the sins of the crusaders would 
be forgiven) and a defensive war to take back the 
Holy Land, especially Jerusalem. Considering the 
fact that the Muslims had been controlling the Holy 
Land for 450 years, during which time Christian 
pilgrims had unhindered access to the holy sites, 
it seems clear that the pope wanted to assert his 
authority to forgive sins and wage war rather than 
to respond defensively to any Muslim aggression 

The First Crusade achieved its goal of captur- 
ing Jerusalem from the Muslims in 1099. The 
crusaders' indiscriminate slaughtering of men, 
WOMEN, and CHILDREN, done in the name of God, 
has made the Crusades live in infamy for Muslims 
and would later become an embarrassment for the 
Catholic Church and Christianity in general. 

The level of violence decreased after the First 
Crusade. The crusaders divided up Palestine and 
Syria into city-states ruled by European lords. 
With the establishment of the Crusader States, the 
need to govern the people peacefully and profit- 
ably overshadowed the zeal for holy war. Chris- 
tian and Muslim princes made various alliances 
with one other, and traders traveled between both 

Nevertheless, the crusaders continued to try 
to take more territory, while the Muslims tried to 
take back what they had lost. As the crusaders lost 
territory to the Muslims, they called for new cru- 
sades. During the Third Crusade, the English king 
Richard the Lion-Hearted (also known as Richard 
1, d. 1199) waged a long campaign against the 
Muslim leader Saladin (r. 1174-93). The mutual 
respect that characterized their rivalry has made 
them the subject of legend. 

The Crusades produced numerous geopoliti- 
cal consequences. In Europe, they strengthened 
the church and deflected internal political rival- 
ries — for a time. In the Middle East, they encour- 
aged political unification and religious renewal, 
which ultimately enabled the Muslims to defeat 
the crusaders. The Crusades have come to sym- 
bolize confrontation between East and West, 
Islam and Christianity, and as such continue to 
evoke strong feelings and memories, particularly 
among Muslims, for whom European colonialism 
and the foundation of Israel have revived previ- 
ously dormant memories of the medieval wars 
between Christians and Muslims. 

See also Assassins; colonialism; Christianity 
and Islam; Istanbul; jihad. 

Heather N. Keaney 

' Css ^ 176 customary law 

Further reading: Francesco Gabrieli, Arab Historians of 
the Crusades (Berkeley: University of California Press, 
1984); P. M. Holt, The Age of the Crusades: The Near East 
from the Eleventh Century to 1517 (New York: Longman. 
1986); Amin Maalouf, The Crusades through Arab Eyes. 
Translated by Jon Rothschild (London: A1 Saqi Books, 
1984). Reprint, Cairo, Egypt: The American University 
in Cairo Press, 1990); Kenneth Setton, ed., A History of 
the Crusades. Vols. 1-6 (Madison: University of Wiscon- 
sin Press, 1969). 

customary law (Arabic: ada, urf; also adat) 

Customary law in Islam consists of traditional 
customs and practices on the local level that are 
not directly based on the Quran and hadith but 
that still have legal weight. Before the modern era, 
it was largely unwritten and uncodificd. Custom- 
ary law pertains to matters of marriage, divorce, 
inheritance, murder, honor crimes, the status of 
WOMEN, and land tenure. 

Historically, when a town, country, or region 
fell under Muslim rule, the unwritten local laws 
and customs were never completely swept away 
and replaced by those of the sharia, or Islamic law. 
Rather, they coexisted alongside Islamic law, or 
they were assimilated and continued to be honored 
in the new Islamicate society. Historians of Islamic 
law have noted that local traditions were not as a 
rule formally recognized as one of the sources of 
law (Quran, SUNNA, IJMAA [consensus], and qiyas 
[analogy]), but Muslim jurists did discuss them 
and legitimate them as sunna or ijmaa. On the 
other hand, a custom or practice that conserva- 
tive ulama determined to be blatantly un-Islamic 
could be condemned as an illegal B1DAA (innova- 
tion). Customary law was also invoked in advisory 
opinions, or fatwas. By such means, local custom 
contributed to the formation of the major Islamic 
legal traditions. Thus, the Maliki Legal School 
embodied the local customs of Medina, while the 
Hanafi Legal School embodied those of southern 
Iraq, a much more cosmopolitan region than the 

Arabian Peninsula. Western scholars, moreover, 
have maintained that both the Quran and the 
sunna embody customary laws present in the Hijaz 
prior to the appearance of Islam. If their theory 
is correct, therefore, what eventually became the 
universal sharia originated in the local customary 
law of western Arabia and was later continuously 
shaped by the indigenous legal traditions of the 
wider Middle East and beyond. Muslims of conser- 
vative outlook may refute this theory by claiming 
that Islamic law is based more on revelation from 
God, but they must still account for the differences 
between the Islamic legal schools and the variety 
of local customs that have acquired legal legiti- 
macy in different parts of the Muslim world. 

In the Middle East and perhaps even more so 
in Africa and Asia, customary law has coexisted 
with religious law. Before the modern era, it may 
even have surpassed it on the level of the locality, 
especially among tribal populations and settled 
communities living in remote areas. During the 
19th and 20th centuries, Dutch colonial officials 
attempted to use customary law (adat) as a way 
to weaken the authority of Muslim jurists and 
the influence of the sharia in Indonesia. Modern 
Islamic reform movements and Islamic revivalism 
do not yet appear to have directed their ener- 
gies against customary law in most countries, 
however. They arc more directed against colonial 
and postcolonial Western laws and institutions. 
Customary law appears to still be widely valued as 
part of the indigenous cultural heritage. 

See also adultery; authority; crime and pun- 
ishment; fatwa; fjqh. 

Further reading: Noel James Coulson, “Muslim Cus- 
tom and Case Law.” In Islamic Law and Legal Theory, 
edited by Ian Edge, 259 — 270 (New York: New York 
University Press, 1996); Wazir Jahan Karim, Women and 
Culture: Between Malay Adat and Islam (Boulder, Colo.: 
Westview Press. 1992); Gideon Libson, “On the Devel- 
opment of Custom as a Source of Law in Islamic Law." 
Islamic Law and Society 4, no. 2 (1997): 131-155. 

da aw a (Arabic: invitation, religious call, 
summons) (also dawa , Persian dawat, or 
Indonesian/Malaysian dakwah) 

Daawa is a term that has acquired a number of 
meanings in the history of Islam, but it is mainly 
thought of as religious outreach for purposes of 
conversion or bringing lapsed Muslims back into 
the faith. In the Quran, it is God's invitation to 
humans to worship and believe in him (Q 14:10; 
10:25) and humans' calling upon God to hear 
their prayers (Q 14:33; 7:180). In the Quranic 
view, the prophets are the ones who effectively 
transmit God's call to their peoples to sway them 
from praying to false gods or idols and to guide 
them on the monotheistic path to salvation. 
Prophets and others who undertake the challeng- 
ing task of conveying God's daawa are called dais 
(“inviters" or “summoners"). Moreover, according 
to the Quran, the whole community of believers 
is charged with “calling to goodness, commanding 
the right and forbidding the wrong'' (Q 3:104). In 
other contexts, Muslims used the word daawa as 
a synonym for the call to prayer ( adhan ) and as an 
alternate name for the first chapter of the Quran, 
the Fatiha (Q 1), which is a verbal prayer for 
God's assistance, guidance, and mercy. 

During the eighth century, leaders of the 
Abbasid movement in Iraq and Iran gave daawa 

an overt political meaning by making it a form of 
religious propaganda. They called upon faithful 
Muslims to help them bring the community back 
to the “true" Islam by overthrowing the Umayyad 
Caliphate in Syria. Their efforts proved success- 
ful; they ended Umayyad rule and created the 
Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258) in Baghdad. At 
about the same time as the Abbasid movement, 
early Shii groups, several of which had supported 
the Abbasids until the Abbasids turned against 
them, called upon Muslims to accept the authority 
of their imams, the descendants of Muhammad's 
family (ah l AL-BAYT) whom the Shia believed to be 
the divinely chosen leaders of the Muslim com- 
munity. The Ismailis, a minority sect of the Shia, 
used daawa to challenge the claims of their rivals, 
the Twelve-Imam Shia, undermine Sunni rulers, 
and win support for their own leaders, whom they 
believed to be divinely guided and possessors of 
secret knowledge (BATIN) from God. The Ismaili 
rulers of the Fatimid dynasty (909-1171) in 
North Africa and Egypt organized a daawa move- 
ment to promote their claims to divine authority 
and to oppose the Abbasid Caliphate with one 
of their own. Their dais (missionaries) were sent 
from Cairo to far reaches of the dar al-Islam , 
where they spread Ismaili doctrines publicly and 
covertly, recruiting support for the imams. The 


,Css5S 178 daawa 

Nizari Ismailis in Iran, known as the Assassins, 
also made extensive use of daawa on behalf of 
their leaders. Today, some branches of the Ismailis 
even call themselves “the Dawat.” 

In the modern period, the meaning of reli- 
gious outreach has undergone further develop- 
ment. Daawa has become a keystone for many 
contemporary Islamic organizations and institu- 
tions in countries with Muslim majorities and also 
in those where they are minorities. The collapse 
of the last Islamicate empires (the Ottomans, 
Safavids, and Mughals) after the 17th century, 
combined with the onset of European colonial 
domination in many Muslim lands, led Muslims 
to use religious outreach in order to achieve 
unity among themselves, to convert others, and 
to engage non-Muslims in intercultural and inter- 
faith dialogue, especially in Europe and North 
America. The Ottoman sultan Abdulhamid 11 (r. 
1876-1901) and other promoters of pan-1slamism 
used daawa in an attempt to unify all Muslims 
under his religious and political authority. The 
Ottoman Empire came to an end after World War 
1, but the task of fostering Muslim unity through 
daawa has been taken up anew by organizations 
such as the Muslim World League and the Orga- 
nization of the Islamic Conference. 

The increased Christian missions in Muslim 
lands that accompanied European colonization 
caused Muslims to organize their own mission- 
ary activities in response. Since the early decades 
of the 20th century, significant effort has been 
dedicated to educating Muslims about the core 
elements of their religion so as to encourage an 
internal religious revival and help them contend 
either with Christian missionaries or with the 
influence of modern ideas and non-lslamic life- 
styles and customs. The governments of Saudi 
Arabia, Kuwait, Libya, Egypt, and Pakistan have 
created institutions to train imams and commu- 
nity leaders, develop modern methods for propa- 
gating Islam, hold conferences, and publish daawa 
literature. Their outreach campaigns have been 
conducted in African countries and the newly 

independent Central Asian republics of the former 
Soviet Union, as well as the Middle East and parts 
of Asia. Activist Islamist organizations, such as the 
Muslim Brotherhood, also regard outreach as an 
important part of their strategy for achieving their 
religious and political goals. The Daawa Party 
of Iraq was created by Shii religious leaders to 
oppose the spread of COMMUNISM and secular Arab 
nationalism. After the fall of Saddam Husayn's 
Baath Party government in 2003, it became one 
of Iraq's leading political parties. The Tabijghi 
Jamaat, founded in 1927 in India, is a very popu- 
lar nongovernmental Sunni missionary movement 
that carries its message of simple religious piety 
door-to-door in many parts of the world. 

Like Christian missions, Muslim daawa orga- 
nizations engage in charity and relief efforts. 
Their mission also includes building neighbor- 
hood mosques, opening medical clinics, and 
establishing printing presses. Pious women, many 
of them veiled, have been increasingly visible in 
such activities. Mosque-based organizations in 
non-Muslim countries undertake daawa activities 
in their communities to attract lapsed Muslims 
and to educate non-Muslim leaders, officials, and 
the wider public about Islam. Such efforts have 
been particularly successful in pluralistic coun- 
tries such as the United States. Muslim organiza- 
tions have made extensive use of publications, 
electronic media, and most recently the Internet 
to conduct their outreach campaigns. 

See also Ahmadiyya; almsgiving; Christianity 
and Islam; dar al-Isla m and dar al-harb; dialogue; 
education; imam; madrasa; Shiism. 

Further reading: Thomas Arnold, The Preaching of 
Islam: A History of the Propagation of the Muslim Faith , 
3d ed. (London: Luzac, 1935); Farhad Daftary, A Short 
History of the Ismailis (Princeton, N.J.: Marcus Weiner, 
1998); Saba Mahmood, Politics of Piety: The Islamic 
Revival and the Feminist Subject (Princeton, N.J.: Prince- 
ton University Press, 2005), 57-78; Larry Poston, 
Islamic Daw ah in the West: Muslim Missionary Activ- 
ity and the Dynamics of Conversion to Islam (Oxford: 

Daawa Party of Iraq 179 

Oxford University Press, 1992); Jane I. Smith, Islam in 
America (New York: Columbia University Press, 2000), 

Daawa Party of Iraq (Religious Call Party 
[Arabic: Hizb al-Daawa al-lslamiyya]; also 
Dawa, Islamic Dawa Party) 

The Daawa Party is one of the two leading Shii 
political parties in Iraq. It was founded in the 
holy city of Najaf by Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr 
(d. 1980) and other members of the Shii clergy 
in 1957. Its original purpose was to oppose com- 
munist and Arab nationalist movements that 
were gaining strength in Iraq and to reverse the 
declining influence of the Shii ulama. It drew its 
first recruits from the religious colleges of Najaf 
and Karbala, but traditional-minded ulama did 
not approve of the party's innovations. To avoid 
detection, the Daawa formed secret cells of party 
members, resembling those of Iraqi communists 
and Baathists. From 1964 to 1968, after the fall 
of the leftist government of Abd al-Karim Qasim 
(d. 1963), Daawa was able to operate more openly 
and recruited new members from college students 
and intellectuals in other Iraqi cities. Many new 
recruits also came from the Thawra district on the 
northeastern edge of Baghdad, a low-income quar- 
ter (now known as Sadr City) of Shii immigrants 
from the countryside. Outside Iraq, it established 
branches in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, 
and Britain. Strengthening its grip on the coun- 
try in the late 1960s, Iraq's Baath government 
launched a repressive campaign against the Shia, 
forcing Shii groups to go underground. 

Daawa leaders were executed by the govern- 
ment during the 1970s, but the party was still 
able to organize antigovernment demonstrations 
on major Shii religious holidays. Party activ- 
ism intensified in the aftermath of the Iranian 
Revolution op 1978-79, which was inspired by 
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (d. 1989), a senior 
Iranian cleric who had lived and taught in Najaf 
from 1964 to 1978. The goals and tactics of 

Daawa became more radical. It called for estab- 
lishing an Islamic government in Iraq, created a 
terrorist operations unit, and conducted armed 
attacks against the Baathists and their allies in 
other Persian Gulf States during the lran-lraq 
war of 1980-88. It attempted to assassinate Iraq's 
president, Saddam Husayn, and other government 
officials, and it was allegedly involved in the 
bombing of the U.S. embassy in Kuwait in 1983. 
The Iraqi government officially outlawed Daawa 
in 1980 and declared that party members would 
be subject to execution. Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr 
and other Shii leaders were arrested and put to 
death. Many members fled to Iran, where they 
set up a headquarters in exile, supported by that 
country's revolutionary government. Although the 
party has preached peaceful coexistence between 
Sunnis and the Shia, together with Iraqi national 
unity, the leadership and ideology of the party has 
largely been shaped by Shii doctrines and sym- 
bols. For example, party tracts at the time stated 
that the highest levels of leadership should be 
held by mujtahids , a designation for Shii religious 
authorities. Nevertheless, during their exile in 
Iran, effective leadership of the party shifted to 
lay members, such as Ibrahim Jaafari (b. 1947), a 
physician who had joined the party in the 1960s. 

The party remained a staunch opponent of 
the government of Saddam Husayn but shifted to 
improve its relations with Western countries after 
the Gulf War of 1990-91, when an international 
coalition army drove Husayn's Iraqi forces out 
of Kuwait. After Husayn's government was over- 
thrown by the United States in 2003, the Daawa 
Party reestablished itself in Iraq, and party mem- 
bers joined the new provisional government. In 
January 2005, it became a leading member of the 
United Iraqi Alliance, a coalition of political par- 
ties elected to govern the occupied country until 
a constitutional government could be formed. 
Daawa members won control of important gov- 
ernment ministries, and Ibrahim al-Jaafari, the 
head of Daawa, became the country's new prime 
minister. He was succeed by another party loyal- 

1 80 dai 

ist, Nouri al-Maliki (b. 1950), in May 2006. The 
Daawa Party favors the creation of a government 
based on Islamic law but no longer requires 
that it be ruled by Shii ulama. Its major partner 
(and rival) is the Supreme Council for Islamic 
Revolution in Iraq (SCIR1, changed to Supreme 
Islamic Iraqi Council in 2007), a Shii party that 
was established in Iran by Iraqi exiles during the 
1980s. Like the Daawa Party, its followers had also 
returned to Iraq as soon as Husayn's government 
had fallen. The strongholds of support for both 
parties are located in the Shii cities of southern 
Iraq, and both enjoy cordial relations with the 
Islamic Republic of Iran. 

See also Baath Party; communism; politics and 
Islam; Shiism. 

Further reading: T. M. Aziz, “The Role of Muhammad 
Baqir al-Sadr in Shii Political Activism in Iraq from 1958 
to 1980,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 25 
(1993): 207-222; Amatzia Baram, “Two Roads to Revo- 
lutionary Shii Fundamentalism in Iraq: Hizb al-Dawa 
al-Islamiyya and the Supreme Council of the Islamic 
Revolution in Iraq." In Accounting for Fundamentalisms: 
The Dynamic Character of Movements, edited by Martin 
E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby, 531-586 (Chicago: Uni- 
versity of Chicago Press. 1994). 


dajjal See Antichrist. 


Damascus has been the capital of the Arab Repub- 
lic of Syria since 1946. It is densely populated, 
with about 3.5 million inhabitants, or about 19 
percent of the total population of the country. 
About 40 miles from the Mediterranean coast, it 
is situated on the edge of the desert at the foot of 
Mount Qassioun, one of the massifs of the eastern 
slopes of the Anti-Lebanon. The Barada River 


The Great Umayyad Mosque of Damascus, Syria (Juan 
E. Campo) 

crosses the city and provides water to the rich 
agricultural area known as the Ghuta, which Mus- 
lim tradition regards as one of the three earthly 
PARADISES, along with Samarkand (in modern 
Uzbekistan) and al-Ubulla (in Iraq). 

The exact date of the foundation of the city 
remains unclear, although archaeological evi- 
dence suggests the fourth millennium b.c.e. as the 
beginning date for continued human habitation. 
The first historical mention of the city refers to 
its conquest by the Egyptian pharaoh Thutmoses 
III in the 15th century B.C.E. Damascus was later 
inhabited by Assyrians, Babylonians, Achaeme- 
nids, Greeks, Nabateans, Romans, and finally the 

Daoud Ahmed 1 81 

Byzantine Empire up until the Muslim conquest 
in 635 c.E. During the rule of the Umayyad Caliph- 
ate (662-750), Damascus became the capital of 
this, the first Islamic dynasty, and an important 
cultural and economic center of the region. They 
built the beautiful congregational mosque that 
still stands in the heart of the old city. In 750, the 
Abbasids defeated the Umayyads and installed 
their capital in Baghdad. Damascus then became 
a provincial town subject to the rule of different 
Islamic dynasties that conquered the area. Only in 
the 12th century did Damascus regain its splendor 
under the rule of the Zenkid Turkish prince Nur 
al-Din (d. 1174) and his Ayyubid successor, Sala- 
din (r. 1174-93). It became a center of religious 
learning and literary production. In 1260, the city 
was devastated by the same Mongol invasion that 
had obliterated the Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad 
in 1258. 

By 1517, the Ottoman Turks had conquered 
all the territory from Syria to Egypt. Under the 
Turkish dynasty, the city of Aleppo, in the north 
of Syria, became the most important economic 
center of the region. Nonetheless, Damascus still 
played an important economic and religious role, 
as is attested to by the numerous khans (trade 
centers and rest houses) and the proliferation of 
religious sites. Along with Cairo and Baghdad, 
it was used as one of the main staging points for 
caravans that conveyed pilgrims to Mecca for the 
annual HAJj. 

During World War 1, under the British prom- 
ise of the creation of an Arab Syrian state, British 
troops commanded by General Allcnby entered 
the city in October 1918 and established the Syr- 
ian Kingdom of Amir Eaysal ibn Husayn ibn Ali 
(r. 1918-20), whom the British would later make 
king of Iraq. The British occupation violated the 
terms of the Sykes-Picot agreement signed with 
France in 1916, according to which Syria and 
Lebanon were to remain under French influence. 
On July 25, 1920, France entered Damascus and 
occupied Syria and Lebanon, establishing a colo- 
nial mandate system in the area. In 1925, Damas- 

cus became the capital of the federal state of Syria 
under French mandate, and it remained the capi- 
tal after Syria's independence in 1946. 

See also cities; Ottoman dynasty. 

Maria del Mar Logrono 

Further reading: Afif Bahnassi, Damascus: The Capital 
of the Umayyad Dynasty (Damascus: Dar Tlass, 2002); 
Lynn Theo Simarski, "Visions of Damascus.'' Saudi 
Aramco World 42, no. 2 (March/April 1991): 20-29. 

Daoud Ahmed (1891-1980) pioneer American 

Sheikh Al-Haj Daoud Ahmed Faisal led one of 
the early successful efforts to spread Islam in 
America. Born in Morocco, he moved with his 
family to Bermuda at the age of 10. He subse- 
quently migrated to the United States in 1907. 
He attended the Juilliard School in Manhattan, 
where he mastered the violin and specialized in 
both classical and jazz music. In 1920, he married 
Dakota Station, later known as Sayidah Khadijah. 

Through the 1920s, he associated with several 
Muslim groups, including the Ahmadiyya, but 
in 1928, with his wife's assistance, he founded 
the Islamic Propagation Center of America in 
Brooklyn. Located at 143 State Street, it came to 
be known informally as the State Street Mosque. 
From Brooklyn, he spread Sunni Muslim teach- 
ings, somewhat in competition with the effort of 
Noble Drew Ali, to propagate his form of sectarian 
Islam. In 1934, he purchased the Talbot Estate in 
East Fishkill, Dutchess County, New York, and 
turned it into a Muslim community known as 
Madinah al-Salaam (City of Peace). He was able 
to sustain the community for eight years, but it 
finally folded for financial reasons. 

At some point, he made the hajj to Mecca, 
possibly at the end of the 1930s. In 1943, he 
added the title sheikh (Arabic shaykh) to his name 
as a sign of a relationship with King Abd al-Aziz 
ibn Saud (d. 1953), who had a decade earlier 
consolidated his control of modern Saudi Arabia. 

182 dar al-lslam and dar al-harb 

Both Abd al-Aziz and Shaykh Khalid of Jordan 
gave Daoud a charter to establish Islamic work 
in North America. By this time, he had opened 
centers in several American cities, but in 1944, he 
incorporated his following as the Muslim Mission 
in America. 

Sheikh Daoud offered Islam as the rightful and 
original FAITH of African Americans and a means 
of their throwing off their self-understanding as 
Negroes. At the same time, however, he refused to 
slant his presentation and opposed the racial theo- 
ries of both Noble Drew Ali and Elijah Muhammad 
and the Nation of Islam. He saw Islam as a way to 
the establishment of human equality and human 
rights as the means of reaching ultimate peace. 

Sheikh Daoud continued to lead his move- 
ment, soon eclipsed by the Nation of Islam, 
until his death in February 1980. Along the way, 
he authored one book, Islam the True Faith , the 
Religion oj Humanity (1965), a broad survey of 
Muslim teachings, leaders, and history. Since his 
death, the Muslim Mission has been absorbed into 
the larger Muslim community. 

See also African Americans, Islam among; 
daawa; renewal and reform movements. 

J. Gordon Melton 

Further reading: Sheikh Al-Haj Daoud Ahmed Faisal, 
Islam the True Faith, the Religion of Humanity (Brooklyn, 
N.Y.: Islamic Mission of America, 1965); Adib Rashad, 
Islam, Black Nationalism & Slavery: A Detailed History 
(Baltimore: Writers Inc., 1995); Malachi Z. York, Shaikh 
Daoud vs. W D. Fard (Eastonton, Ga.: Holy Tabernacle 
Ministries, n.d.). 

dar al-lslam and dar al-harb (Arabic, 
House of Islam and House of War) 

Dar al-lslam and dar al-harb are concepts used in 
medieval Islamic legal and political thought to dif- 
ferentiate territories under Muslim rule where the 
sharia is followed from those that are not. In the 
dar al-lslam, the sharia was observed, and non- 

Muslim residents were to be given “protected'’ 
(DH/MM/) status as long as they paid their taxes 
and did not act to subvert the Islamic religious 
and political order. Non-Muslims were allowed to 
enter Islamic territories temporarily from the dar 
al-harb for peaceful purposes, such as commerce 
and diplomacy, after they had received a guarantee 
of security from a Muslim in the dar al-lslam. 

Any territory where Muslim rule and the sharia 
did not prevail was classified as the dar al-harb. 
According to jurists, Muslims were obliged to bring 
it under Islamic rule, cither through surrender by 
treaty or through conquest in jihad. Conversion 
was not the primary intent of this doctrine, how- 
ever. The concept was not expressed in the Quran 
and HADITH, but it was grounded in the early histor- 
ical experience of the Islamic community (vmma) 
as it expanded by conquest under the leadership of 
Muhammad from its base in Medina into the rest of 
the Arabian Peninsula. Under his successors, this 
expansion extended to the rest of the Middle East 
and North Africa, Andalusia, and significant parts 
of Asia. At the height of the Abbasid Caliphate 
(10th century), the dar al-lslam was a broad swath 
of territory that reached more than 4,000 miles 
from the Atlantic coasts of Spain and northwest 
Africa in the west to the eastern borderlands of Iran 
and Afghanistan. The world outside this territory, 
therefore, was considered the dar al-harb. 

The ulama adapted this polarized concept 
of the world to changing historical realities. For 
example, Shafii jurists recognized a House of 
Truce (dar al-sulh ), which allowed for peaceful 
relations with non-Muslim powers as long as they 
agreed to pay taxes to Muslim authorities. When 
Muslim lands fell under the control of non-Mus- 
lims, jurists instructed Muslims living there to 
either fight or remove themselves to the dar al- 
lslam. This was what Maliki jurists recommended 
to Muslims in the territories of Andalusia that 
had been taken by Christian armies during the 
Reconquista. It was also the view held by leaders 
of revivalist movements in British India, such as 
the Tariqa-i Muhammad (Muhammadan Path) led 

Dara Shikoh 1 83 

by Sayyid Ahmad Barelwi (d. 1831). Other jurists, 
however, ruled that as long as Muslims were 
secure and allowed to fulfill their religious duties, 
they could accept non-Muslim governments and 
consider themselves to still be in the dar al-Islam. 

With the end of the last Muslim empires and 
the rise of new nation-states in the 20th century, 
the concepts of the dar al-Islam and the dar al-harb 
have been replaced by international laws, treaties, 
and conventions governing relations between 
states. Nonetheless, they still have their place in 
the Islamic legal heritage, and they are invoked 
from time to time in Muslim political rhetoric. 

See also law, international; politics and 
Islam; West Africa. 

Further reading: John Kelsay, Islam and War: A Study in 
Comparative Ethics (Louisville, Ky.: Westminster/John 
Knox Press, 1993); Majid Khadduri, War and Peace in 
the Law of Islam (Washington. D.C.: Middle East Insti- 
tute, 1955). 

Dara Shikoh (Dara Shukoh, Dara 
Shikuh) (1615-1659) Mughal prince known for 
his writings on Sufism and liberal attitudes toward 
other religions, especially Hinduism 
Dara Shikoh was the first son of one of the most 
powerful sovereigns of India's Mughal dynasty*, 
Shah Jahan (r. 1628-58). In his autobiography, 
Dara wrote that his father longed for an heir to 
the throne and prayed that Sufi saint Muin al- 
Din Chishti would fulfill his wish. The next year, 
Queen Mumtaz Mahal gave birth to Dara near the 
saints shrine in Ajmer. Dara spent his early years 
in the palace and then was assigned command of 
an army when he was 17 years old. His father also 
gave him administrative appointments and high 
state honors to qualify him to be his successor and 
avoid dynastic conflict. Nevertheless, when Shah 
Jahan became ill in 1657, Dara and three younger 
brothers, Muhammad Shuja, Murad, and Aurang- 
zeb, engaged in a life-and-death struggle for their 
father's Peacock Throne. Aurangzeb and Murad 

accused Dara of being an apostate because of his 
involvement with Hindu yogis and ascetics. Never 
very adept at war, Dara was defeated on the battle- 
field, tried by the ulama for apostasy, and executed 
in 1659. Aurangzeb took the throne for himself 
and did away with his remaining brothers. 

Dara Shikoh, like his great-grandfather Akbar 
(d. 1605), is usually placed within the liberal wing 
of South Asian Islam, in juxtaposition to hard- 
line religious conservatives such as his brother 
Aurangzeb. His interest in religion first became 
evident in 1640, when he was 25 years old. It 
was at this time that he compiled a biographical 
dictionary about Muhammad, the Prophets wives 
and family, the first caliphs, the Shii Imams, and 
hundreds of Sufis, particularly those of the Qadiri, 
Naqshbandi, Chishti, Kubrawi, and Suhrawardi 
orders. During the same year, he and his older 
sister, Jahanara (d. 1681), were initiated into the 
Qadiri Sufi Order by Mullah Shah, a prominent 
Sufi master who had been serving as their spiri- 
tual guide. Dara wrote several books and tracts on 
Sufi doctrine and practices, reflecting the stages of 
his journey on the Sufi path. His most important 
comparative work was Majmaa al-bahrayn (The 
confluence of the two oceans), in which he sought 
to prove that Islam and the Vedanta tradition in 
Hindu religious thought shared the same essential 
truths. For example, he equated the great names 
of God in Islam with those given by Hindus to 
their absolute cosmic being. He also identified the 
Islamic idea of resurrection with Hindu notions 
of liberation. Shortly before his death, Dara trans- 
lated chapters of the Sanskrit philosophical com- 
mentaries on the Vedas known as the Upanishads 
into Persian. Indeed, it was through his transla- 
tion, in which he had the assistance of Hindu 
pandits and ascetics, that the Upanishads became 
familiar to scholars of Indian language and litera- 
ture in the West. Dara also was involved with the 
translation of the Bhagavad Gita, the most well 
known sacred text in the Hindu religion. 

See also Hinduism and Islam; Persian language 
and literature; Sufism. 

1 84 Dar ul-Arqam 

Further reading: Muhammad Dara Shikuh. Majmaa 
al-bakrayn , or The Mingling of the Two Oceans. Edited 
and translated by M. Mahfouz ul-Haq (Calcutta: Asiatic 
Society, 1929); John F. Richards, The Mughal Empire 
(New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 1993); Saiyid 
Athar Abbas Rizvi, A History of Sufism in India , 2 vols. 
(Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 1983). 

Dar ul-Arqam (Arabic: House of Arqam) 

The Dar ul-Arqam is the most influential and 
popular Islamic renewal movement to have 
originated in Southeast Asia. It was founded in 
Malaysia in 1968 by Shaykh Ashaari Muhammad 
at-Tamimi (b. 1938), a member of the Awrad 
Muhammadiyya Sufi Order based in Mecca. Dar 
ul-Arqam took its name from al-Arqam ibn Abi 
al-Arqam, one of the Companions of the Prophet 
who gave refuge to Muhammad in his home. A 
number of early conversions to Islam took place 
there. The Dar ul-Arqam movement began in the 
Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur, where mem- 
bers used a home to conduct grassroot religious 
education classes. Shaykh Ashaari encouraged 
his followers to study the Quran and Islamic 
teaching to make religion part of their everyday 
lives. The focus of his movement was on individ- 
ual self-improvement in conformity with Islamic 
values, not on trying to seize political power 
and impose Islamic religious law. The movement 
grew to a membership of about 10,000 in the 
1980s, with up to 100,000 supporters. This was 
the outcome of an effective missionary (daawa) 
program involving public lectures, print and 
visual media, and even concerts. Dar ul-Arqam 
opened villages and schools throughout Malay- 
sia, as well as branches elsewhere in Southeast 
Asia and in countries as far away as China, Aus- 
tralia, and the United States. It also had branches 
in the Middle East. Aside from its active outreach 
program, it successfully invested its resources 
in agricultural and commercial projects geared 
toward the emerging capitalist economy. The 
creation of the Al Arqam Group of Companies, 

composed of more than 400 businesses, was 
announced in 1993. 

Dar ul-Arqams extraordinary successes in the 
worlds of religion and business had serious politi- 
cal repercussions. Its increased influence among 
wealthy and powerful members of Malaysian society 
caused the government of Prime Minister Mahatir 
(r. 1981-98) to take measures against it. In 1994, it 
was deemed to be a “deviant cult” by the National 
Fatwa Council, the Islamic arm of the state. Shaykh 
Ashaari, who was accused of claiming to have 
had direct contact with God and the Prophet, was 
arrested and held without trial. After a televised 
confession broadcast from the National Mosque, he 
was released from prison and placed under house 
arrest for 10 years. The movement was officially 
disbanded in 1994, but it was allowed to reconsti- 
tute itself as a multinational business called Rufaqa 
Corporation, for which an ailing Shaykh Ashaari 
has served as the chief executive officer. Early in 
2005, he published a book, Civilizational Islam , in 
which he expressed his support for Malaysia's new 
prime minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. 

See also fatwa; renewal and reform move- 
ments; Sufism. 

Further reading: Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid, “Sufi 
Undercurrents in Islamic Revivalism: Traditional, Post- 
Traditional and Modern Images of Islamic Activism 
in Malaysia.” Islamic Quarterly 45 (2001): 177-198; 
25 Years of Darul Arqam: The Struggle of Abuya Syeikh 
Imam Ashaari Muhammad at-Tamimi (Kuala Lumpur: 
Penerbitan Abuya Dengan Izin Asoib International 
Limited, 1993). 

darwish See dervish. 

David (Arabic: Dawud, Daud) biblical king 
of Israel and Judah who is revered by Muslims as a 
prophet of God 

David is known to the followers of all three Abra- 
hamic religions. Modern scholars of the Bible esti- 

death 1 85 

mate that he lived during the late 11th and early 
10th century B.C.E. According to the narratives 
given in 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, and 1 Kings of the 
Hebrew Bible, David rose from humble origins to 
become a legendary man of war and king of Israel 
and Judah. He made Jerusalem his capital, which 
came to be known as “the city of David.” He was 
the father of Solomon, who succeeded him to 
the throne and built the city’s first temple for the 
god of the Israelites on Mount Zion. David is also 
remembered for having been the author of many 
of the poetic compositions contained in the bibli- 
cal book of Psalms. In both Jewish and Christian 
scriptures, the idea developed that God's future 
messiah, or anointed savior, would come from 
David’s descendants. The Gospels of Matthew 
(Mt. 1:1-17) and Luke (Lk. 3:23-83) clearly link 
Jesus’ heritage to the royal household of David, 
and in Matthew, he is called “the son of David." 

The Quran mentions David 16 times in verses 
that present him as a biblical figure, as well as in 
passages that present him as a Muslim prophet. 
Thus, there are brief statements about his slaying 
Goliath (Q 2:251), receiving a kingdom and wis- 
dom from God (Q 38:20), and being associated 
with Solomon (Q 27:15). More important, he is 
said to have received the book of Psalms ( zabur ) 
from God (Q 4:163; 17:55), which qualifies him 
as a prophet in Islamic tradition. David is also 
called Gods CALIPH ( khalifa ) on Earth (Q 38:26), 
meaning his deputy. The biblical stories about his 
relations with Saul, Jonathan, and his son Absa- 
lom; his wars with the Philistines; the capture of 
Jerusalem; and his affair with Bathsheba and the 
death of her husband Uriah are completely omit- 
ted from the quranic narratives. The HADITH con- 
centrated on his dedication to prayer and fasting, 
but not on the biblical stories. 

More developed portrayals of David were 
provided in Quran commentaries (tafsir) and 
legendary stories (qisas) about the prophets, such 
as those collected by al-Tabari (d. 911) and al- 
Thalabi (d. 1036). These narratives drew upon 
rabbinic traditions that circulated among Jewish 

communities of the Middle East centuries prior 
to the appearance of Islam. This was where Ara- 
bic versions of the stories of Saul, Goliath, and 
Bathsheba (“that woman”) were recounted. Such 
stories gave readers more details about how David 
received the Psalms and how pleasant his voice 
was when he recited them. He was also shown to 
be a God-fearing man who repented for his affair 
with Uriah's wife. Sufis would later remember 
him especially for his asceticism and repentance. 
David's connection with Jerusalem is not men- 
tioned in the Quran, hadith, commentaries, or 
qisas literature but is included in a specific genre 
of medieval Arabic literature that dealt with the 
sanctity of the city. 

See also holy books; Judaism and Islam; proph- 

Further reading: Gordon Darnell Newby, I he Making 
of the Last Prophet: A Reconstruction of the Earliest Biog- 
raphy of Muhammad (Columbia: University of South 
Carolina Press, 1989); Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Thal- 
abi, Arais al-majalis fi qisas al-anbiya, or “Lives of the 
Prophets . ” Translated by William M. Brinner (Leiden: 
E.J. Brill, 2002). 


Islamic discussions on death and the afterlife 
are based on the teachings of the Quran and the 
hadith. The Quran refers to death in 36 chapters 
and the Judgment Day in 29 chapters. Notwith- 
standing the diversity of the contexts in which 
death is discussed, the themes of returning to 
God and taking responsibility for ones actions 
are essential in these discussions. The Quran and 
hadith explain that a person has only one life and 
one chance to prepare him- or herself for the after- 
life. Therefore, death is the terminus that gives 
purpose and meaning to the life of the individual 
who is on a journey back to God. The dead arc 
resurrected on Judgment Day for an evaluation of 
how they lived their lives and whether they will 
go to heaven or hell. 

186 Delhi 

Varied interpretations of death by Muslims 
throughout the centuries have produced a com- 
plex eschatology that can be divided into the 
majority Muslim and the gnostic mystical views. 
The majority perspective adheres to the teach- 
ings of the Quran as they were transmitted 
through Muhammad. These teachings warn and 
guide believers away from sin and remind them 
of the rewards and punishments of the afterlife. 
The gnostic mystical view upholds an esoteric 
understanding of death that is direct, personal, 
and unmediated. This kind of understanding 
is attained by means of mystical practices and 
through visionary discoveries. The mystics, who 
claim they have experienced death while alive, 
describe how their souls departed from their bod- 
ies and the world of matter and journeyed into the 
realm of death. There they have seen the myster- 
ies of Judgment Day and have experienced God's 
attributes of might and majesty. Thus, their belief 
in the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet is 
based on the personal insights they have gained 
through the death journey. Some Muslims inter- 
pret death as self-sacrifice and as an expression of 
FAITH. They refer to the Quran, which considers 
those who die on the path of Islam and for the sake 
of other Muslims to still be alive. Such a person 
(martyr, or shahid ), similar to innocent children, 
escapes the intermediary stage between death and 
resurrection ( barzakh ) and goes to paradise. The 
culture of valorizing martyrs — those who die on 
the path of Islam — has been enforced among the 
Shii Muslims for centuries. Their paradigm martyr 
is the grandson of Muhammad, Imam Husayn ibn 
Ali, who died in battle at Karbala at the hands 
of his political rivals in 680. Imam Husayn is 
the central figure in the mourning plays that are 
annually held in commemorating his death and 
in celebrating the fate and faith of the Muslim 
martyrs. In the final analysis, for Muslims, life 
and death are interconnected through ones sus- 
ceptibility to the realities of the unseen that are 
transmitted by the Prophet or experienced by the 
individual mystic. 

See also baqa and fana; cemetery; funerary 
rituals; martyrdom; Shiism; suicide. 

Tiroozeh Papan-Matin 

Further reading: Muhammad Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, 
The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife, Kitab dhikr 
al-mawt wa-ma badahu. Book XL of The Revival of the 
Religious Sciences, Ihya ulum al-Din. Translated by T. ]. 
Winter (Cambridge: The Islamic Texts Society, 1995); 
Jane Idlcman Smith and Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad. 
The Islamic Understanding of Death and Resurrection 
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002). 


The capital of modern India, greater Delhi is situ- 
ated on the west bank of the Yamuna River in the 
northern part of the country. It encompasses an 
area of about 572 square miles, which includes the 
modern city of New Delhi, and is home to nearly 
14 million people. Today, the majority of the city's 
inhabitants are Hindus from northern India, and 
Muslims constitute its largest minority. There arc 
also a large number of Sikhs, many of whom fled 
to the city from the Punjab at the time of the vio- 
lent 1947 partition, when India became an inde- 
pendent country. Delhi is also home to Buddhists, 
Jains, Christians, and an international diplomatic 
corps that serves at embassies in New Delhi, the 
southern part of the city. 

The history of Delhi is actually one of at 
least eight different fortress cities built in close 
proximity to each other over many centuries, 
each designed to satisfy the needs and tastes of a 
different group of rulers. The earliest is thought 
to have been Indraprastha, a Hindu city that 
existed 3000 years ago. Muslims from Afghani- 
stan invaded at the end of the 12th century and 
located the capital of the Delhi Sultanate there 
in 1193. The dynasties of the sultanate situated 
their fortress cities on lands on the south side 
of modern Delhi. Later rulers transferred the 
capital to Agra or Lahore, but eventually they 
returned to Delhi. The Mughal ruler Shah Jahan 

'Css^S 188 Delhi 

(r. 1628-58) built Delhi's most spectacular Isl- 
amicate urban complex, which he called Shahja- 
hanabad (Shah Jahan City). It was located north 
of the previous city sites, on the west bank of 
the Yamuna. 

Among Delhi's most important Islamic monu- 
ments are the Qutb Minar complex, comprised 
of a towering MINARET and the Quwwat al-Islam 
communal MOSQUE. Construction of these build- 
ings began in 1193 and continued intermittently 
for several centuries. They were built where a 
Hindu temple once stood and incorporate sec- 
tions from the temple walls and local architec- 
tural features, symbolically demonstrating both 
that the Hindu religion was being subordinated 
to Islam and that Islam was adapting itself to its 
Indian environment. About three miles north- 
east of this site, Sultan Ala al-Din Muhammad 
Khilji (r. 1296-1316) built the fortress city of 
Siri, near which the Chishti saint Nizam al-Din 
Awliya (d. 1325) located his mosque and Sufi 
hospice. Nizam al-Din's shrine is still considered 
to be one of the most sacred centers in Delhi for 
Indian Muslims. Other rulers sponsored the con- 
struction of communal mosques, domed tombs, 
and religious schools, which combined Middle 
Eastern architectural traditions with indigenous 
ones. At Shahjahanabad, the most impressive 
structures that still stand are the Jama Masjid, the 
largest communal mosque in India, and the Red 
Fort, with its palaces, gardens, kiosks, audience 
halls, administrative offices, and private mosque 
for the ruler. 

Delhi was besieged by British forces during 
the 1857 rebellion, and significant areas of the 
city were razed to the ground. The British not 
only eradicated the Mughal dynasty but also 
rebuilt the city to serve their needs as India's new 
sovereigns. Military cantonments were situated 
in strategic areas, and a residential neighborhood 
known as the Civil Lines for British administra- 
tors was established on the north side of Shah- 
jahanabad. This is where Delhi University was 
also built early in the 20th century. New Delhi, 

designed by Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker 
to be the capital of British India after 1911, is 
distinguished by a dazzling complex of Mughal- 
British-style government buildings, monuments, 
gardens, and a central business district. In addi- 
tion to serving the practical purposes of govern- 
ment, it was also intended to symbolize Britain's 
political and cultural mastery over India. Today, 
it is where the official business of an independent 
India is conducted. The residence of the former 
British viceroy is now where India's president 
conducts official receptions. The Indian parlia- 
ment is located nearby in the same complex of 

Delhi has functioned as a center of Islamic 
religion and culture through much of its history. 
In addition to Nizam al-Din Awliya, other famous 
Muslims who were born there or who spent sig- 
nificant parts of their life there were the Chishti 
saints Qutb al-Din Bakhtiyar Kaaki (d. 1235) 
and Nasir al-Din Chiragh-i Dihli (d. 1356); the 
great Indo-Persian poet Amir Khusraw (d. 1325); 
the Mughal prince and student of Muslim and 
Hindu philosophy and mysticism Dara SHIKOH (d. 
1659); Dara's sister Jahanara, also a Sufi devotee 
(d. 1681); the early modern revivalist Shah Wali 
Allah (d. 1762); the religious reformer Sayyid 
Ahmad Khan (d. 1898); and the renowned Urdu 
poets Ghalib (d. 1869) and Altaf Husayn Mali (d. 
1914). Delhi is also the location of the official 
memorials for many of modern India's great non- 
Muslim leaders, such as Mohandas K. Gandhi (d. 
1947), Jawaharlal Nehru (d. 1964), and Indira 
Gandhi (d. 1984). 

See also architecture; Chishti Sufi Order; 
cities; Hinduism and Islam. 

Further reading: Sheila S. Blair and Jonathan M. Bloom, 
The Art and Architecture of Islam, 1250-1800 (New 
Haven. Conn.: Yale University Press, 1994); William 
Dalrymple, City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi (London: 
Penguin. 2003); R. E. Frykenbcrg, ed., Delhi through the 
Ages: Essays in Urban History , Culture , and Society (New 
York: Oxford University Press, 1986). 

Delhi Sultanate 1 89 

Delhi Sultanate (1211-1526) 

The Delhi Sultanate is the collective name given 
to the first rulers and dynasties to conquer and 
establish direct Muslim rule in northern India. 
They made Delhi, or the cluster of fortress cities 
that succeeded each other and eventually became 
Delhi, their capital. The rulers were Turks and 
Afghans who formed an elite class that emu- 
lated the cultural and political traditions of the 
Persians. As Muslim sovereigns, however, they 
derived their legitimacy from the Abbasid caliph 
in Baghdad, who recognized Iltutmish (r. 1211— 
36), the Turkish Mamluk commander in India, as 
the SULTAN for that region in 1229. Muslim rulers 
in India thereafter kept the title, which identified 
its holders as powerful sovereigns who served as 
defenders of the caliphate. 

The five main phases of the Delhi Sultanate 

Mamluk dynasty 
Khalji dynasty 
Tughluqi dynasty 
Sayyid dynasty 
Lodi dynasty 






The Delhi Sultans conquered much of north- 
ern India, including west Bengal and the Deccan 
region of central India. With the passage of time, 
despite persistent and spirited resistance from 
Hindu Rajput kings, the ranks of the Muslim 
ruling elite grew by intermarriages and alliances 
with Hindus and the recruitment of Hindu con- 
verts and Indian-born Muslims. Hindu states in 
southern India paid tribute to the Delhi Sultans 
when they were strong enough to exercise influ- 
ence southward. The Delhi Sultanate suffered 
a terrible reversal when the Mongol conqueror 
Timur (Tamerlane, d. 1405) invaded India and 
sacked Delhi in 1398-99. He did not stay long, 
but he left behind a shattered sultanate. In 1526, 
Timurs great grandson, Babur, returned to found 
the Mughal dynasty and absorb the remnants of 
the Delhi Sultanate. 

It is not an accident that the Delhi Sultan- 
ate first arose at the same time that the Mongols 
were invading the Middle East from their bases 
in Central Asia. Indeed, the building of Delhi’s 
fortifications was done in large part to defend 
against Mongol invaders from the northwest. 
These defensive efforts were successful, so that 
as Muslim cities in Persia were being razed to 
the ground, Muslim refugees, including religious 
scholars and mystics, were able to find a new 
home in India. 

The Delhi sultans built mosques and religious 
schools and employed Hanafi judges and legal 
scholars to serve in them. The 13th century was 
also when the Chishti, Suhrawardi, and Kubrawi 
Sufi orders established their centers in India. On 
the other hand, the Delhi sultans, who were Sun- 
nis, attempted to eradicate Ismaili Shia rulers and 
communities that had earlier settled in northwest- 
ern areas of India. Also, in their wars of expansion, 
they plundered and desecrated Hindu temples, 
as previous dynasties had done from bases in 
Afghanistan. This appears to have been a method 
of enhancing state revenues and undermining the 
legitimacy of rival Hindu monarchs rather than 
an outright assault against the Hindu religion. 
Once the Delhi sultans consolidated their hold 
on territories in India, they generally took a more 
pragmatic approach toward their Hindu subjects, 
who far outnumbered them. Many Hindu temples 
and religious sites were left alone; Muslim rul- 
ers endorsed protecting them and even allowed 
demolished temples to be repaired and new ones 
to be built. This policy continued to be observed 
by the Mughals. 

See also Chishti Sufi Order; Hanafi Legal 
School; Hinduism and Islam; Ismaili Shiism. 

Further reading: Richard Eaton, “Temple Desecration 
and Indo-Muslim States." In Beyond Turk and Hindu: 
Rethinking Religious Identities in Islamicate South Asia, 
edited by David Gilmartin and Bruce B. Lawrence, 246- 
281 (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2000); 
Andre Wink. Al-Hind: The Making of the Indo-Islamic 


1 90 democracy 

World, Vol. 2, The Slave Kings and the Islamic Conquest , 
llth-13th Centuries (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997); Stanley 
Wolpert, A New History of India, 5th ed. (New York: 
Oxford University Press, 1997). 


Democracy ; or "rule by the people," is a term that 
has been used to describe a number of different 
kinds of government. In the modern sense, it is 
usually connected to the idea of government by 
popularly elected officials who legislate and enforce 
the laws in accordance with notions of individ- 
ual liberties and civil rights. Historically, Islamic 
political thought has legitimated many kinds of 
governance, from the despotic to the benign. 
The bountiful intellectual fruits of Islamic tradi- 
tions — philosophical, theological, jurisprudential, 
mystical — arc capable of justifying a wide array of 
political models and forms of political behavior, 
including models and forms of democratic prov- 
enance. Professors, pundits, policy makers, and the 
public in their wake have argued or assumed that 
Islam and democracy arc inherently incompatible, 
that cultural and political properties intrinsic to 
Islamicate civilization preclude the birth of any- 
thing remotely resembling "Islamic democracy." 
Yet empirical studies conclude that such cultural 
explanations do not account for the emergence and 
success or failure of democracies. 

Today, a clarion call from Muslims around the 
world is heard on behalf of the virtues of demo- 
cratic values and principles, methods, and pro- 
cesses. The overwhelming preference of the "Arab 
street" and the majority of non-Arabic Muslims is 
for ballots ("paper stones"), not bullets, as militant, 
jihadist Muslims prove the exception to the rule. In 
short, Islamic democracy is not an oxymoron. 

Minimalist or thin theories of democracy 
focus on the electoral components of the demo- 
cratic process, the desiderata being free and fair, 
multiparty elections by secret and universal ballot. 
An electoral democracy is a constitutional order in 
which the chief executive (for example, president 

or prime minister) and legislative offices are filled 
through regular and competitive elections. By this 
standard, for example, Turkey, Bangladesh, and 
Indonesia are democratic, as are several states of 
the former Soviet Union. Egypt and Malaysia are 
quasi- or semi-democratic, Jordan and Morocco 
arc democratic by fits and starts, and Algeria has 
democratic pretensions, as do Kuwait and Bah- 
rain. Interestingly, Iran also scores high on this 
electoral scorecard. Even Saudi Arabia has been 
unable to resist the reformist clamor for electoral 
democracy: The kingdom's cabinet held its first 
elections for municipal councils in early 2005. As 
various forums of dialogue or "talking shops" arc 
essential forms of democratic participation, the 
fact that the Saudi leaders (in particular, former 
crown prince and now king Abd Allah ibn Abd 
al-Aziz [b. 1923]) are talking about reform with 
"reform groups" portends changes on the des- 
ert horizon, however distant. Post-Saddam Iraq 
entered the early stages of forming a democratic 
polity in 2004-05, where Shii political parties 
have prevailed. Hamas, the Islamic radical resis- 
tance organization, won in Palestinian elections 
in 2006. In the previous year, after the withdrawal 
of Syrian troops, the radical Shii organization Hiz- 
bullah won scats in the Lebanese election, plus 
two cabinet posts. The results of these elections 
provoked an escalation of armed conflict between 
Israeli forces and Hamas in Palestine and Hizbul- 
lah in Lebanon. 

Other problems persist. Executive offices are 
often uncontestcd, and opposition parties face 
unwarranted if not unreasonable government 
restrictions (and not a few parties are "banned" 
for this or that reason), with often limited access 
to media. In addition to voting Iraud, authoritar- 
ian elites do not hesitate to resort to insidious 
forms of “electoral engineering" to achieve favor- 
able electoral outcomes. In this case, the maxim 
“something is better than nothing" holds. Per- 
chance international election monitoring can play 
a more effective part in preventing or discouraging 
attempts at electoral manipulation. 

Deoband 1 91 

As a consequence of electoral participation, 
some of the more militant Salafi Islamists have 
formed alliances and coalitions with both Islamic 
and “secularist" parties and movements, often 
renouncing the methods of violence in ending 
the campaign for an “Islamic revolution." Deny- 
ing Islamists participation in electoral politics can 
have deleterious results, as in Algeria, when the 
Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) resorted to rebel- 
lion and violence. At other times, the denial of 
participation simply compels Islamists to engage 
in the politics of civil society, as with the Mus- 
lim Brotherhood in Egypt during the 1980s and 
1990s. Islamist parties demonstrating some level 
of commitment to democratic principles and pro- 
cedures are found, for example, in Tunisia, Alge- 
ria, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, 
and Indonesia, as well in most of the republics of 
the former Soviet Union. 

The growth and consolidation of democracy 
in Muslim-majority countries face enormous 
obstacles: authoritarian political traditions and 
communalist orientations (including recalcitrant 
ulama with medievalist responses to the condi- 
tions of modernity); histories of colonialist rule 
and imperialist interference; the need to imple- 
ment economic reforms by way of integration 
into the global economy; the effects of anticolo- 
nial nationalist struggles that lacked democratic 
priorities; and economically bloated and ineffi- 
cient states with excessive military expenditures, 
to list the more egregious difficulties. Fortunately, 
the level of economic development provides little 
information about the chances of transition to 
democracy, although per capita income does 
correlate with the sustainability of democratic 
regimes. Political economists and democratic 
theorists alike well know that rentier states, such 
as the Persian Gulf oil-producing countries, pose 
peculiar problems for democratic development. 
Of course, more substantive participatory and 
deliberative democratic theories elaborate a vari- 
ety of different social and institutional conditions 
that serve as prerequisites of, or that are at least 

conducive to, full-fledged democratic consolida- 
tion and flourishing. When or if the various forms 
of Islamic democracy do arise, the corresponding 
criteria of assessment will be more stringent than 
those that take into account only electoral forms 
of democracy. 

See also constitutionalism; government, 
Islamic; Islamism; politics and Islam. 

Patrick S. O'Donnell 

Further reading: Khalcd Abou El Fadl, Joshua Cohen, 
and Deborah Chasman, cds., Islam and the Challenge 
of Democracy: A Boston Review Book (Princeton, N.J.: 
Princeton University Press, 2004); Robert A. Dahl, Ian 
Shapiro, and Jose Antonio Chiebub, eds.. The Democ- 
racy Sourcebook (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2003); 
John L. Esposito and John O. Voll, eds., Islam and 
Democracy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996); 
Noah Feldman, After Jihad: America and the Struggle for 
Islamic Democracy (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 


Located in Saharanpur District in Uttar Pradesh, 
India, Deoband town contains mosques and build- 
ings from the 15th and 16th centuries and is 
mentioned in the Ayn-i Akbari of Abu'l Fazl (d. 
1602). It is famous for the Dar al-Ulum (House 
of Sciences) school, which was founded in 1867 
by a group of highly learned ulama. Principal 
among them was Mohammad Qasim Nanautawi 
(1832-77), who was trained by teachers in the 
lineage of Shah Wali Allah (1703-62), the great 
Sufi reformer and intellectual in Delhi. The goal 
of the institution was to create a new Indian body 
of ulama that could provide spiritual and legal 
guidance to Indian Muslims, rather than con- 
tinuing to depend on scholars from the Arabian 
Peninsula or having to travel to the Middle East 
for instruction. Another paramount objective in 
the founding of the school was to counteract the 
growing influence of Christian missionaries. 

192 dervish 

The Deoband curriculum follows the Hanafi 
Legal School and provides advanced training in 
religious law. The original Deoband center has 
spawned more than 8,000 schools and institutes 
for all levels of instruction. Deoband is one of 
several major centers of Islamic learning in India, 
including the Nadwat ul-Ulama and Aligarh Mus- 
lim University. The curriculum at Deoband incor- 
porates three prevalent schools of Islamic learning 
in India: those of Delhi, Lucknow, and Khayrabad. 
The Delhi school had focused on tafsir (Quran 
commentary) and hadith, Lucknow emphasized 
FIQH (jurisprudence), and Khayrabad gave pre- 
cedence to theology and philosophy. Deoband's 
ideological approach combined these and gave 
it its signature twist by focusing on Shah Wali 
Allah and his idiosyncratic hadith scholarship. 
Wali Allah regarded hadith as often unreliable. 
Indeed, in his view all revelations other than the 
Quran could at best be regarded as hadith qudsi , 
or “holy speech." Wali Allah regarded Malik ibn 
Anass Muwatta (eighth century) as the pinnacle of 
hadith collections, as it was the earliest and clos- 
est in time to the Prophet. He was a proponent of 
ijtihad (independent legal reasoning) and a critic 
of tacflid (blind adherence to legal scholars), view- 
ing imitation of any model other than Muhammad 
as suspect. 

The influence of Deoband has been far reach- 
ing, and its curriculum is standard throughout 
Muslim South Asia. The early years of study in 
the basic curriculum focus on Arabic language, 
the biography of Muhammad, recitation of the 
Quran, and jurisprudence. The eighth, and final 
year focuses solely on hadith. Master's degrees 
arc offered in law, Quranic interpretation (tafsir), 
theology, and adab literature. Legal opinions, or 
fatwas, are obtainable upon solicitation from the 
center at Deoband. Deobandi schools known as 
madrasas are also centers for daawa (proselytiza- 
tion). Deoband publishes books by its ulama past 
and present and issues a newspaper, al-Dai (the 
call). Dar al-Ulum Deoband has counted among 
its vice chancellors and principals many luminar- 

ies of South Asian ulama such as Shaykh al-IIind 
Maulana Mahmood Hassan (1851-1920), Maulana 
Muhammad Anwar Shah Kashmiri (1875-1933), 
and Maulana Syed Hussain Ahmed Madani (1879- 
1957). Although there is no political party directly 
linked to Deoband, the school has had a profound 
impact on Muslim politics, having trained many of 
the key members of political groups such as Jami- 
yyat al-Ulama-i Hind, Jamiyatul Ulama-i Pakistan, 
and Jamiyyat al-Ulama-i Islam. 

Through the use of its curriculum and the pro- 
liferation of its graduates, Deoband is often linked 
to the spread of extremist ideologies most vividly 
exemplified by the Taliban. To some degree, this 
influence is real. In other cases, it is merely nomi- 
nal, as the authority inherent in the name of Deo- 
band is invoked to legitimate all kinds of Islamic 
conservatism. Although Deoband remains one of 
the most important institutes of Islamic learn- 
ing, in India it may be soon be eclipsed by the 
increasing influence of Nadwat ul-Ulama, where 
enrollments have outstripped Deoband's since the 

See also education. 

Anna Bigelow 

Further reading: Barbara Daly Metcalf, Islamic Revival 
in British India: Deoband, 1860-1900 (Princeton, N.J.: 
Princeton University Press, 1987); Muhammad Qasim 
Zaman, The Ulama in Contemporary Islam (Princeton, 
N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2002). 

dervish (Persian: darvish , also spelled 
darwish , darwesh) 

A dervish is an individual who has chosen the Sufi 
path. The origin of this Persian word is unclear, 
but it is generally taken to refer to someone who 
is poor or a beggar. In Sufism, the term, like the 
Arabic term faqir (poor), refers to someone who 
is humble and who has renounced the world in 
order to follow the Sufi path. While this often 
involves actual poverty and a renunciation of 

dhikr 1 93 

material possessions, which may necessitate beg- 
ging for subsistence, a more spiritual sense of 
poverty suggests the control of desires, so that 
the dervish can focus on God. Many Suli guides, 
in fact, warn dervishes against extreme poverty, 
since poverty itself must be forgotten, as it is only 
a stage on the path and can distract one from 
focusing on God. 

In early Islamic history, piety was often expressed 
through individual ASCETICISM. Inevitably, some 
ascetics gained fame, followers were attracted to 
their example, and in this way schools developed. 
By the 12th century, Sufi orders such as the Qadiris 
had begun to take definite shape around the person 
or the tomb of a famous master, with formal rules 
and special buildings designed to accommodate 
and feed resident dervishes and provide space for 
rituals. Each order developed its own forms of 
worship, including chanting the names of God or 
special formulas (dhikr); the singing of mystical 
poetry to music, often accompanied by dancing; 
and sometimes ecstatic practices, which might 
include, as with the Rifai Sufi Order, dervishes eat- 
ing hot coals or piercing their bodies with spikes. 
Dervish thus came to refer to a member of such an 
order, and in some orders, such as the Mevlevis 
and Bektashis, it refers to a particular rank in the 
hierarchy of the order. Whirling dervishes is a name 
used by Westerners for members of the Mevlevi 
Sufi Order, who perform circular dances as part of 
their musical ceremonies. Some orders, such as the 
Qalandaris, were more loosely organized, and their 
disciples traveled constantly from place to place, 
being known as wandering dervishes. 

See also Bektashi Sufi Order; saint. 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: Ahmet T. Karamustafa. Gods Unruly 
Friends: Dervish Groups in the Islamic Later Middle 
Period 1200-1550 (Salt Lake City: Utah University 
Press, 1994); Annemarie Schimmel, Mystical Dimen- 
sions of Islam (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina 
Press, 1975); Spencer Trimingham, The Sufi Orders in 
Islam (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971). 

Devil See Satan. 

dhikr (zikr, zikir) 

Dhikr is Arabic for recollection, or remembrance. 
The Quran calls upon humans to recollect God 
and not to forget him: “O you who believe! 
Remember God often" (Q 33:41); “O people! 
Remember the blessing God has given you" (Q 
35:2); and ‘ Remember your lord when you forget. 
Remembrance causes people to discover the real 
reason they were created to begin with — to serve 
God. Indeed, people will be held accountable on 
the Judgment Day if they forget God (Q 18:24).” 
The Quran also calls upon believers to remember 
God's prophets, the bearers of previous revela- 
tions. The Quran itself is called a “remembrance” 
( dhikra), and its verses arc signs (ayat) revealed 
so that people recall God and his sovereignty over 
heaven and earth. Muslims believe that the obli- 
gation of remembrance rests upon a primordial 
covenant that God established with Adams prog- 
eny (all humans), wherein they recognized him as 
their lord (Q 7:172). 

Occasions for remembering God arise through- 
out a Muslims life — a birth and death, before eat- 
ing a meal, beginning a journey, on feast days, and 
in the performance of the Five Pillars of Islamic 
worship. During the month of Muharram and at 
other times of the year, the Shiis remember their 
holy imams, who were martyred for their belief 
in God. The idea of remembrance has assumed an 
especially important place in Sufism, in which dhikr 
refers both to a word or phrase pronounced repeat- 
edly during their ritual practices and to the ritual 
practices themselves. Among the sacred words and 
phrases used most commonly by Sufis in this regard 
are Allah, or one of Gods other divine names; la 
ilaha ilia Allah “there is not god but God"; Allahu 
akbar “God is greater”; al-hamdu lillah “Praise 
God"; and simply hu “He." For some Sufi orders, a 
single litany may be repeated 70,000 times. 

The introduction of dhikr performances into 
the life of the Sufi orders began around the 11th 

^ 194 dhimmi 

“Remember God” says the sign posted on a stand 
with clay jugs containing water for thirsty passersby in 
downtown Cairo. (Juan £ Campo) 

century. Each Sufi order developed its own dis- 
tinctive code of dhikr practices, which it ascribed 
to its founding Sufi masters. By regulating the 
practices, they not only fostered the embodiment 
of the spiritual teachings of the order, but also dis- 
ciplined the behavior of its members and actual- 
ized the AUTHORITY of the orders leadership. Dhikr 
activities are conducive to ecstatic outbursts and 
unpredictable behavior, so the code helps provide 
a degree of decorum. 

Dhikr rituals have been performed in solitude 
and in group gatherings, silently or audibly (by 
heart or by tongue). Most frequently, they occur 
at Sufi hospices (the khanqah, tekke, or rabita) 
and at saint shrines. Performance of the litanies 
is accompanied by breath control techniques 

and rhythmic movements of the body, which can 
induce a trancelike stale of consciousness (hal) 
or ecstatic experience ( wajd ). Participants have 
been said to visualize colored lights, or flashes, 
which they believe emanate from the realm of the 
unseen. The atmosphere of dhikr performances 
may be enhanced by music, drums, and dancing, 
as exemplified by the sema of the Mevlevi Sufi 
Order. On the other hand, Naqshbandi Sufis are 
known to refrain from such outward performances 
and promote silent dhikr instead. In the past, con- 
servative Muslim authorities may have criticized 
such activities, but today religious conservatives, 
Islamists, and secular Muslims who hold rational- 
scientific worldviews vehemently oppose them. 
Nonetheless, in the world of the Sufis and their 
many supporters, the dhikr is seen as a way to gain 
spiritual enlightenment and achieve union (itti- 
sal ) or annihilation (fana) in God. In this regard, 
remembering God entails forgetting oneself and 
the world, even if only for the moment. 

See cdso Adam and Eve; aya; baqa and fana; 
names of God; Naqshbandi Sufi Order; Shiism; 

Further reading: Michael Gilsenan, Saint and Sufi in 
Modern Egypt: An Essay in the Sociology of Religion 
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1973). 156-187; J. 
Spencer Trimingham, The Sufi Orders in Islam (1971. 
Reprint, New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), 
194-217; Pnina Werbner, “Stamping the Earth with the 
Name of Allah: Zikr and the Sacralizing of Space among 
British Muslims." In Making Muslim Space in North 
America and Europe, edited by Barbara Metcalf. 167-185 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996). 

dhimmi (from the Arabic ahl al-dhimma, 
people of the treaty) 

Dhimmis arc the non-Muslims who live within 
Islamdom and have a regulated and protected 
status. The term as such does not appear in the 
Quran but is found in hadith related to Muham- 
mad's treatment of Jews and Christians within 

dhimmi 1 95 

the territories controlled by the nascent Islamic 
state. The relevant quranic verse in that regard 
commands the Muslims to ‘Tight those who have 
previously received revelation and do not believe 
in God or in the Last Day, who do not forbid that 
which God and his Prophet have forbidden, and 
who do not believe in the true religion, until they 
agree to pay the jizya in humility.*' (Q 9:29) Thus, 
dhimmi status is not accorded to all members of 
religions recognized as having had previous divine 
revelation. Rather, it is the status of members of 
those religions living within an Islamic polity (the 
dar al-Islam) who have submitted to the politi- 
cal dominance of the Islamic state. Much of the 
modern demagoguery around this topic is there- 
fore entirely irrelevant, insofar as Muslims, who 
constitute small minorities in the West, could not 
(and generally would not) attempt to make others 
submit to their religiopolitical authority. 

Historically, dhimmi status has been applied 
quite broadly to various non-Muslims living in 
lands controlled by Muslims. Thus, for instance, 
Zoroastrians, who did not have a “previously 
received revelation" or scripture, were accorded 
this protected status, as were Hindus and many 
others. Being treated as a dhimmi in such circum- 
stances carried certain benefits as well as poten- 
tial liabilities. The benefits were clear: Dhimmis 
were allowed to practice their religions freely and 
without constraint, except in cases in which a 
public practice might openly conflict with Mus- 
lims' sensibilities or in which they insulted Islam. 
Moreover, dhimmis were granted most of the 
protections due to Muslims, could not be arbi- 
trarily harmed, and could not be forced to convert 
or emigrate from Muslim-ruled territories. The 
liabilities were potentially numerous, but gener- 
ally only one was of any import: paying the jizya, 
or poll tax — a tax on individual members of the 
community in question. Jizya was regularly col- 
lected, and it appears to have been onerous for 
impoverished dhimmis , as evidenced especially in 
Goitein's work on Jews in medieval Cairo. In some 
cases, the wealthy dhimmis might pay the tax for 

others of the community who were indigent, but 
this was not universal by any means. Other than 
the tax, there were numerous regulations, often 
cast as the so-called Pact of Umar, referring to the 
second caliph, but most likely from the 11th cen- 
tury or so, at least in its present form. Nonethe- 
less, from the eighth century, certainly, one could 
find occasions when rulers imposed restrictions 
on the dhimmis , including forcing them to wear 
certain prescribed clothing different from that of 
Muslims (perhaps originally to forestall espio- 
nage), forbidding their building of new places of 
worship or even repairing existing ones, requiring 
that all high officials be Muslims (they very often 
were not), and so on. 

However, historical evidence makes abun- 
dantly clear that the dhimmi rules were never sys- 
tematically applied and were most often applied 
temporarily by rulers who lacked legitimacy and 
tried to gain it by dressing themselves in the garb 
of piety. While restrictions governing non-Mus- 
lims were generally not applied, others, such as 
those prohibiting non-Muslim men from mar- 
rying Muslim women (but not the inverse), as 
well as rules against apostasy from Islam (but not 
the inverse), were broadly applied. While these 
restrictions do not amount to persecution, they 
likely made conversion to Islam more attractive. 
On the other hand, compared to the virulent anti- 
Judaism that arose in Europe in medieval times, 
the situation of dhimmis was quite enviable. The 
picture, in other words, was complex. 

In the modern period, this term has occasion- 
ally been resuscitated, but it is generally obsolete. 
Afghanistan's Taliban wanted to impose the 
legally prescribed dhimmi dress codes on non- 
Muslims and did so to some extent. But this has 
not been the case elsewhere, and most Muslims 
worldwide appear to have regarded this action 
incredulously. As ideas about nationalism and 
citizenship take precedence over those of reli- 
giously determined identity, many Islamic groups 
such as the Muslim Brotherhood have recognized 
the equality of Muslims and non-Muslims in a 


1 96 Dhu al-Qarnayn 

putative Islamic state, thereby emptying dhimmi 
status of any real meaning. 

See also Christianity and Islam; dar al-Islam 


Judaism and Islam. 

Further reading: Khaled Abou El Fadl, “Islamic Law 
and Muslim Minorities: The Juristic Discourse on 
Muslim Minorities from the Second/Eighth to the Elev- 
enth/Seventeenth Centuries," Islamic Law and Society 
1 (1994): 141-187; Patricia Crone, Gods Rule (New 
York: Columbia University Press, 2004), 358—392; S. 
D. Goilein, A Mediterranean Society, 6 vols. (Berkeley: 
University of California Press, 1967-1993). 

Dhu al-Qarnayn See Alexander the Great. 


Interreligious (or interfaith) dialogue is a form of 
positive interaction between known followers of 
different religious traditions or different denomi- 
nations and sects within a single religious tradition. 
It is done on different levels, from the individual 
and local to the institutional and global. Dialogue 
topics include theology, worship, ethics, inter- 
faith relations, and worldly issues. The goals of 
dialogue can vary, but they often involve efforts 
to achieve mutual understanding and tolerance, 
identify shared values, establish interfaith bonds, 
overcome prejudice and religious fanaticism, and, 
perhaps most importantly, avert conflict or foster 
healing where conflict has occurred. Dialogue 
may also result in a reexamination of ones own 
religious convictions. One thing dialogue does 
not intend to do is convert people from one reli- 
gion or one denomination to another, nor does 
it seek to create a new religion. Muslim leaders 
and organizations engage in dialogue with non- 
Muslims, including Christians, Jews, Hindus, and 
Buddhists. There have also been some efforts to 
promote mutual understanding among Sunni and 
Shii Muslims. 

Muslims have been in close contact with 
people belonging to other religions for all 
of their history, beginning with Muhammad's 
encounters with polytheists and Jews in Mecca 
and Medina in the seventh century. There is 
substantial evidence for exchanges and discus- 
sions between Muslims, Christians, and Jews 
in the first centuries of Islamic history in Syria, 
Iraq and Egypt. These exchanges have left their 
imprint on Islamic religious tradition, philoso- 
phy, the sciences, and monumental architecture. 
They also enriched religious and cultural life in 
medieval Andalusia. Figures such as al-Biruni 
( d. 1048), Akbar (d. 1605), and Dara Shikoh (d. 
1659) arc remembered for their learned engage- 
ment with Hindu pundits and representatives 
of other religious communities in India. On the 
other hand, conservative religious authorities, 
Muslims and non-Muslims, wrote polemical 
literature refuting the religious claims of other 
religions. Muslim rulers employed non-Muslims 
in the courts as ministers and physicians, which 
is how the great Jewish philosopher Maimonidcs 
(d. 1204) made his living in Egypt. Non-Mus- 
lims were legally protected subjects (dhimmi s) 
under the sharia, but they held subordinate 
status and periodically fell victim to Muslim 
tyrannical rulers. 

Continuing interfaith dialogue activities by 
organized religious associations, whereby all 
participants had relatively equal footing, did 
not really begin to develop until the early 20th 
century, with the onset of a new ecumenical 
spirit in the West. The 1893 Parliament of World 
Religions in Chicago signaled new, more tolerant 
attitudes among some Christian churches toward 
non-Christians. The parliament included at least 
two people who represented the “Mohammedan" 
faith (Islam). Major Christian churches began to 
consider interreligious communication to be a 
more valued goal than conversion. They also had 
the benefit of more accurate knowledge about 
Islamic beliefs and history, thanks to the efforts 
of European and American scholars, the Oricn- 

dialogue 1 97 

talists. Muslims, for their part, were reluctant to 
participate in interreligious dialogues for sev- 
eral reasons. Language posed a barrier initially, 
because most Muslim religious authorities were 
not conversant in the European languages. Many 
thought dialogue might be a disguised mission- 
ary effort by European Christian churches, and 
they were wary of connections between their 
conversation partners and the European colo- 
nial powers that had occupied their countries. 
However, the creation of new nation-states in the 
20th century, growing knowledge of European 
languages and cultures, and increased global 
travel, immigration, and communication helped 
overcome these barriers. Since the 1960s, cata- 
strophic violence in the Middle East and attacks 
by Muslim radicals in Europe and the United 
States, especially the September 11th assaults in 
2001, have also provided incentives for Muslims 
to engage more actively in dialogue with non- 

The World Council of Churches and the 
Roman Catholic Church began to actively embrace 
intcrrcligious dialogue in the 1950s and 1960s. 
They organized international and regional con- 
ferences and published books and papers that 
promoted dialogue among Christians, Jews, and 
Muslims. Joined by countless other organiza- 
tions on local and global levels, they continue 
to promote intcrrcligious dialogue today. Their 
efforts have prompted Islamic organizations such 
as the Muslim World League and the World 
Muslim Congress to participate in and sponsor 
similar activities, beginning in the 1980s and 
1990s. Dialogue among Jews, Christians, and 
Muslims has been further enriched by a growing 
recognition that more than being monotheistic 
religions, they are Abrahamic, which emphasizes 
a common religiocultural heritage as “children 
of Abraham," the ancestral biblical figure who is 
also highly esteemed by Muslims. Muslim-Jewish 
dialogue, however, has been negatively affected by 
the ongoing violence in Isracl-Palestine, but this 
conflict has made the need for such dialogue even 

more urgent. As a consequence, leading Muslim 
and Jewish organizations in the United States 
are making concerted efforts to sponsor dialogue 
activities, often with the encouragement and sup- 
port of Christian groups. 

Interreligious dialogue is also occurring on 
college and university campuses in the United 
States and Europe, helping to build friendships, 
mutual understanding, and acceptance among 
Muslims, Jews, Christians, and secularists. Pro- 
gressive Muslim scholars raised and educated 
in Europe and the United States such as Tariq 
Ramadan (b. 1962) and Khaled Abou el Fadl 
(b. 1963) represent a significant new force that 
is contributing to greater understanding between 
Muslims and non-Muslims. On a global scale, 
another noteworthy development is the forma- 
tion of groups promoting dialogue, tolerance, and 
understanding that have been inspired by Sufi 
ideals. These include the Naqshbandi-Haqqani 
Sufi Order and followers of the modern Turk- 
ish thinker Fethullah Gulen (b. 1941). These 
groups have strong followings among young 
people, many of whom are college educated and 
cosmopolitan in outlook. 

Sec also Buddhism and Islam; Christianity and 
Islam; Council on American-Islamic Relations; 
dhimmi; al-Haqqani, Muhammad Nazim; Hinduism 
and Islam; Judaism and Islam; Mohammedanism; 
Muslim Public Affairs Council. 

Further reading: M. Darol Bryant and S. A. Ali, eds., 
Muslim -Christian Dialogue: Promise and Problems (St. 
Paul. Minn.: Paragon House, 1998); M. Fethullah 
Gulen, Toward a Global Civilization of Love and Toler- 
ance (Somerset, N.J.: The Light, Inc., 2004); Yvonne Y. 
Haddad and Wadi Z. Haddad, eds., Muslim-Christian 
Encounters (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 

1995) ; Hans Rung, Islam: Past , Present and Future 
(Oxford: Oneworld, 2007); Tariq Ramadan, Western 
Muslims and the Future of Islam (New York: Oxford 
University Press, 2004); Gerard Sloyan, ed., Religions 
of the Booh (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 

1996) . 

198 dietary laws 

dietary laws 

Many religions and cultures define themselves not 
only by what they believe, but also by what they 
eat and how they prepare it. Food brings people 
together and separates them from others, it links 
them to the natural and sacred worlds, it fills their 
memories and imaginations, and it helps to mark 
their places in time and space. The rules that 
influence peoples' food practices can be a matter 
of social customs that are passed from generation 
to generation, or they can be construed as having 
issued Irom sacred beings through a revelation 
or a mythical story that may involve themes of 
sacrifice and DEATH. Sometimes, dietary laws and 
customs can be both a matter of social custom 
and religion. This is the case for Islamic dietary 
laws, which are less rigorous than dietary laws in 
Orthodox Judaism. 

In Islamic dietary laws, foods arc classified 
into groups — those that are lawful (halal) and 
forbidden (haram), and those that arc pure (tahir, 
tayyib) and impure (reijis, najis). This division 
into lawful-pure and forbidden-impure groups 
of food is based on the Quran and hadith, the 
Islamic sources of revelation. Jurists in the differ- 
ent schools of Islamic law have elaborated upon 
it further. The most general statement in the 
Quran about food is one that was intended for all 
“children of Adam”: “Eat and drink, but do not be 
wasteful, for God does not like wasteful people” 
(Q 7:31). The Quran instructs people to eat only 
lawful and good things from the Earth and not 
to “follow in Satan's footsteps” (Q 2:168). Both 
of these verses indicate that eating raises ethical 
issues. The Quran also identifies specific foods 
that God has provided for people to eat: dates, 
grapes, olives, pomegranates, grains, and the 
flesh of domestic cattle, sheep, goats, and camels 
(Q 6:99, 141-145; 80:25-32). For Muslims, any 
meat that is consumed must come from an animal 
that has been slaughtered or sacrificed in accor- 
dance with specific rules: The name of God (the 
basmala) must be invoked (Q 6:118, 121), and a 
deep incision with a sharp knife must be made 

across the throat. Most seafood can be eaten (Q 
5:96; 16:14), as well as hunted animals as long as 
the name of God has been pronounced when the 
hunting weapon is discharged (Q 5:4). The Quran 
permits Muslims to share the lawful and pure food 
of Jews, Christians, and other People oe the Book 
(Q 5:5), but jurists rule that the food of known 
heretics, apostates, idol worshippers, and atheists 
is forbidden. If there is any doubt about the source 
of the food, a Muslim is usually allowed to eat it 
as long as the name of God has been pronounced 
over it before being eaten. 

The Quran expressly forbids believing Mus- 
lims from eating carrion (meat from unsacrificed 
dead things), spill blood, pork, and food that 
has been offered to idols instead of God (Q 5:3; 
6:145). The hadith expands this list to include 
other forbidden food, especially the flesh of preda- 
tors (animals with fangs or talons). As for any 
meat from an animal that has not been correctly 
slaughtered, Muslim jurists maintain that it must 
be considered as carrion, making it inedible. This 
includes animals that have been strangled, beaten 
to death, killed by a fall, or gored to death (Q 5:3). 
Wine (fell amr) is also prohibited (Q 5:90-91), and 
jurists have applied this rule to other intoxicating 
substances. All such forbidden foods and bever- 

Turkish family offers hospitality to visitors from America 
(Juan E. Campo) 

divorce 199 

ages are said to be impure and can prevent Mus- 
lims from fulfilling their religious duties unless 
avoided or removed. Only in cases of dire neces- 
sity are exceptions made to these prohibitions (Q 

Specific dietary rules may also apply to wor- 
ship and other activities in Muslim life, prayer, 
fasting during Ramadan, almsgiving, and the hajj 
all involve restrictions and procedures concern- 
ing food that participants are required to observe. 
Offering food is one of the most important acts of 
charity, but the act is invalid if the food offered is 
forbidden. There are also rules of etiquette rec- 
ommended for occasions involving feasting and 
hospitality as well as ordinary meals (for example, 
pronouncing the bastnala, taking food and drink 
with the right hand, and not reclining while eat- 
ing). Sufi brotherhoods have developed rules for 
eating and fasting that apply exclusively to their 

In the modern age of large-scale movements 
of people around the world, science, and fast-food 
franchises, Muslim dietary rules have taken on new 
significance. Many educated Muslims, for example, 
attempt to explain their ancient dietary laws to non- 
Muslims in terms of modern concepts of health and 
science. Others use them to maintain their distinc- 
tive identities in foreign lands or as their own Mus- 
lim cultures undergo far-reaching changes. Studies 
of Muslim immigrants in Europe and the United 
States have shown that adherence to dietary laws 
concerning pork, alcohol, and animal slaughter are 
among the most common aspects of their religious 
tradition they arc likely to observe. Practicing Afri- 
can-American Muslims arc also careful to observe 
Muslim dietary laws. In Muslim countries, many 
of which arc quite secular, governments issue laws 
that seek to win compliance for dietary rules and 
control the availability of alcohol. Saudi Arabia, 
Libya, Sudan, Iran, and Afghanistan have officially 
banned the sale and public consumption of alco- 
hol, although there is often a black market trade in 
such banned beverages. 

See also animals; apostasy; food and drink. 

Further reading: Valerie J. Hoffman, “Eating and Fast- 
ing for God in Sufi Tradition." Journal of the American 
Academy of Religion 63 (Fall 1995): 465-484; Yusuf al- 
Qaradawi, The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam (Al-halal 
wal-haram fi al-Islam). Translated by Kamal El-Helbawi, 
M. Moinuddin Siddiqui, and Syed Shukry (Indianapolis: 
American Trust Publications, 1960), 39-78. 

disbelief See KAFIR. 


Divorce is a formal separation between a husband 
and wife by custom or by law. In Islam, it falls 
within the sphere of jurisprudence (f/QH), which 
is concerned with family law and also includes the 
laws of marriage and inheritance. Divorce ( talacf ) 
is therefore legally recognized in the Islamic legal 
tradition, where it is based on detailed rulings 
given in the Quran (Q 2:226-232, 236-237, 241; 
65:1-7) and HADITH and further elaborated in the 
schools ( madhahib ) of religious law. Moreover, 
Islamic divorce law is not monolithic — it embod- 
ies differences of opinion among the legal schools 
and reflects local customs found within the worlds 
various Muslim communities. Muslim family law 
did not begin to be formally codified until the 
20th century, but even with this codification there 
are still significant differences among the divorce 
laws instituted by countries with Muslim majority 

Although divorce is permitted in Islam, Mus- 
lims have noted that the Quran and hadith con- 
tain statements that recommend against it. The 
Quran urges that the husband and wife seek arbi- 
tration in order to preserve their relationship (Q 
4:35). According to a hadith cited in the collection 
of Abu Daud (d. 889), Muhammad said, ‘’None 
of the things permitted by God is more hated by 
him than divorce." As a permitted practice, how- 
ever, Islamic law gave men the exclusive right to 
initiate divorce, which could be accomplished by 
simply stating T divorce you" three times. The 

200 dog 

woman need not even be present when he pro- 
nounced divorce, and no formal judicial process 
was required. Medieval Islamic divorce law put 
women at a significant disadvantage, but it was 
partly mitigated by 1) the recommendation that 
the three proclamations of divorce be performed 
on three separate occasions, 2) the requirement 
that the husband pay the woman all or part of her 
dowry, and 3) the requirement that the husband 
provide her with lodging and support for a wait- 
ing period of up to three menstrual cycles (about 
three months). The husband could revoke the 
divorce during this period as long as he had not 
pronounced the divorce declaration a third time. 
If the woman was pregnant, he was obliged to 
support her for the duration of her pregnancy, and 
both mother and child had to be maintained for 
up to two years while the child was being nursed. 
The divorce was irrevocable once the three-month 
waiting period had ended and the pronouncement 
had been made a third time. A woman could not 
initiate a divorce, but in special circumstances she 
had the right to petition a judge to annul the mar- 
riage. The Maliki Legal School of Sunni Islam is 
considered to have been the most liberal in this 
respect, for it allowed a woman to request an end 
to the marriage because of the husbands cruelty, 
inability to support her, desertion, or contracting 
an illness that could be harmful to her. apostasy 
could also be grounds for divorce. Shii law con- 
cerning divorce was similar to that of the Sunnis. 
In actual practice, a divorcee was often at the 
mercy of her former husband's willingness to ful- 
fill his legal obligations and a judges willingness 
to intervene if he did not. 

During the 20th century, Muslim reformers 
sought to change traditional divorce law to give 
women a more equitable footing in initiating 
divorce and to protect them from its arbitrary use 
by their husbands and ad hoc judicial rulings. 
New legislation concerning divorce was adopted 
by many newly created countries to make this 
possible. Among Muslim-majority countries in the 
forefront of reform were Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, 

Algeria, Jordan, and Libya. In some instances, tra- 
ditional Islamic law has collided with secular law, 
as occurred in the controversial 1985 case of Shah 
Bano Begum, an impoverished divorcee in India. 
The Indian Supreme Court ruled on the basis of 
that country's civil law code that Shah Bano was 
entitled to receive alimony after her husband of 
43 years divorced her to take a second wife. The 
decision sparked widespread demonstrations by 
India's Muslim minority, who saw it as an affront 
to their religion by Hindus. The result was the 
passage of the 1986 Muslim Women Act, which 
upheld the traditional Islamic law that limited the 
obligation of the husband to pay for the divorcee's 
maintenance for only the duration of the three- 
month waiting period. In Western countries, most 
Muslims adhere to local civil codes governing 
marriage and divorce. 

See also children; Hinduism and Islam; renewal 

Further reading: Peter Awn, “Indian Islam: The Shah 
Bano Affair." In Fundamentalism and Gender, edited 
by John Stratton Hawley, 63-78 (New York: Oxford 
University Press, 1994); John L. Esposito and Natana 
Dclong-Bas, Women in Muslim Family Law. 2d cd. (Syra- 
cuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 2001); Ziba Mir- 
Hosscini, Marriage on Trial: A Study of Islamic Family 
Law: Iran and Morocco Compared (London: LB. Taurus, 


The dog is a descendant of the wolf and was one 
of the first domesticated animals. Archaeological 
evidence indicates its domestication lirst occurred 
in the Middle East around 10,000 B.c.E. Despite 
the ancient and close association between humans 
and dogs. Middle Eastern cultures have formed 
mixed attitudes toward them. A common insult 
used by people in the region, no matter whether 
they are Muslim, Jew, or Christian, is to call 
someone a dog or the offspring of one. Yet these 
same cultures have also accepted dogs as living 

Dome of the Rock 201 

creatures worthy of humane treatment and valued 
for their usefulness in guarding property, hunting, 
and herding sheep. 

The ambivalent feelings Middle Eastern peo- 
ples have held for dogs is especially evident 
in Islamic contexts. The Quran, for example, 
employs the dog as a simile for disbelievers (Q 
7:176). The HADITH advise Muslims not to stretch 
out their arms like dogs when they prostrate 
themselves in prayer. Most jurists maintain that 
dogs and pigs alike arc inherently impure ( najis ) 
animals, meaning that contact with them or their 
secretions invalidates a persons prayer. They can 
also profane a mosque or prayer place by their 
presence. In cither case, the defilement can be 
corrected by physically removing the animal and 
symbolically washing the places they touched 
with earth and clean water. Several reasons have 
been given for regarding dogs as a source of such 
impurity. Muslim authorities invoke hadith that 
say angels do not enter houses in which there arc 
dogs. Al-Jahiz (d. ca. 868), a famous Iraqi literary 
figure, proposed that dogs are reviled because they 
have a mixed nature — neither wild nor domestic, 
neither human nor demonic, but combinations 
of these qualities. In the philosophical story of 
the debate between humans and animals related 
by the Brethren of Purity, dogs as well as cats 
are condemned by other animals for associating 
too closely with humans and assuming human 

Nonetheless, Islamic literature also expresses 
favorable attitudes toward dogs. Muhammad is 
reported in the hadith to have said that when a 
man or woman gives water to a thirsty dog, that 
person would be rewarded by God and enter para- 
dise. He once ordered the killing of black dogs in 
Medina but relented, saying, “The black dog was 
one of the communities (created by God). Thus 
it was not created but for some good purpose, 
so the obliteration of its kind must create some 
deficiency in nature." The sharia permits the use 
of dogs in hunting wild game (see Q 5:4) as well 
as for herding flocks and protecting property. 

but not keeping them as pets. The most famous 
Middle Eastern canine breed is the Saluki, an 
Arabian hound known for its prowess in hunt- 
ing down gazelles and rabbits. Moreover, not all 
jurists agreed that dogs were impure animals, 
and al-Jahiz recounted their virtues as well as 
their deficiencies. Muslim commentaries on the 
Quran mention a dog named Qitmir that kept 
company with the Companions of the Cave (see Q 
18:9-26), a group of youths who proclaimed their 
belief in God but had to retreat to a cave where 
God let them sleep for centuries in order to escape 
persecution from disbelievers. The commentators 
regarded Qitmir as a protective and loyal canine 
who would be allowed to enter paradise. Rumi 
(d. 1273), the Persian poet and mystic, even 
acknowledged that Qitmir and other dogs had 
an inner awareness of God's love for his creation. 
Despite such support for the virtues of dogs, cats 
tend to be held in higher esteem in Islamic tradi- 
tion than dogs. 

See also CAT; DIETARY laws. 

Further reading: Lenn Evan Goodman, ed. and trans., 
The Case of the Animals versus Man before the King of 
the Jinn: A Tenth-Century Ecological Fable of the Pure 
Brethren of Basra (Boston: Twaync Publishers, 1978); 
Ibn Marzuban, The Book of the Superiority of Dogs over 
Many of Those Who Wear Clothes. Translated and edited 
by G. R. Smith and M. A. S. Abdel Haleem (Warminster, 
U.K.: Aris & Phillips, 1978); Yusuf al-Qaradawi, The 
Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam (Indianapolis: Ameri- 
can Trust Publications, n.d.); Ahmad b. Muhammad 
al-Thalabi, Arm's al-majalis fi qi$a$ al-anbiya , or, Lives of 
the Prophets. Translated by William M. Brinncr (Leiden: 
E.J. Brill, 2002). 

Dome of the Rock 

The Dome of the Rock is the most prominent 
architectural feature in the urban landscape of 
Jerusalem and is one of the most exquisite 
works of Islamic art and architecture in the 
world. The building is located in the middle of 

202 dreams 

a spacious plaza atop a hill on the eastern edge 
of the city where the ancient Israelite temple of 
Solomon used to stand. This sacred precinct is 
known today as the Temple Mount (Hebrew: Har 
ha-Bayit) and as the Noble Sanctuary (Arabic: 
al-Haram al-Sharif). The physical structure of the 
building itself shelters a legendary rock that in 
Jewish tradition is believed to be where Abrahams 
sacrifice occurred and where Muslims believe 
Muhammad stood before ascending to heaven. 
The building consists of a large golden dome that 
crowns an eight-sided building and is supported 
by a cylinder resting on a complex of piers, 
arches, and columns. Beautiful Arabic inscrip- 
tions and mosaics with vegetal motifs, crowns, 
and jewel designs decorate the monument inside 
and out. 

The Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Mar- 
wan (r. 685-705) built the Dome of the Rock 
between 691 and 693. The Haram area had been 
largely abandoned in the centuries between the 
destruction of the Second Temple in 70 c.E. and 
the arrival of the Muslims in 638. Abd al-Malik's 
project was but part of a larger one to develop 
the area and Islamize the city. Scholars have sev- 
eral explanations for the domes unique design 
and decorations. The prevailing view is that it 
represents an Umayyad effort to claim Jerusalem 
as a holy city for Muslims and to express the 
triumph of Islam over the Byzantine Empire and 
the Christian Church. Indeed, as art historian 
Oleg Grabar has pointed out, the Arabic inscrip- 
tions that decorate the building contain verses 
from the Quran that recognize Jesus as a prophet 
and refute the Christian doctrine of his divinity. 
Moreover, the structure incorporates features 
that echo those of the nearby Church of the Holy 
Sepulcher (known to Eastern Christians as the 
Basilica of the Anastasis), which it overlooks 
on the western side, not those of a mosque. The 
main mosque in the Haram area is the Aqsa 
Mosque, located south of the Dome of the Rock. 

The building has withstood centuries of polit- 
ical and religious turmoil, neglect, and change. 

It has undergone numerous repairs, and restora- 
tions have been done to it. When Jerusalem fell 
to the crusaders in 1099, Godrey of Bouillon, one 
of their leaders, had it converted into a church 
called the Temple of the Lord. When Saladin 
(d. 1193) retook the city in 1187, he personally 
joined with his troops in purifying the Haram and 
removing Christian images and inscriptions from 
the Dome of the Rock. During the 20th century, 
the Dome of the Rock became a symbol of Pal- 
estinian nationalism and Islamic activist move- 
ments. It is still frequented by Muslims living 
in the West Bank, Israelis, and foreign visitors. 
Occasionally, it has also served as a flashpoint for 
confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli 
security forces. 

See also Christianity and Islam; Crusades; 
Israel; Judaism and Islam; Night Journey and 
Ascent; Umayyad Caliphate. 

Further reading: Amikam Elad. Medieval Jerusalem and 
Islamic Worship: Holy Places , Ceremonies, Pilgrimage 
(Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1993); Oleg Grabar, The Shape of the 
Holy: Early Islamic Jerusalem (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton 
University Press, 1996). 


Dreams and visions (Arabic: ruya or manam) 
occupy a special place in Islam as in many ancient 
Near Eastern religions, since such experiences are 
considered intimately linked to prophecy. In the 
Quran (as in the Bible), God communicates to his 
prophets through dreams and visions, and many 
prophets are endowed with the power of dream 
interpretation. Several hadith manifest Muham- 
mad's affirmation of the relation between dreams 
and prophethood; for example, “The divine rev- 
elation comes to prophets in waking as well as 
in sleep.'' Given the quranic precedent and the 
importance that Muhammad attached to dreams, 
the early Muslims greatly esteemed onciromancy, 
the pre-Islamic science of dream classification and 
interpretation. The belief in the divinely inspired 

dreams 203 

“good dream'* (ruya hasana ) — as distinguished 
from demonic-inspired “muddled dreams" ( adghath 
al-ahlam ) — has provided a paradigm for the social 
acceptance of dreams and visions as authoritative 
in Islamicate societies up until the modern period. 
The proliferation of dream narratives in Islamic 
(auto)biographical writings, historical chronicles, 
belles-lettres, and philosophical treatises demon- 
strates that they fulfill the social functions of arbi- 
ters of contested religious and political AUTHORITY 
and sources of communal or individual guidance. 
Traditionally, oneiric accounts have predominated 
in Sufi (auto)biographies. 

Quranic narratives of the dreams and visions 
of prophets and kings follow the biblical accounts. 
Abraham's vision ( manam ) ordering him to sacri- 
fice his son (Q 12:102), the dreams of Joseph, and 
the “muddled, confused dreams" of Pharaoh (Q 
12:44), among others, are recorded. The Islamic 
inheritance of this oneiric legacy is seen in the 
scriptural references to Muhammad's dreams 
and visionary experiences, which prefigure criti- 
cal events in his life. Prior to the Battle of Badr, 
God granted Muhammad a dream of the victory 
(Q 8:43). His triumphal entrance into Mecca is 
described as the fulfillment of the vision (ruya) 
of God's apostle (Q 48:27). The narrative of 
Muhammad's Night Journey to Jerusalem (isra) 
and heavenly ascension ( rn'iraj ) reads "We (God) 
granted the vision \ruya | which we showed thee, 
but as a trial for men" (Q 17:60). Despite this 
quranic attestation of a vision, most Muslims 
believe that the ascension was an actual physical 
journey manifesting Muhammad's charismatic 

The science of oneiromancy flourished under 
Islam due to the interest in interpreting Muham- 
mad's dreams and his declaration that in the 
absence of further prophecies after him, God 
would continue to guide human beings through 
“good dreams." The most renowned system- 
atic oneirocritics of the Islamic period include 
Ibn Sirin (d. 728), al-Dinawari (alive in 1006), 
al-Shahin (13th century), and al-Nabulusi (d. 

1731). Treatises on the subject by the latter three 
authors still survive and show the influence of 
Artemidorus's Oncirocritica, which was translated 
into Arabic by Hunayn ibn Ishaq (d. 873), the 
Christian transmitter of Greek philosophy to the 
Arabs. Such treatises typically expound defini- 
tions and procedures of dream interpretation, the 
duties of the oneirocritic, and elaborate systems of 
dream classification. 

For Islamic philosophers such as Ibn Sina 
( d. 1037) and Ibn Rushd (d. 1198), dreams were 
manifestations of ultimate reality, instruments 
through which God (the divine intellect) trans- 
mitted knowledge to mankind. In Sufi narratives, 
spiritual progress is often recounted in ascend- 
ing stages patterned on Muhammad's heavenly 
ascension. Autobiographical accounts of Sufis’ 
dreams authenticate the authors’ own piety and 
charisma vis-a-vis their peers. Often, as with AL- 
Ghazali (d. 1111), a dream could be a liminal 
experience marking a conversion to a new spiri- 
tual state. Medieval historical chronicles often 
exploited the symbolic nature and authority of 
dreams to surreptitiously reveal an ostensibly 
neutral author's true opinion about a communal 

In the modern period, dreams continue to 
function as loci of power for Sufis and as alterna- 
tive sources of authority for political or religious 
reformers. Thus, Shah Wali Allah of Delhi (d. 
1 762) became convinced of his mission to reform 
the Islamic UMMA after dreaming of Muhammad 
and his grandsons. The Fulani leader Usman Dan 
Fodio (d. 1817) justified his jihad against social 
corruption in response to a dream of the prophet 
Muhammad. Nevertheless, some contemporary 
Arabs and Muslims have exhibited skepticism 
toward the authority of dreams. This is true of 
Salafi reformers seeking to purify Islam from 
the “innovations" of popular and Sufi religious 
practices, such as Muhammad Abduh (d. 1905) 
and Muhammad Rashid Rida (d. 1935), who 
had studied European ideas on skepticism and 

^ 204 Druze 

See also bidaa; Night Journey and Ascent; 
Salafism; Sufism. 

Linda G. Jones 

Further reading: Toufic Fahd, “The Dream in Medi- 
eval Islamic Society.’ In The Dream in Human Societies, 
edited by Gustav E. von Grunebaum and R. Caillois, 
351-379 (Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of Cali- 
fornia Press, 1966); Marsha K. Hermansen, “A Cogni- 
tive Approach to Visionary Experience in Islamic Sufi 
Thought.” Religion 27 (1997): 25-43; Linda G. Jones, 
“Dreams and Visions: A Comparative Analysis of Spiri- 
tual Gifts in Medieval Christian and Muslim Conver- 
sion Narratives." In Medieval Cultures in Contact, edited 
by R. F. Gyug, 105-138 (New York: Fordham University 
Press, 2003); Elizabeth Sirriyeh, "Dreams of the Holy 
Dead: Traditional Islamic Oneirocriticism versus Salafi 
Scepticism.” Journal of Semitic Studies 45, no. 1 (Spring 
2000): 115-130. 


The Druze arc Arabic-speaking followers of a reli- 
gion of the same name that originated in the 1 1th 
century. They call themselves "the Unitarians" 
(muwahhidan). There are an estimated 1 million 
members of this religious community, and they 
live mainly in the mountains and rural areas of 
Lebanon, Syria, and Israel. 

The Druze religion began in Egypt during the 
reign of al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah (r. 996-1021), 
a caliph of the Ismaili Fatimid dynasty, who 
promoted his dynasty's doctrines through a well- 
organized system of religious outreach called 
the daawa. Al-Hakim, who was known for his 
extraordinary eccentricities, allowed himself to be 
declared not just the divinely appointed Ismaili 
imam, but God himself. This caused a split among 
Ismailis, and the group favoring al-Hakim's divin- 
ity formed the new religion in 1017 under the 
leadership of Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Darazi (d. 
1019), after whom the Druze were named, and 
Hamza ibn Ali ibn Ahmad. Al-Darazi disappeared 
or was assassinated, so it was Hamza who orga- 

nized the religion and its missionary activities, 
which quickly won converts among peasants in 
the mountains of Lebanon and Syria. 

Hamza presented himself as the Imam of the 
Druze, and he developed the doctrine that al- 
Hakim, like Jesus in Christianity, was the embodi- 
ment of God the creator in history. Those who 
followed him were the Unitarians — worshippers ol 
the one God as revealed in the person of al-Hakim. 
Furthermore, Hamza formed a scriptural canon 
for the new religion: six books of letters known 
as Al-Hihma al-sharifa (The noble wisdom). The 
sharia was abrogated, which meant, among other 
things, that the Five Pillars of Islamic worship 
were no longer required, polygamy was forbid- 
den, and DIVORCE was discouraged. Instead, the 
Druze were expected to honor seven duties, which 
included belief in al-Hakim's divinity, rejection of 
Satan and non-Druzc beliefs, submission to God, 
truthfulness, and solidarity among the Druze com- 
munity. Members of the religion were encouraged 
to conceal their belief by practicing taqiyya when 
among Muslims and other non-Druze peoples. 
Other important tenets of the Druze religion are 
belief in reincarnation immediately after death and 
belief that the soul lives through multiple lives in 
order to attain perfection. 

Al-Hakim had disappeared mysteriously in the 
Muqattam Hills of Cairo in 1021, and Hamza dis- 
appeared around 1043. It was believed that both 
had entered a period of concealment ( ghayba ), 
and they were expected to return at some time 
in the future to establish universal justice. Mean- 
while, no more conversions were accepted, and 
leadership was eventually assumed by a group 
of religious authorities known as shaykhs, who 
were drawn from an elite segment of people initi- 
ated into the secrets of the religion. These Druze 
initiates were called the uqqal, "enlightened ones." 
Women as well as men were allowed to be mem- 
bers of this group. The lay members of the Druze 
community were called the juhhal , "ignorant 
ones." Group loyalty and solidarity were very 
strong among the Druze, and this is still the case 

dua 205 

today. Among the leading Druze families are the 
Jumblats of Lebanon, the Atrashes of Syria, and 
the Tarifs of Galilee in Israel. 

See also Ismaili Shiism. 

Further reading: Robert Brenton Betts. The Druze (New 
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1988); Talal Fandi 
and Ziyad Abi-Shakra, cds., The Druze Heritage: An 

Annotated Bibliography (Amman: Royal Institute for 
Inter-Faith Studies; London: Druze Heritage Founda- 
tion, 2001); Marshall G. S. Hodgson, "Al-Darazi and 
Hamza in the Origin of the Druze Religion." Journal of 
the American Oriental Society 82 (1962): 5-20. 

dua See PRAYER. 

East Africa 

The Islamic religion first appeared in East Africa 
during the lifetime of Muhammad (ca. 510-632), 
when he sent some of his followers to Abyssinia 
(in modern Ethiopia) in order to escape Meccan 
persecution. By the 10th century, Muslim mer- 
chants had introduced their faith into Somalia. 
During the next 500 years, Muslims carried their 
religion down the East African coast along the 
trade routes. Muslim communities were estab- 
lished in many of the trading towns along the 
coast and on several nearby islands. Because of 
their involvement in international trade, coastal 
Islamic communities often included Muslims 
of Arab, Persian, and South Asian origin who 
belonged to Shafii, Ibadi, Shii, and several other 
Islamic groups. 

Prior to the modern era. East African Islam 
was mostly limited to the coast due to its associa- 
tion with Muslim merchants, who did not tend to 
travel inland. This limitation did not apply to the 
northeastern regions, where small Muslim prin- 
cipalities arose as buffer states between Muslim 
Egypt and Christian Ethiopia, and in the region 
of the modern nation of SUDAN, where the sultan- 
ates of Wadai, Dar Fur, and Sinnar held sway. In 
these areas, Islam became the religion of the rul- 

ing class but spread more slowly among common 
people, who also clung to pre-lslamic practices. 
Increasing ties with the Middle East and the rising 
influence of Sufi orders led to a more widespread 
Islamic adherence by people of the region between 
the 16th and 18th centuries. 

European colonial powers began to exert their 
influence with the arrival of the Portuguese on the 
East African coast during the 16th century. Portu- 
guese support for Christians in the region led to 
increased tensions with the Muslims. This situa- 
tion was exacerbated by the triumph of European 
colonialism at the end of the 19th century. Colo- 
nial rule actually served to spread Islam through- 
out societies in which Muslim communities had 
predated colonialism. Europeans extended trade 
into the interior, opening new fields for Islamic 
expansion. They also promoted Muslims into 
positions of influence and created urban condi- 
tions that favored the spread of Islam. However, 
in areas that had been largely untouched by Islam 
prior to the colonial era, Christian missionaries 
experienced considerable success. 

As a result, East Africa entered the era of inde- 
pendent states as a region divided among Muslim, 
Christian, and “traditional," or indigenous, reli- 
gious communities. This has often led to tension 


education 207 

between the different religious communities, as 
evidenced by the long-standing civil war in Sudan 
between the Islamic north and non-Muslim reb- 
els in the south. In other countries, interfaith 
relations have been more peaceful. For example, 
Muslims in Kenya, Tanzania, and Malawi have 
used a variety of nonviolent means to advance 
their interests as minority religious communities 
within secular nation-states. Tensions between 
Sufi orders and various revivalist groups have also 
affected the development of East African Islam, 
with revivalists accusing Sufis of promoting non- 
Islamic practices. In summary, Islamic communi- 
ties in East Africa are marked by their diversity 
and include Muslims from a wide variety of ethnic 
backgrounds, sectarian loyalties, educational lev- 
els, economic statuses, and political viewpoints. 

Sec also Christianity and Islam; West Africa. 

Stephen Cory 

Further reading: H. B. Hansen and M. Twaddle, Religion 
and Politics in East Africa (London: Currey, 1995); John 
Middleton, The World of the Swahili, an African Mercan- 
tile Civilization (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University 
Press, 1992); Randall L. Pouwels, Horn and Crescent: 
Cultural Change and Traditional Islam on the East African 
Coast (800-1900) (Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press, 1987); J. S. Trimingham, Islam in East Africa 
(London: Oxford University Press, 1964). 


Muslims, like all peoples, have sought skills and 
knowledge in all aspects of life from different 
kinds of teachers to suit their various needs, aspi- 
rations, and values. Until the modern era, much 
of their education was obtained orally and by 
memorizing or by imitating skills demonstrated 
by others. In traditional Muslim societies, parents 
and other elders provided children with their 
first lessons in morality and good manners. They 
trained them to help perform household chores 
such as food preparation, caring for and feeding 

animals, fetching water, and collecting fuel for 
the domestic hearth. While boys learned to farm 
and tend the flocks, girls typically learned to bake 
bread, cook rice, care for children and the elderly, 
and weave textiles. Craftsmen such as potters, 
tanners, glass-makers, carpenters, smiths, and 
builders taught their skills to apprentices, while 
would-be merchants learned to buy and sell in the 
bazaar. Soldiers trained in military garrisons and 
barracks, often located on the outskirts of a city. 

Formal education for Muslims before the 19th 
century consisted of a curriculum based on the 
Quran. Developing basic reading and writing skills 
was interwoven with learning how to submit to 
God’s will, worship him, and obey his commands 
and prohibitions. The importance of religious 
education in Islam is conveyed by what many 
accounts say was the first quranic verse revealed to 
Muhammad, “Recite, for your lord is most noble; 
who taught by the pen; he taught the human being 
what he did not know” (Q 96:3-5). In other words, 
God is the supreme educator. Elementary educa- 
tion involved memorizing the Quran and hadith, 
learning the Arabic alphabet, simple arithmetic, 
and beginning to read Arabic prose and poetry. 
calligraphy was sometimes taught, and Persian 
poetry was included in the curricula of schools 
in Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia. At first, 
instruction occurred in homes and mosques, but 
eventually it shifted to the Quran school (a KUT- 
TAB, maktab, or pesantren ), which was located in or 
near a mosque. A male teacher called a tvudarris or 
muallim presided in the classroom. He was a person 
who had obtained at least some advanced knowl- 
edge in the religious sciences. He taught between 
10 and 20 students, sometimes with the help of an 
assistant teacher or an advanced student. During 
class, students sat on the floor with legs crossed in 
a semicircle (halaqa) facing the teacher. Discipline 
could be very strict, with corporal punishment 
used when students misbehaved or failed their 
lessons. Rote learning was standard in the Quran 
school; independent thinking and creativity were 
not encouraged. 

208 education 

Around the age of 15, students who had com- 
pleted two or three years in a Quran school, or 
the equivalent with tutors, could obtain higher 
levels of education from religious experts who 
taught at the congregational mosques (sing, jami), 
mosque-colleges (sing, masjid ), and colleges of 
law (sing, madrasa). The colleges and other places 
of religious education developed from local learn- 
ing circles of teachers and students and became 
the dominant centers of higher learning during 
the 1 1th and 12th centuries as a Sunni response 
to philosophical rationalism and growing Shii 
power and influence. The Shia also developed 
institutions of higher education. In the early 
period, major centers of learning were located in 
the cities of Kufa, Basra, Baghdad, Nishapur, Shi- 
raz, Balkh, Cairo, Damascus, Jerusalem, Medina, 
Granada, and Cordoba. Later ones emerged in 
Isfahan, Qom, Mashhad, Najaf, and Istanbul. In 
India, the leading centers of Islamic education 
were in Delhi, Jawnpur, Bijapur, and Lucknow. 
The salaries of the professors, their assistants, 
and the expenses for founding, maintaining, and 
operating the schools were traditionally financed 
by private donations from wealthy and powerful 
individuals, including women. As a rule, Islamic 
schools were not funded directly by the govern- 
ment or public taxes. They often housed manu- 
script libraries, and there were usually copyists 
and booksellers nearby, making it convenient for 
students to acquire learning materials and texts. 
Madrasas usually had residential quarters for lead- 
ing professors and students, but additional hous- 
ing was available at nearby hostels. 

The purpose of the college was to teach the 
sharia and related subjects. It usually specialized 
in a particular school ( niadhhab ) of Islamic law. 
Sunni madrasas specialized in teaching the juris- 
prudence ( fiqh ) of one of the four major Sunni 
schools — Hanafi, Shafii, Maliki, or Hanbali. Shii 
colleges emphasized Jaafari jurisprudence and 
the teachings of the Twelve Imams. A few colleges 
offered courses in more than one legal tradition 
as well as in comparative fiqh. The curriculum 

typically included courses in the Quranic sciences 
(tafsir and alternative readings of the Arabic text), 
hadith studies, Arabic language and literature, 
and the biographies of Muhammad and his com- 
panions. Theology, history, and ethics were also 
taught, but as secondary subjects. Philosophy, 
mysticism, the natural sciences, and advanced 
MATHEMATICS were studied by only a select few; 
they were more commonly studied outside the 
college. Students who obtained higher education 
became members of the ulama: judges, jurists, 
preachers, or teachers of Islamic knowledge. 
Although girls could attain an elementary educa- 
tion, they were not allowed into the religious col- 
leges. They could obtain a higher education only 
in a limited way at the mosque, or, if they were 
from the family of a great male scholar, at home. 
Indeed, some of the most noted hadith scholars in 
medieval Cairo and Damascus were the daughters 
of famous male scholars. 

Medieval madrasa education depended on the 
development of informal, face-to-face relations 
between students and teachers. Students joined 
the learning circle of a scholar (shaykh) known for 
his mastery of a particular field of Islamic scholar- 
ship. Learning at this level still involved significant 
amounts of memorization, but it also required 
cultivating the skills of intellectual conversation 
and disputation. Serious students might take years 
to master the different areas of knowledge and the 
relevant intellectual skills. At the same time, they 
formed long-lasting networks of associations with 
their teachers and fellow students. When they had 
demonstrated mastery of a teacher s book or sub- 
ject area, they would receive a certificate (ijaza) 
that authorized them to teach what they had 
learned to others. They did not get a degree from 
the college as todays students do, but collected 
certificates from individual professors with whom 
they had studied. This authorization incorporated 
them into traditions of scholarship that had been 
transmitted over many generations. Moreover, 
students often had to travel abroad in order to 
further their education. The importance of edu- 

education 209 

cational travel was recognized early in Islamic 
history, as expressed in a well-known hadith that 
commanded, “Seek knowledge, even unto China." 
Indeed, the Arabic word for student is talib, which 
literally means “seeker." Traditions and practices 
of learning, therefore, contributed to the creation 
of a cosmopolitan Islam that transcended local 
geographic, ethnic, and cultural boundaries. 

Today the medieval Islamic tradition of learn- 
ing has been largely displaced by modern systems 
of education and knowledge. Survivals of the 
past can still be found, but in fragmented and 
altered forms. This transformation was caused by 
several significant developments. It started when 
far-reaching educational reforms were introduced 
during the 19th century as a result of European 
invasions of Muslim lands in eastern Europe, 
the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. 
Muslim rulers realized that they had to create 
modern armies that could stand up to those of 
Europe and reform governmental institutions to 
make them operate more effectively than in the 
past. They recruited advisers and teachers from 
Europe to open modern schools based on Western 
knowledge, and they sent delegations to study in 
Europe. With the new schools came the printing 
press to produce books and other instructional 
materials in European languages. Arabic ceased 
to be the universal language of learning; it was 
replaced by French and English and later by local 
languages, such as Turkish in Turkey and Persian 
in Iran. European ideas about democracy, free- 
dom, nationalism, capitalism, liberalism, social- 
ism, fascism, and secularism were introduced to 
Muslim lands along with the new schools and 

The first Western-style schools were opened in 
Istanbul, Cairo, and Tunis. Graduates went on to 
serve as officers, doctors, engineers, and govern- 
ment officials. They were in the forefront of mod- 
ernizing Middle Eastern and North African states, 
forming what scholars have called “bridgehead 
elites" for European powers. By the middle of the 
19th century, ministries of education were created 

to operate centralized school systems based on 
French models. When the Republic of Turkey was 
created in 1923, all Islamic schools there were 
closed down. In India, educational reform was 
introduced by British colonial authorities, because 
they needed literate, skilled natives to help govern 
the country and serve in the army. Their larger 
goal was to transform India into a modern, lib- 
eral country like England. Indians, they believed, 
would have to shed their own cultural heritage 
in the process, which aroused strong anticolonial 
nationalist feelings among the Indians. 

Christian missionaries arrived from Europe 
to found schools that offered education in mod- 
ern subjects in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and 
Egypt. These schools were attended by Muslims 
and Jews as well as Christians. At Catholic mis- 
sionary schools, the language of instruction was 
usually French, and all students were required 
to attend Mass, whether they were Christians or 
not. Muslims also attended schools established by 
American Protestants and Russian Orthodox mis- 
sionaries. In some of these schools, speaking Ara- 
bic was discouraged if not completely forbidden. 
Other schools, such as the American University of 
Beirut, founded by Protestant missionaries from 
the United States, have played a significant role in 
the modern Arabic literary renaissance. 

Reform-minded Muslims responded to the 
creation of schools based on European models 
and Christian missionary influence by devising 
models that combined Western with Islamic learn- 
ing. These efforts were spearheaded by Muslim 
modernists such as Sayyid Ahmad Khan (d. 1898) 
in India and Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (d. 1897) 
and Muhammad Abduh (d. 1905) in the Arab 
Middle East. The reformed curricula emphasized 
modern letters and sciences. The study of Islam 
or the Quran was no longer dominant but altered 
to fit with the teaching of secular subjects such as 
history, literature, and “religion.” With the emer- 
gence of new nation-states in the 20th century, 
secular education prevailed in the public schools 
and universities of most Muslim countries. School 

210 Egypt 

Girls’ school in Upper Egypt (Juan E. Campo) 

curricula were designed to inculcate students with 
a sense of patriotism as well as knowledge and 
training needed to find employment in a modern 
society. Nevertheless, the teaching of traditional 
Islamic subjects continued on the elementary 
levels at Quran schools and at select colleges and 
universities, such as AL-AZHAR in Cairo, Islamic 
University in Medina, and the Shii madrasas in 
Najaf and Qom. Even at these institutions, how- 
ever, modern influences were strongly felt. Al- 
Azhar University, for example, has added colleges 
of medicine, agriculture, and engineering. 

The establishment of modern schools and 
universities by secular governments, missionaries, 
and Muslim reformers has improved the overall 
educational level of people living in the countries 
of the Muslim world. There are now hundreds of 
state-run universities and a growing number of 
private universities, many of them with professors 
who have been educated, at least in part, in Europe 
and North America. Nevertheless, the quality of 
the educational experience varies widely. Many 
schools and universities are overcrowded and lack 
adequate funding for teachers' salaries, libraries, 
textbooks, audio-visual equipment, computers, 
and building maintenance. Girls have had access 
to modern education since the 19th century but 
often to a lesser extent than boys because of fam- 

ily obligations, cultural traditions, and socioeco- 
nomic factors. 

Some observers have also asserted that schools 
and universities have served as breeding grounds 
for radical Islamic movements. While this may 
be true in certain instances, such as the Islamic 
revolutionary movement led by Ayatollah Ruhol- 
lah Khomeini (d. 1989) and some groups inspired 
by Wahhabi doctrines in Saudi-funded madrasas, 
it is probably not as widespread as some have 
proposed. Other factors are likely to be more 
important in the proliferation of such movements. 
On the other hand, it can be argued that modern 
education has also improved the quality of life for 
many, stimulated democratic forces, and fostered a 
cosmopolitan, pluralistic outlook in many Muslim 

See also Aligarh; authority; books and book- 
making; Deoband; literacy; mufti; murid; Shiism. 

Further reading: Jonathan P. Bcrkcy, The Transmission of 
Knowledge in Medieval Cairo: A Social History of Islamic 
Education (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 
1992); Noura Durkee, “Recited from the Heart.” Saudi 
Aramco World 51 (May/Junc 2000): 32-35; George 
Makdisi. The Rise of Colleges: Institutions of Learning in 
Islam and the West (Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh 
Press, 1981); Roy Mottahcdch, Mantle of the Prophet 
(New York: Random House, 1985); Charles Michael 
Stanton, Higher Learning in Islam: The Classical Period, 
a.d. 700-1300 (Savage, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 
1990); Gregory Starrett, Putting Islam to Work: Educa- 
tion, Politics, and Religious Transformation in Egypt 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998). 

Egypt (Official name: Arab Republic 
of Egypt) 

Todays Arab Republic of Egypt is the most popu- 
lous country in the Arab world at 81.7 million 
residents (2008 est.), of whom probably 90 to 94 
percent are Sunni Muslims, with the remaining 6 
to 10 percent Christians, mainly Orthodox Copts. 
It has an area of 386,258 square miles, which 

Egypt 2 1 1 

makes it about the size of Texas and New Mexico 
combined. Egypt is said to be “the gift of the 
Nile,” the great African river that bisects the coun- 
try from south to north. The Nile drains into the 
Mediterranean Sea via the delta, which fans out 
northward from Cairo. Egypt shares borders with 
Sudan to the south, Libya to the west, and Israel 
and Gaza to the northeast. Its eastern limits are 
defined by the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. 

Modern Egypt’s government is based in the 
capital city of Cairo and consists of a very strong 
presidency, a parliament made up of a more impor- 
tant lower peoples assembly and a less significant 
advisory council, as well as a fairly independent 
judicial system. Islam, according to the constitu- 
tion amended in 1980, is the official religion of 
the state, and Islamic law (sharia) is proclaimed 
to be “the principle source of legislation*' (Article 
2). Egypt's economy is heavily reliant on agricul- 
ture, most of which goes to the domestic market. 
The major earners of hard currency are tourism, 
remittances from Egyptians working abroad, and 
oil exports. 

In ancient times, Egypt was one of several 
cradles of world civilization and one of the major 
world powers. Egypt was part of the Roman 
Empire, ruled from Constantinople, when it was 
conquered by the Muslim armies in 641-642. For 
the first several centuries, Egypt's prime impor- 
tance for the Islamicate empire, with its capital in 
Medina, Damascus, or Baghdad, was as a source 
of grain and of surplus wealth to be extracted in 
taxes. By the 10th century, however, the Abbasid 
Empire was weakening, and Egypt was becoming 
more independent. The foreign Fatimid dynasty 
of lsmaili Shiite persuasion, conquered Egypt in 
969, founded Cairo in 970, and made Egypt the 
center of a caliphate to rival that of Baghdad. Two 
dynasties followed, the Ayyubids (1171-1250) 
and the Mamluks (1250-1517), both contributing 
greatly to making Egypt a great center of learning, 
culture, and power. Al-Azhar, originally founded 
by the Fatimids as the center of their missionary 
efforts, eventually came to be the foremost center 

of Sunni learning. The first Ayyubid ruler, Sala- 
DIN (d. 1193), was responsible for defeating the 
crusaders and retaking Jerusalem. The Mamluks 
saved Egypt and Syria from the onslaught of the 
Mongols, who had already destroyed Baghdad 
and many of the cities in eastern Islamicate lands. 
In 1517, however, Egypt came under the control 
of the Ottomans, the last universal Islamicate 

Napoleon wrested Egypt from the largely 
nominal rule of the Ottomans in 1798. His domin- 
ion lasted only three years, but the shock of the 
massive defeat suffered by the Ottoman troops 

Downtown Cairo and the Nile River, as seen from the 
Jazira Tower, looking southward. The Cairo Opera is in 
the foreground. (Juan E. Campo) 


212 Egypt 

was to change Egypt's history. Muhammad Ali (r. 
1805-49), determined to build a European-style 
military to defend his rule, began the process of 
centralization, institutionalization, and discipline 
that would eventuate in an independent Egyptian 
nation later in the century, although this was not 
his intent. His grandson Ismail (r. 1863-79) did 
much to modernize Egypt ("civilize" was the 
term he used), changing the architectural face of 
its cities, expanding education, and allowing the 
development of journalism. 

Great Britain, looking after its financial inter- 
ests in Egypt and eager to control this strategic 
location, invaded in 1882, remaining in the coun- 
try, under one guise or another, until 1954. British 
rule set back reform and development in most 
respects, although freedoms of the press and reli- 
gion were probably greater during this period than 
most others in recent memory. The revolution of 
1952, which was to usher in complete indepen- 
dence, changed Egypt tremendously, ending the 
monarchy imposed by the British, breaking up 
the enormous landholdings that came to charac- 
terize Egypt in the 19th century, and reorienting 
Egypt away from British influence to leadership 
in the nonaligncd movement. Jamal Abd al-Nasir, 
Egypt's president from 1954 to 1970, was the 
charismatic former army officer who spearheaded 
these efforts while also attempting to realize the 
unification of all the Arab peoples. With the 
support of the United States, Nasir successfully 
defended the country against an invasion by the 
armies of Israel, Britain, and France in the 1956 
Suez War, which was sparked when he placed 
the canal under Egyptian sovereignty. Modern 
Egyptian history has played out in the shadow of 
the Arab-lsraeli struggle, which has proved much 
more devastating to the Arabs, including the 
Egyptians, than to Israel. Egypt fought unsuccess- 
ful wars against Israel in 1948, 1967, and 1973. 
Economic development, educational reform, and 
democratization all were put off in the name of 
the greater struggle. The Camp David accords 
that Abd al-Nasirs successor, Muhammad Anwar 

al-Sadat (r. 1970-81) signed with Israel in 1978 
inaugurated a welcome era of relative peace and 
stability that allowed some attention to be paid 
to these crucial issues. Al-Sadat shared the Nobel 
Peace Prize with Israeli prime minister Menachem 
Begin for his role in negotiating and implement- 
ing the accords. Another result of the agreement 
was that Egypt became a close ally of the United 

Religious ferment in Egypt has been important 
to the entire region. The Muslim Brotherhood, 
founded in 1928 by Hasan AL-Banna, has helped 
in a variety of ways to consolidate the Islam- 
ization of society in Egypt and elsewhere. The 
radical ideologue Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966) has been 
crucial in providing an intellectual underpinning 
to the Islamist movements that arose after the 
1967 Arab-lsraeli War. But Egyptian intellectuals 
such as Taha Hussein (d. 1973) and Nasr Hamid 
Abu Zayd (b. 1943) have sought innovative ways 
of integrating textual criticism into the study 
of Islam, and in this respect Egyptian thinkers 
arc often ahead of their times. In other cultural 
spheres, too, such as literary production, the 
cinema, music, and the broadcast media, Egypt is 
the most important nation in the Arabic-speaking 
world. Its most famous novelist and short story 
writer, Naguib Mahfouz (1911-2006), won the 
Nobel Prize in literature in 1988 for his moving 
portrayals of life in Egypt and his enlightened 
treatment of contemporary political and religious 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; Copts and the 
Coptic Church; Ottoman dynasty. 

John Iskander 

Further reading: Geneive Abdo, No God but God: Egypt 
and the Triumph of Islam (Oxford and New York: Oxford 
University Press, 2000); Khaled Fahmy, All the Pashas 
Men: M ehmed AH, His Army, and the Making of Modern 
Egypt (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge Univer- 
sity Press. 1997); Timothy Mitchell, Rule of Experts: 
Egypt, Techno-Politics, Modernity (Berkeley: University 
of California Press, 2002). 

eschatology 213 

Eid See holidays; Id al-Adha; Id al-Fitr. 

Emigrants (Arabic: muhajirun) 

The emigration, or Hijra, of Muhammad and his 
first followers from Mecca to Medina is consid- 
ered to be the foundational event in the history 
of the early Muslim community. Beginning in 622 
and continuing until the conquest of Mecca in 
630, small groups of supporters, men and women 
alike, abandoned their old homes to escape per- 
secution and took up residence in Medina (then 
known as Yathrib). These people are remembered 
in Islamic tradition as the Emigrants. They were 
converts from different tribes and classes in Mecca 
and tribes outside Mecca who joined Muhammad 
in Medina. Aside from members of Muhammad's 
immediate family, the Emigrants also included his 
cousin and son-in-law Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 661) 
and the other men who would become the first 
caliphs after Muhammad's death — Abu Bakr (d. 
634), Umar ibn al-Khattab (d. 644), and Uth- 
MAN IBN Affan (d. 636). According to early his- 
torical sources, not every Emigrant was of Arabian 
descent; one was Bilal, a former slave from Ethio- 
pia, and another was Salman, a Persian convert. 
It is estimated that the total number of Emigrants 
was less than 400. 

Together with the Ansar (helpers), Arab con- 
verts to Islam from Medina, the Emigrants held a 
place of honor in early Islamic society. Muham- 
mad formed a brotherhood between them when 
they first arrived in Medina, and he soon con- 
cluded a series of agreements with other Arab and 
Jewish groups that ensured that the Emigrants 
would enjoy protection and solidarity in their 
new home. They participated in the early battles 
against Muhammad's opponents in Mecca and 
Medina and were given priority in the distribu- 
tion of the booty. Both the Emigrants and the 
Ansar would later be remembered for the roles 
they played in collecting, reciting, and comment- 
ing on the Quran. They also played an important 
role in the transmission of the HADITH. Although 

the status of the Emigrants remained high after 
Muhammad's death, their political influence in 
the community shifted to leaders of the QURAYSH 
tribe in Mecca, who had once led the opposition 
against Muhammad. Abu Bakr (r. 632-634) relied 
on the Quraysh, who had converted to Islam after 
630, for support in his claim to become the first 
CALIPH and for assistance in keeping the commu- 
nity unified. This laid the basis for the eventual 
rise of the Umayyad Caliphate, which was led by 
descendants from the Banu Umayya, a leading 
Quraysh clan. 

In the 20th century, other Muslims would be 
called Emigrants. These included those who moved 
to Turkey from Russia and southeastern Europe to 
avoid being ruled by non-Muslim governments, as 
well as Indian Muslims who moved to Pakistan as 
a result of the 1947 partition of India. 

See also caliphate; Companions of the 

Further reading: Michael Lcckcr, Muslims, Jews, and 
Pagans: Studies on Early Islamic Medina (Leiden: E.J. 
Brill, 1995); W. Montgomery Watt, Muhammad: Prophet 
and Statesman (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 

emigration See Hijra. 

Enoch See Idris. 

eschatology (Greek eschatos, “last”) 

In the comparative study of religions, eschatology 
is a term used for beliefs and doctrines concerning 
last things — death, the end of the world, and the 
afterlife. Muslims all share certain expectations 
for the end times, but there are significant differ- 
ences between Sunni and Shiite expectations, as 
well as cases of difference between scholarly and 
popular interpretations within the same sect. All 
Muslims believe that time is linear, having begun 

tCs!SS 214 ethics and morality 

with God's creation of the universe, and all expect 
an end to human history to come at a time of 
Gods choosing. The end, according to the Quran, 
will arrive suddenly but will be accompanied by 
dramatic signs. At that time, the dead will be 
raised physically, and all will be judged according 
to their faith and deeds. All Muslims believe that 
there is life after death. 

The Quran has a good deal to say about 
the coming end. That humans will be called to 
account for their good and bad deeds on that 
day is affirmed repeatedly. The last day will be 
accompanied by a great trumpet blast, when “the 
mountains arc lifted up and crushed with a single 
blow" (Q 69:14). Humans will be reunited with 
their bodies and will await judgment in great fear. 
The day of reckoning is usually presented as a 
matter of receiving a book with ones accumulated 
deeds. Those to whom the book is given in the 
right hand will enter paradise (generally called the 
garden), while the others will enter the fires of 
hell (often simply the Fire). Both the rewards and 
the punishments are rather graphically depicted 
in the Quran and are given substantial elaboration 
in hadith and other traditional materials. 

Before the day of reckoning, however, Mus- 
lims expect that several events not mentioned in 
the Quran will occur. Many traditions speak of a 
time of inversions to precede the end, in which 
“normal” social relations will be turned on their 
head: sons will not obey their fathers, slave girls 
will give birth to their own masters, and the poor 
and the weak will become leaders. While there 
is no unanimity on this point, the general thrust 
of popular Sunni eschatological belief is that the 
end times will see the rise of a deceptive leader, or 
Antichrist (Dajjal), who will be fought and van- 
quished by either the Mahdi or Jesus, ushering in a 
millennial period before the Judgment Day. Being 
extra-Quranic, however, this popularly accepted 
narrative is highly contested by Muslim scholars. 
Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406), for instance, rejected the 
entire luxuriant set of traditions that purport to 
prophecy the coming of the Mahdi, which would 

also raise doubts as to his belief in the rise of the 
Dajjal and the reappearance of Jesus. 

For the Twelve-lMAM Shia, a belief in the 
Mahdi comes to be an article of faith and is thus 
much more central than it is for Sunnis. Accord- 
ing to Shii histories, the 12th IMAM, or descendant 
of Ali through his son Husayn, disappeared from 
view after 874 but is still present in the world 
and will return at the end of time to fill the earth 
with justice as it is filled now with corruption and 
injustice. To be a true believer, one must have this 
belief in the presence and eventual reemergence 
of the imam Mahdi. In this sense, Shii theology 
indicates that humanity is always on the threshold 
of the millennial age. 

See also afterlife; creation; faith; Ismaili Shi- 
ism; Twelve-Imam Shiism. 

John Iskander 

Further reading: David Cook. Studies in Muslim Apoca- 
lyptic (Princeton. N.J.: Darwin Press, 2002); Muhammad 
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, The Remembrance of Death and 
the Afterlife, Kitab dhihr al-mawt wa-ma badahu, Book XL 
of The Revival of the Religious Sciences, Ihya ulum al-Din. 
Translated by T. J. Winter (Cambridge: Islamic Texts 
Society, 1995); F E. Peters, Judaism, Christianity and 
Islam: The Classical Texts and Their Interpretation, vol. 3, 
The Works of the Spirit (Princeton. N.J.: Princeton Uni- 
versity Press. 1990); Jane 1. Smith and Yvonne Y. Had- 
dad. The Islamic Understanding of Death and Resurrection 
(Albany: State University of New York Press. 1981 ). 

ethics and morality 

Ethics and morality are concerned with how 
humans should live their lives in accordance with 
what they know to be right and wrong. The two 
terms are often used interchangeably. However, 
when scholars distinguish them, they understand 
ethics to mean philosophical reflection upon 
moral conduct, while morality pertains to specific 
norms or codes of behavior. Questions of ethics, 
therefore, involve such subjects as human nature 

ethics and morality 215 

and the capacity to do good, the nature of good 
and evil, motivations for moral action, the under- 
lying principles governing moral and immoral 
acts, deciding who is obliged to adhere to the 
moral code and who is exempted from it, and the 
implications of either adhering to the moral code 
or violating it. Morality encompasses the values 
and rules that govern human conduct, such as the 
Golden Rule, which holds that a person should 
treat others as he or she would be treated. 

There is no necessary relation between ethi- 
cal beliefs and religion; people in many times and 
places engage in moral action without having to 
adhere to a particular religion. Nevertheless, most 
religions promote moral teachings and engage in 
ethical reflection. Religions also provide motiva- 
tions for acting in accordance with moral principles 
by promising rewards and punishments from a god 
or some other supramundane power in this world 
or in the AFTERLIFE. Religions can also criticize indi- 
vidual and communal morality. This “prophetic" 
function is most evident among the Abrahamic 
religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), but it 
is present in other religions too. Lastly, it should be 
noted that the close relationship between religion 
and morality can have negative aspects. When a 
religious authority, normally expected to embody 
moral virtues, is believed to have committed crimi- 
nal, tyrannical, or other immoral acts, it can 
provoke resentment or opposition and engender 
sectarian and reform movements. 

Ethical awareness has been a defining feature 
of Islam, even though engaging in moral philoso- 
phy per se has not. Rather than being a formal area 
of knowledge, ethics in Islam has been a topic 
addressed more often in a practical sense within a 
variety of contexts, including ones in which it was 
engaged with non-Muslim ethical traditions, both 
religious and nonreligious. Indeed, Islamic moral- 
ity has formed internally among Sunnis, Shiis, 
Sufis, and rationalists while also being shaped 
by interactions with pre-Islamic Arabian, Greek, 
Persian, Jewish, Christian, and other ethical tradi- 
tions on the local and global levels. This process 

has continued in the modern period as a result 
of encounters with Western powers and modern 
secular moral systems. 

The word islam implies a moral outlook, 
since it is understood to mean submission to 
God's will, which is seen as a good that brings 
a person into harmony with the “natural" order 
of CREATION. Submission and performing good 
deeds, the Quran teaches, are done because 
they are prescribed by God, they reciprocate 
God for the blessings he provides, and they are 
rewarded, whereas rebellious and wrongful acts 
are punished. Muslims believe that performing 
the required Five Pillars of Islam is “worship” 
or “service" ( ibada ), and they have given it moral 
meaning. Therefore, they associate the virtue of 
keeping bodily hygiene with prayer ablutions, 
overcoming selfishness with fasting, and promot- 
ing equality among believers with pilgrimage. 
Islamic morality is clearly involved in the duty of 
almsgiving, a charitable redistribution of wealth 
for the benefit of the needy and the community 
as a whole. Participants in the annual HAJJ to 
Mecca, the fifth pillar, arc prohibited from being 
violent, acting rudely, and harming most plants 
and animals. According to the HADITH, those who 
perform the hajj properly are forgiven their sins 
and rewarded with paradise. Furthermore, in a 
famous hadith, called the Hadith of Gabriel, islam 
and faith (iman) itself are closely associated with 
ihsan , “doing the good." Ihsan, the hadith states, 
means doing what is good and beautiful in wor- 
shipping God, knowing that he is aware of what a 
person does, even if he (God) is not visible. 

Muslims look primarily to the Quran and 
the SUNNA of Muhammad, “customary practice" 
expressed in the hadith, for moral guidance. The 
Quran's chief moral instruction, one that echoes 
throughout the history of Islam, is for people to 
“command what is known to be right ( maaruf ) 
and forbid what is reprehensible ( munkar ).” This 
is stated, for example, in the third chapter: “Let a 
people from among you invite (others) to good- 
ness. Let them command what is known to be 

216 ethics and morality 

right and forbid what is reprehensible. They are 
the ones who will prosper" (Q 3:104, cf. 9:7). 
Such statements are closely connected to obeying 
God and worshipping him. 

The question of what is “known to be right" 
has been an important subject of debate among 
Muslims. One position is that whatever God com- 
mands is what is right. The problem with this is 
that the Quran offers more in the way of general 
principles than specific rules (most of these 
rules are found only in the first few chapters of 
the Quran). The principles in question include 
justice, goodness, kindness, forgiveness, honesty, 
and piety. This has led some to take the posi- 
tion that humans are born with an instinctive or 
innate knowledge of what is right and wrong, but 
because of their wayward and fickle nature, they 
do not always choose to act morally. The purpose 
of the Quran, therefore, is not so much to dictate 
specific commandments, but to “remind" people 
of what they should already know by nature and 
to guide them to do the right thing. If they dis- 
obey, they will pay a price for it, if not here and 
now, then in the hereafter. 

The most commonly used Islamic term for 
morality, the Arabic word akhlaq , is not found 
in the Quran, but the root kh-I-cf from which it 
is derived occurs frequently in connection with 
the act of creation. From a Muslim perspective, 
therefore, human morality is part of the created 
order of the world, intimately connected with 
God the creator. The “signs" (sing, ava) of God 
are evident in the natural world, in events, and 
in verses of scripture. The verses provide moral 
guidance, as does the wider world. Humans, as 
part of Gods creation, are called upon to contem- 
plate these signs to discover the truth and know 
what is best. 

The other major source of Islamic moral wis- 
dom, the sunna of Muhammad, is based on the 
hadith. Muslims consider Muhammad's sunna to 
be a body of norms that should be followed in 
worship and in everyday life. The idea of Muham- 
mad as an exemplary figure comes from the 

remembered experience of the first Muslims, and 
it is also supported by the Quran, which regards 
him as a “beautiful model" (Q 33:21). Hadith 
collections had chapters about the virtues that he 
embodied. These included respect for parents and 
elders, maintaining strong family ties, being good 
to neighbors, caring for children, avoiding abuse 
of servants and slaves (a social institution until 
the 19th and 20th centuries), being well-man- 
nered, offering hospitality to guests, visiting the 
sick, showing mercy to animals, being patient and 
sincere, greeting people correctly, asking permis- 
sion before entering a house, dressing modestly, 
and avoiding lying and rude speech. These were 
all taken to be demonstrations of Muhammad's 
moral character, called akhlac] or adab. Likewise, 
Sufis drew upon the hadith about Muhammad, 
too, to emphasize the virtues of generosity, pov- 
erty, humility, and concern for others, including 
the poor. 

From the eighth century onward, Muslim legal 
scholars, the ulama, consulted and debated with 
each other over how to systematize the quranic 
commandments and Muhammad's sunna so as 
to be able to effectively implement the sharia, 
or sacred law, in a complex, multicultural, and 
historically changing Islamicatc society. In doing 
so, they were not satisfied with determining 
only what was legally required (halal) and what 
was forbidden (hara m), nor did they trust indi- 
viduals to know what the right thing to do was. 
Rather, they devised a five-step scale for classify- 
ing human acts according to their conformity to 
God's will: obligatory, recommended, permitted, 
disapproved, and forbidden. The ulama then 
detailed all sorts of human activities, rule on their 
permissibility, and on what kinds of rewards and 
penalties, if any, such acts entailed. Sunni as well 
as Shii jurists engaged in this activity, but other 
Muslims were familiar with it, too, especially 
among the educated elites living in urban areas. 
In addition to courts of law, Muslim authorities 
created the office of muhtasib to enforce the moral 
code in public places and oversee transactions 

Europe 217 

conducted in the marketplace. Alongside this, the 
juridical construction of morality, there was also 
a culture of refined behavior (adcib) that shaped 
the ethical outlook of urban Muslims. This was 
expressed in writings that set forth the virtues for 
different classes and groups to honor, including 
the ulama, rulers, bureaucrats, merchants, and 

Moral philosophy was an important subject 
for Muslim intellectuals, even if it did not have 
equal weight with sharia and F/QH in the eyes of 
the ulama. The scholars who contributed to this 
area of ethics during the Middle Ages were Abu 
Yusuf Yaacub al-Kindi (d. 870), Abu Bakr Muham- 
mad al-Razi (also known as Rhazcs, d. ca. 925), 
Abu Nasr al-Farabi (also known as Alfarabius, d. 
950), and Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Sina (also known 
as Avicenna, d. 1037), Muhammad ibn Rushd (also 
known as Averroes, d. 1198), and Nasir al-Din 
Tusi (d. 1198). Perhaps the most noteworthy of 
all were Miskawayh (d. 1040), the Persian author 
of Refinement of Morality; Abu Hamid al-Ghazali 
(d. 1111), Persian mystic and author of Revival of 
the Religious Sciences; and the Andalusian man of 
letters Ali ibn Hazm (d. 1064). Originally sparked 
by the rationalist theology of the Mutazila in 
the eighth century and further influenced by 
Aristotelian ethics, this area of Muslim scholarly 
discussion declined after the 12th century, but it 
experienced revived interest among Muslims in 
the 19th and 20th centuries. 

Today Islamic ethics and morality are receiv- 
ing close scrutiny in Muslim lands and beyond 
as never before. The encounters of traditional 
Islamic moral laws and values with modern secu- 
lar laws and values have raised urgent questions 
about whether and how the sharia in whole or in 
part requires preservation, reform, adaptation, or 
rejection. Respect for human rights, individual- 
ism, religious freedom, and womens rights has 
caused Muslims to search their ethical heritage to 
find where there is compatibility and where there 
is not. Violent actions performed in the name 
of Islam against public officials and civilians by 

militant organizations have given added urgency 
to this search. While it is true that many Mus- 
lims have condemned violent acts in the name 
of religion, they have also sought to make moral 
arguments in favor of violence (jihad) and revolu- 
tion in the face of oppression, tyranny, and attacks 
against core beliefs and practices. As in the past, 
given the many ways in which Muslims under- 
stand and practice their religion, views on these 
and many other issues diverge widely within the 
worldwide Muslim community. 

See also abortion; crime and punishment; 


School; suicide; women. 

Further reading: Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari, 
Imam Bukhari's Book of Muslim Morals and Manners. 
Translated by Yusuf Talal DeLorcnzo (Alexandria, Va.: 
Al-Saadawi Publications, 1997); Michael Cook, Forbid- 
ding Wrong in Islam: An Introduction (Cambridge: Cam- 
bridge University Press, 2003); Frederick M. Denny, 
“Ethical Dimensions of Islamic Ritual Law.” In Religion 
and Law: Biblical -Judaic and Islamic Perspectives , edited 
by Edwin B. Firmage, Bernard G. Weiss, and John W. 
Welch, 199-210 (Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 
1990); Richard G. Hovannisian, cd., Ethics in Islam 
(Malibu. Calif.: Undcna, 1985); Toshihiko Izutsu, Eth - 
ico-Religious Concepts in the Quran (Montreal: McGill 
University Press, 1966); Gary E. Kessler, Philosophy of 
Religion: Toward a Global Perspective (Belmont, Calif.: 
Wadsworth Publishing, 1999); Kevin Reinhart, Before 
Revelation: The Boundaries of Muslim Moral Thought 
(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995). 


Although often misperceivcd as alien to Europe, 
Islam has had a long and varied presence in that 
part of the world. It first entered Europe with the 
Arab and Berber armies that conquered the Iberian 
Peninsula (modern Spain and Portugal) from the 
Goths in 711. Muslims later entered Gaul but suf- 
fered defeat at Poitiers in 732 and in the Pyrenees 
passes in 748. Successive Islamic dynasties ruled 

21 8 Europe 

Sicily, Malta, and Syracuse from 827 until the 
Norman conquests in 1090-91. Islamic rule lasted 
longest in Iberia, reaching its zenith during the 
Umayyad Caliphate (912-1031) and ending with 
the fall of Granada (1492). Felipe III expelled the 
remaining Moriscos (forcibly baptized Muslims 
who remained in Spain after 1492) from Spain 
in 1609-14. In eastern Europe, Anatolian Turks 
invaded the Balkans during the mid- 13th century, 
and Islam continued to spread with the Ottoman 
conquests of the 14th century. The Ottomans cap- 
tured Constantinople (later Istanbul), the capital 
of the Byzantine Empire, in 1453, and Poland, 
Lithuania, Hungary, and Budapest came under 
Muslim rule during the 15lh to the 1 7th centuries. 
The collapse of the Ottoman Empire early in the 

20th century, the two World Wars, the dissolu- 
tion of Yugoslavia, and the more recent Balkan 
wars decimated Muslim populations in Poland 
and Hungary, but significant numbers remain in 
the Balkans. In western Europe, Islam has grown 
since the 1950s due to conversion and immigra- 
tion from the Indian subcontinent, Africa, and 
the Middle East to Britain, France, Germany, the 
Netherlands, Italy, and Spain. 

Cordoba, the capital of Andalusia, was the 
largest, wealthiest, and most advanced city in 
medieval Europe. It had paved, illuminated streets, 
running water, textiles, paper and glass factories, 
public baths, numerous libraries, and free schools. 
The Great Mosque of Cordoba rivaled its coun- 
terparts in Cairo and Baghdad and was Europe’s 

Suburban London mosque, formerly a church (J. Gordon Melton) 

Europe 219 

first university. The Muslim rulers of Andalusia 
and Sicily lavishly patronized artists, philoso- 
phers, and scientists. Muslims were innovators 
in mathematics, philosophy, medicine, botany, 
astronomy, and agriculture, and they recovered 
Greek philosophical and scientific works lost to 
Christian Europe. Hydraulic technology used and 
developed by Muslims revolutionized traditional 
Mediterranean AGRICULTURE. 

The Arabo-lslamic cultural and intellectual 
heritage has been enormously important to Latin 
Europe. These traditions were transmitted via 
the Mozarab (Arabized) Christians, trade and 
diplomatic relations, oral performances of Arabic 
poetry and stories, and especially the transla- 
tion schools in Toledo and elsewhere. Iberian 
and Norman monarchs sponsored translations 
of Muslim philosophical, scientific, and literary 
works, including the commentaries of Ibn Sina 
(Avicenna, d. 1037) and Ibn Rushd (Avcrrocs, d. 
1198) on Aristotle and the medical compendia of 
Ibn Sina and al-Razi (Rhazes, d. ca. 935) — stan- 
dard medical texts in Western Europe until the 
16th century. Translated mathematical treatises 
introduced calculation with Arabic numerals, 
algebra, trigonometry, and advanced geometry 
into the West. Arabic literature and lyric influ- 
enced or anticipated European literary genres. 
Romance lyric-songs and Provencal courtly 
love poetry arc historically related to the Arabic 
muwashshah (a form of Andalusian love poetry). 
Dantes renowned Divine Comedy (14th century) 
borrowed motifs from accounts of Muhammad's 
Night Journey and Ascent. Boccaccio incorpo- 
rated translated Arabic fables into The Decameron 
(14th century). In the 16th century, the mystical 
symbolism of John of the Cross and Teresa of 
Avila echoed the earlier Spanish Sufi writings of 
Ibn al-Arabi (12th century), Ibn Abbad of Ronda 
(14th century), and others. Arabic loan words in 
the Romance languages and English reflect the 
Arabo-lslamic cultural legacy. Finally, many Ara- 
bic words entered Spanish and, though written 
in Latin letters, the Maltese language spoken on 

the Mediterranean island nation ol Malta today is 
considered a dialect of Arabic. 

It is estimated that between 44 million Mus- 
lims (6 percent of Europe's total population) live 
in Europe as of 2008. In southeastern Europe, 
Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina have the 
largest percentages of Muslims: 70 percent and 
40 percent, respectively. Among the countries of 
western Europe, France has the largest Muslim 
population (about 5 million, mostly from North 
Africa), followed by Germany (about 2 million, 
mostly from Turkey) and the United Kingdom 
(about 1.5 million, mostly from lndia-Pakistan 
and the Arab Middle East). Significant numbers 
also live in Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands. 
Many of these Muslims arrived after 1950 as guest 
workers to help rebuild Europe after the devasta- 
tion caused by World Wars I and II. In recent 
decades, many immigrants have come as refugees 
from strife-ridden countries such as Lebanon, 
Sudan, and Iran. Muslim scholars and intellectu- 
als have gone to Europe for their education or as 
immigrants and refugees. Among the most promi- 
nent arc Fazi.ur Rahman (from Pakistan), Muham- 
mad Arkoun (from Algeria), Bassam Tibi (from 
Syria), Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd (from Egypt), and 
Taslima Nasrin (from Bangladesh). Award-win- 
ning authors of Islamic heritage living in Europe 
include Salman Rushdie (from India) and Tariq 
Ali (from Pakistan). Tariq Ramadan (b. 1962) is 
a leading representative of the new generation of 
reform-minded Muslim intellectuals who were 
born in Europe. Immigrant Muslims have estab- 
lished mosques and community organizations in 
all European countries. A major institute for the 
study of Ismaili Shiism was founded by the Aga 
Khan in London. Although many immigrants 
maintain close contact with their homelands, 
all are required to follow the civil laws of their 
adopted countries of residence. 

While immigrants, converts, and native-born 
Muslims have made significant contributions to 
contemporary European society and culture, there 
have also been times of significant tension and 

220 Eve 

cultural confrontation. Veiling and the status of 
Muslim Women in secular society have been par- 
ticularly divisive issues. To varying degrees, Euro- 
pean societies have discriminated against Muslim 
immigrants and citizens, which was a factor behind 
the eruption of riots in French cities in 2005. One 
of the Al-Qaida cells involved in the 9/11 attacks 
on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 
2001 was based in Hamburg, Germany. As a con- 
sequence of cultural animosities and recent wars 
in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Israel-Palestine, radical 
Islamic groups have launched terrorist attacks on 
civilian targets in Madrid and London. 

See also anti-Semitism; Christianity and Islam; 
Janissary; Judaism and Islam; secularism; Sufism. 

Linda G. Jones and Juan E. Campo 

Further reading: Jack Goody Islam in Europe (Cam- 
bridge: Polity Press, 2004); Shireen Hunter, cd., Islam, 
Europe’s Second Religion: The New Social, Cultural and 
Political Landscape (Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publish- 
ers, 2002); Salma Khadra Jayyusi, cd., The Legacy of 
Muslim Spain (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994); Maria Rosa 
Menocal, The Arabic Role in Medieval Literary History : 
A Forgotten Heritage (Philadelphia: University of Penn- 
sylvania Press, 1987); Tariq Ramadan, Western Muslims 
and the Future of Islam (Oxford: Oxford University 
Press, 2004). 

Eve See Adam and Eve. 

evil eye 

Belief that the eye has the power to cause evil or 
misfortune is found in many cultures. It forms 
but one part of a magical worldview that attempts 
to explain the accidents and illnesses that afflict 
people. Rather than being a generalized theory of 
misfortune, it is always concerned with explain- 
ing specific instances: What caused a particular 
person or possession to suffer harm at this or 
that time and place while others nearby or in a 

Evil eye poster, with medallions containing the name 
of God (r.) and Muhammad (I.), framed by protective 
verses from the Quran (printed poster) 

similar situation remained unaffected? In other 
words, belief in the evil eye is but one way of 
trying to account for why bad things happen to 
good people, and it may even conflict with other 
explanations. Religious conservatives object that 
it contradicts the belief that ultimately it is God 
who determines what happens for good and evil. 
People with a modern scientific outlook, on the 
other hand, may refute evil eye beliefs as irratio- 
nal superstitions. But for the many who hold to a 
magical worldview, identifying the evil eye as the 
cause of an affliction allows them to take steps to 
deflect it or minimize its effect, even if it cannot 
be completely eliminated. The fact that people 
think that they can take preventive measures 
against it provides them with a sense that they 
can exercise control over otherwise unpredictable 
and painful events in life. This helps explain the 
acceptance and persistence of evil eye beliefs in so 
many parts of the world. 

In Islamicate cultures, evil eye beliefs are espe- 
cially pronounced among peoples living in lands 
from Morocco to India, including the eastern 
Mediterranean region and the Arabian Peninsula. 
Many non-Muslims living in these areas also share 
these beliefs, including Christians, Jews, and Hin- 
dus. There arc several names given to the evil eye 

exegesis 221 

in the languages of these cultures. In Arabic, it 
can be al-ayn, “the eye,” al-nazra, “the look,'* or 
al-hasad, “envy.” In Persian, it is known as chashm 
zakhm , “the eye that wounds," or chashm shur f 
"the salty eye.” A child, a nursing mother, a valu- 
able farm animal, a fruitful agricultural field, a 
plate of good food, or a valuable possession (such 
as a car or truck, a machine used in making a liv- 
ing, a business, or a home) can provoke feelings of 
jealousy or inadvertently attract envious glances 
from passersby, neighbors, friends, or competitors 
and opponents. Once such a persons envious eye 
looks at or “hits” its target, it can cause it serious 
harm. If the victim is a person, especially a male 
child, it can cause illness, an accident, or even 
death. The milk of a lactating woman, a goat, or 
a cow may stop flowing. A field can suffer crop 
damage. A car or machine might be destroyed or 
damaged in an accident or suffer a breakdown. 
Ones business or home might burn down. Prais- 
ing someone or something, even with the best of 
intentions, is thought to make the object of praise 
even more susceptible to the malevolent effects of 
the envious eye. 

Within such a belief system, a number of 
preventive devices and remedies are available. 
The most common is to place a colorful piece 
of jewelry, often a blue and white bead, on the 
person or possession to deflect “the look." An 
amulet containing the name of God or a verse 
from the Quran also has apotropaic power. 
Many people hang or paint verses of the Quran 
in their businesses and homes or on their cars 
and trucks. Among the parts of the Quran usu- 
ally employed for such purposes are the BASMALA 
(Q 1:1), the Fatiha (Q 1), the Throne Verse (Q 
2:255), and the last two chapters of the Quran, 
known as “the protection-seeking ones” (Q 113 
and 114). In fact, Q 113 implores Gods protec- 
tion “from the evil of the envier when he envies." 

A copy of the whole Quran is also believed to 
offer protection. 

Similarly, in everyday speech, people utter 
formulaic phrases containing Gods name, such 
as smallah, “in the name of God," ma shaa Allah , 
“whatever God wills," or Allah akbar y “God is 
greater." One popular incantation used against the 
evil eye states, “In the name of God I cast a spell 
to protect you from everything that may harm 
you; from every envious eye. In the name of God 
I cast a spell to protect you, and may God heal 
you from every harmful person or eye.” There 
are many other methods used for deflecting the 
eye. Among them is “dispraise.” For example, 
instead of praising a cute or beautiful baby, well- 
wishers instead will tell the parents how ugly the 
child is. Proud parents will interpret such expres- 
sions as compliments. Other protective measures 
include disguising male infants as females, leaving 
them unwashed, and calling them by unflatter- 
ing names. Images of outstretched hands arc also 
thought to provide protection. With a new home, 
business, vehicle, or machine, it is not unusual for 
the owners to sacrifice an animal and make hand 
imprints with its blood in a visible place on the 
new possession. Burning incense and consulting 
with male and female magicians are other mea- 
sures people use for protection from the evil eye. 

Sec also amulets and talismans; animals; 


Further reading: Alan Dundes, cd., The Evil Eye: A 
Casebook (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 
1981); Amitav Ghosh. “Reflections of Envy in an Egyp- 
tian Village." Ethnology 22 (1983): 211-233; Edward 
Westermarck, Ritual and Belief in Morocco , 2 vols. (New 
York: University Books, 1968). 

exegesis See tafsir. 

Fadlallah, Muhammad Husayn (1935- ) 

militant Shii religious leader and spokesman for the 
Hizbullah organization in Lebanon 
Shaykh Fadlallah was born in Najaf, Iraq, where 
his Lebanese father was a Shii religious scholar. At 
the Shii MADRASA in Najaf, he pursued advanced 
Islamic studies in order to become one of the 
Shii ULAMA. He also became politically involved 
by opposing the growing influence of the Com- 
munist Party in the Iraqi government during the 
1960s. Among the most influential people in his 
early career were Grand Ayatollah Abu al-Qasim 
Khui (d. 1992), one of the most prominent 
scholars of Shii jurisprudence (f/qh) in Iraq, and 
Shaykh Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr (d. 1980), a 
politically active member of a prominent family 
of Iraqi religious scholars. In 1966, Fadlallah was 
appointed by Khui to serve the needs of Shia liv- 
ing in the low-income neighborhoods of Beirut, 

During the devastating Lebanese civil war, 
which lasted from 1975 to 1990, Shaykh Fadlal- 
lah emerged as a leading community activist. 
Inspired by the success of the Islamic revolution 
in Iran of 1979, he played an instrumental role 
in organizing Shii militants in the early 1980s 
and became the head of Hizbullah in 1985. He 

continues to be this organizations chief spokes- 
man. Fadlallah holds strongly anti-Israeli and 
anti-American views and combines them with an 
ideology of Islamic revolution and political jihad. 
During the 1980s, he was implicated in assassina- 
tions and kidnappings in Lebanon, the bombings 
of the U.S. embassy and of the U.S. and French 
military headquarters in Beirut, and the Lebanese 
Shii resistance to the Israeli occupation forces. 
Consequently, both Israel and the United States 
regard him as a terrorist leader, and there is some 
suspicion that the United States was involved 
in a failed assassination attempt against him in 
1985. Although he has been supportive of Iranian 
ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and religious hard- 
liners in Tehran, he has broken with them over 
their notions of Islamic government under the 
absolute authority of a religious expert (faqih). 
Instead, he has expressed support for a division 
of political power among religious and secular 
leaders. Much of his work in Lebanon has focused 
on charitable organizations and social services, 
which has won widespread support for Hizbul- 
lah among the Lebanese Shia. He approves of the 
participation of women in public life, and he has 
also been a strong supporter of militant Palestin- 
ian Islamist organizations, although not of Yassir 


faith 223 

Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization. In 
recent years, he has come to be regarded by many 
as the “spiritual leader" of the Lebanese Shia, and 
he appears to have shifted from radical militancy 
to grassroots social and political activism. 

Sec also communism; Israel; Shiism; terrorism. 

Further reading: Talib Aziz, “Fadlallah and the Mak- 
ing of the Marjaiyya." In The Most Learned of the Shia: 
The Institution oj the Marja Taqlid, edited by Linda S. 
Walbridge, 205-215 (New York: Oxford University 
Press, 2001); Martin Kramer, “The Oracle of Hizbul- 
lah: Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah. In Spokesmen for 
the Despised: Fundamentalist Leaders in the Middle East, 
edited by R. Scott Appleby, 83-181 (Chicago: Univer- 
sity of Chicago Press, 1997). 

faith (Arabic: iman, security) 

In general. Western usage of faith is as a syn- 
onym for religion — an organized system of beliefs 
concerning a supreme being and that beings 
relations with creation, especially with humans. 
Thus, people speak of the “Christian faith" or the 
“Islamic faith." The term also has a more specific 
meaning — trust in God and his promise for salva- 
tion. This concept is based on the books of the 
Bible, and it achieved further development in the 
histories of Jewish and Christian religious thought 
in the Middle East, the Mediterranean basin, and 
Europe. The ancient Hebrew aman (to be true or 
trustworthy), related to the Arabic iman, is used 
in the Old Testament to express the mutual com- 
mitment between God and his chosen people as 
it was embodied in their covenantal relationship. 
In other words, the God of the Israelites promised 
to remain faithful to his promise of blessings for 
Israel as long as they maintained their love for him 
and kept his commandments (for example, Deu- 
teronomy 7:9). In times of difficulty, people were 
expected to still hold fast to the hope that God 
would strengthen them and come to their rescue. 
For Christians, the focus of faith is on the figure 
of Jesus as the son of God and how his death and 

resurrection are believed to offer hope and salva- 
tion for the faithful. It is seen as something that 
comes as a gift from God and that people render 
toward him in love. 

The heart of Islamic faith is unconditional 
belief in God's oneness; that he is universal, 
eternal, all-knowing, all-seeing, compassionate; 
and that he has no rivals or partners. From this 
core belief follow others — that there will be a 
resurrection and final judgment, and that God 
communicates with humans through his angels, 
prophets, and holy books (for example, Q 4: 1 36). 
The Five Pillars, required of all able Muslims 
(submitters), routinize these beliefs through 
performance of the ritual actions of testifying 
that God is one and Muhammad is his messen- 
ger, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage. 
The Quran suggests a close interrelationship 
between faith and works (for example, Q 2: 1 77), 
and this relationship is usually considered to be 
a fundamental one in the religion. According 
to the hadith, faith is sometimes regarded as 
distinct from islam (submission), but it is also 
seen as synonymous with it or as a facet of it. 
In the well-known Hadith of Gabriel (cited in 
the authoritative collections of Muslim, Bukhari, 
and Ibn Hanbal), a stranger who later turns 
out to be Gabriel, the angel of revelation, poses 
questions to Muhammad about both islam and 
iman. Muhammad responds by listing the Five 
Pillars and the key elements of faith outlined 
above, suggesting that although islam and iman 
may differ, they arc closely connected neverthe- 
less. Islam thus involves an inner belief, while 
faith entails an outward expression. In one of 
many passages concerning the faithful (mum in, 
pi. muminun ), the Quran states that they are the 
ones whose faith is strengthened when they hear 
God's revelations and that they are those who 
pray and perform acts of charity (Q 8:2-3). The 
faithful are also those who have fear ( taqwa ) of 
God and place their trust in him. Moreover, from 
the quranic perspective, faith stands in clear 
opposition to disbelief ( kufr ) in God and his rev- 

^ 224 fana 

elation and in opposition to the hypocrisy (nifaq) 
of those who only pretend to be true believers 
(for example, Q 3:90-91, 167; 4:60-61). Those 
who believe and do good works are promised a 
reward in the afterlife, while those who do not 
believe will be punished. 

As Islamic religious thought developed, Mus- 
lim theologians and philosophers pursued the 
discussion of faith in more depth. Among the 
topics they debated, apart from that of faith and 
action, were those of differences in degree of faith, 
whether faith remains constant or increases and 
decreases, and the relation of reason and faith. 
The Shia, meanwhile, extended the content of 
faith to include belief in the infallibility and moral 
perfection of the Imams, and, among the Twelve- 
Imam Shia, the rise of the messianic Imam Mahdi. 
They also argued that JUSTICE was an attribute of 
God. Sunnis disagreed and even went so far as to 
label such beliefs heretical. In the modern era, 
Sunni and Shii religious thinkers have sought 
to demonstrate the compatibility of faith and 
reason in order to defend Islam against secular 
rationalism. At the same time, intensive religious 
outreach (daavva) programs have been directed as 
much at enhancing the faith of Muslims as at win- 
ning new converts. 

See also Allah; covenant; kafir; theology; 
Twelve-Imam Shiism. 

Further reading: Toshihiko Izutsu, Ethico-Religious 
Concepts in the Koran (Montreal: McGill University 
Press, 1966); Fazlur Rahman, Major Themes of the 
Quran (Minneapolis: Bibliotheca Islamica, 1980). 

fana See baqa and fana. 

faqih See F/QH. 

faqir See dervish. 

Farabi, Abu Nasr al- (ca. 870-950) 
prominent Muslim philosopher of the Middle Ages 
known for his interpretations of Aristotle and 

The first systematic thinker in Arab-lslamic phi- 
losophy, al-Farabi penned the tradition's first 
political treatise and was the first true logician 
in Islamic history. The currents of Peripatetic- 
Neoplatonic thought (Peripatetic docs not here 
denote an exclusively Aristotelian legacy) he 
set in motion reverberate in our own time with 
Ismaili philosophy and in the renewed interest in 
both the llluminationist tradition (for example, 
Shihab al-Din Abu Hafs al-Suhrawardi, d. 1191) 
and the School of Isfahan (for example, Mullah 
Sadra, d. 1640). 

As his name suggests, al-Farabi was from the 
district of Farab in Transoxiana, being of probable 
Turkish or Turkoman origin. Little information is 
available on his early life. He worked as a night 
watchman in a garden in Damascus before mov- 
ing to Baghdad. In the turbulence of 10th-century 
Baghdad, al-Farabi mastered Arabic, becoming 
conversant in a number of other languages as 
well. He studied with Christian Aristotelians 
of the Syriac tradition, considered among the 
greatest logicians of his time. He soon surpassed 
these exemplars by virtue of his treatment of the 
entire corpus of Aristotelian logic. His educational 
regimen included not only the various branches 
of philosophy, but took in mathematics, physics, 
astronomy, and music. Indeed, in addition to pen- 
ning a handful of treatises on music, al-Farabi was 
an accomplished musician. 

One of the animating purposes of al-Farabis 
writings on logic was the need to distinguish the 
discipline of philosophical logic from the rules (or 
logic) of grammar, the former akin to a universal 
grammar that provides the rules necessary for 
reasoning in any language, while the latter relies 
on rules generated by convention and is thus 
relative to a particular language. In his view, the 
logical and grammatical “sciences ' complement 
each other. Logic likewise pertains to the arts 

Farabi, Abu Nasr al- 225 

(poetics), politics, religion, and jurisprudence, 
as it lays down the rules of reasoning peculiar to 
these respective domains (hence, there are types 
of rationality and different modes of discourse and 

Al-Farabi's cosmological and metaphysical 
doctrines are the foundations upon which he 
builds — like Plato (d. ca. 347 B.C.E.) — the political 
philosophy explicated in his books The Virtuous 
City (al-Madina al-fadila) and the Civil Polity (al- 
Siyasa al -modern iyy a). He uses a Neoplatonic ema- 
nationist theory crafted within the structure of 
Ptolemaic cosmology to account for God's power 
of creation. However, God, or the First Being ( al - 
awwal ), does not, like “the One" of the ancient 
philosopher Plotinus (d. 270 C.E.), utterly tran- 
scend being and thought. Rather, it is conceived 
largely along the lines of Aristotle’s Unmoved 
Mover, albeit with emanationist properties. God's 
principal activity is, as it were, intellectual, “echo- 
ing Aristotle's conception of God's activity as 
‘thinking of thinking' (ndcsis nocscos). It is God's 
intellectual activity which underlies God's role 
as the creator of the universe" (Black, 189). In 
effect, al-Farabi’s First Being cleverly combines a 
Neoplatonic metaphysics of emanation, Aristotle's 
Unmoved Mover, and the Quranic conception of 
God. It is clever insofar as it attempts to fuse the 
absolute transcendence and unity (tawhid) of God 
with a rational account of the world's creation, 
albeit one at odds with the doctrine of creation 
from nothing (ex nihilo). 

Al-Farabi's political philosophy is more 
straightforwardly Platonic, outlining a grada- 
tion of different kinds of polities at the apex of 
which is the ideal city dedicated to good and 
happiness. For al-Farabi, philosophy provides us 
with the highest form of knowledge or wisdom 
(hikma). But philosophy must endeavor to be 
practical. For example, the ruler(s) of the ideal 
polity arduously and artfully unites the arts and 
sciences of philosophy and prophecy, or political 
and religious leadership. In addition, the polity 
aims at realizing the virtues and happiness of its 

citizens, as the best form of life is within a prop- 
erly ruled polis. 

Al-Farabi valued philosophy as the highest 
form of knowledge, owing in part to its reliance 
on “scientific demonstration," whereas he con- 
fined THEOLOGY to “imaginative representations,” 
resorting to the rational methods of rhetoric and 
dialectic. However rational such methods may 
be, they are not on par with the demonstrative 
method of philosophy. Moreover, the “acquired 
intellect" of the philosopher is a different medium 
from the “imaginative faculty" of the prophet, for 
prophetic revelations are the truths of philosophy 
put in understandable form for commoners. The 
rhetorical, dialectical, and political arts, in other 
words, permit wisdom to be pul in a commu- 
nicative form congenial to the masses. After all, 
philosophers are few and far between, but their 
wisdom and understanding should and can ben- 
efit everyone. 

Deemed the “second teacher" (after Aristotle, 
d. 322 B.C.E.) and the “second master" (after Abu 
Yusuf Yaqub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi, d. ca. 866 C.E.), 
al-Farabi was a great synthesizer of philosophi- 
cal and theological traditions. Renowned for an 
ascetic demeanor, near the end of his life he 
returned to Aleppo in Syria following a trip to 
Egypt. There he was associated with Sayf al-Dawla 
(918-967), a prince known for his generous 
patronage of the arts. At 80 years of age, he died 
in Aleppo. Al-Farabi's philosophy left a decisive 
impression on Ibn Sina (d. 1037) and was deeply 
cherished by Islamic and Jewish philosophers, 
affecting even the Latin Scholasticism of 13th- 
century Europe. The great Muslim theologian 
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (d. 1111) found much to 
contend with in the subsequent development of 
Islamic Neoplatonism. 

See also creation; politics and Islam. 

Patrick S. O'Donnell 

Further reading: Deborah L. Black, “Al-Farabi.” In 
History of Islamic Philosophy, edited by Seyyed H ossein 
Nasr and Oliver Leaman, 178-197 (London: Routledge, 

u ^> 226 Faraizi movement 

1996); Majid Fakhry. Al-Farabi: Founder of Islamic Neo- 
platonism (Oxford: Oneworld, 2002); Oliver Leaman, 
An Introduction to Classical Islamic Philosophy. 2d ed. 
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002); Ian 
Richard Netton, Al-Farabi and His School (London: 
Routledge, 1992). 

Faraizi movement (Persian spelling; 
Arabic, Faraidi movement) 

The Faraizis were a religious renewal and anti- 
British protest movement that arose in the Bengal 
region of India in the early 19th century. Their 
name is based on the Arabic for "religious duties" 
(fa raid), which emphasizes their advocacy of a 
return to the core requirements of Islamic prac- 
tice. The movements founder was Hajji Shariat 
Allah (ca. 1781-1840), who performed the HAJJ 
from eastern Bengal in his late teens and resided 
in Mecca for about 20 years. It is likely that he 
was influenced by Wahhabism and other revivalist 
Islamic ideas while in residence there, for it was 
after his return to Bengal from Arabia in the early 
1800s that he launched the movement. From the 
1760s, Bengal had been under the control of the 
English East India Company, whose economic 
and agricultural policies were having devastating 
effects on the indigenous textile industry and the 
livelihood of the region's farmers. The local popu- 
lation, which was mostly Muslim, had grown res- 
tive under the British administrations exploitative 
land and taxation policies that favored the British 
and Hindu landholders and speculators. Bengali 
Muslims were therefore receptive to the formation 
of a resistance movement. 

Shariat Allah told Bengali Muslims to return to 
what he considered to be the true Islamic practices 
and to give up Shii and Sufi saint worship and 
certain marriage and funerary customs. Further- 
more, he taught that Muslims should not perform 
communal prayers as long as they did not have a 
legitimate Muslim ruler governing them. At the 
same time, he supported landless Bengali peas- 
ants in their protests against wealthy landlords 

by urging them to reject forced labor and to not 
pay their taxes. With its reformist and egalitarian 
message, the Faraizi movement he launched was 
then able to establish a base of popular support 
in rural eastern Bengal, particularly under the 
leadership of Shariat Allah's son, Dudu Miyan 
(1819-63). The latter even declared India to be a 
dar al-harb (house of war) as long as it was ruled 
by non-Muslims such as the British and came into 
open clashes with British authorities. Landlords 
and the British rallied to oppose the movement 
and accused Shariat Allah and his son of trying 
to create their own kingdom. The Faraizis were 
held in check by their opponents, and they lost 
support among many Muslims because of their 
rejection of popular religious practices and their 
condemnation of Muslims who did not agree 
with Faraizi doctrines. With the imprisonment of 
Dudu Miyan at the time of the great 1857 uprising 
against British rule, the Faraizi movement ceased 
to be politically active. Nevertheless, it continued 
to exist as a religious revival movement until the 
early 20th century. 

See also Bangladesh; colonialism; dar al-Islam 


Further reading: Nurul H. Choudhury, Peasant Radi- 
calism in 1 9th Century Bengal: The Faraizi, Indigo, and 
Pabna Movements (Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangla- 
desh. 2001); Muin-ud-Din Ahaind Khan, History of 
the Faraidi Movement in Bengal, 1818-1906 (Karachi: 
Pakistan Historical Society, 1965). 

Farrakhan, Louis (1933- ) controversial 

African-American leader of the Nation of Islam from 

Born Louis Eugene Walcott, the son of a domes- 
tic worker and immigrant, Farrakhan grew up in 
Boston. As a youth, Farrakhan played the violin, 
excelled academically in high school, and became 
actively Episcopalian. In 1955, during a trip to 
Chicago for a musical performance, Farrakhan 
attended one of the Nation of Islam's conven- 

fasting 227 

tions. Greatly influenced by the founder, Elijah 
Muhammad's, teachings, Farrakhan put his musi- 
cal interests aside and became an active member 
of the nation, changing his name to Louis X, 
which later became Louis Haleem Abdul Far- 
rakhan. Following Elijah Muhammad's death in 
1975, his son, Wallace Deen Muhammad, began 
leading the nation and shifted away from Elijah's 
teachings, declaring his father’s extreme views rac- 
ist. Wishing to return to Elijahs original message, 
Farrakhan formed a competing organization in 
1977, which is among several other groups that 
claim the name Nation of Islam. 

Farrakhan has caught public attention since 
the mid-1980s for allegedly making anti-Semitic 
remarks, accusations that Farrakhan denies, 
claiming that the media is biased. Such allega- 
tions aside, Farrakhan’s leadership of the nation 
has led to many positive reforms. Farrakhan has 
diminished the number of drug dealers in public 
housing projects, has permitted women to become 
public leaders in the nation, and has played a key 
role in the development of Islam in America. He 
has also built MOSQUES in several U.S. cities. Far- 
rakhan has traveled to various parts of the Middle 
East and North Africa, allegedly attacking the U.S. 
government and Jewish groups during his trips 
abroad. In 1999, claiming to have a near-death 
experience with prostate cancer, Farrakhan began 
preaching racial and religious unity. Farrakhan 
appears widely on television and speaks on radio. 
He and his wife, Khadijah (Betsy), have 1 1 chil- 
dren, several of whom are actively involved in the 

See also African Americans, Islam among. 

Mehnaz Sahibzada 

Further reading: Robert Dannin, Black Pilgrimage to 
Islam (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002); Mat- 
tias Gardell, In the Name of Elijah Muhammad: Louis 
Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam (Durham. N.C.: 
Duke University Press, 1996); Eric C. Lincoln. The 
Black Muslims in America (Trenton. N.J.: Africa World 

Press. 1994); Jane I. Smith, Islam in America (New York: 
Columbia University Press, 1999). 

Farsi See Persian language and literature. 

fasting (Arabic: sawm or siyam) 

The primary fast in Islam, and one of its Five Pil- 
lars, takes place during the month of Ramadan, 
when observant Muslims refrain from eating, 
drinking any liquids, smoking, or having sexual 
intercourse during daylight hours. The beginning 
and end of the fast each day are marked by calls 
to prayer: before dawn, when a white string can 
be distinguished from a black one, and again at 
sunset. Muslims generally break their fast with a 
drink of thick fruit juice and a date, after the cus- 
tom of Muhammad (d. 632). Some will then pray 
before a large meal ( futur ), consisting of dishes 
special to the month, is served. These meals arc 
occasions for families to gather and for neigh- 
bors and friends to visit one another. Indeed, it 
is not unusual for large quantities of food to be 
consumed at night during Ramadan, despite the 
daylight fasting requirements. The end of the 
month and of the fast is marked by the Id AL-Fitr, 
or “feast of fast-breaking.'' 

Muslims look to the quranic chapter “The 
Cow" (Q 2:183) as the injunction from God 
to fast. It reads, “O you who believe! Fasting 
is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for 
those before you, so that you may guard against 
evil." Although children often participate for a 
few hours a day or a few days in the month, all 
Muslims who have reached puberty are expected 
to fast. Temporary exceptions arc made for those 
who are in poor health, for those who are travel- 
ing, or for menstruating and pregnant women, 
with the idea that these missed fast days will be 
made up at a later date. 

Outside the month of Ramadan, fasting is also 
observed on the day before the Id al-Adha, which 
marks the end of the formal HAJJ season. Some 

‘ CssS3 228 fate 

Muslims, mostly Shia, also fast on Tuesdays and 
Thursdays throughout the year, but especially 
during the months of Shaaban and Rajab. 

In addition to fulfilling a religious require- 
ment, fasting is associated with a variety of other 
benefits. For some, it presents an opportunity to 
focus on ones spiritual life. Indeed, many Sufis are 
known to include extended fasts in their religious 
practice. For others, the feelings of hunger are an 
important reminder of the plight of less fortunate 
members of the community. For still others, fast- 
ing may be performed as an act of expiation for a 
broken promise. Finally, fasting is seen as provid- 
ing beneficial health effects. 

See also asceticism; dietary laws; feasting; 

Michelle Zimney 

Further reading: Hammudah Abdalati. Islam in Focus 
(Indianapolis: Islamic Trust Publications. 1996); Marjo 
Buitelaar, Fasting and Feasting in Morocco: Women's Par- 
ticipation in Ramadan (Oxford: Berg, 1993). 


Fate is a power or force that is thought to deter- 
mine in advance what happens in the world, par- 
ticularly to human beings. It is opposed to pure 
accident or chance and is often equated with the 
idea of fortune or destiny in this world and in the 
AFTERLIFE. Fatalism is a worldview that upholds 
the belief that all events are predetermined and 
that it is useless for anyone to try to change them. 
In ancient Mesopotamia, fate was believed to be in 
the hands of the gods, whom human beings were 
created to serve. In ancient Greece, it was personi- 
fied in the form of three women or was said to be 
something controlled by the god Zeus. Christian 
thinkers reinterpreted ancient beliefs about fate 
by associating it with Divine Providence, which 
they qualified by also asserting a human capac- 
ity for choosing between good and evil. Christian 
theology has struggled, therefore, with reconciling 
belief in God's omnipotence with human free will. 

Although Islam is often represented as a 
fatalistic religion, two different trends of thought 
developed within the Muslim community in 
regard to the issue of Gods predetermination of 
events and human freedom. The competing Mus- 
lim theological discussions of this topic all quote 
quranic verses to support the positions they have 
taken. Speaking of Gods incomparable majesty 
and power, the Quran states, “God guides to 
truth whom he wills and leads astray whom he 
wills” (Q 14:4), and “When he decrees a thing, 
he says to it *Be* and it is” (for example, Q 2:1 17). 
Verses such as these have been used by those 
who argued that God determines all that hap- 
pens to people, whether good or evil. This view 
is also reflected in the popular Arabic expression, 
“/n sha Allah" (If God wills it so), which people 
often say when planning a future activity. In a 
similar vein, the Quran declares, “Nothing will 
happen to us except what God has written for us” 
(Q 9:51), implying that human destiny has been 
preordained in a divine book or tablet. Moreover, 
the Quran states that all created things have been 
assigned a fixed term of existence (ajal). Even a 
persons death was thought to be predetermined 
(see Q 6:2, 39:42, 40:68). Gods power to deter- 
mine everything that happens became a formal 
aspect of Sunni theology, especially in the Ashari 
School, and it had the approval of early Muslim 
rulers, who sought to protect their own power by 
arguing that it was God-given, despite their own 
moral failures as Muslims. 

Nonfatalist advocates of free will sought to 
give human beings more responsibility in decid- 
ing how to conduct their lives and shape their 
own destinies. They pointed to the many verses 
in the Quran that spoke of the Final Judgment 
and maintained that God's judgment would be 
just only if humans were righteous or sinful by 
choice rather than by fate. According to one such 
verse, "Truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills, 
let him believe, and whoever wills, let him dis- 
believe. Indeed, we have prepared a Fire for the 
disbelievers . . . and for those who believe and do 

Fatiha 229 

good works, we will not let go astray the reward 
of those who do beautiful things" (Q 18:29-30). 
al-Hasan al-Basri (d. 728), remembered in part 
for being an early free will advocate, tried unsuc- 
cessfully to explain to the Umayyad caliph Abd 
al-Malik (r. 685-705) the correctness of this 
belief. In developing his argument, he maintained 
that God commanded only the good and that evil 
was caused by humans or Satan. He and others 
like him in Iraq, Syria, Arabia, and Yemen were 
called the Qadariyya (the party favoring human 
self-determination). This early trend in Islamic 
religious thought developed into the Mutazili tra- 
dition of Islamic theology and contributed signifi- 
cantly to the formation of the rationalist school of 
thought in Shii theology, as opposed to the Ashari 
school of the Sunnis. 

Since the 19th century, Orientalists, missionar- 
ies, and travelers from Europe and North America 
have attributed fatalistic beliefs to ordinary Mus- 
lims, particularly in regard to their explanations 
of illness and misfortune. Some have reported that 
critical medical care was refused out of a belief that 
the fate of the patient was in Gods hands. However, 
Muslims have indeed sought out remedies and cures 
for illnesses when they were available, and fatalistic 
acceptance is only one option, used when hope is 
lost. This is true even where conservative prede- 
termine Islamic doctrines prevail, such as among 
Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia. One should remember 
that medicine was one of the foremost applied 
sciences in medieval Islamicatc civilization. In a 
different regard, modern Islamic reformers in many 
Muslim lands have been incorporating notions of 
free will into their thinking, further loosening the 
hold of the Ashari brand of predeterminism and 
promoting progressive change among Muslims. 

See also Allah; Judgment Day; Mutazili 

Further reading: Fazlur Rahman. Major Themes of 
the Quran (Minneapolis: Bibliotheca Islamica, 1989); 
Helmer Ringgren. Studies in Arabian Fatalism (Uppsala: 
Lundequistska Bokhandeln, 1955); W. Montgomery 

Watt, The Formative Period of Islamic Thought (Edin- 
burgh: University of Edinburgh Press. 1973). 

Fatiha (Arabic: The Opening, or the 
Opening of the Book) 

The Fatiha is the first of the Quran’s 114 chapters. 
It is the one most widely memorized by Muslims 
and is used in their worship and daily lile. Unlike 
most of the other chapters, which have mixed 
contents such as apocalyptic visions, sermons, 
dialogues, stories, commandments, and prayers, 
the Fatiha is strictly a verbal prayer. It consists of 
seven verses: 

1. In the name of God, the merciful, the com- 

2. Praise be to God, the lord of the worlds (or 

3. The merciful, the compassionate, 

4. Master of the Day of Judgment. 

5. It is you whom we worship, and it is you to 
whom we turn for help. 

6. Guide us on the straight path, 

7. The path of those on whom you have 
bestowed your blessing, and not of those 
who have incurred your anger and have 
gone astray. 

Muslim and non-Muslim scholars generally 
agree that this chapter dates to the time when 
Muhammad was still living in Mecca (ca. 619), 
although it was probably not widely used until 
the Islamic religion became more organized after 
the Hijra to Medina in 622. Some have argued 
that it is comparable to the Jewish Shema prayer 
(Deut. 6:4-9) and the Lord’s Prayer (Mt. 6:9-13) 
in Christianity and that it was probably originally 
intended for use in worship. Indeed, since as early 
as the seventh century, it has been a required part 
of the five daily ritual prayers (salat), the weekly 
communal prayers, and the two annual Id prayers 
(Id al-Fitr and Id al-Adha). Muslim jurists have 
ruled that performance of a salat is invalid if 
recitation of the Fatiha is omitted. The fact that 

230 Fatima 

practicing Muslims around the world have con- 
sistently memorized and recited it (usually in 
Arabic) for centuries, regardless of their ethnic 
or religious outlook, means that it has become an 
identifying characteristic of membership in the 
wider Muslim community (i/mma). 

According to the hadith and Quran commen- 
taries, the Fatiha is “the mother (essence) of the 
Quran” and its “greatest chapter.” One widely cir- 
culated hadith declares, “God has revealed noth- 
ing like [ it 1 in the Torah and the Gospel." Aside 
from using it in their daily prayers, Muslims also 
recite it during birth rites, weddings, and funer- 
als, and to inaugurate new buildings, businesses, 
and formal gatherings. Muslims in northern India 
have developed a funerary ritual called the Fatiha, 
which involves reciting the chapter and making 
food offerings on behalf of the dead in a sacral- 
ized room of the house. The page of the Quran 
on which the Fatiha is written has been the most 
beautifully decorated page in Quran manuscripts 
and printed editions. It is often displayed in 
homes, businesses, and mosques as an expression 
of religiosity and as a means of ensuring Gods 
blessing for those places. 


Further reading: Laleh Bakhtiyar, Encyclopedia of 
Islamic Law: A Compendium of the Major Schools (Chi- 
cago: ABC International Group. 1996); S. D. Goitein, 
“Prayer in Islam.” In Studies in Islamic History and 
Institutions , edited by S. D. Goitein 73-89 (Leiden: E.J. 
Brill, 1966); Moshe Piamenta, Islam in Everyday Arabic 
Speech (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1979). 

Fatima (ca. 605-633) daughter of Muhammad, 
wife of AH, and mother of Shii Imams, the Shia regard 
her as a saint, the only woman they count among the 
five “pure” members of the Prophet's household 
Fatima was the youngest daughter born to Muham- 
mad and his wife Khadija. Early historical sources 
provide few details about her, except to indicate 

that she married Muhammad's cousin Ali ibn Abi 
Talib (d. 661) shortly after the Hijra to Medina, 
when she was about 18 years old. Like other Mus- 
lim families at that time, they lived in poverty until 
more lands and property were acquired by the 
early community as a result of the early conquests 
under Muhammad's leadership. She bore Ali two 
sons who lived to adulthood: Hasan (624-669) 
and Husayn (626-680). Accounts say that in his 
last days, Muhammad drew Ali, Fatima, and their 
two sons together under his cloak and said, “God 
wishes to remove impurity from you, O People of 
the House [ahl al-bayt), and to thoroughly purify 
you" (Q 33:33). This confirmed the holy status of 
all five members of Muhammad's household, and 
as a result of this incident they are also known as 
the People of the Cloak. Fatima also gave birth to 
two daughters, Umm Kulthum and Zaynab. When 
Muhammad was on his deathbed in 632, Fatima 
and Ali tended to him, while the leadership of 
the community was being decided elsewhere by 
Muhammad's associates Abu Bakr (d. 634), Umar 
ibn al-Khattab (d. 644), and their allies. Thus, she 
was implicated in the events that led to the split 
between the Sunni and Shii branches of Islam. 
Fatima died at a young age, within a year of her 
father. Accounts differ as to where she was buried. 
Some say she was buried in Baqi cemetery, near 
Muhammad's house; others say she was buried on 
the grounds of his MOSQUE. 

Fatima is greatly revered by Muslims, especially 
the Shia. Among the other names by which she is 
known arc al-Zahra, “the Radiant," al-Mubaraka, 
“the Blessed," and al-Tahira, “the Pure.” Accord- 
ing to medieval Shii hagiographies, her marriage 
with Ali was celebrated in heaven and on Earth, 
and all the Shii imams have descended from this 
couple. It is also said that because of her purity, 
she did not menstruate like other women, and her 
pregnancies lasted only nine hours. Moreover, she 
will be the first to enter paradise after the Resur- 
rection, and, like Mary in Catholic Christianity, 
she will intercede for those who honor her and 
her offspring and descendants, the Imams. Indeed, 

Fatimid dynasty 231 

in Shii literature, Fatima is compared to Mary 
the mother of JESUS because of the violent deaths 
suffered by each of their sons. Although Fatimas 
name is not mentioned in the Quran, Shii com- 
mentaries point out passages they believe contain 
hidden references to her, such as Q 55:19, where 
the two oceans of water that flow together arc 
interpreted as the reunion of Ali and Fatima after 
a dispute. In popular Islamic practice, an image of 
an outstretched hand, called the Hand of Fatima, 
is used as an amulet to deflect the evil eye, and the 
Shia display it in Ashura processions in India. 

During the 1970s, Fatima gained a modern 
importance through the lectures and writings of 
the Iranian intellectual Ali Shariati (d. 1977), 
who portrayed her as a symbol of the total 
woman — daughter, wife, mother, freedom fighter, 
and defender of the oppressed. Although Fatima 
was likened to the Virgin Mary in Islamic tradi- 
tion, she should not be confused with Our Lady of 
Fatima, the name given to the apparitions of Mary 
near the town of Fatima in Portugal in 1917. 

See also imam; Shiism; women. 

Further reading: Marcia K. Hermensen, “Fatimeh as 
a Role Model in the Works of Ali Shariati." In Women 
and Revolution in Iran, edited by Guity Nashat, 87-96 
(Boulder, Colo.: Wcstvicw Press, 1983); Jane Dammcn 
McAuliffe, “Chosen of All Women: Mary and Fatima in 
Quranic Exegesis." Islamochristiana 7 (1981): 19-28; 
Susan Sered, “Rachel, Mary, and Fatima." Cultural 
Anthropology 6, no. 2 (1991): 131-146. 

Fatimid dynasty (909-1171) 

The Fatimids were a medieval Ismaili Shii dynasty 
that ruled over a band of territory that stretched 
from Tunisia in North Africa to Egypt, the Red Sea 
region (including Mecca and Medina), Palestine, 
and Syria. They rivaled the Sunni dynasties of the 
Abbasids in Iraq (750-1258) and the Umayyads 
of Andalusia (756-1009), both of which they 
unsuccessfully attempted to overthrow. Their first 
capital was Mahdiyya, on the Tunisian coast, but 

in 969, they shifted eastward and founded a new 
capital in Egypt, next to the flourishing commer- 
cial city of Fustat. The name they gave to their 
new royal city was Cairo (Qahira, “conqueror"). 
The name of the dynasty itself was derived from 
that of Muhammad's daughter Fatima (d. 633), 
and they traced their lineage to the Prophets 
household through the seventh Imam, Ismail (d. 
ca. 762), the son of Jaafar AL-SADIQ, the sixth Shii 
Imam. The first Fatimid Imam or CALIPH was Abd 
Allah (r. 909-934), who was considered to be the 
Mahdi, the promised deliverer sent by God. Sun- 
nis did not accept this claim and instead remem- 
bered him by the derogatory name of Ubayd 
Allah, “little servant of God.” 

The Fatimids sponsored an active program 
of religious outreach and propaganda (daawa) 
throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and 
northwest India to promote their cause but failed 
to win large numbers of followers, even in Egypt. 
Nonetheless, Egypt prospered for nearly a cen- 
tury under Fatimid rule. Ismailis were able to 
practice their tradition of Islam in public, while 
other Muslims and non-Muslims enjoyed relative 
tolerance. Jews and Christians as well as Sunni 
Muslims held high positions in government. The 
famed Gcniza documents, a collection of medi- 
eval writings recovered from Cairo's Ben Ezra 
synagogue, have yielded valuable details about the 
daily life of Jews and their social and economic 
relations with non-Jews at this time. Intellectual 
life also thrived, in part a result of Ismaili efforts 
to articulate their messianic doctrines and refute 
Sunni attacks. Important works on philosophy, 
religion, history, biography, and the sciences were 
composed and collected in private libraries. The 
Fatimid palace alone had a House of Knowledge 
that contained a reading room, a meeting place for 
scholars, and a library containing several hundred 
thousand scholarly books. Rulers also supported 
the formation of a distinct tradition of Ismaili reli- 
gious law, which was explained in public sessions 
after Friday prayer at al-Azhar and other major 
mosques in the capital. 

232 Fatimid dynasty 

The mosque ofal-Hakim bi-Amr Allah (early 11th century), Cairo, Egypt (Juan E. Campo) 

The Fatimid dynasty's most memorable ruler 
was the caliph al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah (r. 996- 
1021), who built a monumental mosque and 
gateways in Cairo and founded the House of 
Knowledge. In 1009, however, he destroyed the 
Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the burial place of 
Jesus, which contributed to the launching of the 
First Crusade at the end of the century. Al-Hakim 
has also been charged with abusing his power by 
arbitrarily ordering the execution of members 
of his court, confining women to their homes, 
persecuting Christians, Jews, and Sunni Muslims, 
banning popular recreational activities, having 
Cairo's dogs killed because their barking annoyed 
him, and outlawing the game of chess. Al-Hakim 

died under mysterious circumstances in 1021, but 
Ismaili claims about his divinity gave rise to the 
Druze religion in Syria. Later, after 1094, a schism 
in the dynasty led to the creation of the two major 
branches of the Ismaili Shia, the Mustalis and the 
Nizaris. The Yemeni and Indian Bohra Ismailis 
trace their origins to the first of these branches; 
the latter is associated with the sect known in the 
West as the Assassins and the modern-day Ac.a 
Khan Ismailis. The Fatimid dynasty suffered from 
a number of damaging internal and external crises, 
including natural catastrophes, dynastic disputes, 
ethnic and religious factionalism, opposition from 
powerful Sunni rulers in Syria and Iraq, and the 
invasion of the first crusaders from Europe in 

Faysal ibn Abd al-Aziz Al Saud 233 

1096. In 1171, the last Fatimid caliph, al-Adid, 
was overthrown by a Kurdish commander, S A LA- 
DIN (1174-93), who became the SULTAN of Egypt 
and the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty (1174- 
1250). This Sunni dynasty effectively put an end 
to Ismaili influence in Egypt. 

See also Abbasid Caliphate; Christianity and 
Islam; Ismaili Shiism; Umayyad Caliphate. 

Further reading: Farhad Daftary, A Short History of the 
Ismailis (Princeton, N.J.: Marcus Wiener Publishers, 
1998); Heinz Halm, The Empire of the Mahdi: The Rise 
of the Fatimids. Translated by Michael Bonner (Leiden 
and New York: E.J. Brill, 1996). 


Most legal systems have a tradition that allows 
experts to state their opinions with respect to 
questions of law. In Islamic law, one way this is 
done is by issuing a fatwa, which is an opinion 
based on knowledge of the Quran and the sunna 
of Muhammad. It is given orally or in writing in 
response to a question asked by a man or woman. 
The legal authority who answers the question is 
called a MUFTI, an author of fatwas. He should be 
knowledgeable in the sacred scriptures of Islam 
and the SHARIA, though he is not required to follow 
the rulings of a specific Islamic legal school (madh- 
hab). The fatwa is different from a decision made 
in a court of law by a judge ( qadi ) because it does 
not require review of evidence and testimony from 
two parties in the context of a legal hearing or trial. 
Rather, it is an informed response to a question 
that may concern, for example, a matter of wor- 
ship, marriage and divorce, inheritance, business 
and finance, crime, apostasy, or daily behavior. 
Thus, a person might request a fatwa for some- 
thing as seemingly trivial as to whether one can 
brush his teeth in the daytime during the Ramadan 
fast (which might invalidate the fast for that day), 
or as important as to whether a Muslim can live 
in a country ruled by non-Muslims (which might 
require a jihad). The fatwa is only advisory, which 

is underscored by the phrase “and God knows 
best" ( Allah aalam) that often occurs at its conclu- 
sion. Indeed, fatwas may contradict each other, 
in which case the questioners are left to decide 
for themselves. Although many are given orally, 
those that are issued by a powerful or influential 
mufti may be written, collected, and published. In 
the past, most fatwas addressed questions coming 
from local Muslim communities, and this is still 
often the case, as it is among Muslims living in 
the United States and Europe. Since the introduc- 
tion of the modern print and electronic media, 
however, fatwas can reach a global audience. 
Many leading Islamic organizations and religious 
authorities now have Internet sites where people 
can submit questions, receive advisory opinions, 
and review opinions given in answer to questions 
asked previously by others online. 

See also fiqh ; ijriHAD ; Rushdie, Salman. 

Further reading: Muhammad Khalid Masud, Brinkley 
Messick, and David S. Powers, Islamic Legal Interpre- 
tation: Muftis and Their Fatwas (Cambridge, Mass.: 
Harvard University Press, 1996); Rudolph Peters, Islam 
and Colonialism: The Doctrine of Jihad in Modern History 
(The Hague: Mouton, 1979). 

Faysal ibn Abd al-Aziz Al Saud (King 
Feisal) (1906-1975) king of Saadi Arabia from 
1964 to 1975 who inaugurated a significant program 
of economic, governmental, and social modernization 
and strove to unite Muslims against the spread of 
socialism and communism during the cold war era 
Faysal was the fourth son of Saudi Arabia's first 
king, Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud (r. 1926-53) and a 
direct descendant on his mothers side of Muham- 
mad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (d. 1792), the founder 
of the puritanical Wahhabi movement. Faysal 
was himself a religiously minded man, no doubt 
shaped by his early upbringing in the household 
of his maternal grandfather, a leading Wah- 
habi authority. At the age of 14, he was the first 
member of the Saudi family to visit England and 

234 feasting 

Europe and was named foreign minister after his 
return in 1919. Faysal played an active role in the 
Saudi conquest of the Arabian Peninsula in the 
1920s and 1930s and served as governor of the 
Hijaz, the western part of Arabia where Mecca 
and Medina are located. At the end of World 
War II, he represented Saudi Arabia at the United 
Nations. In 1953, he was named the country's 
crown prince and foreign minister and contended 
with his brother King Saud ibn Abd al-Aziz for the 
upper hand in Saudi affairs. With the help of the 
ulama, he successfully forced Saud to step down 
from the throne, and he became the kingdom's 
third monarch in 1964. 

Saudi Arabia experienced a great increase in 
OIL revenues during Faysal's reign. This helped to 
finance a far-reaching program of modernization. 
He expanded the state bureaucracy and centralized 
planning and decision making in the hands of the 
royal family. Faysal made substantial improvements 
in the country's roads, communications, electrical 
supply, and social services. He also modernized the 
country's educational system, opening new uni- 
versities and vocational centers in the kingdom's 
major cities and towns. With the encouragement 
of his wife, Iffat, he opened more than 100 schools 
for girls, despite opposition from religious and 
social conservatives. Faysal was a staunch oppo- 
nent of Egypt’s Arab nationalist leader, Jamal Abd 
AL-Nasir (r. 1954-70) and sought to unite Muslim 
nations against the influence of the Soviet Union 
and the spread of Arab socialism. He also par- 
ticipated, with some reluctance, in the oil embargo 
against the United States because of its support 
for Israel in the October 1973 Arab-lsraeli war. In 
1975, he was assassinated by a nephew and was 
succeeded by his brother, Crown Prince Khalid ibn 
Abd al-Aziz (r. 1975-82). A major research center 
for Islamic studies in Riyadh and a university 
in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia have been 
named in his honor. 

See also Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud; Arab-Israeli 
conflicts; communism; Organization of the 
Islamic Conference; Wahhabism. 

Further reading: Madawi al-Rasheed, A History of 
Saudi Arabia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 
2002); Nadav Safran, Saudi Arabia: The Ceaseless Quest 
for Security (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University 
Press, 1985). 


Feasting is a celebratory cultural activity that 
involves the sharing of quantities of food and 
drink by families, social groups and classes, and 
entire communities. It is known to many soci- 
eties — tribal, agricultural, and industrial — and 
religions. As Caroline Walker Bynum has noted, 
feasting and fasting often link members of com- 
munities to each other and to the rhythms of 
nature, with its times of plenty and times of fam- 
ine and drought (Bynum, 34). Periods of feasting 
and fasting tend to complement each other, even 
if they do not always coincide with the seasonal 
patterns of nature. 

There are two major times of feasting recog- 
nized in Islam. One is Id al-Adha, the Feast of 
Sacrifice, a three- to four-day holiday that com- 
memorates the sacrifice of Abraham and the con- 
clusion of the hajj rites in Mecca. The other is Id 
AL-Fitr, the Breakfast Feast, a three- to four-day 
holiday that marks the end of the month-long 
Ramadan fast. These holidays are celebrated by 
Muslims around the world; they involve visiting 
among families, neighbors, and friends and the 
preparation of savory foods and desserts. Families 
often schedule engagements and weddings dur- 
ing Id holidays in order to keep overall expenses 
down, because people have more free time to 
attend, and because BARAKA (divine blessing) is 
believed to be especially strong at such times of 
the year. Families also visit cemeteries on these 
days to donate food to the poor on behalf of the 
souls of deceased loved ones. The idea of feast- 
ing, moreover, has been incorporated into Islamic 
visions of the afterlife. In paradise, the blessed 
are rewarded with heavenly dishes and beverages, 
which are served endlessly in luxurious settings. 

fedayeen 235 

The mawlid of the prophet Muhammad, which 
commemorates the days of his birth and death, 
is observed in many Muslim countries with the 
enjoyment of nuts and sweets (especially in the 
Middle East) or cooked stews and milk and rice 
dishes (in India). The anniversaries of the birth 
or death of other Muslim saints provide occa- 
sions for feasting in many Muslim communi- 
ties, especially for pilgrims who visit the saints' 
shrines, where they often share food with each 
other, even if they are total strangers. At shrines 
in South Asia, such as that of Muin al-Din Chishti 
(d. 1236) in Ajmer, specially blessed food is 
cooked and distributed to pilgrims and the poor 
from community kitchens ( langar khanas) affili- 
ated with the shrines. 

The Shia hold feasts in honor of the birth- 
days of their Imams and women descended from 
Muhammad, such as Fatima and her daughter 
Zaynab bint Ali ibn Abi Talib. For many of the 
Shia, the most important feast day is that of Gha- 
dir Khumm (observed shortly after Id al-Adha), 
which celebrates Muhammad's designation of Ali 
as his successor in 630. Even with the Ashura 
rites of the month of Muharram, a time of sad- 
ness and fasting for the devoted, subdued feast- 
ing occurs in Iraqi and Iranian homes, where 
people gather to hold readings of lamentations 
in honor of the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali 
and his followers at Karbala in 680. For many 
South Asian Muslims, Shab-i Barat (the night of 
commission), which occurs in the middle of the 
month of Shaban, before Ramadan, is another 
important time of feasting. At that time, people 
share dishes consisting of stews, curries, and 
sweets with friends and relatives in remembrance 
of the dead. 

Most Muslim feasts are set according to the 
Islamic lunar calendar, which means that they 
do not coincide with the seasons of the solar year 
(spring, summer, fall, winter). For example, if Id 
al-Adha falls on June 23 one year, the next year 
it will come 11 days earlier, on June 14, and so 
on from one solar year to the next. Some Mus- 

lim mawlid celebrations, however, are observed 
according to the solar calendar. For example, 
that of Ahmad al-Badawi of Tanta, Egypt, occurs 
annually at the time of the fall harvest, when food 
is plentiful. Ancient spring fertility and first fruits 
feasts occur in many Muslim countries, although 
they are not usually recognized as Islamic holidays 
per se. Navruz is the spring holiday most widely 
observed by Iranians and others living in eastern 
Islamicate lands. In Egypt, the spring holiday is 
called Shamm al-Nasim (smelling the breeze). It 
occurs on the Monday after the Coptic Christian 
Easter and involves picnics in the countryside and 
city parks or family meals at home. 

All Muslims engage in feasting at important 
moments in the human life cycle. These occur 
when a child is born, when a boy is circumcised, 
when a couple is engaged and married, and when 
a person dies. Such occasions are usually not 
restricted to the nuclear family but often involve 
many others — extended family, neighbors, and 
friends. Non-Muslims may also participate in these 
celebrations. Other feasts may be held when some- 
one recovers from an illness or returns home safely 
from a long journey or pilgrimage to Mecca. 

Sec also birth rites; circumcision; food and 
drink; funerary rituals; Shiism. 

Further reading: Caroline Walker Bynum, Holy Feast 
and Holy Fast: The Religious Significance of Food to Medi- 
eval Women (Berkeley: University of California Press, 
1987); Elizabeth Fernea, Guests of the Sheik: An Eth- 
nography of an Iraqi Village (1965. Reprint, New York: 
Anchor Books, 1989), 116-125; John Kennedy, ed., 
Nubian Ceremonial Life: Studies in Islamic Syncretism 
and Cultural Change (Berkeley and Cairo: University 
of California Press and American University in Cairo 
Press, 1978); Jafar Sharif, Islam in India , or the Qanun-i 
Islam: The Customs of the Musalmans of India. Translated 
by G. A. Herklots (1832. Reprint, Delhi: Low Price 
Publications. 1997), 151-217. 

fedayeen See fidai. 

‘ CssS3 236 Federation of Islamic Associations 

Federation of Islamic Associations 

(acronym: FIA) 

One of the first organizations created to link dif- 
ferent Muslim groups in North America was the 
Federation of Islamic Associations. It started in 
1952 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, under the name of 
the International Muslim Society. Its membership 
consisted mostly of people of Syrian and Lebanese 
descent living in the Northeast and Midwest. The 
mosques represented by its early members were 
those of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Dearborn, Michigan, 
Michigan City, Indiana, and Quincy, Massachu- 
setts. The group’s purpose was to promote Muslim 
self-awareness and to help Muslims adapt to life in 
the United States and Canada. At its third annual 
meeting in Chicago in 1954, the groups name 
was changed to Federation of Islamic Associa- 
tions. During that year, it appealed to the Ameri- 
can president, Dwight Eisenhower (r. 1952-60), 
for recognition of Islam as a religion by the U.S. 
armed forces. As it grew, the FIA offered informa- 
tion about Islam to non-Muslims, organized social 
events where Muslim youths could meet future 
spouses, monitored media coverage of Islam and 
Middle Eastern politics, and established full-time 
accredited schools for Muslims. The main publica- 
tion of the FIA was the Muslim Star. In the 1960s 
and 1970s, it worked together with the Muslim 
Students Association (MSA), which was based 
on college and university campuses in the United 
States and Canada. The FIA attempted in the 
1970s to conduct a census of Muslims living in the 
United States and to standardize the curriculum 
for religious education classes held at mosques and 
Islamic centers, but these efforts were not success- 
ful. There is still no widely accepted estimate of 
the number of Muslims living in the United States. 
The FIAs effectiveness has diminished greatly 
since the 1970s. The MSA and the Islamic Society 
of North America (1SNA) have largely replaced it, 
and publication of the Muslim Star has ceased. 

Further reading: Kambiz Ghanea Bassiri, Competing 
Visions of Islam in the United States: A Study of Los Ange- 

les (Westport. Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1997); Jane 1. 
Smith, Islam in America (New York: Columbia Univer- 
sity Press, 1999). 


Fez is a city in northern Morocco that has been 
the country’s political and intellectual capital for 
much of its history and remains famous for its old 
city (medina), declared a world heritage site by the 
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural 
Organization (UNESCO) in 1981. Today it has a 
population of nearly 1 million (2004), composed 
of mostly ethnic Arabs and Berbers. The majority 
of residents are Sunni Muslims, though there is a 
sizeable Jewish community that has lived there for 
centuries. The Maliki Legal School is the predomi- 
nant one in the city, as it is in most of the rest of 
North Africa. 

The history of Fez began in the late eighth 
century, when the first leaders of the Idrisid 
dynasty (789-926) established the city at the edge 
of the Saiss valley. Possessing a strategic location 
in the western corridor between the Mediterra- 
nean Sea and the Sahara, Fez became the northern 
terminus for the Saharan caravan trade and also 
benefited from its location near one of Moroccos 
richest agricultural regions. Over the centuries, 
Fez was ruled by a number of different dynas- 
ties, none of which left their mark on the city to 
the same extent as the Berber Marinid dynasty 
(1196-1464). Between 1248 and 1465, the Mari- 
nids embellished their capital with many of the 
exquisite architectural monuments for which it 
is known. In addition, Fez was the country's 
intellectual capital, largely due to the presence 
of the Qarawiyyin University, which became the 
center of learning for western lslamdom. During 
this same period, the Spanish Reconquista drove 
Andalusian Muslims to North Africa, where many 
settled in Fez, making it the repository of the 
legacy of Hispano-lslamicate culture. 

After the fall of the Marinids, Fez's fortunes 
declined, although it has retained its reputation 

fidai 237 

The old city of Fez, Morocco (Federico R. Campo) 

as the country's cultural center. During the 20th 
century, the city's political prominence was eclipsed 
by Rabat, and its economic dominance was claimed 
by Casablanca. The establishment of a modern uni- 
versity in Rabat has even robbed Fez of its distinc- 
tion as Moroccos intellectual center. Much of the 
historic Medina has fallen into disrepair, despite 
attempts by various groups to restore it. Debate 
continues over what lies ahead for this “jewel of 
Spanish-Arabic civilization'’ and whether Fez can 
make a future for itself to rival its glorious past. 

Sec also Andalusia; cities. 

Stephen Cory 

Further reading: Titus Burckhard, Fez, City of Islam. 
Translated by William Stoddart (Cambridge: Islamic 

Texts Society. 1992); Roger Lc Tourneau, Fez in the Age 
of the Merinids. Translated by B. A. Clement (Norman: 
University of Oklahoma Press, 1961). 

fidai (Arabic, also fidawi, plural: fedayeen, 
ft day in; Persian fedaiyan) 

A fidai is one who is willing to sacrifice his life 
for a cause, which can be religious or political 
or a combination of both. The term is based on 
an Arabic word meaning ransom or redemption 
(fida). A verbal form of this word occurs in the 
Quran, where God redeems Abrahams son with 
a sacrificial animal (Q 37:107), thus freeing Abra- 
ham from sacrificing his own son, which is what 
God had previously demanded of him. In Islamic 
law, paying ransoms was permitted in order to free 

238 fiqh 

Muslim prisoners from their Christian captors. 
Later in the Middle Ages, the fedayeen were the 
dedicated followers of Hasan-i Sabbah (d. 1124), 
the leader of the Nizari branch of the Ismaili Shia 
in Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Known to the West as 
the Assassins, the fedayeen would infiltrate enemy 
towns in order to publicly assassinate prominent 
leaders, even at the risk of their own lives. One 
of their most important victims was the Seljuk 
vizier Nizam al-Mulk (d. 1092), the political head 
of the Abbasid Empire at the time. Such actions 
earned them the hatred of many Muslims, who 
called them heretics and hashish smokers (thus 
the name Assassin). 

In more recent times, several groups of guer- 
rilla fighters have been called fedayeen. These 
include Arab volunteers from Egypt, Jordan, and 
Syria who fought on behalf of the Palestinians 
against the Israelis between 1948 and 1967. They 
became the dominant elements in the formation 
of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the 
1960s. In Iraq, the Fedayeen Saddam was created 
in 1995 to serve as Saddam Husayn's paramilitary 
force. When Anglo-American forces invaded and 
occupied Iraq in 2003, it constituted the core of 
the resistance the coalition forces encountered. 
The most overtly religious fedayeen in the mod- 
ern period were the Fedaiyan-i Islam, a radical 
Shii terrorist group in Iran. Formed during the 
1940s in close association with Shii clerics, it was 
composed mostly of young men living on the 
margins of Iran's major cities. Through assassina- 
tions of secular government officials, they sought 
to bring about a new political system based on the 
sharia. Violently suppressed by the shahs govern- 
ment in the 1950s, the organization reemerged 
after the 1978-79 revolution, only to dissolve 
when the Khomeini government was formed and 
most of the radicals' objectives were achieved. 
The secular counterpart to the Fedaiyan-i Islam 
was the Fedaiyan-i Khalq (the peoples fedayeen), 
a Marxist movement that sought to overthrow the 
Shah's government during the 1970s. 

See also Ismaili Shiism; jihad; suicide. 

Further reading: Farhad Daftary, The Ismailis: Their His- 
tory and Doctrines (Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press. 1990); Farhad Kazemi, “The Fadaiyan-c Islam: 
Fanaticism, Politics, and Terror." In From Nationalism 
to Revolutionary Islam , edited by Said Amir Arjomand 
(Albany: Stale University of New York Press, 1984); 
Yezid Sayegh. Armed Struggle and the Search for State: 
The Palestinian National Movement, 1949-1993 (Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 1997). 

flqh (Arabic: understanding) 

Ficfh is a term for Islamic law, particularly as it is 
interpreted and implemented by legal experts from 
among the ulama. Whereas the sharia is ideally 
the comprehensive body of law ordained by God, 
ficfh involves Muslims' commitment to understand 
God's law and make it relevant to their lives. As 
such, it is a religious form of what is called "juris- 
prudence'' in the West, and it extends its reach 
from matters of worship to detailed aspects of 
everyday conduct. A member of the ulama who is 
trained in ficfh is called a faqih (jurist). 

When the first Arab-Muslim empires arose 
during the eras of the Umayyad Caliphate (661- 
750) and the Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258), 
Muslims were compelled to create a legal sys- 
tem for the conduct of their own affairs and 
their relations with their non-Muslim subjects. 
Administering new territories from Spain and 
North Africa to northwest India with their 
diverse peoples presented challenges to Muslims 
that Muhammad and the first Muslims had not 
contemplated in seventh-century Mecca and 
Medina. The Umayyads and Abbasids looked to 
the preexisting legal traditions of the Byzantine 
and Persian Empires, Jewish and Christian laws, 
and local custom. Religiously minded Muslim 
jurists used the Quran, community customs, 
and their individual opinions to arrive at legal 
decisions during this early period. Many held 
that Muslim laws should be based as much as 
possible on the Quran and the sunna (authentic 
practice) of Muhammad and his Companions 

flqh 239 

as recorded in the HADITH. By the ninth century, 
Muslim jurists had developed a coherent Islamic 
legal tradition that was held to be applicable 
to matters of worship as well as more worldly 
affairs, especially in towns and cities. Out of 
numerous local legal traditions, four major fiqh 
schools (sing, madhhab ) came to be recognized as 
authoritative among Sunni Muslims: the Hanafi 
Legal School, the Maliki Legal School, Shafii 
Legal School, and the Hanbali Legal School. 
The Hanafis began in Kufa (Iraq), the Malikis in 
Medina, the Shafiis in Fustat (Egypt), and the 
Hanbalis in Baghdad. Several Shii legal schools 
also arose, but the principal one is the Jaafari 
Legal School of Twelve-Imam Shiism. 

All of these traditions of fiqh continue to be 
followed today by Muslims, especially in matters 
of worship, personal status, and family law. The 
Hanafi School now prevails among Muslims in 
Turkey, Iraq, Central Asia, Afghanistan, China, 
Pakistan, and India. The Maliki School is followed 
mainly in North Africa, the Sudan, West and Cen- 
tral Africa, and Kuwait. The chief legal school in 
Egypt, Syria, East Africa, South India, Sri Lanka, 
Southeast Asia, and the Philippines is that of the 
Shafiis. The Hanbali School prevails in Saudi Ara- 
bia and Qatar, and it has had a significant influ- 
ence on many Muslims around the world. The 
Jaafari tradition of fiqh is followed by the Shia of 
Iran, southern Iraq, southern Lebanon, and parts 
of India and Pakistan. 

The different legal schools have come to 
agree that there are four fundamental sources, or 
“roots," of fiqh. Ranked in order of importance, 
they are the Quran, the sunna, consensus ( ijmaa ), 
and analogical reasoning (qiyas). This ordering 
of the sources for law was developed by the great 
jurist Muhammad Idris al-Shafii (d. 820). In the 
Quran itself, there are only a few dozen legislative 
commands, found mostly in the Medina chapters 
(for example, Q 2, 3, 4, and 5). Much of the law is 
drawn from the hadith, which contains accounts 
of what Muhammad said and did. The sunna, or 
normative practice, is derived from these accounts. 

Not all hadith were considered to be authentic, 
however. Muslims had to decide which ones were 
valid, based on who had transmitted them and 
whether they conformed to the Quran. During 
the ninth century, hadith regarded as the most 
authentic were arranged by subject and collected 
into books, which made them more available for 
study and consultation by students, scholars, and 
legal experts throughout Muslim lands. The two 
leading hadith collections for Sunnis are those of 
al-Bukhari (d. 870) and Muslim (d. 875). 

Al-Shafii and other jurists recognized that the 
Quran and hadith did not address all of the legal 
issues Muslims faced in the widespread Islamicate 
empire, so they accepted laws based on communal 
consensus to supplement those based on revela- 
tion. This, the third root of fiqh, was endorsed by a 
hadith ascribed to Muhammad, which stated, “My 
community will never agree on error.” Eventually, 
the consensus was understood to be that of the 
jurists themselves, not of the community at large. 
The fourth root, qiyas, allowed for the limited use 
of personal reasoning by qualified jurists, but it 
was subordinated to reveI-ATION, the hadith, and 
communal tradition. Analogical reasoning helped 
jurists make rulings concerning such issues as 
determining the direction of prayer, the minimum 
amount of money a groom owed to his bride's 
family at marriage, and varieties of food and drink 
not mentioned in the Quran and hadith that were 
forbidden to Muslims. A more inclusive form of 
legal reasoning, known as ijtihad , also played a 
significant role in the development of the Islamic 
legal tradition, although it met with considerable 
resistance from conservative jurists who were 
concerned that too much independent reason- 
ing, or personal opinion, would cause Muslims to 
stray from the sharia. 

Most areas of life were thought to be governed 
by fiqh, at least in theory. These included worship 
(ritual purity, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and the 
hajj), social life (marriage, divorce, inheritance, 
and business transactions), and crimes (adultery, 
theft, use of alcohol, brigandage, and apostasy). 

240 Fire 

According to jurists, the legal correctness of any 
activity was to be judged according to a scale of 
values. On the positive side were acts deemed 
to be required or recommended by God and the 
Prophet; on the negative side were forbidden and 
reprehensible ones. Between these two groups 
were acts and relations that were simply permit- 
ted, without special merit or fault. Adherence 
to Islamic law was a matter of personal respon- 
sibility, endorsed by the quranic commandment 
of “commanding the right and forbidding the 
wrong” (Q 3:104). Ultimately, divine reward and 
punishment awaited Muslims in the hereafter 
according to their righteousness or sinfulness. 
In society, however, the law was enforced by the 
state and its designated officials, such as the judge 
( qadi ) and public censor ( muhtasib ). People also 
obtained advisory opinions (sing, fatwa) from a 
fiqh specialist known as a MUFTI. Basic knowledge 
about the law and its “roots” was gained by liv- 
ing in a Muslim society, but those who were to 
become experts had to become literate in Arabic 
and study with legal scholars at Islamic colleges 
(sing, madrasa). There, Jiqh was the core subject 
of the curriculum. 

In the 19th and 20th centuries, fiqh and the 
authority of jurists were seriously weakened with 
the introduction of Western legal systems as a 
result of colonization and the creation of modern 
nation-states. In most Muslim countries, fiqh was 
confined to matters of personal law, and efforts 
were made to reduce a legal tradition in which 
differences of opinion were accepted to one 
concretized in formal legal codes. Jurists have 
since responded by engaging in their own legal 
reform efforts and creating schools for preserv- 
ing and propagating their religious traditions 
within increasingly secular societies. In some 
countries, moreover, Islamic jurisprudence and 
Muslim jurists have assumed positions of sig- 
nificant influence, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran. 
Indeed, in the 1970s, the Iranian revolutionary 
leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (d. 1989) 
promoted a theory of Islamic government ruled 

by jurists called wilayat al-faqih, “the jurist's 
government," which served as the basis for the 
drafting of the Islamic Republic of Iran's constitu- 
tion in 1979. 

See also colonialism; education; hisba; secu- 
larism; Wahhabism. 

Further reading: Ignaz Golziher, In trod net ion to Islamic 
Theology and Law. Translated by A. and R. Hamori 
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981); 
Wael Hallaq, The Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law 
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004); Fazlur 
Rahman, Islam. 2d cd. (Chicago: University of Chicago 
Press, 2002); Joseph Schachl, An Introduction to Islamic 
Law (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964). 

Fire (Arabic: al-nar) 

Fire is not just an element of nature in Islam, it 
is also the equivalent of hell. Belief in a place of 
punishment for wrongdoers in the AFTERLIFE is 
widespread among the worlds religions. In Islam, 
belief in a fiery hell, together with belief in a 
heavenly paradise for the righteous, is regarded as 
an important component of FAITH. Muslims base 
their afterlife beliefs on the Quran and the hadith, 
where there are numerous statements about both 
the Fire and paradise. Historically, however, these 
beliefs were developed from afterlife ideas that 
had originated earlier among the ancient civiliza- 
tions of the Middle East, Zoroastrianism and early 
Judaism and Christianity. 

According to the Quran, the Fire was a hor- 
rific “home" or “dwelling" where the sinful 
and unbelievers were forced to wear clothing 
of fire, drink scalding water, and eat poisonous 
fruit (Q 37:62-68; 22:19-21). Another Quranic 
name for the Fire was Gehenna ( jahannam ), a 
term for hell used in Judaism and Christianity. 
The Quranic depiction of the Fire was greatly 
enhanced in later medieval accounts about the 
afterlife that occur in the hadith, theological 
works, and visionary literature. According to 
some imaginative traditions, the realm of the 

fitna 241 

Fire was composed of seven levels, each with its 
own distinctive name, such as “abyss,*' “blaze," 
and “furnace.” People were assigned to the 
level that suited the degree of their sinfulness, 
together with the corresponding punishments 
that were administered by the angel Malik and 
his assistants. Some accounts described the Fire 
as a living creature — a monster with thousands 
of heads and mouths. According to Muslim 
theologians, wrongdoers would not necessar- 
ily be punished in the Fire for eternity. Rather, 
punishment was finite, and wrongdoers might 
eventually be admitted to paradise once their 
sins had been atoned. 

Belief in the Fire helped focus the attention 
of Muslims on holding fast to their faith and 
performing their religious obligations. Some 
medieval Sufis, however, held that too much 
concern with the Fire and paradise could dis- 
tract spiritually minded mystics from achieving 
union with God. Others saw fire as a metaphor 
for the passion of the spiritual lover that ended 
with his or her annihilation in the beloved, God, 
or they interpreted it as the intense pain experi- 
enced as a result of one's separation from God. 
In more recent times, modernist thinkers and 
reformers have attempted to explain the Fire and 
paradise as psychological or spiritual conditions 
rather than actual places where people would 
live in the afterlife. Nonetheless, the prevailing 
view among Muslims today, as with most Mus- 
lims in the past, is that punishment in the fires 
of hell is a reality that awaits all wrongdoers and 

See also angel; death; eschatology; Satan. 

Further reading: Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, The Remem- 
brance oj Death and the Afterlife (Kitab dhikr al-mawt 
wa-ma bdahu): Book XL of the Revival of the Religious 
Sciences (Ihya ulum al-din). Translated by T. J. Winter 
(Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1995); Jane Idle- 
man Smith and Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, The Islamic 
Understanding of Death and Resurrection (Albany: State 
University of New York Press, 1981). 

fitna (Arabic: punishment by trial, 

The term fitna has several meanings. In the con- 
text of early Islamic history, it refers to one of sev- 
eral armed conflicts, or civil wars, that occurred 
within the Muslim community (umma) during 
the seventh and eighth centuries. These wars led 
to the establishment of the Umayyad Caliphate 
in Damascus, the rise of the Khawarij sectarian 
movement, the schism between the Sunnis and 
the Shiis, and the founding of the Abbasid Caliph- 
ate in Baghdad. The first fitna occurred when 
the caliph Uthman IBN Affan was assassinated 
in 656 by a group of dissidents from Egypt who 
were angry with the favoritism he had shown to 
members of his clan, the Abd Shams, a prominent 
branch of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. Uthman's 
successor, Ali ibn Abi Talib, Muhammad's cousin, 
declined to avenge his death, which earned him 
the enmity of Uthman's supporters, including 
Muhammad's wife Aisha bint Abi Bakr and some 
leading Companions of the Prophet. Ali defeated 
these opponents at the Battle of the Camel that 
same year, but this only led to a clash with 
Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan (d. 680), a close relative 
of Uthman, and Muawiya's Syrian Arab supporters 
at the Battle of Siffin in 657. This confrontation 
ended with an arbitrated peace that left the ques- 
tion of leadership in the Muslim community unre- 
solved until 661, when Ali was assassinated by the 
Khawarij, a dissident faction that had opposed 
Ali's peace agreement with Muawiya at Siffin. The 
first fitna ended in 661, with Muawiya becoming 
CALIPH, inaugurating the reign of the Syrian-based 
Umayyad Caliphate (661-750). 

The second fitna occurred when Husayn IBN 
Ali, grandson of Muhammad, rebelled against the 
Umayyads and was killed with a group of loyal 
supporters at Karbala, Iraq, in 680. The tragic 
story of his death as a martyr has since assumed a 
place of central importance in the religious life of 
the Shia, and it is remembered by them annually 
during their Ashura rituals. Other factions in the 
early Muslim empire also rebelled at this time. 

242 Five Pillars 

including one led by Ibn Zubayr, who created a 
rival caliphate in Mecca that lasted from 681 to 
692, when it was destroyed by Umayyad forces 
from Damascus. The third major fitna began in 
744-745, when Shia in Iran and Iraq rebelled 
against the Umayyads. In 750, these opposition 
forces defeated the Umayyad armies and replaced 
their caliphate with a new one led by the Abba- 
sids, rulers who claimed descent from Muham- 
mad's uncle Abbas. Other, more localized fitnas 
occurred, but these three not only determined the 
course of early Islamic history but also shaped 
the development of the doctrines, practices, and 
institutions of Sunni and Shii Islam. Indeed, one 
of the chief justifications for having a strong ruler 
was to prevent fitna from bringing chaos to the 
community of Muslims. Also, the major HADITH 
collections included chapters devoted to tradi- 
tions about the great fitna that would beset the 
community leading up to the end of the world and 
the final judgment. 

Likewise, the Quran uses fitna in the negative 
sense of a trial or punishment that God inflicts 
upon humans or has allowed them to undergo, 
usually to test their faith. Thus, God tested the 
prophets Moses and David (Q 9:126; 38:24) as 
well as ordinary people (Q 21:35) and permit- 
ted Satan to tempt the evil-minded (Q 22:53). 
Evildoers will be punished with the fitna of being 
forced to eat the bitter fruit of the Zaqqum tree 
in hell (Q 37:62-66). Children and property are 
worldly temptations that test the faith of believers 
(Q 8:28). 

In modern times, fitna has become a very 
politically charged term. Conservative Muslim 
authorities accuse women who go without veiling 
in public of being embodiments of fitna (sexual 
temptation), thus undermining the moral fabric 
of society. Fatima Mernissi (b. 1940) and other 
Muslim feminists argue that such men are invok- 
ing medieval understandings of fitna to justify the 
segregation of women and the curtailment their 
freedoms. In Algeria, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi 
Arabia, and elsewhere, political demonstrations. 

popular uprisings, and insurrections have often 
been labeled with the term fitna by leaders and 
official media sources who hope thereby to quell 
the dissent or violence and maintain public order. 
See also eschatology; Shiism; Sunnism. 

Further reading: Marshall G. S. Hodgson, The Venture of 
Islam. Vol. 1, The Classical Age of Islam (Chicago: Uni- 
versity of Chicago Press, 1974); Wilfcrd Madelung, The 
Succession to Muhammad: A Study of the Early Caliph- 
ate (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997); 
Fatima Mernissi. The Veil and the Male Elite: A Feminist 
Interpretation of Women's Rights in Islam (Philadelphia: 
Perseus Books, 1992). 

Five Pillars 

The Five Pillars are five ritual acts required of all 
Muslims, based on injunctions in the Quran and 
elaborated in the sunna of the Prophet Muham- 
mad and in law (fiqh) developed by the principal 
legal schools of Islam. The pillars nurture two 
primary relationships for individual Muslims: 
the relationship with God and with the entire 
community of Muslim believers, the UMMA. The 
first pillar, the SHAHADA y is a verbal witnessing of 
the unity of God and of Muhammad's position in 
Islam as the bearer of the final revelation, with 
the words “There is no god but God, and Muham- 
mad is the messenger of God." Shia add, “and Ali 
is the friend of God,” in reference to their first 
imam, Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 661). Uttering the 
shahada sincerely in the presence of two Muslim 
witnesses is all that is necessary to become a Mus- 
lim. The central and possibly most visible pillar 
is salat , translated as prayer, but here referring 
specifically to five daily cycles of prostrations 
after sunset, during the evening, at dawn, at mid- 
day, and at mid-afternoon. Prayer is performed 
anywhere ritual purity can be maintained. Mus- 
lim men are required to attend a congregational 
mosque (niasjid) for Friday prayers. Friday prayer 
in a mosque is not a required activity for Mus- 
lim women or for Shia. The third pillar, zakat, 

flag 243 

Friday prayer at al-Husayn Mosque in Cairo, Egypt (Juan E. Campo) 

usually translated as almsgiving, asks Muslims 
to give as charity a percentage of their wealth 
attained from profit on certain kinds of income 
and represents part of a larger attitude of charity 
( sadaqa ) encouraged by the umma. Muslims who 
are not ill, traveling, menstruating, or nursing 
fast from dawn to dusk during Ramadan, the 
ninth month of the Islamic lunar CALENDAR, to 
fulfill the fourth pillar of Islam. The prohibition 
on eating, drinking, smoking, and sexual activ- 
ity during the day acts as a social leveler that is 
enhanced by the communal activities and shar- 
ing of food and drink in the evening. Finally, 
the fifth pillar, the HAJJ, takes place as an annual 
pilgrimage to Mecca and the surrounding area, 
including a series of ritual acts required of every 

Muslim one time during his or her lifetime if 
physically and fiscally possible. 

See also adhan; fasting; holidays; Shiism. 

Margaret Leeming 

Further reading: Frederick Denny, An Introduction to 
Islam (New York: Macmillan, 1994); Sachiko Murata 
and William C. Chittick, The Vision oj Islam (St. Paul, 
Minn.: Paragon House, 1994). 


All modern countries use flags as national symbols, 
and many of these national flags — including those 
of secular nations — display designs that have a rec- 
ognized connection with a religious tradition. The 

244 flag 



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Saudi Arabia 

flags of the United Kingdom (Britain), Switzer- 
land, Sweden, Denmark, and Greece, for example, 
have crosses on them, which links them with the 
Christian religion. The Israeli flag has the Star 
of David, who was an ancient Israelite king and 
has traditionally been regarded as the composer 
of the biblical book of Psalms. The flag of Japan 
has a sun disk, which is a symbol of the sun god- 
dess Amaterasu, ancestor of the Japanese imperial 
household. Flags and banners have been used 
to rally Muslims since the days of Muhammad in 
the seventh century. Today, among the countries 
with Muslim-majority populations, several have 
flags with features that link them to the religion 

of Islam. Saudi Arabia's flag combines the Arabic 
shahada (the declaration “There is no god but God 
and Muhammad is his messenger ') and a sword 
on a field of green. The sword stands for the Saudi 
royal dynasty that established the country, while 
green is regarded as a holy Islamic color. The flag 
of the Islamic Republic of Iran consists of the name 
of Allah artfully presented as a flower or juxta- 
posed crescent moons in the center, framed by two 
horizontal bands containing repeated geometric 
renderings of the expression Allah ahhar , ; “God is 
greater." The use of red in the flag represents the 
Shii virtue of martyrdom. In 1990, the Iraqi leader 
Saddam Husayn added the same phrase to the 

folklore 245 

flag of his country, and it remained on Iraq's flag 
even after the fall of his government in 2003. The 
new flag of Afghanistan consists of the shahada 
inscribed over a mosque. The flags of 1 1 countries 
with Muslim-majority populations contain a form 
of the new moon (hilal) and star design, including 
Algeria, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, and Turkey. This 
symbol has traditionally been used to represent 
states governed by Muslims, especially since the 
1 8th century, but it is not seen as an aspect of 
Islamic worship, unlike the shahada. 

See also government, Islamic; politics and 

Further reading: William G. Crampton, Smithsonian 
Handbooks: Flags (New York: DK Publishing, 2002). 


Folklore in the Islamicate lands encompasses 
a rich and varied body of oral and written lit- 
erature. In the Quran, several terms arc used 
to denote the narrative accounts of prophets 
and other didactic tales: qassa, haka, haddatha , 
khabara , and naba-a. These words indicate the 
relating of news or passing on of information, 
often with specific reference to the sayings and 
doings of exemplary figures. The word ustura 
also appears in the Quran with the pejorative 
connotation of the superstitious tales believed 
by the credulous and sinful. The same semantic 
range appears in the hadith literature. It seems 
clear that there were active storytelling tradi- 
tions extant in the Hijaz (the western region 
of the Arabian Peninsula) from before the time 
of Muhammad (d. 632) that may have accom- 
panied the rich tradition of pre-Islamic poetry. 
In addition to early Arabian traditions, Islamic 
folklore has been profoundly influenced by the 
storytelling traditions in other parts of the world, 
particularly those linked to the region via the 
Silk Road. Indian, Chinese, Turkish, and Persian 
stories have greatly enriched Arabic folklore. 
Since at least al-Muhassin ibn al-Tanukhis 10th- 

century collection of anecdotal tales, al-Faraj 
baad al-shidda (Joyous Relief after Hardship), 
there have been efforts to compile and classify 
the various types of Arabic narratives. Another 
famous work was Muhammad Awfi’s Jawami 
al-hihayat wa-lawami al-riwayat (Collection of 
stories and illustrious tales), a 13th-century col- 
lection of some 2,000 Persian narratives. 

Among the classificatory categories, hikaya is 
perhaps the most common term used to denote 
the range of fictional narratives, encompassing 
didactic tales with ethical and moral functions, 
etiological talcs and fables, heroic ballads and 
legends, and fanciful stories of the supernatural. 
These works include the Tutinama and Kalila wa 
Dimna , two cycles of fable that were translated 
into Arabic from Sanskrit literature. The Gulistan 
of Saadi (d. ca. 1291) is perhaps the greatest 
example of Persian hikaya literature. The sira 
denotes a biographical account that may range 
from the life of Muhammad to the Sirat Bani Mil - 
lal , a long oral epic poem describing tribal wars 
and genealogical heroes of Bedouins that remains 
one of the most popular tales in Egypt and the 
Middle East. The qissa came through Persian and 
Turkish literature to signify biographical legends 
such as the Hamzanama (The tale of Hamza), 
love stories such as Layla wa Majnun and Shi- 
rin-Farhad, and hagiographical talcs of prophets 
and SAINTS such as the Qisas al-anbiya or the 
Menaqib-i Haji Bektash. The most famous collec- 
tion of Arabic folklore is, of course, Alf Layla wa - 
Layla (The Thousand and One Nights , or Arabian 
Nights ), a tremendous gathering of talcs with 
Asian, Middle Eastern, and European origins. 
However, this collection was actually reimported 
to the Middle East from the French traveler Jean 
Antoine Galland's publication Les mille et une 
nuits , which he began to publish in 1704. Some of 
the tales are of Arab origin, but many also appear 
to be the inventions and collections of Galland 
and later editors. The cycle was reintroduced into 
the Arab world in the early 19th century and has 
gained popularity. 

246 food and drink 

See also animals; Arabic language and litera- 
ture; Majnun and Layla; Persian language and 


Anna Bigelow 

Further reading: Dwight Reynolds, Heroic Poets, Poetic 
Heroes: The Ethnography of Performance in an Arab 
Epic Oral Tradition (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University 
Press, 1995); John Seyller, The Adventures of Hamza: 
Painting and Storytelling in Mughal India (Washington, 
D.C.: Freer Gallery of Art, Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, 
Smithsonian Institution, and London: Azimuth, 2002); 
Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Thalabi, Arais al-majalis fi 
qisas al-anbiya , or “ Lives of the Prophets Translated by 
William M. Brinner (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2002). 

food and drink 

Food is a fundamental requirement for all living 
things, yet how it is selected, grown, prepared, 
served, and eaten arc uniquely human activities. 
Humans also have the ability to imagine and 
manipulate symbolic meanings for food, incor- 
porating them into their religious and cultural 
life. The natural environment sets some limits 
on the kinds and quantities of food that might be 
available, grown, and harvested, but the cultural 
environment is able to exploit these limitations 
to the maximum, creating elaborate cuisines for 
bodily pleasure, display on the table, and men- 
tal contemplation. Food and drink also occupy 
important places in memory and history, allowing 
people to recall significant moments in the life of 
their family, community, or nation and to express 
their individual and collective identities. 

Muslim social and religious life reflects these 
different aspects of culinary culture. The Quran 
provides a general framework with respect to the 
religious and symbolic dimensions, as reflected 
in its depictions of paradise, descriptions of God's 
creative power, and legislation of dietary laws. 
Adam and Eve, the first humans, lived in a gar- 
den, enjoying all its fruits except those of the tree 

of immortality, which was forbidden to them (Q 
7:189; 2:35). When they disobeyed God and ate 
from it, they were denied their place in the garden. 
As creator of the universe, the Quran declares that 
God is the one who sends rainwater to nourish the 
earth's vegetation, including foods for people to 
eat such as grain, date palms, grapes, olives, and 
pomegranates (Q 6:99). More than being purely 
natural phenomena, the growth of food plants and 
animals is presented as a system of signs designed 
to remind the faithful to submit and worship the 
one God, Allah. According to the Quran, he cre- 
ated all manner of food for humans to consume 
(Q 6:14; 26:78), commanding the faithful, “Eat 
of the good things that we have granted you" 
(Q 2:172). Moreover, in the afterlife, righteous 
believers are promised lush gardens through 
which rivers of water, milk, honey, and wine flow 
where they will consume food and drink served 
by youthful servants and beautiful servant girls, 
the houris (sing, houri). 

The command to “eat of the good things" 
is linked to admonitions not to follow in the 
way of Satan, but to be thankful to God and 
eat only what is permitted. Eating, therefore, is 
symbolically associated with moral action, since 
the Quran relates eating permitted foods with 
thanking God, who provided them. The dietary 
laws of what is permitted ( HALAL ) and forbidden 
(hara m) are given in some detail in the Quran and 
elaborated further in the hadith and juristic litera- 
ture. While most foods are allowed, Muslims arc 
obliged to abstain from consuming swine flesh, 
blood, carrion, and wine. Meat must be properly 
slaughtered in the name of God. Muslims are 
permitted to eat lawful and pure food prepared 
by other People of the Book, particularly Jews 
and Christians. Adherence to the dietary laws 
expresses the relation of Muslims with God and 
establishes their identity as a distinct religious 
community among other peoples. 

For centuries, Muslims have drawn inspira- 
tion from Muhammad, the founding prophet of 
Islam, for many aspects of their life, including 

food and drink 247 

Flatbreads hoc from the baker’s oven in Alexandria, Egypt (Magda Campo) 

their culinary practices. According to the HAD1TH, 
he exemplified the ideal of moderation, expressed 
in a quranic admonition for all people, “Eat and 
drink, but do not be wasteful, for |God| does 
not like those who are wasteful" (Q 7:31). In a 
similar vein, Muhammad is remembered to have 
said, “A believer eats with one intestine, while a 
disbeliever eats with seven intestines," meaning 
that Muslims should consume only what is suf- 
ficient for their needs and not overeat. He is said 
to have recommended that everyone sitting at a 
meal eat small amounts so that there is food for 
all, including unexpected guests. Moreover, he 
also advocated giving food to the hungry, even if 
it meant that one's own family had to forgo a meal. 
Such practices reflected and upheld Arab hospital- 
ity customs. 

There is a body of lore in Islam about the 
relation between good health and good food. 
Greek medical science (with Indian and Persian 
elements) was transmitted to Muslims during 
the eighth and ninth centuries, but they also 
developed their own distinctive body of medi- 
cal knowledge known as “the medicine of the 
Prophet" ( al-tib al-nahawi ) in the ninth century. 
According to a book on the subject by I bn Qayyim 
al-Jawziyya (1292-1330), Muhammad provided 
guidance on how to maintain bodily health, which 
was seen as a gift from God. Among the basic 
dietary facts Ibn Qayyim wanted his readers to 
know was that eating too little, overeating, eating 
only one type of food, and nutritional imbalances 
were major causes of illness. Muhammad's eating 
and drinking habits as described in the hadith 

248 food and drink 

showed the way to a healthy life, as stories about 
his other teachings and deeds showed the way to 
salvation after death. 

Following the example of the Prophet, Mus- 
lims were taught that it was preferable to sit down 
and invoke the name of God before eating, eat and 
drink with the right hand only (the left was asso- 
ciated with Satan), and take food only from the 
serving dishes nearest to where one was seated. 
Also, food should be passed to the right, not to 
the left. It was also reported that when Muham- 
mad liked a food, he ate it, but if he disliked it, he 
kept silent and left it on his plate. Reflecting his 
Arabian cultural heritage, Muhammad's favorite 
beverage, aside from water, was fresh milk. In 
addition to its nutritional value, milk was thought 
to reduce depression and help people who suf- 
fered from lung diseases. Muhammad's other 
preferred foods included a meat and bread stew 
called tharid , which Muslims in many parts of the 
world still prepare in a variety of ways. Meat was 
thought by some commentators to be the pre- 
ferred food of paradise. Muhammad used vinegar 
as a condiment with bread, but he also liked to cat 
fruits, honey, and sweets. Vinegar was thought to 
help with digestion, while figs were good for the 
liver and spleen and an antidote for poison. 

In accordance with Muslim scriptures and cus- 
toms, culinary practices play an important role in 
ritual life and in FEASTING traditions. This is most 
evident in the month-long Ramadan fast, when 
Muslims are required to abstain from all food and 
drink during the daylight hours. The fast is broken 
at the end of each day, when traditional Ramadan 
dishes arc usually prepared. Dates and water are 
favorites for breaking the fast. People of the Ara- 
bian Peninsula have a favorite Ramadan dish called 
ramadaniyya , a mixture of dried fruits and nuts 
that has been soaked overnight in water. There is 
also a major feast that marks the end of Ramadan 
called Id al-Fitr (Feast of Fast-Breaking), when 
sweets are customarily consumed. The other major 
feast on the Muslim calendar is Id al-Adha (Feast 
of the Sacrifice), which is held at the conclusion of 

the annual HAJJ to Mecca. This holiday features the 
sacrifice of pastoral animals (lambs, goats, cattle, 
and camels) and consumption of meat dishes 
in memory of the piety of Abraham, who nearly 
sacrificed his own son at God's command but was 
allowed to substitute a ram instead. Even fulfilling 
the obligation of almsgiving (zakat and sadaqa ), 
another of Islam's Five Pillars, involves food, since 
calculation of the amount required to be given in 
charity was originally based on crop production 
and livestock holdings. Many Muslims still fulfill 
their charitable obligations by providing food for 
the hungry and needy. 

Aside from the two Ids, one of the most widely 
observed Islamic holidays is the birthday ( MAWUD ) 
of Muhammad, which occurs during the third 
month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Muslims 
in many parts of the world, especially children, 
celebrate it with the consumption of sweets. 
Followers of Shiism and Sufism observe holiday 
feasts and fasts connected with saints particular to 
their traditions — the Shii Imams and Sufi aw/liya , 
or “friends of God." Life cycle observances such 
as circumcision, marriage, and death also involve 
distinctive culinary practices in accordance with 
local food traditions. 

There is no distinctively Islamic cuisine that is 
embraced by all Muslims, however. Dietary laws 
set some limitations, but they still allow a great 
deal of latitude with regard to the kinds of food 
and drink allowed and the ways they can be pre- 
pared, combined, and served. Distinctive culinary 
cultures, therefore, have developed in different 
parts of the Muslim world. Among the most nota- 
ble are those of the Persians, Arabs, and Turks. 
Other major cuisines arc those of South Asia and 
Southeast Asia. Among the Middle Eastern peo- 
ples, lamb is the favorite meat, and wheat bread 
and rice compete with each other as the basic sta- 
ples. Rice becomes increasingly important as one 
travels eastward from the Persian Gulf region to 
Southeast Asia. All cuisines in Muslim countries 
benefit from the widespread use of savory spice 
mixtures, herbs, and peppers. Favorite beverages 

food and drink 249 

are tea, fruit drinks (sharbat), and COFFEE for spe- 
cial occasions. Cooling yogurt-based drinks are 
popular in Turkey, Iran, and India. 

Persian culinary culture has ancient pre- 
Islamic roots and is distinguished by its variety of 
rice dishes (especially pilafs), its mild sweet and 
sour flavor combinations, its preference for fresh 
herbs, and its soups. Persia greatly influenced the 
culinary cultures of the Arabs, the Turks, and the 
peoples of northern India. 

Arab cuisine, which has pre-lslamic Bed- 
ouin origins, is noted for its spicy lamb dishes, 
vegetable and meat kabobs, meat stews, stuffed 
vegetables, and tasty condiments and salads such 
as hummus (a mashed chickpea and sesame paste 
dip) and tabbouleh (a parsley, cracked wheat, 
and tomato salad flavored with onion, lemon, 
mint, and olive oil). The high culture of medieval 
Baghdad played a major role in the interweaving 
of Arab food traditions with those of Persia and 
the East. A popular fried and stuffed appetizer 
known as sanbusak was introduced to the Arab 
Middle East there. Among North African peoples, 
the most typical staple food is couscous, which 
consists of little grains of semolina wheat dough 
that are steamed and served like rice with meats, 
vegetables, and savory sauces. 

Turkic peoples, like the Arabs, started out as 
nomads. Their food traditions developed gradu- 
ally as a result of interactions with Persians, 
Arabs, Greeks, and peoples of eastern Europe. The 
palace kitchens of the Ottoman sultans in Istan- 
bul contributed significantly to the creation of a 
cosmopolitan cuisine in east Mediterranean lands 
and eastern Europe after the 15th century that 
continues today. Typical elements in Turkish cui- 
sine include kabobs, meat casseroles and pastries 
made with fine layers of filo dough, and wide- 
spread use of yogurt and cheeses. They rival the 
Persians in the variety of elegant rice dishes they 
prepare, especially pilafs and dolmas (vegetables 
stuffed with rice and meat). The most common 
staple for Turks, however, is bread, which they 
also call "the food of friendship." 

The culinary traditions of South Asia are both 
ancient and diversified, with deep pre-lslamic 
roots that extend geographically throughout India 
to Persia and Afghanistan, the Indian Ocean 
basin, and Southeast Asia. South Asia is home 
to great Hindu and Buddhist civilizations, and 
Islamicate civilization flourished there with them 
after the 12th century. The historical interrela- 
tions between these civilizations are reflected in 
the regions culinary cultures. Typical elements 
found on north Indian and Pakistani Muslim 
tables include wheat bread (naan or chapatti) as 
a basic staple, a variety of tasty lentil and bean 
dishes called dal, batter-fried vegetable and meat 
appetizers (pakoras), curries, and spicy dishes of 
layered or mixed meat, rice and vegetables called 
biryanis. Masala, a combination of dry spices, is 
used to flavor meats and vegetables, while spicy 
mint and sweet mango chutneys arc used as 
condiments. In southern India (Kerala and Tamil 
Nadu), molded rice dumplings served with a 
fiery chili soup called sambar is very popular, as 
arc dosas , a pancake made of a mixture of lentil 
and rice flour. Shrimp and fish dishes are also 
favorites. Coconut milk is used in cooking, and 
coconut chutney is the preferred condiment in 
the region. For the people of West Bengal and 
Bangladesh, the favorite foods are local rice and 
fish dishes, but they are also fond of north Indian 
cuisine. Indeed, historical scholarship has shown 
that the Islamization of this region was partly a 
result of the conversion of its forest lands east 
of the Ganges to wet rice agriculture in the 17th 
and 18th centuries by Muslims and Hindus who 
immigrated from north India. 

There are many different regional culinary 
cultures in Southeast Asia, too, where the largest 
Muslim population in the world is located today. 
The influence of Indian and Chinese culinary 
cultures can be found there, but there are also 
indigenous ones that have distinctive dishes, 
especially those featuring taro and cassava root 
products, sago palm flour, and seafood. Rice has 
lately become an important food staple, however, 

250 free will and determinism 

for many people in the region. In both Indonesia 
and Malaysia, people also like to eat a type of 
kabob called satay, which has thin strips of meat, 
fish, or chicken that are skewered, grilled, and 
served with dipping sauces. Hot chilis, originally 
from the New World, and sweet coconut milk are 
used along with other spices and peanut sauces to 
add flavor to rice and fish dishes. 

Muslim culinary cultures have continued to 
change and evolve in the modern period. Colo- 
nization of Muslim lands by Europeans led to 
the introduction of new foods, restaurants, and 
industrialized food production. With the creation 
of nation-states in the 20th century, national cui- 
sines began to appear, as reflected in cookbooks 
featuring ‘‘Lebanese,” “Palestinian,” “Turkish,” 
“Moroccan,” “Saudi,” and even “Kuwaiti” reci- 
pes. During the last decades of the 20th century, 
American soft drinks flooded local markets, fol- 
lowed by fast food chains featuring hamburgers, 
French fries, fried chicken, and pizza. These were 
locally owned franchises, however, which had to 
adhere to Islamic dietary laws. They also allowed 
limited use of local flavorings and adaptations of 
indigenous recipes. 

During the 1990s and 2000s, opposition to 
U.S. Middle East policies sparked boycotts of 
U.S. -based food chains and a return to more 
traditional indigenous foods in many countries. 
It also led to the creation of alternative “Islamic” 
commodities, such as Mecca Cola and Zamzam 
Cola. On the other hand, the influx of Muslim 
immigrants into Europe and North America led 
to the establishment of halal food businesses 
that served the immigrant communities in those 
parts of the world. It also helped introduce new 
foods there, as can be seen in the popularity of 
Turkish doner kebab sandwiches in Germany, 
North African foods in France, South Asian 
foods in Great Britain, and Arab (especially 
Lebanese and Palestinian) and Persian foods in 
the United States. 

See also agriculture; animals; basmala; colo- 
nialism; creation; fasting; Ottoman dynasty. 

Further reading: Peter Heine, Food Culture in the Near 
East, Middle East , and North Africa (Westport, Conn.: 
Greenwood Press, 2004); Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, 
Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet. Translated by 
Jalal Abual Rub (Riyadh: Darussalam, 2003); Claudia 
Roden, The New Book of Middle Eastern Food (New 
York: Random House, 2001); Maxime Rodinson, A. 
J. Arbcrry, and Charles Perry, Medieval Arab Cookery 
(Devon, U.K.: Prospect Books. 2001); David Waines, 
In a Caliphs Kitchen (London: Riad El-Rayycs, 1989); 
Sami Zubaida and Richard Tapper, eds., A Taste of Time: 
Culinary Cultures of the Middle East (London: Tauris 
Parke Paperbacks, 2001). 

free will and determinism See Ashari School; 
fate; Mutazili School; theology. 

fundamentalism See Islamism; politics and Islam; 

funerary rituals 

Funerary rituals are concerned with the disposal 
of the dead and provide the living with ways 
to channel deeply felt emotions caused by the 
loss of a loved one. They are occasions when 
a society's beliefs about life and DEATH and the 
sacred and profane are most visible and when 
the bonds that hold people together as families 
and communities are affirmed and tested. In 
Islamic communities, as in Jewish and Chris- 
tian ones, funerary rituals involve different 
kinds of activities: preparations for death and 
burial, interment of the body, mourning, and 
memorialization. These rites combine practices 
prescribed by religious tradition, local cultural 
customs, and improvised actions called forth by 
the specific circumstances present when a death 
or a funeral occurs. 

Fiqh literature, composed by experts in Islamic 
law, sets forth the formal ritual requirements and 
taboos that Muslims are expected to observe. 

funerary rituals 251 

According to these texts, which are based on 
interpretations of the Quran, hadith, and the con- 
sensus of the ulama, funerary rites should include: 
1) pronouncing the testimony of faith ( shahada ) 
prior to death and turning the dying persons face 
toward Mecca; 2) ritually washing and shroud- 
ing the corpse; 3) performing funeral prayers; 4) 
conducting the body to the CEMETERY; 5) burial of 
the corpse on its right side, with the face turned 
to Mecca; 6) mourning; and 7) visiting the grave. 
The corpse may be dressed in ordinary but not 
expensive clothing. Burial should be performed at 
a nearby cemetery within 24 hours of death. Men 
usually preside in the funeral prayers and ceremo- 
nies, but in many cultures women also participate. 
The body is placed in the grave without a coffin, 
and extra room is left in the grave out of a belief 
that the deceased will be compelled to sit up and 
undergo an interrogation by two angels of death 
known as Munkar and Nakir. To prepare the dead 
for this interrogation, basic articles of faith arc 
recited at the time of burial. This is called the 
talqin. People usually take turns throwing dirt 
into the grave, and they pronounce prayers on 
behalf of the deceased, especially the verse “From 
it [the earth) we created you, then we put you 
back into it, and from it we will bring you forth 
again" (Q 20:55). Other funerary prayers include 
the Fatiha (Q 1) and the chapter “Ya Sin" (Q 
36) of the Quran as well as supplications drawn 
from the hadith and other religious texts. Once 
the grave is filled, it is leveled. The ulama have 
strongly disapproved of decorating the grave site 
or erecting a building over it. Nonetheless, many 
Muslim cemeteries have gravestones, mausole- 
ums, mosques, and saint shrines. Indeed, some 
of the most impressive examples of Islamicate art 
and architecture are connected with housing and 
memorializing the dead. 

Muslim jurists have also attempted to curb 
many lamentation and mourning practices because 
of their belief that too much grief for the dead is 
an affront to God, the giver of life and death. 
They are also wary of the assimilation of what 

they regard as un-lslamic innovations (b/daa); 
excessive grieving, public displays of emotion, 
singing, and dancing are considered to be repre- 
hensible or forbidden. Despite such regulations, 
in actual practice people may mourn for up to 
40 days, or even a year, after death, especially 
for husbands, wives, or parents. Somber Quran 
recitations are conducted during the mourning 
period, during which families customarily keep 
a solemn public demeanor, wear black clothing, 
and avoid festive occasions such as weddings 
and parties. Relatives, friends, neighbors, and 
acquaintances are expected to visit, bring gifts of 
food, and offer their condolences as soon as they 
can after a death has occurred. Often, meals are 
shared in memory of the dead; in rural societies, 
such feasts may bring a whole village together. In 
many Muslim cultures, an animal is sacrificed, 
with the meat shared among the mourners and 
the poor. Each year, especially on major holidays, 
family members visit the graves of loved ones, 
and in some cultures they distribute food to chil- 
dren, strangers, and the needy in remembrance 
of the dead. 

Of course, prescribed and culturally deter- 
mined funerary practices may be waived or 
circumvented in exceptional situations. Soldiers 
who die in battle can be interred in their blood- 
soaked garments without ritual cleansing or 
funerary prayers. People who die on an ocean 
voyage may be buried at sea. Victims of wars 
or natural catastrophes — earthquakes and tidal 
waves, for example — may be buried in mass 
graves. In modern times, Muslims who have 
migrated to Western countries may be buried 
in coffins in accordance with local burial and 
sanitation ordinances. Some immigrant mosques 
have their own mortuary facilities and purchase 
plots of land in existing cemeteries for the burial 
of Muslims. Some Muslims, however, prefer to 
have their dead transported back to their native 
lands for burial. 

Sec also ablution; afterlife; food and drink; 
martyrdom; soul and spirit; suicide. 

252 Funj Sultanate 

Further reading: Ahmed Abd al-Hayy Arifi, Death 
and Inheritance: The Islamic Way; A Handbook of Rules 
Pertaining to the Deceased. Translated by Muhammad 
Shameem (New Delhi: Kitab Bhavan, 1995); Laleh 
Bakhtiar, Encyclopedia of Islamic Law: A Compendium of 
the Major Schools (Chicago: ABC International Group, 
1996), 40-53; Juan Eduardo Campo, “Muslim Ways 
of Death: Between the Prescribed and the Performed." 
In Death and Religion in a Changing World, edited 
by Kathleen Garccs-Foley, 147—177 (New York: M.E. 
Sharpe, 2005); Timothy lnsoll, The Archaeology of Islam 
(Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1999), 166-200. 

Funj Sultanate 

The Funj Sultanate was an Islamic dynasty that 
ruled the Upper Nile region of the Sudan for 300 
years, from 1504 to 1821. Originally a pastoral 
people, the Funj established a stale based in Sin- 
nar under the leadership of Amara Dunqas after 
the latter defeated the Christian kingdom of 
Aiwa in 1504. Although Muslim monarchs ruled 
the sultanate, the Funj developed a hierarchical 
society headed by a semidivine king and a caste- 
like ruling elite. The kings prided themselves on 
their Islamic credentials, encouraged the presence 
of Muslim scholars and holy men within their 
kingdom, and provided support for pilgrims to go 
to Mecca. However, in order to heighten a sense 
of their separation from the common man, these 
monarchs withdrew from public view, leaving the 
high court officials to take functional leadership 
of the kingdom. 

The Funj were active in the caravan trade, 
establishing business relationships with Egypt 
and the wider Ottoman Empire. Maliki law and 
Sufi orders both expanded considerably under 
Funj rule. However, the Funj system broke down 
during the late 18th century, when the sultans 
lost political control to regional warlords, eco- 
nomic control to a new merchant class, and spiri- 
tual authority to the local holy men. Muhammad 
Ali of Egypt finally brought the kingdom to an 
end, conquering the region in 1820-21. 

See also East Africa; Maliki Legal School. 

Stephen Cory 

Further reading: P. M. Holt, The Sudan of the Three 
Niles: The Funj Chronicle, 970-1288/1504-1871 (Leiden: 
E.J. Brill, 1999); R. S. O'Fahey and J. L. Spaulding, 
Kingdoms of the Sudan (London: Methuen, 1974); Jay 
Spaulding, The Heroic Age in Sinnar (East Lansing: Afri- 
can Studies Center, Michigan State University, 1985). 

Fyzee, Asaf Ali Asghar (1899-1981) Indian 
Muslim intellectual and a leading scholar of Ismaili 
Shiism and Islamic law 

A. A. A. Fyzee was born near Poona, India, to a 
prominent family of Ismaili Shii merchants. His 
family favored the British educational system, 
so after he obtained his college education, they 
sent him to study at Cambridge University, where 
he studied with several of the best Orientalist 
scholars of the early 20th century, including A. 
A. Bevan and R. A. Nicholson. After 1926, he was 
employed at the High Court of Bombay. Fyzee 
continued with his scholarly interests, however, 
publishing studies and translations pertaining to 
Islamic and Anglo-Islamic jurisprudence (f/qh). 
As a reflection of the quality of his scholarly 
ability, he was appointed a professor of Islamic 
jurisprudence at Government College in Bombay. 
In 1949, he was appointed India's ambassador to 
Egypt and then served in several other ambassa- 
dorial and government posts. He received many 
academic honors in his later career and taught 
Islamic studies at McGill University in Canada 
and at the University of California at Los Angeles. 
One of Fyzee's most esteemed contributions to 
scholarship is his Outlines of Muhammadan Law 
(1949). At the end of his career, he devoted him- 
self to a critical edition of a medieval Ismaili fiqh, 
Qadi Numan's Pillars of Islam (originally written 
in the 10th century). 

Fyzee's views of Islamic religion and law 
(sharia and fiqh) were very modern and progres- 

Fyzee, Asaf Ali Asghar 253 

sive, like those of Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) 
and Abu al-Kalam Azad (1888-1958), other major 
Indian Muslim intellectuals whom he admired. He 
acknowledged the eternal truth contained in the 
Quran but also maintained that the interpreta- 
tion of the Quran and God's law had to adapt 
to changing historical circumstances. Reflecting 
his secular Western education and the influence 
of Orientalism, Fyzee argued for the construc- 
tion of a modern Islam. Thus, he proposed that 
what he called the “reinterpretation" of Islam 
required not only knowledge of traditional Islamic 
sacred texts and the conditions in which they 
were produced but also the study of the history 
of religions, the comparative study of “Semitic” 
religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) and 
languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic), and 
knowledge about modern science. Islamic theol- 
ogy ( kalam ) should be reformed in light of con- 
temporary European thought and even recognize 
the insights of Protestant theologians and Jewish 

thinkers. Moreover, Fyzee argued that reinter- 
pretation of Islamic law involved making critical 
distinctions between essential moral principles 
and detailed laws that were suited only to limited 
historical circumstances. Among the areas where 
he felt that immediate reform was needed was that 
of womens rights, where he pointed out the con- 
tradictions between the rights given to them by 
the Quran in matters of marriage and inheritance, 
and the de facto denial of these rights to women 
in many Muslim-majority countries in the 20th 

See also Ismaili Shiism; secularism. 

Further reading: Kenneth Cragg, Troubled by Truth: 
Life Studies in Interfaith Concern (Edinburgh: Pent- 
land Press, 1992), 187-202; A. A. A. Fyzee, Outlines 
of Muhammadan Law (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 
1999); Ismail Poonawala, “In Memorium: A. A. A. 
Fyzee, 1899-1981," International Journal of Middle East 
Studies 14, no. 3 (1982). 

Gabriel (Hebrew: man of God; Arabic: 

Gabriel is the ANGEL of revelation in Islamic 
belief and is counted among the archangels. His 
name first appears in the pre-lslamic period in 
two late books of the Bible — the book of Daniel 
(8:15-26, 9:21-27) in the Old Testament and 
the Gospel of Luke (1:11-20, 26-38) in the 
New Testament. Gabriel is also mentioned in the 
extra-biblical book of 1 Enoch (9:1-10, 40:6) 
and in rabbinic Bible commentaries. In these 
texts, he is portrayed as a divine messenger and 
as an intercessor on behalf of Gods people. In the 
Quran, Gabriels name occurs three times as one 
of God's angels; he is the bringer of revelation (Q 
297-98) and Muhammad’s supporter (Q 66:4). 
Though not specifically mentioned in other parts 
of the Quran, medieval commentators identified 
Gabriel with the angelic spirit (ruh) that appeared 
to Mary as a perfectly formed man to announce 
to her that she would give birth to JESUS (Q 
19:17-21). He was also thought to be the spirit 
that descended on the Night of Destiny ( laylat 
cxl-qadr), when the Quran was first revealed (Q 
97), and in Q 27:192-194 he was said to be the 
"trustworthy spirit" who brought Gods revela- 
tion to Muhammad's heart. 

Gabriel plays a bigger role in later accounts 
of Muhammad's life. He is one of the angels 
involved in cutting open Muhammad's breast and 
cleansing his heart so as to prepare him for his 
prophetic mission. In Ibn Ishaq's BIOGRAPHY of 
Muhammad (eighth century), Gabriel confronts 
the prophet on Mount Hira and commands him 
to recite the Quran's first verses. According to 
Ibn Ishaq (d. 767) and Quran commentators, he 
guided Muhammad on his miraculous journey 
from Mecca to Jerusalem, then through the seven 
heavens, where he had visions of heaven and 
hell, former prophets, and God. According to the 
HADITH, Gabriel once appeared to Muhammad and 
his companions in the form of a man with black 
hair, dressed in white garments, and interrogated 
him about Islam, FAITH ( iman ), and right action 
(i/iscin). He also was linked to the events sur- 
rounding Muhammad's Hijra to Medina in 622, 
having warned him that his life was in danger. 

In collections of legends about the prophets 
who preceded Muhammad, such as al-Thalabi's 
Lives of the Prophets (11th century), Gabriel's role 
in human history was greatly expanded. For exam- 
ple, Gabriel taught Adam the skills he needed in 
order to survive after being expelled from para- 
dise. He also came to the aid of Abraham, Joseph, 


Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand 255 

and Moses. The Shia link Gabriel to key events in 
their versions of the lives of Muhammad, Ali IBN 
Abi Talib, Fatima, and other Shii Imams. Thus, 
Gabriel was present when Fatima and Ali were 
married. He also conveyed to Muhammad a testa- 
ment that was to be transmitted to the Imams, and 
he announced to Muhammad that his grandson 
Husayn (d. 680), the foremost of the martyrs, 
would be killed by fellow Muslims. 

Accounts differ as to Gabriels appearance. As 
an angel, he was a being of pure light. According 
to some traditions, he had a human form (as in Q 
19:17-21) and could even ride a horse into battle as 
a turbaned warrior. Ruzbihan Baqli (d. 1209), the 
Persian mystic, saw Gabriel as “a bridegroom, like 
a moon among the stars," wearing a red garment 
with green silk trim (Baqli 47). Persian and Turkish 
illustrated manuscripts of the 15th to 18th centu- 
ries usually portray Gabriel in a human form with 
wings, elegant garments, and a crown, surrounded 
by flames. In some of the early hadith and other 
texts, he was given a more awesome appearance — a 
being with six wings, each of which had 600 wings 
that could stretch across the horizons of the earth. 

See also Adam and Eve; holy books; Husayn ibn 
Ali; imam; Night Journey and Ascent; Shiism. 

Further reading: Ruzbihan Baqli, The Unveiling of 
Secrets: Diary of a Sufi Master. Translated by Carl W. 
Ernst (Chapel Hill, N.C.: Parvardigar Press, 1997); F. 
E. Peters, A Reader on Classical Islam (Princeton, N.J.: 
Princeton University Press, 1994), 51-53, 65-66; Abu 
Ishaq Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Thalabi, 
Arais al-Majalis fi Qisas al-Anbiya, or “Lives of the 
Prophets." Translated by William M. Brinner (Leiden: 
E.J. Brill, 2002). 

Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (1869- 
1 948) political and spiritual leader of Indian 
nationalist movement for independence from British 
colonial rule 

Known as Mahatma (Sanskrit, “great soul"), Gan- 
dhi was instrumental in the successful struggle for 

Indian independence from British imperial rule 
through his methods of nonviolent resistance. 
Gandhi was born in the Indian state of Gujurat in 
1869 into the vaishya caste (merchants, traders, 
and farmers) and was influenced by a variety of 
Indian religions, including Jainism. From 1888 
to 1891, he studied law in London, where he was 
exposed to the Theosophical movement and influ- 
enced by the writings of Leo Tolstoy (d. 1910). 
In 1893, he began practicing law in South Africa, 
where he was deeply influenced by the political 
oppression of Indians by the British and, as a 
result, began developing his unique strategies of 
pacifist tactics based on the Indian religious prin- 
ciples of satyagraha (Skt., truth-force) and ahimsa 
(Skt., nonharm, nonviolence). Gandhi returned 
to India in 1914 and garnered mass support for 
the independence movement's political party, the 
Indian National Congress. Through his Satyagraha 
campaigns of 1920-22 and 1927-34 and in other 
strategics of nonviolent noncooperation such as 
the Salt March in 1930, in which he mobilized a 
diversity of Indians and brought their struggle for 
independence to the worlds attention, Gandhis 
methods of passive resistance exposed the moral 
untenability of British colonial rule in India. Gan- 
dhi remained formally affiliated with the Congress 
Party only through the mid-1950s but continued 
to serve as the independence movement's sym- 
bolic leader up through India's independence in 
August 1947. 

Gandhi saw each of India's religious tradi- 
tions as encompassing similar truths and believed 
that each religious community of India deserved 
political representation in a future independent 
India. Nonetheless, he articulated his political 
vision for an independent India in Hindu sym- 
bolism, which cultivated distrust among India's 
largest religious minority, its Muslims, who were 
represented politically by the Muslim League led 
by Muhammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1948). Unlike 
Jinnah, who represented the position that Mus- 
lims were a unique cultural, religious, and social 
entity deserving of political autonomy in a future 

256 garden 

state called PAKISTAN, Gandhi believed in an inde- 
pendent India that would be religiously diverse 
but unified in essence under a pluralistic style 
of Hinduism. Gandhi was deeply opposed to the 
idea of the partition of India into Muslim and 
Hindu states and was devastated by the violent 
partition of British India into Pakistan and India 
that took place upon India's independence. Gan- 
dhi was assassinated on January, 30, 1948, by a 
Hindu extremist. His tragic death brought to the 
nation's attention the anger of Hindu extremists 
at Gandhi's concern for Indian Muslims. Since his 
death, Gandhi has become a worldwide icon for 
the power of passive resistance to political oppres- 
sion, influencing such major leaders as Martin 
Luther King, Jr. 

See also All-India Muslim League; colonial- 
ism; Hinduism and Islam; Khilafat Movement. 

Megan Adamson Sijapati 

Further reading: Judith Brown, Gandhi and Civil Disobe- 
dience, 1928-1934 (Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press, 1977); Mohandas K. Gandhi, An Autobiography: 
The Story of My Experiments with Truth (Boston: Beacon 
Press, 1957); Barbara D. Metcalf and Thomas R. Met- 
calf, A Concise History of India (Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press, 2002); Rudrangshu Mukhcrjce, ed.. 
The Penguin Gandhi Reader (New York: Penguin Books, 

garden (Arabic: bustan or janna; Persian: 

Gardens have played a central role in lslamdom as 
locations of revenue production, display, scientific 
exploration, entertainment, and relaxation. Medi- 
eval poetry from throughout lslamdom, inscrip- 
tions on garden pavilions and palaces, medieval 
botanical manuals, and travel literature all attest 
to the central role of the garden in public and 
private architecture. 

calligraphy adorning religious architecture 
within or adjacent to gardens indicates that 
patrons consider these spaces as earthly repre- 

sentations of the heavenly paradise. Both the 
Quran and hadith literature contain numerous 
descriptions of paradise as a tree-filled, pleasantly 
perfumed, and peaceful place in which the righ- 
teous and pure followers of Islam will dwell after 
Judgment Day. One of the most often-repeated 
Quranic phrases about paradise mentions gardens 
of eternity beneath which four rivers flow (Q 
4:57; 5:85; 9:72; 18:31). The inhabitants of para- 
dise (also referred to as Eden and al-Firdaus) will 
live in complete comfort with their loved ones in 
palaces built of silver and gold. These descriptions 
of paradise in the Quran and hadith are often 
paired with descriptions of hell (the Fire). 

Paradisal garden in Chefchaouen, Morocco (Federico R. 

Ghadir Khumm 257 

While the iconography of 17th-century gardens 
such as the Taj Mahal complex in India certainly 
suggests paradise, it is difficult to make the same 
argument for all gardens in Islamicate realms. 
Archaeological studies of garden remains and medi- 
eval Arabic and Persian literature suggest that 
gardens served many roles, especially within the 
imperial palatial complexes of the Islamic empires. 
Ninth-century palace gardens of Samarra and Bagh- 
dad, for example, were showplaces of hydraulic 
engineering. Hidden waterworks caused mechani- 
cal birds to whistle and sing from tree branches in 
one such garden, dazzling foreign ambassadors. The 
10th- and 1 lth-century gardens of Andalusian Spain 
contained experiments in irrigation and botanical 
science. The 15th-century Topkapi Palace gardens 
in Istanbul provided revenue for the sultan, and 
large parks housed exotic animals from throughout 
the realm for hunting and display. 

The most ubiquitous and well-known garden 
form is the chahar-bagh (four-part garden), a 
garden crossed by water channels separating tree 
or flower beds within which is placed a centrally 
positioned pavilion. This form was probably 
influenced by pre-lslamic Roman and Sasanian 
gardens. Gardens also exist in a linear format and 
as larger unstructured parklands. 

While descriptive studies abound on gardens 
in Islamic history, more analytical work on con- 
textual meanings associated with these gardens 
needs to be carried out. Similarly, contemporary 
garden design deserves further attention. Private 
gardens abound in inward-facing urban residen- 
tial areas, and green spaces have become essential 
elements of land use and landscape design in 
expanding urban centers such as Cairo, Istanbul, 
and Riyadh. 

See also afterlife; agriculture; Andalusia; 

Margaret Leeming 

Further reading: Jacob Lassncr, The Topography of 
Baghdad in the Early Middle Ages (Detroit: Wayne State 
University Press, 1970); Gulru Necipoglu, Architec- 

ture , Ceremonial , and Power: The Topkapi Palace in the 
Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries (New York: Architec- 
tural History Foundation, 1991); D. Fairchild Ruggles, 
Gardens , Landscape , and Vision in the Palaces of Islamic 
Spain (University Park; Pennsylvania State University 
Press, 2000). 

Gaza See Palestine. 

genie Sec jinni. 

Ghadir Khumm 

Ghadir Khumm is one of the most important 
religious holidays for the Shia. It is named after a 
spring located between Mecca and Medina in the 
Hijaz (western Arabia) where Muhammad stopped 
with his companions after performing his fare- 
well pilgrimage to Mecca in 632. At that location, 
Muhammad stood next to his cousin and son-in- 
law Ali 1BN Abi Talib (d. 661) and told his listen- 
ers to consider Ali their master ( mawla ). This 
event is recounted in Sunni and Shii sources, but 
there arc different versions of it; each community 
interprets it differently. According to accounts 
favored by the Shia, Muhammad delivered a 
sermon in which he stated that he would soon 
depart this world and that he was leaving his fol- 
lowers two things: the Quran and the ahl al-bayt , 
his family. Taking Ali by the hand, he asked his 
audience if he, Muhammad, did not have priority 
over other believers. When they agreed that he 
did, Muhammad then declared, “Ali is the mas- 
ter [mawla] of whomever I am the master." The 
Shia therefore understand this declaration as the 
divinely inspired transfer of authority to Ali and 
the other holy imams, whom they consider to be 
the true leaders of the Muslim community. It also 
serves as a precedent for their belief in nass, the 
God-given power that an imam has to designate 
his successor. The Sunnis, however, do not accept 
this interpretation of what happened at Ghadir 

258 Ghalib, Mirza Asad Ali Khan 

Khumm, nor do they recognize it as a holiday of 
any significance. Rather, they view the event as 
a call for Muslims to respect Ali because of his 
close relationship with Muhammad but not as a 
designation of leadership commanded by God. 

Shii observance of the holiday of Ghadir 
Khumm began during the 10th century in Egypt 
and IRAQ, both of which were ruled by the Shii 
dynasties at that time. It is celebrated by Shia 
around the world on the 18th day of the 12th 
month (Dhu al-Hijja) on the Islamic lunar calen- 
dar, a few days after the end of the annual HAJJ. In 
Iran, it is a public holiday, and Iraqi Shiis perform 
pilgrimages to Karbala on that day. 

See also Fatimid dynasty; holidays; Shiism; 

Further reading: Paula Sanders, Ritual , Politics, and the 
City in Fatimid Cairo (Albany: State University of New 
York Press, 1994), 121-134; John Aldcn Williams, The 
World of Islam (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1994), 

Ghalib, Mirza Asad Ali Khan (1797-1869) 
leading I ndo- Pakistani author famed for his Persian 
and Urdu poetry and prose 

Ghalib was born into a prominent Muslim fam- 
ily closely connected to the court of the Mughal 
dynasty in India. He spent his early childhood 
in Agra, the former capital, but at the age of 15 
he moved to Delhi, the location of the impe- 
rial court, where he lived for most of his life. 
His poetic gifts were recognized by the ruler 
of Awadh in north India and by Bahadur Shah 
II (d. 1857), the last Mughal emperor. Ghalib 
lost his royal patrons (and nearly his life) with 
the great Indian “mutiny” against the British in 
1857, but he soon overcame his financial troubles 
with the help of a pension from the new British 
government in India. He wrote in both Persian, 
the literary language of the elite, and Urdu, the 
“camp” language of the Muslim court. His poetry 
expressed emotions of sorrow and suffering and 

echoed mystical themes, but it was not overtly 
religious. Indeed, he was a humanist in outlook 
who regarded Muslims, Hindus, and Christians as 
brothers. He employed classical Arabic and Per- 
sian poetic forms: the ghazal (love lyric), ejasida 
(ode), and mathnavi (rhymed couplet). Today, he 
is remembered best for his Urdu poetry, collected 
in his Diwan. He wrote more poetry in Persian, 
however, and this has been collected in his Kul- 
liyyat. Among Ghalib's prose writings are a history 
of the Mughals and essays on the Persian lan- 
guage. In 1969, the Ghalib Academy was opened 
to commemorate the centenary of Ghalib's death. 
It is located in New Delhi near the tomb of the 
Chishti Sufi saint Nizam al-Din Awliya (d. 1325) 
and houses a museum and library. 

See also Persian language and literature. 

Further reading: Ralph Russell, Ghalib: The Poet and 

His Age (London: Allen & Unwin, 1972); , The 

Oxford India Ghalib: Life, Letters, and Ghazals (New 
Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003). 

Ghannoushi, Rashid al- (1941- ) leading 

Tunisian activist and founder of the Islamic Tendency 
Movement, now known as the Renaissance Party 
(Hizb al-Nahda) 

Rashid al-Ghannoushi advocates a modernist 
interpretation of Islam and the use of nonviolent 
means toward establishing Islamic rule. He is 
also the leading political opposition figure to the 
Tunisian government. Born in 1941 in the village 
of al-Hama in southeastern Tunisia, al-Ghan- 
noushi was the youngest of eight children. His 
father informally taught the Quran and sent his 
son to the prestigious Zaytuna University, where 
he received a traditional religious education. 
Later, at the University of Damascus, he earned 
a masters degree in philosophy and began his 
involvement in politics, briefly joining a secular 
nationalist party. However, any enchantment he 
may have had with these ideas dissipated with the 
Arab defeat by Israel in 1967 and the unfolding 

ghayba 259 

of massive student protests in France against the 
secular government there in 1968, something he 
witnessed firsthand as a philosophy student at the 

At the core of his ideas is the conviction that 
the adoption of nationalism and secularism by 
Arabs has weakened their countries and led to a 
general crisis of identity in the region. He believes 
that the only way for Arabs to enter modernity 
is by following the path set by their own reli- 
gion, history, and civilization. This was an idea 
being espoused by the Muslim Brotherhood, 
with whom he had had contact in Damascus, and 
one that he would subsequently develop in the 
Tunisian context. Al-Ghannoushi spent much of 
the 1970s working as a high school philosophy 
teacher, meeting with the government-sponsored 
Quranic Preservation Society and spreading the 
teachings of Islamist thinkers such as Abu al-Ala 
Mawdudi (d. 1979), Hasan al-Banna (d. 1949), 
and Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966). To their ideas he added 
an emphasis on the practical solutions Islam offers 
for the spiritual, economic, and political problems 
of the day and the necessity for Muslims to pursue 
those solutions through activism and innovation. 
His message attracted a broad spectrum of people, 
including students, leftists, and workers. 

With a program of political liberalization initi- 
ated in April 1981 by Tunisia's president Habib 
Bourguiba, al-Ghannoushi attempted to translate 
his following into a political party — the Islamic 
Tendency Movement — that could pursue politi- 
cal change through peaceful participation in the 
country's democratic process. However, his goal 
of Islamizing Tunisian society, as well as his broad 
appeal, were perceived as a threat by the authori- 
ties and resulted in the repeated imprisonment of 
al-Ghannoushi and his followers. Al-Ghannoushi 
was given a life sentence in 1987 but released 
and granted amnesty the following year with the 
change of government in Tunis. Throughout the 
1990s, relations between the Tunisian state and 
its Islamist opposition continued to deteriorate, 
with many parties, including al-Nahda, banned 

from participation in elections. This was a fate 
shared by his contemporaries Ali Abbasi Madani 
(b. 1931) of Algeria and Abd al-Salam al-Yasin 
(b. 1928) of Morocco, whose own Islamic reform 
movements have also been excluded from offi- 
cial representation. Al-Ghannoushi now lives in 
Britain as a political refugee and continues to be 
influential in Islamist thought and politics. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; democracy; 


Michelle Zimney 

Further reading: Francois Burgat and William Dowell, 
The Islamic Movement in North Africa (Austin: Univer- 
sity of Texas Press, 1997); Linda G. Jones, “Portrait 
of Rashid al-Ghannoushi,” Middle East Report 153 
(July-August 1988): 19; Charles Kurzman, ed., Liberal 
Islam: A Sourcebook (New York: Oxford University 
Press, 1988). 

ghayba (Arabic: absence) 

In Shiism, ghayba refers to the withdrawal, or 
occultation, of an individual — most frequently 
the Imam, or holy leader — from human sight. This 
Imams life can be miraculously elongated while 
in this absence, when he is thought to be close to 
God. The concept first appeared in Shii circles in 
the early eighth century and became connected to 
eschatological beliefs concerning the return of the 
imam preceding the end time. Among the various 
branches of Shiism, the largest group, Twelve- 
Imam Shia, believe in a lesser and greater ghayba 
of their 12th imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi (b. 868). 
Four deputies successively represented this Imam 
over the span of about 70 years during his “lesser 
ghayba." Immediately preceding the death of the 
fourth deputy in 941, this Imam is believed to 
have inaugurated “the greater ghayba," which will 
continue until shortly before the end of the world. 
Until that time, the 12th Imam remains alive on 
this earth, concealed. Then, at a time appointed 

260 ghazal 

by God, he will arise as the Islamic messiah, the 
Mahdi, to rule and establish justice on earth until 
Judgment Day. Although the death of the fourth 
deputy signaled a cessation of formal contact 
between the imam and his community, the Hid- 
den Imam is thought to be in contact with many 
of his followers miraculously, through dreams or 
visions. In his absence, authority is exercised by 
his representatives, the ulama, who are masters 
of religious law and the traditions of the imams. 
The most influential group of Shii ulama in recent 
times are the Mujtahids, those who can practice 
ijtihad, or independent reasoning based on the 
principals of F/QH, or Islamic jurisprudence. 

The concept of ghayba is shared by other Shia 
groups, including the Druze. This religious group, 
which developed from Ismaili Shiism, believes in a 
lesser and greater ghayba that began with the dis- 
appearance of their caliph-imam al-Hakim, whom 
they consider to be divine, in 1021. 

A doctrine resembling that of ghayba exists 
among other Shia groups. This doctrine, known as 
satr , ; refers to the concealment of a continuing line 
of imams. The Bohra Shiis of India believe that 
their imams are in satr. 

See also Akhbari School; authority; Twelve- 
Imam Shiism; Usuli School. 

Jamel Velji 

Further reading: Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Hamid Dabashi, 
and Seyyed Vali Rcza Nasr. eds., Shi'ism: Doctrines, 
Thought, Spirituality (Albany: State University of New 
York Press, 1988); Wilfcrd Madelung, “Authority in 
Twelver Shiism in the Absence of the Imam.” In La notion 
d'authorite au M oyen Age: Islam, Byzance , Occident (Paris: 
Presses Universitaires de France, 1978), 163-173. 

ghazal (Arabic; also ghazel , gazal) 

A ghazal is a love poem about eternal desire never 
fulfilled, in which unrequited and unattainable 
love drives the loyal lover to misery. Often, the 
lover will be likened to a moth near a candle, 

while the beloved is beautiful and inaccessible, 
off gallivanting with another or drinking from a 
wine goblet. The ghazal can be interpreted both 
as a love poem and a devotional poem, for the 
pain of separation that one feels from ones lover 
is analogous to the pain of separation one feels 
from God. 

The ghazal is originally a Persian poetic form 
that came to India in the 12th century with 
Muslim rule and flourished in India during the 
Mughal dynasty (1526-1708). The rise of Urdu 
as the popular poetic language of north India gave 
birth to the Urdu ghazal, which is between five 
and 15 couplets long and uses the same rhyme 
and refrain throughout the poem. Although an 
Urdu ghazal is a single poem, each couplet within 
the ghazal is considered a poem in and of itself, 
like a pearl in a necklace. 

In India, the popularity of the ghazal led 
to the development of the mushaira , which is a 
gathering of poets who recite ghazal couplets to 
one another. The ghazal also evolved into its own 
musical form, as ghazal singers began performing 
with semiclassical musicians. Early Indian CINEMA 
incorporated ghazal music into its commercial 
films, making ghazal music popular and acces- 
sible to a larger audience. 

Although the ghazal has historically been 
associated with Islam, it is now an ecumenical 
form of poetry adopted by different religious com- 
munities. The Urdu ghazal is still the most famous 
form and remains popular in Pakistan and India, 
but ghazal traditions have emerged in other South 
Asian languages as well as in Spanish, Italian, and 
English. Among the most famous ghazal poets are 
Amir Khusrau (d. 1325), Hafiz (d. 1389), Mir Taqi 
Mir (d. 1810), Mirza Ghalib (d. 1869), and Faiz 
Ahmed Faiz (d. 1984). 


Varun Soni 

Further reading: Agha Shahid Ali. cd.. Ravishing Dis- 
unities: Real Ghazals in English (Middletown, Conn.: 

Ghazali, Abu Hamid al- 261 

Wesleyan University Press, 2000); K. C. Kanda. trans.. 
Masterpieces of Urdu Ghazal: From the 17th Century 
to the 20th Century (New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 
1900); Frances Pritchett, Nets of Awareness: Urdu Poetry 
and Its Critics (Berkeley: University of California Press, 

Ghazali, Abu Hamid al- (also al-Ghazzali; 
Latin: Algazel) (1058-1111) one of the most 
famous Muslim intellectuals of the Middle Ages , he 
wrote important works on Islamic mysticism, theology, 
and philosophy that had a lasting effect on medieval 
Muslim religious thought 

Al-Ghazali was born in the town of Tus, Iran, 
where he received his early education before mov- 
ing to Nishapur, a major Iranian center of Sunni 
learning in the 11th and 12th centuries. Among 
his most famous teachers in Nishapur was al- 
Juwayni (d. 1085), a renowned scholar of Ashari 
THEOLOGY and Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). Al- 
Ghazali remained in Nishapur until al-Juwayni 
died. Then he joined the circle of scholars patron- 
ized by Nizam al-Mulk (d. 1092), the powerful 
Seljuk Turkish vizier of the Abbasid Empire, 
lie soon became one of the leading scholars of 
Baghdad, and in 1091, he was one of the first 
teachers appointed to the faculty of the new Niza- 
miyya College (madrasa) there, where he taught 
Shafii law. It is reported that some of his lectures 
attracted up to 300 students, an unusually large 
number for a medieval school. Al-Ghazalis public 
success as a scholar and teacher caused him to 
question his motives and the sincerity of his faith, 
so that in 1095, he found himself unable to speak 
or carry on with his work. This spiritual crisis led 
to his resigning his position, leaving his family, 
and setting out on an 11-year sabbatical in Syria. 
During this time, his explorations focused on 
the ways and teachings of Sufism. In his spiritual 
autobiography, al-Ghazali wrote about what he 
discovered during this lengthy retreat: Of all the 
various schools of religion in Islam, “I knew with 
certainty that the Sufis are uniquely those who 

follow the way to God Most High, their mode of 
life is the best of all, their way the most direct of 
ways, and their ethic the purist" (Ghazali, 56). 
He returned to teaching briefly at the Nishapur 
madrasa and founded a Sufi hospice ( khanqah ) in 
his hometown, Tus, where he spent his last days. 

Al-Ghazali acquired deep knowledge of many 
areas of Islamic religious thought and approached 
his subjects in a systematic manner. Scholars 
have identified him as the author of about 60 
books. His most famous one was The Revival of 
the Religious Sciences (ca. 1097), a wide-ranging 
work that sought to wed Islamic practice with 
theological and mystical truths. Written during 
his long retreat, it is organized into four parts: 
1) the Five Pillars of Islam and their spiritual 
significance; 2) how to morally conduct one's 
daily affairs — such as dietary practices, marriage, 
work, traveling, and listening to music — so as to 
come closer to God; 3) how to discipline the self 
to eliminate human weaknesses such as desire, 
slander, envy, and greed that lead to damnation; 
and 4) how to purify the human soul and pursue 
the path toward God and salvation. The last part 
also includes vivid descriptions of DEATH and the 
afterlife, the ultimate destiny of all humans. 

Two other well-known books, The Incoherence 
of the Philosophers (ca. 1095) and The Deliverer 
from Error (ca. 1108), display al-Ghazalis knowl- 
edge both of the theological and philosophical 
traditions of his times and of the differing points 
of view held by scholars and men of religion. In 
these works, he sought to demonstrate logically 
what he thought were the fallacies and shortcom- 
ings of the philosophers and lsmaili theologians. 
Defending the Ashari School of theology to which 
he belonged, he maintained that religious truths 
pertaining to God, creation, and the soul could 
not be adequately fathomed by the rational mind 
apart from revelation. In al-Ghazalis opinion, the 
arguments of Muslim philosophers such as al- 
Farabi (d. 950) and Ibn Sina (d. 1037) against the 
existence of individual souls and belief in a bodily 
resurrection were in conflict with quranic truths, 

262 Ghazali, Zaynab al- 

as was their position on the eternity of the world. 
Al-Ghazali’s main critique of the Ismaili Shia, who 
were posing a serious threat to Sunni hegemony 
during the 11th and 12th centuries, was that they 
gave too much authority to their Imams. Believ- 
ers only had to recognize God’s existence and 
adhere to the sunna of Muhammad to conduct 
their lives. Moreover, al-Ghazali cautioned against 
allowing commoners to engage in theological or 
philosophical speculation because it would harm 
their chances for salvation. He also criticized the 
exaggerated claims of Sufi mystics, who spoke of 
divine knowledge and complete annihilation of 
the self in God. Only God can fully know himself, 
he wrote, and annihilation, if achieved at all, was 
only for the moment. 

Al-Ghazali's contributions to the history of 
Islamic thought and mysticism are still being 
debated today. Many recognize that his writings 
helped give new meaning to Muslim practices by 
conjoining them to Sufi values and insights. The 
use of logical argumentation in his theological 
writings set a standard for later Muslim theo- 
logians to follow. Al-Ghazali’s bold criticisms 
of Muslim philosophers echoed throughout the 
Muslim intellectual world and obliged Ibn RUSHD 
(d. 1198), the Andalusian philosopher-jurist, 
to write a retort entitled The Incoherence of the 
Incoherence. On the negative side, he may have 
contributed to the decline of Islamic philosophi- 
cal reflection by the forcefulness of his theologi- 
cally based arguments against many of its main 

See also Allah; ethics and morality; Ismaili 
Shiism; philosophy; Shafu Legal School. 

Further reading: Massimo Cainpanini. “Al-Ghazzali." In 
History of Islamic Philosophy , edited by Seyyed llossein 
Nasr and Oliver Leaman, 258-274 (London: Routledge, 
1996); Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, Al-Ghazali's Path to Sufism: 
His Deliverance from Error, al-Munqidh min al-dalal. Trans- 
lated by R. J. McCarthy (Louisville, Ky.: Fons Vitae, 
2000); W. Montgomery Watt, The Faith and Practice of 
al-Ghazali (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1953). 

Ghazali, Zaynab al- (1917-2005) the most 
important female leader in the Egyptian Muslim 
Brotherhood during the 20th century and founder of 
the Society of Muslim Ladies 

Zaynab al-Ghazali was the daughter of a mer- 
chant and Islamic teacher who was educated at 
the famous al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. 
She studied the Quran, quranic commentary 
(tafsir) and hadith at home in her youth but 
never attained more than a secondary school 
education. She became a member of Huda 
Shaarawi's Egyptian Feminist Union, the coun- 
try's first organized women's rights movement. 
Dissatisfied with the liberal, secular orientation 
of this movement, in 1936, she quit it when she 
was 18 years of age and launched the Society 
of Muslim Ladies, which sought to promote 
piety among women and address social prob- 
lems within an Islamic framework. As part of its 
daawa (Muslim outreach) activities, this organi- 
zation conducted religious classes for women at 
mosques, trained them to preach, and provided 
social services to the needy. It also published a 
journal for Muslim women from 1954 to 1956 
called al-Sayyidat al-Muslimat (Muslim women). 
Al-Ghazali said that when the Egyptian govern- 
ment forced her to disband the organization in 
1964, the association's membership had grown 
to 3 million throughout the country. In 1949, 
she joined the Muslim Brotherhood at the invi- 
tation of its founder, Hasan al-Banna (d. 1949), 
and her society worked in cooperation with the 
Muslim Sisters to help families who suffered 
from the campaign Abd al-Nasir, Egypt's presi- 
dent from 1956 to 1970, was waging against the 
brotherhood in the 1950s and early 1960s. She 
conducted secret meetings with the brotherhood 
and their supporters to study Islamic literature 
and discuss plans for bringing about Islamic 
government. She is credited with helping to dis- 
seminate the writings of the Islamic ideologist 
Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966), which were composed 
during the years of his imprisonment for engag- 
ing in antigovernment activities. 

Ghulam Ahmad 263 

She was sentenced to 25 years of prison in 
1965 for conspiring to overthrow Egypt's govern- 
ment but served only six. Al-Ghazalis memoirs 
about her prison years were published in 1977 
(published in English as Return of the Pharaoh: 
Memoirs in Nasirs Prison). In this autobiographi- 
cal account, she described how her faith helped 
her withstand the horrible tortures she suffered at 
the hands of government agents, and she denied 
charges that the brotherhood had ever conspired 
to overthrow the government violently. Anwar 
al-Sadat (r. 1970-81) freed al-Ghazali and other 
members of the brotherhood after he became 
president as part of a strategy to win support of 
Muslim activists. He needed them to consolidate 
power and undermine the influence of the late 
Abd al-Nasirs supporters, many of whom were 
Arab socialists. After her release, al-Ghazali con- 
tinued an active career of teaching and writing for 
Islamic periodicals. Her articles on women and 
family life urged women to educate themselves 
about what she held to be Islam's true values, 
arguing that the religion offers both women and 
men all their rights and that they do not have to 
turn to the West to obtain them. She hoped that 
by cultivating Islamic values at home, women 
could contribute to the moral and political trans- 
formation of the wider society. In her later years, 
al-Ghazali avoided overt political activity but 
worked on a Quran commentary. Al-Ghazali 
was married twice, divorcing her first husband 
because he had interfered with her JIHAD and mar- 
rying the second only after he had agreed not to 
interfere with her daawa activities. She never had 

See also Islamism; Shaarawi, Huda. 

Further reading: Zainab al-Ghazali, Return of the Pha- 
raoh: Memoirs in Nasirs Prison. Translated by Mokran 
Guezzou (Broughton Gifford. U.K.: Cromwell Press, 
1994); Valerie J. Hoffman. "An Islamist Activist: Zaynab 
al-Ghazali." In Women and the Family in the Middle East , 
edited by Elisabeth Warnock Fernea, 233-254 (Austin: 
University of Texas Press, 1985); Saba Mahmood, Poli- 

tics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject 
(Princeton. N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2005). 

Ghulam Ahmad (ca. 1830-1908) the self- 
proclaimed Mahdi and founder of the Ahmadiyya 
movement of Islam in colonial India 
Ghulam Ahmad, also called Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 
Qadiani, founded an Islamic missionary revival 
movement in British India known as the Ahmadi- 
yya in 1889. He came from a prosperous family of 
Sunni Muslim landowners in the small town of 
Qadian in the Punjab region of northern India. He 
received a good education but resisted his fathers 
wishes that he become a lawyer or work for the 
British colonial government. Instead, Ghulam 
Ahmad pursued a religious life — for a period of 
about 20 years he claimed to receive revelations 
from God, and through his writings and mission- 
ary efforts he attracted a following that grew to 
about 20,000 members by the time of his death 
in 1908. 

At the end of the 19th century, several Muslim 
empires were coming to an end. Muslim lands 
were increasingly falling under the direct or indi- 
rect control of European colonial powers, and 
Christian missionaries from Europe were seeking 
converts among Muslims. Ghulam Ahmad was 
among those Muslims who felt that their religion 
needed to be revived and reformed in order to sur- 
vive. He saw himself as "the light of this dark age," 
a "rightly guided one" (Mahdi), and the peace- 
ful renewer of the religion, who was expected to 
appear at the beginning of the 14th century on the 
Islamic calendar (1300 A.H. coincided with 1882 
on the Western calendar). His followers, especially 
the Qadiani branch of the Ahmadiyya move- 
ment, also think that Ghulam Ahmad claimed 
to be a prophet, which has offended other Mus- 
lims because a central Islamic belief is that there 
can be no prophets after Muhammad (d. 632). 
In response to this criticism, the Qadianis have 
argued that there are two kinds of prophet: those 
who bring God's law and those who make it work. 


264 ghulat 

Muhammad, they claim, was the last to bring Gods 
law, but Ghulam Ahmad was among the prophets 
chosen to revive it and make it work. Another of 
his controversial teachings was that Jesus did not 
die on the cross but survived the crucifixion and 
escaped to Kashmir (northern India), where he 
died and was buried. Thus, the promised mcs- 
siah was Ghulam Ahmad, not Jesus, a claim that 
offended Christian missionaries in British India 
as well as Muslim authorities. Also, members of 
the Hindu community in northern India objected 
to his assertion that he was an incarnation of the 
Hindu god Krishna. Despite strong opposition 
and persecution, the movement Ghulam Ahmad 
launched has now reached many countries around 
the world and has an estimated membership of 
more than 10 million. His male heirs continue to 
serve as the leaders of the Qadiani branch of the 
Ahmadiyya. Their current leader is Mirza Masroor 
Ahmad (b. 1950), Ghulam Ahmads great grand- 
son, who became the Ahmadiyya caliph after his 
father, Mirza Tahir Ahmad, died in 2003. 

Sec also authority; Christianity and Islam; 
colonialism; Hinduism and Islam; renewal and 


Further reading: Yohanan Friedmann, Prophecy Con- 
tinuous: Aspects of Ahniadi Religious Thought and Its 
Medieval Background (Berkeley: University of California 
Press. 1989); Muhammad Zafrullah Khan, Ahmadiyyat: 
The Renaissance of Islam (London: Tabshir Publications, 

ghulat (Arabic “to exaggerate,” “to exceed 
the proper bounds”) 

The ghulat were early radical Shii groups known 
for their exaggerated beliefs about God, Ali IBN 
Abi Talib (d. 661), and other Shii Imams. Ali was 
the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, whom 
the Shia consider to have been the rightful heir 
to the leadership of Islam after the Prophet's 
death. The ghulat deified Ali and believed that 
he was a superhuman being with miraculous 

powers. The term ghali (pi. ghulat) was used 
disparagingly by mainstream Muslims to refer to 
supporters of these beliefs. Such doctrines were 
considered heretical to Sunni and later moderate 
Shii authorities, who consider God to be one and 
not incarnate in human beings. 

When these extremist doctrines about Ali 
spread to newly Islamized areas such as Iraq, 
Iran, Anatolia, and Central Asia during the eighth 
century, they were mixed with pre-Islamic and 
Christian beliefs, such as reincarnation, resurrec- 
tion, and the Christian Trinity (God, Jesus, and the 
Holy Spirit). A variety of sects that applied such 
views to the veneration of Ali and the 12 Imams 
arose, many of which survive today, such as the 
Alawis (Nusayris) in Syria, the Ahl-i Haqq (People 
of the Divine Truth) in Iran, the Alevis in Turkey, 
and the Shabak in northern Iraq. While some 
believers within these groups may equate Ali with 
God, it is more common for them to place Ali in a 
spiritual trinity along with Allah and Muhammad 
or to see Ali as a manifestation of God. These sects 
have been influenced by Sufism in their beliefs 
and ritual practices, and most require members to 
undergo an initiation ceremony. 

Since these sects are considered heretical by 
orthodox Muslim authorities, they have often 
been persecuted. They therefore practice in secret 
and often resort to concealing or even denying 
their true beliefs from outsiders, employing the 
Shii tactic of taqiyya (dissimulation). 

See also Alawi; batin ; imam; Shiism. 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: Krisztina Kchl-Bodrogi, Barbara Kell- 
ncr-Hcinkcle, and Anke Otter-Bcaujean, eds., Syncretis- 
tic Religious Communities in the Near East (New York: 
E.J. Brill. 1997); Matti Moosa, Extremist Shiites: The 
Ghulat Sects (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 

ghusl See Ablution. 

Gospel 265 

God See Allah. 

A goddess is a female form of deity found in many 
of the worlds religions. She is usually paired with 
a male god and commonly included within a poly- 
theistic religious system. The goddesses of ancient 
Egypt and Mesopotamia were associated with the 
natural world — earth, fertility, plants, animals, 
the sky, and the planets. Some, such as Ishtar of 
Iraq and Isis of Egypt, were worshipped as protec- 
tors of the king and his household. When Islam 
appeared in the seventh century, most forms of 
goddess worship had either disappeared or been 
assimilated by Christianity. The Virgin Mary and 
Jesus, for example, were portrayed like Isis hold- 
ing the infant Horus in the iconography of early 
Christian Egypt. Nevertheless, traditional goddess 
worship did continue in the more remote regions 
of the Middle East, including the Arabian Penin- 
sula, where it disappeared after it encountered the 
new religion of Islam. 

The three most popular goddesses in pre- 
Islamic Arabia were al-Lat, Manat, and al-Uzza, 
sometimes called the daughters of Allah. Al-Lat 
(possibly the female counterpart of the Arabian 
high god Allah) was worshipped by Arab tribes 
in much of the peninsula. Her main temple was 
located in Taif, a town in the mountains southeast 
of Mecca, where she was worshipped in the form 
of a rock that was shaped like the Kaaba. Manat, a 
very ancient goddess, was worshipped by the Arabs 
of Mecca, Medina (Yathrib), and the surrounding 
territories. She may have been a local form of the 
goddess Ishtar, and her name suggests that she 
had power over human fortunes and destinies. A 
sacred site for her statue was created in a coastal 
town near Medina, and members of Medina's lead- 
ing tribes would go there to shave their heads on 
their return from pilgrimage to Mecca. Al-Uzza 
(the mighty one) was worshipped in northern 
Arabia and Syria, perhaps as a local version of 
the ancient Greek goddess Aphrodite. Her shrine 

was located on the road between Mecca and Taif, 
where there was a grove of sacred trees. People 
went there on pilgrimage to conduct sacrifices and 
consult oracles. Just before Muhammad began his 
mission, the Quraysh tribe, the most powerful in 
Mecca, consolidated the worship of all three god- 
desses at the Kaaba. After 630, once Muslims had 
won control of western Arabia, they destroyed the 
images and shrines of these goddesses. 

The idea of the woman as an embodiment of 
holiness did not end with the coming of Islam, 
however. The veneration of female saints, par- 
ticularly those descended from the House of the 
Prophet (ahl al-bayt ), such as Fatima and Zaynab 
bint Ali ibn Abi Talib, is found in many Muslim 
lands among both Sunnis and Shiis. Moreover, 
the female beloved portrayed in Sufi literature 
was a symbol of the beautiful qualities of God, 
even though she was not explicitly called a god- 
dess. Lastly, Muslims in certain parts of India 
participate in rituals held at the temples of Hindu 
goddesses. Such beliefs and practices arc strongly 
condemned by strict followers of Islam, particu- 
larly those influenced by Wahhabi doctrines and 
Islamic modernism. 

See also Arabian religions, pre-1slamic; Satanic 
Verses; Wahhabism; women. 

Further reading: Hisham ibn Kalbi, The Booh of Idols. 
Translated by N. A. Faris (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Uni- 
versity Press, 1952); Manjhan, Madhumalati: An Indian 
Sufi Romance. Translated by Aditya Behl and Simon 
Weightman (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000); E 
E. Peters. The Arabs and Arabia on the Eve of Islam (Aider- 
shot, U.K., and Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate, 1999). 

good and evil See ethics and morality. 

Gospel (Arabic: injil) 

The Quran and Muslims refer to the entire New 
Testament as the Gospel, not just the first four 
books of that section of the Bible. The Quran 

266 government, Islamic 

could be interpreted as suggesting that the Gospel 
is a sacred text that God revealed to JESUS, as he 
revealed the Torah to Moses and the Quran to 
Muhammad. This relationship with other sacred 
scriptures is evidenced by the fact that nine of the 
12 times the Gospel is mentioned in the Quran, it 
occurs in relation to the Torah (Arabic: al-tawrat ), 
the Jewish sacred text. However, Muslims have 
also maintained that the Torah and the Gospel, as 
Jews and Christians have received them, contain 
errors and omissions, while the entire Quran is 
absolutely perfect and complete. 

While there are four Gospels in the New Testa- 
ment and, according to Christians, they constitute 
one of several kinds of literature in that section 
of the Bible, the Quran uses the Arabic singular 
of Gospel. There is another significant difference 
between Christian and Muslim understandings of 
Gospel or Gospels. Christians view the Gospels as 
the proclamation of the “good news" of salvation 
that God offers to human beings through Jesus, 
while Muslims understand Gospel as containing 
God’s laws and ethics, together with prophecies 
concerning Muhammad's coming. 

In terms of similarities and differences regard- 
ing the Quran's view of the Gospel and the 
Gospels as they appear in the New Testament, 
several Quranic verses overlap significantly with 
material in all or some of the four New Testa- 
ment Gospels. Other quranic passages contain 
ideas and symbols that are similar to noncanoni- 
cal gospels and other Christian texts. A number 
of other statements that the Quran attributes to 
Jesus as well as stories about him do not have 
any substantial similarity to the Gospels or any 
other Christian texts. Thus, textually there are 
numerous similarities and differences in terms of 
ideas and symbols in the Quran's representation 
of the Gospel and the Gospels as they appear in 
the New Testament. 

See also Christianity and Islam; holy books; 
Judaism and Islam. 

Jon Armajani 

Further reading: Kenneth Cragg. A Certain Sympathy 
of Scriptures: Biblical and Quranic (Brighton, U.K., and 
Portland, Ore.: Sussex Academic Press, 2004); John C. 
Reeves, ed., Bible and Quran: Essays in Scriptural Inter - 
textuality (Leiden and Boston: E.J. Brill, 2004). 

government, Islamic 

Only about 10 percent of the Quran deals with 
government or legislative matters. Therefore, 
Muslims have relied on the words and actions of 
Muhammad (d. 632) as transmitted in the hadith 
literature to provide much of the basis for Islamic 
law (sharia and fiqh) and government. Since 
Muhammad was both a religious and political 
leader, Muslims generally agree that government 
and law should be Islamic. There is a large degree 
of consensus over what constitutes Islamic law, 
but much less over what qualifies as Islamic gov- 
ernment. Consequently, many governments, past 
and present, base their claim to be Islamic on the 
degree to which they support and enforce sharia. 

After Muhammad's death, the government was 
led by his key companions, who became the first 
four caliphs and were able to continue to model 
religious and political AUTHORITY based on their 
close relationship with Muhammad. But with the 
rapid expansion of the Arab-lslamicate empire, 
the caliphate became more political and secular. 
At the same time, the first generation of Muslims 
was passing away. Both events highlighted the 
need for greater systemization of the sharia in 
order to guide the ruler and the community. In 
the process, the ULAMA (religious scholars) greatly 
increased their authority as the definers of Islamic 
law but also supported the caliph for the sake of 
unity and continuity. In the medieval period, most 
people accepted that the government could claim 
to be Islamic as long as it supported and defended 
the sharia, regardless of the character of the ruler 
himself or his administration. 

In order to strengthen their religious legiti- 
macy, rulers have often claimed to support Islamic 
law while all the while encroaching on its author- 

Granada 267 

ity. In the medieval period, rulers established a 
parallel system of courts that enabled them to 
side-step the sharia. Many Muslim countries in 
the modern period have based the primary law 
code of the land on Western models. Sharia is 
limited to the arena of personal status laws, those 
dealing with divorce, inheritance, marriage, and 
the family. The degree to which people are satis- 
fied with this or desire a greater application of 
the sharia often depends on the political and eco- 
nomic conditions in a particular country. 

While a few reformers call for a return of the 
caliphate, many argue that Islamic principles such 
as shura (consultation) and maslaha (general wel- 
fare) support the ideal of an Islamic DEMOCRACY. 
Most activists and reformers who call for Islamic 
government are concerned primarily with the 
sharia becoming the law of the country — at least 
for its Muslim citizens. This is based on a belief 
that the sharia is divinely ordained and when 
properly interpreted and applied will bring about 
just and equitable society. However, Islamic politi- 
cal theorists are still debating the key question of 
who should have the authority to interpret and 
enforce sharia. 

See also Iranian Revolution of 1978-1979; 
Islamism; politics and Islam; Saudi Arabia. 

Heather N. Keaney 

Further reading: Antony Black, The History of Islamic 
Political Thought: From the Prophet to the Present (New 
York: Routledge, 2001); Mohammad Asghar Khan, 
Islam , Politics , and the State: the Pakistan Experience 
(London: Zed Books, 1985); Ann Lambton, State and 
Government in Medieval Islam (1981. Reprint, Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 1995). 


The city of Granada (Arabic: Gharnata) is the cap- 
ital of the province of Granada in Andalusia and 
has a population of 250,000. Its strategic location 
at the confluence of the Darro and Genii Rivers 
and at the foot of the Sierra Nevada Mountains 

accounts for its continuous settlement since pre- 
historic times. During the early period of Islamic 
rule, Granada's population was largely Jewish 
(hence the Arabic epithet “Granada of the Jews"). 
Granada gained prominence as an lslamicate city 
following the fragmentation of the Ummayyad 
Caliphate into petty kingdoms after 1013. A Ber- 
ber general, Ibn Ziri (d. 1025), founded the Zirid 
kingdom, making Granada its urban center and 
the Alhambra its royal capital. 

The Almoravid dynasty deposed the Zirids in 
1090 and ruled until their defeat by the Almohad 
dynasty in 1166. Spanish Muslims, led by Ibn al- 
Hud, overthrew the Almohad leader al-Mamun 
(ca. 1232). Subsequently, Muhammad Ibn al- 
Ahmar wrested power from Ibn al-Hud, establish- 
ing the Nasrid dynasty in 1238. 

Ibn Ziri founded Granada's Great Mosque, 
whose beauty rivalled those of Seville and Cor- 
doba. He also built the Old Casbah (fortress), 
which enclosed the royal palace and the com- 
mercial and residential quarters. Granada was 
surrounded by orchards of pomegranate (Granada 
means pomegranate in Spanish) and other trees, 
and the soil was so fertile it yielded crops bian- 
nually. The most lucrative industries were textiles 
(silk, wool, linen, cotton) and gold- and silver- 

The 13th-century Christian conquests reduced 
Andalusia to the tiny kingdom of Granada, which 
extended from Algcciras to Almeria. Surrounded 
by enemies, the Nasrid kingdom owed its lon- 
gevity to its vassalage to Castile, its astuteness in 
pitting one foe against another (Castile, Aragon, 
North Africa), and Christian dynastic wars (1350- 
1412). Weakened by decades of internal strife, 
Abu Abd Allah (Boabdilla) finally surrendered 
Granada to Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492. 

The Nasrid period is justifiably called the 
golden age of lslamicate culture in Spain. The 
Maliki and Sufi underpinnings of the Nasrid 
dynasty are especially noteworthy. Muhammad I 
deployed Sufi symbols to legitimate his author- 
ity and consolidated his rule on the edifice of the 

,CssSD 268 Gulen, Fethullah 

Maliki Legal School. The Nasrid slogan “those 
who make [Islam] victorious through God" (in 
Arabic Nasr means victory) mitigated Granada's 
vassalage to Castile and epitomized the ideology 
of a frontier territory threatened by Christian (and 
Muslim) enemies. 

The architectural expression of Nasrid “vic- 
tory" is the Alhambra fortress (Arabic: al-Hamra 
“the red," referring to its reddish hue). Perched 
atop Sabika Hill, the Alhambra was a fortress 
and royal capital. Muhammad I began the con- 
struction of the Alhambra complex, and it was 
completed during the reign of Muhammad V (d. 
1391). Nasrid Granada's population was over- 
whelmingly Muslim since most native Christians 
and Jews had migrated to Christian Iberia. The 
capitulation agreement of 1492 allowed the Mus- 
lims to retain their customs, but these rights were 
successively rescinded. Granada's mosques were 
confiscated, and some 70,000 Muslims were forc- 
ibly baptized and prohibited from using Moorish 
dress, language, and customs. In the wake of Mus- 
lim revolts in 1501 and 1568 and the evidence 
of their continued Islamic practices, Felipe 111 
decreed their expulsion from Spain, which trans- 
pired between 1609 and 1614. 

See also cities; Christianity and Islam; Sufism. 

Linda G. Jones 

Further reading: Abd Allah b. Buluggin. The Tibyan: 
Memoirs of Abd Allah b. Buluggin, the Last Zirid Emir of 
Granada. Translated and edited by Amin T. Tibi (Leiden: 

E. J. Brill. 1986); L. P. Harvey, Islamic Spain, 1250 to 1500 
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992); Bernard 

F. Reilly, The Medieval Spains (Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press, 1993). 

Gulen, Fethullah (1941- ) leading Islamic 

reformist thinker and preacher from Turkey 
Born in a farming village near Erzurum in eastern 
Turkey, Fethullah Gulen, affectionately known 
to his followers as Hoja efendi (a Turkish title of 

respect), obtained his early EDUCATION at home, at 
primary school, and from religious teachers. He 
regards his mother as his first teacher and credits 
his father, Ramiz Gulen, for teaching him Arabic. 
He is reported to have memorized the Quran at an 
early age. Although Sufi organizations had been 
banned in Turkey by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 
in 1925, his teachers included several who had 
been affiliated with the reformist Naqshbandi Sufi 
Order. He also studied nonreligious subjects such 
as modern science, philosophy, and history. 

Gulen began to give sermons in local settings 
when he was 16 and was greatly influenced by the 
teachings of Said Nursi (d. 1960), a prominent 
Muslim modernist thinker of Kurdish heritage 
who was advocating the compatibility of modern 
science and knowledge with Islam in Turkey. 
A pious young man, Gulen received his first 
appointment in 1959 as the imam at the prominent 
Ucscrcfcli Mosque in Edirne, western Turkey. He 
served there for two and a half years, then per- 
formed his Turkish military service. When he got 
out, he held various positions and gave talks on 
religious and political subjects throughout the 
country, concerned at the time with growing com- 
munist influence. Inspired by Said Nursi and the 
Nurcu movement, he favored the development of 
an ideological alternative to the secular Turkish 
nationalism of Ataturk (called Kemalism). His 
tape-recorded sermons gained wide circulation 
and were especially well received by university 
students. After a military coup in 1971, Gulen 
was sentenced to prison for three years for his 
outreach activities. But this did not curtail his 
popularity, and, in 1975, he organized conferences 
dealing with the Quran, science, and Darwin- 
ism. It is said that young people from throughout 
Turkey flocked to hear his sermons and lectures. 
During the 1980s, after another military coup, 
Turkish authorities continued to monitor his 
activities, even raiding his home. He was able to 
act more openly in the 1990s because of main- 
stream acceptance of religious parties such as the 
Refah Party in Turkish politics. Giilcn had public 

Gulf States 269 

meetings with high government officials in Tur- 
key and was instrumental in the establishment of 
the Journalists and Writers Foundation in 1994. 
He also gained the attention of the international 
media due to his involvement in Turkish politics 
and his endorsement of democracy, pluralism, 
and interreligious dialogue. His outreach to other 
religious communities is evident in the meet- 
ings he has held with leading representatives of 
Turkey's Jewish and Christian communities and 
his audience with Pope John Paul II in 1998. He is 
credited with having written more than 60 books, 
mostly in Turkish, published frequent journal and 
magazine articles, and recorded many audio and 
video cassettes. 

Gulen has performed the HAJJ several times 
since his first visit to Mecca in 1968. He has also 
visited Europe and the United States, where he 
has lived since 1999. He receives medical care 
there but continues to serve as an inspiration for 
his followers in Turkey and around the world. He 
has taken a strong stand against radical Islamism. 
In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, 
attacks in the United States, he issued a statement 
to the media declaring, “Terror can never be used 
in the name of Islam or for the sake of any Islamic 
ends. A Muslim can only be the representative and 
symbol of peace, welfare, and prosperity” (Gulen, 
2002 ). 

The Gulen movement (also known as the 
Fethullahcilar) has achieved remarkable advances 
since the 1990s. It has established 250 schools in 
Turkey, southeastern Europe, Turkic parts of Cen- 
tral Asia, and other parts of the world. The curri- 
cula of the movement's schools, which enroll large 
numbers of children from rural and working-class 
backgrounds, emphasize a progressive attitude to 
modernity and religion with the objective of mak- 
ing the world a better place for all. In 1997, the 
movement opened Fatih University, a private uni- 
versity on the outskirts of Istanbul, which has fac- 
ulties in the humanities, social sciences, business, 
sciences, engineering, and vocational studies. A 
branch in Ankara, Turkey's capital, has schools 

of medicine, nursing, and vocational studies. The 
movements members have opened centers in 
several American cities, where they conduct inter- 
faith activities, lectures, conferences, and Turkish 
cultural programs. Many of the movement's male 
members, who call each other “brother" (abi), are 
involved in international education, business, and 
professional careers. Women in the movement, 
who typically wear headscarves, are well educated 
and play visible and active roles in community 
life. It also operates Zaman (Time), a leading 
Turkish newspaper, and a satellite television sta- 
tion that produces educational and entertainment 
programming in Turkish that reflects Gulen's reli- 
gious and ethical ideals. 

See also daawa ; renewal and reform move- 
ments; secularism. 

Further reading: Bulent Aras and Omer Caha, “Fethul- 
lah Gulen and His Liberal Turkish Islam Movement," 
Middle East Review of International Affairs 4, no. 4 
(2000): 30-42; Mucahit Bilici, “The Fethullah Gulen 
Movement and Its Politics of Representation in Turkey," 
Muslim World 96, no. 1 (2006): 1-20; Fethullah Gulen, 
Essays, Perspectives, Opinions. Rev. cd. (Somerset, N.J.: 

The Light, 2004); , The Statue of Our Souls: 

Revival in Islamic Thought and Activism. Translated by 
Muhammad Cretin (Somerset, N.J.: The Light, 2005); 
M. Hakan Yavuz and John L. Esposito, eds., Turkish 
Islam and the Secular State: The Gulen Movement (Syra- 
cuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 2003). 

Gulf States 

The Persian Gulf (also called the Arabian Gulf, 
especially by Arabs) is a strategic body of water 
about 93,000 square miles in area (slightly less 
than the size of Oregon) separating the Ara- 
bian Peninsula from Iran. Its northwestern shore 
receives the outflow from the Tigris and Euphra- 
tes Rivers, and it opens to the Indian Ocean at the 
Strait of Hormuz, located 615 miles to the south- 
east. The gulf is surrounded by eight countries — 
Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, 

' Css ^ 270 Gulf States 

the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Oman. The 
landmass occupied by these states collectively is 
1.8 million square miles, or half the landmass of 
the United States. The individual Persian Gulf 
countries range in size from the smallest, Bahrain 
(the size of Washington, D.C.) and Qatar (the size 
of Connecticut), to the largest, Iran (the size of 
Alaska) and Saudi Arabia (one-third the size of the 
United States). The total population of the region 
is about 130 million, or slightly less than half 
that of the United States. Iran, with 65.8 million 
people (2008 estimate), has the largest population 
by far of all the Gulf countries, followed by Iraq 
(28.2 million) and Saudi Arabia (28.1 million, 
including 5.6 million nonnationals). 

This is a very diverse region with respect to 
religion, culture, politics, and economics. It has 
been home to several civilizations plus a major 
crossroads for others, linking Asia with the Middle 
East and Europe and the Indian Ocean with the 
Mediterranean. It is populated by city dwellers, 
nomads, farmers, and, in modern times, immi- 
grants from many parts of the world. The immi- 
grants come especially from South Asia, attracted 
by employment opportunities in the OIL industry 
that developed there in the latter part of the 20th 
century or by jobs in the commercial sector. Pre- 
viously best known for its agriculture, spices, 
pearl fisheries, cities of commerce, and pilgrimage 
networks, the Gulf region today is the center of 
the petroleum industry. It has more than half the 
world's proven oil reserves, and it produces about 
a third of the worlds oil. The native population 
is mainly Persian speaking on the eastern side of 
the Gulf and Arabic speaking on the western side. 
The majority belongs to the Twelve-Imam branch 
ol Shii Islam, especially in Iran, Iraq, and Bahrain, 
but there is also a significant Sunni Muslim pres- 
ence. The IBADIYYA, an off-shoot of the Khawarij, 
the earliest Muslim sect, are a majority in Oman. 
All the major Islamic legal schools are present in 
the Gulf region, led by the Jaafari Legal School 
among the Shia and the Hanbali Legal School 
among the Sunnis, as well as a significant number 

of Hanafis and Malikis. Wahhabism, a particularly 
puritanical branch of the Hanbali tradition based 
in Saudi Arabia, is very influential among Sunni 
populations in the Gulf region. The Gulf is home 
to several of Islam's most treasured holy cities — 
Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia, Najaf and 
Karbala in Iraq, and Mashhad in Iran. Non-Mus- 
lim religious communities are also found there, 
including Christians, Hindus, Bahais, Buddhists, 
Sikhs, Zoroastrians, and Jews. 

The modern Gulf states all arose during the 
20th century. Prior to that time, the most impor- 
tant countries with a long history of state control 
were Iran and Iraq, which were ruled by Mus- 
lim dynasties such as the Umayyads, Abbasids, 
Scljuks, Ottomans, and Safavids. An Indian Ocean 
empire based on trade was commanded by the rul- 
ers of Oman during the 19th century. Yet much of 
the Arabian Peninsula, and even significant parts 
of Iran and Iraq, have been controlled by differ- 
ent tribal groups and confederations. Today the 
major regional powers are the Islamic Republic 
of Iran, the Republic of Iraq, and the Kingdom of 
Saudi Arabia (treated elsewhere in this volume). 
The smaller Arab Gulf states are the Kingdom 
of Bahrain, the State of Kuwait, the Sultanate of 
Oman, the State of Qatar, and the UAE. All of 
these states took present form after a period of 
British hegemony during the 19th century, when 
local tribal shaykhs became British clients pro- 
tected by the Royal Navy. Britain essentially ran 
the foreign affairs and defense of these countries 
until it acceded to their independence after World 
War II. Even with their formal independence, 
however, the smaller Gulf States have continued 
to rely on alliances with greater powers, such 
as the United States, for their survival. Oil has 
given them a great deal of economic security, but 
it has also made them vulnerable to international 
political forces and regional insurgencies. Since 
1981, one major revolution and three major wars 
have been fought in the Gulf region. Therefore, to 
improve their strategic security, affirm their com- 
mon interests, and coordinate their relations, the 

Gulf States 271 

five smaller Arab Gulf States, plus Saudi Arabia, 
formed the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) on 
May 25, 1981. For political and strategic reasons, 
Iran and Iraq are conspicuously absent from this 
regional alliance. 


The smallest of the Gulf States, the island nation 
of Bahrain has a population of 718,306 (2008 
est.), more than 235,000 of whom are nonnation- 
als. The majority (70 percent) consists of follow- 
ers of Twelve-Imam Shiism who maintain close 
ties to Shii religious centers in Iraq and Iran. The 
government is controlled by the Sunni A1 Khalifa, 
a merchant family. Bahrain has been subject in the 
past to Portuguese and British rule, but it achieved 
independence in 1971, when it became officially 
known as the State of Bahrain. At that time, a 
constitution was approved and an elected national 
assembly was created, but it was disbanded in 
1975. It was then ruled as a conservative shaykh- 
dom (emirate) until 2002, when the government 
was reclassified as a monarchy and the national 
assembly was reconstituted in response to Shii 
demands for more participation in governance. 


Situated on the western side of where the Shalt 
al-Arab waterway empties into the Persian Gulf, 
Kuwait is bordered by Iraq to the north and Saudi 
Arabia to the south. Its population is 2.6 million 
(2008 est.), of whom as many as 60 percent are 
nonnationals. Most of the people are Sunni Mus- 
lims and followers of the Maliki Legal School. 
About 25 percent are adherents of Twelve-Imam 
Shiism; many of the country's wealthy merchants 
are Shiis with roots in Iraq and Iran. There is 
a mixed population of non-Muslim residents, 
including Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and 
Sikhs. Kuwait's ruling family is the Al Sabah, who 
are Sunni Arabs. They have played a leading role 
in Kuwaiti affairs since the 18th century, when 
Kuwait City, the capital, emerged as a regional 
commercial center. Once closely allied to Otto- 

man authorities in southern Iraq, they agreed to 
become a British protectorate in 1899. The coun- 
try achieved independence in 1961, and its gov- 
ernment is classified as a constitutional monarchy, 
which consists of a ruling emir from the Al Sabbah 
and a national assembly. In reaction to opposition 
and criticism from the assembly, however, the 
emir has intervened to disband it several times 
since the 1960s. Shiis in Kuwait became politically 
active in the aftermath of the Iranian Revolution 
of 1978-1979. Some Shii radicalism was stirred 
up by pro-Iranian agents, but activism has also 
come about as a result of Shii frustration with the 
lack of a proportional voice in national affairs. The 
government has occasionally resorted to harsh 
countermeasures, and eruptions of violence have 
occurred. Sunni Islamist groups, some affiliated 
with the Muslim Brotherhood, have also formed 
there. The government, as a result, has made some 
concessions to such groups, such as supporting 
conservative Islamic legislation with respect to 
womens rights and alcohol consumption. 

From August 1990 to March 1991, Iraq invaded 
and annexed Kuwait on the orders of Saddam 
Husayn, Iraq's president. Although the Al Sabah 
were able to escape, many Kuwaitis and nonna- 
tionals suffered. The occupation was ended by an 
armed international coalition of forces authorized 
by the United Nations. During the 1990s, Kuwait 
supported efforts to contain Husayn's regime, and 
it allowed the country to be used as a staging area 
for the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq by a 
second armed coalition, led by the United States 
and Britain. 


Located at the southeastern end of the Arabian 
Peninsula at the Strait of Hormuz and on the 
shores of the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea, 
the Sultanate of Oman is the third-largest country 
in the region. The UAE borders it in the north- 
west, Saudi Arabia in the west, and Yemen in the 
southwest. The country, whose capital is Musqat, 
is ruled by a member of the Al Bu Said family, 

272 Gulf States 

which has been in power since the 18th century. 
The ruler was originally called a SAYY1D, but this 
title was later changed to sultan. Until the 1950s, 
the country's interior was ruled by a more religious 
figure, also from the Al Bu Said, called an imam. 
Like other parts of the Arabian Peninsula, Oman 
was Islamized during the seventh century. Early in 
the 19th century, it became a commercial empire 
that dominated the Indian Ocean trade. It gained 
possessions on the coasts of East Africa, the 
Persian Gulf, Iran, and present-day Pakistan. The 
coming of European steam-powered ships, grow- 
ing British influence in the region, and internal 
political disputes brought this empire to an end 
by the end of the 19th century. Thereafter, Omani 
rulers relied heavily on the British for assistance 
in consolidating and keeping their control of the 
country. In more recent times, it has developed 
close relations with the United States. 

Most of Oman's 3.3 million (2008 cst.) inhab- 
itants arc Arabs, but there are significant numbers 
of peoples from outside the country, especially 
Baluchis from Iran, South Asians, and Africans. 
More than 16 percent of Oman's inhabitants are 
nonnationals, many of whom are engaged by the 
country’s oil industry. Islam is its dominant reli- 
gion, with 75 percent belonging to the Ibadiyya 
sect. Other Muslims belong to the Sunni and Shii 
branches of Islam. Christians and Hindus also live 
in Oman, and the sultan has granted them lands 
for their churches and temples. 


The second-smallest state in the Middle East, 
Qatar is located on a small peninsula bordered by 
Saudi Arabia and the nearby island nation of Bah- 
rain. Doha is the nation's capital, and it is ruled 
by a member of the Al Thani, a Sunni Arab clan 
that migrated into the peninsula from central Ara- 
bia and came to power with British assistance in 
1868. Although it became a province of the Otto- 
man Empire in the latter part of the 19th century, 
it became a British protectorate after World War 1 
and attained independence in 1971. The Al Thani 

developed friendly relations with Abd al-Aziz ibn 
Saud, the founder of the Kingdom of Saudi Ara- 
bia, and, as a result, the leading form of Sunnism 
followed in Qatar is that of the Wahhabis, albeit 
in a more liberalized form. Followers of Twelve- 
Imam Shiism are a small minority. The country's 
population of 824,789 (2008 est.) is 95 percent 
Muslim, but it is made up of diverse ethnic groups 
(Arab 40 percent. South Asian 36 percent, Iranian 
10 percent, and other 14 percent). This diversity 
is a reflection of the changes the country has 
undergone from once having an economy based 
on pastoralism, pearling, and fishing to one based 
on oil, which began to be exported in significant 
quantities in the 1950s. Qatar has become a close 
ally of the United States, and, under the present 
emir, Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (r. 1999 to 
the present), local elections have been held, and 
women have been given the right to vote and 
run for office. The headquarters of the Al Jazeera 
broadcasting network, one of the freest in the 
Middle East, is also located there. 


The UAE, formerly known as the Trucial States, 
is a federation of seven small states (Abu Dhabi, 
Ajman, Dubai, Fujaira, Ras al-Khaima, Sharja, 
and Umm al-Qaiwain) located near the Strait of 
Hormuz on the southeastern shore of the gulf. It 
is bordered by Qatar to the west, Saudi Arabia to 
the south, and Oman to the east. The leaders of 
the UAE come from its most powerful or wealthy 
Arabian tribes, particularly the Al Nahayyan of 
Abu Dhabi, the Al Maktoum of Dubai, and the 
Qasimis of Ras al-Khaima and Sharja. Prior to 
independence in 1971, the individual emirates 
had established exclusive treaty relations with 
Great Britain. Overall authority is now exercised 
by the Supreme Council of emirs from each of the 
seven states, with a president from the Al Nahayan 
and vice president from the Al Maktoum. The 
country is home to an estimated 4.6 million 
(2005) people, of whom at least 47 percent are 
nonnationals, mainly from South Asia and Iran. 

Gulf Wars 273 

By some estimates, nonnationals may even out- 
number UAE citizens. The majority of the coun- 
try’s populace follows Sunni Islam (80 percent) 
and the Maliki tradition of law. The Shia are a 
minority (16 percent). The rest includes Chris- 
tians, Hindus, Buddhists, Bahais, and Sikhs, who 
have freedom of worship. Christians, Hindus, and 
Sikhs have their own churches and temples, while 
others conduct their religious practices at home. 
Oil has brought the country great prosperity since 
its discovery there in 1958, and its per capita 
income is now comparable to that of countries 
in western Europe. The UAE has also become a 
flourishing center of international commerce and 
a modern architectural showcase; buildings there 
reflect Islamic and Western motifs. 

See also Gulf Wars; Organization of Petro- 
leum Exporting Countries. 

Further reading: Helen Chapin Metz, The Persian Gulj 
States: A Country Study (Washington, D.C.: Federal 
Division, Library of Congress, 1994); Rosemarie Said 
Zahlan, The Making of the Modern Gulf States: Kuwait , 
Bahrain , Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman 
(London: Unwin Hyman, 1989). 

Gulf Wars 

Between 1980 and the present (2008), the Persian 
Gulf region was subject to three major conflicts 
that pitted country against country, Muslim against 
Muslim, and Muslims against the United States, 
Great Britain, and their allies. Although religion was 
not the cause for these conflicts, it nonetheless was 
an important factor. The conflicts, in turn, affected 
the ways in which religion was used by the various 
parties involved to serve their short- and long-term 
strategies and policy objectives. In addition, compe- 
tition for control of the world's largest OIL fields was 
a key element in each of the conflicts. 

THE IRAN-1 RAQ WAR OF 1980-1988 

This, the first of the modern Gulf wars, began on 
September 22, 1980, when Iraqi forces invaded 

Iran by crossing the Shatt al-Arab waterway into 
southwestern Iran. A major cause of the conflict 
was a long-standing dispute between the two 
nations over control of this vital waterway, which 
is used for transporting oil to global markets 
via the Persian Gulf. Iraq had been obliged by a 
United Nations resolution in 1975 to share the 
waterway jointly with Iran, a development that 
Saddam Husayn (d. 2006), Iraq's president, saw 
as an insult to his country's sovereignty. Another 
area of contention was Iraq's historic claim to the 
Iranian province of Khuzistan (also known as 
Arabistan), where there was a large population 
of Arabs whom Iraq felt needed its protection. In 
1980, Husayn perceived that the overthrow of the 
Pahlavi monarchy in 1979 by an Islamic revolu- 
tion led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (d. 
1989), the charismatic Shii leader, had left Iran's 
defenses weak and in disarray. Husayn concluded 
that this was a situation he could exploit to make 
Iraq the dominant power in the Persian Gulf. At 
the same time, Husayn was angered by efforts 
undertaken by Iranian agents to stir up resistance 
against his government among Iraqi Shia, the 
country's majority population, who live in the 
southern part of the country, where many of Iraq's 
oil fields are located. 

Religion was used in the war to win popular 
support domestically and appeal to the wider 
Muslim community. After initial losses on the 
battlefield, Iranian forces rallied, with the back- 
ing of thousands of youthful volunteers called 
the Basij, who were encouraged to become holy 
martyrs by dying for their country in imitation of 
Imam Husayn, the heroic grandson of Muham- 
mad who perished in the battle of Karbala in 
680 fighting the forces of tyranny and injustice. 
By 1982, Iran had regained much of the terri- 
tory initially lost to the Iraqi offensive. Saddam 
Husayn, on the other hand, attempted to mobilize 
Iraqi patriotism by recalling the Battle of Qadisi- 
yya (ca. 636), in which Arab Muslim armies were 
thought to have decisively defeated the Sassanian 
Persian army, opening all of Iran to conquest. He 

^ 274 Gulf Wars 

also invoked, with little success, the symbolism 
of the Shii Imams Ali IBN Abi Talib (d. 661) and 
Husayn in order to maintain the loyalty of Iraq's 
Shii majority. Iran and Iraq soon became locked in 
a long war of attrition, during which Iraq bombed 
Iranian towns and CITIES and used chemical weap- 
ons to lethal effect in battle. 

Iraq was supported by other Arab countries 
and received logistical support from Europe and 
the United States through secret third-party trans- 
fers. The United States in particular followed a 
policy of containment (strategic isolation) first of 
Iran, then later of Iraq, in order to secure greater 
influence in the region and control the spread of 
revolutionary Shiism. The war came to an end in 
1988 with assistance from the United Nations, but 
without a formal peace treaty. Fervor for war was 
also reduced following Khomeinis death in 1989, 
allowing Iran to take concrete steps toward mak- 
ing peace with its neighbor. It was not until after 
Iraq had invaded Kuwait in 1990, when it needed 
to be on good terms with Iran, that Iraq withdrew 
from all occupied Iranian territory, conducted 
prisoner exchanges, and agreed to reopen the 
Shatt al-Arab to commercial traffic. 

The war exacted a terrible price on both coun- 
tries: A total of about 1 million lives were lost at 
the cost of billions of dollars to the infrastructure 
and economy of each country. Nevertheless, the 
war allowed Khomeini to eliminate domestic 
opponents of his Islamic revolution, and it gave 
the government an independent militia, the Basij, 
which still plays a leading role in helping the gov- 
ernment maintain its power. 

THE GULF WAR OF 1990-1991 

This short war was precipitated when Iraq invaded 
Kuwait on August 2, 1990. Iraq had long claimed 
sovereignty over Kuwait, which was made a Brit- 
ish protectorate in 1899. In the late 1980s, at the 
end of the Iran-Iraq war, Saddam Husayn came to 
resent the close relationship Kuwait had formed 
with the United States, which was impeding his 

ambitions to make his country the chief power in 
the Gulf region. At the same time, Iraq held a large 
national debt because of its war with Iran, and it 
resented the fact that the other major Arab oil- 
producing countries were not willing to keep oil 
prices high so that it could pay off this debt. More- 
over, Husayn complained that Kuwait had been 
illegally tapping into the Rumayla oil field that 
lies on the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border. When regional 
and international mediation efforts failed to sat- 
isfy Iraqi demands, Iraq's forces took the country 
by force. In the ensuing months, an international 
coalition of 34 countries, led by the United 
States, formed first to protect incursion into Saudi 
Arabia, then to compel Iraq's withdrawal from 
Kuwait. United Nations resolutions authorized 
these actions, in addition to several resolutions 
that imposed economic sanctions and condemned 
Iraq for human rights violations. 

The world was deeply concerned that the 
looming conflict would affect oil supplies, and 
many observers worried that Iraq might resort to 
the use of chemical or biological weapons against 
the coalition. While serious diplomatic efforts 
were being made to resolve the crisis, the coalition 
assembled its forces in the Gulf region in what was 
called Operation Desert Shield, the first phase of 
the war. This was the defensive phase, but the sec- 
ond phase involved attacking Iraq in order to force 
it to withdraw from Kuwait. The United Nations 
gave Iraq until January 15, 1991, to withdraw 
peacefully, but it resisted, hoping to rally the sup- 
port of the Muslim world and find a diplomatic 
alternative. On January 17, 1991, the United 
States launched the offensive phase of the war, 
known as Operation Desert Storm, with a crip- 
pling aerial bombing campaign. Iraq responded 
by launching missiles with conventional warheads 
at targets in Israel and Saudi Arabia. The missiles 
inflicted minor damage, except for one that hit a 
U.S. military barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 
killing U.S. military personnel there. On February 
22-23, Iraq began to set fire to Kuwait's oil fields, 
causing serious environmental damage. 

Gulf Wars 275 

With the air campaign well under way, a 
ground attack, known as Desert Saber, was 
launched from Saudi Arabia into Kuwait and 
southern Iraq on February 24. Iraqi troops were 
quickly overcome and driven out of Kuwait in less 
than six days, and on March 3, 1991, Iraq agreed 
to a cease-fire and to abide by previous UN resolu- 
tions. President George H. W. Bush (r. 1988-93) 
and his advisers agreed not to try to advance to 
Baghdad and overthrow Saddam Husayn because 
of the tremendous costs in life and resources 
this would involve. Instead, on April 3, the UN 
Security Council passed Resolution 687, which 
set terms for a permanent cease-fire and required 
Iraq to allow on-site inspections for weapons of 
mass destruction, renounce terrorism, and pay 
reparations from its oil revenues. The coalition 
withdrew its forces from southern Iraq, but later, 
in 1992-93, the United States and Great Britain 
created zones in the airspace over the northern 
and southern thirds of the country where Iraqi 
military aircraft were not allowed to fly (known as 
no-fly zones). These were to protect the Kurds, an 
ethnic group in northern Iraq, and the Shia from 
Husayn's forces, but they also gave the United 
States and Britain the ability to strike at his forces 
whenever necessary. 

The religious dimensions of this war were 
complex. Many Muslim authorities and Islamic 
activist groups quickly reacted to the invasion of 
Kuwait by condemning Husayn and Iraq. Egypt, 
Syria, and Saudi Arabia joined the U.S.-led coali- 
tion. Although some Islamic leaders favored using 
non-Muslim troops to protect Saudi Arabia and 
expel Iraq from Kuwait, most leading voices advo- 
cated letting Muslim countries resolve the conflict 
among themselves. Also, some Islamist groups 
objected that the stationing of non-Muslim troops 
in Saudi Arabia would profane the holy cities of 
Mecca and Medina, and many were suspicious 
of American and Israeli hegemonic designs on 
the region. Saddam Husayn himself appealed to 
the support of Muslims on such grounds, even 
though many in the region regarded him as a 

religious hypocrite and disbeliever. In an elfort to 
enhance his Islamist credentials, Husayn added 
the religious phrase Allah akhar (God is greatest) 
to the Iraqi flag. 

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and its 
counterpart in Pakistan, the Jamaat-i Islami, joined 
those who first condemned Saddam Husayn's 
actions, but as the war progressed, they voiced 
their opposition to the coalition force, fearing that 
it secretly wanted to recolonize Muslim lands. 
Many North African Muslim leaders held similar 
views. Public opinion in Jordan was strongly 
pro-Iraqi, and the Muslim Brotherhood effectively 
mobilized to win seats in parliament and in King 
Husayn ibn Talal's (r. 1950-99) cabinet. Iran's Shii 
revolutionary government opposed both Saddam 
Husayn's invasion of Kuwait and the dispatching 
of American troops to the region, even going so 
far as to call for a jihad against the United States. 
They proceeded to finalize a cease-fire with Iraq 
and offered sanctuary to Iraq's air force so that it 
would not be destroyed. 

The response of Iraqi Shia to the war was espe- 
cially noteworthy. Shii opposition groups such as 
the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in 
Iraq (SCIR1) and the Daawa Party, which had been 
forced into exile by Husayn's government, hoped 
that the regime would fall, but they did not want 
to see their country destroyed by a full-scale war. 
They also began to favor the creation of a more 
democratic government. Shii leaders joined lead- 
ers of secular Iraqi opposition groups in calling for 
a popular uprising against Husayn during the war. 
When it was evident that Iraq would be defeated, 
these calls intensified. Further incitement for a 
rebellion was provided by President Bush on Feb- 
ruary 15, 1991, when he called on "the Iraqi mili- 
tary and the Iraqi people to take matters into their 
own hands'' (Sifry and Cerf, 96). Their rebellion 
actually started during the first week in March in 
southern Iraq, quickly spreading to Kurdish areas 
in the north. It included disaffected members 
of the regular armed forces as well as civilians. 
However, when it became evident that the United 

276 Gulf Wars 

States was not going to help the rebels, Husayn’s 
elite Revolutionary Guard acted with deadly force 
to end the rebellion. In less than two weeks, it 
was completely smashed. Estimates indicate that 
as many as 100,000 Kurds and 130,000 Shiis had 
been killed in the uprising alone. Great damage 
was done to Shii cities, towns, and shrines in the 
south as well as to Kurdish population centers in 
the north. 


This war, which is ongoing at this writing (August 
2008), consists of two phases. Although targets 
in southern Iraq were subject to periodic aerial 
bombings by American warplanes in 2002, the 
first phase of the war proper began on March 20, 
2003. It opened with massive “shock-and-awe” 
aerial attacks and a full-scale ground invasion 
northward from Kuwait by a coalition force com- 
posed mainly of U.S. and British troops. Kurdish 
militias joined with U.S. Special Forces to secure 
territory in northern Iraq. The invasion force 
achieved a quick victory on the battlefield and 
took control of Baghdad on April 9, overthrow- 
ing the Baath Party— controlled government of 
Saddam Husayn. The second phase of the conflict 
involved a U.S. -led occupation of the country 
and a largely low-intensity war against loosely 
organized Iraqi resistance fighters and a small but 
deadly force of foreign radical Muslims who infil- 
trated the country during the occupation to fight 
the Americans. During this phase, governance of 
the country shifted from a Provisional Coalition 
Authority headed by an American administrator 
(Paul Bremer) to an interim Iraqi government and 
then to an elected government based on a new 
democratic constitution. The new government 
had majority Shii representation for the first time 
in Iraq's modern history. However, significant 
numbers of Iraqis, most of them disenfranchised 
Sunni Arabs, did not accept the legitimacy of this 
government. There have been numerous attacks 

on civilians by a variety of militias and Muslim 
jihadists, leading some observers to conclude that 
this second phase of the war has actually become 
a civil war between the Sunni Arab minority and 
the Shii majority. Altogether, the war and occu- 
pation have exacted a high toll from the Iraqi 
people — more than 100,000 lives lost, many more 
injured, up to 4 million Iraqi REFUGEES, and bil- 
lions of dollars of damage done to the infrastruc- 
ture and the economy. 

This war, unlike the previous Gulf wars, was 
not caused by an overt act of Iraqi aggression. 
Rather, it was caused by a combination of several 
factors, including a perceived threat that Iraq might 
act aggressively (it had violated 17 UN Security 
Council resolutions). A small group of U.S. policy 
makers and commentators, now known as the 
Neocons (an abbreviation of “Neoconservatives"), 
were unhappy with the outcome of the 1990-91 
Gulf War because they had wanted to sec Saddam 
Husayns government completely removed from 
power in order to create a Middle East that was 
more favorable to American strategic interests. 
They met periodically with a group of Iraqi exiles, 
known collectively as the Iraqi National Congress 
(INC), and lobbied in Washington for bringing 
about “regime change” in Iraq during the latter 
part of the 1990s. As part of their strategy, they 
promoted continuation of the UN-authorized 
embargo, even though many countries favored 
normalizing relations with Iraq and a UN human 
rights agency estimated that as many as 500,000 
Iraqi children had died as a result of the embargo 
during the first 10 years that it was in effect. 

The election of George W. Bush as president 
in 2000 brought many of the Neocons into power, 
so immediately after the terrorist attacks of Sep- 
tember 11, 2001, concrete steps were taken for 
going to war against Iraq as part of a global “war 
against terrorism.” Even though there was no Iraqi 
involvement in the 9/11 attacks, Bush administra- 
tion officials argued that with its weapons of mass 
destruction, it posed an imminent threat to the 
United States and its allies, despite the absence 

Gulf Wars 2 77 

of conclusive evidence thal Iraq, in fact, still had 
such weapons. Weapons inspections and intel- 
ligence assessments conducted before and after 
the war have shown that most, if not all, of Iraq's 
arsenal of lethal weapons had been destroyed or 
significantly degraded since the mid-1990s as a 
result of the UN inspections. 

Alternatively, the Bush administration argued 
that the replacement of Husayns government by 
a democratic government would help spread the 
cause of freedom in the region, provide its people 
with greater security, and help resolve the Isracli- 
Palestinian conflict. Consequently, the invasion was 
called Operation Iraqi Freedom. On a more practi- 
cal level, having a friendly government in Baghdad 
that allowed American troops to be stationed in the 
country would assure U.S. control of the worlds 
oil supply at a time of growing demand by newly 
industrializing nations, especially China and India. 
Iraq has the fourth-largest proven oil reserves in the 
world and a strategically dominant location vis-a- 
vis other oil-producing nations in the Middle East. 

The third Gulf War has had a significant 
impact on the dynamics of Islamic politics and 
radicalism in the early 21st century. Above all, 
it has brought Shii Muslims into power where 
there had previously been a secular Arab regime 
consisting mostly of Sunnis. Instead of the Baath 
Party, the dominant parties in the government now 
are the Daawa Party and the Supreme Council of 
Islamic Revolution in Iraq (renamed Supreme 
Islamic Iraqi Council in May 2007), both of which 
are Islamic organizations that had been opposed 
to Saddam Husayns regime and had received 
protection, support, and training from the revo- 
lutionary Shii government in Iran. In addition, 
two Shii religious figures have risen to national 
prominence in the country — the venerable Ayatol- 
lah Ali Sistani (b. 1930), an expert in the sharia, 
and Muqtada al-Sadr (b. 1973), who comes from 
a prominent family of Shii religious authorities 
and controls a Shii militia. Despite U.S. military 

presence in the country, the war has also given 
Iran the opportunity to influence Iraqi affairs in a 
way that it has not been able to do since the days 
of the Safavid dynasty in the 17th century, when 
it was part of the Safavid Empire. Leaders of Saudi 
Arabia and Jordan, meanwhile, have expressed 
concern thal the war has allowed the Shia to exer- 
cise more influence throughout the Middle East, 
from Lebanon to the Persian Gulf, creating what 
some observers have called a “Shii Crescent.” 

At the same time, radical Sunni Muslim orga- 
nizations, led by al-Qaida, have declared a jihad 
on U.S. and British troops in Iraq, using the 
foreign occupation of a Muslim country in their 
propaganda to win new recruits. In addition to 
attacking U.S. and British troops, they have also 
been held responsible for killing Shii civilians in 
suicide bombings and assassinations. Inspired by 
Wahhabism, they regard Shiism as a form of unbe- 
lief and oppose the cooperation of Shii officials in 
the Iraqi government with U.S. authorities. Their 
actions have contributed significantly to sectarian 
violence between Iraqi Shiis and Sunnis. Radical 
Islamic groups and overt Shii-Sunni sectarian vio- 
lence were not present in Iraq when it was under 
Baath control prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom. 
Experts have expressed concern that these forces 
may further destabilize the entire region and put 
the world's oil supply in jeopardy. 

See also Daawa Party of Iraq; Gulf States; 

Further reading: George Packer. Assassins Gate: Amer- 
ica in Iraq (New York: Farrar. Strauss & Giroux, 
2005); James Piscatori, ed., Islamic Fundamentalisms 
and the Gulf Crisis (Chicago: The Fundamentalism Proj- 
ect. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1991); 
Anthony Shadid. Night Draws Near: Iraq's People in the 
Shadow of America's War (New York: Henry Holt, 2005); 
Micah L. Sifry and Christopher Cerf, eds., The Iraq War 
Reader: History, Documents, Opinions (New York: Simon 
& Schuster, 2003). 


chapter on beverages in the collection of Muslim 
ibn al-Hajjaj states: 

hadith (Arabic: speech, report, narrative) 

A hadith is a short report, story, or tradition about 
what Muhammad (d. 632), the historical founder 
of the Islamic religion, said or did and about what 
he did not say or do. The word hadith is also used 
with reference to the body of such reports, known 
as the hadith. There were literally thousands of 
hadith circulating in the Muslim community in 
oral and written form in Islam's first century. These 
were eventually collected into books during the 
ninth and 10th centuries. These reports arc part of 
a very large corpus of such accounts that govern 
Islamic law, religious practice, belief, and everyday 
life. Most Muslims believe that the hadith should 
complement the Quran. As such, it embodies one 
kind of revealed truth that defines the SUNNA, or 
the authentic code of action approved by Muham- 
mad as the foremost prophet of Islam. Throughout 
Islamic history, each of the major Islamic tradi- 
tions — Sunnism, Shiism, and Sufism — has looked to 
the hadith for guidance and inspiration. 

In its classic form, a hadith is composed of two 
parts, a chain of transmitters (the isnad) and the 
main text ( matn ) of the report. A hadith from the 

Abd Allah ibn Muadh al-Anbari told us that 
he was told by Shuba on the authority of 
Abu Ishaq on the authority of al-Bara who 
said that Abu Bakr the Truthful said, “When 
we went from Mecca to Medina with the 
Prophet, we passed by a shepherd. God's 
Messenger had become thirsty, so I milked 
|an animal] and brought some milk to him. 
He drank it until his thirst was quenched." 

The list of transmitters here goes back in time 
from Muslims in the ninth century to Muham- 
mad in the seventh century. Abu Bakr, a close 
companion of Muhammad and the first caliph (r. 
632-634), was the witness. The sunna, or reli- 
gious norm, is contained in the main text, which 
upholds the permissibility of drinking milk fresh 
from an animal, no doubt a widespread practice 
in Arabia at the time. Hadith can also express 
prohibitions. In the same chapter on beverages, 
Muslim includes a hadith transmitted by Aisha, 
Muhammad's wife, which prohibits intoxicating 
drinks. According to this hadith, Muhammad 
said, “Every beverage that intoxicates is forbidden 


hadith 279 

[haram]." It thus complements and expands upon 
the Quran’s ban against drinking wine. In addition 
to matters of belief and practice, the hadith also 
contain historical information and Quran com- 
mentary (tafsir). 

A very special kind of hadith is the hadith 
qudsi (holy hadith). This is one that contains a 
saying attributed to God by Muhammad but not 
found in the Quran. Although it is a divine say- 
ing, it is not regarded with the same authority as a 
verse from the Quran, and modern scholars think 
that many holy hadith originated late in the eighth 
century, long after Muhammad's time. This kind of 
hadith usually narrates a teaching about God, the 
virtues of piety, and the end of the world. In one of 
the most popular holy hadith discussed by Sufis, 
God says, “I was a hidden treasure that wished 
to be known, so I created the universe so that I 
might be known." In another, found in several 
Sunni collections, God says, “Spend [ in charity), 
O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you." This 
one promises blessings for the generous. 

The earliest of the major Sunni collections 
was the Musnad of Ibn Hanbal (d. 855). It was 
organized according the names of the Companions 
of the Prophet, who were originally credited 
in the isnad with having transmitted the hadith. 
lie started with reports attributed to the first 
four caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and 
Ali) and concluded with hadith transmitted by 
women, most notably Aisha and other wives of 
the Prophet. The renowned traditionist of Bagh- 
dad reportedly gathered a total of about 700,000 
hadith, narrated by more than 900 companions, 
of which he selected 30,000 for his Musnad. Ibn 
Ilanbal's staunch defense of the hadith at a time 
when others wanted to base religion and law r on 
human reason and personal opinion made him 
the leader of the ahl al-hadith (Hadith partisans) 
movement in Abbasid Iraq during the ninth cen- 
tury, which contributed significantly to the forma- 
tion of the Islamic legal tradition. 

The six most authoritative and canonical 
hadith collections recognized by Sunnis are those 

of al-Bukhari (d. 870), Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj (d. 
874), Abu Daud (d. 888), al-Tirmidhi (d. 892), 
Ibn Maja (d. 892), and al-Nasai (d. 915). Of 
these, the first two are considered to be the most 
correct and are thus called “the two correct ones" 
(al-sahihan). All six are arranged by subject, like 
the Jewish Talmud (the oral Torah of Moses). 
Muslim's collection, for example, is organized 
into “books" on the following topics: matters of 
faith, ritual purity, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, 
hajj, commercial transactions and oaths, crimi- 
nal punishments, jihad, government, sacrifice, 
drinks, dress, greeting and visitation, and miscel- 
lany, including accounts about the afterlife and 
Quran commentary. Muslim is reported to have 
gathered some 300,000 hadith in his lifetime, of 
which only an estimated 3,000 were included in 
his collection. 

The Shia developed their own authoritative 
hadith collections by the 10th century. These 
collections were based on statements attributed 
to the imams, starting with Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 
661), and they generally upheld Shi i doctrines 
about them. They did not include hadith trans- 
mitted by the first three caliphs and many of the 
companions because the Shia authorities con- 
sidered these individuals corrupt usurpers who 
prevented members of Muhammad's household 
from assuming leadership of the Islamic l/mma. 
Among the leading Shii collections are those of al- 
Kulayni (d. 939), Ibn Babuya al-Qummi (d. 991), 
and Muhammad al-Tusi (d. 1067). Perhaps the 
most comprehensive later Shii hadith collection 
is Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi's Bihar al-anwar 
(Oceans of Lights), completed around 1674. The 
modern printed edition of this book consists of 
more than 110 volumes. 

Sufis also valued the hadith, especially those 
that endorsed their spiritual disciplines and teach- 
ings. They were not averse to using narratives 
of questionable authenticity, but they also knew 
how to win the approval of literal-minded ulama 
by citing hadith from the canonical collections. 
Thus, in his book of Sufi biographies, called The 

280 Hagar 

Generations of the Sufis ( Al-Tcibaqcit al-sufiyya ), 
al-Sulami (d. 1091) links the sayings of prominent 
mystics to the hadith of Muhammad. 

Muslim scholars recognized very early on, 
certainly by the middle of the eighth century, that 
some of the hadith had been forged or transmit- 
ted carelessly. Hadith transmitters and collectors 
even attacked each other for doing so. Moreover, 
because so much of law and doctrine was founded 
on hadith, they needed to be assessed according to 
their degree of authenticity or lack thereof. Such 
concerns led to the development of a science of 
hadith criticism (ilm cil-hadith ). The focus of this 
science was on the names of transmitters listed in 
the isnad. Hadiths were basically judged accord- 
ing to how continuous the line of transmitters 
was. Hadith with the most continuous lines were 
called sahih (correct, sound), as long as the con- 
tent did not contradict the Quran. If an isnad was 
discontinuous or had unreliable transmitters, then 
the hadith was called hasan (good). If a hadith 
had transmitters known to be unreliable or if the 
content was not in conformity with the Quran 
and had unacceptable content, then it was called 
daif (weak). The need to know who the transmit- 
ters were, where they lived, when they converted 
to Islam, and so forth helped spark the writing 
of biographical encyclopedias, which became a 
major genre of Islamic and Arabic literature. 

Since the late 19th century. Western scholars 
of Islamic studies, especially those known as Ori- 
entalists, have treated the hadith with even more 
skepticism than medieval Muslim scholars. They 
have argued that the hadith were either verbal- 
ized survivals of pre-Islamic custom, legitimated 
during the Islamic period by attributing them to 
Muhammad and his companions, or they were 
fabricated a century or more after Muhammad's 
death to legitimate practices and beliefs that 
emerged after the seventh century. Scholarly con- 
sensus in recent decades has moved closer to the 
position accepted by most Muslims — that many, if 
not most, of the hadith are authentic, but they still 
demand critical assessment. Beyond the question 

of authenticity, however, the most critical ques- 
tion facing Muslims today is whether and how 
the hadith can still inform Muslim life in the age 
of globalization and profound social and cultural 

See also Akhbari School; authority; biogra- 
phy; fiqh ; Orientalism; sharia. 

Further reading: Hadith translations: Husayn al- 
Baghawi, expanded by Wali al-Din al-Khatib al-Tribizi, 
Mishkat al-Masabih (The Niche for Lamps). Translated 
by James Robson, 4 vols. (Lahore: Sh. Muhammad 
Ashraf, 1964-1966); Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj, Sahih Mus- 
lim: Being Sayings and Doings of the Prophet Muhammad 
as Narrated by His Companions and Compiled under the 
Title al-Jami al-Sahih by Imam Muslim. Translated by 
Abdul Hamid Siddiqi (Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 
1971-1973); John Aldcn Williams, The Word of Islam 
(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1994), 36-65. 
Secondary works: Frederick Mathcwson Denny, An 
Introduction to Islam (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pear- 
son/Prentice Hall, 2006); William A. Graham, Divine 
Word and Prophetic Word in Early Islam (The Hague and 
Paris: Mouton, 1977); Etan Kohlberg, “Shii Hadith.” In 
The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature. Vol. I, Arabic 
Literature to the End of the Umayyad Period, edited by A. 
F. L. Beeston ct al., 299-307 (Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press, 1983); Muhammad Zubayr Siddiqi, 
Hadith Literature: Its Origin, Development and Special 
Features (Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1993). 

Hagar (Arabic: Hajar) biblical maidservant 
of Abraham and mother of his son Ishmael, whom 
Muslims include in the ancestry of the Arab peoples 
and the prophet Muhammad 

Islamic understandings of Hagar are based on 
two stories found in the book of Genesis, the 
first book of the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament. 
According to the first of these stories, Hagar was 
the Egyptian servant girl whom Sarah, the wife 
of Abraham, gave to her husband to bear his 
child because she herself was barren. After Hagar 
became pregnant, Sarah exiled her to the desert, 

hajjj 281 

where she encountered an ANGEL who told her to 
return to Abraham’s household to give birth to 
their son Ishmael (Gen. 16:1-16). The second 
story takes place after Sarah gave birth to her 
own child, Isaac, and expelled Hagar and Ishmael 
into the desert once again because Sarah did not 
want Ishmael to share Abraham's inheritance 
with her son. When Hagar and Ishmael ran out 
of food and water, the angel of God provided 
them a well of water and promised to make the 
descendants of Ishmael “a great nation" (Gen. 21: 
8-21). Modern scholars think that these stories 
were an attempt by Hebrew authors living in the 
10th century b.c.e. to explain the origins of the 
Bedouin nomads of Syria-Palestinc. These stories 
were later commented and expanded upon by 
Jewish rabbis. 

Islamic narratives about Hagar were included 
in Quran commentaries (but not in the Quran 
itself), “tales of the prophets" literature (Qisas al- 
anbiya ), and early histories of Mecca. These sto- 
ries were transposed to the Arab-Islamicate milieu 
from rabbinic Judaism between the eighth and 
11th centuries C.E. Reflecting this new context, 
Hagar, for example, was called boih an Egyptian 
and a Copt (an Egyptian Christian). The wilder- 
ness where Hagar and Ishmael were exiled was 
identified with the ancient site of Mecca in Arabia 
and the angel of God with Gabriel, the angelic 
messenger to Muslim prophets. According to 
Islamic accounts, Hagar, in her search for water, 
ran between Safa and Marwa, two hills adjacent 
to the future site of the Kaaba in Mecca, before 
Gabriel provided her and her son with water 
from the spring of Zamzam. Hagar s search was 
memorialized in the seven runnings performed by 
pilgrims to Mecca between Safa and Marwa dur- 
ing the Greater and Lesser Pilgrimages (the hajj 
and the umra). In a similar manner, the location 
of the sacrifice of Abraham was transferred to the 
Mecca territory, and in one Islamic version of the 
story, Satan attempted to recruit Hagar to dissuade 
Abraham from sacrificing his son. She steadfastly 
refused. Both Hagar and Ishmael reportedly died 

in Mecca and were buried next to the Kaaba in a 
place called the Hijr, which remains part of the 
Sacred Mosque precinct today. 

Both Hagar and Ishmael were included in the 
genealogies of the Arab peoples and the prophet 
Muhammad, thus making them part of the Abra- 
hamic heritage. Muhammad was once reported to 
have said to one of his companions, “When you 
conquer Egypt, be kind to its people, for they have 
the covenant of protection and are your kinfolk.” 
This was because Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, 
was an Egyptian. 

See also Arabic language and literature; chil- 
dren; Copts and the Coptic Church. 

Further reading: Rcuvcn Firestone, Journeys in Holy 
Lands: The Evolution of the Abrahatn-Ishmael Legends 
(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990); 
Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Thalabi, Amis al-majalis fi 
qisas al-anbiya, or "Lives of the Prophets . ” Translated by 
William M. Brinner (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2002). 


The fifth pillar of Islam is the annual pilgrimage 
to Mecca, called the hajj, which all Muslims arc 
required to perform at least once in their lifetimes 
if they are able to. This religious journey, which 
is forbidden to non-Muslims, involves a series of 
ritual activities that pilgrims called hajjis must 
perform over a period of six days during the 12th 
month of the Muslim calendar, Dhu al-Hijja 
("pilgrimage month"). The rituals arc performed 
in a sacred landscape that includes the Sacred 
Mosque in Mecca, the town of Mina (about three 
miles east of the Grand Mosque), and the plain of 
Arafat (about seven miles east of Mina). In addi- 
tion, many pilgrims visit Muhammad's mosque in 
Medina on their way to or from Mecca. 

The Quran and sunna provide authorization 
for the hajj rituals, which arc believed to have 
been initiated by sacred figures in Islamic history: 
Adam, Abraham, Hagar (Abrahams wife), and 
especially Muhammad. The essential hajj rituals 


282 hajj 






Stations of the Hajj 



Mt. Arafat 

1 Start of the main pilgrimage 

2 Prayers at the Plain of Arafat 

3 Pilgrims sleep at Muzdalifa 

4 Jamaraat — stoning the pillars 

5 Return to Mecca 

© Infobase Publishing 



2 miles 
i i 



l I 

2 km 

are performed in and around the city of Mecca. 
They include 1) statement of intention and purifi- 
cation of the body, 2) inaugural circumambulation 
of the Kaaba seven times, 3) running between the 
hills of Safa and Marwa seven times, 4) encamp- 
ment at Mina, 3) standing at the plain of Arafat 
at midday on 9 Dhu al-Hijja, 6) spending the 
evening at Muzdalifa (between Arafat and Mina), 
7) stoning the three "satanic" pillars at Mina, 8) 
ANIMAL sacrifice, and 9) farewell circumambula- 
tion of the Kaaba. Standing at Arafat is the most 
important of these rites, and if it is missed, the 
hajj is disqualified. The animal sacrifice is cele- 
brated worldwide by Muslims as a holiday, known 
as Id al-Adha. F/qh literature spells out the details 

of each of these rituals, and most pilgrims must 
rely on expert guides and handbooks in order to 
complete the requirement successfully. Muslims 
believe that the hajj is an expression of repentance 
and obedience to God as well as a demonstration 
of their unity. Many consider the assembly of pil- 
grims in their simple white garments at Arafat to 
be a rehearsal for the resurrection of the dead and 
Judgment Day. 

The hajj has its origins in ancient Middle 
Eastern religious practices that were performed 
in western Arabia well before the appearance of 
Islam. Muhammad's Farewell Hajj, which occurred 
shortly before his death in 632, is the model that 
all other Muslims follow when they perform the 

hal 283 

pilgrimage. Later Muslim rulers were responsible 
for supporting the pilgrimage and maintaining the 
holy sites in Mecca. They helped supply provi- 
sions and organize pilgrim caravans that traveled 
overland via the cities of Cairo, Damascus, Bagh- 
dad, Basra, and Sanaa or by boat to the Red Sea 
port of Jidda. Before modern times, the journey to 
Mecca could be quite hazardous; pilgrims might 
be attacked by thieves or die of disease. Only a few 
thousand were usually able to go, but today, with 
the availability of motorized transportation such 
as the automobile and the airplane, as many as 
2.5 million Muslims perform the hajj each year. To 
accommodate such large numbers of pilgrims, the 
government of Saudi Arabia has spent more than 
$100 billion dollars since the 1950s to modern- 
ize and expand the pilgrimage facilities. To make 
the pilgrimage safer and more manageable, it has 
cooperated with the governments of other Muslim 
countries to set quotas for the number of pilgrims 
each of them is allowed to send. Other Muslim 
governments, such as those of Egypt, Pakistan, 
Turkey, Indonesia, and Malaysia, play important 
roles in the regulation of the pilgrimage, which 
helps demonstrate their support for Islam to their 

See also Five Pillars; umra; ziyara. 

Further reading: Robert R. Bianchi, Guests of God: 
Pilgrimage and Politics in the Islamic World (Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 2004); David Long, The Hajj 
Today: A Survey of the Contemporary Pilgrimage to 
Makkah (Albany: State University of New York Press, 
1979); F E. Peters, The Hajj: The Muslim Pilgrimage to 
Mecca and the Holy Places (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton 
University Press, 1994); Michael Wolfe, The Hadj: An 
Americans Pilgrimage to Mecca (New York: Grove Press, 

hal (Arabic: condition, state of being) 

Religious experience is seen by many as a defin- 
ing feature of religion itself. Scholars of religion 
hold different points of view as to whether it 

constitutes an extraordinary type of experience 
or whether it is conditioned by language, culture, 
and perception — in other words, by ordinary 
human existence in the world. In the comparative 
study of religions, a dual classification of religious 
experience has been proposed — theistic and non- 
theistic. The first involves personal encounters 
with a god that are discontinuous with everyday 
lived experience, such as those attributed to 
Moses, Paul, Muhammad, and Teresa of Avila. The 
second is based on impersonal encounters with a 
more abstract force or principle of order, such as 
those found in esoteric Hinduism and Buddhism. 
Some scholars make a differentiation between 
profoundly powerful external experiences and 
contemplative inward experiences. 

Hal is a term the Sufis have used in their 
discourses to describe a kind of theistic, inward 
religious experience. They adapted it from the 
technical vocabulary of early Muslim scholars 
of Arabic language, medicine, and philosophy. 
Al-Muhasibi (d. 857) of Basra, a contemplative 
mystic, is thought to have been the first to have 
employed it in relation to mystical experience. 
The hal was understood as an inner state or spiri- 
tual “encounter" that descends from God into the 
heart of the mystic. Most Sufi thinkers considered 
it to be a spontaneous state of grace, or “flash of 
lightning," that was one of many possible states 
in the quest for higher consciousness, or intimate 
knowledge of God. Unlike the m aqam, or spiritual 
“station," the hal could not be attained as a result 
of the Sufis own intentions or efforts. Although in 
theory it was discontinuous with everyday lived 
experience, the language Sufis used to describe 
the different kinds of states they experienced 
reflected the wider world in which they lived. 
Among the states they identified were those 
of “repentance," “longing," “love," “intimacy," 
“contraction," “expansion," “delight," and even 
“terror." The leading writers who contributed to 
the development of the idea of the spiritual state 
among Sufis were al-Sarraj of Tus (d. 988), al- 
Hujwiri of Lahore (d. ca. 1072), al-Qushayri of 

284 halal 

Nishapur (d. 1074), al-Ansari of Harat (d. 1089), 
and al-Ghazali of Tus (d. 1111). 

See also Allah; Sufism. 

Further reading: Ali ibn Uthman al-Hujwiri, The KashJ 
al-Mahjub: The Oldest Persian Treatise on Sufism. Trans- 
lated by R. A. Nicholson (1959. Reprint, New Delhi: Taj 
Printers, 1997); Michael Sells, Early Islamic Mysticism: 
Sufi, Quran, Miraj, Poetic and Theological Writings (New 
York: Paulist Press, 1996). 

ha/a/ (Arabic: permissible, lawful) 

Islam is a religion that assigns significant attention 
to practice. This is evident in the priority Muslims 
have given to performing the Five Pillars of ritual 
worship and observing the sharia. Practice is an 
aspect of religious identity and social life, and, 
in Islamic belief, it affects a persons fate in the 
AFTERLIFE. From the start, Muslims relied on a 
convenient set of categories for classifying lawful 
and unlawful practices. Halal was one of these 
categories, used for classifying “permissible," law- 
ful practices in accordance with the Quran, the 
sunna, and the doctrines of the different schools 
of Islamic law (fiqh). Its counterpart for designat- 
ing unlawful, forbidden practices was HARAM. Both 
terms contribute to defining the ethical standards 
that Muslims are enjoined to follow in the con- 
duct of their lives. 

The binary categories of halal and haram (and 
related terms based on the Arabic consonantal 
roots h-l-l and h-r-m) were established by the 
Quran, where they were used in connection with 
ritual acts of worship, dietary laws, and family 
law. They are therefore believed to have been 
created by God. Moreover, Muslims believe that 
the range of things that God has made lawful is 
much more inclusive than what he has forbid- 
den. After Muhammad's death in 632, during the 
early centuries of the Arab Islamicate empire, 
religious scholars and jurists seem to have found 
the binary classification of practices too inflexible 
to regulate everyday life, so they devised an alter- 

native scheme of five categories ( ahkam ), placed 
on a scale of acts as follows: obligatory (wajib/ 
farcl ), recommended ( mandub ), merely permitted 
( mubah ), disapproved ( makruh ), and forbidden 
(haram). Halal was therefore replaced by three 
different degrees of lawfulness, or permissibility. 
Jurists ruled that performance of obligatory acts 
was rewarded by God, and their omission was 
punishable. Recommended acts were rewarded but 
not punishable for their omission. Acts that were 
merely permitted were neutral, subject neither 
to reward or punishment, and acts disapproved 
were reprehensible but not subject to punishment. 
This schema gave jurists more flexibility when 
debating sacred law and issuing judgments and 
advisory rulings (fatwas). In recent times, when 
Muslims have had to deal with different kinds of 
value systems and legal traditions and when some 
Islamic movements have sought to reformulate 
Islam into an ideology for mobilizing the masses, 
many have resorted to assessing practices once 
again in terms of the simpler binary categories of 
halal and haram. 

Muslims have used halal most widely to cate- 
gorize foods that conform to Islamic dietary laws. 
Meat from domesticated animals (for example, 
sheep, cattle, camels, poultry) that have been 
correctly slaughtered and drained of all blood is 
considered to be halal. Other prepared foods and 
beverages, as long as they do not contain alcohol, 
blood, carrion, or other impure substances, are 
also classified as halal. Groceries and restaurants 
that sell food to Muslims in countries where they 
arc a minority, such as in Europe and the Ameri- 
cas, often advertise that they offer halal foods. As 
the term kosher is used on food product labels for 
Jews, the designation halal can also be found on 
some food products for Muslims. Such labeling 
has become the subject of consumer protection 
laws in the United States. The usage of halal, 
moreover, extends well beyond the dining table 
and the grocery store. In the most widely pub- 
lished book on the subject, Egyptian religious 
scholar Yusuf al-Qaradawi (b. 1926) employs it in 

Hamas 285 

discussions of clothing, hair, home furnishings, 
pets, employment, business, bathing, male and 
female relations, child rearing, toys, recreational 
activities, social relations, and relations with non- 

See also authority; fatwa; food and drink. 

Further reading: Laleh Bakhtiar, Encyclopedia of Islamic 
Law: A Compendium of the Major Schools (Chicago: ABC 
International Group, 1996); Yusuf al-Qaradawi, The 
Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam (Al-halal wal-haram fi 
al-Islam). Translated by Kamal El-Hclbawi. M. Moinud- 
din Siddiqui, and Syed Shukry (Indianapolis: American 
Trust Publications, 1960). 

al-Hallaj, al-Husayn ibn Mansur (857- 
922) controversial early Sufi remembered for his 
proclamation “I am the Truth ” and for the martyr's 
death he suffered at the hands of Muslim authorities 
in Baghdad 

Born in the Fars region of southern Iran, al- 
Husayn ibn Mansur al-Hallaj moved with his 
family to Wasit, a town in central Iraq. His father 
probably worked in the textile industry ( hallaj is 
Arabic for a person in the cotton or wool carder 
profession). In his youth, al-Hallaj memorized the 
Quran and studied Sufism with Sahl al-Tustari (d. 
896), but he was not initiated as a Sufi until he 
was 20 years old. Marriage did not sway him from 
his spiritual quest, and, traveling between Iran, 
Iraq, and Mecca, he reportedly gained a following 
of 400 disciples. He was also said to have visited 
India, Central Asia, and the tomb of Jesus in Jeru- 
salem. After performing the HAJJ to Mecca for the 
third time, he returned to his family in Baghdad 
and created a model of the Kaaba in his house. 
Al-Hallajs affiliations with rebels, Shiis, and non- 
Muslims eventually aroused the suspicions of 
conservative Sunnis and political authorities. 
Some of his former Sufi associates even accused 
him of magic and witchcraft. Moreover, while 
engaged in his spiritual quest for God, he made 
public sermons and statements that angered his 

opponents. In one of these, he said that Muslims 
could fulfill the hajj duty by performing circum- 
ambulations in their hearts and giving charity to 
the poor at home. His most famous utterance was, 
“1 am the Truth, ' which his enemies interpreted to 
be an assertion of his own divinity. In the Islamic 
worldview. Truth (haqq) was regarded as an attri- 
bute of God. Sufis made such statements (sha- 
thiyyat) while in a state of ecstasy, implying that 
they were speaking in God's voice, not their own. 
Al-Hallaj soon became implicated in the religious 
and political intrigues of 10th-century Baghdad 
and was imprisoned for nine years. Finally put on 
trial by his enemies in 922, he was charged with 
BLASPHEMY, beaten, and crucified. His remains 
were burned and thrown into the Tigris River, 
preventing his family and friends from giving him 
a proper Muslim burial or from venerating him as 
a saint. Al-Hallaj consequently has a mixed legacy, 
remembered by some as a heretic and by others as 
a martyred saint. His sayings were written down 
and collected by his followers. He is also credited 
for having written Kitab al-Tawasin, an assemblage 
of meditations on Muhammad, the prophet's Night 
Journey and Ascent, and Satan's dialogues with 
God and Moses. 

See also apostasy; funerary rituals; haqiqa; 
Junayd, Abu al-Qasim ibn Muhammad; martyrdom. 

Further reading: Louis Massignon, The Passion of al- 
Hallaj: Mystic and Martyr of Islam, 4 vols. Translated by 
Herbert Mason (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University 
Press. 1982); Michael Sells, Early Islamic Mysticism: 
Sufi, Quran, Miraj , Poetic and Theological Writings (New 
York: Paulist Press, 1996), 266-280. 


Hamas, an Arabic acronym for the “Islamic Resis- 
tance Movement,” emerged from the Muslim 
Brotherhood during the first Palestinian intifada 
(uprising of the West Bank and Gaza territories 
against Israeli occupation). With charitable, polit- 
ical, and militant wings, Hamas became a contro- 


286 Hanafi Legal School 

vcrsial and pervasive force among Palestinians in 
the late 20th century. 

The Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood had a 
history of opposition to the secular Palestine 
Liberation Organization (PLO) in the years pre- 
ceding the intifada of 1987. Active in the Occu- 
pied Territories as well as Egypt and Jordan, the 
Muslim Brotherhood encouraged a rejection of 
secularity among Palestinians, in opposition to 
the nonreligious nationalism of the PLO. In the 
early 1980s, spiritual leaders in the brotherhood, 
such as Shaykh Ahmad Yassin (d. 2004), created 
a financial and military infrastructure that could 
challenge the PLO for leadership of the Palestin- 
ians. This framework became the basis of Hamas, 
an organization that was initially supported by the 
Israeli government, which hoped to undermine 
the PLO. 

In 1987, however, Hamas unleashed itself 
onto the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and 
Gaza Strip, becoming one of the most important 
forces of leadership in the intifada. Indeed, Hamas 
claimed that it had initiated the intifada, although 
that is still a point of debate among histori- 
ans. Hamas developed a political and theological 
understanding of the occupation that appealed to 
many Palestinians while at the same time organiz- 
ing charitable, educational, medical, and housing 
outreach programs to Palestinians living in the 
dire conditions of refugee camps and under Israeli 
occupation. Unlike the PLO, which viewed the 
Palestinian condition in secular nationalist terms, 
Hamas expressed itself in Islamic terms. Theolo- 
gians such as Yassin argued that the occupation of 
Palestine was an affront to all Muslims and that 
the presence of the Zionist Israeli state needed 
to come to an end for religious as well as politi- 
cal reasons. Hamas proposed the destruction of 
Israel and the institution of a Muslim government 
in Palestine that ruled according to the sharia. 
This was a message that inspired many Muslim 
Palestinians but also alienated moderate Muslims 
as well as Christian and secular Palestinians and 
those who preferred the leadership of the PLO. 

As the PLO entered into negotiations with 
Israel during the era of the peace initiatives of 
the 1990s, Hamas continued to gain in popular- 
ity among Palestinians who felt less connected to 
the PLO as it grew closer to Israel. The Palestin- 
ian Authority assured Israel that it would restrict 
the activities of Hamas's militant factions, but the 
emergence of a new intifada in 2000 demonstrated 
that Hamas was still very popular among many 
living under Israeli occupation. At the beginning 
of the 21st century, Hamas continued to be one 
of the most active, militant participants in the 
intifada against Israeli occupation and, in the eyes 
of many, too important a player to be excluded 
from negotiations. Like their counterparts in the 
ultra-right wing Israeli camp, Hamas became a 
powerful social and political force, largely exist- 
ing outside the channels of public diplomacy, 
yet striking at the heart of the Palestinian-Isracli 
conflict. An indication of the movement's grow- 
ing influence among Palestinians is that it won 
a majority of seats in the Palestinian legislative 
election of January 2006, a development that 
complicated relations with the PLO and ended 
any chance for reaching a negotiated peace agree- 
ment with Israel. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; Islamism; poli- 
tics and Islam; terrorism. 

Nancy L. Stockdalc 

Further reading: Ziad Abu-Amr, Islamic Fundamental - 
ism in the West Bank and Gaza (Bloomington: Indi- 
ana University Press, 1994); William L. Cleveland, 
A History of the Modern Middle East (Boulder, Colo.: 
Westview Press, 2000); Mark Juergensmeyer, Terror in 
the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003). 

Hanafi Legal School 

The Hanafi Legal School ( tnadhhab ) is one of 
the four Sunni traditions of Islamic law, and 
it is considered to be the most widespread. It 
was named after Abu Hanifa (d. 767), an Iraqi 

Hanafi Legal School 287 

of Persian heritage, who was credited by later 
generations of legal scholars to be its founder. 
The school originated in the turbulent southern 
Iraqi city of Kufa, one of the earliest centers of 
Islamic learning outside the Arabian Peninsula. 
Iraqi legal scholars began to formulate a legal 
tradition based on the assertion that their under- 
standing of the SUNNA (authoritative practice) of 
Muhammad was authenticated by the fact that it 
had been transmitted to them by the Companions 
of the Prophet who had come to Iraq when it 
was first occupied by Arab Muslim forces in the 
seventh century. After the Quran, Abu Hanifa 
and his circle favored using individual informed 
opinion (ray) based on precedent and reason 
(ijtihad) rather than strict reliance on the hadith, 
about which they were more cautious than their 
counterparts in Medina. In fact, the Hanafis were 
known as the "People of Opinion" and were 
opposed by the "People of Hadith." Abu Yusuf (d. 
798) and al-Shaybani (d. 804) were key members 
of Abu Hanifas circle of disciples who contrib- 
uted significantly to the formation of the Hanafi 
School. The Abbasid caliphs heeded calls to cre- 
ate a more formal legal system and turned to men 
of religion to help them do this, which placed 
the Iraqi followers of Abu Hanifa in a position 
of great influence. Abu Yusuf was appointed to 
be the caliph Harun al-Rashid*s legal adviser and 
chief judge of Baghdad, and he wrote a book on 
taxation and fiscal matters. Al-Shaybani was like- 
wise appointed by Harun to be a judge but spent 
most of his career as a teacher in Baghdad, where 
he wrote a number of legal works, which formed 
the original core of Hanafi teachings. With the 
full support of the Abbasids, the Hanafi School 
evolved into an official legal tradition. Abu Hanifa 
was given the honorific title "IMAM" and credited 
not only for his own teachings and doctrines but 
also for those of his predecessors and successors. 
The school has been called the most liberal of the 
Sunni madhhabs, especially for the legal doctrines 
it espoused in its early years, but it became more 
conservative in the later Middle Ages. 

From their base in Iraq, the Hanafis established 
new branches in the cities and towns of Iran, 
Afghanistan, and Central Asia during the ninth 
century. They were not as successful in Syria and 
Egypt until the Ayyubid dynasty came to power in 
the 12th century. In North Africa and Andalusia, 
they failed to gain any lasting footholds. However, 
after the precedent set by the Abbasids, the Hanafi 
School enjoyed the patronage of later Sunni dynas- 
ties, such as the Seljuks (1030-1307), Ottomans 
(ca. 1300-1922), and Mughals (ca. 1526-1857). 
Islamic colleges (madrasas) were established for 
the teaching of official Hanafi doctrines and those 
of the other major Sunni schools. Such efforts also 
resulted in the production of authoritative hand- 
books, manuals, commentaries, and compendia 
of Hanafi law, such as Ali al-Marghinani's Hidaya 
(12th century), Ibrahim al-Halabi's Xiultaqa al - 
abhur (16th century) in Ottoman lands, and the 
Fatawa-i Alamgiri (17th century) in Mughal India. 
Governmental support, coupled with a long tra- 
dition of legal learning and commentary, helps 
explain the widespread influence the school has 
gained in Muslim lands from the eastern Mediter- 
ranean region to Central and South Asia. When 
these lands were colonized by European countries 
in the 19th and 20th centuries, their legal tradi- 
tions were seriously undermined by the secular 
civil laws promulgated by these new powers. Nev- 
ertheless, Hanafi law was subsequently incorpo- 
rated into the civil codes of many modern Muslim 
countries, particularly in the areas of family law 
and ritual. Among the places where Hanafi law is 
still operative, even if only in reduced form, are 
Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, lsracl-Palestine, Jordan, 
Iraq, Egypt, eastern Europe, the Caucasus, South 
and Central Asia, and Muslim regions of China. 

See also Abbasid Caliphate; colonialism; edu- 
cation; fiqh; sharia. 

Further reading: Wael B. Hallaq, The Origins and Evolu- 
tion of Islamic Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press, 2005), 150-177; Joseph Schacht, An Introduction 
to Islamic Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1966). 


288 Hanbali Legal School 

Hanbali Legal School 

The Hanbali Legal School (madhhab) began in 
Baghdad during the ninth century. It was the 
last of the four major Sunni legal schools to 
appear and was distinguished by its preference 
for making law based on literal interpretations 
of the Quran and hadith. The school was named 
after Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 855), the famed Iraqi 
hadith scholar and theologian. It grew from his 
circle of students, which included two of his sons, 
in reaction to rationalist methods and doctrines 
being advocated by the Hanafi Legal School 
and the Mutazili School. Hanbalis believed that 
they were defenders of the faith and of Gods law, 
the sharia. In addition to narrow readings of the 
Quran and hadith, Hanbali law was also derived 
from the rulings (fatwas) of the Companions of 
the Prophet that conformed to the Quran and 
sunna and analogical reasoning (qiyas), but only 
when absolutely necessary. 

Abu Bakr al-Khallal (d. 923) played a major 
role in creating the Hanbali School. He traveled 
throughout the Middle East, collecting the legal 
teachings and rulings of Ibn Hanbals followers. 
He was also credited with writing books on theo- 
logical topics and an early history of the Hanbali 
School. Other leading Hanbali scholars were Ibn 
Aqil (d. ca. 1120) and Ibn al-Jawzi (d. 1200), 
both of whom wrote on literary and theological 
topics as well as religious law. The most famous 
Hanbali scholar was Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328), who 
wrote copiously on all major areas of medieval 
Islamic learning and attempted to revive Islam by 
calling on Muslims to restore the original religion 
of Muhammad and his companions. The stringent 
Sunni outlook of Ibn Taymiyya and other Han- 
balis was reflected in their attacks on Shiism and 
aspects of Sufism, especially saint worship. Nev- 
ertheless, many Hanbalis were initiated into Sufi 
brotherhoods, and one, Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani 
(d. 1 166), was even credited with founding a Sufi 
brotherhood, the Qadiri Sufi Order. 

The Hanbali School flourished in Baghdad 
from the 11th to the 13th century, when it contrib- 

uted to the strengthening of SUNNISM and defend- 
ing the legitimacy of the Abbasid Caliphate against 
its rivals. During this time, the Hanbalis also 
established branches in Iran and Afghanistan, 
but their most important new base was in Syria, 
which replaced Baghdad as the center of Hanbali 
activity after it was destroyed by the Mongols in 
1258. By the 16th century, there were 10 Hanbali 
religious colleges (madrasas) in Damascus alone. 
The Hanbali tradition continued under Ottoman 
rule (16th to 20th century), even though the 
Ottomans favored the Hanafis. It enjoyed a major 
revival when the Wahhabi movement formed an 
alliance with the Al Saud of Arabia in the 18th cen- 
tury. Today the Hanbali School is the official form 
of Islamic law in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Saudi 
funding and the annual gathering of pilgrims in 
Mecca for the hajj have helped make it very influ- 
ential among conservative Islamic renewal and 
reform movements in Egypt, Syria, Indonesia, and 
parts of South Asia. Modified forms of Hanbali law 
and doctrine have also been embraced by radical 
Islamic movements in many parts of the world. 

Sec also ridaa; fiqh ; Islamism; Ottoman 

Further reading: Wael B. Hallaq, The Origins and Evolu- 
lion of Islamic Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press, 2005). 150 — 177; Nimrod Hurvitz, The Forma- 
tion of Hanbalism: Piety into Power (London: Routlcdgc 
Curzon, 2002); George Makdisi, “The Hanbali School 
and Sufism," Huminora Islamica 2 (1974): 61-72. 

haqiqa (Arabic: truth, reality) 

The term haqiqa is used in many contexts in Islam 
with a variety of significations. It is related to 
the word haqq (the true, the real), which is one 
of the names by which God is known. Haqiqa is 
thus often used in a more abstract way than haqq. 
Unlike haqq, which is mentioned many times in 
the Quran, haqiqa docs not appear in Islam's holy 
book. Nevertheless, it has developed as an impor- 
tant concept in Islamic philosophy and mysticism. 

al-Haqqani, Muhammad Nazim 289 

In Arabic and Islamic rhetoric, haqiqa refers 
to the essential meaning of a word or expression, 
as opposed to its metaphorical meaning ( majaz ). 
Islamic philosophy has made much use of the 
term in a variety of ways, but the basic under- 
standing of haqiqa is as the nature or essential 
reality of a thing. 

The concept has also been taken up by Sufis, for 
whom haqiqa is so important that it can be consid- 
ered the ultimate goal of the mystic path, which is 
attainment of true knowledge through experience 
of the divine mysteries. It usually refers to hidden, 
as opposed to manifest, meaning, and is often used 
in contrast to sharia, the formal outward practices 
and laws of Islam. While Sufis often focus on the 
inner meaning ( haqiqa ) of a practice, most agree 
that the formal practice should not, however, be 
neglected. Sharia and haqiqa have, in fact, been 
compared to the body and spirit of religion and are 
said to operate together as two sides of the same 
coin. Other Sufis have made these concepts stages 
in a scries of mystical development, beginning 
with sharia (formal practices of Islam), moving 
through tariqa (mystical practices of Sufism), lead- 
ing to maarifa (divine knowledge, wisdom), and 
then culminating in haqiqa (immediate experience 
of the essential reality), though the exact order of 
these may vary for other Sufis. 

See also baqa and fana ; Sufism. 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: R. A. Nicholson. Studies in Islamic 
Mysticism (1921. Reprint, Cambridge: Cambridge Uni- 
versity Press, 1978); Annemarie Schimmel, Mystical 
Dimensions of Islam (Chapel Hill: University of North 
Carolina Press, 1975). 

al-Haqqani, Muhammad Nazim 

(1922- ) mystic and spiritual teacher who 

pioneered the establishment of Naqshbandi Sufi orders 
in Europe , Asia, Africa, and the Americas 
Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani was 
born and raised in Larnaca on the island of 

Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. He 
claims descent from Muhammad (d. 632) on both 
sides of his family, from the prominent 11th- 
century Iraqi Sufi Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani on his 
father's side and from the famous 13th-century 
Perso-Turkish Sufi master Jalal al-Din Rumi (d. 
1273) on his mother's side. Al-Haqqani received 
a secular EDUCATION as a child and learned about 
the Qadiri and Mevlevi Sufi Orders from rela- 
tives. After graduating from high school in 1940, 
he went to Turkey for his university education, 
receiving a degree in chemical engineering from 
Istanbul University. His brothers death during 
World War 11 caused him to turn to religion for 
solace and understanding. His religious studies 
focused on Arabic, Islamic jurisprudence ( fiqh ), 
and Sufism. His spiritual guide at that time in 
Istanbul was Shaykh Sulayman Arzurumi, who 
initiated him into the Naqshbandi Sufi Order. 
In some circles, this shaykh was considered to 
be one of the leading Sufi masters in the world. 
Al-Haqqani's spiritual quest led him to Syria and 
Lebanon, and in 1945 he became the disciple of 
the Naqshbandi shaykh and visionary Abd Allah 
al-Daghistani, who had immigrated from the 
Caucasus region of southern Russia. This disciple- 
ship was to last until al-Daghistani died in 1973. 
Al-Daghistani instructed al-Haqqani to return to 
Cyprus, his homeland, and establish a branch of 
the Naqshbandi order. Despite opposition from 
secular authorities, he succeeded in building up 
a following there immediately after World War 
II and returned for visits to Syria and Lebanon. 
Later, he traveled to more distant destinations in 
Central Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Asia, and 
Russia. He began to make regular visits to Europe 
in 1973 and visited the United States and Canada 
for the first time in 1991 to promote his teachings 
and win followers. It is also said that he has per- 
formed the hajj to Mecca 27 times as leader of the 
Cypriot pilgrims. Al-Haqqani has reportedly won 
thousands of converts to his teachings around 
the world. In recognition of his commitment 
to resolving modern conflicts, he was elected 

^ 290 ha ram 

copresident of the World Conference of Religion 
for Peace in 1999 and was a delegate to the United 
Nations Millennium Peace Summit in 2000. 

The Haqqani Naqshbandi order now claims 
to have some 70 centers and branches in North 
America, South America, Europe (including Rus- 
sia), Africa, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, Australia, 
and Japan. The order has small followings in 
Syria, Egypt, and Pakistan. Its U.S. headquarters 
is located in Washington, D.C., and it is directed 
by his deputy Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, chair- 
man of the Supreme Islamic Council of America. 
Despite his global journeys, Al-Haqqani still calls 
Cyprus his home. 

Al-Haqqani was given the title “cosmic axis” 
( qutb ) by Shaykh al-Daghistani, but he has since 
acquired other honorific titles from his follow- 
ers that underscore his saintly status, including 
"Sultan of Saints” (Sultan al-Awliya ), "Unveiler 
of Secrets,” and "Keeper of Light.” He is also 
called the religious "rcnewer” ( mujaddid ) of 
the technological age. Moreover, the Haqqani- 
Naqshbandi order considers him to be the 40th 
sufi shaykh of the Naqshbandi sacred lineage, 
which they believe was inaugurated by Muham- 
mad in the seventh century. Al-Haqqani lectures 
widely, and his talks are recorded and published 
in books and pamphlets and on the Internet. In 
addition to teaching about Sufi understandings 
of love, faith, compassion, wisdom, and spiritual 
practices, he has also included controversial 
statements about the coming of a third world 
war and the return of Jesus and the Mahdi, the 
Muslim messiah. This apocalyptic strand of 
thinking can be traced to Shaykh Daghistani, his 
spiritual guide. 

See also dialogue. 

Further reading: Ron Geaves, "The Haqqani Naqsh- 
bandis: A Study of Apocalyptic Millennialism with 
Islam.” In Faith in the Millennium, edited by Stanley 
E. Porter, Michael A. Hayes and David Tombs, 215- 
231 (Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Academic Press. 2001); 
Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, Classical Islam and the 

Naqshbandi Sufi Tradition (Washington, D.C.: Islamic 
Supreme Council of America, 2003). 


The great French sociologist Emile Durkheim 
(d. 1917) proposed that religious life was based 
on an absolute division between the sacred and 
the profane. The sacred, he argued, encompasses 
those things "which are protected and isolated by 
prohibitions.” In Islam, the term that most nearly 
conveys this meaning of the sacred is haram and 
other words formed from the Arabic root h-r-ni. 
It is used to describe the sacred quality of the 
Grand Mosque in Mecca and the Kaaba as well as 
other sacred places, such as the Prophet's Mosque 
in Medina and the Noble Sanctuary (al-haram 
aUsharif) in Jerusalem. Performing the hajj ritu- 
als in Mecca requires that pilgrims enter into a 
sacred condition called ihram before entering 
the city. They must dcsacralize themselves when 
they complete the pilgrimage. In many Muslim 
cultures, such as Egypt, even a family's home is 
said to have its sacredness (hurma). This means 
that such places are considered to be set apart 
from others and that access to them is restricted 
and governed by rules and prohibitions designed 
to uphold their sacred or forbidden character. Its 
significance extends to female family members 
and spouses who are considered to be legally 
forbidden to others. This idea is reflected in the 
word harim, which refers to either a sacred place 
or WOMEN. The English word harem is related to it 
etymologically. Haram is also used with respect to 
sacred months in the year, such as Ramadan, the 
month of fasting, and Dhu al-Hijja, the month of 
the hajj to Mecca. 

In Islamic law and ethics, haram has been 
used to classify forbidden and unlawful practices, 
in contrast to HALAL, which is used for lawful and 
permitted ones. The Quran established the scrip- 
tural basis for this distinction, mainly in regard 
to ritual, dietary laws, and family law. Muslims 
therefore hold that the determination of what is 

harem 291 

permitted and what is forbidden originates from 
God. According to the Quran, for example, among 
the things God forbids people to eat are pork, 
carrion, blood, and food offered to other gods (Q 
2:173). With respect to family law, it was forbid- 
den to marry members of the immediate family 
or their spouses (Q 4:22-24). On the other hand, 
Muslim men were permitted to marry women 
of the People of the Book — mainly Jews and 
Christians (Q 5:5). Muslim jurists later refined 
the absolute division between halal and haram by 
devising a five-fold scale of categories ( ahkam ) to 
classify all human activities: wajib/fard (required), 
mandub (recommended), mubah (permitted), 
makruh (disapproved), and haram (forbidden). 
The ULAMA have often differed and debated among 
themselves about how to classify specific acts 
according to these categories. Acts classified as 
haram were those that could be punished. These 
included adultery, theft, highway robbery, apos- 
tasy, idolatry, consumption of alcohol, and mur- 
der. Usury, gambling, and making money related 
to illicit activities and substances have also often 
been classified as haram. Some Muslims regard 
listening to MUSIC and dancing as forbidden activi- 
ties, while some may merely disapprove of them, 
regard them as neutral, or see them as permis- 
sible according to the context. In the modern era, 
debating what is lawful and unlawful has become 
one of the foremost aspects of Muslim religious 
life, one in which more Muslims are participating 
now than ever before. These debates range from 
basic questions about owning pets and how to 
dress to more complex ethical and moral issues 
such as abortion, euthanasia, and warfare. 

See also crime and punishment; food and 
drink; harem; suicide. 

Further reading: Laleh Bakhtiar, Encyclopedia of Islamic 
Law: A Compendium of the Major Schools (Chicago: ABC 
International Group, 1996); Juan E. Campo, The Other 
Sides of Paradise: Explorations into the Religious Mean- 
ings of Domestic Space in Islam (Columbia: University 
of South Carolina Press, 1991); Yusuf al-Qaradawi, The 

Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam (Al-halal wal-haram fi 
al-Islam). Translated by Kamal El-Helbawi, M. Moinud- 
din Siddiqui, and Syed Shukry (Indianapolis: American 
Trust Publications, 1960). 

harem (Arabic: harim and haram) 

A harem is a separate quarters for women in a 
palace or upper-class house. It is also a way of 
referring to the women, particularly when they are 
a mans legal wives, concubines, female servants, 
and other attendants. The word itself is a render- 
ing in Western languages of the Arabic harim 
(a sacred or forbidden place or woman) and its 
synonym, haram. The harem is also known as a 
zenana in Persian and Indian contexts and as a 
seraglio , an Italian version of a Turkish word for 
palace (sarai). 

Although often associated with the Islamic 
religion and society, the history of the harem is 
complex and varied, going back to the pre-Islamic 
times of the ancient Mesopotamians, Persians, 
and Greeks. The subordination of women to their 
fathers, husbands, and masters appears to have 
been a long-standing aspect of the patriarchal 
organization of these societies, particularly among 
rulers and other elites. By veiling his womenfolk 
and keeping them in seclusion, a man could 
demonstrate his wealth, status, and power. Dur- 
ing the first millennium B.C.E., Assyrian kings 
are thought to have had special quarters in their 
palaces for women and concubines, and the wives 
of nobles were required to wear veils in public. 
The Achaemenid and Sassanian dynasties of Per- 
sia (sixth century B.c.E. to seventh century c.E.) 
were renowned for the size of their harems. For 
example, Darius III (380-330 b.c.e.) was said to 
have had one with nearly 400 women. Alexander 
the Great (356-323 B.C.E.), the Macedonian con- 
queror, defeated Darius in battle and took control 
of his harem as well as his empire in 333 b.c.e. 
Royal harems are thought to have become even 
larger in the days of the Sassanians, who ruled 
Persia and Iraq for several centuries before the 

^ 292 harem 

arrival of Muslim armies in the seventh century. 
Khusrau 1 (r. 531 — 579 c.E.) reportedly had as 
many as 12,000 women in his harem, probably 
an exaggerated figure. In contrast, Greeks and 
Romans practiced monogamous marriage, but 
honorable women were still expected to care for 
the home and their children, a notion supported 
by the philosopher Aristotle (d. 322 B.C.E.). Greek 
and Roman law excluded women from public life, 
and they were regarded as children by nature in 
relation to men. 

The harem in early Muslim society reflected 
the influences of the ancient civilizations that pre- 
ceded it. Pre-Islamic marriage practices in Arabia 
were diverse, and scholars have found evidence 
for both polygyny (having more than one wife) 
and polyandry (having more than one husband). 
In general, women were becoming more subordi- 
nate to their fathers and husbands in Muhammad's 
time, and polygyny displaced polyandry. Muham- 
mad had a number of wives and concubines who 
were called upon to veil and live in at least partial 
seclusion at a distance from others, reflecting, per- 
haps, his status as prophet and commander of the 
believers. Nevertheless, the hadith and early his- 
torical accounts indicate that women could play 
roles of central importance in the early Muslim 
community, such as Muhammad's wives Khadija 
( d. 619) and Aisha (d. 678). Muhammad's son-in- 
law Ali bin Abi Talib (d. 661), the fourth caliph 
and first Shii imam, is reported to have had nine 
wives after the death of his first wife, Fatima (d. 
633), as well as a number of concubines, while 
his son Hasan (d. 669) is said to have married 
up to 100 women. Such practices were followed 
in other Muslim households, especially in the 
following century as wives and children of the 
defeated Persians were taken captive and adopted 
into the postconquest Arab Muslim society. Per- 
sian harem practices were probably adopted by 
Arab rulers at this time. 

The image of a palace harem of seductive 
women, dancing girls, and slaves as depicted in 
Arabian Nights fantasies is partly a product of the 

royal court of the Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258). 
Royal wives and daughters had their own palaces 
in Baghdad in the early days of the caliphate, 
but, by the 10th century, they became secluded 
in the palace of the ruler, out of the public eye. 
They were attended by slave girls, entertainers, 
and eunuchs; intruders could be put to death. 
Reports that harem women intrigued against each 
other to win the heart of the ruler or secure the 
throne for one of their sons fed the imaginations 
of Europeans in the 18th and 19th centuries, fur- 
ther contributing to the invention of exotic fan- 
tasies about harem life that found their way into 
fictional writings and Hollywood films during the 
20th century. 

New historical studies of Ottoman, Mughal, 
and Persian harems of the 16th and 17th cen- 
turies have yielded valuable insights about what 
harem life was actually like and helped dispel 
myths that have captured the Western imagina- 
tion. This research has shown that royal harems 
were highly organized complex communities 
that assumed different characteristics at differ- 
ent moments in history, depending on local cir- 
cumstances, personalities, and configurations of 
power. They often included non-Muslims as well 
as Muslims. Upper-class women and children 
were educated and trained in arts and crafts there. 
Harem women exercised considerable political 
influence in dynastic affairs and were not always 
secluded from the wider society. A rulers mother, 
wives, concubines, daughters, and servants were 
involved in raising his sons and participated in 
the politics of arranging royal marriages and the 
succession. Indeed, some harem mothers and 
wives, such as Hurrcm (also known as Roxelana, 
d. 1558) in Ottoman Istanbul, Pari-Khan Kha- 
num (d. 1578) in Safavid Isfahan, and Nur Jahan 
(d. 1645) in Mughal Delhi, played central roles 
in affairs of state. 

Harem institutions came to an end with the 
passing of the last Islamicate empires and the 
dynasties that ruled them in the 19th and 20th 
centuries. Nevertheless, they survive in the imagi- 

Harun al-Rashid 293 

nations of the West and in the palaces of a handful 
of autocratic Muslim kings and sultans. 

See also cinema; hijab ; houses; Mughal dynasty; 
Ottoman dynasty; Safavid dynasty; veil. 

Further reading: Leila Ahmed, Women and Gender in 
Islam (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1992), 
17-19, 79-84; 116-123; Sarah Graham Brown, Images 
oj Women: The Portrayal of Women in Photography of the 
Middle East 1860-1 950 (New York: Columbia University 
Press, 1988), 70-85; Ruby Lai, Domesticity and Power 
in the Early Mughal World (Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press, 2005); Fatima Mernissi, Dreams of 
Trespass: Tales of a Harem Girlhood (New York: Perseus 
Books, 1994); Leslie P. Peirce, The Imperial Harem: 
Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire (Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 1993). 

Harun al-Rashid (766-809) Abbasid caliph of 
Baghdad who achieved legendary status in the stories 
of the Arabian Nights 

Harun al-Rashid was the fifth ruler of the Abbasid 
Caliphate and ruled its vast empire from 786 to 
809. A son of the third Abbasid caliph, al-Mahdi 
(r. 775-85), he was born in the city of Rayy, 
located near the modern Iranian capital of Teh- 
ran. His mother, al-Khayzuran, was a former slave 
girl from Yemen. She was known as a woman of 
strong personality who greatly influenced affairs 
of state in the reigns of her husband and sons 
until her death in 789. While still a teenager, 
Harun was appointed to lead attacks on Byzantine 
armies in the West, which allowed the Abbasid 
forces to reach the Bosporus Strait, near the city 
of Constantinople, the Byzantine capital. Later, 
his father appointed him to be the governor of 
some of the wealthiest provinces of the empire, 
including Egypt and Syria. He became caliph in 
his early 20s, inaugurating a great medieval Isl- 
amicate golden age. Baghdad, the Abbasid capital, 
began its rise to preeminence during Harun's 
reign. The empires economic prosperity and its 
openness to learning from all parts of the known 

world contributed significantly to the flourishing 
of the arts and literature, Islamic learning, and the 
development of medicine and the sciences. Harun 
corresponded with rulers in China and Europe. 
He was also a learned man who patronized artists 
and scholars. A man of great personal piety, he put 
the weight of his authority behind proponents of 
the emerging Sunni tradition and maintained the 
anli-Shii policy of his predecessors. Harun is also 
remembered for having performed the HAJJ nine or 
10 times. He appointed followers of Abu Hanifa 
(d. 767), founder of the Hanafi Legal School, to 
serve as legal advisers and judges. Abu Nuwas, the 
foremost Arabic poet of the Abbasid era, lived in 
Baghdad during much of Harun's life. The caliphs 
wife. Queen Zubayda (d. 831), sponsored many 
charitable works, most memorably a water system 
for pilgrims going to MECCA on the annual ha j j . 

Harun's portrayal in the Arabian Nights is 
largely fictional, but it serves as a tribute to him 
and the splendor of his court. He conducted 
campaigns against the Byzantine Empire, but his 
rule was marred by political unrest in Syria and 
Iran. Also, Andalusia fell under Umayyad rule 
during his reign. In his last years, Harun ordered 
that the Abbasid Empire be divided between his 
two sons, al-Amin (r. 809-813) and al-Mamun 
(r. 813-833), which led to a devastating civil war. 
Harun died during a campaign to quell a rebellion 
and was allegedly buried in the city of Tus. Flis 
son al-Mamun reunited the empire after defeating 
his brother in battle. The height of the Abbasid 
golden age was reached during al-Mamun's reign. 

See also adab\ Arabic language and litera- 
ture; Sunnism; Umayyad caliphate. 

A. Nazir Atassi 

Further reading: Andre Clot, Harun al-Rashid and the 
World of the Thousand and One Nights. Translated by 
J. Howe (London: Saqi Books, 1989); Tayeb El-Hibri, 
Reinterpreting Islamic Historiography: Harun al-Rashid 
and the Narrative of the Abbasid Caliphate (Cambridge: 
Cambridge University Press, 1999); Hugh Kennedy, 
When Baghdad Ruled the World: The Rise and Fall of 

' e ^ 294 al-Hasan al-Basri 

Islam's Greatest Dynasty (Cambridge, Mass.: Da Capo 
Press, 2005); al-Tabari, The Early Abbasid Empire. Vol. 
2. Translated by John A. Williams (London: Cambridge 
University Press, 1989). 

al-Hasan al-Basri (642-728) ascetic and 
theologian of Basra who defended belief in free will 
and human responsibility for good and evil acts 
Al-Hasan al-Basri was born in Medina, the son of 
a free Persian war captive. Little is known about 
his life, but some accounts say that he moved to 
Basra (in southern Iraq) from Medina when he 
was about 15 years old. He participated in the 
Muslim conquest of Iran but spent most of his 
life in Basra, where he became a famous preacher 
known for his asceticism and profound piety. His 
sermons called on people to renounce the world 
and fear Gods wrath in the afterlife. One of his 
most famous teachings was, "Be with this world 
as if you had never been there, and with the oth- 
erworld as if you would never leave it." Indeed, 
al-Hasan was reputed to be the most knowledge- 
able man of his time in matters of religion. When 
the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik (r. 685-705) 
asked him to explain his views about free will 
( qadar ) AND DETERMINISM ( qacla ), he composed a 
brilliant defense of the free will position. Draw- 
ing on the Quran, he argued that God had given 
people the ability to perform an act or not do so. If 
God had already predetermined peoples acts, the 
mission of the prophets and their warnings about 
Judgment Day would make no sense. This was a 
controversial position to take, for it held people 
responsible for what they did or did not do. Some 
men of religion argued that this diminished God's 
transcendent power over creation. Rulers did not 
like such views, either, because belief in free will 
meant that they, too, could be held accountable 
for their sins. 

Al-Hasan was honored in later generations as 
a founder of the Mutazili School and the Ashari 
School of theology. His teachings and stories were 
mentioned in many works of medieval Islamic 

literature. He was also embraced by the Sufi tradi- 
tion. His name was listed in the spiritual genealo- 
gies of most Sufi brotherhoods after that of Ali ibn 
Abi Talib (d. 661), Muhammad's cousin. The Per- 
sian poet Farid al-Din Attar (d. ca. 1230) included 
several legends about him in his collection of 
stories about Sufi saints, Memorial of the Friends 
of God ( Tcidhkiral al-awliya ). These depicted him 
as a contemporary of Rabia AL-Adawiyya (d. 801), 
the famous female mystic of Basra, even though 
the two probably never really met. In one account, 
she rejected al-Hasan's offer of marriage by declar- 
ing that she was already tied to God. Another 
story tells of his throwing a rug onto the waters 
of the Euphrates River and inviting her to join 
him on it for prayer. Rabia countered by throwing 
her rug into the air and inviting him to join her 
up there instead, hidden from the sight of others. 
A shrine dedicated to al-Hasan stands on the out- 
skirts of Basra today. 

See also fate; Sufism; tariqa ; theology. 

Further reading: Michael Sells, Early Islamic Mysticism: 
Sufi, Quran, Mi raj , Poetic and Theological Writings (New 
York: Paulist Press, 1996); David Waines, An Introduc- 
tion to Islam. 2d ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press, 2003). 

Hashimite dynasty (also known as the 

Descendants of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, 
the Hashimites have played a crucial role in 
Middle Eastern history for centuries. Muham- 
mad was a member of the clan of Hashim, 
whence the name Hashimite. This term became 
important during the rule of the Abbasid dynasty 
(750-1258), as the caliphate used it to trace their 
lineage to the Prophet and thus secure political 
and spiritual authority. However, in the modern 
period, the name Hashimite most often refers to 
the long-standing custodians of Mecca (until it 
came under Saudi control in 1924) and the mod- 
ern rulers of Jordan. 

Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin 295 

Rulers and custodians of the Hijaz and its 
holy CITIES from 1201 until 1925, the Hashimites' 
power base shifted to the newly formed nation of 
Jordan once they were driven from Arabia by the 
Saudi confederation. Through a combination of 
their wealth, location, symbolic importance, and 
political authority, the Hashimites have exercised 
considerable influence in modern Middle Eastern 

The Hashimites of Jordan trace their lineage to 
Muhammad through his daughter Fatima and her 
husband Ali (d. 661), the fourth Islamic caliph. 
Rulers of Mecca from 1201 until the Ottoman 
conquest of 1517, the Hashimites nonetheless 
maintained their custodianship of the holy city 
until 1924. Their status as sharifs, or descendants 
of the Prophet, and their long guardianship over 
the holy cities gave the Hashimites a certain 
authority among Muslims. 

In 1916, Husayn ibn Ali (d. 1931), then sharif 
of Mecca, organized an army that successfully 
pushed the Ottomans out of their remaining Arab 
territories. Led by his son Faysal and assisted by 
the legendary British adventurer T. E. Lawrence 
(d. 1935), otherwise known as Lawrence of Ara- 
bia, the troops operated under the assumption 
that a British promise made to Husayn would 
be fulfilled: that, at the end of World War I, a 
united, independent Arab state would be created. 
However, the British did not honor this promise. 
Instead, they encouraged the League of Nations to 
create several new mandate territories out of the 
former Ottoman lands that they and the French 
could incorporate into their empires. 

The Hashimites, soon to be displaced from 
their traditional leadership in Arabia, were given 
command of some of these new mandate proto- 
nations. After a brief stint ruling Syria, Faysal 
was driven out of Damascus by the French and 
declared by the British to be king of the new 
nation of Iraq in 1921, while his brother Abdul- 
lah was given control of the newly formed nation 
of Transjordan. Hashimite rule in Iraq ended vio- 
lently in 1958, but by 1946, Transjordan received 

its independence and became the Hashimite King- 
dom of Jordan. 

Since establishing themselves in Jordan, the 
Hashimites have worked to create a legitimate 
and unified state in a region with severe tensions. 
The Arab-lsraeli conflict has brought hundreds of 
thousands of Palestinian refugees to Jordan, and 
the Israeli victory in the war of 1967 deprived the 
Hashimites of their custodianship of the holy city 
of Jerusalem. Cast out of their traditional leader- 
ship of the holy cities of the Hijaz for nearly a 
century and unable to rule over the holy sites of 
Jerusalem since 1967, the Hashimites neverthe- 
less entered the 21st century as important politi- 
cal players in the Middle East, controversial yet 
often-consulted rulers of a small nation wedged 
between contentious neighbors. 

See also colonialism; Ottoman dynasty. 

Nancy L. Stockdale 

Further reading: Beverly Milton-Edwards and Peter 
Hinchcliffe, Jordan: A Hashemite Legacy (London: Rout- 
ledge, 2001); Mary Christina Wilson, King Abdullah, 
Britain and the Making of Jordan (Cambridge: Cam- 
bridge University Press, 1990). 

heaven See garden; paradise. 

Hegira See Hijra. 

Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin (1947- ) Afghan 

Mujahidin leader and head of the Hizb-i Islami 
(Islamic Party); although he received significant 
support from Pakistan and the United States in the 
1 980s, he was officially recognized as a terrorist after 
the events of September 1 1, 2001 
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar is an ethnic Pushtun who 
studied engineering in Kabul, Afghanistan, in the 
1960s. Although he may have once been attracted 
to Marxism, he fell under the spell of the Islamic 

296 hell 

revolutionary ideology of the Egyptian Sayyid 
Qutb (d. 1966) and helped organize Muslim 
students against the growing influence of Marx- 
ist political parties in Afghanistan. After being 
imprisoned for his political activities in 1972-73, 
he joined other Afghan radicals in Peshawar, 
Pakistan, to plot a violent coup against the Afghan 
government with the backing of the Pakistanis. 
He was put in charge of recruiting support within 
the army. When the coup failed in July 1975, 
Hekmatyar escaped capture and execution and 
proceeded to create the Hizb-i Islami, a radical 
organization consisting of former university stu- 
dents and ethnic Pushtuns. 

Between 1978 and 1992, Hekmatyar and his 
group conducted a ruthless jihad againsl Afghan- 
istan’s Marxist government, its Soviet allies, and 
rival Afghan mujahidin groups. He proved to be 
a charismatic leader known for his strategic skills 
and merciless treatment of his enemies. Pakistan's 
Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (1S1) helped 
equip and train his forces during this time, and 
he became the chief recipient of covert support 
from America’s Central Intelligence Agency, which 
was using the Afghan mujahidin in its proxy war 
against the Soviet Union during the closing decade 
of the cold war. After the Soviet withdrawal and 
the downfall of the Marxist government in 1992, 
Hekmatyar established bases south of Kabul from 
which he conducted attacks against his Afghan 
rivals. The civil war between Hekmatyar and other 
Afghan warlords continued even after he became 
prime minister in 1993. His most consistent oppo- 
nents were Burhan al-Din Rabbani, Tajik leader of 
the Jamiat-i Islami (Islamic Society), and Ahmad 
Shah Massoud, leader of the Tajik mujahidin. 
Kabul suffered heavy civilian casualties as a result 
of the conflict. Meanwhile, the Taliban, a well- 
organized force of Afghan refugees and war veter- 
ans, was gaining control of much of the country 
with the support of the Pakistani IS1. When they 
finally seized Kabul in September 1996, Hekmatyar 
and the other warlords were forced to flee the city. 
After al-Qaida attacked the United States on Sep- 

tember 11, 2001, he sided with Usama bin Ladin 
but was forced to flee to Iran when the United 
States invaded Afghanistan in October of that year. 
Iran expelled him and the Hizb-i Islami in 2002, 
and he has since gone into hiding. Hekmatyar has 
consistently called for attacks against U.S. and 
international armed forces and is considered to be 
a terrorist by the governments of the United Stales 
and Afghanistan. 

See also communism; Islamism; terrorism. 

Further reading: Steve Coll, Ghost Wars: The Secret 
History oj the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Ladin, from the 
Soviet Invasion until September 10, 2001 (New York: Pen- 
guin Books, 2004); Oliver Roy, Afghanistan: From Holy 
War to Civil War (Princeton, N.J.: Darwin Press, 1995). 

hell See Fire. 

Helpers See Ansar. 


A heresy is a doctrine or belief that authorities 
believe to be false or that deviates from what is 
accepted by the mainstream or orthodox commu- 
nity. In early Islam, emergence of heresies paral- 
leled the competition over power and authority 
that followed the death of Muhammad (ca. 570- 
632). Muhammad's dual role of prophet and 
tribal leader set the stage for the fusion of ‘Tight 
religion" (orthodoxy) and righteous rule that 
subsequently defined the office of his successor, 
the caliphate. The holders of this office, caliphs, 
justified their rule in religious terms and often 
dismissed their opponents as religious deviants. 
Heresies, then, were born in conflict and received 
their stigma from the winning faction, which by 
virtue of its power established the operational 
norms of society. 

It was the first civil war (656-661), or fitna , 
that gave rise to the earliest heresies in Islam: the 

hi jab 297 

Khawarij and the Shia. Both groups diverged from 
what became the Sunni orthodox view of ruler- 
ship. In fact, it was the divergence of these groups 
that led to the military and intellectual assertion 
of Sunni dominance. The first civil war produced 
only temporary political unity, but it introduced 
permanent religious division into the community 
of Muslims. Over time, the Khawarij and the Shia 
evolved into full-scale minority sects, with defin- 
ing ideologies, mythic histories, and legal systems. 
And within the regions that fell under their mili- 
tary control, these sects had the power to create 
societies that reflected their worldviews, like the 
majority Sunnis. 

Along with heresies rooted in political opposi- 
tion, there were heresies of pure religious belief. 
In fact, the number of heresies based solely on 
belief multiplied exponentially as the Sunni tradi- 
tion refined its views in relation to the range of 
religious opinion voiced within the expanding 
empire. Medieval Muslim sources list some 72 
heretical sects in Islam. While exaggerated, this 
number captures the diversity and richness of 
intellectual engagement in early and medieval 
Islam. Sunni attempts to police Muslim belief by 
labeling opponents as heretical demonstrate the 
extent to which religious unity was viewed as 
essential to the health and welfare of the commu- 
nity as a whole. 

In the modern period, the idea of heresy 
has largely fallen out of favor, though factional 
disputes remain. When the label of heretic is 
now wielded, it tends to be with the purpose of 
polemic rather than prosecution, although in the 
very recent period this latter, too, has emerged as 
Muslims struggle to reconcile the Islamic heri- 
tage with the intellectual challenges presented by 
modernity. Nonetheless, what medieval thinkers 
once labeled as heresies modern Muslims tend to 
think of as alternative schools of thought. 

See also apostasy; blasphemy; Ibadiyya, kafir; 
Shiism; Sunnism; umma. 

Jeffrey T. Kenney 

Further reading: Ignaz Goldziher, Introduction to Islamic 
Theology and Law. Translated by Andras and Ruth 
Hamori (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 
1981); Wilferd Madelung, Religious Schools and Sects in 
Medieval Islam (London: Variorum. 1985); Muhammad 
al-Sharaslani, Muslim Sects and Divisions. Translated by 
A. K. Kazi and J. G. Flynn (London: Kegan Paul Inter- 
national, 1984). 

Hezbollah See Hizbullah. 

Hidden Imam See ghayba; imam; Twelve-Imam 

hijab (Arabic: cover, partition, barrier) 

The practice of hijab, or veiling, among Muslim 
women varies throughout the world. In modern 
discussions, hijab usually refers to a veil that is 
worn to cover a womans hair, neck, and cars but 
not her face. The issue of hijab , especially as it 
relates to womens veiling, is one of great debate. 
The Quran uses the word seven times, mostly with 
the meaning of screen or partition (for example, 
Q 19:17; 38:32; 17:45). The word is often inter- 
preted, especially by Sufis, in the sense of a veil or 
barrier that stands between God and the created 
world. Hijab is further elaborated upon in the 
HADITH. However, the tradition of modest dress and 
particularly of veiling women predates the rise of 
Islam. Indeed, veiling was a common practice in 
the pre-Islamic Near East, acting as a marker of 
class, faith, ethnicity, and age in many cultures. 

While the practice has varied through time 
and place, hijab has become a point of debate in 
the modern era. Non-Muslim imperialists often 
used hijab as an example of the “inferiority" of 
nations they wished to conquer, claiming it was a 
discriminatory practice that should be abolished. 
In the early 20th century, supporters of Western- 
ization in nations such as Turkey and Iran used 
the formal banning of the hijab as a symbolic way 

298 Hij 

of demonstrating that their nations were modern 
and progressive. However, postcolonial nationalist 
and religious movements have embraced the hijab 
as a symbol of Islamic piety and cultural potency. 

The contemporary debate about the hijab 
reflects the complex nature of identity in a post- 
colonial world. Those who reject the hijab often 
argue that it is a symbol of patriarchal domination 
over womens bodies, a socially enforced indicator 
of womens submission to men. However, for many 
women who choose to wear some form of mod- 
est dress, hijab is a marker of propriety, faith, and 
freedom. They argue that wearing the hijab allows 
them to be recognized as “respectable" women, 
giving them greater freedom of movement in social 
situations where they may have otherwise been 
subjected to sexual innuendo. They embrace it as 
a way of rejecting the objectification of women’s 
bodies as well as a marker of their piety. Also, they 
adopt the hijab as a symbol of their Islamic identity 
and view it as a historical connection to genera- 
tions of Muslim women preceding them. 

See also burqa; colonialism; harem; purdah. 

Nancy L. Stockdale 

Further reading: Leila Ahmed, Women and Gender in 
Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate (New Haven, 
Conn.: Yale University Press, 1992); Margot Badran and 
Miriam Cooke, eds., Opening the Gates: A Century oj 
Arab Feminist Writing (London: Virago, 1990); Fadwa cl 
Guindi, Veil (New York: Berg. 1999); Fatima Mcrnissi, 
The Veil and the Male Elite: A Feminist Interpretation of 
Women's Rights in Islam (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wes- 
ley, 1991). 

Hijaz See Mecca; Medina; Saudi Arabia. 

Hijra (Arabic: emigration, abandonment; 
also spelled Hijrah, Hejira) 

The theme of an epic journey from home into 
the world can be found in the myths and sacred 
histories of many cultures and religions. It occurs 

in the origin myths of Australian aborigines and 
the Indian tribes of the American Southwest. The 
Hebrew Bible narrates the journeys of the patri- 
arch Abraham from Mesopotamia to Canaan and 
Egypt and the famous exodus of Moses and the 
Israelites from slavery in Egypt to Sinai and then 
to the “land flowing with milk and honey" — the 
Holy Land. The exodus is remembered every year 
during the Jewish feast of Passover. The New 
Testament Gospels describe the journeys of Jesus 
in Palestine, culminating with his Last Supper, 
crucifixion, and resurrection in Jerusalem. The 
book of Acts tells the story of how Paul and other 
apostles carried the Gospel throughout the Holy 
Land and then to Asia Minor and Greece. Among 
the Asian religions, one of most famous events 
in the life of the Buddha was his Great Going 
Forth — his abandonment of wealth, home, and 
family in search of enlightenment. The Islamic 
“exodus" or “great going forth" is the Hijra, the 
emigration of Muhammad and about 70 of his fel- 
low Muslims from Mecca to Medina in 622. This 
event was considered so important that Muslims 
have designated it to be year one on their official 
lunar calendar. The 15th century of the Hijra 
began in 1982. 

The word hijra is Arabic for emigration or 
abandonment, but it was also given other mean- 
ings in medieval Arabic dictionaries, including 
“forsaking ones home or country and moving 
to another place." English dictionaries often 
mistranslate hijra as “flight." That the journey 
of Muhammad and his followers was more of 
an emigration than a flight is supported by the 
details of the accounts about the event provided 
by Ibn Ishaqs biography of the Prophet (mid- 
eighth century) and other early Islamic historical 
sources. According to these accounts, as Muham- 
mad gained more followers from different classes 
of Mecca's society, he also attracted the atten- 
tion of the city's leading authorities, particularly 
dominant clans of the Quraysh tribe. They were 
angered by the Quran's attacks on their polythe- 
istic religion and worldly attachments, which 

Hijra 299 

caused ihem to neglect widows, orphans, and 
the poor. Some were outraged by the prediction 
that those who did not believe in Allah would 
be punished in the afterlife for their disbelief. 
The Quraysh tried to impose a boycott against 
Muhammad's clan, the Banu Hashim, to cut them 
off from intermarriage with other Meccans and 
from the city's commercial life. The boycott failed, 
but Muhammad’s safety was seriously threatened 
in 619 when his chief protectors died — his wife 
Khadija and his uncle Abu Talib. 

To secure the position of himself and his 
religious movement, Muhammad sought new 
alliances with tribes in nearby towns and soon 
completed one with the Aws and Khazraj tribes 
of Yathrib, an oasis town located about 275 
miles north of Mecca. In return for their con- 
version to Islam and sheltering and protecting 
his followers, he agreed to serve as the town's 
peacemaker, a role customarily assumed by holy 
men in Middle Eastern societies. Muhammad 
also sent one of his companions to Yathrib to 
teach the Quran and win more converts. The 
new Muslims of Yathrib were called the Helpers 
(Ansar). Meanwhile, persecution of Muham- 
mad and his followers in Mecca by the Quraysh 
intensified; the weaker ones were physically 
tortured or imprisoned. Muhammad ordered his 
followers to emigrate to Yathrib in small groups, 
while he remained in Mecca with his friend Abu 
Bakr and his loyal cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib. The 
Quraysh plotted to murder Muhammad and 
invaded his house only to find Ali sleeping in 
his bed. Muhammad had secretly escaped with 
Abu Bakr, and the two of them hid in a cave for 
three days before making their way to Yathrib. 
After they arrived, Muhammad built the city's 
first two mosques and established an agreement, 
also known as the Constitution of Medina, that 
called for mutual support among the Helpers, 
the Emigrants from Mecca, the Jews, and non- 
Muslim Arabs. The agreement also recognized 
Muhammad as the leading authority of the new 
community, the UMMA. Thereafter Yathrib became 

known as Madinat al-Nabi (City of the Prophet), 
or simply Medina. 

Muslim sources also speak of an earlier hijra of 
Muslims to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) between 615 and 
622. Muhammad may have sent some Muslims 
there to receive the protection of the country’s 
Christian king, the Negus. Some of them returned 
to Mecca before the Hijra to Medina, but most 
seem to have rejoined their coreligionists in 
Medina after 622. 

The caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab (r. 634-644) 
signaled the importance of the Hijra in Islam when 
he declared that it would be used to set the official 
Muslim calendar in 638. Its importance was also 
reflected in the division of the Quran into Meccan 
(pre-Hijra) and Mcdinan (post-Hijra) chapters. 
The Medina chapters contain most of the Quran's 
ritual rules and social laws, which originally 
applied to the governance of the new community 
Muhammad had created after the Hijra. Most of 
the authentic HADITH arc thought to have started 
to circulate during this era. In Islamic law, the 
issue of emigration was debated by jurists when 
Muslims in Andalusia and later other Muslim 
lands found themselves being ruled by non-Mus- 
lims. Some jurists, especially those of the Maliki 
Legal School, said that Muslims were obliged to 
emigrate to Muslim territories, as the Prophet had 
done. Others said that residence in non-Muslim 
lands was permissible as long as Muslims were 
allowed to fulfill their religious duties. In a similar 
vein, sectarian groups such as the Khawarij called 
for true Muslims to emigrate from territories ruled 
by corrupt Muslims. 

The ideal of the Hijra has continued to be an 
important one for Muslims in more recent cen- 
turies. Reform and revival movements in West 
Africa and South Asia used it to organize oppo- 
sition to colonial rule. Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud (d. 
1953) established settlements called hijras in 
central Arabia, where Bedouins were indoctri- 
nated with Wahhabi teachings. When India and 
Pakistan were partitioned in 1947, the Muslim 
migration into Pakistan was called a hijra. More 

300 hilal 

recently, leaders of radical Islamic movements 
have called upon their followers to abandon Jahil- 
\yya society, the society of infidelity, and prepare 
for jihad against disbelievers in imitation of the 
first Muslims of Medina. One of the most famous 
of these groups was the Egyptian Jamaat al-Mus- 
limin (Muslims Group), which was known to the 
international media as Jamaat al-TAKFlR wa’L-Hijra 
( the Excommunication and Emigration Group). 
It was founded in the mid-1970s but quickly sup- 
pressed by the Egyptian government. Hijra has 
been used in a more secular sense by Arabs and 
Muslims to describe their migrations to Europe 
and the Americas to find employment. 

See also Christianity and Islam; dar al-Islam 


Further reading: Zakaria Bashier, Hijra: Story ami 
Significance (Leicester. U.K.: The Islamic Foundation, 
1983); F. E. Peters, Muhammad and the Origins of Islam 
(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994); 
W. Montgomery Watt, Muhammad: Prophet and States- 
man (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1964). 

hilal See moon. 

Hinduism and Islam 

Prior to the advent of Islam in South Asia, the 
subcontinent was home to a wide variety of reli- 
gious traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, 
Jainism, and small populations of Christians 
and Jews. By far the numerically and geographi- 
cally largest of these was the complex of tradi- 
tions grouped under the rubric of Hinduism, 
a geographical term designating the religion 
of the peoples who inhabited lands east of the 
Indus River valley, which runs through modern- 
day Pakistan. The Hindu traditions developed 
from the encounter between indigenous religions 
devoted to particular places and deities and the 
Vedic traditions brought by the migration of the 

Aryans into the region, which began around 1500 
B.C.E. The Vedic religion of the Aryans empha- 
sized reciprocity between humans and gods, the 
importance of sacrifice, and precise recitation 
of the sacred scriptures to ensure ritual efficacy. 
The Aryan social structure was highly stratified, 
and caste hierarchy remains an element in many 
Hindu traditions. The Hindu belief in a multi- 
plicity of deities contrasts sharply with Islamic 
monotheism. However, it should be remembered 
that some forms of philosophical Hinduism are 
monist in doctrine, a fact acknowledged by 
Muslim travelers to the subcontinent such as al- 
Biruni (d. 1051). 

The classical period of Hinduism that preceded 
significant Muslim presence in South Asia saw the 
consolidation of cults dedicated to the great gods 
Shiva and Vishnu and the goddess (Devi) in her 
myriad forms (for example, Lakshmi, Sita, Durga, 
and Parvati). By the 10th century, the major 
philosophical schools had emerged, the epic talcs 
Mahabharata and Ramayana were compiled, legal 
and sacrificial manuals abounded, and the devel- 
opment of a huge corpus of devotional literature 
to particular deities was well under way. Hindu 
traditions pervaded the subcontinent. Buddhism 
was strong in the northeast and along the Silk 
Road but was waning in influence in the subcon- 
tinent as it waxed in Central, East, and Southeast 
Asia. This was the world encountered by the first 
significant influx of Muslims. 

Islam first entered India through long-estab- 
lished trade routes from the Middle East: the 
Silk Road in the north and ocean passages in the 
south. There arc signs of early communities along 
the coast, where Muslims intermarried with local 
people. In the north, the first area to fall under 
direct Muslim rule was the Sind, conquered by 
Muhammad ibn Qasim in 711. The next major 
invasion was that of Mahmud of Ghazni (r. 998- 
1030), who plundered the northwest region and 
attacked Ismaili Muslims who had settled there 
during the 10th century. Accompanying him to 
India was the Arab polymath al-Biruni, who stud- 

Hinduism and Islam 301 

Tomb of Chishti saint Qutb al-Din Bakhtiar Kaki in 
Mehrauli, New Delhi, India (Juan E. Campo) 

ied Indian languages, sciences, customs, and reli- 
gions. His record is the first textual evidence that 
the ballyhooed antipathy of Hindus and Muslims 
is overstated. Al-Birunis writings reveal a rich and 
nuanced appreciation for a great deal about Hindu 
culture. From the 10th century onward, the north 
of India was dominated by kingdoms whose rul- 
ing dynasties were Turks and Mongols. However, 
research reveals that the greatest conversion to 
Islam was in the regions of South Asia, where Hin- 
duism was least firmly entrenched. This would 
dispel commonly held views that conversion was 
either the result of force or a desire to escape an 
oppressive caste structure. 

For most of the thousand years of Muslim 
dominance in South Asia, relations between Hin- 
dus and Muslims were largely peaceful, with 
Hindu and Muslim rulers employing high-level 
ministers from other religions and ethnic groups, 
patronizing each others buildings and festivals, 
and visiting each others holy places. This reached 
an apex under the Mughal emperor Akbar, who 
briefly introduced a new religious system called 
the Din-i Ilahi, or Religion of God, inspired by 
his conversations with scholars and mystics from 
Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Jain, and 
Christian traditions. Also popular in this period 
and to the present day are the shared devotional 
practices associated with Muslim saints, most 
notably of the Chishti Sufi Order, which is cen- 
tered at Ajmer, Rajasthan. 

Religious differences, however, have in the 
past been contentious in South Asia, as they con- 
tinue to be to the present day. In spite of 1,000 
years of rule, Islam never became the majority 
faith in the region; at the time of the comple- 
tion of the British conquest in 1857, Muslims 
made up approximately 25 percent of the popu- 
lation. As the Indian independence movement 
grew and the British prepared to depart from 
the subcontinent, Muslims sought guarantees of 
representation in government and civil services. 
The nationalists of the Indian National Congress 
under Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (d. 1948) 
and Jawaharlal Nehru (d. 1964) opposed the 
schemes put forward by Muhammad Ali Jinnaii 
(d. 1948) and the All-India Muslim League 
for a strong federated state system. As a result, 
when the British rapidly departed in 1947, the 
subcontinent was partitioned into India and East 
and West Pakistan. In a seismic population shift, 
15 million people moved between the northwest 
and northeast regions, and estimates of those 
who lost their lives in the violent transition 
range from 200,000 to 1 million. The legacy of 
Partition in terms of Hindu-Muslim relations in 
India has been traumatic. Indian Muslims today 
remain vulnerable, less educated, poorer, and 

302 hisba 

politically marginalized, despite being about 13 
percent of the population, or about 130,000,000 
people (the third-largest Muslim population in 
the world after Indonesia and Pakistan). 

See also Ayodhya; Buddhism and Islam; Mughal 
dynasty; Sufism. 

Anna Bigelow 

Further reading: David Gilmartin and Bruce Lawrence, 
eds., Beyond Turk and Hindu: Rethinking Religious Iden- 
tities in Islamicate South Asia (Gainesville: University 
Press of Florida, 2000); Peter Gottschalk, Beyond Hindu 
and Muslim (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 
2001); Andre Wink, The Making of the Indo-Islamic 
World. 2 vols. (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 

hisba (Arabic: counting, reckoning, 

The hisba was both the state institution for 
promoting good and forbidding evil and the per- 
sonal responsibility of Muslims to do the same. 
Though the word literally means counting, it 
came to be accepted as shorthand for the injunc- 
tion from the Quran and the sunna requiring 
the promotion of good and the forbidding of 
evil, which was the subject of extensive debate 
in Islamic law. Although the Quran suggests 
that every Muslim must engage in this practice 
(Q 3:104), considerable difference of opinion 
existed concerning whom, how, and under what 
circumstances a person should actively pursue 
forbidding wrong in particular. In most cases, 

Traditional public fruit and vegetable market in Cairo, Egypt (Juan E. Campo) 

Hizb al-Tahrir al-lslami 303 

scholars wrote that the duty applied only within 
the Islamic community; women and disabled 
Muslim men were exempt, and individuals were 
not obligated to place themselves in danger in 
order to suppress any evils of which they were 
aware. The same verse was also understood to 
mean that promoting good and forbidding evil 
was a communal responsibility, which came to be 
more commonly interpreted as empowering the 
state to enforce the injunction. 

In the early Islamic period, persons appointed 
to enforce the hisba in the community were 
responsible for ensuring that prayers were per- 
formed properly, mosques were maintained, and 
market dealings were kept honest. The hisba was 
institutionalized during the reign of the Abbasid 
caliph Abu Jaafar al-Mansur in 773 through the 
establishment of the office of muhtasib , or market 
controller, in the religious hierarchy of the state. 
From this period, the muhtasib role in maintaining 
public morality was largely confined to ensuring 
proper conduct in the markets. Duties included 
guaranteeing uniform weights and measures and 
occasionally currency, keeping a record of prices 
and preventing hoarding in times of famine, and 
maintaining safe and clear roads through the 
city. Though the office declined in prestige after 
the Middle Ages, in many Muslim lands, these 
remained the duties of the muhtasib until the 
governmental reforms of the 19th and early 20th 

Where the rise of political Islam has led to the 
establishment of an Islamic state or the introduc- 
tion of a law code based on the sharia, the rcintro- 
duction of the state institution of the hisba has also 
often occurred. Saudi Arabia has a government 
department called the General Presidency of the 
Promotion of Virtues and the Prevention of Vices, 
the most public face of which is the mutawain, or 
religious police, charged with upholding moral- 
ity in the kingdom. The state established by the 
Taliban in Afghanistan also maintained a similar 
department and police force. The governors of 
states in northern Nigeria that adopted laws based 

on the sharia in the 1990s have established sharia 
implementation committees or sharia monitoring 
police, both of which are known as hisba f in order 
to assist the government in encouraging the popu- 
lation to conform to the new legal code. 

See also bazaar; ethics and morality; Ibn 
Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din Ahmad. 

Shauna Huffakcr 

Further reading: Ahmad ibn Abd al-Halim ibn Taymiyah, 
Public Duties in Islam: The Institution of the Hisbah, Al- 
Hisba ji al-Islam. Translated by Muhtar Holland (Leicester, 
U.K.: Islamic Foundation, 1982). Michael Cook, Com- 
manding Right and Forbidding Wrong in Islamic Thought 
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000). 

Hizb al-Daawa al-lslamiyya See Daawa 
Party of Iraq. 

Hizb al-Tahrir al-lslami (Arabic, also 
spelled Hizb ut-Tahrir; Islamic Liberation 

Hizb al-Tahrir is a revolutionary Sunni Islamist 
party, an early offshoot of the Muslim Brother- 
hood. It was founded in Jerusalem in 1932 by 
Taqi al-Din al-Nabhani (1909-77), a Palestinian 
teacher and judge who had graduated from AL- 
Azhar University. In the first years of its existence, 
Hizb al-Tahrir opened branches in a number of 
Arab countries, including Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, 
Iraq, Palestine, and Kuwait. During the 1970s, 
its belief that Arab governments were un-Islamic 
led it to engage in subversive activities, includ- 
ing coup attempts against nationalist regimes in 
Iraq, Egypt, and Syria. Guided by its unbending 
authoritarian religious ideology, Hizb al-Tahrir has 
organized itself into networks of small, secretive 
cells that have recruited followers in many parts of 
the world. It looks for new members in mosques, 
religious gatherings, and university campuses. 
Its close-knit organization helps foster solidarity 
among its members and insulates it against out- 

304 Hizbullah 

side government surveillance and arrests. Some 
observers have remarked that it resembles the 
Communist Party in organization more than other 
Islamist movements, even though it is overtly 
anticommunist and antisocialist in its ideology 

During the 1990s, increased Western military 
presence in the Middle East, the fall of the Soviet 
Union, the break up of Yugoslavia, and the Pal- 
estinian-Israeli conflicts provided Hizb al-Tahrir 
with opportunities to extend its reach into Europe, 
Pakistan, Central Asia, Malaysia, and Indonesia. It 
currently maintains a public relations office in 
London, and its governing council is thought to 
have headquarters in Lebanon. It disseminates its 
ideas via numerous publications and Arabic- and 
English-language Web sites. However, it is banned 
as a terrorist organization in most Arab countries, 
Germany, Russia, and all the Central Asian repub- 
lics, where it has gained many followers in recent 
years. British authorities have been monitoring it 
carefully, especially after the London Metro bomb- 
ings in July 2005. According to one estimate, Hizb 
al-Tahrir has more than 20,000 members, includ- 
ing recent converts to Islam. Another asserts 
that it may have as many as 80,000 members in 
Uzbekistan alone (Benard, 345). 

The ideology of the party centers on the goal 
of reuniting all Muslims into a single community 
under an Islamic government called the caliph- 
ate, which once ruled the early Islamicate empire. 
This government is obligated to rule in accordance 
with the SHARIA, the law of God. All other political 
systems that govern Muslims are illegitimate and 
must be overcome by winning public opinion. 
Only by doing this will Muslims at last be free of 
the burdens imposed by centuries of colonial rule. 
Hizb al-Tahrir professes to be a nonviolent Islamic 
activist movement. Its British branch, for example, 
has joined with other Muslim community organi- 
zations to raise funds for charity and to combat 
drugs. However, police and security agencies sus- 
pect that its members pose a terrorist threat. Its 
publications purportedly equate prayer with jihad 
and terrorism, and it has allowed for the killing 

of apostates, or “those who commit aggression 
against the sanctities of the Muslims" (Benard, 
347). It has also been condemned for being anti- 
Semitic and supporting suicide attacks in Israel. 

See also anti-Semitism; communism; Islamism; 


Further reading: Cheryl Benard. “Central Asia: Apoca- 
lypse Soon or ’Eccentric Survival?'" In The Muslim 
World after 9/1 J, edited by Angel M. Babasa, et al, 
321-366 (Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand Corporation, 
2004); Shcrcen Khairallah, “The Islamic Liberation 
Party: Search for a Lost Ideal." In Vision and Revision in 
Arab Society, Center for the Study of the Modern Arab 
World. 87-95, CEMAM Reports. Vol. 2 (Beirut: Dar 
al-Mashrcq, 1975); Ahmed Rashid, Jihad: The Rise of 
Militant Islam in Central Asia (New Haven, Conn.: Yale 
University Press, 2002). 

Hizbullah (Hezbollah) 

Hizbullah is a Lebanese Shii Islamist party led 
by Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah (b. 1960). Its name 
means Party of God in English, a phrase from the 
Quran describing those who will triumph over 
disbelievers and enter paradise because of their 
faith (Q 5:56; 58:22). The modern Lebanese Hiz- 
bullah grew out of religiously based Shii militant 
movements in the late 1970s and early 1980s 
aimed at fighting Israeli incursions into Lebanon. 
Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, it led the armed 
resistance to Israel's invasion and occupation of 
a significant portion of southern Lebanon and is 
widely credited with forcing Israel's withdrawal in 
May 2000. The party is committed to the eventual 
establishment of an Islamic state in Lebanon based 
on the theory of Wilayat al-Faqih, or guardianship 
of the religious jurist, developed and executed by 
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in Iran. However, 
despite the theory's theological implications that 
all Muslims belong first and foremost to a transna- 
tional umma (community of Muslims), Hizbullah 
has in recent years taken great efforts to empha- 
size its Lebanese and nationalist identity. 

holidays 305 

Since the end of the country's civil war in 1989, 
Hizbullah has participated in elections, assuming 
a prominent position in Lebanese politics while 
maintaining an armed presence in the south near 
Lebanon’s border with Israel. While the move- 
ment claims its roots in the period prior to the 
Iranian Revolution of 1978-1979, it is generally 
acknowledged that Hizbullah coalesced as a fight- 
ing force only with organizational and military 
aid from Iran’s postrevolutionary government. 
Other factors leading to its emergence include the 
historical underrepresentation of Shii Muslims in 
Lebanese politics as well as their economic and 
social marginalization, both of which contributed 
to a general mobilization of Shia throughout the 
1950s and 1960s. In 1974, the Shii cleric imam 
Musa al-Sadr founded the populist Shii Move- 
ment of the Deprived and a year later its military 
wing, Amal. In the wake of al-Sadr's mysterious 
disappearance in 1978 and the increasingly dis- 
credited secular Arab nationalist ideologies with 
which Amal and its new leader, Nabih Bcrri, were 
associated, Hizbullah's religious message gained 
salience. In the early 1980s, ex-members of Amal 
such as Nasrallah and Hizbullah's first secretary 
general, Shaykh Subhi al-Tufayli, joined forces 
with clerics and other supporters of the Iranian 
Revolution to create an umbrella organization 
to defend Shii interests. On February 16, 1985, 
Hizbullah published an open letter announcing 
its ideological and social visions and marking its 
transition from a secret resistance movement to an 
open political one. 

Today, Hizbullah maintains close ties with Iran 
and Syria, holds roughly 10 percent of the scats 
in the Lebanese national parliament, and con- 
trols many municipalities in southern Lebanon 
and the Bekaa Valley. Additionally, it provides a 
wide variety of social services for its constituent 
communities, including job training, education, 
and medical care. It also owns a satellite channel 
called al-Manar (the Beacon), over which it broad- 
casts a variety of religious, political, and entertain- 
ment programs. 

Since May 2000, disputes over prisoners, land 
mines, and the Shebaa Farms have continued to fuel 
low-grade conflict and frequent incursions by both 
Israel and Hizbullah along the Isracli-Lebanese bor- 
der, or “blue line.” In July 2006, the conflict inten- 
sified once again against a backdrop of increasing 
tensions between the United States, Syria, and 
Iran over implementation of UN Resolution 1559 
and Iranian nuclear activities. Much of Lebanon's 
infrastructure was destroyed by Israeli air attacks, 
and heavy casualties were incurred on both sides. 
Ensuing diplomatic efforts focused on integrating 
Hizbullah's military wing into Lebanon’s national 
forces and promoting a sustainable long-term peace 
agreement. Despite that conflict and efforts by the 
U.S. government to marginalize Hizbullah, notably 
through its designation as a terrorist organization, 
the party is likely to figure prominently in Lebanese 
politics for many years to come. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; Shiism; 


Michelle Zimney 

Further reading: Ahmed Nizar Hamzeh, In the Path 
of Hizbullah (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University 
Press, 2004); Naim Qassim, Hizbullah: The Story from 
Within (London: Saqi Books, 2005); Magnus Ranstorp, 
Hizb'Allah in Lebanon: The Politics of the Western Hostage 
Crisis (New York: St. Martins Press, 1996); Amal Saad- 
Ghorayeb, Hizbullah: Politics & Religion (London: Pluto 
Press, 2002). 


The two most important holidays observed by 
Muslims are the Id al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice), 
held at the conclusion of the HAJJ during the 12th 
month of the Muslim calendar (Dhu al-Hijja), 
and the Id al-Fitr (Feast of Breaking the Fast), 
held at the end of Ramadan during the first days 
of the 10th month (Shawwal). These holidays are 
observed with special communal prayers in the 
morning hours, feasting, gatherings of family and 

306 holy books 

friends, and performance of charitable acts. Aside 
from these celebrations, every Friday in the year 
is considered to be an especially holy day because 
it is the day of communal prayer. However, it is 
not regarded as a day of rest like the Sabbath is 
in Judaism (Saturday) and Christianity (Sunday). 
Another important day for many is Laylat al-Qadr 
(Night of Destiny), which falls in the latter part 
of Ramadan. It commemorates the first revelation 
of the Quran to Muhammad. Most Muslims, with 
the exception of the followers of the Wahhabi 
sect, also celebrate the day of Muhammad's birth 
(M awlid al-Nabi), which falls on the 12th of Rabi 
al-Awwal, the third lunar month. Another event 
celebrated by many Muslims every year is the 
Night Journey and Ascent of Muhammad. 

In addition to these major holidays, which 
are observed by all Muslims, the Shia observe 
holy days commemorating the deaths of the 
Imams (sacred leaders descended from Muham- 
mad) and other members of Muhammad's family 
( AHL AL-BAYT). The most important of these holy 
days is Ashura, which remembers the martyr- 
dom of Husayn IBN Ali (d. 680) on the 10th day 
of the 12th month (Dhu al-Hijja). The Shia also 
observe the anniversary of Ghadir Khumm on the 
18th of the same month, which is associated with 
Muhammad's designation of Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 
660), their first imam, as his successor to lead 
the community. Members of Sufi brotherhoods 
celebrate the major religious feasts observed by 
other Muslims. In addition, they participate in pil- 
grimages and festivals connected with saintly men 
and women, especially members of Muhammad's 
family and their descendants. These are usually 
popular religious gatherings that occur at local 
shrines at different times of the year. Some attract 
millions of celebrants from far and wide, such as 
the mawlid of Ahmad al-Badawi of Tanta (Egypt) 
and Zaynab of Cairo or the urs of Muin al-Din 
Chishti in Ajmer (India). 

Muslims share some holidays with non-Mus- 
lims. The most important seasonal holiday cel- 
ebrated by people living in Muslim lands, Navruz, 

is connected with the advent of spring. It is 
observed in Iran, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, and 
Kurdish areas of Iraq and Turkey on March 21. 
Egyptians celebrate spring on Shamm al-Nasim 
(Smelling the Breeze), which falls on the first 
Monday after the Coptic Christian feast of Easter. 
Moreover, secular national holidays are observed 
in many countries with Muslim majorities. These 
usually commemorate the country's independence 
from colonial control, a political revolution, or a 
victory in war. Some countries honor the memory 
of their founders with holidays, such as Mustafa 
Kemal Ataturk (d. 1938) in Turkey and Muham- 
mad Ali Jinnah (d. 1948) in Pakistan. Most 
Muslims recognize the religious holidays of non- 
Muslims, wishing them well on these occasions 
and participating in feasts and parades. Non-Mus- 
lims, likewise, often recognize Muslim holidays. 
Such reciprocal interfaith activities occur both 
in countries where Muslims arc majorities and 
where they are minorities. In the United States, 
there has been growing recognition by commu- 
nity leaders and the media of Muslim observance 
of the Ramadan fast. On the other hand, follow- 
ers of radical and puritanical Islamic doctrines 
have denounced the observance or recognition of 
non-Muslim holidays by Muslims because of the 
belief that they arc unauthorized innovations that 
may lead Muslims astray. Outside of Saudi Arabia, 
however, such views are in the minority. 

See also bidaa ; moon; Wahhabism. 

Further reading: Johan Blank, Mullahs on the Main- 
frame: Islam and Modernity among the Daudi Bohras 
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001); Tanya 
Gulevich, Understanding Islam and Muslim Traditions 
(Detroit: Omnigraphics, 2005); Gustav E. von Grune- 
baum, Muhammadan Festivals (1951. Reprint, London: 
Curzon Press, 1976). 

holy books 

One of the most important features common to the 
Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and 

holy books 307 

Islam is the primacy their adherents give to holy 
books, scriptures believed to have been revealed or 
inspired by the one God. Jews look to the Torah 
(Hebrew: “teaching” or “law”), the revelation 
given by God in Hebrew to Moses at Sinai, which 
consists of written and oral components. The writ- 
ten Torah includes the five books of Moses (the 
Pentateuch), the Prophets, and the Writings (for 
example, the books of Psalms and Proverbs). The 
oral Torah, known as the Talmud, is said to have 
been inherited by the rabbis, Jewish sages, from 
Moses. It consists of the Mishnah (Hebrew: “rep- 
etition"), a collection of legal prescriptions plus 
extensive rabbinic commentaries. Scripture for 
Christians is the Old Testament, which includes 
the books of the Hebrew written Torah, and the 
New Testament, composed of the four Gospels of 
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, letters of Paul and 
other early church authorities, an early history of 
the church (Acts of the Apostles), and the conclud- 
ing book of Revelation. In Islam, the holy book is 
the Quran (Arabic: “recitation '), which Muslims 
believe to be the word of God as communicated 
to Muhammad during the last 23 years of his life 
(between 610 and 632 C.E.). It is complemented 
by the HADITH, accounts of Muhammad's deeds and 
sayings transmitted and assembled into books by 
his followers after his death. Both Sunni and Shii 
Muslims look to the Quran and hadith for guid- 
ance, but the Shia prefer to interpret both in light 
of the teachings of the Imams (divinely inspired 
descendants of Muhammad). 

Jewish, Christian, and Muslim holy books 
have historically defined communities of religious 
belief and action, serving as the basis for their 
understandings of God and his creation, ritual 
life, ethics and law, history, and ways to salvation 
in this world or in the afterlife. Indeed, member- 
ship in the Abrahamic communities is defined, 
in part, by believing what is taught in them. The 
communities, however, are not passive recipients 
of scriptures, blindly following their teachings. 
Rather, Jews, Christians, and Muslims continually 
preserve and infuse them with new life from gen- 

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fcnf* 1 r-vr* T- 


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Page from modern print edition of the Quran showing 
the first verses of Sura 2, with Arabic text on the right 
and Hindi transliteration on the left (Quran majid, New 
Delhi , 1987) 

cration to generation by studying and memorizing 
them, using them in worship, and interpreting 
and debating their meanings in accordance with 
lived experience and changes in the world around 
them. The ways communities give life to scripture 
are represented, for example, by the Jewish rabbi, 
a “master” of the Torah, who is charged with 
teaching and upholding its commandments. His 
counterpart in Islam is the alim (pi. ulama), “one 
who knows” the Quran, hadith, and the SHARIA 
(Islamic law). Any person who has memorized 
the Quran is called hafiz, “one who preserves” the 
sacred text. Muslims are obliged to recite short 
passages from the Quran during their five daily 

308 holy books 

prayers. In Christianity, Bible readings are central 
to Protestant life and worship, and the Roman 
Catholic Mass includes a Liturgy of the Word, 
which consists of readings from the Old and 
New Testaments prior to the priest's sermon and 
celebration of the Eucharist. Incorporating holy 
books into worship helps communities maintain 
their meaning through the generations. 

Another way in which holy books are shaped 
by religious communities is through canoniza- 
tion, the process whereby religious writings are 
formally selected, organized, and given authority. 
When religious authorities establish a scriptural 
canon, its contents usually become fixed. They 
cannot be changed or removed, and new material 
cannot be added. A canon of holy writings can 
be elaborated only through traditions of com- 
mentary and interpretation. Most Bible scholars 
maintain that the Hebrew texts of the Torah had 
been fixed by Palestinian rabbis by the end of the 
first century C.E., while the Talmud, sometimes 
called a second Torah, was fixed later in the sixth 
or seventh century C.E. by the rabbis of Babylonia 
(Iraq). Officials of the Christian church fixed the 
New Testament canon by the end of the fourth 
century. Islamic studies scholars generally agree 
that the Quran achieved its canonical form dur- 
ing the reign of the caliph Uthman ibn Affan (r. 
644-656), who commanded that variant copies be 
collected into a single official version. 

In addition to being attributed to a divine source 
and having a fixed canonical text, other factors 
have contributed to giving a holy book its holiness 
or sacrality. One is the assertion that it came down 
from heaven. This belief is most clearly expressed 
in relation to the Quran, which is thought to have 
descended with angels on the Night of Destiny 
(Q 97) from an archetypal book (Q 43:4 “mother 
of the book,” and Q 85:22 “preserved tablet") in 
the seventh heaven to the lowest heaven, from 
which Gabriel brought it to Muhammad. The 
heavenly origin of scripture is often connected to 
the notion that even though revealed in history, it 
is in some sense ancient or primordial. Rabbinic 

commentaries assert that God consulted the Torah 
when he created the world. In Christianity, Jesus 
is the “word" (logos) that existed in the begin- 
ning and then became flesh (J°hn 1). According 
to the influential Ashari School of Islamic kalam 
(dialectical theology), the Quran is the uncreated 
speech of God and is coeternal with him. Another 
important aspect of a book's holiness involves 
the belief that the language in which it is written 
itself is sacred, and therefore the scripture must be 
copied and recited according to precise rules. This 
is especially the case with the Hebrew language in 
Judaism and the Arabic language in Islam. On this 
basis, conservative Muslims also maintain that the 
Quran should not even be translated, because that 
would corrupt and distort Gods word. Moreover, 
anyone who even touches the Quran should be in 
a condition of ritual purity. 

The identification of holy books with commu- 
nities is expressly recognized in Islam. The Quran 
declares that every community has a prophet who 
conveys God's word (Q 10:47). It commands its 
readers and listeners to declare, “We believe in 
God and what was revealed to us, to Abraham, 
Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes [of Joseph 
and his brothers), and to Moses and Jesus, and 
what was given to the prophets by their lord. We 
do not make any differentiation between them 
and we all submit to him" (Q 2:136). It therefore 
associates Jews, the Children of Israel, with the 
Torah of Moses and Christians with the Gospel of 
Jesus. Jews and Christians are known collectively 
as People of the Book (ahl al-kitab ), or recipients 
of sacred revelations from God. In the Quranic 
view, however, these communities ignored or cor- 
rupted the books they received, as evidenced in 
their failure to recognize Muhammad as a prophet 
and the Christian doctrine of the divinity of Jesus, 
which contradicted the quranic assertion of God's 
absolute oneness and transcendence (for exam- 
ple, Q 5:12-19). This made them disbelievers, 
although the Quran also recognizes the common 
ground they share with Muslims for also being 
recipients of a holy book. 

horse 309 

Just as Christians had to define their beliefs in 
relation to the Torah (the Old Testament), Mus- 
lims had to do so in relation to both the Torah 
and the Gospel. Because the received form of the 
earlier scriptures has been altered, or corrupted, 
however, Muslims must look primarily to the 
Quran for guidance. With a few exceptions, they 
have not consulted the Old and New Testaments 
either in matters of religious belief or practice. 
Nevertheless, as a result of being People of the 
Book, Jews and Christians were allotted legal 
rights under Islamic law as "protected" subjects 
( ahl aUdhimma). When Muslims encountered 
other peoples in the Middle East and Asia, despite 
wars and confrontations, they eventually came to 
recognize Zoroastrians, Hindus, and Buddhists 
as also being religious communities that had 
received holy books. In today's global culture, 
traditional Islamic belief in a universal book from 
which all holy books arc ultimately derived has 
provided a basis for engaging in DIALOGUE across 
religious and cultural boundaries. 

See also Arabic language and literature; Bud- 
dhism and Islam; Christianity and Islam; dhimmi; 
Judaism and Islam; Shiism; tafsir. 

Further reading: John Corrigan et al.,Jews, Christians , 
Muslims: A Comparative Introduction to Monotheistic Reli- 
gions (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. 1998); 
Frederick M. Denny and Rodney L. Taylor, The Holy 
Booh in Comparative Perspective (Columbia: University 
of South Carolina Press, 1985); William A. Graham. 
Beyond the Written Word: Oral Aspects of Scripture in the 
History of Religion (Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press, 1987); F. E. Peters, A Reader on Classical Islam 
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994). 

holy war See jihad. 

honor and shame 

Cultural anthropologists have maintained that 
honor and shame are a set of cultural norms 

and expectations that characterizes Mediterranean 
societies, including Arab Muslim ones, but not 
exclusively so. In the Mediterranean region, the 
"honor and shame complex" stresses the value 
of dignified comportment, generosity, and family 
loyalty as well as bravery and independence for 
men and self-control and modesty for women. In 
Muslim societies, honor and shame are imagined 
to involve the application of reason ( aql ) to con- 
trol base instincts (nu/s), though parallel concepts 
may be found in other Mediterranean countries 
such as Greece and Italy. Where notions of honor 
and shame exist, family and tribal identity is very 
important, and honor killings, in which male 
family members murder a female relative who has 
transgressed a particularly serious moral bound- 
ary, involve attempts to reclaim the honor of the 
larger family group. Some scholars have argued 
that the paired ideals of honor and shame are too 
general to capture the important subtleties and 
differences among Mediterranean societies. Oth- 
ers have argued that these are European concepts 
that do not adequately capture the cultural per- 
spectives of the non-European Mediterranean. 

See also customary law; women. 

Further reading: Lila Abu-Lughod, Veiled Sentiments: 
Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society (Berkeley: Uni- 
versity of California Press, 1999); ]. G. Peristiany and 
J. Pitt-Rivers, eds., Honor and Grace in Anthropology 
(Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991). 


Horses were treasured animals in the Islamicate 
societies of the premodern Middle East, where 
they served as mounts for warriors and became 
symbols of chivalry and manliness. The most 
famous breed is the Arabian horse, a small, swift 
riding animal known for its beauty and intelli- 
gence. Its strength and maneuverability made it 
a valuable asset in battle, and it is credited with 
having been an important factor in the successful 
Arab conquest of the Middle East, North Africa, 

^ 310 houri 

and Andalusia during the seventh and eighth 
centuries. Arabians were also used in the sport 
of horse racing, and many race horses today have 
Arabian blood. 

Experts disagree about their origin. Some say 
Arabians developed during the fourth or fifth 
century in the Arabian Peninsula from horses 
that had migrated from Central Asia. Others say 
the breed originated in North Africa. Arabians 
were introduced into Europe during the Middle 
Ages, where they contributed to the develop- 
ment of some of the best European breeds. They 
declined in the Arabian Peninsula when modern 
transportation and weapons technologies arrived 
in the 19th century, but meanwhile they became 
favorites among breeders in Europe and North 
America. In recent times, the practice of breeding 
Arabians has been revived in Saudi Arabia and 
Jordan. An Arabian horse is the central figure 
in Walter Farleys, The Black Stallion, a popular 
children's novel (1941) and film (1979). Another 
famous breed from Islamicate lands is the Akhal 
Teke (also known as the Persian or Parthian 
horse), indigenous to Central Asia and consid- 
ered by many to be one of the oldest breeds in 
existence. It has been embraced by the Turkmen 
culture, which has strong nomadic roots. 

The horse is held in high esteem in Arabo- 
lslamicate literature. It was said to be the animal 
closest in nature to humans because of its noble 
demeanor. In the Quran, horses are described 
as creatures that God created for men to ride (Q 
16:8); elsewhere they are identified with women, 
children, stores of precious metals, and land as 
being among the beautiful things to be enjoyed 
in life (Q 3:14). According to commentators, hav- 
ing a horse in the house is a way to keep Satan 
and the jinn from harming its owner. In Islamic 
lore, Ishmael (Ismail) the son of Abraham was the 
first human to tame a horse for riding, and King 
Solomon was said to have ridden a winged horse, 
like Pegasus in Greek mythology. The hadith 
indicate that Muhammad rode horses and that he 
even approved the holding of horse races (with- 

out betting) in Medina. Also, he is said to have 
used a magical horselike animal named Buraq 
when he traveled from Mecca to Jerusalem and 
ascended into heaven during his Night Journey 
and Ascent. Among the Shia, the most famous 
horse is the one belonging to Husayn ibn Ali ibn 
Abi Talib (d. 680). This animal carried him to 
Karbala, where he was martyred. It is also said 
that at the end of time it will be resurrected from 
the Euphrates River to carry Husayn once again 
into battle against wrongdoers. 

Horses were a favorite subject for poets, and 
it is estimated that more than 100 books about 
horses and horsemanship circulated in lslamdom 
during the Middle Ages. These books often have 
detailed descriptions of a horses physical features 
and markings, which are interpreted as omens 
affecting the fortunes of its rider. Technical knowl- 
edge about breeding, training, and veterinary care 
is also provided, but it differs considerably from 
modern methods of horse care and training. 

See also Arabic language and literature; 


Further reading: Walter Farley, The Black Stallion (New 
York: Random House Books for Young Readers, 1991); 
David James ct al., “The Arabian Horse." Saudi Aramco 
World 37 (March/April 1986); Jonathan Maslow, “The 
Golden Horses of Turkmenistan." Saudi Aramco World 
48 (May/June 1997): 10-19; David Pinault, Horse of 
Karbala: Muslim Devotional Life in India (New York: 
Palgrave, 2001). 


llouris are beautiful wide-eyed virgins who are 
believed to await good Muslims in paradise. They 
are mentioned only four times in the Quran, 
which describes them as being pure, modest, and 
like hidden pearls in appearance (Q 55:56; 56:23; 
37:49). Much more is said about them in medieval 
commentaries and stories about death and the 
afterlife, where they are portrayed in sensuous 
detail, living in luxurious mansions and palaces. 

houses 311 

Believers, especially pious men and martyrs, are 
promised two, 72, 500, or even thousands of hou- 
ris as wives when they enter paradise in reward 
for their virtues and sacrifices. Sufi commentators 
interpret them as symbols of heavenly bliss rather 
than providers of sexual pleasure. Although there 
is no consensus on the issue, some traditions 
hold that believing WOMEN who go to paradise are 
70,000 limes better than the houris and that with 
their youth restored, they will enjoy reunion with 
their faithful husbands. The linkage of paradise 
virgins with martyrdom on the battlefield dur- 
ing jihad first occurred in the eighth century and 
was elaborated in the following centuries. It was 
revived in the 20th century by preachers and 
militant Islamic organizations. Radical groups in 
Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, and Iraq have inter- 
woven vivid accounts of heroic death in war and 
descriptions of sensuous rewards in paradise in an 
effort to recruit young men for battle and suicide 
operations against enemies. 

Further reading: Maher Jarrar, “The Martyrdom of 
Passionate Lovers: Holy War as a Sacred Wedding. In 
Myths, Historical Archetypes, and Symbolic Figures in 
Arabic Literature: Towards a New Hermeneutic Approach, 
edited by A. Neuwirth ct al., 87-107 (Beirut: In Kom- 
mission bci Franz Steiner Vcrlag Stuttgart, 1999); Franz 
Rosenthal, “Reflections on Love in Paradise.’ In Love 
and Death in the Ancient Near East: Essays in Honor of 
Marvin H. Pope, edited by J. H. Marks and R. M. Good, 
247-254 (Guilford, Conn.: Four Quarters Publishing, 


The house is not only a material object, it is a 
place and idea where society, culture, and the 
environment intersect. The human dwelling pro- 
vides shelter from the elements, but it embodies 
important cultural distinctions, such as inside 
and outside, public and private, self and other (or 
family and nonfamily), nature and culture, male 
and female, and young and old. In some cultures. 

the house becomes a symbol for order against 
chaos, or it reflects the intersections of cosmic 
polarities, such as heaven and earth or sacred 
and profane. People invest significant amounts of 
labor and wealth in their dwellings and domestic 
furnishings, but they also invest them with their 
sympathies and emotions. This sense of attach- 
ment or emotional ownership makes a house into 
a home. 

The houses Muslims have constructed and 
imagined embody all these possibilities, ranging 
from the material to the symbolic and religious. 
They have inherited the architectural traditions 
of pre-Islamic indigenous societies, just as they 
have appropriated many of the cultural and reli- 
gious institutions of these societies. In doing so, 
Muslims have also redefined their homes in con- 
formity with their own distinctive values and pref- 
erences. This process of redefinition has been an 
ongoing one from the time of Islam's first histori- 
cal appearance to the modern era, with all of the 
latters revolutionary changes and ruptures, global 
migrations, and technological innovations. 

Traditional Muslim domestic ARCHITECTURE 
has usually employed materials that are readily 
available. Nomadic peoples make their tents from 

Rural home in Qurna, Upper Egypt, embellished with 
images and calligraphy celebrating the hajj to Mecca, 
as well as protecting the home from evil (Juan E. Campo) 

312 houses 

the tanned skins and fabrics woven from the hair 
of goats, sheep, and camels as well as from palms, 
reeds, and grasses. Houses in villages, towns, and 
cities in many parts of the Middle East, North 
Africa, and Asia have traditionally been made 
of raw or baked mud brick reinforced by stone 
or wood if available. In rocky areas of Yemen, 
western Arabia, and the Levant (Syria, Israel-Pal- 
estine, Lebanon, and Jordan), local stone is used 
for house construction. The urban palaces and 
mansions of medieval Muslim rulers in Egypt, 
Turkey, Persia, and India were made of profes- 
sionally cut stone, together with baked brick and 
wood. Houses made mostly of wood are limited 
to forestlands, such as those of eastern Europe, 
the Caspian Sea region, the Hindu Kush, INDONE- 
SIA, and Malaysia. The Industrial Revolution and 
colonization of Muslim lands by European pow- 
ers brought the introduction of new manufac- 
tured materials, such as steel-reinforced concrete, 
aluminum, glass, and plastics. This has resulted 
in the creation of housing that is often alienated 
from its natural setting. Manufactured materials 
and modern designs have also made it possible 
to erect multistory apartment blocks capable of 
accommodating hundreds if not thousands of 
people in a single residential area. 

The stereotypical “Islamic" dwelling is often 
said to be the Middle Eastern courtyard house, 
a complex of rooms situated around a courtyard 
that is open to the sky but closed to the out- 
side. Entrance is provided by a single doorway 
or gate that leads into the courtyard. Windows 
may be lacking or are placed high enough so 
that passersby cannot look inside the house. The 
courtyard is a work area and provides access to 
guest rooms, private living quarters, storerooms, 
and a stable. It also allows for air circulation, 
an advantage in regions that have a hot climate. 
Yet the association of the courtyard house with 
Islam is a tenuous one at best. Courtyard houses 
existed in the Middle East and Mediterranean 
regions for centuries before Islam's appearance. 
Moreover, after Muslims had established their 

religion in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern 
regions, both they and their non-Muslim neigh- 
bors continued to use this house form as well as 
others. As Muslims migrated beyond the Middle 
East, they usually adopted the local domestic 
architectural traditions of Africans, Asians, and 
Europeans. Whatever traditional architectural 
forms Muslims have used for their housing have 
generally allowed for the accommodation of 
extended families and varying degrees of interac- 
tion between public and private spheres of social 
life. There has been little evidence for an absolute 
separation of public and private spaces, and the 
same is true with respect to the segregation of 
men and women within the house. Rather, such 
divisions arc situational, depending on temporal, 
social, and economic factors. The HAREM — a seg- 
regated domestic area for women — is a creation 
of wealthy landholders and urban elites, not a 
product of Islamic religion per se. 

The symbolic and legal significance of houses 
in Islam can be situated, to an extent, in the 
Quran and hadith, where Arabic words such as 
bayt and dar arc used both for ordinary human 
dwellings and for sacred places and dwellings in 
the afterlife. The Quran asserts that God created 
ordinary dwellings and furnishings to demon- 
strate his grace to people so that they would “sub- 
mit" to him (Q 16:80-83). On the other hand, it 
also states that God has punished disbelieving and 
immoral people by destroying them and ruining 
their houses (for example, Q 7:74-79, 27:45-52). 
Believers who give up their homes and emigrate to 
God and Muhammad are promised great rewards 
(Q 4:100). 

The Grand Mosque in Mecca is called “God's 
sacred house," and the Kaaba is called "the first 
house created for people" (Q 3:96-97, 5:97, 5:2). 
The hadith state that the Kaaba is an earthly rep- 
lica of “the frequented house" in heaven, which 
is visited by thousands of angels each day. In 
addition to these sacred places, there is the house 
of Muhammad in Medina, which consisted of 
the private apartments of his wives facing toward 

hujja 313 

an open courtyard. This house became a sacred 
center, and Muhammad is reported to have said, 
“Whoever visits my house deserves my interces- 
sion [on Judgment Day].” It was also a place of 
communal prayer that served as a model for other 
mosques in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, and North Africa. 
In popular Islamic usage, all mosques can be 
called “houses of God.” 

The chapters of the Quran associated with the 
latter part of Muhammad's career (622-632) con- 
tain ritual commandments and rules concerning 
houses, both human and divine. The most impor- 
tant pilgrimage command in the Quran urges 
“people to perform a HAJJ to the house [the Kaaba) 
if they are able to do so" (Q 3:97). With respect 
to ordinary houses, believers are instructed to 
request permission before entering a persons 
house (Q 24:27-29), and they are to permit a 
divorced woman to keep her house, at least until 
it can be determined whether she is pregnant (Q 

Nearly one-third of the references to houses 
in the Quran pertain to the rewards and punish- 
ments that await people in the afterlife, paradise 
is called the "house of peace," the "house of the 
god-fearing,” or simply “the house" (dar). The 
people of paradise arc promised dwellings and 
lofty apartments among its gardens and flowing 
rivers. Evildoers, on the other hand, will go to the 
Fire (hell), which is also called the “evil house" 
and the “house of perdition." Their shelters there 
will be made of fire. 

Even though Muslims do not adhere to reli- 
gious building codes with respect to their housing, 
they do employ religious symbols and amulets to 
sanctify their dwellings. Many place verses of the 
Quran, the names of God, or pictures of mosques 
in Mecca, Medina, or Jerusalem on their house 
walls. These forms of "decoration" are intended 
to secure Gods blessing for the household and 
to repel evil forces. In rural and working class 
neighborhoods of Egypt, families decorate the 
walls of their homes with religious inscriptions 
and images when members of the family perform 

the hajj. These pilgrimage murals often express 
symbolic relations between the pilgrim's home 
and the sacred houses of Mecca, Medina, and 
paradise. Shii homes in Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran 
often display prayers for the People of the House 
(ahl al-bayt) and the 12 Imams, or portraits of 
beloved Shii saints and shrines. The use of reli- 
gious symbols and talismans, combined with 
efforts to adhere to codes of etiquette, hospitality, 
and morality in the home, are believed to make it 
a center of blessing with its own sacred character 
( hurma ). 

See also amulet; haram; harem; mosque. 

Further reading: Juan Eduardo Campo, The Other Sides 
of Paradise: Explorations into the Religious Meanings of 
Domestic Space in Islam (Columbia: University of South 
Carolina Press, 1991); Timothy Insoll, The Archaeology 
of Islam (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1999); Guy T. 
Petherbridge, “Vernacular Architecture: The House and 
Society." In Architecture of the Islamic World : Its History 
and Social Meaning, edited by George Michell, 176-208 
(New York: Morrow, 1978). 

hudud Sec crime and punishment. 

hujja (Arabic: proof, convincing argument; 
also spelled hujjat) 

The idea of a hujja , or proof, is expressed in 
the Quran, where God provides true arguments 
(proofs) through revelation against the false ones 
raised by humans (Q 4:165; 42:16). Also, accord- 
ing to the Quran, prophets can provide proofs 
against those who disbelieve (Q 6:77). In other 
contexts, hujja has been used most widely among 
the Shia with reference to prophets, imams (sacred 
leaders descended from Muhammad), and high- 
ranking religious authorities. In this sense, a hujja 
is a living proof of God's existence in human 
form. One Shii sect, the Ismailis, has used it for 
esteemed leaders who claimed access to the hid- 
den Mahdi and engaged in missionary activities 

' Css5D 314 human rights 

(dmwa) on behalf of the Ismaili movement. The 
term has also been adopted as a title to honor 
Twelve-Imam Shii ulama, who may be called huj- 
jat Allah (or hojjatollah ), “proof of God.” Among 
Muslim theologians and philosophers, hujja has 
been used in the technical sense of a convincing 
or rational proof in a theoretical argument, such 
as in debates over the immortality of the soul or 
the createdness of the Quran. 

See also authority; Shiism. 

Further reading: Farhad Daftary, The Ismailis: Their 
History and Doctrines (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer- 
sity Press, 1990), 127-128, 561. 

human rights 

The relationship between Islam and human rights 
is the subject of much contention in modern 
political and religious discussions. Individual 
rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of 
assembly, and freedom of religion that found early 
expression in the U.S. Bill of Rights, the French 
Revolution, and more recently in the 1948 United 
Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human 
Rights form the basic framework of interna- 
tionally recognized principles of human rights. 
Together with additional covenants on political, 
economic, and social rights, the rights of children, 
and declarations against torture and discrimina- 
tion based on race and gender, these documents 
aim (some would say claim) to represent a set, 
albeit incomplete, of universal principles appli- 
cable to all persons everywhere. 

However, some question whether these rights 
are really achievable or desirable for everyone, 
particularly in Islamic contexts. Those who see 
Islam as an impediment to human rights often 
focus on gender inequalities found in the sharia, 
Islamic law, and the poor human rights records 
of many governments in Muslim-majority lands. 
They cite these as evidence that some essential 
quality of Islam prevents the realization of human 
rights for its believers. The vast majority of Mus- 

lims and many non-Muslims argue, however, that 
human rights are not only compatible with Islam 
but integral to its core values of justice, equality, 
and freedom. They criticize the cultural bias of 
the current UN framework as placing too much 
emphasis on the individual and call for a deeper 
understanding of the rich cultural and religious 
heritage Islamicate societies have to contribute to 
the discussion. 

The Arabic word for right, haqq (pi. huquq ), 
also means truth. Muslims agree that the ulti- 
mate expression of truth for Islam is found in 
its holy book, the Quran, and that God (Allah) 
is the final arbiter of justice. Human rights then 
arc given to humanity and guaranteed by God. 
They are universal and for all time. The Quran 
discusses freedom of religion (Q 2:256), justice 
and equality (Q 5:8), the right to a basic stan- 
dard of life (Q 51:19), the right to participate in 
governance (Q 42:38), and rights of inheritance 
(Q 4:7-9), among others. It should be noted 
that interpretations of these verses arc not fixed. 
Rather, they often reflect the liberal and conser- 
vative views of different sectors of society. One 
can say broadly, however, that rights in Islam arc 
conceptualized as belonging to the individual 
and to the community, and the community's right 
to function in harmony takes precedence over 
those of an individual. In addition to this major 
difference, some Islamic scholars (ulama) also 
promote a vision of gender relations built on the 
idea of complementarity, which refers to different 
but equal and complementary rights and roles 
for each of the genders. This differs significantly 
from secular and feminist emphasis on strict 
equivalence of gender roles. 

The public discussion of human rights in 
Islam has traditionally taken the form of legalistic 
debates between ulama as to the meaning of the 
Quran. While this continues to the present day, 
additional forums appeared in the latter half of the 
20th century. They include the Universal Islamic 
Declaration of Human Rights issued in 1981 and 
the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam 

Husayn, Saddam 315 

adopted in 1990. The latter expressly asserted 
rights to EDUCATION, equality before the law, mar- 
riage, ownership of property, work, freedom from 
unlawful arrest, and freedom to express ones 
opinions freely to the extent that these all fall 
within the sharia. 

Muslims are currently confronting human 
rights problems throughout the Muslim world, 
in Europe, and in the United States. Many of 
the measures enacted to strengthen security after 
the attacks of September 11, 2001, in the United 
States have disproportionately targeted Muslims 
within the country as well visitors and students 
coming from the Muslim world. In Europe, Mus- 
lims face issues ranging from the wearing of the 
HIJAB in French public schools to discrimination 
in employment and housing aimed at growing 
immigrant populations. In many countries in the 
Middle East, notably Algeria, Egypt, and Syria, 
Islamic organizations opposing secular govern- 
ments through both peaceful and violent means 
have been brutally repressed. Iran as a formal 
Islamic state is often criticized for its dogmatic 
approach to Islamic law. Critics of the govern- 
ment are often jailed, and women are required 
to conform to “Islamically proper" dress codes. 
At the same time, Iranian women enjoy broad 
representation in the national parliament, and the 
non-state-sponsored press in the country is lively. 
Across the region, efforts to create civil society 
organizations (Jordan and Lebanon are nota- 
ble exceptions) arc often thwarted. This affects 
human rights organizations in general but also 
groups that advocate for specific issues such as 
women's rights. The latter has included in recent 
years efforts to modify marriage and divorce laws, 
promote women's suffrage, and bring attention 
to inadequate public services for poor women 
and children. The prominent Iranian human 
rights activist Shirin Ebadi (b. 1947), a Muslim 
writer, lawyer, and judge, was awarded the Nobel 
Peace Prize in 2004 for her work on many of 
these issues. Other leading contemporary Muslim 
human rights advocates include Abdullahi An- 

Naim (United States and Sudan), Abd al-Karim 
Soroush (Iran), Fatima Mernissi (Morocco); 
Khaled Abou El Fadl (United States), Taslima 
Nasrin (Bangladesh), and Muhammad Arkoun 
(France and Algeria). 

See also democracy; government, Islamic; 


Michelle Zimney 

Further reading: Abdullahi Ahmad An-Naim, Toward 
an Islamic Reformation: Civil Liberties, Human Rights and 
International Law (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University 
Press, 1996); Kevin Dwyer, Arab Voices: The Human 
Rights Debate in the Middle East (Berkeley: University of 
California Press, 1991); Ann Mayer, Islam and Human 
Rights (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1999). 

Husayn, Saddam (Saddam Hussein) 

( 1 937-2006) dictatorial president of Iraq from 
1979 until being deposed by American and allied 
forces on April 9, 2003 

Saddam Husayn was the most influential figure in 
Iraq's modern history since King Faysal I (d. 1933). 
He was a leading member of the Iraqi Baath Party 
during the late 1960s, and, after becoming presi- 
dent of the country in 1979, he maintained power 
through the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88) and Gulf War 
of 1991. He was deposed in 2003 by coalition forces 
led by the United States and Great Britain. 

Husayn was born to a poor peasant family 
in the village of al-Awja near the ancient city of 
Tikrit, an important center for nationalist and 
anti-British policies. His father, Husayn Abd al- 
Majid, died before he was born, and he was raised 
by his strong-willed mother, Sabha Tulfah al-Mus- 
sallat, and his paternal uncle, Ibrahim al-Hassan. 
He experienced a harsh childhood, which had 
a lasting impact on Husayn. At about the age of 
10, Husayn fled his immediate family to live with 
his maternal uncle, Khayrallah Talfah, in Tikrit 
and later Baghdad. Talfah was an Arab national- 
ist army officer who might have had the greatest 

- 4 = 5 ^ 

316 Husayn, Saddam 

influence on Husayns developing political con- 
sciousness, infusing him with nationalist, antico- 
lonialist, and antiregime sentiments. 

Husayn attended primary and secondary 
school in Baghdad, where he became active in 
student politics and was attracted to the pan- 
Arab vision of Jamal Abd al-Nasir (d. 1970) and 
the Baathist ideas of Michel Aflaq (d. 1989). He 
joined the Baath Party in 1957 and was sent to 
jail after becoming involved in antiregime activi- 
ties. Husayn later participated in a failed plot to 
assassinate ruling general Abd al-Karim Qasim 
(d. 1963) soon after fleeing to Syria and Egypt, 
where he completed his secondary education and 
entered Cairo University to study law. 

Husayn returned to Iraq when the Baath Party 
seized power in February 1963 and was soon in 
charge of the party's military organization and 
the Peasant Bureau, which helped him build an 
important constituency. But the Baathists were 
ousted from power nine months later, at which 
time Husayn married his cousin Sajida Talfah 
and politically reestablished close tics with senior 
Baathists. He was arrested again for antiregime 
activity and sentenced to two years in jail, where 
he continued his political activities and resumed 
his education. This period left an important 
impression on his tactics, forcing him to become 
self-reliant, wary of opponents, and intolerant of 
internal party divisions. 

After escaping from prison in 1966, Husayn 
played a major role in reorganizing and rebuilding 
the Baath Party in Iraq, leading to the overthrow 
of the regime in 1968. During the early years of 
the second Baath government, Husayn gradually 
strengthened his power base, championing party 
unity, a strong military, an end to the Kurdish 
rebellion, and a modernized society. He played 
a major role in the nationalization of the Iraqi 
oil industry, securing its income to finance his 
reform policies. In 1979, Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr 
(d. 1982) relinquished the presidency to Husayn, 
who quickly purged his party and executed a 
number of top officials. 

Aware of the ethnosectarian structure of Iraqi 
society, Husayn adopted a secular domestic pol- 
icy that avoided any politicization of religion, 
emphasized Iraq's unique character and history, 
and developed a cult of personality as a modern 
populist. Focus was placed on absorbing modern 
technology and linking military and industrial 
production. In terms of foreign policy, Iraq signed 
an aid pact with the Soviet Union in 1972, which 
lasted until 1978, at which time Iraq settled 
within the American sphere of influence until 
1991. However, Husayn sought a leading role in 
the Middle East for Iraq, opposing a policy of 
dependence on either the Soviet Union or the 
United States, and favored establishing close 
cooperation with Europe, particularly France, to 
balance international relations. 

After the Iranian Revolution of 1978-1979, 
relations rapidly deteriorated between the two 
countries. Husayn believed the new regime posed 
a serious threat to Iraq's internal stability and 
favored confrontation. Soon, the two countries 
entered into eight years of bloody and costly 
war. Iraq ultimately emerged as the victor, albeit 
an exhausted one. In the meantime, the regime 
waged a harsh campaign against Kurdish insur- 
gents, which culminated in the destruction of 
villages, forced resettlements, and the use of 
chemical weapons at Halabja. Husayn came to 
believe that the United States and its allies were 
unhappy with Iraq's victory over Iran and wanted 
to punish him for Iraq's independent posturing 
and the enlargement of its military arsenal. In the 
post-cold war era, he began to warn other Arab 
states about the need to resist American imperial 
ambitions in the Middle East. 

The invasion of Kuwait in 1990 was spurred 
on by Husayns need to finance debt incurred dur- 
ing the war with Iran, his belief that Kuwait was 
historically an integral part of Iraq, and conflict- 
ing signals he received from the United States. 
This event revealed Husayns high ambition and 
self-confidence, which allowed him to consult 
widely while ultimately making decisions alone 

Husayni, Muhammad Amin al- 317 

and sometimes taking gambles. The invasion 
resulted in a devastating loss against a 30-state 
coalition led by the United States. Over the fol- 
lowing decade, Husayn fought for the survival 
of his regime and to maintain Iraq's territorial 
unity and sovereignty. He ultimately lost the 
battle to stay in power following the 2003 U.S.- 
British invasion of Iraq. After his capture by the 
U.S. military, he continued to deny that Iraq had 
weapons of mass destruction. In 2005, he and a 
number of former Baathist associates were placed 
on trial by a special Iraqi tribunal for genocide, 
crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Saddam 
Husayn was sentenced to death and hanged on 
December 30, 2006. 

See also Gulf States; Gulf Wars; secularism. 

Gregory Mack 

Further reading: Shiva Balaghi, Saddam Hussein: A 
Biography (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2006); 
Kanan Makiya, The Monument: Art and Vulgarity in Sad- 
dam Hussein's Iraq (New York: I.B. Tauris, 2004); Judith 
Miller and Laurie Mylroie, Saddam Hussein and the Cri- 
sis in the Gulf (New York: Times Books, 1990). 

Husayni, Muhammad Amin al- (Husseini) 

(1895-1 974) influential Mufti of Jerusalem and 
Palestinian nationalist leader 

Perhaps the most influential spiritual and politi- 
cal leader of the Palestinians before the “calam- 
ity” ( nakba ) of 1948, Hajj Amin al-Husayni used 
his position to attempt to thwart Zionist plans to 
establish a Jewish state in Palestine. Born into 
one of Jerusalem's most notable Muslim families, 
al-Husayni was educated at al-Azhar in Egypt 
and Istanbul's Ottoman War College. An officer 
in the Ottoman Army in Anatolia during World 
War I, he was appalled by the creation of the 
British mandate over Palestine and especially the 
1917 Balfour Declaration, which established the 
British desire to create a national home for Jews 
in Palestine. 

By 1920, al-Husayni was very active in his 
public opposition to Zionist settlement in Pal- 
estine. Despite his activism, however, when the 
British mandatory powers established the coun- 
try's Supreme Muslim Council in 1921, Herbert 
Samuel, Britain's high commissioner of Palestine, 
declared al-Husayni its leader and grand mufti 
of Jerusalem. The Supreme Muslim Council was 
made responsible for managing all of the waqfs 
(religious endowments) of Palestine, as well as 
the sharia courts and Islamic schools. With his 
prominent new post, al-Husayni became the 
most prominent religious authority for Palestine's 

As mufti, al-Husayni used his power to focus 
on two crucial goals. The first was to organize 
the Palestinian population against the creation 
of a Jewish state, and the second was to promote 
the centrality of Jerusalem as a sacred Muslim 
city. Throughout the 1920s, the Supreme Muslim 
Council raised money throughout Muslim lands 
for the renovation of the Haram al-Sharif (Noble 
Sanctuary/Templc Mount), promoting the promi- 
nence of Jerusalem as an Islamicate city under 
attack by the Zionists, who were not only Jews 
but also largely secular. He also hosted two impor- 
tant pan-Islamic conferences in 1928 and 1931 at 
the Aqsa mosque, spreading his fame far beyond 
Palestine's borders. 

With his extensive family connections and the 
power granted his position as mufti, al-Husayni 
was able to transform his religious leadership 
into political authority. When cooperation with 
the British mandate failed and the Arab revolt 
of 1936-39 broke out, al-Husayni declared his 
support for the uprising. The British responded 
by issuing a warrant for his arrest and dismissing 
him from his position as the leader of the Supreme 
Muslim Council in September 1937. Al-Husayni 
spent the next decade working against the Brit- 
ish, first in Baghdad trying to foment uprising 
against their authority, and then, during World 
War II, working in Germany as an adviser to the 
Nazi regime. 


318 Husayn ibn AM, Sharif of Mecca 

When the United Nations announced its parti- 
tion plan for Palestine in 1947, al-Husayni, still in 
exile, rejected it and called for Muslims to rise up 
in support of the Palestinians and against a Zion- 
ist state in the Muslim holy land. In the wake of 
the defeat of the Palestinians, al-Husayni spent 
the rest of his life traveling throughout Muslim- 
majority lands speaking on behalf of the Palestin- 
ian nationalist cause and denouncing the creation 
of Israel. 

See also conflicts. 

Nancy L. Stockdale 

Further reading: William L. Cleveland, A History of the 
Modern Middle East (Boulder, Colo.: Westvicw Press, 
2000); Philip Mattar, The Mufti of Jerusalem: Al-Hajj 
Amin al-Husayni and the Palestinian National Movement 
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1992). 

Husayn ibn Ali, Sharif of Mecca (1854- 

1931) ruler of Mecca who allied with Great Britain 
and led the Arab revolt against Ottoman rule during 
World War I 

A dynamic hut ultimately flawed political leader, 
Husayn ibn Ali was a fundamental player in the 
breakdown of Ottoman authority over Arabia. 
Self-declared caliph of the Arabs, he lost his 
family's centuries-old custodianship of Mecca 
and Medina yet lived to see his sons take control 
of new Arab nations carved from the Ottoman 

Husayn ibn Ali was born around 1854 in the 
Ottoman capital of Istanbul (Constantinople). 
A member of the Hashimite clan, his family 
had either ruled or held guardianship as sharifs 
(descendants of Muhammad) over the holy cit- 
ies of Mecca and Medina since 1201. In 1908, 
Husayn himself became emir (commander, ruler) 
of Mecca. As the sharif and emir, he used his 
descent from the prophet Muhammad to legiti- 
mate his authority over the holy cities and worked 
to keep the peace of the Hijaz for the ruling Otto- 

man Empire. Despite his privileged position under 
the Turks, however, Husayn gained international 
attention with a variety of anti-Ottoman policies 
during World War 1. In a series of letters between 
himself and Britain’s high commissioner of Egypt, 
Sir Henry McMahon, written between July 1915 
and March 1916 (known as the McMahon-Husayn 
correspondence), Husayn pledged to raise an 
army against the Ottomans in exchange for Brit- 
ish assistance in establishing an independent Arab 
state after the war. Claiming to be the king of the 
Arabs, Husayn disagreed with McMahon about 
the boundaries of a future state but nevertheless 
raised an army that successfully displaced the 
Ottomans from most of the Hijaz in 1916. 

The Arab revolt continued to the Red Sea at 
Aqaba in 1917 and on to Damascus in 1918. Led by 
his son Faysal (d. 1933), Husayns army was a deci- 
sive factor in bringing the Ottomans to their knees 
in the region. However, at the San Remo Confer- 
ence, Britain and France divided the Arab territo- 
ries of the now-defunct Ottoman Empire between 
themselves, destroying Husayns idea of a united 
Hashimite Arab kingdom. His son Faysal was even- 
tually made king of the newly created Iraq, while 
his son Abd Allah (d. 1951) became king of the 
new nation of Transjordan (now Jordan). 

Despite the new political landscape, Husayn 
declared himself caliph in March 1924 from his 
base in Mecca. However, by October of that year, 
he was forced to flee by the Saudi forces. Defeated, 
he made his way to Cyprus, where he lived in exile 
until 1930. For his final year of life, Husayn lived 
in Amman, the capital of Transjordan. It was there 
that he died, exiled from his family's traditional 
place as custodians of the holy cities, in 1931. 

See also colonialism; Hashimite dynasty; 
Ottoman dynasty; Saudi Arabia. 

Nancy L. Stockdale 

Further reading: Haifa Alangari, The Struggle for Power 
in Arabia: Ibn Saud, Hussein and Great Britain, 1 914-1 924 
(New York: Ithaca Press, 1998); William L. Cleveland. A 
History of the Modem Middle East (Boulder, Colo.: West- 

Husayniyya 319 

view Press, 2000); David Fromkin, A Peace to End All 
Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of 
the Modern Middle East (New York: Henry Holt, 1989). 

Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (also 
Husain and Hussein) (626-680) grandson of 
the prophet Muhammad and third imam of the Shia, 
martyred at Karbala 

Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, left no sons and 
only two grandsons, Hasan and Husayn, who were 
born of his daughter Fatima (d. 633) and his trusted 
cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib. Muhammad is remem- 
bered to have been remarkably affectionate toward 
his grandsons, especially the younger, Husayn, who 
was six years old when his grandfather died. 

Husayn was born in Medina in 626. Along 
with his brother, he accompanied his father, Ali, 
on military campaigns. After the death of Ali 
(the fourth caliph, though his followers thought 
he should have been the first) in 661, Hasan 
claimed the CALIPHATE but soon renounced his 
claim under pressure from Muawiya, who had 
gathered military support in order to take over 
the caliphate for himself. Obedient to his brother, 
Husayn also acknowledged Muawiya as caliph 
and continued to do so even after Hasans death in 
669. He refused, however, to recognize Muawiya’s 
son Yazid (r. 680-683), who was known as an 
immoral tyrant, as heir apparent. 

When Muawiya died in 680, the governor of 
Medina attempted to force Husayn to pay hom- 
age to Yazid, but Husayn fled to Mecca. There he 
received word from citizens of Kufa in Iraq, who 
were sought to oppose the Umayyad Caliphate with 
Husayn as their leader. Despite warnings of the 
dangers of such a revolt, Husayn left Mecca with a 
small group of family and supporters to meet with 
his followers in Kufa. On the way, he was con- 
fronted by Umayyad forces, and attempts at nego- 
tiation failed. Husayns party eventually camped at 
a site in the desert known as Karbala. Husayn had 
learned that his followers in Kufa had abandoned 
him, and, being trapped in the desert and cut off 

from water, he gave his supporters the opportu- 
nity to flee during the night, but they remained 
by his side, knowing that they were greatly out- 
numbered and had little chance of surviving. On 
10 Muharram (Ashura), Husayn again refused to 
surrender, and fighting began. Though they fought 
courageously, the men of Husayns party were mas- 
sacred, and Husayn too was killed. His head was 
cut off and sent to Yazid in Damascus along with 
the women and CHILDREN of his party, including his 
sister Zaynab and his son Ali, who would become 
the fourth Imam, Zayn al-Abidin (d. 713). 

The spilling of the blood of the Prophet's last 
grandson was an emotional event that touched all 
Muslims, but for the Shia it was a tragedy that dra- 
matically symbolized injustice and oppression. With 
this event, martyrdom became a distinctive charac- 
teristic of Shiism and Husayn the archetypal martyr. 
His death at Karbala has been recounted in count- 
less books and poems and is reenacted every year 
on 10 Muharram in emotional theatrical dramatiza- 
tions often accompanied by mourners beating and 
slashing their bodies with razors to commemorate 
the shedding of the blood of Husayn. 

See also ahl al-bayt; Twelve-Imam Shiism. 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: Mahmoud Ayoub. Redemptive Suffer- 
ing in Islam: A Study of the Devotional Aspects of Ashura 
in Twelver Shiism (The Hague: Moulon, 1978); Peter 
Chclkowski. cd., Taziyeh: Ritual and Drama in Iran (New 
York: New York University Press, 1979); Moojan Momen, 
An Introduction to Shii Islam: The Histoiy and Doctrines 
of Twelver Shiism (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University 
Press, 1985); Allamah Savyid Muhammad Husayn Taba- 
tabai. Shiite Islam. Translated by Seyyed Hosscin Nasr 
(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1975). 

Husayniyya (Arabic, based on the name 
Husayn; also spelled Hosayniyya) 

A Husayniyya is a ritual hall, room, or build- 
ing where the Shia gather to commemorate the 

320 Husayniyya 

martyrdom of the third Imam, Husayn ibn Ali (d. 
680), who died on the battlefield of Karbala in 
Iraq. Historically, it began in 10th-century Iraq 
with tents that were erected temporarily for Ashura 
observances at the beginning of Muharram, the 
first month on the Islamic calendar. Later, these 
observances were conducted in palaces, houses, 
or open spaces. In the era of the Safavid dynasty 
(1301-1722), when the name Husayniyya was 
lirst coined, Iranian and Iraqi Shii Muslims made 
it a more fixed structure attached to a house or a 
self-standing building. 

The idea of creating a special ritual gather- 
ing place for Ashura observances subsequently 
spread beyond Iraq and Iran to Shii communities 
in other parts of the world. As a consequence of 
its growing popularity and adaptation to different 
Shii localities, it became known under a variety of 
other names, such as takiya (place of piety) and 
zaynabiyya (in honor of Husayn's sister Zaynab) 

in Iran; matam (funeral house) in Bahrain and 
Oman; and imambarah (enclosure of the Imam), 
imambargah (Imam building), azakbana (mourn- 
ing house), ashurkhana (Ashura house), and 
taaziyakhana (condolence house) in India, Ban- 
gladesh, and Pakistan. These constructions were 
financed by donations from wealthy Muslim mer- 
chants, landlords, or nobles, and by vvaq/s, which 
were income-producing properties set aside by the 
donor as perpetual endowments for the benefit of 
the community. As a form of Islamic ARCHITEC- 
TURE, the Husayniyya assumed a variety of forms. 
It does not resemble the MOSQUE so much as it 
does the hbanqab and TEKKE, where Sufis gather at 
appointed times to remember God and honor the 
memories of Muhammad and the Sufi saints and 
spiritual masters. Although some are of consider- 
able size, most are modest structures. 

The size and number of llusayniyyas have 
been affected by the degree of prosperity in the 

Husayniyya in Bahrain (Juan E . Campo ) 

hypocrites 321 

local community and the attitudes of the rulers. 
For example, it is estimated that in the early 19th 
century, the north Indian city of Lucknow had as 
many as 8,000 Husayniyyas and takiyas under its 
pro-Shii rulers, the Nawwabs, while the region 
of Khorasan in Iran today has some 2,000 such 
structures. Sunni Wahhabis, on the other hand, 
destroyed Husayniyyas in the past and strictly 
control their proliferation in the Eastern Province 
of Saudi Arabia today. Shii immigrant communi- 
ties living in North America and Europe have 
built their own Husayniyyas. 

The ritual practices conducted at the Husayni- 
yya have varied, often depending on local commu- 
nity custom. Generally, they arc governed by what 
one scholar has called the “Karbala paradigm," 
which involves the commemoration of events sur- 
rounding the martyrdom of Husayn and his loyal 
followers. Rituals include long, moving recitations 
of elegiac poems (sing, marthiyya ) that employ 
themes of divine justice and worldly injustice, 
death, and suffering. Such recitations often pro- 
voke outbursts of weeping among participants. 
The Husayniyya, often decorated with banners, 
religious portraiture, emblems, and Karbala mod- 
els, is where ritual objects used in Ashura proces- 
sions arc stored, and affiliated members organize 
the Ashura processions and related ritual perfor- 
mances. In many communities, participants in 
Husayniyya rituals beat their chests in rhythmic 
unison or afflict their bodies by self-flagellation, 
which can induce copious bleeding — a demon- 
stration of ones piety, devotion, manliness, and 
atonement for ones sins. Theatrical reenactments, 
including musical performances and costumed 
actors, of moments in Shii sacred history, culmi- 
nating with Husayns death, are staged at Husayni- 
yyas and takiyas in Iran. Husayniyyas are also 
where people gather for prayer, other religious 
holidays, and funerals. 

Traditionally, Husayniyyas have been reli- 
gious places for men, while women have con- 
ducted their Ashura rites at home, although they 
also watch and participate in public processions. 

In recent years, women in some countries have 
established their own Husayniyyas, using them 
as centers of education and political activity, 
as has happened in Bahraini matams in recent 
years. The modern transformation of Husayni- 
yyas into political focal points occurred in Iran 
in the 1960s and 1970s, when Iranians became 
actively involved in antigovernment activities 
that eventually led to the Iranian Revolution 
OF 1978-1979. The most famous example is the 
Husayniyya-i Irashad, founded in 1965 in the 
Iranian capital, Tehran. It had male and female 
members and offered films and a forum for the 
expression of new religious and political ideas. 
It engaged ULAMA and laity alike and featured 
the lectures of Ali Shariati (d. 1977), whose 
revolutionary talks rallied people against the 

See also Shiism; Wahhabism. 

Further reading: Kamran Scot Aghaie, cd., The Women 
of Karbala: Ritual Performance and Symbolic Discourses 
in Modern Shii Islam (Austin: University of Texas Press, 
2005); Juan R. I. Cole, Roots of North Indian Shiism in 
Iran and Iraq: Religion and State in Awadh, 1722-1859 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988); Vernon 
James Schubel, “Karbala as Sacred Space among North 
American Shia: ’Every' Day Is Ashura, Everywhere Is 
Karbala. " In Making Muslim Space in North America and 
Europe, edited by Barbara Metcalf. 186-203 (Berkeley: 
University of California Press, 1996). 


A hypocrite is someone whose actions contradict 
his or her outwardly stated beliefs or values. In 
early Islamic history, the "hypocrites" (Arabic 
munafiqun, fern, numafiqat), also called “dissem- 
blers" and “dissenters," were originally Mus- 
lims in Medina who opposed or disagreed with 
Muhammad. In other words, they were regarded as 
a disloyal faction within the Muslim community. 
According to Ibn Ishaqs eighth-century biography 
of Muhammad, the Sira , they were mostly from 


322 hypocrites 

the tribes of Aws and Khazraj, from which many 
early Medinan converts had come. They appear to 
have had ulterior motives when they first became 
Muslims and did not disclose their real beliefs. 
They avoided helping Muhammad in his battles 
against his Meccan opponents, and some of them 
spread a slanderous rumor about his wife Aisha 
bint Abi Bakr. They were also accused of being 
loyal to his rivals and conspiring with Jewish 
tribes in Medina against him. 

The Quran mentions hypocrites 32 times, and 
one of its chapters even bears the name as its title 
(Q 63). It associates them with the worst enemies of 
Islam — the disbelievers (sing. KAFIR) and the poly- 
theists (sing, mushrik ); all will be punished in hell- 
fire (Q 4:140; 33:73). It accuses them of violating 
one of the chief moral imperatives of Islam; instead 
of commanding what is known to be right and 
forbidding what is reprehensible, “they command 
what is reprehensible and forbid what is known to 
be right” (Q 9:67). In the hadith, the hypocrites are 
condemned as liars and promise breakers. 

During the later Middle Ages, jurists allowed 
for treatment of hypocrites as Muslims under 
religious law as long as they kept their true 
beliefs to themselves. They were eligible to 

marry Muslim women and be buried as Mus- 
lims. However, Sunnis and Shiis accused each 
other of being hypocrites, reflecting internal 
rivalries within the Muslim community as each 
group tried to discredit the other. Some modern 
Muslim political ideologues have attacked vari- 
ous groups and movements in their writings by 
calling them hypocrites. Those attacked may be 
Muslims who belong to secular or leftist organi- 
zations or Jews and other non-Muslim groups. 
Islamist and other opposition groups have used 
the term to criticize leaders of wealthy Arab oil 
countries who do not care for the poor, Muslims 
who assist Western governments in their battle 
against Islamic radicalism, and Muslims who 
refuse to join them in conducting jihad against 
the enemies of Islam. 

See also Ansar; communism; Emigrants; idola- 
try; Islamism; Judaism and Islam; Shiism; Sunnism. 

Further reading: Muhammad ibn Ishaq, The Life oj 
Muhammad: A Translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah. 
Translated by Alfred Guillaume (Oxford: Oxford Uni- 
versity Press, 1953), 242-270; W. Montgomery Watt, 
Muhammad at Medina (1956. New edition, Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 1981). 

ibada Sec Five Pillars. 


The Ibadiyya sect of Islam is one of several Mus- 
lim Kharijitc movements that declared war against 
the wider Muslim community in the seventh and 
eighth centuries because of what they considered 
to be gross moral shortcomings of its leadership. 
It is named after one of the leaders in these move- 
ments, Abd Allah ibn Ibad (d. late seventh century 
or early eighth century) of Basra, known as “IMAM 
of the Muslims" and “imam of the people" in lbadi 
sources. The Ibadis also hold the Omani scholar 
Jabir ibn Zayd al-Azdi (d. ca. 722) in high esteem. 
Ibadis have adopted a moderate stance toward 
nonmembers and dissociated themselves from 
extremist Kharijis, who called unrepentant Mus- 
lims who had committed a grave sin (mushrikun). 
On the other hand, they also claim to be distinct 
from Sunni and Shii Muslims. The lbadi sect 
today has its largest following in the Persian Gulf 
country of Oman (about 75 percent of the popu- 
lation), but branches also exist in East Africa, 
Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria. During the Middle 
Ages, it also had followers who lived along old 
routes of conquest and trade in Iraq, Egypt, the 

Sudan, the Hijaz, Yemen and Hadramawt, Iran, 
and perhaps India and China. 

lbadi doctrine about God is similar to that 
of the Mutazila in several respects. They affirm 
the crcatedness of the Quran, and they interpret 
anthropomorphic references to God in the Quran 
symbolically rather than literally. On the other 
hand, with respect to the question of free will 
versus predeterminism, their belief is like that of 
the Sunni Ashari School, with its affirmation of 
God's power to determine events while leaving 
human beings with the capacity to acquire the 
consequences of their actions, whether good or 
evil. Ibadis differentiate between inward belief in 
God's oneness, outward declaration of this belief, 
and implementing this belief in practice. This is 
an outcome of their historical experience as an 
Islamic sect that witnessed moments when con- 
cealment of belief (hitman) was a key to survival 
in the face of persecution by enemies. In this 
respect, they are like the Shia, who developed 
the analogous doctrine of pious dissimulation 
(taqiyya). Like the Shia, they have also witnessed 
times when they were strong enough to defend 
themselves. They have even developed a concept 
of martyrdom, which Ibadis call shira (pur- 
chase) — the willingness to sacrifice one's life on 


^ 324 Iblis 

behalf of the community in order to gain entrance 
into paradise. A minimum force of 40 men is 
required before shira is permitted, however. 
Generally, in contrast to extremist Kharijites, the 
Ibadis do not consider other Muslims to be dis- 
believers who must be fought and killed. Rather, 
their relations with outsiders range from peaceful 
association to neutrality to hostile avoidance. In 
their ritual life, Ibadis practice the same duties of 
worship as do other Muslims, with some minor 

Ibadis heed the authority of their own imam, 
an office of leadership that began in 730. Unlike 
the Shia, whose imams are descended from the 
household of Muhammad, Ibadi imams attain 
office through election by a body of ULAMA and 
tribal leaders. The Ibadi imam may also be 
deposed for errant behavior. Moreover, in contrast 
to the Shia, there can be more than one imam at a 
time among the different Ibadi communities, and 
there may also be times when there is no official 
imam. In Ibadi history, the elective tradition of 
leadership has competed with a dynastic one. In 
recent times, their imams have been members of 
the Al Bu Said dynasty in Oman, which has held 
power since the 17th century. However, they now 
prefer to call themselves sultans, which empha- 
sizes their temporal power. Oman, therefore, is 
called a sultanate. 


Khawarij; Mutazili School; Shiism; Sunnism. 

Further reading: Dale F Eickelman, “From Theocracy to 
Monarchy: Authority and Legitimacy in Inner Oman." 
International Journal of Middle East Studies 17 (1985): 

3-24; , "Ibadism and the Sectarian Perspective." 

In Oman: Economic , Social, and Strategic Developments, 
edited by Briam R. Pridham, 31-50 (London: Croom 
Helm, 1987); Valerie J. Hoffman. “The Articulation of 
Ibadi Identity in Modern Oman and Zanzibar." Muslim 
World 94 (2004): 201-216. 

Iblis See Satan. 

Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Muhammad (1703- 
1791) conservative religious reformer who launched 
the Wahhabi movement and helped found the first 
Saudi state 

Ibn Abd al-Wahhab was born in Uyayna, an oasis 
town located in the Najd, the central region of 
what is now Saudi Arabia. He was raised in a fam- 
ily of Hanbali jurists and religious scholars and 
demonstrated an early interest in studying the 
Quran and other areas of Islamic learning, espe- 
cially hadith studies. His father, a Hanbali judge 
and teacher of hadith and FIQH, provided him 
with his early education in the religious sciences. 
Further details about Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s early 
career are anecdotal, but it appears that he began 
to advocate a strict Islamic reformism while in his 
early 20s. He gained a following in his hometown, 
but political opposition forced him to go to Mecca 
and Medina, where he met and studied with other 
reform-minded ULAMA. He became familiar with 
the writings of the medieval Hanbali reformer Ibn 
Taymiyya and excelled in his knowledge of Han- 
bali law. Later he traveled to Basra, a port town 
in Iraq, where he encountered Shii doctrines and 
practices that met with his disapproval because 
they departed from the Islam of the Quran and 
the SUNNA. 

After Basra, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab moved to 
Huraymila, the Najdi town where his father 
lived. This was where he wrote The Book of 
Unity (Kitab al-tawhid), which expressed many 
of his key teachings. Copies of it were circu- 
lated throughout the Najd. After his father died 
in 1740, his mission became more public. He 
promoted the doctrine of tawhid , belief in Gods 
absolute uniqueness and rejection of polythe- 
ism (shirk), idolatry, and unbelief. His belief 
that tawhid included following God’s command- 
ments and prohibitions meant that he also 
sought to address moral issues in his society 
and culture. He favored strict enforcement of 
the sharia, including performing prayer, giving 
zakat (almsgiving), and enforcing punishments 
for adultery. Those who failed to heed his 

Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Muhammad 325 

teachings were seen as unbelievers (kafirs) and 
could be subdued through JIHAD. Tribal leaders 
and ulama in Huraymila decided that they did 
not want Ibn Abd al-Wahhab to undermine their 
authority, so they conspired against his life, 
forcing him to return to Uyayna, his hometown. 
Uthman ibn Hamid ibn Muammar (d. 1749), the 
ruler of Uyayna, at first welcomed the reformer, 
even arranging for him to marry his aunt. The 
situation changed, however, when he cut down 
one of the town’s sacred trees, demolished a 
shrine belonging to Zayd ibn al-Khattab (one 
of the Companions of the Prophet), and, above 
all, condemned a woman to death by stoning 
after she confessed to adultery. The outcry these 
actions stirred caused Uthman to withdraw sup- 
port from Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who had to flee 
Uyayna in 1744. 

He settled in Diriya, about 40 miles from 
Uyayna, near Riyadh. The small town was ruled 
by the clan of the Saud, led by Muhammad ibn 
Saud. That same year, “the two Muhammads” 
reached a mutual agreement: Ibn Saud would 
protect Ibn Abd al-Wahhab from his enemies and 
make him the imam of Diriya, while Ibn Abd al- 
Wahhab would collect zakat for the Saudi ruler 
and help him extend his control over the Najd 
region through his preaching and declaring jihad 
against Saudi enemies. These included “infidels” 
who did not heed Ibn Abd al-Wahhabs call 
(daawa) to accept his version of Islam, as well as 
tribes who would not submit to Saudi rule. The 
agreement turned out to be more fruitful than the 
two might have imagined. From it they were able 
to create a confederation of tribal groups, both 
settled and nomadic, that provided the basis for a 
new state in central Arabia. 

When Muhammad ibn Saud died in 1765, Ibn 
Abd al-Wahhab continued the alliance with his 
son Abd al-Aziz ibn Muhammad (d. 1803). He 
maintained his base in Diriya, where he taught 
and wrote, seeking to win others to his cause. His 
strategy included assigning Wahhabi judges to 
the towns and oases that had submitted to Saudi 

rule. By the time of his death, Saudi-Wahhabi 
rule reached Riyadh (the future Saudi capital) 
and the shores of the Persian Gulf. A few years 
later, it encompassed most of the Arabian Pen- 
insula, including the holy cities of Mecca and 

Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's legacy was carried on by 
his descendants and disciples. His son Abd Allah 
wrote works against Shiism and endorsed the Wah- 
habi forays into southern Iraq in early 1801. His 
grandson Sulayman (d. 1818) served as judge in 
Diriya until executed by Ottoman-Egyptian forces 
sent from Egypt into Arabia to destroy the early 
Saudi state. Today, his teachings form part of the 
official ideology of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 
which arose from the ashes of the first Saudi state 
under the leadership of King Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud 
(d. 1953) in the early 20th century. Ibn Abd al- 
Wahhab's heirs, known as the Al al-Shaykh (the 
family of Shaykh Ibn Abd al-Wahhab), now hold 
powerful positions in the Saudi government and 
intermarry with members of the Saudi royal family. 
His works arc widely available in printed form, and 
his ideas hold sway among conservative religious 
reformers and radicals in many Sunni countries. 
Among those influenced by Ibn Abd al-Wahhabs 
teachings is Usama bin Ladin, leader of the al- 
Qaida organization responsible for the attacks 
on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 
2001. Many Muslims, Sunnis, and Shiis alike reject 
Ibn Abd al-Wahhabs puritanical understanding of 
Islam, nevertheless. 

See also bidaa ; renewal and reform move- 
ments; Wahhabism. 

Further reading: NatanaJ. DcLong-Bas, Wahhabi Islam: 
From Revival to Global Jihad (Oxford: Oxford Uni- 
versity Press, 2004); Madawi al-Rasheed, A History oj 
Saudi Arabia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 
2002), 14— 23; John O. Voll, “Muhammad Hayat al-Sindi 
and Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab: An Analysis of 
an Intellectual Group in Eighteenth Century Medina.” 
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 38, 
no. 1 (1975): 32-39. 

326 Ibn al-Arabi, Muhyi al-Din 

Ibn al-Arabi, Muhyi al-Din (Ibn Arabi) 

(1 1 65-1 240) prominent medieval mystic and 
visionary who enriched the Sufi tradition of Islam with 
his numerous and profound spiritual writings 
Ibn al-Arabi, known as “the greatest shaykh," was 
born in the town of Murcia in Andalusia (Mus- 
lim Spain) at a time of great change in the wider 
Mediterranean region. The puritanical Almohad 
dynasty was attempting to fend off the Christian 
Reconquista from northern Spain, and Muslim 
and Christian armies were competing for control 
of the Holy Land in the eastern Mediterranean 
region. Meanwhile, fearsome Mongol armies were 
expanding their conquests in Asia and were on the 
brink of invading Iran. It was also the era of many 
of the great Sufi masters, including Shihab al-Din 
Abu Hafs al-Suhrawardi (d. 1234) and Jalal al- 
Din Rumi (d. 1273). 

Although details about his youth are disputed 
and surrounded by pious legend, recent research 
has found that Ibn al-Arabi may have come from 
a family of soldiers and that he himself had served 
the Almohads in this capacity before turning to 
the spiritual path. His formal education began 
after he moved with his family to Seville, a major 
center of learning, where he spent the first part of 
his life. He studied the Quran and its commentar- 
ies, HADITH, grammar, and FIQH (jurisprudence). 
According to his own account, his promise as a 
man of mystical leanings seems to have been in 
evidence even as a teenager, when he met with 
Ibn Rushd (1196-98), the renowned Andalusian 
philosopher and jurist. Ibn al-Arabi was also said 
to have sought the guidance of known masters 
of the spiritual path in southern Spain, including 
two women, Shams of Marchena and Fatima of 
Cordoba, who proclaimed herself his “spiritual 

Ibn al-Arabi left home for the first time in the 
1190s, when he went to North Africa in search 
of spiritual guidance. This launched a career of 
traveling that he continued to pursue throughout 
his life. In 1202, inspired by a vision, he went to 
Mecca for the hajj, stopping in Alexandria and 

Cairo en route. While in Mecca, where he had 
spiritual inspirations and visions, he began to 
write one of his most important works. The Mec- 
can Revelations (Al-Futuhat al-Makkiya). About 
two years later, he visited Baghdad, then returned 
to Egypt, where his teachings were condemned by 
the literal-minded ulama. Ibn al-Arabi resumed 
his residence in Mecca for a year to continue 
his spiritual pursuits, then traveled to Konya, 
the capital of a Turkish dynasty, where he was 
embraced by Sufi disciples. One of them was Sadr 
al-Din al-Qunawi (d. 1274), who became one of 
Ibn al-Arabis foremost interpreters and played a 
major role in the spread of his teachings. 

Ibn al-Arabi traveled widely in Asia Minor, 
Iraq, Syria, and Palestine until 1223, when he 
finally settled in Damascus. There he finished 
The Meccan Revelations, assembled a collection 
of poetry, and had a vision of Muhammad in 1229 
that he claimed inspired his most influential 
work. The Bezels of Wisdom (Fusus al-hikam). 
Altogether, he estimated that he had written as 
many as 289 books and treatises, most of which 
remain untranslated and unpublished. This makes 
him the most prolific of all Sufi authors. Ibn al- 
Arabi was buried on Mount Qassioun, just out- 
side the city limits. Reportedly destroyed by his 
enemies, his tomb was rebuilt and embellished 
with a MOSQUE and Sufi hospice by the Ottoman 
sultan Selim I in 1516-17, when Damascus was 
incorporated into the Ottoman Empire. 

Ibn al-Arabi became famous only after his 
death, when pious biographies about him and 
commentaries on his writings gained wide circu- 
lation in Islamdom. He was known for the depth 
and complexity of his mysticism, ranging from his 
understanding of God, the universe, nature, and 
humanity to the human soul. His knowledge was 
based on a scholarly command of Islamic tradi- 
tion (including Sunni fiqh [jurisprudence]), the 
teachings of other mystics and visionaries, and the 
originality of his own religious experiences and 
visions. Despite his knowledge of the Quran and 
hadith, some of his ideas, or at least the ways they 

Ibn al-Arabi, Muhyi al-Din 327 

were construed by others, outraged literal-minded 
ulama such as Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328) and even 
some leading Sufis. His main insight concerned 
the “oneness of being” ( vvahdat al-wujud ): the 
belief that all created things were tangible reflec- 
tions of God's hidden essence, al-Haqq (truth, 
reality), which filled the universe. This idea was 
inspired by a HADITH qudsi (holy hadith) favored 
by Sufis, wherein God said, “1 was a hidden trea- 
sure who wished to be known, so I created the 
universe so that I would be known." Ibn al-Arabi, 
like mystics before him, understood creation as 
a mirror wherein God, the Truth, sought to know 
himself. His opponents accused him of panthe- 
ism (equating God with creation) — an affront 
to the doctrine that God was transcendent and 
independent of creation. Ibn al-Arabi recognized, 
however, that God was both present in the world 
and beyond it. 

Moreover, he maintained that Gods desire to 
know himself through creation was matched by 
man's yearning to know himself through God and 
nature. Although man was a servant of God, he 
also had been created with Gods spirit. God and 
man, therefore, longed to be with each other, a 
longing that Ibn al-Arabi and his followers associ- 
ated with love (mahabba). A form of this love was 
reflected in the mutual attraction between a man 
and a woman. Indeed, Ibn al-Arabi even taught 
in The Bezels of Wisdom that mans knowledge of 
God was completed and perfected in contemplat- 
ing how a woman reflected Gods transcendent 
reality. He recognized, nonetheless, that humans 
often became too attached to worldly concerns 
and desires, so they had to strive to sever these 
attachments and return to the source. Drawing on 
anecdotes from his own life experience, he often 
talked about detachment from the world and 
seeking God as an ascent or spiritual journey to 
the world of the unseen. 

In addition to the themes of the unity of being, 
desire for reunion, and the spiritual journey, a 
fourth major theme found in Ibn al-Arabi s writ- 
ings is that of the Perfect Man (al-insan al-kcimil). 

He saw the world, both physical and spiritual, as 
organized into hierarchies, such as those between 
the one and the many, the invisible and the visible, 
God and servant, man and woman. As humans 
were superior in rank to other creatures in the 
visible world, there were qualitative differences 
among human beings, too. The highest rank- 
ings among them were the prophets and saints, 
or “friends of God." Unlike ordinary men, these 
were the ones who were most taken with spiritual 
ascents and mystical journeys. In this, they, and 
Muhammad being the foremost among them, 
came closest to the ideal of the Perfect Man, the 
image and reflection of God through whom the 
known universe came into being. 

Although he never founded a Sufi order 
(tar/Qa), Ibn al-Arabi's teachings and those of his 
disciples were widely embraced by Sufis in Turkey, 
Persia, India, and Indonesia. Sufis in Egypt and 
Yemen also found them attractive, but to a lesser 
extent than elsewhere. Translations and interpreta- 
tions of Ibn al-Arabis work by modern scholars in 
Europe and the United States have helped spread 
his influence in the West. In 1977, the Muhyidin 
Ibn Arabi Society was founded in London to pro- 
mote better understanding of his work and that of 
his disciples. Aside from Ibn Taymiyya, his many 
critics have included the historian Ibn Khaldun 
(d. 1406), Sufi shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi (d. 1624), 
members of the Wahhabi sect of Saudi Arabia and 
beyond, and an array of modern Muslim revivalists 
and modernists. Controversy over his teachings 
flared again in 1979 when the Egyptian parliament 
attempted to ban the republieation of the print edi- 
tion of The Meccan Revelations. The attempt failed 
due to public outcry. 

See also Allah; haq/qa; prophets and prophecy; 
Sufism; Wahhabism; walaya. 

Further reading: Claude Addas. Quest for the Red Sul- 
phur: The Life of Ibn Arabi (Cambridge: Islamic Texts 
Society, 1993); William C. Chittick, Ibn Arabi: Heir to 
the Prophets (Oxford: Oneworld Publishers, 2005); Th. 
Emil Homerin, “Ibn Arabi in the People's Assembly: 

' e ^ 328 Ibn al-Bawwab, Abu al-Hasan Ali 

Religion, Press, and Politics in Sadat's Egypt. ' Middle 
East Journal 40, no. 3 (Summer. 1986): 462-477; Ibn 
al-Arabi, The Bezels of Wisdom. Translated by R. W. J. 
Austin (Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press, 1980); Annemarie 
Schimmel, Mystical Dimensions of Islam (Chapel Hill: 
University of North Carolina Press, 1975), 259-286. 

Ibn al-Bawwab, Abu al-Hasan Ali 

(unknown-1 022) copyist of the earliest extant 
Quran manuscript using all elements of 1 Oth-century 
calligraphic reforms 

Ibn al-Bawwab worked as librarian for the Shii 
Buyid rulers in Shiraz (in Iran) and was later bur- 
ied in Baghdad, the city that gave rise to the calli- 
graphic khatt (Arabic script) reforms and the girih 
mode of geometric ornamentation that in the 11th 
century suppressed variant readings of the Quran. 
He produced a copy of the Quran in 1000-01 that 
is now preserved at the Chester Beatty Library in 
Dublin. Ibn al-Bawwab's use of the proportioned 
scripts and accompanying geometric designs soon 
after their creation indicates that he was loyal to 
the Sunni Abbasids (r. 750-1258) as opposed to 
the Buyid dynasty (932-1062). 

Ibn al-Bawwab occupies a special place among 
medieval commentators on khatt as the person 
who perfected, through the elegance of his writ- 
ing, the proportioned script invented by Abu Ali 
Muhammad Ibn Muqla (d. 940). His is the first 
surviving copy (and one of the very first such 
copies) of a Quran in cursive scripts, or what were 
originally considered secular scripts (the six pens 
of Ibn Muqla). His signed and dated manuscript 
provides a rare instance of a preserved work that 
exemplifies major shifts in the processes of copy- 
ing and producing these manuscripts. 

Earlier, making copies of the Quran was the 
domain of specialists who used gold ink on vel- 
lum, often employing brushes to fill in the out- 
lines of stylized, extended, and difficult to read 
letters. Each horizontally disposed page carried a 
few lines of about seven to nine words, resulting 
in expensive, multivolume products of limited 

circulation. In contrast, Ibn al-Bawwab's copy is 
a small volume (ca. 13.5 x 17.8 cm) in a vertical 
paper format in which the text is written with 
pen. The body of the text is entirely vocalized and 
written in a clear, rounded naskhi script, while 
chapter headings, verse counts, and other statis- 
tics arc in thuluth script. The text itself follows 
the approved Abbasid version, while the use of 
reform scripts and geometric (girih) decoration 
in the frontispieces similarly expresses Abbasid 
dogma on the accessibility of the divine message 
and eternity of universal order. 

See also Abbasid Caliphate; arabesque; books 
and bookmaking; calligraphy; Fatimid dynasty; 

Nuha N. N. Khoury 

Further reading: D. S. Rice, The Unique Quran Manu- 
script of Ibn al-Bawwab in the Chester Beatty Library 
(Dublin: E. Walker, 1955); Yasser Tabbaa, The Transfor- 
mation of Islamic Art during the Sunni Revival (Seattle: 
University of Washington Press, 2001). 

Ibn al-Farid, Abu Hafs Umar (1181-1235) 
leading poet of the Arabic language and a widely 
recognized Sufi saint of Egypt 

Umar Ibn al-Farid was born and lived most of his 
life in Egypt. He spent 15 years in Mecca, where 
he went after the death of his father. It is not clear 
how he supported himself, but he probably made 
a living teaching poetry and literature as well as 
having a sinecure teaching hadith, in which he 
was trained. 

Ibn al-Farid's poetry has long been highly 
esteemed for its beauty. His poems often bear mul- 
tiple meanings and can be read as poems of love 
and pleasure or of the mystical path of Sufism. 
During his life and in the first generations after 
his death, Ibn al-Farid was mostly known as a 
mystically inclined poet, and it was very much his 
poetry that defined his early reputation. He was an 
active member of the literary society of his time, 

Ibn al-Farid, Abu Hafs Umar 329 

and contemporary poets studied at his feet. He 
appears to have avoided close links to rulers and 
the perks derived therefrom. 

Ibn al-Farid's greatest poetry took themes 
present in Arabic poetry and used them in innova- 
tive ways that expressed the longing of the mystic 
for the divine beloved. Thus, the theme of a lover 
drinking in memory of the beloved is trans- 
formed, in the justly famous opening line of Ibn 
al-Farid’s “Wine Ode" ( Khamriyya ), to an allusion 
to the Islamic belief in a primordial covenant 
between God and humanity in which humans, 
before time began, recognized God's supremacy 
and oneness. Thus, he says, “We drank in memory 
of the beloved a wine; We were drunk with it 
before creation of the vine" (Homerin, Arab Poet 
11). Here the beloved is God, while drunken- 
ness refers to the spiritual state of intoxication, 
a state known and recognized by Sufis. The fact 
that this drunkenness occurs before the vine was 
even created reinforces the metaphorical nature of 
this allusion and draws the listener’s mind to the 
primordial covenant. Much of his poetry is of this 
sort; in Arabic it is often piercingly beautiful and 
deeply resonant. 

Within a century of his death, Ibn al-Farids 
renown evolved from that of a great poet of mysti- 
cal inclination to a great Sufi whose poetry would 
guide those on the mystical path of Sufism. Stories 
began to circulate about his supernaturally given 
knowledge and of his ability to induce mystical 
states in those around him. Early on, commenta- 
tors began to read Ibn al-Farids verse in light of 
the monistic doctrine of Ibn al-Arabi (d. 1240), in 
which the only reality that beings have lies in their 
relationship to the Absolute Being (God). This 
doctrine was very controversial, for it appeared 
to break, or at least blur, the line of distinction 
between God and humanity. Thus, Ibn al-Farid's 
poetry, which is not so clear on this point, came 
to be lumped with Ibn al-Arabis more explicit 
monism. For those who followed Ibn al-Arabi, 
of course, this was positive. But Ibn al-Arabi was 
always controversial, and thus Ibn al-Farid came 

to be associated with and seen through the hotly 
contested issue of monism. 

In the centuries after his death, Ibn al-Farid 
was periodically charged with infidelity for alleg- 
edly having espoused this doctrine of monism. But 
he was also treated with increasing veneration by 
members of the populace and by the elite of the 
Mamluk dynasty (1250-1517). Sober scholars, too, 
were among his public supporters in later times, 
asserting his orthodoxy and refuting his opponents. 
Ibn al-Farids grandson was in part responsible lor 
transforming him into a saint, especially by pub- 
lishing a biography in which miracles were promi- 
nently recounted, for miracles were the sine qua 
non of a Muslim saint. His burial site in the hills 
just outside Cairo was already a recognized place 
of pilgrimage by Mamluk times. It continued as a 
popular shrine through Ottoman times, declining 
as new modern habits began to develop in the 19th 
century and as Sufism became increasingly suspect 
among reformist and modernizing Muslim intel- 
lectuals. While Sufism is still regarded somewhat 
warily by many Muslims, it experienced a modest 
revival in Egypt in the late 20th century that con- 
tinues today. Ibn al-Farid's tomb is now the scene 
of one of the major saint festivals (sing, mawud) 
on the religious calendar of Cairo. Egypt's most 
famous singer of religious songs, Shaykh Yasin al- 
Tihami comes to the festival most years, drawing 
large and devoted crowds. His songs include those 
based on the poetry of Ibn al-Farid, whom locals 
refer to as “our master Umar.'' 

See also Arabic language and literature; 
authority; bidaa; Salafism. 

John Iskander 

Further reading: Th. Emil Homerin, From Arab Poet 
to Muslim Saint: Ibn al-Farid, His Verse and His Shrine 
(Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2001); 

, Umar ibn al-Farid: Sufi Verse, Saintly Life (New 

York: Paulist Press, 2001); R. A. Nicholson, Studies in 
Islamic Mysticism (Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press. 1921). 

330 Ibn Battuta, Abu Abd Allah Muhammad al-Lawati 

Ibn Battuta, Abu Abd Allah Muhammad 
al-Lawati (1304-1377) famous Muslim world 
traveler from Morocco 

Ibn Battuta was arguably one of the most well-trav- 
eled figures of the medieval period, whose journey 
spanned almost 30 years and covered three times 
the distance of his more famous European coun- 
terpart, Marco Polo (d. 1324). He traveled from 
West Africa to China, receiving patronage, hos- 
pitality, and occasionally employment from local 
rulers and Sufi orders. His extended travels effec- 
tively demonstrate the links that tied together pre- 
modern Islamicate lands, where a Muslim scholar 
could work and wander in many different regions 
in a world without firm borders. 

Born in Tangiers, Ibn Battuta began his travels 
with a pilgrimage to Mecca in 1325. From there, 
his wanderlust took him throughout most of 
Islamdom, through the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, 
Iraq, Persia, East Africa, Anatolia, the Asian 
steppes, Afghanistan, and India. He also ventured 
beyond the realms of Islam, exploring Southeast 
Asia, China, Spain, and West Africa before ulti- 
mately retiring to the court of the Marinid ruler in 
Morocco, Abu Inan (r. 1348-58). There the sultan 
commissioned the Andalusian scholar Ibn Juzayy 
to commit Ibn Battutas story to paper, and the book 
was completed by 1357. In spite of certain sections 
borrowed from a previous travelers account and 
its tendency to exaggerate, this work marks a new 
style within the travel literature genre, expanding 
on the traditional descriptions of pilgrimage to 
include more personal information and a much 
larger geographical scope. It is also a testament to 
the rich diversity of Islam in this period, with its 
verdant blend of Islamic mysticism, religious law, 
and local custom. For these reasons, it is consid- 
ered a historical treasure trove of information for 
Islamicate societies in the 14th century. 

Eric Staples 

Further reading: Douglas Bullis, “The Longest Hajj: 
The Journeys of Ibn Battuta." Saudi Aramco World 51 

(July/August 2000): 7-39; Ross Dunn, The Adventures of 
Ibn Battuta (1986. Reprint, Berkeley: University of Cali- 
fornia Press, 2004); Hamilton A. R. Gibb, The Travels 
oj Ibn Battuta 1325-1354. 5 vols. (Cambridge: Hakluyt 
Society at the University Press, 1954-2000). 

Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad (780-855) leading 
Sunni hadith scholar and theologian remembered as 
the founder of the Hanbali legal school; a popular 
defender of traditional Islamic piety against Muslim 
rationalists and the Abbasid Caliphate 
Ahmad ibn Hanbal was born in Abbasid Baghdad 
and lived there most of his life. His family's ances- 
tors had participated in the Arab conquests of Iraq 
and northeastern Iran, where his grandfather had 
served as a governor and his father as a soldier. 
He studied Arabic and Islamic law (f/QH), but 
his real passion was for the hadith. Beginning in 
795, when he was 14 years old, Ibn Hanbal went 
to study hadith with scholars in Kufa and Basra 
(leading Iraqi centers of learning). He also stud- 
ied in Yemen, Syria, Medina, and Mecca. A pious 
man, he had made the HAJJ to Mecca five times 
before he turned 33, and he performed several 
religious retreats in Medina. Because of his exper- 
tise in the area of hadith studies, he was one of the 
leading People of Hadith, a group of traditional- 
ist religious scholars who opposed the People of 
Opinion (ray), religious scholars who preferred 
individually reasoned legal thinking over strict 
adherence to precedents expressed in the hadith. 

Ibn Hanbal's most celebrated work was the 
Musnad , a multivolume collection of an estimated 
27,000 hadith that has been ranked among the six 
most authoritative Sunni books of hadith. Unlike 
other hadith collections, which were organized 
by subject, the Musnad was organized according 
to the names of the earliest known transmitters 
of each hadith. It began with hadith attributed to 
the first four caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, 
and Ali), then other leading Companions of the 
Prophet, the Ansar, Meccans, Medinans, people 
of Kufa and Basra, Syrians, and female authori- 

Ibn Hazm, Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Said 331 

ties such as Aisha and Hafsa (two of Muhammad's 
wives). Ibn Hanbal has also been credited for 
having written on theological, legal, and ethical 

In 833, the Abbasid caliph al-Mamun (r. 
813-833) attempted to impose the theological 
doctrines of the rationalist Mutazili School and 
ran into the staunch opposition of Muslim tradi- 
tionalists, the foremost of whom was Ibn Hanbal. 
The hadith scholar objected to the Mutazili view 
that the Quran was created, holding instead to 
the more popular view that it was uncreated and 
eternal, thereby affirming its sacred character. 
Al-Mamun died, but the Abbasid “inquisition” 
( mihna ) was continued by his successors, al- 
Mutasim (r. 833-842) and al-Wathiq (r. 842- 
847). Ibn Hanbal was imprisoned for two years, 
and, after being beaten, he was allowed to go 
home, where he remained in retirement until 
847. At the end of the Abbasid persecutions, he 
resumed his teaching and was even entertained 
as a guest of the new caliph, al-Mutawakkil (r. 
847-861). When he died of an illness in 855, it 
was reported that thousands attended his funeral. 
His tomb in Baghdad’s Martyrs Cemetery became 
one of the city's most popular shrines. His teach- 
ings were preserved and transmitted by his circle 
of disciples, including his sons, Salih (d. ca. 880) 
and Abd Allah (d. 828). 

Ibn Hanbal had a profound effect on the his- 
tory of Islam. His legacy is embodied not only in 
the Musnad and the legal school that bears his 
name, but also by the generations of Sunni ulama 
who have shaped Islamic tradition through the 
centuries. He helped make hadith the centerpiece 
of Islamic law and theology and strengthened 
the religious AUTHORITY of the ulama against state 

See also Allah; Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad; Sunnism; Wahhabism. 

Further reading: Michael Cooperson. Classical Ara- 
bic Biography: The Heirs of the Prophets in the Age of 
al-Mamun (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 

2000); Nimrod Hurvitz, The Formation of Hanbalism: 
Piety into Power (London: Routledge Curzon, 2002). 

Ibn Hazm, Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Said ( 994 - 

1 064) leading Andalusian religious scholar and poet 
Ibn Hazm was born in Cordoba, the capital of 
Andalusia. He lived in a politically turbulent 
time when the Umayyad Caliphate was collaps- 
ing. Little is known of his family's background 
except that they may have been Iberian Chris- 
tians who converted to Islam. His father served 
the Umayyad court, and he himself relied on 
their patronage. Ibn Hazm spent his youth in the 
harem, where he gained intimate knowledge of life 
among the Andalusian elite and the roles women 
played in society. He received formal education 
in Arabic language arts, religious sciences, phi- 
losophy, and history. His gifts placed him in the 
circle of the best intellects of his time. He had a 
critical temperament and was a nonconformist in 
many respects. For example, instead of following 
the Maliki Legal School, the prevailing one in 
Andalusia, Ibn Hazm was the leading advocate 
of the Zahiri Legal School, which upheld literal 
interpretation of the Quran and hadith and 
opposed subjective opinion. He was imprisoned 
more than once for the political intrigues in which 
he became implicated. A prolific writer, his biog- 
raphers credit him with some 400 books on many 
different topics. Only a few dozen of these have 
survived. He spent his last years in exile from his 
beloved Cordoba. 

One of Ibn Hazms most famous books was 
Kitab al-fisal fi al-milal wa'l-ahwa wa’l-nihal (The 
book of distinguishing between religions , heresies, 
and sects), a comparative look at religions and 
philosophical schools from the point of view of a 
believing Muslim intellectual. It provided a ratio- 
nal defense of key tenets of Islamic belief against 
the truth claims of the Muslim philosophers, 
challenged Jewish legal doctrines, and refuted 
Christian teachings about the authenticity of the 
Gospels and the divinity of Jesus. It also levied 

332 Ibn Idris, Ahmad 

cutting criticisms against Shiism and other Islamic 
sects and theological schools. Scholars credit Ibn 
Hazm with being informed about the doctrines 
he attacked, but they also recognize that he was 
adamant about the ultimate truth of his own 
beliefs, particularly the absolute unity of God and 
the authenticity of the Quran as the word of God. 
Another of his famous works is Tawq al-hamamci 
(Neck-ring of the dove), a fascinating essay on 
Andalusian Arab understandings of love, enriched 
by colorful anecdotes drawn from his personal 
experiences and those of his acquaintances. It 
began with discussions of how couples fall in 
love and communicate with each other and then 
their unions, separations, and betrayals. The reli- 
gious message Ibn Hazm sought to convey to his 
readers in this work was that people must try to 
overcome the carnal appetites of their bodies and 
follow God-given reason and religious law to win 

See also adab; Arabic language and litera- 
ture; THEOLOGY. 

Further reading: Ghulam Haider Aasi, Muslim Under- 
standing of Other Religions: A Study of Ibn Hazms Kitab 
al-fasl Ji al-milal wa al-ahwa \va al-nihal (Islamabad: 
International Institute of Islamic Thought and Islamic 
Research, 1999); Lois A. Giffen, "Ibn Hazm and the 
Tawq al-hamamci In The Legacy of Muslim Spain, edited 
by Salma Khadra Jayyusi, 420-442 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 
1994); Maria Rosa Mcnocal, The Ornament of the World: 
How Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of 
Tolerance in Medieval Spain (Boston: Little Brown & 
Co., 2002). 

Ibn Idris, Ahmad (ca. 1750-1837) 19th- 

century reformist Sufi leader 

Ahmad ibn Idris was an influential Sufi teacher 
in the 19th century. Born in Morocco, Ibn Idris 
received a religious education at the Qarawiyyin 
mosque in Fez and established himself as an 
important Sufi teacher there. In 1798, he left 
Morocco and spent the remainder of his life in the 

Hijaz (western Arabia), Upper Egypt, and Yemen, 
where he died at the advanced age of 87. 

Ibn Idris focused his work on preaching and 
teaching. He was an excellent organizer and 
trainer of disciples, but he did not leave a coher- 
ent corpus of writings. Apart from prayers, lita- 
nies, and personal letters, most of what remains 
are summaries of his teachings assembled by 
his disciples. Profoundly mystical yet humble, 
Ibn Idris influenced the lives of many Sufis who 
passed through Arabia during nearly 40 years in 
the region. He is well known for his defense of the 
Sufi way in a debate with two Wahhabi scholars 
near the end of his life. His legacy was to point 
Sufi movements toward a moderate path and away 
from the controversial practices and doctrines that 
earned the criticism of litcralist groups such as the 
Wahhabis. Although Ibn Idris did not found his 
own tariqa, his disciples established influential 
Sufi orders that have spread his teachings beyond 
Africa to the Middle East, eastern Europe, and 
Southeast Asia. The term Idrisiyya refers both to 
his school of thought and to the Sufi order that 
looks to him as its founder. 

See also renewal and reform movements; 
Sufism; Wahhabism. 

Stephen Cory 

Further reading: R. S. O'Fahey, Enigmatic Saint: Ahmed 
Ibn Idris and the Idrisi Tradition (Evanston, 111.: North- 
western University Press, 1990); , "The writings 

by, attributed to, or on Ahmad Ibn Idris." Bibliotheca 
Orientalis 43, nos. 5/6 (1986): 660-669; John O. Voll, 
"Two Biographies of Ahmad Ibn Idris al-Fasi (1769- 
1837)." International Journal of African Historical Studies 
6 (1973): 633-645. 

Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad (704-767) author of 
the leading biography of Muhammad 
Details about the early years of Ibn Ishaqs life are 
lacking, other than that he was born in Medina 
to an Arab family and that his grandfather had 
converted to Islam after having been taken cap- 

Ibn Kathir, Imad al-Din Ismail ibn Umar 333 

tive in southern Iraq. His father and uncle were 
known as early collectors of Islamic oral tradi- 
tion. As an adult, Ibn Ishaq lived both in Medina 
and Egypt, becoming famous for his mastery of 
hadith and accounts of Muhammad's battles and 
raids ( maghazi )• He returned to Medina where 
Malik ibn Anas (d. 795), the eponymous founder 
of the Maliki Legal School, became his enemy, 
possibly because of Ibn Ishaq’s Shii sympathies, 
his use of HADITH transmitted by Jewish converts, 
or his questioning of Maliks authority as a hadith 
expert. Another respected scholar in Medina, 
perhaps defending his wife's reputation, accused 
Ibn Ishaq of citing her falsely as one of his hadith 
informants. In this stormy climate, he moved on 
to Baghdad, the new capital of the Abbasid Caliph- 
ate, where he became a tutor to the son of the 
caliph al-Mansur (r. 754-775). 

While in Baghdad, Ibn Ishaq wrote his famous 
BIOGRAPHY of MUHAMMAD, known as Sirat rasul 
Allah (The biography of God's prophet), or simply 
Al-Sira (The biography). It appears to have been 
part of a larger project on the history of the world 
that was intended for the edification of the caliph's 
son. The larger work, known as The Book of the 
Beginning (Kitab al-Mubtada), included accounts 
about the creation of the world and the lives of 
the pre-Islamic prophets and culminated with the 
biography of Muhammad. Ibn Ishaq may also have 
wanted to add a history of the caliphate up to his 
own time, but this part of the project was never 
completed. The Sira emphasized the campaigns 
Muhammad conducted against his opponents dur- 
ing the Medina phase of his career (622-632), 
but it also provided valuable information on 
Muhammad's ancestry, the history of Mecca before 
Islam, his life before the Hijra of 622, his encoun- 
ters with pagan Arabs, Jews, and Christians, the 
occasions when the Quran was revealed, and the 
conversion stories of his early followers. The Sira 
was later edited by Ibn Hisham (d. 833), who 
removed material he believed to be objectionable 
to the emerging Sunni consensus, but some of 
the censored material can be gathered from later 

sources. There w r as no other early source for the 
life of Muhammad like Ibn Ishaq's Sira, and all 
other biographies of the Prophet have had to rely 
on it, including biographies written by modern 

Ibn Ishaq attracted many students of early 
Islamic biography and history during his years in 
Baghdad. They transmitted his work to later gen- 
erations after his death in 767. 

Sec also Arabic language and literature. 

Further reading: Muhammad ibn Ishaq, The Life of 
Muhammad: A Translation of Ibn Ishaqs Sirat Rasul 
Allah. Translated by Alfred Guillaume (Oxford: Oxford 
University Press, 1955); Gordon Darnell Newby, The 
Making of the Last Prophet: A Reconstruction of the Earli- 
est Biography of Muhammad (Columbia: University of 
South Carolina Press, 1989). 

Ibn Kathir, Imad al-Din Ismail ibn Umar 

(1301-1373) leading Syrian historian, Quran 
commentator, and scholar of hadith 
Ibn Kathir was born in Busra, Syria, and edu- 
cated in the Mamluk madrasas of Damascus. 
One of his most prominent teachers was Taqi 
al-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328), the fore- 
most Hanbali jurist of the Middle Ages, but he 
considered himself a follower of the Shafii Legal 
School. Ibn Kathir became one of a circle of 
leading ULAMA who were consulted by Mamluk 
rulers and held several minor appointments 
at local mosques and madrasas. He is famous 
among Muslims around the world today for his 
tafsir (Quran commentary), which uses hadith 
to illuminate meanings of the scripture. He 
also authored a compendium of hadith, which 
assembled the six major Sunni collections plus 
additional hadith in one work. Among scholars 
of medieval Islam, his book on Islamic history, 
Al-Bidaya wa'I-Nihaya (The beginning and the 
end) is held in high esteem. It is 14 volumes 
long in its modern print edition and provides 
a lengthy biography of Muhammad, a history of 

‘ CssS3 334 Ibn Khaldun, Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad 

the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates, an account 
of the Mongol invasions, and a history of 
Damascus. Ibn Kathir became blind at the end of 
his life and was buried in the Sufiyya Cemetery 
near the grave of his teacher Ibn Taymiyya. 

Further reading: Ibn Kathir, The Life of the Prophet 
Muhammad. 4 vols. Translated by Trevor Lc Gassick 

(London: Garnett Publishing, 1998-2000); , 

Tafsir Ibn Kathir 10 vols., abridged. English translation 
by Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri (Riyadh, Saudi Ara- 
bia: Dar-es-Salam Publications, 2000). 

Ibn Khaldun, Abd al-Rahman ibn 
Muhammad (1332-1406) medieval scholar 
famed for his philosophy of history and insights into 
the rise and fall of civilizations 

Ibn Khaldun was born in Tunis to a family of court 
officials and religious scholars that had emigrated 
from Seville in Islamicate Spain (Andalusia) dur- 
ing the 13th century. His father, Muhammad, was 
a jurist who saw to it that his son acquired a thor- 
ough education in the traditional religious sci- 
ences, including Quran studies, hadith, and fiqh 
(jurisprudence) — especially that of the MALIKI 
Legal School. This was a time when intellectual 
and cultural life in Tunis prospered under the 
rule of the Marinids, a Berber dynasty that ruled 
parts of North Africa and Andalusia from 1196 
to 1464. After the Black Death took the lives of 
both his parents in 1348-49, Ibn Khaldun left 
to work in the Marinid court in Fez. He became 
deeply involved in political affairs there but con- 
tinued to further his formal education as well. In 
1362, he joined the court of the Nasirid dynasty 
(1212-1492) in Granada, Spain, and led a peace 
delegation to the Christian ruler Pedro the Cruel 
in Seville in 1364. At this time in his career, his 
chief mentor, Ibn al-Khatib (d. 1374), described 
him as a man who “commands respect, is able 
. . . unruly, strong-willed, and full of ambitions 
for climbing to the highest position of leadership 
(Mahdi, 40). 

Leaving Andalusia to further enhance his 
career, Ibn Khaldun traveled to Algeria, where he 
was briefly employed as an adviser to the Hafsid 
ruler there and as a preacher and jurist. However, 
these were turbulent times in the Maghrib (North 
Africa), and after repeated attempts to secure 
long-term employment, he retired to a desert oasis 
near Oran in 1374, where he and his family lived 
under the protection of a friendly Arab desert 
tribe. Renouncing a career in politics, he dedi- 
cated himself to a scholars life and began to write 
the famous introduction, known as the “Muqad- 
dima," to his universal history of the Arabs and 
Berbers ( Kitab al-Ibar). In 1378, Ibn Khaldun 
returned to his native Tunis, but, in 1382, he went 
to Cairo, Egypt, where his scholarly reputation 
earned him several appointments as a teacher of 
Maliki law and as the city's chief Maliki jurist. 
In his autobiography, he called his new home 
“the metropolis of the world . . . illuminated by 
the moons and stars of its learned men.” He was 
to spend the remaining years of his life there, 
completing and revising his multivolumc history 
(seven volumes long in its Arabic printed edition) 
and offering advice to the Mamluk rulers of Egypt 
and his former royal patrons in Tunis. When the 
Mongol armies of Tamerlane (d. 1405) invaded 
Syria in 1400, Ibn Khaldun reluctantly accom- 
panied the Mamluk army to Damascus to oppose 
the invasion. During the siege, he was invited to 
a lengthy audience with the Mongol conqueror. 
According to the scholars account, the two men 
discussed their respective views of history and the 
rise and fall of civilizations for 35 days, and Ibn 
Khaldun provided Tamerlane with information 
about the peoples and lands of Egypt and North 
Africa. Tamerlane's forces plundered Damascus, 
but Ibn Khaldun negotiated his own freedom and 
returned to Cairo, where he held several posts as a 
Maliki judge and scholar. He also finished writing 
his autobiography and made the final revisions in 
his universal history before his death in 1406. 

The Muqaddima is encyclopedic in scope; it 
expresses Ibn Khaldun's philosophy of history and 

Ibn Muqla, Abu Ali Muhammad 335 

brilliant understanding of society and religion. It is 
divided into a preface and six substantive chapters. 
The chapters address the following subjects: society 
and nature, tribal society, politics and government, 
urban society, economics, and religious knowledge 
and the sciences. In these chapters, he proposes 
what he calls a “new science" of history and civili- 
zation. Ibn Khaldun argues that at the beginning of 
human culture, kin-based groups banded together 
to overcome the forces of nature, with the most 
successful ones developing a strong feeling of 
group solidarity, which he called asabiyya. Compe- 
tition and conflict between groups in time ended 
with some groups becoming more powerful than 
others, forming political states. Eventually this led 
to the establishment of the institutions of govern- 
ment, the building of great cities and civilizations, 
and the development of learning. Ibn Khaldun 
acknowledges that the laws established to restrain 
human violence and ensure justice could be either 
natural (man-made) or God-given. Revealed law, 
he argues, especially in a religion such as Islam, not 
only contributes to worldly security but also offers 
salvation in the afterlife. Drawing on his own life 
experience and knowledge of history, however, 
Ibn Khaldun also recognizes that ruling dynasties, 
cities, and civilizations fall and that morality and 
justice become corrupted. Indeed, he believes that 
civilizations possess the seeds of their own destruc- 
tion, for with prosperity and luxury, the bonds of 
social solidarity weaken, leaving them vulnerable 
to collapse from within and invasion from without. 
Tribal groups possessing a more profound degree of 
group solidarity then arise and form new states and 
civilizations, thus inaugurating another phase in 
the cycle of history. Ibn Khaldun sought to convey 
to the rulers under whom he served the secrets of 
history that, if mastered, would assure long-lasting 
peace and security for their subjects and preserve 
the civilizational heritage they enjoyed. 

Ibn Khalduns philosophy of history had a 
mixed reception in his own time and was favor- 
ably viewed by reform-minded Ottoman histo- 
rians in the 18th century. However, it has been 

most deeply appreciated by modern scholars in 
the West and in Muslim countries; many see it as 
an exemplary attempt to explain history, society, 
and religion in terms of human reason. 

Further reading: Frances Carney Gics, "The Man Who 
Met Tamerlane. Saudi Aramco World 29 (September/ 
October 1978): 14-21; Ibn Khaldun, The Muqaddiniah: 
An Introduction to History. Translated by Franz Rosen- 
thal. Edited and abridged by N. ). Dawood (Princeton, 
N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2004); Muhsin Mahdi, 
Ibn Khalduns Philosophy of History (Chicago: University 
of Chicago Press, 1964). 

Ibn Muqla, Abu Ali Muhammad (886- 

940) chief minister of three Abbasids and inventor of 
the proportioned scripts used in Arabic calligraphy 
Born in Baghdad at the height of its power and influ- 
ence, Ibn Muqla was responsible for inventing or 
implementing a number of administrative reforms. 
These included the regularization of scripts neces- 
sary for documentation and for copying historical 
and other cultural tracts and that were later used 
for copying the Quran. Recent research shows that 
these reforms disrupted preexisting systems and 
eliminated the class of professional Quran copyists. 
These findings revise Orientalist views of Arabic 
calligraphy as an evolutionary process and as an 
Islamic art form that merely compensated for the 
supposed absence of figural representation. 

Ibn Muqlas writing system, known as al-khatt 
al-mansub , enabled the letters of any given script to 
be in proportion to one another. It required a well 
cut pen ( qalam ) with a deep slit for holding ink. The 
nib produced a rhombus-shaped dot that became 
the basic unit of a geometric letter design system. 
Writing an alif (the long, vertical Arabic A) required 
a number of dots one on top of the other, resulting 
in the maximum height of any other letter. The alif 
acted as control: its total height was the diameter 
of a circle that enclosed all letters of a particular 
script. Accordingly, letters were in proportion to 
one another inasmuch as they were proportional 

336 Ibn Rushd, Muhammad 

to the circle produced by the alif. The proportions 
held regardless of letter size, which resulted from 
the actual size of the nib. Ibn Muqla applied this 
system to six modes of writing, producing the six 
pens (al-aqlam al-sitta) of what is known as Arabic 
calligraphy or, more accurately, khatt. 

The reform produced a new aesthetic canon; 
later medieval scribes and connoisseurs judged 
the beauty of writing according to the degree of 
clarity and harmony produced through the new 
system. Although the reforms may have been orig- 
inally intended for secular texts, their adoption 
(or copying scripture was complete within two 
generations. The change in the visual appearance 
of the holy text reflected controversies over the 
nature of the Quran and its message, which the 
Abbasids considered eternal and accessible to all. 
The clarity and legibility of proportioned writing 
mirrored this ideological position and combated 
proponents of an esoteric message accessible only 
to a chosen elite. 

Ibn Muqla, too, fell victim to the politics of 
the Abbasid court at the end of his life. He was 
imprisoned, suffered the amputation of his right 
hand, and died in disgrace. 

Sec also alphabet; art; Ibn al-Bawwab, Abu al- 
Hasan Ali; Orientalism. 

Nuha N. N. Khoury 

Further reading: Yasin Safadi. Islamic Calligraphy (Boul- 
der, Colo.: Shambhala Publications, 1978); Yasser Tab- 
baa, The Transformation of Islamic Art during the Sunni 
Revival (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2001). 

Ibn Rushd, Muhammad (also known 
in the West by his Latinized name, 

Averroes) (11 26-1 1 98) a leading philosopher in 
the Middle Ages famed for his learned commentaries 
on Aristotle and his refutation of Muslim theological 

Ibn Rushd was born in Cordoba, one of the 
major centers of Islamicate culture and learning 

in Andalusia. At that time, it was ruled by the 
ALMOHAD DYNASTY of North Africa, known for its 
puritanical adherence to Islamic law and interest 
in philosophy. Both his grandfather and father had 
been leading judges of the Maliki Legal School, 
and as a youth he also studied Maliki law, theol- 
ogy, medicine, mathematics, and astronomy. It is 
not known exactly when he took up the study 
of philosophy, but it may have been through his 
teacher of medicine and mathematics, Abu Jaafar 
ibn Harun. (In medieval Islam, medicine, math- 
ematics, and philosophy were seen as related areas 
of learning.) 

At the age of 27, Ibn Rushd was retained by 
the Almohad court in Marrakesh, the Almohad 
capital in what is now Morocco, as an astrono- 
mer. Around 1 169, the prominent court physician 
and philosopher Ibn Tufayl (d. 1185) introduced 
him to the caliph Abu Yaaqub Yusuf (r. 1 163-84), 
who engaged him in a discussion about whether 
heaven was created or eternal, a controversial 
question because it pitted conventional Muslim 
theological doctrine about God's unique eternity 
against the philosophical view that the world 
was eternal. Ibn Rushd, reportedly a modest and 
discreet man, made a favorable impression on 
the caliph with his answers, and this helped him 
obtain coveted appointments as a judge in Seville 
and Cordoba and as successor to Ibn Tufayl as 
court physician in 1182. He began to write the 
philosophical works and commentaries during 
this time, prompted, perhaps, by the caliphs com- 
plaint that the works of Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.), 
the ancient Greek philosopher, were difficult to 
understand. Ibn Rushd enjoyed the favor of Abu 
Yaaqub Yusufs successor, Yaaqub al-Mansur (r. 
1184-99), until 1195, when he was banished to 
Lucena, a small town south of Cordoba. This may 
have been for political reasons, but it led to an 
order by Cordoba's city council to have his philo- 
sophical works burned because they were thought 
to undermine the faith. He was restored to favor a 
few years later but died shortly thereafter in 1198. 
Ibn Rushd was buried in Marrakesh, but his body 

Ibn Rushd, Muhammad 337 

Statue commemorating Ibn Rushd in Cordoba, 
Spain (Federico R. Campo) 

was later transferred to Cordoba, his hometown, 
for burial. 

Ibn Rushd is estimated to have written more 
than 100 books and treatises in his lifetime. He 
is best known for his commentaries on Aristotle, 
whose works had been translated into Arabic 
in Syria during the eighth century. Ibn Rushds 
commentaries were written in Arabic, translated 
into Hebrew and Latin, and then transmitted to 
Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries. Indeed, 
it was mainly through Ibn Rushds commentar- 
ies that European intellectuals and theologians 
(known as the Scholastics) discovered Aristotle. 
Even though it met with strong opposition from 
the Catholic Church, his work contributed signifi- 
cantly to the advancement of the Western philo- 

sophical tradition during the High Middle Ages. 
Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274), the foremost Catholic 
theologian of the time, consulted and contended 
with Ibn Rushds interpretation of Aristotle in 
composing his major theological works, Summa 
Theologica and Summa contra Gentiles. 

Another one of Ibn Rushds major works was 
a treatise that argued against the views of Abu 
Hamid al-Ghazali (d. 1111), the famous Bagh- 
dadi scholar who adhered to the Ashari School of 
Sunni theology and was held in high esteem by the 
Almohads. In a book titled The Incoherence of the 
Philosophers ( Tahafut al-falasifa ), al-Ghazali had 
opposed the Neoplatonist philosophical views of 
al-Farabi (d. 950), Ibn Sina (d. 1037), and others 
who argued that the world was eternal, that God 
had no knowledge of the particulars of his cre- 
ation, and who denied a bodily resurrection and 
final judgment. Instead, al-Ghazali maintained 
that philosophy and religion were incompatible 
and that philosophers should be condemned as 
infidels. Ibn Rushd, defending Aristotle and the 
Islamic philosophical tradition, entitled his refu- 
tation of al-Ghazali The Incoherence of the Incoher- 
ence ( Tahafut al-tahafut ) and asserted that reason 
and revelation were indeed compatible, it was 
only that they differed in language and interpre- 
tation. Some of those who read his work alleged 
that he held to a belief in "two truths" — that there 
was one truth that could be known by human 
reason and another that could be known by rev- 
elation from God. A fuller reading of Ibn Rushd, 
however, does not support this claim. In addi- 
tion to his philosophical and theological works, 
he also wrote books on Islamic law, politics, and 
astronomy. His medical encyclopedia, The Book of 
Generalities (Kitab al-kulliyat), dealt with a variety 
of topics, including anatomy, disease, diet, and 
healing. It was translated into Latin and read by 
medical students in medieval Europe. 

The persecution and condemnation Ibn Rushd 
suffered in his last years, combined with the politi- 
cal and cultural decline of Islamicate Spain, damp- 
ened the impact of his work in Islamicate lands. 

338 Ibn Saud 

Aside from his sons, he had few followers until 
the modern period. In the 20th century, Arabic 
publishers in Beirut and Cairo issued print edi- 
tions of several of his books on law, theology, and 
medicine. This was a result of renewed interest in 
his thought that came with increased interaction 
with Europe and a movement to reform Islam in 
conformity with modern notions of rationality. A 
revived interest in Ibn Rushd is also reflected in 
the feature film Destiny (al-Masir, 1997), directed 
by the Egyptian filmmaker Youssef Chahine (b. 
1926). The film depicts Ibn Rushd as a respected 
scholar and family man contending with political 
authoritarianism and religious fanaticism, a reality 
faced by many in the world today. 

Further reading: lysa A. Bello, The Medieval Islamic 
Controversy between Philosophy and Theology: Ijma and 
Tawil in the Conflict between al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd 
(Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1989); Oliver Lcaman, Averroes 
and His Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 
1988); Caroline Stone, “Doctor, Philosopher, Renais- 
sance Man." Saudi Aramco World 54 (May/June 2003): 

Ibn Saud See Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud. 

Ibn Sina, Abu Ali al-Husayn (Latin as 
Avicenna) (979-1037) gifted Persian philosopher 
and physician whose writings were widely studied in 
the Middle East and Europe 

More is known about Ibn Sinas early life than 
about most other medieval Muslim scholars 
because he wrote an autobiography about his 
youth, supplemented with details about his adult 
career contributed by later Muslim biographers. 
He was born in a village near Bukhara (now in 
Uzbekistan) and educated under the supervision 
of his father, a learned man with Ismaili affilia- 
tions. Ibn Sina is thought to have had a remark- 
able memory. He claims that by the age of 10 he 
had memorized the Quran and large amounts of 

Arabic poetry. Soon thereafter, he studied several 
highly complex subjects, including logic, Islamic 
law (FtQH), and the metaphysics of Aristotle, as 
explained by the Turkish philosopher al-Farabi 
(d. 950). He also studied Neoplatonic philosophy, 
which was held in high esteem by Ismaili schol- 
ars such as the Brethren of Purity. Because he 
was allowed free access to the royal library of the 
Samanid dynasty (819-999), he was able to edu- 
cate himself so well that he boasted of becoming a 
teacher to the tutors hired by his father to educate 
him. By the time he had turned 21, he had already 
become famous for his medical knowledge and 
healing skills and had written his first book on 

When his father died in 1002, Ibn Sina left 
Bukhara and traveled westward, finding tempo- 
rary employment in the courts of several local 
rulers. He continued to teach and write while 
serving in government posts. Around 1020, Ibn 
Sina became a court physician to the Shii ruler 
Shams al-Dawla (r. 997-1021) in Hamadan in 
western Iran. He was imprisoned in 1022 as 
a result of political intrigues but managed to 
escape to Isfahan in the south, where he was pro- 
tected by Ala al-Dawla Muhammad (r. 1008-41), 
the local ruler. Isfahan was his home for 15 
years, where he continued his scholarly activi- 
ties and completed writing his major works. He 
died in the company of Ala al-Dawla while on a 
military expedition. He was buried in Hamadan, 
where a monumental tomb memorializes his 
contributions to Islamic philosophy, medicine, 
and science. 

Estimates concerning the number of books 
and treatises he wrote range from 100 to 250. 
Most of them were written in Arabic, even though 
his native language was Persian. Among the most 
exhaustive of his works on philosophical and reli- 
gious subjects was Kitab al-shifa ( The Book of Heal- 
ing). It dealt with four chief topics: logic, physics, 
mathematics, and metaphysics. The chapters on 
physics included substantial discussion about 
the nature of the human soul and its relation to 

Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din Ahmad 339 

mind and body. He argued that all human souls 
were immortal and thus not subject to a bodily 
resurrection. In his discussion of metaphysics, he 
attempted to show that all beings had their origin 
in what he called the Necessary Existent, the first 
cause, or God. Ibn Sina's God represented the 
highest beauty, lacking any defect; he was both 
the essential lover and the beloved. Inspired by 
Neoplatonism, Ibn Sina supported the idea that 
the rest of creation flowed from God in waves, 
or emanations. Such ideas were highly offensive 
to literally minded Muslims. He developed these 
ideas further in a group of writings concerned 
with mysticism and “Oriental Wisdom." Ibn Sina 
also wrote an encyclopedic book on the healing 
arts titled The Canon of Medicine (Al-Qanun fi 
al-tihb ), which drew extensively on Greek and 
Arab medical literature and even some of his own 
personal experience. It included his recommenda- 
tions on caring for infants, raising children, and 

Ibn Sina's genius inspired and challenged phi- 
losophers, men of religion, mystics, physicians, 
and scientists in the Middle East and Europe for 
centuries after his death. In Islamicatc lands, these 
included luminaries such as al-Ghazali (d. 1111), 
Ibn Rushd (d. 1198), Ibn al-Arabi (d. 1240), Abu 
Hafs al-Suhrawardi (d. 1294), and Mulla Sadra 
(d. 1640). Latin translations of The Book of Heal- 
ing and The Canon oj Medicine were read in Euro- 
pean universities as early as the 12th century and 
were studied there for centuries. The Catholic 
theologian Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274), like his 
counterparts in the east, also benefited from Ibn 
Sinas learning while arguing against some of his 
ideas about God, the soul, and creation. Even 
today Ibn Sina's work is being read in many cen- 
ters of learning around the world. In 1979-80, the 
1,000-year anniversary of his birth was celebrated 
in many countries. Hospitals in the Middle East 
and South Asia bear his name, including one in 
Baghdad. Iranians regard him as a national hero. 
The United Nations Educational and Social Orga- 
nization (UNESCO) established a prize for groups 

and individuals in the fields of ethics and science 
in his honor in 2004. 

Further reading: William Goldman, The Life of Ibn Sina: 
A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation (Albany: 
Stale University of New York Press, 1974); Dimitri 
Gutas, Avicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition: Introduc- 
tion to Reading Avicenna’s Philosophical Works (Leiden: 
E.J. Brill, 1988); Shams Inati, “Ibn Sina.” In History 
of Islamic Philosophy, edited by Seyyed Hossein Nasr 
and Oliver Leaman, 231-246 (London: Routledge, 
1996); David Tschanz, “The Arab Roots of European 
Medicine.” Saudi Aramco World 48 (May/June 1997): 

Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din Ahmad (Ibn 
Taymiya, Ibn Taimiya) (1263-1328) 
prominent Hanbali jurist and theologian who inspired 
Islamic revivalist movements, especially Wahhabism 
Ibn Taymiyya was born in the ancient city of 
llarran in what is now southeastern Turkey. He 
came from a family of scholars affiliated with the 
Hanbali Legal School. When he was only six 
years old, his family fled to Damascus in order 
to escape the Mongols who had invaded the 
Middle East from Central Asia, plundering cities 
and killing many in their path. He obtained his 
education at a Hanbali madrasa directed by his 

At the age of 21, Ibn Taymiyya succeeded his 
father as director and began to teach and write 
books. In his work, he advocated a literal inter- 
pretation of the Quran and hadith and called on 
Muslims to follow the example set by the Com- 
panions of the Prophet, the salaf. He condemned 
many of the teachings of Muslim philosophers, 
theologians, and Shiis. He was also outraged by 
popular belief in saints and visiting saints' tombs. 
Arguing that this was not condoned by the early 
Muslim community, he ruled that it was bidaa 
(unorthodox innovation) and therefore forbid- 
den. He did not reject Sufi piety and asceticism, 
however, as long as God remained the focus of 

' Css ^ 340 Ibn Tumart, Muhammad 

worship. He is reported to have been a member 
of the Qadiri Order of Sufis. Ibn Taymiyya also 
opposed traditionalist approaches to the under- 
standing of the sharia and favored the use of 
ijtihad (independent legal reasoning) by qualified 

When the Mongols invaded Syria in 1300, he 
was among those calling for jihad against them 
and ruled that even though they had recently 
converted to Islam, they should be considered 
unbelievers. He went to Egypt to win support 
to this cause and became embroiled in religio- 
political disputes there. Ibn Taymiyyas enemies 
accused him of anthropomorphism, a view that 
was objectionable to the teachings of the Ashari 
School of Islamic theology, and he was impris- 
oned for more than a year in 1306. Upon release, 
he condemned popular Sufi practices and the 
influence of Ibn al-Arabi (d. 1240), earning him 
the enmity of leading Sufi shaykhs in Egypt and 
another prison sentence. He was released by the 
Egyptian sultan in 1310. 

The sultan allowed Ibn Taymiyya to return to 
Damascus in 1313, where he worked as a teacher 
and jurist. He had supporters among the power- 
ful, but his outspokenness and nonconformity 
to traditional Sunni doctrine and Sufi ideals and 
practices continued to draw the wrath of the reli- 
gious and political authorities in Syria and Egypt. 
He was arrested and released several more times, 
although he was usually allowed to continue 
writing fatwas (advisory opinions in matters of 
law) and defenses of his ideas while in prison. 
Despite the controversy that surrounded him, Ibn 
Taymiyyas influence reached well beyond Hanbali 
circles to members of other Sunni legal schools 
and Sufi groups. Among his foremost students 
were Ibn Kathir (d. 1373), a leading medieval his- 
torian and Quran commentator, and Ibn Qayyim 
al-Jawziya (d. 1350), a prominent Hanbali jurist 
and theologian who helped spread his teachers 
influence after his death in 1328. Ibn Taymiyya 
died a prisoner in the citadel of Damascus and was 
buried in the city's Sufi cemetery. 

Hanbali influence subsequently declined in 
Syria and Egypt, especially after the region fell 
under Ottoman control in the 16th century. In the 
18th century, Ibn Taymiyyas teachings influenced 
the revivalist movement led by Muhammad ibn 
Abd al-Wahhab (d. 1792) in the Arabian Pen- 
insula. His books are today widely read in Saudi 
Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, South Asia, and 
Southeast Asia. In addition to inspiring religious 
revivalists and reformers, some of his rulings 
have also been used to justify acts of violence 
committed by followers of radical Islamic groups. 
One of these was the Jihad Group responsible for 
the assassination of Egyptian president Anwar 
al-Sadat (d. 1981). 

See also saint; Salafism; Sufism; Wahhabism. 

Further reading: George Makdisi, “Ibn Taimiya: A 
Sufi of the Qadiriya Order." American Journal of Arabic 
Studies 1 (1974): 118-129; Abd al-Hakim ibn Ibrahim 
Matroudi, The Hanbali School of Law and Ibn Taymiyyah: 
Conflict or Conciliation (London: Routlcdge, 2006); 
Muhammad Umar Mcmon, Ibn Taymiya's Struggle 
against Popular Religion (The Hague: Mouton, 1976). 

Ibn Tumart, Muhammad (ca. 1078- 
1130) 1 2th-century religious reformer, self- 
proclaimed mahdi (messianic figure), and founder of 
the North African Almohad dynasty 
Born in the Anti-Atlas Mountains in southern 
Morocco, Ibn Tumart left for an extended trip to 
the Muslim East in 1106. While there he studied 
f/qh (Islamic jurisprudence) and became con- 
vinced that the dominant Maliki Legal School 
of Morocco was leading Muslims astray through 
its elaborate rules based upon human reason- 
ing. Instead, Ibn Tumart emphasized the original 
Islamic sources of the Quran and hadith and 
taught a strict doctrine based on the Muslim doc- 
trine of tawhid (unity). On his way home in 1117, 
Ibn Tumart created a stir in a number of locations 
through his preaching and aggressive treatment of 
those he considered to be unbelievers. 

Ibrahim Ibn Adham 341 

Having raised the ire of the Almoravid govern- 
ment in Marrakesh, Ibn Tumart retreated to his 
own people, the Masmuda Berbers of the Anti- 
Atlas Mountains, in 1121. There he laid the foun- 
dations for the future Almohad dynasty, claiming 
the title of Mahdi (messianic deliverer) and 
implementing a rigorous religious ethic among 
his Berber following. Posing as a holy man and 
miracle worker, Ibn Tumart rallied the Masmuda 
against the ruling Almoravid dynasty. Although 
he failed in his attempt to take Marrakesh (1 124), 
the city would eventually fall to his successor, 
Abd al-Mumin (r. 1133-63), along with the rest 
of North Africa and Islamicate Spain after Ibn 
Tumart's death in 1130. 

See also Andalusia. 

Stephen Cory 

Further reading: M. Kisaichi, “The Almohad Social- 
Political System or Hierarchy in the Reign of Ibn 
Tumart." Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo 
Bunko 48 (1990): pp. 81-101; Roger Lc Tourneau, The 
Almohad Movement in North Africa in the Twelfth and 
Thirteenth Century (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univer- 
sity Press, 1969). 

Ibrahim Sec Abraham. 

Ibrahim Ibn Adham (730-777) early Sufi 
saint who was a model for piety in Sufi tradition and 
whose conversion story mirrors that of the Buddha 
Ibrahim ibn Adham was born a prince in Bactria, 
Balkh (present-day Afghanistan) — where Bud- 
dhism nourished until the 11th century — in a 
recently created Arab settlement. Legend tells that 
Ibn Adham s conversion to the Sufi path began 
when out hunting in the forest one day he was 
confronted by a voice prompting him to examine 
his true calling in life. Like the Buddha, to whom 
Ibn Adham is frequently compared, he thereupon 
chose to renounce his claim to kingship and set off 

for Mecca, leaving an infant son and wife behind, 
to spend the rest of his life in saintly devotion to 
Allah. In 748, he migrated from Mecca to Syria, 
where for the following few decades he lived the 
life of a wandering Sufi in the desert. It is believed 
that he died around 777 in Syria while participat- 
ing in raids against Byzantine Christians. He is 
reported to have transmitted several hadith and 
is remembered for his extreme asceticism and 

One of the earliest Sufis, Ibrahim ibn Ad ham's 
legend grew and developed in the centuries fol- 
lowing his death as he became a frequent model of 
piety in Sufi treatises written in communities from 
Arabia to East Asia. Early sources on Ibrahim ibn 
Adham include hagiographies written in the 11th 
century by al-Sulami and in the 13th century by 
Farid al-Din al-Attar. Ibrahim ibn AdhanTs story 
was told in the oldest Persian treatise on Sufism, 
the classic Kashf aUmahjub by Al-llujwiri in 
Lahore, Pakistan. A 17th-century Malay text, Bas- 
tanus-salatir, written by an Indian Muslim named 
Ar-Raniri, presented Ibrahim ibn Adham as one of 
the greatest early saints of Islam. He stands out 
as a paradigm of saintly devotion in such hagi- 
ographies, like the most famous and earliest of 
known women Sufis, Rabia al-Adawiya (d. 801). 
But as he embodied the ideal of unsurpassed piety 
and asceticism, Rabia stood for the ideal of pas- 
sionate love for God. One famous story described 
Ibn Adham s 14-year journey to Mecca and his 
frequent stops for prayer at holy sites along the 
way, only to discover upon reaching Mecca that 
the Kaaba had to meet Rabia. 

See also Buddhism and Islam. 

Megan Adamson Sijapati 

Further reading: Russell Jones, Nuru’d-din ar Rahini 
Bastanus-Salatin, bab fasal 1: critical edition and 
translation of the first part of Fasal 1, which deals with 
Ibrahim ibn Adham (Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan 
Pustaka, 1974); John Alden Williams, ed. Themes of 
Islamic Civilization (Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univer- 
sity of California Press, 1971). 

342 Id al-Adha 

Id al-Adha (Arabic: Feast of Sacrifice) 

The most important yearly festival holiday of the 
Islamic calendar is Id al-Adha, or al-ld al-Kabir 
(Great Feast). It is also known as Id al-Qurban 
(Feast of Sacrifice), as well as Qurban Bayrami 
(Sacrifice Feast) in Turkic lands, Bakar Id (Goat 
Feast) in India, and Reraya Qurben (Sacrifice 
Holiday) in Indonesia. In Muslim-majority coun- 
tries today, it has been declared a public holiday. 
The festival begins on the 10th day of the 12th 
month (Dhu al-Hijja) of the Islamic lunar year, at 
the conclusion of the annual hajj rites in Mecca, 
and lasts for up to four days. According to Islamic 
law, Muslims around the world who are able arc 
obliged to sacrifice an unblemished sheep, goat, 
cow, or camel. They are also expected to attend 
a special communal prayer, traditionally held in 
open air or at a mosque, where they listen to a 
holiday sermon. Unlike other prayer times, there 
is no ADHAN (call to prayer) performed. Muslims 
believe that the festival represents complete obe- 
dience to God, as Abraham obeyed him when 
commanded to sacrifice his son. According to the 
story, which has biblical roots and is retold in the 
Quran and Islamic exegetical literature, a ram was 
substituted in place of Abraham's son. Among the 
Shia, this story is associated with themes of mar- 
tyrdom and redemption. 

The sacrificial feast allows all Muslims, pil- 
grims and nonpilgrims alike, to experience a sense 
of community at the conclusion of the hajj. Men 
customarily perform the sacrifice with their own 
hands according to ritual slaughtering procedures 
approved by Islamic law, but meat can also be 
obtained from qualified butchers. In Mecca, there 
are special slaughtering facilities in the pilgrim 
town of Mina, just outside the holy city. Muslims 
living in the United States or Europe obtain their 
meat from a halal butcher, or they go to a farm 
where they can purchase an animal and slaughter 
it themselves, as they would in a Muslim country. 
women participate by preparing dishes made from 
the meat of the sacrificed animal. Everywhere 
Id al-Adha is a very festive time when people 

gather together with family and friends. CHILDREN 
wear bright new clothing. Muslim girls in India 
and Pakistan show off fresh henna designs on 
their hands and arms. In many communities, the 
holiday affirms ties to deceased loved ones and 
the poor, because people distribute food to the 
needy in memory of the dead. Women usually 
visit cemeteries during the Id to do this. Meat may 
also be distributed through mosques and Islamic 
charities, making Id al-Adha one of the few times 
in the year when the needy eat meat. In modern 
times, the internet has made it possible for people 
to make donations online by credit card so that 
needy Muslims anywhere in the world can join in 

See also almsgiving; animals; food and drink; 

Further reading: Jonah Blank, Mullahs on the Main- 
frame: Islam and Modernity among the Daudi Bohras 
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001); 104-1 10; 
John R. Bowen, “On Scriptural Esscnlialism and Ritual 
Variation: Muslim Sacrifice in Sumatra and Morocco." 
American Ethnologist 19 (Nov. 1992): 656-671; Hava 
Lazarus- Yafch, “Muslim Festivals." Numen 25 (April 
1978): 52-64. 

Id al-Fitr (Arabic: Feast of Fast-Breaking) 

The second most important yearly festival on the 
Islamic calendar after Id al-Adha is Id al-Fitr, or 
al-ld al-Saghir (Little Feast). This holiday is also 
known as Kuchuk Bayram (Little Feast) in Turkic 
lands and Hari Raya Puasa (Fasting Day of Cel- 
ebration) in Malaysia. The festival celebrates the 
end of the Ramadan fast and begins with the sight- 
ing of the new moon on the eve of the first day of 
the 10th month (Shawwal) of the Islamic lunar 
year. It usually lasts for up to three days. In Mus- 
lim-majority countries today, it has been declared 
a public holiday, like Id al-Adha. To prepare for 
the holiday, each person is obliged to offer charity 
for the needy during the closing days of Ramadan. 
This is called zakat al-fitr or zakat Ramadan , and 

idolatry 343 

it is comparable to the animal sacrifices performed 
for the Id al-Adha. It is supposed to earn forgive- 
ness for wrongs done during Ramadan and help 
provide assistance to the poor so that they can 
enjoy the holiday too. Muslims who are able are 
expected to attend a special communal prayer in 
the early morning, traditionally held in open air 
or at a MOSQUE, where they listen to a holiday SER- 
MON. When prayers end, people go home to break 
their fast with a daytime meal. 

Like other major feasts during the year. Id 
al-Fitr enhances the sense of community among 
believers. People gather together with family and 
friends; children go outdoors to play wearing 
brightly colored new holiday clothes. Girls in 
India and Pakistan show off fresh henna designs 
on the hands and arms. Gifts are exchanged 
between family members. Each local Muslim cul- 
ture has its own holiday food traditions. In many 
countries, sweet pastries are a favorite food, tra- 
ditionally prepared by women at home during the 
last days of Ramadan. Rice and vermicelli dishes 
are also popular. 

See also almsgiving; feasting; food and 


Further reading: Marjo Buitclaar, Fasting and Feasting 
in Morocco: Women’s Participation in Ramadan (Oxford: 
Berg, 1993); Riadh El-Droubie, “Muslim Festivals.*’ In 
Festivals in World Religions, edited by Alan Brown, 21 1- 
233. (New York: Longman, 1986); Hava Lazarus- Yafeh, 
“Muslim Festivals." Numen 25 (April 1978): 52-64. 


Idolatry (Arabic: shirk) in Islam is mentioned in 
the Quran in a variety of forms whose root (s/i-r- 
k) meaning is “sharing, participating, associating," 
in the context of “associating" anything other 
than God with God. “Associationism" in Islamic 
tradition has been applied in two basic contexts. 
The primary meaning is usually understood as 
actual polytheism or the worship of images, both 
overt infringements of Islam's cardinal principle, 

TAWHID , declaring in life and thought “the one- 
ness of God.” The secondary and polemic sense 
involves accusations by some Muslims against 
other Muslims for being insufficiently “pure” in 
thought or practice, even though those accused of 
shirk might consider themselves monotheists in 
good standing. 

The early quranic contexts for shirk, mean- 
ing polytheism and idolatry, identify “opponents” 
of Muhammad and the early UMMA, or religious 
community of Muslims, among the pagan Mec- 
cans. According to one of the earliest postquranic 
Arabic sources on pre-lslamic religion, Kitab al- 
asnam (The book of idols) attributed to Hisham 
ibn al-Kalbi (d. 821), the Prophet's pagan contem- 
poraries among the QURAYSH, who dominated the 
social, political, economic, and religious life of his 
hometown, Mecca, had images of plural divini- 
ties and sacred powers within the center of tribal 
worship for the region, the Kaaba, including such 
deities as Hubal, Shams, Sin, and, among others, 
a triple goddess associated with Arabian star-wor- 
ship of Venus as the morning-evening star who 
is named briefly (Q 53:20) in the Quran as Allat 
(fern, of Allah, lit. “the Goddess”), al-Uzza (fern, 
“the Mighty One"), and Manat. 

According to a highly problematic narrative 
known later as the Satanic Verses, the triple 
goddesses were alluded to in the eighth- to mid- 
ninth-century biography of the prophet ( Sirat 
rasul Allah) as well as described by Muslim histo- 
rian al-Tabari in his early tenth-century History of 
the prophets and kings as “the high flying cranes 
(gharaniq) whose intercession is to be hoped for." 
In other words, the early Meccans could continue 
to have recourse to the triple goddess alongside 
recourse to Allah. This reference to the "satanic 
verses," which do not actually appear in the 
Quran as we have it today, is usually explained 
in Islamic exegesis as an occasion of abrogation 
(tiaskh) in the Quran wherein God sent down a 
later revelation (Q 53:19-23) to supersede and 
“abrogate" the authority of the earlier narrative 
suggested in the Sira. The quranic verses as they 

344 Idris 

stand in canonical Islamic revelation absolutely 
deny both divine plurality and femininity as well 
as any powers of intercession outside Allah's will. 

The mushrik (one who associates) in broader 
polemic understanding acts as if there were divine 
beings other than God and may be viewed as a 
polytheist as well as an idolater, even though he 
is a Muslim. The accusation of “associationism" 
applied to Muslims views with suspicion objects 
of popular devotion, especially the veneration of 
saints and other supermundane beings, as poten- 
tial rivals for the sole worship the Muslim owes 
to God. Later and modern Islamic interpreta- 
tion view the two contexts of shirk — polytheist- 
idolater and popular intcrcessionist — as virtually 
synonymous. Such popular devotion, however, 
became a large part of the belief and practice 
of the ordinary person as opposed to the theo- 
retical rigor and almost ascetic purity of practice 
espoused by Muslim jurists and theologians. The 
devotions of the vast majority of Muslims from 
the lifetime of Muhammad down to modern times 
have included ritual propitiation of a wide array of 
spiritual beings (such as astral spirits and angels, 
believed in medieval Islam to inhabit planetary 
bodies; the JINN; and the invocation, direction, and 
exorcism of spirits of the dead, whether familial or 
spirits of local saints and holy persons), manipu- 
lation of elemental and divinely created powers 
of natural objects (planets and stars, lightning, 
rain, wind, fire, the ocean, as well as sacred trees, 
springs, and stones), ritual use of objects or 
images of sacred power (the verbal and material 
use of sacred texts in quranic calligraphy and 
recitation), or even people and institutions treated 
as objects of sacred power and recourse (prophets 
and saints as in Muhammad and his family, the 
Shii imams, Sufi saints, great teachers and healers, 
and religious institutions such as famous mosques 
and madrasas [legal colleges], which were at the 
same time burial sites of local saints used as foci 
of ziyara (pilgrimage, intercessory prayer, divina- 
tory and healing rituals). In modern times, belief 
in and practice of such popular devotions have 

significantly declined, especially in highly urban- 
ized and educated milieus. However, the underly- 
ing belief in Gods presence in the world and in 
his material instrumentality through nature and 
revelation is still a core of the Islamic worldview. 
Examples of popular devotion and intercessory 
aid can still be found in living contexts in many 
Muslim countries, whether modern jurists con- 
tinue to think it “idolatrous" or not. 

See also angel; Arabian religions, pre-Islamic; 
authority; bidaa; Hinduism and Islam; interces- 
sion; saint; theology. 

Kathleen M. O'Connor 

Further reading: Gerald R. Hawting, The Idea of Idola- 
try and the Emergence of Islam: From Polemic to His- 
tory (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999); 
Hisham ibn al-Kalbi, The Book of Idols: Being a Transla- 
tion from the Arabic of the Kitab al-asnam. Translated 
by Nabih A. Faris (1952. Reprint, Princeton, N.J.: 
Princeton University Press, 1972); Elizabeth Sirriych, 
"Modern Muslim Interpretations of shirk . ” Religion 20 
(1990): 139-159; Muhammad 1. H. Surly, The Quranic 
Concept of al-shirk (Polytheism) (London: Ta Ha Pub- 
lishers, 1982); Alford T. Welch, "Allah and Other 
Supernatural Beings: The Emergence of the Quranic 
Doctrine of tawhid." Journal of the American Academy 
of Religion, Thematic Issue: Studies in Quran and Tafsir 
47, no. 4 (1979): 733-753. 

Idris Islamic prophet, usually identified with the 
biblical Enoch 

Idris is an unusual prophet briefly mentioned 
twice in the Quran (Q 19:56-57; 21:85-86), 
where he is described as trustworthy and patient. 
The Quran adds that God had “raised him up to 
a high place" (Q 19:57), a statement that most 
Muslim commentators believe meant that God let 
him enter paradise without first dying. This made 
him a unique human being. Even his name is an 
unusual one; it probably originated as a term in 
ancient Hebrew for “interpreter" ( doresh ) of the 

ijmaa 345 

Torah. This is an early Jewish reference to Enoch, 
who is mentioned in the Bible as a descendant of 
Adam and an ancestor of Noah who had "walked 
with God." Likewise, Islamic tradition regards 
Idris as a prophet who lived between the time of 
Adam and Noah. Eighth-century Muslim sources 
explicitly mention that Idris's true name is Enoch 
and that he is called Idris in Arabic because of his 
devotion to the study (dars) of the sacred books 
of his ancestors Adam and Seth (a son of Adam). 
In the line of legendary prophets who preceded 
Muhammad (d. 632), he is credited with being the 
first person to write with a pen, to sew clothes, 
and to study astronomy. According to one prophet 
story, Idris's great piety attracted the attention 
of the angel of death, who visited him for three 
days in his human form and then rewarded him 
with a tour of heaven, hell, and the gardens of 
paradise. Muhammad is said to have met Idris in 
the fourth heaven during his Night Journey and 
Ascent. Sufi masters such as Ruzbihan Baqli (d. 
1209) and MuHYI AL-DlN Ibn AL-ARABI (d. 1240) 
also mention that they encountered him in their 
visionary journeys. 

See also Judaism and Islam; prophets and 


Further reading: Yoram Erder, “The Origin of the Idris 
in the Quran: A Study of the Influence of Qumran Lit- 
erature on Early Islam.” Journal of Near East Studies 49 
(1990): 339-350; Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Thalabi, 
Arais al-majalisfi qisas al-anbiya, or “Lives of the Proph- 
ets Translated by William M. Brinncr (Leiden: E.J. 
Brill, 2002), 83-85. 

'f"t See JINNI. 

ijmaa (Arabic: consensus, agreement) 

A technical term used in Islamic law (f/qh), ijmaa 
was the third authoritative source after the Quran 
and the sunna considered by Sunni jurists when 
they made a ruling or advisory opinion (fatwa). In 

contrast to ijtihad (individual reasoned opinion), 
ijmaa recognized the social and practical basis 
of law. Also, unlike ijtihad, it was thought to be 
free of error. The ulama justified using consensus 
as a source in their interpretations of the sharia 
by invoking a hadith attributed to Muhammad 
that said, "My community will never agree in an 
error." They also used quranic verses for support, 
such as Q 2:143: “We have made you a middle 
community [umma) so that you may be witnesses 
before humankind." Thus, jurists linked ijmaa to 
an idealized concept of Islamic community using 
the words of sacred scripture and the Prophet. 

Ijmaa was originally rooted in pre-islamic 
Arabian custom, which continued to develop in 
the Arabian Peninsula and in newly conquered 
towns and settlements throughout the Middle 
East in the wake of the Arab-lslamic conquests 
of the seventh and eighth centuries. It gradually 
evolved from being a sociocultural practice to a 
religious one. Early scholars, judges, and admin- 
istrators based their judgments on the Quran and 
sunna (customary practice) of localities, such as 
Medina and Kufa in southern Iraq. When they 
needed to recommend what the correct sunna for 
Muslims to follow should be, they looked to the 
ijmaa of the local community. Even the selection 
of hadith to substantiate what was sunna was 
done in conformity to consensus. After al-Shafii's 
efforts to systematize the science of Islamic juris- 
prudence in the early ninth century, consensus 
was increasingly identified with the practice of 
the Muslim community during Muhammad's life- 
time as established by the jurists who constituted 
the chief authorities of the different law schools. 
Defined largely in religious terms, it gained a kind 
of perfection or infallibility in the eyes of Sunni 
jurists that ijtihad and analogical reasoning (qiyas) 
never had. The assertion of infallibility for Mus- 
lim consensus helped give coherence to the legal 
schools, make them more inclined to accept each 
other's authority, and accept or reject customs and 
practices originating in non-Muslim societies and 
other religions. Jurists belonging to the Twelve- 

- 4 = 5 ^ 

346 ijtihad 

Imam branch of Shiism rejected the idea of the 
infallibility of ijmaa. Instead, it was the 12th Imam 
alone who could guarantee infallibility, which 
means that Shii jurists had to strive to determine 
what his opinion was for a particular question. 

Sec also authority; m ujtahid; Shafii, Muham- 
mad ibn Idris al-; Twelve-Imam Shiism. 

Further reading: Wael B. Hallaq, "On the Authorita- 
tiveness of Sunni Consensus," International Journal of 

Middle East Studies 18 (1986): 427-454; , The 

Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law (Cambridge: Cam- 
bridge University Press, 2005). 

ijtihad (Arabic: striving, exerting) 

A technical term employed in Islamic jurispru- 
dence (f/qh), ijtihad refers to the use of indepen- 
dent judgment to arrive at legal rulings in matters 
that are not explicitly addressed in the Quran and 
sunna. A scholar who engages in ijtihad is known 
as a M ujtahid. Both terms arc related to the Arabic 
word jihad (struggle, effort), suggesting that, like 
jihad, not all people are qualified to undertake it, 
that the effort must be directed to meet a specific 
end, and that it is regarded as a virtuous endeavor 
even if it should fall short of its goal. 

For most of its history, Islamic law has been 
an ongoing process of scholarly study, reflec- 
tion, debate, and critical reasoning grounded in 
dynamic historical and social contexts, rather 
than a code of timeless, inflexible rules. Although 
modern scholars have claimed that the so-called 
gate of ijtihad was closed as long ago as the 10th 
century, ijtihad has, in fact, been a key aspect of 
Islamic jurisprudence for centuries thereafter. It is 
often contrasted with taqlid (imitation, tradition), 
which refers to acceptance of rulings reached in 
the past by ulama belonging to a particular legal 
school or tradition, such as one of the four chief 
Sunni legal schools. The two tendencies, ijti- 
had and taqlid, have sometimes worked together 
and sometimes in opposite directions. Both have 
played significant roles in the development of the 

Islamic legal tradition. Taqlid helped preserve the 
Muslim community's memory of the sacred past, 
while ijtihad helped it adapt to change and new 
issues arising in the present. 

In the first centuries of Islam, when the legal 
tradition was only beginning to take shape in an 
era of Arab-Islamic conquests, migrations, and 
conversions, ijtihad was synonymous with ray, 
individual opinion. Because the Quran did not 
address all matters of consequence facing the 
Muslim community after the death of Muhammad 
in 632, and because the HADITH were only begin- 
ning to be collected and used for legal purposes, 
Muslim leaders and judges often had the freedom 
to resolve legal questions with their own indi- 
vidual reason and discretion. These questions per- 
tained to many areas of religion and life: worship, 
family law, criminal penalties, commerce, and 
warfare. The early legal authorities who supported 
this method of jurisprudence were called People 
of Opinion (ray). This relatively free ijtihad 
resulted in the formation of localized legal tradi- 
tions in the new Islamicate empire. Some legal 
authorities feared that the basis of law in religion 
might be lost if opinion (or ijtihad) was relied 
on too much. Consequently, by the early ninth 
century, the People of Opinion found that they 
were opposed by the People of Hadith, who, after 
the Quran, wanted to give priority to the sunna 
of Muhammad and his companions, which was 
derived from the hadith. The most famous leader 
of the tradition-minded People of Hadith was the 
Baghdadi jurist Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (d. 855). 

By the 10th century, ijtihad had gained a place 
in all four of the major Sunni legal schools, but it 
was more limited than in the earlier centuries. It 
was considered a religious duty that had to be hon- 
ored by jurists, but it was to be used only if there 
was no precedent in the Quran, the sunna, or the 
consensus (ijmaa) of the school in which they had 
been trained. Within each school, the jurists were 
ranked according to reputation, expert knowledge 
in the law, and experience. Only the ones who 
excelled in these qualifications, the mujtahids , 

imam 347 

could exercise ijtihad. The lower-ranking jurists 
were not qualified to use ijtihad; they were only 
to follow the traditional rulings honored by their 
own school and those authorized by mujtahids. 
Even so, Sunni jurists recognized that ijtihad did 
not have the certainty that the Quran, sunna, and 
consensus had and that it could lead to an imper- 
fect or incorrect ruling. Jurists in Twelve-Imam 
Shiism accept the priority of the Quran when they 
make rulings, but then they look to the infallible 
pronouncements of the imams. In their view, 
particularly in the Usuli School of Shii fiqh, the 
mujtahid is a highly esteemed jurist who makes 
rulings on behalf of the Hidden Imam until his 
messianic return. Their rulings tend to hold more 
AUTHORITY, therefore, among the Shia than ihe rul- 
ings of Sunni mujtahids hold among Sunnis. 

When the great Muslim empires of the 16th 
and 17th centuries — the Ottomans, Safavids, and 
Mughals — weakened and fragmented in the face 
of a series of internal and external challenges, 
reform-minded ulama sought ways to reverse the 
process and restore Muslim governments and 
societies to their former grandeur. In part, they 
blamed the sorry state of affairs in Muslim lands 
on what they considered the rigidity and irratio- 
nality of the traditional law schools and overem- 
phasis on taqlid . Proclaiming that the “gate of 
ijtihad " had been closed in the 10th century, they 
wanted it reopened so that it could play a more 
important role in adapting the sharia to mod- 
ern life and restoring Islam to its original form. 
Among those calling for such legal reform were 
early Salafis such as Muhammad Abduh (d. 1905) 
and a variety of later jurists and intellectuals. 
Leading obstacles preventing such reformers from 
realizing their goals have been a lack of agreement 
about guidelines for how to conduct ijtihad and 
the introduction of law codes based on Western 
law. Nevertheless, many educated Muslims today 
support the idea of using ijtihad to adapt the 
sharia to modern life, even if it means turning 
away from rulings preserved in the traditional 
legal schools. Some very independently minded 

reformers argue that it should be the right for any 
educated Muslim to use ijtihad to bypass legal tra- 
dition and construct an Islam suited to individual 
values and spiritual outlook. 

See also mufti; renewal and reform move- 
ments; Salafism. 

Further reading: Shaista P. Ali-Karamali and Fiona 
Dunne, “The Ijtihad Controversy." Arab Law Quarterly 
9, no. 3 (1994): 238-257; Wael B. Hallaq, “Was the 
Gate of Ijtihad Closed?" International Journal of Middle 
East Studies 16 (1984): 3-41; Rudolph Peters, “Ijtihad 
and Taqlid in 18th and 19th Century Islam. Die Welt 
des Islams 20 (1989): 132-145. 

Ikhwan al-Muslimin, al- See Muslim 

Ikhwan al-Safa See Brethren of Purity. 

imam (Arabic: leader, guide, a person to 
be imitated) 

Imam is a term that has several meanings in 
Islamic belief and practice. Its basic meaning for 
Sunnis is “leader of group prayer" ( salat ), literally 
the one “in front of* the congregation, standing 
before the mihrab (niche indicating the qibla, 
direction of prayer, facing the Kaaba in Mecca). 
A leader of prayer can be any qualified adult 
with sufficient knowledge of the prayer ritual. 
Although “prayer leader" is the basic meaning of 
the term imam , in practice an imam's function also 
includes giving the sermon ( khutba ) from the pul- 
pit (min bar) as part of Friday noon prayer, relating 
interpretation of Islamic religious and legal texts 
(for example, Quran, hadith, fiqh , theology) 
to current events and issues in the local Muslim 
community. Customarily, men must lead mixed or 
male-only prayer gatherings, and women lead only 
womens prayer groups. This traditional exclusion 
of women from the imam's function in mixed 

tCs!SS 348 imambarah 

group prayer gatherings is beginning to be chal- 
lenged by liberal Muslim organizations and com- 
munities, such as the Progressive Muslim Union. 
Also, women have begun to be trained as imams 
at a recently established madrasa (legal college) 
in Morocco. Having women imams is still con- 
sidered problematic by the majority of Muslim 
scholars and conservative Muslims worldwide. 

Sunnis also use the term imam as an honor- 
ific title for the eponymous founders of the chief 
schools of Islamic law. Thus, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, 
the namesake for the Hanbali Legal School, is 
known as Imam Ahmad. In such contexts, the title 
indicates that he is an exemplar, or leader to be 
followed in matters of law. 

For Shii Muslims imam is associated with 
a fundamental doctrine concerning charismatic 
male leadership that comes from Muhammad via 
his daughter, Fatima, and son-in-law and cousin, 
Ali, through his twin grandsons, Hasan and 
Husayn, and their descendants (known collec- 
tively as the AHL AL-BAYT, “Family of the House”). 
Muslims who follow the guidance of these Imams 
arc known as shiat Ali (the party of Ali). Forming 
a dissenting minority after the death of Muham- 
mad, the party of Ali believed that only a descen- 
dant of Muhammad could lead the UMMA with the 
necessary grace and spiritual authority. There are 
three major groups of Shia who divide according 
to the number of descending Imams they follow, 
Twelve-Imam Shia (or the Imamiyya), Seven- 
Imam Shia (or the Ismailiyya), and Five-Imam 
Shia (or the Zaydiyya). Of the three groups, the 
Twelve-Imam Shia is the largest community, today 
found principally in Iran and Iraq, lsmaili Shiis 
are numerous in northern India, while Zaidi Shiis 
are a significant minority in Yemen. 

The doctrine of imama , the Shii theology 
concerning the Imams, institutionalizes the pro- 
phetic authority and charisma of Muhammad 
and his family. Spiritual attributes of the Shii 
Imams include divinely inspired knowledge, or 
knowledge of the unseen (i/m al-ghayb); divine 
investiture (nass) rather than human election; 

sinlessncss (isma) and infallible judgment; and 
divine intimacy and friendship (wilaya). These 
superhuman qualities make the Imams spiritual 
mediators who are described in Shii hadith as 
“pillar [sj of light” between Earth and heaven 
and “witnesses for God to his creation.” Imams 
provide the esoteric interpretation of revelation 
(tawil) that guides the Shii community toward 

See also Ismaili Shiism; Sunnism; Zaydi Shiism. 

Kathleen M. O'Connor 

Further reading: Farhad Daftary, The Ismailis: Their 
History and Doctrines (New York: Cambridge University 
Press, 1990); Moojan Momen, An Introduction to Shii 
Islam: The History and Doctrines of Twelver Shiism (New 
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1985); Barnaby 
Rogerson, The Heirs of Muhammad: Islam's First Century 
and the Origins of the Sunni-Shia Split (Woodstock, 
N.Y.: Overlook Press, 2007); Abdulaziz Abdulhussein 
Sachcdina. Islamic Messianism: The Idea of the Mahdi in 
Twelver Shiism (Albany: Slate University of New York 
Press, 1981); W. Montgomery Watt, The Formative 
Period of Islamic Thought (Edinburgh: Edinburgh Uni- 
versity Press, 1973). 

imambarah Sec Husayniyya. 
imambargah Sec Husayniyya. 
iman See faith. 

India (Official name: Republic of India) 

Located in South Asia, the modern country of 
India extends 1,000 miles east and west and 
1,000 miles north and south at its widest points. 
It has an area of nearly 1.3 million square miles, 
about one-third the size of the United States. It is 
composed of five chief geographical regions: the 
Himalayan Mountain Range along its northern 

India 349 

border, the Indus and Ganges River Plains, the 
Thar Desert in the west near the Pakistan border, 
the Deccan Plateau that defines peninsular India, 
and a 4,350 mile coastline (including island ter- 
ritories) that meets the Arabian Sea, the Bay of 
Bengal, and the Indian Ocean. It shares its longest 
border with Bangladesh in the east, followed 
by Pakistan in the west, China and Nepal in the 
north, and Burma and Bhutan in the northeast. 
Sri Lanka lies just 18.5 miles off the southern 
coast of India. India has several sizeable cities: 
Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), Delhi, Mumbai (for- 
merly Bombay), Chennai (formerly Madras), and 
Bangalore. The national capital is New Delhi, a 
modern extension to the old city of Delhi; it is 
situated on the banks of the Yamuna River in the 
Indo-Gangetic plain. 

The government of India is a federal parlia- 
mentary democracy — the largest in the world. It 
has a multiparty political system, with the two 
leading parties being the Indian National Con- 
gress Party and the Baharatiya Janata Party (BJP, 
Indian People's Party). The majority party alliance 
in the parliament selects the prime minister, who 
chairs a council of ministers and holds executive 
power. India also has an elected president, but this 
is a ceremonial office. The president's term is five 
years. Each of India's 28 states has its own elected 
state legislature and chief minister. There are also 
seven union territories, four of which are located 
in outlying areas. The others are the territories of 
Delhi (like Washington, D.C.), Chandigarh in the 
Punjab, and Pondicherry (Puducherry), a former 
Trench colony located in southern India. 

India's population is estimated to be nearly 
1.15 billion (2008). Hindus arc by far the major- 
ity (80.5 percent). Sikhs make up about 2 percent 
of the population, and other minority religions 
include Zoroastrians, Christians, Buddhists, and 
Jews. Muslims make up about 13.4 percent of 
the total, or about 160 million. This means India 
has one of the largest Muslim populations in the 
world after Indonesia and Pakistan. Prior to the 
1947 partition of India that resulted in the cre- 

ation of Pakistan, it is estimated that about 24.3 
percent of the country's population was Muslim 
(1941 census). According to the 2001 census of 
India, 97 percent of the country's Muslims live in 
13 states. The states with the highest percentages 
are Jammu and Kashmir (67 percent), West Ben- 
gal (25.2 percent), Kerala (24.7 percent), Uttar 
Pradesh (18.5 percent), Bihar (16.5 percent), and 
Karnataka (12.2 percent). Several of the union 
territories also have large percentages of Muslims: 
Lakshadweep (95 percent), Assam (30.9 percent), 
and Delhi (11.7 percent). About 61 percent of 
India's Muslims today arc involved in agricul- 
ture, whereas those living in cities tend to be 

Visitors flock to the shrine of Hajji Ali, Bombay (Mum- 
bai), India. (Juan E. Campo) 

India 351 

eastern Islamicate lands) in honor of their saints 
(pirs) can attract hundreds of thousands from 
across a wide spectrum of religious traditions. 
The Shiis, for their part, have directed their piety 
toward the imams and their descendants. They 
hold large gatherings and processions during 
Ashura, the annual commemoration of the mar- 
tyrdom of Imam llusayn. Ismailis have similar 
observances in honor of their Imams and pirs , 
and in difficult times, they have employed Sufi 
ideas and symbols to avoid persecution by liter- 
ally minded Sunni jurists and judges. 

When Muslim rule was declining and British 
colonial control was increasing, Islamic renewal 
and REFORM movements began to arise in India. 
Ahmad Sirhindi (d. 1624) and Shah Wali Allah 
(d. 1762) were among the early pioneers in these 
reform movements. After the suppression of the 
1857 Muslim-Hindu uprising (known in British 
history as the Sepoy Mutiny) against the govern- 
ment of the English East India Company, Sunni 
ulama at the Deoband madrasa near Delhi sought 
to bolster Islamic EDUCATION among Indian Mus- 
lims in order to preserve their tradition. Dcobandi 
schools have since spread throughout South Asia, 
and the ulama continue to be active in adapting 
their religious traditions to the rapid changes 
brought with modernity. Another consequence 
of the 1857 uprising was the founding of the 
Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College in Aligarh 
by Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan (d. 1898), which was 
designed to educate Muslims in the modern sci- 
ences and prepare them for leadership in colonial 
India. From 1919 to 1924, Muslims in northern 
India participated in the Khilafat Movement in an 
unsuccessful effort to revive a pan-Islamic caliph- 
ate. Other important movements that originated 
in India that have since had global impact are the 
Dcobandi missionary movement known as the 
Tablighi Jamaat (founded in the late 1920s) and 
Abu al-Ala Mawdudis Jamaat-i Islami (founded in 
1941), an Islamic political movement that became 
an increasingly important political force in Paki- 
stan after its creation in 1947. 



The conventional understanding found in modern 
India and often outside India is that its history 
consists of three phases: an ancient Hindu Vedic 
golden age from around 1200 b.c.e. to 1000 c.E., 
an Islamic age of foreign conquest and despotism 
from around 1000 to 1600, and a British colonial 
age that laid the foundations for modern inde- 
pendent India from 1600 to 1947. An assortment 
of facts can be brought forth in support of this 
view of history. Such a view, however, tends to 
treat Islam in monolithic terms, exaggerating the 
role of religion at the expense of social, politi- 
cal, and economic processes in Indian history. 
It relies on the misleading idea of irreconcilable 
gaps between Muslims and Hindus as well as 
between Muslims and the British. These per- 
ceived gaps are the results of India's experience 
with colonialism and communal politics since 
the 1930s and 1940s, rather than a reflection 
of precolonial historical realities in South Asia. 
In recent years, the three-phase model has been 
given new life by Hindu nationalists and Mus- 
lim radicals, as well as Western scholars such 
as Samuel P. Huntington, who has proposed a 
post-cold war world of civilizational “clashes” 
based largely on religious identity. Now, however, 
some scholars are questioning the validity of the 
model, arguing that it is a gross oversimplifica- 
tion and that nowhere is it more oversimplified 
than in its conceptualization of the “Islamic age.” 
It overlooks the variety of ways that Muslims 
used to indigenize their religion in India during 
the more than 1,000 years they have lived there, 
the complex array of forms that Islam took there 
(as described above), and how Indian Muslim 
rulers and the English engaged in various sorts 
of cooperation and power sharing even after the 
1857 uprising. Conflicts and acts of violence did 
occur and still do, but they were not confined 
to the eras of Muslim rule, nor did they always 
occur along religious or cultural "fault lines" 
between Muslims and non-Muslims. 

^ 352 India 

Although the Arabs may have maritime con- 
nections with India prior to the appearance of 
Islam, the first recorded contact between Arab 
Muslims and the people of the Indus Valley did 
not occur until the campaign led by Muham- 
mad ibn Qasim al-Thaqafi (d. 715), who invaded 
Sind on behalf of the Umayyad Caliphate in 711 
and reached as far north as the city of Multan. 
Although maligned by later British historians and 
Indian nationalists, the only early Islamic account 
indicates that the raid was prompted by an attack 
on a ship carrying Muslim pilgrims near the coast 
of Sind (the lower region of the Indus River). The 
non-Muslim subjects were Hindus and Buddhists 
whom al-Thaqafi treated as "protected"' peoples 
( dhimmis ), like Jews and Christians who accepted 
Muslim rule and paid a special tax called the 
jizya. There is little evidence that they were forced 
to convert, as some later historians assert. Sind 
became a province in the early Muslim empire. 

The next major incursions by Muslim armies 
did not occur until the turn of the 10th century, 
when the controversial Turkic ruler Mahmud of 
Ghazni (r. 998-1030) launched up to 17 raids 
into Sind and adjacent regions from Ghazni, his 
capital in Afghanistan. Mahmud, a defender of 
Sunnism, conducted these raids partly to eradicate 
Ismaili Shia who had settled in the Sind region. 
But he also wanted to control the region to secure 
its trade routes and plunder its wealth in order 
to enhance revenues for his growing empire and 
building projects in Ghazni. Hindu temples were 
especially good targets because they contained 
gold and precious gems. The most noteworthy of 
the temples Mahmud attacked was Somnatha, a 
Shiva temple located near a major regional port. 
Such temple raids were common in the ancient 
world and were also conducted by rival Hindu 
kings against each other. Mahmud's raids paved 
the way for direct Muslim rule deep in the Indo- 
Gangctic plain. In 1192, the state that Mahmud 
had created was destroyed by a short-lived Persian 
dynasty known as the Ghurids. The commanders 
they assigned to rule in Delhi became indepen- 

dent and established the Delhi Sultanate, which 
was to rule northern India until the arrival of the 
Mughals in the early 16th century. 

The first Delhi sultan was Qutb al-Din Aybek 
(r. 1206-10), who initiated the building of the 
Quwwat al-Islam (Power of Islam) Mosque and 
the Qutb Minar, a monumental complex on the 
southern outskirts of Delhi. It was built on the 
site of a Hindu temple with stones taken from 
destroyed temples. Aybek wanted the world to 
know that Muslims were the new rulers in 
the land. Interestingly, early Hindu sources and 
inscriptions suggest that the new rulers were not 
seen as Muslims by the local populace. They were 
referred to instead in social or ethnic terms as 
mlecchas (barbarians), Turushkas (Turks), Shakas 
(Central Asians), or Yavana s (Greeks) in remem- 
brance of those other foreigners who had invaded 
India centuries before the Muslims. Conservative 
ulama of the Delhi Sultanate and later chroniclers 
considered the Indians to be unbelievers (kafirs) 
and polytheists ( mushriks ) who must be fought 
and subdued. However, this outlook was not the 
prevailing one at the time. The practical necessi- 
ties of organizing and ruling an expanding state 
government meant that the Muslim Afghans, 
Turks, and Persians, as minority rulers, had to 
find ways of winning the cooperation of the popu- 
lation. These included collaborating with Hindu 
Rajputs (local kings), bringing non-Muslims into 
government service, and treating the populace 
not as disbelievers but as dhimmis. Intermarriage 
between Muslims and Hindus also occurred. His- 
torians of this period have found that there was 
no widespread program of forced conversion to 
Islam, nor was there wanton destruction of Hindu 
places of worship, as is the conventional view 
nowadays. Rather, Muslim rulers desecrated only 
those temples that were closely identified with 
rival Hindu rulers. They also patronized Hindu 
temples. During the mid- 13th century, the Delhi 
Sultanate was home to religious scholars and 
Sufis seeking refuge from the Mongol onslaught 
that was sweeping through Middle Eastern lands, 

354 India 

of Muslims — Bengal, the Punjab, Kashmir, and 
Malabar — were those that were most distant from 
the political centers of the Mughal empire. 

Europeans became interested in India during 
the 15th century because of the thriving spice 
trade that involved Asia, India, the Middle East, 
and Africa in a global system of maritime com- 
merce. Columbus's first voyage of discovery to the 
New World in 1492 was to find an alternate route 
to the “Indies" for the Spanish monarchs. Shortly 
thereafter, in 1498, Vasco de Gama sailed to India 
via the Cape of Good Hope, opening an era of 
European colonial expansion in Asia that would 
last for four and a half centuries. The Dutch, the 
French, and the English followed the Portuguese, 
competing for market access and lucrative trade 
agreements with Indian merchants and creditors. 
Europeans found that in addition to spice, India 
also had other sorts of goods that would bring a 
profit in European markets, especially cotton and 
silk textiles. The English East India Company, 
created in 1600, opened trading "factories” (ware- 
houses) at several Indian ports during the 17th 
century to purchase and transport such goods to 
market, but they found that the most lucrative 
profits were to be made in Bengal, where the Gan- 
ges River provided good access to production cen- 
ters inland. This was also an area that was thriving 
as a result of the Mughal policy of promoting 
agricultural production on newly reclaimed lands 
on the eastern side of the Ganges delta. 

The Mughals gave the British free trade rights 
so that by 1750 Bengal was providing 75 per- 
cent of the company's goods. Meanwhile, the 
company had created its own fortifications and 
standing militia to protect warehouses and agents 
from attacks by the Trench or local opponents 
and thieves. The company also formed alliances 
with local Mughal governors, providing them 
with military assistance when it promised to be 
advantageous. Before long, these governors, called 
nawabs, found that by allying themselves with the 
British they could w T in greater independence from 
Mughal overlords in distant Delhi. This was an 

era when there was a mingling of cultures as Brit- 
ish agents became Indianized, some converting 
to Islam and living like Mughal royalty. The situ- 
ation changed significantly after company troops 
defeated the forces of the nawab of Bengal at the 
Battle of Plessey near Calcutta in 1757. With 
this victory, the British began to select the local 
Muslim governors themselves, and they were able 
to levy taxes on the local population to pay for 
goods that they shipped to England, rather than 
use funds from British investors. They formed a 
regular army with Indian recruits, mainly upper- 
caste Hindus, called sepoys (from the Persian 
sipahi, "infantryman"). This evolved into one of 
the largest armies in the world by the end of the 
18th century, replacing the forces of the Mughals 
and local rulers. Bolstered by victories on the bat- 
tlefield, the British developed an air of superiority 
over the native populations. Company officials 
and employees became more and more corrupt 
and greedy in their dealings, and in 1 765, their tax 
collecting privileges in Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa 
were legalized by a dispensation from the Mughal 
emperor. British control in India increased in the 
ensuing decades as they operated from headquar- 
ters in Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras. Mughal 
rulers became British minions, with very little 
independence beyond the walls of their imperial 
palace at the Red Fort in Delhi. 

In 1773, the British Crown appointed a gov- 
ernor general to oversee company operations and 
combat corruption among company officials. One 
of the first governor generals was Lord Charles 
Cornwallis (d. 1805), who had come to India in 
1 786 after the defeat of his army by American and 
French forces in America. The governor gener- 
als inaugurated a series of land and tax reforms 
and created an administrative organization that 
became what is now known as the Indian Civil 
Service. Although civil servants initially had to 
learn Arabic, Persian, Hindustani, and other native 
languages to conduct business, English eventually 
was made the official language of administration. 
English-language schools were established to train 

India 355 

Indians for employment in the civil service and to 
serve as a new native elite to help the British rule 
the land. 

Company officials took an interest in India's 
antiquities and the Sanskrit language as their 
power increased. One of them, William Jones 
(d. 1794), founded the Royal Asiatic Society of 
Bengal in Calcutta (1784), an early center of 
Orientalist scholarship. The research its scholars 
conducted enhanced knowledge about Sanskrit 
language, literature, and ancient Indian religion, 
but it was done in a way that portrayed contem- 
porary Indians as inferior to modern Europeans 
and highlighted differences between Hindus and 
Muslims. Thomas Macaulay (d. 1859), a leading 
colonial official, declared in 1835 that after having 
consulted with Orientalist scholars, he had con- 
cluded, “a single shelf of a good European library 
was worth the whole native literature of India 
and Arabia" (Metcalf and Metcalf, 80-81). Jones's 
scholarship also furthered the process of transfer- 
ring Indian law from the hands of Muslim and 
Hindu jurists to those of British-style civil courts, 
with the ulama and pandits demoted to simply 
being court advisers. The ethnocentric zeal of 
reforming-minded British administrators even led 
to banning the children of mixed Anglo-Indian 
parentage from employment in the civil service. 
The division between the British and Indians 
increased in the 19th century with the invention 
of racist theories of culture and the arrival of evan- 
gelical Christian missionaries who eagerly sought 
to convert Indian Hindus and Muslims from their 
“heathen" ways. Even Indians educated in English 
schools were treated with derision and contempt. 
The antagonisms caused by the shortcomings of 
British officials and their policies finally exploded 
in 1857 with a rebellion that spread beyond the 
ranks of the company army to the general popula- 
tion in the cities of northern India. The violent 
suppression of this “mutiny" brought an end to 
company rule as well as to the Mughal dynasty. 
India was placed under the direct rule of the Brit- 
ish Crown, represented by the governor general. 

who was reclassified as the viceroy of India. This 
phase of Indian history now became known as 
that of the British Raj (from the Hindi word for 
“kingdom,” “rule”). 

The 1857 rebellion was a clear sign that a 
nationalist spirit was stirring in India. Native 
elites had obtained English-language proficiency 
and education in the history and liberal secularist 
ideals of modern Europe. They used this knowl- 
edge to organize themselves and argue for more 
egalitarian treatment from British officials. The 
railroad system created by the British after 1850, 
the expansion of the postal service, and newspa- 
pers made it possible for them to effectively com- 
municate with each other across the great expanse 
of India. At the same time, supporters of religious 
reform arose in both the Hindu and Muslim com- 
munities, many taking the route of liberalism, 
others having strong separatist sympathies. 

The desire for independence coalesced in the 
creation of the secularly oriented Indian National 
Congress (INC), convened originally in Bom- 
bay in 1885 by English-educated Indians who 
wanted to lobby for greater participation in the 
civil service and local legislative councils. This 
organization had majority Hindu membership, 
but it reached out to English-educated Muslims in 
the name of a united Indian nation. Most Muslim 
leaders, including the reformer Sayyid Ahmad 
Khan, declined to participate. The INC, however, 
did attract Muhammad Ali Jinnah (d. 1948), a 
Muslim lawyer who had been admitted to the 
bar in London and practiced law in Bombay. He 
joined the INC in 1895 and remained active until 
differences with Mohandas K. Gandhi caused him 
to resign in 1920. Jinnah was also a member of 
the All-India Muslim League (A1ML), an organi- 
zation founded in 1906 to win a greater role for 
Muslim elites in the British colonial government. 
A1ML, under Jinnah's leadership, joined with the 
INC to pursue mutual interests, resulting in the 
Lucknow Pact of 1916. This agreement called for 
majority representation in government, extending 
voting rights to more Indians, and separate elec- 

356 India 

torates for Muslims. AIML and INC also agreed to 
support the British in World War 1; more than 1 
million Indians served in the British armed forces 
during this war. 

After the war, both organizations participated 
in the Khilafat movement (1919-24), but their 
relations grew more strained when the move- 
ment failed. Muslims continued to participate in 
the effort to achieve self-government, but AIML 
leadership became increasingly concerned about 
their minority status in a democratic republic 
where Hindus would be in the majority. They 
knew that not only were they in the minority, 
but also that the Muslim populace was scattered 
across India, speaking different languages and 
having different social statuses. Instituting the 
sharia or an Islamic government was not on 
their agenda. Rather, they sought ways to create 
a sense of common purpose among India’s Mus- 
lims to protect their political interests. Whereas 
the leadership in Congress favored creating a 
centralized federal government elected by the 
majority with no guaranteed reservations for 
Muslims, AIML leaders wanted more provin- 
cial autonomy in parts of India where Muslims 
were in the majority. They also wanted at least 
a third of the seats in the legislature reserved 
for Muslims. Not all Muslim leaders, however, 
favored Muslim political advocacy. Indian ulama, 
especially the Dcobandis, envisioned a Muslim 
community who were educated in Islam and 
its moral principles living together with other 
Indians. Indeed, many supported the INC, as did 
several prominent secular Muslims. 

As Hindu and Muslim approaches to self-gov- 
ernment diverged internally as well as externally, 
many Indians joined in opposing British reluc- 
tance to surrender power to the Indian people. 
In the forefront of those opposed to Indian inde- 
pendence was Winston Churchill (d. 1965), an 
imperialist and political conservative who would 
become England's heroic prime minister during 
World War II. Regarding Indians as children who 
needed to be disciplined, the British resorted on 

several occasions to the use of brute force to quell 
acts of civil disobedience and nonviolent demon- 
strations. Nevertheless, Indian political parties 
achieved greater voting rights and were able to 
hold elections in 1937. This brought the INC to 
power for the first time. The AIML had a weak 
showing in these elections; even where Muslims 
were in the majority, local parties based on class 
rather than religious identity did better than the 
AIML. The INC, on the other hand, failed to bring 
about meaningful changes in the aftermath of the 
election, thus limiting its ability to win skeptical 
Muslim voters to its ranks. 

World War II brought further division between 
the two parties. The INC, departing from its pro- 
British stance in World War I, refused to support 
the British. Subhash Bose (d. 1945), a two-term 
INC president, even raised an army with Japanese 
support to fight against them, hoping to achieve 
independence by bringing about a British defeat. 
The mainstream INC leadership, led by Gandhi, 
won widespread popular support by mobiliz- 
ing large-scale acts of civil disobedience against 
the British, known as the Quit India Movement. 
Many of the party's leaders spent the war in prison 
as a consequence, but they triumphed after the 
war by sweeping the elections of 1945-46. The 
AIML, on the other hand, decided to support the 
British war effort in the hope that their political 
position would improve with the wars conclu- 
sion. In the postwar elections, it, too, could claim 
victory. It won all reserved seats in the national 
legislature, plus most of the Muslim seats in local 

The AlMLs success was a result of a strategy 
of reaching out to rural voters through Sufi pir s 
and taking advantage of divisions among local 
political parties. Jinnah’s party also gained popu- 
lar support among Muslims by invoking the ideal 
of Pakistan, a "pure land" for all Indian Muslims 
where they could be free to realize their ideals to 
the fullest. The idea of a political entity to protect 
Muslims from domination by non-Hindus had 
been articulated earlier by Muhammad Iqbal (d. 

India 357 

1938), a leading Indian intellectual, past presi- 
dent of AIML, and close associate of Jinnah. In 
the elections aftermath, Jinnah claimed to be the 
“sole spokesman'' for India's Muslims, but he was 
still undecided about whether that state would be 
within the boundary of an Indian nation or out- 
side it. Most Muslims, in fact, were not calling for 
a two-state partition but a self-governing Muslim 
entity in a united India. Hindu-Muslim commu- 
nal rioting and the inability to find a compromise 
solution with INC leadership, particularly with 
its chairman, Jawaharlal Nehru (d. 1964), even- 
tually convinced Jinnah that a separate Muslim 
state in areas where Muslims were in the majority 
was indeed necessary. Such an entity would have 
to consist of grouped provinces, not fragmented 
states scattered across India as some were propos- 
ing. The two provinces that would form the new 
Muslim state were the Punjab in the west and 
Bengal in the east. 

The British realized that in their weakened 
postwar position they could no longer hold 
nationalist forces at bay in India or anywhere 
else in the world where they still had colonies 
or mandate territories. In March 1946, there- 
fore, they sent a high-level delegation to India 
to try to mediate the differences between the 
contending Indian nationalist parties, hoping 
to prevent a two-state partition. This is what 
Gandhi desired, too, and he even proposed that 
Jinnah be named India's first prime minister, an 
idea that was ignored. Hindu nationalists assas- 
sinated him in January 1948 because of their 
anger over his efforts to achieve reconciliation 
between Muslims and Hindus. In the end, the 
British delegation failed, and Lord Mountbatten, 
the Crown's last viceroy, was appointed in Feb- 
ruary 1947 to oversee the drawing of political 
boundaries and the smooth transfer of power to 
the leaders of India and Pakistan no later than 
June 1948. 

The Punjab region straddled the western bor- 
der between the two newly created countries and 
became the site where intercommunal hatreds 

exploded in a frenzy of mass murder, rape, and 
flight during the summer of 1947. Terrified Sikhs 
and Hindus fled eastward to India, and terrified 
Muslims fled westward to Pakistan. Although 
statistics in such turbulent conditions are often 
imprecise, it is widely accepted that as many as 
10 million were uprooted and 1 million died in 
the violence. The reverberations of this painful 
moment in Indo-Pakistani history can still be 
felt in the streets and byways of both countries. 
Pakistani Muslims remember this event as a Hijra, 
recalling the Hijra of Muhammad from Mecca to 
Medina in 622. 

On August 15, 1947, India's first prime minis- 
ter, Jawaharlal Nehru, stood before a large crowd 
and proclaimed India's independence. It was a 
bittersweet moment, because it combined the 
thrill of independence with the pains of parti- 
tion. Nehru chose to raise India's new flag that 
day in front of Old Delhi's Red Fort, the former 
seat of the Mughal rulers. The previous evening, 
speaking before the Constituent Assembly in New 
Delhi, he had declared, “The past clings on to us 
still." The choice of the site and Nehru's words 
indicate that the founding of the new republic was 
done with a keen awareness of how it had taken 
shape during a long history of Hindu, Muslim, 
and British interaction. It is also worth noting 
that not all Indian Muslims migrated to Pakistan. 
About half of them stayed, declaring that India 
was their true home. 

On August 15, 2007, India celebrated its 60th 
anniversary. The intervening years were ones 
that saw Muslim participation in Indian politics, 
including three Muslims who served as president. 
They were also a time marked by several conflicts 
and near-conflicts with Pakistan. The two coun- 
tries still have not reached a settlement on the 
question of Kashmir, a borderland Muslim major- 
ity state that was officially made part of India at 
the time of partition. Nevertheless, Indians and 
Pakistanis continue to share a common history 
and culture, including a love for romantic poetry, 
popular music, curried foods, Bollywood films, 

358 Indonesia 

and, above all, the sport of cricket. The rise of 
religious radicalism among Hindu and Muslim 
militants has torn at the fabric of the Indian polity, 
with violent outbursts at Ayodhya and Mumbai 
in 1992 and Gujarat in 2002. Such communal 
violence is very likely to cause further trouble 
at home in the foreseeable future, and it may 
also spill over the lndo-Pakistani border. Since 
both countries have recently acquired arsenals 
of nuclear weapons, the need for intercommunal 
peacemaking and conflict resolution on the local 
and regional levels is more important now than 
ever before. 

Sec also Azad, Abu al-Kalam; Barelwi, Sayyid 
Ahmad; Biruni, Abu Rayhan al-; Bohra; cinema; 
dhimmi; Faraizi movement; Ghalib, Mirza Asad 
Ali Khan; Ghazal; government, Islamic; Hinduism 
and Islam; Jamiyyat Ulama-i Hind; Nepal; Orien- 
talism; qawwall 

Further reading: Jackie Assayag, At the Confluence of 
Two Rivers: Muslims and Hindus in South India (New 
Delhi: Manohar, 2004); Fred W. Clolhcy, Religion in 
India: A Historical Introduction (New York: Routlcdgc, 
2006); Richard M. Eaton, cd., India's Islamic Tradi- 
tions, 711-1750 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 

2003); , “Temple Desecration and Indo-Mus- 

lim States.” In Beyond Turk and Hindu: Rethinking 
Religious Identities in Islamicate South Asia , edited by 
David Gilmartin and Bruce B. Lawrence, 246-281 
(Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2000); John 
Norman Hollister, The Shia of India (1953. Reprint, 
New Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, 
1979); Gordon Johnson, Cultural Atlas of India: India, 
Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka 
(New York: Facts On File, 1996); Bruce B. Lawrence, 
“The Eastward Journey of Muslim Kingship: Islam 
in South and Southeast Asia." In The Oxford His- 
tory of the Muslim World, edited by John L. Esposito, 
395-431 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999); 
Barbara Metcalf and Thomas Metcalf. A Concise His- 
tory of India (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 
2002); David Pinault, “Shiism in South Asia." Muslim 
World 87, nos. 3-4 (July-October 1997): 235-257. 

Indonesia (Official name: Republic of 

The modern nation of Indonesia has the larg- 
est population of Muslims in the world. It was 
formally established in 1950 as the culmination 
of several steps following World War II in which 
the Dutch gave up control of what had previously 
been the Dutch East Indies. Indonesia is a demo- 
cratic republic whose 20th-century history was 
greatly influenced by its two presidents, Sukarno 
(r. 1945-67) and Suharto (r. 1967-98). It has also 
had a woman president, Megawati Sukarnoputri 
(2001-04), Sukarno's daughter. Administratively, 
Indonesia is divided into 33 provinces, several of 
which have special religious status. Hinduism is 
protected in Bali, and the sharia has been insti- 
tuted in Aceh (on Sumatra). 

Consisting of some 17,000 islands, Indonesia 
stretches from Sumatra in the west to the island 
of New Guinea (which Indonesia shares with 
the nation of Papua New Guinea) in the east. It 
includes the islands of Java, Borneo (which it 
shares with the nations of Malaysia and Brunei), 
Bali, and Sulawesi. The entire island of Timor was 
for a brief period (1975-2002) part of Indonesia, 
but its eastern half (formerly under Portuguese 
rule) voted to separate in 2002 and emerged as an 
independent nation. Indonesia's capital is Jakarta, 
the largest city in the country with more than 8.8 
million residents (2005). Located on the island 
of Java, it is home to the Istiqlal (Independence) 
Mosque, which, built in 1975, is the largest in 
Southeast Asia. 

Indonesia is multiethnic in the extreme, with 
about 300 different ethnic groups. The largest is 
Javanese (40.6 percent), followed by the Sunda- 
nese (15 percent) and the Madurese (3.3 percent). 
There is also a significant Han Chinese minority 
(2 percent), which dominates the privately owned 
business sector. This ethnic diversity is celebrated 
in the country's motto, Bhinneka tunggal ika, or 
“unity in diversity." The country recognizes the 
diversity, but in the face of the splintering effect 
such diversity can produce, it has promulgated 

Indonesia 359 

several unifying principles. The state philosophy 
of Pancasilci (Sanskrit: five principles) promotes 
the idea of finding unity in the belief in one God, 
the first of the five principles. The other four prin- 
ciples are belief in a just and civilized humanity, 
national unity, democracy, and social justice. The 
government recognizes six major religious com- 
munities — Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian, 
Roman Catholic, and Protestant — while privileg- 
ing Islam somewhat as the majority religion. 

The present religious diversity of the islands 
began with the traditional folk religion of the 
original inhabitants. Hinduism came to Sumatra 
and Java as early as the second century c.E., and 
it grew in importance for the next millennium. 
Hinduisms hegemony was briefly challenged by 
Buddhism, which found its major support in Java 
in the ninth century. The ninth-century Mahayana 
stupa at Barobudur is a reminder of this phase 
of the country's history. It was renovated by the 
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul- 
tural Organization (UNESCO) in 1973 and is now 
an international tourist site as well as a place of 
worship and pilgrimage. A Hindu kingdom, the 
Majapahit, founded in the 13th century, grew to 
include much of what is modern Indonesia. After 
the spread of Islam in the 16th century. Buddhism 
disappeared, and Hinduism was pushed back to 
a few enclaves, of which the island of Bali is the 
most notable. Buddhism was reintroduced in the 
20th century. Christianity came to Indonesia as 
early as the seventh century but made real prog- 
ress only with the arrival of European colonial 
powers in the 13th century. Three centuries of 
Dutch control allowed the Reformed Church to 
establish centers throughout the islands. 

Islam was originally brought to the Indonesian 
islands during the first millennium c.E., but only 
in the 13th century did settled Muslim communi- 
ties appear as a result of maritime trade networks 
that linked Southeast Asia with the Indian Ocean 
basin and the Middle East. The first Muslims may 
have come from Gujarat and Malabar on the west 
coast of India, followed by Arabs from Hadramaut 

on the Arabian Peninsula. In 1297, Sultan Malik 
al-Salih (d. 1297) became the first Muslim ruler in 
what is now Indonesia. His kingdom was in Aceh, 
which occupies the northern tip of Sumatra. Islam 
spread during the heyday of the Majapahit king- 
dom in eastern Java and made gains as local rulers 
adopted the new faith. During the 15th century, 
the sultanate of Malacca (what is now Malaysia) 
supported the spread of Islam through Sumatra 
and Java. At the same time, the Majapahit king- 
dom was suffering from severe inner fragmenta- 
tion. The Islamic kingdom of Demak founded on 
Java in 1478 would, with a victory in 1527, claim 
to have finally succeeded Majapahit rule. From 
this point on, Islam would steadily come to domi- 
nate the islands, but often infused with native, 
Hindu, and Buddhist elements. 

The fragmentation of Hindu rule in the 15th 
century and the rise of Islam coincided with the 
coming of the Portuguese (1512) and then the 
Dutch (1602). The Dutch East India Company 
dominated the islands for two centuries but fell 
into bankruptcy. In 1800, it yielded control to 
the government of the Netherlands. There were 
several revolts against Dutch rule, which was 
ended in World War II when the Japanese occu- 
pied the islands and nationalist forces prevailed at 
the end of the war in 1945. Since that time, rule 
by the central government has been challenged 
by Islamic groups in Aceh and the Darul Islam 
(House of Islam) movement. 

The early Muslims followed the Shafii Legal 
School, and to the present almost all Indonesian 
Muslims arc Shafiis. Islam is especially strong 
in Aceh and Java due to the high esteem com- 
munities give to the ulama and religious board- 
ing schools, the pesantren (Javanese: place of 
students). Traditional learning focuses on Arabic 
language, quranic studies, Islamic jurisprudence 
(f/qh), and Sufism, but modern secular education 
and vocational training are also available. Sufism 
formed a significant stream of Muslim practice 
and was especially significant in Java. According 
to traditional accounts, Sunan Ampel, a Muslim 

360 infidel 

saint ( wali ) and ruler of a small province of the 
Majapahit kingdom, formed the Walisongo (or 
Wali Sanga), a council composed of nine saints, in 
the late 15th century. The saints engaged in mis- 
sionary activities, founding centers and mosques 
at Demak and Giri. Centers associated with their 
names continue to provide spiritual guidance for 
Indonesians. More than two dozen different Sufi 
orders have established themselves in the country, 
some originally from South Asia and others from 
the Middle East. The Naqshbandis and Qadiris are 
two of the leading orders in Indonesia. The tombs 
of some of the early Javanese Sufi saints have 
become pilgrimage sites. Indonesians have also 
participated in the annual HAJJ to Mecca, espe- 
cially after the introduction of modern forms of 
transportation in the 19th century and indepen- 
dence in 1945. Contact with religious scholars in 
Mecca and Medina has contributed significantly 
to Islamic reform movements and DAAWA activities 
in Indonesia. Since the 1980s, Indonesia regularly 
sends about 200,000 pilgrims per year, more than 
any other country. Another distinction is that 
more women than men participate, unlike other 
Muslim countries. 

Today more than 86 percent of the Indonesian 
population identify as Muslims (2000), making 
the country the home to the largest number of 
Muslims in the world, in excess of 200 million. 
Included in the larger Muslim community, along 
with followers of scriptural Islam and Sufis, is 
a significant number of followers of a variety of 
Islamic-inspired syncretistic religions. Many mix 
Islam with native Indonesian religions, often 
characterized by the inclusion of ancestor venera- 
tion. Others are new spiritual movements such as 
Subud and Sumarah. 

On December 26, 2004, much of Aceh and 
other parts of coastal Sumatra were devastated by 
a tsunami that killed more than 200,000 Indone- 
sians. Much of the damage was centered on Banda 
Aceh, the provincial capital. An international effort 
was launched to help the Indonesian government 
bring emergency relief to the survivors and rebuild 

affected areas. Islamic Relief, a London-based non- 
governmental organization, was one of the agen- 
cies that participated in this effort. 

See also Buddhism and Islam; colonialism; 
Hinduism and Islam. 

J. Gordon Melton 

Further reading: Greg Barton and Greg Fealy, eds., 
Nahdlatul Ularna, Traditional Islam and Modernity in 
Indonesia (Clayton, Aust.: Monash Asia Institute, 1996); 
B. J. Boland, The Struggle of Islam in Modern Indonesia 
(The Hague, Netherlands: H. H. 1. Smith, 1970); Bahtiar 
Effendy, Islam and the State in Indonesia (Singapore: 
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2003); R. S. Kipp 
and S. Rogers, Indonesian Religion in Transition (Tucson: 
University of Arizona Press, 1987); Karen Petersen, 
"The Pcsantrcn at Surialaya." Saudi Aramco World 41 
(November/December 1990): 8-15. 

infidel See idolatry; kafir. 

Insan al-Kamil, al- See Ibn al-Arabi, Muhyi 
al-Din; Perfect Man. 


Belief in intercession involves the theological prin- 
ciple that prayers and practices on another's behalf 
have the power to bring salvation or blessing. Sev- 
eral terms in Arabic signify the idea of intercession, 
principally shafaa and wasila (or tawassal ), the 
former emphasizing the substitutionary aspect and 
the latter the mediating aspect of intercession. 

In the Quran, the term shafaa appears 24 
times, and its significance is ambivalent. The 
Quran clearly indicates that there will come a 
time when no intercessory power will avail. This 
is confirmed in the canonical hadith texts of al- 
Bukhari, Muslim, and al-Tirmidhi, which contain 
traditions indicating that due to the prayers of 
Muhammad, no one will remain left in the Fire 

Iqbal, Muhammad 361 

except those specifically named in the Quran. 
Less clear is whether prior to Judgment Day, 
prayer on another's behalf will have any efficacy. 
Several passages indicate that God grants interces- 
sory power to those whom he chooses (Q 2:255, 
10:339; 19:87; 20:109; 21:28; 34:23; 40:7; 42:5; 
53:26). There are also hadith describing Muham- 
mad's practice of praying in cemeteries on behalf 
of the dead. This tradition is continued in the 
standard funeral prayers ( salat al-janaiz ), which 
include a communal supplication to God and 
the Prophet on behalf of the deceased. However, 
several other verses in the Quran emphasize the 
futility of appealing to intercessors of any kind on 
the part of the wrong-doers (Q 6:94; 7:53; 21:28; 
30:13; 36:23; 39:43; 40:18; 74:48) and that the 
privilege of intercession is the sole province of 
Allah (Q 6:51; 6:70; 10:18; 32:4; 39:44). 

Such passages give ground to a host of later 
commentators, such as the famous 14th-century 
scholar Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328), who vehemently 
opposed the practice of prayer and supplication 
at the tombs of the dead for their intercession 
with God. Among many Sunnis, however, belief 
in the ability of Muhammad and the saints, those 
who are closest to God (the awliya), to bring 
the prayers of the common people closer to God 
is nearly universal. The practice is defended by 
many on the grounds that these saints are models 
of piety, that they are better able to communicate 
directly with God, and that contemplation at 
any grave provides an important reminder of the 
ephemerality of life. However, such prayers are 
equally universally challenged by absolute mono- 
theists who claim that such prayers commit SHIRK 
(assigning partners to God) and appear to ques- 
tion the omnipotence and omnipresence of God. 
Among the Twelve-Imam Shia, the intercessory 
power of the IMAMS is affirmed, and prayer at their 
tombs and those of other members of the AHL AL 
BAYT (the house of the Prophet) is canonical. 

See also afterlife; bidaa; funerary rituals; 

Anna Bigelow 

Further reading: Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, Interces- 
sion (Chicago: Kazi Publications, 1998); Shaun Marmon, 
“The Quality of Mercy: Intercession in Mamluk Society.'' 
Studia Islamic 87 (1998): 125-139; David Pinault, “Shia 
Lamentation Rituals and Reinterpretations of the Doc- 
trine of Intercession: Two Cases from Modern India.” 
History of Religions 38, no. 3 (1999): 285-305; Annema- 
rie Schimmel, And Muhammad Is His Messenger: The 
Veneration of the Prophet in Islamic Piety (Chapel Hill: 
University of North Carolina Press, 1985). 

intifada See Israel; Palestine. 

Iqbal, Muhammad (1877-1938) leading 
Indian poet, intellectual, and statesman 
Muhammad Iqbal, a remarkably brilliant Muslim 
intellectual who initially articulated the idea of mod- 
ern Pakistan, was born in Sialkot, a town north of 
Lahore. His father owned a tailor shop. He received 
both his B.A. (1897) and M.A. (1899) degrees from 
the Government College in Lahore. An outstanding 
student, he excelled in Arabic, Urdu, Persian, and 
English and emerged from the university as a poet 
of note in both Urdu and Persian. In 1903, while a 
faculty member at his old school, he published his 
first book, a study of economics. 

In 1905, he traveled to Europe for postgraduate 
studies and completed a Ph.D. at Munich two years 
later after completing a dissertation on Persian 
metaphysics. He came to know some of the most 
brilliant scholars in Europe at the time, including 
the Orientalists Thomas Arnold, E. G. Brown, and 
R. A. Nicholson. He taught for a year at London 
University, was admitted to the bar, and in 1908 
returned to what then was India. For the next years, 
Iqbal practiced law, taught part time in Arabic and 
English literature, and wrote the Urdu and Persian 
poems that would make him famous. In 1915, he 
quit his teaching post to spend time promoting 
humanistic Islamic reform. In 1923, he received a 
knighthood from the British government. 

Iqbal entered politics in 1926 and was elected 
to the Punjab Legislative Council, where he 

' Cs =^ ) 362 Iran 

served for three years (1926-29). A close ally of 
Muhammad AliJinnah (d. 1948), he became presi- 
dent of the All-India Muslim League in 1930. 
From this post, he moved from previous ideas 
about the coexistence of Islam and Hinduism in 
India and began to advocate the idea of establish- 
ing an independent Muslim state to be carved out 
of Indian territory. For this idea, he is known as 
the “thinker of Pakistan” (mufakkir-i Pakistan). 
Inspired by the reformist legacy of the Aligarh 
movement, he also called for a “reconstruction" of 
Islamic thought, and the majority of his writing, 
including his poetry, was to this end. Although 
Iqbal opposed the secular nationalism of Europe, 
he believed that the formation of an independent 
state on the Indian subcontinent would somewhat 
reverse the disasters faced by the Muslims in the 
early years of the 20th century, including the fall 
of the Ottoman caliphate. Iqbal did not live to see 
the realization of his dream, as he passed away in 
1938. His tomb is located in Lahore, Pakistan. 

See also Hinduism and Islam; renewal and 


J. Gordon Melton 

Further reading: Muhammad Iqbal. The Reconstruc- 
tion of Religious Thought in Islam (Lahore: Institute of 

Islamic Culture, 1986); , Tulip in the Desert: A 

Selection of the Poetry of Muhammad Iqbal (Montreal: 
McGill-Queens University Press, 1999); Annemarie 
Schimmel, Gabriels Wing: A Study into the Religious 
Ideas of Sir Muhammad Iqbal (Pakistan: Muhammad 
Suhcyl Umar, 2000); Dieter Taillieu, Francis Laleman, 
and Winand M. Callewaert, Descriptive Bibliography 
of Atlanta Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) (Brussels: 
Peeters, 2000). 

Iran (Official Name: Islamic Republic of 
Iran, formerly Persia) 

Located in southwest Asia (the Middle East), Iran, 
comparable in size to the state of Alaska, covers an 
area of 628,000 square miles. Deserts constitute a 

large portion of this area, and two major mountain 
ranges, Alburz and Zagros, cover about 50 percent 
of the entire land. The Caspian Sea in the north, 
Persian Gulf in the south, and more than a dozen 
major rivers throughout the country are its main 
water resources. Iran shares borders in the north 
with the Republics of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and 
Turkmenistan; in the east with Afghanistan and 
Pakistan; and in the west with Iraq and Turkey. 
Its capital city is Tehran, near the Caspian Sea in 
the north. 

Iran's population is estimated at 65.8 million 
(2008 cst.), with an equal divide between men 
and women. Persians make up 51 percent of 
the population. Azeris, a Turkic people, are the 
largest non-Persian minority and constitute 24 
percent of the population. They are followed by 
the Gilaki and Mazandaranis (8 percent), Kurds 
(7 percent), Arabs (3 percent), Lurs (2 percent), 
Baluchis (2 percent), and Turkmen (2 percent). 
Iran is a multiethnic and multireligious country 
with an 89 percent Shii Muslim majority. Sunni 
Muslims make up 9 percent of the population, 
mostly Baluchis and Kurds. The remaining 2 per- 
cent are Zoroastrian, Jewish, Christian, and Bahai. 
The major language spoken is Persian (Farsi), an 
Indo-European language. 

Iran is an ancient country with more than 
2,500 years of recorded history. The Greeks called 
it Persia after the southwestern region Fars, which 
was the home of the founders of the Achaemc- 
nian dynasty (559-330 b.c.e.). The Achaemenians 
established a powerful and sophisticated Persian 
empire in the ancient world. The Sassanian dynasty 
(224-651 c.E.) was the last Persian empire before 
the Muslim Arab conquest that began in 637 and 
was finalized by 651. Within two centuries of the 
conquest, Islam had largely replaced Zoroastrian- 
ism, which had been the ancient religion of Persia 
and the official religion of the Sassanian Empire. 
Iran remained mostly Sunni until the coming of 
the Safavid dynasty (1501-1722), which patron- 
ized Twelve-Imam Shiism and made it the official 
religion of the state. In the 19th century, Britain 

Iran 363 

and Russia competed for influence in Iran, thus 
exposing it to increased Western influence. 

The Constitutional Revolution of 1905-11 
declared the advent of modernity by challenging 
the absolute rule of the monarch. At the same 
time, William Knox D'Arcy, a wealthy English 
investor, discovered oil in southwestern Iran in 
1908, and in 1909, the Anglo-Persian Oil Com- 
pany was founded. This company was renamed 
the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company in 1935, and it 
became British Petroleum in 1954. Oil revenues 
helped finance Iran's modernization during the 
20th and 21st centuries. 

The Pahlavi monarchy (1925-78) emerged 
as a result of the social and political turmoil of 
the constitutional era. The first Pahlavi monarch, 
Reza Shah Pahlavi (1878-1944) established a 
despotic, centralized modern state. Emulating 
what Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (d. 1938) was 
doing in Turkey in the 1920s, he sought to intro- 
duce modern industry and implement economic 
and social reforms. It was during his reign, also, 
when the country's ancient name Persia officially 
became Iran, a name based on Aryan, the name of 
an ancient Indo-European people. In time, due in 
part to the impact of oil wealth, the Pahlavis pro- 
duced drastic economic and cultural discrepan- 
cies among the people. In 1941, Reza Pahlavi was 
deposed by British and Soviet forces who occupied 
the country fearing he would become an ally of 
Nazi Germany. They replaced him with his young 
son, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi (r. 1941-78), 
who allowed Iran to become a close ally of the 
United States after World War 11. In 1951, nation- 
alist democratic elements were strengthened by 
the election of Muhammad Mossadegh (d. 1967) 
as prime minister. When he moved to national- 
ize Iranian oil production, British and American 
covert operatives arranged for him to be removed 
from office in 1953, thereby strengthening the 
Shah's hold on the country. During the 1960s, 
with U.S. support, he introduced the White Revo- 
lution, a large-scale modernization program that 
surpassed anything his father had done. This pro- 

Iranian youth reads Quran at home. Framed pic- 
tures on mantle (left to right): Ayatollah Muhammad 
Beheshti, the Shahada, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini 
(National Geographic Magazine) 

gram angered elements of the Iranian populace, 
especially the Shii religious authorities, the tradi- 
tional merchant class (the bazaaris ), and leftists. 

Pahlavi rule was brought to an end in 1979 
as a result of massive public demonstrations and 
national strikes that were held for more than a 
year. The demonstrators were ordinary people 
from all walks of life and varied political and 
religious affiliations. Their undisputed demand 
was democratic rights and an end to the Pahlavi 
monarchy. This notwithstanding, the religious 
faction of the revolutionary movement under 
the leadership of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini 
(19017-89) established itself as the state author- 
ity by eliminating opposition groups and intel- 
lectuals who posed a challenge to them and by 
holding a national referendum that imposed 
a choice between monarchy and an Islamic 

Iranian Revolution of 1 978-1 979 365 

Iranian Revolution of 1978-1979 

The overthrow of the shah of Iran, Moham- 
mad Reza Pahlavi (1919-80), in 1979 by popu- 
list forces led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini 
(1902-89) established the Islamic Republic of 
Iran. This revolution has been regarded as one 
of the most significant in modern history, along 
with the French Revolution of 1789 and the Rus- 
sian Revolution of 1917. What makes the Iranian 
Revolution unique is the important role played 
by religion. Even though antishah sentiments 
were held by a wide spectrum of urban Iranians, 
Islamic revolutionary symbolism, together with 
anti-Western sentiments, played a major role in 
uniting the opposition. Moreover, the creation of a 
Shii revolutionary government under Khomeinis 
leadership inspired radical Islamic groups in 
many Muslim countries during the 1980s and 
1990s. The revolution was also a factor in several 
Persian Gulf wars during this period. Many Irani- 
ans emigrated to the United States as a result of 
the revolution. 

Bolstered by development assistance from 
the United States and increased oil revenues, the 
shah's government pushed a program of aggres- 
sive social and economic reforms in the 1960s 
and 1970s to make Iran a modern nation in accor- 
dance with Western standards of progress. These 
reforms sought to promote industrialization and 
land reform, improve women's rights, and support 
the establishment of Western-style coeducational 
institutions. It was reminiscent of Mustafa Kemal 
Ataturk's modernization program in Turkey dur- 
ing the 1920s. The program was implemented in 
an authoritarian manner without seeking popular 
support and was plagued by inflation, land specu- 
lation, and spiraling unemployment. Jalal Al-e 
Ahmad (d. 1969), an Iranian writer, condemned 
the increased Westernization of his country and 
called it a disease — ghctrbzadcgi (Westoxication). 
The United States, through its widely acknowl- 
edged support for the shah, was increasingly seen 
as being the source of this “malady." Iranians 
objected to the land reforms, rapid sexual integra- 

tion in schools and the workforce, compulsory 
Western dress in public contexts while traditional 
religious forms of dress such as the veil or chador 
were banned, using the pre-lslamie Achaemenid 
solar calendar in place of the Islamic lunar cal- 
endar, and giving preferential treatment to West- 
ern — first British, then American — business and 
diplomatic interests. The more the resistance to 
the shah's modernization projects grew, the more 
the shah's secret police force, SAVAK (notorious 
for illegal and violent methods), compelled com- 
pliance and repressed dissent. Growing disaffec- 
tion with the shah's rule among diverse sectors of 
Iran's population testified to the increasing sense 
of internal corruption of the Iranian national 
character, expressed in Shii terms as seduction by 
the West for ephemeral material benefits. Many 
Iranians felt they were losing their Islamic identity 
and culture. 

Intellectuals such as Ali Shariati (d. 1977), 
imprisoned by the shah in 1964, and religious 
authorities such as Ayatollah Khomeini, forced 
into exile by the shah in 1964, gave religious 
shape to the political forces aligning in opposi- 
tion to the shah. Both Shariati and Khomeini 
maintained that Islam must play a revolutionary 
role against tyranny, capitalism, corruption, and 
Western influence. Khomeini in particular was 
speaking as a leading member of the Twelve-Imam 
Shii ulama, who believed that they acted as repre- 
sentatives of and deputies for the last Shii Imam 
(the 12th divinely appointed descendant of the 
prophet Muhammad) until his messianic return 
from Occultation ( ghayba ) at an undefined time 
in the future to eradicate injustice and corruption, 
inaugurating an age of universal Islam before Judg- 
ment Day. Moreover, the Twelver jurist who was 
acknowledged by his juridical peers and the rest 
of the Shii community (umma) to be the supreme 
authority* was believed to have divine investiture 
(tiass) and infallibility ( isma ) in matters of religious 
law and everyday life. An ayatollah so recognized 
was known as the marjaa al-taqlid, or “source 
of imitation. ' Further, Khomeini, in a series of 

' Css ^ 366 Iranian Revolution of 1978-1979 

declarations issued from his exile in Iraq argued 
that the marjaa was not only the chief religious 
authority, but also the ideal ruler. He called for the 
overthrow of the shahs regime and its replacement 
with a theocracy based on the sharia. 

The resulting revolution of 1978-1979 
involved massive demonstrations in Iran's cities 
on major Shii holy days or days of mourning for 
“martyrs" killed during the demonstrations. One 
of the slogans that echoed through the streets 
declared, “Every day is ASHURA, every place is 
Karbala," in memory of Imam Husayn's martyr- 
dom at Karbala in 680. These strikes and demon- 
strations, many of which were organized by local 
revolutionary komitch s (committees) and madrasa 
students, together with lack of U.S. political 
support, forced the ailing shah and his queen to 
flee the country on January 15, 1979. Khomeini 
returned in triumph from his 15-year exile on 
February 1 and was greeted by millions of cheer- 
ing Iranians, some thinking that the messianic 
age had arrived and others thinking the ayatol- 
lah would support the creation of a democratic 
government, then step back from the political 
arena. Instead, Khomeini moved quickly to cre- 
ate an interim government, and Iran was declared 
an Islamic republic by national referendum in 
March 1979. An Islamic constitution was drafted 
by the interim government and passed by another 
referendum. It included an article that designated 
the chief Shii jurist the supreme leader of the 
republic, thus making Khomeinis doctrine of 
government of the jurist ( vilayet-i faqih ) a reality. 
Khomeini remained both the supreme leader and 
marjaa-i taqlid until his death in 1989. 

The revolutionary government of the new 
Islamic Republic implemented draconian mea- 
sures to undo the shahs program of moderniza- 
tion, Westernization, and secularization that had 
so distressed traditional and sharia-minded Irani- 
ans. In its place were reassertions of “traditional" 
Islamic gender roles and spheres (public sphere 
as male space, and private as female); the resump- 
tion of mandatory “modest" dress for women; the 

gradual removal of women from professional and 
public employment, particularly in the legislature 
and judiciary; expansion of the sharia court sys- 
tem to all spheres of law (not just family law); 
the closure of Western-style educational institu- 
tions and programs with the exception of medi- 
cine and some of the technical professions, and 
reconstitution of Islamic educational institutions 
using traditional religious curricula and peda- 
gogical methods emphasizing memorization and 
recitation. Enforcement of these laws and others 
was undertaken by morals police who increas- 
ingly intimidated Iranians in the streets and at 
home. The Revolutionary Guard, a special armed 
force, was created to protect the republic from 
enemies foreign and domestic. The new govern- 
ment imprisoned, tried, and executed members 
of the shahs government. It also turned against 
the Peoples Warriors (Mujahidin-i KHALQ), a 
rival, left-leaning revolutionary organization that 
had recruited members from Iran's middle-class 
youth. On November 4, 1979, pro-Khomeini 
students seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran and 
took embassy personnel as hostages for more 
than a year (1979-80). This event not only helped 
Khomeini consolidate his power but also brought 
down the then American president, Jimmy Carter, 
who lost his rcclection bid in 1980 largely for fail- 
ing to resolve the hostage situation. 

Although there continue to be hard-line “revo- 
lutionaries" in Iran, the social, political, artistic, and 
intellectual, as well as religious pendulums showed 
signs of swinging back toward more moderate, 
reform-minded expressions of the Iranian spirit in 
the generation since Khomeini and his supporters 
toppled the shah's regime. This trend suffered a set- 
back, however, in 2005, when religious hardliners 
seeking to keep the spirit of Khomeini's revolution 
alive prevailed in national elections. 

See also bazaar; constitutionalism; Consti- 
tutional Revolution; Gulf Wars; Twelve-Imam 
Shiism; Usuli School. 

Kathleen M. O'Connor 

Iraq 369 

evolved rapidly into major new towns: Basra, 
Kufa, and Wasit. They were bolstered by an indig- 
enous Arab population (mostly Christian) based 
in Iraq's older cities and in rural areas. A new 
postconquest Iraqi society emerged consisting of 
a mixed population of Arabs, Jews, Kurds, Chris- 
tians, Zoroastrians, Africans, Indians, and tribal 
groups, all subject to Muslim rulers. Iraqi Arabs 
and non-Arabs who converted to Islam became 
clients of Arab Muslim tribes and clans, gaining 
second-class status. Other groups acquired DH/MMf 
(protected) status, which allowed them to main- 
tain their own communal organization and reli- 
gious laws as long as they bowed to the authority 
of Muslim government, paid their taxes, and did 
not engage in proselytizing. Adherence to ancient 
polytheistic forms of religion, already in decline, 
virtually came to an end in postconquest Iraq 
with loss of political patronage and conversion to 
monotheistic religions, especially Islam. 

Ruled by governors appointed by the caliphs 
in Medina and later by the Umayyad dynasty in 
Damascus, Iraq was a major source of wealth for 
the early Muslim empire and a gateway to Per- 
sia and lands beyond. It had a large, diversified 
population and productive agricultural lands and 
developed into an important political center. Ali 
ibn Abi Talib (d. 661) was able to become the 
fourth caliph with the support of Kufa's popula- 
tion, and it was near Basra that he defeated rivals 
at the Battle of the Camel (656). Ali made Kufa 
the capital, but after his assassination there, the 
first Umayyad caliph, Muawiya (r. 661-680), 
moved it to Damascus. Years later Husayn ibn Ali 
sought to rally his fathers old supporters in his 
campaign to become the Muslim head of state, 
but he and his supporters were massacred on the 
way to Kufa at Karbala by Umayyad troops. Early 
Shii movements and other anti-Umayyad senti- 
ments continued to stir in Iraq and beyond to the 
distant plains of Persia until they coalesced into 
the Abbasid Revolution, which ended Umayyad 
rule in Syria in 750 and brought forth the new 
Abbasid Caliphate. 

The Abbasids ruled much of Islamdom from 
Iraq until the 10th century, when they had to 
bow to various regional soldier dynasties who 
paid them nominal allegiance. They ruled from 
Baghdad, originally a round city founded in 762 
by Mansur, the second Abbasid caliph (r. 754- 
775), as a royal fortress. It grew rapidly, however, 
into a center of medieval urban civilization that 
outshone all the cities of the Middle East-Medi- 
terranean region in its cultural importance, opu- 
lence, and power. Under Abbasid rule, the major 
branches of Islamic law and learning flourished in 
Iraq, while the Sunni and Shii branches of Islam 
crystallized, sufism grew from Iraqi soil through 
the contributions of legendary ascetics, teachers, 
and visionaries such as al-Hasan AL-BASRI (d. 728), 
Rabia al-Adawiyya (d. 801), Maaruf al-Karkhi (d. 
ca. 815), al-Muhasibi (d. 857), Mansur al-Hallaj 
(d. 922), Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (d. 1111), and 
Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (d. 1 166). Iraq’s cities were 
also famous for their poets, philosophers, and 
scientists. Even when the Abbasid political power 
waned, the intellectual and cultural achievements 
that had been realized in Iraq had a lasting impact 
that extended far beyond the frontiers of the Mus- 
lim Middle East. 

The Abbasid era was brought to an end by 
the Mongols, nomadic warriors who rode in from 
Central Asia and ravaged cities in Persia and Iraq, 
finally plundering Baghdad in 1258. Although the 
Mongol rulers, known as the Ukhanids, converted 
to Islam, they relegated Iraq to provincial status 
and divided it into a northern and a southern dis- 
trict. While Persia prospered under Mongol rule, 
Iraq's urban populations declined, and neglect of 
its irrigation systems led to a marked decrease in 
its agricultural production. Baghdad was plun- 
dered for a second time in 1401 by Tamerlane, 
a Mongol warrior king. In the following cen- 
tury, the country experienced further political 
fragmentation as it fell into the hands of local 
rulers — Arabs, Kurds, and Turkomans. During 
the 16th and 17th centuries, it became a frontier 
between the expansionist projects of the Persian 

I raq 371 

conflict in terms of loss of life and economic 
damage for both countries. Iraq then invaded 
Kuwait in 1990 because of a dispute over oil, 
precipitating the next major Gulf War. In 1991, 
after an extended campaign of aerial bombing 
that destroyed much of Iraq's infrastructure, an 
international coalition of forces led by the United 
States expelled Iraq from Kuwait. Thinking they 
might be able to overthrow the government, Shiis 
in the south and Kurds in the north revolted. The 
coalition powers allowed Iraq's military to quell 
the uprisings. However, they forced the govern- 
ment to give up its high-grade weapons programs 
and stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction. 
A UN-sponsored embargo was also imposed to 
gain Iraq's compliance, at great cost to ordinary 
Iraqis. U.S. and British warplanes enforced no-fly 
zones over the northern and southern parts of the 
country and periodically bombed Iraqi military 
installations during the 1990s. 


Saddam Husayn's Baath dictatorship finally fell in 
April 2003 when U.S. and British forces invaded 
Iraq on the premises that Iraq was stockpiling 
weapons of mass destruction and supporting radi- 
cal Islamic terrorism. With the fall of Baghdad, 
the army was disbanded, Baath Party members 
were dismissed from their jobs, and the occupying 
powers created an interim government to rule the 
country. It was led by a council composed of rep- 
resentatives from different sectors of Iraq's popula- 
tion. The Arab Shia and the Kurds took advantage 
of the situation to maximize their political inter- 
ests against those of the Arab Sunnis, who had 
controlled the country since the days of Ottoman 
rule. The Daawa Party and the Supreme Council 
for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI; now called 
the Supreme Islamic Council) returned from exile 
in Iran, while many Shiis turned to the ulama in 
Najaf for guidance. Three religious figures became 
particularly prominent at this time — Ayatollah Ali 
Sistani (b. 1930), a senior Iranian-born cleric; Abd 
al-Aziz al-Hakim (b. 1950), head of SCIRI and a 

cleric; and Muqtada al-Sadr (b. 1973), a militant 
young cleric and member of the widely beloved 
Sadr family. The U.S. -led invasion of 2003, there- 
fore, helped give Iraq's Shia a dominant position 
in the government. Their position was confirmed 
in the January 2005 elections, when a coalition 
of Shii parties gained a parliamentary majority, 
and the first two prime ministers they appointed 
were members of the Daawa Party. Moreover, in 
refutation of the previous Baath regime's secular 
outlook, the new Iraqi constitution stipulated that 
Islam was the national religion and the basis of the 
country's laws, although freedom of religion was 
also recognized. 

Since the U.S. and British occupation began 
in 2003, many parts of the country have seen 
increasing levels of violence. Indeed, some experts 
have observed that Iraq has become afflicted with 
at least five wars, often overlapping with each 
other. These are the war of Iraqi opposition to 
U.S. occupation forces and their allies; the war 
between government and Baathist militias; the war 
of foreign jihadis affiliated with al-Qaida against 
occupation forces and the Shia (who are seen as 
infidels); the war between rival Shii militias; and 
the border war between Kurdish guerrillas and 
Turkey. Iran is also reported to be involved in 
these conflicts by providing support for Shii mili- 
tias and Shii blocs in the government. According 
to some estimates, more than half a million Iraqis 
have lost their lives in this violence, and about 
4 million have become refugees. Many observ- 
ers are pessimistic about the chances for an end 
to the violence in the near future. As a solution, 
some recommend that the country be partitioned 
into three semiautonomous states — Kurdish in 
the north, Shii in the south, and Sunni in the 

See also Akhbari School; colonialism; Gulf 
States; Ottoman dynasty; Seljuk dynasty; Shiism. 

Further reading: Thabit Abdullah, A Short History of 
Iraq: From 636 to the Present (London: Pearson/Long- 
man, 2003); Hugh Kennedy, When Baghdad Ruled the 

^ 372 Isa 

World: The Rise and Fall of Islam's Greatest Dynasty 
(Cambridge, Mass.: Da Capo Press. 2005); Kanan 
Makiya, Republic of Fear: The Politics of Modern Iraq 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998); Yitzhak 
Nakash, The Shiis of Iraq (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton 
University Press, 1994); Georges Roux, Ancient Iraq 
(London: Penguin Books, 1992); Vali Nasr, The Shia 
Revival: How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future 
(New York: W.W. Norton, 2006). 

Isa See Jesus. 



The name for the second-largest religion in the 
world after Christianity, Islam is a word formed 
from the Arabic consonants s-l-m. It is related to 
the Arabic word for “peace," salam , which is one 
of the 99 most beautiful names of God and also 
a cognate of the Hebrew word shalom. One of 
the names for paradise in Arabic is Dar al-Salam, 
House of Peace. Using these consonants to form 
the verbal noun islam creates the meaning “to 
enter into a state of peace," which is convention- 
ally translated into English as “surrender" or 
“submission.” The word muslim is an active par- 
ticiple based on the same word; hence, a Muslim 
is literally “one who enters a state of peace," “one 
who surrenders," or “one who submits." Islam, 
therefore, is an action that brings two parties 
into a peaceful relationship, the one who sur- 
renders and the one to whom one surrenders. In 
most contexts, it describes a relationship between 
humans and one sovereign God, but it can also 
describe a relationship between all creation and 
the divine creator. According to Islamic teachings, 
surrender to God leads to eternal salvation. 

Unlike names of other major religions such 
as Hinduism and Buddhism, which were coined 
by Western scholars in the 18th and 19th centu- 

ries, Islam has been used by Muslims as a name 
for their own religion since the early centuries of 
their history. The term occurs seven times in the 
Quran in passages usually dated to the Medinan 
period of Muhammad's career (between 622 and 
632), when he and his followers increasingly had 
to differentiate their religious beliefs and practices 
from those associated with others, especially Jews, 
Christians, and polytheists. The most well-known 
verse where Islam occurs in the Quran is Q 5:3: 

Today those who have disbelieved in your reli- 
gion [din] are miserable, so do not fear them. 

Fear me. Today 1 have perfected your religion 
for you, bestowed my grace upon you, and 
chosen Islam for you as your religion. 

These words were accompanied by com- 
mandments concerning dietary laws, hajj rituals, 
and relations with people of other religions. They 
indicate that toward the end of Muhammad's life, 
probably when he performed the farewell pil- 
grimage (ca. 632), Islam was being represented 
as a set of specific religious practices legislated 
by God. These practices placed Muslims in jux- 
taposition to those who practiced disbelief, the 

The idea of submission to God through out- 
ward actions was linked in the Quran not only to 
fearing God but also having faith ( iman ). Indeed, 
the Arabic words for faith-belief (iman) and 
believer (mum in) and related terms occur much 
more frequently in the Quran than the words 
islam and muslim. Iman alone occurs 44 times, and 
the term for believers (muminun-muminin) occurs 
179 times. The meanings of these words some- 
times overlap in quranic usage, but in the hadith 
they become more distinguishable. In the Hadith 
of Gabriel, for example, islam was expressly iden- 
tified with the Five Pillars (testimony of faith, 
prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and hajj), while iman 
was identified with belief in God, angels, holy 
books, prophets, and Judgment Day. The specifics 
of Islam as practice were subsequently developed 

^ 374 Islam 

Different understandings of Islam arose during 
the 18th and 19th centuries as Western scholars 
began to study the Middle East using the methods 
of Enlightenment rationality. Islam, like other 
religions, was studied in the light of the new sci- 
ences of history, language, and culture instead of 
traditional theology. Critical editions of Arabic 
and Persian texts, including the Quran, were 
translated and published in modern European 
languages. Scholars such as Sylvestre de Sacy (d. 
1838), Edward W. Lane (d. 1876), W. Robertson 
Smith (d. 1894), lgnaz Goldziher (d. 1921), and 
Theodor Noeldcke (d. 1930), who specialized in 
these studies, called themselves Orientalists, based 
on the belief at the time that the Orient began cast 
of Greece in the Near/Middle East. They began to 
present their findings in Orientalist journals and 
societies in the mid-1800s. One of these organiza- 
tions was the American Orientalist Society, which 
was founded in 1842 and still publishes a highly 
respected scholarly journal. For all the advances 
the Orientalists made in the study of Islam and the 
Middle East, the objectivity of their research was 
colored by different degrees of bias and self-inter- 
est. Some looked to the East to explain the origins 
of European civilization, while many sought to 
demonstrate the superiority of European culture 
at the expense of non-European cultures and civi- 
lizations. Orientalism also became involved with 
actual European colonization of Muslim lands and 
was used to help administer colonial territories 
from North Africa to India and Indonesia. Conse- 
quently, Europeans viewed Islam in various ways: 
sometimes as a backward, violent religion; some- 
times as an Arab/an Nights fantasy; and sometimes 
as a complex and changing product of history and 
social life. 

Scholars engaged in the scientific study of 
religion, having broken free of the restrictions 
of the Christian church, no longer were satisfied 
with treating Islam as a heretical religion. Orien- 
talists began to treat it as a Semitic religion, along 
with Judaism, in contrast to Indo-European and 
"primitive" religions. Some even renamed Islam 

Mohammedanism and called Muslims Moham- 
medans. This was done in conformity with the 
classification of other religions, such as Chris- 
tianity (named after Christ), Buddhism (named 
after the Buddha), and Zoroastrianism (named 
after the ancient Persian sage Zoroaster). Most 
Muslims have rejected Mohammedanism as a 
designation for their own religion because they 
argue that submission to God is the focus of 
their religion, not Muhammad. Islam has also 
been classified with Judaism and Christianity as 
a monotheistic religion, as a “revealed" religion, 
and as one of the “Western" religions. Other 
scholars have regarded it as one of the world 
religions, which, like Buddhism and Christian- 
ity, made a home for itself in many countries and 
actively sought converts. More recently, it has 
been understood as an Abrahamic religion. 

Today, understandings of Islam continue to 
be shaped by the interactions, debates, and overt 
conflicts between Muslims and non-Muslims. The 
growing strategic and economic importance of 
OIL and the introduction of secular law codes and 
ideologies into lands where Islam is the majority 
religion during the colonial era and after World 
War II have intensified these interactions. Many 
of the worlds proven oil reserves are located in 
newly independent Muslim countries, with the 
mixed blessing of greater per capita incomes but 
also more social and political instability. Western- 
style secularism has brought great advances in 
terms of education and political participation, but 
it has also confined religion to the private sphere. 
While many Muslims have come to understand 
their religion in secular terms, many others have 
rejected this understanding as they look to their 
religion for solutions to problems and crises fac- 
ing their society, politics, and culture in a time of 
rapid changes. Slogans such as “Islam is a religion 
and a state" and “Islam is the solution" have 
gained wide currency in many Muslim countries. 
Since the 1970s, when many Muslims started call- 
ing for a “return" to Islam after experiencing the 
shortcomings of their national governments and 

Islamic Society of North America 375 

political ideologies, some Western scholars and 
many journalists have portrayed Islam as a threat 
to the West, often equating it with “fundamental- 
ism,” “TERRORISM,” and, most recently, “fascism.” 
Arab-Israeli conflicts, the Iranian Revolution 
of 1978-79, Gulf Wars, and al-Qaida's attack 
on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 
September 11, 2001, have only escalated the level 
of this sort of rhetoric, which neither advances 
knowledge nor facilitates effective national and 
international policy making. The anti-Western 
rhetoric coming from radical Muslim ideologists 
such as Egypt's Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966) and their 
supporters has also had harmful consequences. 

Defining Islam is an undertaking that, to a 
significant extent, has occurred in the context of 
Muslim and non-Muslim historical interactions, 
whether they be framed in terms of believers and 
disbelievers, People of the Book and polytheists, 
jihadists and crusaders. Easterners and Western- 
ers, secularists and thcocrats, or insiders and 
outsiders. Islam is what Muslims have made of it, 
what non-Muslims have made of it, and what they 
have made of it together. There is ample evidence 
to show that defining Islam is a highly polarized 
and confrontational enterprise involving civiliza- 
tional “clashes.” But more careful consideration 
shows that this has not always been the case, as 
is evident in the pluralistic contexts of medieval 
Spain, Cairo, Baghdad, and in various parts of 
Africa and Asia. Thoughtful and learned men and 
women in these contexts found a common ground 
on which to learn about each other, debate issues 
of mutual interest and concern, and, above all, 
live together. Modern migrations of Muslims to 
Europe and the Americas, the reach of the Inter- 
net, interreligious dialogue on local and transna- 
tional levels, and the increased participation of 
Muslim and non-Muslim scholars jointly in the 
study of Islam and Muslims promise to ameliorate 
and correct the angry and distorted definitions 
that have been produced and reproduced in recent 
years. The possibility awaits of once again under- 
standing Islam on the basis of mutual interests 

and shared commitment so that people may face 
together challenges that stand before global soci- 
ety in the 21st century. 

See also Allah; Andalusia; Arabic language 


Europe; Islamism; Judaism and Islam; kafir; and 
the introduction to this volume. 

Further reading: Norman Daniel. Islam and the West: 
The Making of an Image (Oxford: Oncworld, 1993); 
Sachiko Murata and William C. Chittick, The Vision of 
Islam (St. Paul, Minn.: Paragon House, 1994); Andrew 
Rippin, Defining Islam: A Reader (London: Equinox 
Publishing, 2007); Maxime Rodinson, “The Western 
Image and Western Studies of Islam.” In The Legacy 
of Islam. 2d cd. Edited by Joseph Schacht and C. E. 
Bosworth, 9-62 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 
1974, 9-62); Edward W. Said, Orientalism (New York: 
Pantheon Books, 1978); Jane I. Smith, An Historical and 
Semantic Study of the Term ‘islam ' as Seen in a Sequence of 
Quran Commentaries (Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press, 

Islamic Society of North America 

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is 
an association of Muslim organizations and indi- 
viduals concerned with social and educational 
development, outreach programs, and public rela- 
tions in the United States and Canada. It was 
formed in 1981, evolving from the Muslim Stu- 
dents Association (MSA), in order to serve the 
religious and social needs of Muslim graduates 
from American colleges and universities. ISNA 
serves as an umbrella organization for the MSA 
and approximately 300 other alfiliated community 
and professional organizations, including the 
Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS), 
the Association of Muslim Scientists and Engi- 
neers (AMSE), the Islamic Medical Association of 
North America (1MANA), and the Council of 
Islamic Schools in North America (C1SNA). A 
diversity of Muslim communities, mosques, and 

‘ CtfS3 376 Islamism 

other institutions belong to ISNA, varying in size, 
membership, ethnicity, and styles of leadership. 
Despite this diversity, constituent members are 
perceived by local Muslims as representing ISNA. 

ISNA headquarters lie in Plainfield, Indi- 
ana, in a complex of buildings, which includes 
a mosque, library, and offices. It is a notable 
example of contemporary Islamic architecture, 
designed by Gulzar Haidar and built in 1979 
with funds donated by the United Arab Emirates. 
The Office of the General Secretariat oversees all 
departments and services, is involved in adminis- 
tration and management of offices and facilities, 
and is accountable to the elected president of 
ISNA. Subsidiary units include Conventions and 
Conferences, Membership, Community Outreach, 
Leadership Development, Youth Coordination, 
Community Development, Publications, and the 
ISNA Development Foundation. 

The executive council and the board of direc- 
tors (Majlis al-Shura) arc the two policy-making 
bodies recognized within the constitution of 
ISNA. The latter body presently consists of 23 
members, including representatives elected by the 
general body of ISNA and others elected by the 
presidents of regional chapters and affiliates. The 
society has a membership and support base of 
about 400,000 Muslims, with its leadership drawn 
predominantly from immigrant communities, 
although native-born Americans are increasingly 
prominent. Members receive Islamic Horizons , the 
bimonthly flagship publication of ISNA edited by 
Omer Bin Abdullah, which addresses national and 
international affairs. Annually, ISNA hosts a major 
convention in addition to numerous regional and 
specialty events. 

See also Council on American-Islamic Rela- 
tions; Muslim Public Affairs Council; United 

Gregory Mack 

Further reading: Yvonne Y. Haddad, The Muslims of 
America (New York: Oxford University Press. 1991); 

Islamic Society of North America, 2004 Annual Report 
(Plainfield, Ind.: ISNA, 2004); Sulayman S. Nyang, 
Islam in the United States of America (Chicago: Kazi 
Publications, 1999). 


Since the 1990s, Islamism has been used by 
Western scholars and some journalists as a term 
covering a variety of modern Islamic revolution- 
ary groups and ideologies that have the goal of 
implementing Islamic law (sharia) as the absolute 
basis for every aspect of life in majority-Muslim 

Typically, Islamist groups strive to overthrow 
governments that are secular or that the Islamists 
believe are not properly implementing Islamic 
principles. Islamists seek to replace such regimes 
with governments they believe would embody 
what the Islamists perceive to be genuinely Islamic 
ideals. Some examples of many Islamist groups 
arc the Muslim Brotherhood, which has chapters 
in Egypt and many other countries, Hamas among 
the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, Hiz- 
bullah among Shiites in Lebanon, Jamaat-i Islami 
in Pakistan, and al-Qaida globally. 

Islamists believe that the Islamic governments 
they institute must give their financial and politi- 
cal support exclusively to Islamic schools and 
universities and ban all other forms of educa- 
tion, establish economic systems wholly free of 
dependence on Western countries, create societ- 
ies where wealth is distributed equitably among 
all groups and where the large gaps that exist 
between the rich and poor are reduced, and enable 
the availability of health care and a wide array of 
social services, including orphanages and welfare 
services for all individuals in the Islamic state. 

Islamists also have the objective of establish- 
ing Islamically based moral codes that involve 
men and women being required to dress in accor- 
dance with the Islamists' interpretation of Islamic 
law, the legally enforced separation of men and 
women who are not part of the same family, a 

Ismaili Shiism 377 

complete prohibition of sex outside marriage, and 
the banning of alcohol, prostitution, gambling, 
and virtually all forms of Western movies, televi- 
sion shows, magazines, books, images, and music. 
Islamists believe that these cultural products 
should be forbidden because they are anti-lslamic 
in that they often promote sex outside marriage, 
alcohol consumption, selfishness, and material- 
ism, all of which contradict Islam. 

Islamism is one of the most potent religious, 
social, and political forces in the world today and 
will have a substantial impact on many aspects of 
global politics for the foreseeable future. 

See also government, Islamic; jihad move- 
ments; Mawdudi, Abu al-Ala; politics and Islam; 
Qutb, Sayyid; terrorism. 

Jon Armajani 

Further reading: John L. Esposito, The Islamic Threat: 
Myth or Reality ? 3d ed. (New York: Oxford University 
Press, 1999); Fawaz A. Gcrgcs, The Far Enemy: Why 
Jihad Went Global (New York: Cambridge University 
Press, 2003); Bruce B. Lawrence, Shattering the Myth: 
Islam beyond Violence (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Uni- 
versity Press, 2000); Ali Rahnema, Pioneers of Islamic 
Revival (London: Zed Books, 2005); Malisc Ruthven, A 
Fury for God: The Islamist Attack on America (London: 
Granta, 2004). 

Ismaili Shiism (Sevener Shiism and Seven- 
Imam Shiism) 

Shiism is a sectarian form of Islam, and Ismaili Shi- 
ism is one of its major subdivisions. It is named 
after Ismail (ca. 721-755), the elder son of Jaafar 
al-Sadiq (699-765), the sixth Shii Imam. Ismailis 
believe that Ismail was the rightful heir to the 
imamate after Jaafar's death, instead of Jaafar s son 
Musa al-Kazim (ca. 745-799), who is regarded as 
the seventh Imam by the Twelve-Imam Shia. The 
doctrines and law of the Ismailis are similar to 
those of other major Shii sects, but they differ sig- 
nificantly in their concepts of authority. They are 

also known for the emphasis they place on the dif- 
ference between outward (zahir) and inner secret 
(batin) meanings of the Quran and other religious 
texts and symbols. Because of periods of persecu- 
tion in the past, they practiced taqiyya and dis- 
guised themselves as Sunnis, Twelve-Imam Shiis, 
Sufis, and Hindus. Although precise statistics are 
lacking, some estimates say there are about 15 
million Ismailis (compared to about 150 million 
Twelve-Imam Shiis and about 1.2 billion Muslims 
total). Prior to the 19th century, they resided 
mainly in the Indian subcontinent, Yemen, Iran, 
Afghanistan, and mountainous areas of Central 
Asia. They established merchant communities in 
East Africa during the 19th century. Now they 
can be found in many countries of the world, 
including immigrant communities in the United 
Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. 

Four major forms of Ismaili Shiism developed 
during the Middle Ages. They all spread secret 
Ismaili teachings by means of missionaries known 
as dais who challenged the authority of Sunnis 
and Twelve-Imam Shiis. The first form was that ol 
the Qaramatians, which appeared in southern Iraq 
in the late ninth century and spread to eastern 
Arabia, Bahrain, and Yemen. It was named after 
Hamdan Qaramat, who, together with his aides, 
announced that Ismail's son Muhammad was the 
promised Mahdi (a messianic savior) who would 
abrogate the sharia and rule the world in JUSTICE. 
Claiming they acted on his behalf, they recruited 
converts from among the Bedouin tribes and orga- 
nized small communities that practiced collective 
ownership of property. Challenging the legitimacy 
of the Abbasid Caliphate in the early 10th century, 
they attacked cities in Syria and Iraq as well as 
pilgrim caravans. The Qaramatians plundered 
Mecca in 930 and carried away the Kaaba’s Black 
Stone. The second form of Ismailism was that of 
the Fatimids, a movement based in North Africa 
that broke with the Qaramatians on the basis of 
their claim that Abd Allah (also known as Ubayd 
Allah, d. 934), a leading Ismaili missionary, was 
related to Muhammad ibn Ismail through a line 

Israel 379 

of the two groups, are led by the Aga Khan, a 
descendant of the Nizari caliph-imams, whom 
they call “the Imam of the Age" ( Imam-i zcirnan). 
As a result of their need to conceal themselves and 
their missionary activities in times of persecution, 
Khoja religious language has adapted many terms 
and concepts from Sufism and devotional Hindu- 
ism ( bhakti ), evident in terms such as pir and guru 
(Sufi master), DHIKR and samaran (remembrance 
of God), tariqa and sath panth (Sufi order, “true 
path"). God was known as Allah and Alakh (a 
Sanskritic name for the transcendent God), or as 
Rahman (the most merciful) and Ram (an ava- 
tar of the Hindu god Vishnu). The key religious 
texts for the Khojas are the ginan s, which contain 
sacred hymns that arc sung at their religious gath- 
erings. The Ismaili Bohras, who are mainly from 
the region of Gujarat in India, are led by a man 
known as the dai mutlaq (the absolute dai), who 
maintains continuous contact with the hidden 
imam. Their main headquarters since the 19th 
century has been in Mumbai. 

Khojas and Bohras are typically involved in 
business and finance. They tend to avoid politics, 
but they embrace education and scholarship. 
The Institute of Ismaili Studies in London was 
founded in 1977 by the Aga Khan in order to sup- 
port research on Shiism and enhance interfaith 
understanding. Both communities have supported 
projects relating to the preservation of the Islami- 
cate architectural heritage and adapting it to meet 
the needs of Muslim communities today. They 
have also contributed significantly to humanitar- 
ian causes. 

See also ahl al-bayt ; Assassins; Bohra; Breth- 
ren of Purity; Druze; Fyzee, Asaf Ali Asghar; 
Hinduism and Islam; Sufism; Twelve-Imam Shiism. 

Further reading: Ali S. Asani, Ecstasy and Enlighten- 
ment: The Ismaili Devotional Literature in South Asia 
(London: LB. Taurus. 2002); Jonah Blank. Mullahs on 
the Mainframe: Islam and Modernity among the Daudi 
Bohras (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2001); 
Farhad Daftary, A Short History of the Ismailis (Edin- 

burgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998); John Nor- 
man Hollister, The Shia of India (1953. Reprint, New 
Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, 1979). 

isra and miraj See Night Journey and Ascent. 


The modern country of Israel was created in 1948 
as a homeland for the Jewish people. Located on 
the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, it 
covers an area of 8,017 square miles not includ- 
ing the occupied territories of Palestine (the 
West Bank and Gaza). It is comparable in size 
to the state of New Jersey and smaller than Los 
Angeles County, California. The western limit of 
the country is defined by a coastline that extends 
from north to south, with the land sloping east- 
ward across a coastal plain up to the Judean Hills. 
East of the Judean Hills lie the Jordan Rift Valley 
and the Dead Sea. The southern part of the coun- 
try is desert, including a narrow corridor leading 
down to the tip of the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red 
Sea. The countries that border Israel arc Lebanon 
and Syria to the north, Jordan to the cast, and 
Egypt to the west-southwest. The Palestinian 
Authority has legal jurisdiction of the West Bank, 
a large area between Jerusalem and the Jordan 
Valley, and Gaza, a narrow coastal strip on the 
Isracli-Egyptian border. Israel also occupies the 
Golan Heights, a border area that is claimed by 

Israels political capital is in the modern city of 
Tel Aviv. Although Israel lacks a formal constitu- 
tion, it does have a set of Basic Laws that provide 
guidelines for governance. Establishing a consti- 
tution has been delayed because of disagreements 
between Jewish secular and religious parties over 
the nature of the nations laws. The country is 
ruled by an elective parliamentary democracy led 
by a prime minister. Israeli Arab citizens, like its 
Jewish citizens, have voting rights and representa- 
tion in the parliament, known as the Knesset, but 

^ 380 Israel 

there is no Palestinian representation from the 
occupied territories. 

Israels population is estimated to be 7.1 mil- 
lion, including nearly 383,000 Israelis living in 
West Bank settlements. East Jerusalem, and the 
Golan (2008 estimate). It is 76.4 percent Jewish, 
mostly native-born, and 23.6 percent non-Jewish, 
mostly Arab (2004). Judaism is the religion of the 
majority, 16 percent are Muslims, about 2 percent 
are Christians, and 1.6 percent are followers of the 
Druze religion (2004). Although many of Israel's 
citizens are practicing members of their religious 
communities, many have secular worldviews. The 
combined population of the West Bank and Gaza 
is approximately 3.3 million (2004 estimate). 
Islam is the religion of most citizens of the Pales- 
tinian Authority: 90.1 percent in the West Bank 
and 98.7 percent in Gaza (2007 estimate). Most 
are Sunni Muslims historically affiliated with 
the Hanafi Legal School. The size of the Arab 
Christian population has been declining steadily 
since the 1967 Arab-Isracli War. They make up 
less than 10 percent of the population in the 
West Bank and Gaza and belong to a number of 
different denominations, including Greek, Syrian 
and Armenian Orthodox, Greek Catholic, Roman 
Catholic, and Protestant. 

The land where modern Israel is now located 
was the setting for many of the stories and events 
related in the Bible. It lies at a major crossroads 
for the peoples of the Mediterranean region, the 
Nile Valley, Arabia, and beyond. The ancient Isra- 
elites were but one of several different groups that 
lived there. They established kingdoms during 
the first half of the first millennium B.c.E. known 
as Samaria and Judah. The former, the Northern 
Kingdom, was destroyed by the Assyrian Empire in 
721 B.C.E. Judah (later Judea), the Southern King- 
dom, was brought to an end by the Babylonian 
Empire in 586 B.c.E. The Babylonians took Judah's 
rulers into exile in Mesopotamia and destroyed 
the temple in Jerusalem. It was after this time that 
many of the books of the Hebrew Bible (Old Tes- 
tament) were compiled. The religion of Judaism 

is also said to have appeared in this period, when 
it replaced ancient Israelite religion. Cyrus II (r. 
539-530 B.c.E.), Achaemenid emperor of Persia, 
defeated the Babylonians and allowed the captive 
Jews to return home. He also gave them permis- 
sion to rebuild the Second Temple in Jerusalem. In 
the following centuries, the region became either 
a province or client of several powerful empires, 
including those of Alexander the Great and his 
successors (333-67 b.c.e), Rome (67 b.c.e- 330 
C.E.), and Byzantium, the continuation of the 
Roman Empire in the East (330-640). 

Byzantine control over the province of Pales- 
tine came to an end when Arab Muslim armies 
defeated the Byzantines in a series of battles 
between 632 and 637. Taking greater Palestine 
and Syria, where there were several large Arab 
tribal confederations, had been one of Muham- 
mad's top priorities, but it was not until the reign 
of the caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab (r. 634-644) 
that the Muslim conquest occurred. In 638, 
he went to Jerusalem personally to accept the 
peaceful surrender of the city. Historical sources 
indicate that the new Muslim rulers did not 
encounter serious opposition, for the local popu- 
lace and the regions economy prospered. Jews 
were able to move back to Jerusalem after having 
been previously banned and restricted to living 
in the Galilee by the Romans and Byzantines. 
Both the regions Christian majority and the Jews 
were obliged to accept dh/mm/ (protected) status, 
which granted them legal rights under Muslim 
law as long as they paid taxes and did not revolt, 
slander the Islamic religion, or attempt to convert 

Erom the Quran, Muslims knew Israel more 
as a people rather than a land or kingdom. Jacob 
was a biblical figure who was also known as 
Israel. He is mentioned once in the Quran by 
this name. His offspring, the children of Israel, 
are mentioned 42 times as recipients of the 
Torah of Moses. Kings David and Solomon are 
both mentioned, but more as prophets than as 
rulers of a holy land. Later Quran commentaries 

^ 382 Israel 

known as Zionism, which aspired to establish a 
homeland for diaspora Jews in Palestine. It was 
based partly on the nationalist movements that 
were sweeping Europe during the 19th century, 
and it was partly a reaction against increasing 
anti-Semitism there. Although modern Zionism 
was mainly secular, it was also mindful of the bib- 
lical view that Canaan (an ancient name for Israel) 
had been promised to the Jews as descendants of 
Abraham (Gen. 17). 

During World War I, Palestine was the main 
scene of the Arab Revolt, an armed insurgency 
of Arab forces, supported by the British, against 
Ottoman troops. Arabs hoped to be able to gov- 
ern themselves after the war. Instead, with the 
defeat of Germany and the breakup of the Otto- 
man Empire in 1918, the British took control of 
Palestine as a mandate territory, in accordance 
with the secret Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 
and approval of the League of Nations. In 1917, 
the British Foreign Office issued the Balfour 
Declaration, which stated it “viewed with favour 
the establishment in Palestine of a national 
home for the Jewish people” and affirmed “that 
nothing shall be done which may prejudice the 
civil and religious rights of existing non-Jew- 
ish communities in Palestine. ” Until they gave 
up their mandate in 1948, the British tried 
unsuccessfully to mediate between these two 
competing and increasingly hostile nationalist 
movements, one Jewish, one Arab Palestinian. 
Jewish immigration from Europe increased in 
the 1930s, as many fled from Nazi Germany. 
A key figure for the Palestinian cause was Hajj 
Amin al-Husayni (d. 1974), the mufti of Jerusa- 
lem who organized strikes and attacks against 
British troops and Jewish settlers, culminating 
in the Arab Revolt of 1936-39. He was unable, 
however, to unify the different factions involved 
on the Palestinian side of the struggle. On 
the side of the Zionists, David Ben Gurion (d. 
1973), who had immigrated to Palestine from 
Poland in 1906, emerged as a prominent and 
effective political leader. 

The end of the British mandate precipitated 
an all-out Arab-lsraeli war in 1948, the first of 
several such major regional conflicts. When the 
United Nations approved a resolution for creat- 
ing two states (General Assembly Resolution 
181) in 1947, one for Jews and one for Arabs, 
Jewish leaders declared their support for it, 
while Palestinian Arabs, backed by other Arab 
states, rejected it. When the last British troops 
left in 1948, Israel declared its independence and 
was recognized by the Soviet Union, the United 
States, and other countries. Arab armies consist- 
ing of troops from the Arab League states of 
Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq were defeated in 
the ensuing war. Approximately 800,000 Pales- 
tinians fled or were driven from their homes and 
forced to live in refugee camps in Syria, Jordan, 
Lebanon, and Egypt. Their abandoned property 
was seized by the victorious Israelis. Israeli Jews 
remember this as their war of independence, but 
Arabs call it “the catastrophe" ( al-nakba ). Once 
Israel became independent, Jewish immigration 
from abroad increased, including survivors of the 
Nazi death camps in Europe. Middle Eastern Jews 
also immigrated to Israel after experiencing anti- 
Jcwish discrimination and violence in several 
newly independent Arab countries during the 
1930s. Israel, for its part, encouraged this immi- 
gration, which helped ensure that Jews became 
the majority population. 

Israel has had several more wars with Palestin- 
ians and Arab neighbors since that time. The sec- 
ond Arab-lsraeli war, known as the Six-Day War, 
occurred in 1967. It resulted in the shattering 
defeat of Arab armies and occupation of the West 
Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza, and Egypt's Sinai Pen- 
insula. More Palestinian refugees were created, 
and the secular Palestine Liberation Organiza- 
tion (PLO) led by Yasir Arafat (d. 2004) became 
internationally recognized as the embodiment of 
the Palestinian nationalist cause. Another major 
war was the Yom Kippur/October War of 1973, 
which led in 1978 to a peace agreement with 
Egypt and return of the Sinai to that country. The 

Istanbul 383 

United States became Israel's greatest ally dur- 
ing this time, providing it with large amounts of 
foreign aid and weaponry as well as diplomatic 
backing in the UN and elsewhere. 

In 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon to eliminate 
Palestinian guerrilla bases and then occupied 
southern Lebanon until it withdrew its forces 
in 2000. Another form of conflict occurred in 
1987, when Palestinian civilians living in the 
West Bank and Gaza protested against the Israeli 
occupation. This “uprising,'* known as the First 
Intifada, ended in 1993 with the signing of the 
Oslo Accords by Yitzhak Rabin (d. 1995), the 
Israeli prime minister, and Yasir Arafat, chair- 
man of the PLO. Both men received the Nobel 
Peace Prize for this agreement. A second upris- 
ing, known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada, erupted in 
2000 as a consequence of defects in the Oslo 
Accords, expansion of Israeli settlements on the 
West Bank, and deteriorating relations between 
Palestinians and Israelis. It ended with an uneasy 
truce in 2006. 

Although religion was not the primary cause 
for these conflicts, religious politics and radical- 
ism increased with the failure to find a lasting 
solution for the basic issue of Palestinian state- 
hood. During the First Intifada, the radical Islamic 
movement Hamas emerged in Gaza to challenge 
both the Israelis and the PLO leadership. It sought 
to liberate Palestine and establish an Islamic 
government, asserting that the land was a perma- 
nent Islamic bequest (waqf) that could never be 
transferred to non-Muslims. Since 1987, Hamas 
has achieved widespread support among the Pal- 
estinians and won the 2006 Palestinian legislative 
elections. Israels 1982 invasion and occupation of 
southern Lebanon gave rise to Hizbullah, a Shii 
militant organization with close ties to Iran. It 
engaged in an intense but short border war with 
Israel in the summer of 2006. Israel, for its part, 
witnessed the rise of radical Zionist groups and 
parties that wanted to expand Israeli settlements 
in the West Bank and Gaza and opposed making 
any territorial concessions as part of any Israeli- 

Palcstinian peace agreement. In 1995, a member 
of one of these groups assassinated Israeli prime 
minister Yitzhak Rabin at a Tel Aviv peace rally 
because of the latters signing of the Oslo Accords. 
The U.S.-led “war on terror" and its occupation 
of Iraq have further complicated efforts to peace- 
fully resolve the Israeli-Palestinian crisis and 
increased religious radicalism and terror strikes 
in the region. Christian Zionists in the United 
States have also become engaged in the politics of 
war and peace in the Middle East and have shown 
strong support for Israel and right-wing Israeli 
Zionist parties. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; Christianity 
and Islam; colonialism; Crusades; Judaism and 
Islam; terrorism. 

Further reading: Moshe Gil, A History of Palestine, 
634-1099 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 
1992); Walter Laquer and Barry Rubin, The Israel- Arab 
Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Con- 
flict. 6th ed. (New York: Penguin Books, 2001); Ber- 
nard Reich, A Brief History of Israel (New York: Facts 
On File, 2004); Paul Wheatley, The Places Where Men 
Pray Together: Cities in Islamic Lands, 7th through the 
1 0th Centuries (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 
2001), 112-126. 

Istanbul (Constantinople) 

The present-day city of Istanbul is the largest in 
Turkey and once was the capital of both the Byz- 
antine and Ottoman Empires. It straddles both 
sides of the Bosporus, the narrow strait connect- 
ing the Black Sea to the Marmara Sea and from 
there to the Mediterranean. It separates Europe 
from Asia, thus making Istanbul the only city in 
the world to sit astride two continents. Its unique 
position has also given the city strategic impor- 
tance throughout history. 

The city was founded in the seventh cen- 
tury b.c.e. as Byzantium and, after falling under 
Roman rule, eventually became the capital of the 
Roman Empire under Constantine the Great in 

Istanbul 385 

Further reading: Zeynep Celik, The Remaking of Istan- 
bul: Portrait of an Ottoman City in the Nineteenth Cen- 
tury (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993); 
John Freely, Istanbul the Imperial City (London: Viking. 

1996); Bernard Lewis, Istanbul and the Civilization of 
the Ottoman Empire (Norman: University of Oklahoma 
Press, 1963); Orhan Pamuk, Istanbul: Memories and the 
City (New York: Vintage, 2006). 

Jaafar al-Sadiq (ca. 699-765) early Shii 
scholar recognized as the sixth Imam by Ismaili and 
Twelve-Imam Shi is 

Abu Abd Allah Jaafar ibn Muhammad, also known 
as Jaafar al-Sadiq, was born in the holy city of 
Medina and was the son of the fifth Shii Imam, 
Muhammad al-Baqir (676-ca. 743). Both are 
held to be among the ahl al-bayt , descendants 
of the prophet Muhammad through Ali ibn Abi 
Talib (d. 661) and his wife Fatima. Umm Farwa, 
his mother, was a descendant of Abu Bakr (d. 
634), Muhammad's close companion and the first 
caliph. According to traditional accounts, Jaafar 
performed the hajj with his father and accompa- 
nied him when he was summoned to Damascus 
by the Umayyad caliph Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik 
(r. 723-743) for questioning. Some accounts state 
that Hisham later poisoned Muhammad al-Baqir, 
who was buried in Medina. Jaafar succeeded his 
father as Imam and has been credited for estab- 
lishing the doctrine of nass (designation of an 
imam by God or a previous imam), theoretically 
reducing disputes over succession to the imamate 
by limiting the number of claimants. He lived at 
a time when there was a great struggle occurring 
among Muslim factions contending for leader- 
ship in the UMMA. Indeed, he witnessed both the 

violent end of the Umayyad Caliphate at the hands 
of the Abbasids in the mid-eighth century and the 
Abbasid suppression of its former Shii allies in the 
aftermath of their victory over the Umayyads. He 
was also well aware of factional disputes among 
the Shia themselves over the question of leader- 
ship. When the Abbasids came to power, Jaafar 
was interrogated and imprisoned as a potential 
threat to their rule. It is not surprising, therefore, 
to learn that he endorsed practicing tac/iyya (pious 
dissimulation) to avoid persecution at the hands 
of Sunni rulers. He was also credited with having 
set forth the doctrine of the Imams' infallibility 
(isma) because of their esoteric knowledge. 

The Shia have regarded Jaafar as one of the 
leading imams, but he has been cited as an author- 
ity in many different strands of Islamic learning 
and tradition. He was remembered as a master 
teacher of hadith among both Sunnis and Shiis. 
He was famous for being a hadith transmitter in 
both branches of the Muslim community, and sev- 
eral prominent Muslim scholars were said to have 
studied with him, including Abu Hanifa (d. 767) 
and Malik ibn Anas (d. 793). These were the epon- 
ymous founders of the Sunni Hanafi and Maliki 
Legal Schools. Likewise, Jaafar was remembered 
as the eponymous founder of the Jaafari Legal 


Jahiliyya 387 

School of the Shia. In addition to law, he was also 
embraced as an authority in the fields of THEOLOGY, 
Arabic grammar, alchemy, and fortune telling. 
Sufis included him in their genealogies of spiritual 
authority, and an early Quran commentary with 
mystical overtones has been ascribed to him. 

According to Shii tradition, Jaafar, like his 
father, was poisoned to death by an enemy; in 
Jaa far’s case it was the caliph Mansur (r. 754-775). 
Jaafar was buried in Medinas Baqi Cemetery, 
and his tomb was an object of pilgrimage until 
destroyed by the Wahhabis centuries later. After 
his death, there was a dispute among Shii fac- 
tions over succession to the imamate. Those who 
claimed that the seventh Imam was his eldest son, 
Ismail (d. 760), eventually became the Ismaili 
branch of SHIISM. Those who supported the can- 
didacy of Jaafar's son Musa al-Kazim (d. 799) and 
his heirs later became the Twelve-Imam branch 
of Shiism. One Shii faction, no longer extant, 
claimed at the time that Jaafar was not really dead, 
but that he had gone into a state of concealment 
(CHAYBa) and would return as the Mahcli , or Mus- 
lim messiah. This claim was attributed to other 
imams in both branches of Shii tradition. 

See also Abbasid Caliphate; authority; imam; 
Ismaili Shiism; Twelve-Imam Shiism. 

Further reading: Marshall G. Hodgson. **How Did the 
Early Shia Become Sectarian?” Journal of the American 
Oriental Society 75 (1955): 1-13; Moojan Momen, An 
Introduction to Shii Islam (New Haven, Conn.: Yale 
University Press. 1985), 37-39, 154-156; Michael 
Sells, Early Islamic Mysticism: Sufi, Quran, M iraj, Poetic, 
and Theological Writings (Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press. 
1996), 75-88; Liyakat M. Takim, The Heirs of the 
Prophet: Charisma and Religious Authority in Shiite Islam 
(Albany: State University of New York Press. 2006). 

Jahiliyya (Arabic: era of ignorance, 

The state of affairs in Arabia and much of the rest 
of the world before the rise of Islam in the sev- 

enth century is known to Islamic tradition as the 
Jahiliyya era, or the time of ignorance. Beginning 
in the 13th century, some Muslims came to apply 
this term to non-Muslims of later times. 

The term has often been used to connote the 
pagan polytheism of the Arabian Peninsula before 
the revelation of the Quran. Muslims view this 
period with particular disdain because polythe- 
ism, or assigning partners to God (shirk), is 
viewed as absolutely contradictory to Islam’s own 
strict monotheism (tawhid). They believe that 
Islam brought humanity true and ultimate knowl- 
edge through the Quran and HADITH, founded on 
the recognition that there is one God and Muham- 
mad is his prophet. In contrast, Muslims associate 
Jahiliyya with total spiritual darkness. 

A significant figure who developed the Muslim 
understanding of the term Jahiliyya was the 1 3 th- 
an d 14th-century Muslim intellectual Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328). As the Mongol 
armies swept westward toward the central lands 
of Islam, including Syria and Egypt, and as they 
became Sunni Muslims over time, many people 
living in those and other central lands faced a 
dilemma. If the Muslims living in these regions 
fought the Mongols, they would have been in 
violation of the sharia's injunctions forbidding 
Muslims from killing each other. If those Muslims 
did not engage in battle against the Mongols, their 
regions would be conquered by this foreign group. 
Supporting the Mamluk rulers of Egypt and Syria 
against the Mongols, Ibn Taymiyya wrote that any 
professed Sunni Muslim ceases to be one — and 
automatically becomes part of jahili culture — 
when he, among other things, breaks major 
Islamic injunctions concerning life, limb, and 
property. For Ibn Taymiyya, their offensive war 
against other Muslims clearly made the Mongols 
part of jahili culture, and as such the Muslims of 
Syria and Egypt were justified — even obliged — to 
wage war against them, even though they may 
have adhered to other aspects of the sharia. 

In the 20th century, certain Islamists, such as 
Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966), a Muslim intellectual who 

388 Jamaat-i Islami 

played a leading role in Egypt’s Muslim Brother- 
hood, adapted Ibn Taymiyya’s ideas and viewed 
all modern secular governments (among other 
non-Muslim entities) as part of jahili culture 
and as legitimate targets for militant attacks. The 
Jihad Group of Egypt, under the leadership of 
Muhammad Abd al-Salam Faraj (d. ca. 1981), 
drew explicitly on Ibn Taymiyya’s writings to jus- 
tify the assassination of President Anwar al-Sadat 
( d. 1981), whom they accused of not being a true 
Muslim, like the Mongols of the past. 

See also Arabian religion, pre-Islamic; idola- 
try; jihad. 

Jon Armajani 

Further reading: G. R. Hawting, The Idea of Idolatry 
and the Emergence oj Islam: From Polemic to History 
(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999); Sayyid 
Qutb, Milestones (Chicago: Kazi Publications, 2003); 
Emmanuel Sivan, Radical Islam: Medieval Theology and 
Modern Politics (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University 
Press, 1990). 

Jamaat-i Islami (Urdu: Islamic Group) 

The Jamaat-i Islami is an Islamic political party in 
Pakistan founded in 1941 by Abu al-Ala Mawdudi 
(1903-79), the most widely influential Muslim 
thinker of South Asia in the 20th century. It is 
an ideological movement that has aimed to cre- 
ate an Islamic state in which all aspects of social 
and political life would be governed according to 
Islamic standards and law. The Jamaat initially 
rejected the Pakistan independence movement 
and remained apart from political participation, 
believing that Islam is a universal system not to be 
encompassed by the boundaries of a nation-state 
and choosing to focus instead on developing its 
ideological support base. But upon the creation 
of Pakistan in 1947 based on religious identity, 
but not religious law, the Jamaat mobilized into 
a political party to work toward making Pakistan 
an ideal Islamic state founded on an Islamic con- 
stitution based on the Quran and Sunna and a 

legal system based on SHARIA, mirroring the socio- 
religious system as established by Muhammad (d. 
632) and the first four caliphs. 

The Jamaat believes in peaceful political prog- 
ress toward an Islamic state through democratic 
process and works toward the development of 
a large Islamic base in society, attempting to 
effect social change through state institutions. 
It believes that technological modernization is 
required for the development of Islamic society 
but is opposed to what it views as Western-style 
modernization with its marginalization of religion 
and its moral corruption evident in human rights, 
women's advancement outside the home, birth 
control, and bank interest. Like its founder, most 
of the Jamaats members and leaders are educated 
laymen rather than trained ULAMA, and their focus 
is often more on political concerns than religious 
ones. The Jamaat is supported by an elected coun- 
cil, has varying levels of membership, and is led 
by a president who is elected by party members 
for a five-year term. Alongside the ulama of Paki- 
stan, the Jamaat participated in the violent anti- 
Ahmadi movement in 1933, which resulted in the 
declaration of Pakistan’s Ahmadiyya community as 
a non-Muslim minority. It has survived as a politi- 
cal party during Pakistan's periods of martial law 
and political turbulence by operating as a religious 
organization. Outside of Pakistan, the Jamaat has 
branches in India, Kashmir, and Bangladesh, and 
it publishes a monthly Urdu-language magazine 
out of Lahore called the Tarjuman al-Quran. Its 
active student wing is called the Islami Jamiat-i 
Talaba (Islamic Association of Students, IJT). The 
Jamaat had associations with the Islamic revolu- 
tionary government in Iran and is known to have 
ties to Saudi Arabia. 

See also democracy; government, Islamic; 
Islamism; renewal and reform movements. 

Megan Adamson Sijapati 

Further reading: Mumtaz Ahmad, “Islamic Funda- 
mentalism in South Asia: The Jamaat-i-Islami and 
the Tablighi Jamaat of South Asia.” In Fundamental- 

Jamiyyat al-Ulama-i Islam 389 

isms Observed, edited by Martin E. Marty and R. Scott 
Appleby, 457-531 (Chicago: University of Chicago 
Press, 1991); Kalim Bahadur, The Jamaat-i-Islami of 
Pakistan: Political Thought and Political Action (New 
Delhi: Chetana Publications. 1977); Seyyed Vali Reza 
Nasr. Mawdudi and the Making of Islamic Revivalism 
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996). 

jami See mosque. 

Jamiyyat al-Ulama-i Hind (Association 
of Indian Ulama, also spelled Jamiyatul 
Ulama-i Hind; acronym: JUH) 

Founded in 1919 by a group of religious scholars 
(ulama) under the leadership of the respected 
Deobandi scholar Mawlana Mahmud Hasan 
(1851-1920), the JUH sought to unify India's 
Muslim population and to solidify its Muslim 
scholars. It was composed of ulama from several 
major centers of Islamic learning in India, espe- 
cially the Dar-ul Ulum Deoband, but also Farangi 
Mahal and Nadwat ul-Ulama of Lucknow, India. 

Extremely active in the fight for India's inde- 
pendence from British rule, the JUH was formed 
in the 1920s at the height of the Khilafat Move- 
ment, which sought to reestablish the Ottoman 
caliphate. This movement was also supported by 
Mohandas K. Gandhi (d. 1948) and the Indian 
National Congress (INC). The JUH advocated 
abstaining from engaging in political activism in 
favor of the pan-lslamic view that the religion 
could not be confined to or defined by a par- 
ticular nation-state. Nonetheless, the JUH joined 
with the INC in order to press for independence 
from the British, under whom religious freedom 
was severely curtailed. The majority of the JUH 
ulama likewise looked askance at the Mus- 
lim League's secular, modernist leadership and 
opposed their efforts to establish a Muslim state. 
Under the charismatic leadership of Mawlana 
Hussain Ahmad Madani (d. 1957) in the 1930s, 
the agenda of the JUH focused on cultural and 

religious issues such as strong advocacy of the 
Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act of 1939, 
which set up a separate legal code that provided 
for Muslim divorce to be adjudicated according 
to sharia principles. Other Indian Muslim lead- 
ers, such as Muhammad Iqbal (d. 1938) and Abu 
al-Ala Mawdudi (d. 1979), criticized Madani and 
the JUH for their collaboration with the Hindu- 
dominated INC. 

The JUH saw themselves as working on behalf 
of autonomy for Muslims within the greater Indian 
polity, not outside of it. As Madani put it, Islam 
was one millat (religion) within the Indian qawm 
(nation). However, many Indian ulama found this 
position increasingly untenable. In 1945, there 
was a schism that led to the establishment of the 
Jamiyatul al-Ulama-i Islam in order to accommo- 
date those with separatist views. Since 1947, the 
JUH has focused on religious and cultural issues 
and has remained aloof from politics. 

Sec also All-India Muslim League; colonial- 
ism; secularism. 

Anna Bigelow 

Further reading: Yohanan Friedmann, “The Attitude 
of the Jamiyyat-i Ulama-i Hind to the Indian National 
Movement and the Establishment of Pakistan." Asian 
and African Studies 7 (1971): 157-183; Muhammad 
Qasim Zaman. The Ulama in Contemporary Islam: Cus- 
todians of Change (Princeton. N.J.: Princeton University 
Press. 2002). 

Jamiyyat al-Ulama-i Islam (Association of 
the Ulama of Islam, also spelled Jamiyatul 
Ulama-i Islam, acronym: JUI) 

The JUI broke off from the Jamiyyat al-Ulama-i 
Hind (JUH), a n association of Deobandi ulama, 
in 1945 over the JUH's support for the Hindu- 
dominated Indian National Congress and their 
opposition to the call for the creation of a 
separate Muslim state, Pakistan. There are cur- 
rently Pakistani and Bangladeshi branches of this 

390 Jammu and Kashmir 

group, including several subgroups under differ- 
ent leadership. Since the establishment of these 
Muslim states, the JUI has been active as a politi- 
cal party and has pressed for the implementation 
of the sharia. In Pakistan, the JUI was active in 
the anti-AHMADlYYA riots in 1953 and 1974 and 
anti-Shia agitations. Part of the JUFs agenda has 
also been to establish a “pure" Islam in Pakistan. 
In particular, the JUI has sought to eliminate the 
worship of saints and other practices they regard 
as un-Islamic. 

As a political party, the JUI held political con- 
trol of the Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) 
in the 1970's under the leadership of Maulana 
Mufti Mahmud (1919-80), who was chief min- 
ister from 1971 to 1973. In addition to pursuing 
populist policies regarding land reform, public 
education, and health care, during this period 
several “Islamic" laws were instituted and remain, 
including the prohibition of alcohol, a reform of 
inheritance laws, and the mandatory observance 
of Ramadan. The JUI opposed the regimes of Zul- 
fiqar Ali Bhutto (r. 1973-77) and Benazir Bhutto 
(r. 1988-90, 1993-96), gave lukewarm support 
to Nawaz Sharif (r. 1990-93, 1997-99), and has 
been an active critic of the regime of Pervcz Mush- 
arraf (r. 1999-2008). Currently, under the leader- 
ship of Mahmuds son Fazlur Rahman, the JUI is 
again influential as part of the Muttahida Majlis-i 
Amal (MMA) coalition of religious parties that 
came to power in the NWFP in 2002. The JUI is 
also popular in Baluchistan. 

Sec also Islamism; politics and Islam; Shiism. 

Anna Bigelow 

Further reading: Jamal Malik. Colonialization of Islam: 
Dissolution of Traditional Institutions in Pakistan, 2d cd. 
(New Delhi: Manohar Publications, 1998); Muhammad 
Qasim Zaman. The Ularna in Contemporary Islam: Cus- 
todians of Change (Princeton. N.J.: Princeton University 
Press, 2002). 

Jammu and Kashmir Sec Kashmir. 

Jannisary (Turkish yeniferi: new troops) 

The elite standing army corps of the Otto- 
man Empire, the Janissaries originated in the 
14th century as a corps of soldiers made up 
of Christian prisoners of war. They developed 
into a regular standing infantry through the 
institution known as dcv§invc — the levying of 
boys from the Christian peoples conquered by 
the Ottomans. The recruits were converted to 
Islam, taught the Turkish language, and trained 
for specific functions in the Ottoman palace and 
military. Though they received regular salaries, 
the Janissaries were considered slaves, and other 
Muslims were thus excluded from their ranks. 
The Janissaries were subject to strict discipline 
and were forbidden to marry. Their organization 
was steeped in tradition, and each regiment was 
independent, with its own symbol and flag. Their 
loyalty to the regiment and to the sultan gave 
them strength in battle, making them an effec- 
tive force in Ottoman conquests. In peacetime, 
they served important functions in Ottoman 
CITIES, including fire-fighting, maintaining law 
and order, and ensuring fair trade. They became 
a force in internal politics known for revolting 
against and overthrowing viziers and even sul- 
tans, symbolically announcing their mutinies 
by overturning their large soup cauldrons. The 
Janissaries had an affiliation with the Bektashi 
Sufi Order, whose babas (spiritual leaders) 
served as chaplains to the troops. 

Because of their regular salary and the privi- 
leges and distinctions they received, Muslims 
began to seek admission to the Janissary corps 
through patronage and bribery. This led to a 
decline of discipline, which worsened when 
Janissaries were allowed to have outside careers 
while still garnering their wages. By the 18th 
century, the Janissaries were widely seen as a 
nuisance, and they resisted attempts at reform. 
Finally, when Sultan Mahmud II (r. 1808-39) 
created a new regular corps in 1826, the ensuing 
mutiny was put down, and the Janissaries were 

Jerusalem 391 

See also Christianity and Islam; conversion; 
Europe; Ottoman dynasty; slavery; Tanzimat. 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: Geoffrey Goodwin, The Janissaries 
(London: Saqi Books, 1994); David Nicolle and Christa 
Hook, The Janissaries (Oxford: Osprey, 1995) 

Jerusalem (known in Arabic as al-Quds 
[Holy] and Bayt al-Maqdis [House of the 

Jerusalem is a holy city for followers of the three 
Abrahamic religions — Judaism, Christianity, and 
Islam. For each, however, it is holy for different 
reasons. For Jews, it is the location of Mount Zion, 
the center of the world where the ancient Israelite 
Temple of Solomon once stood. For Christians, it is 
where Jesus convened the Last Supper with his dis- 
ciples and where he endured the Passion, was cru- 
cified, died, resurrected, and ascended to heaven. 
For Muslims, it is where Muhammad prayed and 
entered into the heavens on his Night Journey 
and Ascent. Most Muslims consider it to be Islam's 
third most sacred city after Mecca and Medina, 
although they also recognize it is not exclusive to 
them alone as the other two cities are. Through the 
centuries, devout members of all three religions 
have lived and journeyed to Jerusalem on pilgrim- 
age. They go to visit and worship at places that are 
held sacred by each of these religions. The Western 
Wall of the ancient Temple is a major focus of Jew- 
ish prayer and piety. For Christians, its most holy 
places are the Church of the Resurrection (also 
called the Church of the Holy Sepulcher) and the 
Mount of Olives, where they believe Jesus ascended 
to heaven. Muslims visit and pray at the Aqsa 
Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in the Haram 
al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary, known as the Temple 
Mount to Jews and Christians). All three religions 
have traditions stating that Jerusalem will be the 
focal point of cataclysmic events that will signal the 
endtimes and the arrival of Judgment Day. 

Aerial view of Jerusalem’s Old City showing the Dome 
of the Rock and the Haram al-Sharif (top), and the 
Church of the Holy Sepulcher (the domed structure at 
the bottom) (National Geographic Magazine) 


Jerusalem is among the oldest cities in the world. 
Archaeological evidence suggests human settle- 
ment in its environs as early as the fourth mil- 
lennium B.c.E. Its early name, Rushalimum (or 
Urusalim), appears in ancient Egyptian and Syrian 
texts dated to the 19th and 14th centuries B.c.E. 
This name may have meant "foundation of the 
god Salim"; only much later, after the biblical 
period, was its name interpreted to mean “City of 
Peace." Between 2000 and 1500 B.C.E., Jerusalem 
developed into a walled city located on the hill of 

Jerusalem 393 

the Middle East in the fourth century B.C.E., Jeru- 
salem fell into the hands of his general Seleucus 
I Nicator (r. 312-281 B.C.E.) and his heirs, the 
Seleucids. Under the influence of Hellenistic 
culture, the city was embellished with a stadium 
and gymnasium, and worship of Hellenistic gods 
was introduced in the Temple. Jewish rule was 
restored by the Hasmoneans (or Maccabees) 
around 166 B.C.E. The last Hasmoneans were 
subjugated by Rome about a century later in 63 
B.C.E., and Jerusalem became part of the Roman 
Empire, governed by Romes clients, the Herodian 
Dynasty (63 b.c.e-50 c.e.). Herod the Great (r. 
40 b.c.e.— 4 B.C.E.), under the patronage of Julius 
Caesar and other prominent Romans, conducted 
major building projects in Jerusalem. He rebuilt 
the Temple, enlarged the Temple Mount, and 
enhanced the city's fortifications. Herod's succes- 
sors ruled Judaea during the ministries of Jesus 
and his disciples and were implicated in their per- 
secution. The Hcllcnization of the city continued 
during this time, as reflected in its theater, temples 
to Greco-Roman deities, and luxurious homes for 
the wealthy on the hillsides west of the Temple 
Mount. Tensions among Jews opposed to Helle- 
nization and Roman rule erupted into an outright 
revolt in 66 C.E., resulting in the destruction of 
the Second Temple, the slaughter of the civilian 
population, and the devastation of much of the 
city in 70. Jewish religious life found fertile soil 
elsewhere in Palestine, the cast Mediterranean 
region, and Mesopotamia. Jesus' followers, who 
came to be known as Christians, followed their 
Jewish brethren into towns and cities of Palestine 
and the east Mediterranean region. 

During the second century, another Jewish 
uprising, known as the Bar-Kochba Revolt, broke 
out when the Romans decided to build a temple 
to Jupiter on the Temple Mount in 130. The revolt 
was violently crushed, and Jews were banned from 
living in the city. Jerusalem was transformed into a 
Roman garrison named Aelia Capitolina after the 
family of the emperor Hadrian (r. 117-138) and 
the Temple Mount became a place of desolation. 

The city continued to languish under its Roman 
overlords until the emperor Constantine (r. 306- 
337) converted to Christianity and, with the help 
of his mother Helena, gave new life to it. Helena 
identified the site of Jesus' crucifixion, burial, 
and resurrection on Golgotha, the hill situated 
west of the Temple Mount. She was authorized 
by her son to construct a church there to house 
the relic of the True Cross. This was the Church 
of the Resurrection (or Holy Sepulcher). She also 
had basilicas built on the Mount of Olives and 
in Bethlehem. During the reign of the emperor 
Justinian (r. 527-365) the “new” (Nca) Church 
of the Theotokos was built near the Church of 
the Resurrection in honor of Mary as the “mother 
of God.” Jerusalem and environs then became a 
major focus of early Christian pilgrimage activity. 
By the late sixth century, the city had at least 17 
churches. It was one of the major patriarchates 
in the Byzantine Empire, where Christianity had 
become the religion of state. At about the same 
time, though often excluded from the city by 
Christian authorities, Jews were assembling tradi- 
tions (found in the Talmud and rabbinic midrash) 
about the sacredness of the Temple Mount and its 
Stone of Foundation, identifying it as the loca- 
tion of the biblical creation account, the place 
from underneath which the floodwatcrs came in 
the time of Noah, the location of Abrahams near- 
sacrifice of his son Isaac, and where the Messiah 
would stand to proclaim the new messianic age. 

During the first half of the seventh century, 
Jerusalem underwent ongoing political and reli- 
gious turbulence. Sassanian armies invaded the 
region from Persia, defeating Byzantine forces. 
They captured Jerusalem in 614, which led to 
considerable loss of life and destruction in the 
city, and they carried the relic of the True Cross 
back to their capital, Ctesiphon, in Mesopotamia. 
Persians left the city temporarily in the hands of 
the Jews, who anticipated the onset of a new age. 
Meanwhile, the Byzantine emperor Heraclius (r. 
610-641) launched a counterattack against the 
Persians, finally returning to Jerusalem in triumph 

394 Jerusalem 

with the True Cross in 629. Jews were accused of 
conspiring with the Persians and implicated in the 
killing of Christians and destruction of churches. 
Once again, Christian authorities banned them 
from the city. They were prohibited from public 
worship, and in 634 Heraclius ordered that all the 
Jews in his empire be baptized. 


Arabs appear to have lived in Jerusalem in the 
first century, for they arc mentioned in the New 
Testaments Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:5-11). 
There is also evidence that there were Christian 
Arabs in the city when it was ruled by the Byz- 
antine Empire. Jerusalem was not mentioned by 
name in the Quran, but several verses have been 
understood by later Muslim commentators as 
references to it. The most important of these was 
the “farthest mosque" ( al-masjid cil-aqsa) men- 
tioned in Q 17:1, which was identified in Islamic 
commentaries with the place where Muhammad 
prayed in Jerusalem on his miraculous Night 
Journey. The Aqsa Mosque in the Noble Sanctuary 
( al-haram al-sharif) y or Temple Mount platform, 
commemorated this event. The other verse most 
commonly associated with Jerusalem is Q 2:142- 
153, where commentators maintain that Muham- 
mad was commanded to face toward the QIBLA 
of Mecca, instead of Jerusalem, the first qibla of 
the Muslims of Medina. Later texts elaborated on 
both Muhammad's Night Journey and the chang- 
ing of the qibla. Indeed, a distinct literary genre 
concerned with the praiseworthy qualities ( fadail ) 
ol Jerusalem would arise around the time of the 
Crusades (12th to 13th century) that sought to 
place the city on a par with Mecca and Medina 
and identify it as the site where important events 
were expected to occur on Judgment Day. 

Muslim political control over Jerusalem was 
established in 638, when Arab armies accepted the 
peaceful surrender of the city by the Byzantines. 
This was during the reign of the caliph Umar ibn 
al-Khattab (r. 634-644), who, according to some 
accounts, was received by the city's Christian 

patriarch Sophronius. Umar has also been credited 
with having the neglected Temple Mount cleared 
of debris and building a small mosque near where 
the Aqsa Mosque would later be erected. There 
was no forced conversion of Jews and Christians 
to Islam. Generally faring better than under their 
former Roman, Persian, and Byzantine rulers, 
they were treated as “protected" (dh/MM/) com- 
munities because they were People of the Book. 
During the Umayyad Caliphate (661-750), which 
had established its capital in nearby Damascus, 
Muslim rulers greatly embellished the Noble 
Sanctuary by reconstructing and expanding the 
Aqsa Mosque and erecting the Dome of the Rock, 
a strikingly beautiful edifice that symbolized the 
advent of the new Umayyad political order and 
promoted Islamic doctrines about God and Jesus 
against those of Christianity. 

As the centuries passed, Arabic replaced Greek 
as the language of the populace. Jerusalems 
prosperity declined when the Abbasids ended 
Umayyad rule and transferred the capital eastward 
from Damascus to Baghdad in the mid-eighth 
century. As Abbasid power weakened in the 10th 
century, rival powers contended for control over 
Jerusalem and its environs. It remained a city 
where the Christian majority lived together with 
Jews and their Muslim rulers until the era of the 
Crusades (11th to 13th centuries). Intercommunal 
tensions were intensified when the Fatimid caliph 
in Cairo, al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah (r. 996-1021), 
ordered the destruction of the Church of the 
Resurrection in September 1009. Historians have 
offered different explanations for these and other 
actions taken against Jews, Christians, and even 
Muslims. Some explanations point to al-Hakim's 
unstable personality or to his concern that the 
Christian holy site was too wealthy and attracting 
too many pilgrims, especially during the Easter 
holidays. Others posit that he suspected Chris- 
tians of colluding with rival rulers and Bedouin 
chieftains to undermine Fatimid rule in Syria-Pal- 
estine. Earthquakes, warfare, and a poor economy 
further contributed to Jerusalem's decline. More- 

Jerusalem 395 

over, in contrast to Cairo, Mecca, Damascus, and 
Baghdad, it lacked significant centers of learning 
and famous scholars. 

Eventually, word of al-Hakim’s harsh measures 
against Christians in Jerusalem reached Europe 
and provoked the launching of the First Crusade 
in 1099, which sought to place Jerusalem and 
the Holy Land under European Christian rule. 
The crusaders took the city on July 15, 1099, 
with much loss of life and destruction of prop- 
erty. Eyewitness accounts describe the wholesale 
slaughter of men and women, Muslims and Jews 
alike, by the crusader warriors. City streets were 
said to have run red with blood. In the aftermath 
of the crusader victory, Muslims and Jews were 
banned from the city, and even Eastern Chris- 
tians (Greeks, Armenians, Nestorians, Georgians) 
were expelled from its holy places. The crusaders 
converted the Aqsa Mosque into a palace and the 
Dome of the Rock into a church that they named 
the “Temple of the Lord.’* 

The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem the crusad- 
ers founded lasted until 1187, when the Kurd- 
ish Muslim warrior prince Saladin (d. 1193) 
reconquered the city and pushed the crusaders to 
the coastal areas of Palestine and Syria. Saladin, 
who founded the Ayyubid dynasty (1169-1260), 
restored the Muslim holy sites in the Noble Sanc- 
tuary and reopened Jerusalem to Muslims, Jews, 
and Eastern Christians. Some of the churches and 
convents built by the crusaders were transformed 
into mosques, madrasas, and Sufi hospices, which 
attracted Muslim scholars, students, and mystics 
belonging to many of the leading Sufi orders to the 
city. Christians were permitted to maintain control 
of the Church of the Resurrection, and even Latin 
pilgrims were allowed to come. In 1229, during a 
time of political feuding within Muslim ranks, the 
sultan al-Kamil (r. 1218-38), Saladin's nephew, 
allowed Latin crusaders to reoccupy Jerusalem 
under the command of Frederick 11 (d. 1250), the 
Holy Roman Emperor and enlightened monarch 
from Sicily. Once again, non-Christians had little 
if any access to the holy city. This interlude was 

short-lived, however. After Frederick II departed, 
Turkish troops allied with the Ayyubids attacked 
both Damascus and Jerusalem in 1244, bringing 
death and ruin in their wake. The crusading came 
to an end, but one of its significant outcomes was 
to enhance Jerusalems importance as a sacred 
symbol among Muslims, Christians, and Jews. 
This is when much of the Muslim devotional liter- 
ature concerning Jerusalem's praiseworthy quali- 
ties was composed and when pious Jews dreamed 
of returning and reclaiming their sacred land. 
Despite its holiness, or perhaps partly because of 
it, Muslim rulers did not allow the city to have its 
own defensive walls, a standard feature for cities 
that had political or strategic importance. The 
three religious communities were intermingled; 
there was little if any ghettoization of religious 

After the fall of the Ayyubids, Jerusalem came 
under the control of the Mamluks, a dynasty of 
slave-soldiers that ruled from Cairo and Damascus 
between 1250 and 1517. The city prospered under 
their patronage. It is estimated that only about 70 
Jewish families, divided into Sephardic (Spanish 
and “Oriental") and Ashkenazi (European) com- 
munities, lived there at this time, while many Jews 
lived in the Galilee to the north. Mamluk control 
was ended in 1517, when Ottoman armies con- 
quered the region and incorporated it into their 
expansive empire, which was based in the city 
of Istanbul (Constantinople), the former capital 
of the Byzantines that the Ottomans had taken 
in 1453. Jerusalem enjoyed the patronage of the 
Ottomans, who built the great wall known as 
Suleyman's Wall in 1537-41, which now defines 
the “Old City," and continued to support the 
funding of its Islamic institutions. The Ottoman 
millet system of governance, which favored the 
formation of communities on the basis of religious 
and ethnic identity, led to the appearance of reli- 
giously aligned neighborhoods in Ottoman cities. 
This explains the division of Jerusalem into 18 
quarters divided among 4 groups: Jewish (2 quar- 
ters), Muslim (4 quarters), Armenian Christian (4 

< 5 ^ 

396 Jesus 

quarters), and other Christians (Greeks, Latins, 
and Copts) before the end of the 18th century. By 
1850, Jerusalem had an estimated total popula- 
tion of 15,000, with Jews becoming the largest 
group (6,000) for the first time since the Roman 
period. By the turn of the century, the city had 
55,000 residents, including a large Jewish major- 
ity (35,000). 


As the Ottoman Empire collapsed from internal 
and external forces, Jerusalem became subject 
to increasing involvement by European powers 
and growing tensions among the different com- 
munities that lived in it. European governments 
opened consulates there, and missionaries opened 
schools and churches to win converts. European 
Jewish philanthropists such as the Montefiores 
and the Rothschilds supported the building of 
schools, clinics, and hospitals for the city’s Jewish 
population. Meanwhile, Jerusalem had become 
the focal point of a worldwide Zionist movement 
that sought to create a modern national home- 
land for all Jews. After World War 1, the Ottoman 
Empire collapsed. Its holdings in Syria, Transjor- 
dan (later Jordan), and Palestine were divided 
between France and Britain, the two main victors 
in the war. Transjordan and Palestine (including 
Jerusalem) fell under the British mandate, which 
remained in effect until 1948, when the modern 
slate of Israel was created. During the mandate 
period, Palestinian Arab nationalism was also 
stirred, and Jerusalem became a major center for 
the Palestinian nationalist movement, a largely 
secular movement that included Arab Christians 
as well as Muslims. 

Conflict between Jewish and Arab nationalisms 
led to the division of Jerusalem into two parts in 
the war of 1947-48. Although the United Nations 
recommended that the city be internationalized, 
Jews claimed control of West Jerusalem and Arabs 
claimed East Jerusalem. The dividing line ran 
north to south in line with the western wall of the 
Old City. Israel made West Jerusalem its capital. 

despite international objections. Jordan ruled East 
Jerusalem until the 1967 Arab-lsraeli war, when 
the entire city came under Israeli control. Today 
Jerusalem remains a much-contested holy city — a 
focal point of religious violence, nationalist aspi- 
rations, and messianic expectations that extend all 
the way to the evangelical Christian communities 
of the United States. Its status as Israel’s capital 
remains controversial. Calls for its internation- 
alization continue, but there is also support for 
making it the shared capital of both Israel and a 
Palestinian state that has yet to be realized. Mean- 
while, the city has grown in size and population. 
It is Israel's largest city, followed by Tel Aviv-Jaffa 
and Haifa. In 2007, according to the Israeli Cen- 
tral Bureau of Statistics, it had more than 732,000 
inhabitants (65 percent Jews, 32 percent Muslims, 
and 2 percent Christians), including those living 
in outlying towns and settlements. 

See also Abbasid Caliphate; Arab-Israeli con- 
flicts; Christianity and Islam; Fatimid dynasty; 
Judaism and Islam; Mamluk; Ottoman dynasty. 

Further reading: Karen Armstrong, Jerusalem: One 
City, Three Faiths (New York: Random House, 1996); 
Meron Benvenisti, City of Stone: The Hidden History 
of Jerusalem (Berkeley: University of California Press, 
1996); Oleg Grabar, The Shape of the Holy: Early Islamic 
Jerusalem (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 
1996), F. E. Peters Jerusalem (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton 

University Press, 1995); , Jerusalem and Mecca: 

The Typology of the Holy City in the Near East (New 
York: New York University Press, 1987); A. L. Tibawi, 
“Jerusalem: Its Place in Islam and Arab History.” The 
Islamic Quarterly 12, no. 4 (1968): 185-218. 

Jesus (Arabic: Isa) the first-century Jewish 
teacher who Christians believe to be a savior and 
who Muslims believe was a prophet who brought the 
Gospel, which contained part of God's message for 

Jesus' name appears in 15 quranic chapters and 
93 verses. Known as “the Messiah Jesus, the son 

jihad 397 

of Mary" (for example, Q 3:43), Muslims believe 
that Jesus was born of a virgin named Mary and 
that he taught the true religion of God, many 
aspects of which Christians later misinterpreted 
(for example, Q 5:17; 19:16-37). Following the 
quranic narrative, they hold that while he was 
not crucified, he was raised to heaven and will 
return at the end of time to defeat the ANTICHRIST 
(a l-Dajjal). Muslims also believe that Jesus was a 
prophet ( rasul , nabi) who foretold the coming of 
Muhammad. Additional accounts about Jesus were 
later included in the hadith. Lives of the Prophets 
literature, and Sufi poetry and hagiographies. 

One of several mistakes Muslims believe Chris- 
tians have made about Jesus is their claim that he 
was divine. Because a key belief in Islam is an 
absolute MONOTHEISM ( TAWHID ), Muslims believe 
it is blasphemous to maintain that any human 
being can have divine attributes. For Muslims, 
God is perfect and holy and as such cannot be 
captured in any human form. The idea that Jesus 
was human and not divine does not detract from 
his important role as a prophet. The message he 
preached to humanity was as meaningful as the 
prophets who preceded him. Muslims also reject 
the Christian notion of the trinity because they 
believe it is a form of idolatry that undermines 
God's oneness. 

The Quran's assertions about Jesus suggest 
that he and Muhammad had similar experiences, 
and, as such, Muslims believe that there were 
some parallels between the lives of these figures. 
God gave each of them the task of proclaiming 
his message to humanity. They both had compan- 
ions who attempted to understand their message, 
encountered opponents who severely criticized 
the ideas they declared, and gave prophecies 
about the future. Muslims believe Jesus foretold 
the coming of Muhammad, while in the hadith, 
Muhammad declared the day of judgment that 
would come at the end of time. 

Muslims believe that when Jesus' enemies 
attempted to crucify him, God intentionally 
deceived them by projecting Jesus' likeness onto 

someone else whom they mistakenly crucified (Q 
4:157-158). However, Muslims do believe that 
Jesus ascended into heaven. For them, neither 
divinity nor crucifixion is necessary to authenti- 
cate the enormous value of Jesus' life and teach- 
ings. The Arabic name Isa (J esus ) is used by 
Muslims as a personal name, and it is thought 
that the mixing of Muslims and Christians in 
Andalusia (Islamic Spain) helped make Jesus a 
common name among Spanish-speaking Chris- 
tians as well. 

Followers of one of the branches of the 
Ahmadiyya sect, unlike the majority of Muslims, 
maintain that Jesus survived crucifixion and 
migrated to Kashmir under the name Yuz Asaf, 
where he survived to old age and was buried. 

See also Christianity and Islam; Gospel; holy 
books; prophets and prophecy. 

Jon Armajani 

Further reading: Kenneth Cragg , Jesus and the Muslim: 
An Exploration (London and Boston. G. Allen & Unwin, 
1985); Tarif Khalidi. The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and 
Stories in Islamic Literature (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard 
University Press, 2001); Javad Nurbakhsh, Jesus in the 
Eyes of the Sufis (London: Khaniqahi-Nimatullahi Pub- 
lications, 1983); Edward Geoffrey Parrinder, Jesus in 
the Quran (Oxford: Oneworld, 1995); Neal Robinson, 
Christ in Islam and Christianity: The Representation of 
Jesus in the Quran and the Classical Muslim Commentar- 
ies (London: Macmillan, 1991); Ahmad ibn Muham- 
mad al-Thalabi, Arais al-majalis fi qisas al-anbiya , or 
“ Lives of the Prophets .” Translated by William M. Brin- 
ner (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2002), 622-680. 

Literally, the Arabic word jihad means to strive 
or struggle (in the path of God); it often refers to 
religiously sanctioned warfare. The Quran advo- 
cates jihad to extend Gods rule (Q 2:192, 8:39), 
promising reward in the afterlife for those who 
are killed in battle (Q 3:157-158, 169-172) and 
punishment for those who do not participate (Q 

jihad movements 399 

Islam and Colonialism: The Doctrine of Jihad in Modern 
History (The Hague: Mouton, 1979); Rudolph Peters. 
Jihad in Classical and Modern Islam (Princeton, N.J.: 
Markus Weiner Publishers. 1996). 

jihad movements 

Jihad is one of the most contested terms in Islam. 
The terms basic Arabic meaning yields words 
generally meaning striving or struggle, whether 
in the more general sense of striving for correct 
practice or, more particularly, striving for inter- 
pretive clarity in reading the Quran and hadith. 
Jihad, however, has been widely understood, by 
both Muslims and non-Muslims, as religiously 
sanctioned warfare. The Islamic legal schools 
formalized jihad doctrines of warfare in the wake 
of the early conquests, based on statements in 
the Quran and hadith. Radical Islamist move- 
ments active in modern times have given the 
term renewed significance, often significantly 
changing traditional understandings formulated 
in the premodern Islamic legal traditions. Claim- 
ing to act in the name of Islam, these movements 
have strived to fight what they see as imperialist 
anti-Muslim agents and apostates, both at home 
and abroad. 

Jihad movements appeared in a number of 
different Muslim societies in the 18th and 19th 
centuries, coinciding with the onset of the second 
millennium of the Islamic calendar. Some were 
Mahdist in nature, following the lead of self- 
proclaimed Mahdis (Islamic messianic leaders) 
and the onset of a new age. Promoting Islamic 
revival and reform, these movements established 
Islamic states in West Africa. The movement 
of the Sudanese Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad (d. 
1885) opposed European imperialism, a trend 
that a number of jihad movements followed in 
North Africa, the Caucasus region, India, Suma- 
tra, and Java. The Wahhabi movement in Arabia 
attacked what its leaders considered un-lslamic 
practices and created the Saudi state using a 
jihadist ideology and tribal warriors. After World 

War II, as Muslim lands became decolonized, 
jihad movements and militias arose in opposi- 
tion to Israeli occupation of the West Bank and 
Gaza territories. They also appeared in Lebanon 
in response to Israel's occupation of the country 
in 1982. Egyptian president Anwar al-Sadat (d. 
1981) was assassinated by the Jihad Group, which 
considered him to be an un-lslamic leader because 
of his pro-Western policies, despotism, and peace 
agreement with Israel. The Soviet occupation of 
Afghanistan between 1979 and 1989 gave birth to 
an array of anti-Soviet militias that included jihad 
groups composed of Afghan and foreign guer- 
rilla fighters supported by the United States and 
Saudi Arabia. These included a loosely organized 
group of Arab fighters led by Usama bin Ladin and 
Ayman al-Zawahiri that came to be known as AL- 
Qaida (The Base). The success of the jihadist mili- 
tias against the Soviet army inspired bin Ladin's 
group to engage in other militant activities. It also 
gave new motivation to jihad movements in other 
Muslim lands. 

Following the events of September 11, 2001, 
many Muslims have actively sought to distance 
themselves — and Islam in general — from jihad- 
ist interpretations of Islam. Nonetheless, move- 
ments such as the Jamaa al-Islamiyya (Islamic 
Group) in Egypt and al-Qaida have made their 
mark, creating an association of Islam with 
violence that has proved difficult to break. It is 
important to note, however, that there are Mus- 
lim movements that carry out “jihadist" work in 
the name of Islam that is explicitly nonpolitical 
and nonviolent. The Tablighi Jamaat, which 
began in India in the early 20th century and has 
spread throughout the world, is one such move- 
ment. Jihad in this context has come to mean the 
struggle to keep Muslims within the Islamic fold 
in the face of Western-style modernity and secu- 
larism, a task accomplished through personal 
piety and proselytizing. 

See also Abd al-Rahman, Umar; Afghan 
mujahidin; Faraizi movement; Barelwi, Sayyid 
Ahmad; Hamas; Hizbullah; renewal and reform 

400 Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 

movements; Shamil; terrorism; Wahhabism; West 

Caleb Elfenbein 

Further reading: Fawaz A. Gerges, Journey of the Jihad - 
ist: Inside Muslim Militancy (Orlando, Fla.: Harcourt, 
2006); Gilles Kcpel, Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam 
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2002); 
Ahmed Rashid, Jih ad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Cen- 
tral Asia (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 
2002); William R. Roff, "Islamic Movements: One or 
Many?” In Islam and the Political Economy of Meaning: 
Comparative Studies of Muslim Discourse edited by Wil- 
liam R. Roff, 31-52 (London: Croom Helm, and Berke- 
ley: University of California Press, 1987). 

Jinnah, Muhammad Ali ("the greatest 
leader”: Qaid-i Azam, Quaid-i Azam) 

(1876-1948) leading Muslim politician in 
prepartition India and first governor-general 
of Pakistan 

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born in Karachi 
(now in Pakistan) to a successful Ismaili Khoja 
family from Gujarat. In his youth, he attended a 
Muslim school, but he obtained his high school 
education from a Christian missionary school 
in Karachi. At the age of 17, instead of attending 
the University of Bombay, Jinnah was sent by his 
family to London to work as an apprentice in an 
international trading firm that did business with 
his father, Jinnahbhai (d. 1901). He never com- 
pleted his apprenticeship but was drawn to study 
law at Lincolns Inn instead. At the age of 19, he 
became the youngest Indian ever to be admitted to 
the English bar. He also took an interest in British 
politics, attending sessions of the House of Com- 
mons during his sojourn in London and helping 
an Indian politician become the first member 
from that country to be elected to this legislative 
body. In 1896, he was obliged to return to India 
because his fathers business had failed. 

The Jinnah who came back to India had 
become Anglicized — his austere demeanor, dress. 

and personal habits were more English than 
Gujarati. He earned a good reputation as a civil 
attorney in Bombay (now known as Mumbai), one 
of India's most important ports and commercial 
centers. He became caught up in the nationalist 
movement that was seeking to win a greater role 
for Indians in the British colonial government as 
well as a greater share of the civil service jobs. 
The most important body of nationalists was the 
Indian National Congress (INC), which had been 
established in Bombay in 1885, and Jinnah became 
an active member starting in 1906. As the Indian 
nationalist movement shifted to seeking actual 
independence from British rule, Muslim elites in 
northern India became increasingly concerned 
about their eventual minority status in a nation 
that would be dominated by a Hindu majority, 

Muhammad Ali Jinnah with his sister Fatime on his 72nd 
birthday ( 1 947), Karachi, Pakistan (Corbis/Bettmann) 

Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 401 

even if it was secular and democratic in outlook. 
It was in this context that the All-India Muslim 
League (A1ML) was formed in 1906. Jinnah, who 
was not a very devout Muslim, deferred joining it 
until 1913 and became its president in 1916. His 
strategy was to maintain Muslim-Hindu coopera- 
tion in the nationalist cause, but he quit the INC 
in 1920 because of his concern that MOHANDAS 
K. Gandhi (d. 1948), a fellow-Gujarati and rising 
star in the INC, was giving the movement a more 
Hindu character than he could accept. He was 
unhappy both with Gandhi's support of the Khila- 
fat Movement and with his strategy of mobilizing 
the masses to participate in nonviolent acts of civil 
disobedience. He, on the other hand, preferred to 
work through the existing political system that 
was dominated by India's educated elites, operat- 
ing within the limits of British colonial law. 

During the 1920s, Jinnah struggled to keep 
AIML united, obtain assurances from the INC that 
Muslims would be guaranteed representation in 
any future local and national legislatures, and win 
recognition for Muslim representation in Mus- 
lim majority regions of Northwest India (Sindh 
and the Punjab). He left India in frustration in 
1930 and stayed in London until 1935, when 
he returned to reunite the AIML and renew its 
participation in the nationalist cause. The league 
suffered a surprising defeat in India's first national 
election in 1937. It failed to win in Muslim-major- 
ity provinces, while the INC, on the other hand, 
achieved impressive victories and gained control 
of the parliament. Jinnah did not give up but 
changed tactics to gain popular support for AIML 
by mobilizing India's Sufis and campaigning in the 
countryside. Moreover, unlike the INC, the AIML 
under his leadership declared its support for the 
British during World War II, which placed it in a 
favorable position vis-a-vis the British when the 
war ended in 1945. As a result, AIML swept all the 
seats reserved for Muslims in the parliamentary 
election of 1946. 

The elections, however, rather than lead- 
ing to an intercommunal consensus for national 

unity, exacerbated tensions between Hindus and 
Muslims in northern India. AIML and its sup- 
porters called for a separate homeland for Mus- 
lims — Pakistan (Pure Land). This idea had been 
first proposed by Muhammad Iqbal (d. 1938), an 
Indian intellectual and poet, in 1930, when he 
was inaugurated as president of AIML. Iqbal urged 
Jinnah after the 1937 elections to support self- 
determination for the Muslims of northwest India 
and Bengal. Jinnah was not enthusiastic about 
a separate homeland, but, in 1940, he declared 
that Hindus and Muslims constituted two differ- 
ent nations that had never been united and never 
would be. In the postwar climate, he pushed more 
forcefully for an independent Pakistan, believing 
that Congress under the leadership of Gandhi 
and Jawaharlal Nehru (d. 1964) would never 
agree to share power with AIML or give Muslims 
a guaranteed percentage of seats in parliament. 
Democracy would only bring about a Hindu raj 
(rule) in place of the British one. In 1946, a Brit- 
ish proposal to make India into a loose federation 
of provinces grouped according to religious affili- 
ation failed to win support from either AIML or 
INC. Jinnah called for Muslims to take “direct 
action” on behalf of the idea of an Indian Muslim 
homeland by going on strike and conducting pub- 
lic protests, but this led to outbreaks of communal 
violence in different parts of India, especially in 
Bengal, Calcutta, and Bihar. Pakistan emerged as 
an independent state with Jinnah as its first leader, 
or governor-general, on August 14, 1947, while 
India proclaimed independence from Britain on 
August 15, 1947. 

Jinnah's career as leader of the newly indepen- 
dent country was short-lived. He died of tubercu- 
losis and lung cancer on September 11, 1948. His 
burial place on a hill in Karachi, Pakistan's provi- 
sional capital, has become a national monument. 
He has also been memorialized on Pakistan's 
currency, and one of its most prominent universi- 
ties, the Qaid-i Azam University (also known as 
Quaid-i Azam University) in Islamabad, has been 
named after him. 

402 jinni 

See also colonialism; democracy; Hinduism 
and Islam; Ismaili Shiism; politics and Islam; 


Further reading: Akbar S. Ahmed, Jintiah , Pakistan, 
and Islamic Identity (London: Routledge, 1997); Ainslie 
Embree and Stephen Hay, eds., Sources of Indian Tradi- 
tion. Vol. 2, Modern India and Pakistan. 2d cd. (New 
York: Columbia University Press, 1988); Dominique 
Lapierre and Larry Collins, Freedom at Midnight. 2d ed. 
(New Delhi: Vikas Publishing, 1997); Stanley Wolpcrt. 
Jinnah oj Pakistan (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 

jinni (Arabic singular of jinn, or English 

The jinn are intelligent beings capable of doing 
good and evil. They were first known to the 
inhabitants of pre-Islamic Arabia as a kind of 
nature spirit or minor deity. Poets and seers were 
believed to have magical powers in part owing to 
being possessed by, or having a special relation 
with, them. Indeed, Muhammad's seventh-cen- 
tury opponents accused him of being possessed 
by these spirits rather than being in communion 
with the one God, Allah. The jinn arc mentioned 
frequently in the Quran, which even has a chap- 
ter about them that bears their name (Q 72). As 
creatures created from smokeless fire or vapor, 
they stand in contrast to angels, who were created 
from light, and humans, who were created from 
clay. Iblis, or Satan, is one of the jinn (Q 18:50), 
but the Quran also portrays him as a rebellious 
angel (Q 38:73-76), a belief that had arisen in 
Judaism and Christianity previously. The jinn can 
have human qualities; their knowledge is limited 
and they have moral agency. They can either sub- 
mit to God and become Muslims, or they can slan- 
der and disobey him, for which God will judge 
them. The demonic jinn are called satans (Arabic 
shayatin). There are many tales about the jinn, 
and some even hold that they can marry people 
and have children. Unlike humans, however, they 

can change shapes so that they can appear as ANI- 
MALS such as cats, dogs, and goats. Belief in them 
is an accepted aspect of official Islamic doctrine. 

When Islam spread outside of Arabia, belief in 
the jinn was assimilated with local beliefs about 
deities and spirits, from Africa to Iran, Turkey, 
India, and Southeast Asia. In folk religion, they 
are spirits often held responsible for extraordinary 
events, even miracles, as well as many kinds of 
illness. Special amulets are made to control them 
or keep them from doing harm. During the 19th 
century, a women's religious movement known as 
the Zar cult emerged in the Nile Valley and spread 
to adjacent areas. Its purpose was to heal women 
of psychoses and bodily ailments by identify- 
ing and appeasing the jinn. Today scientifically 
minded Muslims tend to deny the existence of 
these extraordinary spirits or explain them in 
psychological terms. 

See also amulets and talismans; Arabian reli- 

Patrick O'Donnell and Juan E. Campo 

Further reading: Eleanor Abdclla Doumato, Getting 
God’s Ear: Women, Islam, and Healing in Saudi Arabia 
and the Gulf (New York: Columbia University Press); 
Edward Wcstcrmarck, Ritual and Belief in Morocco, 2 
vols. (New York: University Books, 1968). 

jizya (Arabic: poll tax) 

The jizya was a poll (or head) tax paid by non- 
Muslim subjects (dh/mm/s) to Muslim govern- 
ments. The legal basis for this tax (Q 9:29), 
commands Muslims to “fight those who have 
previously received revelation who do not believe 
in God or in the Last Day and who do not forbid 
that which God and his Prophet have forbidden 
and who do not believe in the true religion, until 
they agree to pay the jizya in humility." 

The legal texts that lay out the normative 
definitions of jizya are all from a period postdat- 
ing the first century of Islam (ca. eighth century 

- 4 = 5 ^ 

406 Jordan 

the Ottomans began enforcing a more central- 
ized taxing system and curbed the power of the 
tribes, first by military campaigns against them, 
and when that failed, by settling Circassians from 
the Caucasus region in tribal border areas such as 
the largely abandoned town of Amman. Increased 
security and the resulting upswing in regional 
commerce brought new immigrants to towns 
such as Irbid, Ajloun, Salt, and Karak. Syrian and 
Palestinian merchants from Damascus, Nablus, 
JERUSALEM, and Hebron settled branches of their 
families in the main Jordanian towns in order to 
expand their commercial ties. 

Jordan is often described as the most prepos- 
terous of the newly mandated territories created 
by the British and French after World War 1. Its 
jagged, straight-lined borders to the north, east, 
and south do not correspond to any natural geo- 
graphical boundaries and seem arbitrary lines in 
the desert. In November 1920, Abd Allah, the 
son of Sharif Husayn ibn Ali (d. 1931) of Mecca, 
encamped in Maan with an armed group of 300 
fighters intending to march on Damascus to assist 
in the defense of his brother Faysals independent 
Arab kingdom declared in 1918. Instead, when 
he arrived in Amman in March 1921, the Brit- 
ish offered to sponsor him as the emir (Arabic: 
amir, ruler) of Transjordan. Abd Allah accepted 
and later became the first king in the Hashimite 
dynasty that still rules Jordan today. Over the 
course of the 20th century, with the consolidation 
and longevity of state power, a Jordanian national 
identity has taken hold over a majority of the 

One factor that has led to the partial success 
of national identity formation in Jordan is cultural 
homogeneity. Almost the whole population is 
Arab, with the exception of very small Circassian, 
Chechen, Kurdish, and Armenian communities. 
About 93 percent of Jordanians are Sunni Muslims 
who follow the Hanafi Legal School, although 
this is changing. There are small groups of Alawis, 
Twelve-Imam Shia, and Druze. About 5 percent of 
Jordanians are Christians, mostly Greek Ortho- 

dox. There are some Catholics, Maronites, and 
Protestants. Historically, institutionalized religion 
was weak in Jordan. At the beginning of the 19th 
century, there was hardly any functioning mosque 
or church of any significance in any town or vil- 
lage. The spread of formal religious structures 
began only during the 1920s with the establish- 
ment of Hashemite rule. Since the 1950s, the 
government has often allied itself with Islamist 
political forces such as the Muslim Brotherhood 
in order to legitimize its authority. However, 
autonomous Islamist politicians who have gone 
against government policies have been severely 

Jordan suffers from cataclysmic destabilizing 
events on its borders. It has been particularly 
affected by Israeli-Palcstinian conflict. Although 
King Abd Allah secretly negotiated with Zionist 
leaders over the partition of Palestine, Jorda- 
nian troops led by a British commanding officer 
fought in the Jerusalem area in the 1948 war in 
Palestine. With the establishment of the state 
of Israel, Jordan annexed the West Bank of 
the Jordan River. By doing so, it immediately 
acquired a majority-Palestinian population and 
the largest number of the 750,000 to 800,000 
Palestinians who either fled the fighting or were 
forced from their homes. King Abd Allah was 
assassinated by a Palestinian gunman on July 20, 
1950, as he was entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 
Jerusalem for Friday prayers. In the 1967 Arab- 
Israeli war, Israel occupied the West Bank, and 
300,000 more Palestinian refugees fled to the 
East Bank. Another 300,000 Palestinian refugees 
suddenly arrived in Jordan in 1991 after they 
were expelled from Kuwait at the end of the first 
Gulf War. As of December 2006, 1 ,858,362 Pales- 
tinians were officially registered with the United 
Nations Works and Relief Agency (UNWRA) as 
refugees in Jordan, and 328,076 of them lived in 
10 refugee camps spread throughout the country. 
Jordan has by far the largest number of the 4.4 
million Palestinians recognized by the UNWRA 
as refugees from 1948 and their descendants. It 

Jordan 407 

'tf=a i D 

is estimated that from 60 percent to 80 percent of 
the Jordanian population is of Palestinian origin. 
The current reigning queen, Rania, is of Palestin- 
ian origin from Kuwait. 

Much of the history of the modern state of 
Jordan since independence has been dominated 
by the figure of King Husayn who came to power 
when he was only 18 in May 1953 after his father 
Talal was forced to abdicate because of mental 
illness. The early years of his rule were marked 
by a resurgent opposition to foreign influence 
in Jordan. In elections held only a few weeks 
before Israel, France, and Britain invaded Egypt 
in 1956, Arab nationalists and communists won 
the majority of seats in parliament and were 
able to form a government. Husayn was forced 
to dismiss his British military advisers, but then 
exchanged British for U.S. patronage in 1957. 
The alliance with the United States was enduring 
and today Jordan is one of the largest recipients 
of U.S. foreign aid in the Middle East after Iraq, 
Israel, and Egypt. 

The rule of King Husayn was seriously chal- 
lenged by the rise of the Palestine Liberation 
Organization (PLO) and Palestinian armed resis- 
tance organizations that were based in the refugee 
camps. After Palestinian militants hijacked three 
international airline carriers and flew them to an 
airfield near Zarqa in September 1970, the Jorda- 
nian army launched an all-out attack on the PLO 
armed presence in the camps and, by 1971, the 
PLO was forced to move its military and political 
headquarters to Beirut, Lebanon. In 1974 the Arab 
League recognized the PLO as the sole legitimate 
representative of the Palestinian people. King 
Husayn still claimed Jordanian sovereignty over 
the West Bank until 1988. During these years he 
maintained secret contacts with Israeli leaders. A 
full peace agreement with Israel was signed on 
October 26, 1994. King Husayn died of cancer on 
February 7, 1999, and was succeeded by his son 
Abdullah (b. 1962), the present monarch. 

Jordan is witnessing a rapid demographic 
and economic transformation caused by the 

U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 with unpredictable 
consequences. Some reports put the number 
of Iraqis now resident in Jordan as high as 1.5 
million or one-fifth of Jordan’s entire popula- 
tion. Some of the Iraqi refugees are wealthy 
and billions of dollars have been poured into 
unproductive speculative investments such as 
the stock market and real estate. The rise in land 
and housing prices has hit Jordan's lower classes 
the hardest and caused overcrowding and the 
delay of marriages due to lack of suitable hous- 
ing. The sudden influx of tens of thousands of 
poor Iraqi war refugees has overburdened the 
educational system and medical and social ser- 
vices. Many thousands of Iraqi refugee children 
have not been in school for two or more years, 
creating a potential generation of illiterates and 
unemployed who will be compelled to face the 
insecurity of the informal labor sector or fall into 
criminal activities. The poorest of the Iraqi refu- 
gees are beginning to move into the overcrowded 
low-income neighborhoods of East Amman and 
even into some of the Palestinian refugee camps 
causing social tensions as communities vie (or 
scant public services and resources. 

Jordan is quickly becoming a land of social 
contrasts. High-rise construction, the increase 
in the number of luxury hotels for tourism, and 
infrastructure modernization are occurring at an 
astonishing pace in areas such as West Amman, 
on the shores of the Dead Sea, and in Aqaba. U.S.- 
based fast food conglomerates, cafes, restaurants, 
nightclubs, and mega malls dot the landscape of 
West Amman with its villas and condos. Cities 
such as Zarqa or the neglected neighborhoods of 
East Amman that have not been the beneficiaries 
of priority public investment, the input of billions 
of recycled Iraqi war dollars, or the focus for the 
burgeoning tourist industry have suffered from a 
deterioration of housing stock, overcrowding, a 
lack of services, and serious environmental deg- 
radation. Unemployment and underemployment 
are rampant. Over 30 percent of the population 
lives below the poverty line and the thousands 

408 Joseph 

of undocumented Iraqi war refugees put even 
the best estimates in doubt. Yet despite these 
anomalies, the life expectancy of the average 
Jordanian of 78.5 years surpasses that of the aver- 
age U.S. citizen by one year. Street crime, theft, 
and murders arc rare occurrences. Jordan is also 
experimenting with democratic forms of political 
participation both at the state and local levels 
of government. Civil society is expanding and 
nongovernmental organizations are flourishing. 
The government promotes womens participation 
in government, business, and the public sphere. 
The literacy rates are among the highest in the 
region. The government has heavily invested in 
making Jordan a center for high-tech, medical, 
and professional services for the whole region. 
English has been introduced as a mandatory 
second language at all levels of the educational 
system. The challenge facing Jordan is how to 
achieve its developmental goals and not be side- 
tracked by unresolved conflicts on its borders 
that have serious consequences inside its own 

See also Alawi; Arab-Israeli conflicts; Arme- 
nians; Christianity and Islam; Crusades; democ- 
racy; Husayn ibn Ali, Sharif; Islamism; Ottoman 


Garay Menicucci 

Further reading: George Alan, Jordan: Living in the 
Crossfire (London: Zed Books, 2005); Joseph Massad, 
Colonial Effects: The Making of National Identity in 
Jordan (New York: Columbia University Press, 2001); 
Abd al- Raman Munif, Story of a City: A Childhood 
in Amman (London: Quartet Books. 1996); Eugene 
Rogan, Frontiers of the State in the Late Ottoman 
Empire: Transjordan 1850-1921 (New York: Cambridge 
University Press, 1999); Jillian Schwedler. Faith in 
Moderation: Islamist Parties in Jordan and Yemen (New 
York: Cambridge University Press, 2006); Avi Shlaim, 
The Politics of Partition: King Abdullah , the Zionists , and 
Palestine 1921-1951 (New York: Oxford University 
Press, 1998). 

Joseph (Arabic: Yusuf) the son of the Israelite 
patriarch Jacob and a Muslim prophet who, because 
of his brothers' jealousy, was sold to slavery and exiled 
in Egypt 

The longest segment of material about Joseph 
appears in sura 12 of the Quran, which is named 
after Joseph, the son of Jacob (Arabic: Yaaqub). 
This sura's 111 verses constitute the Quran's 
longest continual narrative of one character's life. 
They relate Jacob's favoritism toward Joseph; his 
brothers jealousy that compels Joseph be sold to 
slavery in Egypt; Joseph's brother's deceitfulness 
toward their father Jacob; Joseph's handsomeness; 
the attempted seduction of Joseph by the wife of 
his Egyptian master; as well as Joseph's impris- 
onment, exoneration, and his interpretation of 
dreams, which led to his family's move to Egypt 
and their acceptance of Pharaohs protection. 

The sura about Joseph emphasizes the quranic 
theme that God can directly influence human 
affairs. It portrays God as playing a crucial role 
in directing the events in Josephs and his family's 
lives. Joseph also exemplifies the powers associ- 
ated with true prophets of God in that Joseph's 
prophetic dreams foretell future events. Joseph's 
life as a prophet embodies a pattern found in the 
lives of other quranic prophets: he is severely criti- 
cized and marginalized; finally, he is vindicated and 
rises to a position of great honor. As such, Joseph 
is one of many quranic prophets, the pattern of 
whose lives are precursors for the life of Muham- 
mad. The idea of Muhammad's life reflecting those 
of previous prophets such as Joseph's is strength- 
ened by the belief of many Muslims that the sura 
about Joseph was revealed to Muhammad at the 
very time seventh-century skeptics of Muhammad 
challenged his knowledge of the narratives of the 
children of Israel. According to many Muslims, 
the detail and specificity of the sura provide a very 
persuasive response to this challenge. 

Some of the best-known passages in this chap- 
ter portray Joseph as being so handsome that the 
women of Egypt cut their hands in their astonish- 

Judaism and Islam 409 

ment as they gazed at him. Some Muslims believe 
that this proverbial beauty is one of the rewards 
of heaven, where all men are as handsome as 
Joseph. Commentators have even asserted, “God 
allotted to Joseph two-thirds of (all) beauty and 
divided up the remaining third among humanity" 
(Thalabi 183). The Joseph story also attracted the 
attention of Sufi visionaries such as Muhyi al-Din 
ibn al-Arabi (d. 1240),Jalal al-Din Rumi (d. 1273), 
and Jami of Herat (d. 1492). Persian and Turkish 
mystical poets in particular were drawn to the 
romance between Joseph and Zulaykha, the name 
given by commentators to the Egyptians wife. 
Her desire for him was understood to symbolize 
the desire of the purified soul for union with God, 
the beloved. 

The location of Joseph's remains is disputed. 
Pious Jews and Palestinians believe that they are 
located in the West Bank city of Nablus. This 
shrine has been the focus of conflict between 
Israelis and Palestinians; it suffered damage in 
2000 during the al-Aqsa Intifada. 

See also dreams; Judaism and Islam; Majnun 
and Layla; prophets and prophethood. 

Jon Armajani 

Further reading: Shalom Goldman. The Wiles of Women/ 
the Wiles of Men: Joseph and Poliphar’s Wife in Ancient 
Near Eastern, Jewish, and Islamic Folklore (Albany: State 
University of New York Press, 1995); G. R. Hawting and 
Abdul-Kader A. Shareef, Approaches to the Quran (London 
and New York: Routledge, 1993); John Kaltner, Inquiring 
of Joseph: Getting to Know a Biblical Character through 
the Quran (Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 2003); 
Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Thalabi, Arais al-majalis fi 
qisas al-anbiya , or “ Lives of the Prophets . ” Translated by 
William M. Brinner (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2002), 181-235. 

Judaism and Islam 

As Abrahamic religions, Judaism and Islam bear 
significant similarities that testify to a lengthy 
and complex history of dynamic interactions. 

Although it is widely perceived today that the rela- 
tionship between these two religions is essentially 
one of conflict and opposition, closer examination 
reveals that there have been occasions of extended 
mutual accommodation and shared civilizational 
development in the past that cannot be easily 
dismissed. Indeed, scholars maintain that Juda- 
ism and Islam engaged in a “creative symbiosis,” 
whereby each party benefited and changed as 
a result of its contacts with the other. It is also 
the case that in modern times national and geo- 
political factors have been more important than 
religious ones. Arab-Israeli conflicts cannot be 
adequately explained in terms of the 12 centuries 
of Judeo-Muslim interaction that preceded the 
20th-century conflicts. Moreover, though these 
modern conflicts have been horrific, they arc 
of a limited scope, confined largely to a part of 
the Middle East region, directly involving only a 
minority of the worlds total Muslim population. 


There are a number of key similarities that cluster 
together to support the view that Judaism and 
Islam form part of a family of religions, which 
may be called Abrahamic. The foremost of these 
is belief in a unique sovereign deity who governs 
creation. The commonest name for this deity in 
Islam, Allah, is historically related to one of the 
divine names in the Hebrew Bible, Elohim, and 
both names arc related to a word root for god 
found in other Semitic cultures of the ancient 
Near East (for example, el, il, ilu). Both religions 
reject idolatry, holding that God communicated 
to humanity in history through chosen prophets, 
a number of whom are shared by both religions. 
These revelations were captured in scriptures, or 
HOLY books. The primary scripture for Judaism is 
the Torah of Moses and for Islam it is the Quran 
of Muhammad. These scriptures, written in the 
sacred languages of Hebrew and Arabic, respec- 
tively, express key beliefs, ethical principles, sacred 
histories, and rules for worship and everyday life. 

Judaism and Islam 41 1 

(Q 7:159; compare 28:52-54), which was under- 
stood by Muslim commentators to be a reference 
to Jews who had accepted Muhammad's mes- 
sage. Indeed, the Quran promised Jews and other 
believers a blissful afterlife in reward for their 
faith (Q 2:62; 4:162). 


Historical evidence for the history of the Jews in 
the centuries immediately preceding and follow- 
ing the emergence of Islam in the Middle East 
is limited largely to the Quran and early Muslim 
historiography, particularly I bn Ishaq's biography 
of Muhammad ( Sirat rasul Allah , mid-eighth cen- 
tury), al-Waqidis history of Muslim military cam- 
paigns ( Kitab al-maghazi, early ninth century), 
and al-Tabari’s universal history ( Tarikh al-rusul 
wal-muluk, early 10th century). Many scholars, 
including those working in Western academia, rely 
on these sources to reconstruct the history of rela- 
tions between the two communities, as well as the 
Arabian origins of Islam itself. Some scholars have 
called the historicity of these sources into ques- 
tion, however, positing instead that the Quran and 
related accounts were not composed until the late 
eighth-early ninth century. Most, however, agree 
that Islamic sources do, in fact, provide witness to 
the early history of Islam, even though they may 
have been shaped by later concerns and biases. 
With respect to Judaism, the presence of biblical 
and post-biblical Judaic stories in the Quran and 
the histories indicates direct or indirect contacts 
with Jews when these texts were written, whether 
that occurred in the seventh century or later. 

According to Muslim sources there were Jew- 
ish communities living in Yemen and western 
Arabia (the Hijaz) when the Islamic movement 
began. Of particular importance were Jewish 
tribes in Yathrib, the city that would become 
known as Medina after the emigration (Hijra) 
of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to 
that city in 622. In the so-called Constitution of 
Medina, which scholars consider to be one of the 

earliest non-quranic Islamic documents, Jewish 
tribes in Medina were recognized as having their 
own religion (or judgment); those who agreed to 
follow Muhammad were considered to be on a par 
with the Ansar and Meccan Emigrants. Accord- 
ing to Muslim accounts, Jewish groups in Medina 
refused to heed Muhammad's call and began to 
conspire with his opponents in Mecca. Muslim 
commentators indicate that it was in this context 
that the one-day Yom Kippur fast observed by 
Muhammad's followers in concert with the Jews 
was changed to the one-month fast of Rama- 
dan, signaling a break with the Jews. Likewise, 
Muhammad was instructed by God to change the 
prayer direction (qibla) from Jerusalem to Mecca. 
The escalating estrangement between Muslims 
and Jews in Medina ended with the destruction 
and expulsion of all the city’s Jews by the time 
of Muhammad's death in 632. All non-Muslims 
would eventually be banned from living in the 
Hijaz region. 

The Arab Muslim conquests of the wider Mid- 
dle East and the establishment of a new empire 
that extended from North Africa to the Indus 
River valley during the late seventh and eighth 
centuries brought about a new order with new 
opportunities for subject peoples. Jews and Chris- 
tians who submitted to Muslim rulers became 
“protected'' (dh/mmj) members of the Islamicate 
polity who were obliged to pay the quranic jizya 
tax and observe other restrictions, but were 
otherwise allowed to pursue religious life under 
their own authorities. Evidence indicates that 
some Jews and Christians even participated with 
the Muslim armies in the conquests and settled 
into the new post-conquest towns and garrisons 
in Egypt and Iraq. Jerusalem surrendered to the 
Arab invaders without resistance and Jews were 
allowed to return to the city after having been 
banned from it by the Byzantines. The uniting 
of lands formerly divided between the Byzantine 
and Persian empires into one great Islamicate 
oikoumene enhanced the integration of Jews living 
in the Mediterranean region with those living in 


41 2 Judaism and Islam 

the east. The key symbol for Jewish religious life 
was the dual Torah of Moses, oral and written, 
which gave meaning to their life in the diaspora 
and hope for messianic fulfillment. Muslim rulers 
encouraged the consolidation of leadership in the 
Jewish community under the Gaons, heads of the 
rabbinic academies in Iraq and Palestine, and the 
Exilarchs, political chiefs linked to the caliphal 

Having dhimmi status assigned to them by 
Muslim authorities did not confine Jews to a 
single stratum of Islamicate society. They were 
actively involved in transregional trade networks 
and banking, often with the support and encour- 
agement of the caliph. They also worked in menial 
or degrading trades and occupations such as 
weaving, tanning, blacksmilhing, horse trading, 
working in public baths, jailers, and executioners. 
Indeed, S. D. Goitcins studies of 1 Oth-1 1 th-cen- 
tury Cairo Geniza documents have shown that 
Jews worked in nearly every known occupation, 
ranging from high government office, education, 
medicine, and trade to the criminal professions. 
In Andalusia Jews participated in what has been 
called the convivcncia, a coexistence with Muslims 
and Christians that led to the production of a rich 
Judeo-Arabic literary corpus, the translation and 
transmission of Arabic philosophy and science to 
medieval Europe, and the rise of such prominent 
Jewish intellectuals as Judah Ha-Levi (d. 1141) 
and Maimonides (d. 1204). Jewish converts were 
remembered in Islamic tradition for transmitting 
rabbinic traditions and adapting them to different 
Islamic textual genres, especially the hadith, tafsir 
(Quran commentary), legal texts, and stories 
about the Islamic prophets. 

This is not to say that the history of the Judeo- 
Islamic symbiosis was perfectly harmonious. As 
part of an ongoing process of self-definition, Mus- 
lims engaged in anti-Judaic polemics, which Jews 
reciprocated. Jewish revolts were forcefully sup- 
pressed by Muslim rulers, and puritanical Muslim 
rulers occasionally ordered the persecution of 
their Jewish and Christian subjects. They also 

did not hesitate to take actions against dissident 
Muslims, including Sunnis, as well as Shiis and 
sometimes even Sufis. Despite these more con- 
flict-laden encounters, Goitein and other scholars 
of pre-modern Judeo-Muslim history have nev- 
ertheless asserted that the Judaism of today was 
largely formed in the context of Jewish-Muslim 
interaction in the Middle East during the Middle 
Ages. While this assertion begs further research, 
it is significant that in 1492, when Ferdinand and 
Isabella of Spain gave Jews the choice between 
converting to Christianity or expulsion, most of 
them migrated to lands that were under Muslim 
rule. Seeing the benefits to be gained from Jew- 
ish wealth and mercantile expertise, the rulers of 
the Ottoman Empire welcomed Sephardic immi- 
grants from Spain and Ashkcnazis from Europe. 
Bolstered by these immigrants from the west, Jew- 
ish communities in Istanbul, Edirne, Izmir, and 
Salonika grew and prospered significantly under 
the Ottomans. Although statistics are lacking, it 
is likely that the majority of the world's Jewish 
population lived under Muslim rule from the early 
seventh century until the fragmentation of the 
Ottoman Empire and the creation of the state of 
Israel in the 20th century. 

The Judeo-Islamic symbiosis deteriorated 
greatly during the 18th century as the Ottoman 
and Persian Safavid empires succumbed to foreign 
incursions and internal disturbances. Muslim rul- 
ers were unable to provide adequate protection 
to Jewish communities, which became impov- 
erished and vulnerable to attack by Christians, 
especially during the 19th century, when Euro- 
pean anti-Semitism was imported into the region. 
European observers, including Jews, reported on 
the decrepit living conditions of Jewish communi- 
ties in eastern lands compared to their improved 
status as educated citizens in Europe. As colonial 
powers vied for influence in the Ottoman Empire, 
they claimed the right to serve as protectors of 
religious minorities living in them. France and 
Russia intervened on behalf of Catholic and 
Orthodox Christians, respectively. Britain devel- 

Judgment Day 413 

oped a special relationship with Ottoman Jewish 
communities. Former dhimmi s became agents 
who worked for the European colonial govern- 
ments, which exacerbated interreligious tensions 
among Muslims and non-Muslims. 

Strong nationalist currents in Europe coupled 
with growing anti-Semitic propaganda gave rise 
to the Zionist movement among European Jews 
in the late 19th century. The chief objective of the 
Zionists was to establish a homeland for Jews in 
Palestine, which had been part of the Ottoman 
Empire, but became a British mandate territory 
after World War 1. The Zionist cause won limited 
British support and finally succeeded in creat- 
ing a modern Jewish nation-state in 1948 in the 
aftermath of the first Arab-lsraeli war. Israel was 
founded primarily by European Jews, many of 
whom had survived the horrors of the Holocaust, 
but, once created, it encouraged immigration of 
Jews from North Africa, the Arab Middle East, 
and Iran. At the same time, nationalist currents in 
these regions victimized the Jews, or made them 
feel unsafe in the countries where they had lived 
for centuries. Muslims appropriated many of the 
anti-Semitic stereotypes that had circulated in 
Europe and used them to legitimate their harsh 
treatment of Jews. As a result, the Jewish popula- 
tions of countries such as Morocco, Egypt, Syria, 
Iraq, Yemen, and Iran seriously dwindled. Small 
Jewish populations continue to exist in parts of 
North Africa, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran, but most 
Middle Eastern Jews have emigrated to Israel, 
Europe, or the Americas. 

Today, Israel has achieved peace agreements 
with Egypt and Jordan, and it has friendly rela- 
tions with Turkey. Conflict continues, however, 
between Israelis and Palestinians, with radical 
Islamic groups becoming more influential in the 
last 20 years. Israel is also at war with Shii militias 
in Lebanon, especially Hizbullah. Despite these 
conflicts and the heated polemics exchanged 
between Israel's supporters and enemies, far- 
sighted Jews and Muslims are exploring new 
opportunities for dialogue in North America and 

in Israel-Palestine. Such dialogue involves redis- 
covering the Judeo-Muslim symbiosis of former 
times as but one element in the articulation of a 
more peaceful convivencia in the 21st century. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; Christianity 
and Islam; conversion; Ottoman dynasty; proph- 
ets and prophecy; Sephardic Jews. 

Further reading: S. D. Goitein. Jews and Arabs: Their 
Contacts through the Ages (1974. Reprint, New York: 
Dover Publications, 2005); Bernard Lewis, The Jews 
of Islam (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 
1984); Maria Rosa Mcnocal, The Ornament of the World: 
How Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture 
of Tolerance in Medieval Spain (Boston: Little, Brown, 
2002); Gordon D. Newby, A History of the Jews of Arabia 
(Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1989); 
E E. Peters, The Children of Abraham: Judaism, Christi- 
anity and Islam, 2d ed. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Uni- 
versity Press, 2006); Marilyn R. Waldman, Muslims and 
Christians, Muslims and Jews: A Common Past, A Hopeful 
Future (Columbus: The Islamic Foundation of Central 
Ohio, 1992); Steven W. Wasserstrom. Between Muslim 
and Jew: The Problem of Symbiosis under Early Islam 
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1995). 

Judgment Day 

After belief in one god (Allah) the belief in a 
final judgment, or Judgment Day, is a fundamen- 
tal tenet of Islam. On that day, which marks the 
end of the present world, all human beings will 
be resurrected and judged on an individual basis 
according to their righteousness or sinfulness. 
The righteous will be rewarded with a blissful life 
in paradise and sinners will experience the tor- 
ments of the Fire (hell). 

Before Islam's appearance, belief in a final judg- 
ment had already become a widespread one in the 
Middle Eastern-Mediterranean region, as seen in 
the biblical and post-biblical writings of Jews and 
Christians. References to the “day of the Lord'' 
when God would punish the wicked occur in 
many of the prophetic books of the Hebrew Bible 


414 Judgment Day 

(for example, Obad. 15; Amos 5:18-20; Zeph. 
1:14-18). Isaiah uses the phrase “on that day" in 
referring to God’s judgment (24:21). In the New 
Testament the proclamation of a final judgment 
is expressed frequently. The phrase “day of judg- 
ment" occurs in the Gospel of Matthew (10:15; 
1 1:22, 24, and 12:36) and in several of the epistles 
(2 Pet. 2:9, 3:7; and 1 John 4:17), while the Pau- 
line epistles use the phrase “day of our/the Lord 
Jesus Christ’* (1 Cor. 1:8; 2 Cor. 1:14), indicating 
that Judgment Day is identified with the second 
coming of Jesus. The idea of a day of judgment 
also appears in extra-biblical religious literature, 
such as the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, 
the Revelation of Esdras, and the Apocalypse of 2 
Baruch. Islamic visions of the endtimes developed 
their own distinctive character in a seventh-cen- 
tury milieu where beliefs in a last judgment were 
in wide circulation. 

Judgment Day is explicitly mentioned in the 
Quran. The most common renderings of this 
concept in Arabic arc yawm al-qiyama, “resur- 
rection day," and yawm al-din, “judgment day." 
Another common phrase, found especially in the 
Medinan chapters, is al-yawm al-akhir, “the last 
day." Synonyms for Judgment Day identified by 
commentators include al-saa-a “the hour," yawm 
al-fasl, “decision day," and yawm al-hisab, “day of 
accounting." According to the Quran only God 
knows when Judgment Day will come, but it may 
be very soon (Q 21:1) and happen suddenly (Q 
16:77; 6:31). The signs of the approaching judg- 
ment arc vividly portrayed in the Meccan suras: 
the seas will boil, mountains will move, the sun 
will darken, stars will fall, the fires of hell will 
be ignited, paradise will be brought near, the 
trumpet will be blown; and graves overturned 
(see, for example, Q 78; 81; 82). There is no set 
sequence for these events, except that they antici- 
pate the resurrection of the dead, their gathering 
and standing before God (including angels and 
jinn), and the unfolding of the books containing 
the records of what individuals have done in their 
lives. Those given their book in the right hand will 

attain paradise, while those who receive it in their 
left will go to the Fire. The Quran also speaks of a 
weighing of good deeds against bad on a scale (for 
example, Q 21:47). God will interrogate prophets 
and angels about what they and their people have 
done, and people will even be obliged to testify 
against themselves for not heeding God's signs 
(Q 6:130). The Quran also mentions the possibil- 
ity of INTERCESSION, but only if God allows it (for 
example, Q 2:254; 10:3). 

The Quran's depictions of Judgment Day and 
the afterlife inspired a large body of eschatologi- 
cal literature that encompassed the hadith, mysti- 
cism, THEOLOGY, philosophy, and poetry. One of 
the issues addressed in this literature was whether 
there was a bodily resurrection, or whether the 
soul alone was resurrected. The consensus among 
most Sunnis and Shiis was that body and soul 
were conjoined for resurrection, although some 
maintained that the resurrected body would be 
different from the earthly one. Another issue was 
whether there was a preliminary judgment after 
DEATH, known as the “interrogation of the grave" 
or “the torture of the grave." According to this 
view, each human underwent a preliminary judg- 
ment in the grave and experienced a preview of 
his or her punishments or rewards until the final 
judgment was pronounced. There was also specu- 
lation about the place where the final judgment 
would occur. Many asserted that Jerusalem was 
where this would happen. However, the Muslim 
theologian and mystic al-GHAZALl (d. 1111) lik- 
ened the gathering of pilgrims at Arafat during 
the hajj to the gathering of the resurrected before 
God on Judgment Day. 

See also angel; Antichrist; aya ; eschatology; 

prophecy; soul and spirit. 

Further reading: Muhammad Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, 
The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife , Kitab dhikr 
al-mawt wa-ma badahu. Book XL of The Revival of the 
Religious Sciences, Ihya ulum al-Din. Translated by T. J. 
Winter (Cambridge: The Islamic Texts Society, 1995); 

Junayd, Abu al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn al-Junayd al-Khazzaz al-Qawariri al- 41 5 

T. O’Shaughncssy, Muhammad's Thoughts on Death: A 
Thematic Study of the Quranic Data (Leiden: E.J. Brill. 
1969); Jane 1. Smith and Yvonne Haddad. The Islamic 
Understanding of Death and Resurrection (Albany: State 
University of New York Press, 1981). 

Junayd, Abu al-Qasim ibn Muhammad 
ibn al-Junayd al-Khazzaz al-Qawariri al- 

(unknown-91 0) leading Sup master of Baghdad 
whose “sober” understanding of mystical experience 
won acceptance among conservative Sunni scholars 
Al-Junayd was from the city of Baghdad during 
the age of the Abbasid Caliphate. Although his 
writings are available today only in the form of 
letters and short treatises, he was often mentioned 
and quoted in the works of other Sufis. He had 
some knowledge of the legal sciences and it is 
reported that he was also respected by philoso- 
phers and theologians. The high regard in which 
he was held is indicated by the titles given to him 
by later writers: the Sayyid of the Religious Group 
and Supreme Shaykh. His uncle was another 
famous Sufi, Sari al-Saqati (d. ca. 867), a pious 
merchant who spoke of the mutual love between 
humans and God and of the spiritual stages on the 
way to God. 

Scholars have commented on the difficulties 
posed by al-Junayd’s work in terms of his obscure 
writing style, but they recognize that he was one 
of the first to speak about the challenges faced 
by Sufis in adhering to a life of ASCETICISM and 
devotion to God. He is also remembered for his 
explanation of the relation between baqa (abiding 
in God) and Jana (annihilation in God). Instead of 
accepting the idea that annihilation was the end 
of self-existence, in contrast to the "intoxicated" 
Sufis, he stated that by God's grace, "My anni- 
hilation is my abiding,” and continued to state 
paradoxically that God “annihilated me from both 
my abiding and my annihilation" (quoted in Sells 
254). Because al-Junayd's thoughts about ecstasy 
and annihilation were considered moderate when 
compared with those of the "intoxicated" Sufis, 

Sufi tradition placed him in the forefront of the 
"sober" Sufis. He taught that annihilation had 
three stages: (1) containing the lower self through 
the performance of self-less actions; (2) cutting 
oneself off from "the sweet desserts and pleasures 
of obedience;" and (3) attaining true existence in 
God by annihilation through ecstasy. His under- 
standing of the nature of affirming Gods unity 
( TAWHID ) was also an important aspect of his 
spiritual teachings. Al-Junayd held that this affir- 
mation had four forms: (1) proclamation by the 
common people that God was one; (2) fulfilling 
the duties of worship and following the sharia by 
the common people; (3) abolition of hopes and 
fears by the elect so as to allow them to experience 
perfect harmony in witnessing the reality of God; 
and (4) return of the elect to the original state of 
preexistence "as one was before one was,” without 
outside attachments. 

Mansur al-HALLAJ (d. 922) was one of al- 
Junayd's most famous disciples, but al-Junayd 
eventually rejected him because of controversial 
utterances he made while in spiritual ecstasy. His 
biographers say that al-Junayd made the pilgrim- 
age to Mecca 30 times and that he died reciting 
the Quran. His tomb was located in western Bagh- 
dad, near those of his uncle Sari al-Saqati and the 
famous hadith scholar and jurist Ahmad ibn Han- 
bal (d. 855). Many Sufi tariqas (spiritual orders) 
subsequently included al-Junayd in the genealo- 
gies of spiritual masters that disciples must mem- 
orize when they are initiated into them. 

Sec also Allah; asceticism; baqa and fana; 
Bistami, Abu Yazid al-; covenant; soul and spirit; 
Sufism; tar/qa. 

Further reading: Christopher Melchert, "The Transi- 
tion from Asceticism to Mysticism at the Middle of the 
Ninth Century C.E.,” Studia Islam ica 83 (1996): 51-70; 
Annemarie Schimmel, Mystical Dimensions of Islam 
(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1975); 
Michael Sells. Early Islamic Mysticism: Sufi , Quran , 
Mi raj. Poetic , and Theological Writings (Mahwah, N.J.: 
Paulist Press, 1996), 251-265. 

justice 417 

ing the treatment of orphans and the plight of the 
poor. The Quran clearly evidences the urgency 
of addressing issues that fall under the rubric of 
socioeconomic or distributive justice, rebuking 
those who have greedily consumed their inheri- 
tance while having a greedy passion for wealth 
(Q 89:19-20). Moreover, the enshrinement of 
zakat (almsgiving) as the third pillar of practice 
in Islam makes this duty integral to Muslim iden- 
tity, effectively institutionalizing a “right" for the 
needy and deprived to a share in the community's 
wealth. In addition to this compulsory obliga- 
tion, Muslims of sufficient means are expected to 
practice voluntary charitable giving (sadaqa). The 
Quran's ill-understood opposition to usury (riba) 
further illustrates the attempt to deal with prob- 
lems of distributive justice. 

Historically, questions of political justice were 
first broached in the Khariji opposition to the 
Umayyad Caliphate (661-750). The Khawarij 
invoked the doctrine of qadar (power; FREE will, 
thus the corollary proposition that each indi- 
vidual is responsible for his or her acts) against 
the Umayyad rulers' attempt to legitimize their 
rule through the principles of ijmaa (consensus, 
agreement) and bayaa (oath of allegiance), forti- 
fied with the theological doctrine of jabr (lit., 
compulsion; predestination; here in the sense 
that Umayyad rule was seen as ordained by God). 
The absolute justice of God was one of the five 
tenets of Mutazili halam (theology), unremark- 
able in itself until we learn that it was bound up 
with debates over the nature of evil and injustice, 
including the metaphysical and ethical scope of 
man's free agency. The Mutazila even took to refer- 
ring to themselves as the People of Justice (adl) 
and Unity ( tawhid ). The pursuit and realization 
of justice for the Mutazila was determined and 
constrained by the powers of reason (aql). 

“The Father of Arab Philosophy" and Islam's 
first significant philosopher, Abu Yusuf Yaacub ibn 
Ishaq al-Kindi (d. ca. 866) held justice to be the 
central virtue owing to its balancing and coordi- 
nating functions vis-a-vis other (principally clas- 

sical Greek) virtues, thereby demonstrating the 
integration of Peripatetic and Neoplatonic ideas 
into a distinctively Islamic philosophy. Islam’s 
first truly systematic philosopher, al-FARABi (ca. 
870-950), envisioned the ideal Islamic polity 
portioning such goods as security, wealth, honor, 
and dignity according to a desert principle of 
distributive justice. Rational justice, formulated 
in terms of a social contract theory beholden to 
Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Ethics , as well as 
the Islamic sciences generally, was the center 
point of Ibn Sina’s (Avicenna, 979-1037) politi- 
cal scheme to secure the common welfare from 
a pool of basic resources. For Muhammad Ibn 
Rushd (Avcrroes, 1 126-98), justice was the sum 
and highest of all virtues of man as a citizen of the 
polity. Furthermore, it inheres in the fulfillment 
of responsibilities and duties in a social division 
of labor structured according to the standards and 
strictures of philosophy (falsafa). While some vir- 
tues, such as wisdom and courage, are class-spe- 
cific, justice was pertinent to all citizens, provided 
they performed the vocation for which they were 
fitted “by nature.” 

Justice in jurisprudential terms entails, in 
the first instance, equal treatment of all before 
the law (fiqh). With the sharia as lodestar 
(recalling, with Abou El Fadl, that the sharia “is 
God's will in an ideal and abstract fashion, but 
the fiqh is the product of the human attempt to 
understand God's will" [Abou El Fadl 321), both 
ethics and law in Islam approach justice through 
the doctrinal formula of “commanding right 
and forbidding wrong" (al-amr bi'l-maaruf vva’I- 
nahy an al-munkar). In short, fiqh is a system of 
ethico-legal obligation formulated in imperative 
(amr) and prohibitive ( nahy ) terms, with all 
human actions exhaustively classified as manda- 
tory (fard or wajib), encouraged (mustahabb or 
mandub) y permissible (halal or rnubah ), discour- 
aged ( makruh ), or forbidden (haram). Procedural 
justice in Islam tends toward personalism rather 
than corporatism and administrative principles 
insofar as trust is placed in the "just judge" or 


The Kaaba, also known as “the sacred house" 
(Q 5:2, 97) is the most holy place in Islam. A 
large cube-shaped building (approximately 50 
feet high, 40 feet long, and 33 feet wide) made of 
cut stone, it is situated in the plaza of the Grand 
Mosque in Mecca. Its four corners point approxi- 
mately to the four cardinal directions, with the 
famous Black Stone inserted in its eastern corner. 
The Kaaba is covered by a curtain and is empty 
inside, except for lamps and inscriptions. A large, 
ornately decorated door provides access to the 
interior. Opposite the Kaaba’s northwest wall 
is the Hijr, a detached semi-circular walled area 
marking the place where Hagar and Ishmael are 
believed to be buried. Nearby, opposite the north- 
east side, is the Station of Abraham, and opposite 
the eastern corner the sacred well of Zamzam. 
Every day Muslims around the world face toward 
the Kaaba when they pray; it is their QlBLA, or 
PRAYER direction. Pilgrims who go to Mecca for the 
hajj and the umra assemble around it in concentric 
circles for prayer and must walk around it seven 
times counterclockwise to fulfill the required rites 
of pilgrimage. Muslim law also requires that an 
animal should be turned toward the Kaaba when 
it is slaughtered, and that a person should be laid 
in the grave facing toward it. 

The age of the Kaaba is disputed and its early 
history shrouded by myths and legends. As is 
often the case with living holy sites, archaeologi- 
cal research is prohibited there. Based on Islamic 
textual evidence, most scholars (Muslims and 
non-Muslims) agree that the shrine was a place of 
worship even before the historical appearance of 
Islam in the seventh century. The Quran describes 
it as “the first house established for humankind" 
(Q 3:96) and as “the ancient house" (Q 22:29). In 
the time of the Jahiliyya (the era before Muham- 
mad), statues of gods and religious relics were 
kept in it; sacrifices and pilgrimage rituals were 
conducted there. Such evidence suggests that it 
did not differ significantly from other temples that 
had once been vital to the ancient civilizations of 
the Middle East, including that of Yahweh-Elohim 
in Jerusalem. 

The Quran states that Abraham and Ishmael 
first built it as a place for worship at Gods com- 
mand (Q 2:125-128). However, Islamic literary 
tradition embellished this brief quranic story by 
saying that the original Kaaba had been created 
at the beginning of time. According to one tra- 
dition, it was a building made of sapphires that 
God had sent down from paradise and placed on 
earth directly under his throne. He had an angel 
bring Adam from India, where he lived after being 


420 kafir 

expelled from paradise, in order to perform the 
first pilgrimage rites. Other accounts credit Adam 
with being the first to actually build the Kaaba. 
According to this tradition, in the time of Noah, 
God raised it up to heaven when the great flood 
came. Abraham then later built a second Kaaba 
with his son at Gods command and inaugurated 
the hajj rituals for all people to perform. 

Muslim historical sources, such as Ibn Ishaqs 
Life of the Prophet (mid-eighth century), indicate 
that the Quraysh tribe rebuilt the Kaaba around 
the year 605, some five years before Muhammad 
began his career as a prophet. Muhammad was 
credited with having resolved a dispute among 
the Quraysh clans over who would install the 
Black Stone, signaling his close association with 
the sanctuary and growing reputation as a leader. 
This building was destroyed during a civil war, 
then rebuilt and enlarged by Abd Allah ibn al- 
Zubayr (r. 683-692), an opponent of the Umayyad 
Caliphate who had gained control of Mecca. 
When the Umayyads took back control of the city, 
they restored it as it had been in Muhammad's 
time. In the ensuing centuries it has undergone 
numerous restorations and repairs, the latest by 
the government of Saudi Arabia near the end of 
the 20th century. 

A cover ( kiswa ) of black cloth made in Saudi 
Arabia is placed over the Kaaba annually. It is 
embroidered in gold and silver thread with verses 
from the Quran. When the cover is replaced each 
year, the Saudi government places sections of the 
old one in its embassies, or gives them to foreign 
governments, international organizations, and 
important people. Also, many Muslims hang pic- 
tures of the Kaaba in their homes and businesses. 
In Egypt it is one of the motifs used in murals that 
people paint on the homes of hajj is, pilgrims who 
have gone to Mecca. 

See also Adam and Eve; Arabian religions, pre- 


Further reading: Juan Eduardo Campo, The Other Sides 
of Paradise: Explorations into the Religious Meanings of 

Domestic Space in Islam (Columbia: University of South 
Carolina Press. 1991); G. R. Hawting, “The Origins of 
the Muslim Sanctuary in Mecca." In Studies in the First 
Century of Islamic Society, edited by G. H. A. Juynboll, 
23-47 (Carbondale and Edwardsvillc: Southern Illinois 
University Press, 1982); F E. Peters, The Hajj: The Mus- 
lim Pilgrimage to Mecca and the Holy Places (Princeton, 
N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994), 3-19; Ahmad 
ibn Muhammad al-Thalabi, Arais al-majalis fi qisas al - 
anbiya, or “Lives of the Prophets .” Translated by William 
M. Brinner (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2002), 145-154. 

kafir (Arabic: unbeliever, disbeliever; 
infidel; ungrateful) 

Religions often provide maps for differentiat- 
ing insiders from outsiders. In the monotheistic 
confessional religions of Christianity and Islam 
important distinctions arc made between people 
on the basis of what they believe and do not 
believe. Moreover, these distinctions have a bear- 
ing on notions of salvation and a person's fate in 
the afterlife. 

In Islam the word kafir and related words 
based on the Arabic root k-f-r arc usually used to 
designate disbelievers or “infidels'* (a Latin term 
originally used by medieval Christians), or those 
who fall outside the community of true people of 
faith (muminin and muslimin). This distinction is 
one of the essential ones used in the Quran, where 
kafir or the plural kafirun/kafirin is used 134 
times (its verbal cognates occur about 250 times; 
the verbal noun kufr | unbelief, infidelity] occurs 
37 times). In many cases “disbeliever" is used 
polemically against the idolaters of Mecca who 
were opponents of Muhammad (d. 632) and the 
early Muslim community (umma). It is a word that 
polarizes groups of people (distinguishing “us” 
versus “them "), helps create unity in the com- 
munity against outsiders, and mobilizes insiders 
to take action accordingly. The kinds of action 
such polarization induces are diverse, including 
promoting adherence to quranic commandments 
and prohibitions, avoiding unbelievers, and tak- 

kafir 421 

ing defensive or offensive action (jihad) against 
them as enemies. 

One of the earliest quranic statements on this 
subject is found in the sura known as Al-Kafirun 
(Q 109), which declares, “Say: O disbelievers! 1 
do not worship what you worship, and you are 
not worshipping what I worship. . . . You have 
your religion (din) and 1 have my religion." 
These verses, which are traditionally associated 
with Muhammad's Meccan revelations, are often 
quoted in support of religious tolerance, but 
despite this interpretation, their effect is divi- 
sive. With the development of the early Muslim 
community, the Quran elaborated in more detail 
the identities of the disbelievers. They included 
those who practiced IDOLATRY, did not accept the 
absolute oneness of God, denied that Muhammad 
was a prophet, ignored Gods commandments 
and “signs" (singular aya), and rejected belief in 
a resurrection and final judgment. In some Medi- 
nan verses of the Quran, believing Muslims were 
instructed to avoid association with disbelievers 
(for example, Q 3:28, 1 18), but other Medinan 
passages actually called upon them to “exert 
themselves or fight against them (for example, Q 
2:190-193). Disbelievers were even declared to 
be the intimate friends of Satan (Q 4:76). In the 
afterlife, moreover, disbelievers could expect to 
suffer severe punishment in the Fire (for example, 
Q 8:50, 21:39). 

The Quran referred to Jews and Christians 
as People of the Book, or “those who have been 
given the book"; that is, members of religious 
communities who believed in God, his prophets, 
and the earlier scriptures of the Torah and the 
Gospel. As a consequence of their proximity to 
Islam, Muslims were permitted to eat the meat of 
animals slaughtered by them, and Muslim men 
were permitted to marry their women. However, 
reflecting Muhammad's contacts with Jews and 
Christians after the Hijra in 622, as well as divi- 
sions and opposition in Medina, the Medinan 
suras of the Quran began to query the People of 
the Book about why they did not believe God's 

signs and why they concealed the truth when they 
should have known better (Q 3:70-71). Jews, as 
People of the Book, were condemned for their 
disbelief in God’s signs and killing of some of the 
prophets, including Jesus (for example, Q 4:154- 
157). Christians were accused of kufr (unbelief) 
because they believed in the Trinity and Jesus as 
the son of God, which the Quran considered to 
be idolatry (for example, Q 5:73, 171). Above all, 
Jews and Christians were faulted for not believing 
in the prophethood of Muhammad, even though 
they believed in other prophets. Although they 
were usually regarded in a different light from the 
Meccan idolaters, some verses equated the People 
of the Book with the polytheists and promised 
them an eternity in hell, except for those who 
believed and did good works (Q 98). 

Other meanings for words based on the Arabic 
root k-f-r are to reject the truth (for example, Q 
35:14) and to be ungrateful, especially to God for 
his blessings (for example, Q 16:55; 30:34). The 
ideas of rejection and ingratitude, therefore, were 
linked in quranic discourse to that of disbelief. 

The word takfir, based on the same Arabic 
root, was introduced in the post-quranic period 
with the meaning “to accuse another of disbelief 
and infidelity." This was first done by the Kha- 
warij, a sectarian group that accused any Muslim 
who committed a major sin of being a kafir. With 
the creation of Muslim empires comprised of large 
non-Muslim majorities, absolute condemnation of 
outsiders as disbelievers contradicted the priori- 
ties of maintaining the social order under Muslim 
rule. People of the Book, therefore, were given 
certain protections under Islamic law. According 
to the sharia, they were dhinwiis (protected peo- 
ples). This occurred not only in the Middle East, 
but also in South Asia, where Hindus were also 
considered dhimmis under the rule of the Delhi 
Sultanate and the Mughal dynasty. Accusations 
of infidelity were directed against non-Muslims 
living in lands that were not under Muslim con- 
trol (dar al-harb) and against Muslims who in 
one way or another diverged from the normative 

^ 422 kaiam 

beliefs and practices of the UX1MA. Even though 
condemned in the HADITH, kafir became a polemi- 
cal term used more by Muslim elites against other 
Muslims than against non-Muslims during the 
Middle Ages. Among those accused of unbelief 
were leading Muslim philosophers such as Ibn 
Sina (d. 1037), “intoxicated" Sufis such as Man- 
sur al-HALLAj (d. 922), and members of various 
branches of the Shia. 

Drawing on this tradition and promoting a 
rigid doctrine of absolute monotheism, the central 
Arabian revivalist Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab 
(d. 1798) called any Muslim who failed to enact 
the requirements of believing in one God a kafir. 
This included Muslims who practiced fortune- 
telling, magic, astrology, wearing amulets, exces- 
sive mourning of the dead, Sufi shrine pilgrimage, 
and who followed Shii teachings about the Imams. 
The conquest of much of the Arabian Peninsula 
by the Saudis in alliance with the followers of 
Ibn Abd al-Wahhabs teachings, Saudi control of 
Islam's most sacred centers in Mecca and Medina, 
and oil revenues have given significant weight 
to the influence of the Wahhabi understanding 
of Islam and disbelief well beyond the borders of 
Saudi Arabia. 

In the modern period Islamist ideologists such 
as Abu al-Ala Mawdudi (d. 1979) of Indo-Pakistan 
and Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966) of Egypt have extended 
the polemics of unbelief to include condemna- 
tions of Western-style secularism and the mate- 
rialist understandings of society. They considered 
the 20th century to be Jahiliyya time, recalling 
the era that preceded Islam's appearance when 
unbelief prevailed. The main difference between 
the jahiliyya of ancient Arabia and today was that 
the modern jahilyiya was one when Muslim soci- 
eties were being corrupted by Western laws and 
governments based on Western models that vio- 
lated the SHARIA. Mawdudi and Qutb called upon 
a faithful corps of true Muslims, what Qutb called 
a “unique quranic generation," not only to reject 
the modern jahiliya, but to conduct jihad against 
it to bring about its destruction. They quoted the 

Quran in support of their radical ideology, espe- 
cially the verse, “Those who judge not (or rule 
not) by what God has revealed are the kafirs " (Q 
5:44). Even though rejected by most Muslims, this 
ideology was used by the Jihad Group of Egypt to 
justify the assassination of Egyptian president 
Anwar a 1 -Sadat in 1981 and it inspired radical 
movements in many Muslim countries during the 
1980s and 1990s. USAMA BIN LADIN used it in his 
fatwas and speeches against the United States and 
Israel, both of whom he accused of invading and 
occupying sacred Muslim lands. 

Lastly, the term Kaffir is derived from kafir. It was 
originally used by Arabs for the indigenous peoples 
of Africa, then adopted by European slave traders. 
Eventually it became a racial slur, used particularly 
by whites in South Africa against the blacks. 

Sec also apostasy; bjdaa; blasphemy; Christian- 
ity and Islam; crime and punishment; dhimmi; her- 
esy; jihad movements; Judaism and Islam; prophets 
and prophecy; Shiism; Takfir wa-Hijra; Wah- 
habism; ziyara. 

Further reading: Peter Antes, “Relations with Unbe- 
lievers in Islamic Theology." In We Believe in One God: 
The Experience of God in Christianity and Islam, edited 
by Anncmaric Schimmcl and Abdoldjavad Falaturi, 
101-111 (New York: Seabury Press, 1979); Toshihiko 
Izutsu, Ethico-Religious Concepts in the Quran (Mon- 
treal: McGill University Press, 1966); Marilyn Wald- 
man, “The Development of the Concept of kufr," Journal 
of the American Oriental Society 88 (1968): 442-455. 

kaiam Sec theology. 


A shrine city in Iraq, about 62 miles southwest 
of Baghdad, Karbala has an approximate popula- 
tion of 575,000. It is considered the holiest city 
to Shiis, after Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, and 
Najaf (site of the Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib's tomb). 
Karbala is a sacred space to the Shia because it 

Karbala 423 

is the DEATH and burial site of the third Imam, 
Husayn ibn Ali, grandson of the prophet Muham- 
mad by his daughter, Fatima (known by the Shia 
as al-Zahra, “the radiant one"), and cousin Ali ibn 
Abi Talib. On the 10th day (Ashura) of the Islamic 
lunar month Muharram 61 a.h. (October 9-10, 
680 c.E.) Husayn was killed along with most of 
the men of his household by the forces of Yazid, 
the son of Muawiya, founder of the Umayyad 
Caliphate (661-750). The women and CHILDREN in 
Husayns company were taken into captivity. The 
Shia understand this event as martyrdom (sJia- 
hada)> which is both the spiritual and moral cen- 
ter of their theology and ritual life, giving force to 
doctrines of sanctification by martyrdom and the 
redemptive quality of suffering. The city grew up 
around the tombs of Husayn and his half-brother 
Abbas ibn Ali, who was also killed and buried 
at Karbala. It came to be known as Mashhad al- 
Husayn (the place of Husayns martyrdom). 

Husayns shrine is a focus of Shii pilgrimage 
( ziyara ) from all over the Muslim world, where 
pilgrims seek to obtain divine blessings (baraka) 
and saintly intercession ( wasila , shafaa) by touch- 
ing the sarcophagus (which now stands sur- 
rounded by an elaborate brass grill). Elderly Shiis 
often travel there waiting to die, as many Jews and 
Christians want to die and be buried in Jerusalem, 
or Hindus to be cremated in the Indian holy city 
of Varanasi (Banaras). The actual soil of Karbala 
is considered blessed, and Shiis carry a piece of 
Karbala with them, literally turba Husayniyya (or 
mohr-i namaz)- This is a small light red or brown 
clay tablet made of Karbala soil, which symbol- 
izes the blood of Husayns martyrdom, on which 
Shiis rest their foreheads when performing salat 
(daily prayers). Symbolically, all space becomes 
transformed through ritual and religious material 
culture into Karbala, as Shiis often say, “every day 
is Ashura, and every place is Karbala." 

The Shii l/mma invokes Karbala and renews its 
experience of the redemptive suffering of Imam 
Husayn by commemorating his “passion" and 
martyrdom annually with a cycle of rituals and 

The Shrine of Imam Husayn in Karbala, Iraq 
(AP Photos/Hussein Malta) 

public demonstrations of devotion up to the 10th 
of Muharram (Ashura). Each country and cul- 
ture of significant Shii population (the Twelvers, 
Ismailis, and Zaydis of Lebanon, Bahrain, and 
Yemen; the Twelvers of Iran and Iraq; and the 
Twelvers and Ismaili Bohras and Dawudis of 
northern India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, as well 
as diverse transplanted communities of the Shia 
in North America and the Caribbean) demon- 
strate its devotion to Husayns living memory by 
mourning him afresh every year wherever they are 
with public processionals (called masiras , or lam- 
entation processions) and performances. These 
include leading Husayns caparisoned HORSE (or 

424 Karimov, Islam Abdughanievich 

displaying a representation of it), carrying such 
traditional items as mock coffins, poles topped 
by the five-fingered hand (representing the five 
members of the ahl al-bayt: Muhammad, Fatima, 
Ali, Hasan, and Husayn), displaying banners 
showing scenes from Husayns life, and carrying 
scale models of the tomb of Husayn at Karbala 
(called naql or darih ) on a palanquin; perform- 
ing “passion plays” ( taaziyci in Iran or shabih in 
Iraq and Lebanon) reenacting the martyrdom at 
Karbala; participating in collective rites of self- 
flagellation (latam) using chains (zanjir-zani) 
and swords (qumma-zani) or, more recently, razor 
blades tapped on the forehead, and rhythmically 
beating the chest in unison (sina-zani). Celebrants 
set up a group of visual symbols for the events of 
Muharram, an Imamzada. There are performances 
of elegiac poetry and songs of devotion and vener- 
ation for Husayn and the ahl al-bayt in the home, 
and public recitals ( rawda-khani ) of the suffer- 
ings and martyrdoms of all the Imams, especially 
Husayn, at gatherings (majlis/majalis) in buildings 
known as Husayniyyas in Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon, 
imambaras in India, and matam s in Bahrain. For 
many modern Sunni Muslims, particularly those 
in the West, Shii religious sensibility has always 
seemed extreme, even a bit frightening and repel- 
lent. Thus, some contemporary Shiis have moved 
away from Ashura rituals of “bloodletting" and 
even the bloodless flagellation of rhythmic chest 
beating, which function to evoke the “passion" 
and suffering of Imam Husayn, and have recently 
allowed the painless substitute of giving blood to 
the Red Crescent (the Islamic equivalent of the 
Red Cross). 

The ongoing impact of the events of Karbala 
and their annual commemoration during Ashura 
lie in Shiism’s ideology of martyrdom, self-sacri- 
fice, and redemptive suffering, and a strong direc- 
tive toward community service and volunteerism. 
The moral example of Karbala, of resisting over- 
whelming evil even unto death, has illuminated 
Shii life experience through the centuries whether 
in the context of oppression of the minority Shii 

umma by the Sunni majority or its oppression 
by non-Muslim forces, as in Israels invasions 
and bombings of southern Lebanon. Recent Shii 
religio-political movements, such as Hizbullah, 
continuously interpret their contemporary expe- 
riences of persecution and suffering within the 
trope of Husayns passion and martyrdom at 
Karbala. Their sacrifice of blood and sweat, like 
Husayns, is quite literal: “This is our Karbala, this 
is our Husayn, we live on, Karbala lives on in the 
Lebanese Resistance" (quoted in Deeb 159). 

See also holidays; Husayniyya; shiism. 

Kathleen M. O'Connor 

Further reading: Kamran Scot Aghaie, The Women of 
Karbala: Ritual Performance and Symbolic Discourses in 
Modern Shii Islam (Austin: University of Texas Press, 
2005); Lara Deeb, An Enchanted Modern: Gender and 
Public Policy in Shii Lebanon (Princeton, N.J.: Princ- 
eton University Press, 2006); Elizabeth W. Fcrnea, 
Guests of the Sheik: An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village, 
(New York: Doublcday, 1989), 216-250; Sycd Akbar 
llydcr. Reliving Karbala: Martyrdom in South Asian 
Memory (New York: Oxford University Press, 2006); 
Mcir Litvak, Shii Scholars of Nineteenth-Century Iraq: 
The Ulama of Najaf and Karbala (New York: Cam- 
bridge University Press, 1998); Sycd-Mohsin Naquvi, 
The Tragedy of Karbala (Princeton, N.J.: Mohscna 
Memorial Foundation, 1992); David Pinault, Horse of 
Karbala: Muslim Devotional Life in India (New York: St. 
Martin's Press, 2000); Vernon J. Schubel, “Karbala as 
Sacred Space among North American Shia: ‘Every Day 
Is Ashura. Everywhere Is Karbala.'" In Making Muslim 
Space in North America and Europe, edited by Barbara 
Metcalf (Berkeley: University of California Press, 
1996): 186-203. 

Karimov, Islam Abdughanievich 

(1938- ) president of Uzbekistan 

Islam Karimov came to power as first secretary of 
the Communist Party of Uzbekistan in 1989 and 
was named president of the Uzbek Soviet Social- 
ist Republic in 1990. Shortly after Uzbekistan’s 

' 4s:5 ^ 426 Kashmir 

of folk, Hindu, and Buddhist elements. Kashmir’s 
ethnic composition is diverse, consisting mainly 
of Turks, Mongols, Afghans, and Indo-Aryans. 

Kashmir was home to competing Hindu and 
Buddhist regimes prior to the arrival of the first 
Muslims. Islamization occurred gradually over a 
number of centuries. Some accounts indicate that 
it may have occurred by conquest and forced con- 
version, others that it was accomplished through 
Sufi missionaries. Most likely a combination 
of different processes was involved. The first 
Muslims appear to have arrived as Turkish war- 
riors imported from Afghanistan or Central Asia 
by local Hindu rulers during the 12th century. 
The European explorer Marco Polo (d. 1325) 
encountered “Saracens” (a medieval term for 
Arabs and Muslims) who worked as butchers in 
the Kashmir Valley. The Mongol conquests in the 
Middle East during the 13th and 14th centuries 
brought an influx of immigrants and refugees 
from Persia, Afghanistan, and Central Asia, many 
of whom were Sufis, ULAMA, and artisans. Bulbul 
Shah (also known as Sharaf al-Din), a member of 
the Suhrawardi Sufi Order, is said to have been 
responsible for the conversion of Rinchana, a 
Buddhist prince from Ladakh, to Islam early in 
the 14th century. Rinchana is recognized as being 
Kashmir’s first sultan. A number of other Sufis 
and religious scholars immigrated from Herat, 
Khorasan, Samarqand, and Bukhara. The artisans 
came from the same regions and introduced the 
crafts of paper making, papier-mache, bookbind- 
ing, woodworking, and carpet weaving for which 
Kashmir is still known. 

Local sultans provided support for religious 
scholars and mosques, thus laying the founda- 
tions for the creation of a permanent Muslim 
presence and ongoing influence over the local 
non-Muslim communities. One of the sultans, 
Sikandar (r. 1389-1413), was reported to have 
imposed the sharia on his subjects, destroyed 
Hindu temples, and forced them to convert to 
Islam, but these reports in the chronicles may 
have been exaggerated, as they were in chronicles 

about Muslim rulers in India. On the other hand 
Sikandars heir, Zayn al-Abidin (r. 1420-70) was 
remembered for having abolished the JIZYA (a tax 
on non-Muslims) and supported temple-building 
projects. Hindu Brahmans, later known as Pan- 
dits, complained about the Islamic influence that 
was spreading through Kashmir, but they learned 
Persian, the administrative language, and accepted 
appointments as scribes and administrators in 
order to retain their higher status in the Hindu 
community. The confluence of Islamic and Hindu 
religious ideas did not occur among Brahmans 
and sultans, but among lower caste Hindus and 
Sufis. This is epitomized by the Rishi movement, 
which arose during the 15th century in rural 
Kashmir. The Rishis, who took their name from a 
Sanskrit word for the ancient sages of the Hindu 
Vedas, were closely identified with two local 
saint-poets — Lalla Ded, a female ascetic devoted 
to the Hindu god Shiva, and Shaykh Nur al-Din 
Nurani (d. 1438), a Sufi who considered Lalla 
Ded his teacher and a second Rabia al-Adawiyya 
(the famed woman saint of Basra). Members of 
the movement were vegetarians, abstained from 
marriage, and often appeared as yogis. Their egali- 
tarian outlook, spirituality, and charitable activi- 
ties made them popular among the commoners. 
Nur al-Dins shrine at Charar-i Sharif, near the 
Kashmiri capital of Srinagar, was an important 
regional pilgrimage center until 1995, when it was 
destroyed in a clash between Kashmiri rebels and 
Indian troops. 

In modern times Kashmir has become a flash- 
point for conflict between India and Pakistan 
that has cost dearly in terms of human suffering, 
loss of life, and economic damage. The Kashmiri 
conflict is a consequence of the 1947 partition of 
India into two states — India and Pakistan. One 
hundred years previously, in 1846, the British had 
established a Hindu monarchy to rule Kashmir by 
selling the right to rule to Gulab Singh (d. 1857) 
and his heirs, making them the Maharajas of 
Kashmir. Muslims were subject to excessive taxes 
in order to pay for the sale and fund the expenses 

Khadija bint Khuwaylid ibn Asad 427 

of the government. At the time of partition Kash- 
miris were divided about what to do with their 
country. Some wanted to be joined to India, some 
wanted to be joined to Pakistan, others wished 
to remain independent. Maharaja Hari Singh (r. 
1925-47), although inclined to remain indepen- 
dent, agreed to have his state incorporated into 
India and fled. This happened after thousands 
of Kashmiri Muslims had been massacred and 
Pakistan began allowing forces into the area to 
protect them. India responded by sending in its 
troops and registering a complaint at the United 
Nations against Pakistan's “aggression." Pakistan 
protested and assumed control of what it called 
Azad Kashmir. Subsequent mediation efforts to 
resolve the dispute between India and Paki- 
stan concerning Kashmir's autonomy have failed. 
The Indian government under Jawaharlal Nehru's 
leadership negotiated with Shaykh Muhammad 
Abd Allah (d. 1982) and his National Conference, 
a Kashmiri secular nationalist organization, to 
grant Kashmir special territorial status in India. 
The Indian government removed him from office 
in 1953 and imprisoned him for 11 years because 
he would not surrender the right of Kashmiri self- 

Since 1987 there has been an escalation in 
violence as a result of the failure to arrive at 
an acceptable political solution to the Kash- 
miri question and economic stagnation. The 
bloodshed has been exacerbated by the growing 
strength of religious radicalism among Muslims 
and Hindus. Hindu nationalist organizations 
such as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS, 
National Volunteers Organization) and its politi- 
cal wing, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP, Indian 
People's Party), consider Muslims to be a threat 
to the nation and want Kashmir to be ruled by an 
Indian Hindu government. They refuse to allow 
any real autonomy to the Kashmiri Muslims. The 
government of Pakistan supported the emergence 
of an armed Kashmiri resistance, consisting of 
the secularist Jammu and Kashmir Liberation 
Front and the Islamist Hizb al-Mujahidin (Party 

of Muslim Warriors). Another militant Islamist 
group seeking to bring an end to Indian rule in 
Kashmir is the Lashkar-i Tayyiba (Army of the 
Righteous), which was founded in Afghanistan 
in 1990, but is now based in Lahore. It has con- 
ducted attacks in India and Pakistan, as well as 
Kashmir. The violence has involved extensive 
human rights violations committed by all com- 
batants, including armed attacks on civilians, 
torture, rape, “disappearances," and extrajudicial 
killings. War nearly broke out in 1999 between 
India, led by a newly elected BJP government, 
and Pakistan, led by a military dictator (Pervcz 
Musharraf), when militants and Pakistani troops 
threatened to block the road connecting Srinagar 
to Ladakh at Kargil. The threat of a nuclear war 
between the two countries raised international 
concern. At the urging of the United States 
Pakistan withdrew its forces, thus diffusing the 

Sec also Buddhism and Islam; Hinduism and 
Islam; human rights; jihad movements; Nepal. 

Further reading: Ainslie Embree, “Kashmir: Has 
Religion a Role in Making Peace?" In Faith-Based 
Diplomacy: Trumping Realpolitik, edited by Douglas 
Johnston. 33-75 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 
2003): Mohammad Ishaq Khan, “The Impact of Islam 
on Kashmir in the Sultanate Period." In India's Islamic 
Traditions , 711-1750, edited by Richard M. Eaton, 
342-362 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003); Raju 
G. C. Thomas, Perspectives on Kashmir (Boulder, Colo.: 
Wcstview Press, 1992). 

Kazakhstan See Central Asia and the Caucasus. 

Khadija bint Khuwaylid ibn Asad 

(ca. 555-61 9) prosperous merchant and first wife of 
Muhammad , she was the first to accept Islam 

A wealthy Meccan merchant of the Quraysh tribe, 
Khadija owned a large caravan that traded goods 
in Syria. Around the year 595 she hired Muham- 

- 4 = 5 ^ 

430 Khan, Inayat 

on Failaka Island off the coast of Kuwait, and in 
Sri Lanka at Kataragama, Bosra (Syria), Jerusalem, 
Iraq, and Samarkand (Uzbekistan). Not all Mus- 
lims accept Khadir as a saint or prophet, however. 
Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966), chief ideologist of militant 
Islam, argued that the connection between Kha- 
dir and the “servant" mentioned in the Quran 
was mere conjecture, and that the figure was to 
be understood in the literal sense as a righteous 
(salih) man, not a prophet or saint. 

See also batin ; boat; folklore; prophets and 


Further reading: Gordon Darnell Newby, The Making 
of the Last Prophet: A Reconstruction of the Earliest Biog- 
raphy of Muhammad (Columbia: University of South 
Carolina Press, 1989), 182-188; John Renard, All the 
King's Falcons: Rumi on Prophets and Revelation (New 
York: State University of New York Press, 1994), 83-86; 
Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Thalabi, Arais al-majalis fi 
qisas al-anhiya, or “ Lives of the Prophets." Translated by 
William M. Brinner, (Leiden: E.J. Brill. 2002), 361-382. 

Khan, Inayat (1882-1927) first Sufi leader to 
spread Sufism in America and Europe; founder of the 
Sufi Order of the West 

Inayat Khan was born in India and grew up in a 
musical family. At the age of 12 he left home to pur- 
sue a life of music and devotion, traveling around 
India and working in various environments, such 
as serving as the court musician for the Nizam, or 
ruler, of Hyderabad. From there Khan was initiated 
into the Nizami branch of the Chisti Sufi Order, 
a very popular order of Muslim mystics in India. 
Khan blended Hindu and Muslim philosophy, 
working under masters from both traditions. He 
was instructed to spread Sufism in the Americas 
and Europe, where he spent most of his adult years, 
and he left for New York in 1910. In his travels he 
aimed to bring universal harmony between East 
and West by introducing Sufi concepts. 

Khan lectured for some time at Columbia Uni- 
versity and then traveled across America attract- 

ing initiates. In New York he met Ora Ray Baker, 
whom he would marry in 1913 after moving to 
England. In 1916 Khan founded the Sufi Order 
in London and shortly after began a quarterly 
magazine, Sufism. In the 1920s Khan visited the 
United States several times to tour the country, 
lecture, and continue to attract initiates. He died 
in 1927 in India. Following his death, Khans 
son, Vilayat Khan (1916-2004), still a youth, was 
appointed leader of the order. However some initi- 
ates decided to accept the mentorship of the Sufi 
leader, Mcher Baba (1894-1969). In the 1960s 
Vilayat Khan actively took over leadership of the 
Sufi Order of the West in America. The order 
sponsors a variety of activities, including heal- 
ing seminars, retreats, and psychotherapy. Inayat 
Khan's teachings are available in several collec- 
tions that bring together his essays and lectures, 
such as The Heart of Sufism: Essential Writings of 
Hazrat Inayat Khan. 

See also Europe; Nizam al-Din Awliya; Sufism. 

Mehnaz Sahibzada 

Further reading: Wil van Beck, Hazrat Inayat Khan: 
Master of Life, Modern Sufi Mystic (New York: Vantage 
Press, 1983); Inayat Khan, The Heart of Sufism: Essen- 
tial Writings of Hazrat Inayat Khan (Boston: Shambhala 
Publications, 1999); Franklin Lewis, Rumi Past and 
Present, East and West: The Life, Teaching and Poetry 
of Jalal-al-Din Rumi (Boston: Oncworld Publications, 
2000); Jane I. Smith, Islam in America (New York: 
Columbia University Press, 1999). 

kharaj (Arabic) 

The kharaj was a tax levied by the Islamicate 
state, generally on the land, as opposed to a poll 
tax, or jizya. It was once thought that the distinc- 
tion between the land tax and poll tax was clear 
cut and absolute; however, numerous historical 
studies have shown conclusively that, throughout 
Islamic history, the terms kharaj and jizyei were 
used interchangeably. As it is formulated in the 

Khawarij 431 

Umayyad period (seventh to eighth centuries), 
however, it seems that the term kharcij was used 
to designate land conquered militarily rather than 
taken by treaty, and therefore to be permanently 
taxed at a rate higher than would apply to other 
lands. This would become especially important 
with increasing conversion to Islam, which might 
have threatened the fiscal stability of the state. 
Until the modern period a tax on the land was 
the most important source of revenue for most 
Islamicate governments. 

During and after the first Arab-lslamic con- 
quests in the seventh century, conquered lands 
were sometimes distributed to the Muslim con- 
querors, and these lands were not subject to the 
kharaj but to the considerably lower taxation of 
zakat, technically alms, but collected as a tax 
from Muslim subjects. As the pace of conversion 
to Islam increased in the following centuries, it 
would have been financially ruinous to allow 
converts to pay the lower zakat rate rather than 
the higher rate originally paid by the conquered 
peoples. Therefore, it was likely in the third 
century of Islam, when Islamic law (the sharia) 
itself was entering its maturity and, coinciden- 
tally, conversion to Islam was increasing, that 
the jurists codified the definition of kharaj as a 
tax imposed on lands conquered militarily. In 
principle, such land would always be taxed at the 
higher rate, regardless of the religious disposition 
of its cultivator. 

Nonetheless, the reality of taxation varied 
widely. Methods of computing the kharaj were 
inconsistent. The tax might be collected in pro- 
duce or in money, and it often amounted to one- 
third of the land's income. Worse, perhaps, for 
the peasants was the leeway allowed, especially 
in times of weak central control, to the tax collec- 
tors, who could impose fees of their own, which 
might exceed the kharaj itself. In cases where the 
kharaj was overly burdensome, peasants might 
flee the land. Because the tax was generally levied 
on a collective body such as a village, however, it 
would not be easily reduced in case of disaster or 

of flight from the land. In effect, the only way to 
escape the tax was to leave the land, but this did 
not reduce the tax that the remaining cultivators 
had to pay. While the rulers could cancel the land 
tax in times of famine or during failed harvests, 
they did so at their discretion. 

Kharaj per se is no longer collected in Mus- 
lim countries, although farmers are still taxed 
by stales. The end of kharaj is not very clearly 
demarcated in Iran and India. The British began 
to reform the tax system in the late 18th century 
in India, whereas kharaj in Iran continued to be 
collected into the 20th century. The Ottoman 
Empire abolished the kharaj and jizya in 1856 as 
part of the Tanzimat reforms by which citizenship 
began to replace the communal model of societal 

See also agriculture; colonialism; Umayyad 

John Iskander 

Further reading: Fred Donner, “Review of Studies in the 
Genesis and Early Development of the Caliphal Taxation 
System Journal of Near Eastern Studies 51 (January 
1992): 63-65; Ann Lambton, Landlord and Peasant 
in Persia (London: Oxford University Press, 1953); 
Hosscin Modarrcssi Tabatabai, Kharaj in Islamic Law 
(Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1983); A. Ben Shemesh, Taxation in 
Islam. 3 vols. (Leiden: E.J. Brill. 1958. 1965, 1969). 

Khawarij (Kharijites) 

The Khawarij were the first sectarian movement 
in Islamic history. They emerged in 657 C.E. at the 
battle of Siffin, a site on the Euphrates between 
Syria and Iraq, where the caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib 
( d. 661) was fighting to assert his authority over 
the recalcitrant governor of Syria, Muawiya. After 
Ali's decision to arbitrate an end to the dispute, a 
group of his previous supporters withdrew from 
his ranks, taking as their watchword “Only God 
can judge" (i.e., God, not man, decides human 
affairs), and declaring their opposition to both 

' 4s5 ^ 432 Khilafat Movement 

Ali and Muawiya's right to rule. Based on their 
decision to separate from the community of Mus- 
lims, this seceding faction came to be known as 
the Khawarij or, literally in Arabic, “those who 
go out.” The Khawarij's initial opposition to Ali 
and Muawiya quickly developed into a more far- 
reaching protest against Muslim leadership in 
general and the corruption of Muslim society, and 
this protest took a very violent form. According 
to the Khawarij, those deviating from (Khariji) 
Islam became grave sinners whose Muslim status 
and life were forfeit. The Khawarij felt obliged to 
purge the community of sinners who jeopardized 
the spiritual good of the whole. The means of 
purifying the community became a subject of seri- 
ous debate among Khawarij, leading to infighting 
and further sectarian splits. The most infamous 
subsect, the Azariqa, determined that the wives 
and children of grave sinners were subject to 
death. The most moderate subsect, the Ibadiyya, 
condemned grave sinners as hypocrites but toler- 
ated them within the community of Muslims. The 
Ibadiyya, then, were sectarian or heretical due to 
their beliefs, not their actions, which accounts for 
the fact that they arc the only Khariji faction to 
survive until the present day. 

While the diversity and radical independence 
of Khariji subsects prevents a clear articulation 
of their common beliefs and practices, they seem 
to have agreed on several key issues that distin- 
guished them from Sunnis. First, they held a pur- 
ist view of the caliph and the office he occupied: 
moral or religious infractions nullified a person's 
right to rule. At the same time, however, the Kha- 
warij affirmed the equality of all believing men, 
permitting anyone to rise to the position of caliph, 
unlike the Sunnis who restricted the office to 
members of the tribe of Muhammad, the QURAYSH. 
Second, and related to the first, they rejected the 
idea that FAITH, not works, determined one's right- 
ful membership in the community of believers. 
As a result, the community became the locus of 
charisma and purity, and the training ground for 
potential leaders. 

Khariji uprisings throughout the seventh and 
ninth centuries served as a constant reminder 
of the limits to Sunni authority and legitimacy, 
which in turn provoked Sunni thought and propa- 
ganda, including discourse on the Khawarij. Some 
medieval Sunni sources portray the Khawarij as 
pious but well-intentioned Muslims whose moral 
zealotry compromised their ability to live peace- 
fully within society; most maintain that Khariji 
piety and purity were a cover for more blatant 
political interests. By the year 1000 C.E., historical 
references to the Khawarij take on a generic mean- 
ing of “rebels." In modern Arab Muslim societies, 
the name Khawarij has been used to anathematize 
those who use religion to justify political violence, 
such as the assassins of Egyptian president Anwar 
al-SADAT (1918-81). 

See also heresy; kafir ; Sunnism; theology. 

Jeffrey T. Kenney 

Further reading: Ignaz Goldziher, Ini rod net ion to Islamic 
Theology and Law. Translated by Andras and Ruth Ham- 
ori (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981); 
Jeffrey T. Kenney, Muslim Rebels: The Kharijites and the 
Politics of Extremism in Egypt (New York: Oxford Uni- 
versity Press, 2006); Michael G. Morony, Iraq after the 
Muslim Conquest (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University 
Press, 1984); Julius Wellhausen, The Religio-Political 
Factions in Early Islam. Translated by R. C. Ostle and S. 
M. Walzer, edited by R. C. Ostle (New York: American 
Elsevier Publishing Company, 1975). 

Khilafat Movement (also known as the 
Caliphate Movement) 

The 1919-24 movement by Muslims in India 
to advance the Ottoman SULTAN as the CALIPH 
(Arabic: khalifa) of all Muslims. This movement 
demonstrated Indian Muslim pan-1slamism, rep- 
resented an attempt to mobilize the diverse body 
of Indian Muslims using the symbols of Islam and 
the ancient office of the CALIPHATE, and it served as 
the means by which Muslims came to participate 
in the Indian independence movement. 

Khomeini, Ruhollah 433 

The caliph was the head of the Islamic com- 
munity in Sunni Islam. Although some believe 
the office ended with the capture of Baghdad by 
the Mongols in 1258, throughout Islamic history 
there have been numerous attempts to revital- 
ize the office, or at least to claim the caliph as a 
title. The Khilafat Movement represents a modern 
attempt to regenerate the ancient office in a time 
when Muslims were being threatened both by the 
downfall of the Ottomans, the last great Islamicate 
empire, and by Western colonialism. By the end 
of World War 1 the British Empire stretched from 
Canada to Hong Kong, with most of the world's 
Muslims ruled by a European power. This had 
been the case for Indian Muslims since 1857, 
when the British brought the 300-year-old Mughal 
Empire to its final end. Thus, the Khilafat Move- 
ment was guided by Muslim elites whose immedi- 
ate ancestors had ruled India for centuries. 

Led by the brothers Muhammad Ali (d. 1931), 
his brother Shaukat Ali (d. 1938), Abul Kalam 
Azad (d. 1956), and Mukhtar Ahmad Ansari (d. 
1936), among others, the movement success- 
fully, albeit briefly, mobilized Indian Muslims, 
communities long separated from each other by 
sect, language, and region. It aimed to preserve 
the caliphate as the center of the Muslim world 
and to keep Arab lands and holy sites free from 
non-Muslim control. To this end, Khilafatists led 
delegations to Europe several times to press their 
demands; a number were imprisoned by the Brit- 
ish on charges of conspiracy. 

The movement received a major boost when 
Mohandas K. Gandhi (d. 1948), the leader of the 
Indian National Congress, took up the Khilafat 
cause in 1919 as part of the noncooperation 
movement against British rule. Noncooperation 
involved boycotting British goods, giving up 
political posts in the Anglo-Indian government, 
and, generally speaking, not cooperating with the 
mechanisms of British rule. Since Hindus domi- 
nated the Congress, adoption of the Khilafat cause 
did much to further Muslim-Hindu cooperation 
on an all-India scale and led to the belief that 

Indian self-government was in the best interest of 
India’s Muslims. 

Muslim-Hindu unity was not to last. Gandhi’s 
suspension of noncooperation and factionalism, 
based on personal, religious, and ideological dif- 
ferences, ended the delicate Khilafat-Congrcss alli- 
ance in 1922. The final blow came when Mustafa 
Kemal Ataturk (d. 1938), the leader of the newly 
secular nation of Turkey, abolished the caliph- 
ate in 1924. It is ironic that Indian Khilafatists 
were stressing Pan-Islamism at a time when most 
nations with Muslim majorities, Turkey included, 
sought to base their legitimacy along cultural and 
linguistic and not religious lines. Such “ethnolin- 
guistic nationalism" characterized much of the 
Muslim world until the 1960s, perhaps dooming 
the Khilafat Movement to failure. 

Kerry San Cherico 

Further reading: Ali Abd Al-Raziq, “The Caliphate and 
the Bases of Power." In Islam in Transition: Muslim Per- 
spectives, 2d ed., edited by John J. Donohue and John 
L. Esposito, 24-31 (New York and Oxford: Oxford 
University Press, 2007); L. Carl Brown, Religion and 
the State: The Muslim Approach to Politics (New York: 
Columbia University Press, 2000); Hamid Enayat, 
Modern Islamic Political Thought (1982. Reprint, Lon- 
don and New York: l.B. Tauris, 2005); Gail Minault, 
The Khilafat Movement: Religious Symbolism and Politi- 
cal Mobilization in India (New York: Columbia Univer- 
sity Press, 1982). 

Khoja Sec Aga Khan; Ismaili Shiism. 

Khomeini, Ruhollah (Ayatollah Khomeini, 
Khumayni, Khomeyni) (1902-1989) the most 
important Shii leader and jurist of the 20 th century, 
founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979 
Ruhollah Khomeini was born in the central Ira- 
nian town of Khomein. He came from a family 
of Twelve-Imam Shii jurists that claimed to be 
sayyids , descendants of the prophet Muhammad 

' CssP3 434 Khomeini, Ruhollah 

(d. 632) through the seventh Imam, Musa al- 
Kazim (d. 799). Khomeinis father was murdered 
shortly after he was born. He was raised by his 
mother and paternal aunt until both died when 
he was about 17. His elder brother Murtaza, a 
religious scholar, also cared for him and tutored 
him in Arabic grammar. 

Khomeini began his education in a govern- 
ment school, but he also attended a religious 
school ( maktab ) and memorized the Quran while 
still a child. In 1920, with the encouragement of 
his brother, he went to the Shii MADRASA in Arak, 
a town near Isfahan, to study with Ayatollah Abd 

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini on the eve of his return 
to Iran in 1979 (AP Photos) 

al-Karim Hairi Yazdi (d. 1936), one of the leading 
scholars in Iran at the time. He and fellow stu- 
dents followed Ayatollah Hairi Yazdi to the Shii 
shrine city of Qom the following year. There he 
studied Islamic jurisprudence (f/qh), in addition 
to Quran commentary and hadith, at the feet of 
leading Iranian religious scholars. In addition to 
his formal studies in Islamic law, he also immersed 
himself in the study of Gnostic mysticism (ir/an), 
philosophy, ethics, and Persian poetry. He was 
known for his ability to quote for hours by heart 
from the works of Persian mystical poets such as 
Jalal al-Din Rumi (d. 1273), Saadi (d. ca. 1291), 
and Hafiz (d. ca. 1380). Under the guidance of 
Mirza Muhammad Ali Shahabadi (d. 1950) he 
became fascinated by the writings of the Anda- 
lusian Sufi Muhyi al-Din ibn al-Arabi (d. 1240) 
and the Persian visionary Sadr al-Din Shirazi (also 
known as Mullah Sadra, d. 1641). The interest he 
showed for these subjects distinguished him from 
other students and teachers, who regarded such 
topics as secondary at best, after study of law and 
other traditional madrasa subjects. At the age of 
27 Khomeini married Batul, the daughter of an 
ayatollah from Tehran. They had five CHILDREN — 
three daughters and two sons. 

During the 1930s Khomeini completed his 
advanced studies and became a mujtahid in the 
Usuli tradition of Shii jurisprudence in Qom. 
This school of legal thought regarded the jurist as 
a living representative ol the 1 2th Imam during 
his Occultation ( GHAYBA ), in contrast to the Akh- 
bari School, which emphasized imitation ( tacjlid ) 
of the Shii Imams and the traditions of the past. 
Mujtahids could exercise authority ( wilayci ) with 
respect to the needs of widows and orphans, the 
administration of pious endowments and religious 
institutions (mosques, shrines, madrasas), and 
the general welfare of the community. In general 
they were to uphold the Islamic ethical prin- 
ciple of "commanding the right and forbidding 
the wrong.” Khomeini refrained from engaging 
overtly in politics at the time, deferring to senior 
leaders of the Shii religious establishment, some 

,Css ^ 436 Khomeini, Ruhollah 

history, for no jurist before him had stated that 
worldly government must be in the hands of one 
of the ULAMA. 

The shah’s government was increasingly hated 
by many Iranians, and the international com- 
munity objected to its human rights abuses. 
Meanwhile, revolutionary currents were already 
circulating in the country due both to awareness 
of anticolonial revolutions in other countries in 
Africa and Asia and to the influence of leftist 
organizations. The spark that ultimately ignited 
Iran's revolutionary fire came in the form of a per- 
sonal attack on Khomeini published in an Iranian 
newspaper on January 6, 1978. Demonstrations 
erupted in Qom, Tabriz, and swept across the 
country to the streets of Tehran, the capital. On 
September 24, 1978, the shah won the consent 
of Saddam Husayn (d. 2006), then the Iraqi vice 
president, to have Khomeini deported from Iraq 
because of his role in stirring antigovernment 
demonstrations in Iran. Khomeini went to Paris, 
where he remained until the Shah fled Iran with 
his wife on January 15, 1979. The Grand Ayatol- 
lah returned triumphantly to Tehran on Febru- 
ary 1 and was greeted by millions of cheering 

During the next 10 years, Ayatollah Kho- 
meini sought to rule Iran in accordance with 
the principles set forth in his book on Islamic 
government. In effect he created a theocratic gov- 
ernment with totalitarian leanings. In addition 
to being known as the marjaa al-taqlid, he was 
also officially designated as Iran's Leader of the 
Revolution (rahbarc inqilab), or Supreme Leader 
(rahbarc muazzam). He successfully transferred 
power into the hands of the Shii mullahs and 
eradicated or exiled his secular and religious 
opponents within a few months after his return. 
Khomeini also oversaw the drafting and imple- 
mentation of a constitution for the fledgling 
Islamic Republic before the end of his first year in 
office. The constitution allowed for a government 
consisting of legislative, executive, and judicial 
branches, but it placed these under the control 

of religious authority. In November 1979 he gave 
his approval to the seizure of the U.S. embassy in 
Tehran by a group of students and revolutionar- 
ies, provoking a crisis in U.S. -Iranian relations 
that has continued until today. He also sought to 
spread the revolution to other countries, calling 
upon Muslims to rise up against monarchies and 
pro-Western governments. 

Thinking that Iran's military defenses had 
been weakened by the revolution, Saddam Husayn 
invaded the country in September 1980. Under 
Khomeini's lead, the Iranians counterattacked, 
resulting in a costly nine-year war of attrition 
in which a million people lost their lives. Even 
as the war reached a stalemate in the late 1980s, 
Khomeini refused to negotiate peace with Iraq. 
The conflict did not end until after Khomeinis 

In January 1988 Khomeini took his idea 
of “governance of the jurist" to what might be 
considered to be its most extreme limit. He pro- 
claimed that the power of the Supreme Leader 
was absolute, and that his rulings could take 
precedence over any other Islamic laws, including 
those concerning prayer, fasting, and performing 
the hajj. Also, in a move to curb dissent and win 
popular support among Muslims at home and 
abroad, Khomeini issued a fatwa in February 
1988 calling for the death of Salman Rushdie, the 
Indian author of The Satanic Verses, a controver- 
sial novel that retold the life of Muhammad and 
poked fun at religious dictators like Khomeini. 

Ayatollah Khomeini died on June 3, 1989. He 
was buried in Tehran's Behesht-i Zahra cemetery, 
where his gold-domed tomb has become a shrine 
for Shii pilgrims. He was survived by one of his 
sons, Ahmad, also a mullah, who died in 1995. 
All of his daughters married into the families of 
merchants and Shii religious scholars. Some of his 
grandchildren also became mullahs. 

Sec also Akhbari School; ethics and morality; 
government, Islamic; Gulf Wars; politics and 
Islam; sayyid; Satanic Verses; Twelve-Imam Shiism; 
Usuli School. 

kuttab 43 7 

Further reading: Ruhallah Khomeini, Islam and Revo- 
lution: Writings and Declarations of Imam Khomeini. 
Translated by Hamid Algar (Berkeley, Calif.: Mizan 
Press, 1981); Vali Nasr, The Shia Revival: How Conflicts 
within Islam Will Shape the Future (New York: W.W. 
Norton. 2007); Ali Rahnema, “Khomeinis Search for 
Perfection: Theory and Reality." In Pioneers of Islamic 
Revival , edited by Ali Rahnema, 64-97 (London: Zed 
Books, 2005). 

khums See Shiism. 

khutba See sermon. 

Koran See Quran. 

kufr Sec KAFIR. 

kuttab (Arabic: writing school) 

A traditional Islamic Quran school providing 
elementary levels of education, the kuttab is also 
sometimes known as a maktab , though occasion- 
ally the two had separate functions. The kuttab 
curriculum consisted primarily of memorizing the 
Quran and learning the fundamentals of Islamic 
belief and practice. But it could also include study 
of Arabic grammar, Arabic or Persian classical 
poetry, and basic arithmetic. Instruction was cen- 
tered on memorization through dictation, writ- 
ing, and recitation, with little or no teaching time 
devoted to the meaning of the texts. 

In the Middle Ages only a minority of boys 
from the ages of about four to 10 were given the 
opportunity to study at a kuttab. In most regions 
and periods, girls were excluded from attending, 
but this situation changed in the 19th and 20th 
centuries. Upper-class and elite families usually 
hired tutors to teach their children at home, but 
kuttab s were, by the early modern period, almost 

universally available to educate the poor and 
middle classes. A kuttab was often established as 
a charitable trust (waq/). The kuttab education 
could lead to further studies in the Islamic educa- 
tion system of jatni halqas , or MOSQUE teaching 
circles, and madrasas, or institutions of higher 
learning for students who proved their ability. 
But most students probably ended their education 
after the kuttab and were left with little more than 
the ability to recite portions of complex literary 
Arabic they were unlikely to comprehend, in the 
case of Arabic and non-Arabic speakers alike. 
However, they would have been well prepared to 
perform their ritual duties as Muslims. 

This institution developed very early in the 
Islamic period and spread widely in the wake 
of the Arah-lslamic conquests. It was important 
in all Islamicate lands, serving as the initial 
introduction to education as well as playing an 
important role in Islamization. The kuttab was 
a key feature of Islamicate civilization for many 
centuries; however, educational reforms from 
the mid- 19th century to the present day have 
increasingly led to its decline. The functions of 
the kuttab were largely taken over by public, 
stale-funded educational systems. In states where 
primary education was not universally provided 
until late in the 20th century, such as Libya, Saudi 
Arabia, and Yemen, the kuttab remained the only 
source of education available in rural areas. The 
kuttab has been revived in some regions where 
the educational system has been completely 
secularized, for example, by Indian Muslims after 
partition (1947) and in Algeria during the 1930s. 
In some states, such as Egypt and Morocco, 
the kuttab was modified and integrated into the 
national school system or it remains as an impor- 
tant alternative to the Islamic education provided 
in the public schools. 

Sec also literacy. 

Shauna Huffaker 

Further reading: Ahmad Shalaby, History of Muslim 
Education (Beirut: Dar al-Kashshaf, 1954); Gregory 

438 Kuwait 

Starrctt, Putting Islam to Work: Education, Politics and 
Religious Transformation in Egypt (Berkeley: University 
of California Press, 1998); Joseph S. Szyliowicz. Educa- 
tion and Modernization in the Middle East (Ithaca, N.Y.: 
Cornell University Press, 1973). 

Kuwait See Gulf states. 

Kyrgyzstan See Central Asia and the 

Lat, al- See goddess. 

Latin America 

According to some scholars, Islam was first estab- 
lished in Latin America between the 11th and 
12th centuries as a result of maritime contacts 
established by African Muslim sailors. The same 
scholars support the idea of a Muslim European 
influence in the 16th century stemming from the 
participation of moriscos (Andalusian Muslims 
who remained in Spain under Christian rulers 
after 1492) in the discovery and conquest of the 
continent. However, these first origins of Islam in 
Latin America are still debated. The first Muslim 
population to arrive of which we have specific 
data were the African Muslim slaves brought to 
the continent by the Dutch, French, and British 
colonial powers. Later on, in the 19th century, 
following the abolition of SLAVERY, the recruitment 
of indentured labor from India and Indonesia 
brought to Latin America a number of Indian 
and Indonesian Muslims, mainly to the present- 
day countries of Guyana, Suriname and Panama. 
Following this, in the last decades of the 19th 
century, Muslim and Christian Arabs from Greater 
Syria (the Mediterranean Levant) emigrated to 
and settled in Latin America as a consequence of 

both the devastating effects of the ongoing eco- 
nomic crisis of the Ottoman Empire and specific 
cases of religious persecution of Christian com- 

The Muslim community in Latin America 
today is small in size, diverse in character, and 
grouped in several countries. Although no exact 
statistics of the total Muslim population exist, it is 
estimated that the Muslim community constitutes 
less than 1 percent of the total population of Latin 
America. Suriname, Guyana, and Trinidad have 
the largest number of Muslims followed by Brazil 
and Argentina. 

Although not the largest in number, Brazil has 
one of the strongest Muslim communities. Despite 
a number of African Muslim slaves who were 
brought to the country during the 17th and 18th 
centuries, the current Muslim community dates to 
the Arab emigration in the last decades of the 19th 
century. It is concentrated mainly in the state of 
Sao Paulo, where the first mosque was established 
in 1950. In 1968 the Islamic Dawa Center of Latin 
America for the spread of Islam was founded. 

Suriname has the largest Asian Muslim popu- 
lation, 26 percent of its total population. The Suri- 
namese Muslim community originates from the 
indentured Indian and Indonesian labor brought 
by the Dutch and the British at the turn of the 


^ 440 law 

20th century. The Indonesian identity of some 
members of the community is visible in specific 
practices that are linked to those in Indonesia, 
such as the orientation of their mosques facing 
west instead of east, following the practice of 
mosques in Indonesia, an issue that has created 
some controversy among Muslims in Suriname. 

See also Canada; colonialism; daawa; United 

Maria del Mar Logrono 

Further reading: Hisham Aidi, “Let Us Be Moors: Islam, 
Race and ‘Connected Histories. ” Middle East Report 
229 (Winter 2003): 42-53; S. A. H. Ahsani, “Muslims 
in Latin America: A Survey, Part I.” Journal of the Insti- 
tute for Muslim Minority Affairs 5 (1984): 454-463; 
Omar Hasan Kasule, “Muslims in Latin America: A 
Survey, Part II.” Journal of the Institute for Muslim 
Minority Affairs 5 (1984): 464-467; Ali Kettani, Muslim 
Minorities in the World Today (New York: Institute of 
Muslim Minority Affairs, 1986); Ignacio Klitch and Jef- 
frey Lesser, “Introduction: Turko Immigrants in Latin 
America." The Americas 53 (July 1996): 1-14; Larry 
Luxncr, “Muslims in the Caribbean." Saudi Aramco 
World (November-Deccmbcr 1987): 2-11. 

law See fiqh; sharia. 

law, international 

In the 20th century the ways in which separate 
communities interact changed radically. Central to 
this change has been the growth and development 
of the modern nation-state, a process that began 
in 17th-century Europe with the Treaty of West- 
phalia (1648) and that reached its apex in the late 
20th century. During the intervening centuries, 
the modern state replaced other kinds of political 
organization. Importantly, the development of the 
modern state coincided with the decline of explic- 
itly religious authority in Europe and the rise of 
secular authority and the rule of law, giving rise 
to what is now called the modern state: an entity 

with fixed geographical borders and a government 
acting as the ultimate authority within that terri- 
tory. As the modern state became the template for 
the entire world in the 20th century, a new body 
or regime of law was created to systematize the 
chaotic interactions among those states. 

The modern system of international law rests 
on the authority of a series of international orga- 
nizations, each having their origins in the creation 
of the United Nations (UN) in the wake of World 
War II (1945). Prior to the emergence of modern 
international law, interaction among political enti- 
ties often took place on an ad hoc basis. Today, the 
UN, the World Trade Organization, the Interna- 
tional Monetary Fund, and the World Bank over- 
see a system of law regulating economic, military, 
and diplomatic relations among stales. In theory, 
international law is based on the equality of all 
states before the law. Each state must be inde- 
pendent — capable of making decisions free from 
external coercion — in order for international law 
to be effective and truly universal. The develop- 
ment of international law, however, raises serious 
questions about whether or not this is possible. 

In this regard, there arc three main points to 
keep in mind. First, the modern state developed 
in a particular setting — 17th-century Europe — 
and its spread to other settings upset religious and 
political relationships and modes of organization 
in those areas. Second, the spread of the modern 
state often occurred through colonial relation- 
ships between European and non-European sub- 
jects. The construction of a free, stable, and truly 
independent state in this context has proved a 
difficult task, particularly given the tremendous 
dislocation of populations that accompanied the 
process. Finally, the idea of international law 
developed out of Anglo-American and European 
experiences in the wake of World Wars I and 
II, and addressed those parties' concerns. Many 
states that existed at the time and the many that 
have formed since the close of World War II were 
excluded from the negotiations that created the 
system of modern international law. 

Lebanon 441 

The vast majority of the conflicts confront- 
ing the world today, including ethnic conflict, 
religious violence, and the widening gap between 
developed and developing nations, reflect these 
problems. Many Islamist movements, for exam- 
ple, contest the authority of human-made law 
and of human sovereignty, both central to the 
concept of the modern state and to international 
law. Islamist movements, however, are certainly 
not alone in raising questions about the validity 
of international law. In many quarters of the world 
international law is a contested entity, far from the 
universally accepted regulatory system envisioned 
by 19th- and 20th-century American and Euro- 
pean scholars and policymakers. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; Camp David 
accords; citizenship; colonialism; dar al-Islam 
and dar al-Harb; Gulf Wars; Islamism; human 
rights; jihad movements; terrorism. 

Caleb H. Elfenbein 

Further reading: Francis Anthony Boyle, Foundations 
of World Order (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 
1999); Richard A. Falk. Unlocking the Middle East: The 
Writings of Richard Falk, An Anthology (New York: Olive 
Branch Press, 2003); Wilhelm G. Grcwe, The Epochs of 
International Law (New York: Walter dc Gruytcr, 2000); 
Majid Khadduri, The Islamic Law of Nations: Shaybanis 
Siyar (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1966); 
Majid Khadduri, The Law of War and Peace in Islam (Bal- 
timore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1953). 

Laylat al-Qadr See Night of Destiny. 

League of Arab States Sec Arab League. 

Lebanon (Official name: Lebanese 

Lebanon is a small country of about 3.9 million 
people (2008 estimate) occupying a land of leg- 

endary beauty, which totals a little over 4,000 
square miles at the eastern edge of the Mediter- 
ranean Sea. It is smaller than the state of Con- 
necticut in the United States. Bordering Israel 
on the south and Syria on the north and east, 
Lebanon comprises a narrow coastal plain that 
rises into the Lebanon Mountains, which parallel 
the sea and peak at the perennially snowcapped 
10,131-foot Qurnat al-Sawda. Historically called 
“The Lebanon,’* these mountains drop on the east 
into the Beqaa Valley, which extends to the Anti- 
Lebanon Mountains at the eastern border. In gen- 
eral the coastline features a combination of rough 
shores, fine beaches, and ancient ports; the coastal 
plain is fertile and relatively humid; the Lebanon 
Mountains are rugged and lush; and the Beqaa is 
agricultural and relatively dry. 

The population is about 60 percent Muslim 
and 40 percent Christian, with Shiis representing 
the largest Muslim group (1.2 million, 2005 esti- 
mate) and Maronites forming the largest Christian 
denomination (estimated between 800,000 and 
900,000). Lebanon also has a significant Druze 
population. Arabic is the official language, though 
French, English, and Armenian arc also spoken. 
The government has a democratically elected par- 
liament, a president as chief of state, and a prime 
minister as head of state. The economy is about 67 
percent service-based, 21 percent industry, and 12 
percent agriculture, with substantial remittances 
also coming from large numbers of Lebanese liv- 
ing abroad. 

Colonial empires throughout history have 
been attracted to the desirable location and natu- 
ral habitat of Lebanon, and a striking legacy of 
Roman and native Phoenician ruins remains to 
the present. In the seventh century the Byzantine 
Empire lost control of what is now Lebanon to 
the rapidly expanding Islamicate empire, thereby 
setting the stage for the complex religious demo- 
graphic that continues to exist today. In a succes- 
sion of shifting reigns, the Crusaders seized the 
area in the 12th century, the Mamluks took control 
in the 13th century, and the Ottomans ascended to 


442 legal schools 

power in the 16th century. Facing oppression by 
the various conquering forces, marginalized reli- 
gious groups (for example, Maronites, Shiis, and 
Druze) found refuge in the difficult terrain and 
remote heights of The Lebanon, thereby ensuring 
their ongoing participation in the diverse sectar- 
ian makeup of the population. 

The Lebanon had been considered part of 
Greater Syria since ancient times, and, in the 
wake of World War 1, in 1920, France received 
the mandate over much of Greater Syria. Later 
the same year the French established Greater 
Lebanon with its modern borders and with the 
capital at Beirut. Officially the Lebanese Republic, 
the country gained independence from France in 
1943 with a government based on a confessional 
system of power sharing between its many reli- 
gious sects. Per the last official census, from 1932, 
when Christians were the majority, the president 
is always a Maronite Christian, the prime minister 
a Sunni Muslim, and the speaker of parliament a 
Shii Muslim. While the demography has shifted 
and given rise to a Muslim majority, Lebanon's 
relatively high percentage of Christians continues 
to be unique among Arab countries. 

Muslim sects include Sunnis, Twelve-Imam 
Shiis, Ismaili Shiis, Alawis, and Druze. Christian 
sects include Maronite, Greek Catholic, Roman 
Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Jacobite (Syrian Ortho- 
dox), Armenian Orthodox (Gregorian), Armenian 
Catholic, Assyrian (Nestorian), Chaldean, and 
Protestant. Large numbers of Palestinian refugees 
fled to Lebanon after the Arab-lsracli wars of 
1948 and 1967, and southern Lebanon became an 
important base for the Palestine Liberation Orga- 
nization (PLO). Jews played an integral role in Leb- 
anese society until they emigrated in large numbers 
under increasing pressures fomented especially by 
the Six-Day War of 1967 and the Israeli invasion of 
Lebanon in 1982, which ended PLO control in the 
south and gave rise to Hizbullah, a Lebanese Shii 
guerrilla and social welfare organization. 

Underlying dissatisfactions with the sectar- 
ian power balance coupled with a long history 

of foreign meddling that was increasingly fueled 
by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict led to the Civil 
War of 1973-90. The brutality and chaos of this 
notorious war shattered any image of the tolerant 
pluralistic society for which Lebanon had been so 
well known. While resolution of the underlying 
causes of the war has remained elusive, substan- 
tial reconstruction was undertaken in Beirut, and 
Lebanon regained its attraction as a tourist des- 
tination in the late 1990s and early 2000s. This 
situation, however, began to deteriorate with the 
assassination of Rafiq Hariri, the former prime 
minister (1992-98, 2000-04), in February 2005 
by unknown assailants. A hostage-taking incident 
at the Lcbancse-lsraeli border in summer 2006 
resulted in a short-lived Israeli-Lebanese war that 
involved Hizbullah missile attacks on Israel and 
Israeli airstrikes and troop movements in Leba- 
non. The Lebanese infrastructure was seriously 
damaged, especially in the south. United Nations 
troops were introduced into the country to facili- 
tate peace-keeping efforts in the war’s aftermath. 

Sec also Alawi; Arab-Israeli conflicts; Arme- 
nians; Christianity and Islam; colonialism; 
Crusades; Mamluk; Ottoman dynasty; Shiism; 

Kenneth S. Habib 

Further reading: Asad AbuKhalil, Historical Diction- 
ary of Lebanon (Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 1998); 
Helena Cobban. The Shia Community and the Future 
of Lebanon (Washington. D.C.: American Institute for 
Islamic Affairs, 1985); Lara Dccb, An Enchanted Modern: 
Gender and Public Piety in Shii Lebanon (Princeton, N.J.: 
Princeton University Press, 2006); Philip Khuri Hitti, 
Lebanon in History: From the Earliest Times to the Pres- 
ent , 3d ed. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1967); Michael 
Johnson, Class and Client in Beirut: The Sunni Muslim 
Community and the Lebanese State , 1840-1985 (Atlantic 
Highlands, N.J.: Ithaca Press, 1986). 

legal schools See fiqh; sharia. 

Libya 443 

'tf=a i D 

Libya (Official name: Great Socialist 
People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya [Peoples’ 

Libya is a North African country with an area of 
nearly 1.8 million square miles, comparable in 
size to the state of Alaska. It is bounded by the 
Mediterranean Sea to the north; Egypt to the east; 
Niger, Chad, and Sudan to the south; and Tunisia 
and Algeria to the west. Most of the population 
(about 6 million, 2008 estimate) lives in a narrow 
belt near the coastline. About 97 percent are Ber- 
bers and Arabs, the rest being Europeans, Turks, 
and South Asians. Libyans, with the exception of 
a small number of Ibadi Muslims, are Sunnis (97 
percent) who follow the Maliki Legal School 
like other North African Muslims. The northeast- 
ern part of the country is known as Cyrenaica, 
after the ancient Greek city of Cyrene. In Late 
Antiquity this region had a Jewish and Christian 
population. In 1948 there were about 38,000 Jews 
left in the country, almost all of whom have since 
migrated to Israel. The modern capital is Tripoli, 
a city on the Mediterranean littoral. 

Once part of the Greek, Roman, and Byzantine 
empires, the coastal region of Libya was incor- 
porated into the Islamicate empire by Muslim 
armies that came from Egypt and Arabia during 
the reign of the third caliph, Uthman ibn Affan 
( r. 644-656). It obtained provincial status in vari- 
ous empires during the ensuing centuries, while 
the expanses of the Sahara and its oases were in 
the hands of Arab and Berber tribes and tribal 
confederacies. Libyan ports served as havens for 
pirates who raided Mediterranean shipping when 
governmental control was weak. Tripoli became 
part of the Ottoman Empire in 1551 and remained 
under intermittent Ottoman control until the Ital- 
ian invasion of 191 1. 

The Italians emulated France and other Euro- 
pean powers by creating a colonial base in North 
Africa. They wanted Libya to be their Fourth 
Shore, part of a modern Roman Empire. Their 
ability to control land beyond the coast, how- 
ever, met with strong resistance from tribal con- 

federations led by the Sanusi Sufi Order. This 
order had been founded in Mecca in 1837 by an 
Algerian shaykh, Muhammad ibn Ali al-Sanusi 
(1787-1859), who claimed descent from the 
prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima. 
Because the order followed a simple form of 
Sufism that lacked ecstatic rituals and promoted a 
strong work ethic, it won a wide following among 
Bedouins and Berbers. Centered in Cyrenaica, 
the order established a network of lodges for 
religious, educational, and social gatherings that 
stretched across the oases of the Sahara and into 
some of the northern cities. Although the Sanusi 
Sufis preferred to live a life of piety and study, they 
called for a jihad against foreign invaders, fighting 
the French in Chad, then the Italians in Libya. 
The French were able to defeat them, and later the 
Italians, but only after a guerrilla war that lasted 
for nearly 22 years. While the Sanusi leadership 
resided in exile in Egypt, the anticolonial war was 
fought by Bedouin led by tribal leaders such as 
Umar al-Mukhtar (1862-1931), a village Quran 
teacher. The Libyan resistance was quelled only 
when Italian forces, with the approval of Italian 
dictator Benito Mussolini, isolated the guerril- 
las in the mountains and blocked their access to 
civilian supporters. The conflict was a costly one 
for the Libyans — 100,000 were placed in concen- 
tration camps and thousands died or were killed. 
In 1934 the Italians officially named their prize 
colony “Libya” after an ancient Greek name for 
the region of North Africa (based on the ancient 
Egyptian word LBW or RBW). During the 1930s 
the number of Italian colonials exceeded 100,000. 
Their control of Libya ended, however, in World 
War II as a result of Allied military victories in 
North Africa. 

Britain, France, the United States, and the 
Soviet Union each had different ideas about what 
to do with Libya after World War II. In 1951, 
however, the United Nations General Assembly 
approved a resolution to grant Libya its indepen- 
dence as a kingdom under the rule of the Grand 
Sanusi, Sayyid Muhammad Idris (d. 1983). The 

444 literacy 

kingdom was plagued by a poor educational 
system and a weak economy that depended on 
foreign aid from the United States. High-grade 
OIL was discovered in 1959, which eventually led 
to significant economic and social gains for the 

In 1969 a group of Libyan officers lead by 
Captain (later Colonel) Muammar al-Qadhdhafi 
(b. 1943) deposed the monarchy in a bloodless 
coup while King Idris was out of the country. In 
its place they established the Libyan Arab Repub- 
lic, which drew its inspiration from the ideals of 
secular Arab nationalism as espoused by President 
Jamal Abd al-NASiR of Egypt (r. 1954-70). The 
charismatic al-Qadhdhafi, a Bedouin, has revolu- 
tionized Libyan politics and society and has been 
the supreme leader in the country since the coup. 
He was once portrayed as an Islamic "fundamen- 
talist M in the Western media because of his efforts 
to reintroduce Islamic law in the early 1970s. 
However in the mid-1970s he presented a new 
political ideology, called the Third Universal The- 
ory, in his Green Book. His theory was conceived 
as an alternative to the "theories” of capitalism 
and Marxism, and it called for direct popular self- 
rule through networks of congresses and commit- 
tees and the creation of a classless society. This 
theory provided the basis for renaming Libya the 
"Peoples' Republic" or "Republic of the Masses” 
( Jamahiriyya ) in 1977. In reality the government 
has been an authoritarian one in which political 
parties are banned and has a record of serious 
human rights violations. Islam was not mentioned 
explicitly in his Green Book, although "religion” 
was discussed as a binding social and moral force. 
In his speeches, however, al-Qadhdhafi has por- 
trayed Islam as an anticolonial religion based on 
the Quran and the use of ijtihad (reasoned legal 
judgment). He has condemned the traditional 
Islamic legal schools and Sufi orders as reaction- 
ary, and has even banned the Sanusis. 

Under al-Qadhdhafi's leadership, economic 
and social conditions have improved significantly 
for most Libyans. Prom being one of the most 

destitute countries in the world it now has a pov- 
erty rate below 8 percent and one of the highest 
LITERACY rates in the Middle East (82.6 percent, 
2003 estimate). Libya has improved its relations 
with its Arab and African neighbors and has been 
a strong supporter of anticolonial and advocacy 
movements of developing countries, including the 
Palestine Liberation Organization and the Irish 
Republican Army. During the 1980s and 1990s it 
was viewed as a pariah state and a supporter of 
terrorism. U.S. president Ronald Reagan ordered 
a bombing of Libyan bases and al-Qaddhafi's resi- 
dence in April 1986 after several military incidents 
in the Gulf of Sidra and suspected Libyan involve- 
ment in the bombing of a nightclub in West Berlin 
that killed two U.S. servicemen. The U.S. attacks 
may have precipitated the retaliatory bombing by 
Libya of Pan American Flight 103 over Lockerbie, 
Scotland, in which 270 people perished, includ- 
ing 37 American college students. In recent years, 
radical Islamist or jihad movements have not been 
able to establish a base in Libya and relations with 
the United States have improved as a result of the 
governments willingness to destroy its weapons 
of mass destruction and related facilities. 

See also colonialism; Ibadiyya; renewal and 
reform movements; Sufism. 

Further reading: Ali Abdullatif Ahmida, The Making 
of Modern Libya: State Formation, Colon ialization, and 
Resistance , 1830-1932 (Albany: State University of New 
York Press, 1994); Mahmoud Ayoub. Islam and the 
Third Universal Theory: The Religious Thought of Muam- 
mar al-Qaddhafi (London: KPI Limited, 1987); Dirk 
Vandewalle, A History of Modern Libya (Cambridge: 
Cambridge University Press. 2006). 


Traditions of literacy have been fundamental to 
the growth and maintenance of lslamicatc societ- 
ies throughout the world. According to Sura 96 of 
the Quran, often considered the first revelation 
delivered to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel, 

literature 445 

Muhammad was commanded to read ( iqra ). The 
scriptural nature of Islam made literacy a primary 
vehicle for the dissemination of the faith, as well 
as a virtue for pious Muslims wanting to read the 
Quran and other religious texts. 

As the Islamic religion spread beyond the Ara- 
bian Peninsula, Arabic, the language of the Quran, 
became a lingua franca for trade and government 
as well as religious EDUCATION and the literary arts. 
Prominent notables, as well as merchants and 
professionals, were careful to give their children 
the gift of literacy, at least in the Quran. More- 
over, prominent institutions of learning, such as 
the House of Wisdom in Baghdad and al-AzHAR 
University in Cairo, flourished at the height of the 
Islamicate empires. 

Despite the rich legacy of literacy in Mus- 
lim lands, however, widespread literacy has been 
a more recent phenomenon, as in many other 
regions of the globe, as a result of the introduction 
of the printing press and, more recently, new elec- 
tronic technologies. Modern governments in the 
Middle East have had varying success in spreading 
literacy in the postcolonial era. Reformers such as 
the Iraqi Sati al-Husri (1869-1967) proclaimed the 
importance of mass education for the success of 
the modern nation-state, while President Jamal Abd 
al-Nasir (d. 1970) expanded university education 
far beyond its traditional class boundaries in Egypt. 
Policies such as these did much to bring mass liter- 
acy closer to a reality for the modern Middle East. 

However, many Muslim countries continue 
to struggle with literacy at the dawn of the 21st 
century. For example, among the largest Muslim 
populations in 2005, Indonesians had a literacy 

rate of 87.9 percent, but Pakistan's was 48.7 per- 
cent and Bangladesh's was 41.1 percent. The lit- 
eracy rate among India's Muslim population was 
59.1 percent. As of 2005 Egypt had a literacy rate 
of 55.6 percent, Sudan a rate of 59 percent, Iran a 
rate of 80 percent, and Saudi Arabia a rate of 79.4 
percent. Jordan and Lebanon have been the most 
successful Arab nations in terms of literacy, reach- 
ing a rate of over 86 percent in 2005, while Israel 
had a rate of 96.9 percent. In Turkey it was 88.3 
percent. Although the majority of adults living in 
Muslim countries are literate, there is still much 
work to be done in a number of areas to achieve 
literacy rates that match those of top-tier coun- 
tries of the world. 

See also adab ; Arabic language and literature; 


Nancy L. Stockdale 

Further reading: Jack Goody, The Interface between the 
Written and the Oral (Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press, 1987); Irfan Habib. Iqtidar Alam Khan, and K. 
P. Singh. "Problems of the Muslim Minority in India.” 
Social Scientist 4 (June 1976): 67-72; Paul Lund, “Ara- 
bic and the Art of Printing." Saudi Aramco World 32 
(March-April 1981): 20-35; Golnar Mehran, “Social 
Implications of Literacy in Iran." Comparative Educa- 
tion Review 36 (May 1992): 194-211; Brian V. Street, 
ed.. Literacy and Development: Ethnographic Perspectives 
(London: Routledge, 2001). 

literature See African Language and Literature; 
Arabic Language and Literature; Persian Language 
and Literature; Turkish Language and Literature. 

madhhab Sec sharia. 

Madina See Medina. 


A place of education for Muslim religious lead- 
ers and scholars. Islamic education began in the 
prophet Muhammad's time, but centers of learn- 
ing did not begin until after the first and second 
centuries of Islam. The most prominent of the 
earliest madrasas is Egypt's al-AzHAR, which was 
opened under the Fatimids in 970 c.E. The open- 
ing in Baghdad of the Nizamiyya College in 1066 
marked the beginning of the madrasa system. 
Many Nizamiyyas were opened afterward; the 
point of these madrasas and systems of madrasas 
in other regions was to create uniform opinion 
regarding Islamic law and theology. 

Compared to Jewish Yeshiva schools and Chris- 
tian scriptural schools, madrasas concentrated on 
rote memorization of the Quran, knowledge of 
correct ritual practice, and the deduction of legal 
points from the scriptures ( fiqh ), and, in fact, they 
eventually produced bodies of law. Philosophy, 
astronomy, and mathematics were also taught 

in medieval Iranian madrasas, but opposition 
grew in Arab lands during this time against the 
study of philosophy, and, after the 14th century, 
Arab madrasas instead emphasized grammar and 
rhetoric as well as religious law. Fischer argues 
that after the 11th century, madrasas in the Arab 
world displayed little innovation, and intellectual 
freedom, instead focusing on repetition and com- 
mentary. Typically, a lecturer would dictate long 
quotations to his students, and then he would 
comment on meaning, content, and style. 

At times friction between religion and govern- 
ment arose as scholarly opinions emanating from 
madrasas began to bear legal weight, because this 
legal aspect competed with other forms of AUTHOR- 
ITY such as the court or the state. In 16th-century 
Iran, the madrasa system maintained a much 
greater degree of independence from the state 
than in the Ottoman Empire, although Iranian 
rulers built madrasas and granted them endow- 
ments. Yet they were also privately supported, and 
were not absorbed into the state. The Ottoman 
DYNASTY, on the other hand, found it beneficial to 
control the madrasa system. 

Modernizing forces in Europe in the 18th and 
19th centuries brought about a new struggle, in 
which Europeans tried to free education from 


Mahdi 447 

the church, and to reform education to be more 
relevant in the Industrial Age. A similar debate 
arose in the Middle East. In Iran during the 19th 
century, this resulted in the opening of secular 
profession schools, and, by the 20th century, Ira- 
nian madrasa students became an isolated yet still 
influential minority The Ottomans reformed their 
institutions of higher learning before reforming 
the madrasa system for elementary students. In 
1924 Ataturk’s government in Turkey eliminated 
the madrasa system in favor of secular education; 
however, Islamic education was reinstated in the 
late 1940s. In the second half of the 19th century 
in Egypt, Muslim Egyptians began to attend secu- 
lar schools, and a movement arose in the late 19th 
to the early 20th century to modernize al-Azhar. 

Madrasa education, although replaced to a 
great degree by the rise of systems of modern 
education, still exists all over the Muslim world. 
Fazlur Rahman notes that in contemporary Paki- 
stan, madrasas teaching traditional interpretations 
of Islam flourish mainly in the countryside. He also 
argues that the more any given region in the Mus- 
lim world was affected by Western colonialism, the 
stronger the hold is in that region of traditional 
madrasa-style learning by the religious elite. 

See also Aligarh; Deoband; kuttab ; ulama; 
Zaytuna Mosque. 

Sophia Pandya 

Further reading: Michael M. J. Fischer. Iran: From 
Religious Dispute to Revolution (Cambridge, Mass.: 
Harvard University Press, 1980); Fazlur Rahman, Islam 
and Modernity: Translation of an Intellectual Tradition 
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982); Charles 
Michael Stanton, Higher Learning in Islam: The Classical 
Period , a.d. 700-1300 (Savage, Md.: Rowman and Little- 
field Publishers, 1990). 


Meaning “one who is rightly guided" in Arabic, 
the Mahdi is a messianic figure who, according to 

some Muslims, will return at the end of time to 
restore Islam to its original perfection. 

Although the word Mahdi does not occur in 
the Quran, it was used from the earliest days of 
Islam as an honorific title: the prophet Muham- 
mad was called the Mahdi, as was his son-in-law 
Ali, and his grandson al-Husayn. However, it was 
not until the revolt led in the name of Alis third 
son, Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyya, against the 
Umayyad Caliphate (661-750 c.e.) that the term 
Mahdi began to refer to an expected ruler who 
would usher in Judgment Day. 

Although eventually crushed, Ibn al-tlanafiyyas 
movement was instrumental in shaping the image 
of the expected Mahdi. Indeed, when his followers 
began insisting that their leader was not dead but 
rather hiding in a transcendent realm from which he 
would one day return to fill the world with justice, 
they initiated a doctrine that eventually became 
one of the central tenets of Shiism: the occultation 
(chayba) and return (rajaa) of the Mahdi. 

The doctrine of occultation and return was 
developed even further after the sudden death of 
Ismail ibn Jaafar (d. 762), who had originally been 
designated the seventh Imam. When Ismail was 
replaced by his younger brother, Musa al-Kazim, a 
small group of Shiis calling themselves the Ismai- 
lis refused to accept the new Imam and instead 
claimed that Ismail was alive and in occultation as 
the Hidden Imam, another term for the Mahdi. For 
the majority of Shiis, however, the line of Imams 
continued through Musa until the 12th Imam, 
Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (also known as Muham- 
mad al-Mahdi), who himself went into final occul- 
tation in 941 C.E. as the Mahdi. Thus, by the 
middle of the 10th century, a complex apocalyptic 
theology concerning the Mahdi's second coming 
had become firmly entrenched in Shii THEOLOGY. 

As the doctrine of the Mahdi developed in 
Shiism, the dominant Sunni law schools began 
to distance themselves from the idea, partly in an 
attempt to discourage what was becoming both 
a politically and a socially disruptive theology. 
And yet, to this day there exists a vigorous debate 


448 Mahdiyya movement 

The comb of Muhammad Ahmad, the Sudanese 
Mahdi, in Omdurman, Sudan (Juan E. Campo) 

among Sunni religious scholars over both the mes- 
sianic function and the political role ol the Mahdi. 
In fact, in the 18th and 19th centuries, a number of 
rebellions against the colonialist powers were led 
by Sunni Muslims who claimed to be the expected 
Mahdi, the most famous of whom was the Suda- 
nese Mahdi, Muhammad Ahmad (d. 1885), whose 
forces managed to keep Britain and Egypt at bay 
until 1898. 

Nonetheless, it is among the Shia that the 
doctrine of the Mahdi has had its greatest develop- 
ment. Over the centuries, a number of Shii theo- 
logians have prophesied the Mahdi's imminent 
return, which, according to the traditions, will 
be heralded by civil wars, false prophets, earth- 
quakes, and the abolition of Islamic law. In the 
20th century, these messianic expectations were 
revived by the tumultuous events of the Iranian 
Revolution of 1978-1979, which was led by the 
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, whom some Irani- 
ans believed to be the expected Mahdi. 

Sec also Ahmediyya; Bahai Faith; eschatology; 
Ismaili Shiism. 

Reza Aslan 

Further reading: Jassim M. Hussain. Occultation of (he 
Twelfth Imam (London: The Muhammadi Trust, 1982); 
Moojan Momen, An Introduction to Shi'i Islam (New 
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1985); Abdulaziz 
A. Sachedina, Islamic Messianism (New York: State Uni- 
versity of New York Press, 1981). 

Mahdiyya movement 

This revolutionary movement was launched in the 
Sudan in 1881 by the religious reformer, Muham- 
mad Ahmad, who claimed to be the Mahdi (the 
rightly guided messianic leader, whose just rule 
will usher in the end of the age). Like many other 
19th-century jihad movements, the Mahdiyya had 
religious elements (fed by widespread eschato- 
logical expectations in the region) and political 
elements (based upon anticolonial sentiments 
directed toward Turco-Egyptian, and later Brit- 
ish, dominance of the Sudan). Ahmads followers 
succeeded in establishing an independent state, 
which implemented a government based upon 
classical Islamic institutions until its defeat by the 
British at Omdurman in 1898. 

Upon revealing himself to be the long-awaited 
Mahdi in early 1881, Ahmad called upon Suda- 
nese Muslims to make the hijra (emigration) from 
serving the infidels and to join him in establishing 
a just Islamic government. Those who answered 
this appeal were called Ansar, in imitation of the 
Medinans who first aided the prophet Muham- 
mad. The Mahdi's jihad was tremendously suc- 
cessful, partially due to unrest within EGYPT that 
limited the Egyptian government’s response and 
partially due to Ahmad's religious aura, which 
made Egyptian Muslim soldiers hesitant to fight 
him. However, shortly after establishing his state, 
the Mahdi died in 1885, leaving his disciple, 
Abdallahi, to succeed him as CALIPH. After put- 
ting down internal opposition, Abdallahi secured 
his authority over a broad expanse of territory 
roughly corresponding to the modern nation of 
the Sudan. However, the consolidation of British 
colonial power in Egypt led to an expedition by 

Majnun and Layla 449 

Lord Kitchener that conquered the Mahdist state 
in 1898. Even in defeat, the Mahdists retained 
widespread popularity. Their descendants formed 
the Ansar party that pushed for Sudanese inde- 
pendence in the 1950s. 

Further reading: Richard A. Bermann, The Mahdi of 
Allah (New York: MacMillan, 1932); P. M. Holt, The 
Mahdist State in the Sudan (London: Oxford University 
Press, 1958); Rudolf C. Slatin Pasha, Fire and Sword in 
the Sudan: A Personal Narrative of Fighting and Serv- 
ing the Dervishes , 1879-1895. Translated by Major F 
R. Wingate (London: Edward Arnold. 1896); Haim 
Shaked, The Life of the Sudanese Mahdi (New Bruns- 
wick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1978). 

Makka See Mecca. 

Majnun and Layla 

Qays ibn al-Mulawwah, the "most famous of 
the famous" lovers, is a renowned ancient Arab 
poet. Qays is also known by his nom de plume, 
Majnun, which means "the mad one” or "the one 
possessed.” He was born in the Hijaz region of the 
Arabian Peninsula (in modern-day Saudi Arabia) 
during the latter half of the seventh century. Maj- 
nun is both a famous poet and a character in the 
Arabic romance associated with his name, namely, 
the Udhri love story of Majnun Layla. His life and 
love poetry are most fully recorded in a 10th-cen- 
tury multivolume work titled Kitab al-Aghani y or 
Book of Songs , produced by a Baghdadi courtier 
named Abu 1-Faraj al-Isfahani. 

There arc several accounts of how Majnun and 
his beautiful beloved, named Layla bint al-Harish, 
fell in love, but the most oft-quoted one is that 
they fell in love when they were children while 
tending to the flocks of their kin. What happens 
next between these two star-struck young people 
is legendary in the Islamic world. After a brief 
period of courtship between them, during which 
Majnun publicly serenades her and publicly recites 

what was then considered to be risque poetry 
about his relation with the flirtatious Layla, her 
family veils her and bars him from seeing her. 
Afraid that he might lose her, Majnun then asks 
for her hand in marriage, but he is flatly refused 
by her father. After being summarily rejected, Maj- 
nun, despite numerous attempts by his kin to help 
him, becomes somewhat deranged and emotion- 
ally unstable. The biographical accounts describe 
how he starts to madly and aimlessly wander about 
and live with the beasts in the desert; at times, he 
wanders as far as the boundaries to Syria or Yemen. 
Even after Layla is married to a wealthy man from 
another tribe, Majnun continues nostalgically to 
recall his beloved through his poetry. In the end, 
Majnun dies in a desert wilderness place remote 
from his tribal shelter and home. Appropriately, he 
is found dead by a fan of his verses who travels to 
Maj nun’s clan to hear and collect his poems. The 
burial lament for Majnun is attended by people 
from Laylas clan, including her father who repents 
his earlier harshness toward the youth. 

Rather like a traveling folktale, the romance 
of Majnun Layla over time has crossed many 
cultural and linguistic boundaries, and it has 
spread throughout the Islamic world. It has been 
composed and recomposed in Persian, Arabic, 
Turkish, and Urdu literatures in the form of 
poetry, romance, and drama, and it has even been 
set to film. It has recently arrived in the West as 
well; in Germany it was made into a symphony 
and “Layla" is also a musical composition of Eric 
Clapton. Through its diffusion, the romance has 
undergone numerous changes, including acquir- 
ing new themes and motifs, as well as experi- 
encing genre transformations. In the medieval 
Persian literary tradition, two famous authors 
who composed romance narratives celebrating 
these two lovers are Nizami (d. ca. 1217) andjami 
(d. 1492). Indeed, part of the significance of the 
Majnun Layla romance (alternatively often known 
in non-Arabic literatures as Layla Majnun) is that 
it played an important role in the development of 
chronologically later genres, such as mystical Sufi 

^ 450 maktab 

literature, medieval Persian and Urdu love poetry 
and narratives, and, according to some scholars, 
medieval European romance. 

See also folklore; Persian language and 


Ruqayya Yasmine Khan 

Further reading: Michael Dols, Majnun: The Madman in 
Medieval Islamic Society (New York: Oxford University 
Press, 1992); Nizami, The Story of Layla and Majnun. 
Translated and edited by Rudolf Gelpke et al. (New 
York: Omega Publications, 1997). 

maktab Sec kvttab. 

Malamati Sufis 

All Sufis seek to control the desires of the self 
(nafs)j which prevent the individual from reach- 
ing God, but while many try to do so by devoting 
themselves to outward forms of worship, Mala- 
matis reject outward display of their devotion, 
considering this too to be feeding the seifs desire 
for acceptance by society. Malamati Sufism is not a 
clearly defined system of beliefs, but a set of prac- 
tices and a psychology relating to the principle 
of refraining from actions that would gain the 
approval of society, including public performance 
of the prescribed forms of worship. Malamatis 
do not seek the approval of society, and they do 
not fear its blame. The Malamati Sufis base their 
beliefs on the Quranic verse: “They struggle in the 
path of God and fear not the blame of any blamer" 
(Q 5:54), and thus their name is derived from the 
Arabic word malama, meaning “blame.” 

As a consequence of their avoidance of public 
worship, Malamatis were often accused of not 
acting in accordance with religious law and con- 
demned by orthodox authorities. Nevertheless, 
most Malamatis tried to live within the world, 
wearing clothing that did not attract attention and 
often working in the marketplace as artisans. 

Though similar religious attitudes existed 
before the advent of Islam, Malamati Sufism in its 
Islamic form developed in the region of Khurasan 
in the ninth century, in part as a response to the 
extroverted ascetism of the Karramis. The first 
major figure of the Malamati movement was Ham- 
dun al-Qassar (d. 884) of Nishapur, who taught 
the renunciation of the need to please people, 
which would lead to actions done in hypocrisy 
(riya). Malamatis did not participate in Sufi rituals 
such as dhikr and samaa (musical audition), since 
in doing so their inner states might be revealed. 

Because of the invisibility of Malamatis, it is 
difficult to discern any structured organization 
under that name and to determine the extent 
to which their influence spread. It seems likely, 
though, that the principles of Malamatism led 
some to purposely seek the blame of others by 
openly violating religious and social conventions, 
and these came to be known as Qalandars. The 
Naqshbandi order may also have been influenced 
by Malamatis, in its refusal of distinctive clothing 
and its preference for a silent dhikr. In Ottoman 
lands, Malamati principles were incorporated into 
the Malami and Hamzawi orders. 

See also asceticism; sufism. 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: Annemarie Schimmel, Mystical Dimen- 
sions of Islam (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina 
Press, 1975); Sara Sviri, “Hakim Tirmidhi and the Mala- 
mati Movement in Early Sufism. In Classical Persian 
Sufism: From Its Origins to Rumi t edited by L. Lewisohn 
(New York: Khaniqahi Nimatullahi Publications, 1993), 
583-613; J. Spencer Trimingham, The Sufi Orders in 
Islam (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971). 


The modern nation of Malaysia consists of the 
southern half of the Malay Peninsula and the 
states of Sarawak and Sabah on the northern coast 
of the island of Borneo. Each of the three compo- 

452 Malaysia 

overwhelmingly Chinese. Most of the Indians 
are Hindus from southern India. Christianity has 
made an impact primarily among the non-Malay 
half of the population, and now claims about 9 
percent of the population. 

From the first century C.E., Malaysia experi- 
enced migrations from both China and India and 
it became the home of kingdoms with Hindu and 
Buddhist roots. In the 15th century, following the 
opening of the port of Malacca on the peninsula's 
west coast, the first conversions to Islam were 
reported. Through the next century, Islam gradu- 
ally replaced Buddhism as the dominant faith on 
the peninsula, and a set of states was established, 
each headed by a sultan. Islam's initial converts 
included some among the aristocratic class on the 
peninsula. It spread among this class over several 
centuries, often through marriage alliances. 

Beginning in the 1 6th century, a variety of 
European colonial powers moved into the region. 
In 1511 the Portuguese seized Malacca. In the 
next century, the Dutch, in alliance with the sul- 
tan ofjahor, drove the Portuguese out. At the end 
of the 18th century, the British established their 
trading colony on the northern shore of Borneo 
and, in 1819, purchased Singapore from the sultan 
of Jahorc, which they managed as an outpost to 
secure passage through the Straits of Malacca and 
the Singapore Straits. Shortly thereafter the British 
concluded a treaty with the Dutch guaranteeing 
the latter's hegemony in the East Indies (now 

Through the 19th century the British con- 
trolled the ports of Penang, Malacca, and Singa- 
pore into which they encouraged immigration 
from China and India to provide cheap labor for 
the tin mines and rubber plantations. Beginning 
in 1870 the British encouraged the formation of 
protectorates over the several sultanates on the 
Malaysian Peninsula and later in the northern 
half of Borneo (including Brunei). British rule 
was not welcomed by many Malays, including 
Muslim religious leaders who regarded the Brit- 
ish as kafirs (disbelievers). The Japanese invaded 

and occupied the region during World War II. 
After the war continuation of British colonial rule 
became increasingly untenable, which led to inde- 
pendence in stages through the 1950s and 1960s. 
With independence in 1957, Islam was named 
the state religion. The National Mosque (Masjid 
Negara), completed in 1965, serves as a symbol of 
Islam, the country's dominant faith. 

Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy consist- 
ing of 13 states and one federal territory. Each state 
has a parliament and a chief minister. The chief 
ministers of nine of the states are hereditary rul- 
ers known as sultans who also oversee the Islamic 
affairs of their respective states. Every five years 
there is an election and one of them is selected as 
monarch. There are four states (Penang, Malacca, 
Sabah, and Sarawak) that are governed by chic! 
ministers appointed by the government. There is 
also a national parliament elected by the people 
with the prime minister the highest elected offi- 
cial. Sarawak and Sabah have no designated head 
of Islam, but the king oversees the religious affairs 
of Penang and Malacca. 

In 1965 a council for Islamic affairs was cre- 
ated. Operating out of the prime minister's office, it 
coordinates the efforts of the state councils, which 
advise the sultan on religious matters. The state 
and national legislatures have some power in legis- 
lating for the Muslim community. The constitution 
of Malaysia contains a provision affirming freedom 
of religion. At the same time, Islam is the official 
state religion. The practice of forms of Islam other 
than Sunni Islam is restricted significantly. Hari 
Raya Puasa (the end of the fasting season of Rama- 
dan), Hari Raya Qurban (the Feast of the Sacrifice 
at the end of the hajj pilgrimage), and the Prophet 
Muhammad's birthday (mawl/d) have been desig- 
nated official national holidays. The issue of Mus- 
lims wishing to convert to another faith, primarily 
Buddhism or Christianity, has been a sensitive one 
in Malaysia. Ethnic Malays must overcome partic- 
ularly difficult obstacles to leave the Islamic faith 
for another religion. In 2001 a High Court judge 
ruled that the constitution defined an ethnic Malay 

Malcolm X 453 

as “a person who professes the religion of Islam.” 
There are few obstacles to anyone who wishes to 
convert from Buddhism or Christianity to Islam. 

During the last decades of the 20th century 
and the early 21st century Malaysia has been 
dominated by the United Malays National Orga- 
nization (UMNO), seen as the more moderate 
political party of the Muslim community. It is 
opposed by the Parti-Islam se-Malaysia (PAS), a 
more conservative group that has as its stated goal 
the transformation of Malaysia into an Islamic 
state that would adhere to sharia law, including its 
punishments, such as amputation and stoning. 

Sec also Buddhism and Islam; Bumiputri; Dar 
ul-Arqam; colonialism; crime and punishment; Id 
al-Adha; sultan. 

J. Gordon Melton 

Further reading: R. W. Hefner, The Politics of Multi - 
culturalism: Pluralism and Citizenship in Malaysia, Sin- 
gapore, and Indonesia (Honolulu: University of Hawaii 
Press, 2001); J. A. Nagata, The Reflowering of Malaysian 
Islam: Modern Religious Radicals and Their Roots (Van- 
couver: University of British Columbia Press, 1984); 
Michael G. Peletz, Islamic Modern: Religious Courts and 
Cultural Politics in Malaysia (Princeton. N.J.: Princeton 
University Press, 2002); P. Sloane, Islam, Modernity, 
and Entrepreneurship among the Malays (New York: St. 
Martin’s Press in association with St. Antony's College 
Oxford. 1999). 

Malcolm X (Malcolm Little) (1925-1965) 
Black nationalist, activist, and Muslim leader who 
advocated Black pride and separatism for African 

Malcolm Little, the future Malcolm X, was born in 
Omaha, Nebraska, and grew up primarily in Bos- 
ton. His father, Earl Little, was a Baptist minister 
who openly supported the United Negro Move- 
ment and its leader, Marcus Garvey (1887-1940). 
Consequently the family endured frequent threats 
from white extremist groups. These threats even- 

Malcom X (Library of Congress) 

tually culminated in their fathers murder. Later 
Malcolms mother was institutionalized due to 
stress and mental illness, and, as a result, Malcolm 
was separated from his family and went to live 
with his half-sister, Ella, in Boston. Subsequently 
he entered a phase of crime, gambling, and drug 
abuse. In 1946 he was charged with robbery and 
imprisoned in Massachusetts. It was in this con- 
text that Malcolm was introduced to the Nation 
of Islam. At the age of 22, he became a self- 
avowed member of the movement, passionately 
supporting its teachings, including the perception 
of whites as a “devil race,” the need for black lib- 
eration and separatism, and the goal of displaying 
personal discipline through modest Islamic dress 
and eating habits. Malcolm left prison in 1952 
and began working for Elijah Muhammad (1897- 
1975), the leader of the Nation of Islam. Malcolm 
idolized Elijah and soon took a leadership posi- 
tion within the Nation. During this time Malcolm 

Maliki Legal School 455 

Further reading: Yasin Dutton, The Origins of Islamic 
Law: The Quran , the Muwatta and Madinan Atnal (Lon- 
don: Routlcdge Curzon, 2002); Wael B. Hallaq. The 
Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law (Cambridge: Cam- 
bridge University Press, 2005). 

Maliki Legal School 

One of the four approved schools (sing.: madl i- 
hah) of Sunni Islamic law, the Maliki derives 
its name from the eighth-century scholar of 
Medina Malik ibn Anas (d. 795). Maliks text Al- 
Muwatta is one of the foundational legal tomes 
of the Maliki school. His approach places almost 
exclusive emphasis upon the Quran, hadith, and 
Medinese practice (amal) as sources of Islamic 
law. In contrast, Malik's near-contemporary Abu 
Hanifa (progenitor of the Hanafi Legal School) 
drew upon personal reasoning (ray) in addition 
to the textual sources of the Quran and hadith in 
his legal formulations. 

Highly respected as a scholar and collec- 
tor of hadith, Malik passed on his knowledge 
to many students, who carried his doctrine 
throughout Muslim lands. In the decades after his 
death, Maliks teaching established a following in 
Qayrawan (modern Tunisia), Andalusia, (modern 
Spain), and Iraq. These locations later became 
centers of the nascent Maliki madhhab and were 
home to influential Maliki scholars such as the 
Tunisian Abd al-Salam Sahnun, and the Andalu- 
sians Yahya ibn Yahya al-Laythi and Muhammad 
IBN RUSHD (Averroes). Maliki teaching later died 
out in Andalusia, due to the Christian reconquista, 
and it was supplanted by the Shafii Legal School 
in Iraq and Medina. However, the Maliki School 
would experience great success in North and 
West Africa, where it remains the dominant mad- 
hhab to this day. 

The early Maliki insistence upon traditional 
Medinese practice gave the school a decidedly 
practical emphasis. This can be seen in the Maliki 
development of istislah, a procedure that gives pre- 
cedence in some cases to a tangible human inter- 

est over a legal conclusion reached through strict 
analogical reasoning. However, Maliki jurists have 
always looked with suspicion upon the principle 
of qiyas (the use of analogy in legal judgments), 
unlike their brethren in the Hanafi and Shafii 
schools. The Maliki disinclination to use qiyas is 
such that Maliki jurists sometimes preferred to 
base their judgments upon weakly attested hadith 
rather than to employ analogy. While accept- 
ing the concept of ijmaa (scholarly consensus), 
Maliki scholars have frequently given preference 
to the ijmaa of Medina, since it was the city of the 
Prophet and his companions, as well as the home 
of Malik himself. 

These particular emphases have led to distinct 
Maliki stances on matters such as inheritance law, 
marriage and divorce, and dietary restrictions. 
However, in most areas, Maliki law is surprisingly 
similar to the positions of the other Sunni legal 
schools. Like them, the Maliki madhhab has had 
to adapt to changing circumstances over time. 
Initially hostile to mystical practices, Malikis 
eventually learned to coexist with Sufi customs as 
the latter became widespread throughout North 
and West Africa. Many Muslims now adhere to 
both Maliki law and a Sufi order. The modern 
era has brought various innovative approaches 
and a heightened debate regarding the essence 
of Islamic law. Despite these new circumstances, 
the Maliki madhhab remains firmly established 
in African Islam, a situation that is unlikely to 
change in the foreseeable future. 

See also FIQH. 

Stephen Cory 

Further reading: Jonathan E. Brockopp, Early Maliki 
Law: Ibn Abd al-Hakam and His Major Compendium of 
jurisprudence (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2000); Joseph Kenny, 
The Risala: Treatise on Maliki Law of Abdallah Ibn Abi 
Zayd Al-Qayrawani (922-996) (Islamic Edition Trust, 
1992); Malik ibn Anas, Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik Ibn 
Anas: The First Fonnulation of Islamic Law. Translated 
and edited by Aisha Abdurrahmann Bewley. (The 
Islamic Classical Library Series, Kegan Paul Inti., 1989); 

456 mam Ink 

Mansour H. Mansour, The Malihi School of Law: Spread 
and Domination in North and West Africa 8th to 14th Cen- 
turies c.E. (Bcthcsda, Md.: Austin and Winfield. 1995). 


Mamluk means "thing possessed'* in Arabic and is 
usually used to refer to a military slave. Mamluks 
were introduced into the Islamic lands by the 
Abbasid caliphs al-Mamun and al-Mutasim in the 
early ninth century C.E. Al-Mamun (r. 813-833) 
seized the throne after a civil war and, feeling he 
could not rely on the loyalty of the traditional 
army, he turned instead to slave troops. His 
younger brother, al-Mutasim (r. 833-842), spear- 
headed this project of acquiring slave soldiers, 
and he continued the process when he became 
caliph upon al-Mamun’s death. Reliance upon a 
mamluk military elite is one of the unique char- 
acteristics of medieval and early modern Islamic 
government. It continued under the Ottoman 
sultans until the end of the 19th century. 

Mamluks usually came from Central Asia or 
eastern Europe, where they were purchased as 
young boys who were either prisoners of war or 
sold into slavery by their families who knew the 
potential for power and prestige that awaited them 
as mamluks. Upon their purchase the mamluks 
were converted to Islam, placed in a dormitory 
with fellow mamluks , and launched on an EDU- 
CATION that included some religious instruction 
but focused primarily on the military sciences, 
in particular the cavalry. Upon "graduating " from 
this program the mamluk was manumitted, but 
he remained in a close bond of loyalty to his pur- 
chaser, a caliph, sultan, prince, or high mamluk 
officer. This bond was considered comparable to 
the relationship between father and son. 

The strength and appeal of the mamluk system 
lay in the high military acumen of the mamluks 
and their complete loyalty and devotion to the 
ruler who had purchased and trained them. That 
this loyalty was essentially personal constituted 
the systems chiel drawback. It therefore strength- 

ened the rule of one caliph or sultan, but loyalty 
was not necessarily or easily transferred to his 
successor. With this in mind, hopefuls often spent 
their time as princes purchasing and training 
their own mamluk troops. The ability to pull off 
a smooth transition of power, however, depended 
not only on the strength of the prince's mamluks 
vis-a-vis his predecessor's but also on his ability 
to convince at least a few of these latter mamluks 
to swear an oath of loyalty to him. Thus a system 
initiated to strengthen the military and preserve 
the empire also brought with it real risks. Under 
the Abbasids, the mamluk Turkish commanders 
accrued more and more authority, on occasion 
even killing the caliph. Although this state of 
affairs was denounced by the ULAMA and political 
theoreticians, no ruler could circumvent his own 
need for mamluks. 

Reflecting the overall strength and appeal of 
this system, in Egypt and Syria mamluks ruled in 
their own right from 1250 to 1517, making their 
regime, rather aptly named the Mamluks, one of 
the longest and most durable Islamic regimes of 
the medieval period. The very nature of the sys- 
tem ensured that only the most capable rose to the 
highest positions of power, a characteristic that 
served all sides for many centuries. 

See also Abbasid Caliphate; Delhi Sultanate; 

Heather N. Keaney 

Further reading: David Ayalon, Gunpowder and Fire- 
arms in the Mamluk Kingdom: A Challenge to a Mediaeval 

Society (London: F. Cass, 1978); . Islam and the 

Abode of War: Military Slaves and Islamic Adversaries 
(London: Variorum, 1994); Matthew S. Gordon, The 
Breaking of a Thousand Swords: A History of the Turk- 
ish Military of Samarra (a.h. 200-275/815-889 c.E.) 
(Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001); P. 
M. Holt, “The Structure of Government in the Mamluk 
Sultanate." In The Eastern Mediterranean Lands in the 
Period of the Crusades, edited by P. M. Holt. 44-61 (Wer- 
minister, England: Aris and Phillips, 1977). 

martyrdom 457 

Manat See goddess. 

Mappila See India. 

maqam (Arabic: place, station) 

Maqam has several meanings in Islamic religious 
contexts. In the most widespread sense it denotes 
a sacred place that commemorates a SAINT. Found 
in North Africa and the Middle East, such shrines 
consist of a domed building, inside of which is the 
saint’s tomb. This tomb is enclosed by a screen, and 
often covered by layers of cloth brought as gifts by 
visitors and pilgrims seeking the saint's blessing 
( raraka ). Disciples and members of the saint's fam- 
ily are often buried in the same chamber or nearby 
in the courtyard or adjacent buildings. Descendants 
of the saint, or his or her devotees, often serve as 
caretakers for the shrine. A maqam may be located 
in a crowded urban neighborhood, in a village, or 
in uninhabited areas. People visit it on the occasion 
of the saints birthday (mavvl/d), religious HOLIDAYS, 
or in connection with life-cycle rituals. 

Muslims regard the Station (maqam Ibrahim) 
of Abraham as one of the most important places 
inside the Grand Mosque of Mecca. In the Quran 
it is called a prayer place (Q 2:125) and is located 
the northwest wall of Gods house, the Kaaba. 
Pilgrims perform prayers there after circumam- 
bulating the Kaaba. Commentaries and narratives 
about Mecca's mythic history affirm that it was 
originally a stone from paradise that Abraham 
stood upon to make his universal call to perform 
the HAJJ. It was believed that he left his footprint 
in it. Some commentators maintained that the 
Station of Abraham originally referred either to 
the larger sanctuary or to another location in the 
sacred territory surrounding Mecca. 

The third meaning of maqam in Islam is a “sta- 
tion" on the mystical path to God. It was used as 
a technical term in the vocabulary of the Sufis. A 
station was attained by the intentional efforts of 
the mystic, in contrast to the HAL, which was a 

spontaneous gift from God. The spiritual seeker 
had to perfect each maqam before progressing to 
the next. The number, names, and sequence of sta- 
tions varied greatly among Sufi authors and orders. 
They prescribed 4, 7, 50, 100, and even 1,000 sta- 
tions. In the 11th century Al-Qushayri listed 50 
stations starting with “repentance" and ending with 
“yearning," whereas al-Ansari's list of 100 began 
with “wakefulness" and ended with “unity." In a 
different vein. The Conference of the Birds, a Persian 
epic poem by Farid al-Din Attar (d. ca. 1220), 
depicted a mystical journey through seven valleys, 
each representing a maqam on the Su(i path: “seek- 
ing," “love," “knowledge," “detachment," “unity," 
“bewilderment," and “annihilation.” 

In Arab, Persian, and Turkish MUSIC, maqam 
refers to one of several different modes, or musi- 
cal scales. 

See also Sufism; wall 

Further reading: Farid Ud-Din Attar, The Conference 
of the Birds (New York: Penguin Books, 1084); Carl W. 
Ernst, The Shambhala Guide to Sufism (Boston: Shamb- 
hala, 1997); Ali ibn Uthman al-Hujwiri, The Kashf al- 
Mahjub: The Oldest Persian Treatise on Sufism. Translated 
by R. A. Nicholson (1959. Reprint, New Delhi: Taj 
Printers, 1997); Francis E. Peters, The Hajj: The Muslim 
Pilgrimage to Mecca and the Holy Places (Princeton, N.J.: 
Princeton University Press, 1994): 6-9, 16-17; Michael 
Sells, Early Islamic Mysticism: Sufi, Quran, Miraj, Poetic 
and Theological Writings (New York: Paulist Press, 
1996), 102-103. 

market See bazaar. 


Martyrdom ( shahada ) in Islam is intimately linked 
to the obligation of jihad (“struggle" for the faith). 
Traditionally, the martyr (Av. sing shahid ), has sev- 
eral contexts of meaning in Islam. (1) The martyr 
can offer up his/her life to defend Islam and the 
Sunni vmma, or majority religious community, 

martyrdom 459 

of paradise." Variants of this “bird" tradition 
state that the martyrs' souls are “like birds with 
God,” “turned into green birds," “in the bellies of 
birds,” or are “in the crops of green birds." These 
birds are said to “nestle in (golden) lamps that 
are hung (muallaqa) under the Throne of God," 
and their dwellings are near the “lote tree of the 

In modern times, the definition of shahid has 
widened to include any personal/individual “sacri- 
fice” for God’s cause or “trial" sent by God result- 
ing in death, such as dying abroad, dying from 
epidemic disease or natural disaster, in childbirth, 
by pleurisy or drowning, to protect ones family 
or property, and finally the jihadist “effort" of the 
ULAMA (“the ink of the scholars is of more value 
than the blood of the martyrs”). The widespread 
politicization of Islam after the 1960s has led to 
Shii ideologies of martyrdom linked to the political 
jihad of “revolution," as in the discourse of Ayatol- 
lahs Khomeini, Taliqani, and Mutahhari in Iran, or 
to guerrilla “resistance" movements that practice 
proactive martyrdom, as in Hizbullah in Lebanon. 
Models of Sunni martyrdom have also kept pace, 
inspired by such jihadist ideologues and organiza- 
tions as Hasan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb of al- 
Ikhwan al-Muslimun, or “Muslim Brotherhood,” 
in Egypt; Abu al-Ala Mawdudi of Jamaat-i 1SLAMI 
in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and northern India; and 
Hamas, which has religiously underwritten Pal- 
estinian intifada as an all-out civilian “resistance" 
specializing in martyrdom/suiciDE bombings. Both 
Shii and Sunni jihadist ideologies of martyrdom 
arc part of a multifront religious “struggle" against 
the hegemony of the West (whether interpreted 
as European colonial/postcolonial regimes, such 
as France in North Africa, Russia in Afghanistan, 
Zionist Israel in the Arab Middle East, or active 
imperialist powers in the Muslim world today, prin- 
cipally the United States in its unilateral support 
for and interventions on behalf of Israel and more 
recent military presence in Saudi Arabia and post 
9/11 incursions in Afghanistan and Iraq). Sunni 
and Shii jihadists define their task as resisting 

“secular" Western-style democracy and working 
for sharia-oriented governments and reinfusions of 
Islamic “values" in the Sunni umma throughout the 
Muslim Middle East, southeastern Europe, Central 
and South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Such postmod- 
ern Muslim “fighters" for the faith and “martyrs" 
for the umma now include women and children 
as well as the more traditional male “soldiers" for 
Islam. The “rewards" for these more tender martyrs 
seem focused on how they will be remembered 
in this world rather than on male-ordered defini- 
tions of “paradise." They are willing to expend 
their lives, using the power of their powerlessness, 
against what they perceive to be a more powerful, 
unjust, and oppressive enemy. 


Kathleen M. O'Connor 

Further reading: Sunni: David Cook, Martyrdom in 
Islam (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007); 
Maher Jarrar, “The Martyrdom of Passionate Lovers. 
Holy War as a Sacred Wedding.' In Hadith: Origins and 
Developments , edited by Harald Motzki (Burlington, Vt.: 
Ashgate/Va riorum, 2004); Rudolph Peters, ed., Jihad in 
Classical and Modern Islam , a Reader (Princeton, N.J.: 
Markus Wiener, 1996); Christopher Reuter, My Life Is 
a Weapon: A Modern History of Suicide Bombing (Princ- 
eton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2004); David M. 
Rosen, “Fighting for the Apocalypse: Palestinian Child 
Soldiers." In Armies of the Young: Child Soldiers in War 
and Terrorism (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University 
Press, 2005). Shii: Mahmoud Ayoub, Redemptive Suffer- 
ing in Islam: A Study of the Devotional Aspects of , Ashura y 
in Twelver Shi’ism (The Hague: Mouton, 1978); Mehdi 
Abedi and Gary Lcgcnhausen, cds. Jihad and Shahadat: 
Struggle and Martyrdom in Islam (Houston: Institute 
for Research and Islamic Studies, 1986); Kamran Scot 
Aghaie, The Martyrs of Karbala: Shi’i Symbols and Ritu- 
als in Modern Iran (Seattle: University of Washington 
Press, 2004); Ali Naqi Naqvi, The Martyr of Karbala: 
English Translation of Allama Ali Naqi Naqvi s u Shaheed- 
e-insaniyat" (Karachi: Islamic Culture and Research 
Trust/Mu ham madi Trust of Great Britain and Northern 
Ireland, 1984); Lara Deeb. An Enchanted Modern: Gender 

mathematics 461 

Jaroslav Pelikan, "The Heroine of the Qur'an and the 
Black Madonna. In Mary through the Centuries: Her 
Place in the History of Culture (New Haven, Conn.: 
Yale University Press, 1996); Aliah Schleifer, M ary 
the Blessed Virgin of Islam (Louisville, Ky.: Fons Vitae, 
1998); Jane I. Smith and Yvonne Y. Haddad, “The Virgin 
Mary in Islamic Tradition and Commentary." Moslem 
World 79:3-4 Quly-October 1989): 161-187; Barbara F 
Stowasser, Women in the Quran , Traditions and Interpre- 
tation (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994); W. 
M. Thackston, trans. The Tales of the Prophets of al-Kisa'i 
(Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1978). 

masjid See mosque. 

matam Sec Husayniyya. 


Mathematics occupied a prominent place on 
the scientific scene in the Arabo-Islamic empire. 
Although all works were translated into or written 
in Arabic, all ethnic and religious communities of 
the empire produced scholars who contributed to 
mathematics. The Arabo-Islamic scholars digested, 
commented on, summarized, and then built upon 
their predecessors' works regardless of their reli- 
gion or ethnicity; their contributions to mathemat- 
ics, regardless of its nature or size, were absolutely 
crucial for any further developments in the field. 
Translation of other works received its biggest 
thrust under the patronage of the Abbasid caliph 
al-Mamun (r. 813-833). Mathematical works were 
translated from sources such as Greek/1 lellenistic, 
Persian, and Indian. A list of translators, trans- 
lated books, and scholars was produced by Ibn 
al-Nadim (10th century) in his encyclopedic book 

In the field of arithmetic, the Arabo-Islamic 
scholars identified Indian arithmetic as the most 
efficient, from which they borrowed and perfected 
Indian numerals, the decimal system, the place- 

value and the ideas of zero, fractions, root extrac- 
tions, and associated operations. Later on, they 
integrated received and translated knowledge into 
a coherent body, which was then subject to further 

The field of algebra was inaugurated by the 
work of al-Khawarizmi (ninth century). He 
introduced a complete terminology for solving 
arithmetical and geometrical problems through 
radicals, the idea of the unknown, the idea of 
equations, the first and second-degree equa- 
tions, algorithmic solutions, and the demonstra- 
tion of the solution formula, lie actually gave 
his name to all systematic and step-by-step 
methods of solving problems, namely, the algo- 
rithms. Thabit ibn Qurra (d. 901) later gave 
a geometrical explanation of the equations of 
al-Khawarizmi. However, it was al-Khayyam (d. 
1123) who elaborated a geometrical theory for 
equations of degree equal to or less than three. A 
full treatment of the solution of cubic equations 
was given two generations later by Nasiral-Din 
al-Tusi (d. 1274). 

The Arabo-Islamic scholars added original 
contributions in all areas of the great Greek 
geometrical tradition, including laying the foun- 
dations of geometry, geometric constructions, 
geometric transformations, and projections. 
In addition, they established the connection 
between geometry and algebra. Finally, in trigo- 
nometry they devised trigonometric formulae 
for a triangle (these formulae were originally 
given for a sphere), and they defined and intro- 
duced the tangent function. These contributions 
found applications in astronomy, engineering, 
optics and music. Many of the works of the 
Arabo-Islamic mathematicians were translated 
into Latin after they entered Europe through 
trading contacts with Byzantium, Spain, and 
Sicily, and through interactions occasioned by 
the Crusades. 

See also Andalusia; science. 

A. Nazir Atassi 

462 Mawdudi, Abu al-Ala 

Further reading: Ibn al-Nadim, The Fihrist of al-Nadim: 
A Tenth-Century Survey of Muslim Culture. Translated by 
Bayard Dodge (New York: Columbia University Press, 
1970); Roshdi Rashed, cd. Encyclopedia of the History 
of Arabic Science. Vol. 2, Mathematics and the Physical 
Sciences (London: Routledge, 1996). 

Mawdudi, Abu al-Ala (Maudoodi) 

(1903-1 979) leading Muslim revivalist thinker 
and founder of the Jamaat-i Islami movement in 

Abu al-Ala Mawdudi was born in Awrangabad, 
India, to a family claiming descent from Sufi 
saints of the Chishti order who had migrated to 
India from Afghanistan in the 15th century. His 
father, Sayyid Ahmad Hasan, had close ties to the 
Mughal court before the dynasty was overthrown 
by the British in 1858. Later, Sayyid Ahmad and 
other members of Mawdudi family were among 
the first to be educated at the Muhammadan 
Anglo-Oriental College at Aligarh, which was 
dedicated to providing Muslims with a modern 
Westernized EDUCATION in order to prepare them 
to participate in the colonial government of Brit- 
ish India. 

Mawdudis thought benefited from a diversified 
educational career that began at home, where Sayyid 
Ahmad organized a traditional Islamic curriculum 
for him, consisting of Urdu and Persian learning, 
elementary Arabic, and tales drawn from Islamic 
history. Western learning was intentionally omitted 
by his parents, because they wanted him to have 
a solid grounding in Islamic tradition for a career 
as a religious scholar. His formal education began 
when he enrolled in a public school, where he was 
exposed to the natural sciences and other modern 
subjects. Mawdudi proved himself to be a gifted 
student of Arabic, and he demonstrated his skills 
in completing an Urdu translation of a work by the 
Egyptian modernist writer Qasim Amin (d. 1908) 
on the rights of women. At the age of 16 he was 
forced to give up schooling because of his father's 
failing health. To provide for himself and his fam- 

ily, he began a career as a writer. A few years later 
he moved to Delhi, where he continued to study 
Persian and Urdu literature, but he also immersed 
himself in the work of European philosophers and 
modern Muslim intellectuals. He sought to grasp 
the similarities and differences between traditional 
knowledge and modern thought. By the time he 
reached age 20, Mawdudi had developed close ties 
to leading ulama of the Deoband School and took 
up advanced studies in the traditional branches of 
Islamic learning, as well as Sufism, rhetoric, logic, 
and philosophy. He completed his formal studies in 
1926 at the Fatihpuri madrasa in Old Delhi, and he 
was certified to be one of the ulama. However, his 
career took a different turn, and his status as a reli- 
gious scholar remained concealed from the public 
until after his death. 

Mawdudi became a journalist and undertook 
involvement in various causes, eventually becom- 
ing one of India's leading Muslim political figures. 
He wrote briefly for a Delhi nationalist newspaper, 
but he was then appointed as editor for the official 
newspaper of the Jamiyyat Ulama-i Hind (Society 
of Indian Ulama), known as Muslim (later changed 
to Jamiat). In this position he wrote articles on 
issues important to Indian Muslims at the time, 
and he embarked on a life-long effort to promote 
the revival of Islam. His first major book was Jihad 
in Islam , a compilation of articles he wrote in 1925 
to defend his religion against Hindu and British 
critics. During the 1920s Mawdudi supported the 
Indian nationalist movement and the Khilafat 
Movement, a campaign among Muslims in British 
India that ended when the caliphate was officially 
abolished by the Turkish republic in 1924. lie also 
supported the Hijra Movement (Tahrik-i Hijrat), 
which advocated Muslim emigration from India 
as long as it was ruled by non-Muslims, namely, 
the British. 

Mawdudi moved to Hyderabad (Deccan), one 
of the last remaining centers of Muslim political 
power, in 1928. Declaring, “In reality I am a new 
Muslim," he soon became what would today be 
called an Islamist. The waning power of Muslim 

464 m awl id 

his call for all Muslims to join together to form 
a single UMMA (community) of believers modeled 
after that of Muhammad and his Companions in 
the seventh century. Ideally this Islamic state was 
to be one that transcended all national, ethnic, and 
racial boundaries, governed only by God’s law, the 
sharia. Mawdudi was careful to say that he was not 
calling for the creation of a theocracy on the model 
of the medieval papacy in Europe. Rather, his 
Islamic state was to be a “theo-democracy" gov- 
erned by a collective polity united in faith, acting 
as God’s caliph on earth. The Jamaat-i Islam was to 
be the elite vanguard that would bring his utopian 
vision to fruition, and its participation in Pakistani 
politics was directed to this end. Women and non- 
Muslims, however, held secondary or marginal 
status in Mawdudi’s eyes, and he came to see Hin- 
dus, Sikhs, and Ahmadis as enemies of his cause. 
Although his movement has not engaged in overt 
militancy, his ideology is thought to have con- 
tributed to the radical jihadist doctrines of Sayyid 
Qutb and a number of radical Islamic movements 
that first emerged in the 1970s and 1980s. 

See also Chishti Sufi Order; colonialism; 
Islamism; renewal and revival movements. 

Further reading: Charles J. Adams, “Mawdudi and the 
Islamic State." In Voices of Islamic Resurgence , edited by 
John L. Esposito, 99-133 (New York: Oxford University 
Press, 1983); Abu Ala Maududi, Towards Understanding 
Islam. Translated by Khurshid Ahmed (Chicago: Kazi 
Publications, 1992); Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr, “Mawdudi 
and the Jamaat-i lslami: The Origins, Theory, and 
Practice of Islamic Revivalism. In Pioneers of Islamic 
Revival, 2d cd., edited by Ali Rahncma, 98-124 (Lon- 
don: Zed Books, 2005). 

m awl id (Arabic: birthday; anniversary) 

At the center of popular Muslim devotional- 
ism from North Africa to Southeast Asia and in 
Muslim diaspora communities is the mawlid , or 
celebration of the birth or death anniversary of a 
holy person (wal/, shaykh, pir). Other words used 

for this kind of popular celebration are variants 
such as mulid (Egypt), mulud (North Africa), 
milad or id-i milad (Middle East, Pakistan, India, 
Bangladesh); rnevlid and mevlut (Turkey); as well 
as alternate terms like mawsim (or musim , literally 
“season"; North Africa), urs (literally “wedding," 
referring to the saints mystical union with God; 
Pakistan, India, Bangladesh), hawliyya (Sudan 
and East Africa), hoi (Malaysia), and zeuda (Tuni- 
sia). They may occur at almost any time of the 
year, except during Ramadan. The most widely 
celebrated mawlid is that of Muhammad the 
Prophet (d. 632), which occurs on the 12th day 
of Rabi al-Awwal, the third month on the Muslim 
lunar calendar. Mawlids have been celebrated 
since the 13th century, closely coinciding with the 
spread of Sufi brotherhoods (sing, tariqa) and the 
establishment of non-Arab dynasties that sought 
legitimacy in the eyes of their subjects by patron- 
izing popular saints and their shrines. Mawlids 
and the customs associated with them have been 
judged to be illicit innovations (sing, b/daa) by lit- 
erally minded Muslims — above all by proponents 
of Wahhabism, who have prohibited them in Saudi 
Arabia and protested or violently attacked their 
celebration elsewhere. 

Mawlids are usually centered at the shrine 
or tomb of the holy person who is honored by 
the holiday, or, as is the case with celebration of 
Muhammad's birthday ( mawlid al-nabi , mawlid 
al-rasul ), at a shrine containing his relics, or 
dedicated to one of his descendants, such as the 
mosque of Husayn near al-AzHAR Mosque in Cairo. 
The celebration may be a modest affair, confined 
to the neighborhood of the shrine, but the mawl- 
ids of the most famous saints now draw a million 
or more from great distances, who consider their 
journey to the shrine a pilgrimage (z/vara). Such 
celebrations may last up to a week or more, with 
the climax occurring on the eve of the last day. 
Though formal prayer is customarily performed 
at these shrines, celebrants engage in a wide range 
of activities. These include decorating the shrine, 
circumambulating the saints tomb, leaving votive 

Mecca 465 

gifts, processions, animal sacrifice, circumcising 
boys, Quran recitation, all-night Sufi DHIKR ses- 
sions, devotional songs, feasting, dancing, tat- 
tooing, and acquisition of blessed souvenirs to 
take back home. Commercial activity as a rule is 
brisk at a tnawlid, and special markets are set up 
for the larger ones. Mawlids are often attended by 
non-Muslims. Moreover, the Coptic Christians of 
Egypt celebrate the tnawlid s of their saints, as do 
Middle Eastern Jews theirs. 

Mawlid also denotes a devotional song that 
praises Muhammad and celebrates the event of his 
birth, often embellished with legends. It is com- 
monly performed in connection with the anniver- 
sary of his birth, other saints' holidays, and other 
celebratory occasions. 

See also: Ashura; al-Badawi, Ahmad; baraka ; 
holidays; qawwali ; sayt/d; Sufism. 

Further reading: Nicholaas H. Biegman, Egypt: Moulids, 
Saints, Sufis (London: Kcgan Paul International, 1990); 
P. M. Currie, “The Pilgrimage of Ajmer.' In Religion in 
India, edited by T. N. Madan, 237-247 (Oxford: Oxford 
University Press, 1991); Carl W. Ernst and Bruce B. 
Lawrence, Sufi Martyrs of Love: The Chishti Order in 
South Asia and Beyond (New York: Palgrave Macmil- 
lan, 2002); Anncmaric Schimmel, And Muhatnwad Is 
His Messenger: The Veneration of the Prophet in Islamic 
Piety, 144-158 (Chapel Hill: University of North Caro- 
lina Press, 1985); Nancy Tapper and Richard Tapper, 
“The Birth of the Prophet: Ritual and Gender in Turk- 
ish Islam.” Man, New Series 22, no. 1 (March 1987): 
69-92; Peter van dcr Veer, “Playing or Praying: A Sufi 
Saint’s Day in Surat Journal of Asian Studies 51. no. 3 
(August 1992): 545-564. 

Mecca (also Makkah) 

A number of cities have been regarded as sacred 
centers in the history of religions. Varanasi 
(Banaras), Mathura, and Ayodhya in India are 
among those considered sacred by Hindus, lse is 
sacred to the Japanese, and Jerusalem is sacred to 
Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The most sacred 

city in Islam is Mecca, followed by Medina, Jeru- 
salem, and, for the Shia, Karbala and Najaf. Like 
these other cities, its special status as a holy city 
is based on events narrated in sacred history that 
are believed to have occurred there, its distinctive 
architectural landscape, and the complex of ritual 
practices that arc performed there. 

In Islamic sacred history, Mecca, which is 
known as “Ennobled Mecca” (Makka al-Mukar- 
rama), is where Muslims believe that Abraham 
and his son Ishmael built the Kaaba and where 
Ishmacl and his mother Hagar are buried. It is 
the birthplace of Muhammad (ca. 570-632) and 
where he received the early revelations of the 
Quran. Indeed, another epithet for the city is 
“Dwelling Place of Revelation." Many of his wives 
and Companions were also born there, and it was 
the ancestral home of the Umayyad and Abbasid 
caliphs. According to accounts related by Muham- 
mad ibn Abd Allah ibn Ahmad al-Azraqi (d. 837), 
who wrote a history of the city, it is called the 
“Mother of Towns" (utntn al-qura ) because it is 
where the CREATION of the earth began. His book 
also tells about how Adam traveled there from 
India, his home after being expelled from para- 
dise, to be reunited with Eve and perform the first 
HAJJ rites, setting a precedent for performing these 
rites that would be reconfirmed in later times by 
Abraham and Muhammad. 

Mecca is situated in a valley amidst the Sirat 
Mountains in the western region of the Arabian 
Peninsula known as the Hijaz. It is about 45 miles 
inland from the city of Jedda, which is located 
on the Red Sea coast. Its distinctive architectural 
landscape is defined by ritual spaces in the city, 
in the adjacent valley of Mina, and in the plain of 
Arafat. The ceremonial center of the urban ritual 
complex is the Sacred Mosque, where the Kaaba 
and the well of Zamzam are situated, and the 
concourse between the hills of Safa and Marwa, 
which is located on the northeastern side of the 
mosque. The Valley of Mina contains the three 
satanic pillars that are stoned by pilgrims at the 
conclusion of the hajj. About seven miles past 

‘ CsSS3 466 Mecca 

The Sacred Mosque in Mecca, as depicted in Ottoman ceramic tilework in the Sabil-Kuttab of Abd al-Rahman 
Katkhuda (18th century), Cairo, Egypt. The Kaaba is in the center, Safa and Marwa in the foreground, and the 
sacred mountains of Arafat and Light are in the background. (Juan E. Campo) 

Mina is the plain of Arafat, which has a hillock 
called the Mount of Mercy and two mosques — 
Namira and Muzdalifa. The cave nearby in the 
Mount of Light is where Muhammad is said to 
have received his first revelation. There are many 
other sites in Mecca containing traces of past 
events in Islamic sacred history, but the passage 
of time, urban development, and the conservative 
nature of Saudi rule have combined to erase many 
of them. 

The legendary holiness of the city of Mecca 
and the distinctiveness of its landscape are inex- 

tricably connected to an amalgam of ritual prac- 
tices and celebrations, which intensify during the 
annual hajj season. In addition to the five daily 
prayers, these rites include sevenfold circum- 
ambulation of the Kaaba, sevenfold “running" 
between Safa and Marwa, communal gatherings 
in Mina and Arafat, stoning Minas three pillars, 
animal sacrifices and feasting during the Id AL- 
Adha, and collecting water at the Zamzam well. 
The Quran is recited, sermons arc delivered, and 
pilgrims pronounce special ritual phrases and 
petitions to God. During the hajj, pilgrims are 

468 Mecca 

and seized the Kaaba's Black Stone. Mecca’s dis- 
tance from the centers of political power provided 
the Sharifs, a local aristocracy claiming descent 
from the AHL al-bayt through Muhammad's grand- 
son Hasan (d. 669), with opportunities to main- 
tain order and exercise power in the Hijaz region 
in varying degrees from the 10th century until 
the fall of the last sharif of Mecca to Saudi forces 
in 1924. His heirs were subsequently made the 
Hashemite kings of Transjordan (now Jordan) and 
Iraq by the British. Meanwhile, the Fatimid and 
Ayyubid dynasties exercised what amounted to 
indirect control over Mecca between the 10th and 
13th centuries, followed by the Mamluks (13th to 
16th centuries), and the Ottomans (16th to 20th 
centuries). The largesse of these rulers, together 
with religious endowments (waqfs) established 
by pious individuals, were what provided the city 
with the infrastructure, financial resources, and 
even food supplies needed to serve its inhabitants 
and pilgrims through the centuries. 

The creation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 
in 1932 has inaugurated an era of epic change for 
Mecca. The Wahhabi outlook of the country has 
led to the eradication of many of its shrines and 
Sufi landmarks. The government, however, has 
been very careful to protect and improve the sites 
of the required hajj rituals to keep up with the 
growing numbers of pilgrims and win the good 
will of Muslims around the world. Within two 
years after taking control of the city in 1924, King 
Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud (1880-1953) upgraded the 
electrical system of the Sacred Mosque, widened 
adjacent roads for the passage of automobiles, 
and built the city's first paved road. The Saudis 
conducted two major hajj building projects in 
1955-78 and 1980-95. The latter construction 
phase is estimated to have cost S155 million, 
financed by the government from its oil revenues. 
The expansion and upgrading of the Sacred 
Mosque and adjacent neighborhoods has, how- 
ever, led to the loss of much of the city's venerable 
architectural heritage, to the chagrin of archi- 
tectural historians and cultural preservationists. 

Commercial development of the precincts around 
the Sacred Mosque has resulted in the erection 
of luxury hotels, shopping malls, and high-rent 
residential complexes. As an indication of the 
importance Mecca has to the Saudi government, 
the governor of Mecca Province, which includes 
both Mecca and Jedda, is always a member of the 
royal family. 

Because of Mecca's geography and climate, its 
population has been small for most of its history. 
An Ottoman census of its inhabitants in the early 
16th century counted only 12,000, excluding 
merchants and soldiers. However, a recent census 
demonstrates how much the city has grown thanks 
to modern technologies, mechanized transport, 
and economic development. In 2004 it had an 
estimated population of 1.7 million. Likewise, 
the influx of pilgrims has grown at an astounding 
rate since the beginning of the 20th century. An 
estimated 83,000 pilgrims participated in the hajj 
of 1807; by the beginning of the 21st century over 
two million were thought to be performing the hajj 
annually. At other times of the year the unira now 
brings an additional 1.5 to 2 million pilgrims. 

Even with all of the aspects of modernity that 
have become embedded in Mecca's sacred land- 
scape, it continues to serve as a vital religious sym- 
bol in the everyday lives of Muslims everywhere. 
When they pray they face toward it, when they 
read the Quran they are reminded which of its 
chapters were revealed there, when they study the 
hadith they arc studying the words of people who 
are believed to have been born there. The imagery 
of Mecca has been captured in poetry and art, and, 
more recently, on television and the Internet. 

See also: Adam and Eve; Arabian religions, 
pre-Islamic; Companions of the Prophet; Emi- 
grants; goddess; Hashimite dynasty; Sufism. 

Further reading: Hamza Bogary, The Sheltered Quarter: 
A Tale of a Boyhood in Mecca. Translated by Olive Kenny 
(Austin: University of Texas Press. 1991); Richard F. Bur- 
ton, A Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to al-Madinah 
and Meccah. 2 vols. (1855. Reprint. New York: Dover, 

Medina 469 

1964); Patricia Crone, Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam 
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1987); 
Suraiya Faroqhi, Pilgrims and Sultans: The Hajj under 
the Ottomans (London: LB. Tauris, 1994); C. Snouck 
Hurgronje, M ekka in the Latter Part of the Nineteenth 
Century: Daily Life , Customs and Learning, The Mos- 
lems of the East Indian Archipelago. Translated by J. H. 
Monahan (Leiden: E.J. Brill. 1970); Richard T. Mortel, 
“Ribats in Mecca during the Medieval Period: A Descrip- 
tive Study Based on Literary Sources," Bulletin of the 
School of Oriental and African Studies 61, no. 1 (1998): 
29-98; E E. Peters, Jerusalem and Mecca: The Typology 
of the Holy City in the Near East (New York: New York 
University Press, 1986); , Mecca; A Literary His- 

tory of the Muslim Holy Land (Princeton, N .J.: Princeton 
University Press, 1994); W. Montgomery Watt, Muham- 

mad at Mecca (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1953); 
Mai Yamani, Cradle of Islam: The Hijaz and the Quest for 
Arabian Identity (London: LB. Tauris, 2004). 

Medina (Arabic, city; al-Madina al- 
Munawwarah [the Radiant City], Madinat 
al-Nabi [City of the Prophet], Madinat 
al-Rasul [City of the Messenger]) 

Medina, which had a population of 918,889 in 
2006, is located in Saudi Arabia, 210 miles north ol 
Mecca and about 1 20 miles from the Red Sea coast. 
The umma, or religious community, was formally 
established in Medina after Muhammad's emigra- 
tion from Mecca to Medina in 622 c.E. (called the 
Hijra), which became the first year of the Islamic 


VmZmri -s 

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, 777rr77777777T7TTm. 


Medina the Radiant. Traditional poster, with the Throne Verse from the Quran (Q 2:255) inscribed in the frame. 
The prophet Muhammad’s mosque, encompassing his domed tomb, is shown in the center. 

470 Medina 

CALENDAR, 1 A.H. (anno hijri, or the year of the 
Hijra). It became the administrative center and 
capital of the growing Islamic empire in its initial 
period of expansion from the central province of 
Hijaz bordering the western coast of Arabia to 
encompass the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Syria, 
Iraq, and Iran by the end of the Rashidun Caliph- 
ate, 632-661. By the death of the fourth CALIPH, 
Ali ibn Abi Talib (r. 636-661 C.E.), cousin and son- 
in-law of Muhammad, the capital would move to 
Damascus under the Umayyad Caliphate, and later 
to Baghdad under the Abbasid Caliphate. 

Medinas history during the lifetime of Muham- 
mad (ca. 570-632) is witnessed in part in the 
Quran as well as other contemporaneous sources, 
the maghazi texts (which discuss Muhammad's 
battles), the HADITH (narratives of the Prophets 
sunna, or customary words and deeds), and later 
hagiographical materials such as Muhammad ibn 
Ishaq's al-Sira al-Nabawiyya , or biography of the 
Prophet. All of these texts mark the history of 
Muhammad's settlement in Medina, the growth 
of the first unwia, and its spread to unite the Ara- 
bian tribes through battle and through treaty (and 
often diplomatic marriage between Muhammad 
and the daughter of another tribe). A history of 
intertribal conflict and warfare with the Jewish 
and pagan tribes of Medina, such as the Banu 
Aws and Banu Khazraj and their clients the Banu 
Nadir, Banu Qurayza, and Banu Qaynuqa, cre- 
ated a need for a strong and effective arbitrator 
and mediator, an opening Muhammad accepted 
in order to establish the Muslim community and 
Islam as a social and political as well as spiritual 
reality. According to the Sira of Ibn Ishaq, the 
Muslims and Jewish tribes of Medina signed an 
agreement, the "Constitution of Medina," which 
bound them to peaceful coexistence. 

Medinas importance after its brief period as the 
political capital was primarily as a religious center 
in Islam, originating one of the four branches of 
Islamic law, namely, the Medinan school (madh- 
hab ) of Malik ibn Anas (ca. 715-796), and as the 
burial place of Muhammad, a number of the AHL 

AL-BAYT ("People of the House" of the Prophet), 
and early companions. These places became sites 
of pilgrimage in their own right, especially for 
Muslims who were visiting Mecca for the umra 
and the HAJJ. Thus all Sunni Muslims visit the 
Prophet's tomb and home MOSQUE in Medina when 
doing pilgrimage and Shii Muslims visit it for 
that reason and to visit the gravesites of several 
of the Imams. Medina is the second holiest city in 
Islam, second only to Mecca, due to its intimate 
connection with the Prophet and the foundation 
of the unwia. The Prophet's mosque is in the east- 
ern section of the city and a green dome lops the 
mausoleum. The mosque of the Prophet has been 
successively enlarged from its dimensions as his 
house and PRAYER place to an enormous complex 
with multiple MINARETS encompassing his tomb 
and permitting the approach of the enormous 
number of annual pilgrims who visit the site par- 
ticularly during Ramadan and the annual ha jj . 

See also Ansar; cities; Companions of the 
Prophet; Emigrants; Judaism and Islam; ziyara. 

Kathleen M. O Connor 

Further reading: Yasin Dutton. Malik ibn Anas, and 
Muhammad ibn Muhammad Ra'i, Original Islam: Malik 
and the Madhhab of Madina (New York: Routledge, 
2007); Emcl Esin and Haluk Doganbey, Mecca the 
Blessed , M adinah the Radiant (New York: Crown Pub- 
lishers, 1963); Muhammad ibn Ishaq, The Life of 
Muhammad: A Translation of Ishaqs Sirat Rasul Allah. 
Translated by Alfred Guillaume (London: Oxford Uni- 
versity Press, 1967); Michael Lecker, Muslims, Jews and 
Pagans: Studies on Early Islamic Medina (Leiden: E.J. 
Brill, 1995); Michael Lckker, “Muhammad at Medina, 
a Geographical Approach." Jerusalem Studies in Ara- 
bic 6 (1985): 29-62; Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Ali K. 
Nomachi, Mecca the Blessed, Medina the Radiant: The 
Holiest Cities of Islam (New York: Aperture Foundation, 
1997); H. Rahman, “The Conflicts between the Prophet 
and the Opposition in Medina," Der Islam 62 (1985): 
260-297; Muhammad ibn Saad, The Women of Madina 
(London: TaHa. 1995); Muhammad ibn Saad, The Men 
of Madina (London: TaHa, 1997); W. Montgomery 

' CssPD 472 Mevlevi Sufi Order 

Turkish children enact a Mevlevi samaa dance at a 
school in Nigde, Turkey. (Juan E. Campo) 

secured a teaching position, which Rumi took 
over when his father died. Rumi was a respected 
teacher of Islamic sciences until his meeting with 
a mysterious figure named Shams, who inspired 
him to write his ecstatic poetry, and Shams intro- 
duced him to the whirling dance known as samaa. 
After his death in 1273, Rumis circle of followers 
was organized into the Mevlevi order, the supervi- 
sion of which was claimed by Rumis descendants, 
who came to be called Chelebi. Rumis son Sultan 
Walad (d. 1312) played an important role in the 
formation of the order, and his name was later 
incorporated into Mevlevi ritual. 

Novices who were accepted into the order 
were initiated in a ceremony, after which they 
became known as muhibb. After a trial period of 
1,001 days of service to the TEKKE (dervish lodge), 
another ceremony was held elevating the muhibb 
to the rank of dervish. Advanced dervishes could 
be appointed SHAYKHS, giving them the right to lead 
a tekhe. Mevlevi dervishes wore a cloak ( khirka ) 
and a conical hat called a sikke. They were encour- 
aged to learn the samaa, which involved a long 
period of instruction. The actual dance consists 
of repetitive counter-clockwise rotation with the 
right arm raised upward and the left downward, 
performed in four separate cycles to the accom- 

paniment of music. The principal musical instru- 
ments used were the reed flute (nay) and a pair of 
small kettledrums ( kudum ). 

The Mevlevi order came into prominence 
in the Ottoman period, spreading throughout 
Anatolia and to the Balkans and the Arab lands. 
It benefited from the patronage of Ottoman SUL- 
TANS, and in one period the Chelebis were given 
the honor of girding new sultans with a sword at 
their enthronements. Some sultans were also said 
to be affiliated with the order. The Mevlevi order 
in general appealed to the upper classes and intel- 
lectuals. Mevlevi dervishes studied and produced 
art in the tekkes, and many famous Ottoman poets, 
composers, and calligraphers were Mevlevis. The 
order came to be known in Europe when travelers 
reported their observations of the whirling dance. 

Mevlevi tekkes were closed along with those 
of all dervish orders in Turkey in 1925, and the 
samaa was prohibited. The central tekke at Konya, 
which houses the tomb of Rumi, was later opened 
as a museum. In 1953 the samaa was allowed to 
be performed in public, but as a cultural exhibi- 
tion, rather than a religious ritual. Today, some 
Mevlevis continue the tradition in Turkey, but it 
has practically disappeared in the Balkans and 
Arab countries. The Mevlevi order has, however, 
influenced the ritual practices of other orders, 
such as the Jcrrahis, who perform a similar samaa. 
The dance continues to be performed as a tour- 
ist spectacle, once a month in the Galata lodge 
in Istanbul, and annually in Konya at the com- 
memoration of Rumi in December. In Europe and 
North America, the poetry of Rumi and Mevlevi 
rituals has attracted a new generation of spiritual 

See also Ottoman dynasty; Persian language 
and literature; Seljuk dynasty; Sufism. 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: Ira Shems Friedlander. The Whirling 
Dervishes (New York: MacMillan, 1975); Talat Sait Hal- 
man and Metin And. Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi and the 
Whirling Dervishes (Istanbul: Dost. 1983); Franklin D. 

474 minaret 

minaret (Arabic: manara “beacon,” also 
midhana “place for making the call to 

Many of the world's major civilizations have 
developed distinct forms or "languages" of reli- 
gious ARCHITECTURE that have become emblematic 
for those civilizations and their dominant reli- 
gious traditions. Examples include the pyramids 
of Egypt and Mexico, the great Hindu temple tow- 
ers of India, Buddhist stupas (large hemispherical 
structures containing sacred relics of the Buddha), 
as well as the towers and spires found on many 
Christian churches and basilicas. For Islam, per- 
haps the most distinctive architectural form is 
the minaret, a tower where the ADHAN , or call to 
PRAYER, is performed. It stands within the sacred 
space of a MOSQUE. The minaret's antecedent is 
thought to have been the rooftop of Muhammad's 
house-mosque in Medina, where Bilal, a former 
slave and one of the first Muslims, made the daily 
adhan. Later, in the wake of the early Arab con- 
quests, churches seized from Christian opponents 
in Syria were converted into mosques and their 
towers were used for making the call to prayer. 

The minaret as a specialized architectural 
form, however, did not develop until after the 
ninth century, especially in Sunni-majority regions 

Mamluk (left) and Ottoman (center) minarets of 
Cairo, Egypt (Juan E. Campo) 

of the Middle East. It became a very prominent 
religious signature on the Islamicate urban land- 
scape. In addition to providing a place for making 
the adhan , the minaret informed people where 
the mosque was located and often symbolized the 
wealth and power of the individual or group who 
built and maintained it. In addition to mosques, it 
was also included in the architecture of medieval 
madrasas, Sufi hospices, and shrines. Minarets can 
be square or cylindrical in shape, or a combina- 
tion of both. Most have an interior spiral staircase 
that leads to one or more balconies at the top, 
where the muezzin stands to do the adhan. Many 
arc made of stone, but wood, adobe, and concrete 
have also been used. They arc often embellished 
with elaborate ARABESQUE designs, or bear Arabic 
inscriptions, but some have little decoration if 
any. Typically a mosque will have only one mina- 
ret, but imperial mosques often have two or more, 
indicating that their symbolic importance exceeds 
the practical purpose for performing the call to 
prayer. Minarets have been added to preexist- 
ing buildings, as was the case for the Aya Sofia 
Mosque in Istanbul, which had been the chief 
basilica for the Byzantine Empire until the city 
was taken by the Ottomans in 1453. The reverse 
happened in Andalusia (Islamicate Spain), where 
the towering minaret La Giralda of Seville's Friday 
mosque was transformed into a bell tower after 
the city was captured by Christian armies in the 
14th century. The same occurred at the Great 
Mosque of Cordoba. Today, mosques in many 
Muslim countries are equipped with electronic 
sound systems for broadcasting the adhan , but the 
minaret has not been eliminated and continues to 
possess symbolic importance. 

Different minaret styles have evolved in dif- 
ferent parts of Islamdom, just as different kinds 
of church towers developed in lands with large 
Christian populations. These include the multi- 
storied sculptured Mamluk minarets of 13th- to 
16th-century Cairo, which are topped by one or 
more bulblike decorations. North African and 
Andalusian minarets are square towers. Otto- 

moon 479 

Further reading: Said Amir Arjomand. The Turban for 
the Crown: The Islamic Revolution in Iran (New York: 
Oxford University Press, 1988); Ryszard Kapuscin- 
ski, Shah of Shahs (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1985); 
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, The Shah's Story. Translated 
by Teresa Waugh (London: Michael Joseph, 1980). 

monotheism See tawhid. 


The moon (Arabic qamar) has assumed a distinc- 
tive importance in Islamic tradition. The appear- 
ance of the new or crescent moon ( hilal ) defines 
the beginning of each of the 12 lunar months in 
the Islamic calendar. According to the sharia the 
hilal has to be seen with the naked eye in order for 
the first day of the month to be declared, although 
there arc differences among the Muslim jurists 
about this matter. This practice, which is pre- 
Islamic in origin, is particularly important in iden- 
tifying the beginning of the new year on the first 
day of Muharram, the beginning of the month of 
required fasting on the first day of Ramadan, and 
the beginning of Id al-Fitr (the Feast of Fast- 
Breaking) after Ramadan on the first day of the 
10th month of the Islamic calendar (Shawwal). 
Observation of the phases of the moon became 
an important topic in Islamic astronomy. There 
were also special prayers performed in the event 
of either a lunar or a solar eclipse. 

The Quran mentions the moon 26 times. One 
of its chapters, named “The Moon,'* describes the 
splitting of the moon as an event that precedes 
Judgment Day (Q 54), but this event was later 
claimed to be a miracle performed by Muham- 
mad (d. 632) in proving his prophethood to the 
unbelievers of Mecca. In other instances the moon 
is discussed as an aspect of God's creation, along 
with the sun and the stars, that submits to its cre- 
ator (Q 22:18) and signifies one of God's blessings 
for humankind (Q 14:32—34). The moon is to be 
used as the basis of the calendar (Q 10:5). It also 

appears in the story of Abraham's conversion to 
the worship of only one God, where he mistakes 
the moon for his lord ( rabb), but then rejects this 
belief when he sees that it waxes and wanes in its 
rising and setting (Q 6:77). The Quran, moreover, 
explicitly prohibits worshipping both the sun and 
the moon (Q 41:37). In later Islamic poetry the full 
moon was often used as a metaphor for the beauty 
of the lover's face, as well as for Muhammad. 

The crescent moon combined with a five- or 
six-pointed star has become an emblem for the 
Islamic religion, but only in recent times. They 
appeared together on early Islamic coinage, per- 
haps reflecting ancient Iranian, Roman, and Byz- 
antine influences. They also occurred separately 
in a variety of secular and religious contexts on 
buildings and artifacts in Muslim lands during the 
medieval period. They did not have great icono- 
graphic importance until more recent centuries. 
The crescent and star symbol began to be used on 
military, imperial, and, later, national flags, first 
by the Ottomans in the 15th and 16th centuries, 
and subsequently by newly independent states in 
the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, and 
Southeast Asia. These countries include Algeria, 
Azerbaijan, Malaysia, Mauritania, Pakistan, Tuni- 
sia, Turkey, and Uzbekistan. Since the 19th cen- 
tury the crescent-moon emblem has been used to 
decorate mosques and other religious buildings. 
Also, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has 
accepted it as a symbol on gravestones of Muslim 
soldiers, making it comparable to the cross for 
Christians, the Star of David for Jews, the Wheel 
of Dharma for Buddhists, and the Sanskrit word 
Om for Ffindus. 

Some Christian evangelical organizations 
have claimed recently that Muslims are idolaters 
who actually worship a moon god. This is an 
unfounded assertion based on a mistaken inter- 
pretation of Muslim use of the lunar calendar 
instead of the solar calendar and of the crescent- 
star emblem. Muslims do not worship the moon 
or the crescent-star image in any way, as affirmed 
by the Quran itself. 

>4=^ 480 Morocco 

See also Christianity and islam; flag; holi- 
days; idolatry; Judaism and Islam. 

Further reading: David King, “Science in the Service 
of Religion: The Case of Islam.” Impact of Science 
on Society 159 (1990): 245-262; Paul Lunde, “Pat- 
terns of Moon, Patterns of Sun." Saudi Aramco World 
55 (Novembcr-December 2004): 17-32; Annemarie 
Schimmel, And Muhammad Is His Messenger: The Ven- 
eration of the Prophet in Islamic Piety (Chapel Hill: Uni- 
versity of North Carolina Press, 1985). 


Located on the northwestern tip of Africa, Morocco 
is a country roughly the size of California, with 
geographical features and a population size (34.3 

million, 2008 est.) also similar to those of Ameri- 
cas most populous state. Moroccos Atlantic coast 
stretches from the Strait of Gibraltar to the Canary 
Islands, and extends even further if one includes 
the Western Sahara (a disputed territory adminis- 
tered by the Moroccan government since 1975). 
The northern, eastern, and southern regions con- 
tain several mountain ranges, including the Rif, 
High Atlas, Middle Atlas, and Anti-Atlas. The 
country's climate is semi-arid, with deserts in 
the south and the cast. Between the Middle Atlas 
and the Atlantic are Moroccos most fertile lands, 
including the Sebou valley, home to the cities of 
Meknes and Fez. Along with Marrakech, these 
cities represent three of Morocco's four “imperial 
CITIES,” with each serving as the country's capital 
at different historical periods. In the 20th century, 

The town of Chefchaouen in Morocco’s Rif Mountains, founded in the 15th century (Federico R. Campo) 

Moses 483 

They include accounts about God's selection of 
both as his prophets, how both came into con- 
frontation with their enemies as a result of their 
belief in one God, how they received holy books 
from God (the Torah and the Quran, respectively), 
and how they experienced rejection by their own 
people. There is also a parallel drawn between the 
deliverance of Moses and the Israelites from Egypt 
and the emigration (Hijra) of Muhammad and 
his followers from Mecca to Medina. Just as the 
pharaoh and his people were drowned in the sea, 
the enemies of the Muslims were also threatened 
with defeat and destruction. The Quran is clearly 
seeking to underscore the validity of Muhammad's 
status as a prophet by making these parallels. It 
is also showing how the Jews, through their dis- 
obedience, have broken their covenant with God, 
and that it has been transferred to Muhammad 
and his followers (Q 7:168-170). 

Biblical events involving Moses also men- 
tioned in the Quran arc his being cast away on 
the waters as an infant by his mother to save his 
life (Q 20:37-40); his killing of the Egyptian (Q 
28:15); his escape to Midyan (Q 28:22-28); his 
calling by a fire and a divine voice coming from 
a tree (rather than a bush) by Mount Tur (Sinai, 
Q 28:29-30); his performing signs and wonders 
before pharaoh's court (Q 7:104-109); his 40-day 
sojourn in the wilderness, where he received the 
tablets from God at the mountain (Q 7:144-145); 
and the Israelites' disobedience of his brother 
Aaron (Harun) and worship of the golden calf (Q 
7:148-149; 20:85-91). A story mentioned in the 
Quran but not in the Bible is his journey to the 
"meeting place of the two seas" and encounter 
with a mysterious "servant of God," identified by 
later commentators as Khadir (the green one), who 
is more knowledgeable than Moses (Q 18:60-82). 
Moses then travels with Khadir to acquire some of 
his wisdom, but shows himself to be a less than 
adept student. The stories of the prophets tradi- 
tion elaborates on this and other narratives about 
Moses, including the building of a temple for God 
and the deaths of both Aaron and Moses in the 

wilderness. In accounts concerning Muhammad's 
Night Journey and Ascent, Muhammad enters 
the sixth heaven and encounters Moses there 
with his people. The biblical prophet declares 
that Muhammad is more honored in Gods eyes 
than he, and weeps because more of Muhammad's 
community (umma) will enter paradise than of 
his. Later in the story, Moses helps Muhammad 
negotiate with God to reduce the number of daily 
prayers Muslims are required to perform from 50 
to five. 

Over time Shiis and Sufis developed their own 
distinctive understandings concerning the body of 
narratives connected with Moses. The Shia sec in 
the relationship of Moses with his brother Aaron 
a prefiguration of Muhammad's relationship with 
Ali 1BN Abi Talib (d. 661), his cousin, son-in-law, 
and the first Shii Imam. They also include Moses 
among the prophets through whom the authority 
of the Imams was transmitted in the generations 
preceding that of Muhammad and his cousin 
Ali. In Ismaili Shiism, Moses is counted as one of 
seven "speaking" prophets (the others are Adam, 
Noah, Abraham, Jesus, Muhammad, and Muham- 
mad ibn Ismail), who revealed God's law for all 
believers to obey; whereas Aaron is one of seven 
of seven "silent" prophets who convey the hid- 
den truths of God's revelation to a select group 
of believers. Sufis, for their part, have looked to 
Moses's encounter with God at Sinai as an exem- 
plary mystical experience, and they saw in his 
success in splitting the sea and overcoming the 40 
years of trial in the desert a model for those seek- 
ing inspiration to pursue the mystic's path to unity 
with God. Jalal al-Din Rumi (d. 1273) taught that 
Moses and pharaoh were contending spiritual 
impulses embodied in each person, suggesting 
that those guided by the light of Moses will dis- 
cover that Sinai, the place of the encounter with 
God, can be found in their own hearts. 

During the 20th century the story of Moses's 
confrontation with pharaoh has been invoked 
by Islamists to justify their opposition to "dis- 
believing" secular regimes and tyrannical rulers. 

484 Moslem 

Sayyid Qutb (cl. 1966) and jihad movements in 
Egypt condemned Jamal Abd al-Nasir (d. 1970) 
and Anwar al-Sadat (d. 1981), both presidents 
of Egypt, for being equivalents to the unbeliev- 
ing pharaoh who opposed Moses; members of 
the Jihad Group assassinated al-Sadat for being 
a disbeliever. During the Iranian Revolution of 
1978-79, government troops were cautioned not 
to “kill Moses [members of the Islamic opposi- 
tion) for the sake of pharaoh [the Shah's regime).” 
In other words, they were not to kill the Islamic 
revolutionaries and their masses of supporters. 
A well-known revolutionary poster of the time 
showed Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini standing 
over a fallen shah, with the phrase “For every 
pharaoh there is a Moses" inscribed over the 
Ayatollah's head, thus identifying the revolution's 
foremost leader with the prophet. 

Sec also imam; Islamism; Judaism and Islam; 

Further reading: Gillcs Kcpcl, Muslim Extremism in 
Egypt: The Prophet and the Pharaoh . Translated by Jon 
Rothschild (Berkeley: University of California Press, 
1985); John Renard, All the Kings Falcons: Rumi on 
Prophets and Revelation (Albany: State University of 
New York Press, 1994): 67-86; Ahmad ibn Muham- 
mad al-Thalabi, Arm's al-majalis fi qisas al-anbiya, or 
" Lives of the Prophets .” Translated by William M. Brin- 
ner (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2002): 278-414; Robert Tottoli, 
Biblical Prophets in the Quran and Muslim Literature 
(Richmond, England: Curzon Press, 2002); Brannon 
Wheeler, Moses in the Quran and Islamic Exegesis (Lon- 
don: Routledge, 2002). 

Moslem See Islam. 

mosque (Arabic: masjid, ritual prostration 

A hadith that proclaims the entire world a mosque 
indicates that Muslims may pray anywhere as long 
as certain rules are observed. Chief among these 

is correct orientation toward Mecca, the qibla. 
An object placed in front of the person at PRAYER 
insures the integrity of the qibla by acting as a 
barrier (sutra) between this person and passersby. 
Ritual purity is required for the person and the 
prayer area. One way of insuring it is to reserve a 
cloth or rug exclusively for prayer. By conforming 
to these rules, Muslims can fulfill prayer obli- 
gations several times a day (the number varies 
among sects but is often five). These individual 
acts of prayer then create a mosque every time 
they take place regardless of the availability of 
buildings created specifically for this purpose. 
The absence of liturgical rituals in Islam also 
makes mosque buildings unnecessary, though 
they have always existed in large numbers and 
varied forms. 

The phrase masjid junta (Friday mosque) or 
masjid jami (“collective" or community mosque) 
refers to mosques used for required group prayers 
on Fridays. The historical forerunner of these 
mosques is considered the mosque built by 
Muhammad at Medina. In the past, the jami was 
distinguished by the presence of a M INBAR and was 
always associated with cities. These were the first 
mosques to acquire monumental form, a process 
that began in 705-715. 

Mosques quickly acquired a standard set 
of forms and elements. The earliest ones were 
divided into two parts, a covered prayer hall and 
an open courtyard. The far wall of the prayer hall 
is the qibla wall. A niche M IHRAB marks the center 
of this wall in proximity to the minbar } with the 
two defining an important area (maqsura) often 
covered with a dome. Ablution fountains {may- 
daa) appear in or at the edges of the courtyard. 
Tall towers (minarets) mark mosques visually and 
transmit their presence audibly in as much as the 
call to prayer (adhan) is sometimes transmitted 
from them. This basic template was always subject 
to variation according to location, population, 
and sectarian divergences; and books of mosque 
rules became a prominent genre in the Middle 
Ages. Historically, the only constants were the 

486 m on I id 

Muhammad’s mosque in Medina, and the Aqsa 
Mosque in Jerusalem. The Shia would also add 
the mosque-tombs of their Imams, such as those 
of Ali IBN Abi Talib (d. 661) in Najaf (Iraq) and 
Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 680) in Karbala 
(Iraq). Contemporary mosques are designed to 
accommodate new social requirements and envi- 
ronments, although they continue some of the 
older roles played by mosques. They are sel- 
dom combined with shrines any more, but they 
continue to serve educational as well as ritual 
purposes. Mosque building continues to be an 
important undertaking in modern Muslim societ- 
ies, even among Muslims who have migrated to 
Europe and North America. 


Nuha N. N. Khoury 

Further reading: Martin Frishman and Hasan Uddin 
Khan, cds., The Mosque: History ; Architectural Develop- 
ment , and Regional Diversity (New York: Thames and 
Hudson, 1994); Oleg Grabar, The Formation of Islamic 
Art (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1973); 
Renata Holod and Hasan Uddin-Khan, The Mosque and 
the Modern World: Architects , Patrons , and Designs since 
the 1950s (London: Thames and Hudson, 1997); David 
McCauley, The Mosque (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 

moulid See m awlid. 


Muslims residing willingly as subjects of a Chris- 
tian kingdom of the Iberian Peninsula (see Anda- 
lusia) were known as Mudejars. The phenomenon 
of Mudejarism emerged with the Christian capture 
of Muslim territories, for example Toledo (1083), 
and concluded with the decrees of compulsory 
conversion to Christianity (1501, 1515, 1526). The 
Spanish term mudejar derives from an Arabic verb 
connoting inter alia the taming of wild animals. 
Mudejarism differs conceptually from the Quranic 

status of DHIMMI (protected peoples) that Muslims 
accorded non-Muslim “People of the Book” resid- 
ing in Islamic territories. Whereas Islamic law 
protected non-Muslims, the Mudejars could be 
disenfranchised and enslaved with impunity. 

The survival of Mudejar culture and institu- 
tions depended upon whether the capture was 
accomplished through negotiated surrender or 
military defeat, the ratio of Muslim to Christian 
populations, the competing interests of the mon- 
archy and the papacy, and economic exigencies. 
For instance, during the conquest of the Balearic 
Islands, the Muslims of Menorca refused to surren- 
der and were enslaved. In Aragon, Navarre, Castile, 
and Portugal, however, many Mudejars capitulated 
following negotiations between local Muslim rulers 
and the Christians. In theory, these treaties safe- 
guarded Mudejar property, customs, and institu- 
tions provided they swore loyalty to the monarchy 
and paid an annual capitulation tax. In practice, 
however, Mudejar rights were often curtailed. 

Congregational mosques were confiscated and 
converted into churches. In Aragon, the Crown 
appointed Islamic judgeships and judicial rulings 
could be overturned in a higher Christian court. 
In Navarre and especially Valencia, where the 
Mudejar majority constituted an indispensable 
economic “royal treasure,” Muslims were banned 
from emigration to Islamic territories. Papal coun- 
cil edicts ordering the use of distinguishing cloth- 
ing for Muslims (Fourth Lateran Council, 1215) 
and prohibiting the call to prayer and Muslim pil- 
grimages (Council of Vienna, 1311) were applied 
in Castile and Aragon, but rarely enforced in 
Valencia. Increasingly from the 13th century, 
Mudejars were confined to ghettos ( aljamas ). 

Mudejar institutions declined as the supply 
of competent teachers of Arabic and the Islamic 
sciences diminished. In response, the Mudejars 
developed strategies of cultural resistance. Isa 
ibn Jubayr of Segovia translated the Quran and 
an abridged sunna into Romance (Latin-derived 
languages) for the Mudejars who no longer under- 
stood Arabic. Mudejars banned from travel abroad 

mufti 487 

wrote to Muslim jurists (muftis) to seek legal 
opinions (fatwas) regarding how to preserve 
Islam under Christian rule. Mudejar jurists and 
preachers urged the strict application of Islamic 
ritual purity and morality codes in everyday life. 
Such strategies also challenged uncompromising 
judges such as Muhammad Ibn Rushd (d. 1122), 
who condemned the Mudejars for remaining in 
non-Muslim territory. 

Under the patronage of Christian monarchs, 
Mudejars collaborated in the translation schools 
that transmitted classical and Islamic knowledge 
to western Europe. Mudejar architects, artisans, 
and institutions left their cultural imprint on the 
Iberian Christian kingdoms. Mudejar ARABESQUE 
decorations and brickwork appear in churches 
and palaces built in Spain and Portugal and in the 
Americas from the 16th century. Following the 
royal decrees of compulsory conversion to Chris- 
tianity, Mudejars came to be known as Moriscos. 

See also architecture; Christianity and Islam. 

Linda G. Jones 

Further reading: John Boswell, The Royal Treasure: 
Muslim Communities under the Crown of Aragon in the 
Fourteenth Century (New Haven, Conn.: Yale Uni- 
versity Press, 1977); Robert 1. Burns, Islam under the 
Crusaders: Colonial Survival in the Thirteenth-Century 
Kingdom of Valencia (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Uni- 
versity Press, 1973); L. P. Harvey, Islamic Spain, 1250 
to 1500 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990); 
Khalcd Abou cl Fadl, “Islamic Law and Muslim Minor- 
ities: The Juristic Discourse on Muslim Minorities 
from the Second/Eighth to the Eleventh/Seventeenth 
Centuries." Islamic Law and Society 1, no. 3 (Novem- 
ber 1994): 141-187. 

muezzin (Arabic: muadhdhin) 

The muezzin is the man who performs the daily 
call to prayer (adhan). His counterpart in a church 
would be a bell ringer. According to Islamic tradi- 
tion the first muezzin was Bilal ibn Rabbah (d. 
ca. 641), one of the Companions of the Prophet 

known for his beautiful voice. Eventually the 
muezzin became part of the staff employed in a 
mosque. In the early days he would do the call 
from any high point in the mosque so that people 
in the surrounding neighborhoods could hear 
that prayer time had arrived. When the minaret 
became a standard feature of mosque architec- 
ture, the muezzin would climb its winding stairs 
to the top to do his job. Muezzins were also hired 
to accompany caravans that traveled to Mecca 
for the hajj. In modern times they use a public 
address system without having to climb up the 
minaret, and people can now also hear their calls 
to prayer via radio, television, and portable elec- 
tronic devices. 

Further reading: Barr)' Hoberman, “The First Muez- 
zin." Saudi A rant co World 34 (July-August 1983): 2-3; 
Scott L. Marcus, Music in Egypt: Experiencing Music, 
Expressing Culture (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 
2007): 1-15. 


A mufti is a Sunni Muslim trained in Islamic 
law, the sharia, who has the authority to issue 
formal legal opinions called fatwas. This persons 
counterpart in Shii contexts is called a MUJTAHID. 
The opinions given by a mufti arc informed by 
the Quran, the sunna, and legal tradition. They 
can be solicited by individuals or government 
officials and political authorities. This function 
appeared early in the Muslim community when it 
determined that it must strive to apply the legal 
prescriptions of the Quran and sunna to the daily 
needs of the newly emerging Islamic religious and 
political order in the Middle East. Unlike a judge 
( qadi ), a mufti's ruling was not necessarily tied 
to a court case, nor was it final. Rather, it had to 
contend with advisory opinions issued by other 
muftis. However, the decisions of muftis were col- 
lected in books and played an instrumental role in 
the development of the Islamic legal tradition. At 
first muftis were paid by donations from private 

Mughal dynasty 489 

the final interpreter of Islamic law alarmed the 
ULAMA, or religious leaders. Akbar also supported 
architecture and the arts, integrating Muslim and 
Hindu traditions to create a distinctive Mughal 

Akbar's heir, Jahangir (r. 1605-28), lacked 
his father's administrative and military abilities. 
During Akbar's reign, European powers became 
an increasing presence in India, with Portuguese, 
English, and Dutch merchants establishing trad- 
ing posts such as Bombay, Goa, and Calcutta. 
Jahangir’s son, Shah Jahan (r. 1628-58), initially 
launched a fresh wave of conquest, capturing 
parts of the Deccan and halting the Portuguese 
in Bengal. He then turned much of his energy to 
building projects, including the Taj Mahal, built 
as a tomb for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, 
who died in 1631 while giving birth to her 14th 
child. Under Shah Jahan, Delhi became one of the 

great cities of the Muslim world. However, his 
lavish expenditures drained the imperial treasury, 
while trade fell increasingly into the hands of 
European powers. In 1658 his son Aurangzeb (r. 
1658-1707) seized the throne, imprisoning his 
father and having his brothers killed. 

Aurangzeb ruled with a reformer's zeal. An 
intensely devout Sunni Muslim, he declared 
SHARIA, or Islamic law, the law of the land, and 
strictly enforced regulations against drinking, 
gambling, and prostitution. He reinstated the 
jizya, or tax on non-Muslims, while abolishing all 
taxes not authorized by Islamic law. The reintro- 
duclion of the jizya meant that the tax burden fell 
most heavily on the empire's Hindu population, 
while the abolition of other taxes reduced the 
empire's revenues overall. Although he succeeded 
in capturing the sultanates of Bijapur and Gol- 
conda, he was unable to subdue the Marathas, a 

Taj Mahal (17th century), built by Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, Agra, India (Juan E. Campo) 

492 Muhammad 

erupted when the leading tribes of Mecca fell into 
a dispute when rebuilding the Kaaba about who 
would place the sacred black stone in its southern 
corner. He had the stone placed on a large cloth 
and instructed representatives of the different fac- 
tions to join in lifting the cloth and carrying it to 
the shrine. Then he took the stone and placed it in 
the corner of the temple himself, thereby resolv- 
ing the crisis. 

Muhammad’s career as a prophet did not begin 
until later in life, around the year 610, when he was 
about 40 years old. Accounts say that he would go 
into the mountainous wilderness outside Mecca 
on retreats. It was during a retreat to Hira, a cave 
in a nearby mountain, that he had a vision of the 
angel Gabriel (the Quran indicates the vision was 
of God himself) and received the first quranic rev- 
elations, which commanded, “Recite in the name 
of your lord who created, created humans from 
a clot of congealed blood. Recite, and your lord 
is most generous, who taught by the pen, taught 
humans what they did not know" (Q 96:1-2). 
Muhammad was reportedly profoundly shaken 
by this encounter and sought reassurance from 
Khadija and Waraqa ibn Nawfal, a male relative 
of hers familiar with Jewish and Christian scrip- 
tures. They convinced him that the revelation 
was truly from God. When Muhammad made his 
revelations public, he was suspected of being a 
soothsayer inspired by spirits known as jinn. But 
a message he received from God confirmed for 
him that this was not the case (Q 52:29). Rather, 
he was God's prophet sent to remind people in 
clear Arabic speech that they should worship God 
alone, follow "the straight path," and give up their 
pagan ways. He also warned them that they would 
be accountable on Judgment Day for their dis- 
belief, at the same time promising that those who 
had true faith and performed good deeds need 
not fear — they would be rewarded in paradise. In 
addition to their beliefs, therefore, Muhammad 
warned his listeners that God would judge them 
on moral grounds, especially for their treatment of 
the poor and the weak. The early chapters of the 

Quran that he communicated to his listeners were 
delivered in a terse, energetic style, as if to signal 
the urgency of his message. Later chapters were 
more prosaic, featuring elaborated descriptions of 
the afterlife, moral teachings, and stories about 
former prophets and the fates of those who failed 
to heed them. Many of these prophets' stories were 
drawn from the Jewish and Christian Bible, and 
from post-biblical narratives that circulated orally 
among the peoples of the Middle East. Although 
the Quran tells us very little about Muhammad’s 
life, these tales about earlier prophets, especially 
Abraham and Moses, were indirect commentaries 
on key moments in his own career — his encoun- 
ters with God, his struggles against idolatry and 
persecution, and his mission to win believers. 

The early sources also maintain that Muham- 
mad went on a miraculous journey from Mecca 
into heaven one night, mounted on a winged 
animal and guided by Gabriel. This legendary 
event, known as the Night Journey and Ascent, 
appears to be mentioned briefly in the Quran (Q 
17:1), but the story was continually elaborated in 
the following centuries along the lines of other- 
world journeys mentioned in pre-Islamic Jewish 
and Christian literatures, where the journeys were 
undertaken by holy figures like Enoch and Paul. 
According to Islamic accounts, Muhammad visited 
different levels of heaven, where he met holy fig- 
ures such as Adam, Jesus, John the Baptist, Joseph 
the son of Jacob, Idris (probably Enoch), Moses, 
and Abraham. Finally, after visions of paradise and 
the fires of hell, he encounters God and receives 
the instructions for performing the five daily 
prayers. Muhammad then returned to Mecca. 

The sources indicate that Muhammad's message 
was heeded by individuals from a cross-section of 
Mecca's society, starting with his own family — his 
wife Khadija, paternal cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib 
(d. 661), and members of the clans of his mother 
and father. When he began to preach in public, he 
won followers like Abu Bakr (d. 634), a merchant, 
and members of the most powerful branches of 
the Quraysh tribe, such as Umar ibn al-Khattab 

Muhammad 493 

(cl. 644) and Uthman ibn Affan (d. 656). These 
four men were to become the first four caliphs, or 
successors to Muhammad, after his death in 632. 
Many of the converts were young Arabs of mod- 
est social standing, including women. There were 
also freedmen and slaves such as Bilal ibn Rabbah 
(d. 641), an Ethiopian, who would become the 
first MUEZZIN for the community. Muhammad's 
early prophetic pronouncements, together with 
the growth of a religious movement that appealed 
to diverse members of Meccan society, stirred 
vehement opposition among the wealthy and 
powerful, especially the leading clans of the 
Quraysh. They felt that he was not only attacking 
their religious and tribal values, but he was also 
threatening their lucrative pilgrimage businesses. 
By 615 their ire appears to have become so intense 
that Muhammad was obliged to dispatch a group 
of his followers to Ethiopia for protection under 
that country's Christian rulers. This was called the 
first Islamic Hijra (emigration). Back in Mecca, 
believers were subjected to verbal attacks, ostra- 
cism, and an unsuccessful boycott. 

Muhammad's position became especially tenu- 
ous when his uncle Abu Talib and his wife 
Khadija both died in 619, leaving him without his 
two most respected guardians. He began to search 
for new allies outside of Mecca, and finally found 
them in Yathrib, an agricultural settlement about 
275 miles north of Mecca. In his negotiations 
Muhammad agreed to serve as a mediator between 
the two leading tribes in the town, the Aws and the 
Khazraj, in exchange for their conversion to Islam 
and permission to migrate there with his follow- 
ers. His followers quietly began to leave Mecca. 
Barely escaping a plot against his life, Muhammad 
joined the rest of the Muslim emigrants, about 70 
in number, in Yathrib around September 24, 622. 
This was the second Hijra, but the one that would 
be forever remembered by Muslims as the Hijra, 
which was later proclaimed to mark the first year 
on the Muslim lunar calendar. Yathrib eventu- 
ally became known as the City (madina) of God's 
Prophet, or simply Medina. 


After his arrival, Muhammad recruited his follow- 
ers to help him build his house, which became 
the main mosque for the early Muslim community 
(umma), and Islam's second most sacred mosque 
after that of Mecca. He also established a cov- 
enant, the so-called Constitution of Medina, that 
affirmed the mutual rights and obligations of the 
Emigrants ( muhajirun ) from Mecca and Muham- 
mad's Medinan converts, the “Helpers'* (Ansar). It 
affirmed the legal status of Jews and non-Muslim 
Arab members in Medina, and prohibited any 
alliances with the community's enemies. It also 
declared that any disputes were to be resolved by 
referring them to God and Muhammad. The chap- 
ters of the Quran that are traditionally ascribed 
to this period of Muhammad's career reflect the 
changing fortunes of the young community. They 
continue to affirm and expand upon key themes 
from the Meccan period, but they also contain 
rules and guidelines for the faithful concerning 
worship, almsgiving, family law, relations with 
non-Muslims, and incitements to act in defense of 
the community against its enemies. 

Soon after arriving in Medina, Muhammad 
was drawn into open warfare with his opponents 
in Mecca, the Quraysh and their allies. He also 
had to contend with opposition from Jewish tribes 
in Medina, namely, the Banu Nadir and the Banu 
Qurayza, who refused to recognize his authority 
as prophet and formed secret alliances with the 
Quraysh. In 624 skirmishes with Meccan caravans 
led to the Battle of Badr, which ended in victory 
for the Muslims. This was a momentous event for 
the young community, in which, according to the 
Quran, 3,000 angels were sent to help the faith- 
ful (Q 3:123-125). Another clash at Uhud in 625 
ended in a nearly disastrous defeat for the Mus- 
lims and the wounding of Muhammad. The Mec- 
cans assembled a large force of 10,000 warriors (a 
probable exaggeration) in April 627 and laid siege 
to Medina for about a month. The confrontation, 
known as the Battle of the Ditch, ended with the 
withdrawal of the Meccan forces and the alleged 

‘ CtfS3 494 Muhammad 

extermination of Banu Qurayza males because 
some of them conspired with the Quraysh against 
Muhammad. The Muslims and the Quraysh nego- 
tiated a peace in 628 that allowed Muslims to 
go to Mecca the following year for the UMRA, or 
“lesser" pilgrimage. A minor infraction of the 
treaty was used by Muhammad to justify an attack 
on Mecca, the city of his birth. It fell to Muslim 
forces with minimal loss of life in January 630. 
One of the factors contributing to their triumph 
was the conversion of Abu Sufyan, the leader of 
Muhammad’s Quraysh opponents. Muhammad 
then launched a campaign to destroy the idols 
worshipped in Mecca and the surrounding towns, 
but some reports say that he exempted pictures 
of Jesus and Mary that had been kept inside the 
Kaaba with other idols. Even though Mecca was 
now under Muslim rule, Muhammad declared 
that he preferred to keep his home in Medina. 

During this phase in Muhammad's career he 
established alliances with Arabian tribes, which 
included their conversion to Islam, lie also 
ordered successful attacks on oases and towns 
along the roads that led northward into Syria and 
Iraq. In 627-28 Byzantine forces defeated the Per- 
sians who had been the main power in the region. 
This created a situation that Arab Muslim forces 
would take advantage of after Muhammad's death 
to defeat both the Byzantines and the Persians and 
create a new empire in their place. 

Muhammad performed a “farewell hajj" to 
Mecca in 632. Muslim commentators say that it 
was on this occasion when he pronounced the fol- 
lowing verse from the Quran: “Today I perfected 
your religion (din) for you, perfected my grace 
for you, and desired that Islam be your religion" 
(Q 5:2). According to the account furnished by 
Ibn Ishaq in the Sira, Muhammad instructed the 
faithful on how to perform the rites of the hajj 
and gave a sermon in which he stated, “Time has 
completed its cycle and is as it was on the day God 
created the heavens and the earth" (Ibn Ishaq, p. 
651). After completion of the hajj he returned to 
Medina, where he suddenly fell ill and died in 

the lap of Aisha, his wife, on June 8, 632. He was 
buried by his Companions in his house, where his 
grave is now marked by the Green Dome of his 
mosque in Medina. 


The Quran lays the foundations for Muslim under- 
standings of Muhammad. It not only places him in 
the ranks of former prophets known to the Bible 
and the Arabs, but it also sets him apart from them 
at a higher rank. It declares him to be the Seal of 
the Prophets “who has knowledge of everything" 
(Q 33:40), which Muslims interpret to mean that 
he is the last of the prophets to bring God’s word to 
humankind. Muhammad is called al-nabi al-ummi 
(Q 7:158), which has been widely understood by 
Muslims as an affirmation of his being an “unlet- 
tered prophet" who received his religious knowl- 
edge only from God and not from human sources. 
Additionally, the Quran calls him the “beautiful 
model" (al-urwa al-hasana ) for those who hope for 
God and the last day" (Q 33:21). 

Muhammad is believed to excel in the quali- 
ties of moral excellence and physical perfection, 
serving as the example for others to emulate 
through his SUNNA, as recorded in the hadith. All 
of the Islamic schools of law regard the sunna as 
one of the “roots" of FIQH (jurisprudence), sec- 
ond only to the Quran. In addition to countless 
biographies written about him, a sizeable body 
of Islamic literature concerned with detailing his 
virtues, known as the shamail, was composed by 
Muslim writers, one of the most prominent of 
whom was Qadi lyad (d. 1149), a Maliki jurist in 
Andalusia and Ceuta. The Shia venerate Muham- 
mad both as the last prophet and as the father of 
the Imams. He is one of the five members of the 
People of the House (ahl al-bayt ), together with 
Fatima, his daughter, Ali, his cousin and son-in- 
law, and their sons Hasan and Husayn. All of the 
Sufi brotherhoods traced their spiritual lineage to 
Muhammad. Moreover, those influenced by Ibn 
al-Arabi (d. 1240) and Islamic Neoplatonism, 
identified the Prophet's beauty and excellence 

' CsSS3 496 Muhammad Ali dynasty 

(Reading, England: Garnet Publishing, 1998); F. E. 
Peters, Muhammad and the Origins of Islam (Albany: 

State University of New York Press, 1994); . A 

Reader on Classical Islam (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton 
University Press, 1994, 44-98); Maxime Rodinson, “A 
Critical Survey of Modern Studies of Muhammad. In 
Studies on Islam, edited by Merlin Swartz, 23-85 (New 
York: Oxford University Press, 1981); , Muham- 

mad. Translated by Anne Carter (New York: New Press, 
2002); Anncmarie Schimmel, And Muhammad Is His 
Messenger: The Veneration of the Prophet in Islamic Piety 
(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1985); 
Barbara Stowasser, Women in the Quran: Traditions and 
Interpretation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994); 
W. Montgomery Watt, Muhammad: Prophet and States- 
man (London: Oxford University Press, 1961). 

Muhammad Ali dynasty 

This dynasty was founded by Muhammad Ali 
Pasha (r. 1804-48) when he was appointed gov- 
ernor of Egypt by the Ottoman sultan in gratitude 
for his help in defeating the French forces in Egypt. 
Muhammad Ali was determined to both modern- 
ize Egypt and establish an independent dynasty 
there. A man of amazing drive and ambition, he 
achieved both. He was succeeded by his descen- 
dants Abbas (r. 1848-54), Said (r. 1854-63), 
Ismail (r. 1863-79), Tawfiq (r. 1879-92), Abbas II 
(r. 1892-1914), Husayn Kamil (r. 1914-17), Fuad 
(r. 1917-36), and Faruq (r. 1936-52). 

Muhammad Ali is considered the father of 
modern Egypt; he set Egypt on the path of rapid 
modernization and industrialization, forces that 
were then continued by his successors. His grand- 
son, Ismail, once expressed his conviction to Euro- 
peanize Egypt, stating: "My country is no longer 
in Africa, it is now in Europe." Ismail encouraged 
the development of a European-educated Egyptian 
elite while at the same time holding on to a tradi- 
tional and autocratic view of his own authority. He 
was granted the title of khedive from the Ottoman 
sultan, which conveyed a form of royalty, and was 
given permission to expand his own army and 

issue his own currency. Ismail used the greater 
freedom in economic affairs to fund his ambitious 
development projects. In the process, however, he 
drove Egypt into bankruptcy. In 1876 the British 
took over the Egyptian economy and were drawn 
further into Egyptian affairs when they forcefully 
put down the popular Urabi revolt in 1882. Under 
British occupation access to free EDUCATION was 
restricted and Egyptian industry was neglected 
while cotton production increased for export to 
English factories. Egypt had not become a part of 
Europe, but it had become a part of a European 
empire and was forced to develop in ways that 
benefited the colonizer more than the colonized. 

In 1922 Britain declared Egypt independent, 
and London elevated the status of the Egyptian 
ruler to king. But the British undermined the idea 

Muhammad Ali Mosque (19th century), Cairo Citadel, 
Egypt (Juan E. Campo) 

Muhammad al-Mahdi 497 

of both independence and kingship by retaining 
responsibility for communications and for defense 
of Egypt as well as foreign affairs within Egypt. 
Although a parliament and constitution were 
also established, the effectiveness of both was lim- 
ited as the monarchy, the parliament, and the Brit- 
ish were in a continuous tug-of-war for control of 
Egyptian affairs. The king looked to the British to 
support him against the reforming efforts of the 
parliament, ultimately undermining his authority 
and hindering the development of the country. 
Moreover, the king and the parliament, made 
up of Western-trained elites, were cut off from 
the majority of the people. Caught in their own 
power struggles, they failed to address the real 
and growing needs of the Egyptian people. Egypt 
was crippled by social injustices and huge eco- 
nomic disparities. The personal excesses of King 
Faruq only confirmed the peoples perception 
that the government was corrupt and irreligious. 
The final blow to the old regime came with the 
military catastrophe of 1948 when the Egyptian 
army (along with those of Syria and Jordan) was 
soundly defeated by the new state of Israel. 

Political disorder and social disarray contin- 
ued until popular riots broke out in January 1952. 
A few months later the government fell in a mili- 
tary coup d'etat led by Jamal Abd al Nasir. Three 
days later King Faruq was forced to abdicate and 
compelled to go into exile. There was no violence; 
he set sail from Alexandria on the royal yacht 
and spent the remainder of his life on the French 
Riviera. In 1953 the monarchy was officially abol- 
ished and Egypt was declared a republic. 

The Muhammad Ali dynasty transformed 
Egypt, laying the foundations for the govern- 
mental infrastructure and administration that 
are still the basis for Egyptian government today. 
However, the dynasty also encouraged some of 
the ideological and economic rifts that continue 
to plague Egyptian society. 

See also Abduh, Muhammad; colonialism; 


Heather N. Keaney 

Further reading: Joel Beinin and Zachary Lockman, 
Workers on the Nile: Nationalism , Communism, Islam 
and the Egyptian Working Class, 1882-1954 (Princeton, 
N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1987); Arthur Gold- 
schmidt, Jr., Modern Egypt: The Formation of a Nation- 
State (Boulder, Colo.: Westvicw Press, 1991); Afaf Lutfi 
al-Sayyid Marsot, Egypt's Liberal Experiment: 1922-1936 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977); Robert 
L. Tignor, Modernization and British Colonial Rule in 
Egypt, 1882-1914 (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univer- 
sity Press, 1966); P. J. Vatikiotis, The History of Modern 
Egypt: From Muhammad Ali to Mubarak, 4th cd. (Balti- 
more: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991). 

Muhammad al-Mahdi (868; disappeared 
874 C.E.) the 12th and last Imam in Twelver Shiism, 
considered by the majority ofShiis to be the Mahdi 
Immediately upon becoming the 12th Imam al 
the age of six, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (as he 
was originally known) was taken away and hid- 
den by the Shia in an attempt to save him from 
imprisonment at the hands of the Abassid caliph- 
ate. Thus, for the first few years of his imamate, 
Muhammad was represented in the community 
by his agents who claimed to be in contact with 
the young Imam and who spoke for him on mat- 
ters of law and religion. This period from 874 to 
941 became known as the Lesser Occultation, so 
called to differentiate it from the Greater Occulta- 
tion that occurred when, according to his agents, 
Muhammad ibn al-Hasan left the earth, ceased 
communication with his followers, and became 
Muhammad al-Mahdi: the Hidden Imam who will 
return at the end of time to restore justice on earth 
and usher in the Judgment Day. 

See also ghayba; Mahdi; Shiism; Twelve-Imam 

Reza Aslan 

Further reading: Jassim M. Hussain, Occultation of the 
Twelfth Imam (London: The Muhammadi Trust, 1982); 
Abdulaziz A. Sachedina, Islamic Messianism (New York: 
State University of New York Press, 1981). 

' Css5S 502 munafiqun 

munafiqun See hypocrites. 


This is an aspirant or disciple associated with a 
Sufi order, who has sworn allegiance to a Sufi 
master (MURSHID or SHAYKH). This term, derived 
from the Arabic root irada, or desire, is generally 
used to describe those who participated in tariqas 
(Sufi orders) from approximately the 12th to the 
15th centuries throughout Islamdom. This period 
is characterized by Sufism's organization into hier- 
archical structures, with each Sufi master guid- 
ing his murids along a certain method or path of 
mystical knowledge, which he in turn had learned 
from his master and the long silsila or chain of 
mystical teachers before him. Murids typically 
would undergo initiation ceremonies, in which 
they would be presented with a cloak or a hat. 
Expected to memorize the names of all previous 
masters in the silsila of his tariqa , the murid also 
prepared to learn its particular mystical teachings, 
so that he in turn could transmit them to others 
when he would become a master. The word murid 
is still used today in a similar way, characterizing 
the relationship of one who is under the guidance 
of a Sufi master. 

Many manuals were written expressing the 
correct relationship between the master and his 
disciple, which was one of complete surrender 
reflecting divine hierarchy, and in particular the 
Islamic emphasis on surrender to God. It was said 
that the murid should be as passive as a corpse 
being washed. Feminine imagery is found in 
medieval Sufi literature as well, with advice that 
this submission should be as a bride to a bride- 
groom, and a description of the Sufi master as 
nourishing his murid like a mother does a child. 

Sophia Pandya 

Further reading: Carl W. Ernst, Shambhala Guide to 
Sufism (Boston: Shambhala, 1997); Margaret Malamud, 
“Gender and Spiritual Self-Fashioning: The Master- 
Disciple Relationship in Classical Sufism." Journal of 

the American Academy of Religion 64 (1996): 89— 117; J. 
Spencer Trimingham, The Sufi Orders in Islam (Oxford: 
Clarendon Press, 1971). 

Muridi Sufi Order (Muridiyya) 

A Sufi order established among the Wolof tribe 
of Senegal in Touba around 1886 by the shaykh 
Ahmadu Bamba (1850-1927). Originally an off- 
shoot of the Qadiri Sufi Order, the order pro- 
duced its own rituals and litanies and developed 
a unique emphasis upon the value of hard work, 
which would become a hallmark of the Muridi- 
yya. Disciples were taught to obey their shaykhs, 
renounce worldly pleasures, and devote them- 
selves to productive occupations. Over time, 
the Muridiyya became an economic force in the 
region, particularly due to their cultivation and 
sale of peanuts. 

Muridiyya independence could be viewed as 
resistance to the French colonial regime, a fact 
that increased their attractiveness to the Wolof 
and caused French administrators to view them 
with suspicion. For this reason, colonial authori- 
ties twice exiled Bamba from Senegal, hoping 
to diminish his popularity. When this failed, 
the French attempted to co-opt the Muridiyya, 
finally establishing a modus vivendi with the 
group in recognition of their stabilizing influence. 
The Muridiyya attracted Wolof from all different 
social strata, emphasizing the development of 
a community that transcended normal societal 
divisions. Bamba's religious knowledge, integrity, 
and humble piety, when combined with his orga- 
nizational abilities, helped him to create an order 
that provided much-needed structure for a Sen- 
egalese society disrupted by colonial domination. 
Bamba eventually won the confidence of French 
authorities by demonstrating a lack of interest in 
temporal authority and by cooperating with them 
in tangible ways. 

Following the shaykhs death in 1927, the 
Muridiyya continued this policy of cooperation 
with political authorities, despite internal succes- 

music 505 

Drums on display at a shop in Marrakesh, Morocco (Federico R. Campo) 

very musical anti follow traditional theoretical 
models of music theory. In particular, the orna- 
mental style ( tajwid ) of Quranic recitation is 
especially melodic, elaborate, and vocally artis- 
tic. The resulting combination of Quranic text 
conveyed in beautiful voice can produce ecstatic 
responses in listeners, and indeed, major muez- 
zins often enjoy a huge fan base and even hold 
starlike status. 

Music in the world of Islam is as diverse as the 
Muslim cultures that have given rise to it. Even 
in the case of Afghanistan, where the Taliban 
applied Islam to destroy music, a musical revival 
is underway with the new Islamic government. At 
present, we can find examples of Islamic musical 
expression ranging from the very traditional to 

rock and rap. In the future we can expect a musi- 
cal panorama increasingly reflective of the various 
areas of the world where Muslims have made their 

See also qawwali; Umm Kulthoum. 

Kenneth S. Habib 

Further reading: Henry George Farmer, The Science of 
Music in Islam, 2 vols. (1925-66. Reprint, Frankfurt: 
Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, 
1997); Kristina Nelson, The Art of Reciting the Qur'an 
(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1985); Amnon 
Shiloah, Music in the World of Islam (Detroit: Wayne 
State University Press, 1995); Lawrence E. Sullivan, ed. 
Enchanting Powers: Music in the World's Religions (Cam- 
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1997). 

506 Muslim 

Muslim See Islam. 

Muslim Brotherhood (Arabic: al-lkhwan 
al-Muslimun; also known as the Society of 
Muslim Brothers) 

The first modern city-based Islamist movement 
with mass appeal in the Arab world was the 
Muslim Brotherhood. Founded in 1928 by Hasan 
al-Banna (1909-49), an Egyptian school teacher, 
in the Suez Canal Zone city of Ismailiya, it subse- 
quently created hundreds of branches and spin-off 
organizations throughout Egypt, and subsequently 
in Libya, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, 
and Kuwait. It developed close contacts with 
Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia that continue to the 
present day. Splinter groups have arisen elsewhere 
in the region, and it served as the basis, directly or 
indirectly, from which a number of more radical 
Islamic movements have arisen. Today the Muslim 
Brotherhood is an especially influential rcligiopo- 
litical force in Egypt, the Sudan, and Jordan. 

Egypt was a protectorate of Great Britain 
when al-Banna established the Muslim Brother- 
hood. At the time there was a limited degree of 
Egyptian self-rule under a monarchy and national 
legislature, but the people desired complete inde- 
pendence from foreign occupation and a more 
democratic government. Al-Banna appealed to this 
widespread anticolonial sentiment and combined 
it with a call for moral renewal in accordance with 
an idealized Islam of the Quran and the salaf, the 
esteemed first generations of Muslims. He had 
been inspired by the teachings of Jamal al-Din al- 
Afghani (d. 1897), Muhammad Abduh (d. 1905), 
and Muhammad Rashid Rida (d. 1935), leaders in 
the modern Islamic reform movement that was 
sweeping many Muslim countries. Al-Banna was 
particularly troubled by the growing influence 
European secular values were having on Egypt's 
Muslim youth and the inability of the tradition- 
alist ulama to counteract this influence. He saw 
this development as more of a threat than British 
military occupation of his country. In the 1930s 

another issue in which he developed great interest 
was the fate of Palestine under British rule and the 
success of the Zionist movement. Al-Banna gave 
speeches about these matters in coffeehouses in 
Cairo and Ismailiya that attracted large audiences, 
from among whom he recruited the first members 
of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

In addition to educating people about Islam, 
the Brotherhood engaged in political activity and 
provided social services to the needy. Reflecting 
the diverse sources from which he formed his 
vision of the Brotherhood's mission, al-Banna 
declared his new organization to be “a Salafiyya 
message, a Sunni way, a Sufi truth, a political orga- 
nization, an athletic group, a cultural-educational 
union, an economic company, and a social idea” 
(quoted in Voll, 362). He strove to keep the Broth- 
erhood from being associated with ulama and 
secular Egyptian political parties. At the time of 
al-Banna's assassination in 1949, its membership 
is estimated to have reached 500,000 active mem- 
bers, not to mention many more sympathizers and 
supporters. After the Free Officers secured Egypt's 
independence in 1953, membership dropped sig- 
nificantly, and the organization soon came into 
conflict with the new Arab nationalist government 
of Jamal Abd al-Nasir (r. 1953-70). 

The Brotherhood's success in winning popular 
support was in large part due to its leadership 
and its ability to promote its message of Islamic 
renewal through a tightly knit organizational 
structure. It was like a mini-state, headed by a 
General Guide (m urshid). Guidance Council, 
and Consultative Assembly. This governing body 
worked through a network of units charged with 
technical operations and coordination of activi- 
ties at the local level. The operational units were 
concerned with teaching and outreach (daavva) 
to students, professionals, labor, peasants, and 
the wider l/MMA, or Muslim community. It also 
had committees charged with financial oversight, 
provision of legal and social services, issuance of 
legal opinions (sing, fatwa), and policymaking. A 
section for women, known as the Muslim Sisters, 

Muslim Brotherhood 507 

was established in the 1940s, although this was 
not as successful as the Brotherhood in recruiting 
members. An independent Syrian branch of the 
Brotherhood was created in the 1930s by Mustafa 
al-Sibai (1915-64), a Syrian who had studied 
in Egypt and met al-Banna. Egyptian members 
had visited Palestine and Transjordan during 
the 1930s, but the first independent Jordanian 
branch did not officially open until 1946, headed 
by Abd al-Latif Qurah (d. 1953), a Jordanian. 
In 1948 the Brotherhood recruited volunteers 
to fight in Palestine against the Israelis, reflect- 
ing their concern for pan-Arab causes. Sudanese 
who had studied in Cairo established the first 
branches in the Sudan in the late 1940s, but the 
official headquarters of the Sudanese Muslim 
Brotherhood did not open until 1954. Perhaps the 
most prominent leader to arise from this branch 
was Hasan al-Turabi (b. 1932), who had joined 
the Brotherhood as a student and rose to promi- 
nence in the organization in the 1960s and 1970s. 
He became the chief ideologist of the Sudanese 
National Islamic Front, the Brotherhoods politi- 
cal party, in the 1980s. 

From the beginning, the Brotherhood made 
effective use of the print media to spread its mes- 
sage. In Egypt it launched several periodicals in 
the 1930s, then took over al-Manar (Lighthouse), 
the Islamic reformist magazine, when its chief 
editor Rashid Rida died in 1935. In 1942 it began 
publishing a weekly magazine called al-Ikhwan 
al-Muslimin, which was replaced by a daily news- 
paper of the same name in 1946. This publica- 
tion was shut down when the Brotherhood was 
banned by the government in 1948. From 1951 
to 1956 it published al-Daawa magazine, which 
was also banned, but allowed to resume in 1976, 
until banned again by the government in 1981. 
Since the 1980s the Brotherhood has published a 
weekly periodical known as Liwa al-lslam (Banner 
of Islam), and it has also been able to disseminate 
its ideology through numerous books and other 
oppositional newspapers, even when its official 
publications have been banned. 

In a development that proved to be a significant 
one with respect to its status in the eyes of Egyp- 
tian authorities, the Brotherhood formed a jihad 
unit (known as the “secret apparatus") designed 
to defend the organization against police crack- 
downs and to attack the British during World War 
11. After the war it conducted a campaign of terror 
that included attacks on the British, government 
officials, popular cinemas, and Egyptian Jews. This 
cycle of violence culminated with the assassina- 
tion of Egypt's prime minister, al-Nuqrashi Pasha, 
in 1948, followed by the governments retaliatory 
assassination of al-Banna in 1949. The jihad unit 
was also implicated in an attempt on the life of 
President Nasir in 1954, which resulted in wide- 
spread arrests and executions of key members of 
the Brotherhood. One of those imprisoned at this 
time was Sayyid Qutb (1906-66), a former literary 
critic and recent Muslim Brotherhood convert, 
whose experience and torture in prison shaped his 
vision of a united Islamic struggle against modern 
idolatry and corruption. Two of the major works 
he wrote at this time were a multivolume Quran 
commentary and Maalim fi'l-iariq (Milestones). He 
became the foremost ideologist of the Brotherhood 
after al-Banna s death, and his ideas have inspired 
numerous new radical Islamist movements since 
the 1970s in many Muslim countries. 

A great resurgence of Islamism swept through 
Middle Eastern lands when many of the newly 
independent national regimes were unable to 
meet the expectations of their people and turned 
to secular authoritarianism to stay in power. 
Democratic impulses that had emerged earlier in 
the 20th century were stifled. The defeat of Arab 
armies in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war in particular 
served as a catalyst for the popular turn to religion. 
Egyptian president Anwar al-Sadat (r. 1970-81), 
Nasir's successor, took advantage of this religious 
turn to consolidate his power against Nasirite 
loyalists and leftists, releasing members of the 
Brotherhood from prison and allowing Islamic 
student groups to become active on university 
campuses. Although the leadership of the Muslim 

i£ ^ 508 Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj, Abu al-Husayn 

Brotherhood now favored implementing Islamic 
law through peaceful participation in the politi- 
cal process, more radical Islamist groups arose, 
incited by the ideology of Qutb and the success 
of Ayatollah Khomeinis Islamic revolution in Iran 
(1978-79). One of these radical organizations, 
the Jihad Group, assassinated al-Sadat in October 
1981, because of their anger at his increasingly 
oppressive rule and the peace agreement he had 
signed with Israel. In Syria, meanwhile, the 
Muslim Brotherhood had become the most seri- 
ous domestic threat to the government of Hafiz 
al-Asad and the ruling Baath Party. In 1982 it led 
a popular uprising in the city of Hama, which was 
quelled violently by Syrian troops, resulting in the 
loss of thousands of lives. It has never recovered 
from this blow. Syrian and Egyptian members or 
former members of the Muslim Brotherhood car- 
ried its ideology to Saudi Arabia, where it became 
combined with Wahhabism. This fusion of radical 
Islamic jihadist ideas influenced Usama bin Ladin 
(b. 1957) and others, who used them to recruit 
followers to fight against the Soviets in Afghani- 
stan, as well as other Arab governments, and to 
conduct terrorist attacks against U.S. and Euro- 
pean interests. In Palestine, former members of 
the Muslim Brotherhood created Hamas in 1987. 
This was an Islamist organization opposed to 
Yasir Arafat’s secular Palestine Liberation Orga- 
nization. Moreover, Hamas sought to engage in a 
jihad to bring the illegal Israeli occupation of the 
Palestinian homeland. At the same time, however, 
the nonviolent tactics of the mainline branches of 
the Muslim Brotherhood have allowed it to suc- 
cessfully compete in legislative elections in both 
Egypt and Jordan, despite having to face periodic 
restrictions and government crackdowns. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; colonialism; 
Ghazali, Zaynab al-; jihad movements; renewal 


Further reading: Nazih N. Ayubi, Political Islam: Reli- 
gion and Politics in the Arab World (London: Routledge, 
1991); Gilles Kcpel. Muslim Extremism in Egypt: The 

Prophet and the Pharaoh. Translated by Jon Rothschild 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985); Richard 
P. Mitchell, The Society of the Muslim Brothers (Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 1993 (19691); John O. Voll, 
“Fundamentalism in the Sunni Arab World: Egypt and 
the Sudan." In Fundamentalisms Observed , edited by 
Martin Marty and R. Scott Appleby, 345-402 (Chicago: 
University of Chicago Press, 1991). 

Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj, Abu al-Husayn See 


Muslim League See All-India Muslim League. 

Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) 

Founded as the Political Action Committee of 
Southern California in 1986, the Muslim Public 
Affairs Council assumed its present name in 
1988. It is an American Muslim advocacy orga- 
nization that works with city, state, and national 
officials to promote issues involving the civil 
and human rights of Muslims and other minori- 
ties in the United States. Its early leadership 
developed from members of the Islamic Society 
of Southern California, one of the first mosques 
established in Los Angeles, California. This cen- 
ter has played an active role in the public sphere 
and interfaith dialogue since the 1980s. One of 
MPACs founding members was Maher Hathout, 
an Egyptian physician who has become a lead- 
ing spokesman for Muslims in the United Slates 
since he arrived in 1971. He is currently the 
senior adviser to the MPAC board of directors. 
MPACs executive director since about 1990 has 
been Salam al-Maryati (b. 1960), who was born 
in Baghdad, Iraq, and came to the United States 
with his family in 1964. He holds a bachelor's 
degree in biochemistry from the University of 
California at Los Angeles and a master's degree 
in business administration from the University 
of California at Irvine. His wife, Laila al-Mary- 

510 Muslim Students Association 

Women members of the Muslim Students Association 
at a campus Ramadan iftar meal (Juan E. Campo) 

the MSA Persian-Speaking Group (MSAPSG), 
which appeals to Shii students with ties to Iran. 

MSA chapters are encouraged to join the 
MSA national network, which is divided into 
U.S. and Canadian chapters. These chapters are 
subdivided into geographical regions: eastern, 
central, and western regions for the United 
Slates; eastern and western ones for Canada. 
Each region holds its own “national" conference, 
in coordination with MSA national. The MSA 
national organization is governed by a general 
secretariat, with its headquarters in Plainfield, 
Indiana. Women hold visible leadership roles 
at both the chapter and the general secretariat 
levels. In 2007 MSA adopted a logo that shows 
two nested crescent moons, together with sym- 
bols and colors of the U.S. and Canadian flags. 
The word salam is written in Arabic inside the 
logo, which MSA interprets as referring both to 
“peace" and the customary expression of greet- 
ing exchanged by Muslims: al-salamu alaykum 
"peace be upon you.” 

Until the 1990s the MSA looked for inspira- 
tion to the Islamist reformism embodied in the 
writings of Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966) and Abu al-Ala 
Mawdudi (d. 1979), which are now seen as too 
radical by most members. Today, in promoting 

the ideals of religious identity and unity among 
Muslim college students, the MSA affirms a list 
of values that helps define its place in American 
society and contributes to combating anti-Mus- 
lim prejudice in North America, especially since 
the September 11, 2001, attacks at the World 
Trade Center and the Pentagon. These values 
include sincerity, knowledge, patience, truthful- 
ness, moderation, tolerance, and forgiveness. 
The secretariat and the campus chapters hold 
conferences and meetings to help realize these 
values. One of the major activities they undertake 
is organizing an Islam Awareness Day or Week, 
which features films, guest speakers, and exhib- 
its to educate non-Muslims about Islam. During 
Ramadan MSA chapters sponsor "fastathons” to 
raise funds for charities and evening interfaith 
iftar meals, which mark the end of the daily fast. 
Many participate in interfaith events throughout 
the year that foster mutual understanding and 
acceptance in the campus community as a whole, 
especially among Jewish, Christian, and Muslim 
students. The MSA also engages in outreach 
through the Internet. 

An indication of the remarkable success 
that MSA has experienced since it was founded 
are the nonstudent Islamic organizations it has 
inspired. These include the Islamic Society of 
North America (1SNA), created in 1981, with 
which it still maintains an affiliation. Professional 
organizations have also been established by for- 
mer MSA members, such as the Islamic Medical 
Association of North America (IMANA), the 
Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS), 
and the Association of Muslim Scientists and 
Engineers (AMSE). 

See also Council on American-Islamic 
Relations; daawa; dialogue; Islamism; Muslim 
Public Affairs Council; renewal and reform 

Further reading: Geneive Abdo. Mecca on Main Street: 
Muslim Life in American after 9/11 (Oxford: Oxford 
University Press, 2007); Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, Com- 

Mutazili School 511 

peting Visions of Islam in the United States: A Study of 
Los Angeles (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. 1997); 
Jane Smith. Islam in America (New York: Columbia Uni- 
versity Press, 1999). 

Muslim World League (Arabic: Rabitat 
al-Alam al-lslami) 

The Muslim World League is a pan-Islamic orga- 
nization founded in 1962 to promote the unity 
ol the UMMA (the universal Muslim community). 
Although it describes itself as a “cultural orga- 
nization” for Muslims, it was created by a group 
of Muslim political leaders, intellectuals, and 
experts opposed at the time to the widespread 
influence of secular Arab nationalism and the 
spread of communism and socialism in Muslim 
lands during the cold war period after World War 
11. Saudi king Faysal ibn Abd al-Aziz (r. 1964-75) 
was instrumental in its formation, it receives a 
substantial amount of its funding from Saudi Ara- 
bia, and its headquarters is in Mecca. Its govern- 
ing council, which must be led by a Saudi citizen, 
is composed of Sunni religious authorities reflect- 
ing strong Wahhabi and Islamist outlooks, such 
as those espoused by the Muslim Brotherhood 
and Abu al-Ala MawdudPs Jamaat-i Islami. There 
are no Shii Muslims or liberal Muslims in the 
organization. In contrast to the Organization of 
the Islamic Conference, which was founded in 
1969 as a body of Muslim nation-states, the Mus- 
lim World League has been primarily concerned 
with promoting the implementation of the SHARIA 
and conducting daaxva (religious outreach) activi- 
ties. It hosts meetings during the annual HAJJ 
and, to meet its objectives, it has created a Fiqh 
Council, a World Supreme Council for Mosques, 
councils for relief and charitable activities, as well 
as for religious education and memorization of 
the Quran. The leagues chief publication is the 
Muslim World League Journal , which is issued in 

See also Pan-Islamism; Wahhabism; World 
Muslim Congress. 

Further reading: Mozammel Haque, “The Role of 
Rabitat al-Alam al-lslami in the Promotion of Islamic 
Education," Islamic Quarterly 6, no. 1 (1992): 58-63; 
Jacob Landau, The Politics of Pan-Islam: Ideology and 
Organization (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990). 

mutaa Sec Twelve-Imam Shiism. 

Mutazili School 

The first truly doctrinal school of THEOLOGY 
( kalam ) in Islam, the Mutazili School flourished 
from the eighth to the 11th centuries. Its com- 
parative rationalist orientation influenced dis- 
cussions within classical Islamic philosophy, and 
made decisive contributions to the development 
and intellectual sophistication of i/m al-halam 
(science of theology). In fact, the rationalist 
approach and doctrines of Mutazili theology 
impacted a variety of Islamic sciences. In our 
own time, historical and theoretical treatments 
of Mutazili theology have affected the tenor and 
tone of modernist and postmodernist Muslim 
discourse in general and Islamic liberalism in 
particular: from the Indonesian scholar Harun 
Nasution to such diverse figures as the late 
Fazlur Rahman, Muhammed Arkoun, Fatima 
Mernissi, and Hassan Hanafi. 

The schools name is derived from an Arabic 
verb meaning “to withdraw, stand aside” ( itazala ), 
here in the sense of “those who separate them- 
selves.” The following traditional account elabo- 
rates: Al-Hasan al-Basri (642-728), an ascetic 
Sufi who belonged to the generation of pious 
Muslims ( tabiun ) after the Companions of the 
Prophet Muhammad, argued that humans have 
been accorded free will and thus possess moral 
and spiritual responsibility for their behavior. 
This viewpoint, propagated by the Qadariyya, 
opponents of the Umayyad Caliphate, allowed 
them to hold the caliph accountable for his 
acts. Technically, qadar meant “divine decree” or 
“predestination," but for the Qadariyya and the 

514 mysticism 

Right and Forbidding Wrong in Islamic Thought (Cam- 
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000); Josef van 
Ess, The Flowering of Muslim Theology (Cambridge: 
Cambridge University Press, 2006); Oliver Leaman, An 
Introduction to Classical Islamic Philosophy (Cambridge: 
Cambridge University Press, 2002); Richard C. Martin 
and Mark R. Woodward (with Dwi S. Atmaja), Defend- 

ers of Reason: Mu’tazilism from Medieval School to Mod- 
ern Symbol (Oxford: Oneworld, 1997); Harry Austryn 
Wolfson, The Philosophy of Kalam (Cambridge, Mass.: 
Harvard University Press, 1976). 

mysticism See asceticism; Sufism; tariqa. 

nabi Sec prophets and prophethood. 
nafs See soul and spirit. 
namaz See prayer. 

names of God (Arabic: a I asma al-husna, 
the most beautiful names) 

Muslims believe in one God, but know him by 
99 “most beautiful” names that attest to differ- 
ent divine qualities. The Quran states, “The most 
beautiful names belong to God (Allah) so call on 
him by them; but shun such men as use profan- 
ity in his names: for what they do, they will soon 
be requited” (Q 7:180). Moreover, a HADITH from 
Abu Hurayra (d. 678), the close companion of the 
Prophet, asserts, “God has 99 names, one hundred 
minus 1, and whoever memorizes them will enter 
paradise." The first verse of the Quran, known 
as the BASMALA, states three of these names: “In 
the name of God (Allah), the most compassion- 
ate (al-Rahman), the most merciful (al-Rahim)." 
This verse begins all but one of the Quran's chap- 
ters. Other names attest to the divine qualities of 
omnipotence ( al-Qadir ), omniscience ( al-Alim ), 

gentleness ( al-Latif ), righteousness ( al-Barr ), 
and kindness (al-Rauf). Muslims have speculated 
about God's hundredth name, which some believe 
is hidden and that only God knows it. 

The 99 names come from three sources: (1) 
directly from the Quran (as in the basmala and Q 
59:22-24); (2) names derived indirectly from the 
Quran (for example, al-Basit Expander (of hearts], 
Q 2:245); and (3) traditional names of God that 
are not found in the Quran in any form (for 
example, al-Adl The Just). Muslim theologians 
have divided the 99 names into two groupings. 
One involves differentiating between the Names 
of the Essence (such as God's own name, Allah, 
which is the supreme name, and al-Rahman) from 
the Names of the Qualities (such as al-Barr). 

All of God's names are incorporated into the 
lives of Muslims in a wide variety of ways. They 
appear as first and/or last names of persons pre- 
ceded by the word Abel (Servant of . . .), such 
as Abd Allah (Servant of God), Abd al-Salam 
(Servant of Peace), or Abd al-Jabbar (Servant of 
the Powerful). Gods names are recited in the 
required daily prayers, during meditations involv- 
ing prayer beads, and Sufi dhikr rituals. They are 
printed on posters for display in mosques, homes, 
and businesses. One of the most popular religious 
songs in modern times is “Asma Allah al-husna” 


*-* 516 





The Merciful 


The King 


The Most Holy 



The Forgiver 


The Subduer 


The Bestower 


The Provider 


The Opener. 
The Judge 


The All Seeing 


The Judge 



The Just 

■ a-UlU 



The Gentle 


The A[[ Aware 

The Compeller 


The Majestic 


The Creator 


The Maker 

The Abaser 


The Exalter 


The Bestower 
of Honor 



The Humiliator 




The Most High 


The Most Great 


The Preserver 


The Sustainer 


The Reckoner 


The Majestic 


The Generous 






The Truth 

The Ever-Living 

The Manifest 

jiO 11 




The Gatherer 

The Disposer 
of Affairs 


rhe Self-Existing by 
Whom all Subsist 

The Hidden 






Most Strong 


The Watchful 


The Responsive 


The Firm One 


The Protector 


The Granter 
of Security 





The Forbearing 


The Protector 


The Withholder 


The Incomparingly 






The Mighty 

The Expander 

The Forgiving 




Remember Me and I 
will remember you 
(Quran 2:152) 



The Most Beautiful Names 
belong to Allah; invoke Him 
by them 
(Quran 7:180) 



All-Embra cing 


The Wise 


The Loving One 




Most Glorious 


The Resurrector 


The Witness 








The Glorified 


The One 


The One 
and Only 



The Eternal 






The Protector 


The Enricher 




Most Exalted 


The Benign 

j2 \ 


The Granter and 
Accepter of 


The Reckoner 


The Originator 



The Restorer 
to Life 


The Powerful 


The Expediter 


The Avenger 


The Pardoner 


The Most Kind 

sH UJ! ^ILU 


Owner of 


The Preventer 
of Harm 



The Afflicter 



The Benefiter 


The Light 


The Guide 


The Originator 




The Giver 
of Life 


The Causer 
of Death 


The Delayer 


The First 



The Last 

the Kingdom 

The Everlasting 


The Ultimate 



Possesor of 
Majesty and 


The Guide 


The Just 



Patient One 

The 99 names of God 

Naqshbandi Sufi Order 517 

(“God’s most beautiful names '), composed by the 
Egyptian musician Sayyid Makkawi (1924-1997). 
Recitations of God's names have also been posted 
as audio files on the Internet. 

See also prayer; theology. 

Jon Armajani 

Further reading: Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muham- 
mad al-Tusi al-Ghazali, The Ninety-Nine Beautiful Nantes 
of God. Translated by David B. Burrell and Nazih Daher. 
(Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1995); Mujtaba 
Musavi Lari and Hamid Algar, God and His Attributes 
(Qom, Iran: Foundation of Islamic C.P.W., 2000); 
Fazlur Rahman, Major Themes of the Quran (Minneapo- 
lis: Bibliotheca Islamica, 1994); Muhammad ibn Abd 
al-Wahhab, Kitah al Tawhid: Essay on the Unicity of Allah 
or What Is Due to Allah from His Creatures. Translated by 
Ismail al-Faruqi. (Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates: Zaycd 
Welfare Centre for the New Muslims, 1990). 

Naqshbandi Sufi Order 

The Naqshbandiyya Sufis constitute one of the 
worlds most prominent Sufi orders and are known 
best for their active engagement in worldly affairs 
and their rejection of outward signs of religious 
devotion. The order is named after a 14th-century 
mystic and Sufi SHAYKH named Baha al-Din al- 
Naqshbandi, born in 1317 in the village of Qasr 
al-Arifan near Bukhara in Central Asia. As an 
infant he was taken under the tutelage of a promi- 
nent Sufi master. In his youth he experienced 
visionary revelations and before the age of 20 was 
recognized as a brilliant Islamic scholar. He is 
said to have received training through the spirit — 
ruhaniyat — of earlier masters of the lineage, and 
by the mysterious Khidir, a special agent of God 
known to Islamic tradition. Baha al-Din died in 
1389 and was buried in his birthplace. 

Through the endowments of successive rulers 
of Bukhara, a khanqah (Sufi hospice), madrasa, 
and mosque were added to his tomb site, quickly 
making the area a major learning and pilgrimage 
center. By the end of the 15th century the Naqsh- 

bandis had become the dominant Sufi order in 
Central Asia, creating a strand of religious and 
cultural continuity and political influence across 
the geographically and culturally disparate Sunni 
strongholds of the Ottoman Empire, Central Asia, 
and India. 

The Naqshbandi Sufis consider themselves 
guardians of the practices of Muhammad and 
his Companions, and trace their lineage back to 
Abu Bakr (d. 634), the first caliph. This, they 
claim, informs their highly distinctive practice 
of silent — as opposed to vocal — DHIKR (repeated 
invocation in the name of Allah), a practice they 
believe was first given to Abu Bakr by God. 

Another distinctive characteristic of the 
Naqshbandi order, made definitive in the 15th 
century by Kwaja Nasiruddin Ubayd Allah Ahrar, 
is the primacy given to the establishment of sharia 
in Muslim societies. With Ahrar, Naqshbandi 
engagement with political establishments became 
characterized by the shaykhs* involvement with 
political rulers in concerns of both spiritual and 
mundane importance in order to cause these lead- 
ers to establish and enforce the sharia laws. 

One of the great Naqshbandi innovators, 
Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi (1564-1624), contrib- 
uted substantially to the diffusion of the order 
by establishing the Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya 
lineage in India. Another major leader of the 
Naqshbandis was Khalid Shahrazuri, a 19th-cen- 
tury Kurd from present-day northern Iraq, who 
initiated a new lineage, the Khalidis. The Khalidi 
branch was influential in the 19th-century Otto- 
man Empire, and it continues to be so in contem- 
porary Turkey. 

The Naqshbandis of Central Asia were actively 
involved in resisting Russian colonization in the 
19th century. Since the 1990s many communities 
in the former republics of Soviet Central Asia have 
been seeking to reconstruct their religious tradi- 
tions, which involves recovering Naqshbandi tra- 
ditions and histories. In Uzbekistan, for example, 
a recent resurgence of interest in Sufi heritage 
has involved an efflorescence of hagiographic 

518 Nasser, Gamal Abdel 

materials that figure prominently in a reconstruc- 
tion of the history of Naqshbandis in the region. 
Today branches of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order 
exist in Turkey, Bosnia, Syria, Pakistan, India, 
Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, 
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, China, Britain, and 
the Americas. 

See also Haqqani, Muhammad Nazim al-; 
renewal and reform movements; Shamil; Sufism. 

Megan Adamson Sijapati 

Further reading: Arthur F Buehler, Sufi Heirs of the 
Prophet: The Indian Naqshbandiyya and the Rise of the 
Mediating Sufi Shaykh (Columbia: University of South 
Carolina Press, 1998); Elisabeth Ozdalga, cd., Naqsh- 
bandis in Western and Central Asia: Change and Continu- 
ity (Istanbul: Curzon Press, 1999); Vernon Schubel, 
“Post-Soviet Hagiography and the Reconstruction of the 
Naqshbandi Tradition in Contemporary Uzbekistan." 
In Naqshbandis in Western and Central Asia: Change and 
Continuity, edited by Elisabeth Ozdalga, 73-87 (Istan- 
bul: Curzon Press, 1999). 

Nasser, Gamal Abdel See Nasir, Jamal Abd al- 

Nasir, Jamal Abd al- (Gamal Abdel 
Nasser) (1918-1970) charismatic president of 
Egypt from 1954 to 1970 

Jamal Abd al-Nasir was born on January 15, 1918. 
The son of a lowcr-middle-class postal official, 
Abd al-Nasir served with distinction in the 1948 
Arab-Israeli war. As a lieutenant colonel in the 
Egyptian army, he was the leader of the Free Offi- 
cers, a group of mainly young officers in the mili- 
tary from the lower or lower middle classes. The 
Free Officers successfully overthrew King Farouk 
on July 23, 1952, and established the Revolution- 
ary Command Council, which became the ruling 
political group of Egypt. Abd al-Nasir was elected 
president in 1956. 

Abd al-Nasir was a strong nationalist, and his 
secular policies quickly alienated him from the 

Muslim Brotherhood. In 1954, after an assassina- 
tion attempt, Abd al-Nasir promptly purged the 
organization, imprisoning its members and hang- 
ing its leaders. While successful in the short run 
in disabling the Muslim Brotherhood as an effec- 
tive organization, the purges contributed to the 
growth and development of Islamist movements 
in Egypt and throughout the world — Islamists 
such as SAYYID Qutb (d. 1966), who even today 
remains influential, were able to write and lay the 
ideological groundwork for radical Islamism. Abd 
al-Nasir, however, remained immensely popular, 
especially among lower- and middle-class urban 
workers and rural dwellers in Egypt and in the 
wider Arab world. 

Abd al-Nasir accomplished a major achieve- 
ment in reforming the EDUCATION system by mak- 
ing it free for all Egyptians. This would eventually 
backfire, however, as universities later became a 
hotbed for breeding Islamic opposition. Abd al- 
Nasir's economic policies carried a socialist bent 
to them, and another one of his achievements 
was reforming land laws, limiting the size of land 
holdings for large landowners and redistribut- 
ing acreage to the lower classes; however, while 
certain of his economic policies were popular 
with many Egyptians, his regime became increas- 
ingly autocratic as time passed. Ruling during the 
height of the cold war, Abd al-Nasir leaned toward 
the Soviet Union, which provided financial sup- 
port for the construction of the Aswan Dam in 
1964. One of his most visible legacies, the Aswan 
Dam introduced electricity to much of rural Egypt 
but also created major environmental problems. 

In 1956 Abd al-Nasir received wide acclaim in 
Egypt and throughout the Arab world for seizing 
the Suez Canal from Britain, and his popularity 
quickly swelled as a symbol of pan-Arab national- 
ism. As Abd al-Nasirs status across the Arab world 
increased, he sought to capitalize on his notoriety 
by pursuing a foreign policy increasingly interna- 
tional in scope. In 1958 Egypt and Syria agreed 
to form the United Arab Republic (UAR), theo- 
retically merging the two countries into a single, 

520 Nation of Islam 

in China was to unify knowledge as a sacred quest 
for the truth. Finally the worlds great religions as 
reflected in holy books, such as the Hindu Vedas, 
the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, and the Daodejing 
( Tao te Ching ), all illuminate a path to divinity 
through a spiritual philosophy, seeking to unify 
humans, nature, and God. 

Nasr was the youngest philosopher ever hon- 
ored by the Library of Living Philosophers and 
the first Muslim. He has exerted considerable 
influence in efforts to revive Islamic philosophy 
in Europe and the Americas with his discussion of 
philosophers after Ibn Rushd. He has profoundly 
influenced scholars worldwide who are seeking to 
reunderstand Islamic philosophy and the sacred 
nature of knowledge. 

See also creation; secularism; theology. 

Judy Saltzman 

Further reading: Lewis Hahn. Randall Auxicr, and 
Lucien W. Stone, Jr., eds.. The Philosophy of Seyyed 
1 1 ossein Nasr (Chicago: Open Court Publishing, 2001); 
Seyyed Hosscin Nasr. Islamic Philosophy from Its Ori- 
gins to the Present (Albany: State University of New 

York Press, 2006); , Science ami Civilization in 

Islam (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 

1970); . Philosophy and the Plight of Modern Man 

(London: Longmans, 1976); . Knowledge and 

the Sacred (Albany: State University of New York Press, 

1989); , Religion and the Order of Nature (Oxford: 

Oxford University Press, 1996). 

Nation of Islam 

This indigenous African-American Muslim com- 
munity of the Nation of Islam (NOI) began in 
1930, when racism and violence against blacks 
were still widespread in the United States. 
Although the shadowy figure of W. D. Fard (also 
known as Fard Muhammad, Wallace D. Fard, Wali 
Fard Muhammad, et al.) was the original impetus 
of the community's distinctive black theology 
and eschatological message, its true founder and 
leader for many decades until his death was Elijah 

Muhammad, born Elijah Poole (1897-1975), in 
Sandersville, Georgia. In 1923 he married Clara 
Evans, who later came to be known in the NOI 
as Sister Clara Muhammad, and settled in Detroit, 
where, in the early 1930s, he became acquainted 
with W. D. Fard and his already established Tem- 
ple of Islam. By 1934 Fard had disappeared and 
Elijah Muhammad became the sole leader of the 
new community known as the Nation of Islam. 

Combining use of the Bible and later the 
Quran, Elijah Muhammad preached a message of 
modern black prophecy that emphasized themes 
of the chosenness and salvific destiny of the 
“Blackman," doing his own revisionist history on 
racist American attitudes toward the “Negro" or 
“colored man" since the Civil War (1861-65). Pos- 
sible Islamic sources for these teachings have been 
found by scholars of Sufism and Islamic sectarian 
theologies (Shiism, Ahmadiyya, and even Druze 
teachings), all of which espouse varying notions 
of the divinity within, cyclic prophecy, ongoing 
revelation, messianism in the Islamic figure of 
the Mahdi, and millennialism in the imminent 
coming of the Last Judgment and rcvcrsal/over- 
throw of the present corrupt world order. Several 
of these ideas exist on the margins of Islamic 
sectarianism and arc strongly disavowed by the 
Sunni Muslim majority, particularly notions of 
modern prophecy, ongoing revelation, and human 
(in this case, black) divinity. These doctrines have 
made the NOI universally rejected by the Ameri- 
can Sunni community since its origins, although 
there are more recent signs of a rapprochement 
with the larger world Muslim umma, or religious 

The NOI has frequently been categorized in 
purely secular political or sociological terms as 
black nationalism and not as a religious commu- 
nity. This community certainly has played a large 
role in paralleling, stimulating, and critiquing var- 
ious civil rights and sociopolitical activism move- 
ments in America: the National Association for the 
Advancement of the Colored People (NAACP), 
Marcus Garveys Universal Negro Improvement 

^ 524 Navruz 

As a final note, the NOI and other parallel 
groups have often been labeled collectively ’’Black 
Muslims." These include such related communi- 
ties as the Moorish Science Temple (begun before 
the NOI in 1913 in Newark, New Jersey, by Noble 
Drew Ali, born Timothy Drew), the Five Percent 
Nation of Gods and Earths, or Five Percenters (an 
offshoot of the NOI started in 1964 by ex-NOl 
member Clarence ’ Pudding" 13X, born Clarence 
Jowars Smith, killed in 1969), and the Ansaaru 
Allah Community (an apocalyptic and theologi- 
cally eclectic community founded by Isa Muham- 
mad, aka Malachi Z. York, born Dwight York ca. 
1935). The term Black Muslim was coined by an 
early scholar on the NOI, C. Eric Lincoln in 1961 
and came to be commonly associated with various 
sectarian African-American Muslim communities, 
but particularly the Nation of Islam. This usage 
was intended to distinguish the Nation of Islam 
from the immigrant, expatriate, and white convert 
population of the American Sunni majority who 
have tended to claim "Moslem" or "Muslim" for 

See also African Americans, Islam among; 

Kathleen M. O'Connor 

Further reading: Claude Andrew Clegg, III, An Original 
Man: The Life and Times of Elijah Muhammad (New 
York: St. Martins Press, 1998); Robert Dannin, “Islands 
in a Sea of Ignorance." In Black Pilgrimage to Islam 
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1995); E. U. 
Essien-Udom, Black Nationalism: A Search for Identity 
in America (New York: Dell Publishing, 1962); Matthias 
Gardell, In the Name of Elijah Muhammad: Louis Farra- 
khan and the Nation of Islam (Durham, N.C.: Duke Uni- 
versity Press, 1996); C. Eric Lincoln, The Black Muslims 
In America (Boston: Beacon Press, 1961); Malcolm X 
and Alex Haley, The Autobiography of Malcolm X (1965. 
Reprint, New York: Ballantine Books, 1992); Aminah 
Beverly McCloud. African American Islam (New York: 
Routledge, 1995); Kathleen M. Moore, Al-Mughtaribun: 
American Law and the Transformation of Muslim Life in 
the United States (Albany: State University of New York 

Press, 1995); Elijah Muhammad, Message to the Black- 
man in America (1965. Reprint, Newport News, Va.: 
United Brothers Communications Systems, 1992); Son- 
sryea Tate, Little X: Growing Up in the Nation of Islam 
(Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2005); Rich- 
ard Brent Turner, Islam in the African-American Experi- 
ence (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997). 

Navruz (Persian: new day; Nawruz, 
Nowruz, Nevruz) 

Navruz is the ancient Persian New Year's holiday, 
traditionally celebrated in Iran and neighboring 
countries from Turkey to Uzbekistan at the time 
of the spring equinox (around March 21). Origi- 
nally, it was an ancient Zoroastrian festival that 
was adopted by the Persian kings before Islam's 
appearance in the seventh century c.E. It was 
celebrated widely in Middle Eastern cultures as a 
public holiday. It is now celebrated over a period 
of 12 to 14 days in late March by people who have 
grown up in Persianate cultures and households, 
regardless of religious affiliation. This includes the 
majority of Sunni and Shii Muslims, Christians, 
and Jews living in Iran, or in communities influ- 
enced by the Persian cultural heritage. 

Navruz is a time for family visits and exchang- 
ing gifts. The home has become one of the main 
centers for celebrating it. After people do a 
thorough housecleaning, they set up the haft-sin 
(seven food items beginning with the letter “s") 
with a mirror and candles on a table in a common 
area where visitors can see it. An older custom is 
to place these items on a carpet or cloth that has 
been spread on the ground. Seven is considered a 
lucky number and the food items placed on the 
table arc said to be auspicious for the coming year, 
representing good health, happiness, prosperity, 
fertility, and long life. There is some variation 
among the symbolic items displayed, but they 
often include sabzi (green sprouts), sib (apples), 
samatm (a sweet, creamy pudding), sir (fresh gar- 
lic), sumaq (a sour berry used in Persian cuisine), 
sirkeh (vinegar), and sinjid (oleaster, or jubjube 

Navruz 525 

fruits). It is also common to put a hook of wis- 
dom on the haft-sin table. It might be the Quran, 
the Bible, the Zoroastrian Avesta , the Persian epic 
poem Shahnama , or a collection of poetry by 
Hafiz (d. ca. 1380). Fortunes are often divined at 
this time by reading randomly selected passages 
Irom one of these books. Other auspicious objects 
placed on the table may include flowers, coins, 
nuts and sweets, a basket of painted eggs, and a 
goldfish in a bowl. In Afghanistan a dish consist- 
ing of seven kinds of fruits and nuts is prepared 
instead of the haft-sin. 

Navruz is also an occasion for public cel- 
ebrations. On the last Wednesday of the old year 
people set bonfires in the streets or parks and 
take turns jumping over them, celebrating the 

increased spring daylight and the good things 
connected with it. Like Halloween in America, 
children wearing shrouds representing the spirits 
of the dead go door to door, banging on pots and 
pans and collecting treats. This is related to a 
tradition of driving away the forces responsible 
for causing bad luck. A clown named Hajji Firuz 
sings and dances in the streets announcing the 
arrival of the New Year. People customarily wear 
new clothes for this popular holiday. The end 
of the holiday period is marked by a picnic and 
disposal of green sprouts that were grown for this 

Even though Navruz is not an Islamic holiday, 
it nonetheless has taken on Islamic associations in 
the past, especially among the Shia. According to 

Navruz haft-sin display in a Persian home (Venus Nasri) 


526 Nepal 

tradition it is the anniversary of God's covenant 
with Adam and his offspring at the beginning of 
creation, Abrahams destruction of the idols of his 
community, Muhammad's designation of Ali ibn 
Abi Talib (d. 661) as his successor, and the future 
appearance of the Hidden Imam, who will do 
battle with the Dajjal (Antichrist). 

See also calendar; children; holidays; Shiism. 

Further reading: Najmieh Batmanglij, New Food for 
Life: Ancient Persian and Modern Iranian Cooking and 
Ceremonies , 3d ed. (Washington. D.C.: Mage Publish- 
ers, 2004), 384-391; Mary Boyce, “Iranian Festivals.” 
In Cambridge History oj Iran . Vol. 3, Part 2, The Seleu- 
cid, Parthian, and Sasanian Periods, edited by Ehsan 
Yarshater, 792-815 (Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press, 1983); Bess A. Donaldson. The Wild Rue: A Study 
of Muhammadan Magic and Folklore in Iran (London: 
Luzac, 1938), 120-123. 


Nepal is a small country (approximately 54,362 
sq. miles, slightly larger than the state of Arkan- 
sas) located along the southern region of the 
Himalayan range. It shares a border to the cast, 
south, and west with India and to the north with 
the Tibetan region of China. It has three distinct 
geographic zones — the Himalayan range in the 
northern region, the foothills and Kathmandu 
Valley in the central region, and the Terai plains 
in the southern region. It is home to the highest 
peak in the world, Mt. Everest, and it is the birth- 
place of the Buddha. Its population is approxi- 
mately 29.5 million (2008 est.) and is a complex 
and heterogeneous mix of both Indo-European 
and Tibeto-Burman ethnic groups and languages, 
and of various tribes and castes, each with their 
own distinct languages and cultural traditions. 
In the late 18th century, the Gorkha king Prithvi 
Narayan Shah consolidated the territories of what 
is today Nepal. With the exception of the period 
of Rana rule from 1846 to 1951, descendants of 
the shah king have ruled Nepal as a Hindu state 

throughout most of the country's history. Since 
1951 Nepal's form of government has changed 
several times, most notably from a Hindu monar- 
chy to a multiparty democracy and constitutional 
monarchy in 1991, then to an absolute monarchy 
in 2002, and most recently to a parliamentary 
democracy achieved in April 2006 after months of 
mass protests led by the country's seven political 
parties and the Maoists. Since 1996 Nepal has suf- 
fered from a Maoist insurgency that has resulted 
in the deaths of over 10,000 Nepali people. 

According to the 2001 Nepali government 
census, Hindus constitute 80 percent of Nepal's 
population, Buddhists 11 percent, and Muslims 
4.2 percent. The majority of Nepali Muslims 
live in the Terai region, with small populations 
also in the Kathmandu Valley and the western 
hill regions. There are numerous mosques and 
madrasas in the Terai, including a prominent 
Ahl-e Hadis (People of the Hadith) madrasa in 
the southern district of Kapilvastu. In the Kath- 
mandu Valley there arc seven mosques, the two 
largest of which are the Kashmiri Taqiyya and the 
Nepali Jame Masjid (Friday Mosque), and several 
madrasas, which impart a mixture of Islamic and 
government curriculum. Nepali Muslims arc of 
varying ethnic and cultural backgrounds, primar- 
ily Kashmiri, North Indian, Tibetan, Ncwari, and 
Nepali, and they retain distinct cultural identities 
as such. Most Nepali Muslims are Sunni and of 
primarily Deobandi, Barelwi, Ahl-e Hadith, or 
Tablighi Jamaat affiliation. 

Though an eighth-century Arabic text entitled 
Huducl al-alam (Boundaries of the world) men- 
tions the import of musk from Nepal, suggest- 
ing that there may have been early trade links 
between Nepalis and Arab tradesmen, the earliest 
historical evidence of Muslim presence in Nepal 
comes from an inscription recording an invasion 
in 1349 from the east by the Muslim sultan Shams 
ad-din Ilyas of Bengal, which destroyed the royal 
Hindu temple of Pashupatinath and the Bud- 
dhist stupa Swayambunath. In the late 15th and 
early 16th-centuries Kashmiri Muslim traders of 

Night of Destiny 529 

to be the heavenly mosque, and then ascends to 
heaven (mi raj literally means "ladder"). During 
his ascent through the heavens with Gabriel, 
Muhammad meets former prophets — Adam, John 
the Baptist, Jesus, Joseph, Enoch (Idris), Aaron, 
Moses, and Abraham — who each acknowledge 
his remarkable status. As his journey continues 
the visions of the punishments suffered by the 
inhabitants of hell and the rewards of the blessed 
in paradise reflect major eschatological themes in 
the Quran. After being advised by Moses during 
his descent from the highest heaven to ask God 
for a reduction in number of prayers, Muham- 
mad eventually returns to his UMMA with the five 
daily prayers. 

While there is debate in the Muslim world 
as to whether Muhammad's journey took place 
in body or spirit, it represents a mandate for 
Muhammad’s superiority in status over the former 
prophets as the Seal of the Prophets. Many Mus- 
lims celebrate the Night Journey and Ascent every 
year on the 27th of Rajab (the seventh month on 
their calendar). Sufis, in particular, understand 
this story as a model of human devotion to God 
and, conversely, God's devotion to his creation, 
to be emulated in their own spiritual quests for 
union with the divine. Among the most famous 
Sufis who are said to have undertaken an ascent to 
heaven are Abu Yazid Bistami (ninth century) and 
Ruzbihan al-Baqli (d. 1209). 

See also angel; Aqsa Mosque; Dome of the 
Rock; prayer; Sufism. 

Margaret Leeming 

Further reading: Annemarie Schimmel, And Muham- 
mad Is His Messenger: The Veneration of the Prophet in 
Islamic Piety (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina 
Press, 1985); Michael Sells, Early Islamic Mysticism: 
Sufi , Quran , Miraj , Poetic, and Theological Writings 
(Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press, 1996); Abu Abd al-Rah- 
man Sulami, Subtleties of Ascension: Early Mystical Say- 
ings on the Prophet Muhammad's Night Journey, the Isra 
vva Miraj. Translated by Frederick Colby (Louisville, 
Ky.: Fons Vitae, 2007). 

Night of Destiny (Arabic: Laylat al-Qadr; 
Persian: Shab-i Qadr/ Shab-e Qadr; 
alternate meaning: Night of Power) 

If Ramadan is the most sacred Islamic month, Lay- 
lat al-Qadr is the most sacred night in that month. 
The Arabic word qadr can mean both destiny and 
power; Muslim commentators have differed over 
which is the correct meaning. The phrase occurs in 
Sura 97 of the Quran, which is called al-Qadr. The 
first verse in this chapter states, "Indeed we have 
revealed it on the Night of al-Qadr . . . the Night 
of al-Qadr is better than a thousand months" (Q 
97: 1, 3). Some commentators have identified this 
passage with the event of Muhammad's receiving 
the Quran in its entirety via angels who brought 
it down to him from heaven. This belief seems to 
contradict earlier accounts, which hold that the 
Quran was revealed gradually during the last 23 
years of Muhammad's life. To reconcile the two 
views Muslim commentators have proposed that 
the ANGELS first brought it down on one night 
from the Preserved Tablet (God's heavenly book) 
to the lowest level of heaven and that from there 
Gabriel revealed it gradually to Muhammad in 
Mecca and Medina. Still others say that the event 
refers only to Muhammad's first revelation at the 
Mountain of Light Hira outside of Mecca. Euro- 
American Islamic studies scholars have pointed 
out that the celebration of a single moment of 
revelation may have been inspired by pre-Islam ic 
Jewish and Christian traditions of revelation, such 
as the revelation of the Torah at Mount Sinai and 
the birth of Jesus. Shiis have added yet another 
level of meaning to this night, for they believe it 
is also when Fatima (ca. 605-633), Muhammad's 
daughter and mother of the imams, was born, and 
when Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 661) was martyred. 

The holiday falls on one of the last odd-num- 
bered nights in Ramadan; Sunnis usually observe 
it on the 27th and Shiis on the 23rd. Devout 
Muslims customarily go to mosques to celebrate 
it, spending the entire night there in prayer and 
listening to Quran recitations. Some even go on 
retreat for up to 10 days at the end of Ramadan. 



When the first oil well was drilled in 1859 in 
Titusville, Pennsylvania, oil, which is also called 
petroleum, was used primarily for illumination. 
The single most significant incentive to develop 
the oil industry was the arrival of the motorcar, 
run on gasoline, at the turn of the 20th cen- 
tury. Today, oil is used in producing a variety 
of products besides gasoline, including asphalt, 
explosives, fertilizers, jet fuel, medicines, paints, 
plastics, rubbers, waxes, and others. Because it is 
a resource that is in high demand throughout the 
world, oil plays a significant role in international 
economics and politics. 

The United States is the largest consumer of 
oil, accounting for 25 percent of world oil con- 
sumption in 2007. China is a distant second, at 
about 8 percent, and Japan third, at 6.5 percent. As 
of 2004, 57 percent of total proven oil reserves arc 
located in countries bordering the Persian Gulf, 
with about one-fourth of the world's proven oil 
reserves in Saudi Arabia alone. Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, 
and the United Arab Emirates are the countries 
with the second, third, fifth, and sixth largest 
proven oil reserves, respectively. Other countries 
with high proven oil reserves include Libya and 
Nigeria, which are the ninth and 10th largest. 

At first, the oil resources of countries with 
Muslim majority populations were under direct 
or indirect outside control; for example, Iraq 
and Kuwait were under British colonial control, 
and Iran was under British and Russian influ- 
ence. Saudi Arabia, while an independent king- 
dom, conceded development and control of its 
oil resources to American petroleum companies. 
Therefore, oil resources in such countries were 
directly controlled by a number of foreign com- 
panies. In exchange for these concessions over 
control of their oil production, the host countries 
received a percentage of the revenue generated. 
Initial attempts to seize control by the host coun- 
tries were met with failure — in 1951 Muhammad 
Musaddiq (d. 1967), the prime minister of Iran, 
nationalized the British-owned oil company in 
charge of Iran's oil, but in 1953 a coup instigated 
by the United States ousted Musaddiq and put a 
pro-U.S. leader, Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, back 
into power. He quickly offered oil concessions 
to the West. However, with the formation of the 
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 
(OPEC) in 1960 and the widespread nationaliza- 
tion of domestic oil resources in the 1970s, oil- 
producing countries gained control over their oil 
production and price setting. 


Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 533 

After the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, the main oil- 
producing states found themselves with revenues 
vast enough to assure them a clear position of 
influence throughout the Muslim world. Saudi 
Arabia, in particular, found itself in a position to 
export its conservative Wahhabi form of Islam 
through international development and charity 
projects, supporting international Islamic asso- 
ciations, and even distributing Wahhabi texts in 
mosques and madrasas throughout the world. 
Oil also provides an incentive for immigration to 
oil-producing countries, particularly in the Gulf, 
where annually millions of foreigners from all 
over the world go to work in the oil industry and 
remit money back to their home countries. 

Oftentimes foreign policies from within and 
without oil-producing countries are heavily influ- 
enced or dictated by the need for cheap oil. In 
1996, for example, the Taliban came to power 
in Afghanistan, and were at first supported by 
the United States, in part because a huge pipeline 
project was at the time under negotiation between 
the Taliban and UNOCAL, a major American oil 

Oil was also a crucial factor in the two Gulf 
Wars between the United States and Iraq. In 
August 1990 Saddam Husayn (r. 1979-2003), 
the Iraqi president, ordered the invasion of 
Kuwait largely because of concerns that Kuwait 
was undermining oil prices. In January 1991 the 
United States led a coalition to drive Iraq out 
of Kuwait, a decision heavily influenced by the 
concern of the administration of George H. W. 
Bush that Saddam Hussein would seize control 
of Saudi oilfields. Further, in March 2003, the 
administration of George W. Bush also invaded 
Iraq. One of the primary reasons for this deci- 
sion was the belief that, by seizing control of 
the country with the second largest proven oil 
reserves, the United States could weaken Saudi 
Arabia's leverage over oil pricing and exercise 
greater control over access to the worlds major 
petroleum resources. Further, the Bush adminis- 
tration sought to ensure U.S. energy security and 

protect American consumers from the prospect of 
rising oil prices. 

Historically, oil prices have widely fluctuated. 
Two major oil crises, the first engendered by the 
1973 OPEC oil embargo and the second by the 
Iranian Revolution of 1978-79, drove oil prices 
up sufficiently high to damage Western economies. 
As of 2006 oil prices reached record highs at $75 
per barrel, largely caused by demand for motor 
fuel in the United States, damage caused by Hurri- 
cane Katrina to American oilfields, rebel attacks in 
Nigeria that damaged the country's oil output, the 
virtual collapse of Iraq's oil industry following the 
American invasion, fears of a U.S. strike on Iran, 
and increasing demand by rapidly industrializing 
countries. In 2008, oil prices exceeded $150 per 
barrel, then began a rapid decline. 

Sec also Arab-Israeli conflicts; Gulf States; 
Islamism; madrasa; Wahhabism. 

Joshua Hoffman 

Further reading: Norman J. Hync, Nontechnical Guide 
to Petroleum Geology, Exploration, Drilling, and Produc- 
tion (Tulsa, Okla.: Penn Well Corp., 2001); Oystein 
Noreng, Oil and Islam: Social and Economic Issues 
(Chichester, N.Y.: J. Wiley and Sons, 1997); Francisco 
Parra, Oil Politics: A Modern History of Petroleum (Lon- 
don and New York: LB. Tauris, 2004); Ian Rutledge, 
Addicted to Oil: America's Relentless Drive for Energy 
Security (New York: Palgravc Macmillan, 2005); Tobcy 
Shelley, Oil: Politics, Poverty, and the Planet (New York: 
Palgrave Macmillan, 2005). 

Oman See Gulf States. 

Organization of Petroleum Exporting 
Countries (OPEC) 

OPEC is an international body consisting of 1 1 
countries, the purpose of which is to coordinate 
its members' oil-producing and selling policies. 
Founded in 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi 
Arabia, and Venezuela, it has since expanded to 

534 Organization of the Islamic Conference 

include Qatar, Indonesia, Libya, the United Arab 
Emirates, Nigeria, and Algeria. Today the OPEC 
countries account for 40 percent of world OIL 
production. Initially the stated goal of OPEC was 
to nationalize and gain control of its members' oil 
resources, which at the time were held primarily 
by American, British, and Dutch transnational 
corporations, including British Petroleum, Exxon, 
Texaco, and others. 

By 1973 many of the OPEC countries had 
made progress in seizing control of their oil 
resources. However, it was not until the out- 
break of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war that OPECs 
international power became visibly apparent, 
when, led by its Arab members, OPEC doubled 
the price from $2.55 to $5.09 per barrel, and 
the Arab countries imposed an embargo on the 
United States because of its close ties with Israel. 
Between 1973 and 1978 OPEC raised the price 
three times. However, OPECs unity began to 
fray in 1980 when war broke out between Iraq 
and Iran, two of its most important members. 
Falling demand meant lower prices from 1983 
onward, and the flooding of the market in 1986 
by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, aimed at weakening 
Iran, brought the price down. Leading up to the 
1990-91 Gulf War, SADDAM Husayn (r. 1979- 
2003) urged OPEC to push world oil prices up, 
but the disunity among OPEC countries failed 
to bring that into effect. As oil prices continued 
to drop, OPEC coordinated a scaling back of oil 
production beginning in 1998. 

In mid-2004 OPEC announced that its mem- 
bers had little excess pumping capacity, indicat- 
ing that it was losing influence over oil prices. 
Faced with record oil prices in 2006 OPEC 
members declared their inability to increase out- 
put in order to drive prices down, leading some 
to speculate that the organizations power may 
be waning. However, although OPEC countries 
have accounted for an average of 40 percent of 
world oil production since 1970, the amount of 
proven world oil reserves under their control is 

much higher, at around 69 percent. This implies 
increased OPEC production as a proportion of 
total world production over the long term. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; Gulf Wars. 

Joshua Hoffman 

Further reading: Jahangir Amuzcgar, Managing the Oil 
Wealth: OPECs Windfalls and Pitfalls (London and New 
York: I.B. Tauris, 2001); Nathan J. Citino, From Arab 
Nationalism to OPEC: Eisenhower, Kind Sand, and the 
Mahing of U.S. -Saudi Relations (Bloomington: Indiana 
University Press, 2002); Dag Harald Claes, The Politics 
of Oil-Producer Cooperation (Boulder, Colo.: Wcstvicw 
Press, 2001). 

Organization of the Islamic Conference 

The OIC is an international body composed ol 
57 member states, most of which have Muslim 
majorities. There arc also 13 states and organiza- 
tions that have observer status, including the Arab 
League, the United Nations, the Russian Fed- 
eration, Thailand, and the Moro National Libera- 
tion Front of the Philippines. In June 2007 the 
United States announced that it would be sending 
a special envoy to OIC meetings. India, with the 
world's second largest Muslim population, has 
expressed a desire to obtain observer status, but 
this has been blocked by Pakistan, its chief rival 
in South Asia. 

The OIC was established in Rabat, Morocco, 
in September 1969. Its aims are to promote coop- 
eration among Muslim countries and to serve as a 
collective voice for Muslim interests on the world 
scene. In the aftermath of World War II several 
new transrcgional power blocs of nation-states 
were created. These included the bloc of Western 
capitalist countries led by the United States and 
western European countries, the bloc of commu- 
nist countries led by the Soviet Union and China, 
the nonaligned countries (such as India, INDONE- 
SIA, and Egypt), as well as international organiza- 

Organization of the Islamic Conference 535 

tions such as the United Nations and the Arab 
League. Although newly decolonized Muslim 
countries had long been aware of the pan-lslamic 
notion of a united community (i/mma) of the faith- 
ful, they lacked a means by which to establish a 
common bond or collectively exert their influ- 
ence in global affairs in the 20th century. This 
situation changed considerably when the secular 
Arab nationalist movement under the leadership 
of Jamal Abd al-Nasir (d. 1970) lost its credibility 
as a result of the shocking victory of Israel over 
Egypt Jordan, and Syria in the 1967 Arab-Isracli 
war. At the same time many governments in Mus- 
lim countries feared the spread of socialism and 
communism, especially among newly urbanized 
populations and youth. 

Saudi king Faysal ibn Abd al-Aziz (d. 1975), 
a life-long opponent of the secular Arab national- 
ist movement and communism, spearheaded an 
international effort to promote solidarity among 
Muslim countries and create an international 
organization with a specifically Islamic identity. 
The loss of Jerusalem to Israel and a failed attempt 
to burn down the Aqsa Mosque by an Australian 
evangelical Christian in August 1969 helped King 
Faysal convince enough Muslim leaders to con- 
vene a summit meeting in Rabat in 1969. This led 
to several follow-up meetings and finally a charter 
issued in February 1972. It had 25 founding mem- 
ber states, including Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey, 
Iran, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Chad, and Niger, in 
addition to Saudi Arabia and Morocco. 

The OIC, which has its main headquarters 
in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, resembles the UN in its 
organization. It has a permanent Secretariat and 
five standing committees that specialize in social, 
cultural, economic, and financial affairs. There arc 
also a number of other OIC subsidiary institutions 
and affiliates located in several Muslim countries, 
ranging from Turkey to Uganda, Bangladesh, and 
Malaysia. These organizations include universi- 
ties, a research center, media organizations, a 
chamber of commerce, a fiqh academy, and even a 

sports federation for the Islamic Solidarity Games. 
The OIC has held 10 summit meetings for heads 
of state since 1969, plus three extraordinary 
sessions. The last of the extraordinary sessions, 
convened in 2005, dealt with the controversial 
cartoons of Muhammad that were published in 
Danish newspapers in September of that year. In 
addition to the summit meetings the OIC also 
holds annual meetings for the foreign ministers of 
member states. Recent meetings have been held 
in Karachi (2007), Baku (2006), Sanaa (2005), 
Istanbul (2004), and Tehran (2003). 

The work of the OIC has centered on politi- 
cal matters rather than on religious affairs, and 
Saudi influence is significant. The OIC has sought 
to have a voice in resolving Arab-Israeli con- 
flicts, the Iraq-Iran war of 1980-88, the Bosnian 
crisis, the status of Kashmir, and recent issues 
pertaining to the threat of Islamic radicalism, the 
Israeli-Lebanese war of 2006, the reconstruction 
of Afghanistan, and Darfur. On the issue of the 
U.S. occupation of Iraq and its consequences, 
it has recently resolved to affirm the territo- 
rial integrity and sovereignty of Iraq, calling for 
greater participation by neighboring countries and 
international agencies in its reconstruction. It has 
also condemned terrorist attacks on civilians. On 
specifically religious affairs, its most important 
achievement has been to establish quotas for the 
number of pilgrims each country can send for the 
annual hajj to Mecca. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; Bosnia and 
Herzegovina; Federation of Islamic Organiza- 
tions; Gulf Wars; Pan-Islamism. 

Further reading: Robert R. Bianchi, Guests of God: 
Pilgrimage and Politics in the Islamic World (Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 2004); Golam W. Choudhury, 
Islam and the Contemporary World (London: Indus 
Thames, 1990); Saad S. Khan, Reasserting International 
Islam: A Focus on the Organization of the Islamic Con- 
ference and Other Islamic Institutions (Karachi: Oxford 
University Press, 2001). 

538 Osama bin Ladin 

other areas of study, including postcolonial stud- 
ies, literary criticism, gender studies, film studies, 
and ethnic studies. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; Arabian 
Nights; Christianity and Islam; colonialism; Gulf 
wars; terrorism; women. 

Further reading: Zachary Lockman, Contending Visions 
of the Middle East: The History and Politics of Orientalism 
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2004); Alex- 
ander L. Macfie, Orientalism: A Reader (New York: New 
York University Press. 2001); Maxime Rodinson, Europe 
and the Mystique of Islam. Translated by Roger Vcinus 
(London: I.B. Taurus, 1988); Edward Said. Orientalism 
(1978. Reprint, New York: Random House. 2003). 

Osama bin Ladin See Usama bin Ladin. 

Oslo Accords 

The Oslo Accords, or Declaration of Princi- 
ples, became the foundational documents for an 
attempted peace between Israel and the Palestin- 
ians in the 1990s. Signed in 1993 by Israel and 
the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the 
decrees initiated a hopeful era of negotiations, but 
they failed ultimately to forge a lasting peace. 

Initiated by Norway’s foreign minister, Johan 
Jorgcn Holst, the negotiations that resulted in the 
Oslo Accords were conducted in secret. Signed 
privately on August 20, 1993, the world watched 
with some disbelief a public handshake of approval 
between Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and 
the leader of the PLO, Yasir Arafat, hosted by U.S. 
president Bill Clinton on the White House Lawn 
on September 13, 1993. By signing the docu- 
ments, Israel recognized the PLO as the legitimate 
representative of the stateless Palestinian people, 
and the PLO renounced violence against Israel 
and asserted the Jewish states right to exist. 

The contents of the Oslo Accords served as the 
framework for a subsequent transitional period of 
rule over the territories of the West Bank and Gaza 

Strip, occupied by Israel in 1967. In the docu- 
ments, Israel agreed to withdraw from parts of the 
Occupied Territories, and a newly created Palestin- 
ian Authority (PA) assumed self-rule over parts of 
the territories in place of the Israeli military. The 
West Bank and Gaza Strip were divided into Areas 
A, B, and C, with A regions under the control of 
the Palestinian Authority, B regions under Pal- 
estinian civil and Israeli military control, and C 
regions under full Israeli control. The map of these 
regions, however, was significantly fragmented; 
nevertheless, at the height of the PA’s authority in 
the late 1990s, the majority of Palestinians in the 
Occupied Territories lived under some form of 
Palestinian civil rule. 

Many of the most contentious issues of the 
Israel-Palestinc conflict, including the expansion 
of Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories, 
the issue of the status of Jerusalem, and the fate 
of Palestine's massive refugee population were 
purposely left out of the agreement. According 
to the Oslo Accords, final status talks, including 
issues pertinent to these topics, were to begin no 
later than May 1996. However, despite further 
diplomatic efforts from 1994 until 2000, the final 
status talks promised by the Oslo Accords were 
not held. Furthermore, the dissolution of the 
Palestinian Authority in the wake of the al-Aqsa 
intifada of 2000 and Israels dramatic response to 
it have rendered the Oslo Accords obsolete. 

See also Aqsa Mosque; Arab-Israeli conflicts; 

Garay Mcnicucci 

Further reading: William L. Cleveland, A History of the 
Modern Middle East (Boulder. Colo.: Westvicw Press, 
2000); Walter Laqueur and Barry Rubin, The Israel- 
Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East 
Conflict, 6th ed. (New York: Penguin Books, 2001). 

Ottoman dynasty (1299-1922) 

The Ottoman dynasty ruled over an empire in the 
Middle East and Balkans (southeastern Europe) 

Ottoman dynasty 539 


between the 14th and 20th centuries. It takes its 
name from Osman (also spelled Uthman, r. 1281- 
1326), a warrior who led a Turkish principality 
in the period following the demise of the Ana- 
tolian Seljuk Sultanate (1077-1307). Ottoman 
control was consolidated in western Anatolia and 
extended to the Balkans under Osman's successors 
Orhan 1 (r. 1326-62) and Murad 1 (r. 1362-89), 
and was extended eastward under Bayezid I (r. 
1389-1402). It was under Mehmed II (r. 1444-46, 
1451-81) that the Ottomans conquered Constan- 
tinople, the last bastion of the Byzantine Empire, 
in 1453. With Constantinople (Istanbul) as its 
capital, the Ottoman Empire continued to con- 
solidate politically, administratively, and legally. 

The empire reached its apogee in the 16th 
century. Sultan Selim I (r. 1512-20) conquered 
Egypt and assumed control over the holy cities 
of Medina and Mecca and as far south as Yemen. 
His successor, Suleyman 1 (known as “the Mag- 
nificent,” r. 1512-66), conquered Hungary, and 
even besieged Vienna in 1529. Their successes 
were due in part to a strong infantry, known as 
the Janissaries. But these successes were followed 
by military defeats in confrontations with the 
empire's main rivals — the Austrians in Europe 
and the Safavids of Iran — in the late 16th century. 
The Ottoman Empire had been built on military 
conquests, and when expansion was checked, 
the empire began to decline. The 18th century 
was marked by confrontations with the empires 
new rival, Russia, and a complex web of political 
relationships developed between the empire and 
European powers. 

Confronted with the military superiority of the 
West, the Ottomans began to institute moderniz- 
ing reforms in the 19th century. The empires first 
constitution was enacted in 1876, but it was soon 
repealed by Abd al-Hamid II (r. 1876-1909), who 
preferred autocratic rule. The constitution was 
reenacted in 1908 in response to the Young Turk 
Revolution, and Abd al-Hamid 11 was deposed in 
1909. The empire had come to be dominated by 
the European powers, and the decision to side 

Sultan Ahmed Mosque (early 17th century), Istanbul, 
Turkey (Juan E. Campo) 

with the Germans in World War 1 brought about 
disastrous peace terms at the end of hostilies. 
With the British occupying Istanbul, Mustafa 
Kemal Ataturk led a nationalist resistance, which 
eventually won independence and overthrew the 
Ottoman regime. The last of the Ottoman sultans, 
Mehmed VI (d. 1926), was deposed in 1922. His 
successor, Abd al- Majid 11, continued to hold the 
title of caliph until this position was abolished 
in 1924. From the ashes of the Ottoman Empire 
modern Turkey emerged under the leadership of 
Ataturk (r. 1923-38). The Ottoman household 
has continued to survive to the present day, but it 
lacks any political authority. The current head of 
the House of Osman, Ertugrul Osman (b. 1912), 
lives in New York City. 

Sunni Islam was the official religion of the 
Ottoman Empire, with the Hanafi Legal School 
as the basis of state law. The Ottomans also 
allowed Shafii law to prevail in areas where it had 
significant followings, such as Egypt, Syria, the 
Hijaz (western Arabia), and among the Kurds. 
Through conquests and population resettlements, 
Sunni Islam was brought to the Balkans. The 
Ottomans were generally opposed to Shiism, but 
they allowed some degree of latitude to the Alawis 
of Anatolia and Syria (where they are also known 

painting Sec art; calligraphy. 

Pakistan (Official name: Islamic Republic 
of Pakistan; Urdu/Persian: Land of the 
Pure, also an acronym for five homelands 
of its people— Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, 
Sindh, and Baluchistan) 

Pakistan is a South Asian country. It has an area 
of 307,374 square miles, comparable in size to the 
states of Texas and Virginia combined. It is bor- 
dered by the Arabian Sea to the south, India and 
Kashmir to the east, China to the north, and Iran 
and Afghanistan to the west. The Indus River 
transects the country from the Himalayas in the 
north to the Arabian Sea. 

Pakistan was created as a homeland for Indian 
Muslims through the partition of the Indian sub- 
continent following independence in 1947 from 
British imperial rule. Its population is approxi- 
mately 172.8 million (2008 estimate) and its capi- 
tal is Islamabad. Ninety-seven percent of Pakistan's 
population is Muslim, which makes it the second 
largest Muslim country after Indonesia. (India has 
the second largest Muslim population overall, but 
it is not a Muslim-majority country.) About 80 
percent of Pakistani Muslims are Sunnis and follow 
the Hanafi Legal School. Pakistan's Shii minority 

are predominantly followers of Twelve-Imam Shi- 
ism, although it also has a small Ismaili population. 
It is also home to a large number of members of the 
Ahmadiyya sect, although they are legally consid- 
ered to be non-Muslims by the government. There 
are also relatively small numbers of Christians 
(about 1 percent), Hindus, and Parsis (Zoroastri- 
ans) in the country. Pakistan became the first Mus- 
lim nation to elect a woman as head of state when 
Benazir Bhutto became prime minister in 1988. She 
was reelected in 1993 but was assassinated during 
her third campaign for this office in 2007. 

The idea that Muslims in the Indian subconti- 
nent needed their own autonomous political iden- 
tity was first articulated in the early 1930s by the 
influential poet-philosopher Muhammad Iqbal (d. 
1938). By 1940 fears of an imminently independent 
India that would be dominated by a Hindu majority 
compelled the All-India Muslim League to enact 
the Pakistan Resolution, and, under the leader- 
ship of Muhammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1949), who 
envisioned Pakistan as a liberal democratic state for 
Muslims, the Muslim League worked alongside the 
Hindu-dominated, but secularist, Indian National 
Congress for independence from the British. 

When Pakistan was created on August 14, 
1947, Jinnah became its first governor-general. In 
1949 the Objectives Resolution was passed stating 


542 Palestine 

that the constitution of Pakistan would be based 
on democratic and Islamic principles. This paved 
the way for the 1956 Constitution, which provided 
for a parliamentary form of government, though it 
was soon followed by a period of martial law. In 
the civil war of 1971, the eastern region of Paki- 
stan became the independent state of Bangladesh. 

In 1977 Prime Minister Zia-ul-Haq (r. 1977-88) 
introduced strict Islamic codes that included obliga- 
tory Islamic zetkat taxes, SHARIA courts, enforcement 
of Islamic punishments, partial elimination of bank 
interest, and Islamic-oricntcd revisions of school 
curriculum. Since then, major debates and periods 
of political instability have continued to center 
around the appropriate role of Islam and Islamic 
law in the state. Though sharia remains the guiding 
paradigm for Pakistan’s legal system — interpreted 
and implemented to varying degrees province by 
province — Pervez Musharraf, who took power by 
force in 1999, was a moderate on issues of the role 
of Islam in the state. He was driven from office by 
popular opposition in 2008 and the new govern- 
ment also holds moderate religious views. 

Since the partition of the Indian subconti- 
nent, Pakistan has had strained relations with its 
neighbor India. A major point of dispute has been 
the contested boundaries of Kashmir, which led 
most recently to the Kargil war in 1999. In 1998, 
the same year that India tested nuclear devices, 
Pakistan became the world's seventh country to 
develop nuclear capabilities, and tension between 
the two countries took on a new dimension with 
the possibility of nuclear confrontation. 

Pakistan has been home to or has supported 
a number of Islamist movements and organiza- 
tions. The Jamaat-i Islami, founded by Abu al-Ala 
Mawdudi (d. 1979) in India, has been active in 
Pakistani affairs since the country's creation. Pri- 
vately managed mosques and madrasas (Islamic 
schools) have provided the majority of educa- 
tional opportunities in the country as well as a 
base for independent, and often oppositional, 
Islamist organizations. During the 1980s Pakistan 
cooperated with the United States and other coun- 

tries in helping the Afghan Mujahidin conduct a 
guerrilla war against Soviet forces that occupied 
Afghanistan in 1978. Millions of Afghans came to 
Pakistan as refugees to escape the turbulence in 
their native land, and the refugee camps in eastern 
Pakistan provided fertile ground for recruiting 
fighters. The Pakistani intelligence service (1S1) 
later gave aid to the Taliban, a radical Islamist 
organization that ruled most of Afghanistan from 
1996 to 2001. Since 2001 the Pakistani govern- 
ment has supported the United States in its anti- 
terrorism efforts in a military campaign against 
the Taliban and al-Qaida hideouts along the 
Afghan-Pakistani border. 

See also All-India Muslim League; crime and 
punishment; Jamiyyat al-Ulama-i Islam; madrasa. 

Megan Adamson Sijapati 

Further reading: Husain Haqqani, Pakistan: Between 
Mosque and Military (Washington, D.C.: Carnegie 
Endowment for International Peace, 2005); Moham- 
mad Asghar Khan, cd., Islam, Politics, and the State: The 
Pakistan Experience (London: Zed Books, 1985); Soofia 
Mumtaz, Jcan-Luc Racine, and Imran Anwar Ali, eds., 
Pakistan: The Contours of State and Society (New York: 
Oxford University Press, 2002). 


Since Roman times, the term Palestine has referred 
to a region in the eastern Mediterranean rich 
in spiritual and historical significance. It is his- 
torically diverse in religions and ethnicities, a 
characteristic that has contributed to the modern 
Palestinian experience as one of conflict, struggle, 
and controversy. Palestine is claimed as sacred 
space by Jews, Christians, and Muslims and is 
often referred to as the “Holy Land.'' As the focus 
of both spiritual longing and political contest for 
many centuries it has drawn world attention far 
beyond its borders, particularly in the past 100 
years following the emergence of modern nation- 
alism in Palestine. 

Palestine 543 

Arabs constituted a majority in Palestine from 
the seventh century C.E., and, with the excep- 
tion of the Crusader era (11 th— 1 3th centuries), 
the people of Palestine, known as Palestinians, 
were ruled by leaders who confessed Islam until 
1917. Under the Ottoman Empire Palestine was 
governed as a part of the Greater Syria province, 
which included the current nations of Syria, Jor- 
dan, Lebanon, Israel, and the Occupied Territo- 
ries (Gaza and the West Bank). 

Like their European neighbors and Middle 
Eastern contemporaries, the people of Palestine 
began to engage with serious issues of modern 
nationalism in the 19th century, a process that 
developed rapidly with the emergence of Zion- 
ism in the 20th century. As in nations such as 
Iraq and Egypt, Palestinians were proud of their 
Arab heritage, and many embraced ideas of pan- 
Arabism. However, their specific residence in 
Palestine marked them as distinct from Arabs in 
other countries, and the trauma of wide-scale dis- 
placement in the wake of the creation of the state 
of Israel in 1948 gave Palestinians a particularly 
heightened need for a clearly articulated national 

In the 20th century Palestinians have endured 
tremendous upheavals and conflicts. Under the 
British who occupied Palestine under a League 
of Nations mandate (1917-48), Palestinian Arabs 
formed a strong national identity in response to 
the growing Zionist movement, but found them- 
selves increasingly cast out of the nascent state 
apparatus of the proposed Jewish state. When that 
goal was realized with the creation of Israel, hun- 
dreds of Palestinian villages were destroyed, and 
Palestinians were faced with a massive diaspora 
of refugees counting in the millions. The Israeli- 
Arab war of 1967 resulted in Israel's occupation of 
the West Bank and Gaza, expanding the popula- 
tion of displaced Palestinians and strengthening 
the nationalism of Palestinians demanding a state 
of their own. 

Although the creation of a Palestinian nation- 
state has yet to be achieved, Palestinians constitute 

a nation with a specific national identity. This iden- 
tity has been heightened by the loss of Palestine to 
an Israeli state, which asserts nationalism opposed 
to an Arab presence in its borders. Two intifadas , 
or uprisings, against Israeli occupation have been 
mounted (1987-93, 2000-present), but Palestin- 
ians still struggle for national recognition. Although 
Palestinians have expressed their national identity 
in terms of secular politics by agencies such as the 
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), as well 
as by the religiously grounded ideologies of the 
Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), an unques- 
tionable tenant of both has been the belief in a 
unique Palestinian nationalism distinct from larger 
pan-Arabist ideologies. 

In the absence of an official census, it is esti- 
mated there are about 10.5 million Palestinians 
in the world today (2006 estimate), about half 
of whom live in neighboring Middle Eastern 
countries, the Americas, and elsewhere — many 
as refugees. About 3.6 million reside in the occu- 
pied West Bank and Gaza territories and another 
1.3 million are Israeli citizens (2004 estimate). 
The Palestinian territories are governed by the 
Palestinian National Authority, a branch of the 
PLO established after the Oslo Accords in 1994. 
Its first head of state was Yasir Arafat (d. 2004), 
and it is now led by Mahmoud Abbas (b. 1935). 
Its legislative branch is the Palestinian Legislative 
Council, an elective body with 132 seats. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; colonialism; 
Dome of the Rock; Husayni, Amin; Jerusalem; 
Ottoman dynasty. 

Nancy Stockdale 

Further reading: Rashid Khalidi, Palestinian Identity 
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1998); Walter 
Laqueur and Barry Rubin. The Israel- Arab Reader: A 
Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict. 6th ed. 
(New York: Penguin Books, 2001); Edward W. Said, The 
Question of Palestine (New York: Vintage, 1992); Tom 
Segcv, One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs under the 
British Mandate (New York: Metropolitan Books/Henry 
Holt, 2000). 

544 Palestine Liberation Organization 

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) 

The Palestine Liberation Organization is the 
national liberation movement of the Palestinian 
people. It was originally founded in East Jerusa- 
lem in May 1964 at the behest of Egyptian presi- 
dent Jamal Abd al-Nasir (d. 1970) and other 
Arab leaders who attended a summit meeting 
in Cairo in January of that year. The PLO was 
originally headed by a functionary of the Arab 
League, Ahmad Shuqayri, but it was taken over 
at a meeting of the Palestine National Congress 
in Cairo in October 1968 by the largest Pales- 
tinian guerrilla organization Fatah (Palestine 
National Liberation Movement). Yasir Arafat 
(d. 2004), the leader of Fatah, was chosen as 
chairman of the PLO Executive Committee and 
he remained in that position for more than three 
decades. According to its 1964 charter, the PLO 
was conceived as a secular organization whose 
purpose was to reclaim the Palestinian homeland 
from Jewish Zionists through popular armed 
struggle (jihad). While asserting the Arabncss of 
the Palestinian national ideal, it promised citi- 
zenship to Palestinian Jews. 

The PLO evolved into a full Palestinian gov- 
ernment in exile with a representative parliament 
(the Palestine National Council), a cabinet (the 
PLO Executive Committee), and departments 
that replicated ministries such as planning, social 
affairs, and information. The PLO also encom- 
passed armed guerrilla organizations (for exam- 
ple, Fatah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine, the Democratic Front for the Liberation 
of Palestine, and al-Saiqa), as well as unions and 
mass organizations for women, workers, students, 
and writers. The PLO became a coordinating 
body for Palestinian military forces (the Palestine 
Liberation Army) in Arab countries and guerrilla 
organizations. It maintained significant military 
forces in Jordan until 1970 and then in Lebanon 
until the forced withdrawal of PLO fighters after 
the Israeli invasion of the country in 1982. The 
PLO was totally eclipsed as a significant military 
threat to Israel by the defeat in 1982 and a series 

of Israeli assassinations of leading members of the 
PLO in the 1980s, including two of the original 
founders of Fatah, Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) 
and Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad). 

Shortly after Fatah gained ascendancy in the 
PLO in 1968, the organization achieved unprec- 
edented diplomatic recognition in the interna- 
tional arena and especially in the United Nations. 
In 1969 the UN General Assembly first affirmed 
the right of “the people of Palestine” to “self- 
determination." In 1970 a General Assembly 
resolution affirmed that the Palestinians were vic- 
tims of "colonial and alien domination" and were 
therefore entitled to restore their rights “by any 
means at their disposal. The PLO international 
diplomatic initiatives were capped in 1974 by the 
first full-fledged debate on the Palestine question 
in the UN since 1947 and Chairman Arafat was 
invited to New York that October to address the 
General Assembly. In 1975 the General Assembly 
set up a permanent committee for exercising the 
rights of the Palestinians to self-determination 
and the UN Secretary General is still bound to 
report to this committee to this day. 

The Palestinian uprising in the West Bank and 
Gaza in 1988, known as the intifada , bolstered 
the international consensus for the creation of 
an independent Palestinian state led by the PLO. 
However, after the first Gulf War in 1991, the PLO 
gave up its strategy of UN diplomacy. Chairman 
Arafat and Israeli prime minister Yitzak Rabin 
(d. 1995) signed the Oslo Accords on the lawn 
of the White House on September 13, 1993. In 
exchange for U.S. recognition and Israel's allowing 
Arafat to set up a restricted Palestinian Authority 
in the West Bank and Gaza, the PLO favored the 
United States instead of the UN as the arbiter of 
Palestinian national legitimacy. However, the Oslo 
Accords did not recognize an independent Pales- 
tinian sovereign entity and described the Palestin- 
ian negotiating partner as the "PLO team" within 
a Jordanian-Palestinian delegation to a Middle 
East peace conference. There were no enforce- 
ment mechanisms within the agreement that 

pan-lslamism 545 

would compel Israel to abide by the terms of the 
West Bank and Gaza withdrawal clauses. 

As the terms of the Oslo Accords were never 
implemented, the Palestinians in the West Bank and 
Gaza once again rose up in the fall of 2000. Israeli 
military forces besieged PLO chairman Arafat's 
headquarters in the West Bank town of Ramallah. 
They decimated the administrative infrastructure 
of the Palestinian Authority, including its police 
forces. Israeli leaders called for the expulsion of 
Arafat from the West Bank and the PLO diminished 
as a significant political force for a negotiated settle- 
ment to the Isracli-Palestinian conflict that became 
increasingly militarized and violent. The PLO 
remains as a symbolic shell for Palestinian national 
aspirations. It remains to be seen if it can be revived 
as a meaningful political structure for implement- 
ing a future Palestinian sovereign state. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflicts; Hamas; 


Garay Menicucci 

Further reading: Helena Cobban, The Palestinian Lib- 
eration Organisation: People, Power and Politics (Cam- 
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984); David Hirst, 
The Gun and the Olive Branch: The Roots of Violence in 
the Middle East (New York: Thunders Mouth/Nation 
Books, 2003); Graham Usher, Palestine in Crisis: The 
Struggle for Peace and Political Independence after Oslo 
(London: Pluto Press, 1995). 

pan-lslamism (pan-Islam) 

One of the responses Muslim leaders had to the 
colonization of their lands by European powers 
in the 19th century was what Europeans called 
pan-lslamism. This was an attempt to forge a 
modern Islamic political unity (ittihad-i Islam) 
based not on nationality, ethnicity, or geography, 
but on membership in the t/MMA, the universal 
community of Muslims. Although this idea has 
its roots in memories of Islamic unity in the 
foundational era of Muhammad (d. 632) and 
the first caliphs, it was more directly inspired 

by 19th-century nationalist movements among 
Slavs, Greeks, and others. 

The pan-Islamist idea first took hold during 
the 1870s in the lands of the Ottoman Empire, 
which had been losing territory to the Russian 
and Austro-Hungarian empires since the 17th 
century. It was promoted by Sultan Abd al- 
Hamid II (r. 1876-1909) and supported by the 
Islamic reformer/activist Jamal al-Din al-Afghani 
(1838-97) and later by Said Nursi (1878-1960). 
The Ottomans had already initiated extensive 
administrative reforms, the Tanzimat, aimed at 
modernizing the state and limiting the influence 
of traditional Islamic authorities and other oppo- 
nents. As part of his pan-Islamist program Abd 
al-Hamid revived the symbolic importance of the 
CALIPHATE in an effort to win the support of Mus- 
lims even beyond the boundaries of the Ottoman 
Empire, where he sought to convince Muslims 
that he was upholding the faith on their behalf. 
He also built a new railway that carried pilgrims 
to the sacred cities of Medina and Mecca from 
Istanbul, the Ottoman capital, and other locations 
along its path. In the 1870s al-Afghani traveled to 
Afghanistan and other Muslim lands, including 
Iraq, India, Iran, and Russia to promote the pan- 
Islamist cause. Al-Afghani returned to Istanbul 
from his mission in 1892, where he died a few 
years later. 

Abd al-Hamids efforts on behalf of Muslim 
unity enjoyed little success. He encountered strong 
opposition from a well-organized coalition of secu- 
larist reformers known as the Young Turks, who 
succeeded in forcing him to leave the throne in 
1909. Pan-lslamism was also undermined by other 
nationalist currents that were stirring in Ottoman 
lands and India, and it failed to rally non-Sunni 
Muslim minorities like the Shia. British support 
for the Hashimites in the Arabian Hijaz helped end 
Ottoman control and paved the way for Saudi con- 
quest in the 1920s. Abd al-Hamid's own authoritar- 
ian character was also detrimental. Pan-lslamism 
was used to rally Muslim support for the Ottoman 
alliance with Germany against Britain, France, and 

546 paper 

Russia in World War 1, but, by so doing, it fueled 
efforts by France and Britain to break up its empire 
after the war. They wanted to prevent pan-lslamism 
from taking hold in Sunni Muslim lands and 
threatening their own imperialist designs. Even the 
caliphate was officially abolished by the new Turk- 
ish republican government in 1924. 

Despite the failure of Abd al-Hamids brand 
of pan-lslamism, the ideal of Muslim political 
unity continued to arise periodically in the 20th 
century. It is evident in the Indian Khilafat Move- 
ment of 1919-24 and international Islamic bodies 
such as the Muslim World League (founded in 
1962) and the Organization of the Islamic Con- 
ference (founded in 1969). Iraq's Saddam Husayn 
attempted to invoke pan-Islamist sympathies to 
rally support against the international coalition of 
powers that opposed his occupation of Kuwait in 
1990-91. It has also been an aspect in the ideol- 
ogy of some Islamist movements such as the early 
Jamaat-i Islami and Hizb ut-Tahrir. The assertion 
that radical Islamist organizations arc pan-Islamist 
in orientation is an exaggerated one, however, 
since most operate in relation to the political 
landscapes of specific nation-states (for example, 
Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.) 

See also colonialism; Hashimite dynasty; 
Islamism; Ottoman dynasty. 

Further reading: Nikki R. Kcddie, “Pan-Islam as Proto- 
Nationalism," Journal of Modern History 41 , no. 1 (March 
1969): 17-28; Saad S. Khan, Reasserting International 
Islam: A Focus on the Organization of the Islamic Con- 
ference and Other Islamic Institutions (Karachi: Oxford 
University Press, 2001); Jacob Landau, The Politics oj 
Pan-Islam (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990). 

paper See books and bookmaking. 

paradise (Arabic: jewna; Persian: flrdaws) 

Islamic beliefs about paradise are based partly on 
biblical motifs found in the book of Genesis and 

in later Jewish and Christian writings. They also 
reflect indigenous Arabian ideas and some Per- 
sian influence. Muslims conceive of paradise as a 
verdant GARDEN of bliss where people are able to 
meet with loved ones, God, the angels, and other 
spiritual beings. Paradise is the primordial garden 
of Adam and Eve, where the first human beings 
met with God, the angels, and Satan. In this best 
of possible worlds the first two humans went 
without thirst and ate the fruits of the garden 
until Satan tempted them to eat fruit from the one 
tree that God had forbidden to them (Q 2:35-36; 
20:117-123). When they did this, God expelled 
them into the lower world of mortal existence. 
When Adam repented for what he had done, God 
forgave him and promised that he and his kind 
would be able to return to it in the AFTERLIFE if 
they are judged to have been among the righteous 
after the resurrection. Islamic lore also indicates 
that the perfumed plants and precious jewels that 
people enjoy in this world originated in paradise 
and that God allowed Adam to enjoy them in his 
worldly existence. One jewel that originated in 
paradise was the Bi_ack Stone, originally a white 
sapphire that some early Muslim writings say 
Gabriel gave to Adam. (It later turned to black 
because of human impurity.) Even the Kaaba is 
said to have come from paradise. 

The afterlife paradise is described in great 
detail in the Quran and other Islamic writings. 
According to the Quran it is a great, gated garden 
or park that is permeated by the scent of musk, 
camphor, and ginger. It is graced with fountains, 
and abundant rivers of water, milk, honey, and 
wine flow through it (Q 47:15). Its inhabitants 
wear luxurious clothing and dwell in beautiful 
mansions furnished with couches, carpets, and 
household goods made of gold and silver (Q 9:72; 
35:55-58; 88:10-16). There they gather with loved 
ones and the angels, and they are served food and 
drink by handsome youths and beautiful young 
women (sing, houri) (Q 43:71; 76:15-22). The 
specially blessed will even be able to meet with 
God, though theologians and Quran commenta- 

pbuh 547 

tors debated whether or not they would actually 
be able to see him. Hadith literature describes 
paradise as having eight gates, each named after 
a different virtue. Some accounts speculate that 
there may actually be eight paradises, not just 
one. Each one would have its own name, taken 
from the Quran, such as dar al-salam (House of 
Peace), jannat al-khuld (Garden of Eternity), and 
jannat Adin (the Garden of Eden). The hadith also 
elaborate on the nature of life in paradise: people 
will have beautiful bodies, they will never age, and 
they will be able to enjoy carefree sexual relations. 
The quranic paradise is the exact counterpart of 
hell, which is a multileveled realm of fire, pain, 
and suffering. 

Ideas of paradise inspired rulers, writers, 
artists, and architects, enriching the heritage 
of Islamicate civilization. The grand mosque 
of Damascus, the Alhambra palace in Granada 
(Spain), and royal garden pavilions in Iran were 
decorated with paradisal motifs. The capital of the 
Abbasid Caliphate (8th-14th centuries), Baghdad, 
was regarded as an earthly paradise, as reflected 
in its alternate name, Madinat al-Salam (City 
of Peace), alluding to dar al-salam , one of the 
quranic names of paradise. Persian and Turk- 
ish manuscripts depicting Muhammad's Night 
Journey and Ascent include scenes of paradise 
and the fire. The garden grounds of the exquisite 
Taj Mahal of Mughal India (17th century) were 
designed according to the four-garden ( chahar 
bagh ) plan of Persian royal gardens, wherein 
the waterways represented the four rivers of 
paradise. Also, many Muslim homes and palaces 
bear inscriptions and decorations that create a 
symbolic relationship between the abodes of this 
world and those of the afterlife. 

See also eschatology; houses; martyrdom; Per- 

Further reading: Sheila Blair and Jonathan M. Bloom, 
cds., Images of Paradise in Islamic Art (Hanover. N.H.: 
Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, 1991); Juan 
Eduardo Campo, The Other Sides of Paradise: Explora- 

tions into the Religious Meanings of Domestic Space in 
Islam (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 
1991); Muhammad Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, The Remem- 
brance of Death and the Afterlife , Kitab dhikr al-mawt 
wa-ma badahu , Booh XL oj The Revival of the Religious 
Sciences , Ihya ulum al-din. Translated by T. J. Winter 
(Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1995). 


The four letters p-b-u-h combine to form an acro- 
nym for the phrase “Peace be upon him,” which 
is the English rendering of the Arabic alayhi 
al-salam. It is used in English-language Islamic 
publications and written texts whenever men- 
tion is made of Muhammad as the prophet ( nabi 
or rasul) of Islam. It is not used by non-Muslims 
or in Western scholarship about Muhammad and 

Invoking peace on another is the signature 
greeting used by Muslims. According to the 
Quran, angels use it when greeting the blessed 
in paradise (for example, Q 16:32) and people 
should use it in greeting God's servants (Q 
27:59). The peace blessing is also invoked by 
the Quran for the prophets, including Abraham, 
Moses, Aaron, and Elias (for example, Q 37:109, 
114, 120, 130, 181). It is required in the perfor- 
mance daily prayers, when the peace blessing is 
recited for the Prophet (nabi) Muhammad, the 
person performing the prayer, and believers in 

The peace blessing ( salam ) for Muhammad 
as the prophet of Islam is an abbreviated render- 
ing of an Arabic formula known as the tasliyya. 
It consists of the invocation salla Allah alayhi wa 
sallam (May God bless him and grant him peace), 
which is used with reference to Muhammad (and 
other prophets) in Arabic-language Islamic texts, 
publications, sermons, recitations, and speeches. 
There are several variations on this formula used 
in everyday speech, including the popular expres- 
sions “Bless the Prophet!” (salli ala al-nabi) and 
“Bless the beauty of the Prophet!" (salli ala jama I 

548 People of the Book 

al-nabi) y as well as “May blessing and peace be 
upon him” (alayhi al-salat wal-salam). Invoking 
blessing and peace upon Muhammad is con- 
sidered to be an expression of devotion that is 
endorsed by the Quran, which states, “God and 
the angels bless the Prophet. O you believers! 
Bless him and greet him with peace" (Q 33:56). 
In Islamic popular religion calling for blessing and 
peace upon Muhammad is believed to bring Gods 
blessing ( BARAKA ) and repel evil from the person 
using it. Some Muslims believe it will win those 
who use it Muhammad's intercession on Judg- 
ment Day. Such phrases arc recited in Sufi dhikr 
rituals and included in amulets that are worn on 
the body or displayed in homes, businesses, and 

See also afterlife; amulets and talismans; 


Further reading: Constance E. Padwick, Muslim Devo- 
tions: A Study of Prayer- Man mils in Common Use (1961. 
Reprint, Rockport, Mass.: Oneworld, 1996), 152-166, 

People of the Book (Arabic: ah/ al-kitab; 
alternately “those who have been given the 
book” [alladhina utu al-kitab ]) 

Muslims believe that their religion is related to that 
of the Jews and Christians through the holy books 
God has revealed in human history to his proph- 
ets. This belief is evident when they call Jews and 
Christians “People of the Book," signifying that 
they understand the Quran to be related to the 
Torah of Moses, the Psalms ( Zabur ) of David, and 
the Gospel of Jesus. All three holy books have 
their origin in a single divine source — God. As 
Muslims encountered new people they also used 
this designation for Zoroastrians of Iran, Sabians 
(identified with the Mandeans of southern Iraq or 
the Yazidis of northern Iraq/southeastern Turkey), 
Hindus, Buddhists, and Sikhs. In the light of the 
historical evidence the use of this designation, 
therefore, was somewhat flexible, especially out- 

side the Middle East. In terms of the SHARIA the 
People of the Book held special legal status under 
Muslim rule. As the people granted protection 
( ahl al-dhimma , or dhimmis), Jews and Christians 
enjoyed minority legal status that allowed them 
to have their own religious authorities and follow 
their own religious laws, as long as they paid the 
jizya tax (irregularly enforced), remained loyal to 
the state, and did not attempt to convert Mus- 
lims or otherwise undermine the religion of the 
state — Islam. 

The source for the labeling Jews, Christians, 
and others as People of the Book is the Quran, 
where the phrase occurs 31 times (plus an addi- 
tional 21 times in the alternative phrasing). It 
occurs predominantly in the chapters that Mus- 
lim tradition ascribes to the Medina period of 
Muhammad's career, between 622 and 632. This 
was when he and his followers had to negoti- 
ate their relations as a religious minority with 
other religious and social groups, as reflected in 
the so-called Constitution of Medina. A number 
of quranic verses depict relations of the faithful 
Muslims (muminin) with others in terms of the 
commonalities of their belief in one God and his 
prophets, as reflected in Q 29:46-47 and 3:64, 84. 
Many of the passages, however, reflect adversarial 
relations between the three Abrahamic religions, 
based largely on the assertion that Jews and Chris- 
tians did not recognize Muhammad as a prophet 
and that some of them had joined with the idola- 
ters and disbelievers (for example, Q 2:105, 109). 
This latter charge was connected with the Jewish 
anticipation of a messianic savior and the Chris- 
tian belief in Jesus as the son of God, as stated 
in sura 9 Repentance, where some of the most 
polemical statements against the People of the 
Book are to be found. There believers are urged, 
“Fight those who have been given the Book who 
do not believe in God and the Last Day, who do 
not forbid what God and his prophet have forbid- 
den, and do not follow the true religion until they 
pay the jizya tax with their own hands. They are 
contemptible” (Q 9:29). 

Persian language and literature 549 

The designation of non-Muslims as People 
of the Book has experienced a revival in recent 
decades. Progressive and modern-minded Mus- 
lims have invoked its egalitarian connotations 
to further their efforts at interrcligious dialogue 
and greater religious and cultural pluralism. On 
the other hand, radical Islamist movements have 
drawn from the more polemical verses in the 
Quran concerning the People of the Book to jus- 
tify attacking and subjugating them. For many 
Muslims the concept today is primarily an aspect 
of the heritage of the past, one that must give way 
to modern secularism, nationalism, and the con- 
struction of individual identities that differ from 
those of confessional religious communities. 

See also Christianity and Islam; dhimmi; Hin- 
duism and Islam; idolatry; Judaism and Islam; 


Further reading: Ali S. Asani, “ So That You May 
Know One Another: A Muslim American Reflects on 
Pluralism and Islam." Annals of the American Academy 
of Political and Social Science 588 (July 2003): 40-51; 
Ahd al-Aziz Sachcdina, “Jews, Christians and Muslims 
According to the Quran." Greek Orthodox Theological 
Review 31 (1986): 87-105; Zeki Saritoprak and Sydney 
Griffith, “Fcthullah Gulcn and the People of the Book: 
A Voice from Turkey for Interfaith Dialogue." Muslim 
World 95, no. 3 (2005): 329-340. 

Perfect Man (Arabic: al-insan al-kamil) 

The concept of the Perfect Man, or Universal Man, 
was most fully developed by the great 12th- 13th 
century Sufi mystic and teacher Muhyi al-Din ibn 
al-Arabi (d. 1240). According to Ibn al-Arabi, 
humanity and the cosmos are two separate but 
intimately connected constructions of the same 
Universal Spirit (God), like two mirrors facing 
each other. The Perfect Man, therefore, is that indi- 
vidual who, in embarking on the Sufi path toward 
self-annihilation, or fatia , discards his own quali- 
ties and attributes and enters fully into the quali- 
ties and attributes of God. In doing so the Perfect 

Man fully realizes his oneness with the Universal 
Spirit, becoming the medium through which God 
is made manifest. As “the copy of God,” to quote 
Ibn al-Arabi*s disciple, Abd al-Karim al-Jili (d. ca. 
1423), the Perfect mans individuality is merely 
his “external" form, while his “inward" reality is 
the universe itself. Although Sufism considers all 
prophets and messengers, as well as the imams 
and the pirs (Sufi shaykhs), to be representatives 
ol the Perfect Man, the paradigm of this unique 
being for all Sufis is none other than Muhammad 
(d. 632) himself. 

See also baqa and fana; creation; Mulla 
Sadra; theology. 

Rcza Aslan 

Further reading: Titus Burckhardt, An Introduction to 
Sufi Doctrine (Wcllingsborough, England: Aquarian 
Press, 1976); Anncmarie Schimmel, And Muhammad 
Is His Messenger (Chapel Hill: University of North 
Carolina Press, 1985); IdriesShah, The Sufis (New York: 
Anchor, 1964). 

Persia See Iran. 

Persian Gulf See Gulf States; Gulf Wars; Iran; 
Iraq; Saudi Arabia. 

Persian language and literature 

Persian (also known as Farsi) is one of the lead- 
ing languages, together with Arabic and Turkish, 
known to the Islamicate cultures and civilizations. 
It has been the medium for writing history, poetry, 
PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE, and religious literature among 
Persian-speaking peoples in the Middle East and 
Central and South Asia for more than one thou- 
sand years. Today it is estimated that there arc 
more than 100 million Persian speakers. It is an 
official language in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajiki- 
stan, but there are also sizeable Persian-speak- 
ing populations in Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and 

Persian language and literature 551 

roots, thus became the language of “high” Persian- 
ate culture in Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, and 
later in Ottoman Turkey and North India. Among 
the foremost literary works of this era was the epic 
Shahnamah (Epic of kings), composed by Firdawsi 
at the beginning of the 11th century. It drew upon 
legends of the ancient kings of Persia, and related 
tales of the heroic prince Rustam, the demonic 
king Zahhak, and the lovers Bizhan and Manizhah, 
as well as Zal and Rudabah. Altogether this work 
tells 62 stories in 60,000 rhyming couplets and it 
remains a favorite among Iranians to this day. Nasir- 
i Khusraw (1003-88), an Ismaili missionary, wrote 
poetry about his experiences and commentaries on 
his times, as well as an account of his pilgrimage 
to Egypt and Mecca. Another noteworthy work 
of Persian literature was the Khamsa (Quintet) of 
Nizami (1141-1209), which retold some of the 
heroic and romantic stories of the Shahnamah , the 
Arabic romance of Majnun and Layla, and incor- 
porated poetic reflections on philosophical and 
religious themes. Nizami had a great influence on 
the subsequent development of Persian poetry. 

Other major poets whose verses arc still mem- 
orized by Persian speakers are Sanai (d. 1130), 
Saadi (d. 1292), and Hafiz (d. 1390). Although 
Persian poetry did not hesitate to draw upon 
Arabic poetic conventions, a distinctive genre 
developed by this group of writers was that of the 
ghazal, a short lyrical poem that sought to evoke 
aesthetic and emotional responses in the reader or 
listener. It was especially concerned with the feel- 
ings of love, separation, and union. Many of the 
poems composed by these men reflect the influ- 
ence of Sufism, making for some ambiguity with 
respect to the meaning of the metaphors used. 
Was the poem about worldly love or divine love? 
Was the beloved a handsome boy or beautiful girl, 
or was he/she God? Poets played with these ambi- 
guities, but the meanings of the poetic imagery 
were also determined by the setting and the audi- 
ence. The most significant composers of Sufi verse 
in Persian were Farid al-Din Attar (d. ca. 1230) 
and Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-73). Attar wrote 

several books of mystical poetry, the most famous 
of which was M antiq al-tayr (The conference of 
the Birds), a collection of didactic stories set in 
the frame of the pilgrimage of a flock of birds 
(representing the human soul) to their divine 
king, Simurgh. Rumis most famous works were 
Diwan-i Shams-i Tabriz , a collection of ghazals and 
quatrains composed in honor of his spiritual mas- 
ter and friend, Shams-i Tabriz, and the Xiathnawi 
(also known as the M asnavi), a poem consisting 
of rhyming couplets dealing with themes of sepa- 
ration and union with God, conveyed through 
quranic imagery, prophet and saint stories, and 
metaphors drawn from everyday life. At 40,000 
verses in length, Rumis Diwan is thought to be 
the longest work of Persian poetry. His M athnawi 
has been called by the scholar-poet Abd al-Rah- 
manjami (1414-92) and others “the Quran in the 
Persian tongue." It is held in the highest esteem 
by speakers of Persian and Turks, and is familiar 
to readers around the world, including the United 
States, through many translated editions. One 
of the last of the great Persian mystical writers 
was Jami of Herat (now in Afghanistan), whose 
most famous collection of poems, Haft awrang 
(Seven thrones) expanded upon the symbolism 
of romantic legends developed by Nizami and 
other Persian poets to probe the hidden realities 
of the world and of mystical experience. It had a 
significant influence on later Sufi writings in both 
Iran and India. 

A significant body of Persian literature was 
produced in India, starting with the reign of the 
Delhi Sultanate (1211-1526) and continuing 
through that of the Mughal dynasty (1526-1857). 
It included histories, mystical texts, philosophi- 
cal works, and, of course, poetry. The Mughal 
emperor Akbar (r. 1556-1605) commissioned the 
translation of Hindu epics into Persian, and his 
great grandson Dara Shikoh (1615-59) translated 
the Hindu Upanishads , and wrote several works 
on mystical and philosophical topics. The first 
great Persian poet to emerge in India was Amir 
Khusraw of Delhi (1253-1325), a court poet 

552 pesantren 

and member of the Chishti Sufi Order. He was 
a composer of ghazals and was inspired by the 
stories of the Shahnaniah and Nizami's Khamsa. In 
addition, he wrote historical poems in honor of 
his royal patrons and collected the sayings of the 
Chishti saint Nizam al-Din Awliya (1238-1325). 
The large number of Persian historical, mystical, 
and secular works produced in India contributed 
significantly to the shaping of the modern Urdu 
literary tradition. One of the major figures who 
marked the linkage of these two South Asian lit- 
erary traditions was Mirza Ghalib (1797-1867), 
who wrote poetry and prose in both languages. 

Critics have observed that Persian literature 
declined in quality after Jami. Whether or not this 
is the case, Western influence and the develop- 
ment of print culture in the 19th and early 20th 
centuries revolutionized it. New generations of 
writers have emerged who have shown great cre- 
ativity and promoted the exploration of radical 
new ideas and visions. One of the most promi- 
nent of these literary figures was Nima Yushij 
(1897-1960), who combined his knowledge of 
the classical Persian poetic heritage and his famil- 
iarity with Russian and French poetics. His ideas 
met with resistance from traditionalists, but he 
also inspired others to engage in individualistic 
styles of literary expression. This, together with 
increased literacy, opened the door for female 
writers, the foremost of whom was Furugh Far- 
rukhzad (1935-67). Two of the leading writers 
of fiction of Nimas generation were Muhammad 
Ali Jamalzadah (1892-1997) and Sadiq Hidayat 
(1903-51), each of whom specialized in crafting 
the modern Persian short story. Many Iranian 
writers, dramatists, and filmmakers were caught 
up with the Islamic Revolution of 1978-79, but 
when the government of the shah turned into a 
theocracy under the rule of mullahs, a number of 
liberal, independently minded artists went into 
exile in Europe and the United States. This created 
a tradition of Iranian diaspora literature, much 
of which is now written in English and French 
rather than Persian. Other authors have emerged 

in Iran since the 1970s, some writing in support 
of the governments Islamization policies, others 
choosing to work on secular themes around the 
margins of government censorship, under the 
threat of possible imprisonment. 

See also alphabet; Arabic language and lit- 
erature; cinema; Iranian Revolution of 1978- 
1979; Safavid dynasty; Turkish language and 

Further reading: Farid ud-Din Attar, Conference of the 
Birds. Translated by Afkham Darbandi and Dick Davis 
(London: Penguin Books, 1984); Carl W. Ernst, The 
Shambhala Guide to Sufism (Boston: Shambhala Pub- 
lications, 1997); Reuben Levy, An Introduction to Per- 
sian Literature (New York: Columbia University Press, 
1969); Jalal al-Din Rumi, The Masnavi, Booh One. Trans- 
lated by Jawid Mojaddcdi (Oxford: Oxford University 
Press, 2004); Anncmarie Schimmel, Mystical Dimen- 
sions of Islam (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina 
Press, 1975); Marianna Shrcvc Simpson, Persian Poetry ; 
Painting and Patronage: Illustrations in a Sixteenth-Cen- 
tury Masterpiece (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Insti- 
tution, 1998); Ehsan Yarshatcr, cd., Persian Literature 
(Albany, N.Y.: Bibliotheca Persica, 1988). 

pesantren See Indonesia; kuttab ; madrasa. 

pets See animals. 

petroleum See oil. 

Philippines (Official name: Republic of the 

The Philippines is a country in Southeast Asia 
comprised of 7,107 islands. The two largest islands 
arc Luzon and Mindanao. Between Mindanao and 
Luzon are several smaller islands collectively 
called the Visayas. Malaysia and Indonesia are the 
nearest neighbors to the south, and China lies to 

554 philosophy 

rules for legal reasoning in Islamic jurisprudence 
(f/qh), as well as quranic exegesis (tafsir). And 
whatever their polemical positions toward philoso- 
phy qua philosophy, Muslim theologians (mutakal- 
limun) were well versed in the arts of dialectical 
reasoning. No less a theologian than Abu Hamid 
al-Ghazali (1058-1111), author of The Incoherence 
of the Philosophers (ca. 1095), ardently defended 
the utility of Aristotelian logic for theology. Indeed, 
“his arguments against philosophy are themselves 
philosophical" (Leaman 2002: 27). 

Islamic philosophy proper begins under the 
auspices of the Abbasid Caliphate in the ninth 
century. Its origins arc principally Greek, although 
it was transmitted largely by Christian scholars 
translating philosophical and other works into 
Arabic (with some of these from Syriac transla- 
tions of Greek manuscripts). Of lesser but not 
insignificant impact was the rendering of Indian 
and Persian literature likewise into Arabic. 

Many of the ULAMA did not welcome works of 
Peripatetic (Aristotelian and Pseudo-Aristotelian) 
and Neoplatonic provenance into the circle of 
Islamic sciences. The theologian Abu Said al-Sirafi 
(d. 979), for instance, argued that the convention- 
ality of language meant interpretative principles 
must be unique to each language, thus Greek logic 
may be applied to works in Greek, but it is wholly 
inappropriate for the analysis of texts, say, in Ara- 
bic. In general, Greek philosophy was perceived 
as a challenge if not threat to the integrity of the 
traditional Islamic sciences. Muhammad ibn Rushd 
(Averrocs) (1126-98), a preeminent Islamic phi- 
losopher, viewed philosophy and theology ( kalam ) 
as distinct yet compatible and alternative routes to 
the same truth(s). Nevertheless, for Ibn Rushd, 
philosophy alone leads to certitude owing to its 
reliance on the formal logic of Aristotle. Accord- 
ing to Ibn Rushd, philosophy does not deny the 
assent to quranic truth provided by the rhetorical 
and dialectical methods of the Islamic sciences, 
for such sciences are well suited to the spiritual 
pedagogical needs of the masses. Philosophy, on 
the other hand, is not for the common man, but 

is rather the prerogative of an elite in possession 
of that rare combination of virtue and wisdom 
( hikma ). 

Philosophy flourished in the Islamic world from 
the ninth to the 12th centuries. It met with consid- 
erable opposition from two formidable figures: 
al-Ghazali and Taqi al-Din Ahmad Ibn Taymiyya 
( 1263-1328), the former arguably Islam’s great- 
est theologian, the latter a notable Hanbali jurist 
and theologian. Their main contention was that 
the absolute truth of divine revelation could in no 
way depend on the consent of the aql (“reason") of 
the philosophers for its definitive confirmation. In 
other words, the revealed will and law of prophetic 
tradition is more than mere allegory or metaphor, 
and in the end, the demonstrative syllogism of phi- 
losophy cannot account for revealed truth. In brief, 
al-Ghazali and Ibn Taymiyya proffered arguments 
against those philosophers who subscribed to the 
view that religion was intended for the salvation of 
unsophisticated believers, whose piety could not 
compensate for their lack of philosophical acumen. 
For their part, most Islamic philosophers, com- 
mencing with the Quran, were intensely devoted 
to what we now term hermeneutic investigation. 
One presumption of such scrutiny being the sacred 
veracity of revealed texts. 

A distinction is frequently drawn between 
falsafa and hikma (‘wisdom'), and theology and 
mysticism (Sufism) have often fallen under the 
rubric of hikma, hence the categorical boundar- 
ies between philosophy, theology, and mysticism 
are blurred when considering a philosopher like 
Shihab al-Din Suhrawardi (1154-91) or a Sufi like 
Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-Arabi (1165-1240). In addi- 
tion, and in spite of Abu Ali al-Husayn Ibn Sina’s 
(A vicenna) (979-1037) enshrinement of this dis- 
tinction as one between al-hikmat al-mashriqiyya 
(Oriental philosophy) and Aristotelian thought, 
most philosophers conceived of their enterprise 
as exemplifying hikma. 

Abu Yusuf Yaqub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi (d. after 
866), Islam's earliest philosopher of note, argued 
there was no inherent contradiction or even 

Pillars of Islam 555 

antagonism between the philosophical heritage 
of the Greeks and God's revelations. Al-Kindi's 
conclusion, however, found few adherents, as 
kalam and fcilsafa developed relatively indepen- 
dent of each other, marked by periods of fertile 
conflict and constructive engagement, Intrigu- 
ingly, a philosophical disposition is at the core 
of Mutazili theology, as the MuTAZILl SCHOOL 
represents a species of theological rationalism in 
which reason (ac/I) is accorded pride of place in 
the determination of God's will as revealed in the 
prophetic traditions, the Quran, and hadith. Abu 
Nasr al-Farabi (ca. 870-950) is the traditions 
first truly systematic philosopher and logician, 
having penned a distinguished work of Islamic 
political philosophy inspired by several Platonic 
dialogues. Disagreeing with al-Sirafi, al-Farabi 
stressed the fundamental differences between 
the logic of philosophy and the rules of gram- 
mar, with grammar unable to provide the logical 
constraints for reasoning in language, nor was it 
sufficient for explaining the kinds of reasoning 
employed in the Islamic sciences. 

Ibn Sina was a first-rate logician and the tradi- 
tion’s greatest Neoplatonic philosopher. His impact 
on medieval Christian theology and philosophy 
was profound, as was his influence on European 
science and literature. Indeed, he is responsible for 
articulating the metaphysical vocabulary appropri- 
ated by St. Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274). Like Ibn Sina 
before him, Ibn Rushd was a polymath, yet unlike 
his predecessor, he was deeply involved in public 
life, first as a judge of Seville and later as chief 
judge of Cordoba, while also serving as the sultan's 
physician. For Ibn Rushd, philosophy and religion 
converge on the same truths, revelations speaking 
through narrative, allegory, symbol, analogy, and 
metaphor, while philosophy communicates with 
the logical consistency, coherence, and concep- 
tual clarity evidenced in the certitude attained by 
syllogistic demonstration, a method befitting the 
exalted reasoning of the philosophers. 

There appears to be consensus among many 
contemporary Muslim intellectuals that Islamic 

philosophy reached its quintessential expres- 
sion in the work of Muhammad ibn Ibrahim 
al-Qawami al-Shirazi, better known as Mullah 
Sadra (ca. 1572-1640). This is in consonance 
with the historical observation that since the 12th 
century, the cultivation of Islamic philosophy has 
taken place largely on Shii soil, especially its Per- 
sian precincts. In the modern period, something 
of Islamic philosophy persists in the writings of 
Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (1838-97) and Muham- 
mad Abduh (1849-1905), although their output, 
together with that of Muhammad Rashid Rida 
( 1865-1935) and SAYYID Qutb (1906-66), is more 
aptly seen as the product of Muslim intellectuals 
rather than the musings of philosophers. Still, 
our time knows something of Islamic philosophy 
in the precious few works of the Indo-Pakistan 
poet-philosopher Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938), 
while Seyyed Hossein Nasr (b. 1933) remains the 
best-known and most prolific contemporary Mus- 
lim philosopher. 

See also afterlife; Allah; creation; fate; rev- 
elation; SOUL AND SPIRIT. 

Patrick S. O'Donnell 

Further reading: Peter A. Adamson and Richard C. Tay- 
lor, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philoso- 
phy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005); 
Majid Fakhry. A History of Islamic Philosophy, 3d cd. 
(New York: Columbia University Press, 2004); Lcnn E. 
Goodman, Islamic Humanism (New York: Oxford Uni- 
versity Press, 2003); Oliver Leaman. A Brief Introduc- 
tion to Islamic Philosophy (Oxford: Polity Press, 1999); 

, An Introduction to Classical Islamic Philosophy 

2d ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002); 
Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Oliver Leaman, eds., History 
of Islamic Philosophy (London: Routledge, 2001). 

pilgrimage See hajj; umra; ziyara. 

Pillars of Islam See Five Pillars. 

558 prayer beads 

IMAM (prayer leader). Although all prayer times 
are considered obligatory, attending the Friday 
(jumaa) noon prayer time is considered especially 
meritorious; men are particularly encouraged 
to participate collectively in this prayer at the 
mosque. Although the Prophets hadith encour- 
ages Muslim women to pray in the home, women 
are not forbidden from praying at the mosque. 
When they join men in the mosque, prayer is 
traditionally sexually segregated, women praying 
behind the men, or to one side, in a balcony or 
other separate space. The reason given is to pre- 
vent inappropriate sexual distraction from prayer. 
Some mosques in the West or in more liberal 
Islamic communities no longer practice sexual 
segregation in prayer. 

The second form of prayer is personal prayer 
( duaa ), which is voluntary and additional to the 
five times daily salat prayers. Personal prayer 
allows believers to be creative and spontaneous in 
their own native language instead of the Arabic of 
formal prayer (only about 10 percent of Muslims 
around the world are native Arabic speakers). The 
believer can ask for specific needs or wants from 
God on their own behalf or on behalf of family 
and community. Believers have often used prayers 
from collections authored by devout believers and 
scholars and handed down from generation to 
generation as prayer manuals. Although Islam has 
no formal system of intercession — no priesthood 
or formal hierarchy to mediate between believers 
and God — it does have a strong popular tradition 
of informal intercession ( wasila , Q 5:34, 17:57) 
via holy persons, places, and objects. There are 
prayers for blessings on Muhammad and his 
immediate family, the Sufi saints, and Shii Imams; 
local pilgrimage (ziyara) and prayers offered at the 
birth and DEATH places and tombs of holy persons; 
and objects that convey divine blessing ( BARAKA ) 
such as quranic prayers written, embroidered, and 
carved functioning as AMULETS AND TALISMANS. 

See also adhan; basmala; Id al-Adha; pbuh; 


Kathleen M. O'Connor 

Further reading: Seyyed Hossein Nasr, ed., Islamic 
Spirituality: Foundations (New York: Crossroad, 1987); 
Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Hamid Dabashi, and Seyyed Vali 
Reza Nasr, eds.. Shiism: Doctrines, Thought, and Spiritual- 
ity (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988); 
Jacob Neusner, Tamara Sonn, and Jonathan E. Brockopp, 
Judaism and Islam in Practice: A Sourcebook (London: 
Routledge, 2000); Constance E. Padwick, Muslim Devo- 
tions: A Study of Prayer-Manuals in Common Use (1961. 
Reprint, Rockport, Mass.: Oncworld, 1996); Muhammad 
A. Rauf, Islam: Creed and Worship (Washington, D.C.: 
The Islamic Center, 1974); John Renard, Seven Doors 
to Islam: Spirituality and the Religious Life of Muslims 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996). 

prayer beads 

Muslims use prayer beads like a Catholic rosary 
as a devotional aid to count recitations performed 
during private worship. Known as the subha , 
tasbih, or misbaha , prayer beads are widely used 
by Muslims from all parts of the Islamic world. 
Use of beads in prayer and devotional practices 
began as early as the ninth century. The subha is 
composed of either a short single string of beads 
or a long strand divided into three groups sepa- 
rated by larger marker beads with a short handle 
at the end. The beads are most often arranged in 
groups of 1 1, 33, or 99 but the number may vary 
if the handle or marker beads are intended to be 
included in counting. In practice 100 beads must 
be counted in reciting the 99 names OF God, most 
of which are mentioned in the QURAN, and his 
essential name Allah. Prayer beads are also used 
in other recitation practices such as repetitions of 
the phrase la ilaha ilia allah, (there is no god but 
God). Sufis often employ prayer beads in their 
recitation practices. 

All Muslims are encouraged to constantly have 
the name of God on their lips, and some choose 
to always keep a set of beads in their hand for 
this purpose. Some scholars historically discour- 
aged the use of prayer beads based on reports in 
the hadith. In these reports Muhammad (d. 632) 

prophets and prophethood 559 

encouraged using the joints of the fingers to 
count recitations, though using pebbles and knots 
in a string are also mentioned as acceptable. In 
modern times Wahhabi scholars and some other 
Muslims have renewed the debate by denouncing 
the use of prayer beads as bidaa , a religious inno- 
vation introduced after the time of Muhammad. 
Nevertheless prayer beads remain an important 
part of worship for many Muslims. 

See also dhikr ; prayer; Sufism; Wahhabism. 

Shau na Huffaker 

Further reading: Daniel da Cruz, “Worry Beads." Saudi 
Aramco World 19 (Novcmber-Dcccmbcr 1968): 2-3; 
Samuel M. Zwcincr. 'The Rosary' in Islam. Muslim 
World 21 (1931): 329-343. 

prayer rug See prayer. 

predestination See fate. 

prophets and prophethood 

Belief in prophets and prophethood is a primary 
feature in the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, 
Islam, and Christianity. Prophets are virtuosos 
in divine-human communication. In Islam there 
arc two main terms for prophet: (1) messenger 
(sing, rasul, pi. rusul), the bringer of a message 
or revelation sent from God via angels (imply- 
ing that the transmitter of the message is not the 
source and revelation is not a human product, but 
divine speech, Q 16:2), and (2) the older Jewish 
term navi prophet, or in Arabic nabi (pi. nabiyin 
or anbiya) — a law bringer who mediates a specific 
covenantal relation with God and conveys the 
binding quality of divine law upon the commu- 
nity of believers. Prophets as law-bringers are sent 
by God to every people, conveying Gods message 
in language they can understand (Q 30:47). This 
was later interpreted to mean an Arabic revela- 
tion to the Arab people, a Hebrew revelation to 

the Jewish people, and a Greek revelation to the 
Christian people (Muslims were familiar with the 
Greek-speaking Christians of Byzantium). 

In Islamic belief, the prophetic tradition begins 
with the forefather of humanity, Adam, with whom 
God is said to have formed a preexisting covenant 
(Q 7:172). Islamic tradition accepts, and the Quran 
details, the ongoing covenantal legacy of Jewish and 
Christian prophets and revelations, including three 
chief scriptures: (1) Jewish Torah (Arabic: tawrat, 
encompassing Torah, Naviim, and Ketuvim [Penta- 
teuch, Prophets, and Writings, except Psalms]), (2) 
Zabur (the Psalms of David), and (3) Christian Injil 
(“Gospel,” implicitly the whole of the New Testa- 
ment). In addition to Muhammad, the full list of 
prophets mentioned in the Quran includes: Adam, 
Alyasa (Elisha), Ayyub (Job), Daud (David), Dhu 
al-Kifl (Ezekiel), Hud, Ibrahim (Abraham), Idris 
(Enoch), Ilyas (Elijah, Elias), Isa (Jesus), Ishaq 
(Isaac), Ismail (Ishmael), Luqman, Lut (Lot), Musa 
(Moses), Nuh (Noah), Salih, Shuayb (Jethro), 
Sulayman (Solomon), Yunus (Jonah), Uzcir (Ezra), 
Yahya (J OHN the Baptist), Yaqub (Jacob), and 
Yusuf (Joseph). Although revelations appear to be 
plural (even if only by virtue of inevitable errors in 
transmission by earlier human communities), the 
prophets in Islam arc all understood to be equal, 
with no difference between one and another (Q 
2:135-140; 2:285). Belief in the prophets without 
distinction brings reward (Q 4:152). 

Female figures with some of the “prophetic" 
gifts deserve some mention here. Mary, mother of 
Jesus, is the only female figure to have a chapter 
of the Quran named for her (Q 19). She does not 
fully fit the category' of prophet, which otherwise 
seems a completely male category. She does, how- 
ever, receive divine messages via an angelic mes- 
senger of the “word of God” ( kalimat Allah), which 
God breathes into her in the divine conception of 
Jesus (Q 3:45; 4:171). She is credited in Islam with 
extraordinary' holiness, herself immaculately con- 
ceived, and is a “rcceiver/transmitter” of the “Word 
of God" via her son, Jesus. However, she has no pro- 
phetic ministry; she does not bring a new religion, 


560 prophets and prophethood 

The Tree of the Prophets, showing Adam at the base 
of the trunk and Muhammad at the top, just under the 
moon, which proclaims God as the light of heaven and 
Earth. The lower trunk and branches include prophets 
mentioned in the Quran, while the upper branches 
have leaves bearing the names of the first four caliphs. 

nor is she a law-bringer. There is a history of theo- 
logical debate about her status, and the question of 
the possibility of a woman being a prophet. For the 
Shia, Fatima al-Zahra ("the Radiant ’), the historic 
mother of Muhammad’s only male descendants 
(Hasan and Husayn) attains an almost transcendent 
theological role as Fatima Fatir ("Creator,” one of 
the divine attributes), the cosmic progenetrix of the 
Imams. In the Shii tradition (whether Twelver or 
Ismaili) theologically she occupies a role similar to 
Mary for the Sunni tradition, the indirect vehicle/ 
receiver of divine “revelation." 

Prophethood ( nubuwwa ) is a fundamental 
aspect of Islamic teaching and belief, as reflected 
in the shahada , which declares Muhammad God’s 
messenger ( rasul Allah). It is understood in Islamic 
tradition to have a variety of associative qualities 
and attributes. A prophet (1) is divinely elected; 
(2) possesses knowledge of the unseen (al-ghayb) 
through divine inspiration ( wahy ) and dream 
visions ( ruya)\ (3) is often rejected and persecuted 
by his own people; (4) has extraordinary moral vir- 
tue or sinlessness (isma), which still allows human 
fault, but not intentional wrongdoing; (5) displays 
truthfulness and probity, thus his leadership can be 
trusted (as in Muhammad’s nickname, at- Amin, the 
trustworthy) and the revelations he brings cannot 
be doubted; (6) is simultaneously a warner of the 
coming Judgment Day and a bringer of glad tidings 
(Q 6:48) about the blessings of the AFTERLIFE; and 
(7) stands as a witness (shahid) to God of the righ- 
teousness of his community on Judgment Day. 

Individual prophets can also have special gifts 
from God that function as “signs” (sing. AYA) and 
"proofs" (bayyinat) in support ol their prophetic 
mission. Some signs are supernatural or miraculous 
abilities, like Solomon's command of the winds and 
the jinn (Q 34:12-13; 38:34-39), Moses's magical 
ability to overcome the Pharaohs priests (for exam- 
ple^ 7:104-126; 20:65-73), and Jesus’s extraordi- 
nary healing abilities and power to animate a bird 
made of clay and raise the dead (Q 3:49). Other 
prophetic qualities are interior principles, such as 
Abraham's being h an if (a pre-Islamic monotheist) 
and fell alii Allah (the "friend of God," Q 4:125); 
Moses’s quality of near communion with God at 
the burning bush, making him kalim Allah ("one 
to whom God spoke,” Q 4:164); and Muhammad's 
being regarded as both the lover and beloved of 
God ( habib Allah) by later Islamic tradition. 

Prophecy is said to be kin to illumination, 
as Gods essence is light, and He sheds that light 
on the world through revelation (Q 24:35). In 
HADITH and mystical literature, Muhammad and 
the Shii Imams are said to be composed of divine 
light (nur muhammadi) or to be a pillar of light 

562 purity and impurity 

behavior recommended in the Quran and Sunna. 
For example, quranic verses 24:30-31 call upon 
men and women to “lower their gaze" away from 
objects of sexual desire. Purdah practices in the 
subcontinent are mostly concentrated among 
members of the upper classes, thus frequently 
indicating elevated social status. It is important 
to note that practices of purdah vary significantly 
according to the surrounding social and cultural 
milieu, and they must be understood within their 
specific historical and cultural contexts. 

See also harem; veil. 

Aysha A. Hidayatullah 

Further reading: Sitara Khan. A Glimpse through 
Purdah: Asian Women — the Myth and the Reality (Staf- 
fordshire, England: Trentham Books, 1999); Ruby 
Lai, Domesticity and Power in the Early Mughal World 
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005); 
Hanna Papanek, "Purdah: Separate Worlds and Sym- 
bolic Shelter.' In Separate Worlds: Studies of Purdah 
in South Asia , edited by Hanna Papanek and Gail 
Minault, 3—53. (Columbia, Mo.: South Asia Books, 

purity and impurity See ablutions; circumci- 

Qadari School See Mutazili School; theology. 
qadi See crime and punishment; f/qh; sharia. 

Qadiri Sufi Order 

The Qadiri tar/qa is one of the oldest and most 
widespread of the Sufi orders. It is named after 
Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, a pious Hanbali jurist 
who lived in Baghdad in the 11th and 12th centu- 
ries. Abd al-Qadir was a Sufi ascetic and popular 
preacher, but he did not establish a formal Sufi 
organization in his lifetime. The development of 
the order that bears his name occurred in the cen- 
turies after his death, beginning with the efforts of 
his sons and other followers in Iraq, with Bagh- 
dad as the center of their activity. A 14th-century 
biography credits his sons with spreading the 
Qadiri order throughout Islamdom, but it is more 
likely that it did not really begin to spread until 
the 14th century. Stories about Abd al-Qadir's 
miraculous powers gained wide circulation. Indi- 
vidual Qadiri shaykhs trained disciples, drawing 
from the teachings, meditation techniques, and 
ritual practices that were in circulation among 
other Sufi groups. Eventually the order acquired 
a more formal hierarchy and system of rituals 

and techniques, but it retained enough flexibility 
to adapt to different cultural environments. It 
traced its spiritual genealogy from Abd al-Qadir 
back to Muhammad, through Ali bin Abi Talib (d. 
661) and a number of other prominent Sufis and 
descendants of Muhammad's household. 

The first branches outside of Iraq may have 
been in Syria, Egypt, and Yemen, and the Mongol 
invasions of the 13th and 15th centuries prob- 
ably helped the order spread eastward to Iran, 
Afghanistan, and India and westward to North 
Africa. The first branches in India were in the 
northwest and the Deccan, and they were favored 
by Muslim ruling elites in cities and towns. 
Among the most prominent Indian Qadiris were 
Muhammad Ghawth of Uchch (d. 1517), credited 
with introducing the order in India, and Miyan 
Mir (d. 1635), who was attributed with healing 
powers and claimed to be in spiritual contact 
with Abd al-Qadir. He later became the teacher of 
the Mughal prince Dara Shikoh (d. 1659), who 
was deeply interested in both Muslim and Hindu 
mysticism. The Qadiris also established branches 
in Central Asia, China, and Southeast Asia, where 
they still exist. In Iraq the Ottoman Turks lavishly 
restored the shrine of Abd al-Qadir in 1535, but 
the order did not found any hospices in Istanbul, 
the Ottoman capital, until the 17th century. From 



564 al-Qaida 

there they established branches in Anatolia and 
southeastern Europe. In 1925 the new republican 
government of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (d. 1938) 
officially banned the Qadiri order, as well as all 
other tariqas, in Turkey. To the west, the Qadiris 
spread from Morocco southward into Mauritania 
and West Africa in the 18th and 19th centuries. 
Among the most prominent members to arise 
in that region were al-Mukhtar ibn Ahmad al- 
Kunti (d. 181 1), a revered teacher and saint who 
inspired Usman Dan Fodio (d. 1817), the founder 
of the Sokoto Caliphate in Nigeria. The most 
famous Algerian Qadiri leader was Abd al-Qadir 
al-J izairi (d. 1883), who led the resistance against 
French colonial expansion in North Africa until 
he surrendered in 1847. In the early 20th century 
a Turkish Qadiri branch joined with a branch of 
the Rifai Sufi Order to form the Qadiri-Rifai Sufi 
Order, which now has branches in North America, 
Bosnia, and Australia. 

See also asceticism; Hanbali Legal School; 
Ottoman dynasty; Sufism. 

Further reading: Bradford G. Martin, Muslim Brother- 
hoods in 19th Century Africa (Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press, 2003); S. A. A. Rizvi, A History 
of Sufism in India. 2 vols. (New Delhi: Munshiram 
Manoharlal, 1978-1983); J. Spencer Trimingham, The 
Sufi Orders in Islam (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 

al-Qaida (also al-Qaeda; Arabic: the base, 

The most infamous of the radical Islamic organiza- 
tions to emerge in the late 20th/carly 21st century 
is al-Qaida. It gained worldwide notoriety for the 
suicide attacks conducted by 19 of its members 
against the World Trade Center in New York City 
and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., on Sep- 
tember 11, 2001, that resulted in the immediate 
deaths of 2,974 civilians and rescue workers, plus 
countless other victims in the United States and 
abroad in the aftermath of the attacks. The effects 

of this catastrophe were still being felt globally 
nearly a decade later. 

Al-Qaida's beginnings date back to the mid- 
1980s amidst the chaos caused by the Soviet 
Unions 1979 occupation of Afghanistan and 
the civil war that ensued there when the Soviets 
finally left in 1989. Al-Qaida s founding members 
were drawn from young Arab volunteers who 
wanted to assist the Afghan Mujahidin in their 
fight against the Soviet military and its Afghan 
communist allies. They created the Arab Mujahi- 
din Services Bureau (Maktab al-khadamat iTl-muja - 
hidin al-Arab, MAK) in 1984, based in Peshawar, 
Pakistan. Its leaders were Usama bin Ladin (b. 
1957), one of the wealthy sons of Muhammad bin 
Ladin (1906-67), Saudi Arabia's leading building 
contractor, and Ayman al-Zawahiri (b. 1951), a 
surgeon who came from a prominent Egyptian 
family of doctors, politicians, and scholars. Al- 
Zawahiri was a leader in the Jihad Group that had 
assassinated Egyptian president Anwar al-Sadat 
in 1981; in the 1980s he was seeking to recon- 
stitute the group in exile after serving time in 
prison. Bin Ladin and al-Zawahiri had both been 
inspired by the radical Islamic ideology of Sayyid 
Qutb (d. 1966), a leading member of the Muslim 
Brotherhood who had been executed in 1966 for 
conspiring against Egyptian president Jamal Abd 
al-Nasir (r. 1953-70). Another person who had 
greatly influenced the Arab Mujahidin , especially 
bin Ladin, was Abd Allah Azzam (1941-89), a 
charismatic Palestinian member of the Muslim 
Brotherhood and an advocate of global jihad and 
martyrdom. He had first met bin Ladin while 
serving as imam at the King Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud 
University mosque in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, dur- 
ing the early 1980s. He subsequently became an 
effective recruiter of Arab volunteers to fight in 

The Afghan Mujahidin and their Arab allies, 
funded by Saudi Arabia and the United States 
through the Pakistani intelligence agency (1SI), 
considered the Soviet withdrawal from Afghani- 
stan a God-given victory. The Arab jihadists, who 

al-Qaida 565 

had set up a training camp in Afghanistan during 
the war against the Soviets, dreamed of creating 
an Islamic state, but their hopes were dashed 
when civil war erupted among the heavily armed 
Afghan guerrilla factions. In August 1988 Azzam, 
bin Ladin, al-Zawahiri, and fellow Arab jihad- 
ists secretly met to form what they called “the 
Military Base" (al-qaida al-askariyya ), an armed 
organization that evolved into the international 
terrorist group that attacked the United States in 
2001. Bin Ladin was considered a hero by many 
young Saudis, but he was regarded with suspicion 
by Saudi authorities. In particular they were con- 
cerned about his opposition to the large influx of 
U.S. forces into Saudi Arabia at the time of the 
1990 Gulf War against Iraq. As a consequence of 
Saudi opposition, al-Qaida's chief base of opera- 
tions shifted from Afghanistan to Sudan in 1992 
at the invitation of the new Islamist government 
that had established itself there in a 1989 coup. 
Al-Qaida had limited success in Sudan, although 
it was in this period that bin Ladin began to 
publicize his hatred for the “Crusader-Jcwish 
alliance" and the House of Saud. Under pres- 
sure from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United 
States, the Sudanese government expelled bin 
Ladin and associates from the country in 1996. 
Al-Qaida returned to Afghanistan, where it found 
safe haven under the auspices of the Taliban, a 
group of young militants who were emerging as 
the most dominant of the factions fighting in the 
Afghan civil war. The close relationship between 
the Taliban and al-Qaida lasted until 200 1 , when a 
U.S. -led international coalition invaded the coun- 
try as a consequence of this relationship and its 
connection with the 9/11 attacks. Until that time, 
al-Qaidas encampments in Afghanistan provided 
training in guerrilla warfare and terrorist tactics to 
thousands of young jihadists coming mainly from 
the Middle East and Asia. 

The ideology espoused by al-Qaida‘s leader- 
ship was drawn essentially from two sources: 
(1) the anti-Western jihadism of Sayyid Qutb as 
interpreted by Azzam and al-Zawahiri, and (2) 

the puritanical reformism of Muhammad ibn Abd 
al-Wahhab (d. 1791). The first formed in reaction 
to the secular authoritarianism of Abd al-Nasir’s 
Egypt in the 1950s and 1960s, the second in 
conjunction with the establishment of Saudi rule 
in the Arabian Peninsula, together with funding 
made possible by that country's vast oil revenues. 
The radical agenda of al-Qaida seeks the establish- 
ment of Islamic government based on the sharia 
through an elite vanguard of true believers engag- 
ing in jihad. However, its leaders have called upon 
all Muslims to participate in this struggle. Al-Qai- 
da's ideology has been further shaped by the per- 
ception that it was Islam that had brought about 
the defeat of the Soviets in Afghanistan and that 
it would ultimately triumph over its remaining 
enemies, especially the United Slates and Israel. 
The public declarations of bin Ladin and al-Zawa- 
hiri also list specific grievances for which they 
seek revenge. These include the corruption and 
immorality of the Saudis and other pro-U.S. rul- 
ers, the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the 1982 
Israeli invasion of Lebanon, the stationing of U.S. 
troops in the land of Islam's two holy mosques (in 
Mecca and Medina), the deaths of Iraqi civilians 
caused by the U.S. -led embargo of the 1990s, and, 
most recently, the U.S. -led occupation of Iraq. 

Al-Qaida is a loosely knit organization, lik- 
ened to clusters of grapes, a business consortium, 
or a network. Funded by governments and private 
donors, it disseminates its ideas through the Inter- 
net and has had some success in recruiting fol- 
lowers at the grass-roots level. Its organizational 
structure and outreach program have allowed it 
to operate on a global scale and elude detection 
of its centers of operation by American and other 
intelligence agencies. Although its exact size is 
impossible to gauge at this time, it is known to 
have gained its recruits from a volatile mix of 
idealistic young Muslims, drifters, and militant 
opponents of pro-U.S. governments such as Saudi 
Arabia, Israel, Egypt, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. 
Fifteen of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were from 
Saudi Arabia. The 9/11 attacks were preceded 

566 al-Qaida 

by coordinated suicide bombings (seen as an al- 
Qaida trademark) against the American embas- 
sies in Kenya and Tanzania in August 1998, and 
against the USS Cole , a destroyer docked in the 
Yemeni port of Aden, in October 2000. After the 
U.S.-led coalition's 2003 invasion of Iraq, young 
Sunnis from various countries were recruited to 
form the “al-Qaida in Mesopotamia Group," a 
jihadist guerrilla organization under the leader- 
ship of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (1966-2006), 
a Jordanian militant who had been marginally 
involved in the Afghan jihad. This group, though 
small in size, attacked U.S. troops and is suspected 
of having fomented Sunni-Shii conflict through a 
campaign of suicide bombings and assassinations, 
causing many civilian casualties. It also claimed 
responsibility for the bombing of a luxury hotel 
in Amman, Jordan, in 2005. Although Zarqawi 
is known to have been in communication with 
al-Zawahiri, there is no evidence of a direct chain- 
of-command connection between the two organi- 
zations. In addition, deadly public transportation 
bombings in Madrid in 2004 and London in 2006 
were allegedly conducted by local al-Qaida cells, 
but no direct connection has been established. 
Most likely they were carried out by individuals 
who had been inspired by al-Qaidas propaganda. 
A group called al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghrib, 
which appears to be a spin-off from the Armed 
Islamic Group, has conducted bombings in Alge- 
ria to deadly effect since 2006. Al-Qaida has also 
been linked to terrorist attacks in Indonesia and 
the Philippines. 

Al-Qaidas notoriety and continued existence 
has generated much controversy around the world 
between Muslims and non-Muslims, and among 
Muslims themselves, about the nature of its rela- 
tion to Islam. Even though more is now known 
about the organization than in the past, a body of 
politicians, scholars, religious leaders, and edito- 
rialists persists in equating its ideology and use of 
violence with Islam as a whole, both in the distant 
past and in the current post-cold war period. This 
understanding has had an impact on policymak- 

ing, security measures, and military planning 
domestically and internationally. The chief defect 
in this line of thought is that it overlooks both 
the great diversity of forms Islam has assumed 
historically as well as the widespread rejection 
of al-Qaidas ideology and tactics by govern- 
ments of Muslim-majority countries and ordinary 
Muslims. Another group of politicians, scholars, 
religious leaders, and editorialists has persisted 
in minimizing or denying any connection with 
Islam at all. While this denial may help temporar- 
ily deflect criticism and suspicion from Islam and 
Muslims, the vast majority of whom have nothing 
to do with al-Qaida and its spin-offs, it neverthe- 
less fails to give serious consideration to the fact 
that al-Qaidas leaders and membership believe 
themselves to actually be good Muslims seek- 
ing to defend Islam and the wider Muslim VMM A 
from their enemies. Between the two extremes of 
polemics and apologetics there arc more balanced 
understandings that are conducive to a better 
assessment of the nature of Islamic radicalism, 
the actual threat al-Qaida poses, and how to best 
proceed to counteract that threat. The report of 
the 9/1 1 Commission, for example, found, “most 
Muslims prefer a peaceful and inclusive vision of 
their faith . . . [and] are repelled by mass murder 
and barbarism whatever their justification.” But it 
also concluded that bin Ladin and other Islamists 
“draw on a long tradition of extreme intolerance 
within one stream of Islam (a minority tradition)" 
that was “further fed by grievances stressed by 
bin Ladin and widely felt throughout the Muslim 

See also Abd al-Rahman, Umar; Arab-Israeli 
conflicts; Europe; Gulf Wars; Islamism; jihad 
movements; pan-Islamism; Wahhabism. 

Further reading: Rohan Gunaratna, Inside Al Qaeda: 
Global Network of Terror (New York: Columbia Uni- 
versity Press. 2002); Raymond Ibrahim. The Al Qaeda 
Reader (New York: Random House, 2007); National 
Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United 
States, The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report (New 

al-Quds 569 

Jerusalem. In a parallel manner, Christian churches 
were built with the altar on the eastern side, ori- 
ented toward the rising sun. Such practices are still 
common among Orthodox Jews and Christians. 

Islamic accounts differ about which direction 
Muhammad prayed when he still lived in Mecca 
before the Hijra to Medina in 622. Some say he 
faced toward the Kaaba, others say that he faced 
toward Syria (probably Jerusalem). Later sources 
tried to reconcile these two different accounts by 
saying that he prayed on the south side of the 
Kaaba facing northward, which allowed him to 
face both that shrine and Jerusalem at once. The 
decisive moment, however, came after the emigra- 
tion to Medina, where the first qibla recognized 
by the new Muslim community was Jerusalem. 
Then, perhaps as a result of the failure of Jews in 
Medina to recognize Muhammad as their prophet, 
the following revelation was received: "Therefore 
we shall turn you toward a qibla that will please 
you. Turn your face toward the Sacred Mosque; 
wherever you may be, turn your face toward it” 
(Q 2:144). At this point in their early history, 
Muslims began to make a clear break with Jews 
and Christians, setting the course for Islam's 
emergence as a distinct religious tradition. Later 
commentators maintained that in changing the 
prayer direction Muhammad was simply return- 
ing to the original qibla of Abraham. 

The Quran, together with the hadith and 
community consensus, established the Kaaba as 
the qibla for Islam. In theory, therefore, as con- 
quest, trade, and travel took Muslims far away 
from Mecca, the qibla lines of orientation from all 
directions would converge at one point in Mecca, 
as long as one allowed for the curvature of the 
earth. In reality, however, qibla directions varied, 
even within the same city, like medieval Cairo. 
The qibla of the Great Mosque in Cordoba, Spain, 
faced south rather than southeast. This may have 
been because the builders were emulating the qibla 
of the Umayyad Caliphate (r. 661-750) far to the 
east in Damascus, Syria, where mosques face to the 
southward to Mecca. Orientation of other mosques 

may be affected by the natural or urban landscape, 
or imprecise mathematical calculations. Despite, 
and perhaps because of, such variations, and with 
the benefit of advances in mathematics and science 
between the ninth and 14th centuries, Muslim 
astronomers and geographers went to great lengths 
to calculate the exact qibla from a given locality. 
Syrian astronomer Shams al-Din al-Khalili (14th 
century) finally found the trigonometric formula 
for determining the exact qibla from any longitude 
and latitude on the surface of the earth, and qibla 
compasses were developed soon thereafter. Based 
on these methods, Muslims living in the mainland 
United States and Canada have determined that 
their prayer direction is to the northeast. 

Muslims have consulted each other and reli- 
gious scholars to determine the qibla when they 
are not in a mosque. Now they are posting signs 
and using modern devices to do this, too. Hotel 
rooms in some Muslim countries have signs indi- 
cating the prayer direction, and satellite-guided 
qibla compasses can be found on passenger air- 
craft, such as those owned by Saudi Arabian Air- 
lines. Qibla compasses arc also widely available for 
purchase, and they can be programmed in digital 
watches, cellular phones, and computers. 

See also funerary rituals. 

Further reading: David A. King, "Architecture and 
Astronomy: The Ventilators of Medieval Cairo and 
Their Secrets," Journal of the American Oriental Society 

104. no. 1 (1984): 97-133; , Astronomy in the 

Service of Islam (Aldershot, England: Varorium, 1993); 
Nuba N. N. Khoury, "The Mihrab: From Text to Form," 
International Journal oj Middle East Studies 30 (1998): 
1-27; F. E. Peters. Muhammad and the Origins of Islam 
(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994), 

qiyas See fiqh. 

al-Quds See Jerusalem. 

Quran 571 

verses that vary in length from one letter (Q 50:1) 
or word (Q 89:1) to several sentences (Q 5:40). 
All chapters but one (Q 9) begin with the BASMALA, 
a liturgical citation of God's name, but only in the 
first sura is it counted as a verse. Other oft-cited 
verses in the Quran have also acquired their own 
names, such as the Throne Verse (Q 2:255), the 
Light Verse (Q 24:35), and the Sword Verse (Q 
9:5). Verses in the shorter chapters, many of them 
counted among the early revelations received by 
Muhammad, often share an end-rhyming pattern 
of prose known as saj, but in the longer chapters 
they usually do not rhyme. The physical divisions 
between verses arc usually marked by circles or 
florets in Quran manuscripts, but in modern print 
editions they are numbered due to the influence of 
the modern Euro-American practice of numbering 
verses in print editions of the Bible. 

Manuscript and print editions of the Quran 
also show other kinds of organization. One of 
these is to distinguish chapters revealed when 
Muhammad lived in Mecca (610-622 c.E.) from 
those associated with the Medinan phase of his 
career (622-632 c.e). The classification of Meccan 
and Medinan suras can usually be found at the 
head of each sura, next to its title. However, Mus- 
lim commentators and jurists have also recognized 
that a chapter classified as Medinan may contain 
Meccan verses in it, which suggests editing of the 
quranic text at some time after it was first com- 
posed. To facilitate memorization and recitation 
of the entire Quran, Muslims have also divided it 
into 30 portions (sing, juz) of equal length, which 
they have further subdivided into two equal parts 
(sing. hizb). The markings for these divisions 
can be found in Quran manuscripts and in most 
printed editions in Arabic. 

Muslims believe that the Quran, the speech 
of God, provides guidance in all matters of faith, 
action, and the attainment of eternal salvation. In 
support of this belief, the Quran declares. 

That is the book in which there is no doubt, 

a proper guide for those who fear God, who 

believe in the unseen, perform prayer, and 
disburse (in charity) what he has granted to 
them. (It is the book) of those who believe in 
what has been revealed to you (Muhammad), 
what was revealed before you, and who are 
certain about the hereafter. They are the ones 
who are guided rightly by their lord and who 
are prosperous. (Q 2:2-5) 

The Quran's leading theme is the declaration 
that there is only one all-powerful, all-knowing, 
and merciful God (Allah) who alone created the 
universe and governs all that is in it. Another 
theme is that as the creator of human beings, God 
makes his will known to them through signs and 
revelations delivered by prophets sent throughout 
history in order to guide them to salvation and 
warn them away from damnation. The Quran 
tells this religious history by referring to biblical 
stories about figures such as Abraham, Joseph, 
Moses, David, and Jesus and how their communi- 
ties, called the People of the Book, often rejected 
them. In doing so it placed Muhammad directly or 
indirectly among these former prophets and iden- 
tified its message with theirs. Indeed, Muslims 
have regarded the Quran as the culmination of 
these earlier revelations, correcting the errors that 
people have introduced to them. In addition to 
biblical figures, the Quran also mentions Arabian 
prophets such as Salih (Q 7:73-79) and Shuayb 
(Q 7:84-93). 

In the Quran the theme of salvation is linked 
to the idea that human beings arc divided into 
believers and disbelievers, the righteous and the 
wrongdoers, who arc all to be held accountable 
for their beliefs and actions at the end of the 
world on Judgment Day, when all the dead will 
be resurrected. Those judged to be among the 
righteous will be rewarded with a blissful life in 
paradise, and sinners will suffer the agonies of 
the hell-fire. The Quran provides graphic descrip- 
tions of the blessings and punishments that 
people will receive in the afterlife, and, like the 
Bible, it also gives an accounting of the rewards 


572 Quran 

and punishments people have experienced in 
history because of their belief or disbelief. In 
several chapters linked to the Medinan period of 
Muhammad's life, the Quran calls upon believers 
to fight “in the path of God" against disbeliev- 
ers and People of the Book opposed to them, 
which has led non-Muslims to conclude that 
violence and hatred are significant themes in the 
Quran. Although some Muslims have chosen to 
interpret their scripture in this limited way, it is 
also important to point out that many Muslims 
do not accept this understanding, pointing to 
verses that uphold the values of peaceful coex- 
istence and acceptance of religious and cultural 
differences. Moreover, some modern commenta- 
tors and reformers have argued that the more 
militant verses in the Quran pertained only to 
specific circumstances faced by Muhammad and 
his small community in their struggle for survival 
in Medina, and that they were not intended to be 
universally applicable. 

The themes of God's oneness, revelation, 
prophecy, individual accountability, and the Last 
Judgment would mean little if they were not 
connected to a code of ethics and morality that 
links individuals to society. The Quran calls upon 
people to perform acts of charity, especially for 
orphans and the needy, and oppose greed, oppres- 
sion, and wrongdoing. It also affirms family life 
by legislating on matters of marriage, ADULTERY, 
divorce, and inheritance. The pre-lslamic Ara- 
bian practice of slaying infant girls was prohib- 
ited, as was usury and gambling. The Quran also 
provides rules governing worship, lawful and 
prohibited food and drink, relations with non- 
Muslims, as well as the division of the spoils of 
war. Although the number of legislative verses, 
found mainly in the Medinan suras, is small in 
comparison with nonlegislative ones, the Quran 
is one of the fundamental “roots" of the sharia, 
or Islamic law. 

The Quran's accounts of prophets before 
Muhammad attribute miraculous signs to them. 
It states that people of Muhammad's time chal- 

lenged him to produce similar wonders, to which 
the Quran replies, “Is it not sufficient that we 
have revealed to you (Muhammad) the book that 
is recited to them? In that there is a mercy and 
reminder for a people who believe" (Q 29: 50- 
51). From this and similar declarations the ulama 
developed the doctrine of the Quran's miraculous 
nature, or inimitability (ijaz). They said it was 
miraculous because its language and style could 
not be replicated in ordinary human speech, its 
chapters and verses were uniquely arranged, it 
spoke of past and future events of which Muham- 
mad had no knowledge, it revealed God's names 
and attributes, its laws and commandments were 
universal in application, and, unlike other holy 
BOOKS, it has remained unaltered since it was 
revealed to Muhammad. Some Muslims today 
assert that the Quran also speaks to modern 
scientific theories, such as those concerning the 
origin of the universe and the genetic code. Such 
beliefs have been contested by non-Muslims and 
Euro-American scholars, as well as skeptical 
Muslims. Nevertheless, the consensus reached by 
many Muslims through the ages has been that the 
Quran is Muhammad's chief miracle and proof of 
the truth of his prophethood. 

Belief in the Quran's miraculous nature, taken 
together with a desire to place its origins on a par 
with Jewish belief in the revelation of the Torah on 
Mt. Sinai and Christian belief in Jesus as the word 
of God incarnate, has inspired the belief held by 
many Muslims that the angel Gabriel revealed the 
entire Quran to Muhammad on the Night of Des- 
tiny ( laylat al-qadr), one of the last nights in the 
month of Ramadan. This belief, not stated by the 
Quran itself, is in tension with the view endorsed 
by Islamic historical sources that the Quran 
was revealed piecemeal during Muhammad's life, 
between 610 c.E. and 632 C.E., and that it was col- 
lected into a physical book (mushaf) only after his 
death. Early commentaries and Islamic historical 
sources support this understanding of the Quran's 
early development, although they are unclear in 
other respects. They report that the third caliph, 

Quran 573 

Uthman ibn Affan (r. 644-656) ordered a com- 
mittee headed by Zayd ibn Thabit (d. ca. 655), 
Muhammad’s scribe, to establish a single authori- 
tative recension of the Quran. Uthman reportedly 
had divergent versions, which were being used in 
different parts of the early Muslim community, 
destroyed. To avoid disputes, everyone was to use 
a single version of the Quran, known as the Uth- 
manic codex, its technical name, which Muslims 
believe to be the canonical version used today. 
The first copies were sent from Medina to the 
cities of Mecca, Damascus, Basra, and Kufa (the 
latter two are in Iraq). 

Islamic sources indicate that during Muham- 
mad's lifetime his Companions had both memo- 
rized the revelations and written them on palm 
branches, stone tablets, and the shoulder blades 
of animals. They also state that there was a pre- 
Uthmanic version of the Quran in the hands of 
his predecessor Abu Bakr (r. 632-634), which 
had been collected out of a concern that the 
verses would be lost or forgotten when Muham- 
mad's Companions died. Abu Bakr's copy was 
passed on to Hafsa, one of Muhammad's widows 
and daughter of the caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab 
(r. 634-644). This was probably one of the main 
copies used in the creation of Uthman’s codex. 
Nevertheless, evidence from coins, early inscrip- 
tions, and texts tells us that there continued to 
be non-Uthmanic versions of the Quran circulat- 
ing in the Muslim community after the seventh 
century. A 10th-century source (Abu Dawud 
al-Sijistani, d. 929) indicates that there were 
as many as 28 codices at that time. Moreover, 
because early Arabic manuscripts of the Quran 
were often written without vowels and markings 
to differentiate consonants, variant “readings" of 
the Uthmanic codex arose in the far-flung lands 
of the Arab Muslim empire. At the apex of the 
Abbasid Caliphate (10th century), the consensus 
was that there were seven authorized readings. 
The standard edition printed today was first 
published in 1923 in Cairo; it is based on the 
eighth-century “reading" of Kufa in Iraq. The 

numbering of verses in the Cairo edition has 
become the standard for most modern printings 
of the Quran. 

The Quran holds a place of primary impor- 
tance in the history of Islam and in the daily life 
of Muslims. It is considered a foundational docu- 
ment in matters of education, law, theology, and 
history. Children begin their religious education 
by learning how to read and recite it in Arabic, 
believed the unadulterated language of God's 
revelation. All Muslims must memorize short 
chapters of the Quran in order to perform their 
daily prayers. Some choose to memorize the entire 
book. The ulama have had to go even greater 
lengths to gain advanced levels of expertise in its 
language and rhetoric. Indeed, a work of religious 
scholarship would be considered inadequate if it 
were to omit quranic quotations. Consequently, 
a sizeable body of literature about the Quran has 
been produced through the centuries by ulama 
working in the major centers of Islamic learning. 
Perhaps the most important genre of writings con- 
cerning the Quran is that of TAFSIR, or scriptural 
exegesis. This Islamic “science" has helped Mus- 
lims both maintain the integrity of Gods revela- 
tions in their original language and make them a 
part of their lives in times and places quite distant 
from seventh-century Arabia, even in modern 
Europe and the Americas. 

The artful recitation of the Quran, known 
as tajwid and tartil, is another way in which the 
Quran has been incorporated into the life of the 
Muslim community. The Quran can be recited 
by individuals in order to gain divine blessing 
(baraka) and forgiveness, but recitations arc also 
performed on formal occasions such as at large 
assemblies and during funerals and mourning 
rites. Quran reciters can attain a reputation com- 
parable to that of opera stars, and several coun- 
tries hold national Quran recital competitions. 
Recorded recitations of the Quran are available 
in all the electronic media, making it possible 
for Muslims to listen to them at home, work, or 
while traveling. In addition to artful recitation, 

574 Quraysh 

the Quran is also quoted in Friday sermons, 
and quranic phrases have even entered everyday 
speech, especially in countries where Arabic is the 
native language. 

Complementing the art of recitation is that of 
calligraphy. Great care was taken in rendering the 
sacred text of the Quran in writing. The cursive 
Arabic script lends itself to a wide variety of forms 
and styles, from the simplest to the most complex, 
as is evident in the countless Quran manuscripts 
that have been produced through the centuries. 
Prior to the modern period the most magnificent 
manuscripts were created by professional calligra- 
phers at the behest of rulers and wealthy patrons. 
Although today most people have printed editions 
of the Quran, small numbers of handwritten copies 
of the Quran continue to be produced. During the 
Middle Ages the calligraphic rendering of verses 
and chapters from the Quran was carried from the 
medium of paper to that of architecture. Beauti- 
ful quranic inscriptions can still be seen on great 
Islamic monuments in Egypt, Palestine, Turkey, 
Iran, Central Asia, and India. Examples are the 
mosques of al-AZHAR and Sultan Hasan in Cairo, 
the DOME of the Rock in Jerusalem, the Sultan 
Ahmad and Suleymaniye mosques of Istanbul, the 
Shaykh Lutfallah Mosque of Isfahan, the Tilakari 
madrasa of Samarkand, the Qutb Minar of Delhi, 
and Agra's Taj Mahal. Quranic calligraphy contin- 
ues to be an important part of modern mosque 
design, too. Muslims also place artfully rendered 
verses from the Quran in the form of posters and 
wall hangings in their homes, schools, places of 
work, and even cars and trucks. Copies of the 
entire mushaf can be found displayed in these 
locations, although sometimes it is kept in a color- 
ful box for protection from the elements. 

See also almsgiving; amulets and talismans; 
Arabian religions, pre-1slamic; Arabic language 
and literature; books and bookmaking; kafir ; 


Further reading: Farid Esack, The Quran: A Users Guide 
(Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 2005); Jane Dam- 

men McAuliffe, ed.. The Cambridge Companion to the 
Quran (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006); 
Kristina Nelson, “The Sound of the Divine in Every- 
day Life." In Everyday Life in the Middle East , edited 
by Donna Lee Bowen and Evelyn A. Early, 257-261 
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002); Abu 
Ammaar Yasir Qadhi, An Introduction to the Sciences of 
the Quran (Birmingham, England: Al-Hidaayah Pub- 
lishing and Distribution, 1999); Fazlur Rahman, Major 
Themes of the Quran (Minneapolis: Bibliotheca Islamica, 
1980); Michael Sells, Approaching the Quran: The Early 
Revelations (Ashland. Orcg.: While Cloud Press, 1999); 
W. Montgomery Watt and Richard Bell, Introduction to 
the Quran (Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 


The tribe that dominated Mecca when Muham- 
mad (ca. 570-632) was born was the Quraysh. 
It was composed of 10 main clans. The Banu 
Hashim clan was the one to which Muham- 
mad belonged. Another clan, the Abd Shams, 
was more wealthy and powerful. Both branches 
played very important roles in the first centuries 
of Islamic history. 

The Quraysh profited from control of the holy 
sites in Mecca and the caravans that traveled to 
Yemen and Syria. They were also responsible for 
taking care of pilgrims who came to worship at 
the Kaaba, the leading temple in Mecca. Muslim 
historians claimed that the Quraysh were descen- 
dants of Abraham and Ishmael, the builders of the 
Kaaba. According to these accounts, the Quraysh 
became dispersed for about seven centuries after 
the time of Ishmael. Qusayy, one of Muhammad's 
ancestors, reunited the tribe in Mecca. He claimed 
the right to take care of the Kaaba and feed and 
water pilgrims. In the history of religions it is very 
common for a particular family or clan to be in 
charge of operating holy places, and Mecca was 
no exception. When Qusayy died, his sons took 
control and divided the city into quarters in which 
the different tribes and clans were to reside. One 

qutb 575 

of his grandsons, Hashim, was Muhammad's great 
grandfather. He was known for his involvement in 
the caravan trade and was responsible for provid- 
ing food and drink to pilgrims. His descendants 
are called the Banu Hashim, the sons of Hashim. 
Muhammad's grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, fol- 
lowed in his father's footsteps, but he was also said 
to have been involved in organizing a successful 
defense of Mecca when it was threatened by an 
army from Yemen. This event was mentioned 
in sura 105 of the Quran, entitled Al-Fil (The 
Elephant) because these animals were used in 
the army of the invaders. Abd al-Muttalib is also 
remembered for having discovered the sacred well 
of Zamzam, next to the Kaaba. 

The Quraysh gave Muhammad his first con- 
verts and his first opponents. They also partici- 
pated in the founding of the Islamicate civilization 
that flourished in lands between the Atlantic 
Ocean and eastern Iran during the Middle Ages. 
In the Quran they were included among both the 
believers (muminun) who arc promised paradise 
and the disbelievers (kafirun) who arc threatened 
with damnation. The first four caliphs to suc- 
ceed Muhammad as leaders of the community, 
known as the Rashidan, were all of the Quraysh: 
Abu Bakr (r. 632-634), Umar ibn al-Khattab (r. 
634-644), Uthman ibn Affan (r. 644-655), and 
Ali ibn Abi Talib (r. 655-661). Leading women in 
Muhammad's life were from the same tribe — his 
wives Khadija, Hafsa, and Aisha. Most of the Emi- 
grants who participated in the Hijra in 622 were 
from the Quraysh. Moreover, according to the 
Quran commentaries, the Arabic language of the 
Quran was said to have been in their dialect. The 
members of Muhammad's family who are consid- 
ered the ideal Imams by the Shia are, of course, 
also members of the Banu Hashim clan. On the 
other hand, powerful members of the Abd Shams 
persecuted Muhammad and his followers. They 
plotted against his life, organized armies to fight 
him after he took up residence in Medina, and 
prevented him and his followers from fulfilling 
their pilgrimage obligations. In 630 the leader of 

the Abd Shams, Abu Sufyan (d. 653), converted 
to Islam and surrendered Mecca to Muhammad 
and his army, allowing the holy city to be taken 
peacefully. Later, the sons of Abu Sufyan and 
other members of the Abd Shams clan founded 
the Umayyad Caliphate (661-750) in Damas- 
cus. This dynasty was eradicated by members 
of the Banu Hashim clan who claimed descent 
from Muhammad's paternal uncle Abbas. They 
established the Abbasid Caliphate that ruled 
Islamicate civilization until they were destroyed 
by Mongol invaders in 1258. Indeed, according 
to medieval Islamic political writings, one of the 
qualifications for a person to be CALIPH was that 
he be a male of Quraysh descent. 

The legacy of the Quraysh lives on today. 
All the Sufi orders claim spiritual descent from 
Muhammad through either Ali or Abu Bakr. 
Many Shii religious authorities are considered to 
be blood relatives of Muhammad, which makes 
them members of the Banu Hashim. The kings 
of Morocco and Jordan claim to be his heirs, 
as reflected in the official name of Jordan, which 
is called the Hashimite Kingdom. Also, Bedouin 
tribes living in the vicinity of Mecca today still 
claim to be of the Quraysh. 

See also ahl al-bayt; authority; Companions 
of the Prophet; fitna ; Hashimite dynasty; kafir; 
Shiism; Sufism. 

Further reading: Patricia Crone and Martin Hinds, 
Gods Caliph: Religious Authority in the First Centuries of 
Islam (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986); 
Marshall G. S. Hodgson, The Venture of Islam: The 
Classical Age of Islam. Vol. 1 (Chicago: University of 
Chicago Press, 1974); F. E. Peters, Muhammad and the 
Origins of Islam (Albany: State University of New York 
Press, 1994). 

Qurtuba See Cordoba. 
qutb See wall 

Qutb, Sayyid 577 

of Qutb’s thought would have been inconceivable 
before his time. 

Sec also jihad movements; renewal and reform 


Joshua Hoffman 

Further reading: John Calvert and William Shepard, 
A Child from the Village (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse Uni- 

versity Press, 2004); Gillcs Kepcl, Muslim Extremism in 
Egypt: The Prophet and the Pharaoh. Translated by Jon 
Rothschild (Berkeley: University of California Press, 
2003); Sayyid Qutb, Milestones. Translated by Ahmad 
Zaki Hammad (Indianapolis: American Trust Publica- 
tions, 1993); William Shepard, Sayyid Qutb and Islamic 
Activism: A Translation and Critical Analysis of Social 
Justice in Islam (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1996). 

Rabia al-Adawiyya (Rabia al-Basriyya, 
Rabia al-Qaysiyya) (ca. 717-801) legendary 
female Muslim mystic and saint, considered to be one 
of the first Sufis 

What is known about Rabia al-Adawiyya is culled 
from many different hagiographic sources span- 
ning several centuries, and it is not easy to sepa- 
rate fact from legend. Indeed, Rabias legend has 
developed over time, but she is most famous for 
her ascetic lifestyle, weeping over her separation 
from God, for whom she developed a profound 

Born in Basra during the Abbasid era, she was 
most likely influenced by her socioreligious milieu. 
Basra housed a school for women ascetics at a time 
when an impulse for ASCETICISM was increasing. 
Basra was also the home of the renowned ascetic 
al-HASAN al-Basri (642-728), with whom Rabia 
was often associated in legend, although the two 
probably never met. However, there is no reason 
to doubt the accounts of her contemporary al- 
Jahiz (d. 868) regarding her association with other 
female mystics and her ascetic lifestyle. According 
to some sources, Rabia was a slave of the al-Atik 
clan until freed by her master when he recognized 
her great spiritual attainment. She then dedicated 
her life to the continuous worship of God. 

It is interesting to note the different ways in 
which Rabias figure has been constructed and 
reinterpreted over the centuries, as those who 
told her stories shaped and reshaped her legacy. 
For example, al-Jahizs stories of Rabia simply 
portrayed a self-denying ascetic from his com- 
munity, who was known for refusing all worldly 
things. Her love was for God alone; she would 
not marry, nor let the promise of paradise or 
fear of the Fire distract her from him. Approxi- 
mately four hundred years later the Persian mystic 
Farid al-Din Attar depicted Rabia as possessing 
miraculous powers and a biting wit, in addition 
to her deep piety. In one story he described her 
as capable of flying in the sky on her carpel, and 
in another as illuminating the darkness with her 
fingers, which one night shone like lanterns. 
When she was making a pilgrimage to Mecca, 
the Kaaba miraculously came to her. She was also 
often credited for her sarcastic rebukes of male 
disciples for being too worldly. A 1963 Egyptian 
film portrayed her as a beautiful young slave girl 
forced to perform Oriental dances by her master, 
but she then discovered God and dedicated her 
life to preaching and PRAYER. The famed Egyptian 
vocalist Umm KULTHOUM (d. 1975) recorded the 
songs for this movie. More recently, the Egyptian 


Rahman, Fazlur 579 

feminist writer Leila Ahmed has depicted her as a 
social rebel whose example has inspired Muslim 
women to free themselves from the limitations of 
their biological roles, and whose legend reflects 
countercultural understandings of gender. 

Her devotees believe that her tomb is located 
on Jerusalems Mount of Olives in a 17th-century 
mosque near a church that memorializes the place 
of Jesus's ascent into heaven. A modern mosque 
named in her honor has been built in a suburb of 
Cairo, Egypt. 

See also Abbasid Caliphate; slavery; Sufism. 

Sophia Pandya 

Further reading: Annemarie Schimmel, My Soul Is a 
Woman. Translated by Susan H. Ray (New York: Con- 
tinuum International Publishing Group, 1997), 34-37; 
Michael Sells, Early Islamic Mysticism: Sufi, Quran, 
Mi raj, Poetic, and Theological Writings (Mahwah, N.J.: 
Pa u list Press, 1996), 151-170; Margaret Smith, The Life 
and Work oj Rabia and Other Women Mystics in Islam 
(1928. Reprint, Oxford: Oncworld Publications, 1994); 
Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami, Early Sufi Women (Dhikr 
an-niswa al-mutaabhidat as-sufiyyat). Translated by Rkia 
E. Cornell (Louisville, Ky.: Fons Vitae, 1999). 

Rahim See basmala\ names of God. 

Rahman See basmala; names of God. 

Rahman, Fazlur (1919-1988) noted liberal 
Muslim intellectual, whose wide-ranging writings 
examined the Quran, Islamic history, philosophy, 
education, and politics 

Born in what is now Pakistan, Rahman earned a 
masters degree in Arabic from Punjab University 
in Lahore, Pakistan, in 1942 and a doctorate in 
Islamic PHILOSOPHY from Oxford University in 
1949, where he studied under the noted Oriental- 
ist scholar, Hamilton A. R. Gibb (1895-1971). 

Subsequently, he held academic positions at Dur- 
ham University, McGill University, Pakistan's Cen- 
tral Institute of Islamic Research, the University 
of California-Los Angeles, and the University of 
Chicago, where he served until his death. 

According to Rahman, the idea of socioeco- 
nomic justice is one central notion within the 
Quranic message. Rahman maintained that the 
most significant problems that emerged during 
Islam's medieval period were (1) religious and 
political hierarchies that perpetuated socioeco- 
nomic oppression and (2) educational systems 
that emphasized rote memorization and discour- 
aged critical thinking. 

According to Rahman, the Quran, as well as 
the examples set by Muhammad and the early 
Islamic community, requires majority-Muslim 
countries to institute democratic political systems. 
For example, Rahman believed that Muhammad 
and the early Islamic community governed their 
affairs by means of shura (consultation) and 
ijmaa (consensus) with the equality and freedom 
of all Muslims before God functioning as shared 
principles among early Muslims. Concomitantly, 
Rahman asserted that God has endowed human 
beings with a unique capacity to reason (acjl) that 
can provide them with tremendous insight and 
good judgment as they democratically govern 
themselves. At the same time, modern Islamic 
educational systems must contribute to Islam- 
based democracies by encouraging critical think- 
ing and immersing students in diverse academic 
disciplines. Rahman's main religious and political 
opponents were Pakistani Islamists who were 
members of the organization Jamaat-i Islami led 
by Sayyid Abu al-Ala Mawdudi. The most sig- 
nificant influence of Rahman's life and work is 
evident in some American colleges and universi- 
ties where many of his former students teach; his 
long-term impact on Islamic political and educa- 
tional systems remains to be seen. 

See also democracy; education; Orientalism; 
renewal and reform movements. 

Jon Armajani 

580 Ramadan 

Further reading: Frederick Denny and Earle Waugh, 
eds., The Shaping of an American Islamic Discourse: A 
Memorial to Fazlur Rahman (Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars 
Press, 1998); Fazlur Rahman. Islam (Chicago: Uni- 
versity of Chicago Press, 1979); . Islam and 

Modernity: Transformation of an Intellectual Tradition 

(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990); , 

Prophecy in Islam: Philosophy and Orthodoxy (1958. 
Reprint, Chicago: University of Chicago Press; Mid- 
way Reprint, 2003); , Revival and Reform in 

Islam: A Study of Islamic Fundamentalism, edited by 
Ebrahim Moosa (Oxford: Oneworld, 2000). 

Ramadan (also Ramazan; Puasa in 
Indonesia and Malaysia) 

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic cal- 
endar — a time of obligatory fasting for all able 
Muslims, and an important time for commemo- 
rating Islamic sacred history. The month-long 
fast is the fourth pillar of Islam and requires 
abstaining from all food, drink, and sexual activ- 
ity during daylight hours. At the end of each 
day, the fast is broken with a light meal called 
iftar (breakfast). It is a month that fosters com- 
munal solidarity and individual piety. Mosque 
attendance increases at this time, and many 
Muslims fulfill their charitable obligations. In 
addition to ritual fasting, daily prayer, and acts 
of charity, observant Sunni Muslims also perform 
supererogatory prayers known as tarawih at night 
throughout the month. The Shia do not accept 
this form of prayer. 

The onset of the month-long fast is deter- 
mined visually when the new moon is sighted 
at the end of the eighth month, Shaaban. Simi- 
larly, the month ends with the sighting of the 
new moon of the 10th month, Shawwal, and 
the three-day feast of Id al-Fitr (the breakfast 
feast). First occurring during the summer on 
the pre-lslamic Arabian solar calendar, Ramadan 
became a lunar month with the advent of Islam, 
advancing 11 or 12 days each year relative to the 
solar calendar. 



September 1 


August 21 


August 1 1 


August 1 


July 20 


July 9 

Ramadan is esteemed to be the holiest month of the 
year. This is partly because of its connection with 
the revelation of the Quran. Muslims maintain that 
the entire holy book was revealed to Muhammad on 
the Night of Destiny ( Laylit al-Qadr ), which falls 
during the last few days of the month. To facilitate 
memorization and recitation, the Quran has been 
divided into 30 equal parts, one for each day of this 
month. People arc encouraged to gather to listen to 
nightly recitations of the Quran and improve their 
own knowledge and memorization of the scripture. 
Also, it is widely held that God is most receptive 
to peoples prayers at this sacred time, especially in 
the last few days of the month. Another reason for 
the month's special status is its historical connec- 
tion with the first victory of Muslims against their 
Meccan enemies at Badr in 624, two years after 
the Hijra (emigration) to Medina. The chapter of 
the Quran that has the most detailed instructions 
for the fast, al-Baqara (Q 2, The Cow), is one 
that is thought to have been revealed at this time. 
Some Euro-American historians of religion have 
plausibly argued, based on critical readings of the 
Quran and early Islamic historical texts, that the 
connection of Ramadan observances with both the 
revelation of a holy book and victory over enemies 
is patterned after pre-lslamic fasting and feasting 
traditions, especially Jewish observance of Yom 
Kippur and Passover, which are connected with the 
revelation of the Torah to Moses and deliverance 
from the pharaoh of Egypt. 

Other events in Islamic sacred history that 
occurred during Ramadan include the death of 
Khadija (Muhammad's first wife) in 619, the birth 

Rashid Rida, Muhammad 581 

of Fatima (Muhammad's daughter and mother of 
the Shii Imams), the assassination of Ali ibn Abi 
Talib (the fourth caliph and first Shii Imam) in 
661, and the martyrdom of Ali al-Rida (the eighth 
Shii Imam) in 818. 

Even though the month of fasting affirms the 
universal community of all Muslims, individual 
Muslim cultures observe Ramadan in a variety of 
ways that are shaped by local tradition. There are 
distinctive food traditions with respect to dishes 
and sweets eaten in the evening and pre-dawn 
hours. In North Africa a favorite recipe for break- 
ing the fast is a creamy soup called harira, made 
of meat, chickpeas, lentils, tomatoes, and fresh 
herbs. Turks prepare a tripe soup served with a 
pocket bread called ramadan pide (pita). Rama - 
daniyya, a dessert made of dried fruits that have 
been soaked overnight, is a favorite in the Arabian 
Peninsula. Southeast Asian Muslims prepare spe- 
cial meat curry dishes and dodol, a dessert made of 
sugar, rice flour, and coconut milk. 

Aside from different food traditions, Muslims 
have other ways of celebrating the month. In 
Egypt these include decorating streets and houses 
with colorful lanterns. In many Muslim countries 
special evening television programs are offered. 
Ramadan celebrations in many countries have 
become more commercialized in recent years, 
with luxury hotels offering expensive iftar ban- 
quets featuring popular entertainers. Since the 
1980s in the United States, Ramadan has become 
the one Muslim holiday of which non-Muslims 
have become aware. Community newspapers 
publish features about how it is observed by 
the local Muslim population, including tradi- 
tional food recipes. Since the terrorist attacks 
on September 11, 2001, Muslim organizations 
have participated increasingly in interfaith activi- 
ties, including community iftar dinners with 
Christians and Jews. The White House has also 
honored this holy Islamic month by holding iftar 

See also almsgiving; customary law; Five Pil- 

Further reading: Sarah Gauch, “Fasting Days, Fes- 
tive Nights: Ramadan in Cairo." Saudi Aramco World 
53 (January-February 2002): 60-65; S. D. Goitein, 
“Ramadan: The Muslim Month of Fasting." In Studies in 
Islamic History and Institutions, edited by S. D. Goitein, 
90-100 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1966); Angelika Neuwirth, 
“Three Religious Feasts between Narratives of Violence 
and Liturgies of Reconciliation." In Religion between 
Violence and Reconciliation, edited by Th. Shcffler, 
49-82 (Beirut/Wurzburg: Erbon Vcrlag in Kommission, 
2002 ). 

Rashid Rida, Muhammad (1865-1935) 
Islamic reformer and modernist 
Muhammad Rashid Rida was born in Tripoli, Syria 
( present-day Lebanon), on September 23, 1865, to 
a family that claimed descent from Muhammad. He 
was educated first in a traditional religious school 
and then at the National Islamic School in Tripoli. 
The curriculum at this school combined instruc- 
tion in Islamic doctrine and law with European 
languages and the natural sciences. Here Rida 
learned to view SCIENCE, technology, and some 
European political ideas positively. During the 
same period Rida became convinced, through 
study of the medieval theologians al-Ghazzali 
( 1058-1111) and IBN TAYMIYYA (1263-1328), lhat 
many contemporary Muslim religious practices 
and orders were unacceptable corruptions (sing. 
bidaa ) of Islam. He condemned Sufi rituals and 
popular saints festivals in particular. He was a pro- 
lific writer, producing several books, and worked 
most of his life as editor of the magazine Al-Manar 
(The beacon), which he founded in 1898. Rida is 
one of the most important and influential intel- 
lectuals who, through his writings, strove to rec- 
oncile Islam with modernity. 

As a young man, Rida was deeply impressed 
by the Salafi reform movement founded in Cairo 
by Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (1838-97) and his 
student Muhammad Abduh (1849-1905). Both 
men argued that Muslims needed to unify against 
external threats and internally reinvigorate Islam 

582 Rashidun 

in order to resist COLONIALISM and Western domi- 
nation. They encouraged Muslims to base their 
actions on the Quran and sunna and to abandon 
any traditional religious practices not supported 
by these texts. Together with their call to reopen 
the door to ijtihad , or reinterpretation of Islamic 
law in light of reason, these assertions under- 
mined the leadership role of the traditional ulama. 
Upon the death of al-Afghani, Rida moved to 
Cairo to work with Muhammad Abduh, where 
he expanded access to Salafi thought through his 

Rida was especially concerned about the 
backwardness he perceived in Muslim societies, 
which permitted them to be dominated by the 
European powers. In response to the challenges 
of World War I, and the breakup of the Ottoman 
Empire, Rida promoted a program of religious, 
political, and social reform that differed some- 
what from that of his predecessors. Modern 
education, in Ridas view, was sorely needed to 
enable the Arab peoples to adopt positive ele- 
ments of European civilization, including adop- 
tion of modern technical advances. He argued for 
the restoration of the caliphate as a remedy for 
corrupt regimes who cooperated with the colo- 
nial powers. Rida later moved away from PAN- 
Islamism toward pan-Arabism and is considered 
by some an early proponent of Arab nationalism. 
Rida reinterpreted the ideas of the early reform- 
ists and passed them on to succeeding Muslim 
intellectuals. Different aspects of his ideas have 
appealed to both secular modernists in Arab 
countries and Islamist activists. 

See also Islamism; renewal and reform move- 
ments; Salafism; secularism. 

Shauna Huffaker 

Further reading: Albert Hourani, Arabic Thought in 
the Liberal Age: 1798-1939 (1962. Reprint, Cambridge: 
Cambridge University Press, 1983), 222-244; Malcom 
H. Kerr. Islamic Reform: The Political and Legal Theories 
of Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida (Berkeley: Uni- 
versity of California Press, 1966); Muhammad Rashid 

Rida. The Muhammadan Revelation. Translated by Yusuf 
DeLorenzo (Alexandria, Va.: Al-Saadawi Publications, 
1996); Emad Eldin Shahin, Through Muslim Eyes: M. 
Rashid Rida and the West (Herndon, Va.: International 
Institute of Islamic Thought, 1993). 

Rashidun See Abu Bakr; Ali ibn Abi Talib; 
caliph; Umar ibn al-Khattab; Uthman ibn Affan. 

rasa I Sec prophets and prophethood. 

rawza khavani See Ashura. 
ray Sec ijtihad. 

Refah Partisi (Turkish: Welfare Party) 

The Refah Partisi (RP) is the name of an Islamist 
political party that operated in Turkey from 
1983 to 1998. Soon after the Republic of Turkey 
was founded in 1923, its first president Mustafa 
Kemal Ataturk (d. 1938) pushed through a scries 
of reforms aimed at breaking the hold of Islam 
over the state and society. Historically, Turkey's 
strong military has been a staunch defender of 
these secularist policies, and successive efforts to 
ease restrictions on Islamic education and wor- 
ship starting in the 1950s have been met with 
military coups and the disbanding of political par- 
ties oriented toward Islam. When single-party rule 
ended in 1950, the new Democrat Party began 
easing restrictions that had been imposed on 
Islamic education and worship, but it was closed 
following the military coup of 1960. 

The first explicitly Islamic parties (the National 
Order Party in 1971 and the National Salvation 
Party in 1980) were formed under the leadership 
of Necmettin Erbakan (b. 1926), but they were 
closed in the succeeding military coups. 

Erbakan was himself banned from politics 
following a 1980 coup, but in 1983 Islamists 

refugees 583 

regrouped under a new party — Refah — of which 
Erbakan took control when his ban was lifted in 
1987. The party grew steadily in strength, sweep- 
ing the local elections of 1994 and gaining impor- 
tant mayorships, including Istanbul and Ankara. 
In the parliamentary elections of 1995, Refah won 
21.4 percent of the vote, a plurality, pressing other 
parties to join it to form a coalition. After much 
political wrangling, Refah managed to form a gov- 
ernment in 1996, with Erbakan as the country's 
first Islamist prime minister. 

Rcfah's success stemmed from its effective 
appeal to a segment of the Sunni population, 
which felt Turkeys secular attitude had repressed 
Islam, but also to its populist and anticorruption 
discourse, and to its strong grass-roots organi- 
zation, which distributed food and other basic 
necessities to the poor. Erbakan sought closer 
ties with countries such as Iran and Libya, and 
it openly supported the religious brotherhoods, 
which had been outlawed since 1925. These and 
other reform measures met with opposition from 
the military and the secular media, and, in 1997, 
under heavy pressure from the military, Erbakan 
resigned as prime minister. The Refah Party was 
closed in 1998, and Erbakan was again banned 
from politics. 

Some Refah members resurfaced in the Fazilet 
(Virtue) Party, with a more Western orientation, 
focusing on DEMOCRACY, civil rights, and entrance 
into the European Union, but, despite its more 
moderate approach, Fazilet also ran into problems 
with the secularist forces, especially over the issue 
of women wearing hcadscarves. In 2001 Fazilet 
was also closed down, after which a split occurred 
in its ranks. The younger, more moderate faction 
formed the AKP (justice and Development Party). 
Refah Party members have subsequently worked 
with the Fazilet (Virtue) Party and the AKP (Jus- 
tice and Development) Party, the latter of which 
won a majority of parliamentary seats in the 2002 
election, and it was able to form a government 
with Recep Tayyip Erdogan (b. 1954) as prime 

See also government, Islamic; human rights; 
Islamism; politics and Islam; secularism. 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: Marvine Howe, Turkey Today: A Nation 
Divided over Islam's Revival (Boulder, Colo.: Westview 
Press. 2000); David Shankland, Islam and Society in 
Turkey (Huntingdon. U.K.: Eothen Press, 1999). 


Civilians who are forced to flee their homes to 
escape violence or persecution are known as refu- 
gees. Several major refugee migrations are known 
in the history of Islam before the modern era. 
These include the flight of Muslims to Syria and 
Egypt in the west and India in the east to escape 
the onslaught of the Mongol armies that invaded 
the Middle East in the 13th century, and again in 
the 14th and 15th centuries. These refugees con- 
tributed significantly to religious, intellectual, and 
social life in the countries where they made their 
new homes. Another significant refugee popula- 
tion consisted of Jews and Muslims who were 
driven out of Spain by the European Christian 
armies of the Reconquista in the 14th and 15th 
centuries. Most of these refugees settled in North 
Africa, Egypt, and lands in the cast Mediterra- 
nean basin. In the 19th century sizeable Muslim 
refugee populations were created as a result of the 
Crimean War (1853-56) and the British suppres- 
sion of the Sepoy Rebellion in northern India in 

Like many other parts of the world, lands with 
sizeable Muslim populations in the Middle East 
and South Asia witnessed massive population 
displacements in the 20th century, resulting in the 
creation of millions of refugees and significant dis- 
ruptions to economic, social, political, religious, 
and personal networks. Ottoman massacres of 
Armenian Christians in the early part of the cen- 
tury forced survivors of that minority community 
to flee to Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Egypt. 
In 1947 the partition of India led to unparalleled 

584 refugees 

cross-migrations of Muslims from India to Paki- 
stan and Sikhs and Hindus from Pakistan to India. 
It is estimated that more than 10 million people 
were involved in this bi-directional exodus of 
civilians fleeing outbreaks of violence. The 1947 
partition also led to the creation of Kashmiri refu- 
gee populations composed mainly of Muslims and 
Hindus, and of Bihari Muslims who moved to West 
Pakistan (now Bangladesh) to escape communal 
violence. Later, in 1971, the war for the libera- 
tion of Bangladesh from West Pakistan involved 
widespread violence against civilians and to the 
creation of refugee camps for Biharis, who opposed 
independence from West Pakistan. 

One of the longest lasting unsettled refugee 
crises in the world is that of the Palestinians. 
According to the UN Relief and Works Agency 
for Palestine Refugees in the New East (UNRWA), 
914,000 Palestinians lost their homes between 
June 1946 and May 1948, as a result of the Arab- 
Isracli conflict. These people and their descen- 
dants, numbering by 2002 over 4 million, are 
officially considered refugees by UNRWA. How- 
ever, only a fraction of them, approximately 1.3 
million Palestinians, currently live in UNRWA- 
administered refugee camps in Gaza, the West 
Bank, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. Existing in 
crushing poverty, Palestinian refugees in these 
camps face serious health problems and limited 
options for EDUCATION and employment. In addi- 
tion, those living in Gaza and the West Bank 
come under nearly constant physical threat from 
the ongoing violence between Israeli soldiers and 
Palestinian resistance fighters, and they often face 
further displacement with the continued estab- 
lishment of Israeli settlements in the occupied 
territories. Unlike all other refugees in the world, 
Palestinian refugees are not protected by the 
UN's Refugee Convention (1951) because some 
of them receive direct assistance from UNRWA. 
Thus, the millions who are not living under the 
direct influence of UNRWA receive no protection, 
while those under the watch of UNRWA receive 
merely basic assistance. 

Afghan nationals comprise another population 
that has suffered massive population displace- 
ment, both internal and external. Prior to the U.S. 
invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001 following 
the September 11, 2001, attacks, over 5 million 
Afghans had become refugees as a result of more 
than 25 years of civil war and foreign invasion. 
Four million of those refugees sought sanctuary 
in neighboring countries, such as Iran and Paki- 
stan, while another million lived displaced within 
Afghanistan itself, making Afghans the largest 
refugee population it the world today. In 2001 all 
six of Afghanistan's neighbors have closed their 
borders to further refugees. At the same time, 
hundreds of thousands of Afghans have been 
encouraged to return to their homes. Unfortu- 
nately the instability that remains in Afghanistan 
makes a viable resettlement nearly impossible in 
most regions of the country. 

Perhaps the fastest growing refugee popula- 
tion today consists of Iraqis, Muslims and non- 
Muslims, as a consequence of the U.S. occupation 
of the country in 2003 and the civil war that 
erupted there in 2006. It is estimated that as of 
September 2007 nearly 2.3 million had fled their 
homes for safer parts of Iraq (United Nations 
High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR). 
These arc called “internally displaced persons." 
Another 2.5 million have fled to other countries 
in the region, especially Jordan, Syria, Iran, Tur- 
key, Lebanon, and Egypt (UNHCR 2007). The 
assets these refugees were able to take with them 
have quickly dwindled, posing serious social, 
political, and economic challenges for the host 
countries. About 100,000 Iraqis have moved 
to countries in Europe, the United States, and 
Canada (UNHCR 2007). Prior to the U.S. -led 
invasion of 2003, over 2 million Kurds had been 
displaced from their homes in Iraq and Turkey, 
and over 100,000 Marsh Arabs were displaced 
from their traditional homelands in southern 
Iraq by the government forces of Saddam Husayn 
(d. 2006). One of the staggering human costs of 
war in the Middle East, its dramatic refugee cri- 

586 renewal and reform movements 

“Let there be a community among you that calls 
people to the good and commands what is right 
and forbids what is wrong" (Q 3:104). Likewise, 
it says, “Indeed, God will not change what is in a 
people until they change what is in themselves" 
(Q 13:11). Such declarations have been used by 
Muslims in later times to call for individual moral 
correction in accordance with what is understood 
to be God’s Law (the sharia) and, circumstances 
permitting, to advocate collective moral, religious, 
and social reform. The quranic term that is used 
most commonly today with respect to the idea of 
reform is islah. It is related to a term for reconcilia- 
tion and peacemaking (su/fi), as well as to the idea 
of doing what is good. In its verbal form it can also 
mean "to restore" and "to renew," and those who 
engage in such action are the "restorers" or "recon- 
cilers” (muslilnin). Islah was not widely used in the 
sense of "reform” until the modern reform move- 
ments of the 19th and 20th centuries. 

The Arabic term most commonly used for 
renewal is tajdid. Unlike islah , this word is not 
found in the Quran. Rather, proponents of Islamic 
renewal cite a HAD1TH found in later collections 
(Abu Dawud, ninth century). This hadith states, 
"At the beginning of each century God will bring 
forth for this community (umma) a person who 
will renew its religion.” Different "renewers" (sing. 
mujaddid) have been acclaimed in Islamic history. 
These include the Umayyad caliph Umar II (r. 
71 7-720), Sunni theologian and mystic al-Ghazali 
(d. 1111), Hanbali jurist Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1327), 
Egyptian Sunni scholar Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 
1305), Indian mystic and reformer Ahmad Sirhindi 
(d. 1625), and Iranian jurist and revolutionary 
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (d. 1989). The idea 
ol a "renewer" is primarily encountered in Sunni 
Islam; it is eclipsed in Shiism by belief in the Mahdi. 
Nevertheless, there have been important religious 
reform movements in Shii communities, too. 

The establishment of the Abbasid Caliphate 
in the eighth century and the subsequent con- 
solidation of orthodox Sunnism also contributed 
significantly to the shaping of Islamic reform- 

ism and renewal. Pro-Abbasid Sunni historians 
portrayed the Umayyad Caliphate as illegitimate, 
accusing it of being too worldly and un-Islamic, 
the implication being that the Abbasids were the 
legitimate restorers of the true religion of the 
prophet Muhammad. Developments during the 
first century of Abbasid rule led not only to the 
establishment of the major Sunni legal schools, 
but also to the articulation of the fundamental 
principles of belief. Rather than Abbasid political 
authorities, however, it was the religious scholars, 
the ulama, who became the official arbiters of the 
sharia and Islamic teachings. Though every Mus- 
lim in theory was responsible for leading people 
on the path of religious and ethical correctness, the 
ulama claimed priority. This is reflected in the list 
of mujaddids named above, all but one of whom 
(Umar II) had expertise in the religious sciences. 


Although Islamic movements of this type differ in 
organization, ideology, and even objective, there 
are nevertheless characteristics that many of them 
share. These include (1) promoting a "return” to 
the "straight path" of religion based on the Quran 
and SUNNA, which are regarded as universally 
valid; (2) looking to the righteous community of 
the first Muslims (the salaf) for inspiration; (3) 
and reforming traditional practices and beliefs 
that are considered to be innovations (sing, bidaa) 
or deviations from cherished Islamic principles 
established by the Quran, Muhammad, and the 
salaf. Islamic studies scholars also point out that 
reformers and revivalists have not only been 
critical of rulers, but also of "traditionalist" reli- 
gious authorities who rely too much on "imita- 
tion" ( taqlid ) at the expense of essential Islamic 
principles. In order to validate their break with 
traditionalists and imitators and adapt the Quran 
and Sunna to changing circumstances, reformers 
call for the use of ijtihad, an approved method 
of jurisprudence (f/qh) that allows for the use of 
individual legal reasoning when explicit guidance 

590 revelation 

involved in revelation, the Quran and the earlier 
revelations of the Torah, Psalms, and the Gospel 
are all believed to be earthly manifestations of 
a heavenly book, known as “the mother of the 
book" (umm al-kitab ), “the preserved tablet" ( al - 
lawh al-mahludh), and “the hidden writing" (kitab 
maknun). Muslims believe that the Quran was not 
sent down directly in the form of a physical book 
of scripture, but that it was God's speech, recited 
(or read) to Muhammad. Only after Muhammad 
died, according to conventional accounts, was it 
assembled in the form of book. 

Although some of the revelations Muhammad 
had were of a visual nature, most were verbal. Pas- 
sages in the Quran suggest that Muhammad had 
a vision of God (Q 53:1-18). Others suggest that 
Gabriel was the conveyor of revelation, which 
has become the conventional belief. According to 
the hadith, on some occasions Muhammad saw 
Gabriel approach as a young man and repeated 
what he heard the ANGEL say. The accounts of 
Muhammad's first revelation provided by the 
Sira of Ibn Ishaq (d. 767) and Tabari's history 
(late ninth century) relate that while on retreat 
in a mountain cave near Mecca he saw a supra- 
mundane being, identified as Gabriel, who com- 
manded him to recite the first lines of Sura 96. 
When Muhammad expressed reluctance to recite, 
the angel throttled and pressed upon him until 
he accepted the call. After this he fled to his wife 
Khadija who, together with her cousin Waraqa bin 
Nawfal, confirmed the authenticity of his revela- 
tory experience. Subsequent experiences of rev- 
elation were less dramatic. The hadith relate that 
instead of a vision Muhammad heard a sound like 
a bell ringing or the buzzing of bees before hear- 
ing the revealed message. He also received revela- 
tion in the form of inspiration (vvuJiy). Although 
the sayings of Muhammad contained in the hadith 
are not “revelations" per se, one group of them, 
known as “sacred hadith," contained divine state- 
ments not found in the Quran that are credited 
to Muhammad as the transmitter, unlike quranic 
verses. The counterpart of quranic revelations that 

“descended" upon Muhammad or were inspired 
in him was his famed Night Journey and Ascent, 
an event during which he is said to have seen and 
conversed with a number of former prophets, 
angels, and God himself. The instructions for the 
five daily prayers were given to him according to 
conventional accounts of this event. 

Although Muslims consider the Quran a 
unique revelation, it is not the only kind of revela- 
tion that has been claimed in Islamic history. Shii 
ULAMA have attributed to their Imams the ability to 
receive inspiration from God when a matter arose 
that was not addressed in the Quran or Sunna. 
They called this kind of inspiration ilham , and 
sometimes wahy, a lesser kind of revelation than 
that received by Muhammad. Jaafar al-Sadiq (d. 
765), the sixth Imam, is credited with stating, 

A messenger (rasul) is one who secs an angel 
who comes to him with the message from 
his lord. He speaks with him just as one of 
you would speak with your companion. And 
the prophet (nab i) docs not see the angel 
but revelation (wcdiy) descends upon him 
and he sees (the angel) in a vision . . . and 
the speaker (the imam) hears the voice but 
does not sec anything (adapted from Momen 

The Shii Imams are also identified with the 
“signs" ( ayat ) of God mentioned in the Quran (for 
example, Q 29:49-50; 36:46). This suggests that 
they embody revelation. 

A further elaboration of notions of revelation 
occurred within the circles of the Sufis, the vir- 
tuosos of Islamic mysticism. Many acknowledged 
that saints could receive divine inspiration, called 
ilhani t but that this differed in kind and degree 
from the kind of revelation received by prophets 
( wahy ; tanzil )• In contrast to the Shia, some held 
the view that this inspiration was meant for the 
individual rather than the community as a whole, 
though most saints were looked to as authorities 
and examples to be emulated by their disciples and 

592 ridda 

and EDUCATION reforms, mandated a Western 
dress code, and abolished the wearing of the 
veil. He created a strong central government by 
destroying the old fiefdoms that had divided the 
country internally and he limited the authority 
of Iran's Shii religious institutions by control- 
ling the tithes that functioned as their primary 
source of wealth. The shah's reforms sparked 
Iran's economy and reignited its sense of national 
sovereignty, making Iran one of the most stable 
and formidable powers in the Middle East. Yet, 
because of his lasting distrust of the British and 
Russians, Reza Shah Pahlavi chose not to assist 
the Allies in their fight against German forces 
during World War II. As a result, in the closing 
year of the war, the Allied forces rcoccupied Iran, 
forced his abdication, and replaced him on Iran's 
throne with his son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (r. 

Reza Aslan 

Further reading: Amin Banani, The Modernization of 
Iran (Stanford. Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1961); 
Cyrus Ghani, Iran and the Rise of Reza Shah (London: 
l.B. Tauris, 1998); l loma Katouzian, State and Society in 
Iran: The Eclipse of the Qajars and the Emergence of the 
Pahlavis (London: l.B. Tauris, 2000). 

ridda See APOSTASY. 

Rifai Sufi Order 

The Rifai Sufi Order takes its name from Ahmad 
al-Rifai (1106-82), a Shafii legal scholar and 
mystic from the marshlands of southern Iraq. 
He was a contemporary of Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani 
(d. 1166), the eponymous founder of the Qadiri 
Sufi Order, and disciples claimed he was from 
the household of Muhammad, the Prophet. Details 
about al-Rifai's life are sketchy, other than that he 
was raised by his paternal uncle, Mansur, after the 
death of his father. Mansur had initiated a der- 
vish order called the Rifaiyya, which Ahmad led 

after his uncles death. He was 28 years old at the 
time. His tomb in the village of Umm Ubayda in 
southern Iraq had become a large dervish hospice 
by the time Ibn Battuta visited it in the mid-14th 
century. The famed Rifai Mosque in Cairo is also 
thought to contain his remains, but because this 
is a late- 19th century mosque, it most likely con- 
tains the remains of one of his descendants or a 
Rifai shaykh. 

As has often been the case for Islamic organi- 
zations, it was Ahmads disciples who developed 
the orders rituals, rules, and doctrines. They 
also established branches throughout the Middle 
East and southeastern Europe. It remained the 
most widespread order in Sunni Arab lands 
until the 15th century, when it was superseded 
by the Qadiri order. The Ottoman SULTAN Abd 
al-Hamid 11 (d. 1918) renewed its importance as 
part of his effort to promote pan-1slamism. Today 
the most prominent Rifai branches are in Iraq, 
Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Turkey, Bosnia and Her- 
zegovina, Albania, Bulgaria, and Greece. There 
are branches in coastal cities of India, especially 
Surat, where it is the most important Sufi order. 
Several branches have also been established in 
the United States, including in California and 
New York. 

According to a 16th-century source, the Rifais 
credited their founder with teaching about five 
stages (maqamat) of spiritual development: pious 
circumspection ( waraa ), worship ( taabud ), love 
( mahabba ), mystical insight or gnosis ( tnaarifa ), 
and unity with God ( tawhid ). The Rifai order 
is most famous for its ecstatic rituals, which 
included riding lions, snake-handling, walking 
on fire, eating glass, and piercing the body with 
hooks, swords, and skewers. The shaykh of the 
order purifies the wounds of the dervishes with 
his spittle. The absence of bleeding is taken as a 
demonstration of the saints miraculous powers. 
Such practices came to be widely condemned in 
the Muslim community only in the 19th and 20th 
centuries, when political authorities, liberals, 
and Wahhabi-minded reformers denounced such 

Rumi,Jalal al-Din 593 

practices as un-Islamic innovations. Nevertheless, 
they are still conducted among some Rifai groups 

See also ahl al-bayt; Badawi, Ahmad al-; bidaa ; 
maqam; mawl/d; ; miracle; Sufism. 

Further reading: Frederick De Jong. Turuq and Turuq- 
Linked Institutions in Nineteenth-Century Egypt (Leiden: 
E.J. Brill, 1978); John S. Trimingham, The Suji Orders 
in Islam (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971); Peter 
Van Der Veer, “Playing or Praying: A Sufi Saints Day in 
Surat." Journal of Asian Studies 51, no. 3 (August 1992): 

rosary See prayer beads. 

ruh Sec soul and spirit. 

Rumi, Jalal al-Din (Mawlana, Arabic: 

Our Master) (1207-1273) Persian Sufi master 
and mystical poet who lived much of his life in Konya, 

Mawlana Jalal al-Din Rumi is perhaps the most 
famous Sufi poet, and he is one of the most 
cherished poets in Persian literature, due to the 
beauty and exuberance of his voluminous poetry, 
which has inspired Muslims for centuries and, 
more recently, spiritual seekers in Europe and the 

Jalal al-Din was born in Balkh (in modern- 
day Afghanistan) in 1207, but when still a child 
migrated with his father to Anatolia (known in 
Islamic history as Rum, hence the name Rumi), 
shortly before the Mongol invasions. They settled 
in Konya, which was then the capital of the Seljuk 
dynasty of Rum (1077-1307), and Rumis father 
secured a position as a teacher of Islamic sciences. 
When his father died, Rumi took over the posi- 
tion, and was widely respected. In 1244 his life 
changed when he met a wandering dervish named 
Shams al-Din Tabrizi (d. 1248), and the two 

became inseparable friends. Under the influence 
of Shams, Rumi was inspired to write exuberant 
mystical poetry and was introduced to the ecstatic 
whirling dance known as samaa (Arabic: audi- 
tion). Many of his verses were in fact composed 
while Rumi was whirling in samaa. After Shams 
died, Rumi found similar spiritual friendships 
with a goldsmith named Salah al-Din Zarkub (d. 
1258), and later Husam al-Din (d. 1284-85), with 
whose inspiration Rumi began to compose the 
verses that would become his most famous work, 
the M athnawi. Rumi died in Konya in 1273. His 
life was described in hagiographical works not 
long after his death, such as Aflakis Manaqib al- 
arifin (The virtues of the gnostics). 

Rumis most important works include a large 
collection of short lyric poems called Divan-i 

Tomb ofjalal al-Din Rumi in Konya, Turkey Juan E. 

Rushdie, Salman 595 

identities that come with being Asian in London. 
The main character is Gibreel Farishta (which 
translates from Urdu as “the Angel Gabriel”). It 
is this character who assumes the persona of the 
angel Gabriel and has a series of dreams that begin 
in the second chapter of the book, “Mahound.” 
Mahound (a name for the prophet Muhammad in 
medieval Christian polemic against Muslims) is 
an orphan, a businessman living in a city named 
Jahilia, who through revelation begins to preach 
a religion named “Submission,” which represents 
Islam. In another chapter, Gibreel also has a series 
of encounters with another character, an exile, 
known simply as “the imam,” who represents 

The book was first banned in India on October 
5, 1988, at the urging of several Indian Muslim 
politicians. Subsequently, the book was banned in 
South Africa (November 24, 1988), burned pub- 
licly in Bradford, England (January I4 t 1989), and 
protested against in Islamabad, Pakistan (where 
six people died during a riot on February 12, 
1989) and Bombay (with 12 people killed in a riot 
on February 24, 1989). On February 14, 1989, 
Khomeini pronounced his death sentence on 
Rushdie. While distancing itself from Khomeinis 
death sentence, the 11th session of the Islamic 
Law Academy of the Muslim World League (held 
in Mecca from February 10 to 26, 1989) issued 
a statement declaring Rushdie an apostate and 
recommending that he be prosecuted in a British 
court and tried in absentia under the sharia laws 
of an Islamic country. 

On the whole, North American responses 
were much more muted and peaceful than in 
other countries. To take the case of Toronto, the 
city with Canadas largest population of Muslims, 
there was a deliberate effort made by various 
Muslim communities to keep the protests nonvio- 
lent. The protests in Toronto, as well as in major 
American cities such as Los Angeles and New 
York, were not used for political purposes, in the 
way that they were used in, for example, Iran or 
India. No Muslim leaders in North America used 

the book as an occasion to develop or consolidate 
their own power. Many Muslims in the UNITED 
States and Canada felt hurt by the book. Unlike 
in some other countries, such as Pakistan, there 
was also some sympathy and tolerance for Rush- 
die in North America, and, in fact, a small number 
of Muslims did not want the book to be banned. 

During his time in hiding, Rushdie became 
quite a celebrity, but he was still able to publish 
a number of works. These included a children’s 
story written for his son, Haroun and the Sea of 
Stories (1990); a collection of nonfiction, Imagi- 
nary Homelands (1991); a collection of short 
stories. East , West (1994); and a novel, The Moor's 
Last Sigh (1995). Rushdie's marriage to the nov- 
elist Marianne Wiggins also ended during his 
time in hiding. Changes in the governments of 
both Iran and Britain led to an end to the fatwa, 
announced on September 24, 1998, in a joint 
statement issued by the foreign ministers of Iran 
and Britain. Since coming out of hiding, Rushdie 
has written four other novels; The Ground Beneath 
Her Feet (1999), Fury (2001), Shalimar the Clown 
(2005), and The Enchantress of Florence (2008). 

In 2000 Rushdie moved from London to New 
York City. He continues to write and has pub- 
lished several short pieces on Islam. These arc col- 
lected in his second anthology of nonfiction, Step 
Across This Line (2002). In 1993 he was awarded 
the Booker of Bookers for Midnight's Children. In 
2005, Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reaf- 
firmed the fatwa that called for Rushdies death. 
In 2006 Rushdie accepted a teaching position at 
Emory University, where his official archive will 
be housed. In 2008, he won the Best of the Booker 
for Midnight's Children. 

See also apostasy; Europe; Jahiliyya; Satanic 

Amir Hussain 

Purther reading: Lisa Appignanesi and Sara Maitland, 
eds.. The Rushdie File (London: Fourth Estate, 1989); 
Roger Y. Clark. Stranger Gods: Salman Rushdie's Other 
Worlds (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 

sacrifice See Id al-Adha. 

sadaqa See almsgiving. 

al-Sadat, Muhammad Anwar ( 1919 - 
1981 ) president of Egypt from 1970 to 1981 
Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat served as Egyptian 
president from September 28, 1970, until his assas- 
sination on October 6, 1981. Sadat was born into a 
poor family, one of 13 brothers and sisters. He grad- 
uated from the Royal Military Academy in 1938, 
was involved in the Free Officer Movement, and its 
efforts to oust the British from Egypt and nationalize 
the Suez Canal. Sadat served in various prominent 
positions in the government of Jamal Abd al-Nasir, 
including as vice president from 1964. 

In 1973 Sadat, along with Syria, launched the 
Yom Kippur War (October War) with Israel, which 
succeeded in regaining parts of the Sinai Peninsula 
and garnered much popularity for him domesti- 
cally. On November 19, 1977, Sadat became the 
first Arab leader to officially visit Israel when he 
met Prime Minister Menachem Begin and spoke 
before the Knesset in Jerusalem. This visit ulti- 
mately resulted in the 1978 Camp David Accords, 
which stipulated that Egypt recognize Israel and 
secured American economic aid for Egypt, which 

continues today. Sadat pursued economic poli- 
cies that were more favorable to capitalism and 
outside trade than those of his predecessor, Jamal 
Abd al-Nasir. Sadat was immensely popular in the 
West — he graced the cover of the November 28, 
1977, issue of Time magazine and received the 
1978 Nobel Peace Prize. 

Sadat styled himself as the "believer presi- 
dent,'* praying regularly and publicly, and initially 
he enjoyed a cordial relationship with Muslim and 
Islamist organizations. From the beginning of his 
presidency, Sadat sought to downplay the social- 
ism of the Abd al-Nasir period and encouraged 
antisocialist elements in Egypt. This included 
permitting the public expression of Islamic oppo- 
sition, releasing many of the activists imprisoned 
by Abd al-Nasir, and allowing the Muslim Broth- 
erhood to publish magazines and organize in 
MOSQUES and universities — this actually backfired, 
providing a forum for Islamist activists to express 
themselves. Further, Sadat's trip to Jerusalem, rec- 
ognition of Israel, and economic policies soured 
his relationship with the Islamic opposition, spur- 
ring the growth of Islamist movements such as 
al-Takfir wal Hijra and Islamic Jihad. Under the 
threat of growing opposition, Sadat changed his 
stance, and, in September 1981, he cracked down 
on Muslim organizations and student groups, 


598 Saddam Hussein 

with arrests totaling nearly 1,600. These purges 
added fuel to the fire, and, on October 6, Sadat 
was assassinated in Cairo during a parade com- 
memorating the 1973 war. The assassin was 
Khalid Islambouli, a member of Islamic Jihad. It 
could be said that the Islamist movement in Egypt 
reached its maturity under Sadat's presidency. 

Joshua Hoffman 

Further reading: Kirk J. Beattie, Egypt during the 
Sadat Years (New York: Palgrave, 2000); Raymond A. 
Hinnebusch, Egyptian Politics under Sadat: The Post- 
Populist Development of an Authoritarian-Modernizing 
State (Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienncr Publishers, 1988); 
Anwar El Sadat, In Search of Identity: An Autobiography 
(New York: Harper and Row, 1978). 

Saddam Hussein See Husayn, Saddam. 

Safavid dynasty 

The Safavid dynasty ruled Iran from 1501 to 
1722, and it was the first to institute Shii Islam as 
the official state religion. Although the founder of 
the Safavid dynasty was likely Safi ad-Din Ishaq 
(b. ca. 1252), head of a mysterious paramilitary 
Sufi order in Gilan called the Safawiyya, it was not 
until one of Safi ad-Dins heirs, a 15-year-old boy 
named Ismail (d. 1524), defeated the rival tribes 
in Iran and declared himself shah in 1501 that the 
Safavid dynasty was born. 

Shah Ismail was a charismatic figure who 
proclaimed Twelve-Imam Shiism the official state 
religion and declared a brutal jihad against Sunni 
Islam both within his lands and in the neighboring 
Ottoman Empire. The young king was unmoved 
by arguments against the legitimacy of a Shii stale 
in the absence of the Hidden Imam, simply declar- 
ing himself to be the long-awaited Mahdi. Safavid 
extremism ended under Ismail's successors, but the 
ideological and religious nature of the state he had 
founded continued throughout the Safavid era, so 
that Shiism is to this day the state religion of Iran. 

The Safavid state flourished for two centuries 
after Ismail's death, reaching its zenith at the 

end of the 16th century under the reign of Shah 
Abbas I (r. 1587-1629). Abbas not only created 
a strong bureaucratic state backed by a power- 
ful military force, but he also turned his capital, 
Isfahan, into one of the most prosperous and re- 
splendent cities in the Middle East. Indeed, many 
of Islam's greatest and most lasting contributions 
to architecture, the arts, and the sciences were de- 
veloped in Isfahan under Safavid patronage. 

By the beginning of the 18th century, however, 
a number of internal and external factors resulted 
in a massive decline in the state's economy. Upris- 
ings throughout Iran ultimately led to the destruc- 
tion of the Safavid dynasty in 1722, but it was not 
until 1773 and the ascension of Nadir Shah as the 
first ruler of the Afsharid dynasty that the Safavid 
state ceased to exist. 

See also Qajar dynasty; Sufism; Usuli School. 

Reza Aslan 

Further reading: Marshal Hodgson, The Venture of 
Islam. Vol. 3 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 
1974); Charles Melville, cd., Safavid Persia (London: 
LB. Taurus. 1996); Roger Savory, Iran under the Safavids 
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983). 

sahaba See Companions of the Prophet. 
sahur Sec Ramadan. 


The Arabic word usually translated as saint, 
WALi t refers primarily to the quranic verse 10:62: 
“Indeed, on the friends of God ( awliya Allah) 
there is no fear, neither shall they grieve.'' Two 
words derived from wait are generally taken to 
refer to sainthood, wilaya and WALAYA . Medieval 
Muslim scholars, as well as contemporary observ- 
ers of Islam, have debated which of these two 
terms is the most appropriate, for they can be 
understood to have different meanings: wilaya 
connotes power, while walaya generally indicates 
closeness. While Muslim scholars have differed as 

saint 599 

to whether the saints are known by their closeness 
to God or their power, the saints in fact should be 
understood to be very special people who com- 
bine these two attributes. “Saint,” then, connotes 
both friend and protector. One who is a saint is 
close to God. God protects the saint and gives the 
saint power (baraka). Just as God is the patron of 
the saint, dispensing power to him or her, so, too, 
the saint has power and acts as a patron. 

There is no generally recognized churchlike 
structure in Islam to recognize or canonize saints, 
which means that the saints emerge relatively 
organically from their environments. This does 
not mean, however, that one becomes a saint 
spontaneously, or without effort. On the contrary, 
it is clear that individuals have often striven to be 

Popular religious poster showing an assembly of lead- 
ing Chishti saints, shown with their shrines in India 

considered saints, and it is also clear that saints are 
made, or at least come to be widely recognized, by 
the actions and efforts of their followers. 

The great scholar of Sufism, Abu al-Qasim 
al-Qushayri (d. 1072), defined the saint as “first, 
someone whose affairs are taken over by God, and, 
second, as someone whose worship of God is con- 
stant without any defect of rebellion" (Hoffman, 
109). People may become saints after long years of 
discipline and asceticism, or they may reach that 
state in an immediate, overwhelming experience 
of the divine that takes over the person's intellect. 
At the level of the average believer, however, the 
defining characteristic of saints is the ability to 
work miracles, known as karamat, through their 
blessing power (baraka). This power to work 
miracles is a sine qua non for saints, much as it is 
in Christianity. 

The saints are thus special people, often hidden 
or obscured from the attention of others during 
their lives, who have a special closeness to God that 
allows them to act as intercessors on behalf of the 
believers, providing them access to the power and 
grace of God. Most often the deceased saint has a 
shrine to which people make visitation (ziyara), 
and to which people come annually for a local or 
regional saint festival (m awlid). This shrine, known 
variously as a maqam, qubba, darih , or dargah, 
contains the body and relics of the saint. It is also 
believed to contain the saints baraka. 

The reality of saints, and especially their venera- 
tion, has been under strenuous attack in the Islamic 
world for over a century. Renewal and reform 
movements of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries 
have objected to the practices associated with saint 
veneration. The Wahhabis, who emerged in the 
Arabian Peninsula in the 18th century, destroyed 
all the saints shrines they found, a practice that is 
continued by the modern Saudi state through some 
of its charitable arms. For them, saint veneration 
risked compromising the Islamic belief in the one- 
ness of God, thus constituting idolatry, or shirk: the 
greatest sin of Islam. In the 19th and 20th centuries, 
many Muslim reformers came to see saint veneration 
as archaic superstition that had to be eliminated il 

600 Saladin 

Muslims were ever to become modern, which most 
Muslims agree is a necessity. In the Salafism move- 
ment, especially during the time of Muhammad 
Rashid Rida (d. 1935), these two strands of thought 
largely merged, leading to the present situation in 
which saint veneration is often the province of the 
less educated and less sophisticated. The dominant 
discourse, which is largely a modernist one, has 
come to look down upon saint veneration and inter- 
cession as being both un-lslamic and backwards. 
This does not mean that saints or their cults are 
disappearing. It does mean, however, that many 
Muslims, and particularly those who are intellectu- 
ally and politically active, will, for the foreseeable 
future, perceive the saints to be an aspect of “folk" 
or “popular” Islam rather than the integral part of 
Islam that they were for a millennium. 

Sec also awl al-bayt; al-Badawi, Ahmad; bidaa; 
miracle; Sufism; Wahhabism; Zaynab bint Ali ibn 
Abi Talib. 

John Iskander 

Further reading: Vincent Cornell, Realm of the Saint: 
Power and Authority in Moroccan Sufism (Austin: Uni- 
versity of Texas Press, 1998); Gerald T. Elmore, Islamic 
Sainthood in the Fullness of Time: Ibn al-Arabis Booh of 
the Fabulous Gryphon (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1999); Valeric J. 
Hoffman, “Muslim Sainthood, Women, and the Legend of 
Sayyida Nafisa." In Women Saints in World Religions, edited 
by Arvind Sharma, 107-144 (Albany: Stale University of 
New York Press, 2000); Lamin Sanneh, “Saints and Virtue 
in African Islam: An Historical Approach." In Saints and 
Virtues, edited by John Stratton Hawley, 127-143 (Los 
Angeles: University of California Press, 1987). 

Saladin (Al Malik al Nasir Abu’l Muzaffar 
Yussuf ibn Ayyub, better known by his title, 
Salah al-Din) (1138-1193) Muslim soldier 
and leader of Kurdish descent, who became the ruler 
of Egypt and Syria and led the Arab Muslim jihad 
against the Crusaders 

Saladin was born in Takrit, north of Baghdad in 
Iraq, where his father was governor. But Saladin's 
family transferred their loyalty to Nur al-Din ibn 
Zangi, the ruler of Aleppo and Damascus. Sala- 

din began his career as a member of the military 
machine marshaled by Nur al-Din to combat the 
Christian crusaders in the latter half of the 12th 
century. Nur al-Din's first task was to unify the 
Muslims and it was with this aim that Saladin was 
sent as part of an expeditionary force to defeat the 
Shii Fatimid rulers of Egypt. The campaign was 
successful and shortly thereafter Saladin was rec- 
ognized as the ruler of Egypt. In this role, Saladin 
undertook numerous building projects to fortify 
the country's defenses, most notably the citadel that 
still has a prominent place on the Cairo skyline. 

Saladin's ambitions placed him in conflict with 
Nur al-Din, but before they could settle the matter 
in battle, Nur al-Din died in 1174. Saladin spent 
the next 12 years continuing Nur al-Din's program 
of unifying the Muslim princes of Syria and Pales- 
tine, this time under his own authority and lead- 
ership. Once he had accomplished this — cither by 
treaty or by force — Saladin focused his efforts on 
expelling the crusaders from the region. 

He began his offensive campaign with a deci- 
sive victory in 1187 at the Battle of Hattin. Saladin 
then led his troops in retaking, with little resistance 
or bloodshed, most of the Crusade cities and for- 
tresses. Saladin's primary objective, however, was 
Jerusalem, which he besieged in 1189. Unable to 
adequately defend themselves, the city's inhabitants 
quickly came to terms with Saladin, who allowed 
them to ransom themselves as prisoners of war. 
This action stood in sharp contrast to the crusader 
conquest of the city almost a century earlier. Indeed 
Saladin was famous for his generosity and honor. 
He often allowed crusader prisoners to go free with 
the simple promise not to take up arms against him 
again — a promise that was not always kept. 

The highpoint of Saladin's career came with 
restoration of the Muslim holy places in Jerusalem. 
The last years of his life were spent battling the 
Christian forces in the Third Crusade, which ended 
in stalemate. Richard the Lion-Heart led many rein- 
forcements from Europe to Palestine through the 
crusader stronghold of Tyre, securing cities on the 
coast but never gaining a foothold inland nor enter- 
ing Jerusalem. Although Richard requested to meet 

Salafism 601 

Saladin on many occasions, Saladin always refused, 
stating: "Kings meet together only after the conclu- 
sion of an accord, for it is unthinkable for them to 
wage war once they know one another and have 
broken bread together." They eventually did sign a 
five-year peace treaty, but they never met, as Rich- 
ard left immediately thereafter for England. Saladin 
died a few months later in 1193 in Damascus. 

In European sources Saladin is regarded as a 
worthy opponent of generous and noble character. 
In Muslim sources he is praised for his commit- 
ment to unifying Muslims, waging jihad against 
the crusaders, and strengthening Sunni Islam in 
all the territories under his control by enforcing 
justice and supporting religious institutions. His 
descendants formed the Ayyubid dynasty that 
ruled Syria and Egypt until 1250. 

See also Christianity and Islam. 

Heather N. Keaney 

Further reading: Francesco Gabrieli, Arab Historians of 
the Crusades (Berkeley: University of California Press, 
1957); H. A. R. Gibb, The Life of Saladin (Oxford: 
Clarendon Press); Malcolm Cameron Lyons and D. E. 
P. Jackson, Saladin: The Politics of the Holy War (Cam- 
bridge: Cambridge University Press); Amin Maalouf. 
The Crusades through Arab Eyes. Translated by Jon Roth- 
schild (1984. Reprint, Cairo: The American University 
in Cairo Press, 1990). 

Salafism (Arabic: al-Salafiyya) 

Salafism refers to a cluster of different Sunni 
in contemporary Islam. The term is based on 
the Arabic word salaf — the pious ancestors of 
the Islamic l/MMA, also known as al-salaf al-salih 
(the righteous ancestors). Salafists consider these 
ancestors to be the Muslims who had lived during 
early centuries of Islam, especially the Compan- 
ions of the prophet Muhammad (until 712), their 
Successors (the tabiin) in the second generation 
(until 796), and then the Successors of the Suc- 
cessors in the third (until 855). Although some 
scholars mistakenly trace Salafism back through 
the centuries to these first generations, it is actu- 

ally a modern phenomenon. Since the latter part of 
the 19th century, when they first appeared, Salaf- 
ists have used the print and later the electronic 
media to promote their message that Islam, as well 
as Muslim society, is in crisis, having been cor- 
rupted from within by backward-thinking ulama, 
Sufism, and spurious innovations (sing, b/daa). 
Moreover, they maintained that Islam was being 
threatened from without by Western COLONIALISM 
and SECULARISM. In order to meet these challenges, 
Salafists have sought to restore Islam to what they 
believe is its ideal, pristine form. Their reading of 
the past, however, has been shaped by their pres- 
ent circumstances and concerns. 

Salafists are in general agreement that bring- 
ing back the true Islam means to stop blindly fol- 
lowing the rulings of the ulama of the traditional 
Sunni law schools and look instead only to the 
Quran, the sunna of the prophet Muhammad, and 
the example of the salaf. They have had radically 
different opinions about how to do this, how- 
ever — a fact often overlooked by journalists and 
scholars. The modernist branch of the Salafis, first 
established in Egypt by Jamal al-Din al-Afghani 
(d. 1897) and Muhammad Abduh (d. 1905), have 
seen the Quran and sunna in the light of reason, 
seeking in them spiritual inspiration and general 
ethical principles, as they believe the first Muslims 
had done. They have also accepted the author- 
ity of these sources in matters of worship, like 
prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and the HAJJ. Matters 
not dealt with in the Quran and sunna are to be 
decided by the application of ijtihad (independent 
human judgment), which they were convinced 
would provide the community with the vitality 
needed to adapt to modernity. The other branch 
of Salafism is that of the followers of Wahhabism 
in Saudi Arabia. Indeed, they often prefer to be 
known as Salafis rather than Wahhabis, which is 
a derogatory term usually used by outsiders. They 
read the Quran as the literal word of God, and 
maintain that it, together with the sunna, should 
be the basis of the sharia (sacred law), which is 
to be strictly followed in all matters. They accept 
ijtihad , but interpret it conservatively. Wahhabi 

^ 602 Salafism 

Salafis are also vehemently opposed to Shiism, as 
well as Sufism. 

These two branches of Salafism, the modernist 
and the Wahhabist, have evolved in different and 
complex ways during the 20th and early 21st cen- 
turies. The modernists have emphasized reforms 
that were intended to reconcile religion with 
science and modernity. They have called for mod- 
ernizing the educational system (but still keep- 
ing Islamic subjects in the curriculum), creating 
democratic governments, and liberating women 
from shackles of tradition. In promoting these 
ideals, Salafists portrayed the Islam's civilizational 
heritage as superior to that of the West, redefin- 
ing traditional concepts in conformity with their 
progressive outlook. In their publications consul- 
tation between a ruler and his advisors (shura) 
became parliamentary DEMOCRACY, the consensus 
of jurists in matters of law (ijmaa) became pub- 
lic opinion, and swearing allegiance to a ruler 
(bayaa) became the right to vote. 

Although modernist Salafism was opposed by 
traditionalist Sunni ulama, it spread rapidly from 
Egypt to other Arab countries, and eventually to 
non-Arab ones. In Algeria it was promoted by 
Abd al-Hamid ibn Badis (d. 1940), a religious 
scholar and a leader of the resistance against the 
French colonialists. A Tunisian Salafist, Abd al- 
Aziz al-Thaalibi (d. 1944), founded the Destour 
Party, which sought to create a constitutional 
democracy in that country. Salafism also devel- 
oped roots in Morocco. As part of their political 
activism, Salafists in these countries campaigned 
against Sufi orders, which they thought were det- 
rimental to their reformist agenda. In Indonesia 
the Muhammadiyah reformist movement was 
founded in 1912 by Ahmad Dahlan (d. 1923), 
a Javanese scholar who had been influenced by 
Abduh. Egyptian Salafism has also been credited 
with influencing the religious outlook of the Mus- 
lim Brotherhood and the Jamaat-i Islami in lndo- 
Pakistan, although the influence of the Deoband 
school was greater in the case of the latter. 

Wahhabi Salafists are closely allied to Saudi 
rulers and, unlike the modernist Salafis, they 

have become embedded in the authoritarian gov- 
ernment of Saudi state that was created by Abd 
al-Aziz ibn Saud (d. 1953) in the first decades of 
the 20th century. They control the judiciary and 
education, and are in charge of strictly enforcing 
public morality in accordance with their conser- 
vative understanding of the sharia. This official 
Wahhabi Salafism, because it is so closely tied to 
a regime that holds great wealth from its OIL reve- 
nues and because millions of pilgrims visit Mecca 
and Medina each year, has had widespread influ- 
ence on Muslims around the world. Its rigid ide- 
ology of rule by religious law has inspired violent 
Sunni jihad movements like Hamas in Palestine, 
Egyptian Islamists, the Taliban in Afghanistan, and 
similar groups elsewhere. The close connection of 
Wahhabi Salafism with the Saudi state, however, 
has also undermined its legitimacy in the eyes of 
many, including Saudi dissidents. These critics and 
opponents view the royal family as authoritarian, 
corrupt, and materialistic, and resent its close tics 
with the United States and its allies. Some of these 
opponents have been pushing for gradual democ- 
ratization and greater respect for HUMAN RIGHTS, 
like modernist Salafis have done elsewhere. Others, 
however, have embraced what some have called 
neo-Wahhabism, and call for the violent overthrow 
of the Saudi state and the establishment of one that 
they maintain truly conforms to the sharia. The 
seizure of the Grand Mosque in Mecca in 1979 was 
an early manifestation of this militant trend. It also 
contributed to the shaping of Usama bin La dins 
worldview and the creation of al-Qaidas global ter- 
rorist network in the 1980s and 90s. 

Sec also Companions of the Prophet; Ibn Abd 
al-Wahhab, Muhammad; Islamism; al-Qaida; Rashid 
Rida, Muhammad; Saudi Arabia; Usama bin Ladin. 

Further reading: Asad Abukhalil, The Battle for Saudi 
Arabia: Royalty , Fundamentalism, and Global Power 
(New York: Seven Stories Press, 2004); Malcolm H. 
Kerr. Islamic Reform: The Political and Legal Theories 
of Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida (Berkeley: Uni- 
versity of California Press, 1966); Charles Kurzman, 
Modernist Islam, 1840-1940: A Sourcebook (Oxford: 

Satan 603 

Oxford University Press. 2002); Madawi al-Rasheed, 
Contesting the Saudi State: Islamic Voices from a New 
Generation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 
2007); Itzchak Weismann, Taste of Modernity: Sufism, 
Salafiyya , and Arabism in Late Ottoman Damascus 
(Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2001). 

sal am See Islam; pbuh. 

salat See prayer. 

samaa See music; qawwali. 

Sanusi Sufi Order See Libya; renewal and 



In Islam the devil is called both Satan (Arabic shay- 
tan) and Iblis. These names occur in the Quran 
and throughout Islamic religious literature. The 
two names developed out of pre-Islamic beliefs 
about evil beings and demons that circulated in 
Middle Eastern Zoroastrian, Jewish, and Christian 
communities. Zoroastrianism, which was the state 
religion of Iran prior to the Islamic conquests of 
the seventh century, held that the universe was 
locked in a struggle between two supreme beings 
and their armies of angels and demons. The two 
deities are Ahura Mazda (Lord Wisdom), the 
benevolent creator god of goodness, light, and 
knowledge, and Angra Mainyu (Ahriman), the god 
of evil, darkness, and ignorance. At the end of time, 
with human assistance, Angra Mainyu and his 
minions would be defeated and goodness would 
reign. Scholars think that the Zoroastrian idea of 
an evil adversary of the good creator god may have 
influenced the theologies of other religions in the 
Middle East, including Judaism and Christianity. 

The Hebrew word satan (accuser) occurs a 
number of times in the Old Testament, usually in 
reference to a human who acts as an adversary or 
accuser (for example, 1 Samuel 29:4). It is in the 
later books, however, that the word is used for a 

supramundane being, particularly in Job 1-2 and 
Zechariah 3. There he is depicted as an angelic 
member of God's heavenly court who raises accu- 
sations against human beings because of their 
sins. These books of the Hebrew Bible were writ- 
ten between the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.E., at 
the time of the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews 
of the Kingdom of Judah (586-537 B.c.E.) and the 
reign of Persian Achaemenid dynasty (648-330 
B.C.E. ). This dynasty supported Zoroastrianism and 
allowed Babylonian Jews to return to Jerusalem 
to rebuild their temple that the Babylonians had 
destroyed in 586, providing an opportunity for 
Zoroastrian beliefs to influence Jewish ones. The 
association of Satan with the serpent in the story 
of Adam and Eve does not occur in the Hebrew 
Bible; this association was made in later Christian 
writings. Satan as the enemy of God makes his 
first appearance in the Christian New Testament 
in the Gospels and the Book of Revelation. These 
writings identify him as a “tempter” (Matthew 
4:3), “the prince of demons” (Matthew 12:24), 
and “the evil one” (1 John 5:18). He is also called 
the devil ( diabolos accuser; for example, Matthew 
4:1), which is the word used for Satan in the Scp- 
tuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible. 
The Book of Revelation calls Satan the “ancient 
serpent*' and “the devil,” who will first be bound 
by the angel of God for a thousand years, thrown 
into hell for a thousand years, then released in the 
last days before the Final Judgment (Rev. 20). 

The two main stories involving Satan in the 
Quran are the ones about his rebellion against 
God and about his temptation of Adam and Eve 
in paradise. In the first of these (related in Q 2:34; 
7:11; 15:31; 17:61; 18:50; 20:116; 38:74), God 
commands the angels to prostrate themselves to 
Adam when he is created. Satan refuses, unlike 
the others, and is expelled from paradise for 
his disobedience. Now called an ungrateful dis- 
believer (kafir), God allows him to become an 
enemy and a deceiver of humanity until the Judg- 
ment Day. The righteous, however, will be able 
to successfully resist his efforts to misguide and 
harm them. This story is not in the Bible, but a 

‘ CtfS3 606 Saudi Arabia 

sparked a controversy of global proportions. It 
aggravated relations between Muslims and non- 
Muslims, as well as between pious Muslims and 
secular ones, since Rushdie was himself a Muslim 
more by heritage than conviction. The book was 
not so much about Muhammad and the Satanic 
Verses incident per se, but it did contain passages 
that were interpreted to be blasphemies against 
the Prophet and his wives. Demonstrations against 
the book irrupted in Bradford, England (January 
14, 1989), Bombay, Islamabad, Pakistan (Febru- 
ary 12), and India (February 24). In Iran, Ayatol- 
lah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa (advisor)' 
ruling based on the sharia) on February 14, 1989, 
that called for his death. Khomeini exploited the 
incident to revitalize Iranian popular support for 
his revolutionary government, which was just end- 
ing a long, costly war with Iraq. He may also have 
been personally offended by derogatory passages in 
Rushdies book that talk about a puritanical "IMAM, 
Khomeini himself. As a consequence, Rushdie was 
forced to go into hiding for nearly 10 years. Kho- 
meini died in 1989, but the fatwa was reaffirmed by 
the Iranian government in 2005. Rushdie, mean- 
while has kept busy with writing more novels and 
making numerous public appearances. 

See also blasphemy; goddess; tafsir. 

Further reading: Shahab Ahmed, The Problem of the 
Satanic Verses and the Formation of Islamic Orthodoxy 
(forthcoming); Lisa Appignancsi and Sara Maitland, 
eds., The Rushdie File (London: Fourth Estate, 1989); 
Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses (London: Viking 
Penguin, 1988); W. Montgomery Watt, Muhammad at 
Mecca (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1953). 

Saudi Arabia (Official name: Kingdom of 
Saudi Arabia) 

Named after the dynasty that rules it, Saudi Ara- 
bia is one of the most powerful nations in the 
Middle East. It is has an area of 756,785 square 
miles (about one-fifth the size of the United 
States), a population of 28.1 million people (2008 
estimate), and the world's largest OIL reserves. 
The birthplace of Islam, the home of Mecca and 

Medina, the two holiest cities in Islam, and host 
to millions of pilgrims every year, Saudi Arabia 
has great religious importance within the Muslim 
world. It also occupies a position of geographic 
importance, bordering both the Persian Gulf and 
the Red Sea, as well as Iraq, Jordan, and Kuwait 
to the north, Oman and Yemen to the south, and 
Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to the east. 
Saudi Arabia occupies most of the Arabian Pen- 
insula. Along the Red Sea coast lie the regions of 
Hijaz and Asir. Much of the center of Saudi Ara- 
bia is an arid rocky plateau known as the Najd. 
Along the Persian Gulf coast lies the Hasa Plain. 
Other important regions include the deserts of 
Al-Nafud, Al-Dahna, and the Rub al-Khali. Saudi 
Arabia’s major cities arc Mecca and Medina in the 
Hijaz, Riyadh in the Najd, and the tri-city region 
of Dammam, al-Khubar, and Dharan along the 
Gulf coast in the east. Its indigenous population 
is overwhelmingly Arab, but it has a significant 
number of foreign workers from all over the 
world, including the United States. The state reli- 
gion is based on a puritanical form of Sunni Islam 
known as Wahhabism, but there is a sizeable Shii 
minority population of about 1 1 percent (2005 
estimate) in the eastern region of the country, 
along the Gulf coast. 

Because much of the Arabian Peninsula con- 
sists of desert, the first permanent settlements in 
the region were along the coasts of the Red Sea 
and the Persian Gulf. These towns soon became 
active in trading between the rich civilizations of 
Egypt to the west and the Tigris-Euphratcs region 
to the east, which brought prosperity to some 
areas, particularly along the southwestern coast. 
As the development of camel caravans increased 
trade across the peninsula, urban centers also 
appeared in the interior regions. Outside the cit- 
ies, most inhabitants of the region were nomadic 
tribes. The northern area, where the archaeologi- 
cal site of Madam Salih is located, was once home 
to the Nabateans, an ancient Arab trading culture 
that extended northward into Jordan. 

About 613 C.E., Muhammad ibn Abd Allah 
first began preaching the message of Islam in 

^ 608 sawm 

made it possible to project its influence and conser- 
vative Islamic doctrines around the world. 

During the cold war years, Saudi Arabia devel- 
oped a close relationship with the United States 
as a bulwark against the spread of Soviet influ- 
ence and leftist movements in the Middle East. It 
played a leading role in the creation of the Muslim 
World League (founded in 1962) and the Orga- 
nization of the Islamic Conference (founded in 
1969), both of which exist to promote global Mus- 
lim unity. It has also taken a strong stand against 
the spread of revolutionary Iranian Shiism in the 
Gulf region, and supported Iraq in its 1980-88 
war with Iran. In 1990-91, however, Saudi Arabia 
joined a large international coalition of forces, led 
by the United States, to expel Iraq from neighbor- 
ing Kuwait. It also joined with the United States 
and Pakistan in the 1980s to aid the Afghan muja- 
hidin in their war against the Soviet Union, which 
had occupied Afghanistan in 1978. 

Saudi Arabia has made great strides toward 
educating its people, both men and women, since 
the 1970s. It has 20 public universities and more 
than 24,000 schools. Many members of the royal 
family and the middle class have received their 
college educations abroad in the United States and 
Britain. At the same time, Saudi Arabia has had to 
balance its conservative Islamic tradition, based 
on sharia law, with internal pressure for reform. 
Several domestic opposition movements have 
developed, while others are based abroad. These 
groups have called for a variety of reforms, par- 
ticularly with regard to democratization, human 
rights reform, and social justice. The lives of 
Saudi women are strictly controlled, but in 1990 
a number of university women publicly protested 
the ban that prohibits women from driving. In 
2008 the government agreed to some changes in 
rights for women, including a decree that allows 
women to enter a hotel without a chaperone; the 
government has also agreed to lift the driving ban, 
but no official decree has yet been issued. 

Saudi Arabia must also deal with the question 
of religious violence and terrorism. In 1979 a 
group of rebels, following a Saudi they believed to 

be the promised MAHDI, seized the Sacred Mosque 
in Mecca after the bajj and called for an end to 
Saudi rule. They were opposed to the sweeping 
modernization programs that the government 
had launched in the 1970s. The rebels could be 
removed only by force, with significant loss of life. 
The event left the Saudi kingdom greatly shaken. 
Later, in September 2001, many of the hijackers 
involved in the attacks on New York and Wash- 
ington were Saudi nationals. Usama bin Ladin, the 
leader of the al-Qaida organization that conducted 
these attacks, was the son of the country's foremost 
contractor, Muhammad bin Ladin (d. 1967), who 
had founded the company that built much of Saudi 
Arabia's modern infrastructure. Although Usama 
had assisted the Saudi government in Afghanistan 
in the 1 980s, he was stripped of his Saudi national- 
ity in 1 994 because of his opposition to the govern- 
ment's close relationship with the United States. In 
particular, he was opposed to the stationing of U.S. 
troops in the Muslim holy land. Beginning in 2003 
suicide bombers and militants suspected of having 
links to al-Qaida carried out, or attempted to carry 
out, a number of attacks in Saudi Arabia; most of 
those killed were Saudi nationals. 

See also Bedouin; communism; Faysal ibn 
Abd al-Aziz al-Saud; Gulf states; Gulf Wars; 
Hashimite dynasty; renewal and reform move- 
ments; Shiism. 

Juan E. Campo and Kate O'Halloran 

Further reading: Paul Aarts and Gcrd Nonncman, eds., 
Saudi Arabia in the Balance: Political Economy , Society, For- 
eign Affairs (New York: New York University Press, 2006); 
Christine Moss Helms. The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia: Evo- 
lution of Political Identity (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins 
University Press: London: Croom Helm, 1981); Madawi 
al-Rashced. A History of Saudi Arabia (Cambridge: Cam- 
bridge University Press, 2002); Mai Yamani, Changed 
Identities: The Challenge of the New Generation in Saudi 
Arabia (London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 
2000); Ayman al-Yassini. Religion and State in the Kingdom 
of Saudi Arabia (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1985). 

sawm See FASTING. 

61 0 secularism 

times), astronomy held a prominent place on the 
scientific scene. Rulers sponsored the construc- 
tion of observatories and large observation instru- 
ments and employed scientists such as al-Battani 
(d. 929), al-Khayyam (d. 1123), and al-Tusi (d. 
1274) to construct astronomical tables and keep 
time. In medicine and pharmaceutics the Qanun of 
Ibn Sina (Avicenna, d. 1037) continued to serve as 
a major reference until the 18th century. All across 
the empire, public hospitals were constructed to 
cure the ill and train new doctors. In mathematics 
al-Khawarizmi inaugurated a new science, algebra. 
In optics Ibn al-Haytham (d. 1039) was the first to 
use the experimental method in science. Trying to 
transform cheap metals into gold, Arabo-lslamic 
alchemists such as Jabir ibn Hayyan discovered 
new substances and devised ways for making 
them. Scientific teaching was mainly dispensed 
from private homes and hospitals where teachers 
would certify that a student "read" (studied) this 
or that major book with him. 

See also alchemy. 

A. Nazir Atassi 

Further reading: Toby E. Huff, The Rise of Early Modern 
Science: Islam, China, and the West, 2d cd. (London: 
Cambridge University Press, 2003); Roshdi Rashcd, cd., 
Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science (London: 
Routlcdgc, 1996); A. I. Sabra, Optics, Astronomy and 
Logic: Studies in Arabic Science and Philosophy (Hamp- 
shire, England: Variorum. 1994). 


Secularism denotes a relationship between religion 
and the state born out of modern Anglo-Atlan- 
tic conceptions of social, religious and political 
AUTHORITY. Although it has become a prominent 
political idea worldwide, it is important to note 
that secularism is rooted in a particular context 
and reflects both the theological developments 
and the predominance of a scientific outlook 
toward political, economic, and social organiza- 
tion that developed in medieval, Renaissance, and 
Enlightenment Europe. Thus, while secularism 
has made its way into political and religious ideas 

across the world, its exact meaning in those differ- 
ent contexts is sometimes difficult to discern. 

There are two dominant models and under- 
standings of secularism in contemporary Western 
European and North American societies. One, the 
strict disestablishment of religion, is found in the 
United States and stresses that the state may not 
ally itself with any particular religious tradition. 
In this case, it is important to note, however, that 
individual decisions made by the government 
often reflect the tradition in which most law- and 
policymakers have been shaped, namely, Christi- 
anity. The second model, found in particular in 
France and Turkey, is often called laicism. In it, 
the state oversees and regulates religion, working 
to enforce a privatized understanding of religion, 
thus removing religion from public visibility. 
These two models reflect the history of the differ- 
ent rationales for secularism: on the one hand, the 
protection of religion from the hands of the state 
and, on the other hand, the protection of the state 
from the hands of religion. 

During the 19th century and into the 20th 
century, colonized societies in the Middle East and 
South Asia began to grapple with the issue of sec- 
ularism, often as a result of legal, economic, and 
political reforms instituted by colonial authorities 
and sympathetic local elites. Vigorous debates 
surrounded the effects of these secular reforms, 
debates that had a tremendous influence on the 
character of modern states that emerged from 
colonial control in the early to mid-20th century, 
such as Syria, Iraq, Egypt, and India. 

Many of the conflicts that have racked these 
states since independence, from the partition 
of India/PAKISTAN to conflicts between Islamists 
and both nominally secular and self-consciously 
Islamic states throughout the Middle East, have 
resulted in part from disagreements about the 
proper role of religion — in general or in regard to 
specific traditions — in the public sphere. Today, 
many opponents of secularism stress the historic 
particularity of secularisms origins, thus raising 
questions about the portability of the idea from 
its original context, dominated by Christian- 

' Css ^ 612 scripture 

the expulsion in 1492, three categories of Jews 
had emerged: conversos (Sp., “converts'), mar- 
ranos (Sp., derogatory term for crypto-Jews, who 
converted while maintaining Jewish practices in 
secret), and those who refused to convert. Some 
emigrants established Portuguese-speaking com- 
munities in Western Europe, while most resettled 
in the Ottoman Empire, where they continued to 
speak Arabic and Ladino. 

The Ottoman SULTAN welcomed this mass 
immigration of talented Sephardic Jews, whose 
connections to Europe and allegiance to the Otto- 
mans made them exceptional diplomats, transla- 
tors, and purveyors of European medicine and 
military technology. Sephardic communities, such 
as those of Salonika and Istanbul, were famous 
for their printing presses and academies. Their 
magnificent yeshivas and synagogues are distinct 
from Ashkenazic buildings, and in fact the syna- 
gogue service and unique rituals also reflect local 
customs and Islamic influences. 

The decline of Ottoman Jewry accompanied the 
decline of the empire itself. The TANZIMAT reforms 
of 1839 attempted to curtail foreign intervention by 
bringing minorities under the control of the cen- 
tral government. However, the Damascus Affair of 
1840, in which the Syrian Jewish community was 
charged with a blood libel, provoked international 
Jewish defense efforts and increased demands by 
Britain and France for Ottoman reforms. This 
international solidarity was the catalyst for the Alli- 
ance Israelite Universelle, begun in 1860 by liberal 
French Jews. This program introduced Eastern 
Jews to Western ideas and values in an attempt to 
achieve full citizenship for the Jews of the Ottoman 
Empire. The Sephardic community split between 
supporting the alliance and adopting the Zion- 
ist position that emancipation was possible only 
within a Jewish state. 

After the victors of World War 1 split apart the 
former Ottoman Empire, the majority populations 
persecuted the Sephardic ethnic and religious 
minorities. World War 11 decimated the Sephardic 
community. Those few who survived emigrated 
primarily to Israel, France, and North America 
in the following years. Each community shows 

evidence of maintaining a distinct Sephardic cul- 
tural and religious identity while at the same time 
assimilating into the broader community. 

See also Andalusia; Almohad dynasty; Istanbul; 
Judaism and Islam; Ottoman dynasty; refugees. 

Jessica Andruss 

Further reading: Shlomo Deshen and Walter P. Zenner, 
eds., Jews among Muslims: Communities in the Precolo- 
nial Middle East (New York: New York University Press, 
1996); Daniel J. Elazar, The Other Jews: The Sephardim 
Today (New York: Basic Books, 1989); Jane S. Gerber, 
The Jews of Spain: A History of the Sephardic Experience 
(New York: The Free Press, 1992); Norman A. Stillman, 
The Jews of Arab Lands in Modern limes (New York: Jew- 
ish Publication Society, 1991). 

scripture See holy books. 


Islam developed three homiletic traditions: the 
khutba (sermon), pious exhortation (mawiza, waaz t 
or tadhkir ), and homiletic storytelling ( qasas ). 

The khutba belongs to a larger genre of public 
oratory that predates Islam and was performed 
in a variety of ceremonial contexts, including 
official receptions, war declarations, and wedding 
speeches. In Islam, the canonical or liturgical 
sermon (khutba shariyya) forms a prescribed part 
of ritual observances, notably the Friday congre- 
gational prayer, the two feast days, and communal 
rogations for rainfall. It also became customary to 
perform liturgical sermons during other festivals 
and to exhort JIHAD. 

Islamic legal sources stipulate that the canoni- 
cal sermon comply with the liturgical condi- 
tions that Muhammad reportedly instituted in the 
seventh century. For example, on Fridays, the 
khutba must precede the communal prayer, but 
in all other rituals the prayer comes first. After 
the call to prayer, the preacher ( khatib ) should 
arise, grasp a sword or staff (pre-Islamic symbols 
of authority), and ascend the pulpit steps right 
foot first. He pronounces two sermons standing, 

614 Shaarawi, Muhammad al- 

her son and daughter. However, in 1909 Shaarawi 
entered a new period of activism and leadership. 
She founded a secular womens philanthropist 
organization dedicated to providing medical care 
to poor women and children, and she organized a 
series of lectures for and by women. Five years later 
she founded two additional organizations similarly 
aimed at meeting the needs of different classes 
of women: the Womens Refinement Association 
and the Ladies Literary Improvement Society. The 
activities ol these years prepared her well for her 
next role as leader in the nationalist struggle for 
independence. In 1919 she organized the first 
women’s demonstration against British rule. She 
worked closely with her husband and other leaders 
of the nationalist Wafd Party, and she was named 
president of the party's Womens Central Commit- 
tee. However, upon the granting of limited inde- 
pendence from Britain and the establishment of a 
constitution in 1923, Sharawi and other women 
activists were disappointed. Their demands for 
suffrage were not met, nor were womens rights sig- 
nificantly improved under the new constitution. 

Thereafter her activism became more markedly 
feminist in character, and the same year she helped 
to found the Egyptian Feminist Union (EFU). At 
the end of her return journey from an international 
women's conference, which she attended as the 
EFU delegate, she publicly removed her face veil 
as an act of protest. This remains the act for which 
she is best known in Egypt today. In some ways, the 
EFU served to reflect secular Egyptian nationalism 
as Christian and Muslim middle- and upper-class 
women worked together to achieve common aims. 
Their concerns included securing womens rights 
to participate at all levels of Egyptian politics as 
well as in the labor market and the educational sys- 
tem, and demanding reforms to the personal status 
codes. The members of the EFU continued to par- 
ticipate in the struggle for full independence from 
Britain. Shaarawi remained especially interested in 
providing health care to poor women and children 
throughout her life, as evidenced by the work of 
the EFU and her private philanthropy. 

Shaarawi utilized various methods to advance 
her feminist causes, including founding two jour- 

nals, the French language EEgypticnne in 1925 and 
the Arabic language Al-Misriyya in 1937. She was 
also a strong supporter of international womens 
rights movements, serving on the executive board 
of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance for 
many years. She was instrumental in founding the 
Arab Feminist Union in 1945, and she served as 
that organization's first president. She remained 
an ardent Egyptian nationalist throughout her life 
and was awarded the states highest decoration 
in 1947, the year she died. Shaarawi s legacy is 
widely respected in Egypt today. She is remem- 
bered for having laid the foundation for women 
to lead more publicly productive lives. 

See also human rights; secularism. 

Shauna Huffaker 

Further reading: Leila Ahmed, Women and Gender in 
Islam (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1992); 
Margot Badran. Feminists, Islam and the Nation: Gender 
and the Making of Modern Egypt (Princeton, N.J.: Princ- 
eton University Press, 1995); Huda Shaarawi, Harem 
Years: The Memoirs of an Egyptian Feminist (1879-1924) 
(London: Virago Press, 1986). 

Shaarawi, Muhammad al- (1911-1998) 
Muslim teacher and television preacher 
Al-Shaykh al-Shaarawi became famous in the 
1970s as a master of Quran commentary on tele- 
vision. It was not so much the profundity of his 
exegesis that was attractive as it was the simplicity 
of his style, which made his ideas accessible to the 
wider public. By the time he died in 1998, he had 
developed a huge following, where his sermons 
were broadcast on television both in Egypt and 
across the Arabic-speaking world. 

Shaarawi played an important part in the a 
wave of religious revival in Egypt in the 1970s. 
During the previous period, until the death of 
Jamal Abd al Nasir in 1970, Egypt’s government 
had been intent on modernization and seculariza- 
tion, which led to attempts to domesticate and 
restrict the public role of religion. At the same 
time, Nasir had ample reason to fear the challenge 
posed by Islamists, especially those in the Muslim 

Shamil 619 

by adding **Ali is the friend of God’* (Ali wait Allah), 
which affirms their belief in the preeminence of Ali 
ibn Abi Talib (d. 661) as their first Imam, in addition 
to their belief in God and his prophet. The shahada , 
especially the first part, is frequently used by Sufis 
in their dhikr rituals. It is also a frequent subject in 
Islamic calligraphy, where it is drawn in a variety 
of beautiful and elaborate styles. It is frequently dis- 
played in Islamic buildings, especially in mosques 
and shrines, but it may also be posted in homes 
and businesses. Amulets and talismans designed to 
insure God's blessing and protection also make use 
of the shahada. 

The concept of witnessing in Islam encompasses 
several additional aspects. In the Quran's statements 
about Judgment Day, evildoers will be condemned 
on the testimonies of virtuous people who bear 
witness against them (for example Q 4:41, 159). 
Witnessing is also required by the sharia in certain 
cases of civil and criminal law: financial transac- 
tions, wills, divorce, and execution for adultery. 
However, the most important meaning of shahada, 
aside from being the first pillar of Islam, is that of 
martyrdom. The idea of giving up ones life for God 
and religion is considered to be a form of bearing 
“witness” to one's faith. The Islamic concept was 
influenced by early Christianity, in which the Greek 
term martyr (witness) was used for Christians who 
were tortured and killed by Roman authorities. 
Martyrdom is a doctrine found in both Sunni and 
Shii Islam, but it has achieved an especially rich 
significance within Twelve-Imam Shiism. 

See also adhan ; crime and punishment; funer- 
ary rituals; Sunnism. 

Further reading: Constance Padwick, Muslim Devo- 
tions: A Study oj Prayer-Manuals in Common Use (Lon- 
don: SPCK. 1961); Andrew Rippin, Muslims: Their 
Religious Beliefs and Practices. 2d ed. (London: Rout- 
ledge, 2001). 

shahid See MARTYRDOM, 
shame See honor and shame. 

Shamil (1786-1871) North Caucasus Muslim 
resistance leader 

Shamil was born around 1786 into a noble fam- 
ily from the Avar people of southern Daghestan. 
From the 1830s to 1859, Shamil was able to unite 
many of the ethnically and linguistically diverse 
peoples of the North Caucasus (areas now within 
Chechnya and Dagestan in Russia and northeast- 
ern Azerbaijan) to fight against the encroaching 
Russian Empire. Shamil was a religious, political, 
and military leader. Under the banner of ghazawat 
(the Caucasian variant of jihad), Shamil and his 
followers ( murids ) were able to inflict great dam- 
age on and hold off the Russian army over the 
course of a decades-long war, setting up a fledgling 
Islamic state in areas under their control. Shamil's 
power derived as much from religious AUTHORITY 
as from military prowess, and he was able to con- 
vert his religious authority, based as the leader of 
the local Naqshabandi Sufi Order, into political 
and military power by transforming the hierarchi- 
cal religious structure of the Sufi brotherhood into 
a political movement and state structure. Shamil 
sought to implement strict adherence to Islamic 
law, and he claimed to be chosen by God to lead 
his people. 

Shamil successfully employed guerrilla tactics 
to keep the Russians at bay until the Russians 
deployed nearly 500,000 troops and decimated 
Shamil's fighters and demoralized the local popula- 
tion using scorched earth tactics. He surrendered 
to the Russians in 1859, but he was uncharacter- 
istically treated magnanimously and sent to live 
in exile in the Russian city of Kaluga. After much 
correspondence, he was allowed to make the pil- 
grimage to Mecca, and he died in 1871 in Medina. 
With Shamil's surrender, the resistance to the Rus- 
sians collapsed, only to flair up again whenever 
Russian control was weak. To this day, Shamil is 
held in great esteem by the population of the North 
Caucasus, and his name and authority are evoked 
by those leading the current fight in Chechnya. 

See also Central Asia and the Caucasus; 


David Reeves 

^ 620 sharia 

Further reading: Moshe Gammer, Muslim Resistance 
to the Tsar: Shamil and the Conquest of Chechnia and 
Daghestan (London: Frank Cass, 1904); Anna Zelkina, 
In Quest for God and Freedom: The Sufi Response to the 
Russian Advance in the North Caucasus (New York: New 
York University Press. 2000). 

sharia (Arabic: path to a source of water; 
also Persian and Urdu: shariat) 

Sharia is the law of Islam based on Gods sovereign 
commandments and prohibitions as conveyed by 
the Quran, and on the sunna of Muhammad and 
his Companions, as embodied in the hadith. It is 
often identified with another concept of Islamic 
law — jurisprudence (fiqh). Thus, it can be defined 
as both the infallible revealed law of God and the 
fallible, ongoing efforts undertaken by human 
beings, particularly the ulama and Muslim judges, 
to interpret revelation and apply it to particular 
sociohistorical contexts. Like the understanding 
of revealed law in rabbinic Judaism, Muslims have 
for centuries seen the sharia as a process wherein 
jurists and judges debated legal rulings and inter- 
pretations in their efforts to apply revelation to all 
areas of human conduct. They thought that sharia 
should be relevant not only to matters of worship, 
but also to family life, DIETARY laws, business trans- 
actions, CRIME AND PUNISHMENT, warfare, dress, 
hospitality, and even the exchange of greetings. 
Also, just as following a path to water (the literal 
meaning of sharia) entails the nourishment of the 
body, following God's sharia promises material and 
spiritual benefits to Muslims. It is the way to win 
God's blessing in this world and salvation in the 
AFTERLIFE. In actual practice, the sharia has under- 
gone a complex history of development, interact- 
ing with other legal traditions and local CUSTOMARY 
LAW. One of the chief duties of Muslim ruler was to 
uphold the sharia, while the ulama and judges had 
the responsibility of studying it, teaching it, and 
interpreting it. The centers for their activities were 
the madrasas and the courts in all the major cities 
found in lands under Muslim rule. 

Flistorically, the sharia has become embodied 
in different traditions of Islamic jurisprudence 

known as madhhabs (schools, ways). In Sunni 
Islam there are four madhhabs: the Malikis, the 
Hanafis, the Shafiis, and the Hanbalis. These 
schools are not religious sects with different theo- 
logical doctrines, however. Since the 10th— 11th 
century all four have accepted a system of juris- 
prudence based on four “roots" (usul al-fiqh). Two 
of these arc based in revelation — the Quran and 
sunna. Two are based on methods of interpreting 
revelation — IJMAA (consensus) and qiyas (ana- 
logical reasoning). To a greater or lesser degree all 
schools have allowed for the derivation of indi- 
vidual legal opinions based on reason ( ijtihad ), 
but reason has often been circumscribed by the 
forces of tradition and imitation ( taqlid ) of the 
legal authorities of the past. Though the Shia have 
tended to follow a more devotional form of Islam 
wherein the Imams are held in higher esteem 
than the law, they have also developed their own 
legal traditions. These bear close resemblance to 
the Sunni legal traditions. The legal tradition in 
Twelve-Imam Shiism is known as the Jaafari Legal 
School, named after Jaafar al-Sadiq (d. 765), the 
sixth Imam. It developed two chief branches: the 
Akhbari School and the Usuli School. The Ismaili 
Shia, though often known for their esoteric inter- 
pretations of Islam, also follow the sharia, but 
under the guidance of their Imam and his agents. 
In the distant past there were extremist Shii sects, 
the chulat , which were believed to have claimed 
that the sharia had been abrogated. 

Today, the sharia is understood in Muslim 
nations variously as a basis for law within the 
framework of a predominantly secular legal system 
modeled after those of western Europe and Britain, 
or as applicable to only limited areas of law, espe- 
cially marriage, divorce, and inheritance law. This 
is one of the results of colonial rule in Muslim 
lands during the 19th and 20th centuries. Where 
it has occurred — in countries such as Libya, Egypt, 
Jordan, Bahrain, Pakistan, and Malaysia — a system 
of dual courts exists to accommodate the two 
traditions of law. Alternately, in countries such as 
Saudi Arabia and Iran the sharia stands in ideo- 
logical opposition to Euro-American secular law. 

Shiism 623 

astray. Female Sufi leaders and spirit mediums 
are called by the feminine form of this word — 
shaykha. Since the 15th century, the most highly 
esteemed Muslim scholars and mystics have been 
recognized by the honorific title shaykh al-Islam 
(Shaykh of Islam). It was also used as an official 
title in the Ottoman Empire for a high-ranking 
religious scholar appointed by the SULTAN. Based 
in Istanbul, he functioned as a MUFTI, issuing advi- 
sory rulings based on the sharia regarding issues 
of state as well as private matters. 

The term continues to be used in modern con- 
texts in a variety of ways. For example, Muslim 
authorities in Saudi Arabia who arc descended 
from Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703-92), 
the founder of the Wahhabi sect, are called Al 
al-Shaykh (Family of the Shaykh) in his honor. 
The rulers of Arab nations in the Persian Gulf 
region (Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, 
and, until recently, Bahrain) are called shaykhs 
and their countries arc known as shaykhdoms. 
Whether the term applies to a tribal authority, 
religious scholar, Sufi master, revivalist leader, or 
head of state, its bearer is due respect and defer- 
ence by others, especially those with lower status. 
The equivalent to shaykh in Persian is pir, with a 
comparable range of meanings, but especially in 
Sufi contexts. It is used in eastern Muslim lands 
such as Iran, Pakistan, and India. 

See also Gulf States; m urshid; Ottoman 

Further reading: Robert A. Fcrnca. Shaykh and Efendi : 
Changing Patterns of Authority among the El Shabana of 
Southern Iraq (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University 
Press, 1970); Leonard Lcwisohn, trans., “Hasan Palasi's 
Encounter with Shaykh Khujuji." In Windows on the 
House oj Islam: Muslim Sources on Spirituality and Religious 
Life , edited by John Renard, 375—383 (Berkeley: Univer- 
sity of California Press. 1998); George Makdisi, The Rise 
of Colleges: Institutions of Learning in Islam and the West 
(Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 1971). 

shaytan See Satan. 


In studying the history of religions, scholars have 
noted that religious traditions as a rule develop 
alternative movements and sectarian expressions. 
Judaism, which has had alternative forms in the 
past, today has Orthodox, Reform, and Conser- 
vative branches. Christianity, known for having 
many sects and denominations throughout its 
history, today has Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and 
Protestant branches. Hindu devotionalism, known 
as bhakti , is characterized by a threefold division 
into traditions centered on the gods Vishnu and 
Shiva, and the Goddess (Devi). The Buddhist 
community, or sangha, developed three major 
doctrinal traditions — Theravada, Mahayana, and 
Vajrayana. Islam, though often identified with 
the ideal of a unified community of all believers 
known as the UMMA, is no different. The primary 
division it has is the one that exists between 
Sunnism, the majority tradition, and Shiism, an 
umbrella term for the minority tradition. 

The term Shiism is used by modern scholars 
of Islamic Studies to describe not one but several 
important Islamic sectarian traditions and move- 
ments that have appeared in Islam's history. It is 
based on the Arabic word shia, which means party 
or faction, and it was first used with reference to 
the group of Muslims who favored the candidacy 
of Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 661) and his descen- 
dants as the legitimate successors to the prophet 
Muhammad, the leader of the Muslim community, 
upon his sudden death in 632. This group was 
called shiat Ali, the party of Ali. Unlike other 
men in the early Muslim community, Ali was 
Muhammad's closest male relative, his paternal 
cousin and son-in-law by marriage to his daugh- 
ter Fatima. He staked his claim as a candidate for 
leadership on the basis of kinship, and, according 
to the Shia, Muhammad's declaration at Ghadir 
Khumm that Ali was the master (mawla) of those 
who also regarded Muhammad as their master. 
However, many of the influential members of the 
community favored choosing a leader on the basis 
of reputation and the consensus of leading males. 
This view prevailed at the time of Muhammad's 

Shiism 625 

Shii Populations 

\ Beirut^ 

Jabal Amil 


Samarra ^ 
Baghdad / Kaziman 

Najaf • 




o a N o_ 



Kashan 0 








Medieval Shii city 

Modern Shii city 

Cities important in both 
medieval and modern times 

Important Shii centers of 

Shii population, 950-1500 








Shii population, 1500-present 

Note: Contemporary boundaries are 
provided for reference. 


© Infobase Publishi 

and they believe that the 12th Imam, Muham- 
mad al-Muntazar (b. 868), entered concealment 
as a boy in 874. His concealment will end only 
when God allows, just before Judgment Day. The 
Twelve-Imam Shia follow their own legal tradi- 
tion, which is divided into Akhbari (traditional- 
ist) and Usuli (rationalist) Schools. They now 
comprise an estimated 90 percent of the worlds 
Shii population, and they are majorities in Iran 
(89 percent), Iraq (60 percent), Bahrain (70 per- 
cent), and Azerbaijan (85 percent). There are also 
Twelve-Imam Shii minority populations in Leba- 
non, eastern Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, United 
Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, 

and India, as well as sizeable immigrant commu- 
nities in Europe and the United States. 

The second sect Shii is known as Ismaili SHIISM 
(also called the Seveners and the Sabiyya). The 
Ismailis recognize Ismail (d. 760), Jaafar al-Sadiqs 
first son, as the rightful seventh Imam instead of 
Musa al-Kazim, as claimed by the Twelve-Imam 
Shia. The Fatimid DYNASTY that ruled in North 
Africa and Egypt from 909 to 1171 claimed to be 
caliph-imams descended from Ismail, and they 
gave rise to the two major Ismaili sects known as 
the Mustalis and Nizaris. Fatimid missionaries, 
known as dais , spread the doctrines of Ismaili Shi- 
ism to Yemen, Syria, Iran, and India. Because of 

630 Sokoto Caliphate 

liberty that their masters grant them. For some 
infractions, the penalties for slaves are actually 
lighter than those for free individuals. The law 
prescribes freedom for certain slaves upon their 
master's death, such as the urnin walad , who has 
borne her master's child, or the mudabbar , ; to 
whom he has promised liberation. 

Slavery in the Islamic world has historically 
been milder than the plantation slavery practiced 
in the Americas in the 18th and 19th centuries. 
While forced labor in fields and mines is not 
unknown, Islamic slavery has tended to favor 
domestic servants, often treated as members of 
the family, or slave armies, preferred owing to 
their personal loyalty to the sultan. In fact, slaves 
sometimes rose to positions of extensive authority. 
In slave dynasties, such as the medieval Egyptian 
Mamluks, soldiers originally from the slave class 
actually oversaw governments. On the other hand, 
Islamic slavery was not without its brutal episodes. 
Muslim slave traders in Africa were notable for 
their harshness and for disregarding legal niceties 
by including free Muslims among their victims. 

During the modern era, Muslim countries 
took steps to abolish slavery, largely in response 
to pressure from European nations. Modernist 
Muslim scholars reinterpreted the Quran to sup- 
port the abolition of slavery. They argued that 
Muhammad (d. 632) tolerated a practice (slavery) 
that God intended to phase out over time as con- 
trary to the basic quranic principles of liberty and 
equality. However, many Muslim elites resisted 
abandoning a privilege granted them in Islamic 
law, and slavery has been difficult to eliminate in 
the Islamic world. It continues to be practiced in 
rural areas and under repressive Islamist govern- 
ments, such as in Sudan. 

See also harem; human rights; Janissary; 


Stephen Cory 

Further reading: Humphrey J. Fisher, Slavery in the 
History of Muslim Black Africa (New York: New York 
University Press, 2001); Murray Gordon, Slavery in 
the Arab World (New York: New Amsterdam. 1992); 
Bernard Lewis, Race and Slavery in the Middle East: A 

Historical Enquiry (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 
1992); Shaun E. Marmon, ed., Slavery in the Islamic 
Middle East (Princeton, N.J.: Marcus Weiner, 1999). 

Sokoto Caliphate 

The Sokoto Caliphate was a 19th-century Islamic 
state in Hausaland (modern-day northern Nige- 
ria), founded by the preacher and jihadist Shehu 
Usman Dan Fodio (1754-1817). The Shehu with- 
drew from and launched JIHAD against the sultan- 
ate of Gobir in 1804, in direct imitation of the 
prophet Muhammad's jihad against the Arabs of 
Mecca. Spreading throughout Hausaland, dan 
Fodio's jihad gained widespread support among 
Fulani tribesmen and led to the establishment of 
the largest independent African state during the 
19th century. The city of Sokoto in northwest- 
ern Nigeria was designated capitol of the Fulani 
state, which united a region that had been divided 
among city-states for hundreds of years. Dan 
Fodio established a systematic government, with 
ultimate AUTHORITY in the hands of a CALIPH, and 
local authority divided between emirs, who were 
responsible for governing specific regions (or 
emirates). The first caliph was Dan Fodio’s son 
and military commander, Muhammad Bello, who 
succeeded his father in 1817. An electoral college 
made up of prominent officials chose later caliphs 
from among the Shehus descendants. 

Government in the CALIPHATE of Sokoto was 
based upon a classical Muslim model, a hierarchi- 
cal system of authority, with ministries and titles 
derived from Islamic history. Islamic law (sharia) 
was held to be the law of the land, interpreted 
according to the Maliki Legal School. Supported 
by an active commercial network and thriving 
agricultural production, the caliphate was fairly 
prosperous for much of the century. Boasting a 
number of accomplished scholars, the Sokoto 
administration placed an emphasis upon educa- 
tion, which even extended to women at times (for 
instance, the Shehus daughter, Nana Asm'u, was 
a famous scholar who promoted education for 
women). Despite its decentralized government, 
the state held together largely due to its prosper- 

soul and spirit 631 

ous and efficient administrative structure and out 
of respect for the Shehus teaching and the author- 
ity of his family. During the last decade of the 
19th century, however, the Sokoto Caliphate was 
exposed to growing pressure from French colonial 
power to the north and British power to the south. 
It was eventually conquered by Sir Frederick 
Lugard, who established British authority over the 
region in 1903. 

See also colonialism; jihad movements; West 

Stephen Cory 

Further reading: R. A. Adelcye, Power and Diplomacy 
in Northern Nigeria, 1804-1906 (London: Longman 
Group Limited, 1971); H. A. S. Johnston, The Fulani 
Empire of Sokoto (London: Oxford University Press. 
1967); Beverly B. Mack and Jean Boyd. One Womans 
Jihad: Nana Asma'u, Scholar and Scribe (Bloomington: 
Indiana University Press, 2000); Ibrahccm Sulaiman. 
The Islamic State and the Challenge of History (London: 
Mansell Publishing, 1987). 

Somalia See East Africa. 

song See music; qawwau. 

soul and spirit 

The life force that animates the body is com- 
monly known as the soul or spirit. Comparative 
study shows that beliefs about the soul and spirit 
vary widely, based on different ideas about what a 
human being is and how humans are believed to 
be related to the wider universe in both its physi- 
cal and metaphysical aspects. Native classifica- 
tions for the life force and its related aspects can 
become quite complex and contradictory — even 
within a single culture or religious tradition. It 
has become associated with notions of breath, the 
heart, mind, reason, blood, and body. The English 
word soul is old Germanic in origin and is thought 
to have originally been a translation of the ancient 
Greek word psych, which means "life," “spirit," or 
“consciousness." These meanings are connected 

with the idea of the life breath, as is the term 
spirit , which is derived from Latin. In many reli- 
gions the soul or spirit is believed to be separate 
from the body, having a preexistence and an after- 
life and being able to leave the body temporarily 
during sleep, trances, or states of ecstasy. It is also 
often believed to be connected with beings such 
as sacred ancestors, deities, and a universal spirit 
or cosmic energy. 

Islamic beliefs about the soul and spirit were 
first expressed in the Quran and later elaborated 
and systematized by theologians, philosophers, 
and mystics. These beliefs differ, beginning with 
a significant shift less than two centuries after 
Muhammad's death in 632. Nevertheless, a degree 
of learned consensus was reached by theologians 
and traditionalists by the 10th century. The differ- 
ing views about the soul and spirit can be attrib- 
uted in part to variations of belief among local 
Muslim communities, sects, and movements but 
are also the results of several other factors. These 
include the heritage of indigenous pre-lslamic 
beliefs in Arabia and the wider Middle East, the 
Muslim reception of Jewish and Christian doc- 
trines, and the influence of the ideas of Hellenistic 
PHILOSOPHY and Neoplatonism, especially after 
Greek texts were translated into Arabic during 
the Abbasid Caliphate, particularly between the 
eighth and 10th centuries. 

The two key Arabic terms for soul and spirit in 
Islam arc, respectively, nafs and ruh, both of which 
are derived from Arabo-Semitic terms for “breath" 
or "respiration," a requirement for life. The Hebrew 
cognates arc nefesh and ruah, which occur in the 
Bible. Both Arabic words occur in the Quran with 
equivalent meanings but also with meanings that 
differ. Nafs often denotes the “self" and is used 
reflexively with reference to humans, the jinn, God, 
and Satan. It is also used in the sense of “person." 
Thus, the Quran states that it is God "who created 
you from a single person [nafs] and made from her, 
her mate, that he might find rest in her" (Q 7:189). 
Nafs is a feminine noun in Arabic, so this verse 
indicates that men and women originated in a sin- 
gle feminine nafs (person). In several contexts the 
Quran gives nafs negative meanings; it connotes 

Sudan 635 

Subud (abbreviation for the Sanskrit 
phrase Susila Buddhi Dharma) 

Subud is one of the more successful new Islamic- 
inspired spiritual movements to emerge in Indo- 
nesia in the 20th century. It was founded by 
Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo (1901-87), 
who began to receive messages from a spiritual 
source as a teenager. This culminated in 1925 
when he received a revelation concerning the 
latihan kcjiwaan, the basic spiritual practice of 
Subud. During this initial period, he studied with 
various teachers, including some Sufi leaders. He 
worked with the latihan for the next few years and 
also went through a period of spiritual/mystical 
growth. It would be eight years later, however, 
before others began to practice the latihan. Thus 
1933 is generally accepted as the beginning date 
of the movement, which slowly spread through 
the country. Initially Bapak (as his followers came 
to call him) named the small group that was gath- 
ering around him lima Kasunyatan. 

The groups spiritual practice, latihan, involves a 
gathering of members for about half an hour twice a 
week. Sitting with others of their own sex (men and 
women practice separately), they wait for a sponta- 
neous impulse to act. Some begin to move, others 
will utter sounds. These movements and utterances 
vary widely. Members go through the latihan as a 
catharsis-like experience, often accompanied with 
the reception of some personal guidance. Depend- 
ing on their life situation at any given moment, the 
immediate impact may be positive or negative. 

After more than a decade, Bapak introduced 
the term Subud to the movement, occasioned by 
the development of a more stable organization 
in 1947. The new name is derived from three 
Sanskrit words ( Susila Buddhi Dharma) that carry 
the essence of the movement — following the will 
of God, or the power of the life force that works 
both within us and without. To outsiders, Subud 
appears to be a completely new religion; mem- 
bers, however, do not see it as such, and Bapak 
noted that Subud lacks a holy book, formal teach- 
ing, and sacred formula. Rather, it is a process of 
surrendering to God and receiving inspiration. 
Subud was limited to Indonesia until the 1950s, 

when some followers of Western spiritual teacher 
George Gurdjieff (d. 1949) identified Bapak as the 
person their teacher had described as the coming 
prophet of consciousness. They invited Bapak to 
England in 1956 and a number of GurdjiefPs stu- 
dents identified with him. In 1957, as she began 
to participate in the movement, actress Eva Bartok 
(d. 1998) experienced a much publicized physi- 
cal healing. The Institute for the Comparative 
Study of History, Philosophy and the Sciences at 
Coombes Springs, England, founded by John G. 
Bennett (d. 1974), became the point from which 
Subud initially spread in the West. 

Subud did not allow proselytizing or adver- 
tising to assist the spread of the movement and 
Bapak also counseled against charging member- 
ship fees. However, as the movement spread, a 
periodical, Subud News , was launched in 1959, 
and a publishing house, Dharma Book Company, 
founded. Today, the movement is headed by the 
International Subud Committee, headquartered in 
the Indonesian island of Bali, with Western head- 
quarters in the United States. Its charitable arm, 
Susila Dharma International, has NGO (nongov- 
ernmental organization) status with the United 
Nations. Subud groups are now found in some 70 
countries on every continent. 

See also Hinduism and Islam; Sufism. 

J. Gordon Melton 

Further reading: Eva Bartok, Worth Living For (New 
York: University Books, 1959); John G. Bennett, Con- 
cerning Subud (New York: University Books, 1959); 
Anloon Gecls, Subud and the Javanese Mystical Tradi- 
tion (Richmond, England: Curzon, 1997); Robert Lyle, 
Subud (Kent, England: Humanus, 1983); Matthew Barry 
Sullivan, Living Religion in Subud (London: Subud Pub- 
lications International, 1990). 

Sudan (Republic of the Sudan; Jumhuriyat 
al-Sudan; Al-Sudan) 

Sudan is the largest country in Africa with an area 
of 2,505,810 sq. km (slightly more than one-quar- 
ter the size of the United States) and an estimated 
population of 40.2 million in 2008. It is located 

638 Sufi Order International 

In 1926 Khan named his 11-year-old son, 
Vilayat, to be his successor as head of the Sufi 
Order. Following his fathers death in 1927, 
Vilayat studied philosophy, psychology, and music 
in Paris and Oxford and began intensive medita- 
tion training under various Sufi masters in the 
Middle East and India. He eventually emerged as 
a legitimate successor to his father's work, though 
much of the European following had reorganized 
as the Sufi Movement, under Maheboob, Inayat 
Khans brother. However, Vilayat rebuilt the Sufi 
Order and eventually reinstated it in the United 
States during the 1960s. His elforts in California 
were helped by Murshid Samuel Lewis (1896- 
1971), an eclectic teacher who had received ini- 
tiation into several Sufi orders during a lifetime 
of spiritual seeking. Lewis brought his group of 
students into the Sufi Order in 1968, but some 
of those students left the order in 1977 over dis- 
agreements with Vilayats regulations and formed 
the Sufi Islamia Ruhaniat Society. 

Over the past 40 years, Pir Vilayat Khan has 
become an internationally recognized spiritual 
teacher who gives frequent public lectures and par- 
ticipates in various religious congresses, interfaith 
dialogues, meditation camps, and New Age expo- 
sitions in the United States, western Europe, and 
India. Pir Vilayat and Pir Zia, his son and successor, 
were invited to attend the UN Peace Summit for 
world spiritual and religious leaders in 2000. 

The Sufi Order International's teachings gen- 
erally consist of the writings of Hazrat Inayat 
Khan and their further elaboration by Pir Vilayat 
and Pir Zia. All three Khans teach the essential 
unity of spiritual ideals across religious tradi- 
tions. Pir Vilayat seeks to establish in his initiates 
a “stereoscopic consciousness" that cultivates 
simultaneous awareness of everyday human real- 
ity and the most elevated levels of the Divine 
Being. He emphasizes that the realm of ordinary 
perception both reveals and veils a sublime real- 
ity that is unfolding itself within and through 
human life. The universe is evolving, in other 
words, toward a Chardin-like Omega point. In 
books such as Toward the One and Awakening: A 
Sufi Experience , Pir Vilayat synthesizes prayer. 

meditation, and breathing methods from different 
spiritual traditions with traditional Sufi practice 
with the intention of helping disciples experience 
the underlying unity of all things in the Divine 
Ground. All of Pir Vilayats teachings comprise a 
natural outgrowth of his fathers intention to fos- 
ter tolerance and mutual understanding between 
East and West and between the different branches 
of the Beni Israel traditions. 

The present-day teaching work of the Sufi 
Order International includes seminars and retreats 
that focus on spiritual healing arts, meditation 
practices, the spirituality of music, esoteric stud- 
ies, and universal dances of peace. The Sufi Order 
International is headquartered in France and the 
North American headquarters arc at the Abode of 
the Message, a residential Sufi community founded 
in 1975 in New Lebanon, New York. There, the 
former Shaker colony houses Omega Publications 
and its retail outlet. Wisdoms Child Bookstore, 
and Sacred Spirit Music. The Abode of the Mes- 
sage hosts an annual program of spiritual retreats, 
the healing arts center, and ongoing classes in 
dhikr (a traditional Sufi chanting practice), der- 
vish whirling, and universal worship. This latter 
liturgy was developed by Inayat Khan and draws 
on elements of the worlds major religions. 

Additional teaching centers exist in large cities 
throughout the United States and Europe, with 
center and branch leaders appointed by the presi- 
dent of the order. The Hope Project is a charitable 
program, active in India. 

On February 4, 2000, Pir Zia Inayat Khan 
received the leaching mantle of Pir Vilayat in an 
investiture ceremony at Hazrat Inayat Khan’s tomb 
in Delhi, India. He was also elevated to the presi- 
dency of the Sufi Order in North America, although 
Pir Vilayat remains chairman of the board of direc- 
tors. Pir Zia divides his time between the Abode of 
the Message, India, and Europe. He is particularly 
interested in creating stronger ties with established 
Sufi orders in the Middle East and Asia and with 
helping Sufism as a tradition to move in a more 
universal direction. Pir Zia is committed to his 
grandfather's vision of building Universal temples 
that honor all religions. The Universal is currently 

^ 640 Sufism 

being too concerned with their reputations and the 
letter of the law. Nevertheless, a degree of consen- 
sus was reached between the ulama and mystics 
as reflected in the writings of Abu Qasim al-Junayd 
(d. 910), Abu al-Qasim al-Qushayri (d. 1074), and 
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (d. 1111), who promoted 
what was called "sober" Sufism as opposed to the 
“intoxicated" Sufism of figures such as Abu Yazid 
al-Bistami (d. ca. 875) and Mansur al-Hallaj (d. 
922). Indeed, it was common for jurists and schol- 
ars to also be members of the brotherhoods. Even 
one of Sufism's strongest critics, Taqiy al-Din ibn 
Taymiya (d. 1328), a follower of the literalist Han- 
bali Legal School, was reported to be a member of 
the Qadiri Sufi Order. 

The growth of Sufism was partly a reaction 
against the worldly orientation taken by the Mus- 
lim community in the wake of the conquest of 
Middle Eastern lands in the seventh and eighth 
centuries, as well as against political violence 
and official corruption. Sufis benefited from the 
mystical traditions of Christianity, Hinduism, 
and Buddhism, and they subsequently played 
a significant role in the indigenization of Islam 
among the peoples living in lands governed 
by Muslim rulers. They carried Islam via trade 
routes into sub-Saharan Africa, India, Central 
Asia, southeastern Europe and the Caucasus, and 
Southeast Asia. Among the leading Sufi orders 
that arose and spread across Islamdom were the 
Qadiris, Suhrawardis, Rifais, Kubrawis, Shadhilis, 
Mevlevis, Naqshbandis, and Bektashis. The most 
famous of the Sufi orders in India is that of the 
Chishtis. Each of these orders was named after its 
founding Sufi master, and many of them enjoyed 
the patronage of rulers and wealthy merchants. 

Sufis have played a significant role in Islamic 
renewal and reform movements. Two orders that 
were especially active in this were the Naqshbandi 
Sufi Order and the Khalwatis. The Naqshbandis, 
under the leadership of Ahmad Sirhindi (d. 1624) 
and Shah Wali Allah (d. 1762) in India, spread 
reformist ideas throughout Asia and Ottoman lands 
during the 17th and 18th centuries. Among the 
leading Naqshbandi teachers in the Middle Eastern 
region were Taj al-Din ibn Zakariya (d. 1640) in 

Mecca, Murad al-Bukahri (d. 1720), and Abd al- 
Ghani al-Nablusi (d. 1731) in the Levant and Syria, 
and Khalid al-Baghdadi (d. 1827) in Kurdistan and 
among Ottoman authorities. The Khalwati brand 
of reformism was initiated by Mustafa al-Bakri (d. 
1748), a student of al-Nablusi, and his leading dis- 
ciple in Egypt, Muhammad al-Hifnawi (d. 1767). 
Their reformist teachings were well received among 
the ulama and Sufis alike, and, in concert with 
Naqshbandi teachings, they sparked the establish- 
ment of new reform-minded Sufi orders in Algeria, 
Tunisia, Sudan, and the Arabian Peninsula. 

Sufis also were involved in leading armed oppo- 
sition to the forces of European colonial powers 
that penetrated and occupied Muslim lands in the 
19th and 20th centuries. Between 1830 and 1847, 
Abd al-Qadir al-Jazairi (d. 1883), a Qadiri Sufi 
shaykh inspired by Naqshbandi reformism, led 
Algerian tribes in a jihad against the French. Out- 
breaks of resistance continued after Abd al-Qadir' 
s deportation, culminating in the great Algerian 
revolt of 1871, which resulted in a strengthening 
of the French stranglehold on the region. A Sam- 
mani Sufi shaykh named Muhammad Ahmad (d. 
1885), proclaimed to be the promised Mahdi, led 
a tribal coalition against Ottoman-Egyptian troops 
and established a Mahdist state in northern Sudan 
in 1885. British forces put an end to his regime 
in 1898, but Mahdist partisans have continued 
to play a prominent role in Sudanese religious 
and political affairs to this day. Another reformist 
Sufi order, the Sanusis, established a network of 
lodges throughout much of Libya and the central 
Sahara region during the 19th century. From 1901 
to 1914 they led unsuccessful campaigns against 
French expansion into Chad, then against the Ital- 
ians in Libya from 1911 to 1932. 

Despite the active involvement of Sufi orders 
in such resistance movements, Muslim modern- 
ists such as Jamal al-Din Afghani (d. 1897) and 
Muhammad Abduh (d. 1905) have blamed Sufi 
ideas and practices for making the UMMA vulner- 
able to foreign domination. The Sufis have also 
incurred the wrath of the Wahhabis of Saudi 
Arabia, and today they are vulnerable to attack 
wherever Wahhabi influence is strong. Sulism 

642 suicide 

means. Does it mean that Muslims should not go 
into battle unless they have enough provisions, 
or are they being instructed to keep fighting for 
the cause, lest God punish them for giving up 
or retreating? Or, is it actually a prohibition of 
suicide? The clearest condemnations of suicide, 
however, are to be found in the major hadith 
collections, some of which devoted chapters to 
the subject. In one hadith, Muhammad declares, 
"Whoever strangles himself will repeat this deed 
in the Fire, and whoever kills himself by stabbing 
his own body with some weapon will repeat his 
deed in the Fire" (al-Bukhari, Sahih, quoted in 
Rozenthal). This hadith and others promise that 
God will punish suicide victims severely in the 

Apart from statements in the Quran and 
hadith, the subject of suicide was also debated 
by FIQH specialists. They discussed it in relation 
to whether funerary rituals should be held for 
suicide victims. The conservative view was that 
such rites should not be performed, but others 
were more lenient, taking into consideration 
cultural practice and the emotional states of the 
bereaved. Franz Rosenthal, a leading Islamic 
Studies scholar, has identified other questions 
raised in medieval fic/h literature. These include 
the liability of those who unknowingly con- 
tributed to the commission of a suicide and the 
status of the legally stipulated bridal gift when a 
prospective bride kills herself. Suicidal themes 
also arise in love poetry and Sufi literature, 
where the lover perishes in the absence of the 
beloved, or becomes self-annihilated, as a moth 
perishes when drawn to the flame. The moral- 
ity of euthanasia only became a topic for jurists 
in the modern period, with most ruling that it 
should be considered a form of suicide. 

In discussions of jihad warfare, as David Cook 
has found, Muslim jurists discussed whether 
going to battle against a superior force should 
be considered suicide. Most ruled that it is not, 
depending on the intent of the soldier, the neces- 
sity for resorting to such desperate measures, 
and whether the act is performed on behalf of 
the community or for self-glorification. These 

discussions invariably dovetailed into discussions 
of martyrdom ( shahada ). Although martyrdom 
achieved a high degree of symbolic importance 
in Shiism, focused on the figure of Husayn ibn Ali 
(d. 660) and the battle of Karbala, it was also 
discussed by Sunni jurists. In the case of both 
traditions, martyrs were considered to have been 
specially blessed — they were exempted from stip- 
ulated burial procedures (washing of the corpse 
and enshroudment) and promised a higher rank 
in paradise than ordinary believers. 

Today, debates over suicide attacks committed 
by Muslims in places like Lebanon, Israei/Pales- 
tine, Iraq, Afghanistan, or in the U.S. on 9/1 1 
reflect a wide spectrum of views among both Mus- 
lims and non-Muslims. The most simplistic and 
ideologically motivated positions taken in these 
debates attribute the attacks to what is claimed to 
be Islam's essentially violent nature, irregardless as 
to context, or justify them as forms of communal 
self-defense. More careful treatments of the subject 
explain it in relation to several contextual factors, 
some giving more emphasis to religion than others. 
Those identifying religion as a significant explana- 
tory factor maintain that it is a relatively recent 
phenomenon in Islam, and point to the specific 
Islamist ideologies and groups that underpin it. 

On the other hand, Robert A. Pape of the 
University of Chicago has conducted a system- 
atic study of all cases of suicide terrorism that 
occurred around the world from 1980 through 
2003. He documented a total of 315 incidents in 
this period and found that there was little con- 
nection between them and the Islamic religion 
per sc. Indeed, the largest number of attacks (76 
out of 315) by a single group was conducted by 
the Tamil Tigers, a Marxist-Leninist national- 
ist movement in Sri Lanka with no connection 
to Islam. Only about half of the attacks were 
conducted by Islamist groups. Instead, Pape 
has argued that suicide terrorism is primarily 
a response to foreign occupation, rather than 
being a phenomenon of Islamism, and that it 
has several specific characteristics, including 1) 
desire to achieve national liberation of a home- 
land from occupation by a foreign power ruled 

sultan 643 

by a democratic government; 2) the identity of 
the occupier differs significantly from that of the 
occupied (in terms of culture, religion, language, 
etc.); 3) suicide attacks are conducted by orga- 
nized groups, rather than by random, irrational 
individuals; and 4) because terrorist groups 
learn from each other; there is a tendency for it 
to spread. Foreign occupation will only increase 
the incidence of suicide bombings over time and 
make terrorist recruitment efforts more success- 
ful. Pape recommends that the U.S. cease to use 
military coercion against foreign countries, let 
these countries exercise more autonomy, help 
strengthen them with non-military economic 
assistance, and keep a military force trained and 
ready to handle any major crises that cannot be 
resolved by other means. 

At the time of this writing (summer 2008), it 
is not clear which course U.S. policy makers will 
pursue in the years to come, although the most 
vocal policymakers and media voices continue 
to favor military occupation, as witnessed in Iraq 
and Afghanistan. Governments in many Muslim- 
majority countries are seeking cither to eradicate 
oppositional Islamic groups where they are able, 
or apply a combination of pressures and incen- 
tives to prevent them from engaging in armed 
violence, including suicide attacks. Other govern- 
ments appear to favor the use of suicide attacks 
when they serve their national strategic interests. 

See also Hamas; Hizbullah; jihad movements. 

Further reading: Jonathan E. Brockopp, “The ‘Good 
Death' in Islamic Theology and Law." in idem, ed., 
Islamic Ethics of Life: Abortion, War, and Euthanasia 
(Columbia: University of South Carolina Press. 2003), 
177—193; David Cook, Martyrdom in Islam (Cambridge: 
Cambridge University Press, 2007); David Cook and 
Olivia Allison, Understanding and Addressing Suicide 
Attacks: The Faith and Politics of Martyrdom Opera- 
tions (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2007); 
Bernard K. Freamon, "Martyrdom, Suicide, and the 
Islamic Law of War: A Short Legal History," in Fordham 
International Law Journal 27 (2003), 299-369: Haim 
Malka, "Must Innocents Die? The Islamic Debate over 
Suicide Attacks." in Middle East Quarterly 10. no. 2 

(Spring 2003), on article/530; 
Robert A. Pape, Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of 
Suicide Terrorism (New York: Random House, 2005); 
Franz Rosenthal, "On Suicide in Islam,” in Journal of 
the American Oriental Society, 66 (July— Sept. 1946): 
239-259, reprinted in idem, Muslim Intellectual and 
Social History: A Collection of Essays (Aldershot, Hamp- 
shire, U.K.: Varorium, 1990). 


In Arabic the term sultan generally means “power” 
or “authority,” but starting in the 10th century 
c.E. increasingly it also came to be an official 
title designating the person who holds power and 
authority. Although the title could refer to a pro- 
vincial governor or prince, it could also serve as 
the title of the ruler of an entire region or empire. 

This was the case when the Shii Buyids seized 
control of Baghdad in 945 c.E. The Buyids allowed 
the Abbasid Caliphate to continue as the symbolic 
and religious head of the Muslim community 
while their own leader took over all real military 
and political authority under the title of sultan. 
Although this division of authority did not form a 
part of the early Islamic ideals, both the caliph and 
political theorists accommodated themselves to 
the realities of the situation. They concluded that 
because the Buyids upheld Islamic law (sharia), 
the chaos and violence that would likely ensue in 
an attempt to overthrow them was not worth the 
risk. At the same time, however, they tried to put 
limits on the devolution of power by insisting that 
only the caliph could confer the title of sultan. The 
Buyids and those who came after them accepted 
this and eagerly sought this statement of investiture 
from the caliph for the legitimacy that it bestowed. 
In return the sultan promised to defend the lands of 
Islam from external threats, while ensuring justice 
internally. In this way Muslim theorists adopted 
a more Persian-inspired model of government in 
which religion and government are seen as brothers 
that mutually support each other. 

When the Scljuk Turks defeated the Buyids in 
1055 the caliph did not regain any of his author- 
ity under the new regime, but the defeat did bring 

sunna 645 

In the early decades of Islamic history, the idea 
of the sunna had a broad range of meanings that 
became narrower with the passage of time and the 
consolidation of Islamic belief and tradition. In 
the Quran, prophets are represented as exemplar)' 
figures and Muhammad is called the “beautiful 
model" (al-uswa cil-hasana ) for those "who hope 
for God and the last day" (Q 33:21). The Quran 
also repeatedly urges believers to “obey God and 
his messenger" (for example, Q 5:92; 8:20, 46). 
However, it does not associate the term sunna with 
Muhammad's words and deeds. Rather, the Quran 
uses sunna in two senses: (1) with reference to the 
wrongful ways of peoples of earlier generations 
(for example, Q 3:137; 8:13; 18:55), and (2) with 
the rightful way of God's judgments (Q 33:60-62; 
40:85). After Muhammad's death, Muslims found 
that God's laws and prohibitions as stated in the 
Quran were often too general to give guidance in 
real-life situations, even in matters of worship, 
such as PRAYER and almsgiving. While many Mus- 
lims continued to follow their own tribal customs 
and judges relied on individual legal opinion, the 
piety-minded advocated reliance on accounts of 
Muhammad's life (sira) and the good example of 
his Companions and their heirs (“the successors") 
in Mecca and Medina, as well as those who had 
migrated with them to the cities and towns of 
Syria and Iraq. Contending notions of legal prec- 
edent and correct religious practice gave rise to a 
variety of living local traditions, or “precedents" 
(sunan) to be emulated. 

The efforts of Arab Muslim rulers to consoli- 
date their power and centralize the administration 
of the newly conquered lands also prompted 
efforts to standardize the diffused community's 
traditions and laws. Some claimed that the “liv- 
ing" sunna of Medina was identical with that of 
Muhammad, a position that was conveyed in the 
teachings of Malik ibn Anas (d. 795), the eponym 
of the Maliki Legal School. Because Muslims 
living elsewhere in Islamdom did not favor elevat- 
ing the practice of Medinan Muslims above their 
own, they found that reliance on the exemplary 
authority of Muhammad and other individuals 
in the early Islamic community as transmitted in 

the hadith, not the living example of Mcdinesc 
Muslims, was an especially suitable alternative. 
This led to the creation of a vast body of hadith, 
including fabricated ones. Modern scholars have 
argued that these hadith embodied not only the 
sunna of Muhammad, the early caliphs, and the 
Companions, but that they also gave legitimacy 
and religious sanction to pre-Islamic Arab prac- 
tices (sunan) that continued to be followed in 
the broader Muslim community during the first 
centuries of Islamic history. The elevation of the 
hadith also appealed to newly converted non-Arab 
Muslims in Iran and elsewhere who could not 
claim to embody the “living” sunna of Muhammad 
and his Companions. This may be why so many of 
the collectors of hadith, such as al-Bukhari, al-Tir- 
midhi (d. 892), and ibn Maja (d. 892), were Per- 
sians by heritage. However, it was Muhammad ibn 
Idris al-Shafii (d. 820), the eponym of the Shafii 
Legal School, who most forcefully argued that the 
sunna be grounded in hadith rather than in the liv- 
ing practice of Muslims. Along with the Quran it 
became the basis for jurisprudence recognized by 
all the major Islamic legal schools (sing, madhhab). 
Moreover, both the Quran and the sunna have 
come to be seen as forms of revelation from God, 
which is analogous to the Jewish rabbinic belief 
in both the written and oral Torah of Moses. The 
Quran embodies God's word, Muhammad's sunna 
is inspired by God. Any practice or belief that 
could not be validated by the Quran and sunna 
was liable to be condemned as an unauthorized 
“innovation ' (b/daa), especially by Muslims with a 
highly literalistic understanding of their religion. 

The distinction between Sunni and Shii Mus- 
lims hinges in part on their different understand- 
ings of the sunna. The Shia define it in relation to 
Muhammad and his household (the AHL al-bayt ), 
particularly as embodied in the hadith (or akl i- 
bar) of Ali ibn abi Talib (d. 661) and the other 
sacred Imams descended from him. Indeed, their 
name is a shortened form of the phrase “faction 
of Ali" ( shiat Ali), the first Imam. Starting in the 
ninth/lOth century, Muslims who followed the 
sunna of Muhammad and his Companions instead 
of the Shii Imams saw themselves as the People of 

646 Sunnism 

the Sunna ( ahl al-sunna ), or People of the Sunna 
and Community (ahl al-sunna wa'l-jamaa). They 
eventually became known simply as the Sunnis. 

Since the 18th century many Islamic renewal 
and reform movements have called for a rejection 
of “innovation" and a return to the Quran and 
sunna. Although found in several of the Sufi orders, 
such as that of the Naqshbandis, it is expressed 
most clearly in the revivalism of the Wahhabis, 
the Muslim Brotherhood, the Jamaat-i Islami, the 
TABLIGHI JAMAAT, and groups inspired by them. On 
the other hand, Muslim modernist reformers have 
questioned the reliability of the hadith and sunna, 
arguing that they be either rejected or carefully 
circumscribed. Instead, many propose following 
general ethical principles based on the Quran, in 
harmony with reason, modern science, human 
rights, religious pluralism, democracy, and gen- 
der equality. This trend is represented by figures 
such as Sayyid Ahmad Khan (d. 1898), Muhammad 
Abduh (d. 1905), and Ali Abd al-Raziq (d. 1966), 
and more recently by thinkers such as Fazlur Rah- 
man (d. 1988), Muhammad Shahrur (b. 1938), and 
Fatima Mernissi (b. 1940). 

See also Companions of the Prophet; ethics 
and morality; sharia; Shiism. 

Further reading: Daniel Brown, Rethinking Tradition in 
Modern Islamic Thought (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni- 
versity Press, 1996); Yasin Dutton, The Origins of Islamic 
Law: The Quran, the Muwatta, and the Madinan Antal 
(London: Routledge Curzon, 2002); Wael B. Hallaq. The 
Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law (Cambridge: Cam- 
bridge University Press, 2005); G. H. A. Juynboll, “Some 
New Ideas on the Development of Sunna as a Technical 
Term in Early Islam." Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and 
Islam 10 (1987): 97-118; Fazlur Rahman, Islam , 2d ed. 
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1979), 43-84. 


Sunnism was the last of the major traditions of 
Islam to be clearly articulated. In fact, it is possible 
to think of Sunnism as comprising the broad swath 
of Muslims who did not incline toward the other 
two early traditions, Shiism and Kharijism. The 

Khawarij broke with the rest of Muslims over the 
question of whether the sinner could be considered 
a Muslim. They defined the community narrowly, 
and they were initially disposed to fight those with 
whom they disagreed; the consensus among Mus- 
lims grew that this position was loo extreme and 
the Khawarij eventually became a tiny sect with few 
adherents. Shii identity formed around a dispute 
over the leadership of the community, but it fairly 
quickly culminated in a belief that the leadership of 
the community was no mere matter of human pref- 
erence, but rather formed part of a divinely inspired 
plan for the salvation of the community. 

The Sunnis, then, are those Muslims who 
eventually united in a belief that only God knows 
the hearts, and so judgment should be left to 
God — thus rejecting Khariji extremism — and that 
the leadership of the community as it emerged his- 
torically was part of God's plan, thus rejecting the 
heart of Shii claims about legitimate leadership; 
subsequent leadership would not be considered 
very significant theologically because the Sunni 
orthodoxy that eventually emerged held that the 
CALIPH, while theoretically necessary for the exis- 
tence of an Islamic state, was less important than 
the caliphate as an institution. Finally, it was held 
that the scholars (ulama) were the keepers of the 
community's morals, not the caliphs. 

The term sunni is an abridgement of ahl al- 
sunna wa'al-jamaa , meaning the people of the 
prophetic tradition and community. This refers to 
the focus, especially dating from the ninth cen- 
tury, on the collection of accounts of the prophet 
Muhammad, the SUNNA, and following in the path 
of that sunna. All Muslims accept the primacy of 
the Quran, but the Sunnis place a unique empha- 
sis on the sunna of Muhammad. 

Today, Sunnis make up some 85 percent of 
Muslims worldwide. The sunni legal schools have 
traditionally been the means by which Sunni Mus- 
lims actually learned the specifics of their Islam. 
The importance of these schools has broken down 
in the 20th century, causing contemporary Sunn- 
ism to break with its traditional educational and 
intellectual roots in a way that has not happened 

Syria 649 

istcring Syria. The disenfranchised middle class 
and educated professionals were blocked from 
advancing their own interests. Increasingly, those 
who were not the beneficiaries of French political 
and economic patronage turned to new political 
movements with radical anticolonialist ideologies. 
These two political forces would wrestle for control 
of Syria's governmental apparatus for the first 30 
years of Syria’s existence as an independent state 
after World War 11. The dominant ideology of the 
patriotic Syrian bourgeoisie was Arab nationalism 
that espoused a reversal of the colonial partition 
of Arab lands by the Sykes-Picot Agreement, Arab 
political sovereignty over its own territory, and the 
adoption of Arab cultural policies that recognized 
the significance of Islam as the majority religious 
tradition in the region. Every anticolonialist pop- 
ular movement that emerged in Syria in the 20th 
century clung to some variant of Arab national- 
ism as a basic political principle. The Communist 
Party of Lebanon and Syria, founded in 1928, was 
one of the new uncompromising anticolonialist 
political movements. By the 1950s, it became one 
of the largest and best organized communist par- 
ties in the Arab world. 

Another of the radical Arab nationalist par- 
ties that emerged during the period of the French 
mandate was the Baath Party, founded in 1939 
by two schoolteachers, one Greek Orthodox and 
the other Sunni Muslim. In addition to adhering 
to a basic policy of Arabism, unity, and political 
independence, the party also advocated a vague 
notion of socialism that would evolve in time 
to include land reform, state ownership of key 
economic institutions such as banks, and state 
regulation of the private sector. The Baath finally 
came to power in 1966. From the 1950s through 
1970s, the leadership of the Syrian Baath Party 
was almost exclusively composed of members of 
professions: professors, schoolteachers, doctors, 
lawyers, and military officers — the very people 
who had been thwarted from achieving political 
power and economic advancement by the old rul- 
ing classes of landowners, merchants, and urban 
notables. In a military coup in 1970, one Alawi 
air force officer, Hafiz al-Asad, prevailed over 

all other factions in the Baath Party and became 
president of Syria until his death in 2000. He was 
succeeded by his son Bashar al-Asad who remains 
the Syrian president in 2008. 

Syria became a key player in Arab regional 
politics. It is a frontline state in the Arab-Israeli 
CONFLICTS. Syrian volunteers fought in the 1948 
war in Palestine and, at its conclusion, Syria served 
as one of the countries of refuge for Palestinian 
refugees. Israel occupied the Syrian Golan Heights 
in 1967 and expelled most of the population. More 
of the Golan was occupied in 1973. Today there are 
only about 20,000 Syrians, mostly Druze, left in 
the Israeli occupied part of the Golan Heights. The 
occupied territory has also been populated by about 
20,000 Israeli settlers. Israel declared the unilateral 
annexation of the Golan Heights in 1981. 

Syria was a key Middle East regional ally of 
the Soviet Union during the years of the cold war. 
The USSR supplied the country with MIG fighter 
jets and missile systems in order to defend itself, 
but Syria was never allowed to achieve military 
parity with Israel. When Israel mounted a full- 
scale invasion of Lebanon in June 1982 and the 
Syrian air force challenged Israeli jets bombing 
its antiaircraft missile defense systems along its 
border with Lebanon, a third of the entire Syrian 
air force was destroyed in only a few hours. Since 
1982 Syria has supported Palestinian factions who 
have rejected peace proposals that fall short of 
full Palestinian national sovereignty in the West 
Bank and Gaza. Syria has opposed regional peace 
initiatives that are bilateral in nature and ignore 
the issue of Syrian sovereignty over the Golan 
Heights. At the same time, Syria has conducted 
secret negotiations with Israel through third-party 
intermediaries and has shown flexibility over pro- 
posals for limiting Syria's return to full sovereign 
control of the Golan by having any future peace 
agreement monitored by international peacekeep- 
ing forces, including those of the United States, 
and installing electronic early warning systems. 

Syria has played a pragmatic role in Arab 
regional politics. It has been cautious in nurtur- 
ing its relations with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf 
States. Over the years Saudi Arabia has supplied 

taawiz Sec amulets and talismans. 
taaziya See Ashura; Muharram. 

Tablighi Jamaat 

The Tablighi Jamaat is a transnational Muslim 
reform movement founded in the early 20th cen- 
tury in colonial India. Although it is one of the 
largest of such organizations in the world, its lack 
of institutional hierarchy and structure makes 
systematic study of the Tablighi Jamaats member- 
ship and program quite difficult. The picture that 
emerges from the small body of literature that does 
exist is that of a “revivalist" movement looking to 
precipitate societal reform through a HADlTH-based 
program of personal piety, and a program of tabligh 
(offering guidance) to wayward Muslims. What dis- 
tinguishes the Tablighi Jamaat from many Islamist 
movements, which often also base programs of 
reform on a mythico-historical community of 
Muhammad (d. 632) and his Companions, is that 
state power is anathema to the Tablighi program. 

The Tablighi Jamaat, however, is not at all 
apolitical — in fact, the movements central prin- 
ciples are themselves political in that they deal 
with issues of authority (God versus the material 
state). While many scholars confuse a rejection of 

the modern state with a lack of political vision, 
the Tablighi Jamaats political outlook is simply a 
rejection of modern political organization. This is 
particularly true internationally. Although many 
of its scholars understand the Tablighi Jamaat to 
be apolitical, the movements aversion to state 
affairs stems from the tension between two vastly 
different political visions. 

The Tablighi Jamaat seeks the creation of a par- 
allel authority to the state that docs not entail any 
direct involvement with it, including active or open 
opposition. Avoiding the state-centered identity that 
is characteristic of modern political organization, 
the Tablighi Jamaat preaches fealty to Islam above 
all else — being Muslim trumps all other identities, 
including family and nation-state. In this sense, the 
principles that govern the Tablighi Jamaat resemble 
those of al-Qaida. The Tablighi Jamaat, however, 
offers an alternative vision of how transnational 
revivalist movements can work toward reform. In 
light of the tremendous amount of attention given 
to “Islamist" and “Jihadist" movements, which are 
not limited to al-Qaida, the Tablighi Jamaat points 
to an important alternative, nonviolent method of 
political organization and authority. 

See also renewal and reform movements; 

Caleb Elfenbein 



652 tafsir 

Further reading: Gillcs Kepel. “Foi et pratique: Tab- 
lighi Jamaat in France." In Travellers in Faith, edited 
by Muhammad Khalid Masud, 188-205 (Boston: E.J. 
Brill, 2000); Muhammad Khalid Masud, “The Growth 
and Development of the Tablighi Jama at in India." In 
Travellers in Faith, edited by Muhammad Khalid Masud, 
3-43 (Boston: E.J. Brill, 2000); Barbara Metcalf, “Islam 
and Women: The Case of the Tablighi Jama at." Stan ford 
Humanities Review 5, no. 1 (1995): 1-9. 


Religions with holy books or scriptures require 
ongoing traditions of interpretation and commen- 
tary (exegesis) that contribute to preserving the 
sacredness of those books and adapting them to 
the changing social and historical circumstances 
of the communities that possess them. Com- 
mentary is a way of making the texts meaning- 
ful to new generations of adherents. This can be 
seen in the histories of Judaism and Christianity, 
where biblical commentary has been a significant 
meaning-making activity, especially with regard 
to matters of law and tradition in the former and 
theological doctrine in the latter. Hindus, Bud- 
dhists, Jains, Confucians, and Taoists have also 
produced significant bodies of commentary litera- 
ture for their sacred texts. 

In Islam, Quran commentary is one of the 
foremost subjects of classical Islamic learning and 
one of largest genres of Islamic religious literature, 
second perhaps only to BIOGRAPHY. It is generally 
known as tafsir, an Arabic term meaning “discov- 
ery of something hidden," but probably adapted 
from an Aramaic or Syriac term (peshar, pashshar ) 
used earlier by Jews and Christians in relation to 
their own commentary traditions. Another term, 
tawil (“returning to the beginning," “interpreta- 
tion"), was once used synonymously with tafsir, 
but eventually was understood with reference to 
the elucidation of the Quran's hidden ( batin ) or 
esoteric meanings, which could only be known 
by a select few. This approach to commentary was 
embraced especially by the Sufis and Shii ULAMA. 

Tafsir, on the other hand, became more closely 
associated with the elicitation of the “plain" or 
exoteric meanings of the Quran. More elaborate 
classifications of tafsir have been proposed that 
include both of these aspects. For example, the 
sixth Shii Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq (d. 765) is cred- 
ited with proposing a four-tiered model of Quran 
interpretation, according to 1) literal meaning 
( ibara ); 2) allegorical meaning ( ishara ); 3) subtle 
and symbolic meanings ( lataif ); and 4) higher 
spiritual meanings (h aqaiq). 

Typically, commentaries arc organized in accor- 
dance with the chapters (suras) in the Quran, 
proceeding sequentially verse by verse. Topics 
addressed in standard books of tafsir include 
whether the chapter or verse was revealed in 
Mecca or Medina, the reasons for revelation 
(asbab al-nuzul ), grammar and vocabulary, rheto- 
ric, variant readings for consonants and vowels 
(debated because of the lack of vowel and con- 
sonant markings in early manuscripts of the 
Quran, and because of regional differences), and 
legal implications of the verse and whether it had 
been abrogated by another verse ( al-nasikh wa'I- 
mansukh). Commentators (known as mufassirun) 
in the early centuries included narratives, called 
Israiliyyat, drawn from a wider body of lore circu- 
lating among different communities in the Middle 
East to expand upon quranic narratives, such as 
those concerning Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, 
and other biblical figures. Likewise, this was done 
with regard to stories about events in the life of 
Muhammad, such as accounts of his first revela- 
tions and his Night Journey and Ascent. Through 
the centuries, commentators also discussed the 
benefits and blessings to be accrued from reciting 
certain chapters and verses. A special subgroup 
of commentaries focused only on the small num- 
ber of verses that concern legal matters ( ahkam ), 
such as worship, family, business, and warfare. 
There were also commentaries written by Sufis, 
the mystics of Islam, that focused on select verses 
considered to be of import for their spiritual 
teachings and insights. The Shia, for their part, 

tafsir 653 

also developed their own exegetical traditions, 
based on the authority of their Imams. Shii com- 
mentaries pointed out hidden and allegorical 
references to the Imams, while identifying Sunnis 
with the disbelievers and evildoers mentioned in 
the Quran. 

Muslims traditionally have distinguished 
between two types of commentary. The one rec- 
ognized by the more traditionally minded is based 
on authoritative lines of transmission from earlier 
generations, starting with that of the Muhammad 
and his Companions, as conveyed in the hadith. 
Some include the Quran's self-commentaries as 
an authority in this tradition. This is known as 
al-tafsir bi’l-mathur, or al-tafsir bi’l-riwaya. The 
second major type of commentary is al-tafsir bi'l- 
ray , or commentary that has been guided more by 
individual opinion than by traditional authority. 
This type is regarded with suspicion by those who 
prefer to abide by prophetic tradition, and reflects 
differences between parties like the Hanbalis 
and the Hanafis, or the people of hadith and the 
Mutazili School. In order to better accommodate 
commentaries of this nature, some scholars drew 
a further distinction between ‘'praiseworthy’' 
works written by scholars who had a solid grasp 
of the traditional Islamic sciences and the Ara- 
bic language and “objectionable " works written 
primarily on the basis of personal opinion by 
scholars who were considered to be unqualified. 
In any case, even the most tradition-bound of 
commentators still exercised his own reasoned 
judgment in interpreting the Quran, and was 
subjectively influenced by his personal circum- 
stances, social milieu, and events of his time. A 
third type of commentary identified by scholars 
ol the Islamic commentary tradition is al-tafsir 
bi’l-ishara (commentary based on allegorical allu- 
sion), which is concerned with the deeper, hid- 
den meanings of the Quran. It is a kind of tawil, 
as explained above. 

Leading Medieval Commentaries. The historical 
formation of the quranic commentary tradition is a 
subject of some disagreement among scholars. Abd 

Allah ibn Abbas (d. 688), Muhammad's paternal 
cousin, is remembered by Muslims as the father of 
tafsir, but Sunni tradition credits 10 of the Com- 
panions and 10 of their Successors as establishing 
this area of Islamic learning. The Companions 
identified in this regard include, aside from lbn 
Abbas, the first four Sunni caliphs (especially Ali 
ibn Abi Talib ID. 6611), Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr 
(d. 692), Anas ibn Malik (d. ca. 709), and the 
famed warrior Amr ibn al-As (d. ca. 663). Nearly 
all of the Successors arc said to have been students 
of Ibn Abbas, and they included Ikrima (d. 723), 
al-Hasan al-BASRi (d. 728), and Ali ibn Abi Talha 
(d. 737). Some modern Islamic studies scholars, 
however, maintain that this genealogy of tafsir 
was a pious fiction, and that the tradition did not 
develop until the early 9th century. 

The foremost scholar of quranic exegesis dur- 
ing the medieval period was Ibn Jarir al-Tabari 
(d. 923), a Persian who achieved renown during 
the era of the Abbasid Caliphate for the breadth 
of his knowledge in the areas of hadith, history, 
FIQH , and the quranic sciences. His tafsir, the Jam i 
al-bayan an tawil ay al-Quran (The Compendium 
of Clarity Concerning the Exegesis of the Verses 
of the Quran), is an encyclopedic work that gath- 
ers a substantial body of comments and opinions 
about the meanings of quranic verses that were 
known up to his time. Modern print editions of 
this commentary number as many as 30 volumes. 
Al-Tabari's commentary is considered to be foun- 
dational for succeeding generations of mufassirun 
and is part of the tafsir bi'l-mathur tradition of 
exegesis. Other major commentaries in this group 
include those of Abu 1-Layth al-Samarqandi (d. 
983), Abu Ishaq al-Thaalabi (d. 1035), Abu 
Muhammad al-Baghawi (d. 1122, an abridgment 
of al-Thaalabi*s commentary), Ibn Kathir (d. 
1373, an abridgment of al-Tabaris commentary); 
Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 1505), and the Zaydi Shii 
jurist Muhammad bin Au al-Shawkani (d. 1834) 
of Yemen. 

One of the foremost commentaries in the 
tafsir bi i-ray tradition is Mahmud ibn Umar 


654 tafsir 

al-Zamakhshari’s Al-Kcishshaf an haqaiq al-tanzil 
wa uyun al-aqawil fi wujuh al-tawil (The Unveiler 
of the Subtle Truths of Revelation and Essences 
of Discussions Concerning Aspects of Exegesis, 
12th century), which approaches the Quran with 
a focus on its grammar, philology, and literary 
qualities. Al-Zamakhshari was a Hanafi jurist from 
Persia, and like al-Tabari, he excelled in his com- 
mand of Arabic. Even though his commentary 
reflects Mutazili influence, it nevertheless holds 
high esteem among Sunni scholars. An abridged 
version of it, Anwar al-tanzil (The Lights of Rev- 
elation), was composed by al-Baydawi (d. 1286) 
and became a popular text in Sunni madrasas. It is 
short and relatively easy to use. Another commen- 
tary based on those of al-Zamakhshari and al-Bay- 
dawi, but with all traces of Mutazilism removed, 
was that of the Hanafi scholar Abu al-Barakat 
al-Nasafi (d. 1310). Fakhr al-Din al-Razi's Mafatih 
al-ghayb (Keys to the Unseen, published in eight 
large volumes), written in the late 12th/early 13th 
century, represents a more theological and scien- 
tific approach to interpreting the Quran. Al-Razi 
was an expert in Ashari theology, and wrote his 
tafsir under its influence, but added significant 
scientific and philosophical insights drawn from 
Greek, Persian, and Indian sources, as well as Ara- 
bic ones. A pious man by nature, he nevertheless 
favored reason over unquestioning reliance on 
traditional sources, and he maintained that nature 
itself provided proof of Gods existence. A later 
tafsir, written in the 16th century, was Jalal al- 
Din al-Muhalla and Jalal al-Din al-Suyutis Tafsir 
al-Jalalayn (The Commentary of the Two Jalals). 
Along with al-Baydawi s commentary, it was widely 
used in madrasas and has become a popular tafsir 
because of its brevity and simplicity. 

The Shia consider their Imams to be the 
most learned and qualified to engage in quranic 
commentary, not the Companions and their Suc- 
cessors. Among the Twelve-Imam Shia, a further 
distinction is made between commentaries writ- 
ten before the Great Occultation (ghayba) of the 
12th Imam in 941 and those that came later. Two 

early commentaries are attributed to the sixth and 
eleventh Imams, Jaafar al-Sadiq and Hasan al- 
Askari (d. 874). The leading commentaries of the 
later period were Abu Jaafar al-Tusi's (d. 1066-67) 
Al-Tibyan fi tafsir al-Quran (The Clarification 
in Quran Commentary) and Abu Ali al-Fadl al- 
Tabarsis (d. 1154) Majmaa al-bayan li-tafsir al- 
Quran (The Confluence of Elucidation for Quran 
Commentary), both of which took a more moder- 
ate attitude toward Sunnism than early Shii com- 
mentaries and reflect Mutazili influence. 

Like the Shiis, especially the Ismailis, Sufis 
looked for the hidden, allegorical, and moral 
meanings of the Quran, although a number of 
them also treated its grammatical, historical, 
and legal aspects. Perhaps the most notable early 
Sufi commentary was Sahl al-Tustari's (d. 896) 
Kitab fahm al-Quran (Book of Understanding the 
Quran), compiled by his disciples. Al-Tustari, a 
Persian who spent his last years in Basra (Iraq), 
provided commentary for about 1,000 verses of 
the Quran, including lore about the prophets, sto- 
ries and teachings of earlier Sufis, moral advice, 
instructions for his disciples, and anecdotes about 
his personal life. He included little of the standard 
kinds of commentary found in the works of al- 
Tabari, al-Zamakhshari, and Ibn Kathir. His work 
was especially influential in Andalusia (Islamicatc 
Spain), where it contributed to the formation of 
Muhyi al-Din ibn al-Arabis (d. 1240) mystical 
thought. Ibn al-Arabi himself is credited with 
having written a partial commentary consisting 
of some 66 volumes, but it has been lost. Com- 
mentaries by him and his disciples on specific 
sections of the Quran have survived, however, and 
significant parts of his other major works, includ- 
ing Al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya (Meccan Revelations), 
contain large amounts of exegetical material. 
Other Sufi commentaries include those of Abu 
Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami (d. 1021), Abd al-Karim 
al-Qushayri (d. 1072), Ruzbihan Baqli (d. 1209), 
and Rashid al-Din al-Maybudi (d. 1135). 

Modern Commentaries. Print editions of medi- 
eval tafsir books enjoy widespread circulation 

tafsir 655 

today, reflecting continuity with the past. Those 
of al-Tabari, Ibn Kathir, the two Jalals, and al-Bay- 
dawi are especially popular among Sunnis, as are 
medieval commentaries focusing on quranic laws. 
Moreover, some modern editions of the Quran are 
published with abbreviated commentary drawn 
from these sources in the margins. Some modern 
interpreters rely on the traditional commentaries, 
but proponents of Islamic renewal and reform 
have composed new works of tafsir, seeking to 
adapt their understandings of the Quran to the 
challenges and opportunities offered by moder- 
nity. Others have proposed new principles for 
interpreting the word of God, a development that 
has caused some consternation among tradition- 
ally minded Muslims. 

The first of the modern commentaries is Tafsir 
al-Xiarar by Muhammad Rashid Rida (d. 1935) 
and Muhammad Abduh (d. 1905), first published 
in installments in Al-Manar (The Beacon), a 
periodical that embodied the modernist program 
of Abduh and his students. This work, although 
it only treated select passages of the text, was a 
modern version of the tafsir hi'l-ray approach to 
commentary. Rashid Rida claimed that it was writ- 
ten without consulting the classical books of tafsir 
so as ensure its compatibility with modern thought 
and science. The miraculous elements were mini- 
mized for the sake of underscoring the Quran's 
rationality. The Indian reformer Sayyid Ahmad 
Khan (d. 1898) had proposed a similar approach 
to the Quran earlier in response to the downfall of 
the Mughal Dynasty in 1857 at the hands of the 
British. The scientific approach to tafsir became 
even more pronounced in the works of Tantawi 
Jawhari (d. 1940), an Egyptian scholar, Abd al- 
Hamid ibn Badis (d. 1940), an Algerian scholar 
and nationalist, and Muhammad Husayn Tabata- 
bai (d. 1982), an Iranian Shii scholar. Other tafsirs 
written to demonstrate the Quran's agreement with 
modern rationality were those of Mustafa Maraghi 
(d. 1952) and Mahmud Shaltut (d. 1963), both 
disciples of Abduh and shaykhs of al-Azhar in 
Egypt. Several English translations of the Quran 

have appeared with modernist commentary, such 
as those of Yusuf Ali (d. 1953) and Muhammad 
Asad (d. 1992). These include references to Abduh 
and Rashid Rida, but also make overt use of classi- 
cal Sunni commentaries and the hadith. An unfin- 
ished Urdu commentary by Abu al-Kalam Azad 
( d. 1958) also took a modernist approach — one 
that emphasized religious pluralism, particularly 
among Muslims and Hindus, and was inspired by 
European history of religions scholarship. 

Modern Quran commentaries have also 
been written by two of the leading ideologists of 
Islamism — Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966) of the Egyptian 
Muslim Brotherhood and Abu al-Ala Mawdudi 
( d. 1979) of Pakistan's Jamaat-i Islami. Qutb’s 
commentary, Fi zilcil al-Quran (In the Shade of the 
Quran, 6 volumes) was written in Egypt during his 
years of imprisonment and torture for alleged con- 
spiracy against Jamal Abd al-Nasir's government in 
the 1950s and 60s. In it he constructed a rcligio- 
political vision of the righteous struggle (jihad) 
of God's true believers against the anti-Islamic 
West and the forces of disbelief and tyranny at 
work within Muslim society, which he called the 
“Jahiliyya society," thus drawing a parallel between 
the present day and the era of “ignorance" that 
prevailed when Islam first appeared in the seventh 
century. Qutb let his own response to the Quran 
dominate his commentary, paying scant attention 
to older commentators and methods. Mawdudfs 
Urdu commentary, Tafhim al-Quran (Understand- 
ing the Quran, 6 volumes), began to be written 
in 1942, just before India's partition, and was not 
completed until 1972. Mawdudis interpretation, 
unlike that of Qutb, was not shaped by impris- 
onment, but by his involvement in partition and 
post-partition politics, first in India, then in Paki- 
stan. In his reading of the Quran he offered a vision 
of a perfect, universal Islamic society governed by 
God's law. Although opposed to European pow- 
ers and secular values, he took a more gradualist, 
democratic approach than did Qutb to political 
action, believing in the eventual establishment of 
an Islamic "theo-democracy." 

Tamerlane 659 

country. Bin Ladin, who had helped the Afghan 
mujahidin fight the Soviets in the 1980s, returned 
there with his family and followers in 1996 after 
being driven out of Sudan as a result of pressure 
by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United States on 
the Sudanese government. The Saudi government 
attempted to have the Taliban arrest and place him 
in their custody, but, instead, the Taliban retained 
their alliance with him and used al-Qaida fight- 
ers in their operations against opponents in the 
country. Bin Ladin, in turn, used Afghanistan as a 
base to declare jihad against the United States and 
Israel, and to condemn the Saudi government for 
allowing foreign “unbelievers" to occupy the land 
of Islam's two holiest mosques — those of Mecca 
and Medina. When al-Qaida bombed U.S. embas- 
sies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tan- 
zania, in 1998, the United States retaliated with 
cruise missile attacks on two al-Qaida camps in 
Afghanistan. The U.S. attack did not inflict much 
damage, but it strengthened al-Qaida's position, 
allowing it to move forward with plans that led to 
the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen (2000) and 
the 9/11 attacks on the mainland United Slates in 
2001. A core group of Taliban fighters and their 
leaders survived the U.S. -led invasion of Novem- 
ber 2001 and retreated to remote regions along the 
Afghan-Pakistani border, from which they have 
launched attacks on the new Afghan government 
and coalition forces. By 2006 they had regained 
enough strength, with the help of income derived 
from opium production, to increase the number 
and effectiveness of attacks against their enemies. 
It is thought that Mullah Umar still serves as a 
Taliban leader. 

See also burqa; Islamic government; Islamism; 
madrasa; refugees; renewal and reform move- 
ments; terrorism; Wahhabism. 

Further reading: Steve Coll. Ghost Wars: The Secret 
History of the CIA , Afghanistan , and Bin Laden, from the 
Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001 (New York: Pen- 
guin. 2004); Khaled Hosseini. The Kite Runner (New 
York: Riverhead Books, 2003); Peter Marsden. The 

Taliban : War and Religion in Afghanistan (London: Zed 
Books. 2002); Ahmed Rashid, Taliban: Militant Islam , 
Oil, and Fundamentalism in Central Asia (New Haven, 
Conn.: Yale University Press, 2000); Lawrence Wright, 
The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/1 1 (New 
York: Random House, 2007). 

Tamerlane (Timur, Timur-e Lang) 

(1336-1405) great Mongol ruler who built an 
empire based in Central Asia, but whose armies 
devastated many Middle Eastern and Indian cities 
Tamerlane, born the son of a nomadic chief, rose 
to become one of the great empire builders of 
history. By the time of his death, his kingdom 
stretched from India and Central Asia into Rus- 
sia and Turkey, and threatened China. He helped 
the main cities of his native land (now Uzbeki- 
stan), Bukhara and Samarkand, become prosper- 
ous trading centers along the Silk Road, but the 
peoples of the Middle East and India suffered as a 
result of his destructive conquests. 

Genghis Khan (1 167-1227) invaded Central 
Asia in 1219 and 1220, and the khan's second 
son, Chagatai (d. 1241), was given the territory 
to govern. Tamurlane, born into the Barlas tribe, 
would, as he rose to power, claim descent from the 
great khan through Chagatai. As a young man, he 
was wounded with an arrow, and he would have 
limited use of one arm and leg as a result. His 
Westernized name means “Timur the Lame." 

Putting his own physical problems aside, how- 
ever, in the 1360s Tamerlane began to take control 
of the lands inhabited by his tribe's neighbors, 
and, by 1369, he took control of all the territory 
formerly ruled by Chagatai. He assumed sovereign 
powers and established his capital at Samarkand. 
He almost immediately began to add territory to 
his empire. Largely self-educated, he gradually 
became a most capable general and developed 
shrewd political skills. He invited the peoples he 
conquered into his rule and integrated them into 
his army. He pushed into India in the 1290s and 
after the turn of the century moved westward 

‘ CtfS3 660 Tanzeem-e-lslami 

through Persia into Turkey. One of his great vic- 
tories was over his fellow Muslims, the Ottomans, 
at Ankara in 1402. 

Tamerlane emerged at a time when the Hanafi 
Legal School was the dominant form of Islam in 
Central Asia. He included Hanafi scholar Abd al- 
Jabbar Khwarazmi among his prominent advisers, 
but he largely distanced himself from the majority 
of the scholarly community. Instead he seemed to 
favor the Sufis. For example, he honored Sayyid 
Baraka, a Sufi shaykh who resided in Tirmidh, 
and allowed his burial in his own tomb, the Gur- 
e Amir. While using Islam to unite his empire 
(much of it carved out from Islamic lands), he did 
not impose his faith on conquered lands. He was 
known for his inclusion of Shii Muslims and even 
Christians in his army. 

Economically, his early goal was to make the 
Silk Road the exclusive connecting link between 
China and Europe. His rise to power coincided 
with the emergence of the Ming dynasty (1368- 
1644) in China. Toward the end of his life, he 
decided to move against China and restore the 
former Yuan rulers. In the winter of 1404-05, he 
launched another expedition, but his age caught 
up with him and he died along the way before 
entering Ming territory. His body was returned to 
Samarkand and buried at the Gur-c Amir. 

Tamerlane became the fountainhead of the 
Timurid dynasty, which maintained power in Cen- 
tral Asia until the Uzbek leader Muhammad Shay- 
bani (ca. 1451-1510), emerged out of Kazakhstan 
and conquered Tamerlane's former capital. Subse- 
quently, the Uzbeks became the dominant force 
in the surrounding area, now called Uzbekistan. 
About the same time, Tamerlane's lineage would 
establish itself in India through Babur (r. 1526-30), 
founder of the Mughal dynasty (1526-1857). 

See also Central Asia and the Caucasus. 

J. Gordon Melton 

Further reading: Samuel Adrian M. Adshead. Cen- 
tral Asia in World History (New York: St. Martin's 
Press. 1993); Beatrice Forbes Manz. The Rise and Rule 

of Tamerlane , Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civiliza- 
tion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1989); 
Justiin Marozzi. Tamerlane: Sword of Islam, Conqueror of 
the World (London: HarperCollins, 2004). 

Tanzeem-e Islami (Tanzim-i Islami; Urdu: 
The Islamic Group) 

Tanzeem-e Islami is a Pakistani Islamic revitaliza- 
tion movement founded in 1975 by Israr Ahmad 
(b. 1932). He was a teenager in the years follow- 
ing World War II when the partition of Pakistan 
from India took effect. He attended King Edward 
Medical College in Lahore and during the years 
leading to his graduation in 1954 he associated 
with the Jamaat-i Islami, the Islamic renewal orga- 
nization founded by Abu al-Ala Mawdudi (1903- 
79). During these years he not only absorbed 
Mawdudis thought, but he also became familiar 
with the work of Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938), 
who had in 1930 initially proposed the establish- 
ment of Pakistan as a Muslim state separate from 
Hindu India. 

Following his graduation, Ahmad worked 
with the Jamaat-i Islami, which sought to build 
a revitalized Islam through influencing students 
and social elites. However, in 1957, following 
Mawdudis decision to enter fully into electoral 
politics, Ahmad withdrew. While launching a 
career as a physician, he also became an inde- 
pendent religious teacher and pursued advanced 
work in Islamic studies, completed in 1965 at the 
University of Karachi. 

In 1967 Ahmad authored “Islamic Renais- 
sance: The Real Task Ahead," a tract in which he 
articulated his basic notion that revitalizing Islam 
should be pursued by instilling the true faith and 
certitude in individual Muslims, especially the 
intelligentsia, which could be accomplished by 
propagating Muslim teachings combining con- 
temporary language and the best scholarship. 
One problem that needed to be addressed was the 
seeming dichotomy between modern science and 
Islam. Ahmad abandoned his medical practice in 

Tanzimat 661 

1971 and, the following year, he founded the first 
of several organizations to pursue his approach to 
Islamic renewal, including the Markaz-i Anjuman 
Khuddam ul-Quran in Lahore. This organization 
sought to promote the study of the Quran and 
propagate its teachings so as to foster a return 
to the true Islam. He founded Tanzeem-c Islami 
three years later. 

Ahmad began with Mawdudi's understanding 
that Islamic thought should be implemented not 
just in one's personal life, but also in the larger 
world of the social, cultural, juristic, political, 
and economic realms. Tanzeem-e Islami teaches 
that a Muslim should develop sincere faith, 
live in obedience to Muslim law (sharia), and 
make an effort to propagate the teachings to all 
humanity. The ultimate goal is to place Islam 
over all human-constructed systems (from gov- 
ernment to science). Any Sunni Muslim may 
join Tanzeem-e-Islami. Membership involves 
offering a pledge of obedience to the organiza- 
tion's Amir (leader), currently Hafiz Akif Saced. 
That pledge operates within the realm of obedi- 
ence to the sharia. 

Tanzcem-e Islami has emerged as a strong 
conservative force within Pakistan. It has opposed 
the development of modern secular curriculum at 
Pakistani universities, the Pakistani government's 
friendly relations with the United States (and 
especially the sending of troops to Iraq), and the 
influx of Western values and vices into Pakistan. 
While primarily active in Pakistan, Tanzeem-e 
Islami has developed affiliates based in the Indo- 
Pakistani Muslim communities in North America 
and Europe. 

See also Islamism; renewal and reform 


J. Gordon Melton 

Further reading: Israr Ahmad. Rise and Decline of the 
Muslim Umniah. Translated by S. Ansari (London: Ta- 
Ha,1986); Tanzeem-e-Islami Web site. Available online. 
URL: Accessed December 19. 

tanzil See revelation. 


The term Tanzimat (plural of tanzini = “ordering ") 
refers to the series of reforms designed to reorga- 
nize and modernize the Ottoman state, which were 
introduced under Sultan Abd al-Majid (r. 1839-61) 
and continued under Abd al-Aziz (r. 1861-76), and 
more generally to this period in Ottoman history. 
Earlier reforms had been attempted during the 
Tulip Period (1718-30), when military defeats had 
convinced Ottoman intellectuals of the need for 
adopting European technologies. After the French 
Revolution (1789), Selim III (r. 1789-1807) initi- 
ated a series of military, economic, political, and 
diplomatic reforms, and interaction with Europe 
continued to develop during the process. These 
reforms were elaborated under Mahmud II (r. 
1808-39). The Tanzimat reforms drew on these ear- 
lier attempts, and they were prompted by military 
defeats resulting in the independence of Greece and 
the autonomy of Egypt. Confronted with the eco- 
nomic and military superiority of Europe, the Otto- 
mans felt an increased need for modernization. 

Abd al-Majid acceded to the throne as SULTAN 
in 1839, and he named as his foreign minister 
Mustafa Rashid Pasha, a diplomat with experi- 
ence in Europe. Rashid Pasha urged the sultan to 
approve an imperial decree known as the Gulhane 
Edict, which Rashid Pasha read publicly in 1839. 
This decree constituted a quasi-constitutional 
document outlining a replacement of traditional 
economic, legal, and educational institutions with 
modern ones, many of them derived from Europe, 
which many Ottomans saw as representing prog- 
ress. It called for reforms in tax collection and 
military conscription, provided for the formation 
of councils of representatives at the provincial 
level and of secular schools, and ensured some 
rights and protections for citizens of all classes 
and religious communities. This gesture of equal- 
ity to Christian and Jewish minorities was meant 
to curb the threat of separatism by promoting a 

664 tasawwuf 

but some scholars such as Carl Ernst cast doubt 
upon the veracity of tariqa missionary activities. 

Although Sufism was originally an antinomi- 
nal response to the power held by Islamic reli- 
gious leaders who had systematized Islam in ways 
that Sulis considered to be dogmatic and devoid 
of spiritualism, the tariqa system ultimately cre- 
ated and maintained an alternate religious vision 
and system of transmitting knowledge. This, in 
turn, maintained tradition and served in part as a 
conservative force. 

See also baga and fana; dhikr; murid ; munshid; 


Sophia Pandya 

Further reading: Carl W. Ernst, Sufism (Boston: Shamb- 
hala, 1997); Michael Gilsenan, Saint and Sufi in Modern 
Egypt (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973); Annemaric 
Schimmel, Mystical Dimensions of Islam (Chapel Hill: 
University of North Carolina Press, 1975); J. Spencer 
Trimingham, The Sufi Orders in Islam (Oxford: Claren- 
don Press, 1971). 

tasawwuf See Sufism. 

tashbih Sec anthropomorphism. 

tasliyya See pbuh. 
tawaf See HAJJ; umra. 
tdwil See tafsir. 

tawhid (Arabic: to proclaim God as one; 

Monotheism is the belief in one god, or in a gods 
essential oneness. It is an English term that was 
first coined in the 17th century to distinguish 
Christian, Jewish, and later Islamic beliefs about 

God from the beliefs of those belonging to other 
religions, especially those described as being poly- 
theistic (believing in more than one god). Scholars 
of the comparative history of religions have recog- 
nized that monotheistic belief has taken different 
forms in human history, and they have proposed 
a variety of technical terms to describe these dif- 
ferent forms: monolatry (worshipping one god), 
monism (belief that a single being unites all beings 
in the universe), deism (belief in a single god who 
does not intervene in his creation), unitarianism 
(belief that god is absolutely one), trinitarianism 
(belief that god has three aspects or “persons,” 
as in Christianity), and pantheism (belief that 
god and the universe are identical). Tawhid is the 
Arabic word that Muslims today most commonly 
equate with the English term “monotheism,” but 
the historical range of connotations and meanings 
tawhid has taken in Islamic theological, philosoph- 
ical, and mystical discourses is greater than this 
simple translation would otherwise suggest. 

The idea of the oneness of God (Allah) is clearly 
expressed in the first part of the Islamic testimony 
of faith, the SHAHADA — “There is no god but God” 
which is repeated by Muslims throughout their lives 
and in the daily calls to prayer. It is also one of the 
Quran's most fundamental messages. Q 112 states 
that he is one ( ahad ), he does not beget, and he has 
no equal. Other verses declare, “your God is one 
God” (Q 18:110; 21:108; 39:4), while others stress 
that he has no partner (sharik; Q 6:163; 17:111) 
and condemn polytheists ( mushrikin ) — those who 
claim that God does indeed have partners. Although 
the Quran attributes this message to all of God's 
prophets, it is especially associated with Abraham, 
who is the figurehead of the hanif religion, a kind of 
primordial monotheism that preceded that of Jews 
and Christians. The importance of acknowledging 
belief in one God is reiterated in the hadith. 

Tawhid served as a starting point for Muslim 
theology (known as halam ), which was con- 
cerned with the issue of God's oneness, espe- 
cially as it pertained to his attributes. The most 
prominent theological school to articulate Islamic 

theology 667 

Press, 1975); J. Spencer Trimingham, The Sufi Orders in 
Islam (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971). 


Terrorism is today used to describe many different 
kinds of violence. As a result, the meaning of the 
word terrorism is highly contested. Most individual 
states, and much of the international community 
in the form of international organizations and law, 
deline terrorism as the use of illegal force by non- 
state actors. This definition focuses attention on 
the violence of nonstate actors — often understood 
by those who carry out such violence as resistance 
to a particular authority or past violent activity 
perpetrated by that authority — at the expense of 
attention to violence perpetrated by the state. 

Rather than focusing on the causes that lead 
to violent resistance, discussions of terrorism arc 
often limited to questions about the legitimate use 
of force. However, a more general definition of the 
term emerges from understanding the dynamics of 
the conflicts thought to include terrorism or violent 
resistance: the use of violence against nonmilitary 
targets in order to create an environment of fear and 
intimidation for the purposes of achieving a desired 
end. This definition avoids a judgment of validity of 
one kind of violence over another, state and non- 
state, legitimate and illegitimate, for example, and 
focuses instead on the use of a particular kind of 
violence and means of achieving a desired end. 

Since the 1970s, in Western media and public 
imagination terrorism has become increasingly 
synonymous with Islam. From the 1972 killing of 
Israeli Olympic athletes at the hands of Palestin- 
ian gunmen in Munich, Germany, to the events of 
September 11, 2001, images creating the impres- 
sion of an essential link between violence and 
Islam have been ubiquitous. This is not to say that 
the word terrorism has not been used to describe 
violence in other parts of the world throughout 
this time, such as in Northern Ireland, South 
Africa, and the Oklahoma City bombing in the 
United States (to name just a few cases). None- 

theless, terrorism and Islam, in the eyes of some 
western European and North American commen- 
tators, are inextricably linked; the overemphasis of 
the concept of jihad as “holy war" in interpreting 
Islam, among both Muslims and non-Muslims, 
also contributes to this image. It is essential to 
note, however, that the Arabic term for terrorism, 
irhab , is a recent addition to the Arabic language. 
It does not appear in the Quran nor is it found in 
any hadith. The relationship between terrorism 
and Islam, then, must be understood in the con- 
texts in which violence is termed terrorism. 

The kind of violence generally called terrorism 
is not particular to any religious tradition or polit- 
ical system. In the previous two decades, violence 
against nonstate actors has been perpetrated by 
Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus 
as well as by nonbelievers and adherents of local 
religious traditions, all living in varied political 
systems. At the same time, members of all reli- 
gious traditions and citizens in states with differ- 
ent political systems have denounced violence of 
this nature as inimical with the tradition or system 
in question. When thinking about terrorism, then, 
it is more useful to focus on the fact of violence 
and the kinds of violence at work as well as the 
dynamics in which the violence is found than it is 
on whether or not such force is legitimate accord- 
ing to a given tradition. 

See also Arab-Israeli conflict; Gulf Wars; 
Hamas; Hizbullah; al-Qaida; suicide. 

Caleb Elfenbein 

Further reading: Giovanna Borradori. Philosophy in a 
Time of Terror (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 
2003); Mark Juergcnsmeyer, Terror in the Mind of God 
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003). 

testimony See shahada. 


The systematic study and teaching of religious 
beliefs about God by experts who hold those 

672 tradition 

ality, edited by John C. Reeves, 61-85 (Atlanta: Society 
for Biblical Literature, 2003). 

tradition See customary law; hadith; ijmaa; ijti- 
had; sharia; sunna. 


Muslims have traveled the world for centuries to 
visit holy sites and search for knowledge. Travel 
has played an important role in the Islamic world. 
Natural inclinations to travel have been reinforced 
with Islamic traditions inciting Muslims to jour- 
ney for knowledge and pilgrimage. A central tenet 
of Islam has been the hajj, the annual pilgrimage 
to Mecca. As one of the Five Pillars of Islam, 
many Muslims over the generations have made 
the journey to fulfill their religious duty and 
strengthen their commitment to the faith. Large 
annual pilgrimage caravans would be formed 
and sponsored by local rulers to help pilgrims 
make their way to their destination. This tradi- 
tion has been a powerful unifying force for the 
Islamic community, drawing together Muslims 
from diverse regions for a common purpose. 

The prophet Muhammad (d. 632) also urged his 
followers to travel in search of knowledge, “even 
as far as China” and many M uslims wandered from 
Morocco to China and beyond in their quest for 
deeper insight and spiritual wisdom. Gradually, 
a mobile network of religious scholars (ulama) 
developed throughout the Islamic world. Edu- 
cated men such as Ibn Battuta (d. 1377) would 
travel from one center of learning to another, lis- 
tening to lectures, attending classes, and gaining 
employment as teachers, judges, and bureaucrats. 
A literary genre of travel accounts developed, 
attesting to the popularity of this activity. This 
network has been damaged in the modern period, 
when colonial powers established hard nationalist 
borders in a world that had been more porous. 
With the imposition of controls such as passports 
and visas, the traditions of traveling across the 

Islamic world became more limited, although this 
has been partially offset by technological advances 
such as the train and the airplane. Nonetheless, 
the tradition of travel remains an important tenet 
of Islam as Muslims continue to make the hajj in 
the millions and Islamic scholars from everywhere 
flock to study in the Islamic universities of Cairo, 
Damascus, Fez, and Saudi Arabia. 

See also boat; camel; colonialism; horse; tariqa. 

Eric Staples 

Further reading: Dale Eickclman and James Piscatori, 
eds., Muslim Travelers (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Uni- 
versity Press, 1996); F. E. Peters, The Hajj (Princeton, 
N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1996); Hamilton A. 
R. Gibb, The Travels oj Ibn Battuta 1325-1354 , 5 vols. 
(Cambridge: Hakylut Society at the University Press, 
1954-2000); lan R. Netton, Seek Knowledge: Thought 
and Travel in the House of Islam (Richmond, England: 
Curzon Press, 1996). 


Tunisia (Official name: Tunisian Republic) 

The northernmost country in Africa, Tunisia juts 
out into the Mediterranean Sea, bordered on the 
west by Algeria and on the south by Libya, forming 
a link between three different cultures: sub-Saha- 
ran Africa to the south, Europe and the Mediter- 
ranean region to the north, and the Maghreb, the 
countries of northwestern Africa. Tunisia has a 
population of about 10.5 million people (2008 
estimate) and an area of about 63,000 square miles 
(163,610 sq. km), slightly larger than the state of 
Georgia. The people of Tunisia include Berbers, 
Arabs. Europeans, and other groups. The vast 
majority of the population — some 98 percent — are 
Sunni Muslims, most of whom follow the Maliki 
Legal School. Others, claiming Turkish ancestry, 
follow the Hanafi Legal School. A small number 
of Tunisians, living mainly on Jerba Island, belong 
to the Ibadiyya sect of Islam. The official language 


674 Turkey 

Bourguiba's foreign relations also provoked 
some unrest. His foreign policy was generally 
pro-Western; for example, during the Arab-lsraeli 
War of June 1967, Bourguiba declined to break off 
relations with the United States, despite pressure 
to do so. In 1987, after more than three decades 
in power, Bourguiba was declared mentally unfit 
to rule. Prime Minister Zine el Abidine Ben Ali 
replaced him as president. Since then, Ben Ali has 
been elected president four times, in 1989, 1994, 
1999, and 2004. 

Tunisia's economy has shown steady growth, 
with a diverse economy, healthy exports, renewed 
growth in tourism, agricultural production, and 
strong trade links with Europe. Industries include 
petroleum, mining (particularly phosphate and 
iron ore), tourism, and textiles. 

Sec also Berber; colonialism; Islamism; Otto- 
man dynasty; secularism. 

Kate O'Halloran 

Further reading: Francois Burgat and William Dowell, 
The Islamic Movement in North Africa, 2d cd. (Austin: 
Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Texas 
at Austin, 1997); Mohamed Elhachmi Hamdi, The 
Politicization of Islam: A Case Study of Tunisia (Boulder. 
Colo.: Westvicw Press, 2000); Kenneth Perkins, A His- 
tory of Modern Tunisia (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer- 
sity Press, 2004). 

Turkey (Official name: Republic of Turkey) 

Europeans have used forms of the name “Tur- 
key" to refer to the dominant presence of Turkish 
peoples and states in Anatolia since the time of 
the Crusades; however, the Turkish form Turkiye 
has been used officially only since the foundation 
of the present Republic of Turkey in 1923. The 
country today comprises the peninsula known 
as Anatolia (Asia Minor) and the southeastern 
tip of the Balkan Peninsula (Europe), which are 
separated by the Bosphorus strait, on both sides 
of which sits the city of Istanbul. It shares borders 

in the northwest with Greece and Bulgaria; in the 
east with Georgia, Armenia, and Iran; and in the 
south-southeast with Syria and Iraq. Because of 
its unique geographical position and the histori- 
cal movement of peoples and ideas between Asia 
and Europe, Turkey has often been called a bridge 
between East and West. 

Turkey occupies an area of 301,303 square 
miles, which makes it comparable in size to Texas. 
It is bordered by the Black Sea to the north; Bul- 
garia and Greece to the northwest; the Aegean Sea 
to the west; the Mediterranean Sea, Syria, and Iraq 
to the south; Iran, Azerbaijan, and Armenia to the 
east; and Georgia to the northeast. Turkeys popula- 
tion was estimated at 71.9 million in 2008, and is 
made up predominantly of those of Turkish ethnic- 
ity, though there is a large Kurdish minority (est. 20 
percent), as well as smaller numbers of Arabs, Laz, 
Greeks, Armenians, Jews, and other ethnic groups. 
The population is predominantly Muslim (mostly 
Sunni, but with a substantial number of Alevis and 
some Shiis), along with a small number of Chris- 
tians and Jews. The official language is Turkish. 

The influx of Turkish-speaking peoples into 
Anatolia gained impetus after the Seljuk victory 
over Byzantine forces at Manzikcrt in 1071. Their 
dominance over the land was then ensured by 
powerful states set up by the Seljuks and later by 
the Ottomans. While the Ottomans subsequently 
gained control over much of the Middle East and 
the Balkans, Anatolia remained the heartland of 
the Turkish population, though with large popu- 
lations of Greek and Armenian Christians and 
non-Turkish Muslims, such as the Kurds, also 
inhabiting the area. 

When the Ottoman Empire was dissolved after 
World War I, a Turkish national movement led by 
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (d. 1938) succeeded in 
founding the Republic of Turkey, the borders of 
which were delineated by the Treaty of Lausanne 
(1923). Through an exchange of populations with 
Greece, there resulted an overwhelming Muslim 
majority in Turkey, including the large Alevi 
minority. In addition, the new republics nation- 

' Css ^ 676 Turkmenistan 

The earliest written Turkish is found in the form 
of inscriptions on stone monuments in Mongolia 
dating from the eighth century C.E. Artistic produc- 
tion in the language, however, was predominantly 
in oral form, including epics such as that of Dede 
Korkut, which were later written down. A com- 
parative dictionary of Turkic dialects was prepared 
in the 11th century by Kashgarli Mahmud. Written 
literature began to proliferate in the Islamic era, 
and many early works were of a religious nature, 
such as the mystical poetry of Yunus Emre, Ashik 
Pasha, and Kaygusuz Abdal, along with religious 
and mystical prose works. During the Ottoman 
period (14th-18th centuries), poets such as Pir 
Sultan Abdal, Karacaoglan, and Erzurumlu Emrah 
continued to compose works in vernacular Turk- 
ish, while in Ottoman court circles a sophisticated 
literature developed, heavily influenced by classical 
Persian poetry, and represented by such poets as 
Baki, Fuzuli, Ncdim, Nefi and Shaykh Galib. Dur- 
ing the Tanzimat reform period of the 19th century, 
European literature began to exert an influence 
on the form and subject matter of Ottoman lit- 
erature, and it was in this period that the Turkish 
novel began to develop as a genre. Inspired by the 
French Revolution, Ottoman writers developed 
an Ottoman patriotism, best exemplified by the 
works of Namik Kemal (1840-88). After the 1908 
revolution, this sentiment developed into a Turk- 
ish nationalist movement, which was reflected in 
the literature of the period, especially in the short 
stories of Omer Seyfettin (1884-1920). 

Literature after the foundation of the Republic 
of Turkey in 1923 dealt with themes relevant to 
the period: progress, the promotion of Turkish 
culture, the recent war of independence, and 
the gap between Ottoman intellectuals and rural 
Turks. Notable writers from this period included 
the novelists Halide Edip Adivar (1884-1964) and 
Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoglu (1889-1974). The 
poet Nazim Hikmet (1902-63) broke from metri- 
cal conventions while dealing with social themes, 
and he is credited with modernizing Turkish 
poetry. Writing about everyday life in a simple 

style, Orhan Veli Kanik (1914-50) is one of the 
many popular poets of modern Turkish literature. 
Many Turkish novelists have had their works 
translated into English, most notably Aziz Nesin 
(1915-95), Yashar Kemal (1922- ). In 2006 the 

novelist Orhan Pamuk (b. 1952) was awarded the 
Nobel Prize in literature. 

See also Arabic Language and literature; Otto- 
man dynasty; Persian language and literature. 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: Walter G. Andrews, et al., eds., Otto- 
man Lyric Poetry: An Anthology (Austin: University of 
Texas Press, 1997); Geoffrey Lewis, The Turkish Lan- 
guage Reform: A Catastrophic Success (Oxford: Oxford 
University Press, 1999); Kemal Silay, cd., An Anthology 
of Turkish Literature (Bloomington: Indiana University 
Turkish Studies, 1996); Talal Sail Halman, cd.. Contem- 
porary Turkish Literature: Fiction and Poetry (Ruther- 
ford, N.J.: Fairlcigh Dickinson University Press, 1982); 
Ncrmin Mencmcncioglu and Fahir Iz, eds.. The Penguin 
Book of Turkish Verse (New York: Penguin, 1978). 

Turkmenistan See Central Asia and the 

Twelve-Imam Shiism (also called 
Twelver Shiism, Ithnaashari Shiism, and 
Imami Shiism) 

Shiism is the leading sectarian alternative to Sunni 
Islam. The largest of the three major Shii tradi- 
tions is Twelve-Imam Shiism (the other two being 
Ismaili Shiism and Zaydi Shiism). Its name is based 
on belief that 12 male descendants from the family 
of Muhammad (d. 632), starting with An ibn Abi 
Talib (d. 661 ) and ending with the Mahdi Muham- 
mad al-Muntazar (entered concealment in 874), 
are Imams — exemplary authorities for the commu- 
nity and focal points for religious devotion. 

It is estimated that the Shia as a whole con- 
stitute between 12 percent and 15 percent of the 
total Muslim population today (1.3 billion, 2008 
estimate), or between 156 million and 195 million 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 677 

adherents. The largest Twelver populations are 
located in Iran and Iraq, where there are about 
58.9 million (90 percent, est. 2007) and 17 million 
(60-65 percent, est. 2007) adherents, respectively. 
Twelvers are also majorities in Azerbaijan (85 
percent) and Bahrain (70 percent); they are large 
minorities in Lebanon (30 percent), Kuwait (25 
percent), the United Arab Emirates (16 percent), 
Saudi Arabia (15 percent), Afghanistan (19 per- 
cent), Tajikistan (5 percent), Pakistan (18-20 per- 
cent), and India (2-5 percent). In addition, since 
the latter part of the 20th century, small immigrant 
communities of Twelver Shii Muslims have arisen 
in Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States, 
and Canada. Although Twelvers have often avoided 
overt involvement in politics, and developed reli- 
gious doctrines to make this permissible, their 
understanding of Islam changed significantly in the 
latter part of the 20th century, leading to what some 
scholars have called a “revival” of political Shiism. 


The historical roots of Twelve-Imam Shiism date 
back to the crisis that confronted the early Mus- 
lim community in Medina when Muhammad died 
in 632, before succession to leadership had been 
clearly determined. Arabian society was strongly 
patrilineal, but Muhammad had no sons to suc- 
ceed him. The consensus of leading members 
of the UMMA was that Muhammad's successor, or 
caliph, should be Abu Bakr (r. 632-634), one of 
his closest companions and a respected member 
of the community. However, a minority favored 
Ali, Muhammad's paternal cousin and son-in-law. 
Ali’s backers became known as his shia (party 
or faction), which is the basis of the English 
term “Shiism.” They also became known as the 
Alids. According to Shii accounts and the hadith, 
shortly before his death Muhammad had identi- 
fied Ali as the “master" ( mawla ) of those who had 
also regarded Muhammad as their master. Even 
though Ali became the caliph in 655, his reign 
was troubled by civil wars and the strong opposi- 
tion of the Umayyad clan of Mecca and Damas- 

cus. Ali was assassinated by a disgruntled former 
supporter, one of the Khawarij, thereby setting a 
pattern for martyrdom that would eventually pro- 
foundly shape Shii thought and worship. Muslim 
factions in the Hijaz and southern Iraq continued 
to agitate for a male descendant of Muhammad's 
family to claim leadership of the ultima, and a 
number arose and were defeated. Foremost among 
these was Ali's son Husayn, who was killed by 
Umayyad forces at Karbala in southern Iraq in 
680, together with most of his male supporters. 
This event solidified martyrdom for a just cause 
as a key component of Shii piety. 

Another significant stage in the development of 
Twelve-Imam Shiism occurred during the imam- 
ate of Jaafar al-Sadiq (ca. 699-765), the great- 
grandson of Husayn. A highly respected scholar 
in Medina, he lived when the Abbasid Revolu- 
tion overturned the UMAYYAD CALIPHATE and then 
turned against Shii partisans who had been their 
allies against the Umayyads. Jaafar was reportedly 
imprisoned several times by the Abbasid caliph 
al-Mansur (r. 754-775) and chose to distance him- 
self from anti-Abbasid politics as a consequence. 
Despite difficulties, he won a wide following as 
both a scholar and a proponent of political quiet- 
ism, which developed into the doctrine of taqiyya, 
or pious concealment of one's Shii beliefs in the 
face of persecution or punishment. He has also 
been credited with affirming his father Muham- 
mad al-Baqir's idea of nass, the divinely inspired 
designation of an Imam by his predecessor, as a 
way to resolve conflicting claims to Alid leader- 
ship. To further enhance this idea and elevate 
the Imams to a position as leading authorities in 
matters of religion, the doctrine of the infallibil- 
ity ( isma ) of the Imams was also asserted during 
Jaafar's time. Additionally, Shii tradition remem- 
bers him as an expert in fiqh (jurisprudence). 
Consequently, the Twelver tradition of law is 
known as the Jaafari School. Succession to Jaafar 
became confused when his designated heir, Ismail, 
predeceased him in 755. Those remaining loyal to 
Ismail recognized his infant son Muhammad as 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 679 

considered to be the best of men and the foremost 
members of the ahl al-bayt (Muhammad's descen- 
dants). Indeed, they are thought to embody a divine 
light that is identical to the light that God used to 
create the universe. Such beliefs indicate that the 
Shia have developed a complex imamology, or set 
of doctrines concerning the Imams. The key doc- 
trines include nass (divinely inspired designation 
by the previous Imam), isma (infallibility and sin- 
lessness), ilm (knowledge of Gods revelation and 
the law), walaya (expertise in spiritual guidance), 
ghayba (occultation of the 12th Imam), and rajaa 
(return of the 12th Imam before Judgment Day). 
The Imams also epitomize ideas of Martyrdom 
( shahada ) and righteous suffering, which open the 
way to salvation for the Shii community. 

(5) Adi (Divine Justice). Twelve-Imam Shia 
accept an understanding of God's justice that 
closely resembles that of the Mutazili School. 
They consider it to be a rationally based attribute 
of God, associated with his wisdom. Because of 
this, he is essentially good, and nothing evil or 
profane can be attributed to him. Humans, there- 
fore arc fully accountable for their disobedience 
and evil deeds. On the other hand, the Ashari 
School, the leading proponents of Sunni theol- 
ogy, argued that God could not be compelled 
to always act justly and that ultimately he was 
the sole creator of all actions done by humans, 
whether good or bad. 


Like Sunnis, Twelve-Imam Shia believe that reli- 
gious law is based on God's commandments 
and prohibitions as conveyed by the Quran and 
hadith. They also accept a notion of consensus 
Ojmaa) in their jurisprudence. Unlike the Sun- 
nis, they give greater weight to human reasoning 
or intelligence (aql) in deriving law from God's 
revelations, whereas the Sunnis only allow for a 
more limited use of analogical reasoning ( qiyas ). 
The Shii tradition of fiqh (jurisprudence), known 
as the Jaafari School in honor of Jaafar al-Sadiq, 

formally developed after the 12th century, which 
was well after the major Sunni schools had 
formed. Basing their authority on the assertion 
that they were representatives of the Hidden 
Imam, they have given considerable weight to 
both the hadith of the Imams and to reason- 
ing, which caused a split between traditionalist 
ulama, known as the Akhbari School, and the 
rationalists, known as the Usuli School. The 
Usuli School, which emphasizes the importance 
of ijtihad (individual legal judgment based on 
reason) has prevailed in Iran, and it is the school 
to which the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (d. 
1989) and other leading Iranian ulama belong. 
On points of practical law, Shii jurisprudence is 
similar to that of the Sunnis, with minor varia- 
tions. A significant exception in this regard is its 
recognition of the institution of temporary mar- 
riage, known as mutaa, which is allowed mainly 
in Shii Iran and rejected by Sunnis. On the other 
hand, Shii/icfh makes divorce in regular marriages 
more difficult than in Sunni law. 

Running counter to its legal and theologi- 
cal rationalism, Twelve-Imam Shiism has also 
embraced mysticism, particularly in the form 
known as Irfan (theosophy, gnosticism). The Shii 
ulama opposed organized tariqa Sufism, which 
adversely affected its popularity in Shii commu- 
nities, but many of the Persian-speaking ulama 
were drawn to the ecstatic poetry of Jalal AL-Din 
Rumi (d. 1273), Hafez (d. 1390), and Jami (d. 
1492), together with the illuminationist philoso- 
phy of Shihab al-Din Suhrawardi (d. 1 191), which 
inspired members of the neo-Platonic school of 
Isfahan. The two leading mystical thinkers in this 
school were Mir Damad (d. 1631) and Mulla 
Sadra (d. 1640). Ayatollah Khomeini, the ide- 
ologist and leader of the Iranian Revolution of 
1978-1979, was a student of irfan, and wrote sev- 
eral commentaries and books on the subject. 

Twelver Shiis practice the so-called Five Pil- 
lars of worship with some variations. They pro- 
nounce the shahada , but are allowed to add the 
phrase "and Ali is God's friend" at the end. They 

,Css5S 680 Twelve-Imam Shiism 

are permitted to combine the five daily prayers 
into three (morning, afternoon, and evening), 
and, in remembrance of the events of Karbala, 
they are expected to touch a small block made of 
earth from Karbala with their foreheads during 
prostrations in daily prayer, rather than the prayer 
rug. In addition to giving alms in charity, they also 
pay an annual tax of one-fifth of their net income, 
called the khums, for the benefit of the ulama, 
descendants of Muhammad, orphans, and other 
needy individuals. They also are required to per- 
form the hajj if they are able, as are Sunnis. Other 
obligatory acts include defensive jihad (for men) 
and calling on people to do what is good and 
avoid what is evil. However, in situations where 
their safety and security are in danger, the Shia 
are encouraged to practice taqiyya, which allows 
them to conceal their Shii beliefs from Sunnis and 
others who might harm them. 


The most visible characteristic of Twelver religios- 
ity through the centuries has been individual and 
communal attachment to the 12 Imams, Fatima, 
Muhammad, and other descendants of the holy 
family. This is reflected in the cycle of religious 
holidays that commemorate the martyrdom of the 
Imams each year, as well as in ritual performances, 
and sacred art and architecture. The most promi- 
nent ritual practices commemorate the martyrdom 
of Husayn during Ashura; they involve lamenta- 
tions, poetic eulogies, passion plays, sermons, 
processions, self-flagellation and mutilation, and 
pilgrimage ( ZIYARA ) to Husayns shrine in Karbala, 
Iraq. A pilgrim who has gone there is honored by 
being called karbalai — as a person who has gone 
to Mecca for the hajj is called hajji. The tombs of 
other Imams and their descendants are also the 
objects of pilgrimage, including those of women, 
such as Sayyida Zaynab, the sister of Husayn, in 
Damascus, and the Fatima Maasuma, sister of 
Imam Rida, the eighth Imam, in Qumm. Addi- 
tionally, the Shia have constructed special ritual 
centers for local performances of Ashura obser- 

vances that are known variously as husayniyyci s, 
imambarahs , imambargas, and taaziyakhanas. 


While religious traditionalism and popular devo- 
tion to the Imams remain important aspects of 
Twelve-Imam Shiism in the late 20th and early 
21st centuries, it, like Sunnism, has also been 
affected by the far-reaching impact of religious 
reform movements and political activism. Among 
the ulama political activism became significant 
in the late 19th century as popular opposition to 
concessions made to the British by the shah led to 
the Tobacco Revolt of 1892, which was legitimated 
by a fatwa from Hujjat al-lslam Mirza Shirazi. The 
ulama were also active in the Constitutional Revo- 
lution of 1905-11, standing both for and against 
limiting the shah's power with a constitutional 
monarchy. In addition to anti-imperialism, several 
leading Shii ulama criticized Shii traditionalism 
and promoted pan-Islamism and religious reform 
as a way for Muslims to meet the challenges of 
COLONIALISM and modernity. Leading reformer- 
activists during this period included Jamal al-Din 
al-Afghani (d. 1897) and Hadi Najmabadi (d. 
1902). Iranian ulama as a whole supported the 
establishment of the Pahlavi dynasty in the 1920s, 
even though they ended up opposing its secular 
modernization policies and efforts on behalf of 
women. Their opposition intensified in the 1960s 
when Muhammad Reza Shah (Pahlavi) (r. 1941- 
79) launched his modernization program, known 
as the White Revolution. Religious and secular 
opposition alike coalesced around the figure of 
Khomeini and led to the Iranian Revolution of 
1978-79, which ended the Pahlavi dynasty and 
established a new government based on Khomei- 
nis ideology of Islamic government ( wilayat al- 
faqih ), much to the dismay of Iranian democrats 
and leftist parties. Khomeinis revolutionary Shii 
message and the Shii liberation theology of Ali 
Shariati (d. 1977) energized Islamic movements 
and Shii communities in much of the Middle 
East and South Asia. Even though Khomeini 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 681 

favored building bridges with Sunni Muslims 
with respect to law and doctrine, his success was 
seen as a political threat by Sunni leaders in Saudi 
Arabia, Bahrain, and Iraq. Indeed, these govern- 
ments, together with that of Pakistan undertook 
repressive measures against Shii organizations 
and subjects, and Iraq entered into an eight-year 
war of attrition with Iran in 1980-88, supported 
by an alliance of Sunni Arab governments. At the 
same time, although Shii militant and political 
organizations favored the establishment of Islamic 
governments based on the sharia, many did not 
accept Iranian-style rule by the mullahs. 

In Iraq, Shii authorities had cooperated with 
the Ottomans in the 19th century to promote 
tribal settlement and agricultural development, 
one result of which was conversion of many of 
these Arab tribes to Shiism. Iraqi Shiis joined with 
Sunni tribes in 1920 to oppose the British occupa- 
tion and mandate authority that they established 
at the end of World War 1. The revolt failed, and 
the British retaliated by giving the Sunnis political 
dominion of the country and engaging in policies 
designed to alienate Arab Shii ulama from their 
Iranian co-religionists. The rise of socialist and 
Marxist movements in Iraq and Iran attracted 
urban Shii youth, especially after World War 11 
and the end of British colonial influence. The 
Iraqi Shii clergy, experiencing a decline in status, 
regarded leftist movements and secular national- 
ism with suspicion and countered by organizing 
their own religio-political parties and movements, 
the foremost of which are the Daawa Party and 
the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in 
Iraq. These organizations were persecuted by Sad- 
dam Husayns Baathist government, and many of 
their leaders were imprisoned and executed. 

Lebanon became another center of Twelve- 
Imam Shii political activism, particularly through 
the influence of a young Iranian Shii mullah from 
Najaf, Musa al-Sadr (d. 1978), who won Leba- 
nese Shii support among those who had become 
disenchanted with secular Arab nationalist and 
leftist movements. In 1975 he formed the Amal 

militia, which became a Shii fighting force in the 
Lebanese civil war and which trained other Islamic 
militias, including the Revolutionary Guards of 
Iran. Another Shii militant organization, Hizbul- 
lah, superseded Amal in the 1980s and remains a 
leading force in Lebanese politics today. In addition 
to its militancy and political strength, which were 
inspired by Khomeini's success in Iran, it has also 
become active in providing needed social services 
and financial aid to Lebanese Shiis. It operates one 
of the major Arabic language satellite television 
stations in the Middle East. However, several gov- 
ernments, including those of the United States and 
Israel, regard it as an Islamic terrorist organization. 

When the United States and coalition forces 
overthrew the Baathist government of Saddam 
Husayn in 2003, they created conditions that 
made it possible for Iraq's Shii majority to estab- 
lish the Arab world's first modern Shii state, which 
is now in the hands of competing, and sometimes 
clashing, political parties. The wider Middle East 
region as a consequence is witnessing significant 
Shii political activism and Iranian influence, as 
well as violent confrontations with Sunni govern- 
ments and Islamist groups such as al-Qaida and 
the Taliban. These conflicts are already spilling 
beyond the Middle East to Afghanistan and Paki- 
stan, and they are likely to complicate efforts to 
stabilize the region for years to come. 

See also authority; batin ; colonialism; commu- 
nism; constitution; Fadlallah, Muhammad Husayn; 
Ghadir Khumm; Gulf States; Gulf Wars; husayni- 
yy a; imam; Mujahidin-i Khalq; politics and Islam; 


Further reading: Kamran Scot Aghaie, ed., The Women 
of Karbala: Ritual Performance and Symbolic Discourses 
in Modern Shii Islam (Austin: University of Texas Press, 
2005); Said Amir Arjomand, The Shadow of God and the 
Hidden Imam: Religion, Political Order, and Societal Change 
in Shiite Iran from the Beginning to 1890 (Chicago: Uni- 
versity of Chicago Press. 1987); William C. Chittick, ed., 
A Shiite Anthology (Albany: Slate University of New York 
Press, 1981); Heinz Halm. Shia Islam: From Religion to 

ulama (also ulema; Arabic: plural of alim, 
“possessor of knowledge”) 

The chief religious authorities in Islam are the 
ulama. In addition to scholars and teachers, they 
include jurists, judges, preachers, imams (prayer 
leaders), market inspectors, and advisers to rul- 
ers. The ulama view themselves as the heirs of the 
prophet Muhammad (ca. 570-632) in matters of 
religious law (sharia) and tradition, the masters 
of the Quran and hadith, and moral guardians 
of the community of believers. They support 
their claims to religious authority by invoking 
the Quranic injunction, “Obey God, the Prophet, 
and those who have authority among you ” (italics 
added, Q 4:59). They are not a priesthood, how- 
ever, since they do not conduct sacramental rites 
on behalf of the laity. Nor do they administer a 
“church" or congregation like priests and minis- 
ters do in Christianity. Rather, the ulama are more 
like Jewish rabbis; they advise people about Gods 
commandments and prohibitions, and they issue 
opinions and judgments in matters of dispute or 
legal necessity. Their status varies greatly, from 
being half-literate caretakers at village mosques 
to being highly esteemed scholars patronized 
by the powerful and wealthy in the major urban 
centers of Islamdom. 

In Sunni Islam, which embodies the majority 
of Muslims, there is no central religious author- 
ity like a Roman Catholic pope or Orthodox 
Christian patriarch. Rather, the authority of 
Sunni ulama is built upon a web of relations that 
extends from the mosque or madrasa (religious 
college) to the palace, marketplace, bazaar, 
neighborhood, household, and across entire 
regions from North Africa and Andalusia to India 
and beyond. Only in the era of Ottoman rule was 
an official ranking recognized, focused on the 
figure of the mufti. This office became decentral- 
ized with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire 
after World War 1. Shii ulama differ from Sunni 
ulama; their authority is based on belief in the 
infallibility of the Imams, venerated descendants 
of Muhammad's household (ahl al-bayt). As a 
consequence, Shii ulama, particularly in Twelve- 
Imam Shiism, have developed a centralized hier- 
archy since the 18th century, with the top ranks 
held by senior jurists known as ayatollahs. The 
most highly ranked of these, determined by con- 
sensus of the ulama on the basis of the jurist’s 
knowledge and reputation, is the marjaa al-taqlid 
(source of imitation). Shii ulama, like their Sunni 
counterparts, also depend on extensive networks 
of support and patronage. 


^ 684 ulama 

More is known about the ulama than any 
other social group in Islamic history, thanks to 
the voluminous amount of biographical literature 
that they created over the centuries. Studies of this 
literature have shown that ulama were recruited 
from different walks of life, but they were usually 
supported by the ruling class, wealthy merchants 
and landholders, who earned merit for their gen- 
erosity. After obtaining a primary EDUCATION at 
a kuttab or at home (if the father was himself a 
scholar), a would-be scholar went to a madrasa 
to study with a master teacher, or select group of 
scholars, of the Islamic sciences. Students (sing. 
talib, seeker) traveled far from home and often 
attended several different madrasas, which served 
as pathway for upward mobility. The hadith-based 
notion of “seeking knowledge, even in China" has 
been a guiding dictum for learning in Islamic tra- 
dition. The madrasa, an institution that originated 
in the 1 Oth— 1 1 th century, was usually associated 
with a particular tradition of Islamic law (mcidh- 
hab ) — Hanafi, Shafii, Maliki, or Hanbali for Sun- 
nis, and Jaafari for Shiis. Some madrasas included 
teachers of more than one legal tradition. 

The main subject taught was Islamic juris- 
prudence (f/QH), together with quranic studies, 
hadith and hadith criticism, as well as a variety of 
secondary subjects (for example, Arabic grammar, 
rhetoric, logic, dialectical theology, and history). 
For their lessons, students congregated around 
their teachers, forming circles (sing, halqa ) to 
study their books with them and hear their com- 
mentaries. When a session was completed they 
would form their own study circles to discuss 
their lessons further and assist each other in 
memorizing the texts and commentaries. When 
a student mastered a book, he would receive a 
certificate ( ijazci ) from his teacher, which usually 
would qualify the student to teach the book to 
others. Students, therefore, could collect several 
certificates in their course of study, and move into 
the ranks of the ulama based on the knowledge of 
the Islamic sciences they had acquired in madrasas 
at the feet of their teachers. Although women were 

excluded from the medieval madrasa system, the 
biographical dictionaries mention that some were 
included among the ulama nevertheless. They 
were known especially as scholars and teachers of 
hadith, and usually they gained their expertise at 
home from male scholars in their families. 

Through the centuries the ulama were able to 
establish a sphere of authority for themselves in 
religious matters without undue interference from 
the state, despite the fact that they often depended 
on rulers for patronage and protection. They did 
this by granting legitimacy to them and maintain- 
ing close relations with the populace. The ulama 
often endorsed popular customs and religious 
devotionalism, or remained neutral. The evidence 
indicates that most accepted Sufi ideas, such as 
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (d. 1111), and were even 
members of Sufi brotherhoods, such as Ahmad 
Sirhindi (d. 1624). The antipathy of the ulama to 
aspects of Sufism and popular saint veneration has 
been exaggerated by modern scholars of Islamic 
studies, and was limited to a relatively small 
number of literalists, such as Taqi al-Din Ahmad 
ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328) and Muhammad ibn Abd al- 
Wahhab (d. 1792), until the 20th century. 

The establishment of colonial regimes by 
European powers during the 19th and 20th cen- 
turies, followed by the emergence of new nation- 
states in Muslim lands, contributed significantly 
to undermining the authority of the traditional 
ulama. These governments established secular 
laws and legal systems that emulated those of 
western Europe, effectively displacing the ulama 
in that area. The opening of schools based on 
modern curricula undermined the preeminence 
of the ulama in the area of education and pro- 
duced a literate public who could study Islamic 
texts themselves, or appropriate new forms of 
secular and techno-scientific knowledge from 
post-Enlightenment Europe. These developments 
helped compel ulama in different regions to 
engage in Islamic reform programs, as exempli- 
fied by the efforts of Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (d. 
1897), Muhammad Abduh (d. 1903), Muhammad 

Umar ibn al-Khattab 685 

Rashid Rida (d. 1935), and the Deoband move- 
ment in Indo-Pakistan. Despite these efforts, the 
ulama found themselves blamed for the intellec- 
tual backwardness and political weakness of their 
societies by secular Muslims, on the one hand, 
and advocates of political Islam like Sayyid Qutb 
( d. 1966) and Abu al-Ala Mawdudi (d. 1979), 
on the other. Even though the ulama were abol- 
ished in Turkey in the 1920s and became little 
more than government employees in countries 
such as Egypt, they have undergone a significant 
transformation in a number of countries recently, 
as exemplified by their influence in Saudi Arabia 
and their involvement in Pakistani politics and 
the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan. The clear- 
est example of this trend is that of Iran, where 
Shii ulama under the leadership of Ayatollah 
Ruhollah Khomeini (d. 1989) established a revo- 
lutionary Islamic government in 1979, an event 
unprecedented in the history of Islam. The U.S.- 
led invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003 gave 
Shii ulama in that country, many with links to 
neighboring Iran, an opportunity to take a leading 
role in religious and political affairs. 

See also ayatollah; biography; colonialism; 
hisba; ijmaa ; ijtihad; imam; Islamism; mullah; Otto- 
man dynasty; Pakistan; renewal and reform 
movements; secularism; shaykh; student. 

Further reading: Jonathan P. Berkey, Transmission of 
Knowledge in Medieval Cairo: A Social History of Islamic 
Education (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 
1992); R. Stephen Humphreys, Islamic History: A 
Framework for Inquiry. Rev. cd. (Princeton. N.J.: Princ- 
eton University Press. 1991), 187-208; Joseph A. 
Kechechian, “The Role of the Ulama in the Politics of 
an Islamic State." International Journal of Middle East 
Studies 18 (1986): 53-71; Ira M. Lapidus, Muslim Cities 
in the Later Middle Ages (Cambridge. Mass.: Harvard 
University Press, 1967); Mojan Momen, An Introduc- 
tion to Shii Islam (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University 
Press, 1985); Stephen Sharot. A Comparative Sociol- 
ogy of World Religions: Virtuosos , Priests, and Popular 
Religion (New York: New York University Press, 2001), 

Muhammad Qasim Zaman, The Ulama in Contemporary 
Islam: Custodians of Change (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton 
University Press, 2002). 

Umar ibn al-Khattab (586-644) 

(r. 634-644) second Muslim caliph, established the 
political structure of the Islamic empire 
A member of the Adi clan of the Quraysh tribe, 
Umar ibn al-Khattab was born in Mecca. Initially 
an opponent of Muhammad, he converted to 
Islam in about 615. He went on to become one of 
Muhammad's closest advisers, accompanying him 
to Medina in 622 during the Hijra. He became the 
Prophets father-in-law when Muhammad married 
his daughter, Hafsa. After Muhammad s death 
in 632 Umar supported Abu Bakr (r. 632-634) 
to succeed him; he himself succeeded Abu Bakr 
shortly afterward, becoming the second of the 
four Sunni “rightly guided" caliphs, or Rashidun, 
which include Uthman ibn Affan (r. 644-655) 
and Ali ibn Abi Talib (r. 656-661). Umar was the 
first caliph to adopt the title Amir al-Muminin, or 
commander of the faithful. 

Under Umars rule, the Islamic state expanded 
from a local principality to a major power. He 
continued the military campaigns begun by Abu 
Bakr, resulting in the conquest of Syria, Palestine, 
Egypt, Iraq, and Iran. Umar established guide- 
lines for administering these new conquests. He 
left the conquered peoples in possession of the 
land and did not require them to serve in his army 
or attempt to convert them to Islam; in return, 
they paid tribute to the government. As governors 
and administrators, Umar appointed skillful man- 
agers who were loyal to him. He also established 
garrison cities to administer the newly conquered 
territory; they included Basra, at the head of the 
Persian Gulf; Kufa, on the Euphrates River; and 
Fustat, later to become Cairo, just below the Nile 
Delta. He instituted the empires judiciary, set up 
a postal system, and introduced a system of taxes 
to finance the state. Umar is also credited with 
instituting the use of the Islamic calendar. In 

‘ CtfS3 686 Umar Tal 

644, Umar was assassinated by a slave who had a 
personal grudge against him. Umar is said to have 
appointed a committee to choose the next caliph; 
they named Uthman as his successor. 

See also Companions of the Prophet. 

Kate O'Halloran 

Further reading: Hugh Kennedy, The Prophet and the 
Age of the Caliphates (London: Longman, 1985); Wil- 
ferd Madelung, The Succession to Muhammad: A Study of 
the Early Caliphate (Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press, 1997). 

Umar Tal (Al-Hajj Umar) (1797-1864) 

Tijani Sufi shaykh who launched jihad to reform 
Islamic practice and resist French colonial expansion in 
West Africa during the mid- 1 9th century 
Born in Futa Toro (in modern-day Senegal), Umar 
Tal joined the Tijani Sufi order at the age of 18. 
As a young man, Umar departed his homelands 
for an extended pilgrimage to Mecca and the east- 
ern Islamic lands. While in Mecca, Umar studied 
under the Tijani SHAYKH Muhammad al-Ghali, 
who appointed him as the representative for the 
order in West Africa. After three years in the cast, 
Umar returned to West Africa, staying in Sokoto 
for some six years. In 1838 he settled in Futajal- 
lon (Senegal), where he established a reputation 
as a holy man and mystic. 

By 1849 the local tribal authorities in Futa Jal- 
lon became concerned by the large number of the 
shaykh's followers and his increasing vehemence in 
preaching Islamic revival. Forced to leave the region, 
Umar retreated to Dinguiray, where he established a 
community. In imitation of the prophet Muhammad, 
Umar declared that his flight had been his own Hijra 
and he began to recruit warriors and assemble weap- 
ons in preparation for jihad against the ungodly rul- 
ers who opposed his message. During the next 15 
years, Umar and his followers launched countless 
attacks upon surrounding communities, resulting 
in a state of some 150,000 square miles in the region 
of modern-day Guinea, Mali, and Mauritania. In 

1862 he conquered Hamdullahi on the Bani River 
and sacked TIMBUKTU. However, tribal resistance led 
to a siege of Hamdullahi, in which Umar and his fol- 
lowers were trapped for some eight months before 
he ordered the town to be burned and fled to the 
nearby cliffs of Bandiagara. Here he died mysteri- 
ously in February 1864. The empire that he estab- 
lished, bequeathed to his son, Ahmadu, collapsed 
into civil war, and Ahmadu was finally driven out of 
Nioro in 1891, effectively ending Umarian author- 
ity in the region. Despite the short duration of the 
state he established, al-Hajj Umars jihad was one of 
a number of similar reform movements that revived 
Islam and resisted the spread of French colonial 
authority in 19th-century West Africa. 

See also renewal and reform movements. 

Stephen Cory 

Further reading: John H. Hanson, Migration, Jihad, and 
Muslim Authority in West Africa (Bloomington: Indiana 
University Press, 1996); B. O. Oloruntimehin, The 
Segu Tukulor Empire (London: Longman Group, 1972); 
David Robinson, The Holy War of Umar Tal (Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 1985); John Ralph Willis, In 
the Path of Allah: The Passion of al-Hajj Vmar (London: 
Frank Cass, 1989). 

Umayyad Caliphate (661-750) 

The Umayyad Caliphate was a Sunni dynasty that 
expanded the area of Islamic rule and developed 
a distinct Islamic culture. During the years of 
Umayyad rule, the Islamic state changed from a 
coalition of Arab tribes to a centralized empire 
that stretched from present-day Pakistan to the 
Atlantic Ocean and included the Arabian Pen- 
insula, Iran, Egypt, much of North Africa, and 
the Iberian Peninsula. This vast area was held 
together by an Islamic culture that included a 
common language and coinage. At the same time, 
the caliphate created permanent divisions within 
the Muslim community, or umma. 

The Umayyads came to power in the turbulent 
period following the death of Uthman ibn Affan 

umma 687 

(r. 644-655), the third CALIPH, and the acces- 
sion of Ali ibn Abi Talib (r. 656-661). Uthman's 
cousin, Muawiya, who was governor of Syria, 
refused to recognize Ali as caliph. Civil war broke 
out between supporters of Ali and Muawiya; Ali 
was assassinated, and Muawiya declared himself 
caliph. Muawiya was a member of the Umayyad 
family, the wealthiest and most powerful branch 
of the Quraysh in MECCA. Muawiya moved the 
capital of the Islamic state from Medina to Damas- 
cus, Syria. He also changed the caliphate in fact, 
if not in principle, to a dynasty by naming his son 
as his successor, thus setting a precedent for the 
caliphate passing from father to son. 

Under the Umayyads, the process of Islamic 
expansion began again. Parts of Egypt that had 
fallen under Byzantine control were retaken. 
Umayyad armies moved west across North Africa 
to the Atlantic coast. In 71 1 they crossed the Strait 
of Gibraltar and began the conquest of Andalusia 
(Spain); soon, the entire Iberian Peninsula was 
under Muslim control. Their advance into Europe 
was finally stopped in 732 at the Battle of Tours, 
when Charles Martel of France won a decisive 
engagement against a Muslim raiding force. In the 
east, the expansion continued, eventually reach- 
ing as far as the borders of present-day India. 

As the Umayyads increased the extent of their 
empire, they set in place systems to unite the 
disparate peoples of the empire. Abd al-Malik (r. 
685-705) declared Arabic the official language 
of the empire. Up to this time, local govern- 
ment had been conducted in the local language; 
now, all government business was conducted in 
Arabic. The Umayyads introduced a common 
coinage throughout the empire, called dinars. 
The common currency made it easier to conduct 
business between different parts of the empire. 
The Umayyads also spread Islamic religious archi- 
tecture throughout the empire. When a region 
was conquered, a mosque was built for communal 
prayer and to give thanks to God. Although these 
mosques were built from local materials, they 
eventually featured the same essential elements: a 

MINARET, a MIHRAB , and an ablution fountain. The 
introduction of a common language, currency, 
and religious architecture helped develop a dis- 
tinctive Islamic culture. 

After about 90 years of Umayyad rule, the 
empire faced serious internal challenges. By 732, 
the armies were making fewer conquests. This 
stopped the flow of captured wealth into the econ- 
omy. At the same time, many non-Muslims within 
the empire had converted to Islam. As a result, 
they paid less in taxes, decreasing a steady source 
of revenue. The divisions within Islam itself also 
came to the fore. Muslims who had supported Ali 
as caliph because of his family ties to Muham- 
mad were known as shiat A/i, “party of Ali,” or 
the Shia (sec Shiism). They saw the Umayyads 
as usurpers who had seized the caliphate from 
the rightful head of the Muslim community. This 
internal conflict was exploited by the Abbasids, 
who claimed the caliphate based on the descent 
of Abbas, Muhammad's uncle. In 747 this dissen- 
sion led to rebellion against the Umayyads; in 750 
the Umayyad caliphate was overthrown, and the 
Abbasid Caliphate began. 

Sec also Arabic language and literature; 

Kate O'Halloran 

Further reading: Hugh Kennedy, The Prophet and the 
Age of the Caliphates (Harlow, England: Longman, 
2003); Wilfcrd Madelung. The Succession to Muhammad: 
A Study of the Early Caliphate (Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press, 1999). 

umma (Arabic: community, nation, tribe, 

In each of the three Abrahamic religions the idea 
of an overarching community of the faithful holds 
great importance alongside doctrines of individual 
responsibility before God. The foremost concept 
of such a community in Judaism is that of Israel, 
or the people of Israel (Bene Yisrael). In Chris- 
tianity it is the church ( ekklesia ). Muslims feel 

' C5S5D 696 university 

University Press, 2005, and E-book); Yvonne Y. Haddad 
and Jane 1. Smith, cds., Muslim Communities in North 
America (Albany: State University of New York Press, 
1994, and E-book); Yvonne Y. Haddad, Jane I. Smith, and 
Kathleen M. Moore, Muslim Women in America: The Chal- 
lenge of Islamic Identity Today (New York: Oxford Univer- 
sity Press, 2006, and E-book); Aminah Beverly McCloud, 
African American Islam (New York: Routledge, 1995); 
Larry Poston, Islamic da'wah in the West: Muslim Mission- 
ary Activity and the Dynamics of Conversion to Islam (New 
York: Oxford University Press, 1992); Carolyn Moxley 
Rouse, Engaged Surrender: African American Women and 
Islam (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004, 
and E-book); Jane I. Smith, Islam in America (New York: 
Columbia University Press, 1999). 


While the content and form of instruction has 
dramatically changed with the introduction of 
Western-style universities in the 19th and 20th 
centuries, higher education in the Islamic world 
has had a long and venerable history. Important 
institutions of learning associated with mosques 
such as al-AzHAR in Egypt, al-Zaytuna in Tunisia, 
and al-Qarawiyyin in Morocco arose during the 
ninth and 10th centuries, preceding the develop- 
ment of universities even in Europe. The madrasa, 
or school of Islamic law, was the primary teaching 
institution. Additional institutions such as the 
khanqah or ^awiya, two kinds of Sufi institutions, 
later came to supplement the education available 
from the madrasa. For information on any of these 
traditional institutions of higher learning, please 
see relevant encyclopedia articles, as this entry 
will address the development of Western-style 
learning in the Islamic world. 

Increasing European dominance and encoun- 
ters with colonialism led leaders in Muslim 
lands to undertake educational reform. Technical 
training schools, usually schools of medicine or 
ones focused on military skills, were founded 
during the first half of the 19th century. With the 
introduction of Western-style institutions such 

as these, often with help from European experts, 
the way was paved for the establishment of other 
colleges or faculties. These institutions often con- 
tributed to the early founding of a national uni- 
versity, as in the Ottoman Empire (1900), Egypt 
(1906), Syria (1924), and Iran (1934). Else- 
where, as in South Asia, the colonial governments 
themselves founded universities. The first three 
universities in the region were founded in British 
India in 1857, with three additional universities 
established before the end of the century, includ- 
ing one in Lahore. Missionaries, too, played a 
role in founding universities, specifically in Leba- 
non in 1864 and 1875. However, the balance of 
Muslim-majority countries did not witness the 
establishment of Western-style universities until 
the postwar period, for example, Indonesia and 
Malaysia (1949), Libya (1955), Iraq (1956), 
Saudi Arabia (1957), and Kuwait (1960). 

All of these universities were modeled on 
Western-style teaching methods and university 
curricula, and in some cases they offered instruc- 
tion only in Western languages. In the 1970s a 
movement began to establish Islamic universi- 
ties, or to “Islamize" teaching at existing uni- 
versities. At Saudi Arabia's Islamic University of 
Medina, traditional subjects are taught by Western 
teaching methods. The First World Conference 
on Muslim Education in Mecca, held in 1977, 
prompted Malaysia and Pakistan to begin the pro- 
cess of founding specifically Islamic universities, 
and Bangladesh and Niger followed. Soon after, 
Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and other 
states introduced courses in Islamic culture into 
their required university curricula. Independently, 
the textbooks and curricula of Iranian universities 
were “Islamized" following the 1979 revolution. 

Sec also Abduh, Muhammad; Aligarh; kuttab; 


Shauna Huffaker 

Further reading: H. H. Bilgrami and Sycd Ali Ashraf, The 
Concept of an Islamic University (Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press. 1985); George Makdisi, The Rise of the 

‘ CtfS3 698 Usama bin Ladin 

student. It was there, when he was 15 years old, 
that he experienced a religious and political awak- 
ening. The school boasted a Western-style cur- 
riculum, but Usamas conversion occurred in an 
after-school study group conducted by a physical 
education instructor who was a member of the 
Syrian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Usama 
had been raised as a devout Sunni Muslim, but 
he now became extremely pious compared to his 
friends and other members of his family. He refused 
to wear Western dress outside school, began fast- 
ing twice a week, prayed frequently, memorized 
chapters from the Quran, and grew strict with his 
younger brothers and sister. He became more aware 
of, and concerned about, the Muslim world, par- 
ticularly with regard to the situation in PALESTINE. It 
is thought had he had actually been recruited into 
the Muslim Brotherhood at this time, and started 
the reading the books of Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966), 
his brother Muhammad Qutb (b. 1915), and the 
medieval Hanbali jurist and theologian Taqi al-Din 
ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328). Usama graduated from Al- 
Thaghr in 1976, then enrolled at King Abd al-Aziz 
ibn Saud University in Jeddah, where he majored in 
business administration. He also became involved 
in the family construction business. 

In December 1979, Soviet troops invaded 
Afghanistan. Like many other Muslims, bin Ladin 
was shocked and angry. An acquaintance of bin 
Ladins, a Palestinian scholar named Abd Allah 
Azzam (1941-1989), moved to Pakistan to join 
the Afghan resistance. He made frequent trips to 
Peshawar, the headquarters of the resistance. He 
also often returned to Jeddah, where he stayed 
in bin Ladins home and held meetings to recruit 
young Saudis to join the Afghans. Bin Ladin soon 
started raising funds for the anti-Soviet jihad; 
eventually, he went to Afghanistan and became 
a mujahid himself. This is when he and Ayman 
al-Zawahiri (b. 1951), an infamous Egyptian 
jihadist, co-founded the Arab Mujahidin Services 
Bureau, the predecessor of al-Qaida. 

In 1988, with a group of other Afghanistan 
war veterans, bin Ladin founded al-Qaida al- 

Askariya (the military base). The goal of the 
new organization was to act as a training system 
for mujahidin. In 1990, after the Soviets pulled 
out of Afghanistan, bin Ladin returned to Saudi 
Arabia, where he was seen as a hero of the jihad. 
Then, later that same year, Iraq invaded Kuwait. 
Because he opposed the presence of U.S. troops in 
Saudi Arabia, bin Ladin offered the Saudi king his 
own figures, trained in Afghanistan, to drive the 
Iraqis out of Kuwait. When the king refused his 
offer, bin Ladin criticized the Saudi royal family 
for their dependence on the U.S. military. In 1992 
bin Ladin moved to Sudan, where he set up a new 
base for mujahidin operations. His continued criti- 
cism of the Saudi king led to his being stripped of 
his Saudi passport and citizenship. 

On December 29, 1992, a bomb exploded at a 
hotel in Aden, Yemen; two people were killed. It 
is believed that this was the first bombing attack 
in which bin Ladin was involved. Since then, he 
has been implicated in funding or mastermind- 
ing attacks in Somalia and New York in 1993, in 
Saudi Arabia in 1995, in Kenya and Tanzania in 
1998, against the USS Cole in 2000, and in the 
September 11, 2001, attacks in New York and 
Washington, D.C. 

In 1996 bin Ladin was expelled from Sudan; 
returning to Afghanistan, he became a supporter of 
the Taliban regime there. After the September 11 
attacks, the United States led an international coali- 
tion to invade Afghanistan, ousting the Taliban 
government; however, bin Ladin was not captured. 
He has been indicted in U.S. courts on a number of 
charges connected with different attacks, although 
he has not been charged in connection with the 
September 1 1 attacks. Many claims have been 
made since 2001 about bin Ladins whereabouts, 
but his location remains unknown. 

See also Gulf wars; oil; salafism; terrorism; 

Juan E. Campo and Kate O'Halloran 

Further reading: Peter Bergen. The Osama Bin Laden 
I Know: An Oral History of al-Qaeda’s Leader (New 



Veil is the most common English translation 
of the Arabic word HIJAB (a word whose many 
meanings also include “cover" or “screen"), most 
frequently understood as the head scarf worn by 
some Muslim women. The matter of the veil is a 
highly contentious and controversial one. There 
is much historical evidence indicating that the 
practice of veiling is not peculiar to Islam, and 
nothing in the Quran explicitly or unequivocally 
requires it of women. Muslim proponents of the 
hijab often refer to Quranic verses 24:30-31, 
which direct both Muslim men and women to 
dress and interact modestly, and also instruct 
women not to display their beauty except to their 
husbands and close relatives. The word hijab 
does not appear here; rather the reference is to 
the draping of khumur — a type of covering over 
the hair worn by some women in seventh-cen- 
tury Arabia — over the chest. Nor does the word 
appear in verse 33:39, which instructs women to 
cover their persons using jalabib (loose cloaks). 
During the time of the prophet Muhammad (d. 
632) only the women of his own family, who 
were held to unique standards of modesty, veiled 
themselves. Muslims continue to debate today 
both the issue of whether the Quran prescribes 
a specific type of covering of womens bodies or 

rather modest clothes for women in general as 
well as the stringency of that prescription. 

Colonial discourses in the Euro-American and 
Muslim worlds have played a significant role in 
constructing images and perceptions about the 
veil. The history of Western colonization in Mus- 
lim countries recounts European manipulation 
of the veil as a symbol of Islam's backward and 
barbaric nature and as evidence of the necessity for 
occupying and civilizing Muslim societies. In turn, 
Muslim resistance to colonialism has often recon- 
figured the veil as a symbol of its rcligio-national 
essence. Some assumptions about the veil within 
Euro-American feminist discourse have also tended 
to oversimplify its meanings for Muslim women. In 
all cases, debates on the veil have tended to ignore 
the agency of Muslim women and the rich, varied 
expressions of their veiling, which, to name only a 
few, may include statements about a womans class 
standing, her religious or national identification, or 
even her resistance to Western modes of sexuality. 

See also burqa; purdah. 

Aysha A. Hidayatullah 

Further reading: Leila Ahmed, Women and Gender in 
Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate (New Haven, 
Conn.: Yale University Press. 1992); Fadwa El Guindi, 
Veil: Modesty ; Privacy and Resistance (Oxford, U.K.: 


vizier 703 

Berg. 1999); Aysha Hidayatullah, “Islamic Conceptions 
of Sexuality.” In Sexuality and the Worlds Religions , 
edited by David W. Machacek and Melissa M. Wilcox, 
255-292. (Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 2003). 


The Arabic word wazir (Persian vazir) appears 
in the Quran referring to Aaron as Moses' wazir, 
or “helper." With the establishment of the Abba- 
sid Caliphate in the eighth century c.e. and the 
ongoing formalization of government structures, 
the vizier became an official government position. 
The vizier was usually appointed directly by the 
CALIPH, personally responsible to him, and second 
only to him in authority. Thus he was the servant 
of the ruler, not the state. 

The vizier was in charge of the civil admin- 
istration, especially the collection of taxes. Gov- 
ernment was divided into the “men of the pen” 
and the “men of the sword," and the vizier was 
the head of the former. At his appointment he 
was given, among other things, a golden inkpot 
symbolizing his role as the top of the bureaucratic 
machinery of the state. Viziers often clashed with 
the head of the military branch, the amir al-umara t 
particularly over the distribution of revenues. 

Perhaps the biggest factor in determining the 
power and prestige of the vizier was his own ambi- 
tion and personality compared with that of the 
ruler and the rival leaders in the military. The vizier 
was vulnerable to the personal whims of the ruler 
and many a vizier came to an untimely and violent 
end. On the other hand, caliphs often played only 
symbolic roles and sultans were primarily military 
men, leaving the vizier as the effective head of the 
government. The office of the vizierate reached 
its greatest level of power in the medieval period 
under the Seljuk vizier Nizam al-Mulk (1018-92). 

During the Abbasid period the viziers came 
from a few influential families, or they rose 
through the ranks of the secretaries and were usu- 
ally non-Arab. Often the vizierate could remain 
within an influential family for several genera- 
tions. Under the Fatimids the vizier was at first in 
charge of the civil administration, but in 1074 the 
position was taken over by a military man who 
combined the traditional authority of the vizier 
with that of the amir al-umara (or amir al-djuy- 
ush) and basically assumed all real authority from 
the Fatimid caliphs. In the Ottoman period the 
vizier often began lile as a slave (mamluk), work- 
ing his way up and thus owing complete loyalty to 
the ruler who had aided his advancement. While 
this may have ensured loyalty to the ruler, it often 
came at the cost of doing what was in the best 
interests of the state. During the late 18th and 
19th centuries, as the Ottomans tried to reform 
the government in order to keep up with Western 
Europe, there were efforts to transform the vizicr- 
atc into a position similar to that of prime minis- 
ter, but these efforts were ultimately thwarted by 
the rulers, who insisted that ministers report to 
them directly rather than to the vizier. 

Sec also Fatimid dynasty; Ottoman dynasty; 
Seljuk dynasty. 

Heather N. Keaney 

Further reading: Carter V. Findley, Ottoman Civil Official- 
dom (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1989); 
S. D. Goitein. The Origin of the Vizierate and Its True 
Character (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1968); C. L. Klausner, The 
Seljuk Vezirate: A Study of Civil Administration, 1055-1 194 
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1973); Ann 
Lambton. State and Government in Medieval Islam (Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 1981); Yaacov Lev, State and Soci- 
ety in Fatimid Egypt (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1991). 

Wahhabism (Arabic: Wahhabiyya) 

Named after its founder, Muhammad ibn Abd 
AL-WAHHAB (d. 1792), Wahhabism is the most 
important form of militant Islamic reformism to 
arise in the Arabian Peninsula. The designation 
was first coined with derogatory connotations by 
Muslim opponents and observers in Europe and 
North America. It refers to a set of doctrines and 
practices and to a sectarian movement comprised 
of those who embrace them. Allied to the clan 
of the A1 Saud from the Najd in central Arabia, 
the Wahhabis, who prefer to call themselves the 
muwahhidun (unitarians, or those who affirm 
the unity of God), played an essential role in the 
formation of the modern state of Saudi Arabia. 
They have had a significant impact on the ways 
Muslims understand and practice their religion in 
many parts of the world today. 

Ibn Abd al-Wahhab was educated by his father 
and other ulama in the Hanbali Legal School, 
which was the chief school followed by the tribal 
communities of the Najd. His thinking was also 
shaped by his encounters with reformist scholars 
in Mecca and Medina, and by his antipathy for 
local religious practices associated with SAINT 
shrines, Shiism, and folk medicine. Around 1740 
he began to proclaim publicly his reformist mes- 
sage about what he believed to be the true Islam. 

Basing his ideas on a literal reading of the Quran 
and hadith, his teaching affirmed the absolute 
oneness of God ( TAWHID ), adherence to the SUNNA 
of the prophet Muhammad, and performance of 
basic duties of Islamic worship (prayer, almsgiv- 
ing, fasting, and hajj). Performance of the Five 
Pillars alone was not sufficient in his opinion, 
however. Any belief or practice that fell outside 
this narrow definition of Islam was held suspect 
as an illegitimate innovation (bidaa) or idolatry 
(shirk) that could put a Muslim, even an obser- 
vant Muslim, outside the bounds of the faith. Ibn 
Abd al-Wahhab also called upon Muslims to reject 
belief in intercession of saints and Shii Imams; he 
wanted them to cease practices such as praying to 
the dead and the jinn, performing votive sacrifices, 
worshipping sacred trees, and building shrines. 
Indeed, a hallmark of Wahhabi religiosity is the 
destruction of domed tombs and the burial of the 
dead in unmarked graves. The sectarian character 
of Wahhabism was not based only upon rejection 
of local religious practices that were linked to Shi- 
ism and Sufism, however. It also was opposed to 
key doctrines held by most Sunni ulama, such as 
adherence (taqlid) to the cumulative tradition of 
jurisprudence (fiqh), recognition of the sunna of 
the Companions of the Prophet and the four first 
caliphs on a par with that of Muhammad, and 


Wahhabism 705 


Abd al-Aziz’s Wahhabi army (the Ikhwan) on the 
march in eastern Arabia, 1911 (Courtesy of the Saudi In for 
motion Office) 

acceptance of a Muslims faith on the basis only of 
declaration of the shahada and performance of the 
Five Pillars of worship, without regard to other 
beliefs and practices. 

Many in the Najd did not readily embrace Ibn 
Abd al-Wahhab's condemnation of their dearly 
held traditional beliefs and practices, including 
many in his own home town, which had expelled 
him. Others, however, appear to have been open 
to the doctrinal and legal simplicity of his mes- 
sage. Without doubt, his reformist agenda bene- 
fited greatly from the alliance that he entered with 
Muhammad ibn Saud (d. 1765), the head of the 
clan of the A1 Saud of Diriyya, a settlement located 
near the oasis town of Riyadh. The Saudi shaykh 
supported the preachers campaign to realize his 
reformist vision through proselytization ( daawa ) 
and warfare (jihad), in exchange for obtaining 
the right to collect zcikat (alms) and obtain reli- 
gious legitimation for Saudi rule throughout the 
Najd. The first Saudi state, which was created in 
1744 and lasted until 1818, was one governed 

both by the Wahhabi understanding of the sharia 
and tribal custom. It survived the deaths of both 
Muhammads, and the alliance between the reli- 
gious and the political was carried on by their 
heirs, who extended Saudi-Wahhabi rule to the 
Shii region of Hasa in the east (1780) and to the 
holy cities of Mecca and Medina (1803-04) in the 
west. Their jihad depended on the recruitment 
of young warriors who came from settlements 
that had accepted Saudi-Wahhabi rule and were 
attracted to the cause of Islam and the promise of 
booty. Additional raids were conducted into Iraq, 
where the Shii holy city of Karbala was pillaged 
and the shrine of Husayn ibn Ali (d. 680) was 
destroyed, and Syria. In 1814 Ottoman authori- 
ties retaliated by invading the Najd, destroying 
Diriyya, and taking the Saudi leader, Muhammad 
ibn Saud's great grandson Abd Allah, to Istanbul, 
where he was executed in 1818. 

A second, weakened Saudi state based in 
Riyadh subsequently arose and lasted until 1891, 
when it was brought down by a rival tribal con- 
federacy led by the Rashidis of Hail. The third 
Saudi-Wahhabi state was created by Abd al-Aziz 
ibn Saud (1880-1953), who used his clan’s alli- 
ance with the Wahhabis to establish the Kingdom 
of Saudi Arabia in 1932 and place it under sacred 
law, the sharia. Ibn Saud had relatives among the 
A1 al-Shaykh, descendants of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 
and he had been educated in religious matters by 
them. When the Saudis retook Riyadh in 1902, 
the Wahhabis swore allegiance to Ibn Saud and 
proclaimed him their imam, or community leader. 
Among his strongest supporters were the mutaw- 
waa, teachers and ritual specialists who had been 
propagating Wahhabi doctrines and practices 
through madrasas in the oasis settlements of 
the Najd since the 18th century. In exchange for 
supporting Ibn Saud, they claimed the authority 
to enforce the sharia and punish violators. They 
stood in the forefront of a revival of the Wahhabi 
brand of Islam that swept across the Arabian Pen- 
insula under Ibn Saud's leadership. They had also 
indoctrinated a new fighting force known as the 
Ikhwan (Brotherhood), recruited from Bedouin 


706 wahy 

tribes that had been recently settled in villages 
under the supervision of the mutawwaa and Wah- 
habi ulama. The Ikhwan were fierce fighters who 
treated the populations of towns that opposed 
them brutally. They destroyed any shrines and 
tombs that offended their puritanical religious 
sensibilities. After the conquest of the Hijaz (west- 
ern Arabia), however, they rebelled against Ibn 
Saud, who successfully defeated them with the 
backing of Wahhabi ulama. In the rebellions after- 
math, he centralized his control over the country 
and reasserted Saudi authority in political affairs. 
The Saudi wars of expansion came to an end with 
the establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 
in 1932. 

Wahhabism has developed in two different 
directions since the kingdom was founded. On the 
one hand, it has become the official religion of a 
rapidly modernizing Islamic state, bolstered by oil 
wealth. Major decisions are made only after con- 
sultation with the Supreme Council of the Ulama, 
who claim the right to issue legal opinions and 
judgments on the basis of ijtihad (independent 
legal reasoning), rather than legislative law. Fam- 
ily and political ties continue to bind the Al Saud 
to the Al al-Shaykh, who hold the portfolios for 
the ministries of religious affairs and justice. In 
addition, the mutawwaa serve the state as religious 
police, operating as a branch of the Ministry of the 
Interior. They strictly enforce conformity to the 
staunch moral conservatism of their sect, includ- 
ing gender segregation, dress codes, the bans on 
alcohol and gambling, and censorship of books, 
magazines, television, videos, and music. Reli- 
gious courts sentence defendants to death who 
have been found guilty of major moral crimes 
such as adultery, drug trafficking, and murder. 
Saudi state Wahhabism is also often criticized for 
the intolerant attitude it holds for other religions 
and other forms of Islam. 

The second direction that Wahhabism has 
taken, particularly among the younger generations 
since the 1970s, is sometimes called neo-Wah- 
habism, or Salafism. It has been shaped by oppo- 

sitional Islamist ideologies espoused by groups 
such as the Muslim Brotherhood and radical 
jihadist organizations. Proponents of this type of 
Wahhabism condemn Saudi government corrup- 
tion and injustice and seek to radically transform 
other Muslim societies to bring them under the 
rule of their concept of the sharia, even through 
violence. This kind of Wahhabism is epitomized 
by Usama bin Ladin (b. 1957) and al-Qaida. Both 
kinds of Wahhabism have achieved global influ- 
ence as a result of oil, the print and electronic 
media, mass education, labor migration, regional 
and international conflicts, and disenchantment 
with corrupt and authoritarian governments. 

See also Islamism; jihad movements; politics 
and Islam; renewal and reform movements. 

Further reading: Michael Cook, “On the Origins of 
Wahhabism." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 3, no. 
2 (1992): 191-202; Natana J. DcLong-Bas, Wahhabi 
Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad (Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 2004); Joseph A. Kcchcchian, 
“The Role of the Ulama in the Politics of an Islamic 
State: The Case of Saudi Arabia." International Journal 
of Middle East Studies 18 (1986): 53-71; Madawi al- 
Rashccd, Contesting the Saudi State: Islamic Voices from 
a New Generation (Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press. 2007); . A History of Saudi Arabia (Cam- 

bridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002); Ayman al- 
Yassini, Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 
(Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1985). 

wahy See revelation. 


The Arabic word walaya comes from a root 
meaning “to be near." The related concept of 
wilaya, generally referring to guardianship or 
the authority that derives from it, has a range of 
meanings in Islamic law, politics, Shii cosmology, 
and Sufism. Wilaya can thus mean legal guardian- 
ship, the administration of a province, a province 

wali 707 

itself, or the sainthood of a Sufi SAINT (wali) or a 
Shii imam. 

The form walaya is often used in Shiism as 
an alternative vocalization of wilaya t to refer to 
the spiritual authority thought to reside with the 
Imams, and it is thus closely tied to the question of 
succession after the death of the prophet Muham- 
mad, which is the central point on which Shiis 
differ from Sunnis. Shiis believe that Muhammad 
designated as his successor his son-and-law and 
cousin An ibn Abi Talib when he announced at 
the oasis of Ghadir Khumm: “For whomever I am 
the authority (mawla), Ali is his authority." Thus, 
for Shiis, the spiritual and political authority of 
the Muslim community should have passed to Ali. 
Though political authority was assumed by three 
CALIPHS before it came to Ali, and after his murder 
it was claimed by Muawiya and his descendants, 
Shiis believe spiritual authority, and especially 
esoteric knowledge of the Quran, passed directly 
to Ali, and from him to his sons Hasan and 
Husayn. Walaya then passed to Husayns son and 
continued in a line of descent for another eight 
generations (in the dominant Twelver Shiism). 
These 12 figures arc known as Imams (leaders), 
who served as representatives of God on earth. 
The 12th Imam, al-Mahdi, disappeared leaving 
no heirs, though he is still thought to maintain a 
spiritual presence. 

Some Shii scholars distinguish between wilaya 
(the authority of the Imams) and walaya , which 
refers to devotion and loyally to the Imam, which 
is incumbent on Shiis, and is even considered a 
pillar of faith. 

See also Five pillars; Twelve-Imam Shiism; wali. 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn 
Tabataba’i, Shi'ite Islam. Translated by Seyyed Hossein 
Nasr (Albany: State University of New York Press, 
1975); Said Amir Arjomand. The Shadow of God and the 
Hidden Imam (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 
1984); Abdulaziz Abdulhussein Sachedina, The Just 
Ruler (al-sultan al-’adil) in Shi'ite Islam: The Comprehen- 

sive Authority of the Jurist in Imamite Jurisprudence (New 
York: Oxford University Press, 1988). 


In Arabic, wali (plural awliya ) means someone 
who is near, a supporter, a guardian, or a friend, 
but most often refers to a saint in the Islamic 
world. In this sense, the word is often used in the 
expression wali Allah — "Friend of God.” Saints 
are found in almost all Islamic countries, but their 
status as saints is usually not official, since Islam 
has no official process of canonization. Islamic 
saints are those who are recognized as such by 
the people, usually because they are considered 
holy and/or able to perform miracles. They inspire 
feelings of reverence in people, and their help is 
sought in times of need. This is true for both liv- 
ing and dead saints. 

While there have been examples of women 
saints in Islam, the majority have been men. They 
can be of a number of different types of histori- 
cal figures: mystics, ascetics, founders of dervish 
orders, poets, martyrs, warriors, or descendants of 
the Prophet. Most saints arc, however, associated 
in some way with Sufism. While their appeal is 
mostly to common people, Muslim scholars such 
as al-Tirmidhi, Hujwiri, and Ibn al-Arabi have 
made them the subject of much study, devising 
elaborate hierarchies of saints. Saints arc thought 
to be endowed with the blessing (baraka) of God, 
which they can transmit to ordinary humans 
through contact and which is often thought to be 
manifested in miraculous acts ( karamat ), such as 
flying, changing form, multiplying food, healing 
the sick, and foretelling future events. Legendary 
accounts of the lives of many saints have been col- 
lected in hagiographies (manakib). While many 
people believe in the literal truth of such miracles, 
Sufis often focus on their esoteric meanings. 
Saints are thought to maintain their power after 
their deaths, inspiring believers to make pilgrim- 
ages (ziyarat) to their graves, where they may ven- 
erate the saint by praying, circumambulating the 

708 Webb, Alexander Russell 

tomb, sacrificing animals, and leaving offerings. 
Pilgrims seek the saints blessing, intercession in 
fulfilling personal requests of God such as healing 
and fertility, or a mystical experience. 

Though some literalist Muslims, influenced 
by the writings of the jurist Taqi al-Din Ahmad 
Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328), are opposed to such ven- 
eration on the grounds that Islam docs not allow 
human intercession between an individual and 
God, saints throughout the Islam world continue 
to inspire the admiration of Muslims. 

See also martyrdom; miracle; prayer; prophets 
and prophethood; walaya 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: Farid al-Din Attar. Muslim Saints and 
Mystics: Episodes from the Tadhkirat al-Auliya (“Memo- 
rial of the Saints”). Translated by A. J. Arberry (New 
York: Arkana, 1990); Michael Gilsenan, Saint and Sufi 
in Modern Egypt: An Essay in the Sociology of Religion 
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973); Bcrnd Radtkc and 
John O'Kane, The Concept of Sainthood in Early Islamic 
Mysticism: Two Works by Al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi (Rich- 
mond, U.K.: Curzon Press, 1996); Grace Martin Smith 
and Carl W. Ernst, Manifestations of Sainthood in Islam 
(Istanbul: Isis Press, 1993). 

Webb, Alexander Russell (1846-1916) 

American journalist and publisher who was an early 
spokesman for Islam in the United States 
Alexander Russell Webb, one of the earliest 
known American converts to Islam, was born in 
Hudson, New York, near the end of the Second 
Great Awakening, a period of renewed interest 
in religion, spirituality, and social activism. His 
father, Alexander Nelson Webb, was a leading 
journalist of the time. Webb was raised a Presby- 
terian but found the church uninspiring and left it 
while still a young man. 

Like his father, Webb became a journalist, 
working for several newspapers in St. Louis, Mis- 
souri, including the Missouri Morning Journal and 
the Missouri Republican. While in St. Louis, Webb 

became involved in the Theosophical Society, a 
group that worked to promote the study of world 
religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and 
Zoroastrianism. He developed an interest in spiri- 
tuality and religions other than Christianity. 

In 1887 President Grover Cleveland named 
Webb the American consul to the Philippines, 
based in Manila. Although Catholicism was the 
dominant religion in the Philippines at the time, 
Webb encountered some Muslim merchants from 
India and began reading about Islam, including 
the writings of members of the Aligarh move- 
ment, formed to promote modern education 
among Muslims in India. In 1888 Webb produced 
a pamphlet in which he declared his conversion to 
Islam; he adopted the name Mohammed Alexan- 
der Russell Webb. 

Over the next few years, Webb corresponded 
with Muslim scholars in India, including Ghulam 
Ahmad (d. 1908), the leader of the AHMADIYYA 
Muslims. In 1892 he resigned his position as 
consul and traveled around India, studying and 
raising money for an effort to spread Islam in the 
United States. When he returned to the United 
States in February 1893, he set up the American 
Mission in New York, dedicated to spreading 
knowledge about Islam. The center, which was 
the first mosque in America, included a library 
and reading room and offered lectures on Islamic 
doctrines and customs. He also set up a publish- 
ing arm, the Oriental Publishing Company, which 
published his writings, including his major work, 
Islam in America. In May 1893 he published the 
first issue of Moslem World ; designed to “spread 
the light of Islam in America,” it was the earliest 
Islamic missionary periodical in the United States, 
lasting only until November 1893. 

In September 1893 the Worlds Parliament of 
Religions, the first formal gathering of representa- 
tives of both Eastern and Western spiritual tradi- 
tions in the United States, was held in Chicago. 
Webb gave two speeches at the parliament: “The 
Influence of Islam upon Social Conditions" and 
“The Spirit of Islam." Dubbed by the press “the 

West Africa 709 

Yankee Mohammedan," Webb also spoke about 
Islam in private homes and at public speaking 
engagements around the country. Webb's mission 
and publishing center lacked sufficient funding, 
and, by 1896, he ended the mission and moved to 
Rutherford, New Jersey, where he again worked as 
a journalist. In 1901, in recognition of his advo- 
cacy of Islam in general and his defense of Turkey 
in particular, Webb was named honorary Turk- 
ish consul to New York. He traveled to Istanbul 
where Sultan Abdulhamid II (r. 1876-1909) gave 
him the third Order of Medjidic and the Medal of 
Merit, as well as the honorific title of Bey. Webb 
died on October 1, 1916. 

See also conversion; daawa; Mohammedanism; 
United States. 

Kate O'Halloran 

Further reading: Umar F. Abd-Allah, A Muslim in 
Victorian America: The Life oj Alexander Russell Webb 
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2006); Moham- 
med Alexander Russell Webb, Yankee Muslim: The 
Asian Travels of Mohammed Alexander Russell Webb 
(Rockville, Md.: Wildside Press, 2006); Mohammed 
Alexander Russell Webb, Islam in America: A BrieJ 
Statement oj Mohammedanism and an Outline of the 
American Islamic Propaganda (New York: Oriental 
Publishing, 1893). 

West Africa 

Islam entered West Africa within the first decade 
after the death of the prophet Muhammad (d. 
632), when Muslim armies set out westward 
from Egypt. The first Arab expeditions were 
launched across the Sahara in the eighth century, 
although no permanent Muslim presence seems 
to have been established in sub-Saharan Africa 
until 200 years later. That presence was brought 
about through the efforts of Muslim traders, who 
engaged in business along the lucrative Saharan 
caravan routes, and who introduced their faith to 
West African businessmen and tribal chiefs. 

In the late 11th century, the West African king- 
dom of Ghana is said to have converted to Islam 
through the influence of the Berber Almoravid 
dynasty. By the 14th century Muslim chiefs ruled 
over the Kingdom of Mali, the best known of whom, 
Mansa Musa (r. 1307-32), made the pilgrimage to 
Mecca in 1324. The rise of Islamic influence in West 
Africa continued under the Songhay dynasty, which 
ruled over vast domains centered on the Niger River 
during the 15th and 16th centuries. The Songhay 
(Songhai) Empire included Timbuktu, known as the 
“city of scholars," a location renowned throughout 
the region for Islamic jurisprudence. 

By the 18th century, West Africa was impacted 
by European colonial expansion. European pur- 
suit of raw materials, gold, and slaves stimulated 
Islamic revival movements that resulted in the 
“JIHAD states” of West Africa during the 18th and 
19th centuries. The leaders of these states empha- 
sized Islamic education and sought to purify 
society, replacing non-Islamic practices with laws 
and cultural norms deemed to be more faithful to 
Islam. During this period, Islam was transformed 
from the religion of the political and religious elite 
to becoming the faith of the masses. Sufi orders 
such as the Qadiriyya and the Tijaniyya were also 
instrumental in popularizing the Islamic faith 
by creating a synthesis between African cultural 
practices and Islamic principles. 

Ironically, European colonial rule instituted 
changes during the late 19th and early 20th cen- 
turies that also aided the spread of Islam. The 
influence of Muslim religious leaders expanded as 
they gained credibility for their heroic resistance to 
colonial repression. In addition, the creation of new 
urban centers consisting of people uprooted from 
traditional tribal life caused many seekers to turn 
to Islam for identity and comfort. During the post- 
colonial era, the Maliki Legal School continues 
to dominate West African Islam and the many Sufi 
orders are also very influential. Revivalist move- 
ments originating in the Middle East have increas- 
ingly influenced West Africans. Such influences 
have frequently heightened tensions with Christian 

710 West Bank 

communities in many African states, sometimes 
leading to interfaith violence. The continents larg- 
est country, Nigeria, has been particularly plagued 
by conflict between its Christian majority and size- 
able Muslim minority population. 

As the 21st century opens, West African Mus- 
lims face the critical challenges of uniting Muslims 
from many backgrounds and persuasions, main- 
taining peaceful coexistence with non-Muslims, 
and helping their societies overcome crippling 
problems such as poverty, underdevelopment, and 
corrupt governments. 

See also Christianity and Islam; colonial- 
ism; East Africa; Muridi Sufi Order; Qadiri Sufi 
Order; Sokoto Caliphate; Umar Tal. 

Stephen Cor)' 

Further reading: J. F. Ade Ajayi, Michael Crowder, 
ed., History of West Africa. 2 vols. (London: Longman, 
1987); Louis Brenner, Muslim Identity and Social Change 
in Sub-Saharan Africa (Bloomington: Indiana University 
Press, 1993); Peter B. Clark, West Africa and Islam (Lon- 
don: Arnold, 1982); Mcrvyn Hiskctt, The Development 
of Islam in West Africa (London: Longman, 1984). 

West Bank See Palestine. 


The process of Westernization is generally, 
although not exclusively, associated with changes 
as postcolonial and developing nations move from 
more traditional political, social, and economic 
systems of organization to models mirroring 
Western, primarily western European and North 
American, societies and the institutions that devel- 
oped there in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. 
These changes include industrialization, the move 
toward capitalism, the development of parliamen- 
tarianism, the growth of state bureaucracies, and a 
new, increasingly private role for religion. 

Beginning in the late 19th century, Muslim 
societies experienced heightened interaction with 

Western powers and ideas, most notably through 
the latter's colonial activities in the Middle East 
and North Africa, as well as in South and South- 
east Asia. Among other effects of this contact 
was the initiation of reform efforts in Muslim 
societies, most notably the Ottoman Empire. 
Intellectually and politically, Ottoman officials, 
regional governors, and intellectuals worked to 
reconcile modern Western ideas of EDUCATION, 
economics, law, the family, and SCIENCE with an 
Islamic framework. Many of the same issues with 
which these figures grappled in the 19th century 
continue to inform debate today. 

Many disputes surrounding the idea and phe- 
nomenon of Westernization focus on the origins 
of its constitutive elements and the degree to 
which they are transferable to non-Western soci- 
eties. Some of the most widely felt and passionate 
debates about the meaning of Westernization and 
its effects have taken place in societies with major- 
ity Muslim populations. In many cases, these 
debates center on whether or not modernization 
can be distinguished from Westernization, that 
is, whether it is possible to integrate modern sci- 
entific, religious, political, social, and economic 
ideas while at the same time protecting aspects of 
local identities and institutions. 

In both Iran and Egypt, for example, serious 
attempts have been made to distinguish tech- 
nological, military, economic, religious, social, 
and political changes from outright adherence 
to Western ideas and norms. The association of 
many of these ideas and institutions with colo- 
nialism and imperialism has inspired strenuous 
efforts to distinguish modernization from West- 
ernization, with the latter most often tied to the 
onset of social and moral decay. Modernization, 
on the other hand, refers to the use of modern 
science and technologies and is generally accepted 
by Islamists and other critics of Westernization. 
In fact, many urban Islamists have a background 
in the modern natural sciences, reflecting a per- 
ceived distinction between the cultural effects of 
Westernization, generally seen as destructive, and 

712 women 

wives and daughters and the female saints of 
the Islamic traditions, women have played an 
important theological role in Islam. Women of 
the ahl al-bayt ("People of the House*' of the 
Prophet) are sources for sectarian theology in 
Islam. Although Muhammad had no living sons, 
his daughter Fatima (d. 632 c.e.), married to his 
cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 661), became the 
mother of his grandsons, Hasan and Husayn. 
The claim to prophetic charisma by the Shiat Ali 
("Party of Ali") through these grandsons, makes 
Fatima, called al-Zahra (the "luminous"), and the 
wives/daughters of the early Shii Imams of central 
importance to Shii martyrology (based on the 
drama annually commemorated among the Shia 
of Imam Husayn's martyrdom at Karbala in 680 
C.E.). The other most significant figure in Islamic 
theology is Mary, the blessed virgin of Islam. She 
is the only woman to have a chapter of the Quran 
named after her (Surat Maryam, Q 19:16-40) and 
to have important narratives of the quranic text 
devoted to her role as the mother of Jesus, the 
last great prophet in Islam before Muhammad (Q 

Muslim womens traditional importance in 
Islamic society has always been and continues 
to be the ground and foundation of the Islamic 
family. Social values strongly reinforce orientation 
toward marriage and children as the normative 
pattern based on Muhammad's own example. 
Childrearing and early education and socialization 
of children arc among womens most important 
tasks in Islamic societies worldwide. Although 
traditionally excluded from public male dominant 
institutions of Islamic learning, Muslim women 
have always been privately involved in study and 
oral transmission of Islamic source texts (Quran 
and hadith, narratives about the prophets, etc). 
In modern times, they have entered into both 
secular and religious forms of education with 
enthusiasm supporting their long-standing role 
as family educators and moral exemplars, and as 
training for professional careers in the workplace 
outside the home. 

Women have also been ritually active in per- 
forming the Five Pillars of Islamic practice (wit- 
ness to faith, five daily prayers, fasting during 
Ramadan, almsgiving, and pilgrimage to Mecca) 
and they have been centrally involved in the social 
and familial aspects of commemorating the two 
most important festival occasions in the Islamic 
lunar calendar (the Feast of Sacrifice [Id AL-Adha] 
at the closure of HAJJ, and the Feast of Breaking 
the Fast (Id al-Fitr] at the end of the month of 
Ramadan. Although discussion of women’s ritual 
lives is brief before modern times, the study of 
the medieval textual record as well as the growing 
anthropological and sociological record beginning 
in the 19th century bear witness to the complexity 
and fervor of women's devotions whether in the 
context of formal institutional practice (the Pil- 
lars) or in the wide diversity of “popular" or folk 
practices throughout Muslim lands (folk heal- 
ing, shrine pilgrimages, etc.). Even those areas 
that, because of womens unique biology, dictate 
adaptations or restrictions in ritual practice (such 
as the requirement to suspend fasting while men- 
struating and continue it later in the year) are 
understood by many women as a special challenge 
and spiritual opportunity, part of their “greater 
jihad," or struggle for the faith. 

The most important issues that Muslim women 
have addressed throughout the 20th century and 
into the 21st are diverse struggles to maintain 
Islamic identity while adapting to modernity. 
Muslim women have struggled to advance wom- 
en's social, educational, and professional status in 
Islamic countries throughout the world, and they 
have struggled to maintain and affirm their Islamic 
identity in the face of growing secularization and 
Westernization. One of their responses to this 
struggle has been the re-veiling movement. Veiling 
has become, perhaps more than any other single 
issue, the defining “women's question" in the last 
40 years. Although unveiling and the adoption of 
various forms of Western dress among the edu- 
cated middle and upper classes since the 1930s 
became a visible benchmark of modernity (along 

women 713 

with womens education, right to vote, entering 
the workplace, etc.), the re-veiling movement, 
which began in the 1970s, has become a world- 
wide phenomenon expressing a new response to 
modernity. It also expresses a transnational form 
of Islamic feminism that has been marked by the 
entry of women into all public spheres of Islamic 
life, including formal religious learning (Quran 
interpretation) and ritual leadership of the com- 
munity (as women imams, or leaders of mixed 
male-female prayer in the mosque). The symbol 
that had in the past meant public invisibility has 
become a politicized expression of Islamic iden- 
tity, which ensures perfect public respectability 
and supports the entry of Muslim women fully 
into contemporary public life. 

See also adultery; birth rites: circumcision; 
Companions of the Prophet; divorce; houses; 
Mernissi, Fatima; Rabia al-Adawiyya; Shaarawi, 
Hu da Al-; ziyara . 

Kathleen M. O'Connor 

Further reading: Khalcd Abou El-Fadl, Speaking in 
God's Name: Islamic Law, Authority and Women (Oxford, 
U.K.: Oncworld Publications, 2001); Lila Abu-Lughod, 
Veiled Sentiments: Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society 
(Berkeley: University of California Press. 1986); Kamran 
Scott Aghaie, The Women of Karbala: Ritual Performance 
and Symbolic Discourses in Modern Shi'i Islam (Austin: 
University of Texas Press, 2005); Leila Ahmed. Women 
and Gender in Islam, Historical Roots of a Modern Debate 
(New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1992); Laleh 
Bakhtiar, Shariati on Shariati and the Muslim Woman: Who 
Was A/i Shariati ? For Muslim Women: The Islamic Mod- 
est Dress, Expectations from the Muslim Woman, Fatima 
Is Fatima and Guide to Shariati's Collected Works (Chi- 
cago: KAZ1 Publications, 1996); Asma Barlas, “ Believing 
Women" in Islam, Unreading Patriarchal Interpretations 
of the Qur'an (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2002); 
Marjo Buitelaar, Fasting and Feasting in Morocco: Womens 
Participation in Ramadan (Oxford, U.K/Providence: Berg, 
1993); Miriam Cooke, Women Claim Islam: Creating 
Islamic Feminisms through Literature (New York: Rout- 
ledge, 2001); Lara Deeb, An Enchanted Modem: Gender 

and Public Piety in Shi'i Lebanon (Princeton, N.J.: Prince- 
ton University Press. 2006); Eleanor A. Doumato, Getting 
God's Ear: Women, Islam, and Healing in Saudi Arabia and 
the Gulf (New York: Columbia University Press, 2000); 
John L. Esposito with Natana J. DeLong-Bas, Women 
in Muslim Family Law, 2d ed. (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse 
University Press. 2001); Joyce B. Flueckiger, In Amnia's 
Healing Room: Gender and Vernacular Islam in South Asia 
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006); Gavin 
R. G. Hambly, ed.. Women in the Medieval Islamic World: 
Power, Patronage, and Piety (New York: St. Martin's Press, 
1998); Camille A. Helminski, ed., Women of Sufism: A 
Hidden Treasure, Writings and Stories of Mystic Poets, 
Scholars and Saints (Boston: Shambhala, 2003); Muham- 
mad H. Kabbani and Laleh Bakhtiar, cds.. Encyclopedia of 
Muhammad's Women Companions and the Traditions They 
Related (Chicago: KAZ1 Publications, 1998); Beverly B. 
Mack and Jean Boyd, One Woman ‘s Jihad: Nana Asma'u, 
Scholar and Scribe (Bloomington: Indiana University 
Press, 2000); Fcdwa Malti-Douglas, Medicines of the Soul: 
Female Bodies and Sacred Geographies in a Transnational 
Islam (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001, and 
online); Sachiko Murata, The Tao of Islam: A Sourcebook 
on Gender Relationships in Islamic Thought (Albany: State 
University of New York Press, 1992); Mohammad Akram 
Nadwi, al-Muhaddithat: The Women Scholars of Islam 
(Oxford. U.K.: Interface Publications, 2007); Catharina 
Raudvcre, The Book and the Roses: Sufi Women, Visibility, 
and Zikir in Contemporary Istanbul (London: LB. Tau- 
ris, 2003); Denise A. Spcllbcrg, Politics, Gender, and the 
Islamic Past: The Legacy of ‘ A’isha bint Abi Bakr (New 
York: Columbia University Press, 1994); Barbara E Sto- 
wasscr. Women in the Qur’an, Traditions, and Interpretation 
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1994, and online); 
Pieternella van Doorn-Harder, Women Shaping Islam: 
Reading the Qur'an in Indonesia (Champaign: University 
of Illinois Press. 2006); Aminah Wadud, Inside the Gender 
Jihad: Women’s Reform in Islam (Oxford, U.K.: Oneworld 
Publications. 2006); Mai Yamani, ed., Feminism and 
Islam: Legal and Literary Perspectives (New York: New 
York University Press, 1996); Sherifa Zuhur, Revealing 
Reveiling: Islamist Gender Ideology in Contemporary Egy'pt 
(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992). 

Yahya Sec John the Baptist. 

Yathrib Sec Medina. 


Since the pre-Islamic era, Yemen ( al-Yaman ) has 
been defined as the southwestern part of the Arabian 
Peninsula; it has acquired a progressively narrower 
geographical definition in modern times. Since 
1992 historical boundaries have come substantially 
within the Republic of Yemen, which resulted from 
the unification of the Peoples Democratic Republic 
of South Yemen and the Yemen Arab Republic. 
Yemen borders the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, and 
Red Sea, between Oman and Saudi Arabia, thus 
occupying a strategic location on one of the world's 
most active shipping lanes. It is one of the poorest 
countries in the Arab world, with its economic for- 
tunes mostly dependent upon oil reserves. Yemen 
has a total area of 527,970 square kilometers, nearly 
twice the size of the state of Nevada, and although 
mostly desert, possesses a varied terrain and cli- 
mate, which supports agriculture in the temperate 
mountainous region. These conditions have proven 
ideal for the cultivation of coffee, fruits, nuts, and 
the mildly narcotic qat plant. 

Unlike other inhabitants of the Arabian Penin- 
sula who have historically been nomadic or semi- 
nomadic, Yemenis have led a mostly sedentary 
existence in small villages and towns scattered 
throughout the highlands and coastal regions. 
Yemen's population of 23 million (2008) is pre- 
dominantly Arab, with some Afro-Arab and South 
Asian ethnic minorities. The national language is 
Arabic, spoken in several regional dialects, and 
Yemen is considered to be a homeland of the 
South-Semitic branch of languages. Accounting 
for approximately half the total population, the 
north and northwest are chiefly Zaydi Shia by reli- 
gious persuasion, with small minorities adhering 
to Ismaili Shiism and Judaism; however, Sunnism 
of the Shafii Legal School has been making its 
mark on the capital city of Sanaa since the 1970s. 
The Shafii school is predominant in the south and 
southeast, with a renowned center of scholarship 
in the city of Tarim; Sufism has also been simulta- 
neously prevalent in this region. In recent history, 
Islamic renewal and reform movements have 
exercised a considerable influence upon religious 
attitudes throughout the country, especially under 
the auspices of the Islah political party. 

Traditionally, Yemeni towns were contained 
within the territory of an individual tribe ( qabila ), 
with the exception of Sanaa, the population of 


716 Yemen 

which distinguished itself by the greater signifi- 
cance it attached to adherence of the SHARIA. Tribal 
divisions and subdivisions are headed by a shaykh, 
who, as arbiter of customary law and intertribal 
relations, continues to be recognized as an official 
mediator by the Republic of Yemen. Especially 
in the north and northwest, this social structure 
overlaps with a system of social ranks, composed 
of status groups graded according to ancestry 
and professional activity. Until the emergence of 
the modern state, the descendants of the Prophet 
(sayyid) including the Zaydi imam, took their place 
at the top of the hierarchical order. This social 
order has been weakened by such factors as the 
founding of a republican regime, increased social 
mobility, and urbanization. 

Yemen is one of the oldest centers of civiliza- 
tion in the Middle East. Between the ninth cen- 
tury B.C.E. and the sixth century C.E., it formed 
part of the kingdoms of Minaca, Saba, Himyar, 
Qataban, Hadramawt, and Awsan, which con- 
trolled the lucrative spice trade. It was known to 
Romans as Arabia Felix because of the riches its 
trade generated; Caesar Augustus attempted to 
annex it in 24 B.C.E. , but the expedition failed. 
Persian and Abyssinian kings were more success- 
ful and Yemen was incorporated into the Sassanid 
and Abyssinian empires in the sixth and early 
seventh centuries c.E. The attempt of Abraha, the 
Abyssinian governor of Yemen, to conquer Mecca 
in the renowned “year of the Elephant" (570), was 
memorialized in the Quran. Muslim historians 
have traditionally asserted that, in 628, Badhan, 
the Sassanid governor of Sanaa, embraced Islam 
and the whole country immediately followed suit. 
However, modern historians argue that Islam- 
ization proceeded over at least three centuries, 
beginning when caliphs exerted their control 
over Yemen through official representatives, such 
as governors and judges. During the era of the 
Rightly Guided Caliphs, Yemen provided the vast 
majority of manpower for the Islamic conquests. 
With the breakup of the Abbasid Caliphate after 
the 10th century, Yemen came under the control 

of the imams of various Zaydi dynasties, who 
established a theocratic political structure that 
survived until modern times. 

Zaydi dominance was interrupted during the 
11th and 12th centuries by the Sunni Ayyubid 
and Rasulid dynasties of EGYPT, who controlled 
much of southern Yemen. By the end of the 16th 
century and again in the 19th century, Yemen 
fell under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, 
while facing intermittent resistance from Zaydi 
forces. Northern Yemen became independent of 
the Ottoman Empire in 1918, and the Yemen 
Arab Republic was formed in 1962. Notable lit- 
erary and political figure Muhammad Mahmud 
al-Zubayri (d. 1965) championed the cause 
of Yemeni independence, and he continues to 
be regarded as a national hero. The British, 
who had occupied the southern port city of 
Aden since 1839, withdrew in 1967 from what 
became the People's Democratic Republic of 
South Yemen, which officially subscribed to 
communism in 1970. The two countries were 
formally united as the Republic of Yemen on 
May 22, 1990. A southern-based and Saudi- 
supported secessionist movement was quickly 
subdued in 1994 by forces loyal to President Ali 
Abdullah Salih (b. 1942). The bombing of the 
USS Cole in 2000 and the 2002 attack on the 
French oil tanker Limburg have drawn attention 
to the activities of alleged al-Qaida associates 
in Yemen, and recent Zaydi rebel attacks have 
occurred in the northwest. 

See also Arabic language and literature; 
imam; Shafii Legal School; Zaydi Shiism. 

Gregory Mack 

Further reading: Robert D. Burrowes, Historical Dic- 
tionary of Yemen (Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 1995); 
Werner Da uni. cd., Yemen: 3000 Years of Art and 
Civilization (Innsbruck and Frankfurt am Main: Pin- 
guin-Verlag. 1988); Paul Dresch, A History of Modern 
Yemen (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000); 
Brinkley M. Messick, The Calligraphic State (Berkeley: 
University of California Press, 1993). 

Yusuf 717 

Yunus Emre (late 13th to early 14th 
centuries) Turkish mystical poet 
Yunus Emre is perhaps the most well-known 
Turkish poet, not only because he was the first 
major representative of Anatolian Turkish poetry, 
but also because of the sheer beauty and sincerity 
of his poems, and the continuing relevance they 
have today. 

Little historical information exists on the life 
of Yunus Emre, though a note on a manuscript 
collection of his poetry suggests that he died in 
1320 or 1321. This places him during the turbu- 
lent period after Mongol invasions had weakened 
the Seljuk Empire and Turkish principalities were 
vying for control over various parts of Anato- 
lia. Several places in Turkey claim to have been 
the birthplace of Yunus, and even more claim 
to bear his grave; it is likely that this is due to 
his immense popularity and to the existence of 
other poets going by the name Yunus and writing 
in his style, which also complicates attributing 
specific poems to him. Bektashis consider him to 
have been a Bektashi, but he is also respected by 
most other dervish orders in Turkey. His poetry 
includes references to Tapduk Emre as his spiri- 
tual master. 

Yunus Emre's poems have been collected in a 
Divan , though the various manuscripts show dis- 
crepancies in their content. He is also the author 
of a poetic work entitled Risalat al-nushiyya, 
which is dated to 1307-08. The language of his 
poems is generally simple and close to that of the 
common people. Motifs arc drawn from nature 
and from classical Sufi poetry, and themes include 
the poets relationship with God (the Friend), the 
transitoriness of life, and especially mystical love. 
Most of his poems, because of their form and 
mystical content, are considered ilahis (mystical 
hymns), and many have been sung in the ceremo- 

nies of dervish orders. A well-known example of 
Yunus's poetry is translated here in part by Talat 

I am not at this place to dwell, 

I arrived here just to depart. 

I'm a well-stocked peddler, I sell 
To all those who'll buy from my mart. 

I am not here on earth for strife , 

Love is the mission of my life. 

Hearts are the home of the loved one; 

I came here to build each true heart. 

My madness is love for the Friend, 

Lovers know what my hopes portend; 

For me duality must end: 

God and I must not live apart. 

As the first major Turkish poet, Yunus Emre 
influenced later poets writing in that language, and 
he laid the foundation for the development of Turk- 
ish mystical poetry. He continues to inspire modern 
Turkish poets today, and his hymns continue to be 
read and recited and to be sung in the ceremonies 
of almost all dervish orders in Turkey. Yunus has 
served as the subject of films, plays, and an orato- 
rio, and he is commemorated annually in festivals. 

See also Bektashi Sufi Order; music; Seljuk 
dynasty; Turkish language and literature. 

Mark Soileau 

Further reading: Talat Halman, cd., Yunus Emre and 
His Mystical Poetry (Bloomington: Indiana University 
Turkish Studies, 1981); Grace Martin Smith, The Poetry 
of Yunus Emre, a Turkish Sufi Poet (Berkeley and Los 
Angeles, University of California Press, 1993). 

Yusuf See Joseph. 


zahir Sec batin; tafsir. 
zakat See ALMSGIVING. 


A feature of many sacred places and pilgrimage 
centers is the water source. Practically, it provides 
water for the people and animals who reside in 
or frequent the site. However, the water from 
this source is also used in ritual activity, such as 
performing ablutions and other purification rites. 
Often, its significance is woven into the mythol- 
ogy and sacred history of the site. For Muslims 
the most sacred water source is the well known 
as Zamzam. It is situated within the courtyard 
of the Sacred Mosque in Mecca, near the corner 
of the Kaaba, which contains the Black Stone. 
Pilgrims performing the HAJJ and UMRA (the lesser 
pilgrimage) customarily drink water from the 
well, although this is not a required part of pil- 
grimage rituals. Those who do that believe the 
water is full of blessings (baraka) and has healing 
power. Many take vials of Zamzam water home 
with them, or they soak cloth in it that will be 
used as burial shrouds. It is also mixed with 

rosewater and used in the ritual cleansing of the 
Kaaba twice each year, during Ramadan and dur- 
ing the hajj season. 

The source of the water for Zamzam is subter- 
ranean runoff from the sporadic rains that come 
between October and March. Since Mecca is 
located at the low point of a narrow valley, water 
collects in the aquifer about 90 feet below the 
surface that feeds the well through springs. With- 
out this vital source, and other wells in the area, 
the town would not have flourished through the 
centuries as it has. Zamzams importance, how- 
ever, is also recognized and magnified in Islamic 
traditional literature. Although never mentioned 
in the Quran, other early Islamic lore, such as 
Ibn Ishaq's Sira , an early biography of Muhammad 
(written in the eighth century), explains that the 
well originated in the days of Abraham, when he 
left Hagar and Ishmael, his wife and son, there. 
(He would later return to join his son in build- 
ing the Kaaba.) Ishmael, perhaps an infant at the 
time, thirsted for water. Hagar left him and went 
to search of it, praying and running in despera- 
tion — an event commemorated whenever pilgrims 
"run" between the hills of Safa and Marwa next to 
the Sacred Mosque during the hajj and umra. At 
last Hagar's prayers were answered and the water 


Zaydi Shiism 719 

came forth from the earth beneath her son. Some 
accounts say that it was the angel Gabriel who 
actually opened the well head. In time, the well 
fell into disuse and was forgotten. According to 
Muslim accounts, Zamzam was rediscovered by 
Muhammad's grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, who 
found precious golden objects and weapons in it. 
These were removed and the well was reopened 
for use by pilgrims. Providing water and food 
to pilgrims, a prestigious service, remained the 
monopoly of Muhammad's family for generations 
thereafter. In later centuries it became a lucrative 
business for the Zamzam i s, a class of water carri- 
ers who served the needs of pilgrims. 

Today Zamzam is no longer a well in the tra- 
ditional meaning of the word. The government 
of Saudi Arabia has been engaged in significant 
renovation and expansion projects through- 
out the Haram area, including Zamzam. It has 
installed pumps, filtering systems, and public 
taps to make sure that Zamzam water is potable 
and that it is readily available to the millions of 
pilgrims who come to Mecca each year. Zamzam 
water is bottled and distributed to pilgrims, 
and there are even free Zamzam water dispens- 
ers and public faucets at convenient locations 
in and around the Sacred Mosque. To monitor 
these efforts and help conserve the water sup- 
ply, a Zamzam Studies and Research Center was 
recently created under royal decree within the 
Saudi Geological Survey. 

Zamzam has also taken on modern commer- 
cial and political significance. In 2002 an Iranian 
soft drink company began to market a beverage 
called Zamzam Cola. It became a popular drink 
that year, especially among pilgrims in Mecca, 
as an alternative to Pepsi and Coca-Cola. At the 
time, many Muslims boycotted these drinks to 
protest Israeli attacks against Palestinians and 
the anticipated U.S. and British invasion of Iraq, 
which occurred in March 2003. In Saudi Arabia, 
the government consulted with religious authori- 
ties and decided to ban the import of the drink 
because it felt that the commercial use of the 

name zamzam was improper. The Iranian com- 
pany continues to produce the beverage, how- 
ever, and has distributed it as far away as Great 

Further reading: G. R. Hawting, "The Disappearance 
and Rediscovery of Zamzam and the Well of Mecca." 
Bulletin of the Society of Oriental and African Studies 
43 (1980): 44-54; Muhammad ibn Ishaq, The Life of 
Muhammad: A Translation oj Ibn Ishaqs Sirat Rasul Allah. 
Translated by Alfred Guillaume (Oxford: Oxford Uni- 
versity Press, 1955); F E. Peters, The Hajj: The Muslim 
Pilgrimage to Mecca and the Holy Places (Princeton. N.J.: 
Princeton University Press, 1994). 

Zaydi Shiism 

Also known as Fiver Shiism, the Zaydi tradition 
of Shiism is today found mainly in Yemen, where 
Zaydis are estimated to be about 36 percent of 
the population (Yemen’s total population was 
estimated at 23 million in 2008). In keeping with 
other branches of Shiism, it traces its heritage to 
the AHL AL-BAYT — the household of the prophet 
Muhammad (ca. 570-632). Its name is derived 
from that of Zayd ibn Ali (d. 740), the son of 
Ali Zayn al-Abidin (d. 714) and grandson of 
UUSAYN IBN Ali, who was killed at Karbala in 680. 
According to Zaydi doctrine he is the fifth Imam, 
instead of Muhammad al-Baqir (d. 731), who is 
considered to be the fifth in Twelve-Imam Shiism. 
Known for his religious knowledge, Zayd became 
embroiled in anti-Umayyad politics, and he was 
considered by his followers to be a Shii Imam 
because of his descent and because he led a revolt 
against the Umayyads. He received only nominal 
support from other Shii factions in Arabia and 
Iraq, partly because he refused to condemn Abu 
Bakr (r. 632-634) and Umar ibn al-Khattab (r. 
634-644), the first two caliphs. Zayd was killed 
by Umayyad troops in a skirmish in Kufa in 740. 
The Syrians dismembered his body — the head 
was presented to the caliph in Damascus and the 
body was crucified, then later burned and the 

Zaytuna Mosque 721 

Shii Muslims as the first Imam. Sayyida Zaynabs 
brothers Hasan and Husayn met violent deaths 
like their father and are recognized as the second 
and third Imams, respectively. At an unknown age 
she married Abd Allah ibn Jaafar, with whom she 
had five children. 

The most significant event in Sayyida Zaynabs 
life was certainly her presence in 680 at the Battle 
of Karbala, in present day Iraq, where a much 
larger Umayyad army overwhelmed Husayn's 
forces. As the sole surviving adult, Sayyida Zaynab 
was transported, along with the head of Husayn, 
first to Kufa and then to Damascus, where the 
caliph Yazid I (r. 680-683) made them examples 
of the fate of rebels. Sayyida Zaynab is remem- 
bered for having publicly and eloquently defended 
the honor of Husayn, his companions, and AH L 
AL-BAYT (Muhammad's family) generally, in front 
of her captors. Sources say that upon returning 
to Medina, she educated the nascent Shii com- 
munity about what happened at Karbala and 
led them until the fourth Imam, Ali ibn Husayn 
Zayn al-Abidin (638-713), matured. She also is 
remembered for having initiated many of the ritu- 
als that are now part of the annual commemora- 
tion of Husayn's martyrdom known as Ashura, 
which occurs in Muharram, the first month of the 
Islamic calendar. 

There is some dispute about Sayyida Zaynab's 
final resting place. Both Cairo and Damascus 
are home to large shrines in her name that host 
pilgrims and tourists from all over the Muslim 
world. Pilgrims often appeal to Sayyida Zaynab 
to intercede with God on their behalf. They hope 
that as a woman who suffered much in her life 
she will understand their suffering and help them 
with issues ranging from business matters to ill- 
nesses to efforts to become pregnant. 

Each year Sayyida Zaynab's MAWLID festival in 
Cairo draws tens of thousands of Sunni and Shii 
Muslims. This stands in contrast to her Damascus 
shrine, which is more dominantly Shii and shows 
significant Iranian influence both architecturally 
and in the population it attracts. Since the late 

1970s, Sayyida Zaynab has become an important 
figure for political activists, especially in Iran and 
Lebanon. The patience, piety, and forthrightness 
in the face of oppression that she exhibited during 
her life are seen by many as ideal characteristics 
for a modern Shii woman seeking to live a truly 
Islamic life. 

See also Husayn ibn Ali; intercession; saint; 
women; ziyara. 

Michelle Zimney 

Further reading: Kamran Scot Aghaie, ed., The Women 
of Karbala: Ritual Performance and Symbolic Discourses 
in Modern Shii Islam (Austin: University of Texas Press, 
2005); Lara Dceb, An Enchanted Modern: Gender and 
Public Piety in Lebanon, (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Uni- 
versity Press, 2006). 

Zaytuna Mosque 

The oldest and largest mosque in Tunis, Tuni- 
sia, the Zaytuna was completed by the Aghlabid 
amir Ibrahim bin Ahmad in the 860s, building 
upon the site of an earlier Umayyad mosque 
constructed in 732. Building materials, including 
some 200 marbled columns, were taken from the 
nearby ruins of Carthage. Over the centuries, the 
mosque was expanded by the Zirids, who built 
the galleries, the crypt, and the dome in the 10th 
century; the Hafsids, who constructed the library 
in the 15th century; and the Ottomans, who built 
the current minaret in the 19th century. 

The Zaytuna mosque served as the central 
structure in the old medina of Tunis, around 
which SUQS and guild-shops were constructed. 
The mosque included a UNIVERSITY, which pro- 
vided an advanced education in the religious 
sciences and related subjects by some of the lead- 
ing local ulama. Many well-known scholars and 
administrators of the premodern era studied at 
the Zaytuna, which became a focal point of debate 
between Westernizing reformers and traditional 
ulama in the 19th century. With the establishment 
of the French protectorate in 1881, the Zaytuna 

ziyara 723 

Pilgrims visit the tomb of the wife of the Chishti saint Bakhtiar Kaki in Mehrauli, New Delhi, India. (Juan E. Campo) 

my intercession." The high esteem in which this 
pilgrimage is held is also reflected in the murals 
painted on the houses of Egyptian pilgrims, which 
often display images of Muhammad's mosque in 
Medina next to images of the Kaaba in Mecca. 
Another major pilgrimage shrine connected with 
Muhammad is the Noble Sanctuary in Jerusalem, 
where he is believed to have traveled during his 
Night Journey and Ascent. 

There are literally hundreds of other pilgrim- 
age shrine sites connected with prophets and 
saints (known as walis). Some of these have 
ancient pre-Islamic origins, but most began to 
noticeably appear in Muslim communities only 
between the 13th and 13th centuries, with some 
developing as recently as the late 20th century. 
Many of the most prominent are identified with 

descendants of Muhammad's family, the AHL al- 
bayt. These include the tombs of Husayn ibn Ali, 
Zaynab, and Nafisa in Cairo. The most important 
shrines visited by the Shia arc those of the Imams 
and their descendants, especially Ali ibn Abi Talib 
in Najaf (Iraq), Husayn in Karbala, the Kazimayn 
(the seventh and ninth Imams Musa al-Kazim 
and Muhammad al-Taqi) in a north Baghdad 
suburb, Ali al-Hadi and Hasan al-Askari (the 
10th and 11th Imams) in Samarra (Iraq), al-Rida 
(or Reza, the eighth Imam) in Mashhad (Iran), 
and his sister Fatima in Qumm. In recent years 
the shrine of Zaynab bint Ali ibn Abi Talib, in 
Damascus has attracted large numbers of Shii pil- 
grims. Major pilgrimage shrines connected with 
Sufi saints include those of Mum al-Din Chishti 
in Ajmer (India), Baba Farid al-Din Ganjshakar 

724 zuhd 

in Pakpattan (Pakistan), Hajji Bektash and Jalal 
al-Din Rumi in Turkey, Ahmad al-Badawi in Tanta 
(Egypt), and Moulay Idris in Morocco. The shrine 
of Sunan Giri, also known Raden Paku, a legend- 
ary warrior saint who is known for having won 
many converts, is one of the major pilgrimage 
sites in Indonesia. 

Although ztyara has become a widely accepted 
practice among the Shia, its acceptability as a reli- 
gious practice has been debated by Sunni Muslims 
for centuries. Many of the ulama and Sufis have 
approved it, or at least said it was permissible. 
Those who favored a strict interpretation of the 
Quran and the sunna believed that it was a form 
of bidaa (innovation) and should be avoided or 
forbidden. Critics also say that it is a form of 
idolatry (shirk). Among the foremost proponents 
of this opinion in the medieval era was Taqi al-Din 
ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328). His views were revived in 
the puritanical reformism of Muhammad ibn Abd 
al-Wahhab (d. 1792) and the Wahhabi brand of 
Islam that swept through the Arabian Peninsula in 
the 18th century and then was established as the 
reigning Islamic ideology of the Kingdom of Saudi 
Arabia in the 20th. Wahhabi warriors led a raid in 
1801 on Karbala in southern Iraq, killing several 
thousand and desecrating the shrine of Husayn. In 
1804 they plundered the mosque of Muhammad 
in Medina and prevented pilgrims from visiting it. 
When they retook Medina in 1925 they destroyed 

hundreds of shrines belonging to members of 
Muhammad's family, his Companions, and promi- 
nent scholars. Today the only pilgrims allowed 
into the country are those who are going for hajj or 
umra. Outside of Saudi Arabia, shrine visitation is 
opposed by Muslims who have been influenced by 
Wahhabi teachings, by reform-minded Muslims, 
and by some secularized Muslims who see such 
practices as antiquated. Nevertheless, for many 
Muslims, visiting the shrines of the holy dead 
remains an important part of their religious life. 
See also dhikr; intercession; miracle; saint; 


Further reading: Anne H. Bctteridge, "Muslim Women 
and Shrines in Shiraz." In Everyday Life in the Mus- 
lim Middle East. 2d cd., edited by Donna Lee Bowen 
and Evelyn A. Early, 276-289 (Bloomington: Indiana 
University Press, 2002); P. M. Currie, The Shrine and 
Cult of Muin al-Din Chishti of Ajmer (Oxford: Oxford 
University Press, 2007); Muhammad Umar Memon, 
Ibn Taymiyas Struggle against Popular Religion (The 
Hague: Mouton, 1976); Yitzhak Nakash, The Shiis of 
Iraq (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994), 
163-184; Christopher S. Taylor, In the Vicinity of the 
Righteous: Ziyara and the Veneration of Muslim Saints in 
Late Medieval Egypt (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1999). 

zuhd See asceticism. 


I. General Reference Works and 


Esposito, John, cd. Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern 
Islamic World. 4 vols. Oxford: Oxford University 
Press, 1995. 

Gibb, H. A. R. ct al., eds. Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d cd. 

Leiden, Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 1960-2004. 

Gibb, H. A. R. ct al., eds. Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam. 

Leiden, Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 1953. 

Joseph, Suad, cd. Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cul- 
tures. 5 vols. Leiden. Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 2006. 
Kennedy, Hugh, ed. An Historical Atlas of Islam. 2d cd. 

Leiden, Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 2002. 

Martin, Richard C., cd. Encyclopedia of Islam and the 
Muslim World. 2 vols. New York: Macmillan Refer- 
ence, 2004. 

McAuliffe, Jane Dammen, ed. Encyclopaedia of the Quran. 

5 vols. Leiden, Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 2001-06. 
Nanji, Azim A., ed. The Muslim Almanac: A Reference 
Work for the History Faith, Culture and Peoples of 
Islam. Detroit: Gail Research, 1996. 

Newby, Gordon D. A Concise Encyclopedia of Islam. 
Oxford: Oneworld, 2002. 

Nicolle, David. Historical Atlas of the Islamic World. New 
York: Checkmark Books, 2003. 

Robinson, Francis. Atlas of the Islamic World since 1500. 

New York: Facts On File, 1982. 

Ruthven, Malise, and Azim Nanji. Historical Atlas of Islam. 
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 2004. 

II. The Quran 

The leading English translations of the the Quran 
are: M.A.S. Abdel llalccm, The Quran (Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 2005); Abdullah Yusuf 
Ali, The Holy Quran (Brentwood, Md.: Amana 
Corp., 1987); Ahmed Ali, Al-Quran: A Contem- 
porary Translation (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton 
University Press, 1988); A. J. Arberry, The Koran 
Interpreted: A Translation (New York: Macmillan, 
1964); N. J. Dawood, The Koran. 5th rev. cd. (New 
York: Penguin Books, 2006); and Mohammed 
Marmaduke Pickthall, The Meaning of the Glori- 
ous Koran (New York: New American Library and 
Mentor Books, n.d.). 

Cragg, Kenneth. Readings in the Quran. London: Col- 
lins, 1988. 

Esack, Farid. The Quran: A Users Guide. Oxford: One- 
world Publications, 2005. 

Gatje. Helmut. The Quran and Its Exegesis: Selected Texts 
with Classical and Modern Interpretation. Translated 
by A. T. Welch. Oxford: Oneworld, 1996. 

Izutsu. Toshiko. Ethico-Religious Concepts in the Quran. 

Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2002. 
Kasssis. Hanna E. A Concordance of the Quran. Berkeley: 
University of California Press, 1983. 

Lawrence, Bruce. The Quran: A Biography. New York: 
Atlantic Monthly Press, 2007. 


726 Encyclopedia of Islam 

McAuliffe, Jane Dammen, ed. The Cambridge Compan- 
ion to the Quran. Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press, 2006. 

Osman, Fathi. Concepts of the Quran: A Topical Reading. 
Los Angeles: MV1 Publications, 1997. 

Qadhi, Abu Ammaar Yasir. An Introduction to the 
Sciences of the Quran. Birmingham, England: Al- 
Hidaayah Publishing and Distribution, 1999. 

Rahman, Fazlur. Major Themes of the Quran. Minneapo- 
lis: Bibliotheca Islamica, 1980. 

Sells, Michael. Approaching the Quran: The Early Revela- 
tions. Ashland, Ore.: White Cloud Press, 1999. 

Stowasser, Barbara F. Women in the Quran: Tradi- 
tions and Interpretation. Oxford: Oxford University 
Press, 1989. 

Watt, W. Montgomery, and Richard Bell. Introduction 
to the Quran. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh 
Press, 1970. 

III. Islamic Religion, Anthologies, 
and Islamic Studies 

Abou El Fadl, Khalid et al. The Place of Tolerance in 
Islam. Boston: Beacon Press, 2002. 

Baghawi, Husayn, as expanded by Wali al-Din al-Khatib 
al-Tabrizi. The Niche for Lamps (Mishhat al-mas- 
abih). Translated by James Robson. 4 vols. Lahore: 
Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 1964-1966. 

Bakhtiar, Lalch. Encyclopedia of Islamic Law: A Compen- 
dium of the Major Schools. Chicago: Kazi Publica- 
tions, 1996. 

Cook, Michael. Forbidding Wrong in Islam: An Intro- 
duction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 

Denny, Frederick Mathcwson. An Introduction to Islam. 
3d edition. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pcarson/Pren- 
tice Hall, 2006 (1994). 

Elias, Jamal. Islam. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice 
Hall, 1999. 

Endress, Gerhard. An Introduction to Islam. Translated 
by Carole Hillenbrand. New York: Columbia Uni- 
versity Press, 1988. 

Ernst, Carl W. The Shambhala Guide to Sufism. Boston: 
Shambhala Publications, 1997. 

Foltz, Richard C., Frederick M. Denny, and Azizan Baha- 
ruddin. eds. Islam and Ecology: A Bestowed Trust. 
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2003. 

Goldzihcr. Ignaz. An Introduction to Islamic Theology 
and Law Translated by Andras and Ruth Hamori. 
Princeton. N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981. 

Lcaman, Oliver. An Introduction to Medieval Islamic Phi- 
losophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 

Lewis. Bernard. The Political Language of Islam. Chi- 
cago: University of Chicago Press, 1988. 

Lockman, Zachary. Contending Visions of the Middle 
East: The History and Politics of Orientalism. Cam- 
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 

Martin, Richard C. Islamic Studies: A History of Religions 
Approach. 2d ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice 
Hall, 1996. 

Martin, Richard C., ed. Approaches to Islam in Reli- 
gious Studies. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 

Mcrnissi, Fatima. The Veil and the Male Elite: A Feminist 
Interpretation of Womens Rights in Islam. Translated 
by Mary Jo Lakeland. Reading, Mass.: Addison- 
Wesley, 1991. 

Momcn, Moojan. An Introduction to Shii Islam: The His- 
tory and Doctrines of Twelver Shiism. New Haven, 
Conn.: Yale University Press, 1985. 

Nasr. Scyycd Hosscin. Ideals and Realities of Islam. Bos- 
ton: Beacon Press, 1972. 

. Science and Civilization in Islam. Cambridge, 

Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968. 

Nasr. Seyycd Hossein, Hamid Dabashi, and Seyycd 
Vali Rcza Nasr, eds. Shiism: Doctrines, Thought, and 
Spirituality. Albany: State University of New York 
Press. 1988. 

Nicholson, Reynold A. The Mystics of Islam. London: 
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. 

Peters, Francis E. A Reader on Classical Islam. Princ- 
eton. N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994. 

Pinault, David. The Shiites: Ritual and Popular Piety in a 
Muslim Community. New York: St. Martins, 1992. 

Qaradawi, Yusuf al-. The Lawful and Prohibited in 
Islam (Al-Halal wa'l-haram fi'l-Islam). Indianapolis: 
American Trust Publications, n.d. 

Bibliography 727 

Rahman, Fazlur. Islam . 2d edition. Chicago: University 
of Chicago Press, 1979. 

Renard.John. 101 Questions and Answers on Islam. Mah- 
wah, N.J.: Paulist Press, 2004. 

. Windows on the House of Islam: Muslim Sources 

on Spirituality and Religious Life. Berkeley: Univer- 
sity of California Press, 1998. 

Rippin, Andrew. Defining Islam: A Reader. London: 
Equinox, 2007. 

Schimmel, Anncmarie. And Muhammad Is His Messen- 
ger: The Veneration of the Prophet in Islamic Piety. 
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 

. Mystical Dimensions of Islam. Chapel Hill: Uni- 
versity of North Carolina Press, 1975. 

Trimingham, J. S. The Sufi Orders of Islam. Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 1971. 

van Ess, Josef. The Flowering of Muslim Theology. Cam- 
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2006. 

Waines, David. An Introduction to Islam. 2d edition. 
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. 

Watt, W. Montgomery. Islamic Philosophy and Theology. 
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1967. 

Wheeler, Brannon M., cd. Teaching Islam. Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 2005. 

Williams, John Aldcn. The Word of Islam. Austin: Uni- 
versity of Texas Press, 1994. 

Winter, Tim, cd. The Cambridge Companion to Classical 
Islamic Theology. Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press, 2008. 

IV. Historical Studies 

Ahmed, Leila. Women and Gender in Islam. New Haven, 
Conn.: Yale University Press, 1991. 

Berkcy, Jonathan P. The Formation of Islam: Religion 
and Society in the Near East , 600-1800. Cambridge: 
Cambridge University Press, 2003. 

Bulliet, Richard W. Islam: The View from the Edge. New 
York: Columbia University Press, 1994. 

Daftary, Farhad. A Short History of the Ismailis. Princ- 
eton, N.J.: Marcus Wiener, 1998. 

Esposito, John, ed. The Oxford History of Islam. Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 1999. 

Hallaq. Wael B. The Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law. 
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. 

Haykal, Muhammad Husayn. The Life oj Muhammad 
(Hay at Muhammad). Translated by Ismail R. al- 
Faruqi. Indianapolis: American Trust Publications, 

Hodgson, Marshall G. S. The Venture of Islam: Con- 
science and History in World Civilization. 3 vols. 
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974. 

Hourani, Albert. A History of the Arab Peoples. Cam- 
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991. 

Humphreys, R. Stephen. Islamic History: A Framework 
for Inquiry. Rev. ed. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Uni- 
versity Press, 1991. 

Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad. The Life of Muhammad. Trans- 
lated by A. Guillaume. Oxford: Oxford University 
Press, 1955. 

Keddie, Nikki R., and Beth Baron, eds. Women in Middle 
Eastern History: Shifting Boundaries in Sex and 
Gender. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 

Kennedy, Hugh. The Prophet and the Age of the Caliph- 
ates: The Islamic Near East from the Sixth to the Elev- 
enth Century. London: Longman, 1986. 

Lapidus, Ira M. A History of Islamic Societies. 2d ed. 
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 

Mcrnissi, Fatima, Women and Islam: An Historical and 
Theological Enquiry Translated by Mary Jo Lake- 
land. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991. 

Metcalf, Barbara D. Islamic Revival in British India: 
Deoband, 1860-1900. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton 
University Press, 1982. 

Nasr, Seyycd Hossein. and Oliver Lcaman, eds. History 
of Islamic Philosophy. London: Roullcdgc, 2001. 

Peters, Francis E. Muhammad and the Origins of Islam. 
Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994. 

Rodinson, Maxim. Muhammad. Translated by Anne 
Carter. London: LB. Taurus, 2002. 

Schacht, Joseph, and C. E. Bosworlh, eds. The Legacy of 
Islam. Oxford: Oxford L niversity Press, 1974. 

Trimingham, J. S. The Influence of Islam upon Africa. 
New York: Praeger, 1968. 

Watt, W. Montgomery. Muhammad , Prophet and States- 
man. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1964. 

728 Encyclopedia of Islam 

V. Islam in the Modern World 

Beinen, Joel, and Joe Stork, eds. Political Islam: Essays 
from Middle East Report. Berkeley: University of 
California Press, 1997. 

Blank, Jonah. Mullahs on the Mainframe: Islam and 
Modernity among the Daudi Dohras. Chicago: Uni- 
versity of Chicago Press, 2001. 

Brown, L. Carl. Religion and the State: The Muslim 
Approach to Politics. New York: Columbia Univer- 
sity Press, 2001. 

Cook, Miriam, and Bruce B. Lawrence, eds. Muslim Net- 
works from Hajj to Hip Hop. Chapel Hill: University 
of North Carolina Press, 2005. 

Donohue, John J., and John L. Esposito, eds. Islam 
in Transition: Muslim Perspectives. 2d cd. Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 2007. 

Eickelman, Dale, and James Piscatori. Muslim Politics. 
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1996. 

Eickelman, Dale, and James Piscatori, eds. The New Media 
in the Muslim World: The Emerging Public Sphere. 
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2003. 

Enayat, Hamid. Modern Islamic Political Thought. Aus- 
tin: University of Texas Press, 1982. 

Ernst, Carl W. Following Muhammad: Rethinking Islam 
in the Contemporary World. Chapel Hill: University 
of North Carolina Press, 2003. 

Esposito, John L. Unholy War: Terror in the Name of 
Islam. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. 

Esposito, John L., and John O. Voll. Islam and Democ- 
racy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. 

Geertz, Clifford. Islam Observed: Religious Development 
in Morocco and Indonesia. Chicago: University of 
Chicago Press, 1971. 

Hourani, Albert. Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 
1798-1939. Cambridge: Cambridge University 
Press, 1983. 

Kurzman, Charles, ed. Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook. New 
York: Oxford University Press. 1998. 

Loefflcr, Reinhold. Islam in Practice: Religious Beliefs in 
a Persian Village. Albany: State University of New 
York Press, 1988. 

Marsden, Magnus. Living Islam: Muslim Religious Expe- 
rience in Pakistan's North-West Frontier. Cambridge: 
Cambridge University Press, 2005. 

McCloud, Aminah Beverly. African American Islam. 
London: Routledge, 1995. 

Meyer, Ann Elizabeth. Islam and Human Rights: Tradi- 
tion and Politics. 4th edition. Boulder, Colo.: West- 
view Press. 2007. 

Mitchell. Richard. The Society of the Muslim Brothers. 
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1969. 

Mottahcdeh, Roy P. The Mantle of the Prophet: Reli- 
gion and Politics in Iran. Oxford: Oneworld, 
2000 . 

Naqash, Yitzhak. The Shiis of Iraq. Princeton, N.J.: 
Princeton University Press, 1994. 

Nasr, Seyyed Vali Reza. Mawdudi and the Making 
of Islamic Revivalism. Oxford: Oxford University 
Press, 1996. 

. The Shia Revival: How Convicts within Islam 

Will Shape the Future. London: W.W. Norton, 2007. 

Rahman, Fazlur. Islam and Modernity: The Transforma- 
tion of an Intellectual Tradition. Chicago: University 
of Chicago Press, 1984. 

Rahnema. Ali, cd. Pioneers of Islamic Revival. 2d edition. 
London: Zed Books, 2005. 

Rashid, Ahmed. Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Funda- 
mentalism in Central Asia. New Haven, Conn.: Yale 
University Press, 2001. 

Ruthven, Malisc. Islam in the World. 3d edition. Oxford: 
Oxford University Press, 2006. 

Said, Edward W. Covering Islam: How the Media and the 
Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World. 
New York: Random House, 1997. 

Smith, Jane I. Islam in America. New York: Columbia 
University Press, 1999. 

Webb, Gisela, ed. Windows of Faith: Muslim Women 
Scholar-Activists in North America. Syracuse, N.Y.: 
Syracuse University Press. 2000. 

Zaman, Muhammad Qasim. The Ulama in Contempo- 
rary lsla?n: Custodians of Change. Princeton, N.J.: 
Princeton University Press. 

VI. Islam and Other Religions 

Assayag. Jackie. At the Confluence of Two Rivers: Muslims 
and Hindus in South India. New Delhi: Manohar, 

Bibliography 729 

Bullict, Richard W. The Case for Islamo-Christian 
Civilization. New York: Columbia University Press, 

Cohen, Mark R. Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in 
the Middle Ages. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univer- 
sity Press, 2008. 

Cragg, Kenneth. Jesus and the Muslim: An Exploration. 
London: George Allen and Unwin, 1985. 

Eaton, Richard M., ed. India's Islamic Traditions , 711- 
1750. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. 

Gilmartin, David, and Bruce B. Lawrence. Beyond Turk 
and Hindu: Rethinking Religious Identities in Isl- 
amicate South Asia. Gainesville: University Press of 
Florida, 2000. 

Goitein, Shlomo D. Jews and Arabs: A Concise History 
of Their Social and Cultural Relations. New York: 
Dover Publications, 2005. 

Graham, William A. Beyond the Written Word: Oral 
Aspects of Scripture in the History of Religions. Cam- 
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. 

Hussain, Amir. Oil and Water: Two Faiths, One God. 
Kelowna, Canada: Copper House, 2006. 

Levtzion, Nehemiah, ed. Conversion to Islam. New York: 
Holmes and Meier, 1979. 

Lewis, Bernard. The Jews of Islam. Princeton, N.J.: 
Princeton University Press. 1987. 

McAuliffe, Jane Dammcn. Quranic Christians: An Analy- 
sis of Classical and Modern Exegesis. Cambridge: 
Cambridge University Press, 1991. 

Menocal, Maria Rosa. The Ornament of the World: How 
Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of 
Tolerance in Medieval Spain. Boston: Little, Brown, 

Peters, Francis E. Islam: A Guide for Jews and Chris- 
tians. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 

VII. Islam and the Arts 

Blair. Sheila S., and Jonathan M. Bloom. The Art 
and Architecture of Islam, 1250-1800. New Haven, 
Conn.: Yale University Press, 1995. 

. Islamic Arts. London: Phaidon Press. 1997. 

Ettinghausen, Richard, and Oleg Grabar. The Art and 
Architecture of Islam, 650-1250. New York: Viking 
Penguin, 1987. 

Grabar, Oleg. The Formation of Islamic Art. New Haven, 
Conn.: Yale University Press, 1973. 

Nelson, Kristina. The Art of Reciting the Quran. Cairo: 
American University in Cairo Press, 2001. 
Schimmcl. Anncmarie. Calligraphy and Islamic Culture. 
New York: New York University Press, 1990. 

VIII. Internet Resources 

There are many sites on the Web that focus on 
Islam, but they arc of varying quality, and, like 
other Web sites, they arc prone to disappear or 
change their URLs. Some are scholarly, many arc 
devotional or seek to explain the religion from the 
point of view of Muslim believers. The following 
is a list of useful, well-organized sites that have 
been maintained and updated for several years. 

Encyclopaedia of Islam, online edition. This site includes 
the entire second edition of this major reference 
work, with revisions, plus installments for the new 
third edition. Access by subscription. 

Encyclopaedia of the Quran, online edition. This includes 
the entire reference work, with updates and revi- 
sions. Access by subscription. 

Encyclopaedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, online edi- 
tion. The entire reference work, with updates and 
revisions. Access by subscription. 

Index Islamicus. Online version of scholarly literature 
in the fields of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, 
as well as the wider Muslim world. Searchable data 
base. Access by subscription. 

U RL: 0/advanced_search . 

730 Encyclopedia of Islam 

Islaniicity. A very large Muslim site, loaded with text, 
audio, and video files. Includes sections on the 
Quran, hadith, history, and links to Muslim organi- 
zations and countries. 

Islam Online. Another exhaustive Muslim site, 
loaded with text, as well as audio and video files. 
Islamic Studies , Islam , Arabic and Religion: An award- 
winning site covering many facets of Islam and 
Muslim life, created by Prof. A. Godlas, an Islamic 
Studies scholar. Includes links for the Quran, 
hadith, law, Shiism, and Sufism. 


The Muslim Women’s Home Page: Very useful collection 
of information about Islamic understandings of 
women as expressed by Muslims themselves. 

Saudi Aram co World. Online version of the bimonthly 
publication on Islamic and Arab culture, history, 
and geography. Back issues go all the way to 1960. 
Very' informative articles for general readers and 


The Shia Home Page. Web site created by Shii Muslims, 
the minority branch of Islam, to explain their doc- 
trines and practices. 



NOTE: Boldface page numbers 
indicate extensive treatment 
of a topic. Page numbers in 
italic indicate illustrations. 
Locators followed by c indicate 


Abbasid Caliphate xxxi, 
xxxviiic, 1-2 
Baghdad 84 
Brethren of Purity 115 
Cairo 12Q 
caliphate 126 
daawa 177 
Damascus 181 
dar al-lslam and dar al- 
harb 182 

Delhi Sultanate 189 
Fatimid dynasty 231 
fiqh 238 
fit mi 241,242 
Ghazali, Abu Hamid 
al- 261 
had it h 279 

Hanafi Legal School 287 
Hanbali Legal School 288 
harem 292 
Harun al-Rashid 293 
Hashimile dynasty 294 
Ibn al-Bawwab, Abu al- 
Hasan Ah 328 
Ibn Hanbal. Ahmad 

Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad 333 
Ibn Kathir, Imad al-Din 334 
Ibn Muqla. Abu Ah 
Muhammad 336 
Iraq 369 

lsmaili Shiism 377, 378 

Israel 381 
mamlak 45 b 
mathematics 461 
music 504 
paradise 547 
Persian language and 
literature 550 
philosophy 554 
Quran 573 
Quraysh 575 
renewal and reform 
movements 586 
Saudi Arabia 607 
Shafii. Muhammad ibn Idris 
al- 616 
Shiism 626 
soul and spirit 631 
sultan 643, 644 
tafsir 653 
theology 668 
Umayyad Caliphate 687 
vizier 7Q3 
Yemen 716 

Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud xlivc, 


communism 161 
Daoud Ahmed 181-182 
Faysal ibn Abd al-Aziz Al 
Saud 233 
Gulf States 272 
Hijra 299 
OIC 533 
Salafism 602 
Saudi Arabia 607 
Wahhabism 705, 706 
World Muslim Congress 

Abd al-Qadir al-Jazairi xlic, 

xlivc, 3-4. 32. 563-564. 640 

Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani 4. 83. 

288. 289 

Abd al- Rahman. Umar 4—5, 16 
Abd al-Raziq, Ah 5 
Abduh, Muhammad xlvc, 5-6 
Afghani. Jamal al-Din 
al- 14 

Banna, Hasan al- 89 
creation 173 
education 209 
ijtihad 347 
philosophy 555 
Rashid Rida. Muhammad 

renewal and reform 
movements 587 
Salafism 601 
Sufism 640 
tafsir 6 55 
funJiid 665-666 
theology 669 
umma 689 

ablution 6-7, 106. 110. 131. 

484, 557 
abortion 7. 105 
Abou El Fadl. Khaled 8. 1 01. 


Abraham xxiv, 8-9 
Arafat 57 
biv aka 92 
blood 109 

Christianity and Islam 

circumcision .149 
comic strips and comic 
books 1 60 

Dome of the Rock 201 
dreams 203 
fidai 237 

food and drink 248 
Hagar 280-281 
Hijra 298 
holy books 308 

Id al-Adha 342 
Islam 373 

John the Baptist 404 
Judaism and Islam 410 
Kaaba 419 
maqam 457 
Mecca 465 
Muhammad 490, 492 
Quraysh 574 
renewal and reform 
movements 585 
Satan 605 
tawhid 664 
Zamzam 718 
Abu Bakr xxxviic. 9-10 

Aisha bint Abi Bakr ibn Abi 
Quhafa 25 
Ali ibn Abi Talib 33 
Bedouin 99 
Bilal 101 
hadilh 2Z8 
Muhammad 492 
Quran 573 
Shiism 624 

Abu Zavd, Nasr Hamid 10-1 1, 
48, 212, 656 

adab 11-12. 192. 216-217 
Adam and Eve 12 
angel 43 
animals 44 
Arafat 57 
Black Stone 108 
creation 172 
Idris 345 
Kaaba 419-420 
Mecca 465 
paradise 546 
Satan 603-604 
adhan 12-13.177,474,484, 
48L 504, 557 

adulter)' 13-14, 25-26, 174 


732 Encyclopedia of Islam 

Afghani, Jamal al-Din al- xlivc, 

Abduh, Muhammad 6 
Banna, Hasan al- 89 
Constitutional Revolution 

creation 173 
education 209 
miracle 476-477 
pan-lslamism 545 
philosophy 555 
Rashid Rida, Muhammad 

renewal and reform 
movements 587 
Salafism 601 
Sufism 640 

Twelve- 1 mam Shiism 680 
umma 689 

Afghanistan xxvii, xxix, xlviic, 
xlviiic, 15-16 
Abd al-Rahman, Umar 


Afghan mujahidin 16=17 
Ausiralia 70 
Biruni, Abu Rayhan al- 

Buddhism and Islam 
1 16 — 1 17 
burqa 119 
Delhi 186 
dhimim 195 
flag 245 

Hanbali Legal School 288 
Hekmatyar, Gulhuddin 
liisba 303 
holidays 306 
Mughal dynasty 488 
mujahid 499 
music 505 

Muslim Brotherhood 508 
Pakistan 542 
al-Qaida 564-565 
refugees 584 
suicide 642 
Taliban 657-659 
Usama bin Ladin 697- 

Afghan mujahidin 16-17, lol. 

296. 542. 608. 657-659 
African Americans, Islam among 
xlviic, 17-18. 102, 182, 199. 
226-227. 4 53=454 
African languages and literatures 

afterlife 19-20 

Aga Khan xlivc, 20-21, 219, 3Z9 
agriculture 21, 21-2 3, 105, 

219. 270.349 
ahl al-bayt 23 
Ahmadiyya xlivc, 23=24 

African Americans, Islam 
among 17, 18 

Badawi, Ahmad al- 83 
bidaa 101 
blasphemy 109 
Daoud Ahmed 181 
Ghulam Ahmad 263 
India 350 
Jesus 397 
Kashmir 425 
Mawdudi, Abu al-Ala 463 
Pakistan 541 

prophets and prophelhood 

United States 694 
Webb. Alexander Russell 


Ahmad Khan, Sir Sayyid xlivc, 

Aligarh 32,33 
Barelwi. Sayyid Ahmad 

Chiragh Ali 139 
creation 173 
education 209 
renewal and reform 
movements 587 
tafsir 655 

Aisha bint Abi Bakr ibn Abi 
Quhafa 25=26 
Abu Bakr 9 
authority Z4 
camel 1 28 
fitna 241 
hadith 2Z8. 2Z9 
harem 292 
hypocrites 322 
Shiism 624 
women 711 
Ajmer 26-27. 301 
Akbar (Mughal emperor) xluc. 

Bangladesh 87 
Hinduism and Islam 301 
India 353 
jizyu 403 

Mughal dynasty 488-489 
Persian language and 
literature 551 
Sirhindi, Ahmad 629 
Akhbari School 27-28, 500, 
620 , 625, 679, 699 
Alawi 28-29 
Ala w id dynasty 28, 29 
alchemy 29=30 
Alexander the Great 30-31. 
150, 29L 368. 380, 392-393, 

Algeria xlivc, xlvic, 31-32 
Abd al-Qadir al-Jazairi 


archaeology 59 
Arkoun, Muhammad 61 
human rights 315 
politics and Islam 556 
al-Qaida 566 

Aligarh 32-33. 35. 362. 708 
Ali ibn Abi Talib xxv, xxvi. 
xxxviiic, 33-34 
ahl al-bayt 23 
Aisha bint Abi Bakr ibn Abi 
Quhafa 26 
Alawi 28 
basmala 94 
Bcktashi Sufi Order 99 
caliph 125 
camel 128 
cemetery 133 
Emigrants 213 
Fatima 230 
fitna 241 
Five Pillars 242 
Gabriel 255 
Ghadir Khumm 252 
ghulat 264 
Gulf Wars 274 
hadith 279 
harem 292 

Hashimilc dynasty 295 
Hijra 299 
holidays 306 
Iraq 369 

Jaafar al-Sadiq 386 
Khawarij 43J 
Mahdi 447 
Moses 483 
Muhammad 492 
Navruz 526 
Night of Destiny 529 
Qadiri Sufi Order 563 
Ramadan 581 
shahada 619 
Shiism 623 
sunna 645 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 676 
Umayyad Caliphate 687 
Uthman ibn Affan 700 
mil ay a 707 
women 712 
Allah xxiii, 34=35 

Arabian religions, pre- 
Islamic 52 
Bangladesh 87 
baqa and /ana 89-90 
conversion 165 
creation 171 
dhikr 193 
Rag 244 

food and drink 246 
ghulat 264 
goddess 265 
human rights 314 
jinni 402 

Judaism and Islam 409 
names of God 515 
prayer beads 558 
Quran 57.1 
lawhid 664 
umma 688 

All-India Muslim League 
(A1ML) xlvc, 35.-36 
Awami League 76 
Bangladesh 88 
Hinduism and Islam 301 
India 355-356 
Iqbal, Muhammad 362 
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 

Pakistan 54i 

Almohad dynasty xlc, 36-37 
Berber 100 
Granada 267 
Ibn al-Arabi, Muhyi al- 
Din 326 

Ibn Rushd, Muhammad 

Ibn Tumart, Muhammad 
taivhid 665 

Almoravid dynasty xlc, 37-38 . 

267, 34L 709 
almsgiving xxiii, 38=39 
alphabet 39-40. 69 , 12 L 20 L 

amulets and talismans 40-4 L 

Andalusia xxix, xxxvix, xlc, 4i. 

Almohad dynasty 36 
Almoravid dynasty 37 
Christianity and Islam 142 
Cordoba 167=168 
dialogue 196 
Europe 218-219 
Harun al-Rashid 293 
Hijra 299 

Ibn Harm, Ali ibn Ahmad 
ibn Said 331 
Ibn Khaldun. Abd al- 
Rahman 334 
Jesus 397 
minaret 474 
Mudcjar 486 
angel 42=43 
animals 43-45 

Ansar xxix, 45, 162. 213, 299. 

anthropomorphism 45-46, 

Antichrist 46, 214, 397, 495 
anti-Semitism 46-47. 227, 382. 

ILL 523 
apostasy 48 
Aqsa Mosque 48-49 
angel 43 
Buraq, al- 118 
Dome of the Rock 202 
Israel 381 

Jerusalem 391. 394-395 
Jordan 406 
mosque 486 
OIC 535 

Arab xxvii. 49-50 

Index 733 

arabesque xxi, 50, 5 0=51 
Arabian Nights xxi, 51-52, 55, 
84, 159, 245, 292, 293 
Arabian religions, pre- Islamic 

Arabic language and literature 
xxxi, xxxviiic, 53-55, 54t 
African languages and 
literatures 18 
alphabet 39 
Arab 49 

Baqli, Ruzbihan 91 
biography 102-103 
Biruni, Abu Rayhan al- 

Brethren of Purity 115-110 
calligraphy 127 
coffee 154 
education 208, 209 
Europe 219 
holy books 308 
Jerusalem 394 
Shaarawi, Huda al- 613 
lafsir 656 

Umayyad Caliphate 687 
Arab-Israeli conflicts xlvic, 

Arab-lsracli War (1967) 

Arab-Israeli conflicts 56 
Egypt 212 
Israel 380, 382 
Lebanon 442 
Muslim Brotherhood 507 
Orientalism 537 
Palestine 543 
renewal and reform 
movements 598 
Arab-Israeli War (1973) 56, 

234, 382, 533, 534, 597 
Arab League xlvic, 57, 382. 

407, 534. 544 

Arab Socialist Baath Parly. See 
Baath Party 

Arafat 57-58. 282. 466 
Arafat, Yasir xlviiic. 58-59, 

382, 383. 508, 538, 543-545 
archaeology 59-60 
architecture xxi, 60. 60-61, 61 
Baghdad 84 
Bukhara 1 1 7 
Dome of the Rock 201 
garden 256 

Husayniyya .320-321 
Iraq 368 
Mecca 468 
minaret 474-475 
Scljuk dynasty 611 
Aristotle 225, 292, 336-338. 
417, 501, 536 

Arkoun, Muhammad 61=62., 
315, 656 

Armenians xlvc, 62-63 
art 50-51, 63-65. 6± 201 

asceticism xxvi, 65=66 
Ashari School 66-67 
fate 228 

Ghazali, Abu Hamid al- 261 
Hasan al-Basri. al- 294 
holy books 308 
Ibadiyya 323 
Ibn Rushd, Muhammad 

Ibn Taymiyva, Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad 340 
Mutazili School 512 
Shafii Legal School 617 
tawhid 665 
theology 668 
Ashura 67-68 
calendar 124 
Fatima 231 
fitna 241 
holidays 306 
Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi 
Talib 319 

Husayniyya 320, 321 
India 350 

Iranian Revolution (1978- 
1979) 366 
Karbala 423 
Muharram 498 
Shiism 624 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 680 
Assassins 68, 232. 238 
Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal xlvc, 
68=69. 69 
caliph 125 
caliphate 126 
cinema 146 
comic strips and comic- 
books 159 
Gulcn, Felhullah 268 
holidays 306 
Iran 363 

Iranian Revolution (1978- 
1979) 365 
Istanbul 384 
Khilafat Movement 433 
Ottoman dynasty 539 
Qadiri Sufi Order 564 
renewal and reform 
movements 587 
Reza Shah Pahlavi 591 
RP 582 
Turkey 674 

Aurangzeb xliiic, 69-70, 183. 

353 403. 489-490. 629 
Australia xxvii. 7.0-71 
authority 71-75. 72 1 
autobiography 75-76. 91_. 334, 

Averroes. See Ibn Rushd. 

Avicenna. See Ibn Sina. Abu Ali 

Awami League 76-77. 88 
ay a TL TL 421 

ayatollah xlviiic, 78. 435, 500 
Ayodhya 78-79, 358 
Azad. Abu al-Kalam 79, 93, 655 
al-Azhar xlc, 79-80. SO 

Banna, Hasan al- 88-89 
education 210 
Egypt 211 

Husavni, Muhammad Amin 
al- 312 

madrasa 446, 447 
student 634 
university 696 


Baath Party 81=82 
Baghdad 84 
comic strips and comic 
books 159 
Gulf Wars 276 
Husayn, Saddam 315-31.7 
Iraq 370,371 
Muslim Brotherhood 508 
Shiism 627 
Syria 649 
Bahism 82-83. 85 
Badawi, Ahmad al- 83, 306 
Baghdad xxxi. xxxviiic, xlic, 

Abbasid Caliphate L 2 

arabesque 51 

Bahai Faith 85 

books and hookmaking 1 13 

cities 150 

Farabi, Abu Nasr al- 224 
food and drink 249 
Hallaj, al-Husayn ibn 
Mansur al- 285 
Hanhali Legal School 288 
harem 2 92 
Harun al- Rash id 293 
Iraq 369 
Medina 470 
paradise 547 

Bahai Faith xlivc, 82, 85-86. 

109, 626 
Bakr. Abu 

caliph 125 
Emigrants 213 
Hijra 299 
Jaafar al-Sadiq 386 
Naqshbandi Sufi Order 517 
Twelve-Imam Shiism 677 
Umar ibn al-Khattab 685 
Uthman ibn Affan 700 
Bamba. Ahmadu 86, 502 
Bangladesh xxv. xxvii, xlviic, 
76-77, 86-88. 104, 542, 561 
Banna, Hasan al- xlvc, xlvic. 

Abduh, Muhammad 6 
Egypt 212 
Ghannoushi. Rashid 
al- 259 

Muslim Brotherhood 506. 

Qutb, Sayyid 576 
renewal and reform 
movements 588 
baqa and (ana 89-91, J94. 

549, 629 

Baqli, Ruzbihan 91. 458, 529, 

baraka 40, 91-92, 4J >48, 
558. 707. 722 
Barelwi, Sayyid Ahmad 87, 
92-93. 18.3. 498. 588 
Basmachi 93=94 
basmala 94. 198, 199, 221_ 

bat in 94= 95, 377 
Bawa Muhaiyaddcen Fellowship 

bazaar 96-98. 9Z, 1 64, 103 
Bedouin 98=99 

Badawi, Ahmad al- 83 
folklore 245 
food and drink 249 
Hagar 281 
Hijra 299 
houses 311=312 
Ismaili Shiism 377 
Jordan 405 
justice 416 
Wahhabism 705=70.6 
Bcktashi Sufi Order xlivc, 
99-100, 390. 717 
Berbers xxvii, xxxviiic, 100 
Algeria 31=32 
Almohad dynasty 36, 37 
Almoravid dynasty 57 
Cordoba 168 
Ibn Khaldun, Abd al- 
Rahman 334 
Morocco 481 
West Africa 709 

Abraham 9 

Adam and Eve 12 

archaeology 59 

creation 171 

David 184-185 

faith 223 

holy books 308 

Moses 482,483 

Nasr, Seyyed Hosscin 520 

Navruz 525 

Quran 570 

bidaa 86. 10L 176, 645 
Bilal 101=102,474 
bin Laden, Usama. Set* Usama 
bin Ladin 

biography 102-104, 116, 
332-333. 491 
birth control and family 
planning 7, 104, 104-105, 

birth rites 103=10.6 

734 Encyclopedia of Islam 

Biruni, Abu Rayhan al- 106- 
107. 300-301 
Bistami, Abu Yazid al- 90, 
107-108, 529, 640, 663 
Black Muslims. See Nation of 

Black Slone xxxvix, xlc, 108 
lsmaili Shiism 32Z 
Kaaba 119, 420 
Mecca 468 
Muhammad 492 
paradise 546 
sunna 644 
umra 691 
Zamzam 718 

blasphemy 107, 108-109. 285 
blood 109-110,424 
boat 110, 110-111 
Bohra 111,260, 378,379 
books and bookmaking 111- 
113, ill 

Bosnia and Hcrzegovena 1 14- 
115, 585 

Brethren of Purity 115-116, 


Buddhism and Islam xxiv, 
Afghanistan 16 
Hijra 298 
holy books 309. 

Ibrahim ibn Adham 341 
Indonesia 358 
Kashmir 426 
Malaysia 451-453 
Nepal 526 
Shiism 623 
Sufism 639 

Bukhara 93-94. 117. 659 
Bumiputra 117-118 
Buraq. al- 118. 118. 310. 528 
burqa 1 19. 561 
Byzantine Empire 166, 218, 
29_3. 384, 393, 41L 539. 648 


Cairo 120-124. 121 m. 122 
bazaar 96 

books and bookmaking 
colonialism 157 
Fatimid dynasty 231 
lsmaili Shiism 378 
minaret 474 
Takfir wa’l-Hijra 657 
calendar xxv, xxxv, 124-125 
caliph xxvi, xxxi, 125-126 
caliphate 126-127. See also 
specific caliphates 
calligraphy 64, 122, 107, 574, 

camel 128.284 
Camp David accords 128-129. 

Canada 129-131. 236. 375. 

377. 509-510 
cal 131-132 

cemetery 122, 132, 132-1 34 
Central Asia and the Caucasus 
xxvii, 117, 134-135 
Chechnya 1 35, 135-136, 499. 

children 126, 136-1 38 

birth control and family 
planning 104 
birth rites 105-106 
Crusades 175 
education 207 
harem 292 

Ibn Sina, Abu Ali al-Husayn 


Id al-Adha 342 
Id al-Filr 343 
student 634 
women .712 
China 138, 161, 330 
Chiragh Ali 139 
Chishti Sufi Order 139-141, 

Afghanistan 15 
Hinduism and Islam 301 
India 353 
Khan, Inayai 430 
Nizam al-Din Awliya 530 
Persian language and 
literature 551 
qawwali 568 
Sufi Movement 637 
Sufi Order International 

Christianity and Islam xxiv. 
xxvii, xxxi. xliic, 141-144. 

Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani 4 
Abraham 9 
Adam and Eve 12 
ahl al-bayt 23 
Ahmadiyya 24 
Ahmad Khan, (Sir) Sayyid 

Akbar 22 
Algeria 31 
Allah 34 

Almohad dynasty 37 
Andalusia 41.42 
anthropomorphism 45 
Antichrist 46 
anti-Semitism 46 
Arabian religions, pre- 
Islamic 52, 53 
Arabic language and 
literature 53 
Armenians 63 
Ashura 67 
blasphemy .108 
Bosnia and Hcrzegovena 

ILL 115 
Cairo 122 

ce meter)' 132 
circumcision 149 
Copts and the Coptic 
Church 166 
Cordoba 168 
covenant 170 
Crusades 175-176 
daawa 178 
David 185 
dhimmi 194, . 19 5 
dialogue 196-197 
dietary laws 198 
Dome of the Rock 202 
faith 223 
Hijra 298 

holy books 306-309 
Jerusalem 391, 393 
Jesus 396-397 
John the Baptist 404 
kafir 421 
Latin America 439 
madras;! 446 
Malaysia 452, 453 
mawlid 465 
Mohammedanism 477 
moon 479 
Morocco 481 
Moses 482 
Mudejar 486-487 
Muhammad 492, 493 
New Zealand 528 
Night of Destiny 529 
qibla 568, 569 
revelation 589 
saint 599 
Saladin 600 
Satan 603 
secularism 610-611 
Shiism 623 
soul and spirit 631 
Sudan 636 
Sufism 639 
Sunnism 647 
Syria 648 

West Africa 709-710 
cinema 1 44-149, 145. 260. 650 
circumcision 83, 106. 1 49-1 50 
cities 96, 150-152, 312 
citizenship 152,403 
civil society 152-4.53. 191 
coffee xxi, 1 54-1 55, 155 
colonialism xxxii. 1 55-1 58 
comic strips and comic books 

communism 160-161,511 
Companions of the Prophet 
xxiii. 162 
caliph 125 
caliphate 126 
camel 128 
cemetery 133 
Copts and the Coptic 
Church 166 
fitna 241 

hadith 279 

Hanafi Legal School 287 
Hanbali Legal School 288 
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 
Muhammad 325 
Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad 339 
muezzin 48 7 
Salafism 601 
Shiism 624 

Twelve- 1 mam Shiism 678 
Wahhabism Z04 
constitutionalism 162-164, 

Constitutional Revolution 83, 
163. 164-165, 363 
conversion xxxi, xxxii, 

165- 166 

Copts and the Coptic Church 

166- 167 , 161 

Cordoba xxxviiic, 1 I I . 1 67— 
168, 336, 474, 569 
Council of Amcrican-Islamic 
Relations (CAIR) 168-169, 

Council on Islamic Education 
(CIE) 169-170 
covenant 14^ 170, 19J. 526. 
559. 671 

creation 7X 170-174. 308, 
479. 632, 668 

crime and punishment 1 74— 
175, 620 

Crusades xlc, 175-176 
Badawi, Ahmad al- 83 
Christianity and Islam 
CIE 169 
cinema 146 
Fatimid dynasty 232 
Islam 373 
Israel 381 
Istanbul 384 
Jerusalem 394 
Lebanon 441 
Orientalism 536 
Saladin 600-601 
Turkey 674 

customary law 176. 309, 620 


daawa 177-179 
Daawa Party of Iraq xlvic, 
daawa 178 
Gulf Wars 275,277 
Iraq 370,371 
Shiism 626 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 681 
Damascus xxxi, xxxviic. 
xxxviiic, ISO. 180-181 
Abd al-Qadir al-Jazairi 3 
Bilal 101 

Index 735 

Iraq 369 
Jordan 406 
Medina .410 
paradise 547 

Daoud Ahmed 17, 181-182 
ilar al-Islam and ilar al-hcirb 

Dara Shikoh 183-184 . 551, 

Dar ul-Arqarn 184 

David 184-185. 242. 244, 392 

death 185-186 

baqa and /ana 89-90 
cemetery 132-133 
eschatology 213-214 

fate 228 

funerary rituals 250-251 
Judgment Day 413 
martyrdom 458 
slavery 630 
suicide 641-642 
Delhi 150, 186-189, 187m, 

Delhi Sultanate xxxii, 189-190 
Bangladesh 87 
Delhi 186 
India 350,352-353 
kafir 421 

Persian language and 
literature 551 
democracy 190-191 
Deoband 191-192, 351, 356 
dervish 132-193 

Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal 

Mevlevi Sufi Order 

Rifai Sufi Order 592 
Rumi, Jalal al-Din 593 
Sufi Order International 

Sufism 639 
tekke 666 
Turkey 675 
dhikr 193-194. 124 
clhimmi xxxi, 194=196 
dialogue 144, 196-197, 269, 

dietary laws 1 09, 1 35, 198. 

198-199, 246, 250, 284, 620 
divorce 136, 176, 199-200, 
203, 315 
dog 200=201 

Dome of the Rock xxxviiic, 

49, 2 0 1 - 2 02, 381, 39L 39L 

dreams 202-204, 632 
Druze xlc, 204=205, 232, 44L 


East Africa 206-207. 252 
East Pakistan. See Bangladesh 

education xxii, xxxii, 207-210. 

Baghdad 84 
books and bookmaking 
112. 113 

children 136. 137 
CIE 169 
cities 151 

Ghazali, Zaynab al- 262 
Hanafi Legal School 287 
human rights 315 
Husayniyya 321 
India 359 
Jordan 407 
kuilab 437 
literacy 445 

Nasir. Jamal Abd al- 518 
Nation of Islam 522 
Nizam al-Din Awliya 530 
Quran 573 

Rashid Rida. Muhammad 


refugees 584 
renewal and reform 
movements 585, 588 
Reza Shah Pahlavi 592 
RP 582 
slaver)' 629 
student 634 
tekke 666 
ulama 684 
United States 693 
university 696 
women 712 
Zaytuna Mosque 721 
Egypt xxv. xxxi. xxxviic. xlic, 
xliie, xliiic, xlivc, xlviic, 
210=21 2, 211 
Ahd al-Raziq, Ali 5 
Abu Zayd, Nasr Hamid 10 
agriculture 21 
alchemy 30 

Arab-lsracli conflicts 56 
Arab League 57 
archaeology 59, 60 
art 64 

Azhar. al- Z9=80 
Badawi. Ahmad al- 83 
Banna, Hasan al- 88-89 
baraka 92 
birth rites LQ6 
Bohra 111 

books and bookmaking 

Camp David accords 

Fatimid dynasty 231-233 
Funj Sultanate 252 
Hagar 281 
ha ram 290 
Harun al-Rashid 293 
Hizb al-Tahrir al-Islami 

holidays 3Q6 

houses 312, 313 
human rights 315 
Ibn al-Farid. Abu Hafs 
Umar 328 
Islamism 376 
Israel 382 
mad rasa 446. 447 
Moses 482-484 
Muhammad Ali dynasty 

Muslim Brotherhood 

politics and Islam 556 
renewal and reform 
movements 587, 588 
Sadat, Muhammad Anwar 
al- 597=598 

Takfir wa'1-Hijra 656-657 
Tanzimat 661 
Westernization Z10 
Emigrants 45, 162, 213. 299, 

eschatology 1 86, 2 1 3-2 1 4, 259, 

ethics and morality 2 1 4-2 1 7, 

302-303. 572 

Europe xxiv, xxxii, 217- 220. 

evil eye 106. 220. 220-221. 231 


Fadlallah, Muhammad Husayn 

faith xxiii-xxiv, 223-224 
family planning. Set* birth 
control and family planning 
Jana. See baqa and fana 
Farabi, Abu Nasr al- xlc, 224- 

226, ±J_L 633 

Faraizi movement 87, 226, 588 
Farrakhan, Louis 18, 47. 226- 

227, 523 

Farsi. See Persian language and 

fasting xxiii. 227-228 
Ashura 67 
blood 110 
dietary laws 199 
Five Pillars 243 
food and drink 248 
Ramadan 580 
umma 688 
fate 228-229. 284 
Fatiha 221, 229-230. 570 
Fatima xxxviic. 230-231 
ahl al-bayt 23 
Alawi 28 

Ah ibn Ahi Talib 33 
calendar 124 
Fatimid dyna sty 231 
Gabriel 255 
goddess 2o5 
harem 292 

Hashimitc dynasty 295 
Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi 
Talib 319 
imam 348 
Jaafar al-Sadiq 386 
Khadija bint Khuwaylid ibn 
Asad 428 
Libya 443 
Mary 460 
Muhammad 491 
Night of Destiny 529 
prophets and prophethood 

Ramadan 581 
Shiism 623 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 680 
women 712 
Zaynab bint Ali ibn Abi 
Talib 720 

Fatimid dynasty xxxvix, xlc, 
xlic, 231-233, 232 
Berber 100 
daarni 1 77 
Druze 203 
Egypi 214 

Ismaili Shiism .377-378 
Shiism 625 
Tunisia 673 
fatwa 233 

Faysal ibn Abd al-Aziz Al Saud 
(king of Saudi Arabia) 190, 
233-2 34. .li&mSJI 
feasting 199 234-235, 240. 


fedayccn. See fidai 
Federation of Islamic 

Associations (FIA) 130,236 
Fez xxxvix, 157.236-237, 

237, 481 
fidai 237-238 
film. See cinema 
fiqh 238-240 

Fire 214, 2 40-2 4 L, 413, 421, 
632, 641-642 

First Gulf War. See Gulf War 
fitna 241-242,296 
Five Pillars xxiii. 242-243. 

24.1 See also almsgiving; hajj; 
prayer; shahada 
adab 11 
Ahmad iyya 24 
authority Z3 
Bangladesh 87 
cities 150 
colonialism 157 
dhikr 193 
Druze 203 

ethics and morality 21.5 
faith 223 
fasting 122 
food and drink 248 
Ghazali, Abu Hamid 
al- 261 

736 Encyclopedia of Islam 

Five Pillars (continued) 

Islam 372 
taqwa 663 
travel 612 

Twelve- 1 mam Shiism 679 
United States 692-693 
Wahhabism 704. 703 
women 7 12 
ziyara 722 
flag 243 r 245j 244 
folklore 118.245-246 
food and drink 154-155. 

227-228. 246-250. 247. 522. 

Ahd al-Qadir al-Jazairi 3-4 
Bamba, Ahmadu 86 
Bangladesh 87 
Damascus 181 
Hashimitc dynasty 295 
human rights 315 
Husayn ibn Ali 318 
Israel 381 
Tunisia 673 

funerary rituals 250-252. 361. 

Funj Sultanate 252. 636 
Fyzee, Asaf Ali Asghar 252-253 


Gabriel xxiii. 254-255 
angel 43 
Arafat 57 
basmala 94 
Black Stone LOS 
Buracj, al- 118 
faith 223 
Hagar 281 
holy books 308 
Muhammad 492 
Night Journey and Ascent 

Night of Destiny 529 
paradise 546 
Quran 572 
revelation 590 
Rushdie. Salman 595 
soul and spirit 632 
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand 
A1ML 35=36 
Azad. Abu al-Kalam 79 
Hinduism and Islam 302 
India 355-357 
Jamiyyat Ulama-i Hind 

Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 

Khilafat Movement 433 
garden 84, 172, 256, 256-257. 

Ghadir Khumm 34. 124, 235. 
257-258, 306, 623 

Ghalib, Mirza Asad Ali Khan 

258. 260. 552 

Ghannoushi. Rashid al- 258- 

259. 673 

ghayba 111.259-260. 447. 678 
ghazal 258. 260-261. 551 
Ghazali, Abu Hamid al- xlc, 
adab 11 
Baghdad 84 
bazaar 92 
dreams 203 
ethics and morality 217 
Farabi. Abu Nasr al- 225 
Ibn Rushd. Muhammad 

philosophy 554 
Sc ljuk dynasty 611 
Sufism 640 
ulama 684 

Ghazali. Zaynab al- 262-263, 

Ghulam Ahmad, Mirza xlivc, 
23. 24. 263-264. 561 
ghulat 264, 620. 626 
goddess 265. 343 
Gospel 265-266 
covenant 170 
David 185 
holy books 3 08. 309 
Ibn Hazm, Ali ibn Ahmad 
ibn Said 331 
kafir 421 
Mary 460 

People of the Book 548 
prophets and prophelhood 


Quran 570 

government. Islamic 125. 1 62— 
164, 262, 266^267, 365 
Granada xliic. 267-268. 547, 

Grand Mosque (Mecca) 
Abraham 9 
Kaaba 419 
maqam 4 57 
Mecca 465. 467. 468 
mosque 485 
Salafism 602 
Saudi Arabia 608 
Zamzam 718 
Great Britain 

Ahmad Khan. (Sir) Sayyid 


AIML 35,36 
Australia Z0 
Awaini League 76 
Azad. Abu al-Kalam 79 
Baghdad 84 
Bangladesh 87 
Banna, Hasan al- 88-89 
Barelwi, Sayyid Ahmad 

Bumiputra 118 

cinema 148 
colonialism 156 
Delhi LS8 
Egypt 212 

Faraizi Movement 226 
Hashimitc dynasty 295 
Hinduism and Islam 301 
Hizb al-Tahrir al-Islami 


Husayni. Muhammad Amin 
al- 317 

Husayn ibn Ali 318 
India 350, 354=357 
Iran 362-363 
Iranian Revolution (1978- 
1979) 365 
Iraq 370.371 
Israel 381.382 
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 

Khilafat Movement 433 
Malaysia 452 
Mawdudi, Abu al-Ala 463 
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 

Muhammad Ali dynasty 

Muslim Brotherhood 506. 

Palestine 543 
World Muslim Congress 

Gulen. Fethullah 197.. 268- 

Gulf States 269-273. See also 
specific countries, e g.: Kuwait 
Gulf War (1990-1991) 274- 

Arab League 57 

colonialism 158 

Husayn. Saddam 315-317 

Iraq 370-371 

oil 533 

OPEC 534 

Orientalism 537 

PLO 544 

al-Qaida 56 5 

Syria 650 

Gulf War (Iraq War, 2003- ) 
Arab League 57 
colonialism 158 
fidai 238 

Gulf Wars 276-277 
Husayn. Saddam 317 
Iraq 367. 371 
Jordan 407 
OIC 535 
oil 533 
al-Qaida 566 
refugees 584 
Sunnism 647 
Syria 650 
ulama 685 

Gulf Wars xlviiic, 158, 273- 
277, 370-371. 371 533 See 
also specific wars, e g.: Iran- 
Iraq War (1980-1988) 


hadith xxiii, xxvi, 278-280 
anthropomorphism 46 
birth control and family 
planning 105 
food and drink 247 
Hagar xxiv, 9, 280-281, 419. 

461 718-719 
hajj xxiii, xxxii, 2 81-28 3. 

Arafat 57 
asceticism 65 
Black Stone 108 
dietary laws 199 
ethics and morality 215 
feasting 234 
Five Pillars 243 
food and drink 248 
Gulen, Fethullah 269 
Hanbali Legal School 288 
hurum 290 
Ha run al- Rashid 293 
Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad 330 
Id al-Adha 342 
India 360 
Islam 372 
Jaafar al-Sadiq 386 
Kaaba 419 
Malcolm X 454 
Mecca 466-468 
muezzin 487 
Muhammad 494 
Nation of Islam 523 
QIC 535 
Salafism 601 
Satan 605 

Shad hili Sufi Order 616 
sunna 644 
taqwa 662 
travel 672 
umma 688 
umra 690-691 
Zamzam 718 
ziyara 722 
hal 194. 283=284 
halal 198,246.250, 284=285 
Hallaj, al-Husayn ibn Mansur al- 
xxxvix. 285 
apostasy 48 
baqa and fana 90 
blasphemy LQ9 
Junayd, Abu al-Qasim 415 
kafir 422 
martyrdom 458 
Sufism 640 

Hamas xxvii, xlviiic, 285-286 
Arab-lsracli conflicts 56 
Arafat, Yasir 58 

Index 737 

civil society 1 53 
democracy 190 
Islam ism 376 
Israel 383 

Muslim Brotherhood 508 
Palestine 533 
renewal and reform 
movements 588 
Salafism 602 
umma 689 

I lanafi Legal School xxv, 
xxxvix, 286-287 
abortion 7 
Baghdad 83 
Bangladesh 86 
Bosnia and Herzegovena 

customary law 1_76 
Deoband 192 
fiqh 239 

Harun al- Rashid 293 
India 350 
Iraq 367 
Israel 380 
Jordan 306 

Maliki Legal School 355 
Murjia 503 
Ottoman dynasty 539 
Pakistan 531 

Shafii, Muhammad ibn Idris 
al- 616 

Shafii Legal School 617 
Tamerlane 660 
theology 669 
Tunisia 672 

Hanbali Legal School xxv, 288 
bidaa 101 
fujh 239 
Gulf States 270 
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 
Muhammad 323 
Ibn I lanbal, Ahmad 

Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad 339=330 
India 350 
Saudi Arabia 607 
Sufism 630 
Wahhabism 703 
hikficfci 288-289. 378, 663 
Haqqani, Muhammad Nazim 

haram 198,216,246.279 ,283. 

harem 27, 291-293,312,331 
Harun al-Rashid 84,293-294, 

Hasan al-Basri, al- xxxviiic, 

229, 294.511,512.578 
Hashimite dynasty 294-295, 
318, 306 

Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin 16. 

heresy 101. 296=29 7 

Herzegovina. See Bosnia and 
Hidden Imam 
ayatollah 78 
Babism 82=83 
Bahai Faith 85 
Bohra LU 

Ismaili Shiism 378, 379 
Khomeini, Ruhollah 435 
Mahdi 337 

mujahid 500 

Hijra xxv, xxix, xxxviic, 
calendar 124 
constitutionalism lo2 

Emigrants 213 
India 357 

Judaism and Islam 41 1 
Mahdiyya movement 338 
Medina 369=370 
Muhammad 493 
Quraysh 575 
Ramadan 580 
Takfir wa'I-Hijra 657 
Umar ibn al-Khattab 685 
Hinduism and Islam xxxii, 
300-302. Ml 
Ahmadiyya 24 
Ahmad Khan, (Sir) Sayyid 
A1ML 35 
Akbar 27 
Aurangzeb 70 
Ayodhya 78 
Bangladesh 86-88 
Barelwi, Sayyid Ahmad 92 
Biruni, Abu Ravhan al- 107 
Dara Shikoh 183 
Delhi 186, 188 
Delhi Sultanate L89 
dhimmi 195 
dialogue 196 
divorce 200 

holy books 309 
India 350-352 
Indonesia 358 
Islam 373 
Ismaili Shiism 379 
Kashmir 326 
Khilafat Movement 333 
Malaysia 352 
Mawdudi, Abu al-Ala 463 
Mughal dynasty 488-490 
Nasr. Scyyed Hosscin 520 
Shiism 623. 626 
hisba 302, 302-303 

Hizb al-Tahrir al-Islami 303- 

304, 536 

Hizbullah xxvii, xlviiic, 
30 3- 305 

Arab-lsraeli conflicts 56 
civil society 1 53 
democracy 190 

Fadlallah, Muhammad 
Husayn 222 
Iran 364 
Islamism 376 
Israel 383 

Judaism and Islam 313 
Lebanon 442 
martyrdom 359 
Twelve-Imam Shiism 681 
holidays 3Q5-3Q6 
camel 1 28 
CIE 169 
creation 171 
feasting 234 
food and drink 238 
Ghadir Khumm 257 
hajj 282 
Id al-Adha 342 
Id al-Filr 342 
Navruz 524-526 
holy books xxiv-xxv. 306-309. 

307. 309. 482. 520 
honor and shame 309 
horse j jg, 309-3 L Q, 4 U zQ* 
houri 246,310-311,458 
House of Islam. See Jar al-lslam 
and Jar al-harb 
House of war. See Jar al-lslam 
and Jar al-harb 
houses 311, 311-313, 561 
hujja 313-314 
human rights 314-315 

Abou El Fadl, Khaled 8 
apostasy 48 
circumcision 149 
crime and punishment 174 
ethics and morality 217 
Jamaat-i Islami 388 
justice 418 

Khomeini, Ruhollah 33i> 
Libya 333 

Mernissi. Fatima 471 
MPAC 508 
renewal and reform 
movements 589 
Salafism 602 
Saudi Arabia 608 
student 634 
sunna 646 

Husayn, Saddam xlviiic, 

Baath Parly 8L 82 
Baghdad 83 
children L37 
comic strips and comic 
books 159 

Daawa Party of Iraq 179 
fidai 238 
flag 244-245 
Gulf Stales 271 
Gulf Wars 273-277 
Iran 364 
Iraq 370.371 
Khomeini. Ruhollah 436 

Mujahid in-j Khalq 499 
oil 533 
OPEC 533 
pan-lslamism 536 
refugees 583 
Shiism 627 
Syria 650 

Twelve- Imam Shiism 681 
Husayni, Muhammad Amin al- 
317-318. 714 

Husayn ibn Ali, Sharif of Mecca 
xlvc, 318-319 
Cairo 123 
death 186 

Hashimite dynasty 295 
Karbala 422-424 
sayyid 609 
suicide 642 

Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib 
xxxviiic, 319 
Adam and Eve 12 
ahl al-bayl 23 
Ashura 67 
filna 241 
holidays 306 
horse 310 

Husayn iyya 320, 321 
Mahdi .337 
Muharram 498 
Wahhabism 705 
Husayn iyya 319-321 ,320 
Hussein. Saddam. See Husayn, 

hypocrites 321-322 


I bad iyya 270, 323-324, ±31 

Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 

Muhammad xliiic, 324-325 
Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud 2 
Bedouin 99 

Faysal ibn Abd al-Aziz Al 
Saud 233 

Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad 340 
al-Qaida 565 
renewal and reform 
movements 588 
shaykh 623 
tawhid 665 
ulama 684 
Wahhabism 704, 705 
ziyara 724 

Ibn al-Arabi, Muhyi al-Din xlic, 

Abu Zayd, Nasr Hamid 10 
creation 173 
Ibn al-Farid. Abu Hafs 
Umar 329 
Joseph 308 
Khadir 429 

Khomeini, Ruhollah 434 

738 Encyclopedia of Islam 

Ibn al-Arabi, Muhyi al-Din 

Perfect Man 549 
philosophy 554 
renewal and reform 
movements 588 
revelation 591 
Sirhindi, Ahmad 629 
soul and spirit 633 
wall 707 

Ibn al-Bawwab, Abu al-Hasan 
Ali 328 

Ibn al-Farid, Abu Hafs Umar 

Ibn Battuta, Abu Abd Allah 
Muhammad al-Lawati xliic, 
is. 12. 159, 330. 672. 689 

Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad xxxvix, 
hadith 2Z9 

Hanbal i Legal School 288 
ijtihad 3_46 
imam 348 
Mutazili School 512 
Shafii, Muhammad ibn Idris 
a!- 616 
tawhid 665 
theology 668 

Ibn Hazm, Ali ibn Ahmad ibn 
Said xlc, 2LL 331-332 

Ibn Idris, Ahmad 332 

Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad 254, 
332-333, 429. 470. 491,494. 

Ibn Kathir, Imad al-Din Ismail 
ibn Umar 33 3-3 34.340 

Ibn Khaldun, Abd al-Rahman 
ibn Muhammad xliic, 99, 

151. 214, 334-335 

Ibn Muqla, Abu Ali Muhammad 
328. 335-336 

Ibn Rushd, Muhammad xlic, 
336, 336-338, 337 
Almohad dynasty 37 
Europe 219 

Ghazali, Abu Hamid al- 262 
Ibn al-Arabi, Muhyi al- 
Din 326 
justice 417 
Mudejar 487 
philosophy 354 
theology 669 

Ibn Saud, Abd al-Aziz. See Abd 
al-Aziz ibn Saud 

Ibn Sina, Abu Ali al-Husayn 
xlc, 338-339. 555 
creation 1 73 
Europe 219 

Farabi, Abu Nasr al- 225 
kafir 422 
Mullah Sadra 501 
philosophy 554 
science 610 
soul and spirit 633 

Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad xlic, 339-340 
bidaa 101 

Hanbali Legal School 288 
Ibn Kathir, Imad al-Din 


intercession 361 
Jahiliyya 387 
miracle 476 
philosophy 554 
Rashid Rida, Muhammad 

theology 669 
ulama 684 
Usama bin Ladin 698 
wal i 708 
ziyara 724 

Ibn Tumart, Muhammad 36, 
340-341, 665 

Ibrahim ibn Adham 1 16, 341 
Id al-Adha 9, UL 234. m 
282, 30 342. 7.2 
Id al-Fitr 342-343 
calendar 124 
feasting 234 
food and drink 248 
holidays 305 
moon 479 
MPAC 509 
Ramadan 580 
women 712 

idolatry 343-344 Sec also shirk 
Abraham 9 
bidaa 101 
Black Stone 108 
blasphemy 108 
Jesus 39Z 

Judaism and Islam 409 
kafir 420-421 
saint 599 
Satan 604 
Satanic Verses 605 
shahada 618 
shirk 627 
Sufism 639 
umma 688 
Wahhabism Z04 
Idris (prophet) 344-345. 428 
ijmaa 239, 345-346. 346, 417, 
45JL 679 

imam xxv-xxvi, 347-348 
ayatollah 78 
Babism 82-83 
Bahai Faith 85 
batin 95 
bidaa 101 
Bohra 111 
education 208 
eschatology 214 
Ghadir Khumm 257 
ghayba 259 

Ghazali, Ahu Hamid al- 262 
Gulen, Fethullah 268 

Gulf States 272 
hadith 279 
holidays 306 
holy books 307 
houses 313 
hujja 313 
Ibadiyya 323,, 324 
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. 

Muhammad 325 
idolatry 343-344 
Jaafar al-Sadiq 386 
minbar 475 

Muhammad al-Mahdi 497 
prayer 558 
Satanic Verses 606 
Twelve-Imam Shiism 

United States 693 
Wahhabism 704 
ivuluyu 707 
Yemen 716 
Zaydi Shiism 720 
Ziyara 723 

India xxvii, xxxi-xxxii, xlic. 
xliic, xltiic, xlivc, xlvic, 348- 
358, 349, 355 
African Americans, Islam 
among 17 
Ahmadiyya 24 
Ahmad Khan, (Sir) Sayyid 

AIML 35,36 
Ajmer 26 
Aligarh 32 
asceticism 66 
Aurangzcb 69-70 
Ayodhya 78-79 
Azad. Abu al-Kalam Z9 
Bangladesh 86, 88 
Barclwi, Sayyid Ahmad 92 
Bimni, Abu Ravhan al- 107 
Bohra ill 

Buddhism and Islam 116 
cinema 147-148 
Dara Shikoh 183 
Delhi 186-188 
Deoband 191-192 
divorce 200 
Emigrants 213 
Faraizi Movement 226 
Fatiha 230 
food and drink 249 
Fyzee, Asaf Ali Asghar 

Gandhi, Mohandas 
Karamchand 255-256 
Hijra 299 

Hinduism and Islam 
holidays 306 
houses 312 
Islam 373 

Jinnah. Muhammad Ali 

400 = 4 0 1 

Kashmir 425-427 
Khilafat Movement 432 
Mawdudi, Abu al-Ala 

Mughal dynasty 488 
pan-Islamism 546 
Persian language and 
literature 550-552 
purdah 561 
refugees 583=584 
secularism 610 
Tablighi Jamaat 651 
World Muslim Congress 

Indian National Congress (INC) 
25, 35, 255, 355-356, 389, 
100=401. 433 

Indonesia xxv, xxvii, xliiic, xlvc. 
xlvic, 358-360 
birth control and family 
planning 104 
food and drink 250 
Hinduism and Islam 302 
houses 312 
politics and Islam 556 
al-Qaida 566 

intercession 360-361 . 413. 

423. 476 548, 708 

International Muslim Society. 

See later Federation of Islamic 
Associations (FIA) 

Iqbal, Muhammad xlvic, 356- 
357, 361-362,401.463,541. 
555. 660 

Iran xxv, xxvi, xxxi, xliic. xlivc, 
xlvc. xlvic. xlviic. 362-364, 

Abbasid Caliphate 1 
Afghani, Jamal al-Din 
al- 14 

archaeology 59 
Babism 82-83 
Bahai Faith 85 
Baqli. Ruzbihan 91 
bazaar 98 
biography 103 
birth control and family 
planning 105 
cinema 146-147 
Constitutional Revolution 
16 4- 165 

Fadlallah, Muhammad 
Husayn 222 
fidai 238 
flag 244 

Hanbali Legal School 288 
Harun al-Rashid 293 
Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin 296 
hijab 297 
Hizbullah 305 
holidays 306 
houses 313 
human rights 315 
Husayniyya 321 

Index 739 

Iraq 367 
madrasa 447 
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 

mujahid 499 
mullah 301 

People of the Book 548 
politics and Islam 556 
Qajar dynasty 567 
RP 583 

Shariati, Ali 621 
Turkish language and 
literature 675 
Westernization 710 
Iranian hostage crisis (1979- 
1980) 364, 366, 537 
Iranian Revolution (1978-1979) 
xxii, 365-367 
anti-Semitism 47 
constitutionalism 163 
Daawa Parly of Iraq 179 
Gulf Slates 271 
Hizbullah 303 
Husayn, Saddam 316 
Husayniyya 321 
Islam 325 
Mahdi 448 
Moses 484 
mujahid 500 
Mujah i din-i Khalq 499 
Muslim Brotherhood 508 
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein 519 
oil 533 

politics and Islam 556 
student 634 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 679, 

I ran- Iraq War (1980-1988) 
xlviic, 273-27 4, 315. 316, 
Iraq xxv, xxvi, xlivc, xlvc, 
xlviiic, 367-372 
Abbasid Caliphate 1 
anti-Semitism 47 
Arah-lsraeli conflicts 56 
Arab League 52 
archaeology 59, 60 
Baath Party 81-82 
Babism 82 
Baghdad 83-84 
Bahai Faith 85 
books and bookmaking 

Daawa Parly of Iraq 
democracy 190 
flag 244-245 
Hanafi Legal School 287 
harem 291-292 
Hashimite dynasty 295 
Hizb al-Tahrir al-Islami 

holidays 306 
houses 313 

Husayn, Saddam 315=312 
Husayn ibn Ali 318 
Iran 364 

Iranian Revolution (1978- 
1979) 366 
Ismaili Shiism 322 
Israel 383 
mujahid 499 
Mujahidi n-i Khalq 500 
People of the Book 548 
al-Qaida 565 
suicide 642 
Islam 372-375 

defined xxii-xxv 
Islamic Group. See l amaat-i 

Islamic law. See fiqh; sharia 
Islamic Resistance Movement. 
Sec Hamas 

Islamic Society of North 
America (ISN A) xlviic, 130, 
375-376. 695 
Islamism 88-89.321-322, 
326=322, m 615, 657, 669 
Ismaili Shiism xxvi, xxxii, 
apostasy 48 
hatin 95 
Bohra ill 

Brethren of Purity 115 
dumvci 1Z2=178 
Delhi Sultanate 189 
Fatimid dynasty 232 
Fyzee, Asaf Ali Asghar 

ghayba 260 
hujja 313-314 
India 350 
Moses 483 
Shiism 625 

Israel xxvii, xlvic, xlviic. xlviiic, 
anti-Semitism 47 
Aqsa Mosque 49 
Arab-lsraeli conflicts 56 
Arab League 52 
Camp David accords 
dialogue 192 
Dome of the Rock 202 
flag 244 
Hamas 286 
Hizh al-Tahrir al-Islami 

Hizbullah 304.305 
houses 312 
Iraq 370 

Judaism and Islam 413 
Moses 482 

Muhammad Ali dynasty 


mujahid 499 

Muslim Brotherhood 508 
Palestine 543 

PLO 544 
Taliban 659 
World Muslim Congress 

Istanbul xliic, 383-385, 384, 
4Z± 488 


Jaafar al-Sadiq xxxvix, 386- 
387. - 620, 624, 652, 


Jahiliyya 59, m 387-388. 398 
la maat-i lslami xlvic, 388-389 
Abd al-Rahman, Umar 4 
Afghan mujahidin 16 
Bangladesh 88 
Gulf Wars 225 
Hijra 300 
India 351 
Islamism 326 
jizya 403 

Mawdudi. Abu al-Ala 
Pakistan 542 
pan- Islamism 546 
Rahman. Fazlur 579 
Salafism 602 
sunna 646 
lafsir 655 

Tanzccm-c lslami 660 
Jamiyyat Ulama.--i Hind 389, 

389, 462 

Jamiyyat Llama-i Islam (JUI) 
389, 389-390, 658 
Janissary xlivc. 99, 390-391, 


Jerusalem xxxviic, xlc, xlic, 

391, 391-396. 392m 
Aqsa Mosque 49 
Crusades 1 75 
David 185 

Dome of the Rock 201. 

20 2 

Hashimite dynasty 295 
houses 313 

Husayni, Muhammad Amin 
al- 312 
Iraq 368 
Israel 380, 381 
Judaism and Islam 410 
Judgment Day 413 
Night Journey and Ascent 

OIC 535 
Oslo Accords 538 
qibla 568-569 
Rabia al-Adawiyya 529 
Salad in 600 
Jesus 39.6=397 
agriculture 22 
ah I al-bayt 23 
Allah 34 

anthropomorphism 45 

Antichrist 46 
aya 22 
Cairo 122 

Christianity and Islam 141 
covenant 1 70 
David 185 

Dome of the Rock 202 
faith 223 
Gabriel 254 
Ghulam Ahmad 264 
Gospel 266 
Haqqani, Muhammad 
Nazim al- 290 
Hijra 298 
holy books 308 
Jerusalem 391 
John the Baptist 403-404 
Judgment Day 413 
kafir 421 
Khadir 428 
Mary 460 

Night of Destiny 529 
People of the Book 548 
prophets and prophethood 

revelation 589 
shirk 627 
soul and spirit 632 
jihad xxvii, 397=399 

Abd al-Rahman, Umar 4 
Afghan mujahidin 16 
Barelwi, Sayyid Ahmad 

Chiragh Ali 139 
Christianity and Islam 143 
dreams 203 
ethics and morality 217 
Ghazali, Zaynab al- 263 
Gulf Wars 275=277 
Hekmatyar. Gulbuddin 296 
Hijra 300 

Hizb al-Tahrir al-lslami 

houri 311 
Ibn Ahd al-Wahhab, 
Muhammad 325 
Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad 340 
ijtihad 346 
Islam 373 
Libya 443 

martyrdom 458, 459 
mujahid 498,499 
Muslim Brotherhood 507 
PLO 544 
al-Qaida 564 
Qutb, Sayyid 576 
renewal and reform 
movements 587, 588 
Sadat, Muhammad Anwar 
al- 592=598 
Safavid dynasty 598 
Saladin 6Q1 
Saudi Arabia 607 

740 Encyclopedia of Islam 

jihad ( continued ) 
sermon 612 
Sokoto Caliphate 630 
Sufism 610 
suicide 612 
Taliban 659 
terrorism 667 
Twelve-Imam Shiism 680 
Umar Tal 686 
Usama bin Ladin 697-698 
Usman Dan Fodio 700 
Wahhabism 705 
jihad movements xxvi-xxvii, 
399-100, 41±, 481 585, 

Jinnah, Muhammad Ali xlvic, 
400 r 100-102 
AIML 35-36 
Gandhi, Mohandas 
Kara me hand 255 
Hinduism and Islam 30i 
holidays 306 
India 355,357 
Iqbal, Muhammad 362 
Pakistan 5U 

jinni 133, 313-314, 102, 601 
jizya 102-103 
John the Baptist 103-101 
Jordan xlvic, 101-108, 405 
Arab-lsraeli conflicts 56 
Bedouin 98 

Hashimite dynasty 291-29 5 
horse 310 
houses 312 
human rights 313 
Husayn ibn Ali 318 
PLO 511 

Joseph 203, 108=109 
Judaism and Islam xxiv. xxvii. 
xxxi, 109=113 
Abel al-Qadir al-Jilani 1 
Abraham 9 
Adam and Eve 12 
Algeria 31 
Allah 31 

Almohad dynasty 3Z 
alphabet 39 
Andalusia 41. 12 
anti-Semitism 46, 47 
Arabian religions, pre- 
Islamic 52-53 

Arabic language and 

literature 53 
Ashura 67 
blasphemy 108 
Cairo 122 
cemetery 132 
Christianity and Islam 141 
circumcision 149 
covenant 170 
David 183 
dhimmi 194, 195 
dialogue 19-6-197 
dietary laws 198 

Fatimid dynasty 231 
Hagar 281 
Hijra 298 

holy books 306-309 
Israel 380 
Jerusalem 391 
John the Baptist 404 
kafir 121 
madrasa 116 
mawlid 163 
Medina 170 
Morocco 481 
Moses 482, 183 
Muhammad 492. 193 
Muslim Brotherhood 507 
Night of Destiny 529 
qibla 568-569 
revelation 589 
Satan 603 

Sephardic Jews 611-612 
Shiism 623 
soul and spirit 631 
Syria 648 

Judgment Day xxiv, xxvi, 
afterlife 19 
ahl al-bayt 23 
Allah 31 
angel 13 
Antichrist 46 
Black Stone 108 
creation 172 
crime and punishment 

death 185. 186 
eschatology 211 
ghayba 260 
hajy 282 

Hasan al-Basri. al- 294 
intercession 361 
Jerusalem 391, 394 
Judaism and Islam 410 
justice 416 
Mahdi 117 
moon 179 

Muhammad 492. 495 
Nation of Islam 521 
pbuh 548 

prophets and prophethood 

Quran 570, 571 
Satan 603 
sermon 613 
shahada 619 
Shiism 624. 625 
soul and spirit 632 
Torah 671 

Junayd. Abu al-Qasim ibn 
Muhammad ibn al-Junavd 
al-Khazzaz al-Qawariri al- 
xxxvix, 90, 115, 610. 663, 

justice 224.311.116-118. 579 
668, 679 


Kaaba xxxvix, xlc, 119-120 
Abraham 8, 9 
angel 13 

Arabian religions, pre- 
Islamic 52 
bardku 92 
Black Stone 108 
Christianity and Islam 141 
goddess 265 
Hagar 281 
hajj 282 

Hallaj, al-Husayn ibn 
Mansur al- 285 
houses 312 
idolatry 343 
maqam 457 
Mecca 465-468 
paradise 546 
prayer 557 
qibla 568,569 
Quraysh 574 
Rabia al-Adawiyya 578 
shirk 627 
umra 691 
Zamzam 718 
kafir 108. 420-422. 603 
Karbala xltiic. 422-424. 423 
Ashura 67 
horse 310 

Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi 
Talib 319 
Husayniyya 320 
Iranian Revolution (1978- 
1979) 366 
Muharram 498 
Wahhabism 705 
women 712 
Zaynab bint Ali ibn Abi 
Talib 720.721 

Karimov. Islam Abdughanievich 

Kashmir 349. 357, 425-427. 


Ketnal, Mustafa. See Ataturk, 
Mustafa Kemal 
Khadija bint Khuwaylid ibn 
Asad 230, 292, 299, 427- 
428, 491-493, 580 
Khadir 428-430,483 
Khan, Inayat 430. 637-638 
kharaj 430=431 
Khawarij xxxviiic, 431-432 
fitna 241 
heresy 297 
Hijra 299 
justice 417 
kafir 421 

Takfir wa'1-Hijra 657 
Twelve-Imam Shiism 67 7 
umnui 689 

Khilafat Movement 432-433 
Azad, Abu al-Kalam 79 
India 351,356 

Jamiyyat Ulama-i Hind 389 
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 

Mawdudi, Abu al-Ala 462 
pan-Islamism 546 
Khomeini, Ruhollah xlviic, 
xlviiic, 363, 433-437. 434 
authority 74 
blasphemy 109 
Constitutional Revolution 

Daawa Party of Iraq 179 
education 210 
Fadlallah, Muhammad 
Husayn 222 
fiqh 240 
Gulf Wars 273 
Hizbullah 304 
Iran 363 

Iranian Revolution ( 1 978— 
1979) 365-366 
Iraq 370 
Mahdi 448 

Mohammad Rcza Pahlavi 

Moses 484 
mujahid 500 
Mujahidin-i Khaiq 499 
Muslim Brotherhood 508 
Rushdie, Salman 594 
Satanic Verses 606 
Shariat i, Ali 622 
Shiism 626 
Sufism 641 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 679 
Usuli School 699 
Koran. See Quran 
Kulthum, Umm 145, 578 
kuttab 207-208. 437-438. 

634, 684 

Kuwait 57. 153. 271,316. 

534, 5-46 


Latin America 439-440 
law, international 355, 440- 

law, Islamic. See fiqh; sharia 
Lebanon xxvii, xlvc, xlvic, 
xlviiic, 441=442 
anti-Semitism 47 
Arab-lsraeli conflicts 56 
Australia 71 
democracy 190 
Fadlallah, Muhammad 
Husayn 222-223 

Haqqani. Muhammad 
Nazim al- 289 
Hizbullah 304=305 
houses 312, 313 
human rights 315 
Iran 364 
lslamism 376 

Index 741 

mujahid 499 
PL O 544 
al-Qaida 565 
suicide 642 

Libya xlvc, xlvic, xlviic, 443- 
444, 583 

literacy 157, 159, 4418, 444- 
445, 650 


mad rasa 446-447 

Abd al-Qadir al-J ilani 4 
Baghdad 84 
Cairo 123 
cemetery' 03 
Deoband 192 
education 208 
C.hazali, Abu Hamid 
al- 261 

Hanafi Legal School 281 
Hanbali Legal School 288 
Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad 339 
idolatry 343-344 
India 351 
mufti 488 
Sc ljuk dynasty 611 
sermon 613 
shaykh 622 
student 634 
ulama 683 
university 696 

Mahdi xlivc, 447-448, 44S 
Antichrist 46 
Barclwi, Sayyid Ahmad 92 
faith 224 

Fatimid dynasty 231 
ghayba 260 
Ghulam Ahmad 263 
Haqqani. Muhammad 
Nazim al- 290 
hujja 313 

Ibn Tumart, Muhammad 
340-34 1 

jihad movements 39 9 
Mahdiyya movement 448 
Muhammad al -Mahdi 49.7 
mujahid 500 
renewal and reform 
movements 586 
Safavid dynasty 598 
Saudi Arabia 608 
Sudan 636 
Sufism 640 
walaya 707 

Mahdiyya movement 448-449 

Majnun and Layla 44 9-450, 

Malamati Sufis 450 

Malaysia xlvic, 117-118, 184. 
25G. 312, 450-453, 451 

Malcolm X xlviic, 18, 453. 

453-454. 522 

Malik ibn Anas xxxvix, 

454- 455 
Deoband 192 

Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad 


Jaafar al-Sadiq 386 
Maliki Legal School 455 
Medina 420 

Shafii, Muhammad ibn Idris 
al- 616 
sunna 645 

Maliki Legal School xxv, 

455— 456 
abortion 7 
customary law 126 
divorce 200 

Fez 236 
fiqh 239 
Granada 2o8 
Gulf States 221 
Hijra 299 

Ibn Khaldun. Abd al- 
Rahman 334 
Ibn Rushd, Muhammad 

Ibn Tumart, Muhammad 

Libya 443 
Malik ibn Anas 454 
Sokoto Caliphate 630 
sunna 645 
Tunisia 672 
West Africa 209 
mamluk 456 
maqam 457, 599 
martyrdom xxvi, 457—460 
Ali ibn Abi Talib 33 
Ashura 67 
death 186 
houri 311 

Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi 
Talib 319 
Husayniyya 321 
Ibadiyya 32 3- 32 4 
Iranian Revolution (1978- 
1979) 366 
Karbala 423 
al-Qaida 564 
shahada 619 
Shiism 624 
suicide 642 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 677 
Marx. Karl 160.621 
Mary 22. 397. 460-461. 559- 
560, 627, 632. 712 
mathematics 1 16. 208. 461— 
462, 569, 610 

Mawdudi. Abu al-Ala xlvic. 

Afghan mujahidin 16 
Ghannoushi. Rashid 
al- 259 

lamaat-i Islami 388 
kafir 422 

lafsir 6 55 

Tanzeem-e Islami 660-661 
lawhid 666 
ulama 685 
mawlid 464 — 165 
Mecca xxiii, xxv, xxix, xxxii, 
xxxviic, xliiic. xlviic, 465- 
469, 466 
angel 43 

Arabian religions, pre- 
Islamic 52 
Arafat 52 
Bedouin 99 
Black Stone 108 
calendar 124 
cities 150 
Cordoba 168 
Emigrants 213 
ethics and morality 215 
Fatiha 229 
Five Pillars 243 
funerary rituals 251 
Hagar 281 
hajj 281=283 
Hanbali Legal School 288 
Hashimitc dynasty 294, 

Hijra 298.299 
houses 312 
Husayn ibn Ali 318 
hypocrites 321,322 
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 
Muhammad 324 
Ibn al-Arabi, Muhyi al- 
Din 326 

Ibn Hanbal. Ahmad 330 
Ibn Ishaq. Muhammad 


Ibrahim ibn Adham 341 
Id al-Adha 342 
Jerusalem 391 
Judaism and Islam 410 
Kaaba 419=420 
Malcolm X 454 
mihrab 473 
mosque 484 
Muhammad 491-492 
Night Journey and Ascent 

Night of Destiny 529 
pan-lslamism 545 
prayer 557 
qibla 568. 569 
Quran 521 
Quraysh 574, 525 
Rabia al-Adawiyya 578 
Saudi Arabia 606 
travel 672 
umra 690-691 
Usama bin Ladin 697 
Wahhabism 705 
Yemen 716 
Zamzam 718, 219 
Ziyara 722 

Medina xxiii, xxv, xxix, xxxi, 
xliiic. 46£ 469.-4 7 1 
Ansar 45 

Arabian religions, pre- 
Islamic 53 
Bedouin 99 
calendar 124 
cities 150 

Companions of the Prophet 

Emigrants 213 
Fatiha 229 
Fez 236.237 
Hijra 298,299 
horse 310 
houses 312-313 
Husayn ibn Ali 318 
hypocrites 321.322 
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. 

Muhammad 324 
Iraq 369 
Jerusalem 391 
Judaism and Islam 410 
Malik ibn Anas 454 
Maliki Legal School 455 
mosque 484=486 
Muhammad 493-495 
Night of Destiny 529 
pan-lslamism 545 
People of the Book 548 
qibla 569 
Quran 5ZL 572 
Ramadan 580 
Saudi Arabia 606 
Usama bin Ladin 697 
Wahhabism 705 
Ziyara 722-724 
Mcrnissi, Fatima 103. 242. 

315. 471 

Mevlevi Sufi Order 193, 194, 
471-473 .472. 593. 639 
mihrab 347, 473, 473. 4M, 

557, 568 

minaret 13, 188. iZi 474-475, 
484. 48Z 

mmbar 347, 475-476, 484, 


miracle 91-92. 329. 476-477. 


modernization 5, 283. 297-298. 

316. 7-1-0-213 

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi xlvic, 
Iran 363 

Iranian Revolution (1978- 
1979) 365-366 
Khomeini, Ruhollah 435 
Mujahidin-i Khalq 499 
oil _532 

Shariati, Ali 621 
Twelve-Imam Shiism 680 
Mohammedanism xxiv, 374, 

moon 245, 479-480 


742 Encyclopedia of Islam 

Morocco xxv, xxix, xlc, xliic, 
xlvc, xlvic, -#80, 480-481 
Alawid dynasty 29 
Almohad dynasty 36 
Almoravid dynasty 37 
Fez 236-237 
Ibn Battuta 330 
imam 348 

Mcrnissi, Fatima 471 
Moro National Liberation Front 
481-482, 534, 553 
Moses 482, 482-484 
haraka 92 
boat 110 
covenant 170 
fitna 242 
Hijra 298 

holy books 307, 308 
Judaism and Islam 409, 

Khadir 429 
Muhammad 492 
Night Journey and Ascent 

prophets and prophethood 

renewal and reform 
movements 585 
revelation 589 
sunna 645 
Torah 671 
vizier 703 

mosque ISO, 218, 232, 384, 

451, 466, 484-486, 485, 539. 
See also specific mosques, e g.: 
Aqsa Mosque 
bazaar 97 
prayer 558 
Mudejar 42,486-487 
muezzin 13, 101, 474, 487 
mufti 487-488 

Abd al-Qadir al-J ilani 4 
Australia 71 
fatwa 233 
fiqh 240 

Husayni, Muhammad Amin 
al- 317 
Israel 382 
shaykh 623 

Mughal dynasty xxxii, xliic, 
xliiic, xlivc, 488-490, 489 
Akhar 27 
Aurangzeb 69-70 
Bangladesh 87 
Barelwi, Sayyid Ahmad 92 
Chiragh Ali 139 
Chishti Sufi Order 140 
Dara Shikoh 183 
Delhi 187m, 188 
Delhi Sultanate 189 
Ghalih, Mirza Asad Ali 
Khan 258 
ghazal 260 
India 350,353-355 

jizya 403 
kafir 421 

Persian language and 
literature 551 
tafsir 655 
umma 689 

Muhammad (prophet of Islam) 
xxiii-xxvi, xxix, xxxi, xxxiv, 
xxxviic, 490-496, 491 
Abu Bakr 9 
ahl al-bayt 23 
Aisha bint Abi Bakr ibn Abi 
Quhafa 25,26 
Alexander the Great 31 
Ali ibn Abi Talib 33 
Allah 34 
Ansar 45 
Arafat 57 
authority 73 
autobiography 75 
ay a 77 

baqa and fan a 90 
biography 102 
birth control and family 
planning 105 
birth rites 106 
Black Stone 108 
blasphemy 109 
Buraq, al- 118 
calendar 124 
caliph 125 
caliphate 126 
camel 1 28 

children 136 
Chiragh Ali 139 
Chishti Sufi Order 139 
circumcision 149 
cities 150 

comic strips and comic 
books 160 

Companions of the Prophet 

constitutionalism 162 
conversion 165 
creation 171 

crime and punishment 174 
dar al-Islam and dar al - 
harb 182 
Dar ul-Arqam 184 
death 186 
dialogue 196 
divorce 199 
dog 201 

Dome of the Rock 201 
dreams 202 
East Africa 206 
education 208 
Emigrants 213 
ethics and morality 216 
faith 223 
Fatiha 229 
Fatima 230 

food and drink 246-248 
Gabriel 254-255 

genealogy 72f 
Ghadir Khumm 257 
Ghulam Ahmad 263-264 
ghulat 264 
goddess 265 
Gospel 266 

government, Islamic 266 
hadith 278,280 
Hagar 281 
hajj 281,282 
Haqqani, Muhammad 
Nazim al- 289, 290 
harem 292 

Hashimite dynasty 294 
heresy 296 
Hijra 298-299 
holidays 306 
holy books 308 
horse 310 
houses 312-313 
Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi 
Talib 319 

hypocrites 321,322 
Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad 

Ibn Kathir, lmad al-Din 

Idris 345 
i jmaa 345 
Israel 380 
Jaafar al-Sadiq 386 
Jahiliyya 387 
Jerusalem 391,394 
Jesus 397 
jihad 398 
jinni 402 
Joseph 408 

Judaism and Islam 409-413 
justice 416 
kafir 420-422 
Khadija bint Khuwaylid ibn 
Asad 427-428 
Libya 443 
literacy 444-445 
Mahdi 447 
martyrdom 458 
mawlid 464, 465 
Mecca 465, 466 
Medina 470 
Mernissi, Fatima 471 
minaret 474 
minbar 475 
miracle 476 
Mohammedanism 477 
moon 479 
Moses 482-483 
mosque 484 

Naqshbandi Sufi Order 517 
Night Journey and Ascent 
OIC 535 
pan-Islamism 545 
pbuh 547-548 
People of the Book 548 

Perfect Man 549 
prayer 557 
prayer beads 558-559 
prophets and prophethood 

Qadiri Sufi Order 563 
qibla 569 
Quran 570-573 
Quraysh 574, 575 
Rahman, Fazlur 579 
Ramadan 580 
Rashid Rida, Muhammad 

renewal and reform 
movements 585-586 
revelation 589-591 
Rifai Sufi Order 592 
Rushdie, Salman 594 
Satanic Verses 605-606 
sermon 612 

Shafii, Muhammad ibn Idris 
al- 616 
shahada 618 
sharia 620 
shaykh 622 
Shiism 623, 624 
shirk 627 
slaver)' 630 
Sokoto Caliphate 630 
suicide 642 
sunna 644-646 
Syria 647 
tafsir 652 
tariqa 663 
travel 672 
ulama 683 

Umar ibn al-Khaltab 685 
Umar Tal 686 
umma 688, 689 
veil 702 
walaya 707 
women 711, 712 
Zaynab bint Ali ibn Abi 
Talib 720 
Ziyara 722-724 
Muhammad, Elijah 

African Americans, Islam 
among 17, 18 
Daoud Ahmed 182 
Farrakhan, Louis 227 
Malcolm X 453-454 
Nation of Islam 520-524 
prophets and prophethood 

United States 694 
Muhammad Ali dynasty 496, 

Muhammad al-Mahdi 497 
Muhammad ibn Saud 556, 705 
Muharram 67, 235. 498 
mujahid 16-17,487,498-499, 
564, 698 

Mujahidin-i Khalq 161, 366, 

Index 743 

mujtahid 179, 346-347. 434. 

mullah 501 
Mullah Sadra 501,555 
murid 502, 619, 637. 663 
Mu rich Sufi Order 502-503 
Murjia 503, 668 
murshid 503-504. 506 
music 504-505 ,505 
Ajmer 26 
arabesque 50 
Chishli Sufi Order 140 

ghaztil 260 
Khan, Inayat 430 
Naiion of Islam 521 
Nizam al-Din Awliya 530 
qawwali 567-568 
Sufi Movement 637 
Sufi Order International 

Umm Kullhoum 690 
Muslim Brotherhood xlvc, xlvic, 

Abduh, Muhammad o 
anti-Semitism 47 
Arab-Israeli conflicts 56 
Arafat, Yasir 58 
Baath Party 82 
Banna, Hasan al- 88-89 
civil society 153 
colonialism 157 
democracy 191 
dhimmi 195 
Egypt 212 
Ghannoushi, Rashid 
al- 259 

Ghazali. Zaynab al- 262 
Gulf States 221 
Gulf Wars 275 
Hamas 285-286 
Hizb al-Tahrir al-lslami 

Islamism 376 
Jahiliyya 388 
jizya 403 
Jordan 406 

Nasir, Jamal Abd al- 518 
Qutb, Sayyid 576-577 
renewal and reform 
movements 588 
Sadat, Muhammad Anwar 
al- 597 
Salafism 602 
Shaarawi, Muhammad al- 
Sudan 636 
sunna 646 
lafsir 655 

Takfir wal-Hijra 657 
Tunisia 673 
Usama bin Ladin 698 
Wahhabism 706 
Muslim Public Affairs Council 
(MPAC) 169, 508=509 

Muslim Students Association 
(MSA) 130,236,375, 509- 

Muslim World League xlvic, 57, 
511, 546, 595, 608, 689 
Mutazili School xxxvix. 511 — 


anthropomorphism 45 
Ashari School 66 
fate 229 

Hasan al-Basri, al- 294 

Ibadiyya 323 

Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad 

miracle 476 
philosophy 555 
Shiism 626 
theology 668 
Twelve-Imam Shiism 679 
muwahhidun. See Wahhabism 


names of God 35.139-140, 

372, 515-517. 5161. 558 
Naqshbandi Sufi Order 517-518 
Afghanistan 15 
Bukhara 117 
dialogue 197 
Gulen, Fethullah 268 
Haqqani, Muhammad 
Nazim al- 289-290 
Malamati Sufis 450 
renewal and reform 
movements 588 
Shamil 619 

Sirhindi, Ahmad 628-629 
Sufism 640 

Nasir. Jamal Abd al- xlvic. 
xlviic. 518-519 
Arab League 57 
Azhar. al- 80 
comic strips and comic- 
books 159 
Egypt 212 

Faysal ibn Abd al-Aziz Al 
Saud 234 

Ghazali, Zaynab al- 262 
Husayn, Saddam 316 
Libya 444 
Literacy 445 
Moses 484 

Muhammad Ali dynasty 

Muslim Brotherhood 506, 

OIC 535 
PLO 544 
al-Qaida 564. 565 
Qutb, Sayyid 576 
renewal and reform 
movements 588 
Sadat. Muhammad Anwar 
al- 592 

Shaarawi. Muhammad 
al- 614 

Takfir wal-Hijra 657 
Nasr, Scyyed Hossein 519-520, 

Nasser, Gamal Abdel. Sec Nasir. 
Jamal Abd al- 

Nation of Islam xlviic, 520- 

African Americans, Islam 
among L7, 18 
anti-Semitism 47 
Bilal 102 
Canada 130 
Daoud Ahmed 182 
Farrakhan, Louis 226=227 
Malcolm X 453=454 
prophets and prophclhood 

United States 694 
Navruz 306, 524. 524-526 
Neoplatonism 89-90, 116, 173, 
225, 338-339, 378. 631 
Nepal 526-527 
New Testament 254, 265-266. 

307-309. 413. 482, 589, 603 
New Zealand 527-528 
Night Journey and Ascent 

528- 529 
angel 43 

Aqsa Mosque 49 

Bistami, Abu Yazid al- 107 

Buraq, al- 118 

dreams 203 

Europe 219 

holidays 306 

horse 310 

Idris 345 

Israel 381 

Jerusalem 391,394 

Moses 483 

Muhammad 492 

paradise 547 

revelation 590 

tafsir 652 

Night of Destiny 254, 306. 308. 

529- 530, 572, 580, 632 
9/11. See September 1_L 3001 

terrorist attacks 
Nizam al-Din Awliya xlic, 188. 

530- 531, 552 


October War. See Arab-lsraeli 
War (1973) 
oil xlvc. 532-533 

Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud 2 
Baghdad 84 

Faysal ibn Abd al-Aziz Al 
Saud 234 

Gulf Stales 272-273 
Gulf Wars 274.277 
Iran 363 

Iranian Revolution (1978- 
1979) 365 
Iraq 367,370.371 
Islam 374 
kafir 422 
Libya 444 

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 

OPEC 533.-534 
Orientalism 537 
al-Qaida 565 
Salafism 602 
Saudi Arabia 606 
Wahhabism 706 
Operation Iraqi Freedom, See 
Gulf War (Iraq War, 2003- ) 
Organization of Petroleum 
Exporting Countries (OPEC) 
532-533, 513-534, 607 
Organization of the Islamic 
Conference (OIC) xlviic, 
534-535, 546. 608, 689, 714 
Orientalism 536-538 
colonialism 158 
Fyzce, Asaf Ali Asghar 253 
hadith 280 
India 355 
Islam 374 
Jahiliyya 387 
Jamaat-i Islami 388 
Jerusalem 394 
jihad 397=399 
jihad movements 399 
jinni 492 

John the Baptist 404 
Joseph 498 

Judaism and Islam 409- 

Judgment Day 413 
justice 416-417 
literacy 444 
names of God 515 
Nasr. Seyycd Hossein 519 
Naiion of Islam 520. 523 
Navruz 525 

Night Journey and Ascent 

Night of Destiny 529 
Nizam al-Din Awliya 530 
qibla 569 
Quraysh 575 
Rahman, Fazlur 579 
Ramadan 580 
Rashid Rida. Muhammad 

revelation 589-590 
Salafism 601 
Satan 603=605 
Satanic Verses 605-606 
ulama 683 
umm a 688 
United States 693 
Usuli School 699 
Uthman ibn Affan 700 

744 Encyclopedia of Islam 

Orientalism (continued) 
veil 1 Q2 
vizier 703 
women 7 1 1 
Yemen 716 

Oslo Accords 38, 383. 538, 

Ottoman Empire xxix, xliic, 
xlivc, 538-540, 539 
Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal 

Azhar, al- 80 
Baghdad 84 
Bosnia and Herzegovena 

Cairo 123 
caliphate 126 
Chiragh Ali 139 
colonialism 156 
constitutionalism 163 
Europe 218 
food and drink 249 
Funj Sultanate 232 
Hanbali Legal School 288 
Husayn ibn Ali 318 
Iqbal, Muhammad 362 
Iraq 369 
Islam 373 
Israel 381,382 
Istanbul 384 
Janissary 390 
Jerusalem 396 
Jordan 405-406 
Judaism and Islam 412 
Latin America 439 
Lebanon 441 
Libya 443 
mad rasa 446-447 
minaret 474-475 
mufti 488 
music 504 
Palestine 543 
pan-Islamism 545 
Qadiri Sufi Order 563-564 
Saudi Arabia 607 
Sephardic Jews 612 
student 634 
Syria 648 
Tanzimat 661-662 
umma 689 
Westernization 111) 

Yemen 716 


Pakistan xxv, xxvii. xlvic, 

Afghan mujahidin 16, L7 
Ahmadiyya 24 
Ahmad Khan, (Sir) Sayyid 

AIML 35,36 
alphabet 39 
Awami League 76 

Bangladesh 88 
birth control and family 
planning 104 
Buddhism and Islam 116 
cinema 147 
Gandhi, Mohandas 
Karamchand 256 
Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin 296 
Hijra 299 
Hinduism and Islam 
holidays 306 
India 349,350,356-358 
Iqbal, Muhammad 361- 

Islam ism 376 
lamaat-i Islami 388 
Jamiyyat LJlama-i Islam 

Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 401 
Kashmir 425-427 
madrasa 447 
Mawdudi, Abu al-Ala 463 
minaret 475 
Persian language and 
literature 550 
purdah 561 
al-Qaida 564 
renewal and reform 
movements 587, 588 
Taliban 657-659 
World Muslim Congress 

Palestine 542-543 
Arafat. Yasir 58 
birth rites 106 
democracy 190 
dialogue 197 
Dome of the Rock 202 
Hashimite dynasty 293 
houses 312 

Husayni, Muhammad Amin 
al- 317-318 
Israel 379.382 
Judaism and Islam 413 
mujahid 499 
PLO 544 
al-Qaida 363 

Palestine Liberation 

Organization (PLO) xlviiic, 
Arafat, Yasir 58 
fidai 238 
Hamas 286 
Israel 382,383 
Jordan 407 
Lebanon 442 
Libya 444 

Muslim Brotherhood 508 
Oslo Accords 538 
Palestine 543 
Syria 647 

pan-Islamism 178. 351. 432, 
433. 511. 545-546, 592, 680 

paradise xxix, 546-547 
afterlife 19 
agriculture 22 
ahl ul -bay t 23 
angel 43 
architecture 60 
baqa and Jana 90 
covenant 170 
death 186 
eschatology 214 
ethics and morality 213 
Fatima 230 
Gabriel 254 
houri 310-311 
houses 313 
Idris 344 
Islam 372 
Judgment Day 413 
martyrdom 458 
Night Journey and Ascent 

pbuh 547 
Satan 603-604 
soul and spirit 632 
suicide 642 
umra 691 
pbuh 547-548 
Pentagon attack (9/1 1/2001). 
See September 2001 , 
terrorist attacks 
People of the Book 548-549 
Christianity and Islam 

haram 291 

holy books 308, 309 

Islam 373 

Jerusalem 394 

Judaism and Islam 410 

kafir 421 

Quran 571.572 

shirk 627 

tawhid 665 

Torah 671 

umma 688 

Perfect Man 35. 326, 435, 495, 

Persian Gulf War (1990-1991). 

Sec Gulf War (1990-1991) 
Persian language and literature 
39. 90. 91. 103, 353, 426. 

petroleum. Sec oil 

Philippines 156-157,481-482, 
552-553, 566 
philosophy 553-555 

Arkoun. Muhammad 61 
ethics and morality 215 
Farabi, Abu Nasr al- 224- 

haqiqa 288-289 
Ibn Hanbal. Ahmad 330- 

Ibn Khaldun, Abd al- 
Rahman 335 

Ibn Rushd, Muhammad 

Ibn Sina, Abu Ali al-Husayn 

Judgment Day 413 
justice 417 
madrasa 446 

Mawdudi, Abu al-Ala 462 
Mutazili School 511 
Nasr, Seyyed Hosscin 519 
Rahman, Fazlur 579 
science 609 
soul and spirit 631 
Pillars of Islam. Sec Five Pillars 
Plato 417. 632 

African languages and 
literatures 18-19 
Arabic language and 
literature 53 
Cordoba 1 68 
education 207 
C.halib, Mirza Asad Ali 
Khan 258 
ghazal 260 
Ibn al-Farid, Abu Hafs 
Umar 328-329 
Iqbal, Muhammad 361 — 

Nizam al-Din Awliya 530 
Rumi, Jalal al-Din 593-594 
Simurgh 628 
Sufism 641 
Yunus Emrc 717 
Political Action Committee 
of Southern California. 

Sec Muslim Public Affairs 

politics and Islam 88-89, 285- 
286. 292, 556-557 
prayer xxiii, 243, 557. 557-558 
adhan 12-13 
Allah 34 
asceticism 65 
Australia 71 
Bamba, Ahmadu 86 
birth rites 106 
blood 110 
daawa 177 
dietary laws 199 
Fatiha 229-230 
Five Pillars 242 
hisba 303 
holidays 306 
holy books 308 
Id al-Adha 342 
Id al-Fitr 343 
imam 347 
intercession 360 
Kaaba 419 
maqam 457 
Mecca 468 
mihrab 473 
mosque 484 

Index 7 45 

muezzin 4SZ 
Night of Destiny 529 
if i Mu 568-569 
Ramadan 580 
sermon 612 
shahada 618 
sunna 645 
urn mu 688 
ziyara 722 

prayer beads 515. 558-559 
prophets and prophethood xxiv, 
559-561, 560 
Abraham 8 
Allah 3_4 

Baqli, Ruzbihan 91 
baraka 91=92 
creation 171 
dhikr 193 
dreams 202 

Ghulam Ahmad 263-264 
holy books 308 
hujja 313 
Idris 344-345 
Khadija bint Khuwaylid ibn 
Asad 428 
Khadir 429 
Muhammad 490-495 
purdah 561-562 


Qadiri Sufi Order 563-564 
Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani 4 
Algeria 32 
Dara Shikoh 183 
Hanbali Legal School 288 
Muridi Sufi Order 502 
Rifai Sufi Order 592 
Sufism 640 
Usman Dan Fodio 700 
al-Qaida xxii, xxvii, xlviiic. 
Afghanistan lo 
Arab-Israeli conflicts 56 
Cairo 122 
Europe 220 
Gulf Wars 2Z7 
Hekinatyar, Gulbuddin 

Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 
Muhammad 325 
Iraq 371 
Islam 375 
Islamism 376 
jihad movements 399 
Orientalism 537 
Pakistan 542 
renewal and reform 
movements 588 
Salafism 602 
Saudi Arabia 608 
suicide 641 
Taliban 658 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 681 

Usama bin Ladin 697-698 
Wahhabism 706 
Yemen 716 

Qajar dynasty xlvc, 164, 567, 

qawwali 26, 140. 567-568 
qibla 568-569 
Quran xxiii-xxvi. 307, 570, 
abortion Z 
Abraham 9 
adab 11 

Adam and Eve 12 
adulter)' LL 14 
afterlife 19 
agriculture 22 
Ahmad Khan, (Sir) Sayyid 

Aisha bint Abi Bakr ibn Abi 
Quhafa 26 

Alexander the Great 30 
Allah 34. 35 
almsgiving 38 
alphabet 39, 40 
angel 42.43 
animals 43-44 
anthropomorphism 45, 46 
apostasy 48 
Arabic language and 
literature 53 
Arafat 57 

Arkoun, Muhammad 62 
Ashari School 66 
authority 73 
aya 12 

baqa and fana 90 
baraka 9 1 -9 2 
basmala 94 
balin 94-95 
Bedouin 98 
birth control and family 
planning 104 
blasphemy 108 
blood 109-1 10 
boat 110 

books and bookmaking 

calendar 125 
camel 1 28 
children 136 
Chiragh Ali 139 
Christianity and Islam 

circumcision 149 
cities 150 
coffee 155 
colonialism 157 
comic strips and comic 
books 160 

Companions of the Prophet 

conversion 165 
covenant 170 
creation 171-173 

crime and punishment 1 74 

customary law 1 76 

daawa HI 

Dar ul-Arqam 184 

David 185 

death 185=186 

dhikr 193 

dietary laws 198 

divorce 199 

dog 20i 

Dome of the Rock 202 
dreams 202. 203 
education 207 
Emigrants 213 
eschatology 214 
ethics and morality 

evil eye 22 1 
faith 223 
fasting 227 
fate 228 
Fatiha 229-230 
Fatima 231 
fatwa 233 
fidai 237 
fiqh 238,239 
Fire 240 
fitna 242 
Five Pillars 242 
folklore 245 
food and drink 246 
funerary rituals 251 
Fyzee, Asaf Ali Asghar 

Gabriel 254 
garden 256 
C.hadir Khumm 257 
Ghannoushi. Rashid 
al- 258 

Gospel 265=266 
Gulcn, Fclhullah 268 
hadith 278=280 
hajj 281 
halal 284 

Hanafi Legal School 287 
Hanbali Legal School 288 
haram 290-291 
hijab 297 
Hijra 299 
hisba 302-303 
Hizbullah 304 
holidays 306 
holy books 307-309 
horse 310 
houri 310 
houses 312 
hujja 313 
human rights 314 
hypocrites 322 
Ibadiyya 323 
Ibn al-Bawwab, Abu al- 
Hasan Ali 328 
Ibn Hazm, Ali ibn Ahmad 
ibn Said 331=332 

Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad 333 
Ibn Kathir, Imad al-Din 


Ibn Muqla, Abu Ali 
Muhammad 335, 336 
Ibn Sina, Abu Ali al-Husayn 

Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad 339 
Ibn Tumart, Muhammad 

idolatry 343-344 
Idris 344 
ijmaa 345 
ijtihad 346 
intercession 360 
Islam 372. 174 
Ismaili Shiism 377 
Israel 380 =381 
Jahiliyya 387 
Jamaat-i Islami 388 
Jerusalem 394 
jihad 397-399 
jihad movements 399 
jinni 402 

John the Baptist 404 
Joseph 408 

Judaism and Islam 409=413 
Judgment Day 413 
justice 416-417 
Kaaba 419 
kafir 420=422 
Khadija bin! Khuwaylid ihn 
Asad 428 
kutlab 437 
literacy 444 
maqam 437 
martyrdom 458 
Mar>' 460 
Mecca 465, 466 
Medina 470 
Mernissi, Fatima 471 
miracle 476 
Mohammedanism 477 
moon 479 
Moses 482,483 
MPAC 509 
Mudejar 486 
mufti 487 

Muhammad 490-495 
Murjia 503 
music 504 
Mutazili School 512 
names of God 515 
Nasr, Scyyed Hossein 519 
Nation of Islam 520, 523 
Navruz 525 

Night Journey and Ascent 

Night of Destiny 529 
Nizam al-Din Awliya 530 
paradise 546, 547 
pbuh 547 

People of the Book 548, 549 

746 Encyclopedia of Islam 

Quran (continued) 
prayer 557 
prayer beads 558 
prophets and prophethood 


purdah 562 
qibla 569 
Quraysh 5 15 
Rahman, Fazlur 5Z9 
Ramadan 580 
Rashid Rida, Muhammad 

renewal and reform 
movements 585-587 
revelation 589-590 
Salafism 601 
Satan 603-605 
Satanic Verses 605-606 
Shaarawi, Huda al- 613 
Shafii, Muhammad ibn Idris 
al- 617 

Shafii Legal School 617 
shahada 618 
sharia 620 
shirk 627 
slavery 629-630 
soul and spirit 631=633 
student 634 
suicide 641,642 
sunna 644-646 
Sunnism 646 
tafsir 652-656 
taqwa 662 
terrorism 667 
Torah 671 
ulama 683 
umma 688 
United States 693 
Usuli School 699 
Uthman ibn Affan 700 
veil Z02 
vizier 703 
Yemen 716 
Quraysh xxix, xxxviic, 

Abu Bakr 9 
Bedouin 98 
Black Stone 108 
Emigrants 213 
goddess 265 

Kaaba 420 

Khadija bint Khuwaylid ibn 
Asad 42Z 
Khawarij 432 
Mecca 467 
Muhammad 491-494 
Satanic Verses 605 
Shiism 624 

Umar ibn al-Khattab 685 
Umayyad Caliphate 687 
Uthman ibn Affan 700 
Qutb, Sayyid xlviic, 576-577 
Afghan mujahidin 16 
Egypt 212 

Ghannoushi, Rashid 
al- 259 

Ghazali, Zaynab al- 262 
Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin 296 
Islam 3Z5 
Jahiliyya 387-388 
jihad 398 
justice 418 
kafir 422 
Khadir 430 

Mawdudi, Abu al-Ala 464 
Moses 484 
mujahid 498 

Muslim Brotherhood 507. 

Nasir. Jamal Abd al- 518 
philosophy 555 
al-Qaida 564. 565 
renewal and reform 
movements 588 
tafsir 655 
tawhid 666 
ulama 685 
Usama bin Ladin 698 


Rabia al-Adawiyya 294, 341. 
426. 528=529 

Rahman. Fazlur xlviiic. 579- 
580. 656 

Ramadan 580=581 
almsgiving 38 
asceticism 65 
Ashura 67 
calendar 124 
cemetery 133 
dietary' laws 199 
fasting 22Z 
Five Pillars 243 
food and drink 248 
haram 290 
holidays 305=306 
Id al-Filr 342-343 
Judaism and Islam 411 
moon 479 
Night of Destiny 529 
umra 691 
women 212 

Rashid Rida. Muhammad xlvc, 

tL 552. 581=582, 600. 655, 

Rcconquista 36, 3 L 142-143. 
167. 236, 455, 583 

Refah Partisi (RP) 268, 582- 
583. 675 

refugees 583=585 

Afghanistan 16 

Cairo 120 
Canada 130 
cinema 147 
Europe 219 
Gulf Wars 276 
Iraq 371 
Jordan 406 

Palestine 543 
Sy ria 647, 650 

renewal and reform movements 

Banna. Hasan al- 88-89 

Bumiputra 118 

Hanbali Legal School 288 

Hijra 299-300 

India 350 

saint 599 

Salafism 601 

Sufism 640 

sunna 646 

Tablighi Jamaat 651 

Taliban 657-659 

Tanzeem-e Islami 660-661 

tanqa 663-664 

tawhid 665 

theology 667-670 

umma 689 

Westernization 710=7-11 
Yemen 715 
revelation 589-591 
Reza Khan. See Rcza Shah 

Rcza Puhlavi. Muhammad. See 
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 
Rcza Shah Pahlavi xlv, xlvic, 
363,435,478. 567, 591-592 
Rifai Sufi Order 193, 592-593 
Rumi. Jalal al-Din xlic, 593. 
dog 201 

Haqqani, Muhammad 
Nazim al- 289 
Joseph 408 
Mevlevi Sufi Order 
Moses 483 
mullah 501 
Persian language and 
literature 551 
Satan 604 
Seljuk dynasty 611 
soul and spirit 633 
Sufism 641 

Rushdie, Salman xlviiic, 48, 
109. 495. 537, 594-596, 


Sacred Mosque. Sec Grand 
Mosque (Mecca) 

Sadat, Muhammad Anwar al- 
xxii, xlviic. 597=598 
Abd al-Rahman, Umar 4 
Camp David accords 
Egypt 212 

Ghazali, Zaynab al- 263 
Ibn Tavmiyya, Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad 340 
Jahiliyya 388 
jihad movements 399 

kafir 422 
Khawarij 432 
Moses 484 

Muslim Brotherhood 507. 

Nasir, Jamal Abd al- 519 
al-Qaida 564 
Qutb, Sayyid 576 
renewal and reform 
movements 598 
Shaarawi, Muhammad 
al- 615 

Safavid dynasty xliic, xliiic, 

Baghdad 84 
Central Asia and the 
Caucasus 134 
Gulf Wars 2Z7 
Husayniyya 320 
Iran 362 
mullah 501 
Mullah Sadra 501 
Shiism 626 
Usuli School 699 
saint xxvi, 598-600. 599 
Salad in xlic. 600=604 
Aqsa Mosque 49 
Cairo 123 

comic strips and comic- 
books 159 
Crusades 175 
Damascus 181 
Dome of the Rock 202 
Egypt 211 
Fatimid dynasty 233 
Israel 381 
Jerusalem 395 
Salafism 601-603 

Abd al-Qadir al-Jazairi 3 
democracy 191 
dreams 203 
miracle 476, 477 
saint 600 
soul and spirit 633 
Wahhabism 706 
Sassanian dynasty 53,291,550 
Satan 603=605 

Adam and Eve 12 

angel 43 

animals 44 

fitna 242 

Hagar 281 

horse 310 

jinni 402 

kafir 421 

paradise 546 

Satanic Verses 605-606 

shavkh 622 

Satanic Verses 343, 605-606 
Saudi Arabia xlvc, 6 0 6 - 6 0 8 
Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud 2=3 
Abou El Fadl. Khaled 8 
Afghan mujahidin 16 
Arab League 57 
Bedouin 98, 99 

Index 747 

birth control and family 
planning 104 
democracy 1 90 
Favsal ibn Abd al-Aziz Al 
Saud 233-234 
flag 244 
hajj 283 

Hanbali Legal School 288 
Hashimite dynasty 293 
hisba 303 
holidays 306 
horse 310 
Husayn ibn Alt 318 
Husayniyya 321 
Ibn Abd al-\Vahhab, 
Muhammad 324-323 
Mecca 468 
Medina 469 

Muslim Brotherhood 506, 

Muslim World League 51 1 
oil 532 
OPEC 534 
politics and Islam 556 
al-Qaida 564, 565 
tawhid 665 
Wahhabism Z04=706 
Zamzam Z19 
ziyara 724 

sayyul 83, 92-93, 530, 609. 716 
science 1 1 6. 208. 519, 609-610 
Second Gulf War (2003- ). See 
Gulf War (Iraq War. 2003- ) 
secularism 610=611 
Baath Party 81 
Ghannoushi, Rashid al- 259 
human rights 323 
Islam 374 
kafir 422 

People of the Book 549 
renewal and reform 
movements 585 
Salafism 601 
Turkey 675 

Seljuk dynasty 61 1 , 717 
Sephardic Jews 42, 381. 540. 


September LL 2001, terrorist 

Abou El Fadl, Khaled 8 
Afghanistan L6 
almsgiving 39 
Arafat, Yasir 58 
CA1R 169 
dialogue 197 
Europe 220 
Gulen, Fethullah 269 
Gulf Wars 276 
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 
Muhammad 325 
Islam 315 

jihad movements 399 
Karimov, Islam 
Abdughanievich 425 
MSA 510 

mujahid 499 
Orientalism 537 
al-Qaida 564. 565 
Ramadan 581 
refugees 584 
Saudi Arabia 608 
suicide 641.642 
United States 691, 695 
Usama bin Ladin 698 
sermon 347, 528, 61 2-613 . 614 
Seven-Imam Shiism see Ismaili 

Shaarawi, Huda 613-614 
Shaarawi. Muhammad al- 
614 = 615 

Shadhili Sufi Order 615-616 
Shafii, Muhammad ibn Idris 
al- xxxvix, 101. 123,239, 

616- 617.617, 645 

Shafii Legal School xxv. xxxvix, 

617- 618 
Cairo 120 
fiqh 1 39 

Ibn Kathir, Imad al-Din 333 
India 350,359 
Israel 381 
Malaysia 451 
Maliki Legal School 455 
Philippines 553 
Shiism 626 
sunna 645 
theology 669 
Shah. Idries 618 
shahada xxiii, 618-619 
shame. See honor and shame 
Shamil 135, 588.619-620 
sharia xxiii, xxv. xxvi, 620- 
62 1 . See also Jar aUlslam and 
ilar al-harb 
abortion 7 
adultery L3 
Akhbari School 27 
almsgiving 38 
apostasy 48 
Aurangzcb 70 
Bangladesh 87-88 
Barelwi, Sayyid Ahmad 93 
bus mal a 94 
blood 109 
caliphate 126 
children 136 
Chiragh Ali 139 
circumcision 149 
colonialism 157 
constitutionalism 163 
ilar al-Islam and ilar al-harb 

dog 201 
Druze 203 
education 208 
Egypt 211 

ethics and morality 216 
fatwa 233 

Fyzee, Asaf Ali Asghar 

government, Islamic 266 
Hamas 286 

Hanbali Legal School 288 
haqiqa 289 
hisba 303 

Hizb al-Tahrir al-Islami 304 
holy books 307 
human rights 314 
Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad 340 
ijmaa 345 
ijtihail 347 
Indonesia 358 
Iran 364 
Islam 373 
Islainism 376 
Jamaat-i Islami 388 
Jamiyyat Llainari Islam 390 
kafir 422 
mufti 487. 488 
Mughal dynasty 489 
mujahul 500 

Muslim World League 51 1 
Naqshbandi Sufi Order 517 
People of the Book 548 
al-Qaida 565 
Quran 572 
renewal and reform 
movements 586 
Rushdie, Salman 595 
Salafism 601 
Saudi Arabia 607. 608 
shahada 619 
Shiism 624 
Sirhindi, Ahmad 629 
Sokoto Caliphate 630 
Sudan 636 
sultan 643 

Tanzeem-e Islami 661 
taqwa 662 
lariqa 663 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 681 
ulama 683 
Wahhabism 705, 706 
Yemen 716 

Shariati, Ali xlviic. 103. 231. 

321, 621-622, 666. 680 

shaykh xxvi, 622-623 

Shiism xxv-xxvi, xxxi, xlviiic. 

62.3-627, 625m 
Afghanistan 15 
Aga Khan 20 
ahl al-bayt 23 
Aisha bint Abi Bakr ibn Abi 
Quhafa 26 
Akbar 27 
Alawi 28 

Ali ibn Abi Talib 33-34 
alphabet 40 
angel 43 
Antichrist 46 
Ashura 67 
Assassins 68 
authority 73 
ayatollah 78 

Babism 82=83 
Baghdad 84 
Bahai Faith 85 
basmala 94 
balm 94-95 
covenant 170 
daami 178 
Daawa Party of Iraq 
democracy 190 
Fadlallah, Muhammad 
Husayn 222-223 
faith 224 
fate 229 
Fatima 230-231 
Fatimid dynasty 231 
feasting 235 
fitna 242 
hadilh 279 

Hanbali Legal School 288 
heresy 297 
Hizbullah 305 
holidays 306 
houses 313 
hujja 313-314 
Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi 
Talib 319 

Husayniyya 320,321 
Ibadiyya 323 
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 
Muhammad 324, 325 
Ibn Hazm, Ali ibn Ahmad 
ibn Said 332 
ijmaa 346 
imam 348 
India 350 
Iran 363 

Iranian Revolution (1978- 
1979) 365 
Iraq 369-371 
Ismaili Shiism 377 
Jaafar al-Sadiq 387 
Karbala 422-424 
Khomeini, Ruhollah 433_, 

Lebanon 442 
Mahdi 447=448 
Malaysia 451 
martyrdom 458, 459 
Mary 460 

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 

Moses 483 
mosque 486 
MSA 510 
mufti 487 
Muhammad 494 
Muhammad al-Mahdi 497 
Muharram 498 
mujahid 500 

Mujahidin-i Khalq 499, 500 
Mullah Sadra 501 
pan-Islamism 545 
prophets and prophethood 

748 Encyclopedia of Islam 

Shiism (continued) 

renewal and reform 
movements 586 
Safavid dynasty 598 
Salafism 602 
Seljuk dynasty 611 
suicide 642 
sultan 643 
Sunnism 646, 647 
la fair 652-656 
Tamerlane 660 
theology 668, 669 
Twelve-Imam Shiism 676, 

Umayyad Caliphate 687 
United States 692 
Wahhabism 704. 705 
walaya 707 
women 712 
Zaydi Shiism 719-720 
Zaynab hint Ali ibn Abi 
Talih 720,721 
ziyara 723-724 

Shirazi, Muhammad ibn Ibrahim 
al-Qawami al-. see Mullah 

shirk 627-628. See also idolatry 
Simurgh 551,628,633 
Sirhindi, Ahmad xliic, 517. 

628-629, 640, 684 
Six-Day War (1967). See Arab- 
Isracli war (1967) 
slavery 101.292, 390,439. 

456, 629-630, 694 
Sokoto Caliphate xliiic, 630-631 
soul and spirit 89-90, 631-633 
Soviet Union 

Afghanistan 15 
Afghan mujahidin Id 
A rab-Isracli conflicts 56 
Armenians 63 
Bukhara 117 
Central Asia and the 
Caucasus 134=135 
Chechnya 135 
communism 160 
Faysal ibn Ahd al-Aziz Al 
Saud 234 

Hckmatyar, Gulbuddin 296 

Husayn, Saddam 316 

Iran 363 

Israel 381,382 

Pakistan 542 

al-Qaida 564, 565 

Syria 649 

student 634 See also education 
Subud 635 

Sudan xliiic, xlivc, 635-637 
Ansar 45 

Funj Sultanate 252 
Mahdiyya movement 448 
mujahid 498 
politics and Islam 556 
al-Qaida 565 

Sufi Movement 37. 637. 638 
Sufi Order International 637. 

637-639, 638 
Sufism xxvi, xxxii, xlic, 
Afghanistan 15 
Ah mad ivy a 24 
Ajmer 26 
Alawi 28 
Algeria 32 
Ali ibn Abi Talib 34 
alphabet 40 
angel 43 
asceticism 66 
authority Z4 
Bamba, Ahmadu 86 
Bangladesh 87 
baqa and {ana 89-90 
Baqli. Ruzbihan *11 
batin 95 

Bawa Muhaiyaddeen 
Fellowship 96 
Bektashi Sufi Order 

biography 103 
Bistami, Abu Yazid al- 107 
Central Asia and the 
Caucasus 134 
conversion 165 
Dar ul-Arqam 184 
Delhi Sultanate 189 
dervish 192-193 
dhikr 193=194 
dialogue 197 
dietary laws 199 
dreams 203 
Ghazali, Abu Hamid 
al- 261 
ghulat 264 
hadilh 27 9-280 
hal 283-284 
Hallaj, al-Husayn ibn 
Mansur al- 285 
Hanbali Legal School 288 
haquja 289 
Haqqani. Muhammad 
Nazim al- 28 9- 2 9 0 
Hasan al-Basri. al- 294 
houri 311 
Husayniyya 320 
Ibn al-Arabi. Muhyi al-Din 

Ibn al-Farid, Ahu Hafs 
Umar 328-329 
Ihn Idris, Ahmad 332 
Ibn Taymiyya. Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad 339-340 
Ibrahim ibn Adham 341 
India 350-351,353.356. 

Iraq 369 

Ismaili Shiism 379 
Kashmir 425 
Malamati Sufis 450 

Malaysia 451 
martyrdom 458 
Mawdudi, Abu al-Ala 462 
mu »vlid 464. 465 
Mecca 467,468 
Mcvlevi Sufi Order 
miracle 476 
Morocco 481 
Moses 483 
Mullah Sadra 501 
murid 502 

Muridi Sufi Order 502 
mursliid 503-504 
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein 519 
Perfect Man 549 
Persian language and 
literature 551 
philosophy 554 
qawwah 567-568 
Quraysh 575 
saint 599 
Salafism 601-602 
Satanic Verses 605 
Shadhih Sufi Order 
Shah. Idries 618 
shaykh 622 

Sirhindi. Ahmad 628-629 
Sufi Order International 
Syria 648 
tariqa 663 
tawhid 665 
lekkc 666 
theology 669 
Twelve-Imam Shiism 679 
United States ('04 
wali 707 
West Africa 7D9 
Zaydi Shiism 720 
Ziyara 722 

suicide 626-627,641-643 
sultan 643-644 
sunna xxv, xxvi, 644-646 
Sunnism xxv. xxvi, xxxi, 

Abbasid Caliphate 1 
Afghanistan 15 
African Americans. Islam 
among L8 
Ahinadiyya 24 
Akbar 27 
Algeria 31 
Ali ibn Abi Talib 33 
angel 43 
Arafat. Yasir 58 
Ashari School 66, 67 
Ashura 67 
Assassins 68 

Australia 71 
Azhar, al- 79 
Bangladesh 86 
basmala 94 

balm 94-95 
Berber 100 
btdaa L0I 
Cairo 110 
Daoud Ahmed LSI 
divorce 200 
Egypt 210 
fitna 242 
Gulf States 173 
hadith 279 
Hanafi Legal School 

Hanbali Legal School 288 
heresy 297 
Ibadiyya 323 
Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad 

Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad 


Ihn Kathir, Imad al-Din 

Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad 340 
imam 348 
India 350, 352 
intercession 361 
Iraq 367,369-371 
Ismaili Shiism 378 
Lebanon 442 
Mahdi 447-448 
Malay sia 4 5 1 . 4 L2 
Maliki Legal School 455 
martyrdom 457. 459 
Mary 460 
Medina 470 
Morocco 481 
MSA 509 
mufti 487 

Mughal dynasty 488, 489 
mujahid 500 
Murjia 503 

Muslim World League 51 1 
Pakistan 54J 
Philippines 553 
politics and Islam 556 
purdah 562 
renewal and reform 
movements 586 
Seljuk dynasty 611 
Shafii Legal School 617 
sharia 620 
Shiism 623. 624. 626 
Sudan 636 
Syria 647 
tafsir 653 

Tanzeem-e Islami 661 
theology 668 
Tunisia 672 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 676, 

ulama 683 

Zaynab bint Ali ibn Abi 
Talib 721 
ziyara 724 

Index 749 

Syria xxxi, xxxviic, xlic, xlvc, 
xlvic, xlviic, 647-650 
Arabian religions, pre- 
Islamic 53 

Arab-lsraeli conflicts 56 
Baath Party 81-62 
Bilal 101 
Damascus 180 
Hanbali Legal School 288 
Haqqani, Muhammad 
Nazim al- 289 
Harun al- Rashid 293 
Hash i mite dynasty 295 
Hizb al-Tahrir al-Islami 


Hizbullah 305 
houses 312 
human rights 315 
Ihn Kathir, Imad al-Din 


Ismaili Shiism 377 
Israel 381 
Jerusalem 392 
Muslim Brotherhood 508 


Tablighi Jamaat / 78, 351^399, 
646, 651-652, 689 
tafsir 652-656 

Takfir wa’l -Hijra 597. 656-657 
Taliban xlviiic. 657-659, 
Afghanistan 16 
Afghan mujahidin 16, 17 
burqa 119 
Deoband L92 
ilhimmi 195 

Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin 296 

hisba 303 

music 505 

oil 533 

Pakistan 542 

al-Qaida 565 

Salafism 602 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 681 

ulama 685 

Tamerlane xliic, 1 17. 189. 334. 

353, 369. 659-660 
Tanzeem-e-Islami 660-661 
Tanzimat 14. 545. 612. 661- 
662, 676 

taqwa 223, 662-663 
tariqa xxvi, 663-664 
tawhid 664-666 
tt’kke 472. 666-667 
terrorism xxii, xxvi-xxvii, 6.67 
Abou El Fadl, Khaled 8 
Central Asia and the 
Caucasus 135 
Hizb al-Tahrir al-Islami 


Islam 375 
Libya 444 

OIC 535 

politics and Islam 556-557 
al-Qaida 564-566 
Saudi Arabia 608 
suicide 643 
theology 662=670 
Timbuktu 670-671,709 
Torah 671-672 
covenant 170 
holy books 307-309 
Idris 345 
Israel 380 

John the Baptist 404 
Judaism and Islam 409-412 
kafir 421 
Moses 482, 483 
Night of Destiny 529 
People of the Book 548 
prophets and prophelhood 

Quran 570 
revelation 589 
Satan 603 
sunna 645 
travel 110. 672 
Tunisia xlvic. 672-674, 721 
Turkey xxv, xxvii, xlvc, 
Alawi 28 
alphabet 39 
archaeology 60 
Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal 

Australia 71 
Bahai Faith 85 
Basmachi 93-94 
Bektashi Sufi Order 99 
civil society 153 
Haqqani, Muhammad 
Nazim al- 289 
hijab 297 
holidays 306 
houses 312 
Iran 363 

Iranian Revolution (1978- 
1979) 365 
Istanbul 383 
madrasa 447 
pan-Islamism 545=546 
People of the Book 548 
Persian language and 
literature 550 
politics and Islam 556 
Qadiri Sufi Order 563-564 
RP 582-583 
tekke 666 

Webb, Alexander Russell 


Turkish language and literature 
103. 675-676 

Twelve-Imam Shiism xxvi, xliic, 
676-682, 678 
adhan 13 
ahl a I -bay t 23 

ayatollah 78 
bat in 95 

Bektashi Sufi Order 99 
Constitutional Revolution 

daawa 177 
faith 224 
ghayba 259 
Gulf States 27H2Z1 
ijmaa 345-346 
ijtihad 347 
India 350 
Iran 362 

Iranian Revolution (1978- 
1979) 365-366 
Iraq 367 

Jaafar al-Sadiq 387 
Kashmir 425 
Muhammad al-Mahdi 497 
Pakistan 543 
Safavid dynasty 598 
shahada 619 
sharia 620 
Shariati, Ali 622 
Shiism 624 
tawhid 665 
ulama 683 
Usuli School 699 
walaya 707 


ulama xxui, 683-685 
Umar ibn al-Khattab xxxviic, 

Ali ibn Abi Talib 33 
Black Stone 108 
caliph 125 
Emigrants 213 
Hijra 299 
Iraq 368 
Israel 380 
Jerusalem 394 
Quran 573 
sunna 644 

Uthman ibn Affan 700 
Umar Tal 686 
Umayyad Caliphate xxxi, 
xxxvix, xxxviiic. 686-687 
Abbasid Caliphate 1=2 
Ali ibn Abi Talib 33 
Andalusia 42 
Arabic language and 
literature 53 
Bukhara 117 
Cairo 120 
caliphate 126 
Cordoba 167 
daawa L77 
Damascus 181 
Emigrants 213 
Europe 218 
Fatimid dynasty 231 
fiqh 238 

fitna 241,242 
Granada 267 
Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi 
Talib 319 

Ibn Hazm, Ali ibn Ahmad 
ibn Said 331 
Ibn Kathir, Imad al-Din 

India 352 
Israel 381 
Jaafar al-Sadiq 386 
justice 417 
Kaaba 420 
Mahdi 447 
Quraysh 575 
renewal and reform 
movements 586 
Saudi Arabia 607 
Shiism 624, 626 
Twelve-Imam Shiism 6Z7 
umma xxv, 687-690 
Umm Kulthoum 690 
umra 690-691 
United Nations (UN) 
children 137 
Faysal ibn Abd al-Aziz Al 
Saud 234 
Gulf States 27J 
Gulf Wars 273, 274 
human rights 314 
Husayni, Muhammad Amin 
al- 318 
Iran 364 
Israel 382 
Kashmir 427 
law. international 440 
Lebanon 442 
Libya 443 
QIC 534 
PLO 544 

World Muslim Congress 

United States xxii, xxvii, xlvic, 
xlviiic, 691-696, 692-695 
Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud 2 
Abd al- Rahman, Umar 4 
Afghanistan 16 
Afghan mujahidin 16 
Arab-lsraeli conflicts 56 
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen 
Fellowship 95, 96 
cinema 148 
comic strips and comic 
books 159 

Faysal ibn Abd al-Aziz Al 
Saud 234 
F1A 236 
halal 284 

Haqqani, Muhammad 
Nazim al- 290 
Hekmatyar. Gulbuddin 296 
holidays 306 
human rights 315 
Husayn, Saddam 316 

750 Encyclopedia of Islam 

United States (continued) 

Ibn al-Arabi, Muhyi al-Din 

Id al-Adha 342 
Iran 363,364 
Iranian Revolution (1978- 
1979) 365 
Iraq 371 

Islamic Society of North 
America 375 
Ismaili Shiism 377 
Israel 382, 383 
Khomeini, Ruhollah 435 
minaret 475 
Mohammad Rcza Pahlavi 

MPAC 508, 509 
MSA 509-510 
Mujahidin-i Khalq 499 
Nation of Islam 520 
oil 532 
Pakistan 542 
Philippines 553 
PLO 544 
al-Qaida 564-566 
Qutb, Sayyid 576 
Ramadan 581 
Rushdie, Salman 594 
secularism 610 
suicide 642 

Webb, Alexander Russell 

university 696-697, 721 
Usama bin Ladin xxvii, 697, 

Afghan mujahidin 16 
Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin 296 
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 
Muhammad 325 
jihad movements 399 
kafir 422 

Muslim Brotherhood 508 
al-Qaida 564, 565 
Qutb, Sayyid 576 
Salafism 602 
Saudi Arabia 608 
Taliban 658-659 
umma 689 
Wahhabism 706 
Usman Dan Fodio xliiic, 203, 
630, 700 

Usuli School 699 

Akhhari School 27 
ayatollah 78 
ijtihad 347 
Iraq 367 
mujahid 500 
sharia 620 
Shiism 625 

Twelve-Imam Shiism 679 
Uthman ibn Affan xxxviiic, 

Ali ibn Abi Talib 33 
caliph 125 

Emigrants 213 
fitna 241 
holy books 308 
Libya 443 
Quran 573 
Shiism 624 
Umayyad Caliphate 

Uzbekistan 15,83,93,117, 
304, 424-425 


veil 119,291,292,297-298, 
702-703, 711-713 
vizier 644, 703 


Wahhabism xliiic, xlvc, 704- 
706, 705 

Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud 2 
Abou El Fadl, Khaled 8 
Barelwi, Sayyid Ahmad 
92, 93 
bidaa 101 
Gulf States 270 
Gulf Wars 277 
Flanbali Legal School 288 
holidays 306 
Husayniyya 321 
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. 

Muhammad 324-325 
Ibn Idris, Ahmad 332 
Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din 
Ahmad 339-340 
mawlid 464 
Mecca 468 
miracle 476, 477 
Muslim Brotherhood 506, 

Muslim World League 

oil 533 

politics and Islam 556 
saint 599 
Salafism 601-602 
Saudi Arabia 606 
soul and spirit 633 
Sufism 640 
ziyara 724 
walaya 598. 706-707 
wali 464, 598. 639, 707-708 
Webb, Alexander Russell 

West Africa xxvii, 709-710 
Bamba, Ahmadu 86 
Hijra 299 
Ibn Battuta 330 
mujahid 498 
Timbuktu 670-671 
Westernization 710-711 
women 510, 711, 711-713 
abortion 7 

African languages and 
literatures 19 
Arabic language and 
literature 55 
Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal 

authority 74 
autobiography 76 
Bahai Faith 85 
Bangladesh 88 
biography 103 
birth control and family 
planning 105 
birth rites 106 
blood 110 
burqa 119 
C1E 169 
Crusades 175 
customary law 176 
daawa 178 
divorce 200 
education 210 
Europe 220 
Farrakhan, Louis 227 
fitna 242 

funerary' rituals 251 
Fyzec, Asaf Ali Asghar 

Ghazali, Zaynab al- 262- 

hadith 279 
haram 290 
harem 291-292 
hijah 297-298 
honor and shame 309 
hour! 310-311 
houses 312, 313 
human rights 314.315 
Husayniyya 321 
Ibn al-Arabi, Muhyi al- 
Din 326 

Ibn Hazm. Ali ibn Ahmad 
ibn Said 331,332 
Id al-Adha 342 
Id al-Fitr 343 
imam 348 
India 350 

Iranian Revolution (1978- 
1979) 365,366 
Islamism 376 
Jamaat-i Islami 388 
Jordan 408 
Mar) r 460 

Mawdudi, Abu al-Ala 464 
Mecca 467 
Mernissi, Fatima 471 
Mohammad Rcza Pahlavi 

Muslim Brotherhood 
prayer 557-558 

prophets and prophelhood 
purdah 561 

Rabia al-Adawiyya 578 
RP 583 

Saudi Arabia 608 
Shaarawi, Huda al- 613 
Tunisia 673 
ulama 684 
United States 693 
veil 702 

Zaynab bint Ali ibn Abi 
Talib 720-721 

World Muslim Congress 714 
World Trade Center attacks 
(9/11/2001). Sec September 
11, 2001 terrorist attacks 
World War I 
AIML 35 
Armenians 63 
Damascus 181 
Husayn ibn Ali 318 
Iraq 370 

Ottoman dynasty 540 
pan-Islamism 546 
Qajar dynasty 567 
Rashid Rida, Muhammad 

Syria 648 


Yemen 104,312,715-716, 

719, 720 

Yom Kippur War. Sec Arab- 
Isracli War (1973) 

Yunus Emre xlic, 717 


zakat. See almsgiving 
Zamzam 9,281,419,465,466, 
691, 718-719 
Zaydi Shiism 626, 715, 

719- 720 

Zaynab bint Ali ibn Abi Talib 
265,306,319, 320, 622, 

720- 721 

Zaytuna Mosque 721-722 

Arab-Israeli conflicts 56 
colonialism 157 
communism 161 
Hamas 286 

Husayni, Muhammad Amin 
al- 317,318 
Israel 382,383 
Jerusalem 396 
Judaism and Islam 413 
Palestine 543 

Ziyara 343-344, 423, 464, 558. 
599, 722-724, 723